NRA Tournament Operations Guide

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For the guidance of those concerned with organizing and conducting NRA Sanctioned Tournaments

Tournament Operations Guide The Ultimate Guide to Conducting NRA Sanctioned Matches

Efficient planning for all matches Statistical Office Operation Match Procedure Fundamentals

To Join NRA today, or for additional information about membership, call 1-800-NRA-3888. Your membership dues can be charged to Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.

Copyright 2010, National Rifle Association of America Prepared by John Parker, Competitive Shooting Division Administration All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by mechanical means without prior written permission. For information, write to: NRA Competitive Shooting Division National Rifle Association of America 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 On the web or by phone at: 1-877-672-6282


Preface: Why a Tournament?


Chapter One: Introduction to Tournament Operations 1.1 Your First Tournament 1.2 Pre-Tournament Planning 1.3 The Program 1.4 Tournament Officials

7 8 10 18

Chapter Two: Range Operations 2.1 General 2.2 High Power Rifle 2.3 Black Powder Target Rifle 2.4 Smallbore Rifle & Position Air Rifle 2.5 Pistol 2.6 Action Pistol 2.7 Silhouette 2.8 International Rifle 2.9 International Pistol

20 23 25 25 27 28 30 31 31

Chapter Three: Statistical Office Operation 3.1 Chief Statistical Officer 3.2 General Statistical Office Information 3.3 Bulletins & Awards

34 34 39

Chapter Four: Classifications, Categories, & Special Awards, Police Pistol Combat Tournaments 44 4.1 Classification & Categories 45 4.2 Awards Systems 4.3 Police Pistol Combat/Tactical Police Comp. 47 Chapter Five: Tournament Program Format, Additional Information 5.1 Sanctioned Tournament Program Format 5.2 Available Supplies 5.3 Competitive Shooting Division Directory 5.4 NRA Club Champion Tournaments 5.5 Final Thoughts

50 51 52 53 54

Preface Why a tournament? Efficiently organized tournaments for rifle, pistol, & air gun are easy to conduct. Members meet each other and learn to work together successfully. A tournament provides classification and experience for new shooters. Local shooters can travel to other matches or can compete at their own club. Tournaments can be a source of club income. A tournament also provides the means for repaying other clubs for tournaments they sponsor. Tournaments promote the shooting sports and provide a means for club publicity. They will interest new shooters, attract outside visitors, and provide a general means of telling the world about recreational shooting. The prime reasons for holding tournaments is to give competitors an enjoyable shooting experience, and to further support NRA’s mission. Tournament sponsors accept a responsibility to conduct the tournament, efficiently, fairly, and according to the rules. This book promotes the NRA’s Competitive Shooting Division system of Tournament Operations. It is intended primarily as a primer and reference for tournament sponsors. New tournament officials should work closely with experienced tournament sponsors to learn about the fundamentals of running an NRA Sanctioned Tournament.

NRA Approved or Registered? The difference between a Registered Tournament and an Approved Tournament is that the Registered Tournament is the more formal of the two. Registered Tournaments are used to establish National Records while the Approved Tournament is a local event where sponsors have more flexibility in developing courses of fire and classes. It is recommended to conduct your first competition as a NRA Approved Tournament. Any properly planned and organized tournament can be conducted under the NRA Approved Tournament plan. NRA sanctioning will add prestige and encourage shooters to attend your tournament. Scores from NRA Approved and Registered Tournaments are used for NRA competitor classification, and club members can be classified on their home range. Call the Tournament Reporting department for more information at (703) 2671454 for more information about classification. Sponsors can build their own tournements to suit the needs of their shooters. Sponsors can develop their own courses of fire and create their own classifciation system using NRA rules. For complete information on the current plan for NRA Sanctioned Tournaments, please send a request via e-mail us at, or reach us by phone at 1-877-672-6282. You can find us on the web at:



You can also reach us via mail at: NRA Competitive Shooting 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

Tournament Operations Guide

APPROVED & REGISTERED TOURNAMENTS A Registered Tournament is the more formal of the two types. Differences between the two types of competitive tournaments are: APPROVED REGISTERED

Scores used for classification Scores used for National Records NRA Registration Fee Competitors must be NRA Members NRA Classification or category system must be used

Y N Y N Optional


NRA Competitive Shooting Division offers a wide range of activities in all types of shooting, for everyone from the novice to the world-class competitor. The NRA sanctions over 11,000 shooting tournaments and sponsors over 50 national championships each year. By participating in any competitive shooting event, you join an ever-growing sport whose popularity is expanding worldwide exponentially.

NRA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS INFORMATION National Action Pistol Championship (NRA Bianchi Cup) National Rifle & Pistol Championships, Camp Perry, OH National Silhouette Championships National Collegiate Rifle & Pistol Championships National Black Powder Target Rifle Championship National Indoor Rifle & Pistol Championships (Sectionals) Pistol Rifle Collegiate NRA National Junior 3-Position Air Rifle Championships NRA National Metric Championship National Police Shooting Championship

NRA Competitive Shooting - Exercising our Second Amendment Rights

Tournament Operations Guide



Online Tournament Sanctioning NRA Competitive Shooting offers tournament sanctioning online. Tournament sanctioning forms are still available manually on the NRA Competitive Shooting web site. The online system makes the process easier and faster. To log on and set up your tournament, visit: Online, you will be able to: 1. Fill out online applications 2. Attach your Match Program 3. Check the status of your application 4. E-mail notification of tournament approval For more information, contact the following. NRA Competitive Shooting Tournament Operations Division 703.267.1459


Online Tournament Sanctioning

Tournament Operations Guide

Introduction to Tournament Operations Your First Tournament Pre-Tournament Planning The Program Tournament Officials

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to Tournament Operations

You can find all NRA Rulebooks online on our website


Your First Tournament


Pre-Tournament Planning

Every individual and all organizations want projects they undertake to be successful and something they can be proud to have conducted. To assure this success, you must start your planning early, the earlier the better. In your early planning, consider these points: • To be successful, a tournament does not have to be a big one with a large number of competitors. A small affair can be lots of fun for both the shooters and the host club. In fact, a club’s first tournament should be kept small in order for the club to get their feet wet before going ahead with a larger project. To keep a tournament small, the competitors can be limited to members of certain clubs, leagues, or similar organizations. Entry may be limited by invitation if desired. An NRA Club Champion tournament is a great first tournament. • Restrict your matches in both number and type to those you believe will be entered by the majority of all who attend. Do not schedule a match that only a few will wish to fire. Do not schedule so many matches that you must start early and continue until dark. Plan to start about 8:30 A.M., take a short breather at noon, and finish by 4:30 P.M. During firing, move right along without wasting time and you will find that you can conduct a lot of shooting in this time frame. • If you have attended tournaments as a competitor before acting as a sponsor, you have a fine yardstick to measure your prospective tournament. • Remember, the rulebook that governs your event is a valuable tool with a wealth of information. You must have the appropriate rulebook available at all times. The latest updates are available on the Competitive Shooting Division web site, at this link: • The NRA may be able to furnish the names of veteran classified shooters in your area that may be willing to assist your club in setting up and officiating your first tournament. Call the NRA Tournament Reporting department at (703) 267-1454 for more information.

A tournament should have the approval of an entire sponsoring club or association so that everybody will lend their support. After initial approval, the tournament should be turned over to a Tournament Committee for detailed planning. Be sure the sponsoring club has access to a range or facility that matches the tournament type. Each NRA rulebook has a section on standards, see Section 6. If you have any questions or need guidance on how to get started, please contact the specific NRA Competitive Shooting department that can assist your needs. Select your statistical and range workers carefully. Explain their jobs and teach them how to do these jobs. Do not plan on workers also being shooters except in very small tournaments. To do either well requires full attention, so plan accordingly. Some sponsors solve this problem by asking rifle shooters to work the pistol tournaments, and then the pistol shooters to return the favor during rifle tournaments. Inexperienced officials should attend one or more tournaments of the type they will conduct. Observing what other officials do is a big help, and the inexperienced officers should actually work on a range or in the statistics office, depending upon what their job will be at home. Most tournament sponsors will be glad to receive such help. Order your awards well in advance. Put awards on display in a local business’s win-


Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide

dow, or in the clubhouse, and have them ready to give to the winners without delay. Prompt handing out of prizes is an excellent way to send competitors home wanting to come back to your next tournament. Before tournament day, clean up the range, mow the grass, paint the place if it needs it, and fix it up generally. Now is a good time to do those extra things that you may have put off before. Be sure suitable, clean sanitary facilities are provided for both men and women. Some ranges provide space for campers during tournaments. If this is your plan, be sure your facilities take into account the competitors’ needs for bathing and shaving. Select a publicity officer who is personable and can write intelligibly. If the person chosen takes good pictures, so much the better; otherwise, some shutterbug can be assigned as Assistant Publicity Officer. Or you can arrange for a local photographic firm to take pictures. Send advance notice of tournaments to everyone on your mailing list. E-mail is the preferred format for this. Also, consider showing the match schedule online if your organization has a web site. A postcard will do, but try to make the message catchy (a cartoon or graphic is fine). A mailing list can be prepared by getting nearby tournament registration forms. Be sure to eliminate duplications. If possible, have the mailing list put onto a computer so that labels can be made easily. Contact the press (print & online), radio, and TV outlets with advance stories. Give them pictures of local hotshots and national figures whom you expect to attend. Arrange radio and TV interviews with celebrity shooters, using local people before the tournament and the out-of-towners during the tournament. The radio interviews can be tape-recorded. Get stories and pictures to the media as soon as possible— they are interested in current stories and not old news. Shooting Sports USA, NRA”s Competitive Shooting journal, is an excellent place to advertise your match. Invite local dignitaries to come out to be introduced and say a few words of welcome. The mayor, chief of police, and any municipal officer who has cooperated with the club or tournament should be invited. Also invite and introduce local sports writers, and radio/TV sports commentators. Do this regardless of whether they give the tournament publicity. Any new media types (blog or online forum) should be given full courtesy as well. The internet has made the world shrink, and word of mouth through it can spread like wildfire. This can go both ways, so make the best of it. A short, simple opening ceremony can be a feature of every tournament. Open with raising the flag and playing the National Anthem over the public address system. Frequently, a National Guard unit, Boy Scout troop, ROTC organization, or Veteran’s Proper planning will help guarantee a successful match group will gladly provide a detail for this ceremony. Do not forget, a good awards ceremony will add class to your event. Take time to present the winners their medals and acknowedge the staff for their support.

