2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship Program

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Š 2013 National Rifle Association. All Rights Reserved

2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship 14-21 September 2013 Raton, New Mexico NRA Whittington Center George E. Tubb 1,000 Yard Range Match Director Deputy Match Director Chief Range Safety Officer Range Safety Officer Range Safety Officer Chief Pit Officer Pit Officer Pit Officer NRA Press Chief

Greg Connor Barry Ranney TBD TBD TBD Skip Burks TBD Aaron Lewis TBD

Design & Editing of this program by John Parker, NRA Competitive Shooting

The NRA Whittington Center, Raton, New Mexico.

The NRA Competitive Shooting Division and the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship Staff salute our sponsors.

CPA Rifles

Thanks for being on the team.

Š 2013 National Rifle Association. All Rights Reserved.



Table of Contents Letter from the Director, NRA Competitive Shooting.........5 George E. Tubb (1000 yard) Range Map...........................8 General Regulations..................................................11 General Information..................................................27 Match Sponsors........................................................30 Match Schedule and Conditions...................................32 NRA BPTR Regional Match Information...........................40 Scorecards..............................................................45

Above is an outline of New Mexico. Pictured to the right is the NE part of the state.

FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Guests of the 2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championships: On behalf of all of us at the National Rifle Association, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Raton for the 2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship Matches. September is a beautiful time of year in NE New Mexico and will serve as the perfect venue, yet again, for another successful National Match season. With the NRA’s commitment to embrace both tradition and innovation, it is appropriate we will be once again holding the Championship at the world’s premier outdoor shooting complex, the NRA Whittington Center. We are grateful to our match staff and volunteers for the pride in which they prepare for this championship. This community has seen its share of classic Black Powder competition, and we look forward to another great contest for 2013. The great prestige and storied lineage of this Championship truly make it one of NRA’s most valuable commodities. With the Castle Trophy dating back to 1871, the longevity of this particular Championship is most definitely a testament to NRA Competitive Shooting Sports as well as the 2nd Amendment. Competing in this National Championship puts a whole new perspective in becoming an actual part of history. We are thrilled to be able to provide the world-class competition that keeps you coming back for more. All of which brings us back to the fact that no other match has origins so meaningful to the National Rifle Association of America. As competitors come together from around the country to attend the championship, we want to thank you for your tremendous interest and support. NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Competitors are simply the best. Good luck and good shooting!

Dennis L. Willing Director, NRA Competitive Shooting

NRA Black Powder Committee Responsibility: Policies and rules for the conduct of firearms designed to use black powder, except Silhouette, sanctioned or sponsored by the NRA, with the objective of stimulating interest and participation among NRA members and the general public. Johnny Nugent, Chairman Alan D. Cors, Vice Chairman Gary Crawford Marty Murphy Todd Rathner Lee Shaver Marion Townsend Robert Voegele Barry Ranney, Secretary

NRA Competitive Shooting— Exercising our Second Amendment Rights

For more information, go to compete.nra.org or head to the NRA Blog at www.nrablog.com




he National Rifle Association is committed to ensuring that your National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship experience is both extraordinary and authentic. To deliver on this commitment, we have taken significant measures to protect against counterfeit merchandising practices. Even so, we encourage you to follow these guidelines to ensure you enjoy the real 2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle experience. Buy real, prevent counterfeit – The trade in counterfeit merchandise is not only illegal but also puts consumers at risk. By purchasing official NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle merchandise, you will be supporting not only the 2013 National Black Powder Target Rifle Championships, but future Championships, and NRA Competitive Shooting. Play Fair – The official sponsors, licensees, and government partners of the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championships have made significant investments to ensure the successful staging of the 2013 match. In return, they have the exclusive right to promote their association with the Championships. We ask that if you are not already, become a patron of these companies. They are essential to the future of this sport. Inside the venue, out of respect for the athletes and the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship, any activity or protest of political subjects is prohibited. Spectators who do not comply with these rules may be denied entry and fees will not be refunded.

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PLEASE READ THIS! Dress Appropriately Dress for hot and arid weather. The NRA Whittington Center is famous for its unpredictable weather. The most notorious of summer weather conditions would be frequent afternoon thunderstorms. Always pack water-proof rain gear. Remember to dress appropriately by wearing loose-fitting, lightweight and light-colored clothing. Avoid dark colors because they absorb the sun’s rays. Remember to also wear appropriate footwear since visitors will be walking on


rough surfaces. There are also risks of venomous snakes, ants and spiders. NRA asks that competitors use good judgment at the Whittington Center.

Be Informed At the venue, look for wayfinding signage, listen to announcements, and read the bulletin boards – this will provide you with the information you need Spectators Eye and ear protection is to make the most of your REQUIRED and must be experience. Do not hesiworn by all in and around tate to ask a NRA staff member or volunteer for the firing line and Pits. help. Arrive Early PLEASE REMEMBER Plan your trip so that you TO FOLLOW ALL are at the venue well beSAFETY RULES! fore the scheduled start of the event.


Red Cross Tips for Working in the Desert

• • • • •

Listen to weather forecasts and stay aware of upcoming temperature changes. The heat index is the temperature the body feels when the effects of heat and humidity are combined. Exposure to direct sunlight can increase the heat index by as much as 15° F. Even if you do not feel thirsty, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Avoid drinks with caffeine, sodium and sugar. Drinking water is best! Eat small meals and eat more often.

Heat cramps are muscular pains and spasms that usually occur in the legs or abdomen. Heat cramps are caused by exposure to high heat and humidity combined with the loss of fluids and electrolytes. Heat cramps are often an early sign that the body is having trouble with the heat. Heat exhaustion typically involves the loss of body fluids through heavy sweating during strenuous exercise or physical labor in high heat and humidity. Signs of heat exhaustion include cool, moist, pale or flushed skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea; dizziness; weakness; and exhaustion. If one is feeling the possible effects of heat exhaustion, or if one notices another competitor suffering from the effects of heat exhaustion, please immediately move the person to a cooler place. Remove or loosen tight-fitting clothing and apply cool, wet cloths or towels to the skin. Fan the person. If the person is conscious, give small amounts of cool water to drink. Make sure the person drinks slowly. Watch for changes in condition. If the person refuses water, vomits or begins to lose consciousness, notify a Range Safety Officer (RSO) immediately! Heat stroke (also known as sunstroke) is a life-threatening condition in which a person’s temperature control system stops working and the body is unable to cool itself. Signs of heat stroke include: • • •

Hot, red skin which may be dry or moist; changes in consciousness; vomiting; and high body temperature. Heat stroke can be life-threatening. Notify a Range Safety Officer (RSO) immediately! If necessary, assist match staff by moving the person to a cooler place. Quickly cool the person’s body by giving the same care as you would for heat exhaustion. If needed, continue rapid cooling by applying ice or cold packs, wrapped in a cloth, to the wrists, ankles, groin, neck and armpits.



Did you know you can view all NRA Rulebooks on your smartphone?

