DAILY LOBO new mexico
Upset at home see page 5
The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
February 12, 2010
ASUNM: Athletics is worth the money
A race to the finish
by Mario Trujillo Daily Lobo
Long Nguyen / Daily Lobo Mechanical Engineering student Tim Ngo tinkers with a computer program Thursday to start the racecar engine as part of the Formula Society of Automotive Engineers competition. The car needs to be up and running by the end of February for the contest, Ngo said.
After 15 years, Hokona Hall set for summer makeover by Tricia Remark Daily Lobo
Some residents of Hokona Hall have gotten used to flipping on their heaters and smelling the 1950s. Hokona Hall, built in 1957, will get a facelift this summer. The hall was renovated 15 years ago, said Patrick Call, director of Residence Life and Student Housing, and some heating and cooling units are more than 50 years old. The Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee approved $3.5 million toward the hall during its meeting Thursday. Revenue from student housing is funding the renovation, Call said. “Students pay to live with us, and they deserve the best that we can give them,” he said. “We want to get the best bang we can for our student dollars in Hokona.” Renovations will include new furniture, heating and cooling units, a fire alarm system and card swipe entry, Call said. Student rooms, hallways, laundry areas and commons will be refurbished, he said. “In the past, they might come in and replace an appliance or a countertop or one fixture in the bathroom,” Call said. “If we’re going to do it, let’s do it right and do it as one all-encompassing package.” Call said American Campus Communities, the company contracted to build new dorms on South Campus, is doing an evaluation of all dorms on Main Campus. He said ACC may suggest that some dorms be demolished, but not Hokona. “We heard that Hokona definitely had no
Inside the
Daily Lobo volume 114
issue 97
issues, so that’s why we’re looking to (renovate) Hokona this year and we plan to do the other buildings in the future,” Call said. The ACC report on UNM dorms should be complete in October, he said. Call said the current fire alarm system works well, but is out of date with current fire codes. “The system that’s in there now is a functional system, a safe system, but with new fire codes coming out there’s a way for us to improve the current system and make it better,” he said. The new fire alarm system will cost about $650,000, he said. Andrea Schoeny, Hokona Hall resident, said improvements to furniture and heating and cooling units will help the overall appearance of the dorms “The paint is peeling and you can hear everything through the vents, like things that are happening in the bathroom,” she said. But, Schoeny said, she still enjoys living in the dorms. “It’s an old building. It’s one of the older dorms, I guess, but it’s nice. I like it,” she said. “They just re-did the bathrooms this summer.” The fire alarms also worked well during a fire drill last week, she said. A small fire erupted in Hokona last semester in September from a faulty dryer, and the alarms sounded. However, one student, Axie Papp, said the alarms didn’t go off until about 30 minutes
see Hokona Hall page 3
In a twist away from the graduate students’ special election, the ASUNM Senate resolved nearly the opposite of everything the graduate student body voted on pertaining to athletics. In a 19-0 decision Wednesday, the undergraduate student Senate voted to support student athletes, Athletics Director Paul Krebs and the department as a whole. It also voted to support funding for athletics from student fees. According to the resolution: “The recent special elections held by the Graduate and Professional Students Association is not consistent with the undergraduate student body’s feelings towards its athletic program, its student athletes and especially the funding they receive through student fees.” Diverting student fees from athletics would limit the amount of
see Athletics page 3
Zydeco: accordion to your own beliefs
Eva Dameron / Daily Lobo Rosie Ledet gets down with her backing band The Zydeco Playboys in Santa Fe on Wednesday. Check out the Culture section of DailyLobo.com for the review.
Question of the week
Cheering for snow
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PageTwo Friday, February 12, 2010
Daily Lobo asks you: “I think athletics gets enough donations, so maybe student fees should go to the students. It seems like athletics has money already. Maxwell They got a lot Marquez of money to Senior Management renovate The Information Pit. I think the Systems money could go into renovating some classrooms.”
Daily Lobo new mexico
volume 114
issue 97
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New Mexico Daily Lobo Do you want your student fees going to the Athletics Department?
“I don’t think it should go to athletics. They have a lot of money for basketball and football, and they have a lot of sponsors. Maybe Christi Cobo there are other Junior areas in athletics Spanish that it could go to, like teams that are not that well known. I think it should go to savings, especially the way the economy is right now.
Editor-in-Chief Eva Dameron Managing Editor Abigail Ramirez News Editor Pat Lohmann Assistant News Editor Tricia Remark Staff Reporters Andrew Beale Kallie Red-Horse Ryan Tomari Online Editor Junfu Han Photo Editor Vanessa Sanchez Assistant Photo Editor Gabbi Campos Staff Photographer Zach Gould Culture Editor Hunter Riley
Assistant Culture Editor Chris Quintana Sports Editor Isaac Avilucea Assistant Sports Editor Mario Trujillo Copy Chiefs Elizabeth Cleary Bailey Griffith Opinion Editor Zach Gould Multimedia Editor Joey Trisolini Design Director Cameron Smith Production Manager Sean Gardner Classified Ad Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Ad Manager Steven Gilbert
“No, I do not. The attendance at the athletics games, besides basketball, isn’t that great. I don’t think that we should be paying for something that we don’t use. Reece Buckner On top of that, we Junior have to pay for the Emergency games. I think it Medicine should be going to projectors in classrooms that actually work and to get more teachers so my classes are not overfilled.”