Nice opening & closing ceremonies will attract top competitors

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 1



The Program

The program is the “menu” - the advance selling piece to attract customers and competitors. It pays dividends to put together an attractive and easy to understand program. Here is a list of the elements that can be found in Section 21 of the rulebook, which should be included in the program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The program contains all pertinent information about the tournament

Tournament Name Date of Tournament Sponsoring Organization Tournament Contact Information Directions to the Range Rules Competition is open to... Registration Fee Entries Entry Fee Entries Close Post Entries Entry Limit Firing Starts Awards Match Schedule & Conditions General Information

Most of these program elements require decisions on your part. See below for a complete explanation of each element: Tournament Name: Should identify the sponsoring club or the geographic area. If the event is monthly or annual, it helps to say so. The type of competition must be included. NOTE: The rulebook appendices are broken out for Approved and Registered Tournaments. Date of Competition: The wrong choice of a date has doomed more than one tournament. Check your calendar for holidays traditionally reserved for other activities. Mother’s Day and Easter Sunday are examples of poor choices. If you plan to conduct identical tournaments several times during the year, list all dates and make one program for all. Sponsoring Organization: Your club’s name. Tournament Contact Information: Give name, complete address and (optional) E-mail address. This can be the same address to which entries are sent. There may be reasons, however, to select another individual for this task. It should be someone who collects the mail (or checks E-mail) regularly and, if a phone number is given, a knowledgeable person should be within answering distance of the home during normal business and evening hours. Directions to Range: Make your directions clear and complete. Google Maps, Mapquest, or another internet mapping site can be very helpful in producing a precise map with directions.


Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide

Rules: The statement, “Current NRA Rules will govern” or “Current NRA International Rules will govern” will generally suffice here. NRA rules do permit certain variations from standard, however, any such variations should be specified here. For instance, the program of a pistol tournament might state “Rule 9.24(b) will apply.” This statement would mean that no alibis other than range alibis are permitted. Competition is open to___: NRA Membership is required to set National Records, but not to compete. Many state associations require that only members of that or another state association may compete in State Championships. If memberships can be purchased at the tournament, indicate so in the program. Your match may be restricted(Rule 1.7(e)), in which competition is limited to specified groups such as police, juniors, etc. If your club is running an Approved Tournament, you will probably prefer to make the competition open to all. NRA membership is NOT required for any NRA sanctioned tournament. Registration Fee: List the amount of tournament registration fee to be charged each competitor, what it entitles the competitor to (competitor name badge, classification decal, etc.) and a copy of the Official Bulletin. Entries: Usually the entries will be sent to the Statistical Officer since this official has the responsibility for squadding. In any case be sure to use an address where you will have access to the entries when you need it. Do not have entries sent to the home of someone who will not be able to receive mail just before one of your scheduled tournaments. Entry Fee: It is desirable to keep fees as low as possible to encourage participation. Competitors resent the payment of high entry fees when they see no proportionate expenditure by the sponsor in either service or awards. Consider your expenses carefully to be sure your fees at least meet your costs. You may wish to separate fees into a basic registration fee and entry fee for each fired and aggregate match. The registration fee covers the expense of taking the competitor’s registration, sending a program, the competitor identification (usually a number or name badge), sending all competitors a final bulletin, and the NRA fee if the tournament is Registered or Approved (and not a Silhouette tournament). For the first tournament, an estimate of probable expenses and number of competitors will indicate what the entry fee must be to come out successfully. After the first tournament, previous experiences will govern estimates. Entries Close and Post Entries: You may require advance entries. The program should state when entries will close (usually the Monday preceding the weekend of the tournament). If post entries will be accepted, the program should state so. Often, post entries are accepted only on payment of an additional fee, and provided they do not require additional relays. Entry Limit: State the number of entries that will be accepted for the match.

High entry fees must see proportionate expenditure by the sponsor in something beneficial to the competitor, like awards

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 1


Firing Starts: Your start time should be a realistic one for you and the competitors. It should be rigidly adhered to. If you expect out-of-towners who will be lodging nearby, consider the opening hours of local restaurants where they can have breakfast. Also consider the preparation work your range crew must do to get ready. If your tournament is High Power Rifle and competitors will be acting as target pullers, you will need to establish two times - one for ”Competitors to Report” and a later one for “Firing Starts.” Following is a list of average relay times to assist you in your planning. To decide how many matches can be scheduled (or how many entries can be accepted, consider these average relay times. These times take into consideration the time for competitors to get one the line, time for actual firing, time to score (when done at the targets), and time to change targets. Experienced range crews will be able to save time on these estimates. Average range times (not shooting times) are listed below:

High Power Rifle Slow fire (20 shots): including 200 and 600 yards..............................................................................30 minutes per relay 1000 yards............................................................................................. 40 minutes per relay Rapid fire (20 shots)...............................................................................................20 minutes per relay Black Powder Target Rifle (10 shots)................................................................40 minutes per relay (15 shots)................................................................55 minutes per relay

High Power Sporting Rifle Slow fire (8 shots)....................................................................................................15 minutes per relay Rapid fire (8 shots)....................................................................................................5 minutes per relay

Smallbore Rifle - Outdoor Conventional Prone (20 shots).......................................................................................................30 minutes per relay Kneeling and Standing (20 shots)....................................................................40 minutes per relay

Smallbore Rifle - Indoor Conventional Prone, Sitting, Kneeling (20 shots)....................................................................25 minutes per relay Standing (20 shots)................................................................................................35 minutes per relay

Smallbore Rifle - Outdoor Metric Prone (20 shots).......................................................................................................30 minutes per relay Standing (20 shots)................................................................................................50 minutes per relay Kneeling (20 shots)................................................................................................40 minutes per relay

Position Air Rifle - Sporter or Position Prone (20 shots).......................................................................................................40 minutes per relay Standing (20 shots)................................................................................................50 minutes per relay Kneeling (20 shots)................................................................................................40 minutes per relay


Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide

Pistol - Outdoor (Scoring after 10 shots) Slow fire (20 shots).................................................................................................30 minutes per relay Timed or Rapid (20 shots)....................................................................................15 minutes per relay National Match Course.........................................................................................30 minutes per relay

Pistol - Indoor (Changing targets after 10 shots) Slow fire (10 shots).................................................................................................10 minutes Timed (5 shots)...................................................................................................2...0 seconds per string Rapid Fire (5 shots)..............................................................................................10 seconds per string

High Power Rifle Silhouette 40 shots...........................................................................................................45 minutes per four relays

Smallbore Rifle Silhouette 40 shots...........................................................................................................45 minutes per four relays

Hunter’s Pistol and Smallbore Hunter’s Pistol Silhouette 40 shots...........................................................................................................35 minutes per four relays

Long Range/Short Range Pistol Silhouette 40 shots......................................................................................................................35 minutes per relay

Black Powder Cartridge Rifle SIlhouette 40 shots...........................................................................................................90 minutes per four relays

Air Rifle/Air Pistol Silhouette 40 shots...........................................................................................................40 minutes per four relays

International 300 Meter Rifle Current NRA International Rifle Rules Rules 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.6, and Section 8 Prone (20 shots)....................................................................................................135 minutes per relay Standing (20 shots)..............................................................................................135 minutes per relay Kneeling (20 shots)..............................................................................................120 minutes per relay

Allow ample time for each relay

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 1


A well crafted award can add enduring legacy to your match.

International 50 Meter Rifle Current NRA International Rifle Rules Rules 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9.1, and Section 8 Prone (20 shots).......................................................................................................30 minutes per relay Standing (20 shots)................................................................................................50 minutes per relay Kneeling (20 shots)................................................................................................40 minutes per relay

International Air Rifle - Indoor 60 shots....................................................................................................................105 minutes per relay 40 shots......................................................................................................................75 minutes per relay

International Air Pistol - Indoor 60 shots....................................................................................................................145 minutes per relay 40 shots....................................................................................................................100 minutes per relay

International Pistol Relay times vary with course of fire used. See rulebook for specific times.

Action Pistol Relay times vary with course of fire used. See rulebook for specific times.


Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide

Awards: An award should be offered to the winner of each match. In addition, a top place award should be offered in each class: High Master (if applicable), Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman (or Master, AAA, AA, A and B for Silhouette). The program can provide that additional awards will be given in each class for each additional 5 or 10 competitors entered in a class over a minimum of 10. Using this plan, competitors know that more shooters in a class means more prizes. Tournament sponsors know that they are not saddled with a big bill for prizes unless the competitors will be there in sufficient numbers to justify it. If the entry is expected to be small, classes may be combined for issuing awards, but such anticipated combining of classes should be spelled out in the program. Medals are the time-honored prizes in shooting matches, as in any sport which is Awarding medals is a time-honored tradition predominatley amateur oriented. The new shooter usually prefers medals over other types of awards. A gold colored medal is usually given to the match winner. For class winners, silver is usually offered to first place and bronze medals to other places. However, medals may be too costly. As a substitute, merchandise or other useful prizes such as groceries, ammunition, or shooting equipment may be offered (giving merchandise or money as prizes should be avoided during junior tournaments if shooters have the opportunity to shoot on a college teameligibility may be jeopardized). One problem may occur when a winner already has an item and has no use for two. This problem can be avoided by providing the top shooter has first choice, number two has second choice, etc.

Conventional Pistol competitors pull their own targets

Match Schedule & Conditions: The matches to be fired should be listed and described, e.g., “Match 1: 200 yards, standing, 2 sighting shots, and 20 shots for record in a time limit of 22 minutes on the SR target.” Indicate if the competitors are required to operate targets (High Power Rifle), or set targets (Silhouette). The competitor should know how much ammunition is needed, what he or she is required to do, and what sight dope will be needed. For instance, if a High Power Rifle Silhouette tournament is to be fired on scaled down targets at 500 yards instead of fullsized targets at 500 meters, the competitor should be made aware in advance via the program. In team events, be very sure to indicate in the program which teams can compete, with a statement such as “Team Match open to one or more four-member teams representing any NRA affiliated club, police department, branch of the Regular Service, National Guard, or Reserve component.” Such statements tie in with “NRA Rules will govern,” and the rulebook can be referred to as a guide for eligibility.

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 1


General Information: Here is where you tell our shooters what is available for their comfort and convenience. Are there lavatory facilities at the range? Potable water? Campsites? Will there be food available at the range? What kind? Where are the motels and hotels? Include, names, telephone numbers, and web sites, if available. Classification of Competitors: Use the NRA Classification System to divide competitors for awarding prizes. Those who are not familiar with this system should see Section 19 of any NRA rulebook. Most tournament sponsors establish competitor categories for the awarding of prizes. In smallbore and high power rifle tournaments, for example, sponsors may set up two categories - one for civilian competitors and one for all others. In pistol tournaments, the sponsor may set up one category for Police, one for Civilians, and one for the Armed Services. When competitors register for such tournaments, they state the categories for which they are eligible. Where categories are used, the classification of shooters according to the NRA National Classification system into High Master (if applicable), Master, Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman classes is done within each category. This classification is the normal method of awarding prizes.

