DAILY LOBO new mexico
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The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
February 19, 2010
Schmidly’s advisory team shuns Staff Council, GPSA
Half-pipe dreams
by Pat Lohmann Daily Lobo
UNM President David Schmidly unveiled Wednesday the list of students, faculty and administrators who will make up a new team of advisers. Schmidly asked Faculty Senate leadership — but not GPSA and Staff Council — for a list of possible candidates for the team. Faculty Senate President Doug Fields said he submitted a list of faculty he wanted to be on the team as well as administrators he wanted off it. “We gave him a list of faculty that should be on it and administration that should not be on it, and he took some of the suggestions and didn’t take others,” Fields said. Fields would not say who was on the list. The first-ever team — known as the President’s Strategic Advisory Team — is supposed to help Schmidly cut costs and evaluate University processes through means separate from the traditional channels, like student and faculty governing bodies. President Schmidly was not available for an interview on Wednesday and late Thursday. However, the President’s Office put a tab on its
To make suggestions for the President’s Strategic Advisory Team, visit Unm.edu/president and click on “Strategic Priorities” Web site about the team with a diagram showing means of dialog with the UNM administration. Also, members of the UNM community are encouraged to give suggestions about University governance and cost containment on the Web site. The diagram on the site indicates that the advisory team is separate from the governing bodies. However, that didn’t stop GPSA President Lissa Knudsen and Staff Council President Elisha Allen from tossing their names in for consideration. Knudsen said the team Schmidly created does not consist of “loyal opposition.” “My big concern is that I don’t think he’s reaching out to the part of the community that has been feeling like they haven’t been heard,” Knudsen said. “If he had done that, I think that would’ve been a great way to bring those groups who have been
see Left out page 3
ASUNM wants help funding publications Full Disclosure: Mario Trujillo is the editor-in-chief of Conceptions Southwest
by Mario Trujillo Daily Lobo
Dmitry Lovetsky / AP Photo Austria’s Martin Koch attempts a jump during a men’s large hill ski jumping training session at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics in Whistler, British Columbia on Thursday. The Olympics are broadcasted on the west wall in the SUB Atrium.
Legislature will need special session LEGISLATIVE SESSION
by Barry Massey and Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press
SANTA FE, N.M. — The New Mexico Legislature adjourned Thursday without a plan on how to finance public schools and state government in the coming year, marking the first time in 26 years that lawmakers finished a regular session without reaching a budget deal. Shortly after lawmakers wrapped up their 30-day session, Gov. Bill Richardson announced a special session to deal with the state
Inside the
Daily Lobo volume 114
issue 102
budget would open Wednesday. A special session will cost about $50,000 a day. “New Mexico taxpayers want a solution. They don’t want to wait,” said Richardson. “We don’t need another month or two of indecision. I think it’s important that we move as rapidly as we can.” Marc Saavedra, director of government relations at UNM, said the House and the Senate could have created a budget if they’d just had another day or so. “They ran out of time. I think they were close,” he said. “With a little bit more time, they should be able to bridge that between the governor, the Senate and the House.” Also, Saavedra said the House and Senate negotiated their
proposed tuition credit increases. He said, initially, the House wanted to increase the tuition credit by 6 percent for in-state students and 15 percent of out-of-state students. Now, the House cut its recommendation to 4 percent for both in- and out-of-state students. He said the Senate decided on the same plan except for a 5 percent increase for out-of-state students. As it stands, UNM main campus is looking at between a 2.6 percent and 2.9 percent cut, he said. However, the House and Senate could adjust these cuts and increases during the special session. House Speaker Ben Lujan, DSanta Fe, said the Senate and
see No plan page 3
Written into the ASUNM government’s constitution is a clause that automatically allots 8.5 percent of its budget to Student Publications. The ASUNM Steering and Rules Committee passed a resolution asking for help to foot the bill. In a resolution that will go before the full ASUNM senate next Wednesday, the Graduate and Professional Student Association, the Faculty Senate and Staff Council are all asked to help out with funding. “With this resolution, I am taking this from kind of a student publication board perspective,” Sen. Alicia Barry said. “I was very alarmed to find the GPSA, the Faculty Senate and Staff Council do not contribute the way we do, and I would like to see their participation with that.” The ASUNM allocation for Student Publications is an estimated $57,212. Student Publications is an umbrella organization for the Daily Lobo, Conceptions Southwest and Best Student Essays. ASUNM is funded by the undergraduate student body. Every
Question of the week
Bad to the core
See page 2
See page 4
full-time student gives $20 in student fees to it. Part-time students pay a fraction of that. ASUNM Sen. Sean Mallory said these organizations should support an outlet — the Daily Lobo — that they all use. “I think that over the last couple weeks, organizations have been pretty active in where their student fees are going,” Mallory said. “And it seems kind of unfair that the outlet they are using to attack our organization is something we fund entirely.” Yet, not all of the government budgets can fund Student Publications. Elisha Allen, president of the Staff Council, said that the council’s budget is miniscule. That takes into account one staff member, some supplies and a staff picnic. All the other members are volunteers. He said helping to fund Student Publications would entail a layoff. “We couldn’t fund a lot without killing our whole operation,” said Richard Wood, Faculty Senate president. The Faculty Senate budget is “pretty tiny,” Wood said. Vivian Valencia, University secretary, said the Faculty Senate’s budget is estimated at $55,122 for fiscal year of 2010.
