NM Daily Lobo 021011

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Fashionistas see page 14

February 10, 2011

thursday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Judge: Professor can keep money UNM to decide in coming week whether to appeal by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

A district judge rejected a University attempt to take back $11,000 in unemployment pay from former English professor Joy Harjo, ruling that the administration effectively forced the Native American author to leave her post. Second District Judge Ted Baca ruled last week that UNM administrators forced out Harjo after she complained about instructor Lisa D. Chavez moonlighting with students on a sado-masochist website. “(Harjo) was no longer able to do her job effectively because of her own mental state and the realities of the program,” the judge’s ruling said. “Harjo legitimately felt humiliated, degraded and concerned for her job.” The University took Harjo to court to have her repay $11,000 in unemployment compensation because UNM claimed she left her position voluntarily. Harjo resigned October 2008. Baca dismissed the claim and said Harjo resigned because a situation existed in which she was unable to perform her job and was forced to leave. He cited testimony that Harjo’s reputation was tarnished within the department. The department chair screamed at her in public, and Chavez threatened to file lawsuits against her, according to testimony. University legal counsel is reviewing the case to determine if it will appeal the court’s ruling, UNM spokesperson Carolyn Gonzales said. A decision should be made by next week. Harjo’s attorney Catherine Baker Stetson said she is ready to defend her client if the University appeals. “I don’t think they’ve been smart so far,” Stetson said. “They’ve caused themselves more trouble than they needed to. Now they’ve created a lot of additional publicity.” The episode began when the English Department received an anonymous letter that revealed Chavez and fellow graduate students posed on a sado-masochist website. At the time, Chavez had been working for the website as a phone-sex dominatrix under the pseudonym “Mistress Jade.” The University reviewed misconduct complaints against

see Harjo page 3

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 96

Robert Maes / Daily Lobo Professor Mohamed Ali finishes Maghrib prayer Wednesday in his office. Ali has been watching the Egyptian revolution closely. He has three sisters, four brothers and more than 30 nephews and nieces living in the turbulent Muslim nation.

Egyptian student: Don’t forget protesters by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Student Randa Elbih said she wishes she could join her family members who have taken to the Egyptian streets. Elbih participates in the local effort to support the Egyptian people. She is a UNM Ph.D. student and studies language literacy and socio-cultural studies. She said she regularly attends and organizes protests in the area. “I was feeling like I needed to go and be there, and that there were people sacrificing their lives there for us,” she said. “And I’m not doing as much as they’re doing.” Elbih said she is concerned that the

international medemonstrations dia will stop covin very peaceful ering the Egyptian ways.” protests now that Amnesty Inthey’ve been unternational Coderway for more President Adrian Today than two weeks. Carver said the Smith Plaza “I wish the inorganization is 6-7 p.m. ternational comhosting a canmunity would dlelight vigil for still stand beside Egypt today at Today the protesters and Smith Plaza. It’s would not lose intended to draw Smith Plaza interest because attention to the 2-4 p.m. the time is get1,200 protesters ting longer,” she who have been said. “I want them detained since to still pressure the Egyptian govern- Egyptian protests began. ment because the protesters have no “We’re doing this to stand in soliweapons, nothing. They’re doing the darity with them, so that our commu-


nity knows … that we are in support of their basic rights,” Carver said. Elbih said the protests have given cultures the chance to unite. “One of the scenes that really made me cry was there were Muslims that were praying during prayer time, and the Christians were surrounding them,” she said. “To me, this is something that has been achieved that is even better than people’s lives.” Elbih said the Egyptian government is not fulfilling its duty to its people. She said Egyptians are being asked to serve the government, as opposed to the government serving its people. She said the U.S. has not been direct enough in asking Egyptian President

see Egypt page 3

Sharpton to talk about labor, civil rights by Elizabeth Cleary news@dailylobo.com

Famed racial justice and human rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton will give a free and open-to-the-public speech today at the SUB to advocate for the labor movement. Sharpton’s speech, “The Role of Government,” is sponsored by African-American Student Services and serves as the kick-off event for New Mexico’s African-American Day on Friday. “We need to get labor and civil rights communities to work together to make sure we create jobs,” Sharp-

ton told the Daily Lobo in a brief in“Facing a shortfall of an estimated terview Wednesday night. $400 million next year, New Mexico’s Sharpton will travel around New Legislature proposed slashing the Mexico on Thursstate budget and day and Friday consequentially to discuss the reslashing the basic lationship bebenefits countless tween the Civil workers dedicated Rights and labor their lives securmovements. ing,” he wrote. “At a In a Huffington time when so many Post article, Sharpfamilies are strug~Rev. Al Sharpton ton criticized budgling to simply get cuts proposed put food on their by Gov. Susana tables, Gov. MartiMartinez. He said the cuts would take nez of New Mexico would like state essential benefits away from hard- workers to contribute even more into working government employees. their own retirement plans.”

“We need to get labor and civil rights communities to work together to make sure we create jobs,”

Seeds for growth


See page 11

See page 2

Sharpton told the Daily Lobo he will discuss the issue with the Legislature in Santa Fe. UNM doesn’t host black leaders of this magnitude often, and Sharpton’s speech will provide a unique educational opportunity, said Scott Carreathers, African-American Student Services director. “I think a lot of our students don’t either grasp or maybe not even care … about the past, but I think that’s so important that you can have an icon like Rev. Al Sharpton here to possibly talk about that, and just the role of the government and how that affects us presently and for the future,” he said.


39 |20


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Backstage: Cameras for kids Editor’s Note: Backstage is a semi-monthly, behindthe-scenes photo column by Photo Editor Junfu Han. It peers into people’s personal and professional lives. The photos were taken by children during a photography class at Amigos en Cristo, a community center in JuĂĄrez, MĂŠxico. Daily Lobo Photo Editor Junfu Han is working on a project in Colonia Anapra, JuĂĄrez, MĂŠxico. His work is inspired by “Born into Brothels,â€? a movie that gave impoverished Indian children cameras to teach them photography. Han visits JuĂĄrez twice a month to give children in Anapra the same opportunity. He hands out cameras so they can take pictures of their world. The projects seeks children’s perspective on drug-related border violence, because as art critic John Berger said, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe.â€? Contact the photo desk at photo@ dailylobo.com to learn more about helping Han with his project.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 96

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Kallie Red-Horse Online and Photo EditorJunfu Han

Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


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Snowpocalypse could be costly by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Because of bone-chilling weather, UNM kept its doors closed much of last week, but repair expenses and employee overtime will cost the University some cold, hard cash. Physical Plant Director Mary Vosevich said the University should determine the costs of the freeze early next week. She said PPD is anticipating two more cold nights and possibly more damage. “We have staff working at night that normally don’t,â€? she said. “They’re walking the buildings, looking for problems, and trying to take care of those before they really become a disaster for us.â€? In response to the emergency, UNM required around-the-clock building patrol and switched its energy converters to run on diesel fuel. The University stopped running on diesel late Friday. Over the weekend, pipes burst outside Zimmerman Library, damaging staff offices and study spaces. Most of the damage occurred in the basement, where PPD placed fans and dehumidifiers to dry water, according to Zimmerman Library’s webpage. Library Information Specialist Kathleen Garcia said staff members with basement offices had to be relocated. She said staff will likely be displaced until next week. “We still haven’t heard how long it take to get everything fixed,â€? she said. Redondo residents also had

to leave their dorms for about an hour after water pipes broke last Thursday. “The fire department showed up, and you could see water puddles dripping out,� Redondo resident Romilly Tsinhnahjinnie said. Vosevich said PPD dealt with pipe breakage in buildings numerous buildings around campus. The department reported that in addition to damage at Zimmerman and Rodondo, a water line broke in Mesa Vista Hall and a boiler malfunctioned last week. The boiler’s loss led to cooler building temperatures, but Vosevich said damage could not be assessed until the boiler was fixed and heat restored to buildings. “If you’re the person in Mesa Vista Hall where the line broke, you’re not going to think we fared pretty well,� she said. “But when you think of the amount of space on this campus and the things that have happened, they really were numbers that were not so bad.� UNM spokesperson Susan McKinsey said PPD employees’ work minimized damage to campus. “Given the fact that our buildings are old, and the infrastructure is aged, we’re doing pretty well,� she said. Vosevich said PPD prepares for emergencies and knows where to appropriate funds. “Sometimes we have to sacrifice in other areas,� she said. “We get through these periods. We know that things are going to happen. It’s the nature of the business.�


from page 1

Hosni Mubarak to step down, even though it ordered the Egyptian army not to harm the protesters. “We are not servants or peasants to the government,� she said. Carver said college students need to speak out against human rights violations. “The people who are standing up in the East are a teaching model for Americans as a whole,� he said. Elbih said that people have lost their lives standing up for Egyptians’ freedom. “I know the government is pushing them to go home and go on with their lives as if nothing has happened,� she said. “For them, I don’t think life is going to be the same anymore.�


Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Page 3

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 02/28/11

from page 1

Chavez but ruled there was no wrongdoing. Harjo, a creative writing professor, demanded the department reprimand Chavez. However, Harjo said she was forced to leave her teaching position at UNM because her work environment grew hostile after she spoke out. Although Harjo hasn’t filed a lawsuit, two other UNM employees, Sharon Warner and Diane Thiel filed suits claiming the University retaliated against their complaints about Chavez. Teddy Warner, Sharon’s husband, filed a third suit against the University, citing retaliation for his wife’s actions. Harjo now makes money doing readings and lectures, but has not found a permanent job since she left UNM. “She didn’t quit to go to a better job,� Stetson said. “She quit this job on a matter of principle.�

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LoboOpinion Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Thursday February 10, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LETTER U.S. wants Americans to keep stealing, hogging resources Editor, The United States has deliberately supported bloody, greedy regimes that have robbed, tortured and murdered their own people in dozens of nations: Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Zaire, Fiji, Ethiopia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Pakistan, Brunei, Argentina, Liberia, Honduras, Paraguay, Panama, El Salvador, Indonesia, Taiwan, Greece, Brazil, Portugal, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Turkey, Morocco, Spain, Vietnam, Peru, Philippines, Cuba, Haiti, Chile, Guatemala, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. If we believe the U.S. empire works for worldwide justice, freedom, democracy and human rights, we have swallowed the abominable U.S. lies and propaganda. We have been terribly deceived and duped. The U.S. empire is the enemy of justice, freedom, democracy and human rights. The U.S. empire’s main goal is to make sure that most Americans, especially the corporations and the elite, keep stealing and hogging the world’s wealth. The U.S. is less than 5 percent of the world’s people, but consumes 25 percent of the world’s resources. Nothing in my life is more important than refusing to pay federal income tax for U.S. wars. No job, no salary, no romantic relationship, no house, no car, no degree, no art, no furniture, no trips, no gadgets … The best way to refuse to pay federal income tax for war, with no fines and no threats from the government, is to live simply — below the taxable level. I lived well for all of 2010 on $4,126 — less than one of the federal income taxable level of $9,350 for me as a single person. I have paid no federal income tax for 32 years. I pledge publicly, at age 65, to live simply, to not own a car and to not pay federal income tax for war for the rest of my life. Don Schrader Community member


It’s not about me; it’s about the group friends better because your friends have learned how to avoid your bitchy spurts. Maybe you’ll be happier working with your friends, but you’re certainly going to learn less in the long run. That’s why, against my better judgment, I think it’s better when teachers assign groups instead of letting students choose their own groups. When given a choice, students are likely to befriend students that represent and echo their beliefs, but in a society that already promotes echo-chamber practice, the last refugee for forced interaction with groups outside your social norm is in the classroom.

“I have had some of the worst and best learning experiences in groups.”

by Chris Quintana Culture Editor

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

EDITORIAL BOARD Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

There are many things I hate in this world — Axe body spray, zombie spiders, AT&T’s desperate, “Please don’t leave us for Verizon” iPhone campaign — but few I feel as conflicted about as classroom group work. On one hand, group work sucks. It really sucks. I mean Dyson vacuum-level sucking. You either get put into a group that does no work, terrible work, or the wrong sort of work. On top of it all, your grade suffers, and there’s nothing you can do about it except scream and run around in circles while cursing at the troublesome group member. Except that seems to be frowned upon the more often you do it. The best thing you can hope for, supposedly, is getting into a group with your friends, who share the same mindset as you and screw around with them until everything is done. But you miss something when that happens. Chances are, your friends like you, and if they don’t like you, they are at least nice enough to not tell you how much you suck to your face. Furthermore, your friends are less likely to challenge your opinions because these are likely people who agree with your opinions, or have heard your thoughts about the Middle East enough times to never want to hear them again. In this sense, you get along with your