Divide competitors using one of the different systems for the best distribution of awards


Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide


Sumac Bay Monthly NRA High Power Rifle Tournament

Date of Competition:

April 9, May 17, June 11, 2015

Sponsored by:

Sumac Bay Rifle & Revolver Club

Directions to Range:

Range is on County Road 221, 3 miles north of Sumac


Open to anyone 16 years of age and older

Entry Fee:

$13.00 + $4.50 NRA Fee $17.50 Total

Entries Close:

Entries will be received until 7:45 AM or to range capacity

Post Entries:

Post entries will be accepted on the day of competitions until the range is full


Send advance entries to: Mrs. M.T. Chamber, PO Box 100, Sumac Junction, IL 21664

Firing Starts:

The first relay will commence firing at 9:15 AM


Current NRA High Power Rules apply

Course of Fire: 2 sighter shots allowed before each match Match 1 Slow Fire - 200 yards - 20 shots standing 1 minute per target Match 2 Rapid Fire - 200 yards - 2 strings of 10 shots sitting or kneeling - 60 seconds firing time Targets:

SR - 3


Standard NRA Classification will be used


A trophy will be given to the Open Winner, High Woman, and High Junior

General Information:

Potable water and lavatory facilities available at the range. Camping is permitted. Chili, sandwiches, and coffee will be sold at the range. Shooters will score and operate targets.

For information, contact:

John T. Bullseye - (555) 123-1211

PLEASE NOTE: Portions of this sample which are underlined must be incorporated as stated into your program, per the rulebook Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 1



Tournament Officials

Officials are the people who will be responsible for the tournament’s success. An expert shot does not always make the best tournament official although experience as a shooter is desirable. It is essential that each officer works well with others. People who frequently “blow their top” have little chance of running a successful tournament. In some tournaments, where the officers are allowed to compete, their competition will suffer. Be sure to check your rulebook for an official list of tournament officials who cannot compete. Match Director: Here is the tournament’s top official. This person must be an organizer. Usually one of the more experienced club members is named to this post. DO NOT let the member designated get the idea it is an honorary post. Other key officers report to the Match Director, who has the responsibility to make the final decisions. The Match Director should be an experienced tournament competitor, if possible, and must see that all rules are obeyed. A good Match Director enforces all rules without partiality and sees to it that other officials do the same. The Match Director must be present all the time and must check both competitors and officials on the range and in the office. Chief Range Officer: Should have experience as a competitor in the type of tournament sponsored. This official directs the operation of the range. The Chief Range Officer is stationed at the firing line and is responsible for the supervision of all activities from the firing line to the targets. Good match officials are critical for a successful tournament

Chief Pit Officer: In any tournament using pit-operated targets, this officer is under the direction of the Chief Range Officer. Shooting experience is necessary. In many tournaments, the Pit Officer will deal with youngsters in the Target Detail, so an ability to understand and work with young people is desirable. Chief Statistical Officer: Someone who is accustomed to office work is best suited for this job. An essential quality is a pleasant disposition. Competitors must be treated well so they will want to come again. Shooting experience is not necessary, although it is an advantage. Large tournaments require several Assistants to each Chief. Assistants should have as many abilities and characteristics of their Chief as possible - and at least one should be able to step in and take over the Chief’s job if it becomes necessary.



Chief Range Officer

Chief Statistical Officer

Range Safety Officers

Assistant Statistical Officers

Chapter 1

Tournament Operations Guide

Publicity Officer

Range Operations General Information High Power Rifle Black Powder Target Rifle Smallbore Rifle & Air Rifle Pistol Action Pistol Silhouette International Rifle International Pistol

Chapter 2

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 2


Chapter 2: Range Operations 2.1

General Information

Proper and efficient range operation is vital to the success of any shooting tournament. In high power rifle and pistol, much of the shooting must completed during short time limits which require even further efficiency in range operation to avoid unnecessary complications that may result in dissatisfaction of competitors. No matter how experienced the range and pit crews are, you should conduct an advance instruction school so they will be familiar with new equipment installed, new ideas developed, etc. Go over rules with those who will be making decisions, show them what constitutes the common equipment and ammunition failures, how to rule on whether a competitor can refire, how to score difficult targets, and how to handle challenges and protests. Microsoft Powerpoint can be an excellent tool in making an effective presentation.

Pre-Tournament Preparations The Match Director will expect the Chief Range Safety Officer to see that all range (and pit, if used) facilities are properly prepared. Some of these preparations include: Communications: The most common communication between firing line and pit is by radio. Make sure your radio system is in working condition. If more than 10 -12 targets are used, a low volume public address system in the pit is desirable. In running rapid fire stages, every target operator must hear instructions and commands perfectly. Public Address System: Arrange for and test the public address system. Idle conversation, jokes, and anything except necessary use of the PA system must be prohibited! Whoever is giving firing line commands should check current NRA rules. Be sure they are used exactly as written. It will help if commands are always the same and given in the same cadence, using the commands exactly as they appear in the rulebook. Identification: Arrange for the Range Officials to be easily identifiable by having each one wear a bright colored hat, cap, and jacket, or a special vest or armband. Grass Cutting: Cut grass over the entire range. Be sure to cut all long blades and weeds between firing line and targets for rifle tournaments, or they will show in the sights of prone shooters and cause irritating delays while being removed. Repair Bad Firing Points: Paint whatever is necessary. A freshly painted range is a beautiful sight! Check all target frames and make sure these are in proper operating condition. Nothing will sour a new shooter more then being squadded in a less than ideal firing point. Every firing point should be in pristine condition


Chapter 2

Supplies: The Statistical Officer needs to order supplies and see that enough targets (including backing cards for smallbore), centers, and pasters are ordered far enough in advance to assure delivery by tournament day. Have target backing boards on hand if these are used (pistol & smallbore events).

Tournament Operations Guide

During the Match Chain of Command: The Chief Range Officer (CRO) will give the firing line commands and spends most of the time in the booth or on a stand near the center of the range. If more than 25 targets will be used, the CRO should have an Assistant Range Officer for each target block. The Assistant Range Officers signal the CRO when their block of competitors is ready to fire, or has ceased firing and guns have been made safe. Announce Match Conditions: Before each relay, the officer giving commands over the PA system should announce the match, relay number, and the match conditions. This announcement puts the shooters on notice as to the equipment allowed, course of fire, and other pertinent information. Match and Relay Information: Many tournaments provide consistent match and relay information where it can be easily seen by everyone. Prepare panels or bulletin boards and place these in a prominent spot, such as on the side of the CRO’s stand. Panels show: 1) Match Number being fired; 2) Relay Number now firing.

Place match information in an easy to see location

Start Matches on Time: If the program states that firing will commence at 8:00 AM, that is the time to start, no exceptions. Call the first relay to the firing line in time to get the first shot away right on the button. Competitors will respect you for it, and later matches will run smoother due to everyone knowing they have a schedule to stick to. Do not worry about competitors who are late for the first event. They have been told when to be there, so if they are late, do not inconvenience the other shooters because some are out of step. Latecomers should not be allowed to set up on the line after the preparation period has started. Changing Targets: This job is usually done by the competitors in smallbore and pistol tournaments. This keeps the expense down and permits competitors to mount their own target to suit themselves. Tournament personnel must see that a supply of pistol targets (already mounted on cardboard backers) and centers are provided. These should be kept near the target line to eliminate the need for shooters to carry them from the firing line. Fresh Targets: In pistol and high power rifle events, see that fresh, clean targets and centers are supplied as frequently as necessary. Several strings can be fired at targets in high power rifle; but, once the scoring lines begin to be disfigured by pasters, it is time to put on a new center. After about 5 centers have been used, tear off and start over with a completely new target. In pistol matches, more frequent target changes are needed. Almost all scoring is after 10 shots. This costs very little, gives the competitor a nice clean aiming and scoring surface, and saves time. Use tagboard targets and centers as bullet holes are sharp and clean. In smallbore competition, targets should be marked by stage, match, relay, and firing point information for identification after scoring. These targets should be supplied to the shooter prior to going to the firing line. Target pick-up after firing is a Statistical Office responsibility.

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 2


Extend courtesy when correcting a rules violation

Correcting Rule Violations: Rule violations do not occur frequently, but when they do, they must be handled properly. Apply common sense and courtesy while doing so. In the majority of cases, the competitor is not aware of the violation. See Section 9 of the rulebook for information on penalties and disqualifications. Warn the competitor who has been disobeying a rule, and allow for correction of the violation. After one warning, it may be necessary to disqualify the competitor. Unless the fault is dangerous for safety reasons, do not make the correction while the competitor is aiming and about to fire. Corrections are best made between shots, between stations, between strings (in rapid fire), or while the competitor is off the firing line. Correct any safety violations immediately. The first warning must be given by the Referee, Jury, Chief Range Officer, or an Assistant Range Officer. Lower ranking officials should call these Officers’ attention to rule infractions they observe. If it becomes necessary to disqualify a competitor, this is done only after the Match Director has been informed of the matter. It will be the Match Director, Referee, or Jury who are authorized to notify and disqualify the offender.

After the Match Post a preliminary bulletin of scores and the time limits for challenges. The challenge time is generally 30 minutes to one hour after the preliminary bulletin and provides competitors the opportunity to check scores for incorrect posting. Awards: There are several ways to handle awards, listed below. 1) Presentation ceremony immediately after challenge time expires. 2) Awards table or window where competitors may pick up awards. 3) Mailing awards to competitors. Whichever of these methods you follow, competitors must be advised in some way, be it written notification, e-mail, by the Match Director’s bulletin at the match, or a statement contained in the program. Required reports & bulletins (see Stat Office Operations): Registered Tournaments require the sponsor to furnish each competitor with an Official Bulletin. Often these are e-mailed to the competitors, or posted online on the sponsor’s website. Sample Final Bulletin cover

VIP’s make excellent presenters, pictured is former NRA President John Sigler


Chapter 2

Tournament Operations Guide

High power rifle is among NRA Competitive Shootings most popular disciplines


High Power Rifle

As the sponsor of a High Power Rifle tournament, you must make some basic decsions on how the range will operate. It is acceptable for clubs to provide paid target pullers. However, this will increase operating costs and therefore, entry fees. Normally, tournaments are organized so that shooters will score and operate targets. There should be at least 4 relays, so that a shooter and a scorekeeper are on the line and two target operators are in the pits. The sequence of firing must be adjusted to allow the target operators to have their turn on the firing line under conditions of weather and light similar to those enjoyed by the other relays. A typical firing schedule would call for Relay 1 and 2 to fire all 200 yard matches or stages, and then switch with Relay 3 and 4. Relay 3 and 4 would finish their 200 yard matches or stages, and then move back to 300 yards and complete the course of fire. When Relays 1 and 2 have completed firing, they would switch with Relays 3 and 4 and complete the day’s firing. The three pit changes in the scheme outlined will take an average of 25 minutes each and this time must be allowed in your estimate of time required. Allow about 15 minutes each for the two distance changes that do not involve a pit change. Range Flags: The display of the red range safety flag is an indicator of an active range and an important safety measure. Note the requirement of Rule 6.9. Ideally, a flag will be displayed at each approach to the range. The red or yellow wind flags should be displayed at various distances between the firing line and the targets. Targets: Must be repaired or replaced periodically so that shot values may be accurately determined. For full distance (200, 300, and 600 yard) shooting, one full face SR target and one MR-1 target per point will generally suffice for a day’s shooting. Each shooter should be given a fresh repair center before scoring becomes difficult and imprecise. Your planning should include having these repair centers on hand in sufficient quantity. The Pit Officer should control the use of these centers and they should be applied to all targets at the same time. Using the relay and pit change described above for a 4-relay tournament with shooters operating targets, the following page outlines a plan for target and repair center use (per firing point).