see Funding page 3
Today’s weather
58° / 36°
PageTwo Friday, February 19, 2010
Daily Lobo asks you: “For the most part, yes, I do feel safe on campus. With the recent stabbing, it kind of made me feel uneasy but, overall, I think it is pretty Nick Willetts safe. I don’t Sophomore Biology see many cops around campus patrolling. I think they should have patrol walking around campus more often. You know they are there, but you just don’t see them.”
Daily Lobo new mexico
volume 114
issue 102
Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-6228
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New Mexico Daily Lobo Do you feel safe on campus?
“Yes, I feel safe during the day, but at night, as a girl, I am scared to walk around by myself. I don’t think there is anything we can do to make the Teresa Evan campus safer. Non degree Maybe there graduate can be stationed guards at the buildings where there are night classes.”
Editor-in-Chief Eva Dameron Managing Editor Abigail Ramirez News Editor Pat Lohmann Assistant News Editor Tricia Remark Staff Reporters Andrew Beale Kallie Red-Horse Ryan Tomari Online Editor Junfu Han Photo Editor Vanessa Sanchez Assistant Photo Editor Gabbi Campos Culture Editor Hunter Riley
“With recent events, I feel a little more insecure. At the same time, I realize that things happen anywhere. You just have to be more cautious and aware of what is going on. Iris Grooms I think they should Junior Religious Studies allow people to carry weapons, if they do not already. There should be more lighting added on campus, as well.”
Assistant Culture Editor Chris Quintana Sports Editor Isaac Avilucea Assistant Sports Editor Mario Trujillo Copy Chief Bailey Griffith Opinion Editor Zach Gould Multimedia Editor Joey Trisolini Design Director Cameron Smith Producation Manager Sean Gardner Classified Ad Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Ad Manager Steven Gilbert
“I always felt relatively safe on campus. I think more patrols and better lighting could be a solution to the problem. Also, people need to Sam De Mooy be educated. Senior People need Religious Studies to know things that are valuable, like walking in groups or not talking on their cell phone.”
The New Mexico Daily Lobo (USPS #381-400) is published daily except Saturday, Sunday during the school year and weekly during the summer sessions by the Board of Student Publications of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-2061. Subscription rate is $50 an academic year. Periodical postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POST-MASTER: send change of address to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO, MSC03 2230, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address, telephone and area of study. No names will be withheld.
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
Left out
from page 1
critical and who are feeling not heard. Having them at the table would have sent a very strong message.” Of the 20 people on Schmidly’s team, there is one graduate and undergraduate student and three professors. The rest of the team consists of deans and administrators. None are Staff Council members. Allen said he’s concerned about there not being staff representation on the team. “I volunteered myself, but I didn’t have any response to that,” he said. “I feel like over the last nine months I’ve really worked hard to try and bridge the gap between staff and administration, and it doesn’t really feel like that bridge has been crossed yet.” Allen said without staff, it’d be difficult for the president and his team to feel the impact of scenarios they may recommend.