The point is simple: Classrooms don’t need to be another place to hear your own echoing voice. Just think about it for a second. You choose the restaurants where you want to eat, the places where you hang out, and for the most part, the people you interact with. And this is just in your normal life. For the left-leaning, MSNBC tells you everything you want to hear, and for the rightleaning, Fox has your back. If you don’t care about politics, there are plenty of channels to placate you as well. Comedy Central is for the so-called comedy lover, Lifetime for women, TBS for high school drop-outs, and the WB for the radioactive mutants in the sewers. It’s even worse online. Every website you go to is a website you are OK with. Unless you accidentally stumble onto a different site, the URLs you visit reverberate and correspond with your sense of humor and personal values. If they don’t, you leave the site. Simple. The world is now set up in such a way that you can find an echo anywhere you’re


looking for it. In essence, you never have to be wrong because you can always find a voice telling you are right. This practice, accordingly, can lead people to thinking they are always right, which in turn makes them unbearable to be around. And this is where working in groups with people who suck comes in handy. The stakes are often low, usually just a grade for a class, but important enough where you’ll have to try and work with one another. Maybe that Republican is actually really good at drawing with pencils, or that leftist is actually a good leader, or maybe that radioactive mutant is even good at expressing human emotions and working in a group (though it will still eat you given half a chance, so watch it). But more importantly, these people don’t like to or have to spend lots of times with you, which means they care much less about hurting your feelings. They won’t echo your demented viewpoints ad nauseam because, they, unlike you, think you are wrong. And maybe you are, but you would never know it stuck in the echo chamber. The point is simple: Classrooms don’t need to be another place to hear your own echoing voice. And if you think they are, stop. Please just stop. You make things unbearable for everyone, and no one likes you, your face, or your shoes. Especially your shoes. I am losing control again, and I apologize for it. I have had some of the worst and best learning experiences in groups. I’ve learned how to manage unresponsive and lethargic group members. I’ve learned to work with bossy know-it-alls who know nothing at all. And I’ve met plenty of people that I would have never met otherwise had it not been for the intervening hand of a random teacher’s group assignments. And I have learned things that I would never learn otherwise. I have learned that I am wrong, which is one of the best, yet most disgusting and painful, lessons a person can learn. Which means I’m right.



New Mexico Daily Lobo

Slow Pokes can’t mount furious finish by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

After seeing its coach fired with enthusiasm, Wyoming entered the Pit fired with enthusiasm. Without head coach Heath Schroyer, who was dismissed early in the week, the one-conference-win Cowboys gave the UNM men’s UNM 68 basketball team all it could hanWYO. 57 dle. Too bad for the Pokes, it wasn’t enough, and the Lobos employed late-game, full-court press to close Wednesday’s contest, 6857. “The bigs were banging. The refs were letting it go,” UNM center Drew Gordon said. “It was basically just a matter of who was going to end up with the ball who wants to put the ball in the basket.” Physically, UNM was too much down the stretch. Up three late in the game, the Lobos forced four straight turnovers, cashing in with three wideopen transition dunks. The Lobos improved to 17-7 and 5-4 in the Mountain West Conference. For a half, Wyoming outplayed the Lobos. The Cowboys darted through screens, bumped through open lanes and frustrated UNM to take an early 11-7 first-half lead. Wyoming’s Amath M’Baye headed to the bench midway through the first half having scored his team’s 11 points. He finished with 19 points, but the Lobos used that four-minute stretch to pull away. Down five, head coach Steve Alford called a timeout to calm his team, and after the break, Gordon led UNM’s surge. On their first possession after the

timeout, Dairese Gary found Gordon for a quick basket. Gordon finished with his seventh double-double, 16 points and 18 rebounds. It was the most rebounds by a Lobo in a regularseason game since Kenny Thomas did it in 1998. “Everybody was playing in their spots, and my team was spacing well, running the offense and then boxing out, and the ball just kinda ended up in my hands,” Gordon said. The first half had nine ties and 12 lead changes, and throughout the second half, it remained a seesaw affair. UNM, working its transition game, found guard Tony Snell on multiple occasions for uncontested 3-point shots. Growing comfortable being the Lobos’ deep threat, Snell hit his first three long-range attempts. He was 5-of-9 from beyond the arc and finished with 19 points. “My confidence came back up,” Snell said. “At the beginning (of the season), I was kind of lost, but now that I know the system, my confidence is back, and I know what I have to do.” Despite Snell’s early play, the Lobos were still down with minutes left in the first half. Late in the half, Alford went to a five-guard set, and Gary took an inbound pass from guard Kendall Williams to mid-court, then hit Phillip McDonald who rushed the basket with a two-handed dunk to end an authoritative fast break. The Lobos dominated the second half with heavy inside play from Gordon and kept the Cowboys on their heels with full-court pressure and light-speed transition offense. “It was a good win for us,” Alford said. “Those are never easy. “In a night where we didn’t make a lot of shots, we found a way.”

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C all The Daily Lobo 277-5656

Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Page 5

Point guard Dairese Gary slashes toward the basket while shielding the ball from Wyoming’s Desmar Jackson. The Lobos outlasted the Cowboys 68-57 Wednesday at The Pit. Long Nguyen Daily Lobo


Page 6 / Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Feel the love with a little effort V-day for broke blokes by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Thanks to overwhelming displays at Walgreens and commercially planted expectations, Valentine’s Day has been all but ruined by overly high expectations. This year, toss out ideas about buying expensive jewelry, chocolate and fancy dinners. Personalize your plans and think about what your date will love. Still drawing a blank? Here are some ideas to get on a love train of thought: Long-term relationship For such a sentimental holiday, nothing could be better than reminiscing about the past with your sweetheart. You could go to the place you met or do what you did for your first date. If you decide a gift is appropriate, you could make the wrapping paper yourself. Collage plain paper with images that illustrate your relationship’s history, heart-melting moments you experienced together — anything that you associate with your relationship. Student Thomas Morgan, who has been in a relationship for two and a half years, said as long as you’re with the person you love, nothing else matters. “Valentine’s Day to me isn’t about going and doing things, or spending

money, or buying gifts or any of that,” he said. “It’s about being with the person. Anything else just seems to me really superficial, just completely unnecessary.” Short-term relationship If you’ve been steadily dating someone, but aren’t quite so serious about the relationship, do something that will bring the two of you closer together. The best part about casual relationships is that Valentine’s Day doesn’t require an elaborate effort on either party’s part. Student Sydney Hodge said the ideal date for a green couple would be to share a fun experience. “I would like to go do something different,” she said. “Rock climbing, go somewhere random for weird adventures and just talk a lot. Picnics are cute, too.” Something fun might be to ride just outside the city for some star gazing. This can be a light-hearted adventure and even inspire memorable conversations. If you’re low on cash, hop on a bicycle, venture around town and explore the natural beauty New Mexico has to offer, especially right around dusk. Romantic date Regardless of how long you’ve been dating a person, you can use this day to take the relationship to a more inti-