Scan Me! 10


GENERAL REGULATIONS SPONSORING ORGANIZATION This National Match is sponsored by the National Rifle Association of America’s Competitive Shooting Division and the NRA Whittington Center. TOURNAMENT NAME The 2013 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle (BPTR) Creedmoor and Mid-Range Championship Matches will again be comprised of three separate events. The NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Position Championships followed by the NRA National BPTR MidRange Prone Championships and the NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Championships. DATES The NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Championships will be held 16-19 SEPTEMBER 2013. The NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Championships will be held 20-21 SEPTEMBER 2013. LOCATION The 2013 NRA National BPTR Championship Matches will be held at the National Rifle Association Whittington Center (NRAWC) in Raton, NM. All matches will be fired on the NRAWC’s George E. Tubb Range (1,000 yard). DIRECTIONS TO RANGE The NRA Whittington Center is located in northeast New Mexico, 10 miles southwest of Raton, on U.S. 64. Interstate 25 and U.S. 64 intersect 4 miles east of the entrance to the NRA Whittington Center. Travelers can exit I-25 at Exit 446 and proceed 4 miles west to the NRAWC’s main entrance on the right. NRA Whittington Center PO Box 700 Raton, NM 87740 (575) 445-3615 www.nrawc.org compete.nra.org


PRACTICE The practice day will be held on 15 SEPTMEBER 2013 for the Mid-Range and Creedmoor matches (200-1,000 yards). The practice match will start at 0900 on the Tubb Range (1,000 yard). The NRAWC is open seven days a week for practice. If you are not a Whittington Center Gun Club (WCGC) member, there is a range fee of $20.00 per day. WCGC members can use the ranges for free. WCGC membership is $50.00 per year. The match entry fee includes one free practice day prior to the start of the match. Fees for shooting before a match shall be paid to the NRAWC’s gatekeeper. During the matches, the range will be open for practice after the match until dark. Practice targets will be clearly designated by range staff. Range fees for the match days are included in the match entry fees. Competitors are required to pull their own targets in practice and during the match itself. RANGE REGULATIONS • Red range flag must be raised before any live-fire commences or anyone goes down range. • This range may be used for informal or competition shooting. • All calibers of high power rifle, including magnums, are allowed on this range. • No armor-piercing rounds may be fired on this range. • Target, target frames, spotters and pasters, etc., are available in the target shed. • Replace targets, target frames, spotters and pasters, etc. upon completion of live-fire session. • Lower range flag when live-fire is concluded and store.



SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIRING ON THE HIGH POWER RIFLE RANGE The following instructions are for all people and activities that use this range: • Raise the red flag and close the gate at the range entrance. • Shooting will be done on authorized targets only. Absolutely no plinking-type shooting. Shooters must never shoot at objects on any firing line area. • Prior to any shooting, check the entire Pit area and ascertain there are no other people in the Pit area. • Vehicles that remain in the Pit area during shooting must be parked beyond the target sheds, bordering the targets in use. When targets between all sheds, plus the east and west areas are in use, no vehicle parking will be allowed in the Pits. • In a live-fire condition, with one or more people pulling targets, radio communication must be maintained. If communication is lost, all targets must be lowered completely. All firing will “CEASE” and the firing line made “SAFE” until communication is re-established. • The NRA Whittington Center provides radios for matches or other organized events. Unless special, prior arrangements are made, individual practice shooters must provide their own radios. CAUTION: Lock carriers down before removing target frames. • All people, including Pit officers, will stay on the catwalk or in the communication building during a live-fire condition. • No steel targets. Authorized targets are paper targets on the 6 ft. square frames only. • Target shed #1 (west building) is left unlocked. We try to maintain a small number of each type of target, pasters and spotters for informal practice. If you have special target requirements, contact the Match Director at (703) 472-7967 before changing any target face. • Target position restrictions: Black Powder Target Rifle and .50 Caliber BMG shooters are not allowed to fire on the following target positions: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 85, 86, 87 and 88. Conventional High Power Rifle compete.nra.org


match shooters may use all positions except 43, 44, 45, 46 and 47. However, 43 and 47 may be used for “hospital” targets. • If you need assistance or clarification on any of the above instructions, contact the NRA Match Director at (703) 472-7967. COMPETITOR’S MEETING The competitor’s meeting will take place 21 SEPTEMBER 2013, one hour after the “CEASE FIRE” in the Bald Eagle building on the Tubb Range (1,000 yard). FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TOURNAMENT PLEASE CONTACT: National Rifle Association of America Competitive Shooting Division Silhouette & Black Powder Department NRA National BPTR Championship Match Director 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 703.267.1465 - Office 703.267.3941 - Fax silhouette@nrahq.org RULES Current NRA Black Powder Target Rifle rules will govern the conduct and enforce the integrity of these matches except as modified within this program. Check for Match Director’s Bulletins regarding any modifications to the match program or other firing conditions. It is the competitor’s responsibility to be familiar with the rules, this program and any Match Director’s Bulletins issued. ARMS AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWED All rifles and equipment used in the NRA National BPTR Championships must be in accordance with the current NRA BPTR rulebook. The same rifle must be used throughout any match except in the case of malfunctions not readily or easily correctable. Since the Creedmoor match is not part of the Mid-Range aggregate, a different rifle may be used. Special regulations for the Creedmoor match 14


require rear sights have at least 1" elevation beyond a 600 yard zero. CERTIFICATION OF ARMS AND EQUIPMENT Rifles will be weighed and certified before the matches. Creedmoor competitor’s ammunition will be subjected to mandatory chronograph testing to comply with the NRAWC Tubb Range (1,000 yard) black powder minimum-velocity standards. All rifles being fired as a Black Powder Military Rifle will have the triggers weighed. All rifles, ammunition and equipment may be randomly inspected by the range staff or the official protest committee at any time. It is the competitor’s responsibility to insure that their equipment is in direct compliance with the current NRA BPTR rulebook. AMMUNITION Cartridges will conform to NRA BPTR Rule 3.17: Ammunition used in all the matches must be straight black or Pyrodex, no smokeless in any quantity. Random ammunition checks may be conducted during the matches. During the Mid-Range matches, competitors will be permitted only 14 rounds maximum in their loading blocks at any time. Creedmoor competitors are allowed unlimited “sighters,” but will only be permitted to have 10 rounds in their loading blocks once they “go for record.” REGISTRATION Registration will take place at the Eagle’s Nest Building on the Tubb Range (1,000 yard) beginning at 0900 on 14 SEPTEMBER 2013. The mandatory NRAWC chronographing will take place immediately after registration/squadding review for the competitors shooting the Creedmoor Championships. Registration/chronograph will be available for competitors arriving just for the Creedmoor matches, upon arrival, once cleared by match staff. The NRA Black Powder Committee and the NRAWC, in order to provide a safer atmosphere and greater opportunity for success, has changed the minimum requirements pertaining to bullet weight and velocity. There may be a 2% variance in bullet weight or velocity. Only ammunition which produces these results or better and only rifles that have longrange sights will be permitted for use in the Creedmoor matches at compete.nra.org


NRAWC. See the NRAWC BPTR ballistic-velocity chart below: Caliber .38 .40 .44 .45 .50

Min. Bullet Weight 408(375)-400 408-400 450-441 510-500 600-588

Min. Velocity 1300(1375)-1274 fps 1280-1255 fps 1240-1215 fps 1200-1176 fps 1200-1176 fps

COMPETITION OPEN TO ALL The NRA has removed all NRA-membership eligibility requirements for all NRA-sanctioned matches including all National Matches. Participation in these matches is open to all U.S. citizens and non-citizens. ENTRIES OPEN 1 APRIL 2013. Competitors who shot the previous year will automatically receive this year’s entry cards in the mail after 1 APRIL 2013. ADVANCE MAIL ENTRY IS REQUIRED. IF YOU DO NOT PRE-REGISTER, WE CANNOT GUARANTEE YOUR SQUADDING PREFERENCES! ENTRY LIMIT 100 competitors for the Mid-Range matches and 100 competitors for the Creedmoor matches. POST ENTRIES Post entries will be accepted up to the time the first relay is called to the firing line. Post entries will be accepted to fill available vacancies only. Additional relays will not be added. ENTRY FEES NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Position Championship: NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Prone Championship: NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Championships: Juniors: 16


