NM Daiy Lobo 013012

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Back on track See page 12

January 30, 2012

Sen.: aim to stop drug overdose

monday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Rate of overdose deaths in New Mexico is highest in the nation by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found New Mexico has the highest overall drug overdose death rate of any state, but two bills introduced at the start of the 2012 legislative session aim to curb those rates. SB90 contains language that would allocate $200,000 to the Department of Health to fund a statewide overdose prevention and awareness campaign of legal and illegal drugs. SJM21 requests the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Center for Health Policy to perform a study to expand New Mexico’s drug overdose prevention programs. Sen. Richard Martinez (D, Rio Arriba, Los Alamos and Santa Fe), who helped sponsor SB90 and SJM21, said the legislation will reduce the number of accidental drug overdose deaths in New Mexico. “I’m asking the Legislature and the Governor to act with compassion and common sense. These deaths are preventable,” Martinez said. “Overdose spares no one and affects everyone, especially families.” New Mexico suffered 27 overdose deaths per 100,000 people in 2010, more than twice the national

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Sophomore guard Kendall Williams celebrated the win 71-54 over TCU Saturday afternoon in The Pit. Because of San Diego State’s lost to Colorado State, the Lobos are one win away from the top of the conference. See page 8 for story.

average according to the CDC. Additionally, the overdose death rate in the state has increased 242 percent since 1991. According to the New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator, 204 individuals died from drugcaused injury in 2010, in the most

recent report available. SB90 has passed the Senate Finance Committee and is awaiting a committeereportfromtheCommittees’ Committee and the Public Affairs Committee. SJM21 is currently in the senate Rules Committee awaiting a committee report.

Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort (R, Bernallilo, Sandoval, Torrance and Santa Fe) said the Senate is reluctant to fund new programs, but will evaluate each program’s merits separately. “What we’ve said at this point is that we would not be putting mon-

ey into any new programs,” Beffort said. “That being said, a lot of that has to do with what the appropriation requests will be, and I look forward to hearing this legislation.”

Parking rep: bike program would cost $60k yearly by Tamon Rasberry trasberr@unm.edu

Finding funds is the next step in getting ASUNM’s bike-share program rolling according to ASUNM president Jaymie Roybal. “We have had some informal conversations with sponsors who are interested in the program, but we are waiting until we know the exact price and other specifics before we start getting actual pledges,” she said. Roybal said ASUNM intends to fund the program through private sponsorship. ASUNM members, including Roybal, proposed the program, which would allow students to rent bikes for use throughout campus and nearby Nob Hill. The bike-share program

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 88

is being developed in part by Parking and Transportation Services. According to PATS, a first year cost of $353,000 would pay for nine stations and a total of 46 bicycles. From there, the program would require recurring funding of $60,000 a year to continue operation. In a presentation before the Student Fee Review Board, Danielle Gilliam, program specialist, said PATS is requesting a onetime donation of $50,000 in student fees as down payment to jump-start the program. Gilliam said if this amount is granted, students will not have to pay out of pocket for the following year. Rather than being supported by student fees on a yearly basis, If fundraising and other efforts fail to raise the amount needed, PATS

has suggested that students could pay for the rental of the bikes on campus. A $6 per day pass with 10,000 users a year would be sufficient to completely fund the program, according to the PATS SFRB presentation. “If we can get the $50,000 … one time, I would like to not have to come back and request more student fees to fund the program. I think we can keep (the program sustainable) with donations, fundraising … and advertising.” Roybal said she hopes to fundraise most of the $60,000 cost through donations and advertising to keep costs to students low. Gilliam said the expansion of housing and the possible influx of 2,000 students requires alternative methods of transportation. Gilliam said the bike-share

Where are we?

Fledgeling greed

See page 2

See page 4

program will lessen dependence on automobiles, reduce traffic and congestion on campus and provide speedy access to parts of campus and other amenities in the campus area currently offlimits to motor vehicles. ASUNM Sen. Sunny Liu said the UNM bike-share program could be the first step in a citywide bike-share program. In the Parking and Transportation Services SFRB presentation, Gilliam said if UNM takes the first step in providing bike-share kiosks in the UNM area, the city may follow with additional funding for kiosk expansion. “This program could initiate the city to want to revamp the city’s transportation structure and open the limitations for better biking routes and policies,” Liu said.

More than 90 colleges currently offer some sort of bike-sharing program on their campus. GPSA President and SFRB Chair Katie Richardson said she isn’t sure if the program should be funded by student fees. “While I am excited about sustainability efforts at UNM, I am not sure if students will use the program enough to justify its expense,” Richardson said. “Student support could give a reason to use fee dollars as seed money for the program even before the rest of the capital is raised by businesses, but I haven’t heard a ground swell from students yet. I’d like to see a study showing student need and support.” –Luke Holmen contributed to this report


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PageTwo M onday, J anuary 30, 2012

Where are we?

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Every Monday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to WhereAreWe@dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced next week.

Joshua Ellison correctly guessed last week’s Where Are We, which is located on the southern side of the top floor of the SUB.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 88

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, January 30, 2012 / Page 3

Speaker inspires at lunch gram, said the luncheon boosts awareness of Black History Month. “It’s good to see Africana Studies host an event that has the ability to reach a broader audience simply by bringing in someone with national and international exposure to bolster the standing of the Africana Studies program.” Rankin said Black History Month began as Negro History Week and was started by Carter G. Woodson as a way to discuss the black experience in a positive way. “It’s used as an opportunity for the nation to pause and reflect on the black experience and, by extension, across the world,” she said. Rankin said the first brunches were held in the mid-80s by Shiame Okunor Ph.D., director emeritus and part-time instructor of Africana studies. Okunor wanted an event that formally recognized Black History Month in New Mexico, Rankin said. In the past, the event hosted speakers such as Cornel West and Maya Angelou. For more details on events celebrating Black History Month, visit www.nmblackhistorymonth.com

