NM Daily Lobo 013112

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Technology bytes see page 4

January 31, 2012

tuesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Students support Lottery Scholarship at UNM Day by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

About 200 UNM students are expected to travel to Santa Fe today to advocate on behalf of the University during the New Mexico legislative session’s annual UNM Day. Students attending UNM Day through ASUNM’s Governmental Affairs Office will receive a free round-trip Rail Runner ticket, free lunch at Tomasita’s Mexican restaurant and a letter excusing them from class for the day, but Florencio Olguin, executive director of ASUNM Governmental Affairs, said he hopes students are coming because they believe

they can help improve the lives of current and future students. “UNM Day is important for students because it gives us an opportunity to voice our concerns on issues that affect us,” he said. Olguin said ASUNM’s 2012 legislative priorities include advocating for the continuation of the Legislative Lottery Scholarship, eliminating the legislative tuition tax credit and requesting funding for improved lighting on campus and a new commuter shuttle. Along with New Mexico State University, UNM is supporting House Joint Memorial 14 and Senate Joint Memorial 27, which propose creating a task force to study Lottery

Scholarship funding options, Olguin said. “It would include three students representing New Mexico institutions of higher education … to (discuss) how to keep the Lottery scholarship solvent,” he said. “We think this is a positive step for eventual solvency of the scholarship.” GPSA Lobby Committee co-chair Travis McIntyre said the committee is looking forward to working with their undergraduate counterparts from UNM during the 2012 state legislative session. McIntyre said a member of the Lobby Committee has been at the Legislature every day since the session started. “We will talk about our No. 1 issue, the

tuition credit,” he said. “The tuition credit is the amount the government says you need to increase tuition by, because they are going to give you that much less money. It’s basically a tax on students.” McIntyre said the Lobby Committee will also advocate for a proposed new funding formula, which would determine UNM’s budget based on student performance, rather than enrollment numbers. He said he also plans to advocate for the reinstatement of graduate student funding in the form of grants. Since 2002 the state has given

Violent protests erupt in Oakland

see UNM

Day PAGE 3

by Terry Collins

The Associated Press OAKLAND, Calif. — It started peacefully enough: A midday rally at City Hall and a march. But as the day wore on, Oakland was hit by the most turbulent protests in weeks as Occupy demonstrators clashed repeatedly with police, leaving more than 400 people arrested. The demonstrations in downtown Oakland broke a lull that had seen just a smattering of people taking to Oakland’s streets in recent weeks for occasional marches that bore little resemblance to the headline-grabbing Occupy demonstrations of last fall. That all changed Saturday with clashes punctuated by rock and bottle throwing by protesters and volleys of tear gas from police, and a City Hall break-in that left glass cases smashed, graffiti spraypainted on walls and an American flag burned. AP photos showing the flag burning — including images of masked protesters touching off the blaze, a woman urging protesters not to burn it, and another of an officer stomping out the fire — drew attention on social networking sites. At least three officers and one protester were injured. Police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Thomason said there were more than 400 arrests on charges ranging from failure to disperse to vandalism. On Sunday, Oakland officials vowed to be ready if Occupy protesters try to mount another large-scale demonstration. Protesters, meanwhile, decried Saturday’s police tactics as illegal and threatened to sue. Mayor Jean Quan personally inspected damage caused by dozens of people who allegedly broke into City Hall, which reopened Monday. She said she wants a court order to keep Occupy protesters who have been arrested several times out of Oakland, which has been hit

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 89

AP Photo An Occupy Oakland protester is arrested by Oakland police during an anti-police protest, Saturday, in Oakland. Police said they arrested about 400 people as protesters spent a portion of the day trying to get into a vacant convention center. The protesters allegedly later broke into City Hall and tried to occupy a YMCA. repeatedly by demonstrations that have cost the financially troubled city about $5 million. Quan also called on the loosely organized movement to “stop using Oakland as its playground.” “People in the community and people in the Occupy movement have to stop making excuses for this behavior,” she said. Saturday’s protests — the most convulsive since Oakland police forcefully dismantled an Occupy encampment in November — came just days after the announcement of a new round of actions. The group said it planned to use a vacant building as a social center and political hub and threatened to try to shut down the Port of Oakland for a third time, occupy the airport and take over City Hall. After the mass arrests, the Occupy Oakland Media Committee

“People in the community and people in the Occupy movement have to stop making excuses for this behavior” ~Jean Quan mayor of Oakland criticized the police’s conduct, saying that most of the arrests were made illegally because police failed to allow protesters to disperse. It threatened legal action. “Contrary to their own policy, the OPD gave no option of leaving or instruction on how to depart. These

arrests are completely illegal, and this will probably result in another class action lawsuit against the OPD,” a release from the group said. Deputy Police Chief Jeff Israel told reporters late Saturday that protesters gathered unlawfully and police gave them multiple verbal warnings to disband. Earlier this month, a courtappointed monitor submitted a report to a federal judge that included “serious concerns” about the department’s handling of the Occupy protests. Police officials say they were in “close contact” with the federal monitor during the protests. The national Occupy Wall Street movement, which denounces corporate excess and economic inequality, began in New York City in the fall but has been largely dormant lately. Oakland, New York and Los Angeles were among the