While Fields said it’s ultimately the president’s decision to appoint whomever he deems fit, the ultimate goal of the team might suffer without better faculty and staff representation. “This is an advisory team, so the president should have whatever people he wants on there as his advisers,” he said. “I think that the staff and the administration bring important knowledge to the table. The question is how you balance the administrative and other nonacademic missions of the University with the academic missions, so in that sense I’d always like to see more faculty and staff on there.” When Schmidly first announced the team, Fields suggested the team report, both to Schmidly and himself, include more faculty and fewer administrators. He said Schmidly refused a team comprised of more faculty.
matter of how much.” The Student Publications Board does not only fund the Daily Lobo. According to the 2009-10 Student Publications Board budget, Conceptions Southwest and Best Student Essays are funded almost solely from ASUNM and GPSA. GPSA contributes $1,350 to each magazine. The Student Publications Board allocates approximately $5,800 to each magazine from the ASUNM allotment. The other approximately $40,000 from ASUNM government goes to the Daily Lobo. That comes out to about
5.3 percent of the total $749,500 Daily Lobo budget for 2009-10. Business manager of the Daily Lobo, Jim Fisher, said that while the ASUNM funding is crucial and makes a statement that the students support the paper, it isn’t large enough to create a conflict of interest when covering ASUNM. “I think the amount makes it not a real conflict,” Fisher said. “If they were providing 70 or more percent of our budget, it might have been more of an issue, but at this point, it is not an issue.”
Gardner of Roswell summed up the feelings of his GOP colleagues: “We’re frustrated.” “We were sitting here for a purpose, which was the budget, and everything else should have taken a back seat,” he said. Still, Lujan and House
Democrats said they were able to make some progress in the waning hours and believe they will have a good place to start when the special session resumes next week.
from page 1
The only other organization with a budget comparable to ASUNM, of $763,983, is the GPSA council, which has an estimated 2009-10 budget of $341,116. President of GPSA Lissa Knudsen said she isn’t against the idea of helping split the funding. The undergraduate population makes up about 19,000 students. The graduate population is about 6,600 students. “I’m not completely opposed to funding the Daily Lobo, because obviously graduate students read the Daily Lobo,” Knudsen said. “It’s just a
No plan
“I think the most obvious (perspective) is the one of somebody who’s not working in Scholes Hall or in a high administrative level, kind of the perspective of the impacts of the various changes that are being discussed might have on somebody just working on their desk at the University,” he said. He also said governance groups on campus — even though they’ve already got established channels when speaking with the administration — can help campus populations be better represented. “If you’ve got already representative groups on campus that are tasked with representing the needs and interests of their constituents, then you have the ability to get those people to reach out to their constituents and bring those thoughts and opinions to the table,” Allen said.
from page 1
House were unable to bridge their differences over increasing taxes to balance the budget. Legislative leaders tried to negotiate a deal to plug a hole in the budget with revenues from gross receipts, income and cigarette taxes. House Republican Whip Keith
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Pat Lohmann contributed to this report.
Friday, February 19, 2010 / Page 3
LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Opinion editor /Zach Gould
Friday February 19, 2010
opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133
Hispanic Education Act doesn’t address all students’ problems Editor, I am writing this letter in response to Patricia Roybal-Caballero’s letter “Hispanic Education Act will close academic gap in NM.” While there is a huge achievement gap between Hispanic students and other ethnic groups, the passing of this legislation is ignoring the problems faced by every other ethnic group in New Mexico. I have the rare position of being a dual enrollment student with UNM, and also take an algebra class at Albuquerque Evening High School. There should be blame placed on the schools, but this bill fails to properly address other issues. The first issue is that many students in New Mexico fail to see the importance of an education, not just Hispanic students. Often times in my night class, the students are busy talking on the phone and trying to do anything other than class work. This is not the teacher’s fault, since she tries in every way to make algebra easily understandable. Placing more focus on a student’s future and the education would be of great benefit. The second issue is that there aren’t many educational resources available to poorer students. Most of my high school teachers have tried to fit all the topics to be covered, but not all students learn at the same pace. The teachers end up spending more time on a specific topic, which means that a few others must be left out. If the funding put towards closing the Hispanic achievement gap were instead placed towards tutoring and other educational help, a broader group of students would be helped, instead of one specific ethnic group. A system that mirrors UNM’s CAPS could help ease the achievement gap. The third issue is that the parents need to become more involved in their student’s education. The legislators can funnel as much money as they would like into the schools, but without proper follow up at home, the achievement gap will stay as it is. If parents took extra steps towards making sure their student is completing their work and understanding the material, the schools’ efforts will have a greater impact on the students. Education should not be a matter of race or ethnicity. We as a society cannot progress towards equality while passing legislation aimed at one group. Hispanic students can greatly empower themselves, not by receiving special focus only available to them, but by taking the reins of their own education and seeking out the same help everyone else deserves. There is a Hispanic achievement gap, but by passing ethnic specific legislation, we are ignoring the greater problem. Ashley Dorneden UNM student
Editorial Board Eva Dameron
Abigail Ramirez Managing editor
Zach Gould
Opinion editor
Pat Lohmann
News editor
Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.