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Chavez warns defiant banks CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned private banks on Sunday that he will consider nationalizing any that refuse to finance agricultural projects promoted by his government. Banks are required by law in Venezuela to provide at least 10 percent of their lending to finance government development projects. “The private banks that do not comply with the constitution and their duty, well, I do not have any problem nationalizing them,” Chavez said during his weekly radio and television program. “We must ensure the constitution and laws are complied with!” Chavez charged that the rules aren’t being followed by some of Venezuela’s biggest private banks — Banesco, Banco Mercantil and Banco Provincial, which is controlled by Spain’s Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Chavez singled out the president of Banesco, Juan Carlos Escotet, ordering him to lend more to Venezuela’s cash-strapped farmers. “If you cannot do it, give me your

much of Sunday’s show discussing the need to develop “idle” lands as a means of boosting agricultural production, which has diminished in recent years. “We must advance quicker with the recuperation of land,” Chavez said, stressing that the government must make more land available to the poor. Chavez instructed governmentfriendly mayors and state governors “to travel on horseback and on foot, day and night” in search of lands that have not been put to adequate use under government standards that define when officials can initiate expropriations. The government says it is redistributing large estates and other land that is not adequately used. Critics contend the land seizures have hurt productive farms, thus cutting agricultural production and forcing the oil-exporting country to boost food imports. Opposition leader Pablo Perez, a state governor who hopes to challenge Chavez in an Oct. 7 presidential election, strongly criticized the government’s agriculture initiatives Sunday, noting that oil-rich Venezuela imports much more food than it produces.

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The Associated Press

bank,” Chavez said, prompting applause from a crowd of government officials and supporters. A bill approved last year by Chavez’s allies in the National Assembly describes banking as a “public service” and gives the government the authority to declare banks to be of “public utility,” which paves the way for state nationalizations. The government already seized control of about a dozen banks in recent years, accusing them of causing financial problems and violating banking rules. Chavez’s government controls about 28 percent of Venezuela’s banking sector. The president hosted Sunday’s program from the city of Barinas in the heart of “Los Llanos,” Venezuela’s vast central plains. The sun-baked region produces most of Venezuela’s meat, fruits and vegetables, but many farmers and ranchers complain of state expropriations and say governmentimposed price controls on many basic foods cut into their profits. Chavez kicked off the program chatting with workers at a statefinanced cattle ranch. The selfproclaimed “revolutionary” spent


by Christopher Toothaker


rean BBQ


new mexico

Donna Brazile, a political commentator, author and adjunct professor at Georgetown University urged young black people to become engaged in politics and called on young women at UNM to become leaders. The New Orleans native spoke in front of about 300 community members, UNM students, faculty and alumni Saturday at a luncheon in the SUB ushering in Black History Month. “We need more women to blaze the path,” she said. “To create new opportunities and to help us keep moving forward. Why you? Because there’s no one better. Why now? Because tomorrow is not soon enough.” Brazile recounted the achievements of black women such as Rosa Parks, Ida B. Wells, Mary McCleod Bethune, Harriet Tubman and Oprah Winfrey as examples of black women who broke through social restraints to become leaders in society.

Kyran Worrell is a senior pursuing a degree in Africana studies. She said Brazile is a modern woman challenging modern-age racism. “(Brazile) embodies what perseverance, ambition and determination is for black men and women,” he said. “The reality is, although we are in 2012, racism still exists. For us to see her achieve and progress is inspirational.” Sonia Rankin, professor and associate director of Africana studies, helped coordinate the event this year along with professor Alfred Mathewson, interim director of the program, and others. Rankin said Brazile is unique in that she has been successful in so many fields. “There are few black women in the United States today who have the kind of reach that (Brazile) has had,” Rankin said. “Being that she’s been the ground breaking woman for so many opportunities in politics, history and culture, we decided that we would like to hear her perspective,” she said. Charles Becknell Jr., Ph.D. and part-time instructor at the pro-




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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Monday January 30, 2012


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Who do you think will win the Republican nomination? Ron Paul


Mitt Romney


Stephen Colbert


Newt Gingrich


Rick Santorum


Out of 168 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: How do you feel about UNM property around Lobo Village being slated for commercial development? Excited. It’s about time we got some businesses in the area. Wary. It’s starting to feel like a corporate takeover. Indifferent. I can’t afford to live in Lobo Village anyway. I don’t even know what Lobo Village is.



EDITORIAL Cheap pay, long hours and hard work await at the Lobo Readers, Let me tell you something. The Daily Lobo is the real world as far as journalism is concerned. For those of you who just laughed, why don’t you come see if you can keep up with the pace in the newsroom? Chances are, we would all laugh at you. Most of you are not going to get a job here because you don’t care about the quality of your work and you can’t string a coherent thought together, let alone work for a newspaper with deadlines, stylistic guidelines, and, wait for it … real work. You are content to sit back and criticize from afar. You should note, though, that we can teach anyone who is willing to work. So if you aren’t the best yet, we can help you get there if you’re willing to work yourself into a stupor. But you might ask yourself: “Why should I write for the Lobo if the pay is little, the stress is high, and the rewards are almost nonexistent?”. Let me tell you why I write. I had a private interview with the U.S. secretary of energy last week. I watched as police unfolded a trail of evidence linking former UNM President F. Chris Garcia to an interstate prostitution ring. I watched as Occupy Albuquerque protestors were expelled from Yale Park by dozens of police in riot gear in the middle of the night. I jumped off a cliff into a giant waterfall in the Jemez mountains. I got to see how beer was made, and then I got paid for it. You want my job? You can have it, but you better be good enough to take it from me. Come to Marron Hall tonight at 7 p.m. Show up with a résumé and writing samples in hand if you got them. –Luke Holmen, assistant news editor


