English & Español Ano III
Quem somos
B E M -V IN DOS À T ERCEIR A ED IÇÃO DA R E VISTA HOL A NEWS! Mais um ano de trabalho intenso e a
equipe de Línguas Estrangeiras da Escola
mesmo, com os outros e com o objeto do
Comunitária de Campinas sente-se honrada
conhecimento, mediado pela linguagem”.
em lançar a 3ª edição de sua revista, na qual
diferentes momentos, eventos e realizações
estrangeiras modernas como o inglês e o
poderão ser compartilhados com toda a
espanhol se torna essencial e extremamente
nossa comunidade.
relevante dentro desse contexto. E para que
isso aconteça promovemos oportunidades
Nesta edição, compartilhamos momentos
de ensino/aprendizagem e, principalmente,
significativos, vividos por nossos alunos em
exposição/aplicação dos idiomas, visando
todos os segmentos, da Educação Infantil ao
resultados cada vez mais consistentes. Nessa
Ensino Médio, nas aulas de inglês e espanhol.
perspectiva, teremos para 2019 mais uma
Também incluímos breves descritivos sobre
novidade: o programa de duplo diploma,
cursos e conferências em que nossa equipe de
o High School americano, oferecido pela
professores participou, concretizando assim
Franklin Virtual High School para nossos
nossa meta de manter um estudo contínuo do
alunos a partir do 9º ano Fundamental 2.
idioma e de constante atualização em relação
Ainda segundo nosso PPP, “o mundo
às novas abordagens e ferramentas para o
contemporâneo é complexo, é um mundo
ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Além disso,
globalizado que traz uma revolução na visão
apresentamos alguns projetos desenvolvidos
de espaço, de tempo, de cosmos. Estamos
pela equipe de inglês do Período Integral da
diante de um cenário em escala mundial....
Escola Comunitária de Campinas.
Novos paradigmas regem a sociedade da
Com nossa revista queremos também
informação e da comunicação. As mudanças
reforçar a importância do ensino de línguas
são profundas, rápidas e substanciais. A
estrangeiras em nossa escola! Nossos alunos
velocidade e a qualidade das conquistas
precisam dialogar com a realidade que está
científicas e tecnológicas ampliam espaços,
lá fora. Muito têm se discutido sobre escolas
deixando-os sem limites, sem fronteiras,
bilíngues, programas bilíngues, bilinguismo. O
expandindo e diversificando as possibilidades
que temos como meta na Escola Comunitária
de conexão”.
é formar um aluno bilíngue competente.
Convidamos todos a se conectarem ao
Como descrito em nosso Projeto Político
nosso trabalho. Esperamos que apreciem a
Pedagógico, “a concepção de ser humano
que a educação da Escola Comunitária tem como proposta é desenvolver o ser pensante, atuante, ético e cidadão”. Nossa tarefa é
Núcleo de Línguas Estrangeiras Escola Comunitária de Campinas - ECC
formar cidadãos críticos, com capacidade de construção ativa e significativa... “construção 2
Quem somos
Hola News é uma revista virtual. Ela envolve a interação e participação de todos. Convidamos vocês a participar com comentários e sugestões para novas matérias através de nosso email holanews@ecomunitaria.com.br. Vocês terão acesso a artigos, notícias, reportagens e entrevistas em inglês, espanhol ou português, pois essa é uma forma de promover a exposição e contato aos idiomas.
Coordenação do Núcleo de Línguas Estrangeiras: Sueli Monteiro Professores do Núcleo de Línguas Estrangeiras: Laís Dib, Camila Rais, Carolina Silva, Cristina Costa, Luciene Sousa, Rita Noris, Luciana Perina, Marillyn Prado, Luciana Bitar, Marcelo Baraldi, Mayte Tovar. Criação: Premissa Comunicação / Comunicação - ECC. Imagens: Todos os direitos reservados a Escola Comunitária de Campinas.
What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?
C A M BR ID GE EX A MS Once again our students have done a great job and have accomplished another milestone in their learning process. Escola Comunitaria has incorporated the Cambridge Exams as part of our foreign language program since 2015, and every year all of our 9th grade students take an exam, as well as our 2nd grade students from Ensino Médio .
Preparation for the exams happens during our regular classes and at the end of the process students take an exam according to their level of English. We are proud of our students for another year of hard work and achievements.
What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?
E XECU TI V E F U N CT IO N C O U R SE On June 16th some teachers of our school, mainly from Educação Infantil , took part in a course entitled “Atenção, Ansiedade e Funções Executivas na Educação Infantil”, conducted by neuropsychologist Sylvie Moschetta. The course was very interesting and provided teachers with great insights and knowledge. From our foreign language team participating teachers were: Laís Dib, Camila Sayuri and Luciana Bitar.
“Comissão Permanente para os Vestibulares da UNICAMP (COMVEST)” promoted a meeting called “Encontro com Professores do Ensino Médio” on August 5th. Several of Comunitária’s High School teachers could be part of the event, including our English teacher Luciene Teodoro Casassanta Sousa. The event was composed by two parts. The first one was a workshop with UNICAMP professor Marcelo El Khouri Buzato analyzing all of the English questions from last UNICAMP’s vestibular. English teachers from different Brazilian cities were able to analyze the abilities involved, the aims, the expected answers, the percentage of mistakes, the level of difficulty and even to address suggestions to COMVEST. Professor Buzato also made it clear for the participants what the criteria are and how the correction process is developed. The second half of the meeting was a talk about the changes regarding the entrance to UNICAMP’s graduate courses.
BET T E R LE A R N IN G S CH OO L S U M M I T 2 0 1 8 On August 31st teachers Luciana Bitar and Luciana Perina attended Cambridge’s Better Learning School Summit in Campinas, representing the Foreign Languages team. Lectures by Paul Drury, Rita Ladeia and Ben Goldstein were delivered and teachers were able to broaden their knowledge. Ben Goldstein is the author of a series of books called Eyes Open, which is used here in Comunitaria for some groups from Fundamental 2. As a follow-up, Luciene shared with 3rd grade A, B and C students all the information from the event. Since they had already answered the same questions in our classes, understanding was is expected from them in each item was a meaningful moment.
What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?
The event showed to be a great opportunity to get to know more details about the exam as well as the entrance possibilities and was one more step to guide students while being prepared to become undergraduate students.
Certificamos que LUCIENE
Costa, Laís Dib, Luciana Bitar, Luciana Perina, Luciene Sousa, Marillyn Prado e Rita Noris, estão participando ao longo de 2018.de um curso online chamado ‘Neurociência aplicada à educação’. Trata-se de um curso de 6 módulos composto por videoaulas e fóruns online cujos participantes são exclusivamente professores da Escola Comunitária de Campinas. O curso visa fornecer o conhecimento de princípios da neurociência e demonstrar a relação destes com os processos de ensinoaprendizagem incorporando novos elementos à prática cotidiana e favorecendo uma atuação ampla em busca do pleno desenvolvimento dos alunos.
dia 4 de agosto de 2018, do Encontro com Professores do Ensino Médio 2018, na disciplina de Inglês, sob responsabilidade da Coordenação Acadêmica da Comissão Permanente para os Vestibulares da Unicamp - COMVEST, com carga horária de 4 horas. Campinas, 4 de agosto de 2018.
Prof. José Alves de Freitas Neto Coordenador Executivo
Profa. Márcia Rodrigues de Souza Mendonça Coordenadora Acadêmica
A equipe de professores que ministram o curso é composta por neurocientistas, fonoaudiólogos e pedagogos com amplo conhecimento e experiência no ensino e aplicação da Neurociência no desenvolvimento cognitivo de crianças e adolescentes, sendo eles: Profa. Dra. Carla Tieppo, Profa. Luciana Costa e Profa. Ms. Marilia Albuquerque.
CU RSO E A D - AVA LI AÇ ÃO ESCO L AR C O M O C O M PO N E N T E DA P R ÁT I C A E D U C AT I VA This August Sueli Monteiro and Marillyn Prado had the opportunity to take an online course entitled: “Avaliação Escolar como componente da prática educativa – educação infantil, ensino Fundamental I, II e Ensino Médio”. This 20-hourcourse was offered by editora Moderna. It was a great opportunity to think deeply about the school evaluation process nowadays. We were reassured that the strategies adopted by our team are not only correct but highly advanced and adequate to evaluate our students.
