28 minute read
from 2022 Conference Program Book
*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule Saturday July 9, 2022 SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Westin Bus Lobby COMTO Fort Lauderdale presents its 2nd Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the COMTO Ft. Lauderdale Scholarship Fund. Prior ticket purchase required. Transportation to and from the hotel is available. The bus will depart the hotel at 7:00 am and return to the hotel at the end of the tournament. For those using their own transportation, the location is Jacaranda Golf Club 9200 West Broward Blvd., Plantation, FL 33324 YOUTH SYMPOSIUM 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Westin Bus Lobby The Youth Symposium has been designed to help our youth explore the various and vast opportunities available to them within the transportaion and transportation related industries. This is an Off-site Workshop presented by COMTO Fort Lauderdale.
REGISTRATION OPEN 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Rio Vista Come to the Rio Vista Room in the Main Convention Area to get your conference badges and bags and check in for offsite tours and activities.
EVERGLADES HOLIDAY PARK AIRBOAT RIDE 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Westin Bus Lobby Natural Park: Airboat Rides, Real Alligators We have arranged a tour designed specifically for our group, which includes lunch. Please note: a waiver can be obtained at registration and will need to be signed the day-of-the-event, prior to beginning the tour. You will not be able to take part in the tour without signing the waiver. Prior ticket purchase required. Arrive at Everglades National Park for Airboat Rides, Tour, Lunch, and Photo. Lunch includes choice of Ham, Turkey or Roast Beef Sub plus beverage.
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

schedule TECHNICAL TOUR: FORT LAUDERDALE-HOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (FLL) TOUR 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Westin Bus Lobby Behind the scenes, terminal tour. Prior reservation required. Tour starts and stops at the host hotel (Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort)
TECHNICAL TOUR: PORT EVERGLADES SEAPORT 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Westin Bus Lobby Behind the scenes of a cruise terminal, port operational overview, picture with cranes. Harbormaster office (optional). Prior reservation required. Tour starts and stops at the host hotel. (Westin)
TECHNICAL TOUR: SFRTA/MULTI-MODAL RAIL STATION 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM Westin Bus Lobby Experience Tri-Rail (The area’s local commuter train) and learn about their newest multi-modal station. Prior reservation required. Tour starts and stops at the host hotel. (Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort) Lunch is at registrant’s expense.
TECHNICAL TOUR: BROWARD COUNTY TRANSIT: RAVENSWOOD BUS FACILITY 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Westin Bus Lobby Bus Facility Tour. Prior reservation required. Tour starts and stops at the host hotel. (Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort).
RESPONDING TO THE GREAT RESIGNATION (PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT) 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Atlantic 4 In 2020 and 2021, employees got a wake-up call. Job security, satisfaction and better pay were several of the prime motivating factors behind the Great Resignation. Certain industries were unable to sustain themselves during COVID. In addition, COVID also changed the way employees thought about their safety and their security. However, the transportation industry kept moving.Transportation companies have to reassess how to respond to the Great Resignation. Employees who left the workplace, created a void in the ndustry that

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule resulted in a record number of vacancies. Nevertheless, there are opportunities for transportation companies to go after those employees who are looking for a more stable work environment. This workshop will attempt to provide participants with guidance on how to attract more people to the transportation industry. Once we get them, how to keep them. Participants will come away with a better understanding of what it takes to recruit and retain our next generation transportation workforce. Who Should Attend? • Participants interested in learning strategies on how recruit and retain the next wave of transportation employees at their properties. • Supervisors and Managers who are looking for tips on how to bettermanage their employees in order to retain them.
Sponsored by:
Speakers: Gregory Bradley, Bradley Consulting & Training Ken Middleton, Director, Diversity, Equity & Customer Advocacy Program, Jacksonville Transportation Authority
BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Invitation only 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
NAVIGATING THE FUTURE: ADVANCING TRANSPORTATION BEYOND DISRUPTION (TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Atlantic 1 For 50 years, transit agencies and the transit industry have invited and allowed ridership to be the sole definition of success. Volume goes up at an agency and the industry celebrates - volume goes down, and somehow the agency or industry failed (neither of which is necessarily true). During the COVID-19 pandemic, elected officials were wise enough to make significant increases in investment in transit agencies despite plummeting ridership. They saw our value when ridership was at record lows. Now is the opportunity to refine what success looks like on a comprehensive basis – ridership as well as quality, equity, access, job creation, environmental stewardship, and other elements of value. Due to the pandemic, transit boards and CEOs have a once-in-a- generation opportunity to correct the industry’s outdated, if not meaningless single measure of success – ”volume” captured through ridership by introducing a more relevant series of metrics relating to ”value”. This session will bring together senior thought leaders in transit to explore how they are thinking about redefining success at their agencies, using a new suite of metrics that matter, and deploying proactive marketing and communications strategies that leverage the measurable value they bring to their local communities.
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