Technology kills society’s empathy by Jason Darensburg Daily Lobo columnist

Now that the holidays are over — along with the flowery talk about peace on Earth and goodwill toward men — it’s important to remember the suffering in the world and how far the human race still has to go before we reach the ideals of respect and dignity for all living beings. Unfortunately, recent studies confirm that a growing number of college students are losing empathy for their fellow man. In a world that clearly needs more compassion, this loss is a shocking trend. Studies conducted between 1979 and 2009 found that college students today have less empathy toward their peers than previous generations. The findings come from the study Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A MetaAnalysis, authored by Sara Konrath, Edward H. O’Brien and Courtney Hsing. For 30 years, 14,000 college students were surveyed in 72 separate studies. College students scored 40 percentage points lower on the empathy scale than their predecessors. Compared with students of the late 70’s, today’s undergraduates are less likely to describe themselves as “soft-hearted” and less prone to agree with statements like: “I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective,” or “I often have tender, concerned feelings for people less fortunate than me.” They are far more likely to admit that other people’s misfortunes usually don’t bother them. Of the findings, Konrath said, “Many people see the current group of college students — sometimes called ‘Generation Me’ — as one of the most self-centered, narcissistic, competitive, confident and individualistic in recent history. We found the biggest drop in empathy after the year 2000.” I would have substituted the word “individualistic” with “robotic,” based on my experience at UNM, but then again, I’m not a researcher. Empathy is the ability to understand and sympathize with another person’s feelings and thoughts. It’s the capacity to put oneself in the shoes of others — not just as individuals, but entire groups of people and other living beings, especially those who are oppressed, threatened or exploited. Empathy goes beyond just “feeling,” however; it involves some level of understanding and compassion, and it

extends to individuals, communities and even to other species. A person’s capacity to feel empathy is primarily the result of family upbringing, social conditioning and personal history. The ability to empathize has been likened to a muscle: capable of growth, atrophy, disability and regeneration over time. Empathy is at the heart of true human rationality because it goes to the very core of our moral values and our perception of justice. We wouldn’t want to live in a world without empathy. As Mark Davis, a professor of Psychology at Eckerd College in Florida, put it: “Imagine if humans didn’t have the capacity for empathy. What would it mean if, in fact, we never gave a damn about what happened to other people? That’s an almost inconceivable world.” Several factors were examined in an attempt to explain this phenomenon: our highly competitive, materialistic society; the role of the mass media; the stress of paying for college; and the ever-shrinking job market are just some of the causes associated with this huge drop in empathy. Frequent exposure to violent media, such as video games, certainly plays a role in desensitizing young people to the suffering of others. It undoubtedly helps to keep the armed forces in business, but I would also say that America’s authoritarian, police-state mentality is now firmly entrenched in every aspect of the collective national psyche. Military force invariably takes precedence over negotiation and compromise. College students today have grown up in a state of perpetual war. Our civil liberties have been severely restricted over the last decade and SWAT teams and riot squads are a fact of life. The passive acceptance of Social Darwinism — “I’ve got mine, screw you” — has also clearly affected the youth of this country. We’re just now beginning to see the negative results. Another factor contributing to lack of empathy — oddly enough — is the widespread, excessive use of social networks like Facebook and Myspace, where “friends” are too easily acquired and disposed of. This increase in social isolation and lack of human interaction in the computer age overlaps with the drop in empathy, according to the researchers. In the past 30 years, Americans are more likely to live alone and less likely to join groups — from clubs and unions to student organizations and political parties. Further studies have shown that this type of isolation, lack of face-to-face interaction

and emotional connection contributes to the decline of empathy among college students. It didn’t come as a surprise to the researchers that this growing emphasis on “me, me, me!” has been accompanied by a corresponding devaluation of others and an epidemic of narcissism in our society. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is far more common than researchers once thought. One in four college students agreed with the majority of the items on a standard measurement of narcissistic traits. In data from yet another study of 37,000 college students, narcissistic personality disorders rose as fast as obesity rates. A lot of the people I see on campus are hooked up to some sort of expensive electronic device, totally detached from the outside world. I’m convinced that this voluntary disconnection from reality is one of the deeper causes for the lack of empathy in many college students. This generation is far more comfortable living in cyberspace than in real life, and our increasing dependence on technology has allowed human relationships to suffer. More technology certainly can’t fix that. All of these wonderful gadgets are helping to isolate us from one another, instead of uniting us in the much-ballyhooed “global village.” College students are constantly aware of their friends’ and family’s needs, but all that connectivity doesn’t appear to translate into genuine concern for other people, or the world at large. The good news is that a person’s ability to empathize can be enhanced through a variety of methods. Empathy can increase when students are coached to develop their interpersonal skills and their ability to recognize other people’s emotions. Concerned educators can contribute a great deal to turning this trend around. It would be wise to pay close attention to these developments and take corrective action before it’s too late.

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, January 30, 2012 / Page 5

Romney courts Cuban-Americans in Florida by Laura Wides-Munoz The Associated Press

HIALEAH, Fla. — If Mitt Romney wins Tuesday’s primary, a sliver of the GOP electorate in Florida may be one of the big reasons. Cuban-Americans are deeply committed voters who can have an impact in competitive races, and Romney has strong support among the influential CubanAmerican establishment. Older exiles also tend to vote heavily through absentee ballots, where the former Massachusetts governor all but certainly has an edge. And the candidate’s emphasis on fixing the economy is resonating with backers like Jesus Ovidez, who cares more about jobs than he does U.S. policy toward Cuba. “When we are in a better position here, then we can worry about over there. But first you have to put your own house in order,” said Ovidez, who spent months in a forced labor camp before fleeing the island in the late 1960s. Ovidez has been a co-owner of Chico’s Restaurant for more than 30 years in the heavily CubanAmerican community of Hialeah north of Miam. He gestured around to the mostly empty chairs during one recent lunch hour and talked

about how Romney’s emphasis on the economy was one of the main reasons he already has cast his vote for the former businessman. “There’s no money. People don’t go out to eat any more,” said Ovidez. Maybe, he said, Romney can help change that. Plus, Ovidez argued, Romney is the only Republican who can beat President Barack Obama, saying: “He’s an individual who is a millionaire, and with money you win elections.” During the past week, a series of polls have shown Romney pulling ahead of chief challenger Newt Gingrich in the run up to Tuesday’s primary. Overall, roughly 11.1 percent of registered Republicans in Florida are Hispanic. And of all Hispanic voters in the state, 32.1 percent are Cuban, 28.4 percent are Puerto Rican and 25 percent come mostly from Central and South America, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, which cites the Florida Division of Elections. Ana Carbonell, a longtime political operative now working for Romney, estimates that 14 percent of the GOP primary vote comes from Miami-Dade County and, of that, 75 percent is Cuban-American. Generally, Cuban-American voters have the highest turnout rates. In 2008, they helped John

McCain win the primary over Romney, who lost heavily in MiamiDade County, where this voting group is most concentrated.