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 2


Target Planning

Target planning is crucial


Chapter 2

Relay 1, Match 1: 20 shots standing Relay 2, Match 1: 20 shots standing

New SR Target SR-C Repair center

Relay 1, Match 2: 20 shots sitting rapid Relay 2, Match 2: 20 shots sitting rapid Pit Change Relay 3, Match 1: 20 shots standing Relay 4, Match 1: 20 shots standing

SR-C Repair center SR-C Repair center

Relay 3, Match 2: 20 shots sitting rapid Relay 4, Match 2: 20 shots sitting rapid Move back to 300 yards Relay 3, Match 3: 20 shots prone rapid Relay 4, Match 3: 20 shots prone rapid Pit Change Relay 1, Match 3: 20 shots prone rapid Relay 2, Match 3: 20 shots prone rapid Move back to 600 yards Relay 1, Match 4: 20 shots prone slow Relay 2, Match 4: 20 shots prone slow Pit Change Relay 3, Match 4: 20 shots prone slow Relay 4, Match 4: 20 shots prone slow

SR-C Repair center SR-C Repair center

SR-C Repair center SR-C Repair center

SR-3 Repair center SR-3 Repair center SR-3 Repair center SR-3 Repair center New MR-1 target MR-1 Repair center MR-1 Repair center MR-1 Repair center

In this plan, each firing point requires one new SR target, one new MR-1 target, seven SR-C repair centers, four SR-3 repair centers, and three MR-1 repair centers. You may feel that this plan is too generous or your relay system may not fit this scheme. The point to remember is to have a plan and to follow it. The script (the actual sequence of voice commands used by the Range Officer, the Pit Officer, and for official communication between the firing line and target pit) is set forth in Rules 10.7 - Firing Line Procedures and Commands, 10.8 - Pit Procedures and Commands, and 10.15 Telephone Messages. When the tournament is over, do not release your target operators and shooters in a sudden burst of enthusiasm and relief. Remember the old adage, “many hands make light work.� The target operators can be asked to face up targets, to replace them in your target shed, turn in spotters, chalk, pasters, and scoreboards, and to police trash before they leave the pits. While this is going on, shooters on the line can police trash and brass on the line (they should have done this at each yard line before leaving it). Remember, there is plenty of time for this, since the Statistical Office will not have posted the results of the last match. The operating personnel of the club, of course, must lower and store range and wind flags, make sure range equipment is properly stored, break down the communications system, and make a final check for items (yours and the shooters’) that are left on the range. It is much easier to identify and return lost-and-found items before the shooters have departed.

Tournament Operations Guide


Black Powder Target Rifle Competition

Black Powder Target Rifle tournaments can be run on any High Power Rifle range, using basic High Power Rifle operations. These tournaments are run at 200 yards to 1000 yards. Customarily, it is allowed to have 3 minutes per record shot including sighters, so a 10 shot string would be 30 minutes including sighter time. However, if running a tournament on fixed frames the sighter period (up to 600 yards) would be 12 minutes with the 30-minute record time permitted after the sighter holes are scored and pasted. It is suggested to use every other target carrier beyond 600 yards in order to reduce target damage due to the wind and bullet drift. The rulebook permits a great latitude as to course of fire, sighters, and time limits.

The Black Powder Target Rifle Championships are held at the NRA Whittingtion Center every year


Conventional, International Smallbore Rifle, and Position Air Rifle

Range Preparation 1) Check target holders. Are they in need of repairs (backer capability for Registered matches is required)? 2) Check range lighting and ventilation systems (indoor only) or check wind indicators (outdoor only). 3) Check to ensure that you have enough targets on hand for your match. Targets can be ordered through target manufacturers listed on the web at the NRA Competitive Shooting web site: 4) Check for comfort items. For example, rest rooms should be clean and stocked, as should the snack bar or concession area. (A snack bar/concession area is a good way to make money for the club and provides convenience for the shooters). 5) Pre-match conference with the Statistical Officer to insure a smooth flow of fired targets to the scoring room. 6) Select a location for the bulletin board. Choose a central location far enough away from the firing line so as to not disturb the shooters. 7) Have entry cards on hand because many shooters will forget the one you mailed them. Pencils or pens should also be provided. 8) Be sure the “ready� area is as uncluttered as possible since smallbore shooters often

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spread out with their equipment. 9) Locate trash and brass receptacles in places convenient for the shooters, both on the firing line and in rest areas. Match Procedure 1) Stages of a match may be fired in any order as determined by the sponsor and identified in the program and to suit local preferences, except when the program is specified by NRA (as in sectional tournaments). the most common sequence of fire is shown below:

a. b. c. d.

Indoor or Outdoor 3-Position: Prone, Standing, Kneeling (Conv. & Intl.) Indoor 4-Position: Prone, Sitting, Kneeling, Standing Outdoor 4-Position: Prone, Standing, Sitting, Kneeling Prone- Many variations: 50 yards, 50 meters, Dewar, 100 yards; or, Dewar, 100 yards, 50 yards, 50 meters (also popular) e. Position Air Rifle - Prone, Standing, Kneeling f. International Air Rifle - Standing

2) Firing Line Commands may be found in the Smallbore Rifle or International Rifle rulebooks, Rule 10.7. Most questions can be answered by the rulebooks. 3) Be sure to start promptly and keep up a lively pace throughout the match. Competitors do not like to be pushed, nor do they like a tournament run by an inefficient, foot dragging sponsor. Prompt scoring will also give the shooters the feeling that you are in control of things. Some groups like to shoot through lunch, while some prefer a break. If you are not sure, ask the shooters for their thoughts. After the Match Most match questions can be answered by the rulebooks

1) Request that competitors pick up all their refuse, brass, ammo boxes, etc., before they leave the firing line. 2) Have a crew ready to sweep down the firing line for indoor matches. This helps set up for the next match quickly. 3) Check all target frames for damage. Have them fixed prior to the next match. 4) Remove preliminary bulletin board sheets and complete the Final Results Bulletin. 5) Check score reporting cards (SR-1) for accuracy and legibility and mail to NRA with sanctioning fees as soon as possible (within 30 days for standard tournaments, sooner for special matches like Sectionals). 6) Send results bulletins (e-mail or online bulletin) with any awards to all competitors (within 2 weeks). 7) Inventory targets and supplies. Order more now, so that when they are needed at the next match they are available.


Chapter 2

Tournament Operations Guide


Conventional Pistol

Your range must be ready to go long before the first competitor arrives. Nothing will turn a competitor off more than arriving at the published time only to find that the Statistical Office is not quite ready to issue squadding tickets, check classifications, etc. When it is time to start shooting all range personnel must be in place; this includes the Chief Range Officer, Line Officers, etc. If mechanical or electrical turning targets are used, these must be checked out the day before the match, so time will be available to make any necessary repairs. They should also be checked out about fifteen minutes before the match to be sure all is well. The PA system, if used, must also be checked to be sure that all competitors can hear the commands. Competitor Registration The Statistical Office must be ready to register competitors at the time published in the program. Usually all advance entries received are squadded well before the tournament date and then placed in alphabetical order so squadding tickets and scorecards can be issued efficiently. Squadding is usually done by class so all Masters are on the same relay, all Experts are on the same relay, etc. This is not always possible, but an effort should be made to do so. The number of firing points you have made available and the number of competitors will determine the number of entries so only one, two, or three relays will be fired. Targets A sufficient quantity of the proper targets must be available at the range for the course of fire used. It is always advisable to have back-up targets on hand in case some are destroyed by bad weather. The number required depends Make sure to have enough targets for each competitor on the number of competitors expected. This is best figured by knowing how many targets will be required by one competitor to complete the match. Example: Outdoor 2700 Aggregate. A competitor will need the following targets for the .22 caliber stage (change targets after each 10 shot string). 20 shots SF, 50 yards 2 — B-6 SF stage of NMC - 10 shots, 50 yards 1 — B-6C (center) 20 shots TF, 25 yards 1 — B-8 TF stage NMC, 25 yards 1 — B-8C (center) 20 shots RF, 25 yards 2 — B-8C (center) RF stage NMC - 10 shots RF 1 — B-8C (center) SF stage - Reduced 50 yards to 25 yards 3 — B-16 Based on the previous section, each competitor will require the following targets for the .22 caliber aggregate: 50 yard slow fire, full faced (B-6) 1 50 yard slow fire, center (B-6C) 2 25 yard TF & RF, full faced (B-8) 1 25 yard TF & RF, center (B-8C) 5 25 yard reduced 50 yard (B-16) 3 Since the same course of fire will also be fired for the centerfire and .45 caliber matches, this total must be multiplied by three. Multiply this by the number of competitors and you will have the minimum number of targets required. This is just an example, and Tournament Operations Guide

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need not be followed exactly. If fired team matches are part of the program, additional targets will be required. Remember that target frames require cardboard (or suitable substitute) backers. Competitors are usually asked to furnish their own stapler to fasten targets and centers on the backing. Match Officials Duties of all match officials are described elsewhere in this guide and in NRA rulebooks. It is important that all firing line commands be given as shown in Section 10 of the rulebook. Additional range personnel may be required to pick up score cards from competitors and deliver them to the Statistical Office. This should be done immediately after each stage is scored. These people should also help to insure the cards are signed by both the scorer and the competitor. After the Tournament After the last shot is fired and the competitors leave, the sponsor still has much to do. Every effort should be made to issue awards before the winners leave. If possible, a short awards ceremony should be provided. If this cannot be done, the winners must be determined and awards mailed as soon as possible. A results bulletin should be prepared and sent to all competitors and a copy to NRA. This is required for all Registered tournaments. The registration fees, reports, and a completed score reporting card (SR-1 or equivalent) for each competitor must also be sent to NRA. A detail should be established to take care of range clean-up, including picking-up of brass, old targets, etc. Spent brass can be collected and sold to pay for gifts for volunteers. They will surely appreciate it.