Para nós da área de línguas estrangeiras, essa tem sido uma preciosa oportunidade de estudarmos e aplicarmos os novos conceitos em nossa prática.
STUDENTS VISIT THE LIBRARY (FUNDAMENTAL 2 - 6 O A NO) In the second semester of this year, the 6th grade students visited the library twice. During these visits they could choose a book to read from a list previously selected by the teachers. After reading the book at home, the students had to fill in a report about it and share it with the students in their group. With these visits, we expect that students develop the pleasure of reading in English. As the writer Theodor Seuss Geisel, known as Dr. Seuss, once said “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
NEU RO C IÊ N C I A A PLIC A DA À E D U C AÇ ÃO Diversos professores de nossa escola, dentre eles, a coordenadora de línguas estrangeiras Sueli Monteiro, e os professores dse sua equipe Mayte Tovar, Marcelo Baraldi, Camila Sayuri, Carolina Boncompagno, Cristina Gosenheimer
What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?
What’s going on? / ¿Qué pasa?
M AK E - U P C LA S S E S ( FU N DA M E N TA L 1 ) On August 25th, our Fundamental 1 students had some special English classes. First, the second and third grade students were divided into small groups. Then, each group could practise the language and have fun while playing some memory, domino and board games! After this first session, it was the fourth and fifth grade students’ turn! In groups, they were also given some challenging and varied games to play with! The students were amused by these activities and it was certainly a very nice Saturday morning!
Como parte da concepção de ensino de línguas estrangeiras adotada por nossa escola, e alinhados ao objetivo de formar cidadãos globais, acreditamos ser essencial oferecermos aos nossos alunos oportunidades diversificadas para intensificar a exposição e aplicação do inglês, preparando-os de forma eficaz para enfrentarem os desafios futuros em suas vidas acadêmicas e profissionais. Em 2019 uma nova iniciativa será implantada, em parceria com a Efígie Educacional, representante exclusiva da Franklin Virtual High School no Brasil: o programa DUPLO DIPLOMA – HIGH SCHOOL, para alunos a partir do 9º ano Fundamental 2. Esse programa consiste em: - Aulas à distância (100% online) com professores americanos das disciplinas que complementam o currículo de Ensino Médio brasileiro, habilitando nossos alunos a terem o diploma brasileiro e americano ao final dessa etapa de estudos. - Encontros presenciais com nosso ‘learning coach’, que irá acompanhar a execução do programa e oferecer aos alunos todo o suporte necessário.
M U S I C A L TA LE N T ( FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 2 o A N O)
- Plataforma virtual gamificada, atraente e dinâmica;
December is coming and the second grade students have been rehearsing some traditional songs for the very special night “Noite dos Avós e Bisavós”. Working together with the music classes, the kids are getting ready for this big event, singing the songs and playing some instruments as well. Their presentations are going to be pretty amazing, so do not miss them!
- Diploma acreditado pelos órgãos competentes dos EUA;
- Flexibilidade para a execução e cumprimento das etapas do programa;
- Plantão de dúvidas online com os professores americanos; - Interação com alunos do mundo inteiro; - Melhores oportunidades para ingresso em universidades americanas e no mercado de trabalho.
This is a part of a song just to warm you up: Hot cross buns Hot cross buns One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns ...
Para mais detalhes sobre o programa, acesse: www.efigie.com.br/high-school
Special Events / Eventos Especiales
durante todo el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje hasta el momento de la evaluación.
ECC C O M PA RT ILH A Teachers from our school were invited to share their classroom practices and projects, and with the desire to partake in our school community, an event was created: an Academic Conference entitled “ECC Compartilha” On August 11th this event took place in our school, and teachers from all courses and areas gathered to present and watch each other’s practices. From the foreign language team, everyone participated in this event and some of us presented to the community some projects and practices developed in our English and Spanish classes. Below check what they have shared with our community: Luciana Bitar presented ‘The World of Poems’ Project, developed with the 2nd grade students from Ensino Médio. Luciene Sousa and Marillyn Prado presented the ‘Cultural Exchange Project’, developed with the 7th grade students from Fundamental 2.
Lais Dib and Camila Sayuri presented a poster with the project entitled ‘Pinocchio’, developed with students from Infantil 4.
SPEL L ING BEE CONT EST As part of “Olimpíadas 2018”, all the students from 6th grade Fundamental 2 to 3rd grade Ensino Médio received a list which had been prepared by our English staff with 150 words. What had those words in common? Their spelling is challenging! So, students were encouraged to study that list and each class selected two of their classmates to take part in the Spelling bee contest.
Cristina Gosenheimer Costa and Carolina Boncompagno presented two posters. One of them was about ‘Healthy Diet’, developed with the 3rd grade of Ensino Fundamental 1 and the other was about the ‘Poems’ Project developed with the 4th grade students from Ensino Fundamental 1.
Los profesores de español Mayte y Marcelo presentaron y discutieron sobre “Evaluación e impacto en el aula” en el primer Congreso de la Escola Comunitária de Campinas - ECCompartilha. Según Neus Sanmartí, “evaluar no sólo mide los resultados, sino que condiciona qué se enseña y cómo, y en especial, qué aprenden los estudiantes y cómo lo hacen”. A partir de esta premisa, los profesores recapacitaron sobre la práctica docente
Special Events / Eventos Especiales
The event took place at lunchtime and counted with a large and excited audience composed by students who were cheering for their teams. It was also evident that students were well-prepared for the challenge and doing their best to get the golden medal. Well done!
I ND I V I DUA L PROJ E CT S ( FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 5 O A NO) This year our 5th grade students were offered a new challenge: work on a group project. In pairs or groups of 3, they had to choose a topic of their interest, carry out some research and present it to their classmates. They were involved and committed to it all the time. They thought of driving questions to lead their work and explained why they had chosen that topic. This assignment is similar to their Individual Project, the only difference is that here they work in small groups. After presenting to their classmates, the teacher invited the groups to attend the Individual Project Conference (Congresso Interno de PI dos 5os anos) as lecturers. Some of them faced up to the challenge and presented in the Conference, which was held on September 28th. There were 20 English presentations. It was held on a Friday afternoon and was packed with knowledge, observations, new experiences and learning. Congratulation to all students!
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
7thA and 7thB exchanged emails with students from Costa Rica, students from 7thC and 7th D exchanged emails with students from Austria.
The project “Come and Meet us!” is was designed for our 6th-graders.
All the emails were written by the students in English. Apart from those emails, students prepared postcards with visual elements that show some aspects of each students’ country. At our school, we could enjoy the partnership of 7th grades’ visual arts teacher, Magaly.
Our idea is to develop the students’ writing abilities and to stimulate self-knowledge using the scrapbook technique as a way to achieve these goals. Scrapbooking is a well known practice in many English speaking countries and it promotes special moments of written socialization among our students.
Our students also researched about different topics related to their friends’ country, such as: geography, history, economy, language, education, sports, music, art, famous people. Later, they prepared a Powerpoint presentation and presented it orally for their classmates.
All the texts our students write throughout the 6th grade are organized and decorated by themselves in their personal Scrapbook.
This project aims to broaden students’ knowledge about other cultures, promote respect to different lifestyles as well as expand the use of English to communicate in real situations.