schedule The pandemic has provided the transit industry with an unprecedented opportunity to reframe how we measure and communicate the value we bring to communities beyond ridership. As we recover, this panel will provide an actionable framework for change and highlight real world examples from industryleading transit agencies. Panelists will discuss how agencies measure and communicate the real value public transit delivers to communities, customers, and taxpayers – even when ridership is disrupted due to a global pandemic or other unforeseen factors.
Sponsored by: Speaker: Nicole McCleary, Transpro MAINTENANCE WORKFORCE OF THE FUTURE (LEADERSHIP AND WORKFORCE) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Atlantic 2 Maintenance function is key to ensuring that the vehicles customers use are safe to use and have high availability. This is the second largest talent that is required today to assist customers, and even today there is a shortage of maintenance personnel. As bus innovation ushers in Zero Emission and Autonomous technologies this maintenance workforce will need additional training and totally new skillsets to keep the vehicles operational. Today there are broadly three types of maintenance technicians: • Basic: clean and wash the bus, check tire pressure, take note of what needs to be fixed and do minor fixes; • Intermediate: change oil, fluids, wipers, tires and other items that need to be done periodically, and also fix things as per their training; • Expert: they troubleshoot and work on the big problems with the buslike the engines, transmission, software, electrical systems, etc. They also take care of bus overhaul These technicians have not had major changes in the buses over the last 20 years, but now there will be several Zero Emission technologies coming forth in the next 5-10 years. With Zero Emission buses there will be more electronics, software and integrated parts, in addition to the existing parts of a bus. Most of these technologies will not have Standards developed by the SAE. Bus and Truck Technician programs do not have training programs for these buses because they are not on the roads in scale. This panel will discuss on what will be needed in the next five years for the maintenance department and then share what tools MATA is investing in today that will allow the maintenance teams to have a stable continuum from a tool perspective so that workforce will not see major disruption all at once. This will be the start of the discussion on how to plan, organize and prepare for the Maintenance Workforce of the Future.
Speakers: Bacarra Mauldin, Memphis Area Transit Authority Krish Inbarajan, CEO, Preteckt Navigating the Future: Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption 29

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule HELPING OBTAIN PROSPERITY FOR EVERYONE (HOPE) FTA MOBILITY PROJECT (EQUITY AND MOBILITY) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Atlantic 3 Background Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT), in partnership with Feonix-Mobility Rising, Metro-Strategies, Menlo Innovations, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan, have been awarded an FTA grant to identify gaps in transportation access to essential services for underserved communities in Detroit. We will employ a multi-faceted approach to “identify gaps” utilizing community engagement and surveys as potential tools to better understand the current mobility challenges and non traditional barriers and access to transportation for: Healthy food options, dependable access to sustainable jobs and adequate healthcare destinations in underserved communities. The study will also document the network of public transit, human service, non-profit, and other informal transportation providers within Detroit. The project team, along with civic patrons/leaders such as yourself, will be engaged in setting 5 goals for breaking down barriers in accessing the above-mentioned essential services. The potential for using a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) model will also be explored from both the perspective of users as well as community-based transportation providers. The project study area will focus on specific zip codes in Detroit that have been most heavily impacted by persistent poverty, and that have been identified by the FTA HOPE Program. Implementation This project is slated to be a 9-month research study and, our plan is at the end of the study to then implement the findings to ensure that those that reside in underserved and underrepresented communities have equitable access to all of the above mentioned services without interruption. This panel discussion will focus on three barriers to transportation to social determinants: Access to Sustainable Jobs; Access to Affordable Healthcare and Access to Healthy Food Options. The Panelists include leaders in the Mobility field nationally: TimSlusser, Director, City of Detroit Office of Mobility; Valerie Lefler, CEO/ Founder, Feonix Mobility Rising; and Terrence M. Hicks, Managing Principal, Metro Strategies Inc. Speakers: Terrence M. Hicks, Metro Strategies, Inc. Valerie Lefler, Feonix Mobility Rising CREATING A CULTURE OF INCLUSIVITY IN YOUR ORGANIZATION (PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT) 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Atlantic 4 As the inaugural Chief Diversity and Culture Officer at The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), Keisha Campbell leads a team of approximately 100 Talent, Human Rights and Diversity professionals with a mission to enable and create a diverse and inclusive culture for over 16,000 TTC employees, the millions of customers/riders who use the system daily for work and play, and the many communities that make up the beautiful city of Toronto. In this session, participants will learn how to assess their organizations culture, create an action plan centered on Diversity & Inclusion and actualize that plan for the benefit of internal and external stakeholders.
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