mate level. Student Michael Shoemate said figure out what love means, and find a way to manifest those ideas during a date. “Love is innocent and fragile,” he said. “It’s falling asleep watching a movie together and helping each other when you’re sick. Love is sexy. Love is real, but the best thing about love is that it’s all of those things and whatever else you want it to be.” Either party can be successful by creating a homemade gift. Possibilities are endless. Cards are easiest. Even if you don’t consider yourself much of an artist, your girl or guy will cherish your attempt at expressing affection through poetry, drawing, or painting. The fact that you tried says more than any cliché Hallmark card could ever convey. Just met You got lucky and landed yourself a date on Valentine’s Day. Since there are no issues, like struggling to please with the perfect way of saying, “I love you,” you can spend this day just getting to know each other. You can venture into the mountains on a hike, make a dinner together and maybe have dessert, watch a terrible chick flick and have fun bashing the corniness, or double date with another new couple.

by Andrew Beale abeale@unm.edu

Being broke sucks on Valentine’s Day. As adults, we have to realize digging a half-eaten Snickers from between the couch cushions just isn’t going to cut it anymore — I don’t care if that’s what your dad got your mom for their anniversary three years in a row. The Daily Lobo is proud to present three great, free Valentine’s Day ideas. Keep in mind that some of these ideas could actually become quite expensive if you factor in your bail bond. Sex in a public place This is sure to rejuvenate your boring sex life, because, after all, what’s more romantic than getting down in the bathroom of a Carl’s Jr.? Remember, the grosser and more public, the sexier. You can mix the two — a sewage drain is plenty gross, but there’s really no chance anyone else is going to come down there. On the flip side, if you do it in your own front yard, the whole neighborhood will be sure to notice, but your yard probably isn’t sufficiently dirty, unless you live in the student ghetto. Ideal spot: a McDonald’s kitchen at lunchtime. Completely disgusting and filled with people. Robbing a jewelry store We know — you’re reading a free student newspaper, which means you’re

too poor to afford a copy of the Albuquerque Journal, so you can just forget about hitting the Uptown Shopping Center to pick up something shiny for your sweetheart. So, just steal something. Much like sex in public, the thrill comes from the chance of getting caught, but the advantage of robbing a jewelry store is that you’ll have a perfect Valentine’s Day diamond necklace to give to your true love afterward. Or, if shopping for a guy, stick up a Game Stop. Either way. Voyeurism Yeah, your Valentine’s Day is going to suck. Accept it. You’re broke, and you’re a slob, and assuming you go to UNM, you also lack a basic education. But there are other people who are having nice Valentine’s Days. You can alleviate some of your personal misery by heading out with your girl/guy friend and watching these other people. Get some binoculars to safely see into people’s windows from a distance, especially if you plan on observing a sex life that’s better than your own. Remember that most people having good Valentine’s Days in New Mexico are probably doing it in Santa Fe. If you’re willing to hide in the bathroom the whole way, you can get there for free on the Rail Runner — and while you’re in there, remember that it’s gross and public enough for some seriously hot sex.

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Tues, 2/8 - 5:30pm & 8:30pm Wed, 2/9 - 7:00 pm Thurs, 2/10 - 3:30 pm

UNM Students $2.00 UNM FAC/Staff $2.50, Public $3.00 For complete schedule:http://movies.unm.edu

Next Week: For Colored Girls

To Do:

call Molly @8 buy tix pick up Daily Lo bo

New Mexico Daily Lobo


40th anniversary

Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Page 7

Happy Birthday, Frontier!

Photo: PatrickCoulie.com

! 0 4

Since 1971, Frontier has been a part of the UNM Community......

Page 10 / Thursday, February 10, 2011


40th anniversary

New Mexico Daily Lobo

It is very fast-paced and very New Mexican. Friendly service and great environment make Frontier different from other restaurants. ~Chandra

I’ve been coming to Frontier about as long as I’ve been living in Albuquerque. I moved when I was 10 or 11. All my friends, we just kind of kick it here. ~Khalid

I’ve been coming to the Frontier since I was six. Just chillin’, always. I used to come here and play chess with my pops every Wednesday. They had a chess thing in the back room. A bunch of heads coming together to play chess and compete against each other. It’s pretty cool. ~Miguel

My favorite food right now is the Frontier burrito. You eat it—it’s delicious! ~Maximilian

What makes Frontier different is definitely the way we run the counter system with just cashiers—we crank the food out in like 5 minutes. It gets out there really well. ~Bryn

Happy Birthday, Frontier!

FREE FRONTIER COOKIE! Today, February 10, 2011 Only!

OPEN 5am - 1am Every Day 2400 Central SE

No purchase necessary. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Valid only on Thursday, February 10, 2011, while supplies last.

Lobo Culture Culture editor / Chris Quintana


“If you’ve never experienced the joy of accomplishing more than you can imagine, plant a garden. “ ~ Robert Brault

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Thursday February 10, 2011

culture@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Country crops in urban spaces Fourseason garden beds allow urban dwellers to grow food or flowers yearlong. The beds were built by Urban Store owner, Chuck Alex. Zach Gould/ Daily Lobo

by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Yogurt and cheese make Chuck Alex’s life fulfilling. The founder of Veggie Growers, now called the Urban Store, makes the products himself. He said the store moves people toward selfreliance. “Gardening, composting, catching rainwater, making yogurt and cheese, all make my life much more rich,” Alex said. The Urban Store will have its grand opening Saturday and Sunday and features small presentations on urban chicken keeping, guerrilla gardening and LED lighting, to name a few. For about five years, the store was known as Veggie Growers, until December when renovations began. Alex added a business partner, Kathy Isaacson, and they decided to expand the store in square feet and products. “Veggie Growers was as much a store as it was a workshop,” Alex said. “It was dirty and dusty, and in some ways, that was fine for a garden shop. But the vision for Urban Store is that it would not only have more products and services, but that it would be a beautiful and inviting space.” During renovation, the shop knocked down the wall for the neighboring unit and took advantage of more space by adding a couch, coffee tables and book shelf. Alex also carries yogurt-and-cheese-making kits that students could easily use. “You can make yogurt at home, or even in a dorm room,” Alex said. “You can do it for a relatively little bit of money, and small amount of space.” Alex’s gardening experience reaches beyond Nob Hill. The New Mexico Alliance for Children is using Alex’s four-season garden box as the model for children in the state’s Boys and Girls Club. Julia Price, the alliance’s director of education, said Alex made gardening easier and more

interesting for children. She said the alliance has 12 garden sites throughout New Mexico. “I think children are much more likely to be willing to taste something they’ve grown themselves,” Price said. “And it helps them to understand the whole plant-food connection and to have better associations with natural foods.” Alex’s expanding store will bring other facets of gardening to children who already enjoy it, Price said. “I would love to get the full gardening experience where there is a rainwater catchment system setup and a composting area,” she said. “We really would love to have children learning all of that so that they understand it’s more than just putting the plants in the ground.” Alex said the store is a space where people can buy items, such as rain barrels, but also attend workshops and get information through talking to staffers. “The philosophy is that we’re not trying to get everybody to be 100 percent self-sustainable, off-the-grid,” he said. “We want to help anybody and everybody who’s interested in taking one small step towards sustainable.”