CU LTU RAL E XC H A N G E PRO GR A M ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 7 O A NO) In this project, we exchange e-mails with students from other countries. In 2018, students from the
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
G ET TO K N OW T H E WO R LD O F M YS T E RY ( FU NDAM E N TA L 2 - 8 O A NO) The 8th grade Cultural Project aims at giving our students the chance to work with mystery and horror stories by reading classic and contemporary authors from English speaking countries. After reading the books and discussing the characteristics of this genre, the students prepared a presentation for the parents with videos which showed tv news based on the stories they had read. For that, the students themselves wrote the script and the cinema teacher from Ensino Médio prepared a video explaining and giving hints on how to record a video. The students recorded the videos and this presentation was staged for the parents and relatives as a movie session. It was a lovely evening with movie session, popcorn and soft drinks. The final product showed to be very creative videos reflecting each group of pupils’ choices, personalities and abilities. Even though perfection was not expected, since the videos were produced by the students themselves, the quality was outstanding. Click and watch two of the several videos to get a taste of this project: http://ecc-ingles.blogspot.com/2018/11/get-toknow-world-of-my-steries-video-1.html
This project is based on the books read in 2018. The stories address the topic of “travelling” and students were encouraged to immerse in this world, getting to know different countries. One of the main objectives was to enhance students’ understanding of different cultures and lifestyles, as well as to increase their linguistic and lexical repertoire. By understanding and having contact with a diversity of cultures, students broaden their personal, social and cultural contexts. Throughout the year, students have been through different activities related to the four
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
language skills: reading, writing, speaking and
listening, some individually, others in groups. Researches, presentations and assessment were also part of the process.
La exposición del “Proyecto Interdisciplinario Latinoamérica”, desarrollado con los octavos años se llevó a cabo el 30 de agosto. La apertura de la exposición contó con la participación de los alumnos del octavo grado B, que interpretaron “Soy loco por ti, América”. Teo y Alexandre en la guitarra y las cantantes Gabriela y Sofia. Después de su interpretación, Davi y Caio Papa presentaron un “rap” de su autoría. También se pudo ver el video “making-of” del proceso de construcción del proyecto hecho en el mes de agosto.
To conclude this project, families are invited for the students’ presentation, which is a Travel TV program based on the books they read.
La exposición de los trabajos de los alumnos transformó la nave del infantil en una gran galería de arte, donde se pudo reflexionar sobre los temas presentados. Por último, los visitantes pasaron por una “sala sensorial” donde pudieron ver la obra Hematoma, de Eduardo Gil, mientras oían las voces de los alumnos expresando sus reflexiones con “palabras que lloran”, por ejemplo: “libertad, muerte y vida, diversidad, esperanza, humanidad, silencio, etc.” (VER VIDEO HEMATOMA: PALABRAS QUE LLORAN) Enhorabuena a todos los alumnos por el bonito trabajo realizado y a todos los que, de alguna manera, contribuyeron en el proceso de construcción del proyecto.
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
“Alimentos – Vida Sana”. Para revisar el tema, hicieron
vocabulario. Los juegos tienen una influencia positiva en la adquisición de un segundo idioma, es una herramienta de motivación que permite a los estudiantes expresar sus sentimientos de una manera lúdica, además de crear un mejor ambiente en clase, es un buen recurso didáctico. Jugaron al “Bingo de los alimentos”, usaron la tecnología en el juego “Kahoot – El juego de los alimentos” y, por último, jugaron a “Quién soy”. Los alumnos no solo se divirtieron y revisaron el vocabulario que aprendieron a lo largo de la unidad, sino que también ejercitaron la importancia del respeto por sus compañeros, por sí mismos, por la Escuela y el compañerismo. Los juegos y las dinámicas de grupo, ayudan a trabajar la identidad y la autoestima de los alumnos, además de fomentar un ambiente pacífico para la buena convivencia y respeto mutuo. Para terminar, dejo una frase del profesor estadounidense,
enseñanza que deja huella no es la que se hace de cabeza a cabeza, sino de corazón a corazón”.
M ERI E N DA C O M PA RT IDA “PARA M I S C O M PA Ñ E RO S, C O N C A R IÑ O ” ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 8 0 A NO) El 11 de octubre, nuestros alumnos de octavo grado participaron en una merienda compartida que tuvo como objetivo estrechar los lazos entre los alumnos, fomentar el respeto y el compañerismo. Después de la merienda, los alumnos ayudaron a limpiar y a organizar el aula, concienciando a los jóvenes de que la responsabilidad es de todos, que somos nosotros los que representamos la Escuela de la que queremos hacer parte. Los alumnos habían estudiado la unidad
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
al año porque vive en otra ciudad”. Leonardo, 9º B, al escucharlo, dijo: “- ¡Qué triste!”. Todos estaban contentos, compartiendo y comentando lo que los compañeros les contaban. Se puso de relieve el proceso de construcción de significados como elemento central de la enseñanza. Los alumnos experimentaron sentimientos nuevos y ocurrió el aprendizaje significativo. Al final, el momento quedó plasmado en imágenes y lo hicimos eterno en nuestra memoria.
P ROYECTO C A RTA M A N U S C RITA : “ PAL AB R A S Q U E A B R A Z AN” ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 9 º A N O) “Escola Comunitária de Campinas” – Campinas/ SP – Brasil & “Liceo Statale Luigi Stefanini” – Veneza – Itália La correspondencia es un medio precioso para descubrir uno de los usos sociales del lenguaje escrito, para el aprendizaje de las convenciones del sistema de escrita, mejora de sus producciones y el enriquecimiento del estilo. Se ha perdido, desafortunadamente, la práctica de intercambiar correspondencia, no existe más la ilusión de la espera, la alegría de recibir un cariño en forma de palabras, los sentimientos cuando veíamos la letra de la persona que nos escribía, a veces su perfume, nos hacía acercarnos más a la persona, aunque estuviera lejos físicamente. Por ese motivo, quisimos que los alumnos sintieran el placer de escribir una carta, que se involucraran de manera afectiva y significativa, que establecieran una relación personal, que se comunicaran con otros niños de su edad y que pudieran, incluso, construir una amistad. Elegimos un colegio italiano porque de esa manera ambos tendrían el español como segunda lengua y fue con la que se hicieron entender y se comunicaron, hablaron de sí mismos, de su ciudad, expresaron sus preferencias y gustos personales, intercambiaron experiencias personales y culturales. El proyecto empezó a finales de mayo y, después de una larga espera, el 4 de agosto, nuestros alumnos fueron abrazados por las palabras que llegaron desde el otro lado del océano. Cada alumno recibió su carta con mucha alegría e ilusión, la leyó y compartió con sus compañeros algo que le llamó la atención sobre el adolescente que le escribió. Pietro, 9º C nos contó: “- La chica hace patinaje artístico”, Gabriela de 9º D nos dijo: “– Lo que hace se parece mucho a lo que hacemos nosotros”, otro alumno comentó: “– Ve a su padre solo dos veces
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
y también todo lo que he aprendido a lo largo de estos años con los profesores, compañeros y colaboradores del colegio. Ojalá que dentro de 30 años podamos reunirnos para charlar sobre los “viejos tiempos” y reírnos de los buenos momentos vividos”. Carolina M. Parisotto, 9º C. “Me gusta mucho la relación que existe entre los alumnos, somos muy unidos y nos apoyamos. Desde pequeña tengo amigos que siguen a mi lado hasta hoy. La Escuela me ayudó a crecer y a ser mejor persona”. Lara Porto, 9º C. “Vivencias, amigos y conocimiento”. Mel Andrade, 9º A. “Dejaré mis amigos y muchos momentos vividos con ellos. Dejaré a mis profesores, las clases, pero siempre me acordaré de esos momentos vividos en ECC. Carolina Scandiucci, 9º A. “Me acordaré de los amigos que hice, los que me acompañan desde pequeña y los que hice hace poco. Tuvimos experiencias increíbles y aprendimos mucho los unos de los otros. Enfrentamos dificultades, pero tuvimos, principalmente, momentos muy divertidos en los que nos reímos mucho. Conocí a las mejores personas del mundo y vivimos los mejores momentos”. Giovana Baracat Alvarez, 9º B. “Ojalá pueda usar todo lo que he aprendido a lo largo de los años en la Escuela para ayudar a construir una sociedad más justa, sin desigualdad, en la que todos tengan las mismas posibilidades y los mismos derechos. Lucas Coca Matias, 9º B. “Me encanta la manera que aprendo en Comunitária y cómo aprendemos a observar y a tener una visión crítica del mundo. Tengo recuerdos preciosos y saldré de aquí lista para la vida”. Bianca R. Alecrim. 9º B.
“EL BAÚ L D E LO S R E C U E R DOS” ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 9 º A NO) A lo largo del mes de octubre y principios de noviembre, los alumnos de noveno grado escribieron pequeños recuerdos y palabras significativas de lo que han vivido en nuestra Escuela para decirle adiós a esta etapa de sus vidas y para construir bonitos recuerdos de su paso por la “Enseñanza Fundamental”.