Sponsored by: schedule Speaker: Keisha Campbell, Chief Diversity & Culture Officer, Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS & CHAPTER OFFICERS MEETING 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Oceanside 2 Meeting open to Council of Presidents and Chapter Officers. Sponsored by:
WELCOME RECEPTION 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Sky Terrace Join us as we kick-off the 51st National Meeting and Training Conference. This is also your transportation check-in for the Welcome Reception Cruise. Sponsored by:
EPIC FLORIDA SUNSET CRUISE 7:45 PM - 11:30 PM Registration for the Sunset Cruise on Saturday, July 9, 2022 must be made on the COMTO Fort Lauderdale website. A separate ticket purchase is required for participation. This event is off-site. Sponsored by:

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule Sunday July 10, 2022 ECUMENICAL SERVICE 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM Oceanside 2 Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Davidson, New Mount Olive Baptist Church
EXHIBIT GALLERY OPEN 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Las Olas Foyer
REGISTRATION OPEN 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Rio Vista
OPENING PLENARY SESSION 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Las Olas Ballroom COMTO is honored to have White House Correspondent April Ryan open our 51st National Meeting and Training Conference as our keynote speaker! White House Correspondent April Ryan has a unique vantage point as the only black female reporter covering urban issues from the White House – a position she has held since the Clinton era. Her position as a White House Correspondent has afforded her unusual insight into the racial sensitivities, issues, and attendant political struggles of our nation’s past presidents. COMTO is excited to host Ms. Ryan and have her share her unique perspective on equity, diversity and inclusion in our nation. The Opening Plenary Session will also include welcome remarks from key industry leaders! Sponsored by:
April Ryan White House Correspondent
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change. schedule EQUITY LESSONS FROM URBAN AND SUBURBAN MICROTRANSIT PROGRAMS ( (TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION) 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Atlantic 1 Advancements in on-demand technology is enhancing how public transit agencies delivery service. In response to the improvements, customers are increasingly using smartphone applications to access transit services. During the past six years, in what has become known as microtransit, transit providers have piloted various typologies of microtransit programs allowing customers to use a smartphone application to plan, request, pay, and track a vehicle in real-time to their curb. This session will use an interactive approach, an equity lens, and draw on lessons from select urban and suburban microtransit programs. First, the requirements to develop and implement a microtransit program will be identified and discussed. Then, the use cases and benefits of microtransit will be presented. The session will conclude with discussing how microtransit is one innovative mobility solution to help transit agencies, cities, and advocacy groups meet transit equity goals.

Sponsored by: Speaker: Jamal Schoby, ITP
LEADING DIVERSE TEAMS THROUGH CHANGE (LEADERSHIP AND WORKFORCE) 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Atlantic 3 With the passing of the new infrastructure bill that will invest billions of dollars into needed repairs on roads and bridges, millions of workers will enter or re-enter the workforce, increasing the need for workforce development programs. Anticipating and understanding that need, the District Department of Transportation invested in three workforce development programs that targeted a broad range of potential future bridge builders as part of the building of the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge. This presentation will outline the goals, objectives, and positive outcomes of each program and discuss how these programs can serve as case studies for innovative workforce development programs which may inspire or assist other cities engage in similar efforts. The STRIVE Program was a six-week, hands-on mentoring program that exposed District high school students with a proven affinity for STEM education to key discipline areas in heavy civil engineering. Jobenomics DC was a ten-week, grassroots program focused on basic job skills and heavy civil training to connect residents in the most impoverished communities in the District of Columbia to construction jobs and startup businesses.