$90.00 $90.00 $90.00 $45.00

National Championship Aggregate sponsored by: NRA Fees will be returned, in full, if cancellation request is received prior to the Championship closing date. Those canceling after that date must request a refund and will be charged a $10.00 handling fee. Make checks payable to: National Rifle Association Competitive Shooting Division Silhouette & Black Powder Department 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030-9400 ENTRIES CLOSE Entries must be received at NRA Headquarters (NRAHQ) by 3 SEPTEMBER 2013. Entries arriving after the closing date will be considered post entries. Post entries will be accepted until the first relay is called to the firing line on a space-available basis only. Postmarks will not be considered. Do not send entries to NRAHQ after 3 SEPTEMBER 2013. Bring all entry information to the range upon arrival at NRAWC. ENTRY CARDS When filling out the entry card, please print your name, address, and NRA membership number. Fill out all areas of the card with the appropriate information including the back for squadding preferences. SQUADDING These matches will be squadded into two (2) relays. Competitors wishing to be squadded together must indicate their selection on their entry cards. Target assignments will be assigned randomly unless otherwise indicated on the entry card. Competitors will not change relays or target assignments without approval from the Match Director. Competitors will be squadded on every other firing point for all matches. Competitors will be squadded two (2) shooters per firing point and two (2) shooters per target. compete.nra.org


SHOOTING TIME Refer to Section 8 of the current NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rulebook. For a pair (2) of shooters, relays will be a total of 53 minutes (20 record shots) for Mid-Range (four (4) “sighters” and ten (10) record shots per shooter) and 63 minutes per pair (20 record shots) for Creedmoor (unlimited “sighters” and ten (10) record shots per shooter). If needed, Muzzleloaders will be given an additional five (5) minutes after the "CEASE FIRE" to finish shooting in the Mid-Range matches only. “String Firing” (a single shooter shooting through until finished) or “Pair Firing” (both shooters alternating shots until finished) will be acceptable. If string firing, the second shooter will set up and commence firing without command after the first shooter has finished their string (first shooter should be finished in 25 to 30 minutes depending on the match). Shooters pair-firing must split their time evenly. As always, when a shooter declares that they are “going for record” then their cartridge box must be closed with only the appropriate number of rounds exposed. PREPARATION PERIOD In all cases, competitors will be allowed three (3) minutes to take their places at their firing points and prepare to shoot after the relay is called to the firing line. Only dry-firing will be permitted during this period. Muzzleloaders may “SNAP CAPS”. RANGE ETIQUETTE Out of respect for other competitors who may still be shooting, NRA asks that shooters who are done firing QUIETLY remove their gear from the firing line, and keep conversation behind the vehicles until everyone is done shooting and the “CEASE FIRE” has been given by the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO). Failure to comply with these etiquette guidelines will be considered extremely disrespectful to other competitors and will result in immediate disqualification from the match. NO COMPETITORS OR VEHICLES MAY LEAVE THE FIRING LINE UNTIL THE “CEASE FIRE” COMMAND IS EXECUTED AND THE PITS HAVE BEEN DECLARED “SAFE.” 18


PROPER ATTIRE In keeping with the safe traditions established by the NRA in competitive shooting events, and recognizing the publicity attracted by the National Matches, it is important to promote an acceptable image for competitive shooting. Attire worn during all phases of the match should be in good taste, positively represent the shooting sports community, and be generally appropriate to such a prestigious sporting event. The proper attire standards will be at the discretion of the match staff. Competitors are urged to avoid attire which is lewd, crass, sexual or paramilitary in nature. EYE AND EAR PROTECTION NRAWC requires mandatory eye and ear protection for all persons on the firing line. If you are unable to shoot with eye and/or ear protection, you will not be allowed to compete in the NRA National Matches conducted at NRAWC. At all other locations, if the club requires eye and ear protection, they must be used. While on the firing line, all competitors, spectators and match staff must wear eye and ear protection. While on the firing line, a person will be considered without eye protection if they have modified their protective glasses in a way which doesn’t allow full-coverage of the eye socket or if they lack a lens completely. Everyone in the immediate vicinity of the range complex is also urged to wear eye and ear protection. Eye protection is also required for all target pullers. The use of a hat is also strongly recommended. SAFETY Please refer to NRA’s Gun Safety Rules for examples of proper firearm handling. These brochures will be available at match registration. All rules for safety will be strictly enforced. Abiding by the proper safety guidelines promotes a positive image for the shooting sports and will be vigorously enforced by match staff. Failure to comply with the following safety guidelines will result in immediate disqualification: • Adjusting a wind-gauge front sight may be done from the muzcompete.nra.org


zle-end ONLY when the breech is open or the muzzleloader is not loaded. The sight may be adjusted from the rear ONLY when the gun is not “cocked” or “capped.” There will be absolutely no handling of firearms on the firing line prior to the beginning of the Preparation Period. During Pit changes, all rifles will be “racked” or “boxed” with the actions open and Open-Bolt Indicator/Empty-Chamber Indicator (OBI/ECI) inserted. When not on the firing line, firearms will be placed on racks, in cases or any other safe place. Rifles may only be cleaned in the “Ready Area,” behind the firing line, after the recorded firing period has expired. Rifle actions will be open at all times except on the firing line after the Preparation Period has begun. At the command “CEASE FIRE,” all firearms will be opened IMMEDIATELY and unloaded (except after a stage when OPENED firearms are removed from the firing line). During a match, “dry-firing” or aiming firearms from behind the firing line are strictly prohibited. Dry-firing is allowed during the Preparation Period ONLY by competitor’s squadded for that particular relay. The discharge of any firearm (except on the firing line after the command “COMMENCE LOADING AND FIRING” has been given under authorized conditions) will result in disqualification and expulsion from the NRAWC with no refund of entry fees. The Match Director has the authority to ban any competitor, firearm or ammunition at any time for reasons of safety. Any competitor in the Creedmoor match not able to get “on paper” at 800 yards will not be permitted to continue and immediately disqualified. While the range is in use, possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage, narcotic or controlled substance which can impair the normal mental or physical functions of the body, either on the range, spectator areas or other public areas immediately adjacent to the range is strictly prohibited. Disorderly conduct or intoxication is not permitted on the range. Violators of this regulation will be subject to immediate disqualification from the match with no refund of entry fees.



CLASSIFICATION The NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Classification System will be used for all three events. Any competitor without a classification may use their NRA BPCR Silhouette classification as follows: Master.........................Master AAA...........................Expert AA..............................Expert A & B.........................Expert Competitors without any classification will fire in the Master’s Class. AWARDS This year’s awards will be NRA National Championship medallions and trophies from Montana Silversmiths. The Mid-Range and Creedmoor awards will be based on the classification system: High Marksman, High Sharpshooter, High Expert and High Master. Special awards will be given in each match. Competitors are eligible for all special category awards that they qualify for (Junior, Senior, Woman, etc.) and must indicate, on their entry card, any special award category in which they are eligible. Special awards (High Junior, High Senior, High Woman, etc.) will be awarded regardless of any other awards won. Special award winners are eligible to receive any Open or Class awards to which they are entitled, but the Open Winner, 2nd, and 3rd may not receive class awards. Open Winner, 2nd and 3rd in each match will pass down their class awards to the next eligible competitors. Other special award categories include: High Visitor, High Military Rifle, High Muzzleloader, High Scope, High Tollofson, High International, High Spotter and High Newcomer. The awards are strictly based on the number of competitors who shot the previous year and the anticipated number of entries for the current year. The winner of the Creedmoor Nationals will receive the Castle Trophy and a rifle from CPA, Inc. The Mid-Range Position Champion will receive the Shaffer Memorial Trophy.