URBAN STORE OPENING 3211 Silver Ave. S.E. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sales show bulk seeds are the Urban Store’s most popular item.

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo

the haps

Page 12 / Thursday, February 10, 2011

HAPS Listings Thursday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

ASUNM: Southwest Film Center Amelie 6:00pm Breakfast at Tiffany’s 8:00pm SUB Theater SWFC.UNM.EDU 277-5608 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL!* *The Original Weekly Dance Party!* *Post-Punk/ Dance & Indie* *DJ CLKCLKBNG and Guests* *75 Cent PBR It’s Gone* Blackbird Buvette $3.00 Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm + $3 Skyy ALL NIGHT DJ Rotation 9pm

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Salsa Baby 6am ZUMBA with Adrian 12 noon ZUMBA with Amy 5pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 6pm ZUMBA with Evelyn www.salsa-baby.com for information

Exhale Lights Out $5 Cover 18+, 21+ Free $1 Draft, $4 Long Islands, $3 Wells Special Guest: DJ Steven Bass Downtown Distillery Every Thursday $2.75 You Call It! FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)


Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Coma Recovery* *The Gatherers* *Then Eats Them* *Underground Cities*

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Salsa Baby 12 noon ZUMBA with Amy 5pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 6pm ZUMBA with Stephanie www.salsa-baby.com for information The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials ASUNM: Southwest Film Center Amelie 8:00pm Breakfast at Tiffany’s 6:00pm SUB Theater SWFC.UNM.EDU 277-5608

Maloney’s Tavern Video Game Tournament! Play to win a free wii!! $3.25 Skyy Infusions Blackbird Buvette Late Night Happy Hour 11pm- Close Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm + $5 Jose Cuervo Margaritas ALL DAY DJ Rotation 10pm Exhale Dance Night 18 to enter, 21 to Drink Downtown Distillery Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

Saturday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Salsa Baby 11am Salsa-Aerobics with Hortencia 12 noon ZUMBA with Christine www.salsa-baby.com for information ASUNM: Southwest Film Center Amelie 6:00pm Breakfast at Tiffany’s 8:00pm SUB Theater SWFC.UNM.EDU 277-5608 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Ya Ya Boom* *Red Light Cameras* *5 Star Motelles* Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


Manic Mondays


TBA $2.50 Pints and Well Drinks All Night




Unusual Content

$4 Tiki Drinks All Night




Liquid Monday Happy Hour All Day! Blackbird Karaoke w/DJ Kammo 9 pm

The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone




Ya Ya Boom Red Light Cameras 5 Star Motelles


Two Wheel Mondays


Wednesday 9 pm - Midnight $1 off Vodkas $3 Marble Pints Thursday 9 pm - close $3 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals Friday/Saturday Late Night Happy Hour 11 pm - close Sunday Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio!


$3 Marble Drafts


Exhale Dance Night! $1 Drafts 7-10pm

Tuesday Geeks Who Drink - 7 pm All Pints $2.50 9 pm - Midnight

Coma Recovery The Gatherers Then Eats Them Underground Cities


Imbibe Happy Hour til 7! LOBOS vs. Colorado St 7pm $1 Draft during the Game! DJ Poppn’ Bottles 10pm

(Tues-Sun) 4 pm - 8 pm $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks

$2.50 Select Pints



12 noon Sat-Sun

Happy Hour

Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew



Open @: 11 am Mon-Fri,

Vinyl And Verses



Blackbird Buvette Late Night Happy Hour 11pm- Close

Tiki Tuesdays!



Maloney’s Tavern Karaoke Wednesdays $1 off Absolute & Absolut Flavors 9:30-1:30 Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)



Downtown Distillery Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!



The Library Bar & Grill 11am-2am

Sunday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Follow us on Twitter! twitter.com/blackbird505

The Blackbird Buvette 509 Central Ave NW ABQ, NM 87002


MAGGIE HART STEBBINS invites you to our







ASUNM: Southwest Film Center Amelie 3:00pm Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1:00pm SUB Theater SWFC.UNM.EDU 277-5608 The Library Bar & Grill 11am-12am



The Copper Lounge CLOSED

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake 11:30-2:30 5-9:30

Alwa ys th

e be drin st

pricek down s town !

Never a Cover

311 Central Downtown

Blackbird Buvette Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio!





Barrett House Attic

Albuquerque’s Premier Thrift Store

Bring this ad for 5% off! Located at 4308 Lomas NE (just west of Washington on the south side of Lomas) Mon- Sat 9:30-5 262-1073

the haps

Exhale Karaoke Night $2.50 Bacardi Breezers Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday $2 PBR - $2.75 Jager Shots Check out our new games!

Monday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central Monday Special: Buy 1 Get 1 Anything! 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *TBA* *$3 Marble Drafts* The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Imbibe Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis

Blackbird Buvette 9pm - 12am $1 off Vodkas $3.00 Marble Pints

Sushi and Sake Closed Sundays Maloney’s Tavern Split Shift Sundays 7pm - 12am Rotating Drink Specials

Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See Ad for daily specials Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Suicide Lanes* *The Meslimatics* *TBA* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night*

Every Thursday


THU 10 '&#36"3:

FRI 11 SAT 12

Salsa Baby 5pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 6pm ZUMBA with Evelyn www.salsa-baby.com for information

5)6 '3* 4"5 46/ ".&-*&

5)6 '3* 4"5 46/ #3&",'"45 "5 5*''"/: 4

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer) Blackbird Buvette Geeks Who Drink - 7pm All pints $2.50 9pm-12am Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT $1 Drafts, $3 Well, $3 Long Island Tea, $4 Jim Beam & $5 Cherry & Silvers DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilio Quinones 9:30pm

Check Out

The Haps

BTVON 4065)8&45 '*-. $&/5&3

48'$ 6/. &%6


SUN 13 MON 14






Daily Draft Specials for $2.50 Mon-Sat Nightly Patio Specials on Select Beer 2:00pm - 7:00pm $2.50 Blue Moon $2.25 Domestic Beers $2.75 Well Drinks 7:00pm - Close $2.75 Bridgeport IPA Blue Moon; Shiner Bock Hardcore; Alien $4.00 Lemon Drops Kamikazes $5.00 9� 1-Topping Pizza $5.00 Cheeseburger w/ FF


TUE 15


WED 16


$1 DRAFT DURING GAME Happy Hour Everyday Til 7pm

+ All Day Sunday, Monday & Wednesday

3101 Central Ave NE • 255-4200 For the latest event info visit


Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!