“Yes, I think that would be fine. We have a really strong basketball team, so if it helps them out in any way, then that is fine. I think Jessie Pattillo it is important Freshman that we have Geology an athletics program. If me paying student fees means that the athletics program doesn’t get cut, then I am fine paying for it.”
The New Mexico Daily Lobo (USPS #381-400) is published daily except Saturday, Sunday during the school year and weekly during the summer sessions by the Board of Student Publications of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-2061. Subscription rate is $50 an academic year. Periodical postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: send change of address to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO, MSC03 2230, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address, telephone and area of study. No names will be withheld.
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from PAGE 1
student tickets, dropping student attendance at sporting events, according to the resolution. “Support at events for athletics is crucial to their success, and reduced attendance would thus affect UNM’s competitiveness on a national scale,” according to the resolution. A portion of student fees goes toward student tickets, said Tim Cass, associate athletics director. A cut in student fees to athletics could possibly affect free student tickets. Only about 5 percent of the Athletics budget comes from student fees. The graduate population voted to encourage the Board of Regents to divert student fees away from athletics. ASUNM also differed in opinion with graduate students on Krebs’ performance. After a line giving support to Krebs was stricken from the resolution last week, Sen. Sean Mallory put it back in at the meeting. “UNM holds these individuals in the spotlight,” Mallory said. “There is pretty much zero room for error, and it is in my opinion that everybody deserves a second chance.” Only one senator, Daniel Parker,
Hokona Hall
hold a special election, Mallory said that the undergraduate student body has weighed-in by attending athletics events. “The reason this was written from my point of view was largely due to the fact that how many student tickets have been sold at athletic events this season and our overall attendance for all sports over the past four years,” Mallory said. “With those numbers, I just felt that special elections were unnecessary.” Also, ASUNM President Monika Roberts said last weekend that holding a similar special election for undergraduates regarding athletics’ funding would have unfairly targeted the department. “We never really had any sort of election, and I’m not saying that what they (graduate students) did was wrong or anything because that’s what you guys wanted to do,” she said. “I feel like if we had an election specifically for Athletics, that would kind of be like pointing a finger.” Pat Lohmann contributed to this report.
from PAGE 1
after the fire started. Hokona will also be equipped with a card swipe entry system. Residents will need an activated Lobo Card to enter the building. Call said the only other dorm
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who eventually voted in favor of the resolution, was hesitant to support Krebs. “I’m just wondering if it is prudent to support the leadership that — at least in some people’s minds — put the Athletics Department and athletes themselves in a disfavorable position,” Parker said. “Is it a good thing to support them when, in some ways some people think, they put athletics in this spot?” On Jan. 28, the graduate student body voted no confidence in Krebs’ performance and his handling of the altercation between head football coach Mike Locksley and former assistant J.B. Gerald. Mallory, who drafted the resolution, said he didn’t condone all of Krebs’ decisions. But, he said, it is time to move on. “We have been dwelling over this issue for far too long,” Mallory said. “UNM faces a tough challenge in 2010 fiscally and across the board … This is time for us to unite, to stop finger pointing and come behind each other.” And while GPSA felt it necessary to
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on campus with card-swipe entry is Redondo Village, but this system is safer and longer-lasting than locks and keys. Bruce Cherrin, chief procurement officer for the Purchasing
Department, said the regents must approve the $3.5 million in funding at their next meeting March 8. Then, companies will be able to submit proposals to do the renovation work, he said.
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Contrary to what was printed in yesterday’s “Doing it in the Duke City,” you should not use natural lubricants such as hemp oil, jojoba oil and coconut oil if you are using latex condoms. They break down the latex. Contrary to what was printed in Thursday’s “Laying the groundwork for green,” the building in question is actually the College of Education— not the Continuing Education Building— as it was referred to several times.
The Daily Lobo is committed to providing you with factually accurate information, and we are eager to correct any error as soon as it is discovered. If you have any information regarding a mistake in the newspaper or online, please contact editorinchief@dailylobo.com.
LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Opinion editor /Zach Gould
Friday February 12, 2010
opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133
Letters Porn-shop ads degrade women, offend readers Editor, Building on the bold letter of Armand Huertaz of Feb. 10, I take offense with the Daily Lobo publishing advertisements like the type of the News Stand. (For example, on page 12 is the same issue). These ads insult women, degrade them and ultimately are dangerous to women. In your imagination, superimpose the face of your daughter, sister, mother, wife or grandmother on the picture of the woman in The News Stand Valentine’s Day advertisement. Imagine them standing there in their underwear wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day. This ad is offensive. Ned O’Malia Adjunct Professor in University Honors Program
UNM athletes — they’re exempt from everything Editor, A week ago, a student walked into class 30 minutes late, sat down, opened a bag of chips and started to text without any regard to how disruptive his actions were — much less the disrespect he showed toward the professor. The professor asked the student for his name and the student lied and gave the professor a fake name. He told the professor that his name was Tony Sloan. Different day, same student interrupts the professor once again by walking to the front desk in the middle of the professor’s lecture only to set the attendance sheet on the desk, and to make matters worse he has the audacity to tell the professor, “What’s up?” Unbelievable! The student who believes that he is above all is UNM’s finest athlete, A.J. Hardeman, the forward for UNM’s Men’s Basketball team. I wonder if head basketball coach Steve Alford, UNM students, UNM alumni and the fans of Lobo basketball would be so quick to applaud Hardeman’s deeds away from the court. Will disciplinary action be taken against him? Or will the status quo prevail? I venture to say that the status quo will prevail because God knows that athletics comes before academics here at UNM. After all, we need the money the Athletics Department brings to the University. Hence, it really doesn’t matter what the behavior of a coach and/or a student athlete is as long as the University gets the big “W.” Denise Angell UNM student
Editorial Board Eva Dameron
Abigail Ramirez Managing editor
Zach Gould
Opinion editor
Pat Lohmann
News editor
Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.
Feeling alone on V-Day? Try these trusted tricks! by Chris Quintana
Daily Lobo guest columnist It’s here. You can’t run from it any longer. The only way to escape at this point would be to find a cave and hide out somewhere in the Sandias, but since those are occupied by chupacabras or a deposed Martin Chavez (I can’t decide which is worse), you have to deal with it at this point. I’m talking about “V” day. Yes, Valentine’s Day is the worst holiday for a single person. I am very aware of how annoying it is to see couples hogging all the happiness in the world, and since I can’t go around breaking up all the relationships in the world (lucky for us, though, they’ll do it themselves), I have compiled a list of foolproof coping strategies for the romantically impaired during this holiday. Play it off like it’s no big deal: Hide your suffering on the inside where it’s not all unattractive and off-putting to potential dates. Remember, the first thing that any sane person thinks when confronted with a crying person is, “Gross. I wonder how long they are going to do that,” and then, “That’s freaking annoying.” After this thought process has been completed they will stare at you in disgust and walk away after throwing a SpongeBob Valentine’s card at your feet out of pity. You get a Valentine, but still. The best way to hide your disgusting shame of not having a date is to pretend like you don’t care. Say things like, “Valentine’s Day is just a made-up holiday. I don’t buy into commercialism like that,” “Love’s overrated. I’d rather be fighting bears all day with my free time than celebrating companionship,” or, “I’m not celebrating Valentine’s Day this year because my dog ate my heart.”
If that doesn’t work, just punch the offending person in the face and cry into your pillow on your own time. Eventually, somebody will dig your smug charm, and if that doesn’t work, just cry into your pillow again. Play it like it’s the biggest deal in the whole world: Throw yourself at anyone or anything who would be willing to take you out for Valentine’s Day. You must be extreme in these measures. Don’t neglect the ugly people in the back of the classrooms. Remember, a brown bag will do wonders for their complexion, and if they reek be sure to hose them down with a fire hose attached to a fire hydrant full of fine French cologne. If they prove to be the sort with “pride” and won’t let you toss a brown bag over their head, then you have to move matters into your own hands. If you can’t get yourself to ask the ugly boy or girl at the back of the classroom because of your “lack of physical attraction,” then gouge your eyes out. Take similar measures for people who smell by removing your nose with a cheese slicer. Know a person with a shrill voice? Fill your ears with cement. If you reach a point where no human being wants to go out with you, then use an object. Parking meters, for example, are nice companions. They always welcome you by trying to get some “change.” They are solid with a body to die for and are incapable of ever leaving your side. Don’t limit yourself. There is a whole world of lonely objects looking for some loving — just consider blenders, microwaves and benches. Even books — but watch out for those paper cuts (They’re the worst!). Threaten suicide or bodily harm: It worked in “The Notebook,” so it has to work for you. Be flashy, though — how else are
people going to notice your plight of going dateless on Valentine’s? You might be tempted to default to standing atop a tall building, flailing and screaming that you’ll kill yourself unless someone goes out with you, but think outside of the box. Consider covering yourself in fish entrails and then threatening to jump into the shark tank at the aquarium. The best part of this solution is after someone finally accepts your desperate advance so as to not have your blood on their hands, you can wash up in another fish tank, and then jaunt over to the botanical gardens to start a life based on lies and desperation. Hooray! If that doesn’t suit your fancy just choose an object and verb at random and voilà. You have your solution. For example, I chose “weed whacker” and “dancing,” so the solution would be dancing with a weed whacker in the plaza until someone rushes over and offers me a date. Really, with a bit of creativity and a complete lack of concern for your safety and that of others around you, a date will be yours in no time. Don’t forget to say that you’ve had long established plans for the holiday weekend. This includes but isn’t limited to: “I’m getting a haircut,” “I’m getting new tile installed in my dungeon downstairs,” “I’m collecting ice samples from Antarctica this weekend,” or, “That’s the day I am raiding in ‘World of Warcraft.’” Like I said earlier, be creative, and don’t be afraid to try out the noun-verb-combo equation again. For example, let’s take our earlier words, “weed whacker” and “dancing,” and voilà, the excuse: “I have to weed whack before I can enter into the salsa competition.” Whichever option you choose, just remember: Even if you’re alone, you’re not alone in the fact that you’re alone.