The Weekly Free See page 5

cities with the largest and most vocal Occupy protests early on. The demonstrations ebbed after those cities used force to move out hundreds of demonstrators who had set up tent cities. Caitlin Manning, an Occupy Oakland member, believes that Saturday’s protest caught the world’s attention. “The Occupy movement is back on the map,” Manning said Sunday. “We think those who have been involved in movements elsewhere should be heartened.” In Oakland, social activism and civic unrest have long marked this rough-edged city of nearly 400,000 across the bay from San Francisco. Beset by poverty, crime and a decades-long tense relationship between the police and the

see Occupy PAGE 3


55 | 31

PageTwo Tuesday, J anuary 31, 2012

Step 1 by Avicra Luckey


Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk, said questions about party affiliation or one’s desire to vote shouldn’t stop anyone from registering to vote. Oliver sat down with the Daily Lobo to tell students how to register to vote.

DAILY LOBO issue 89

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Chelsea Erven Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Show me how to: Register to vote Get your identification together

Step 2

Oliver said there are currently a few options for registering online. Rockthevote.com is a site that allows registrants to fill out a Federal Voter Registration form, which is good in any state. The form must be printed out and sent to the County Clerk’s office to be official, she said. Oliver said the Bernalillo Country Clerk’s office will also mail out voter registration forms on request. Call 505468-1291 to request a form. Another way to register is through third party voter registration agents, who solicit voter registration on university campuses and public events. Another option is to physically go down to the County Clerk’s office or any government office.

new mexico

volume 116

Choose registration method

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Depending on how and where one registers, identification requirements vary. Oliver said online registration simply requires a Social Security number, but mail-in forms require an attached copy of a government-issued ID or photo ID. Oliver said a school ID is acceptable. Those who choose to register in person don’t need photo identification, but should bring a Social Security card or Social Security number.

Step 3

Wait and be patient

After registering, a voter identification card will arrive in the mail, Oliver said. It should arrive within a week of registering. Registering at peak times, a few weeks before an election, can delay a card’s delivery up to three weeks, Oliver said.

Step 4


This year, vote centers across Bernalillo County will allow voters to vote at any center in the county, no matter what their precinct. Students and faculty can vote early or on Election Day in between classes at the SUB.

For more information on voter registration, voting absentee, or updating your information call 505-468-1291, visit bernco.gov/clerk/ or visit their office at One Civic Plaza N.W. on the 6th floor from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wilste Multimedia Editor Junfu Han


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Design Director Jason Gabel Design Assistants Connor Coleman Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo


from page 1

$100,000 per year in grants to fund graduate student research projects that benefited New Mexico, but those grants were cut last year. UNM’s Office of Government and Community Relations provided the funding to purchase Rail Runner train tickets for undergraduates, graduates and alumni, Olguin said.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 / Page 3

Additionally, ASUNM Governmental Affairs has a line item in its budget dedicated to funding lunch for UNM Day. ASUNM Senator Caroline Muraida said UNM Day is a time when UNM students can unite under one banner, regardless of the organizations they belong to within UNM.

“UNM Day is a great opportunity for all students, not just those involved in student government or government affairs, to take an active role in the legislative process,” she said. “This is an opportunity to advocate on behalf of issues that affect all students, like the lottery scholarship, honors college, or tuition credit.”

On Saturday, she thought the police response was measured. She also said she hopes prosecutors will seek a stay-away order against protesters who have been arrested multiple times. “It appears that most of them constantly come from outside of Oakland,” Quan said. “I think a lot of the young people who come to these demonstrations think they’re being revolutionary when they’re really hurting the people they claim that they are representing.” Saturday’s events began when a group assembled outside City Hall and marched through the streets, disrupting traffic as they threatened to take over a vacant convention center. The protesters then walked to the convention center, where some started tearing down perimeter fencing and “destroying construction equipment” shortly before 3 p.m., police said. The number of demon-

strators swelled as the day wore on, with afternoon estimates ranging up to 2,000 people, although city leaders say that figure was much closer to several hundred. A majority of the arrests came after police took scores of protesters into custody as they marched through downtown, with some entering a YMCA building, Thomason said. One of those taken into custody at the facility was KGO radio reporter Kristin Hanes. Though she was released after about 25 minutes, Hanes said she was “angry that they put a reporter in zip-tie handcuffs.” Oakland police didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment about her arrest.