The NRA Bianchi Cup is the NRA Action Pistol National Championship


NRA Action Pistol

Range Preparation There are 16 courses of fire in NRA Action Pistol Shooting and each requires a slightly different range layout. Refer to Sections 6, 7, and 10 in the NRA Action Pistol rulebook for specific distances, number and type of targets required, and general range layout (sketches provided). Some of the events require irregular spacing at varied distances and, therefore, it may only be possible for one or two competitors to fire at the same time. This, of course, depends entirely on the range space available to set up the selected courses. Most of the


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Tournament Operations Guide

events move quickly and should not cause any great backlog of shooters, even if only one person fires the course at a time. There are two primary targets used in this competition. One is the NRA Bianchi Target, the AP-1 Tombstone, available in paper and cardboard. The cardboard version is cut to exact size and might require modification to (or construction of ) frames. The other target is an 8� metal plate (described in Section 4 of the rulebook). This plate may be constructed with a foot to enable setting on a stand (six targets are required), or can be made into a more sophisticated rack with the plates hinged so they can be reset by the use of a lever or a bar. Additional targets authorized are the AP-2 and the speed target (steel). See Section 4 of the rulebook for specifics. Scoring is generally accepted on the frame after completion of each stage. Since only a few shots are fired in a stage, targets should last a long time with minimal upkeep, other than repainting before the next tournament. Match Procedure Sponsors may elect to include any one or more of the 16 courses of fire in their tournament. Only those courses in the rulebook may be included in a Sanctioned tournament. Sponsors may request Action Pistol paperwork from the NRA Action Pistol Coordinator at (703) 267-1478, or via e-mail at There is no charge for score cards. Refer to Section 10 of the rulebook for complete details on conducting each event, including timing, number of shots fired, stages, etc. After the Match The same procedures for any other match apply to NRA Action Pistol shooting, e.g., challange times, awards ceremonies, Final Bulletins, preparation and mailing of required reports and fees to NRA, etc.

Action Pistol shooters often utilize highly customized pistols

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Registration and Certification You will need to register the competitors, check their classification books to see if the class shown still agrees with advance entry, certify the firearms, and squad the shooters.

Chicken, Pigs, Turkeys, and Rams; the Silhouette targets

If your scales and trigger weights are located next to the registration desk, you can have the certifying official initial the shooter’s score card. You will collect classification books at this time and sell new books to those competitors who do not have books for the current year. Squadding Silhouette shooting is popular internationally in countries such as Mexico and South Africa

There are two basic methods of squadding the shooters for sequence of firing. In relay firing, if there is only one set of each animal (one “bay”), a relay would consist of four shooters, one firing on each type of target. Each shooter on the first relay will customarily shoot ten shots (one bank of five animals two times), and then make room for the second relay of shooters. When the first comes up again, each shooter will move to the next type of target in this order: chicken, pig, turkey, ram. The shooter who fired first on turkey will shoot next on ram, the shooter who started on ram will move to chicken, etc. This system, which is generally used in rifle silhouette tournaments, is easy to operate because it lets you assign a shooter to act as scorer for the relay ahead. Use of this system also ensures that each shooter will compete under similar conditions of light and weather. In the other method of squadding, each shooter is assigned a starting time to fire on chickens. When ten shots have been fired at chickens, the competitor proceeds directly to pigs and the next shooters starts chickens. In this manner, the shooter completes the 40-shot course interrupted only by the delay required to reset the targets and to move from each bank of targets to the next. The straight-through method of squadding just described is used most in Long Range and Smallbore Pistol competition. In Long Range Pistol, there are often up to six events being fired concurrently. Straight-through squadding allows you to assign competitors a starting time for each event that will permit the competitor to finish each event and have a short break before being on line for the next relay. The use of straight-through squadding makes it difficult to assign shooters as scorekeepers, and makes it likely that competitors in the same event will shoot under dissimilar conditions. If shooters are to be permitted to shoot for “long run” records, it is generally best to save this for the end of the shooting day and take care of it just before or after the shootoffs of ties. Target Setting An inescapable chore of any silhouette tournament is setting targets. Improper target setting can be the source of annoying delays. The ideal solution for High Power Rifle Silhouette, Long Range Pistol, and Black Powder Cartridge Rifle is to install protected pits or bunkers for target setters at each target line. You must have a positive means of signaling between the line and the bunkers


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Tournament Operations Guide

before the command, “ready.� A system of whistles, sirens, or flags can be used to communicate with the target setters, but voice communication by radio or telephone is the best method. Voice communication gives the ability to give specific instructions to examine a certain target, to turn a target that was improperly set, etc. Telephones or radios will allow commands to be clearly and effectively relayed across far distances. This, in turn, increases safety for competitors and match staff and ensures that relays are commenced in a timely fashion. Remember that target setting is hot, tiring work. Provide shade and something cool to drink in the bunkers for your target setting crew. Smallbore Rifle Silhouette and Hunter’s Pistol targets are never more than 100 meters from the line, and it is usually satisfactory to send the setters down on foot. Bulletin board facing sheets for silhouette are available from the NRA Program Materials Center home.aspx . If the shooter or scorekeeper is required to display the score card to the Statistical Officer after each stage, the scores can be kept current on this bulletin. Two purposes are served by this practice: the shooters and spectators can keep track of how the scores are running, and the Statistical Officer is not delayed by receiving all the data at once when the match is over. Before the shooting begins, appoint the Jury. Be sure that each agrees to serve. If the Jury is selected only after disputes arise, there can always be a suspicion that a Jury was selected to support a particular point of view. After the tournament, submit the Jury Report to NRA and send in stubs of any classification books that have been sold. Cowboy lever action is one of the fastest growing Silhouette disciplines


International Rifle Matches

All regulations for range operations for Smallbore Rifle (50 Meters/50 Yards), 300 Meter Rifle and Air Rifle are contained in the NRA International Rifle rulebook. Please refer to the Smallbore Rifle Section of this rulebook for assistance in setting up and running an International Rifle match as the types of ranges are often the same and the procedure is similar.


International Pistol Matches

You can purchase all NRA rulebooks from the Program Materials center

Like any other sanctioned tournament, your range must be ready to go long before the first competitor arrives. When it is time to start shooting, all range personnel must be in place; including the Chief Range Officer, Line Officers, etc. Mechanical or electrical turning targets must be checked out the day before the match, and time must be available to make any necessary repairs. Targets should also be checked about fifteen minutes before the match to be sure all is well. A Public Address system, if used, must also be checked to be sure that all competitors can hear the commands.

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 2


Targets A sufficient quantity of the proper targets must be available at the range for the course of fire used. It is always advisable to have backup targets on hand in case some are destroyed by bad weather. The number required depends on the number of competitors expected, and is best figured by knowing how many targets will be required by one competitor to complete the match. Example: Free Pistol 60 Shot Match - For each competitor, one B17 target and six B17C repair centers. If mechanical target carriers are to be used, the proper numbered targets are inserted and the numbers listed to match the competitor. Rapid Fire 60 Shot Match - For each competitor, five B37 targets and 30 B37C targets. Center Fire 60 Shot Match - For each competitor, one B17 target and six B17C for the precision phase and one B37 target and six B37C targets for the rapid fire phase. Women’s Sport Pistol - The target requirements are the same as for Center Fire. Standard Pistol 60 Shot Match - For each competitor, one B17 target and six B17C targets. Air Pistol - For each competitor, 62 B40 targets or 15 B40/4 targets with two sighting targets. Target frames must have a backing of cardboard or other suitable material to fasten the targets to by glue or stapling. In most cases, competitors are asked to furnish their own stapler to fasten targets and centers on the backing. Duties of all match officials are described elsewhere in this guide and in NRA rulebooks. It is important that all firing line commands be given as shown in Section 10 of the International Pistol rulebook. Additional range personnel may be required to pick up score cards from competitors and deliver them to the Statistical Office. This should be done immediately after each match is scored if scoring is done on the line. If scoring is done by a Scoring Jury, fired targets must be taken immediately to the jury, and competitors may view their targets only after the targets are scored. These people should also help to ensure the cards are signed by both the scorer and competitor. After the Tournament

Target frames must have a backing


Chapter 2

After the last shot is fired and the competitors leave, the sponsor still has much to do. Every effort should be made to issue awards before the winners leave. If possible, a short awards ceremony should be provided. If this cannot be done, the winners must be determined and awards mailed as soon as possible. A results bulletin should be prepared and sent to all competitors, and to NRA. This is required for all Registered tournaments. The registration fees, reports, and a completed score reporting card (SR-1A or equivalent) for each competitor must also be sent to NRA. A detail should be established to take care of range clean-up including picking up of brass, old targets, etc.

Tournament Operations Guide

Statistical Office Operation Chief Statistical Officer General Statistical Office Operation Bulletins and Awards

Chapter 3

3.1 3.2 3.3

Tournament Operations Guide

Chapter 3


Chapter 3: Statistical Office Operations 3.1

Chief Statistical Officer

The Chief Statistical Officer make the job easier by getting all equipment and supplies ahead of time, and laying them out in an efficient manner. Planning should be done so that office work can be accomplished without constant backtracking. Provide shelves or pigeonholes for storage of score cards, if used. Near the entry window, provide racks for all supplies that the person tending the window will need. All competitor service should be done through an entry window. No one but office personnel and tournament officials should enter the Statistical Office.

Bulletin boards are a great way to show current scores

The following list of equipment and supplies will be adequate for most tournaments: 1) Computer 2) Adding machines (smallbore only) 3) Entry cards 4) Score cards 5) Pencils - no erasers for scorers 6) Carbon paper 7) Bulletin board facing sheets 8) Bond paper legal-size 9) Rubber bands 10) Paper clips 11) Competitor badges 12) Brassards 13) Competitor packets 14) Cash box 15) Scoring gauges 16) Lighted comparator table (smallbore only) There are many methods of arriving at a satisfactory Statistical Office operation. Countless modifications have been made to every procedure developed. There are about as many Statistical Office systems as there are Statistical Offices, and it is impossible to cover them all. The Chief Statistical Officer should consult the NRA Competitive Shooting Division web site for samples of statistical office forms. You can also call directly at 1-877-672-6282. The NRA adds new cards as they are developed, so send for samples even though you think you are familiar with them.