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Friday, February 12, 2010 / Page 5
lobo women’s basketball
Vanessa Sanchez / Daily Lobo Sara Halasz sits on the bench after being substituted in Wednesday’s game against UNLV at The Pit. UNM lost but looks to redeem itself Saturday against Utah.
Upset at home confounds Flanagan by Isaac Avilucea Daily Lobo
1) Sport is rife with logical fallacies. 2) Don Flanagan. Linguistically speaking, the above is an example of a non-sequitur. Or in basketball terms, it’s called the UNM women’s basketball team. Expounding on that notion — so the thinking went: The Lobos defeated three upper-echelon teams
in the Mountain West Conference (BYU, TCU and San Diego State). Therefore, they’ll beat UNLV, a sub-.500 record team. Not so. The Lobos have proven that chaos is not the absence of order; it’s only the natural, worldly order — at least in the MWC. All the same, what Flanagan witnessed on Wednesday at The Pit defied everything conventional about wisdom, everything assumed about order.
The Lobo head coach must have felt that he was center stage in the Theatre of the Absurd. “I just don’t understand this group,” he said. He’s not alone. They’re simply inconceivable. “I like to tell you, ‘I do,’ but I don’t understand any team that will not give 100 percent and play with confidence at home against a team they beat on the road,” Flanagan
see Flanagan page 6
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Page 6 / Friday, February 12, 2010
New Mexico Daily Lobo
lobo men’s basketball
lobo skiing
Season peaks for skiers after invite success Martinez sinks four 3s in eighth straight victory by Ryan Tomari Daily Lobo
As if being named the best ski team in the country wasn’t enough, the UNM Ski team added more to its arsenal of awards. Besides having a terrific performance at the Jade Enterprises/ New Mexico Invitational on Feb. 5-6 in Red River and Taos, and finishing first as a team, the Lobos had a few individuals earn weekly awards. Four UNM skiers were honored by The Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Ski Association for their performances at the invitational. Anne Cecilie Brusletto and Thomas Schwab were named RMISA Skiers of the Week for women’s and men’s Alpine, while Polina Ermoshina and Pierre Niess received the women’s and men’s Nordic award. Schwab, a junior from Gröbming, Austria, finished just a few
tenths of a second behind fellow Lobo Peter Brenna in the men’s alpine race at the Jade Enterprises/ New Mexico Invitational. Schwab said winning the awards is confirmation of how well the team has performed collectively this season. “I think our home-meet victory was one of the biggest victories ever for us in conference,” Schwab said. “It was pretty impressive, and since we are ranked No. 1, we are all getting in shape for (the NCAA) finals, and I am happy to help the team out with my performance.” The team finished in first place after the first day of competition with victories in three of four events. Brenna, Polina Ermoshina and Martin Kaas won three of the four events on the first day of the competition, with six other Lobos finishing in the top 10. Ermoshina, a senior and the national classic runner-up for the
past two seasons, won the second classic race of her career in her final home meet as a Lobo. She also helped the women’s Nordic squad. Ermoshina successfully finished with a time of 16:56 in the Women’s 5,000-meter Classic, giving UNM 109 points and the victory. Ermoshina said her accomplishments motivate the rest of the Lobo Ski team to do better. “When you see people on your own team succeeding, and when they get first, you have to keep up with your own standard,” she said. “It kind of puts pressure on the rest of the team, and it does get more challenging, but that is what I like. When Martin did well in the first race, you know the rest of the guys are looking up at him and it’s nice to have him on the team. So, now the rest of the team knows what the standard is for the rest of the day.”