The Latin American & Iberian Institute announces the availability of:

Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships FOR SUMMER 2012 AND ACADEMIC YEAR 2012-2013 Application and Information at: http://laii.unm.edu/node/16 Application Deadline: Monday, February 13, 2012 by 5 p.m. Questions? Please contact Alexandra Blodget at laiicomm@unm.edu or 277-7049

from page 1

community, its streets have often seen clashes between officers and protesters, including anti-draft protests in the 1960s that spilled into town from neighboring Berkeley. Dozens of officers, who maintained guard at City Hall overnight, were also on the scene Sunday. “They were never able to occupy a building outside of City Hall,” Interim Police Chief Howard Jordan said Sunday. “We suspect they will try to go to the convention center again. They will not get in.” Jordan defended his officers’ response to the protesters on Saturday. “No we have not changed our tactics,” Jordan said. “The demonstrators have changed their tactics, which forces us to respond differently.” Quan, who faces two mayoral recall attempts, has been criticized for past police tear-gassing, though she said she was not aware of the plans.

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This exhibition and its public programming will reflect upon the human experience behind enacted policies and laws on Pueblo communities by other governments. It will add to a well-documented history of Pueblo resilience since the time of Emergence. Interviews with Pueblo members will provide visitors with historical and personal reflections to help them understand and appreciate these historic challenges, often imposed through policy and laws, all intended to purposefully remove Pueblo people away from their core values.

Panel Discussions in conjunction with our new exhibition “100 Years” - 5:30-7:00pm - Free ADmission Supported by the WK Kellogg Foundation March 14 - Changing Roles: Women in Leadership, Health, Education and Art Panelists: Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara Pueblo, Lela Kaskalla, Nambe Pueblo, Katherine Augustine, Laguna Pueblo, Glenabah Martinez, Taos Pueblo/Navajo April 18 - New Pueblo Direction: Young Voices Respond to 100 Years of State and Federal Policy - Panelists: Lee Francis IV, Laguna Pueblo, Jodi Burshia, Laguna Pueblo May 16 - Indigenous Science/Cross-Cultural Science: Teaching for the Future Panelists: Dr. Shelly Valdez of Laguna Pueblo, Kirby Gchachu of Zuni Pueblo June 20 - Indian Reorganization Act and its Impact on the Pueblo of Laguna - Speaker: Former Pueblo of Laguna Governor, Roland Johnson July 18 - Maintaining Pueblo Languages: The Challenges posed by 100 years of policy - Speaker: Dr. Christine Sims of Acoma Pueblo, Linguist and Educator August 22 - Mt. Taylor: Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) on the New Mexico Register of Cultural Properties - Panelists: Theresa Pasqual (Acoma Pueblo) of the Acoma Historic Preservation Office, Shelly Chimoni, (Zuni Pueblo) & Executive Director to the All Indian Pueblo Council September 12 - The Return of Taos Blue Lake: Religious Freedom and Cultural Identity Panelists: Gilbert Suazo, Sr., Taos Pueblo, Linda Bernal Yardley, Taos Pueblo November 14 - Pueblo Indian Suffrage and the Legacy of Miguel Trujillo - Speaker Josephine Waconda, Daughter of Miguel Trujillo

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center 2401 12th St. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104

Toll Free: 1-866-855-7902 | IndianPueblo.org/100years Grades 1 - 12 Curriculum Available in 2012