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule The Construction Management Training (CMT) Program was a field service and classroom curriculum that provides accelerated instruction and opportunities for District residents with little to no experience in high demand jobs to earn certifications and increase chances of employment in the Construction Management field. In addition to outlining the details of each program, this presentation will share with attendees how to partner with stakeholders in developing and delivering workforce development programs for multiple audiences and offer insights on how to set up these programs for success in a post-pandemic environment.
Speakers: Howard Ways, Chief Operating Officer, District Department of Transportation Dennis Howland, Program Manager. District Department of Transportation Errol Williams, Project Engineer. District Department of Transportation Ra’Adia Cloyd, Office Engineer, District Department of Transportation
IS MOBILITY A FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT? (EQUITY AND MOBILITY) 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Atlantic 6 Mobility facilitates access to opportunity, and yet, distribution to mobility remains uneven across communities, even within the same city. A ‘mobility desert’ or ‘transportation poverty’ is defined as living more than one mile from the nearest bus or rail station, spending a high percentage (i.e., 20-30%) of income on transportation, and living more than a 1-hour commute by public transport, bike, or foot to access essential services. While we often think of poverty as tied to income, there is a vital and inextricable link between mobility and socio-economic livelihood. Estimates show that 45% of Americans have no access to public transportation. Indigenous communities, people of color, women, single parents, and newcomers disproportionately experience transportation poverty. Partnerships established with various transit agencies and operators across the United States have delivered systems that efficiently connect communities, enhance equitable access, and help build the future of shared mobility through innovation and technology. Learn what it means to be transport-poor, how innovation and technology fill gaps to reach marginalized communities and explore why we need to think of mobility as a fundamental human right. We will discuss how agencies, government, and the private sector work together to find creative solutions to address transportation poverty.
Speakers: Bonnie Crawford, General Manager - Umo Mobility Cubic Transportation Systems Sheri Gill Dixon, Director of Revenue, Hampton Roads Transit (HRT)
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

schedule CEO SUMMIT AND LUNCH (BY INVITE ONLY) 11:30 AM - 3:00 PM Oceanside 2 The COMTO CEO Summit brings together a cross-section of leaders from the transportation industry to discuss issues of diversity, equity and inclusion at the highest level. CEOs get an opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns with their counterparts from other agencies and companies and discuss the future of our always growing and evolving transportation industry. CEO Summit sponsored by: Lunch Sponsored by:
EXHIBIT GALLERY NETWORKING LUNCH 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Las Olas Foyer Grab your lunch from our array of food stations and visit all of the great exhibitors while networking with your fellow attendees.
Sponsored by:
COMTO MEMBERSHIP APPRECIATION ICE CREAM SOCIAL 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Las Olas Foyer Cool down with a sweet treat and connect with fellow COMTO members!
Sponsored by:
TRI-RAIL’S RIDE PARTNER SERVICE: THE TRANSITION FROM COMMUTER BUSES TO ON-DEMAND RIDES FOR FIRST/LAST MILE SERVICE (TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic 1 SFRTA will share its experiences, benefits and challenges in transitioning its first and last mile (FLM) service from a fixed-route bus system to a flexible on-demand service with the implementation of the Tri-Rail Ride Partner Service (RPS.) The presentation will illustrate how SFRTA embraced change and moved beyond the disruption created by the pandemic to adapt its FLM service to offer passengers a more convenient, direct and cost-effective service, while improving the rider experience. This session will also share lessons learned and next steps and opportunities for future expansion of the RPS program.
Sponsored by: Speakers: Loraine Cargill, South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) Jessica Vargas Astaiza, Transportation Planning Manager