Fan Page THIS WEEK'S LOBO EVENTS Men's Basketball
Sat 02/13 @ Utah Wed 02/17 vs. Wyoming 7pm The Pit
Women's Basketball
Sat 02/13 vs. Utah 2pm The Pit Wed 02/17 @ Wyoming
Men’s Golf
Wed-Fri 02/17-19 @ John A. Burns Intercollegiate Leilehua G. C. Wahiawa, HI
Fri 02/12 Alpine @ Red River Cup in Red River, NM Sat 02/13 Nordic @ Colorado Cup in Durango, CO
Fri-Sun 02/12-14 @ Texas State Tournament in San Marcos, TX
Men’s Tennis
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Women’s Tennis
Fri 02/12 vs. Oregon 5pm Sun 02/14 vs. Colorado 10am Lobo Tennis Club
Track & Field
Fri-Sat 02/12-13 @ Washington Husky Classic in Seattle, WA @ Air Force Invitational in Colorado Springs, CO
The list of upcoming Lobo athletic events is published every Friday in the Daily Lobo. To advertise in this special section, call 277-5656!
Good luck to Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, Men’s Golf, Skiing, Softball, Men’s Tennis, Women’s Tennis and Track & Field.
by The Associated Press LAS VEGAS— Roman Martinez and the No. 15 New Mexico Lobos pushed aside No. 23 UNLV for their school-record fifth victory of the season over a ranked opponent. Martinez scored 16 points, including four 3-pointers, in New Mexico’s 76-66 victory over UNLV on Wednesday night. “We’re playing really great basketball,” New Mexico coach Steve Alford said. “We’ve been a great road team all year. This is the best environment we’ve played in all season long.” Darington Hobson also scored 16 points and had 13 rebounds for New Mexico (22-3, 8-2 Mountain West). Dairese Gary added 15 points, and Phillip McDonald had 13 for the Lobos, who were 11 of 21 from 3-point range and had a 45-23 rebounding advantage. Oscar Bellfield led UNLV (19-5, 7-3) with 15 points, Tre’Von Willis had 13 points and 10 assists, and Matt
Shaw added 12 points. The Rebels were 10 of 30 from 3-point range. The Lobos avenged a 74-62 loss to UNLV in Albuquerque. “Back in New Mexico, we played better,” UNLV coach Lon Kruger said. “They took some of that energy away tonight. They had a good start tonight. They played well throughout both halves. We got it down to two, but we couldn’t quite get over the hump. We have to play that way for longer periods of time.” Martinez made three 3-pointers in the first 4:58 of the second half and helped stake the Lobos to a 54-38 lead. The Lobos led by 18 points, 6143, following McDonald’s 3-pointer with 11:42 left. UNLV used a 20-4 run to cut it to 65-63 with 3:39 left. Willis had seven points, and Bellfield six during the run. New Mexico, though, responded with an 11-3 run to close out the game. Gary scored the final four points of the game on free throws.
Flanagan from page 5 continued. The Lobos, looking like a shell of their former selves, shot a disproportionate amount of 3-pointers to 2-pointers (19 to 8) in the second half against UNLV. It didn’t matter how many timeouts Flanagan burned, nor how he pleaded with his team during those timeouts. And Flanagan, with his feet planted firmly on the floor, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came after a 10-point lead at half. It came after the Lobos outmassed three of the league’s upper class. What a gaffe. And Flanagan puzzled and puzzled until his puzzler was sore. Then Flanagan thought of something he hadn’t before. “You know it’s almost like — and I’m not sure, OK, because I couldn’t tell you right now — it appears to me that if they believe the other team is supposed to beat them, they’re up for that challenge,” Flanagan said. “But if they think the other team’s beneath them, they’re not going to give the same effort.” Or perhaps, the reality of the matter is the Lobos are a good, but not great, team. They lack, Flanagan said, a consistent scorer. “I really don’t have consistent players that I can depend on for a game,” he said. “They might have a great game, then an average game, then a poor game. And so I really don’t know who’s ready to play.” With the MWC Tournament just around the corner, this is an
inopportune time for regression. With this loss, the Lobos have banished themselves to the outskirts of contending for a MWC regular-season title. Still, as guard Amy Beggin alluded to on Wednesday — “whatever seed we get, we get” — UNM is content with that, banking on making a push for NCAA Tournament consideration by winning the preceding MWC Tournament in Las Vegas. Right now, it’s realistically the only way they’ll make the NCAA Tournament. According to RealtimeRPI.com, the Lobos are 51 in the Ratings Percentage Index, a measurement incorporated into determining which teams are given at-large bids come tournament time. Note: This is, by no means, an exact science. However, typically — although there are exceptions — the NCAA Selection Committee reserves the 32 at-large bids for teams ranked in the top 32 of the RPI standings. Depending on which teams in the RPI’s top 32 earn automatic bids by winning their respective conference tournaments, a few at-large spots remain for teams not in the RPI’s top 32. Even so, at this point, Lobos aren’t even a bubble team. In order to be a part of the March Madness euphoria, the Lobos must avoid February Failures. But, again, order is something that is apparently lacking in the Lobos’ vernacular.