NOTE TO NON-U.S. CITIZENS Non-U.S. citizens are not eligible to receive any trophy firearms at the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship. The U.S. National Championship may be won by citizens of any country except those countries that restrict their National Championship to citizens of their own country. In all cases a special High Visitor award will be awarded to the highest scoring “Visitor.” NCAA COMPETITORS, PLEASE NOTE In action taken by the NCAA on 25 APRIL 2002, the Division I Board of Directors approved a change to the NCAA Bylaws that permits an individual, prior to collegiate enrollment, to accept prize money (to include NRA Award Points) based on place finish in an event without jeopardizing intercollegiate eligibility, as long as the prize money does not exceed actual and necessary expenses for that event. Any questions should be directed to the NCAA Membership Services staff at (317) 917-6222. AWARDS CEREMONY The NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Awards Ceremony will be held on 19 SEPTEMBER 2013 at the Eagle’s Nest building on the Tubb Range (1,000 yard). The NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Awards Ceremony will be held on 21 SEPTEMBER 2013 at the Eagle’s Nest building on the Tubb Range (1,000 yard). A competitor’s social will be held immediately after the Creedmoor awards. The exact time for the ceremonies will be announced after the match. SHOOTER RESPONSIBILITY It is essential for shooters to take up their positions in the CENTER of their firing points in order to ensure that their shots will fall into the impact zone behind the target. TARGETS Targets for the Mid-Range matches will be the SR, SR-3, and MR-1. The LR target will be used for the Creedmoor matches.



TARGET CHANGING AND HANDLING Competitors are required to operate targets in these Championships or to provide an adequate substitute. Failure to perform Pit duties properly could result in disqualification. Competitors will be required to place appropriate targets in the target carriers when they go to the Pits to act as target pullers. The last relay of the day will be required to secure the targets in the storage area. No one other than personnel operating targets and Pit Officers are allowed in the Pits unless permission is first obtained from the Match Director. Competitors are responsible for knowing and following NRA Black Powder Rifle Rules 10.11 - 10.16. A “Pit Procedure Manual” will be given to each competitor and the competitors are required to be familiar with the information contained in the Pit Manual. TARGET PULLER RESPONSIBILITY NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rules 14.14, 14.17, 14.18, and 18.15(e). Also read 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, and 10.14. In summary, it is the target puller’s responsibility to score each shot, and communicate that score to the scorekeeper on the firing line by use of the appropriate signal attached to the target when re-exposed. The efficient and correct operation of the targets can make a shooting event more fun, while inefficient or poor target operation causes frustration or anger on part of the shooters on top of sub-par performance. It is the target puller’s responsibility to provide the best possible Pit service to other shooters. HELPFUL HINTS • When the firing line informs you of a “COMMENCE LOADING AND FIRING” condition or when all of the targets are exposed at the beginning of the firing time; focus your attention on the impact area in the berm or watch the target face for hits if no impact berm is available. • When a shot impacts into your impact zone or target face: 1. Pull the target down without waiting for a request from the firing line. 2. Insert the shot location spotter (black on white/white on black). compete.nra.org


3. 4. 5.

Insert the value marker in the correct location on the target face. Paste previous shot hole (black on black/white on white). Put the target back up.

Normally, target scoring in the Pits should take 15-20 seconds. It is essential that this be done quickly and for every shot regardless of whether or not communications are established with the line or regardless of shot value. It is IMPERATIVE that the target goes up and down after each shot. PIT DUTY All competitors must comply with NRA Black Powder Rifle Rule 18.15(e) and are subject to disqualification for failure to perform their duties under the rules. Scoring will be done according to Section 14. A special .45 caliber plug-type scoring gauge will be used to decide the value of shots not discernible by the naked eye. The use of plug-type scoring gauges will be restricted to the Pit Officers. THE USE OF TWO-WAY RADIOS The use of two-way radios should be kept to a minimum during these matches. Competitors should always start out radio communication with their target number, such as: “Line 34 to Pit 34, over”. Competitors should only use the radios to assist the shooters in locating shots off the paper or for correcting an incorrect value spotter, such as: “Line 34, shot was high and left, over” or “Pit 34, pull and mark, over”. SCORING Competitors will score each other. As the scoring disks, which are hung on the target face, are not readily visible to the naked eye under all conditions, competitors must have, in their possession, a spotting scope in order to perform scoring duties (please note the signaling instructions in your competitor packet). Please refer to the below diagram/instructions for use of the NRA BPTR Scoring and Marking System. Scoring will be conducted by the non-shooting relay. Using their spotting scope, one of the shooters, in the non-shooting relay, 24


must score from the firing line. The scorer will verify each recorded value with the spotter to ensure concurrence. SCORECARDS Competitors are required to examine scorecards after each stage and to initial cards before leaving the firing line. Any scoring differences must be resolved before the next recorded shot is fired. If a scorecard is not validated, the recorded score will stand and no changes will be made except for addition. Match staff will triple-check and correct scorecards. SCOREKEEPER RESPONSIBILITY Always enter the shot value corresponding with the shot number in the appropriate box on the scorecard. In matches where coaching is permitted, the scorekeeper may inform the shooter of changing conditions and/or shot impact location in the berm behind the target, or in the ground in front of the Pits. The scorekeeper will keep track of all shots fired, and the scorekeeper will also inform the Range Safety Officer, and/or the Pits, when a crossfire is received/executed. The scorekeeper will inform the Range Safety Officer of any premature pull of the target (crossfire received) when a shot was fired. “Redress” will be permission to shoot an extra shot (NRA Black Powder Rifle Rule 10.16). SOME OTHER HELPFUL HINTS • Whenever your shooter is about to fire, the scorekeeper must focus his or her attention on the target until the shot is in the backstop. • The scorekeeper must remain focused on the target (or target location) until the target is struck, pulled down and scored. • If the target does not go down, call the RSO and ask them to communicate to the Pits which target you would like them to “PULL AND MARK” ASAP. TIES All ties for awards will be broken in accordance with NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rules Section: 15. compete.nra.org


PROTESTS A competitor may make a formal protest in accordance with the procedures outlined in NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rules Section: 16. There will be a $25.00 protest fee, which will be returned to the competitor if the protest is upheld. Competitors may lodge a protest up to thirty (30) minutes after the final scores for that day have been posted. No protests will be accepted after that time has expired. Ammunition protests must be filed while firing is going on. OFFICIAL NRA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP PROTEST COMMITTEE In lieu of an Official NRA Referee, a five-person Official Protest Committee will be made up of competitors from around the United States and will be appointed as needed by the Match Director. The Official Protest Committee will function in accordance with NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rules Sections: 11 & 20. However, decisions rendered by the Official Protest Committee during an NRA National Championship match shall not contravene prior interpretation of the NRA Rules and/or precedents established by the Official Protest Committee. Decisions of the Official Protest Committee are final. MEALS Food service will not be available on the range or in the Pits. All competitors are urged to bring their own food and beverages to the range. Competitors are expected to read the Rule Book.

VENDORS Vendors will be allowed to display and sell their merchandise at the NRA BPTR Championships. There will be a $30.00 charge per day for such activity at the NRA Whittington Center. For more information on the NRA Whittington Center charges and availability, call (575) 445-3615.



GENERAL INFORMATION Below, you will find information regarding transportation and accommodations for the NRA Whittington Center. AIR TRANSPORTATION The largest metropolitan areas nearest to Raton are Denver, CO, and Albuquerque, NM. Commuter airlines also fly to Colorado Springs, CO and Pueblo, CO. Rental cars are available at all locations. MOTEL ACCOMODATIONS The following motels are located in Raton, NM, approximately 10 miles from the range. Additional facilities are available in Trinidad, CO approximately 27 miles from the range.