“When we are in a better position here, then we can worry about over there. But first you have to put your own house in order” ~Jesus Ovidez Romney supporter Cuban-American voters are particularly reliable in the primary in part because so many of the older exiles vote early through absentee ballots, and Romney’s campaign — with the significant help from local Cuban-American political leaders — has led all other campaigns in encouraging Floridians to vote before Tuesday. He or his allies have been on the TV airwaves since December targeting early voters.

And in recent days, they have flooded Spanish-radio and TV with ads attacking Gingrich. Romney’s strength among the old-guard Cuban-Americans was evident last week when he received a standing ovation before he even spoke to more than 400 exiled political and civic leaders. They packed the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami, where thousands fleeing Fidel Castro’s revolution first received health care and were processed by immigration officers in the 1960s. Romney was flanked by prominent Cuban-American politicians, including former Sen. Mel Martinez and Rep. Ileana RosLehtinen, the first Hispanic woman elected to Congress. While Romney highlighted his business background and spoke on the economy, he also tapped into the pride many Cuban-Americans still feel toward the island nation and their angst over its leaders. “If I’m fortunate enough to become the next president, it is my expectation that Fidel Castro will finally be taken off this planet,” Romney told the crowd to wild applause. Castro, 85, has been ill since 2006, when he handed over power to his brother, Raúl. “We have to be prepared, in the next president’s first or second term, it is time to strike for freedom in Cuba.”

Arguably the state’s most popular Cuban-American politician, Sen. Marco Rubio, has withheld an endorsement during the primary but came to Romney’s defense in the past week, criticizing Gingrich over an ad that labeled Romney anti-immigrant. Gingrich, for his part, has called for a U.S.-supported “Cuban spring” uprising against the long-standing communist regime. If elected, he told a crowd of Hispanic business and civic leaders Friday, he would bring to bear “the moral force of an American president who is serious about intending to free the people of Cuba, and willingness to intimidate those who are the oppressors and say to them, ‘You will be held accountable.’” Gingrich has talked of covert action to overthrow the government of Raúl Castro, though he insisted such efforts would not include violence. And he signed a pledge to roll back the ability of Cubans to visit and send money to relatives on the island to the strict limits Bush imposed in 2004. Such promises play well in the older exile community, many of whose homes were confiscated during the Cuban revolution and are far less likely than newer Cuban immigrants to have close family there.

This exhibition and its public programming will reflect upon the human experience behind enacted policies and laws on Pueblo communities by other governments. It will add to a well-documented history of Pueblo resilience since the time of Emergence. Interviews with Pueblo members will provide visitors with historical and personal reflections to help them understand and appreciate these historic challenges, often imposed through policy and laws, all intended to purposefully remove Pueblo people away from their core values.

Panel Discussions in conjunction with our new exhibition “100 Years” - 5:30-7:00pm - Free ADmission Supported by the WK Kellogg Foundation March 14 - Changing Roles: Women in Leadership, Health, Education and Art Panelists: Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara Pueblo, Lela Kaskalla, Nambe Pueblo, Katherine Augustine, Laguna Pueblo, Glenabah Martinez, Taos Pueblo/Navajo April 18 - New Pueblo Direction: Young Voices Respond to 100 Years of State and Federal Policy - Panelists: Lee Francis IV, Laguna Pueblo, Jodi Burshia, Laguna Pueblo May 16 - Indigenous Science/Cross-Cultural Science: Teaching for the Future Panelists: Dr. Shelly Valdez of Laguna Pueblo, Kirby Gchachu of Zuni Pueblo June 20 - Indian Reorganization Act and its Impact on the Pueblo of Laguna - Speaker: Former Pueblo of Laguna Governor, Roland Johnson July 18 - Maintaining Pueblo Languages: The Challenges posed by 100 years of policy - Speaker: Dr. Christine Sims of Acoma Pueblo, Linguist and Educator August 22 - Mt. Taylor: Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) on the New Mexico Register of Cultural Properties - Panelists: Theresa Pasqual (Acoma Pueblo) of the Acoma Historic Preservation Office, Shelly Chimoni, (Zuni Pueblo) & Executive Director to the All Indian Pueblo Council September 12 - The Return of Taos Blue Lake: Religious Freedom and Cultural Identity Panelists: Gilbert Suazo, Sr., Taos Pueblo, Linda Bernal Yardley, Taos Pueblo November 14 - Pueblo Indian Suffrage and the Legacy of Miguel Trujillo - Speaker Josephine Waconda, Daughter of Miguel Trujillo

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center 2401 12th St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

Toll Free: 1-866-855-7902 | IndianPueblo.org/100years Grades 1 - 12 Curriculum Available in 2012

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, January 30, 2012 / Page 7

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Page 8 / Monday, January 30, 2012


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo men’s basketball

Last-minute news fuels victory

Adria Malcolm/ Daily Lobo UNM sophomore guard Kendall Williams brings the ball up court after stealing it from TCU guard Nate Butler in the first half of the game Saturday afternoon at The Pit. The Lobos defeated the Horn Frogs 71-54.