7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos Equis Lager; Tecate; Honeybrown; Marble Blonde; Boulder Sweaty Betty Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s, Blue Paddle; Marble IPA $4.00 Margaritas; Cosmos Slippery Nipples $5.00 9â€? 1-Topping Pizza 50¢ Tacos $2.50 Drafts All Night 7pm-Close

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah Salsa Baby 6am ZUMBA with Adrian 12 noon ZUMBA with Amy 5pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 6pm ZUMBA with Evelyn www.salsa-baby.com for information

7:00pm - Close $2.50 All Pints $4.00 Smirnoff U-Call-It* *includes avors

$5.00 9� 1-Topping Pizza 1/2 off Selected Appetizers

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Smithwick’s Sam Adams Seasonal Marble Red; Bass; Stella Artois Patio: $2.75 Marble IPA; Blue Paddle; Modelo Especial $4.00 Skyy U-Call-It* Copper House Martini

Exhale Karaoke Night $2.50 Bacardi Breezers


Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour All Day Blackbird Karaoke w/ DJ Kammo 9pm

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Imbibe LOBOS vs. Sand Diego St 8:30pm w/$1 Draft during Game + WINE DOWN 6-7pm with Wine Tasting & FREE Appetizers


Salsa Baby 5pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 6pm ZUMBA with Evelyn 8pm ZUMBA with Stephanie www.salsa-baby.com for information


Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *2.50 Select Pints*

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials


Imbibe Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12Mid

Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

*no Red Bull or Martinis


DEJA VU 50g - $4.99 250g - $14.99

o atto




STARBUZZ 50g - $5.95 100g - $7.99 250g - $17.99

11:00am - 7:00pm $2.75 Well Drinks $2.50 Bloody Marys $2.25 Domestic Bottles 5:00-7:00pm $3.00 Drafts on Patio: Marble IPA; Widmer Hefeweizen; Blue Paddle 7:00pm - Close All drafts $2.50 everywhere $6.75 Chicken or Ground Beef Burrito

LAYALINA 50g - $2.50

MONDAY SPECIAL Buy 1 Get 1 on anything! Solano

35% off anything in the store!





7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos Equis Lager; Tecate; Alien; Sam Adams Seasonal; 5 Barrel Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s; Widmer Hefeweizen; Modelo Especial $3.25 Corona and Corona Light $4.00 Salty Dogs Razzitinis; Mind Erasers $4.50 Jose Cuervo $6.00 Manzano Martinis $5 Stuffed Sopapillas (Chicken or Beef)

Central Ave SE

New Location! 3716 Central


er Pi

$5.00 Copper Burger


Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 4-7pm $1 off all drinks (excluding beer) I Kissed a Girl Contest $3.25 Absolute & Jim Beam $3.50 90 Shilling Bottles $5.50 Jager Bombs

Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Page 13


New Mexico Daily Lobo

1504 Central Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 242-7490 Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat

Package Liquors 11a-11:55p Mon-Sat


Page 14 / Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Fashion Q&A

by Chris Quintana


Highly readable content. Though we appreciate your dedicated readership, please use caution when attempting to read the Daily Lobo in unconventional situations.

Bethany Nichols, Archeology, Junior

Rafael Reyes, Biology, Freshman

“You caught me on a cute day. I usually don’t care.”

“Sitting in a suit is a different feeling than sitting around in trunks. What you wear affects you and the people around you.”

Scarf: Walmart, $4 Jacket: Delias, $86 Jeans: Gift from sister Boots: Mitchell’s, $40

Top hat: Mall, $7 Suit: Thrift store, $15 Tie: Gift Shirt:Target, $10 Shoes: State Street, $30

Bethany sports a snug, yet stylish look, perfect for windy and wintery New Mexican days. The Alabama native she said she never needed to buy a jacket before she came to study at UNM. She said that in her home state, people wear more makeup and a lot more flip-flops compared to the boots she dons here. Her favorite color is lime green because it’s warm and makes her feel good. Favorite Clothing Trend: Peacoats with double-breasted buttons. They are slightly military, but still fun. Least Favorite Clothing Trend: I hate jeans with holes. I will never put them on myself. It’s just not nice.

Do not attempt to pilot an aircraft vehicle while reading the Daily Lobo. A FRIENDLY PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Advice to Fashion Defunct Friend: I would find stuff cute for you, but don’t follow trends. You don’t want to wear something that 20 years from now will horrify you.


Returning Women Students Walk-in Hours Starts at: 9:00am Location: Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall Thinking about returning to school? Have some questions about how to get started? Come by the WRC and get some answers.

Women’s Resource Center Focus Group Sessions Starts at: 10:30am Location: Domenici Center-Room 3010 These sessions will provide an opportunity for sharing successes, concerns, and barriers that women are facing at the graduate level and also ideas about how the WRC can serve this population better.

Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Student Union Building, Upper Floor Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

In his swing-era clothing, Rafael demands attention. He said he likes the 40s look because they weren’t all about comfort, but focused on a classy, tailored look. And while he just dressed up for a public speaking class, he has enjoyed watching people respond to his outfit. He said it’s good to look different than everyone else. Favorite Clothing Trend: All black coats. They are still classy, but still laid back for our times. Least Favorite Clothing Trend: Ripped jeans. Like ones that deliberately have holes. It’s the exact opposite of what I want. Advice to Fashion Defunct Friend: Don’t worry about what everyone else is wearing. Wear what defines you, and if you dress like that, people will notice it.