Decir “adiós” muchas veces nos causa tristeza, pero también está presente la ilusión por todo lo nuevo que vamos a vivir. En ese baúl de los recuerdos depositamos algunos de los momentos que hemos vivido aquí y esos momentos nos acompañarán por la vida y cuando queramos vivirlos otra vez, solo tenemos que cerrar los ojos y abrir nuestro corazón.
“De por vida me llevaré a los amigos que hice a lo largo de “Fundamental 2”, los buenos recuerdos de los momentos que vivimos juntos
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
“ EL M A R AVIL LOSO M UND O D E LOS CUENTOS” (F UNDA M ENTA L 2 - 9º A NO) Los cuentos clásicos infantiles conforman un corpus que hunde sus raíces en instituciones sociales muy antiguas (el tabú, el matrimonio, los ritos de iniciación, las formas de organización del poder) y cristalizan situaciones de conflicto y resolución de problemáticas profundamente humanas, que hacen oír sus voces, su permanencia, su incesante revalorización, y su increíble inmortalidad – o sea, inmutabilidad hasta nuestros días. Nuestros alumnos hicieron una relectura de esos cuentos. El trabajo empezó con una dinámica en la que tuvieron que trabajar colaborativamente, montando un rompecabezas con los títulos de los cuentos. Después, se le dio a cada grupo un cuento fragmentado, lo tenían que ordenar, leerlo y después contarlo, pero sin decir de qué cuento se trataba. Los demás tenían que adivinarlo. En la siguiente etapa, tuvieron que fijarse en los marcadores discursivos y expresiones para empezar y terminar un cuento. Para ello, usamos la aplicación “Socrative”. Luego, se les facilitó una cartulina y unas fotografías y, con esos elementos, tuvieron que escribir un cuento. Hicieron también una actividad en Classroom, en la que vieron algunos fragmentos de películas basadas en los cuentos clásicos infantiles y contestaron a las preguntas. A lo largo del proceso trabajaron las cuatro habilidades. Por último, hicieron una relectura de un cuento clásico y lo grabaron. Es cierto que la sociedad ha evolucionado desde que esas historias fueron escritas. Las princesas de hoy no necesitan que las salve ningún príncipe, las brujas son inteligentes, los malos ya no tienen por qué ser tan malos y los lobos malos, también pueden ser buenos, en otras palabras, siempre existe la posibilidad de cambiar.
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
CU ENTO : L A B E LLA Y LA B EST IA CUÁN DO LO H E LE Í DO : CUA N DO E R A N IÑ A . ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 9 º A N O) Por qué este cuento me ha marcado y dejó huella: Este cuento me ha marcado porque con él he aprendido mucho sobre cómo es importante aceptar a las personas tal como son y no juzgarlas debido a su apariencia o debido a sus gustos. Además, este cuento me ha ayudado a entender la fuerza de la mujer y como ella es capaz de hacer lo que le gusta a pesar de la opinión de la sociedad. Relectura: Voy a adaptar este cuento para el presente. Amanda Berto Atala – 9º D “Padre, sé que no puedes comprenderme ahora, pero te pido que leas esto hasta el final. Tú eres mi padre, y te amo por todos los sacrificios que ha hecho por mí. Perdóname por actuar a tus espaldas y decepcionarte, pero tuve que hacerlo por nosotras, mujeres. Estoy exhausta de ser una muñeca de porcelana que debe mantenerse callada y tener mi belleza apreciada. Yo soy mujer, yo nací fuerte. Yo soy la fuerza de todas las que me precedieron y estoy dispuesta a luchar por las próximas. Han sido siglos de sumisión y ya es hora de cambiar eso. Yo quiero libertad para expresarme y para ser quién soy sin recriminación por algo que no tengo control. En ningún momento pude escoger si quería o no ser mujer, pero aún así nací chica. Nací con fuerza y deseo de luchar. No me quedaré callada. Puedes luchar a mi lado, o defender esa sociedad machista”. – Mulan
Maria Alice Tonetti Carletti – 9º D “Había una vez una chica muy inteligente, pero muy desobediente. Su madre, un día, le pidió que le llevase dulces a su abuela y que nunca fuera en Uber por la carretera, sino en taxi.
This year we continued with The World of Poems Project, developed with our 2nd grade students of Ensino Médio . The project has proven to be an interesting way of enhancing our students linguistic competences, along with being an opportunity for them to be exposed to a genre that they will most likely encounter during their academic exams, such as Enem.
Por el camino, cansada de caminar, la niña decidió llamar a un Uber. Poco tiempo después, cuando ya estaba dentro del coche, Caperucita comenzó a contarle al conductor todo sobre su abuela y lo que iba hacer en su casa. El conductor, que ahora ya tenía muchas informaciones, planeó un atracó a la abuelita de Caperucita…”
The project this year has followed the same guidelines as the previous year, with the difference that this year the usage of videos has been increased.
Isabela Corrêa Hillal ….Y colorín, colorado este cuento se ha acabado…
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
We found that students relate really well with contents that are presented through videos, which are generally more fast paced than other learning/ teaching tools.
an infographic about a topic given by the
Some research on Youtube was done in order to find actual and relevant videos about Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 and some other characteristics of poems. Those videos were shown during classes and helped engage students and provide them with the relevant information they needed.
kind of language. Students works have shown
teacher, always related to what they have been discussing in class. Students have shown that they understand and deal very well with this that they can do more than expected.
This year’s project can be checked through the following website: https://sites.google.com/ecomunitaria.com.br/theworld-of-poems/p%C3%A1gina-inicial?authuser=1
I NFO G RA PH I C - A N E W G E NR E ( ENSI NO M É DIO - 2 ª S É R IE) As part of our course, we always work with our students the different genres in writing. Not only as a way of exposing students to more writing practices, but also to prepare them for the Cambridge Exams. The most common genres such as article, essay, opinion essay, e-mail, story and report are often worked in class. We feel, however, that students must also be prepared for life after school and moments when they will have to produce written text for different purposes. In this sense, this year, we decided to include a new genre for students to work on: the infographic. An infographic (a combination of the words ‘information’ and ‘graphic’) is a visual representation of information, data or knowledge. The main idea of an infographic is to present information in a clear, objective and quick way, engaging the reader. To produce an infographic one must be able to summarize very well what it is to be said as well as choose the best design to go along with the information. Such abilities are worked in class and discussed with students and after some preparation students produce in pairs
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
Estas fueron algunas de las cuestiones planteadas en clase y que fueron la base de la producción escrita para que los alumnos escribieran una noticia en la clase de español. Otro proyecto de discusión de patrón y transformación social se ha mostrado una oportunidad de integración entre Sociología y Lengua Española por medio de una discusión de mujeres que ayudaron a promover cambios en determinados patrones culturales, desde el siglo XVII hasta el siglo XX. Fueron propuestos algunos nombres de mujeres latinoamericanas que lucharon por diferentes aspectos: voto libre, derecho al trabajo, libertad de expresión, derechos humanos, independencia, en resumen, diversos valores universales, comunes a la mayoría de los países. Se sugirió, también, que los alumnos buscaran otros nombres que marcaron la historia latinoamericana. Para la producción de los textos, los alumnos tuvieron que investigar estos temas para que pudieran ampliar su repertorio y el significado de cambio social para la escrita de un relato histórico.