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Tuesday January 31, 2012



Take care, be smart if mixing sex and alcohol by Hunter Riley

Daily Lobo columnist Alcohol is one of the most popular drugs among college students, so it’s important to know how alcohol affects you and how it might affect your sexual decision making. According to Planned Parenthood’s website, “Nearly one-third of young adults have reported that they’ve ‘done more’ sexually under the influence of alcohol and drugs than they planned while sober.” Sexual assault is another risk of drunkenly choosing and getting to know your potential sexual partner. It is important to know who you might be going to bed with and to make sure that someone else knows where you are in case you need help or don’t come home. Laura Anne Stuart is a sex columnist for the Shepherd Express, a weekly newspaper in Milwaukee, and the coordinator of sexual health education and violence prevention at Northwestern University’s Center for Awareness, Response and Education. In a 2010 column titled “Putting the Drunken Hookup to Bed” she wrote, “… Legally, intoxicated people cannot consent to sexual activity; therefore, if you have sex with someone who’s drunk, you may be committing sexual assault.” On Planned Parenthood’s website it says, “Mixing sex with alcohol or other drugs also increases the chances of unintended pregnancy and exposure to sexually transmitted infections. If you have sex when you’re drunk or high, you’re much less likely to be thinking clearly enough to use condoms, or use them correctly.” Keeping all of these risks and potentially dangerous scenarios in mind, alcohol can, depending on the person and quantity, help a person overcome nervousness or anxiety in finding partners. Having sex and drinking are two activities that college students indulge in frequently, often at the same time, and they will continue to do so. The least you can do for yourself and your partner is to know when you are sober enough to take the risk of having sex with someone, and when you aren’t. I am in no way saying that you should drink to be confident. You should be able to attract partners because of your attractive traits and sparkling personality. According to the How Stuff Works website, alcohol intoxication is divided into six stages that are based on the percent of alcohol in your blood and your symptoms. The euphoric stage comes first, with a blood-alcohol content (BAC) ranging from 0.03 percent to 0.12 percent. In my opinion, this is the only stage in which alcohol might help you socially and sexually, because it can make you feel bold and more self-confident. According to an article on everydayhealth. com written by Chris Iliades and medically reviewed by Farrokh Sohrabi, both medical doctors, in moderation alcohol can have sexual benefits. “Drink a little alcohol; kiss your bedroom jitters goodbye ... But beyond that newfound confidence, is alcohol good for your sex life?” the article asks. “Actually, the effect can be the opposite as your blood alcohol level increases. Alcohol is a depressant, and using it heavily can dampen mood, decrease sexual desire, and make it difficult for a man to achieve erections or reach an orgasm.” If you are in a relationship, you might benefit from a glass or two of red wine with dinner because many people say it makes them easily aroused. The euphoric stage is followed by the excitement stage with a BAC range of 0.09 percent to 0.25 percent. Symptoms during this stage are not conducive to good conversation, much less good sex. Drinkers might become sleepy, lose their balance and have trouble using their senses. If you are too drunk to feel the foreplay you are giving your partner, you are probably doing a sloppy job. Sloppy sex isn’t good sex. The next stage is confusion (0.18 percent to 0.30 percent BAC). Confusion and sex don’t mix and will similarly lead to sloppy sex that has a high potential for regret.


Wooley’s Weekly Wisdom

If you have questions and need answers, please send an email to Wooleysweeklywisdom@gmail.com He’ll be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have. Be sure to check out his Facebook page, Ask Ryan Wooley.

Girls like football too, ask amour to the party

Dear Wooley, The Super Bowl is next weekend and brother, I love football. I’ve got five fantasy leagues, Madden games from the past 10 years, and a TV that only tag-teams between ESPN and the NFL network. Here’s the deal. I promised this girl I like in my psychology class we’d hang out this weekend. However, I recently realized between work and school, the only days I’ll have available to do homework are Saturday and Sunday. I was hoping to take her out Saturday, but I’ve got an epic Super Bowl party planned with my buds Sunday. I have to write my papers for next week, but I don’t want to miss the opportunity to impress her. How do I not miss out? -Frazzled football fan Dear Frazzled, Do what you need to do this week and if you have any spare time, try to knock out the homework you were planning to do this weekend during the week. I don’t know how much homework you have, but it probably won’t take you all day. Still, I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest you invite the gal to your Super Bowl party. Normally I’d say you should find something she really likes to do, or come up with After that is the stupor stage (0.25 percent to 0.40 percent BAC), and the symptoms in this stage should make it impossible to have sex. Individuals in the stupor stage may not be able to move, walk or stand. They don’t respond to stimuli and may vomit. The next stage is the coma stage, with BAC ranging from 0.35 percent to 0.5 percent. Symptoms include unconsciousness, slow breathing and slow heart rate. The final stage is death, with a BAC of 0.50 percent or more. It is important to understand the stages of intoxication so that you can decide for yourself how much you want to drink if you are going to try to have sex with someone.

something completely original and take her out. I think that’s good, and girls should definitely be “wooed.” That said, it seems like football is something you’re really crazy about. If this weekend’s Super Bowl is important to you, she may be impressed you’re inviting her into something in your life you value so much. Yes, I know that for some fellas, this can be a ridiculous, roaring time of foul insanity and booze-blundered madness. Other parties are more tame. Still, there are plenty of gals who like football a lot. Some of them are more hard-core fans than guys, and they can be just as passionate. By inviting her, you can enjoy yourself, and she’s able to see you in an environment where you’re most comfortable, enjoying something you like with your friends. It’s essentially a snapshot of you for her. If she likes football and has a good time, you may be set up for a play off run … or a second date. If she is turned off and doesn’t have a good time, you at least know that she doesn’t share that same passion as you. Heck, Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and if you’re really set on this girl, you can make it up to her then. The point I’m trying to make is to be you. Enjoy her company and enjoy the game. If she turns down your offer to even attend the party, that’s okay too. You at least know where she stands. If that happens, offer to take her out some other time, but you may need a “hail Mary” for the relationship to go very far. More importantly, alcohol affects people differently. Just because your friend can have a few drinks and get laid successfully doesn’t mean alcohol will do the same for you. The purpose of this column is not to encourage alcohol use to make your sex life better. It is so that you can make educated choices about when you are in the right state of mind to make decisions about sexual activity, and when you aren’t. Hunter is a senior psychology major at UNM. She has a special interest in sex psychology and research. You can send your sex questions and comments to hriley@unm.edu