Event Calendar

for February 10, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo features

Thursday, February 10, 2011 / Page 15

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Mal and Chad

dailysudoku level: 1 2 3 4


solution to yesterday’s problem

ACROSS 1 Get used to it 6 PBS moderator Ifill 10 Go for 14 Martinez with three Cy Young Awards 15 By __: from memory 16 Sale modifier 17 Delta location 19 Actor Sitka who appeared in numerous Three Stooges films 20 Source of showroom shock? 22 Healthy routine 25 “Catcher in the Wry” author 26 Make __ dash for 27 Hershiser with a Cy Young Award 30 Wind instrument vibrator 31 Send 33 Battle gp. 35 Standing by for an on-air appearance 40 Bauble 41 Citi Field org. 43 Central Chinese city 46 Jazzman Stan 48 Some are named for music genres 49 Carrying limit 51 Fit for consumption 53 Risk calculation 56 Beard-preventing brand 57 Its components are hidden at the ends of 17-, 20-, 35- and 53Across 61 Forest denizens 62 Capri, e.g. 63 Quilt filler 64 Used too much 65 USNA part: Abbr. 66 Puts in a hold DOWN 1 Mortgage no. 2 “De Civitate __”: “The City of God,” St. Augustine work

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku





By Don Gagliardo

3 -ly word, usually: Abbr. 4 Spanish fort 5 Rich dessert 6 Food merchant 7 “The Caine Mutiny” novelist 8 Cigar tip? 9 Early Indian leader 10 Strong-arm 11 Wired for sound 12 Did a deli job 13 “Total Eclipse of the Heart” singer Bonnie 18 Camera company that merged with Konica 21 With some sauce 22 One of many jobs, in metaphor 23 Jewish social org. 24 Things to wear 28 Wear away 29 Relay runner’s assignment 32 Wheel securer 34 Spokane university 36 Play with a dog toy, maybe

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Response to “You were kidding, right?” 38 Word of action 39 And friends, facetiously 42 Capt.’s heading 43 Like DVDs in a restricted room 44 “We can talk now” 45 Terrified, to the bard


47 Designated 49 South American grilled meat dish 50 Croesus’ kingdom 52 Exhausts 54 “Happy Days” mom, to the Fonz 55 Auel heroine 58 Altar promise 59 Fresh 60 Letters seen in many forms




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Page 16 / Thursday, February 10, 2011


DAILY LOBO new mexico

CLASSIFIED INDEX Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Fun, Food, Music Looking for You Auditions Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Your Space WANTED PARTICIPANTS FOR a dissertation study regarding women of color w/learning disabilities. Participants will be compensated for time w/monetary stipend. Please contact me: 710-1674, also by e-mail avianariel@yahoo.com ROMEO O ROMEO! Students: Don’t forget to place your Free Valentine’s Day ad with us! Extras: $1/color, centering, bolding. Deadline: Feb.11, 1pm. Email it (25 words or less), to us from your UNM account or come into our office, Marron Hall 107, to pay for your extras. classifieds@dailylobo.com



Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. 2BDRM $650 +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE. MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525.

For Sale

UNM AREA: TINY 2BDRM house with G and fenced yard. $550/mo. +utilities and DD. References required. 2938164.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

2BDRM, CARPETED, 3 blocks UNM, laundry on-site, cable ready. Cats ok, no dogs. 313 Girard SE. $685/mo utilities included. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com CLOSE UNM/ DOWNTOWN. 1BDRM $350/mo +utils. Singles. 266-4505.


AFFORDABLE PRICE, STUDENT/FACULTY discount. Gated Community, Salt Water Pool, pets welcomed. 15 minutes UNM. Sage Canyon Apartments 505344-5466.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.


STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting Friday, December 11, 2010 at 2:00pm in Marron Hall Rm 131.

Fun Food Music FREE BRIDAL SHOW. Feb 20. 1-4pm. Dillards-Cottonwood Mall. VALENTINE’S DAY SALSA Party! Son Como Son Saturday, February 12 Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover (21 and up)

Lost and Found RING FOUND. STAINLESS-steel, Johnson Field in December. Call to identify. 270-5598.


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. NEED AN ATTORNEY? Free Consultation. 24/7. 505-333-8613. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Duplexes 3BDRM, 2BA, UPGRADED, hardwood floors, granite countertops, dishwasher, disposal, w/d, large fenced backyard, off street parking. 321 Stanford SE. 3620837. $1,098/mo, $1,100 dd. Avail now.

Houses For Rent WALK TO UNM MED/LAW SCHOOL. Newly remodeled with HW floors. W/D. Very clean, lovely. 2BDRM, 1BA +office. $1200/mo, $500dd. No pets. Cibola Realty Services 792-4162.

3BDRM, W/D, BASEMENT, lots of parking. $1000/mo + $400 deposit. Does not include gas or electric. 2 blocks from UNM. 881-3540.

SELLING 3 UNUSED boxes of Air Optix: Night and Day contact lenses, -2.75 prescription, 13.8 diameter. 6 lenses per box for $30 each, text 505-975-1759.

WALK TO UNM, Beautiful spacious, 2BDRM, W/D hookup, den. $725/mo. 299-8543, 379-7349.

DIAMOND NECKLACE FOR Valentine’s! 3 stone, 14K, diamond journey necklace. Appraised at $600 will sell for $450 with appraisal paperwork. Call 505-310-1067 for details.

Houses For Sale FOR SALE: A fabulous 3100+ sq. ft 3BDRM, (2 master bedrooms) 3 full BA, 3 car garage home on 2/3 of an acre in the north valley neighborhood of Dietz Farms. Home features brick floors, adobe construction, wood viga ceilings, a new roof, 2 new furnaces & new hot water heater. Motivated sellers are asking $525,000. For more info & photos visit www.2015Dietz.com or call Eric at 505-270-9165 MLS#695040 Real Living Premier Realtors. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN UNM Area. 2 Story, 4BDRM, 3BA Custom Built. Jody Nelson, Coldwell Banker Legacy, Cell: 514-5692. Office: 292-8900.

Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOM IN 3BDRM house near UNM/CNM utilities paid. No smokers/heavy partiers. Someone compatible with male secondary ed major & female music ed major. $400/mo. Call 575-491-1553 to see, then email dbas1956@yahoo.com A FRIENDLY/ PROFESSIONAL female wanted ASAP to share 3BDRM 2BA condo in gated community. Internet, cable, fitness center, pool, security included. $450/mo + deposit. jsee ley@unm.edu FREE FOOD, INTERNET, furnished, yoga deck, gym, laundry, hot tub, art murals, excellent kitchen, clean, beautiful, safe house. Available now. $377/mo. + 1/4 utilities. 459-2071. FURNISHED BASEMENT ROOM. QUIET MALE STUDENT only. Share kitchen/ bath. $250/mo, includes utilities/ wi-fi. Available 2/9. 243-0553. STUDENT WANTED TO share 3BDRM/2BA Home in quiet neighborhood close to UNM north. $400/mo +1/3 utilities. Private bath, wireless internet, laundry, friendly cat. Ben 977-6478 or bluevanben@hotmail.com RESPONSIBLE FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 2BDRM, 1BA apartment. $300/mo including utilities, internet extra. 15 min walk from UNM on Girard. Call Hanna 505-379-3785. RESPONSIBLE FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share sunny, spacious, 2BDRM, 1BA apartment 5 blocks from UNM. $300/mo including utilities. Hanna 379-3785.