Esta integración fue muy positiva para los profesores, ya que produjeron intercambios de
Para discutir el tema de la formación de la
contenidos trabajados y, cada uno en su área
identidad con alumnos adolescentes, este año
de trabajo, pudo proporcionar a los alumnos la
decidimos integrar el estudio de la lengua española
construcción de nuevos conocimientos y visión
con los estudios identitarios en Sociología. Para
más crítica del mundo.
ello, se discutió acerca del proceso de adquisición
Profesores Víctor Rysovas (Sociología) y Marcelo
del lenguaje y las influencias del medio. Sobre
Baraldi Lara (Español).
este punto, vimos casos como el de Kasper
Hauser, que, parece ser que, apareció en una
producidos por nuestros alumnos:
ciudad europea con una nota en la mano que decía que nunca había tenido contacto con el
mundo, porque había crecido aislado del mundo, Título: Chicos son rescatados de una celda después
por lo tanto, no se le permitió tener ninguna
de estar viviendo solos por más de 10 años.
oportunidad de aprendizaje y de adquisición del lenguaje humano. ¿Cuáles serían los efectos
Subtítulo: gemelos que nunca tuvieron contacto
de eso? ¿Qué humano es este que no adquirió
con otros humanos son hallados vivos viviendo
el lenguaje humano? ¿Qué tenemos de innato y
como animales.
qué adquirimos en la relación entre las personas? 20
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
En la madrugada del lunes 6 de agosto de 2017,
chicos,que ahora tienen dieciséis años, puedan
hace casi un año, fueron rescatados dos hermanos
volver a incorporarse en la sociedad dentro de
gemelos idénticos de una celda en la cual vivieron
algunos años.
desde muy pequeños. La celda hacía parte de una
La tarea más complicada para los dos es el
de las varias instalaciones del Estado Islámico en
habla, ya que no estaban acostumbrados a
Damasco, Siria. Tras una intensa batalla contra
utilizar ciertas partes de la boca para expresarse.
los terroristas, estos fueron forzados a retirarse
Fueron adoptados por uno de los médicos que
del edificio, en donde se hallaban varios presos
los cuidaron, el cual vive con su esposa. Él dice
que le costó mucho establecer una relación de confianza con los dos y ellos todavía no se fían de
Al parecer, estos hermanos son hijos de dos
su madre adoptiva.
importantes políticos sirios, los cuales murieron en la guerra civil, que ya dura varios años. Los
El futuro sobre los dos es incierto y no se sabe si
niños, nacidos en 2002, fueron secuestrados a
algún día podrán hacer parte de una sociedad de
comienzos del 2005, y desde entonces no tuvieron
manera sociable, pero están progresando.
ningún contacto con otros humano a no ser con
ellos mismos. Los padres los buscaron hasta su muerte,
Chica de 15 años es encontrada en la selva.
en 2012, al comienzo de la guerra. Es un caso
Después de 15 años creciendo entre ciervos, chica es rescatada por guardia forestal.
extraordinario, puesto que los chicos no parecen acordarse de ningún tipo de lenguaje verbal
Hoy, Colombia amaneció con una noticia impactante. Una chica de 15 años fue encontrada en la selva amazónica ayer por un guardia forestal que estaba patrullando el área. La chica que, había nacido en la selva, vivía entre los ciervos. Por eso, su comportamiento se asemeja al de un ciervo: Ella camina en cuatro patas, come las hojas y frutas de los árboles, y solo se comunica por ruidos similares al de un ciervo.
y se comunican a través de gruñidos. Fueron encontrados viviendo como animales, en el medio de sus excrementos y físicamente muy débiles. No se sabe al cierto cómo sobrevivieron, ya que su única fuente de alimento era comida de perros, la cual se la daban por un hueco en la pared, y tampoco vivían de forma higiénica. Los dos presentaron un comportamiento
La chica no tiene un nombre, pues, aunque su madre la haya cuidado hasta sus ocho meses, murió sin haber tenido contacto con la civilización. Las teorías apuntan que ella había sido violada y abandonada en la selva, y nadie las ayudó, ni a ella, ni a su hija.
extremadamente agresivo y hostil hacia los soldados. Por lo visto, uno de ellos parecía ser el alfa e intentaba proteger al hermano. El otro chico se encontraba en estado de salud más complicado y tuvo que ser llevado de inmediato
A causa de su aislamiento de la sociedad humana, la chica está teniendo muchas dificultades en convivir con los humanos, principalmente por no conocer ninguna lengua para comunicarse. Los científicos creen que la chica tiene esperanza en su aprendizaje, pero piensan que ella tendrá muchas dificultades para ello. Ahora ya es mayor, sin embargo, no tiene el cerebro bien desarrollado.
al hospital, siendo liberado únicamente después de varios meses. Curiosamente, después de un análisis más detallado, se descubrió que sus sentidos del olfato y de audición eran mucho más avanzados, y la visión de ambos estaba comprometida por culpa de la poca iluminación de la celda. Además de eso, los médicos consideraron que los dos
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
G REE N M A N A N D T H E M AG IC F O R E S T (IN FA N T I L 1 ) Students from Infantil 1 met a very special friend, Greenman, who lives in a Magic Forest. The children had a blast while going around the school to collect leaves to make a tree as Greenman showed them in the story. Students were happy to rebuild the pigs’ straw, wood and brick houses and act out the story using the props. It was an exciting experience which motivated students to speak English.
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
Students from Infantil 2 learned about feelings, parts of the house, numbers and shapes while they listened to a classic fairy tale: “The Three Little Pigs”.
Students from Infantil 3 had fun being inspired by the famous story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Bright and vibrant colors follow through the book along with some wonderful learning opportunities: different kinds of food, colors, numbers and the life cycle of a butterfly. Students were excited to feed the caterpillar and see the food in his belly while retelling the story. They also had the opportunity to watch to this story animated film during the classes and, as part of the activities, they made a beautiful “Balloon Painted Caterpillar & Drawing Dictation”.
They had the opportunity to participate during storytelling and to watch to Disney’s “The Three Little Pigs Symphony” film, following it with a series of engaging related activities, games and songs. Students were happy to rebuild the pigs’ straw, wood and brick houses and act out the story using the props. It was an exciting experience which motivated students to speak English.
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
H U M A N B O DY (IN FA N T I L 4 ) Students from Infantil 4 learned about the parts of the body while listening to the Pinocchio story. They could also watch some parts of the movie and had fun with the activities and games during the project ‘Corpo Humano’.
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
SO LA R SYS T E M ( FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 1 º A N O)
During the third trimester, students from 1º ano had the chance to play and participate in different games to promote more practice with the vocabulary of the Project ‘Astros’.
Trabajar la lectura y su comprensión es uno de los retos que el profesor se enfrenta actualmente. Son tantos los recursos tecnológicos y la distracción visual que disponemos que, a veces, nos olvidamos de los libros. Para que los alumnos profundizaran en la cultura, agregamos a nuestras clases algo de literatura latinoamericana que tuviera relación con sus vidas y que se pudiera trabajar de manera lúdica y, por último, que se hiciera en grupos para que fueran posibles y más ricos los momentos de discusión y reflexión. Frente a todo el exceso de información visual que vivimos con las redes sociales, los selfies etc., elegimos dos cuentos de los escritores uruguayos Eduardo Galeano (La Piedra Arde) y Mario Benedetti (La noche de los feos), que discuten, de modos distintos, la importancia de la apariencia física y que “lo esencial es invisible a los ojos”. Los cuentos están disponibles en internet: La noche de los feos - https://ciudadseva.com/ texto/la-noche-de-los-feos/ La piedra arde - http://archivo.argentina. indymedia.org/uploads/2010/03/eduardo_ galeano_-_la_piedra_arde.pdf
Our Projects / Nuestros Proyectos
CAM PIN A S PROJ E CT ( FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 3 O A NO) The third grade students have been doing a pretty amazing work for their Campinas Project. In groups, the students drew some important places in our city and they also described these places using their own ideas by saying what they could see or do there. Each group presented orally the place they worked with and the result was simply fantastic! Working along with the head teacher, they filled in a passport with the information they had studied before. Campinas Project is still going on and different activities are being done. This project has been very rich and the students are pretty involved in the tasks! These are some moments of their work:
T HE BEAT L ES (F UNDA MENTA L 1 - 5 O A NO) Students from the 5th grades have just started a new Project. This time they are learning all about The Beatles. To start the project they were given a virtual tour and they were asked to research places in Liverpool. In pairs or small groups, they were expected to find information about the place assigned by the teacher, and present it to their colleagues. They now know all about this spectacular city where the Beatles started their career. One of the places that caught their attention was the historical waterfront called Albert Dock. There, you can find museums, restaurants, exhibitions and tourist information. They also found places that inspired them to write their songs. Our main objectives with this project was to arouse curiosity about the a group, invite them to do some research, work in groups, appreciate their song and link their learnings to the Who am I Project to write compositions about themselves.