Call on Career Services, connections to land job

Dear Wooley, I need a job, man. Obama’s speech and the GOP debates just remind me of how little hope it seems there is. I’ve been on unemployment for a while now and have taken loans out to continue my education. Still, a job would help. Do you know of anything? -Broke Dear Broke, I do. There are a few job fairs the Office of Career Services will be putting on this semester. You can find out more about dates and times and receive help from the good folks there on how to best be prepared for those opportunities. UNMjobs.unm.edu has a frequently updated listing of jobs for students, faculty and staff. The Daily Lobo is also hiring. You can come in and talk to someone in person. Mostly people are hired because they know someone. It doesn’t happen all the time, nor does it guarantee the position, but that’s how most people find out about jobs. Talk to people, everyone. Someone has to know of something, somewhere. And don’t be scared to start at the bottom. We all have had those bottom-of-the-barrel, entrylevel jobs. Be grateful for them. If you keep a good attitude and show yourself to do well in the small things, bigger and better stuff will come.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

The Weekly Free

Editor’s Note: Freedom is a rare commodity in the life of a student, with a constant stream of reading, tests and labs. While the Daily Lobo can’t relieve that pain, we can give you some free events to consciously choose between. This is probably as much freedom as you’ll get during the next few months, so get on it.

Pool Hall

Composting Class

Instead of paying $6 for pool at Anodyne, head down to Knuckleheads Bar & Grill for a free table. The bar is offering this freebie Monday to Friday all week from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s a perfect pick-me-up in between classes, but don’t get so drunk your teachers can tell. Knuckleheads is at 3230 Coors Boulevard N.W.

Impress all your hippie friends by starting your own compost pile. Other than social inclusiveness, there are a few other perks: lowering your trash bill, making your own fertilizer and helping out the environment (higher Blue Planet grade, anyone?) The classes are held at the Open Space Visitor Center at 6500 Coors Boulevard N.W. Call 505-897-8831 to register.



Recycled Art



If you are artistically inclined, you can find some trash, make an art piece with it, and enter it into the OFFCenter Community Arts Project “Dump Site Grotto� show. They are accepting art today and tomorrow from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. If you don’t have an artistic bone in your body, then the showing, which is Friday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., is free as well. The center is located at 808 Park Avenue S.W.



Get your dinosaur fix this Sunday with free admission to the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. The dinosaur exhibit is in celebration of our state’s centennial and tracks the past century of dinosaur discoveries in New Mexico. It is not a permanent exhibit, so sink your teeth in while it lasts. You must be a New Mexico resident with a valid New Mexico ID to gain entrance. Visit nmnaturalhistory.org/hours for more information.


Native American children, a massive cactus in front of an Old Town church, quirky modes of travel and the color red are just a few of the themes featured in Friday’s Artscrawl. More than 20 galleries across town open their doors for your viewing pleasure, so why not do something artistic with your Friday night instead of playing beer pong at home? Visit artscrawlabq.org and click the “First Friday� link for more information.

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Daily Lobo Mini Coups

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Pet Behavior Helpline Does your dog think your Persian carpet is his toilet, the yard his construction site, and your trash his midnight snack? If so, you could probably benefit from some free expert pet behavior advice. Animal Humane NM offers a helpline to leash in your pets and also helps with emotional disorders such as fearfulness. These life-saving (or dog-saving) experts can be reached at 505-938-7900. ~Nicole Perez



Be sure to

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 / Page 5

expires 5/31/12

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Page 6 / Tuesday, January 31, 2012 $2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

New Mexico Daily Lobo

FOR YOUR EARS a monthly music preview by Alxandra Swanberg and Nicole Perez

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Rebelution, with special guests Pep Love and The Green

The Lemonheads have clung to their punk roots since their start in the mid 80s. However, because it’s been a kind of revolving door of members for all but one person in the band, their sound has morphed into a generic alternative rock. Their tunes make a good soundtrack for a post-graduation road trip, with a hint of bittersweet nostalgia for better times. Meredith Sheldon and Lousy Robot join them on their “It’s a Shame About Ray� tour, the latter group picking up the pace with danceable beats and unconventional instruments and sounds.

“Is this the kind of sound that you want to hear? Is this the kind of vibe that you want to feel?� If you prefer a relaxed reggae beat over a hypedup techno show, and if “Sublime� means more to you than a state of mind, perhaps Rebelution is what you want to hear. Fans of the ska group Pepper will find Rebelution to be a more laid-back, mellow version of their favorite band. Pep Love, one of the members of the East Coast rap group Hieroglyphics, will mix up the mood with a hip-hop attitude and the obligatory weed references. Billed as the “Peace of Mind Tour,� this show is bound to be blissful.