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
by Scott Adams
Friday, February 12, 2010 / Page 7
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DAILY LOBO new mexico
Campus Events Friday
Mining and Indigenous Rights Starts at: 12:00 PM Location: UNM SUB Acoma A Guatemalan activist, Pascual Bernabe Velasquez, will talk about mining and natural resources in Huehuetenango Women’s Resource Center Film Series Starts at: 12:00 PM Location: 1160 Mesa Vista Hall This film celebrates the life of legendary African American actress, poet and political activist Beah Richards. CAPS Spanish (200-level) Conversation Group Starts at: 1:00 PM Location: MVH 2037 This conversation group takes place every Friday, and will continue through the week before finals week.
Chemistry Seminar Starts at: 3:00 PM Location: Clark Hall Room 101 Prof. Christine Luscombe, University of Washington.
Philosophy Spring Colloquia Starts at: 3:30 PM Location: Dane Smith Hall Room 120 Martin Hagglund, Harvard Society of Fellows, “Proust and Philosophy” Phi Sigma Pi- Scholarship Starts at: 6:00 PM Location: Alumni Room in SUB It will be a trivia board game night.
Phi Sigma Pi- Social Starts at: 1:00 PM Location: SUB by Satellite It will be a scavenger hunt around UNM Campus.
Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00 PM Location: Student Union Building, Upper floor Santa Ana A&B Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Werewolf The Forsaken venue. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825
Community Events Friday
Love For Haiti Starts at: 11:00 AM Location: UNM Join UNM Collegiate Kiwanis for a rose and bake sale. Donations will go towards the recovery efforts to assist earthquake victims. Hillel Shabbat Meeting and Dinner Starts at: 5:30 PM Location: 1701 Sigma Chi http://www.hillelunm.com
Events of the Day
Planning your day has never been easier! Mining and Indigenous Rights Starts at: 6:30 PM Location: 202 Harvard SE Guatemalan activist, Pascual Bernabe Velasquez, will talk about mining and natural resources in Huehuetenango. Salsa y Amor Starts at: 9:00 PM Location: 7120 Wyoming Boulevard The University of New Mexico’s International Medical Delegation Honduras is hosting a salsa dance event “Salsa y Amor”
The Treehouse: A Poetry Open Mic Starts at: 6:30 PM Location: 516 Central AVE SW Dinah Frank, world famous for her obscurity, will be reading her award winning love story to french filmmaker Jean Cocteau.
UFO Ensemble Starts at: 8:00 PM Location: 1715 5th St. NW Mark Weaver’s Jazz Ensemble Basketball: Utes vs. Lobos Starts at: 2:00 PM Utah Utes play the New Mexico Lobos Lobos vs. Runnin’ Utes Starts at: 7:00 PM Utah Runnin’ Utes play the New Mexico Lobos
An Tai Sui & Thousand Light Dharma Rites Starts at: 12:00 PM Location: 2318 Central Ave SW Nan Bei Wushu will be bringing in the New Year with an An Tai Sui Ceremony Sai Baba Events Starts at: 4:00 PM Location: 111 Maple Street 505-366-4982
LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Friday, February 12, 2010
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TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.
MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown, PhD. welbert53@aol.com 401-8139
Food, Fun, Music Las Noticias Lost and Found Miscellaneous Personals Services Travel Want to Buy Word Processing
PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 2427512. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.
Apartments Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Studios Sublets
STATE FARM INSURANCE 3712 Central SE @ Nob Hill 232-2886 www.mikevolk.net FARMERS INSURANCE. AUTO liability $30/mo, full coverage $70/mo. 9486657.
Vehicles Wanted LOOKING FOR 2000-2007 Ford Mustang. Non-convertible, automatic, good condition, less than 80,000mi. Payment avl in cash. 505- 907-4779 or linofuente@yahoo.com.
For Sale
Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Photo Textbooks Vehicles for Sale
Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com CUTE, CHARMING 2 BDRM, 1 BA 1.5 blocks south UNM. Open modern floor plan, bricks floor, DW, pool. $730 rent/$300 DD + ults. No pets, move in special. 268-0525
Child Care Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers Work Study Jobs
MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1and 2BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525. 1 AND 2BDRMS, 3 blocks to UNM, no smokers/ no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Harvard SE. 262-0433. MOVE IN SPECIAL- STUDIOS, 1 block UNM, Free utilities, $435-$455/mo. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com.