Congratulate this week’s

Lobo Winners! Men’s Basketball defeated CSU 85-52 TCU 71-54

Men’s Tennis

defeated Texas A&M 7-0

Track & Field won

Men’s 60m Men’s High Jump Men’s 600m Men’s 400m Hurdles Women’s Pole Vault Women’s 600m Women’s 800m Women’s High Jump

by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com Right before tipoff, the men’s basketball team got some news that charged the players up to beat TCU. The crowd and players learned that Colorado State had beaten MWC leaders San Diego State. The crowd roared. UNM was just one game behind the Aztecs if the Lobos could beat TCU, which they did easily by 71-54. “These next two games are really important for us now that San Diego State just dropped one against CSU, and that puts us in the hunt again,” senior guard Phillip McDonald said. “We were one game behind from first place and if we can get these next two in the ‘win’ column, we’ll be in good shape.” TCU kept the game close and had a one-point lead over UNM with 9:38 left in the first half, but it would be the last time in the game they would be ahead. UNM then went on a 12-2 run and took a seven-point lead into halftime. “It was a really good win,” head

coach Steve Alford said. “I’m really proud of our team and they did a great job defensively. Overall, it was a terrific win; we needed these two.” The Lobos continued to control the game with sophomore guard Tony Snell hitting two quick 3-pointers to start the second half and take their lead to 17 with 15:54 left. Snell finished with a game-high 18 points, going 7-12 shooting, including 4-8 from behind the arc. “Tony Snell had a very good game offensively which was a huge key,” Alford said. TCU went on a run of its own and cut the Lobos’ lead to just six with nine minutes remaining. The Lobos responded and built their lead back up to 17, to finish the game. Alford said TCU is a team that often comes from behind, and he was pleased with how his team responded to TCU’s run and didn’t let it get back into the game. “We know how explosive they can be and they started to make some 3s there in that stretch in the second half once we got up 15 points,” Alford

said. “It was a really good credit to our guys. They didn’t panic and we did a good job of getting a good shot and stopping their run.” The Lobos finished 28-58 shooting and 7-19 from behind the arc. TCU shot just 17-42 for the game. Both teams struggled with free throws, with UNM going 8-16 and TCU 12-21. The win takes UNM to 17-4 and Alford said the key to UNM’s victory was stopping TCU’s Hank Thorns, who was the leading scorer for the Horned Frogs coming into the game and averaged more than 13 points a game. UNM held him to just eight, and Alford credited sophomore guard Kendall Williams for his defensive performance on Thorns. Williams was an added threat on the offensive end, finishing with 14 points and five assists. “I thought the key to the game was Kendall Williams,” Alford said. “That is probably as good defensively that Kendall has been here, and that has been a good growth to see.”

professional tennis

Bloody match ends in close win by John Pye

The Associated Press MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — Novak Djokovic ripped off his shirt and let out a primal scream, flexing his torso the way a prize fighter would after a desperate, last-round knockout. This was the final act in Djokovic’s 5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-7 (5), 7-5 victory over Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open fina l— a sweat-drenched, sneakersqueaking 5 -hour, 53-minute endurance contest that ended at 1:37 a.m. Monday morning in Melbourne. Djokovic overcame a break in the fifth set to win his fifth Grand Slam tournament and third in a row. None, though, quite like this. This one involved tears, sweat and, yes, even a little blood. It was the longest Grand Slam singles final in the history of pro tennis and it came against Nadal, the player who built a career on his tenacity, on outlasting opponents in matches like these.

“It was obvious on the court for everybody who has watched the match that both of us, physically, we took the last drop of energy that we had from our bodies,” Djokovic said. “We made history tonight and unfortunately there couldn’t be two winners.” When the drama was finally over at Rod Laver Arena, the 24-year-old Djokovic joined Laver, Pete Sampras, Roger Federer and Nadal as the only men who have won three consecutive majors since the Open Era began in 1968. Nadal was his vanquished opponent in all three. Djokovic will go for the “Nole Slam” at Roland Garros in May. As the players waited for the trophy presentation, Nadal leaned on the net, while Djokovic sat on his haunches. Eventually, a nearby official took pity and they were given chairs and bottles of water. Nadal held his composure during the formalities, and even opened his speech with a lighthearted one-liner.

“Good morning, everybody,” he said. A few minutes earlier, after hugging Nadal at the net, Djokovic tore off his sweat-soaked black shirt and headed toward his players’ box, pumping his arms repeatedly as he roared. He walked over to his girlfriend, his coach and the rest of his support team and banged on the advertising signs at the side of the court. “I think it was just the matter of, maybe, luck in some moments, and matter of wanting this more than maybe other player in the certain point,” Djokovic said. “It’s just incredible effort. You’re in pain, you’re suffer(ing). You’re trying to activate your legs. You’re going through so much suffering your toes are bleeding. Everything is just outrageous, but you’re still enjoying that pain.” The match was full of long rallies and amazing gets. Djokovic finished with 57 winners, along with 69 unforced errors. Nadal had 44 winners against 71 unforced errors.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

sports briefs

Monday, January 30, 2012 / Page 9

men’s tennis

women’s basketball

GAINESVILLE, Fla. ­­â€” The men’s tennis team had a rough time at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association indoor playoffs against No. 5 Florida. The Lobos were snapped in half 7-0 by the Gators to give UNM its first loss of the early season. In doubles play, senior Phil Anderson and junior Jadon Phillips, a duo ranked No. 16 in the country, fell 8-3 to the Gators Billy Federhofer and Nassim Slilam, who are ranked No. 4. The other two Lobos’ doubles teams also lost. In singles play, in the one slot, Phillips fell to the Gators’ Bob van Overbeek, 6-2 and 6-3. The trend continued for the rest of the team, and UNM failed to snag a single point from Florida. “Florida is a very good team playing outdoors with low altitude,â€? head coach Alan Dils said. â€œI am proud of our guys and our seniors. They were the last three guys out there fighting and scraping on the courts.â€?