Getting rid of Facebook complainers by Chris Quintana
Daily Lobo columnist Like every other sane person, I would like to burn my eyes out with hair spray every time someone updates their status with a vague combination of nouns and adjectives that might as well say, “Ugh! Look at me feeling emotions right now! Look at my emotion!” but with a thousand more exclamation marks because their feelings are just that intense. I despise Facebook as much as the next person. I agree the thousands of fan pages for inane stuff like, “I bet I can find seven people who support giving dinosaurs the right to vote,” or “Gay marriage killed the dinosaurs” are ridiculous. I literally want to strangle myself with the mouse. Don’t forget similar groups for support of odd quirks such as, “I spend time in the shower getting the right temperature I want,” which only serves to validate a person’s need for knowing he or she is not a complete freak. And no, none of these groups are made up. Facebook sucks, and the general populace has accepted this fact. However, there are a select few whose entire lives are lived in on Facebook. They rise early to harvest their virtual crops, clean out their imaginary poo in fish tanks or find out which Twilight character they are bound to fall in love with. The Facebook leeches attach themselves to the unfortunate victim. They send them a whole barrage of comments, vampire bites and mafia hits. There’s nothing wrong with these people. They are just inherently awful, and nothing can be done about it, just like the UNM e-mail system. A greater threat is growing in the
Facebook community. There are the half leeches. They are the sort of person that’s almost on Facebook as much as the full-blown leeches, but unwilling to admit their abominable nature. And these half leeches are the worst — they love to complain about Facebook. They are tittering with excitement on the inside because more than they love spending time on Facebook, which is pretty huge, they love having something to complain about more. These people love complaining, and worst of all they don’t leave Facebook on the Internet. They drag it into the real world and bother unsuspecting individuals who are trying to do normal things like eat or read. I am not one to point out problems without offering solutions. Some answers for the people complaining about Facebook are: 1) Fly to Africa, and take up the ancient craft of ostrich riding with an ancient tribe that never dismounts their ostriches and continuously wanders the Savannah fiercely guarding the craft. The would-be ostrich rider not only have to track down the riders, but also gain their trust. This process will probably take 10 or 15 years, so the Facebook complainer would be occupied for a good while. The best part of this scenario? The Facebook complainer, and now ostrich rider, cannot make a Facebook fan group because all of its members don’t have technology. 2) Fly to the Himalayas, become a Buddhist and achieve a degree of inner peace. In doing so, the Facebook complainer will transcend the need to complain and worry about Facebook. The only thing you have to worry about at this point now is another
Buddhist talking about how awesome inner peace is. 3) Join PETA, and spend all your free time throwing blood on fur coats. Frighten children with violent images of dismembered chickens in unhappy meals. Also make demands Punxsutawney Phil be freed from his weatherman servitude. The Facebook complainer will be so busy flying off to Alaska to stop the clubbing of baby seals that they wouldn’t have time to complain about Facebook. The only issue with this solution might involve the complainer talking about animal cruelty all the time, which is maybe on par with complaining about Facebook. Notice all of these solutions involve the Facebook complainers flying somewhere, and that’s the most important thing. Removing them from your personal sphere and then occupying their time with meaningful adventure — everyone wins. Except for the people who complain about people who complain about Facebook — they’ll probably never be happy anyway.
“I’ll keep talking and maybe you’ll just get it.”