Undergraduate Class of 1942 $550/semester $1,100/year Clauve $600/semester $1,200/year Friedman $250/semester $ 500/year Kremer$250/semester $ 500/year Leonard$250/semester $ 500/year Macey $450/semester $ 900/year McCann $500/semester $1,000/year Memorial $250/semester $500/year Graduate EWI $250/semester $500/year Anne J. Brown $500/semester $1,000/year
NEAR UNM/ NOB HILL. 2BDRM 1BA LIKE NEW. QUIET AREA, ON-SITE MANAGER, STORAGE, LAUNDRY, PARKING. PETS OK, NO DOGS. 141 MANZANO ST NE, $585/MO. 610-2050. UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1 and 2BDRMS $490-$650/mo +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. Move in special! 573-7839. UNM/ CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. $510- 1 BED Loft- Lg. square footage, near UNM, Available to move in immediately, must see home, Call 505.842.6640 ask for Jessika
2BDRM, 1/2 BLOCK from UNM. Utilities paid, off-street parking, remodeled, $680/mo. Available January 1st. 8974303. $590- 2 BEDROOM available- Minutes from UNM, Shuttle Bus Available, Immediate Move-in Available- Reserve Now Call 505.842.6640 $480- 1 BED available for Immediate Move-in, Minutes from UNM and Apollo, It is a must see, Call us at 505.842.6640 NOB HILL! 1BDRM/1BA super cute apartment. Central/ Carlisle area. Available March 1st. $425/mo all utilities paid. Call Brittany 220-1047. A LOVELY KNOTTY Pined decor 3BDRM 1.5BA. Skylight, parking, UNM area. $850/mo. 299-2499. $390- STUDIO- AVAILABLE for Immediate Move-in, 5 minutes from UNM and Apollo College, Spacious for 1, Call at 505.842.6640
Vehicles For Sale 1987 TOYOTA PICKUP 135,000 miles, has lift kit roll bars mud tires asking $3000, call 505 660 4279 1968 FORD MUSTANG Coupe 6 cylinder, C-4 automatic. Running rough and needs some work. Call Kyle, 505-9078876 for more information. $4500obo. In Rio Rancho. ‘97 HONDA CIVIC EX. Green, 2dr, sunroof, auto, 216K, runs great! $2,200 O.B.O. 505-920-5075
Jobs Off Campus !!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. NEW YEAR, NEW JOB!
$15 Base /Appt. Flex Schedule, Scholarships Possible! Customer Sales/ Service, No Exp. Nec., Cond. Apply. Call now, All ages 18+, ABQ 243-3081, NW/Rio Rancho: 891-0559.
ACADEMY/MCKINNEY TOWNHOME 2BDRM, 2BA, W/D, FP, pool, carport, 1st floor, patio, cat ok. $775+dd 9809170 1BDRM CONDO $575/MO utilities included. Close to UNM 328-9124, 3280986. 3 BDRM, 2BA, 2 garage, excellent conditions, UNM, gated, $1250/mo, rmmanagement@gmx.de
FEMALE TO SHARE charming house. $350/mo +1/2utilities. 281-6290.
Houses For Sale ATTN: STUDENTS/FACULTY! BEAUTIFUL 3/2 w/owner financing. 185K PIN REALTY 261-1005/319-0641
Cashier /Asst Manager, Local Family Restaurant near Coors and Montano. Must be liquor certified or candidate, experienced in cashiering, closing responsibilities, managing waitstaff. Weekends and night shifts, latest closing is 10pm. Call for an interview appointment 899-6180. Spinn’s Burger & Beer COLOR DEPT INTERN needed to support Color Specialist at green bldg product manufacturing facility. Ideal candidate enjoys hands-on work, artisticallyinclined, knows color theory, computersavvy. Flexible hours. Unpaid position Documentation provided to assist in receipt of college credits. Call Carrie at 243-5300
SANDIA PEAK TRAMWAY Hiring versatile individuals who can work the AM /PM weekend & holiday shifts part time as Tramcar Conductors. Pays $8/hr Min Age Req 21. Good speaking abilities & work ethics a must. Call 856-1532 for application & interview times. Drug free environment. ASY SOCCER COACH- Saturdays only 3-5 hours. Great PT pay. Certifications/ Spanish-speaking a plus. 899-1666.
!BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180. DIRECT CARE STAFF needed to work with developmentally disabled clients. FT/ PT positions available, paid training. Fax resume to 821-1850 or e-mail to supportinghandsnm@msn.com PT CAREGIVER: EFFICIENCY apartment salary of $750/mo. Cable, utilities, internet access. Daily ride to/from CNM/UNM (ideal for students) Helping person in wheelchair weekday evenings and mornings, finalists will be required to have valid DL, we pay for drug and background check. No pets or smoking. Located near Academy and Wyoming. 856-5276.
Prgm Open Until Filled $9.00
Job of the Day JSLP Student Office Assistant
GRADUATE STUDENT, FURNISHED ROOM, W/D, cable, smokeless, free utilities, $295/mo +$50dd. 344-9765.
Research Assistant, Tsimane Anthropology Department Open Until Filled $9.00/hr
Hispanic Resch Open Untill Filled
Lab Aide Neurosciences Open Until Filled $7.50/hr
Pediatrics Neonatology Division 02-17-2010 $8.75/hr
Research Assistant ASL Linguistics Linguistics Department Open Until Filled $9.50/per hour
Office Assistant IM Div of Endocrinology Open Until Filled 8.00
Keller Hall Staff Music Open Until Filled $7.50/hr
Too busy to call us during the day?
Applications are available online at www.unmalumni.com. All applications must be returned to the Alumni Relations Office, 1117 Stanford NE, in the NM Law Center Building, no later than 5 p.m., Friday, March 5, 2010.