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule THE NEXT GENERATION OF TRANSPORTATION ENTREPRENEURS: DEVELOPING & SUPPORTING DIVERSE BUSINESS OWNERS (LEADERSHIP AND WORKFORCE) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic 3 In this session, moderator Sara Stickler, President, WTS International, and speakers Helen McSwain, Emmanuella Myrthil, and Marvin Lee Thomas will discuss how current leaders can develop and support the entrepreneurial spirit in the transportation industry. Women business owners and DBE firms are vital for a successful and equitable future of mobility. This panel of experts will share their perspectives on how they grow and sustain their own support networks, what practical, financial and operational considerations business owners in the transportation industry need to contend with, how businesses implement sound DEI concepts and hold one another accountable in hiring and advancement practices, and how to create a culture that ensures women are granted opportunities for success. Additionally, the panel will discuss how to ensure the “next generation” of women and minorities consider transportation as a robust and valuable career path; and how to inspire young women to transform their great ideas in into independently owned businesses.
Speakers: Emmanuella Myrthil, Diversity Division Director, HNTB Helen Tift McSwain, Senior Vice President, Rohadfox Construction Marvin Lee Thomas, CEO, Triunity, Inc. Sara M. Stickler, President & CEO, WTS International
TAKING BACK BIFURCATED CORRIDORS (EQUITY AND MOBILITY) 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Atlantic 6 Our communities strive to provide an environment to thrive. There’s a positive trend to seek equity for members in our communities and address a sad history in the United States of transportation networks dividing and sabotaging minority communities for the sake of progress. Many years later, there have been bold attempts by engaged communities and transportation agencies to build up these legacy communities during infrastructure reinvestment opportunities. Multi-modal examples will be presented as case studies of progressive advancement of equitable investment programs in these historically bifurcated corridors, including MDOT’s I-375 in Detroit, MnDOT’s Rethinking I-94 in Minneapolis, and BART and Capitol Corridor’s Link21 Program.
Speakers: Cathy LaFata, Transportation Equity Director, HDR Gloria Jeff, District’s Livability Director, Minnesota Department of Transportation Joshua Salazar, MI Transportation Business Group Manager, HDR Kimberly Webb, Southeast Michigan Regional Engineer, Michigan Department of Transportation
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change. schedule SNACK BREAK 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Sponsored by: EMERGING LEADERS FORUM 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Oceanside 2 What does mentoring, professional development, succession planning and building leaders look like in a changing environment? What stayed the same, what changed and what is on the horizon? The highly anticipated Emerging Leaders Forum will focus on how organizations and agencies can foster professional development, mentoring and succession planning to position transportation professionals to be eligible for leadership roles, all in a hybrid world. In addition, a panel will discuss solutions in practice and initiatives that have been successful. Sponsored by:

EMERGING LEADERS RECEPTION 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Sponsored by:
SCHOLARSHIP GALA – KEYNOTE: SECRETARY OMER OSMAN 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM COMTO will present our 2022 National Scholars. COMTO’s National Scholarship Program supports our strategic goal of ensuring the continuing legacy of minorities in transportation. COMTO annually awards multiple national academic scholarships, ranging from $500 to $6,000 each to minority graduate and undergraduate students from across the country. Scholarship awardees are represented in all academic backgrounds and pursuing various careers in the transportation industry. This year’s Scholarship Gala will include a Keynote Address by Omer Osman, Secretary of Transportation, Illinois Department of Transportation. Secretary Osman will share his inspirational journey as an immigrant to the U.S. from Sudan to reaching great heights in transportation. Sponsored by:
Speaker: Omer Osman, Secretary of Transportation, Illinois Department of Transportation Navigating the Future: Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption 37

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule Monday July 11, 2022 EXHIBIT GALLERY OPEN 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Las Olas Foyer REGISTRATION OPEN 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM COMTO HQ Booth 16
DOT PANEL DISCUSSION 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Las Olas Ballroom Speakers to be announced
SNACK BREAK Sponsored by: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Las Olas Foyer FROM THE SEEDS OF SMART COLUMBUS (TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION) 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Atlantic 1 Prior to the Justice40 initiative, the Smart Columbus Electrification Plan focused on climate change, clean energy & energy efficiency, clean transportation, and training and workforce. This session will discuss what we learned and how it’s now informing work across the country.
Sponsored by: Speakers: Katie Zehnder, Vice President, HNTB Dr. Shelly Francis Crystal Styles BROWARD COUNTY TRANSIT’S PATHWAY TO EMPLOYMENT: RESHAPING THE WORKFORCE PIPELINE AND SERVICING THE COMMUNITY (LEADERSHIP AND WORKFORCE) 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Atlantic 3 Broward County Transit (BCT) will share its experience in creating and implementing the Transit Transitional Employment (TTE) Program offering employment opportunities to persons living in economically distressed areas, persons with
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