Emilie Autumn


Feb. 4, 9p.m. The Launchpad $12 21+

feat. the

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The Lemonheads with Meredith Sheldon and Lousy Robot

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Feb. 15, 8p.m. Sunshine Theater $15 13+

Feb. 7, 8p.m. The Launchpad $13 All ages

Feb. 17, 7p.m. The Outpost Performance Space $15 All ages

If the woeful, Victorian-era ladies had the opportunities women have today, they might sound like Emilie Autumn. Her history of bipolar disorder and a stint in a psychiatric facility inform the lyrics, reminiscent of newer emo music, but delivered without the whiny pitch that plagues that genre. Having studied violin, her music, coined Victoriandustrial, is not the usual in sound or stage presence. Though she sings songs of a disturbed mind, there is no plea for a pity party. She is accompanied by The Bloody Crumpets.

The Burque-born Taylor brothers, Thomas and Joel, come together as Siyeric. The instrumentals alone are reminiscent of classic rock, and when the boys chime in with smooth vocals, it is not unlike the charm of a boy band. Nay, the two are not pop in any sense, but the songs are rather catchy. Perhaps it is the jazz influence they allude to on their band website, siyeric. com, which gives their beats the kind of quality you can move with and be moved by. At any rate, it is a relief to hear that the solid sounds of the golden days of rock have not been forgotten by up-and-coming artists.


Feb. 20, 9p.m. The Launchpad $8 21+ This band seems to have an identity crisis, flip-flopping between punk and country music. Its music is clearly inspired by the Southwest region, with songs like “Sunny in Dallas� and “Arrested in El Paso Blues.� It reminds me of the old days when I lived on top of a bar in which blue-collar men and women were riled up by songs about drinking, fighting and riding in trucks down dirt roads. The music isn’t as stereotypical as all that — they do sing about more than babes, booze and brawls — but those are the dominant themes.


Feb. 25, 7 p.m. Sunshine Theater $30 All ages Even those who loathe the low level to which hip-hoppers and rap artists have stooped have to admit they can still produce a catchy beat. How else do they get the ladies to get down to filthy, offensive lyrics? For those unfamiliar with the name, T-Pain is responsible for numbers like “Buy U a Drank� and “Chopped N Skrewed.� His “Best Love Song� woos women with the “crunkest,� “loudest� and “best� love song they’ve ever heard in their lives. Think you can’t get down? Just try and listen without moving your body like a snake.

ATTN: Student Organizations! Do You NEED Money?! The Workshops for the 12/13 Annual Budget Process will be: Feb 1st at 10 a.m. (SUB Santa Ana) Feb 3rd at 12 noon (SUB Santa Ana) Feb 9th at 5:15 p.m. (SUB Mirage) All groups requesting funding must attend a mandatory workshop: 1) Must be a Chartered Student Organization 2) Have graduate members, and 3) NOT directly apply for and receive GPSA PB (Pro-rated Benefit) Funds. Please direct questions to LegFin@unm.edu or SUB Room #1021 For more information: http://www.unm.edu/~gpsa

lobo features Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword T ,J 31, 2012 / P Puzzle FOR RELEASE JANUARY 31, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis dailycrossword



ACROSS 1 Woo 6 Goldfish or koi 10 Peak 14 Sleep malady 15 1847 Melville work 16 Sound repeated before “fizz fizz,” in ads 17 Bakery cookware 19 Coin on the Continent 20 Non-revenuegenerating TV ad 21 Quite befuddled 22 Southwestern cuisine 24 Water pitcher part 26 Bro’s sib 27 Work at 28 Quiet times for baby ... and mom 32 Orchestra section 33 Period of watchful attention 34 Mimic with wings 35 Steals the bank blueprints for, e.g. 37 Haunted house outbursts 41 Not even once 43 Chair maker Charles 44 Ability to focus 47 Photo taker 49 Gallery work 50 Sacred song 51 Sister of Magda and Eva 53 Medium, e.g. 54 Singer Sumac 57 Complexion concern 58 Crisp cookie 61 Fishing gear 62 Cole Porter’s “Well, Did You __?” 63 To-be, in politics 64 ER “Immediately!” 65 USAF NCO 66 Lavishes affection (on)

Level 1 2 3 4

DOWN 1 Temporary shelter 2 Numbered musical piece

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


DAILY LOBO new mexico


age 7

uesday anuary




Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 3:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment. Every Tuesday. Cab Calloway Orchestra Starts at: 3:00pm Location: Popejoy Hall Cabell “Cab” Calloway III (December 25, 1907 – November 18, 1994) was an American jazz singer and bandleader. He was strongly associated with the Cotton Club in Harlem, New York City where he was a regular performer.

Photography with a Digital Camera Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 1634 Universty Blvd. Learn the basics of photography as you explore the capabilities of your digital camera. Discover about aperture, shutter speed, and white balance. Women’s Basketball Starts at: 6:00pm Location: The PIT Support you Lady Lobos Basketball Team as they take on Air Force. Student Admission is FREE. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB Theater Room 1003 UNM Students $2. Semester Pass $15. Faculty/Staff $2.50. Public $3.