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
D IV E R S I T Y ( FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 5 O A NO)
The first project with 5th graders this year was about Diversity. We learned stories about women who changed the world. These women contributed to the development of mankind in many aspects, such as social, cultural or scientific. They heard about Ruby Bridges, Helen Keller, Virginia Apgar, Sally Ride and Malala Yousafzai. To end our studies we read a book entitled “Malala´s Magic Pencil”. In it, Malala expresses her desire to change things, simple and complex. Students shared their desires to change something in the world or even in their personal lives. Here are some of their wishes.
La enseñanza de idiomas en la Escola Comunitária de Campinas está pensada para que los alumnos puedan desarrollar las 4 habilidades lingüísticas: hablar, leer, oír y escribir. Trabajar todas las destrezas es imprescindible para que el estudiante aprenda efectivamente el idioma y pueda producirlo en su totalidad, pero hablar, quizá sea el resultado más claro de su progreso. Traer temas interesantes y actuales a las clases es la clave para motivarlos a hablar. A lo largo del año, además de pequeños momentos de discusión y producción oral, los alumnos produjeron presentaciones relacionadas a estos temas. Discutir la conquista de las mujeres y conocer a algunas personalidades femeninas importantes, visitar ciudades y barrios de los países hispanohablantes a través de sus descripciones, pensar en la salud y en el bienestar físico y mental, conocer la alegría y diversidad de las fiestas de España y Latinoamérica, fueron algunos de los temas propuestos para estas prácticas orales. Momentos riquísimos donde el estudiante, además de practicar su oralidad, entra en contacto directo con la cultura del idioma aprendido.
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
It is part of our approach to invite guests to talk to our students in English or Spanish about topics related to our projects, different educational systems, learning opportunities, academic choices, careers as well as the importance of knowing foreign languages. This is a rich moment in which students are exposed to the language and can practise what they have learned in an engaging and relaxing way.
Students from 7th grade A and B, who worked with students from Costa Rica, received the visit of Isabella Silva, a 4th year Law student at PUCCampinas. For the past years, Isabella has dedicated herself to extracurricular studies of International Law, International Commercial Law and International Arbitration, which have culminated with her participation in the prestigious Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, Austria.
FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 7 º A NO
Along with her passion for International Law, she is also dedicated to know different cultures from different countries. One way that she found to do that was by exchanging postcards with people all around the world. So, she talked to our students about her experience with the website “Postcrossing”. In this website you can find people with the same interest in knowing other cultures and exchange postcards. Students got very motivated with her lecture and some even decided to try the website.
As part of our Cultural Exchange Project, students from 7th grade C and D, who exchanged emails and a postcard in English with students from Austria, had the chance to meet and talk to a very special guest. Her name is Elizabeth Menzl, who was born in Austria but lives in Brazil. She has graduated in Biomedicine and has a Master in Public Health. In addition to that, she has also worked as an English teacher and as a Portuguese teacher. She was able to share with our students some cultural aspects of Austria as well as some curiosities and peculiarities about the Austrian cuisine. She was genuinely impressed by our students’ interest in the country and by their excellent level of English.
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
Isabella Silva: “I have collected postcards since I was a child and I liked to exchange letters with relatives and friends that lived far away. All the procedure of going to the post office, putting the stamp and waiting for the answer was magic for me. Because of technology I started sending emails to people “pen pals”. I missed the paper so I found the site ‘Postcrossing’, I have sent and received postcards for 3 years. It’s a wonderful experience to know a little bit of people from different parts of the world and you never know who is going to send a letter to you! Another advantage it to practice writing in other languages with native people, I also do it in German because I have been studying it. It’s a very good project and a way of traveling even being in the same place!”
F UNDA MENTA L 2 - 9º A NO Limerci Del’Alamo, whose children study at our school, accepted our invitation to talk to our group of EFT3 9th grade A, B and C as part of the project Around the world. She has always enjoyed being on the road and has been to South Africa, Germany, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, Equator, Spain, The United States, France, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, The United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uruguay and the Vatican. She has worked with tourism, has graduated from PUCC with a degree in Tourism, and then in a postgraduate course from FGV in Tourism.
FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 9 º A N O
Limerci focused her talk on her experience in India, which is one of the countries that hosted adventures of the characters from the book students had read, Round the World in 80 days. Showing us personal photos, she shared stories and raised concern on values and principles, besides bringing to us some spices and teas from India,.
As part of our project “Around the World”, 9th grade students received and had the opportunity to talk to some guests throughout the year: Valmir Almagro has been an English Teacher for Cultura Inglesa for 13 years. He holds an ICELT Certificate from Cambridge University , is an Oral Examiner for Cambridge ESOL exams and is actively involved with IELTS. He presented a project on Reading Circles at the 14th Latin American British Cultural Institutes in Lima, Peru.
She considers herself as a collector of good stories and lives each day as if it was her last. She says: “You might think I am into travelling, but deep down I am into people. I think that the more diverse they are, the better the experience will be”.
On August 2nd , students from the EFT4 9th grade had the chance to meet Valmir, who talked about his experiences in Peru, related to language, cultural aspects, curiosities, cuisine and history about the country. Valmir truly believes that there is a real tie between language learning and travelling.
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), where she was awarded Best Position Paper for her work simulating the UN Security Council. She inspired students to learn more about alternative dispute resolution methods and negotiation based on her experience as Mooties and as Model UN delegates.
ENSI NO M É D IO - 3 ª S É R IE In March, we had Izabella Vianna as our guest. In Brazil, she represents Valencia College and University of Central Florida (UCF). As she works in the office for Valencia College foreign students, not only could she talk about the institutions, but also talk about the following topics: - Differences between the Brazilian and NorthAmerican educational systems; - Differences between college and university, public and private institutions; - Vocabulary related to education; - Scholarship criteria; - Real experience with Brazilian students in the USA.
In August, the International Relations Specialist Nathalie Steffen recorded a video especially for our 3rd-graders. She is Brazilian but lives in Vancouver, Canada, so we watched her video in class and sent her questions and comments, which she promptly answered in our school’s blog. Her video was on her academic experience and professional career, including her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in International Relations as well as her work for IBM, Petrobras, United Nations and Consulate General of Brazil in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Lastly, she shared with us what she considers as her most remarkable experience: being an accreditation specialist at Rio 2016 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
In May, Isabella Silva came to talk to our 3rd grade High School students about her academic career as a 4th-year Law student at PUC-Campinas. Besides that, she focused her talk on her extracurricular studies of International Law, International Commercial Law and International Arbitration, which have culminated with her participation in the prestigious Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, Austria. She has also taken part in Model UN conferences all over Brazil, most notably WIMUN Brazil, held by
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
After taking part in our ‘Mostra de Profissões 2018’, Gustavo Soncini, who is the Swiss Education Group consultant, accepted our invitation to talk to our 3rd grade classes on a different topic. Besides telling us about hospitality as a career, he shared with us his experience in hospitality management, hotel management, food and beverage and marketing strategy. As a polyglot, he also told us
F UNDA MENTA L 2 - 7º A NO Julia Galembeck, who had been Comunitária’s student up to her 6th grade, moved with her family to a town near Sacramento, California, USA last year. She came back to Brazil in July 2018, and could be part of the 2018 7th grade C group. As soon as Julia got back, her English teacher asked her to prepare a talk on her stay. Julia promptly accepted that invitation and shared with her classmates about the following topics: - Similarities and differences between Comunitaria and her school in the USA; - Means of transportation here and there; - Description of a public library she frequently attended while living there; - Cultural differences between both realities. Students of 7th grade C asked her questions and were glad to know more about those curiosities and impressions.
how he got to learn so many languages and the importance of learning foreign languages these days. Lastly, students could hear about his life as a student in Lycee Pasteur and in Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, including cultural differences and linguistic challenges. We also had the opportunity to have some of our students as special guests! 31
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 9 º A NO
Gabriel Moraes is a High School student at Comunitária. We invited him to talk to the class about one of his trips abroad as our 9th year project is: ‘ Around the world’. He talked to the 9th grade D about his experience in London. He talked about some cultural differences, curiosities and some tourist spots he visited such as the Big Ben, Churchill war rooms, Sherlock Holmes museum and others. It was a very interesting lecture and by the end the students could interact and ask him some questions.