Learn more about NRA Competitive Shooting by visiting our web page at compete.nra.org compete.nra.org


RATON, NEW MEXICO America’s Best Value Inn 50 rooms Cable TV Telephone Wi-Fi Outdoor pool and hot tub Refrigerator and microwave Continental breakfast (575) 445-2737

Best Western Raton 61 rooms Cable TV Telephone Full-service restaurant Bar/lounge Wi-Fi Business center Pet-friendly Continental breakfast Indoor pool and hot tub (800) 538-1234

Budget Host Motel 26 rooms Cable TV Telephone (575) 445-3655 (800) 421-5210

Holiday Inn Express 84 rooms Cable TV Telephone Indoor pool and Jacuzzi Deluxe continental breakfast Wi-Fi Business center Evening snack bar (575) 445-1500

Microtel Inn 61 rooms DirecTV Telephone Free long-distance Continental breakfast Wi-Fi (575) 445-9100

Motel 6 102 rooms Cable TV Telephone Wi-Fi Coffee Micro-fridge (575) 445-2777

Oasis Motel & Restaurant 14 rooms Cable TV Telephone (575) 445-2766

Quality Inn 63 rooms Cable TV Telephone Wi-Fi Indoor pool and Jacuzzi Hot continental breakfast (575) 445-4200 (800) 228-5150

Super 8 Motel 48 rooms Cable TV with HBO Telephone (free local) Wi-Fi Continental breakfast Micro-fridge 24-hour front desk service (575) 445-2355 (800) 800-8000

TRINIDAD, COLORADO (Approximately 27 miles north of Raton on I-25) Best Western Trinidad Inn 55 rooms Cable TV Telephone Wi-Fi Deluxe continental breakfast Outdoor pool Indoor hot tub (719) 846-2215



Holiday Inn Trinidad 86 rooms Cable TV Telephone Wi-Fi 24-hour business center Pool Fitness center Restaurant/lounge (719) 845-8400

CAMPING FACILITIES The NRA Whittington Center is open for camping at a fee of $27.00 to $30.00 per day, per unit in the recreational vehicle area; $12.00 per day, per unit in the primitive camping area. The primitive campground has tap water, portable toilets, trash pick-up, and 30 campsites. There are 125 hookups available to campers in the full-service R.V. area. This area has a modern bathhouse with shower and laundry facility. There is also a dump station available. Camping fees shall be paid to the Center gatekeeper. Camping for self-contained units is available in designated areas. WHITTINGTON CENTER HOUSING DUE TO THE LIMITED NUMBER OF ACCOMMODATIONS AT THE NRA WHITTINGTON CENTER, THESE FACILITIES FILL RAPIDLY. IT IS ADVISABLE TO CALL THE WHITTINGTON CENTER TO CHECK THE HOUSING AVAILABILITY. RESERVATIONS CAN ONLY BE MADE BY TELEPHONE STARTING 1 FEBRUARY EVERY YEAR. • COMPETITOR’S HOUSING: There are 90 beds available on a first come, first served basis. To request housing please see the enclosed information sheet. To make reservations you must call the Whittington Center at (575) 445-3615. • LOG CABINS: There are 100 beds available on a first come, first serve basis. The cabins are ideal for groups. Each cabin has a bath, shower, kitchen, and five double bunk beds. There are laundry facilities. If you wish to request a cabin, please see the enclosed information sheet. To make reservations you must call the Whittington Center at (575) 445-3615. You can view the NRA Black Powder Target Rifle rules at this link: http://competitions.nra.org/documents/pdf/compete/drRuleBooks/Blkpw/ bp-book.pdf Or scan this QR code with your smartphone:




CPA Rifles

CPA Rifles is a small business specializing in single shot rifles, particularly reproductions of the Stevens 44 1/2. Learn more at www.singleshotrifles.com

Blade-Tech Industries is the leading manufacturer of custom, production thermoplastic, injection molded tactical holsters, knife sheaths and magazine pouches. Learn more at www.blade-tech.com

Those who love history and muzzleloading rely on the quality and tradition of Goex, the only American made black powder. Since 1802 GOEX has manufactured black powder to the most precise specifications for competitive shooters, recreational shooting, muzzleloading hunters and the U.S. Military.. Learn more at www.goexpowder.com

Dave Gullo’s interest in Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette, Long Range, Cowboy and Buffalo type matches have kept him in close contact with the sport and hobby that he loves. Buffalo Arms Co. is unique in its field because they are the only company that offers knowledgeable experience so important to get the older guns to shoot. Learn more at www.buffaloarms.com

Gentleman Jim Products once again sponsors the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Championships.

e-mail- bryan.youngberg@gmail.com



2012 Memories

Email pictures to silhoeutte@nrahq.org compete.nra.org


MATCH SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS 0900, Saturday, 14 SEPTEMBER 2013: Registration for MidRange and Creedmoor, packet pick-up, and equipment check/chronograph at Eagle’s Nest Building on Tubb Range (1,000 yard). 0900, Sunday, 15 SEPTEMBER 2013: Formal Mid-Range and Creedmoor Practice Day and packet pick-up/BPTR MR registration at Eagle’s Nest Building on Tubb Range (1,000 yard). 2013 NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Position Championship: Matches #1-2-3-5-6-7: 10 rounds plus sighters for each match.

The Shaffer Trophy is an engraved, single-shot 7.7mm Schuetzen Rifle made in Germany in early 1900. The rifle was donated by LTC (Ret.) C.J. Shaffer, a former NRA Competition Division Staff Manager, Director of Civilian Marksmanship Program, and Executive Officer of Camp Perry while in the U.S. Army. This trophy is awarded to the high-scoring individual in the NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Position Championships. Match Conditions 1998: Twice over the course of: Ten shots standing at 200 yards, 10 shots sitting with crossed sticks at 300 yards, and 10 shots prone with crossed sticks at 600 yards with a single-shot, black powder cartridge rifle with period sights. 32


2012 Position Champion Chip Mate


Previous Position Champions 2011 - Rick Moritz 2010 - Eron Ahmer 2009 - Chip Mate 2008 - Chip Mate 2007 - Chip Mate 2006 - Eron Ahmer 2005 - Chip Mate 2004 - Al Sledge 2003 - Rick Moritz 2002 - Perry A. Lewis 2001 - Harold Itchkawich 2000 - Bob Bloyer 1999 - Buddy Visser 1998 - Tony Heitz 1997 - Perry A. Lewis 1996 - Ray Smerker 1995 - Brad Williamson 1994 - James L. Koenig * 30-Shot Match Course

539-8x 555-7x 545-6x 537-4x 554-11x 554-7x 541-7x 549-8x 543-9x 525-5x 526-8x 533-4x 541-7x 533-6x 533-5x 546-6x 506-2x 263-1x*

0700, Monday, 16 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #1: 200 yards in the “Standing” position on the “SR” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). Match #2: 300 yards in the “Sitting” or “Kneeling” position, with crossed sticks, on the “SR-3” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). compete.nra.org


Match #3: 600 yards “Any” position on the “MR 1” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). Match #4: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #1, 2 and 3. 0700, Tuesday, 17 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #5: Same course-of-fire as Match #1. Match #6: Same course-of-fire as Match #2. Match #7: Same course-of-fire as Match #3. Match #8: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #5, 6, and 7. Match #9: NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Position Championship: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #4 and #8.

2012 Creedmoor Champions.



2013 NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Prone Championship: Matches #1-2-3-5-6-7: 10 rounds plus sighters for each match. 2012 Prone Champion Jack Odor


Previous Prone Champions 2011 - Dr. Keith Lay 578-20x 2010 - Butch Ulsher 577-23x 2009 - Dr. Keith Lay 578-21x 2008 - Rick Moritz 575-18x 2007 - Patric Taylor 582-22x 2006 - Matthew Harris 585-18x 2005 - Raymond Hanson 578-17x 2004 - Klaus Schattlitner 572-19x 2003 - Richard Eskite 563-23x 2002 - Butch Ulsher 565-19x 2001 - Butch Ulsher 574-23x 2000 - Butch Ulsher 559-16x 1999 - Joe Garcia 559-17x 1998 - Dave Yount 566-11x 1997 - Dave Gullo 555-17x 0700, Wednesday, 18 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #1: 200 yards in the “Prone” position on the “SR” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). Match #2: 300 yards in the “Prone” position, with crossed sticks, on the “SR-3” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). Match #3: 600 yards “Prone” position on the “MR 1” target. Shooters may fire up to four “sighter” rounds and ten rounds, for compete.nra.org


record, in 53 minutes (for both shooters). Match #4: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #1, 2 and 3 0700, Thursday, 19 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #5: Same course-of-fire as Match #1. Match #6: Same course-of-fire as Match #2. Match #7: Same course-of-fire as Match #3. Match #8: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #5, 6, and 7. Match #9: NRA National BPTR Mid-Range Prone Championship: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #4 and 8. 2013 NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Championship: Matches #1-2-3-5-6-7: 10 rounds plus unlimited sighters at each distance.