FORT WORTH, Texas — The women’s basketball team continued its losing streak in the MWC with a 63-56 loss to TCU. The Lobos have yet to win a game in MWC play, and the loss against TCU marks the Lobos’ sixth straight defeat. Junior guard Caroline Durbin continued to lead the Lobos offensively with 20 points, but her effort wasn’t enough. Senior forward Porche Torrance was the only other player in double figures, with 10 points and nine rebounds. UNM has a chance to end its losing streak when it plays Air Force on Tuesday.

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Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Junior Jadon Phillips returns a serve Jan. 21 against Nevada at The Linda Estes Tennis Complex. The Lobos were shutout by the Florida Gators on Saturday. It was the first loss for the team this season.


Hiring Open House TONIGHT 7 P.M. MARRON HALL






$4 Tiki Drinks All Night


Vinyl And Verses

Stem Ivory TBA

New rules, license fees and application methods will require New Mexico hunters to do some homework before planning their hunts for the 2012-13 seasons. Dramatic changes adopted by the State Legislature or approved by the State Game Commission will affect the application process, season dates and how many licenses are reserved for state residents. The changes were designed to streamline the application and licensing process, provide more hunting opportunities for state residents, and to make drawing results and refunds available much sooner. Say goodbye to paper application forms. Beginning this year, applications for all licenses will be made through the Department’s online application system at www.wildlife.state.nm.us.

over the counter from license vendors statewide. Senior and junior hunters, handicapped and some military may be eligible for discounted licenses.

The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone

License and application fees will be charged at the time of application. Applicants can pay by credit card or electronic check, a new convenience beginning this year. Once an application is complete, it can not be changed, only deleted. Applicants can reapply, and will receive a refund for the deleted application after the drawing.

Hunters who need help applying for 2012-13 licenses online can get it from a real person over the telephone or at one of several locations with public computers staffed by Department of Game and Fish representatives.


Gimmy My Moon Back The Glass Menageries The Saint James Society

New legislation requires everyone who hunts or applies for a license in New Mexico to purchase a Game-hunting License or a combination Game-hunting and Fishing License. Game-hunting ($15 for residents, $65 for nonresidents) and Game-hunting and Fishing licenses ($30, residents only) will be available online or


Pancakes Fart House Steve Hammond Young Lungs







Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$1 Tecate Draft til Midnight $3 Vodka Drinks





Tiki Tuesdays!



Assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. MST, by calling toll-free, (888) 248-6866. The Department will offer computer access in public locations statewide. Look for more information and locations online, www.wildlife.state.nm.us.


lobo features

Page 10 / Monday, January 30, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Weekly Horoscopes by Alexandra Swanberg

Knows what you did last summer... Capricorn — You should be careful what you wish for this week, but not because it may come true. You may be playing out a fantasy so vivid that it will be difficult to distinguish it from reality. You may be able to glean new ideas worth pursuing and invent solutions to old problems you probably wouldn’t have formulated otherwise, but you’re risking disappointment when reality falls short of those soaring expectations. Aquarius — This week can be incredibly productive if you are selective about the whims you choose to pursue. Almost anything you want is close. Like a sheltered teenager entering college life, it may be difficult not to indulge in activities that are only briefly stimulating but counterproductive in the long run. This is fine if you aren’t sacrificing higher hopes for a brief bit of fun. Remember to reflect and consider how you’re serving yourself.

Pisces — At times this week, you may question whether your dreams left your life upon waking. This past week, you’ve nurtured a brain child that has grown so big there is no room for much else. Depending on the nature of the idea, it may not be a bad thing to become well-acquainted with what could prove to be a significantly life-altering endeavor. Because you may have lost perspective, do your best to listen to loved ones if they caution you against it.

Aries — A solemn mood that’s hung over you like old cobwebs has been dusted away by a renewed friendship or a refreshing, new relationship. Though you’ve changed your tune, the situation puzzling you has not. However, with the weight off your mind, the solution seems easily within your grasp. Have this person help you a step further and hash it out with them from the beginning. Don’t leave out any details; the real problem may only be evident to new eyes.

Taurus — The past week was a long, hard walk down the plank for you as the circumstances have left you no choice but to change your old ways. Having taken the plunge, these new elements have required drastic adjustment in the way you conduct yourself in your daily life. Years from now, it will seem so obvious what needed to be done, but for now you’ll have to do your best to accept the situation and act accordingly. Keep in mind, this is all for the better.

Gemini — You may be forced to deal with

Virgo — Now that you’ve really got the ball rolling on something that you’ve been striving towards for the past several weeks, you may find yourself in a frenzy, hopping from thought to thought like a frog across lily pads. It will be too easy to overlook details that may prove their importance only once it’s too late. With this in mind, carry on as you will because the satisfaction of progress is worth celebrating. Just take care not to let your thoughts exceed your capacity to do a thorough job.

the mood swings in your support system. Be sure to recognize that any lashing out is probably not your fault, but comes from fear of uncertainty. This is a time to learn how much you mean to people, though they don’t always express these sentiments in clear terms. Avoid making a wall in defense; if the relationship means something to you, give them space but leave the path back to them open.

Libra — After a period of relative social isolation, you’ve made up your mind that certain boundaries don’t serve the purpose you had in mind. You want to feel close with someone, and toward that end you’ve eliminated any filter through which good people in disguise may not pass. The downside is that you let in the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Continue seeking friends in all spheres, but devise some system of self-protection to avoid being spotted as easy prey.

Cancer — The salty remarks of others may feel more abrasive than usual, as this is a time when you feel a heightened sense of vulnerability. It is likely this weakness could be remedied by building up your support system. These remarks could be stemmed in feelings of neglect and a growing disconnect. Set some dates with your most cherished friends and make an effort to let them know how much they mean to you. You’ve done nothing wrong; everyone needs reassuring here and there.