Pets CARPET PYTHON FEMALE ~ 5.4ft., friendly. Vision cage in new conditions, stand, light , waterdish included. $400 obo. brisley@unm.edu

For Sale INEXPENSIVE VALENTINES HEARTS, Mardi Gras beads. Stone Mountain Beads 4008 Central SE.


NICE 1BDRM + Study 3 blks from UNM and Pres. Hardwood floors, updated bathroom, fenced yard. $675/mo. +$500DD. 271-9686. 2BDRM, W/D, 3 blocks to UNM. $850 + $400 deposit. Doesn’t include gas or electric. 881-3540.

3102 Central Ave SE


1980 HARLEY DAVIDSON for sale. Runs good and in great condition. $6000 obo. Call James 505-760-3023 or 505-550-0881.

Child Care TUTOR/ CHILD CARE; 10GRDR NM Hist, Geom, Eng, Bio, Theology, 3-6pm, M-TH. Background check. Own Car. Resume. Sonia 362-1886.

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Your Space Rooms for Rent For Sale Categories

KIM JEW PHOTOGRAPHY is seeking a dependable, friendly person with great people skills. F or PT. $7.50/hr to $9.00/hr DOE. Availability on Saturdays and Sundays a must. Studio Hours are 8:30am to 7:30pm including Saturdays and Sundays. Must drop off resumes or apply in person at Kim Jew Photography located at 6901 Gruber Ave, NE Suite F, Albuquerque, NM 87109. No emails, faxes, or phone calls please.

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!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Summer in Maine


Males and females. Meet new friends! Travel! Teach your favorite activity

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330). VOLUNTEER FOR THE NEW YEAR! Gain experience and join a movement. Become a volunteer advocate with the Rape Crisis Center. Training starts February 18. For more information: www.rapecrisiscnm.org, 266-7712 or volunteer@rapecrisiscnm.org VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Destination Imagination Tournament on March 5th at Albuquerque Academy. More info http://www.imaginm.org/dinm/volun teer.htm Volunteer credit given. Thanks!

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June to August. Residential. Enjoy our website. Apply online. TRIPP LAKE CAMP for Girls: 1-800-997-4347 www.tripplakecamp.com

OFFICE HELP FRIDAYS 1-5pm, $8/hr, experienced, references required, good typist. Near Washington and Zuni SE, across Highland High School. 254-2606. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. STAFF ACCOUNTANT: BROWN & Brown of NM Inc. Position includes assisting Accounting Manager in daily functions. Requires someone with Intermediate Excel and Outlook experience, ability to work on data entry for long periods, excellent communication skills, and highly motivated. $12hr/ 40hr week + benefits, opportunities for advancement. Send Resume and cover letter to: acordova@bbnm.com or fax 505-291-6366. PT. RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT For law firm. Dependable, computer literate and professional attitude. E-mail resumes to jakoblaw@aol.com RESPONSIBLE, RELIABLE, OVERACHIEVING Housekeeper needed for occasional hourly work. References a plus. erichall@spinn.net or 897-3073.

Now Hiring!

Music & Dance Activity Leader to perform for school-age children and lead both music and dance activities in our after school programs Part Time Up to 10 hours per week

$15.00 Hr. Qualified applicants should have some experience working with children, be skilled in both music and dance curriculum for children and able to provide musical accompaniment. Must provide own instrument

WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have acquired a high school diploma or equivalent.

TUCANOS BRAZILIAN GRILL is looking for outgoing students to fill PT hostess and busser positions. Apply within. 110 Central Ave. 246-9900.

Valentine’s Day is Coming up...

UNM HSC FACULTY member looking for reliable, conscientious individual for help with homemaking responsibilities meal prep, light housekeeping, errands10-20 hrs M-F with fairly flexible hours. Contact: sandia@comcast.net

WANTED: EXPERIENCED TUTOR for Math 145, Statistics. Also needed tutor for high school physics. Excellent hourly rate. Please call 321-8847.

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PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. Month to month option. 8439642. Open 7 days/week.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Page 8 / Thursday, February 10, 2011

40th anniversary

New Mexico Daily Lobo / Page 9

...celebrating the students, families, faculty, and staff that make up the Frontier family. Their tortillas are way good. Everything is pretty much homemade, that’s what I like about it. ~Eric

Larry and Dorothy pause for a photo with Tony Hillerman behind the Frontier.

What makes Frontier different is the history behind it. I mean, it’s been open for almost 40 years now. It’s kind of a landmark here in Albuquerque. Everyone knows the Frontier. You know, it’s a staple.~Kelsey

I’ve been coming to Frontier my whole life. I love the culture. It has so much of what New Nexico is and what college is here. ~Reed

Check out the Frontier 40th Anniversary Video Project on the web at www.dailylobo.com Click on the button at the top of the page

I usually have the huevos rancheros. And the sandwiches are great—all the food they have is great; I love it. Anything you order off their menu is excellent. It’s quick; you don’t have a long wait. And everybody’s friendly. Just the set up that they have is perfect. The owners are absolutely wonderful to students— I mean, their prices are great! Struggling students can find something to order that they can afford.~Ersilia

The green chile cheese fries, which I try to stay away from, are definitely my favorite. The stuff I get most is the breakfast burrito and the vegetarian burrito. There’s a couple things that make Frontier different. One, the artwork. Two, the social quality of it. You find people that you know here. Three, the food is really good. ~Maggie

We’ve been coming to Frontier for 10 and about 12 years. Definitely the breakfast burritos are the best thing on the menu. There is a very eclectic group of people that come here. You get everything from college students—I’ve seen buseness people, firemen, police officers... ~Christopher and Jeremy

The number one thing that makes Frontier different is the atmosphere. It’s relaxed; it’s obviously a college atomsphere. The second thing are the prices. You get a great deal of good food for reasonable prices compared to other places. ~Anthony

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