Letter Being poor does not equate to stooping to thievery Editor, In response to Kallie Red-Horse’s interview of Kathleen Kelley for “Mayor thinks he can kill property crime,” I cannot believe
those words came out of Kathleen’s mouth. Honestly, how can someone believe that a student (poor or otherwise) has the propensity to steal? I can assure you as a “poor” student, that even though I struggle daily, I have no wish to take from another person. The thought never even arises. Kathleen, you obviously have very little
experience with people in general. Just because someone is “poor” doesn’t mean that they are likely to steal. I am sure there are plenty of cases out there that involve a “wellto-do” individual stealing just because they can (or for the thrill). Clifford Madden UNM student
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Friday, February 19, 2010 / Page 5
from page 8
senior third-baseman, Adam Courcha, found New Mexico all the way from Australia. He has bought into Birmingham’s system and said the whole MWC is starting to do the same. “Over the last couple years, under Coach Birmingham, he has earned a lot of respect in the conference just because of what he has done,” Courcha said. “And that has shown in this preseason poll.” But Courcha said the team still has room to improve. “At the end of the day, we are still
not the front-runner,” Courcha said. “TCU has got the tiger on their back, and we have been chasing them for years now. We need to make that change and get up there.” Courcha, who has played nearly every position in the infield, said he’ll put trust in his coach to take them there. “I know my role,” Courcha said. “I am not the (Ryan) Honeycutt, the (Rafael) Neda or the big guys. Whatever Coach Birmingham needs me to do, I’m there for him.”
from page 8
down there and finally play someone different,” Willett said. “What better way to do that than to go into No. 1 and go down there (to Austin) and test where we are as a team right away?” Now that the telling has been told, we’ll see if the Lobos show what needs to be shown.
Up Next
Baseball at Texas Today 2 p.m. Austin, Texas
from page 8
It seems like just yesterday Honeycutt was at Las Cruces High School, then Central Arizona College, unrefined and on edge, chasing balls down in the dirt — something Cavazos-Galvez would do. Birmingham said Honeycutt is reminiscent of Cavazos-Galvez. “He wants to hit homers too much sometimes, and he’s not a home run hitter,” Birmingham said. “He can hit them, but he’s a great line-drive hitter. He can hit for a high average. That guy was leading the country in hitting for three quarters of the year last year — stupid numbers.” They’re on parallel tracks, which frequently crisscross, Honeycutt, a shade of Cavazos-Galvez. Birmingham sees — as if preordained — what Honeycutt can be, because he’s seen what Cavazos-Galvez is. So what does he do? “You gotta ride them like a ridden mule,” Birmingham said. “I don’t know how many times I made (Cavazos-Galvez) run to the airport and back. During practice, ‘Drop your crap. Head to the airport.’” Honeycutt, too? Honeycutt, too, Birmingham said. Airport jaunts, blistering batting sessions later, Cavazos-Galvez is now — “MVP and can be on the Dodgers in one or two years,” Birmingham
said. “And Honeycutt’s the same type of kid. He’s going to get drafted, because he’s a great hitter. He’s built like a brick.” But bricks can be brazen. Like Cavazos-Galvez, Honeycutt acknowledges he routinely bristles with bouts of rage — though it never reared its head last year, at least at home. “You weren’t at New Mexico State last year,” Honeycutt said, grinning. “Hometown people saying things from the other team. I’ve never been one to back down from anybody. Last year, it got out of hand and the beginning of this year. I just realize there’ll be another pitch, another day. It’s either one extreme or another for me. Either I get really mad, and I play really well after that, or get mad and I can’t do anything.” Birmingham couldn’t care less. He broke Cavazos-Galvez; he can break Honeycutt. “You gotta stay on him like a dad,” Birmingham said. “If he doesn’t take the trash out when I tell him, “Take the trash out,’ then he’s got hell to pay.” Those hellish sessions, nothing but bludgeoned, balky balls humming toward batters, paid off for CavazosGalvez. And, if he does them right, Honeycutt will benefit from them, too. They’re good,” Honeycutt said. “Coach B always humbles you.”