schedule documented disabilities and/or persons with criminal infraction backgrounds to fulfill entry level transit jobs. BCT will address the benefits and the challenges faced with the program implementation and share lessons learned with conference attendees. The National Association of Counties awarded the TTE Program an Achievement Award in 2018. Speakers: Kesha Davis, Assistant To Department Director, Transportation, Broward County Transit Arethia Douglas, Assistant General Manager, Transit Capital Programs, Broward County Transportation Department Newton Sanon, President and CEO -Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) –South Florida, Broward County Transit
LINK21: DIVERSE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR MEGAREGIONAL RAIL PROGRAMS (EQUITY AND MOBILITY) 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Atlantic 6 One of the central goals of Link21 is to create a more equitable means of travel for all types of trips in Northern California. To achieve this outcome, both the Link21 outreach and planning processes are guided by three principles: 1) Reflect – learn from the past; 2) Contextualize – better understand community needs; and 3) Cocreate – partner with communities for more equitable solutions. This session will highlight the virtual tools that the Link21 program is utilizing to engage a wide geographic and demographic diversity of stakeholders throughout the megaregion. We’ll first focus on how we went about identifying what stakeholders we needed to reach, understanding what strategies might be best tailored for them, and then developing the techniques. We will then showcase a comprehensive suite of strategies employed on the program including an interactive program website, surveys, social media posts, comment forms, interactive map, a StoryMap presentation, and others. Speakers: Erica Blonde, HNTB Kimberly Sims, HNTB Kyle Morales, HNTB
LEGISLATIVE PLENARY LUNCH SESSION 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Las Olas Ballroom The Legislative Plenary Lunch will address issues of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion via legislative or regulatory means in order to Navigate the Future and Advance Transportation Beyond Disruption. Sponsored by:
Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Veronica Vanterpool, Deputy Administrator, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Navigating the Future: Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption 39

*Times and locations subject to change.
schedule Veronica Vanterpool was appointed Deputy Administrator in May 2022 after serving as Senior Advisor since August 2021. She works directly with the Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration and as a member of the FTA team to advance the policy objectives and goals of the Biden-Harris Administration. Vanterpool came to FTA from Delaware Transit Corporation, where she served as the agency’s first Chief Innovation Officer. During her time at the agency, she launched the state’s first on-demand microtransit service in a rural community and oversaw the autonomous shuttle demonstration program. Her previous roles include being the Deputy Director of the national Vision Zero Network, executive director of the New York City based Tri-State Transportation Campaign and board member of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Having served on a number of boards, commissions, task forces and working groups, Vanterpool has 15 years of experience in advocacy, policy, media communications, public outreach, coalition building and issue campaigns. She is a native New Yorker born and raised in The Bronx. LEVERAGING DATA AND PARTNERSHIPS TO IMPROVE MOBILITY (TRANSPORTATION INNOVATION) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Atlantic 1 Transit agencies across the United States and Canada have face challenges over the last few years, from the introduction and expansion of TNCs, to COVID-19 to the rising fuel prices today. These tests present transit agencies with opportunities to adapt and evolve to serve the shifting needs of the public. In the last two years, much has changed in terms of where, when, and how we travel within our communities. The data reveal decreased travel volumes to business centers, but little to no decline at all for other travel purposes and areas. This shift presents opportunities for transit agencies to rethink the traditional 9 to 5 commuter trips as the primary base of ridership and address travel needs across the entire day, regardless of purpose. Overarching objectives include determining strategies for the future that 1) increase access for the community, 2) expand the reach of agencies, connecting more residents with their origins and destinations, 3) bring prepandemic riders back, and 4) attract new riders to the services while addressing equity needs in the community to ensure that those who need access to mobility receive it. Keolis’ data visualization techniques have allowed our transit partners to gain a better understanding of their operating environment and begin to work towards their objectives. Working with local staff at agencies, Keolis has helped co-create plans that identifies opportunities to improve mobility. The effort is innovative, positive for partnerships and community, and impactful to the industry in terms of better aligning the public and private sectors. One of our partners successfully leveraged the data we analyzed for them to secure funding from governments to expand services in line with objectives.
Sponsored by: Speakers: CJ Bright, Keolis North America Fatima Santiano, Keolis North America Lidy Chan, Risk Financing Manager, Massachusetts Department of Transportation Peter Gould, Vice President of Direct and Channel Sales, RideCo
Advancing Transportation Beyond Disruption
*Times and locations subject to change.