The Castle Trophy was first awarded to the 25th Lanarkshire Volunteers by Lord Elcho for their win over England and Ireland in 1871. The trophy was contested several times at Creedmoor, Long Island, New York in 1873. Noted was “Overall winners National Rifle Association of America 2nd Round” April 25, 1873. To honor the Creedmoor 1874 International Champion, this trophy was given to Colonel John Bodine of the United States of America’s team. The latest engraving on the trophy was to the Honorable Henry Hilton for his help and understanding in making the Wall Street Club what it is today (August 1879). The trophy history was lost until 1985 when it was offered to NRA. After purchase and refurbishing, it was placed into competition by the NRA Board of Directors in 1998. The Black Powder Committee voted to award it to the first renewal of the Creedmoor matches in America. Learn more about NRA Competitive Shooting by visiting our web page at compete.nra.org



Match Conditions 1997: 10 shots at 800, 900 and 1000 yards with a single-shot, black powder cartridge rifle with period sights from the supported prone position. 2000: 60 shots, twice across the above 30 shot course, presented to the match winner of the Creedmoor match at the NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Creedmoor and Mid-Range Championships. 2012 Creedmoor Champion Dave Gullo


Previous Creedmoor Champions 2011 - Dr. Keith Lay 2010 - Dave Gullo 2009 - Mike Rix 2008 - Dave Gullo 2007 - Ron Calderone 2006 - Lige Harris 2005 - Steve Baldwin 2004 - Lige Harris 2003 - Dave Gullo 2002 - Butch Ulsher 2001 - Butch Ulsher 2000 - Dave Gullo 1999 - Lanny Moody 1998 - Marshall Burns 1997 - Jim Brannon * 30-Shot Match Course



514-6x 510-4x 534-10x 522-6x 528-6x 509-4x 536-5x 530-12x 511-6x 499-12x 543-12x 534-8x 258-1x* 237-2x* 247-2x*

0700, Friday, 20 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #1: 800 yards “Any” position on the “LR” target. Shooters may fire unlimited “sighters” and ten record shots in 63 minutes (for both shooters). Match #2: 900 yards as above. Match #3: 1,000 yards as above. Match #4: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #1, 2 and 3. 0700, Saturday, 21 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Competitors report at 0630): Match #5: Same course-of-fire as Match #1. Match #6: Same course-of-fire as Match #2. Match #7: Same course-of-fire as Match #3. Match #8: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #5, 6, and 7. Match #9: NRA National BPTR Creedmoor Championship: Aggregate of scores fired in Matches #4 and 8. FIRING ORDER The 2013 NRA National BPTR Championships will be broken into 2 relays for each match. Relays will rotate from the firing line to the Pits as per usual. Each Championship will start with Relay 1 (shooters) on the firing line and Relay 2 (non-shooters) in the Pits or scoring from the firing line. The firing order will be opposite on the 2nd day of each Championship with Relay 2 taking the firing line first. Remember that the non-shooting relay is responsible for Pit service and scoring, also, the first shooting relay must rotate shooters after the first day in each Championship. Similarly, the non-shooting compete.nra.org


relay is expected to rotate scoring and target pulling duties on the firing line and in the Pits. BLACK POWDER TARGET RIFLE REGIONAL MATCHES IN 2013 & 2014 Visit www.nrahq.org/compete/tournaments to sanction your tournament online! Standardization for ALL NRA Regional matches: • Medallions – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Open for overall winners. • Medallions – Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master and any special award categories for competitors. • NRA BPTR decals for all participants. • Entry fees – reduced to $8.00 per competitor. • Minimum number of entries to host an NRA Regional – 15 competitors • No returns of medals from tournament sponsors. Please make plans to attend any NRA BPTR Regional match close to you. Higher competitor numbers at Regional matches increase funding for NRA BPTR programs as well as provide shooters with practice that will prepare them for the NRA National BPTR Championships in the summer. Paul Behe, NRA Match Director Black Powder Director, Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association Grayling Long Range BPTR Regional Championships Presented by the Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association’s Black Powder Division and Camp Grayling Camp Grayling, Michigan www.michrpa.com http://campgrayling.com/ Contact Information: Paul Behe 124 Huron Mt. Clemens, MI 48043



(586) 463-7967 spidercontrolinc@aol.com Jim Kidwell, NRA Match Director Black Powder Director, River Bend Gun Club Southeastern Regional BPTR/BPCR Championships Presented by Buffalo Rifles and River Bend Gun Club Dawsonville, Georgia www.rbgc.org/ http://buffalorifles.net/ Contact Information: Jim Kidwell 9160 Twelvestones Drive Roswell, GA 30076 (770) 330-1505 jekidwell@bellsouth.net Jim Morgan, NRA Match Director East Coast Long Range BPTR Regional Championships Presented by the King George Shooting Association and the United States Marine Corps Weapons Training Battalion Quantico Marine Corps Base, Virginia www.quantico.usmc.mil Contact Information: James R. Morgan, Jr. 9305 Indiantown Road King George, VA 22485 (540) 775-5204 xmorgan@hotmail.com Steve Rhoades, NRA Match Director Black Powder Director, Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association Southwestern Regional BPTR/BPCR Championships Presented by the Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association, Arizona Sharpshooters, and the Ben Avery Shooting Facility Phoenix, Arizona www.asrpa.com www.arizonasharpshooters.com www.azgfd.gov/outdoor_recreation/ben_avery.shtml



Contact Information: Steve Rhoades 27409 N. 60th Lane Phoenix, AZ 85083 (623) 581-3624 or (623) 550-3134 bpsteve@cox.net Robert Tarkenton, NRA Match Director NRA California Gold Rush Regional BPTR/BPCR Championships Presented by the Sacramento Valley Shooting Center and the Folsom Gun Club Ione, California http://www.sacvalley.org/ Contact Information: Robert Tarkenton 2869 Squaw Drive Copperopolis, CA 95228 (209) 373-7010 btarkenton@gmail.com

The NRA Whittington Center, Raton, New Mexico.



What is NRA Competitive Shooting? What is NRA Competitive Shooting’s top priority? Our mission is to use all available assets to grow the shooting sports by increasing participation in new and existing programs, and to develop and promote competition knowledge, skills, and abilities. Our vision is to be the leading provider of the highest quality competitive shooting programs and services to America’s gun owners.

What is the NRA? The National Rifle Association of America is an American nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization which advocates for the protection of the Second Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights and the promotion of firearm ownership rights as well as marksmanship, firearm safety, and the protection of hunting and self-defense in the United States. The NRA sponsors firearm safety training courses, as well as marksmanship events featuring shooting skill and sports. Its political activity is based on the principle that gun ownership is a civil liberty protected by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and it is the oldest continuously operating civil rights organization in the United States. The NRA has 4.3 million members.

How many people work at NRA Competitive Shooting Headquarters and what do they do? NRA Competitive Shooting has its home base at NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA. Amazingly, a total staff of only 24 people sanction the 11,000+ tournaments, issue classifications, manage all the disciplines, and provide support to our 51 National Championships. The folks at NRA Competitive Shooting make the rules, right? Wrong! The rules governing NRA Competitive Shooting are actually developed by the discipline committees, which have their ranks filled by members of the NRA Board of Directors and other shooting notables. There are currently 12 different committees responsible for guiding their respective disciplines, including Black Powder Target Rifle. Learn more at this web site: www.nrahq.org/compete

National Rifle Association Headquarters moved from Washington D.C. to nearby suburb Fairfax, Virginia in 1994.