Freedom from Smoking Class Series for Women Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 700 2nd Street Classes, materials, and patches/gum are FREE. Instruction and materials are available in both English and Spanish. SPACE IS LIMITED. Register by calling the YWCA at 505-2549922. Social Distortion Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Sunshine Theater Social Distortion * Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls * The Sharks.


By Allan E. Parrish

3 Remove, as a seatbelt 4 Gridiron official 5 Some sewers 6 Admits guilt for, as a lesser charge 7 Latin I verb 8 Jaworski of “Monday Night Football” 9 Bulletin board items 10 Very top 11 Small groups, as of bushes 12 Edible mushroom 13 Strong adhesive 18 Bill or gates, e.g. 23 Morales of “La Bamba” 25 Nit-picking type 26 Irritated state 28 Kind of wrestling done while sitting 29 Seven-time Emmy winner Tina 30 Not concealed 31 Bring contentment to 35 Sports section decimals 36 Hunched (over)

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

38 Uncontested, as a late-game hockey goal 39 Mauna __ 40 Job application ID 42 JFK guesstimates 43 Walked into 44 Actress Bearse or Plummer 45 “Consider me a maybe”


46 Flow slowly 47 Industry leaders 48 Dandy’s neckwear 52 Pep 53 Unexpected complication 55 Mugging defense 56 Bldg. units 59 ER hookups 60 __-pitch softball


Event Calendar

for January 31, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event. Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Tuesday, January 31, 2012




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Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

Announcements PARKING, 1 BLOCK south of UNM. $100/semester. 268-0525. TEST SUBJECTS NEEDED. Help local start-up improve its ďŹ ngerprint sensors! We pay $10 cash to participants aged 18+. Study runs Wednesday, February 1. Call Stephanie to schedule and get directions to Lumidigm (south campus). 246-6001. FEEL BETTER AT 277-3013. Agora Helpline. www.agoracares.com

Lost and Found FOUND: PERSONALIZED SILVER zippo in Northrop. Text 505-850-7597 with inscription.


WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net TUTORING FRENCH ALL levels for just $12 per 45 minute session. Please call Eriq at 505-435-2855. Or email at eekofo84@unm.edu

Health and Wellness CHIROPRACTOR. $25.00 STUDENT adjustments. www.chiro-affordable.com

Your Space GENEROUS REWARD FOR stolen 32 gig ipad and 13� macbook pro and chargers. No questions asked. 505-699-8118.

Apartments CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. 268-0525. 1 BDRM APARTMENT. Newly remodeled. 764-8724. 401A Buena Vista, Walk to school! 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $755 including utilities. 2462038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. LIVE ON THE EDGE... of downtown. 2BDRM 820 sqft off street parking, laundry, gated. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. $710/mo. Also 1BDRM available $595/mo. 802 Gold Ave SW. 319-8417 or 577-4730.

QUIET LARGE 1BDRM w/ ofďŹ ce. Living room, FP, large kitchen. No pets, NS. Shared laundry. $525/mo. Near CNM/UNM. 255-7874. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

1 BLOCK UNM- 1020sqft, hardwood oors, 1BDRM, 2 walk-in closets, FP, backyard, parking included. No pets. $700/mo. Incredible charm! 345-2000. SKY MANAGEMENT, INC. 3803 Aspen Ave NE 1/1. Only $425/mo.100 Move in Special + deposit. See sky-management.com 362-6151. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood oors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efďŹ ciencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. Winter discount. 2462038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachinaproperties.com

Duplexes NEAR NOB HILL. Large 1BDRM; hardwood oors, updated bathroom, W/D, yard, off-street parking. $575/mo. 2719686. AVAILABLE NOW. 1BDRM, ReďŹ nished hardwood oors, fenced yard, pets okay, off-street parking, quiet UNM area, water paid. $650/mo. $500dd, ďŹ rst and last. 268-1964.

Phone: 277-5656 • Office: Marron Hall Rm 107 E-mail: classifieds@dailylobo.com

2004 HYUNDAI SANTA Fe GLS SUV, fully loaded, 109K miles, excellent condition, clean title, no accidents! $7,600OBO. (505) 933-1782.