schedule WHEN BETTER IS AVAILABLE GOOD IS NO LONGER AN OPTION (LEADERSHIP AND WORKFORCE) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Atlantic 3 The Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA) along with the City of Jacksonville was recently awarded over 1 billion dollars in infrastructure, transit, drainage and roadway projects through the passing of the Local Option Gas Tax Extension. Over $250 million must be spent with local small and disadvantaged businesses. It is JTA’s goal to leverage these projects and use proven DEI strategies to achieve the following: 1.) Increase Workforce Development in and around the communities where these projects will take place; 2.) To stimulate the economic growth of small businesses in surrounding counties; 3.) To increase the participation of local small businesses on both federal and non-federal funded projects; and 4.) To create sheltered market for micro businesses to compete against similar size businesses.
Speakers: Greer Johnson Gillis, Senior Vice President - System Development and Capital Programs, Jacksonville Transportation Authority Ken Middleton, Director - Diversity, Equity & Customer Advocacy Program, Jacksonville Transportation Authority
EQUITABLE ENGAGEMENT TO UNDERSTAND HOW DISRUPTION HAS RESHAPED THE MEANING OF EQUITABLE MOBILITY & ACCESSIBILITY (EQUITY AND MOBILITY) 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Atlantic 6 Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, transportation accessibility and mobility were more narrowly defined; the terms were largely based on how comfortably and conveniently one could move around to their desired destinations and activities. The health of our transportation systems has now expanded to reflect a changing world whose norms have been disrupted by a boom in app-based delivery services, remote jobs, and the like. This workshop explores such disruption through the lenses of underserved communities, how that disruption reshapes what transportation mobility and accessibility look like, and how to capture that through equitable engagement. During the workshop, participants will learn about key principles of equitable engagement, explore user profiles to take a deeper dive into why and how we need to rethink our definitions of accessibility and mobility, and become familiar with engagement tools that can be employed to do this. User profiles will represent diverse sets of individuals from underserved communities and will consider characteristics such as income and education level, access to the internet, access to online health services, health status, job opportunities, current transportation options, and propensity to use transportation technology and advancements including micro-mobility modes, automated, connected, electric, and shared vehicles, and app-based transportation services. Participants will walk away from the workshop with a renewed view of equitable engagement and a corresponding set of tools.
Speakers: Denise Smith, Chief Strategy Officer, Hummingbird Firm MaKara Rumley, Hummingbird Firm Nicole Fincham-Shehan, Palm Tran

schedule SNACK BREAK 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Sponsored by: HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES FORUM 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Oceanside 2 Sponsored by: The Historically Underutilized Businesses Forum will feature two distinct panel discussions with industry leaders and agencies. The first panel will focus on best practices, challenges, opportunities and lessons-learned from state agencies around setting, monitoring and strategically increasing MWDBE goals. Panelists will discuss how requirements are established, evaluated, and adjusted to meet the needs of communities served. During the second panel, attendees will hear updates from the US DOT on studies, rule-making and planned grant funding for FY23 related to DBE’s. Topics will include FY 23 grant opportunities, the FRA disparities study, Agency supported National Centers and more.
2023 HOST CHAPTER RECEPTION 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Las Olas Foyer Join our 2023 Host Chapter COMTO Southern California (SoCal) at our pre-Industry Awards cocktail reception. COMTO SoCal will give attendees a little taste of at what they can expect at next year’s National Meeting and Training Conference in California. Sponsored by:
INDUSTRY AWARDS GALA 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Las Olas Ballroom Join us for an evening of awards at this spectacular signature closing event of the Conference. For more than 30 years, the Industry Awards Gala has recognized individuals, organizations, and COMTO Chapters which have made outstanding contributions to the transportation industry throughout the year. Industry Awards honorees come from all sectors and modes of the industry. Don’t forget your dancing shoes!