Well how do I get started? It’s easy! Simply head to our web site at www.nrahq.org/compete and check out all the information available there. Also, you can view all of our publications for free online at: www.issuu.com/compshoot

Match fees support NRA Competitive Shooting What does NRA do with the money it earns? The NRA is a non-profit organization, with its revenues benefitting its membership through distributions, grants, programs, and services. The money is also used to insure the National Rifle Association will have funds in perpetuity, securing the Second Amendment for future generations.

How many championships does the NRA sanction?

11,000 tournaments and 51 championships in the over 30 disciplines NRA sanctions more than

that are offered. Every winner earns the right to be called national champion.

Plan your trip to New Mexico by going to: www.newmexico.org

Pictured above is the Annual Raton Balloon Fiesta.



Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

Iron Sights





Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles



Iron Sights

Scorer ______________________________________ Competitor ______________________________

Record Shots

Sighting Shots

Competitor ________________________________ Relay _______ Target _________ Class _______



CPA Rifles

NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Equipment Survey Form Name: Click here to enter text. Competitor #: Click here to enter text. Spotter: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date.

Mid-Range Survey

Rifle: Ballard Browning C. Sharps Chiappa CPA Rifles CVA Rifles Davide Pedersoli DZ Arms Hepburn Meacham Navy Arms Remington Shiloh Sharps Springfield Armory Uberti Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Rifle Action: Click here to enter text. Ballard Brooks Browning C. Sharps Davide Pedersoli Front Sight: Baldwin Kelly Lyman MVA Ron Long Riflesmith Shaver Shiloh Sharps Snover Vanwey Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Crosshair Post Shaver Other: Click here to enter text. Front Sight Insert: Aperture Soule Other: Click here to enter text. Rear Sight Type: Conventional Browning C. Sharps Davide Pedersoli DZ Arms Forcum Rear Sight: Baldwin Hoke Kelly MVA Ron Long Shaver Ukranin Other: Click here to enter text. Lyman MVA Parsons Other: Click here to enter text. Scope: 4X 5X 6X 8X Other: Click here to enter text. Scope Power: MVA Parsons Other: Click here to enter text. Scope Mount: Barrel Manufacturer: Badger Barrels Douglas Factory-made Green Mountain Barrels Krieger Barrels Shilen Barrels Shiloh Sharps Other: Click here to enter text. Barrel Twist: Click here to enter text. Wiping Blowing Brush Patch Other: Click here to enter text. Barrel Maintenance: Paper Textile Other: Click here to enter text. Patch Type: Wiping Solution: Click here to enter text. Caliber: .40-65 .45-70 .45-90 .45-100 .45-110 Other: Click here to enter text. 400-425 425-450 450-475 Bullet Weight: 300-325 325-350 350-375 375-400 475-500 500-525 525-550 550-575 575-600 Other Click here to enter text. Money Postell Snover Other: Click here to enter text. Bullet Mould Type: Hoch Leeth Lyman Paul Jones SAECO Bullet Mold: Steve Brooks Buffalo Arms Other: Click here to enter text. Alloy: Click here to enter text. John King Plastic Polyurethane Vegetable Walter’s Wads Wonder Wad Wad: Card None Other: Click here to enter text. Hodgdon Goex Schuetzen SWISS WANO Other: Click here to enter Powder Brand: text. Powder Granulation (Black): 1F 1 ½F 2F 3F Other: Click here to enter text. Powder Granulation (Pyrodex): P RS CTG Other: Click here to enter text. Shaver SPG Homemade Other: Lube: BPC DGL Eagle Lube Pioneer Products Click here to enter text. Brass: ATK Federal Buffalo Arms Remington Starline Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Primer: ATK Federal CCI Remington Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. BR-2 LP LR Other: Click here to enter text. Primer Type: Muzzle Velocity: Click here to enter text. Good Satisfactory Bad Target Service:

Creedmoor Survey Rifle: Ballard Browning C. Sharps Chiappa CPA Rifles CVA Rifles Davide Pedersoli DZ Arms Hepburn Meacham Navy Arms Remington Shiloh Sharps Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Springfield Armory Uberti Rifle Action: Click here to enter text. Ballard Brooks Browning C. Sharps Davide Pedersoli Front Sight: Baldwin Kelly Lyman MVA Ron Long Riflesmith Shaver Shiloh Sharps Snover Vanwey Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Crosshair Post Shaver Other: Click here to enter text. Front Sight Insert: Aperture Soule Other: Click here to enter text. Rear Sight Type: Conventional Browning C. Sharps Davide Pedersoli DZ Arms Forcum Rear Sight: Baldwin Hoke Kelly MVA Ron Long Shaver Ukranin Other: Click here to enter text. Lyman MVA Parsons Other: Click here to enter text. Scope: 4X 5X 6X 8X Other: Click here to enter text. Scope Power: MVA Parsons Other: Click here to enter text. Scope Mount: Barrel Manufacturer: Badger Barrels Douglas Factory-made Green Mountain Barrels Krieger Barrels Shilen Barrels Shiloh Sharps Other: Click here to enter text. Barrel Twist: Click here to enter text. Wiping Blowing Brush Patch Other: Click here to enter text. Barrel Maintenance: Paper Textile Other: Click here to enter text. Patch Type: Wiping Solution: Click here to enter text. Caliber: .40-65 .45-70 .45-90 .45-100 .45-110 Other: Click here to enter text. Bullet Weight: 300-325 325-350 350-375 375-400 400-425 425-450 450-475 475-500 500-525 525-550 550-575 575-600 Other Click here to enter text. Money Postell Snover Other: Click here to enter text. Bullet Mould Type: Hoch Leeth Lyman Paul Jones SAECO Bullet Mold: Steve Brooks Buffalo Arms Other: Click here to enter text. Alloy: Click here to enter text. John King Plastic Polyurethane Vegetable Walter’s Wads Wonder Wad Wad: Card None Other: Click here to enter text. Hodgdon Goex Schuetzen SWISS WANO Other: Click here to enter Powder Brand: text. Powder Granulation (Black): 1F 1 ½F 2F 3F Other: Click here to enter text. Powder Granulation (Pyrodex): P RS CTG Other: Click here to enter text. Shaver SPG Homemade Other: Lube: BPC DGL Eagle Lube Pioneer Products Click here to enter text. Brass: ATK Federal Buffalo Arms Remington Starline Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. Primer: ATK Federal CCI Remington Winchester Other: Click here to enter text. BR-2 LP LR Other: Click here to enter text. Primer Type: Muzzle Velocity: Click here to enter text. Good Satisfactory Bad Target Service:

Please Note: These equipment surveys will be used to compile competitor statistics for the result’s bulletin. Please complete and turn into a Range Safety Officer as soon as possible before the competitor meeting.


TARGET RIFLE CREEDMOOR AND MIDRANGE CHAMPIONSHIPS SUGGESTION FORM In our efforts to improve this tournament, constructive suggestions by competitors are needed, and we welcome your suggestions. Please keep in mind that the facilities used to conduct this tournament are not owned by the National Rifle Association of America. We must operate on a very limited budget, and rely solely on the volunteer support staff supplied by the host facility for the successful operation and execution of these matches. The National Rifle Association of America thank each one of you for taking the time off to come support competitive shooting and safely exercise our 2nd Amendment.



Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel! NRA Competitive Shooting is on YouTube! Subscribe to our channel for great video coverage of all our championships and events.