General Statistical Office Information

Personnel: Someone who can use a computer with a spreadsheet is highly desirable. Be sure that at least someone in the office can operate a computer. Two or three persons (in addition to scorers) can run the office for a tournament of 30 to 40 shooters, but count on more for larger affairs. Sufficient personnel means that no one is overworked. Entry Cards: No matter what stat office system is used, obtain combination Registration and Entry SR-1 Conventional, SR-1A International, Action Pistol paperwork, SR-500 Police Pistol Combat (or digital equivalents) from the NRA in time to include one with each entry program, whether programs are sent out or given out personally. This will provide a uniform and convenient means for competitors to make entry, and save considerable work and confusion in the Statistical Office. The NRA furnishes these cards


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Tournament Operations Guide

without charge to sponsors of Registered and Approved tournaments. Complete the cards as the match progresses. Make an effort to have the cards completed before the tournament ends, this makes clean-up easier. Acknowledge entries: Acknowledge advance entries with an e-mail or post card. These cards also act as a receipt for entry fees received, and tell the shooter of any additional amount to be collected. Information usually covered in the acknowledgment is:

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

How much money received Any amount yet to be collected Registration number Number of events entered Time of firing first event Relay assigned

Competitor packets: Many tournaments prepare a packet for each competitor and place in it all items that are needed. In this packet goes the competitor’s squadding ticket, any labels needed, brassard, tickets for entertainment, and any other special information. Note on the outside of the packet any added amount to collect from the shooter (or refund due). The face of each packet should have a label with the competitor’s name and registration number. Completed packets should be placed in a box and filed alphabetically, ready to be issued to competitors during registration. Registration numbers: When any entry card arrives, assign the competitor a registration number. To the competitor, this is the “Competitor Number.” It is by this number that competitors are identified throughout the tournament. For easy identification of a shooter’s classification, many Statistical Officers assign a block of numbers to each class. For example:

1 to 99 - Assign to High Masters 100 to 199 - Assign to Masters 200 to 299 - Assign to Experts 300 to 399 - Assign to Sharpshooters 400 to 499 - Assign to Marksmen

Registration numbers make it easy to identify competitors

Squadding: It is accepted practice (convenient for both shooter and operating personnel) to squad a shooter on the same relay and same firing point for all matches during a single day. If the tournament runs more than one day many sponsors will change relays and firing positions all day. In rifle matches, squad left-hand shooters on the right-handed end of the range because their feet interfere with the competitor to their right in prone matches. When entries indicate that shooters are traveling together, they should be squadded where they have easy access to their car and equipment. Do not squad them side by side. It is best to squad Proper squadding ensures a successful match them on the same relay, unless they indicate

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otherwise. Beginners and Marksmen should be squadded together. Squad by classes, whenever possible, to avoid problems. Avoid squadding individual matches with members of the same team on adjoining firing points. This applies particularly to matches where competitors score each other. In gallery matches, there is no weather problem. Consequently, shooters can fire all events on the program during one trip to the range. The shooter can state the hour preferred to shoot, and can usually be accommodated. To provide such squadding, ascertain how long it will take for a competitor to fire all matches. If this totals two hours and there are ten targets available, squad twenty shooters to report to the range every four hours. The first twenty constitute Relays 1 and 2. Competitors on Relay 1 take their firing positions and fire the first event. Then Relay 2 takes it position and fires the match. Relay 1 again takes position and fires the second event. Relays 1 and 2 alternate in this manner until they have completed all fired events (including team matches). Shooters on Relays 1 and 2 are then free to go about their business and are succeeded on the range by Relays 3 and 4 who repeat the process. Many shooters who enter such a tournament would not do so if it required them to stay at the range all day in order to complete the schedule. This procedure allows the Statistical Office to squad out-of-town shooters at an hour convenient to them. A large tournament may be concluded on a small range. Shooting can be carried on for several days or several weekends. This eliminates a crowded range. This squadding procedure may also be used in Approved outdoor tournaments, but is more popular in gallery shooting where wind and weather conditions do not affect scores.

Make sure targets are set up properly

the NRA.

Squadding information: The squadding ticket (stub or labels) on each score card may be completed and furnished by the competitor concerned. A more modern way is to disregard these stubs, combine all squadding information for each shooter on a special single squadding ticket, and put this ticket in the competitor’s packet. These special squadding tickets are available from

Scoring: Scoring targets is no mysterious procedure. Anyone with fair eyesight can score accurately. A basic principle is to plug doubtful shots with a scoring plug, take one careful look at the gauge rim where it is closes to the scoring ring, make up your mind as to that particular shot’s value, and then go to the next. Do not keep looking, as you will not be able to make up your mind what to call it. Make honest decisions and go to the next shot. No matter how long you peer, you will usually come right back to the first decision. Someone will be sure to say, “Should the shooter be given the benefit of the doubt?” If a careful look leaves the honest belief that the shot hole does not touch the higher

Let the scoring gauge find its own direction, do not force it


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Tournament Operations Guide

scoring ring, then give it the higher value. When scoring any target, insert the plug carefully and through the center of the shot hole. Do not disturb unnecessarily the paper around the edge of the shot hole being plugged. Do not attempt to guide the gauge in any direction - let it seek its own direction. Targets are best scored while the target is in a horizontal position with the plug gauge standing vertical and free without being touched by the fingers. This allows the spindle to follow the same path as the bullet and the flange will indicate the true value. Unless your using an outward smallbore gauge, the view of the gauge should be directly from above the spot viewed, not a side view. A side view will frequently distort the picture, and inaccurate scoring will result. High power rifle targets are usually scored in the pit. Even though competitors may operate the pit and score, it is an excellent plan to hold a short practice session prior to the take-over by each group in the first match. The Chief Pit Officer can, in five minutes, explain to each group how they should score shot values and any other procedures he wishes to be followed. Outdoor pistol targets are almost always scored on the target frames by the competitors. No need for dedicated target reset teams. If scoring is done by competitors be sure that only officials of the tournament use scoring plugs. Frequent plugging destroys a true shot hole and may leave the actual value in doubt. If there is any doubt as to the value of a plugged shot hole in pistol, leave the plug in the hole until the matter is decided.

Smallbore targets require backers

Comparing smallbore targets: Smallbore matches are fired using backer targets. Backers are required for Registered Tournaments on both indoor and outdoor ranges. If your range is not already so equipped, request plans from the NRA. Backer targets consist of a plain unprinted piece of tagboard placed a few inches (see NRA Rules for distance) behind the Official target. By placing the target and backing card together after firing, and matching shot holes, crossfires are immediately seen as the bullet holes in the target do not match with the holes in the backing card. Double target frames made according to NRA plans will show 1/4� dispersion of shot holes for each firing position to left or right of the target. When targets are taken to the Statistical Office, the first job is to inspect all shot groups on both targets and backing cards. The majority of groups will contain no doubtful shots, neither possible doubles nor crossfires. These targets and backing cards need not be compared further. When a double or crossfire is found, full information must be marked on the target face, together with any penalty points or other information that will be helpful when the target is scored. Smallbore targets are used as the score cards

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Pistol targets are scored immediately after firing

Another very important use for a backing card is to provide assistance in determining whether two bullets have gone through the same hole in the front where there is doubt about the second shot. Such doubles can usually be seen on the backing card. To find a double, closely inspect each shot hole in the questioned group and see if one appears to have a darker edge than others. A second bullet passing through a bullet hole will deposit additional grease or lead around the edge, showing a darker appearance. A second bullet will also remove additional papers from the edges of a bullet hole, but may be so exactly centered that the hole is not visible enlarged. NOTE: Backers are not necessary in Light Rifle or Position Air Rifle tournaments. When a double is found, it can be identified by use of a spring handle scoring plug. Carefully insert the plug spindle in each hole in the group. The doubtful one should be the last hole tested. While carefully holding the gauge handle in your fingers, withdraw the spindle from the bullet hole and compare the resistance created. Not only can this resistance be felt through the fingers but is shown by the spreading of the spring. If the hole you have selected is actually a “double� there will be appreciably less resistance. The test should be carefully carried out so that as little deformation as possible is caused to the bullet hole, for it may be necessary for the Match Director, Referee, or Jury to make a similar inspection and test later on. After these tests are completed, be sure all information is marked on the target and initialed so it will not be necessary for the scorer to repeat the job. Where to score: Sometimes a club has no pit facilities for high power rifle, but wishes to put on a small 100 or 200 yard match. The targets are framed similar to smallbore targets, and scoring will be done on the line, as in Pistol, or in the Statistical Office. Indoor pistol and smallbore rifle targets are usually scored in the Statistical Office. Use of target carriers on indoor ranges provides a means of changing targets without anyone going in front of the firing line. Separate score cards: One Statistical Office system calls for a separate score card for each competitor in each match. These cards are available from NRA. This system can be used for any type of competition, but is more frequently used where scoring is not done in the Statistical Office (such as outdoor pistol and high power rifle matches). When using this system, the person preparing cards takes a supply of the correct type blank score cards and prepares one for each shooter entered in the match concerned. Entries are taken from the entry cards returned from competitors. The following information about the shooter should appear on each score card: 1) Name


Chapter 3

2) 3) 4) 5)

Competitor Number Classification Whether right or left handed (for rifle only) Category (such as civilian, police, service, National Guard, woman,

Tournament Operations Guide

junior, etc., if prize schedule requires this information)

Cards for each match are kept together after they are prepared. When entry closing time has passed, take 3 examples of official NRA score cards all cards for the first match and divide by the number of targets to determine the number of relays. For example, let’s say two relays are necessary If it is a rifle match, sort out all left-handed shooters and prepare to squad them on the extreme right end of the firing line. Sort out and place in different relays the cards for shooters who have indicated they will use the same gun. Then arrange to separate the husbands and wives of members of the same team. Finally, divide the cards into two nearly equal groups (2 relays), keeping all Masters and Experts in the same group, if possible. Now go through the first group of cards and number each in the relay space provided A1, and assign target numbers consecutively. If there are some vacant targets, spread them out - do not leave them vacant. Repeat for relay 2. The cards are sent to the firing line prior to each match (as already outlined), or turned over to the scorer if scoring is not done at the firing line or in the pits. In either case, they are returned to the Statistical Office when the scores have been marked on them, with the competitor’s signature certifying that the value of each individual shot is correct. When score cards are returned with scores, check the addition of totals, and post scores to the large bulletin board (which will be mentioned in detail later on). Competitors want to see their scores as soon as possible, so post them on the large preliminary bulletin board before any further work is done. Cards for each match are kept ranked in order of high score to low score. NOTE: In smallbore rifle matches when the targets are scored in the Statistical Office the targets constitute the score cards and must be kept in good order until the end of the challenge period.


Bulletins and Awards

Bulletin boards: The bulletin board should be large enough to contain each competitor’s name in letters about one-half inch high, plus a space for each match score. If the tournament will run two days or more, these score spaces may, if necessary, be limited to enough for a single day’s matches. Plan on at least that many, although having enough for an entire tournament is better. Columns showing registration number and classification are also required. The NRA can supply large printed paper facing sheets (SR-31) for bulletin boards, or you can make your own with Masonite or similar material. If you make your own, paint the background a dull black, and mark lines and letters in white. The left hand column is for registration numbers, the next for names,

Bulletin boards are essential for competitors to see their scores in a timely fashion

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and followed by columns for match score (both fired and aggregate events). As entries are received and registration numbers assigned, put numbers and names on the bulletin board under the proper classification headings - Masters first, followed by Experts, Sharpshooters, and Marksmen. Even on tournament day, keep the board current by adding post entries as accepted. The competitor’s scores are posted on the bulletin board as soon as completed cards come from the firing line and are checked for errors. Keep posting up-to-date so competitors can check their scores. Competitors are required by the rulebook to check the Official Bulletin Board for official notices.