Jobs Off Campus INTERN: ALBUQUERQUE BERNALILLO County Water Utility Authority. PT, temporary positions. $9-$11/hr depending on qualiďŹ cations. Perform ďŹ eld inspections to identify water waste. Basic computer skills and customer service experience desired. Position requires shift work, odd days off. Please complete an online application at www.abcwua.org/jobs

PT CAREGIVER: ONE person efďŹ ciency apartment salary of $800/mo. Cable, utilities, internet access. Daily ride to/from CNM/UNM (ideal for students) Helping male in wheelchair weekday evenings and mornings, applicants must be trustworthy, reliable, with references, able to move 200 lbs. and have valid DL, we pay for drug and background check. No pets or smoking in premises. Located near Academy and Wyoming. 856-5276. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

LOOKING FOR A TOP 10 INTERNSHIP? Contact Marni McMullen at 505872-7823 or at marni.mcmullen@nmfn. com POMPEO GROUP, THE number one name in lighting/LED recruitment, has an immediate opening for a postive, exible, and team oriented ofďŹ ce assistant to join our team in our conveniently located ofďŹ ce in NE Albuquerque! Primary responsiblity is data entry, but also ďŹ ling, occasional phone work and occaisonal errands. Strong computer/typing skills, strong organizational and time management and good written/verbal communication skills required. Flexible hours. Email resume to lynn@pom peo.com; Come see us online at www. pompeo.com or visit the Pompeo group on Facebook.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in ďŹ nding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help others- class creditgreat experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com

EVENT INTERNS NEEDED. Looking for a fun way to strengthen your resume? Assist in all aspects of logistics for local festivals including ABQ Blues and Brews and Hopfest. Provide Admin support to the Event Producer. Must be 21 or older. Stipend available. To apply visit www.feelgoodfestivals.com

Year Round Garden Supply

$334/MO AT COPPER and Laguayra 1BDRM available in a 3BDRM house. Two students are looking for another student who is serious about school but still likes to have fun. Utilities come out to $60-80/mo a person. Available ASAP. 505-379-6826. dskye@unm.edu

Indoor Garden Supplies • hydroponics • indoor grow lights • and organics!

GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house with laundry room in UNM area. $425/mo + utilities. 505-615-5115.

$100 OFF MOVE in special. $400/mo. $250dd. Utilities 3-ways. 3BDRM. 2BA. No pets. N/D. N/S. Available now. Have one dog. hf5w2s@unm.edu

Make your ad POP! by bolding, centering, or adding color for only $1.00/line.

SEEKING VISUALSTUDIO PROGRAMMER/ Developer (VB.Net, WPF) (work from home, part time). Send resume to jobs@solveering.com

$310/MO AT GIRARD/SILVER w/broadband. ISO studious male student to share 4 BDRM house. $310 + share utilities. Ken 604-6322.

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM. Hardwood oors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows, light and bright. 116 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. Call 550-1579.

Deadline: February 13 by 1pm Your free ad can be up to 25 words when e-mailed from your UNM account or placed in our office with your student ID.

FORD 2004 RANGER, XL/XLT. 116K. Excellent condition. Looks/runs great! Clean car, fax and title! $5,700OBO. 505-933-1782.

CAREGIVERS AND COMPANIONS needed for non-medical home care agency. Assist seniors and disabled adults with the activities of daily living. FulďŹ lling employment and exible schedules. Excellent experience especially for students in nursing or health sciences. Training provided. Please apply on-line at www.Rightathome.net/Albuquerque

Rooms For Rent

2 STUDENTS LOOKING for another studious and clean student. Male or female. House right behind south lot. A mile from campus. $400/mo. Email: eatenc02@unm.edu

Students: send a FREE message to your sweetheart in The Daily Lobo!!!


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PARKSIDE APARTMENT. 1BDRM Large kitchen with pantry. Walk-in closet. Keyed courtyard. Walking distance to UNM, across from Roosevelt park. $625/mo. 281-0303. 480-4436.

Valentine’s Day is coming up...



new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

2 ROOMS FOR rent, females, $499/mo. at Lobo Village, availble ASAP. Call 317-504-0429 or 360-485-3594. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu BASEMENT BDRM WITH BA share kitchen and living with others, 4 blocks from UNM, $405/mo. includes utilities and wiďŹ . 239-0579 or 239-1605. OLDER STUDENT SEEKING tidy, quite roomie. Private BDRM and BA. $425/mo. Utilities/ wi-ďŹ included. Westside. 10 min to UNM. NON-smoking. GLBTfriendly. 505-514-1897. beris16@unm. edu

NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

www.ahlgrows.com 1051 San Mateo Blvd SE • 255-3677


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

1 ROOM FOR rent, female UNM student, $499/mo. at Lobo Village, 575921-6581.

Pets BABY HEDGEHOGS FOR sale. $150/each. Email for more information. mbentz@unm.edu ALASKAN/SIBERIAN sale. 203-9316.



For Sale SELLING PARKING PASS, if interested text to 505-975-1759.

Vehicles For Sale 1968 FORD MUSTANG white, runs well, 4 barrel carburetor, v8 engine, new starter, battery and tires. Asking $10,000obo. Call Sam at 505-916-7064. ‘89 FORD TRANSVAN, AT, new motor, 100k/ 3 year warranty, full bath, 2 beds, 70K, remodeled. $12,000, $11,000 bank loan available. 259-5166.



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