National Black Powder Target Rifle Protest Form (Creedmoor and Mid-Range) Championship Name: _____________________________________________________ Location: ______________________________________Date:_____________________ In accordance with NRA BPTR Rules 11.8, and 16.2 to 16.4, I have orally stated my protest to the Chief Range Safety Officer, Chief Statistical Officer, and the Match Director, and I am not satisfied with their decision. Therefore, this written protest has been filed with the Match Director within the allowable protest time limit (BPTR Rule 16.3) for presentation to the NRA National Championship Protest Committee (BPTR Rule 11.8). Use the back side of this form. References: BPTR Championship Program: ______________________________________________ NRA BPTR Rule(s):_______________________________________________________ Based on the provision(s) of the above reference(s), I submit the following protest which relates to: Name: ___________________________________________Competitor #:____________ Match: ______________________Relay:_______________________Target:_________ This incident took place at: Time: _______________________________Date:_________ Competitor Signature: _________________________________Competitor #:_________ ________________________________________________________________________ For NRA Match Staff Use Only: Form furnished to competitor at: Time: _____________________Date:______________ This protest was received by the Match Director at: Time: _________Date:___________ A protest fee in the amount of $__________ has been collected with the receipt of this protest form. Match Director’s Signature: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ For NRA National Championship Protest Committee Use Only: To: Competitor Name: ___________________________Competitor #:_______________ Your protest on the above matter has been:



Time: _____________Date:____________

NRA Protest Committee Chairman Signature: __________________________________

Protest Reason(s): Use additional pages if necessary.

Match Director’s investigation and comments: Please cite the NRA BPTR Rulebook references on which your comment was based, and feel free to use additional pages if necessary.









Black Powder Target Rifle [64]

(# Shots, Type, Position, Distance, Sights) SCORE


6. LOCATION Record Approved By: Letter Cert PC NR

NRA BPTR Coordinator


Letter & Cert. Checked by: DATE

CPA Rifles


(703)267-1450 (703)267-3941 fax competitions@nrahq.org

Match Director’s Bulletin Regarding NRA Black Powder Target Rifle Rule 14.18-Signal System for Scoring Targets The visual signaling and scoring system described below will be used for the 2012 NRA National Black Powder Target Rifle Mid-Range & Creedmoor Championships. The visual signaling and scoring system below will also be a proposed rule change at the 2012 NRA Black Powder Committee meetings for all NRA-sanctioned Black Powder Target Rifle (BPTR) tournaments in which targets are operated from pits. This rule change will be instituted to further improve current safety conditions as well as reduce any chances of injury. Furthermore, it will provide continuity with other Across-the-Course rifle disciplines as the visual signaling and scoring system will be the same. 14.18 Signal Systems for Scoring Targets-The visual signaling and scoring system described below will be used in all NRA-sanctioned Black Powder Target Rifle (BPTR) tournaments: (a) Slow Fire: Value disks are placed, as indicated below, on the target frame. Value disks must be a highly visible color such as fluorescent orange or black. The shooter may request the color best seen. Each target will require two value disks to adequately mark a “Miss” if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pull the target down completely, without waiting for a request from the firing line, after the shot impacts into your target face or the impact zone on the berm. Place the spotter disk (or paster at 200 yards) in or over the bullet hole (black on white/white on black). Place the value disk in the correct location on the target face as indicated in the below target diagram. Paste the previous shot hole (black on white/white on black). Run the target back up completely.

Normally, target-scoring services in the pits should take 15-20 seconds. It is essential that target-scoring services are executed quickly. Targets must be pulled down completely after every shot, regardless of whether or not communications have been established with the firing line or regardless of shot value. X .................................................................. Center-right side 10.............................................................Bottom-right corner 9 ...................................................................... Bottom-center 8 ............................................................... .Bottom-left corner 7 ..................................................................... Center-left side 6 ................................................ Center-right side (same as X) 5 ..........................................Bottom-right corner (same as 10) Miss ............... Both bottom-left corner & bottom-right corner

CPA Rifles

NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Competitive Shooting Division 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030 FAX: (703) 267-3941

Phone: (703) 267-1459

E-mail: tournopns@nrahq.org

APPLICATION TO CONDUCT AN NRA REGISTERED BLACK POWDER TARGET RIFLE & MUZZLE LOADING TOURNAMENT IF STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, THE AUTHORIZATION FROM YOUR STATE ASSOCIATION (SEE BACK) MUST BE COMPLETED Name of NRA Affiliated Sponsoring Club: ______________________________________________________________________________ Club #: _________________ Tournament Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Tournament Date(s): ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Range Location (City & State): ______________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE BOXES BELOW [ ] Mid Range Position

[ ] Mid Range Prone

[ ] NRA Muzzle Loading Rifle [ ] International Style

[ ] Long Range BP Target Rifle

[ ] NRA Muzzle Loading Pistol

[ ] Muzzle Loading Rifle

[ ] Muzzle Loading Pistol

[ ] Muzzle Loading Smoothbore

TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS CANNOT SERVE IN MORE THAN ONE CAPACITY AND MAY NOT COMPETE IN A TOURNAMENT AT WHICH THEY ARE OFFICIATING Match Director: _________________________________________________________________________________ Chief Range Officer: _____________________________________________________________________________ Statistical Officer: _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________

NRA ID#: ________________________

(This individual to be listed in the Coming Events section of Shooting sports USA)

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ St: _______________ Zip: ________________ Telephone number where contact can be reached during working hours: _____________________________________ Contact Fax number: ____________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ IF ACCEPTED FOR NRA SANCTIONING WE, THE SPONSORING ORGANIZATION, AND THE NRA, AGREE TO FOLLOW THE GENERAL REGULATIONS GOVERNING NRA REGISTERED TOURNAMENTS AS PUBLISHED BY THE NRA IN ALL CURRENT RULE BOOKS Submitted by: ________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: _____________________________ St: ____ Zip: ________

Approved for The NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION By: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________________

STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUTHORIZATION (Must be signed by a State Association Officer) State Conducting Championship: ___________________________________________________________ Authorized by: (Signature of State Officer): ________________________________________________ Officer Title: ___________________________________________Date Signed______________________

IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING LIABILITY WHILE CONDUCTING NRA TOURNAMENTS OR OTHER ACTIVITIES - To insure competitive shooting activities are carried on with the highest degree of care for the safety of all participants, spectators, and the general public, it is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the NRA Approved or Registered Tournament sponsor and the participating competitors to rigidly enforce all NRA official competition rules and regulations, all local range regulations, and specific range official instructions. The NRA makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the NRA Official Rules and Regulations, even if carefully observed, are sufficient in themselves to provide conditions and procedures which insure adequate safety precautions, or that NRA Certified Instructors, NRA Official Referees, or other persons shall properly interpret or enforce such rules. By approving or registering an event, the NRA makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, that the persons conduction any Approved or Registered Tournament or the owners, tenants or licensees of the premises upon which such event is conducted, shall provide a shooting range and associated facilities which are reasonably safe, or that such persons shall prescribe and enforce local range rules adequate to provide reasonable safety and to control the activities of any person or persons. As a condition of approving or registering any tournament, the sponsor, together with its agents, servants, employees and members, agree that the NRA, its agents, servants, employees, successors and assigns, shall be held harmless for any injury or damage to persons or property occurring either on the premises where the tournament takes place or as a result of such activity on the premises, unless caused by or resulting from the negligence of an NRA employee, officer, or Official Referee while properly engaged in the discharge of NRA official business on the premises during the approved or registered activity or event.


NO ______

CPA Rifles


Barry presents a certificate to a junior competitor.

Barry joined the NRA Competitive Shooting team in July 2013, from the NRA Information Services Division. A lifelong shooter, Barry is also actively involved in the Loudoun County Friends of NRA. He also worked for NRA Education & Training as the Marksmanship Qualification Program Coordinator. Be sure to give him a warm welcome in Raton this year! You can reach Barry at 703-267-1465 or email BRANNEY@nrahq.org

FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit us on the web at compete.nra.org You can also call 1-877-672-6282 ext. 7, or e-mail silhouette@nrahq.org

Learn more about NRA Competitive Shooting by visiting us on Facebook at:

www.facebook.com/nracompetitiveshooting Š 2013 National Rifle Association. All Rights Reserved.

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