Present your most important awards in a formal ceremony

Ranking cards and posting aggregates: After posting the scores for each fired match, post the scores to the aggregate match cards so they will be ready when the last event in the aggregate is finished. For this posting, sort the cards for each aggregate match into numerical order according to the competitor’s registration number. Have one person read the registration number and scores from the fired match score cards while a second person finds the corresponding registration number. Aggregate scores and rank these cards as explained for fired matches. Mark the prize information on the cards concerned, and post the aggregate scores and prize information on the preliminary bulletin board. To rank the cards in order of the scores first divide cards by whatever classes and categories are to be used for awards. Put the high score on top, and work down to the last card in the match for each class. Cards for competitors who did not fire should come from the range marked “DNF” (Did Not Fire), and be placed on the bottom of the pack. Do not throw these away. Now go through the packs and mark the prize information on each card concerned, breaking ties where they occur for scores that win prizes. It is not necessary to break other ties. Official Bulletin: Competitors are required to be familiar with all official notices posted on the Official Bulleting Board. The Preliminary Bulletin will be posted on the Official Bulletin Board. When the last score of each match is posted, note in the space provided in the heading for that match the time at which such scores become the Official Bulletin. The length of time between posting and when they become official will vary. The time should be as short as possible, but never less than the time required to allow the shooter to finish firing, check the scores, and challenge any score which is believed to be incorrect (see Rule 16.1 Challenges). A good standard time is one or two hours after the last score is posted. Scores posted for the last match on the first day of a two-day tournament should not become official until you know competitors have returned to the range the second day, usually one hour after starting time. After scores are official for each event, the prize-winning scores should be highlighted to show the place won. For example, first, second, and third place scores can be highlighted with blue, red, and yellow respectively. Class winning scores would be similarly highlighted (same colors) with a notation added such as “1st Master,” “2nd Expert,” etc. Final bulletins: Final bulletins will be posted on the Official Bulletin Board. Each competitor should be sent a final results bulletin showing all scores, in each match, (or at least award winners) and a complete registration list. Get them sent out as quickly as possible after the tournament. This is important as it wraps up the tournament, and


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is the first and best advertisement for your next one. Prepare these bulletins (SR-31A sheets or 8 x11 paper may be used) to show scores for each match, with competitors ranked from first to last in the order of their scores and listing the prizes the winners received. Send NRA at least two copies of the Official Bulletin, together with the appropriately completed Registration/Entry cards (or equivalent) and appropriate fees (these cards are not required for silhouette). Web posting of Official Bulletin: NRA Rules allow for official match bulletins to be posted online. Match sponsors have gradually been phasing out hard copies of match bulletins, due to the much easier viewing and distribution of such documents online. Issuing awards: The three or four most important awards can be presented with some ceremony as a conclusion to the tournament. Other awards should be issued as soon as the bulletin on each event has been declared official. Do not wait until the entire tournament has been finished, or the majority of the competitors will have departed. Issuing prizes promptly guards against many shooters leaving their awards to be mailed. Wrapping, addressing, and mailing prizes is an expensive and tedious job.

Issue awards before competitors depart from the match

Scores to NRA: All scores from Approved and Registered tournaments (except silhouette) must be sent to NRA (within 30 days for Registered tournaments) in order that they can be used for the competitors classification. For this purpose use the left side of the NRA Registration and Entry Card SR-1 - Conventional, SR-1A - International (Rifle & Pistol), or SR-45 - Action Pistol. E-Mail results: NRA will accept match scores submitted on an Excel spreadsheet. All required information must be included in the spreadsheet. A credit card number will be required to settle the match fees due to the NRA.

Sample computer generated results bulletin

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Chapter 3


View Shooting Sports USA online at this link: Shooting Sports USA is your one stop for information on NRA Competitive Shooting Sports.

The NRAblog is a great source for news about what is going on with the NRA. Point your browser to: NRAblog is your connection to the programs of the NRA. It is a project of the NRA’s Media Relations Division. NRAblog gladly accepts content from NRA members. Send your photos, stories, & contact information to:

NRA Publications have been covering the shooting sports since the beginning of the NRA



Tournament Operations Guide

Classifications, Categories, and Special Awards Police Pistol Combat Tournaments Classification & Categories Awards Systems Police Pistol Combat/Tactical Police Comp.

Chapter 4

4.1 4.2 4.3

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Chapter 4: Classifications, Categories, and Special Awards; Police Tournaments 4.1 Classifications & Categories

Classifications, categories, and/ or special awards plans are used in many tournaments to provide a system for the equitable distribution of awards among competitors. Sponsors may create their own classification category system in an Approved tournament. Registered tournaments must use the NRA Classification system.

Group similarly skilled competitors

Classification: Under a classification system, shooters of similar skill levels are divided into groups and compete against each other for awards. The NRA National Classification System is described in detail in Section 19 of the rulebook for each discipline. The NRA maintains a record of scores fired for every shooter who competes in NRA-sanctioned events Scores are averaged (except Silhouette), and a classification is determined for each shooter based on the shooter’s skill. The most skilled are termed Masters (or High Masters in some types of shooting). The three other classes used in descending order are Expert, Sharpshooter, and Marksman. Metallic Silhouette shooters are classified Master, AAA, AA, A, and B. NOTE: The NRA classification system is based on scores fired in NRA-sanctioned tournaments. It has no relationship to qualification levels (shooting predetermined scores) achieved in any of the NRA qualification programs, although some of the names (marksman, sharpshooter, and expert) are the same. Scores fired in Leg (Excellence in Competition) matches are NOT used for NRA classifications. See Rule 1.7 (d). Categories: Shooters may also be grouped for competition based on a common characteristic. Several categories are defined in Section 2 of the rulebooks. The following are considered to be standard categories, depending upon what the tournament program lists. Every competitor will generally fall into one of the standard categories. 1) Civilian - as defined in Rule 2.2 2) Police - as defined in Rule 2.4. See Rule 2.4 in the NRA Police Pistol Combat rulebook for eligibility requirements for NRA Police Pistol Combat competition 3) National Guard - as defined in Rule 2.5 4) Regular Service - as defined in Rule 2.6 5) Reserve - as defined in Rule 2.7 In addition to the standard categories, there are special categories. Competitors may fall into more than one special category. Special categories most commonly used are listed below (not in all rulebooks). Tournament sponsors can add any


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Women are a special category

special category they desire as long as the special categories are clearly defined in the program. 1) Junior - as defined in Rule 2.3. Note that all juniors are members of one of the standard categories listed above. 2) Intermediate Junior - as defined in Rule 2.3.1. Note that all Interme- diate Juniors meed the definition of Junior (Rule 2.3) and also fall into one of the standard categories. 3) Sub-Junior - as defined in Rule 2.3.2. All Sub-Juniors by definition are Juniors (Rule 2.3), and also fall into one of the standard categories. 4) College - as defined in Rule 2.8. 5) School - as defined in Rule 2.9. 6) Woman 7) ROTC 8) Senior - as defined in (Rule 2.2.1).


Awards Systems

A Tournament Sponsor may develop the award plan for the competition in any number of ways. In all cases, it is the Tournament Sponsor’s responsibility to clearly define in the tournament program the plan to be used and to specify how competitors are to enter (by definition, an award must be given for every match). Here are examples of various awards plans which may be followed: 1) Open Awards: Awards are given to the top scoring shooter(s) in match. 2) Classification Awards: Competitors are divided into classes based on skill. Awards are given to the top scoring shooter(s) in each classification. Usually the National Classification System is used (Registered Tournaments), but variations may be used (Approved Tournaments). One common variation is an added class for new or unclassified shooters. Another variation sometimes used in junior matches is to further divide the marksman and unclassified competitors into classes (as many as four or five) based on skill as determined by league average and/or qualification program achievement. These two variations are particularly useful in encouraging participation among new shooters in local activities. Copies of league programs which use such systems are available from the NRA Competitive Shooting Division.

There are many different types of special category awards

3) Category Awards: Competitors are divided into categories as specified in the match program. Standard and/or special categories may be used. Awards are given to the top scoring shooter(s) in each category. The sponsor should specifically indicate in which category competitors in each of the standard categories listed previously will compete. However, this does not mean that awards must or will be provided for each standard category.

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Example A: Sponsor decides to give awards in two categories: Service and Civilian. Section 2 provides definitions for eligibility in these two categories. Example B: Sponsor decides to give awards in three categories: Service, Civilian, and Junior. A Service Junior is required to enter the Service category.

In open awards, the top scoring overall competitors win awards

4) Combination of One or More of the Above: Probably the most common awards plan and the most popular is one that provides a combination of open, class, and category awards. All competitors are divided into classes and then each is divided into categories. Awards are then given in each class/category, as well as to the top (open) scoring competitors overall. The program must clearly state how many competitors must be in a class/category for an award to be given and how class/categories will be combined in the event there are not enough competitors. It is highly recommended that categories be combined before classes so that competitors of different categories are competing with others of the same skill level rather than with the shooters in their category but of higher skill. If all categories within a class are combined and there are still not enough competitors to give an award, classes can be combined. 5) Special Awards: If there are insufficient entries in a category to warrant separation of classes into categories, the sponsor can provide an overall category award and all competitors in the category would be eligible for the special award unless otherwise indicated in the program. An overall category award may be given in regular award categories, e. g. , Civilian or Service, or special award, e. g., Junior or College, and may be given even if classes are divided into categories. Example: All classes are divided into Civilian, Service, and Junior. Regular category awards could be given for Civilian, Service, and Junior. Intermediate Junior, Sub-Junior, College, and Woman would be special category awards. Since categories by definition can overlap, the sponsor may want to limit competitors to one class/category, or special award per match. If this is done, the order in which the awards will be given must be listed in the program.