$620- 1 BED w/ office- Available NowMinutes from UNM, Shuttle Bus to UNM, Office available in home, Call 505.842.6640
ROOMMATE WANTED - Nice 3 Bdrm home near UNM $400/mo including utilities, wireless, W/D. Call Dylan 8502806
2 BLOCKS FROM UNM remodeled studio. $385/mo +electric. No pets. 505670-5497.
ROOMMATE WANTED, UNM students. Nice house near Hyder Park, affordable, avail. now. 2.5BA, nice kitchen, garage. No pets/smoking. Jay 235-8980
Wish you could place ads at midnight?
SEE BRADLEY’S BOOKS ad in *For Sale* section!
Fun Food Music
1BDRM CONDOMINIUM NEAR UNM. Laundry facilities, dog run, swimming pool. $495/mo includes all utilities. $200dd. Available March 1st. 861-1012.
For Sale
Now you can!
TAI CHI TUESDAYS 7-8PM harwoodartcenter.org. 792-4519.
Check us out oline at www.dailylobo.com/classifieds
WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards, houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/ week.
JOLLY RANCHER ROSES. Unique gift. $15/dzn. 8$/half dzn single $2. Contact Kelly or Carlos for more info. 615-1933
BIGGEST BOOK DISCOUNT, best sale selection in 3.5 years! Bradley’s Books inside Winning Coffee. Today only! 600 new, used book arrivals coming!
DEADLINE EXTENDED! The University of New Mexico and Albuquerque Public Schools are seeking talented post-baccalaureate math and science graduates to participate in a 14-month academic/ practicum program that will lead to full New Mexico licensure as a secondary math or science teacher. The participants who successfully complete the probationary pre-service will receive a fellowship stipend and prepaid tuition. The pre-service activities will begin in June 2010. Following the summer coursework and field experience, interns will share a teaching position with an intern partner in a middle or high school classroom during the 2010-2011 academic year. Deadline for applications to STEMS (Secondary Teacher Education in Math & Science) is February 26, 2010 at 4:00 P.M. Pick up an application outside of Hokona Hall 114 or 130, UNM. For more information about this unique program contact Dr. Teri Sheldahl at (505)277-2320 or email: terishel@unm.edu Need a Job? Make sure to check the Daily Lobo Monday - Friday for new employment oppourtunities!
Volunteers HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS AND subjects with and without asthma are needed for a research study looking at the effects of fat and physical activity on the breathing tubes. If you qualify, compensation will be provided for your time and inconvenience upon study completion. If you are healthy or have asthma, over the age of 18, and are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact or leave a message for Teresa at (505)269-1074 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu.
Listed by: Position Title Department Closing Date Salary
FEMALE WANTED TO share 4BDRM house. $400/mo. includes utilities, cable, and Wifi. Must be clean and responsible. Available immediately call 9080488
ROOMMATE NEEDED GREAT location at Eubank and I-40. $375/mo 453-0420
LOOKING FOR ELEMENTARY school tutor for 7 year old boy. Patience necessary, $11/hr. Call 843-9662.
Jobs On Campus
Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment!
Rooms For Rent WESTSIDE HOUSE: SEPARATE BDRM/BA, shared study, living space, $550/month ALL utilities included +tv & WiFi, near blueline 790, pets ok. Call Lee Anna (240)682-9579.
THE CITY OF Albuquerque Cultural Services Department has the following positions open: Library: Paraprofessional, Circulation Supervisor, Maintenance Supervisor, Laborer BioPark: Zookeeper Supervisor, BioPark Curator, Head Aquarist, Construction Worker Positions Museum: Museum Preparation Go to www.cabq.gov/jobs to apply for these positions
VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.
Houses For Rent
Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.
***1BDRM 1BA BIG rooms, 2 blocks to UNM, lots of parking, small pets allowed. 881-3540***
NE 3BDRM $1100/MO.* $1250/mo 264-7530.
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
Special Projects Assistant
Dorm Advisor CEP Assoc VP Stu SvcCollege Enrich
Math Tutor Gallup Deans Office Open Until Filled 8.00 to 10. 00 Student Staff Office Assistant
Dept of Teacher Education Open Until Filled 7.50 per hour Student Office Assistant Orthopaedics PT Administration Open Until Filled 7.50 Admin Assistant COE Deans Office Advisement Center 02-26-2010 $7.50-$8.00 Administrative Support Staff LosAlamos Branch Open Until Filled $8.00
Research Assistant, Tsimane Anthropology Department Open Until Filled $8.00/hr Research Assistant, Uxbenka Project Anthropology Department Open Until Filled $10/hr Project Assistant Anderson Schools of Management Open Until Filled 11.75-14.00 Web Developer/Designer E.C.H.O. Program Open Until Filled 9.50-14.00
For more information about these positions, to view all positions or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu
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