Students talk to their classmates about a trip. (6th grade) When teaching languages the language itself is never the only point taken into consideration, we often associate the language with a broader context. In this sense, travelling to other countries and having the chance to be in contact with a different culture is one of the greatest opportunities to enhance our learning and our perspectives. We often have students who travel abroad and come back full of experiences to share, so we try to invite them to share their experiences. This year some students from the 6th grade D have had the opportunity to talk to their classmates about their trips to other countries. It has been a very rich experience because they can talk about the country, about themselves, show their pictures and talk about their experience abroad. By the end of the lecture their colleagues asked questions about the trip.
Our Guests / Nuestros Invitados
A huge thanks to Sandra for opening this beautiful project and helping us with ideas to enrich it.
FU NDA M E N TA L 1 - 4 ยบ A N O In the second semester, 4th grade students started a new project on Poems. Throughout this project, we learnt songs, rhymes, tongue twisters and, of course, we read some poems. At the end of August, the students had the great pleasure of having Sandra Penze as a guest in our classes. Sandra is the author of a book of poems, besides being an English teacher. She shared some poems, rhymes and stories with our pupilsand talked about the process of writing and her love for poems. Students had the opportunity to ask her questions and learn a lot with her tips on writing poems.
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M U SE O DE LA M E M O R I A D E A M É R IC A LAT I N A ( FU NDA M E N TA L 2 - 8 º A NO) El 10 y el 17 de mayo, nuestros alumnos visitaron el Museo de la Memoria de América Latina, acompañados de las profesoras Natália (Geografía) y Mayte (Español). Los alumnos reflexionaron sobre sus diferentes poblaciones, historia, cultura, desarrollo, economía, sus costumbres y tradiciones, sobre lo que los une y lo que les hace ser únicos. Se encontraron con “las venas abiertas de Latinoamérica”, representada por la escultura “mano” y reflexionaron sobre su significado. También pasearon por la Cordillera de los Andes, llegaron a Argentina, Bolivia y a Venezuela. Caminaron un poco más hasta México, disfrutaron de sus bellezas, de su arte y de su tradición. “El árbol de la vida es un canto a la vida”. En sus tradiciones, celebran la vida y la muerte. La visita hizo parte del “Proyecto Interdisciplinario América Latina”. La exposición fue fruto del trabajo colaborativo de distintas áreas y se llevó a cabo el 30 de agosto, en la que se plasmó lo que vivieron, estudiaron y reflexionaron a lo largo de los meses. Nuestro deseo es que los alumnos puedan verdaderamente entender el significado de la frase del escritor uruguayo, Eduardo Galeano: “Mi Patria no tiene fronteras ni en el tiempo, ni en el mapa”.
School Trips / Estudios Del Medio
SCHOOL T R IP PROJETO CA MPINA S (F UNDA MENTA L 1 - 3º A NO) As part of their project, 3rd grade students go on a field trip to some relevant locations in Campinas. Teacher Cristina went with one of her afternoon groups and they visited places they were studying as part of their class project. In this project, they learn how to describe the place, say what they can see and do there. Some of the sites they visited were: the Castelo Tower, the Palace of Tiles, the Train Station, the Cathedral amongst others. While they were sightseeing or observing places, they had the chance to speak English to their teacher and listen to explanations in English too. Some students were very watchful, finding signs in English, or even observing where the signs were only in Portuguese. The teacher´s presence made them think in English and pay more attention to what they were learning.
O e cr et s / / ANpur e n s tdreo sMPárso y e t o s L euar rPnr o Mj o
certificação internacional. Um olhar externo para também validar os estudos realizados em nossa escola. Em 2019, iniciaremos o nosso programa de Duplo Diploma (High School americano), em parceria com a Franklin Virtual High School, a fim de atender às famílias que desejam preparar seus filhos para estudos/carreira internacionais. Enfim, todas essas iniciativas visam formar um aluno bilíngue! E isso sem perder nossa essência, sem nos afastarmos de nosso projeto político-pedagógico e, principalmente, sem esquecermos que acima dos nomes e das tendências, o que nos motiva é ver nossos alunos proficientes, capazes de acessar os conhecimentos produzidos ao redor do mundo e competentes para disseminar suas práticas e especialidades onde e quando quiserem.
O L H ARES S O B R E O B ILI N G U I SM O Colocamos nesta seção links para a leitura de textos que abordam alguns aspectos de um tema tão discutido atualmente: o bilinguismo. Em nossa escola temos estudado e discutido esse tema, a fim de não só nos atualizarmos em relação a ele, mas também para que possamos ter uma posição clara e consistente sobre o momento em que vivemos. Termos como ‘escola bilíngue’, ‘programa bilíngue’, ‘bilinguismo’ são usados hoje por diversas instituições e com isso pais e alunos se sentem, muitas vezes, inseguros em relação ao que verdadeiramente eles significam e a que se propõem. Nossa escola tem como princípio oferecer um estudo das línguas estrangeiras que possibilite aos alunos tornarem-se competentes no idioma, a fim de enfrentarem as demandas externas, tanto acadêmicas como profissionais. E como fazemos isso? As iniciativas por nós tomadas visam sempre ampliar a exposição ao idioma: hoje temos inglês desde o Infantil 1 e estamos reestruturando nosso curso de espanhol no Fundamental 2 e Ensino Médio. Além disso, oferecemos inglês também para os alunos que estão no Período Integral. Utilizamos materiais didáticos de qualidade, produzidos por editoras internacionais e renomadas. Nossas aulas são dadas nos idiomas a serem estudados e sempre buscamos alternativas para que nossos alunos possam aplicar e praticar o que aprendem, com significado e relevância. Tanto no Inglês, como no Espanhol, participamos de projetos interdisciplinares, a fim de que o idioma estrangeiro seja a ferramenta de acesso a novos conhecimentos. Nossa concepção de avaliação das línguas estrangeiras é altamente especializada e moderna, contribuindo para que os alunos mobilizem seus conhecimentos e os apliquem em situações de uso - eles são convidados a pensar a língua e a utilizá-la de forma apropriada. Introduzimos os exames da Universidade de Cambridge para alunos de 9o ano (Fundamental 2) e 2a série (EM), a fim de que recebam uma
http://blog.singularidades.com.br/ ensino-bilingue-mitos-verdades/?utm_ campaign=newsletter_blog_-_agoset&utm_ medium=email&utm_source=RD+Station https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/ intercambio/article/download/35646/24439 https://educacaobilingue.com/2014/10/01/ o-que-e-uma-escola-bilingue/ https://educacaobilingue.com/2016/01/01/ legislacao-e-escolas-bilingues-no-brasil/ https://educacaobilingue.com/2016/07/14/naobasta-ter-aulas-de-ingles-para-ser-uma-escolabilingue-o-que-educacao-bilingue-nao-e/ https://educacaobilingue. com/2010/09/26/mitos-e-verdades/ https://educacaobilingue.com/2013/04/10/carreira/
Learn More / Aprende Más
https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2018/10/06/ articulo/1538819474_064288.html
https://elpais.com/economia/2018/10/09/ actualidad/1539095052_242174.html
O un r gPuraogj eec C t so r/ nNeur e/s R t ri onsc óPnr oLyi entgousí s t i c o La
¿Sabías que los sustantivos terminados en “ume” en portugués, por ejemplo, son de género masculino, y en español esta terminación se traduce como “umbre”, que corresponde al género femenino? Ejemplos: la costumbre, la legumbre,
Tanto la letra ñ como el sonido (o fonema) de la ñ no son exclusivas del español. En la Península Ibérica, el gallego y el asturiano usan esta letra. En América Latina muchas lenguas indígenas como el mixteco, el zapoteco, el otomí, el quechua, el aymara, el mapuche y el guaraní también cuentan con la eñe.
la cumbre.