The match sponsor has the option to develop the awards plan. Categories listed in the rulebook may or may not be used in any combination. The NRA Classification system must be used in Registered tournaments. Class variations can be used in Approved tournaments. It is imperative that the program clearly define categories and classes not defined in the rulebook and specify the method that will be used to give awards. Special awards will attract more competitors


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Police Pistol Combat / Tactical Police Competition Tournaments

Police Pistol Combat Tournaments

Police tournaments have increased rapidly in number during recent years. Police officers and departments favor such competition because it complements their training and instruction Hosting a NRA Police Pistol Combat tournament is a simple process and can be done at nearly all shooting facilities. Tournaments can be large or small, can NRA has worked with law enforcement for the last 50 years be conducted once a year, semi-annually, run every month or follow almost any schedule. Tournaments can be held at almost any range facility, such as at an agency range, law enforcement academy range, local gun club, or at a private or commercial range. Even an indoor range can be used for most tournaments. Tournaments may be a half-day in length for a small local Approved Tournament, or span multiple days for a large Registered Regional or Registered State Championship Tournament. What types of Tournaments are there? There are two basic Police Pistol Combat tournament types. They are Approved and Registered Tournaments. There are a few differences, but the main difference from a host’s point of view is that Approved Tournaments do NOT need a turning target system and Registered Tournaments require a turning targets system. The other differences are listed below: Approved Tournaments Turning targets are NOT required Scores are NOT eligible for National Records Scores are NOT eligible for 1480 or 1490 Honorary Clubs Registered Tournaments Turning targets ARE required Scores ARE eligible for National Records Scores ARE eligible for 1480 or 1490 Honorary Clubs Regional or State Championships must be Registered Tournaments

Pictured above is 2010 NPSC Champion Robert Vadasz

To get started, or for more information about hosting a Police Pistol Combat Tournament, please call us at 703-267-1632 or contact the Law Enforcement Competitions staff at

Tactical Police Competition Tournaments

The NRA Law Enforcement Activities Division created the Tactical Police Competition (TPC) program to encourage patrol officers to gain more experience, training and time on the range using their duty firearms. While traditional standard qualification courses of fire are very important, we believe officers need additional practice time, live fire exercises, and challenges to hone their skills and gain additional experience in handling and deploying duty firearms. TPC matches are comprised of four to seven separate courses of fire. Courses may be handgun-only, rifle or shotgun-only, or a combination of firearms. Each course is designed to challenge the officer’s skills in the use of their duty firearms and equipment. Some of the challenges include: assessing threat and non-threat targets; firing

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from unusual shooting positions; making tactical decisions of how to move through a course; using cover and working around visual barriers; being responsible for ammunition management; assessing hits; and balancing the paramount need for accuracy with speed. TPC is different in many ways from other combat or tactical competitions. Some notable differences include: • TPC is only for law enforcement officers, members of the U.S. Military and private sector law enforcement officers. • Firearms, holsters and other equipment must be “patrol duty gear.” • Courses of fire are designed as either Skill-Based Courses or Scenario-Based Courses. • Skill-Based Courses challenge the officer’s skills and abilities in handling, ac- curacy and overall proficiency with a given firearm system under set condi- tions. • Scenario Based Courses place the officer in a hypothetical law enforcement encounter. The officer must then decide how to run the course and solve the challenges presented according to their own tactics and skills. NRA Law Enforcement Instructor Development Schools teach “Bring the street to the range.” TPC is designed with a similar philosophy, and where possible, we attempt to have officers face the same challenges. For instance, in TPC there are no separate categories for high capacity handguns and single stack handguns, or different scoring systems for different calibers. This is because suspects on the street do not know, care or act differently because of any of these factors. If an officer carries a handgun with a capacity of only eight rounds, he or she should be very proficient in ammunition management and Tactical and Speed Reloads. TPC has no equalizing formulas for calibers and does not modify courses to make them “friendly” to specific firearm types. What an officer carries on the street should be what he uses in TPC courses. NRA Tactical Police competition target

An exception to our street reality preference is the use of multiple sets of threat targets. Most law enforcement firearm related street encounters involve one or two lethal threat adversaries. If TPC matches strictly followed this statistic, officers would fire only 10 to 20 rounds during an entire day’s match. While realistic in threat numbers, this is not a very efficient use of the officer’s time and fails to maximize range time for practice and training. As such, in Scenario Based Courses officers will find multiple engagement decisions and sets of threat targets to provide additional opportunities for officers to practice and evaluate their skills.

For More Information

Contact the NRA Law Enforcement Activities Division by mail, phone, or e-mail:

NRA Law Enforcement Activities Division 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030


phone: (703) 267-1632


Or find NRA Law Enforcement on the web at:

The NRA National Police Shooting Championships are held in Albuquerque, NM every year


Chapter 4

Tournament Operations Guide

Tournament Program Format Additional Information Sanctioned Tournament Program Format Available Supplies Comp. Shooting Division Directory NRA Club Champion Tournaments Final Thoughts

Chapter 5

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5

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Chapter 5: Tournament Program Format, and Additional Information 5.1

Sanctioned Tournament Program Format

Use the following as a guide in preparation of the program for your NRA Sanctioned Tournament. All items shown should be mentioned in your program. Items below preceded by an asterisk (*) is information you should send to the NRA in your first request for tournament dates. *TOURNAMENT NAME: Do not designate “State Championships” unless authorized to do so by the State Association; “Sectional” or “Regional Championship” unless authorized to do so by the NRA. *PROPOSED FIRING DATE: List first and second choice. *SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Name of NRA-affiliated club or association *FOR INFORMATION CONCERNING TOURNAMENT, WRITE TO: Give name and complete address as you want it listed in the “Coming Events” notice in Shooting Sports USA. *ENTRIES: List name and contact information of the person to whom entries are to be sent to. ENTRIES CLOSE: Start date and time. DIRECTIONS TO RANGE: List the directions clearly, a map from the internet can be extremely helpful. RULES: State that “All firing will be governed by NRA Rules.” COMPETITION OPEN TO: State any limitations on eligibility for entry. REGISTRATION FEE: List amount of tournament registration fee, if any, to be charged each competitor, and to what it entitles that competitor: pin, competitor number badge, copy of the Official Bulletin, social event tickets, etc. ENTRY FEE: State amount per match (team and individual). POST ENTRIES: Show that post entries will or will not be accepted, closing time, and fee. ENTRY LIMIT: State number of entries that will be accepted. FIRING STARTS: State hour that first relay or first match will begin each day. CATEGORY AND CLASSIFICATION OF COMPETITORS: See Chapter 4 of this guide. State how classes and categories will be combined when there are insufficient entries. AWARDS: List Schedule of Awards for both individual and matches.


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Available Supplies

Log onto the NRA Program Materials Center at: or call at: 1-800-336-7402



Smallbore Rifle High Power Rifle High Power Sporting Rifle Pistol 5 Meter BB Gun Police Pistol Combat Precision Air Rifle Position Sporter Air Rifle Position Silhouette Rifle Silhouette Pistol International Rifle International Pistol Action Pistol Black Powder Target Rifle Muzzle Loading Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun

CR16750 CH16420 CH16430 CP16650 CC16410 LC15100 CA16310 CA16320 CS16820 CS16830 CI16490 CI16500 CA16330 CB16390 CB16380

NRA Rulebooks are standardized. You can find copies online at the Competitive Shooting web site for printout at home, or order the pocket sized versions listed above

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Chapter 5



Competitive Shooting Division Directory

The NRA Competitive Shooting division is ready to answer all your questions. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly at our toll free line: 1-877-672-6282, or at for general information. You can contact our departments individually via phone or e-mail using the directory below. Office of the Director

(703) 267-1450

Tournament Resources

(703) 267-1485


(703) 267-1469

Tournament Operations

(703) 267-1459

Tournament Reporting

(703) 267-1454

Smallbore Rifle

(703) 267-1456

High Power Rifle

(703) 267-1479

Collegiate Shooting

(703) 267-1473


(703) 267-1474


(703) 267-1451

Action Pistol

(703) 267-1478


(703) 267-1482

Disabled Shooting

(703) 267-1495

NRA Competitive Shooting Sports staff are always happy to answer questions


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Tournament Operations Guide


NRA Club Champion Tournaments

Who is the best all-around shooter at your club or in your organization? The NRA Club Champion Tournament Match will help you find out, and your members will have a lot of fun through shoulder-to-shoulder competition. Proficiency with one firearm is easily attainable with hard work, but how good are you at three or more different disciplines? As a fund-raiser, annual event, or “fun shoot� this new NRA Competitive Shooting program will definitely bring the shooters out to see who the best all-around shot is at your club. This is how the program works. Pick three or more courses that your club can accommodate from the list provided by the NRA Competitive Shooting Division (contact info below). Designate a date to hold the match, and on the day of the match your club members will shoot all of the different courses of fire. The shooter with the best overall score (aggregate) in ALL disciplines will be your Club Champion, and go home with the top prize. The NRA will send awards to your club for Club Champion, 2nd, 3rd, High Senior, High Woman, and High Junior. Matches are never this easy, or fun! Deadline Dates: Event Packets may be ordered starting January 1st. Firing may be conducted anytime between January 1st and October 1st. NRA must receive all participant Entry forms, Match Reporting form, and all other fees by November 1st. Fees: The NRA entry fee will be $10.00 per adult shooter and $5.00 per shooter seventeen years of age and younger. Maximum fee to the NRA is $300.00. Clubs will return an entry form for each shooter, and a match entry reporting form after the tournament. Payment and reporting forms must be sent to NRA within 30 days of completion of the tournament. Awards: The NRA will recognize the Club Champion, 2nd place, 3rd place, and High Senior, Woman, and Junior Champions. The Champion will receive a Montana Silversmiths Club Champion belt buckle, and a Club Champion medal. The 2nd, 3rd, and High Senior, Woman, and Junior Champions will Receive NRA Club Champion medals. NRA Awards will be shipped prior to your tournament. Rules: The Event Coordinator/Match Director or club will pick a minimum of three different courses of fire from the list provided by NRA Competitive Shooting. Remember, the more, the better. All competitors must shoot each discipline, and the aggregate score will determine the Club Champion. In the event of a tie, the shooters will shootoff for 1st place shoulder-to-shoulder. The Match Director will determine the course of fire for the shoot-off utilizing the match events originally fired. From there, you can register your Club Champion tournament, download all necessary forms and a poster for printing, along with submitting your reporting forms and entry fees. Or you can contact us directly at: 1-877-672-6282 or at

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Final Thoughts

If you have any questions on NRA Competitive Shooting, do not hesitate to e-mail at or call us at 1-877-672-6282. Competitive Shooting staff will be glad to provide you with information on a wide variety of topics, including getting started in competitive shooting, choosing the proper equipment, rulebook information, obtaining a listing of upcoming tournaments around the country, and organizing a team or tournament. Running an NRA sanctioned match can be a very rewarding experience. There are bound to be hiccups on the way to success, be ready to overcome all obstacles. As a Match Director, do not be afraid to ask questions. Place trust in your deputies, as they will be full of valuable information essential to your job.

NRA GUN SAFETY RULES The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are: • ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. • ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. • ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

When using or storing a gun always follow these NRA rules: • • • • • • •

Be sure the gun is safe to operate. Know how to safely use the gun. Use only the correct ammunition for your gun. Know your target and what is beyond. Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate. Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting. Store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons.

To learn about gun safety, enroll in an NRA safety or basic marksmanship course. Visit this website:


Chapter 5

Tournament Operations Guide

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Create a flipbook
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