Scorpio — A grand sense of duty toward others has arisen in you this past week, and you may find yourself unable to contain your passion. Society is in need of people with this sense, although you are in danger of exhausting yourself trying to take on everyone’s problems. Start with your family and close circle of friends, and move out only when you’re able to. With the extra time and energy, you can go far innovating ways to help people on a mass scale without sacrificing yourself completely.

Leo — You like to know the people you care about and respect are on your side, especially in times of need. It seems lately you’ve needed more only to find the well has been tapped dry. Any relationship requires a careful balance of reciprocity. If you find relations are more strained that usual, it may be time to account for how much you are taking. Even if these people don’t ask for much, there are other ways of showing your appreciation that don’t need to be solicited.

Sagittarius — Sometimes the most ordinary circumstances and observations serve to set your beliefs in stone, making you surer than ever that you’re right. Such a thing has likely happened in the past week or so, prompting you to spread the word as far as your voice can travel. You may come off as overbearing and proselytizing because this may only ring true for some and not others. If someone isn’t listening, there’s not much you can do except try to understand their perspective.

dailysudoku Level 1 2 3 4

Solutions to sudoku and crossword available at


dailycrossword Across 1 Fashionable 5 __ Blanc, the Alps’ highest peak 9 Wintry mess 14 Prolonged unconsciousness 15 Confess openly 16 Like horror film music 17 Practice boxing 18 Luke Skywalker, e.g. 19 Postal service symbol 20 DUCK 23 The NFL’s Cowboys 25 Energy 26 Snake’s warning 27 “Can __ honest with you?” 28 2011 World Series champs, on scoreboards 30 Rogue 32 Ring loudly 34 “Othello” villain 37 Fits of anger 41 CRANE 44 Actor Davis 45 __-poly 46 Yours, to Yves 47 Presidents’ Day mo. 49 “__-haw!” 51 Any nonzero number divided by itself 52 Arafat’s org. until 2004 55 Remove, with “off” 58 “Key Largo” 54-Down winner Claire

60 QUAIL 63 Not shortened, as a film 64 Suit to __ 65 “Joy of Cooking” writer Rombauer 68 Stiller’s comedy partner 69 iPhone message 70 Cowardly film beast played by 29-Down 71 Swashbuckler Flynn 72 Brother of Cain and Abel 73 “Ignore that editing change” Down 1 IV amounts 2 “__ on Pop”: Dr. Seuss 3 “Lay it on me!” 4 Christmas song 5 Like the Grand Canyon 6 Higher than 7 All-nighter pill 8 Bale binder 9 Reel from a blow to the head 10 Wife of Jacob 11 Involuntary impulses 12 Eliot’s “__ Marner” 13 Obeys 21 Used to be 22 Upper-left PC key 23 Tippler, for short 24 Helps with a heist 29 Actor Bert (see 70-Across) 31 Carvey or Delany

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku

33 Explorer Ericson 35 Moo __ gai pan 36 The “O” in SRO 38 “Time to move on” 39 Money-saving, in product names 40 Downhill racer 42 Abstain from alcohol 43 Canines metaphorically exchanged for something desired 48 Prohibit 50 Goof




52 Nom de __: pen name 53 Solitary man 54 Hollywood award 56 Grecian urn poet 57 Cosmetics giant Lauder 59 Lesser of two __ 61 French franc successor 62 Deli counter call 66 One of the Stooges 67 Picnic undesirable


Student Health & Counseling Counseling Services

Spring 2012 Workshops Academic Success: Tips & Tricks ADHD Coping Skills

ATTN: Student Organizations! Do You NEED Money?!

Anger Management Anxiety/Stress Clinic

The Workshops for the 12/13 Annual Budget Process will be:

Assertive Communication Body Image Creating Motivation for Change Mindfulness Meditation: Expanding the Possibilities of You

Feb 1st at 10 a.m. (SUB Santa Ana) Feb 3rd at 12 noon (SUB Santa Ana) Feb 9th at 5:15 p.m. (SUB Mirage)

For more information: http://www.unm.edu/~gpsa



Monday Madness Starts at: 9:00am Location: Lobo Den Store at the Pit Save 30% on a $30 purchase of Lobowear & spirit items every Monday during Lobo basketball season! Photography with a Digital Camera Starts at: 6:00pm Location: UNM Continuing Education, 1634 Universty Blvd.

Learn the basics of photography as you explore the capabilities of your digital camera. Discover the different uses.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Madison Library Fundraiser Starts at: 9:00am Location: www.titlewish.com/101327 The Madison Middle School library located in Albuquerque is holding an online Titlewish fundraiser. 100% of the money raised will go to purchasing new materials for the school library.

Social Success: Secrets to Liberating the Prisoner Within

Enroll online at shac.unm.edu/counseling.html or call (505) 277-4537.

Please direct questions to LegFin@unm.edu or SUB Room #1021


Sleep Hygiene

Test Anxiety

All groups requesting funding must attend a mandatory workshop: 1) Must be a Chartered Student Organization 2) Have graduate members, and 3) NOT directly apply for and receive GPSA PB (Pro-rated Benefit) Funds.

new mexico

Rewiring Your Brain: Changing Habits of Thought, Behavior & Emotion

Witness for the Prosecution Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Albuquerque Little Theatre Witness for the Prosecution based on the work of Agatha Christie.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Event Calendar

for January 30, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.






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Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net


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TUTORING FRENCH ALL levels for just $12 per 45 minute session. Please call Eriq at 505-435-2855. Or email at eekofo84@unm.edu

Health and Wellness CHIROPRACTOR. $25.00 STUDENT adjustments. www.chiro-affordable.com

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Your Space

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

GENEROUS REWARD FOR stolen 32 gig ipad and 13” macbook pro and chargers. No questions asked. 505-699-8118.

Apartments ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. 268-0525.

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. 1 BDRM APARTMENT. Newly remodeled. 764-8724. 401A Buena Vista, Walk to school!

Announcements TEST SUBJECTS NEEDED. Help local start-up improve its fingerprint sensors! We pay $10 cash to participants aged 18+. Study runs Wednesday, February 1. Call Stephanie to schedule and get directions to Lumidigm (south campus). 246-6001.