Más información: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-38214016 Se denominan heterogenéricos (del grego heteros, “diferente”), los vocablos que cambian de género de una lengua a otra. Aquellos que, por ejemplo, pueden ser femeninos en un idioma y masculinos en otro. ¿Sabías que los sustantivos terminados en “agem” en portugués, por ejemplo, son de género femenino, y en español esta terminación se traduce como “aje”, que corresponde al género masculino? Ejemplos: el viaje, el paisaje, el lenguaje. 38
el árbol
a árvore
el color
a cor
el coraje
a coragem
el cuchillo
a faca
el desorden
a desordem
el dolor
a dor
el equipo
a equipe
el linguaje
a linguagem
el puente
a ponte
la leche
o leite
la legumbre
o legume
la liquadora
o liquidificador
la miel
o mel
la nariz
o nariz
la protesta
o protesto
la sal
o sal
la sangre
o sangue
la sonrisa
o sorriso
Language Corner / RincĂłn LinguĂstico
SI CREĂ?AS QUE SOLO UN EXTRANJERO TIENE PROBLEMAS AL USAR LOS PRONOMBRES DE COMPLEMENTO EN ESPĂƒNOL, ESTABAS EQUIVOCADO. A ver si con emojis entendemos cĂłmo usar ‘la’, ‘le’ y ‘lo’ “EscribĂ a đ&#x;‘Šâ€?= LE escribĂâ€?
https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2018/06/30/ articulo/1530384307_747233.html
O un r gPuraogj eec C t so r/ nNeur e/s R t ri onsc óPnr oLyi entgousí s t i c o La
According to Oxford Dictionaries, E is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet. Q is the least common letter. The letter E is 56 times more common than the letter Q. The most common letter used at the beginning of words is S. There are more English words that begin with S than any other letter. Many of these words begin with clusters such as sh, sp, st, and sc. The letter X is the least common letter to begin a word in English.
DÍA DE MUERTOS LA RUTA DEL DÍA DE MUERTOS POR LOS ESCENARIOS DE MÉXICO QUE INSPIRARON LA PELÍCULA ‘COCO’ Este paseo incluye ocho pueblos que celebran con mucho colorido el Día de Muertos
According to Oxford Dictionaries, E is the most commonly used letter in the English alphabet. Q is the least common letter. The letter E is 56 times more common than the letter Q. The most common letter used at the beginning of words is S. There are more English words that begin with S than any other letter. Many of these words begin with clusters such as sh, sp, st, and sc. The letter X is the least common letter to begin a word in English.
https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2018/06/30/ articulo/1530384307_747233.html
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor. He wrote well-known plays such as Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. He also invented over 1700 of our common English words. He invented new English words, but he also changed how some words were used. He changed nouns into verbs, verbs into adjectives, connected new words together, and added prefixes and suffixes to old words.
NEW A R R IVA L S TO T HE D ICT IONA RY A new word is added to the dictionary every two hours. The newest and strangest include ‘nerdjacking’ (to hijack a conversation with detailed explanations), ‘undorse’ (to reverse a policy) and ‘Mx’ (a genderneutral form of address instead of using Mr or Ms).
https://elpais.com/cultura/2014/11/28/ actualidad/1417190847_221724.html
Período Integral
Neste espaço vamos contar alguns destaques do trabalho realizado com as crianças do Período Integral nos momentos de INGLÊS.
às unidades trabalhadas nos livros. Nossos momentos de Inglês envolvem sempre: • Variedade; • Diversidade; • Rotina com base na voz do aluno; • Músicas, videos, games, atividades manuais, histórias, exercícios e simulação; • Criatividade, flexibilidade prática e consolidação.
Mostraremos aqui projetos realizados com diferentes grupos, dinâmicas utilizadas em nossas aulas, materiais adotados e utilizados, vivências e experiências com o idioma. Vejam alguns destaques que selecionamos para vocês: Para nossos alunos do Infantil, temos módulos temáticos para cada dia da semana. Nesses módulos, detsenvolvemos projetos relacionados aos macrotemas e que abordam diferentes itens linguísticos, vocabulário e habilidades.
W ELCOME TO OUR HIP HOP DAY! Nos dias 25 e 26 de junho, tivemos o nosso primeiro “HIP HOP DAY”, um evento idealizado pelas atividades específicas Street Dance, da área de práticas corporais, e Inglês, em parceria
2ª feira
Cooking & Gardening
3ª feira
4ª feira
The animal world
crianças do Infantil e Fundamental 1, através
5ª feira
Playing Games
abordados os 5 elementos que norteiam esta
com as coordenadoras de atividades gerais e estagiárias do Período Integral. O objetivo deste evento foi promover a vivência da cultura HIP HOP por parte das de apresentações e oficinas, nas quais foram cultura: Grafitti (arte), MC/Beat Box (poesia), DJ (música), Street Dance (dança e movimento) e o conhecimento.
Nossos alunos de 1º ano também trabalham com módulos temáticos, distribuídos da seguinte forma:
As professoras de inglês fizeram o trabalho em aula de aproximação ao tema em inglês
2ª feira
3ª feira
4ª feira
5ª feira
com mostras de vídeos sobre a cultura Hip Hop, levantando idéias com os alunos, associando palavras com o tema, praticando a música escolhida, aprofundando o conhecimento das crianças sobre o grafitti e a relação com as pichações, aproximando-os dos instrumentos e equipamentos utilizados e a vestimenta própria desta cultura. Foi um sucesso! Vejam alguns momentos desse evento.
Para os alunos de 2º ao 5º ano utilizamos o material didático Guess What!, além de desenvolvermos projetos temáticos, relacionados
O Pd r ooj eI n c t se g/r N Pu erío a lu e s t r o s P r o y e t o s
T HE GINGER BR EA D M A N (INFA NT IL ) Todas as segundas-feiras é dia de “Cooking and Gardening” para as turmas de Infantil do Período Integral e um de nossos temas foi a história “The Gingerbread Man”. As crianças conheceram a história e a cada aula exploramos alguns aspectos relacionados aos personagens, também conhecemos os ingredientes da receita do Gingerbread Man. Para tornar o aprendizado mais divertido, nós usamos a Mystery Box e brincamos de adivinhar qual era o ingrediente secreto (gengibre) que havia dentro dela. Após desvendarmos o mistério, cada criança teve a oportunidade de tocar, cheirar e até provar (caso quisessem). Em seguida, nos encaminhamos para a horta da casa e plantamos o gengibre. Para finalizar esta história, fomos para o Ateliê da Casa e preparamos nossa receita de Gingerbread Man! Todos estavam curiosos e empolgados para ver o resultado final e também para decorar nossos biscoitos. Para nossa alegria ficou tudo muito gostoso!
BI NG O - O I N G LÊ S PR E S E N T E NA N O S SA D E LIC I O SA FE S TA J U N IN A ! ! Uma das brincadeiras da nossa Festa Junina, em junho, foi o tradicional Bingo em inglês. Com cartelas com imagens para a turma de Infantil e 1º ano, e com palavras para a turma de Fund 1, nossos alunos puderam jogar, se divertir e rever o vocabulário já adquirido nas aulas de inglês.
Período Integral
CO ME M O R AÇ Õ E S N O M ÊS DA S C R I A N Ç A S ! As teachers do período integral apresentaram nos dias 17 e 18 de outubro a peça “The Stone Soup”para todas as crianças. Esta experíência, além de ter mostrado aos alunos um novo lado de suas professoras de inglês, contou com a participação deles para ser realizada: as crianças respondiam às perguntas em inglês ao longo da apresentação e eram chamadas ao palco para contribuir com os ingredientes da sopa de mentirinha. Ao final da encenação, uma deliciosa sopa de verdade foi servida a todos!
Seguindo a mesma temática da história, nos dias 22 e 25 promovemos também brincadeiras em que os alunos precisavam coletar os ingredientes da sopa e levá-los até à panela. Para isso, adaptamos jogos já conhecidos por eles, como “pega-pega” e “casa, morador e terremoto”, substituindo com os personagens que eles conheceram na peça.
O tema “Home Time” explorava diversas atividades rotineiras que fazemos no nosso lar, dentre elas, cooking. Como fechamento do tema, os alunos pesquisaram vídeos e blogs de receitas e depois realizaram a receita de um Delicious Chocolate Cake!!!
Programa de Duplo Diploma - High School