BRIGHT LARGE 1BDRM w/ office. Living room, FP, large kitchen. No pets, NS. Shared laundry. $525/mo. Near CNM/UNM. 255-7874. 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $755 including utilities. 2462038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. LIVE ON THE EDGE... of downtown. 2BDRM 820 sqft off street parking, laundry, gated. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. $710/mo. Also 1BDRM available $595/mo. 802 Gold Ave SW. 319-8417 or 577-4730.

Year Round Garden Supply NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

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LoboTrack Sports Editor / Nathan Farmer


12 Monday January 30, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Women jump, sprint, throw to 40 top-ten finishes by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com In a weekend with more than 40 top-ten finishes, one athlete rose above an already exceptional team. Junior distance-runner Jo Moultrie broke school records in the 600-meter and 800-meter races. Last weekend, Moultrie missed the school record in the 600-meter by just half a second, but this time made the record hers with a time of 1:33.21. In the 800 meter, she finished in 2:10, another school record. She said she used the offseason and cross country running as a means to get faster for the upcoming track season. “I’m really pleased,” Moultrie said. “My strength has really built up with the long runs and I think my speed was sitting there and I just put it into the races.” Head coach Joe Franklin said he was pleased with Moultrie’s finish, but said he expects her to get even better as the season the progresses. “She is a gifted woman, just like all of our student athletes,” he said. “She has a long way to go to reach her goals.” Franklin said he was pleased with the overall finish of the team as well, which included 44 top-ten finishers and eight first-place victories. “I think the women did really well,” Franklin said. “To have last weekend’s school record in the 4x400 meter with the women, and two school records today, I think it’s shaping up pretty well.” The Lobos took over the podium in pole vault, going 1-2-3 with sophomore Margo Tucker and redshirt junior Amber Menke tied at the 12’-9.5” mark. Sophomore Nathalie Busk finished third at the 11’-9.75” mark. The team also had strong performances in the mile. It placed five runners in the top 10.

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Ashlee Smalley runs in the women’s mile race on Saturday afternoon at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Smalley finished 14th, with a time of 5:26.03. Junior distance runner Imogen Ainsworth led UNM with a thirdplace finish and a time of 4:55.49. Senior distance runners Sarah Waldron and Ruth Senior and junior distance runner Shawna Winnegar finished fifth through seventh, respectively. Senior distance runner Kirsty Milner rounded out the top 10. Franklin said he was impressed with how well the distance runners performed.

He said he expected his mile runners to be in first place in the MWC. “We just had good performances all around,” he said. “Our women milers did really well, and they will probably be one through four in the conference standings.” In the sprints, sophomore sprinter Kayla Fisher-Taylor finished 12th in the 60-meter with a 7.89 time. Junior sprinter Tawsha Brazley finished 10th in the 200-meter with

a time of 25.20 and junior sprinter Rachel Kelchner finished ninth in the 400-meter in 58.05. It wasn’t all good news for the Lobos, as junior hurdler Precious Selmon injured her hamstring on Friday. Selmon was the conference champion last year in the 60-meter hurdles and was placed on the 2011 All-Indoor MWC team. Franklin said the injury is a blow but, he said he expects her to recov-

er quickly and the rest of her teammates to step up in her absence. “Whenever you lose someone that is a conference champion, that’s going to affect you,” he said. “(We want to) get her healthy enough quickly and if not, have someone else step in and increase their performance to pick up the points.”

Men hurtle to four first-place finishes by Mundo Carrillo ecarr50@unm.edu

The men’s track team dominated the Convention Center this weekend at the New Mexico Invitational. UNM had four first-place finishes. Freshman sprinter Beejay Lee won the 60-meter dash with a time of 6.81 seconds, and sophomore mid-distance runner James Senior won the 600-meter run with a time of 1:22.31. Senior hurdler Chad Clark won the 400-meter hurdles with a time of 55.92 and freshman jumper Markus Miller won the high jump by clearing a height of 1.99 meters. “The men did very well,” head track coach Joe Franklin said. “We’re making a lot of progress and that’s good because our conference championship is in exactly four weeks.” The Lobos also had four secondplace finishes and had three top-5 finishers in the long jump, pole vault and 600-meter run. The four second-place finishes include junior jumper Kendall Spencer with a leap of 7.48 meters in the long jump and sophomore pole vaulter Logan Pflibson with a height of 5.22 meters.

Junior sprinter Derek Montoya finished with a time of 1:24.07 in the 600 meters. Junior triple-jumper Floyd Ross jumped 15.56 meters in the triple jump, which was only .13 meters short of first place. Despite losing the event by narrow margins, Ross said he is happy with his performance. “I think I was pretty good, but I could always do better,” he said. “It’s just a matter of time before everything comes together and I get that big jump. I just have to be patient.” Even though Ross and Spencer finished second in their respective events, Franklin said his jumpers are skilled. “Floyd (Ross) has a lot of ability and Kendall Spencer right now is one of the best long jumpers in the country,” he said. Ross also finished third in the long jump, with a distance of 6.92 meters. Other third-place finishes include senior distance runner Matt Everett in the 800-meter run with a time of 1:56.12, junior hurdler De’Vron Walker in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 8.1 seconds, and junior pole vaulter Robert Warensjo with a height of 5.07 meters in the pole vault.

Junfu Han/ Daily Lobo UNM’s De’Vron Walker (right) looks over his shoulder at Purdue’s Joshua Hembrough, running independently, while leaping the last hurdle during men’s 60m hurdle final. Walker finished in third place with a time of 8.10 . Ross said that the team can easily take the MWC championship in late February at the Convention Center. “I think we have a pretty legitimate team,” he said. “Everybody’s good; we all work hard. When conference comes, I think we’re going to easily take that.”

Upcoming Men and Women’s Track New Mexico Classic Friday, Saturday Convention Center


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