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Page 6 / Friday, February 19, 2010
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
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Campus Events Friday
Women’s Resource Center Film Series Starts at: 12:00 PM Location: 1160 Mesa Vista Hall Life and turbulent times of the pioneering African American journalist, activist, suffragist and antilynching crusader of the post-Reconstruction period. Chemistry Seminar-From New Methods and New Molecules to New Medicines Starts at: 3:00 PM Location: Clark Hall Room 101
Speaker: Professor Nicos Petasis, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California
Bravo Broadway! From Broadway to Hollywood Starts at: 2:00 PM Location: Popejoy Hall For tickets and information call the NMSO Box Office at 881-8999, or visit NMSO.org.
Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com
NMSO: Bravo Broadway! From Broadway to Hollywood Starts at: 8:00 PM Location: Popejoy Hall For tickets and information call the NMSO Box Office at 881-8999, or visit NMSO.org.
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Events of the Week
Planning your day has never been easier!
Community Events Friday
Public Lecture -- CHINA: Menacing Monolith or Fragile Superpower? Starts at: 3:00 PM Location: 2000 Mountain Road NW Tickets are $15 at the door, students with a valid student ID admitted FREE! Presented by the nonprofit, tax-exempt Albuquerque International Association. Info at www.abqinternational.org
Falcons vs. Lobos Starts at: 1:30 PM Air Force Falcons play the New Mexico Lobos Lobos vs Falcons Starts at: 2:00 PM The New Mexico Lobos play Air Force Falcons
Sai Baba Events Starts at: 4:00 PM Location: 111 Maple Street 505-366-4982
LoboBaseball ‘10 The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Sports editor / Isaac Avilucea
Friday February 19, 2010
sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131
Testing team strength vs. Texas by Ryan Tomari Daily Lobo
Junfu Han / Daily Lobo
Daniel Gonzalez puts full-force power in the batting cage during practice on Wednesday at Isotopes Park.
Head coach wants NM to be known for baseball by Mario Trujillo Daily Lobo
Head UNM baseball coach Ray Birmingham said he will chew the ears off the competition on the field. And in interviews, he will talk the ears off reporters about two things — New Mexico and baseball. “I have been coaching a long time in this state, the greatest state in the union,” Birmingham said. “And I want to make this program bring pride to the whole state of New Mexico.” So far, he has kept his word. Birmingham led the last two Lobo teams to two second-place finishes in the Mountain West Conference, tallying 71 combined wins over the past two seasons. Not bad considering those two teams were picked to finish in fifth
and fourth, respectively, in the MWC preseason polls. The Lobos’ over-performance isn’t difficult to explain, Birmingham said. “We have a feisty attitude,” he said. “We are going to get beat. It is going to happen. But you know what? We are still going to come back and try to whip your tail the next day. We don’t care. You can knock us down. You can kick us, and we are going to come back and chew your ear off the next day.” That feistiness has paid well in wins, and now if only it would pay in dollars, Birmingham said. “Look at that,” he said, pointing around the Lobos baseball field. “Look at that right there. That is where we are at. Are there high schools with better stuff than that? A guy asked me on the radio today, ‘Is it hard to get pitchers here because
of the altitude?’ No! It is because of that.” But Birmingham knew the facilities were less than stellar when he took the job, and his goal has always been to restore New Mexico baseball and put it back where it belongs, he said. “I’m not going to B.S.,” Birmingham said. “I have got plenty of passion for the state of New Mexico, and I took this job and took what would have been a major pay cut, because I had a great job out of baseball making five times more than I make here. I came here for one reason — and that is to make this baseball program to the level it deserves to be.” Consider this a step in the right direction: In the preseason poll, the Lobos found themselves in a familiar position — No. 2 in the MWC. But this time it didn’t take a season to work their way up, a sign to
Birmingham that the Lobos garner well-deserved respect. But how can the Lobos make that leap to the front, surpassing juggernaut TCU, which sits atop the MWC? More feistiness? Sure. A positive attitude? Done. Oh, and one more thing, Birmingham said. “I need a nice ball park here, because, one, I can have a place for the Lobos to play. Two, I can have a place for (Albuquerque Public Schools) to play their games without having to beg (Isotopes Park) and pay them $5,000 a day,” he said. “Then, I got to get it where I can play tournaments here every weekend. The players will come here to play. Once you see Albuquerque, you fall in love with it in the summer.” Even without a new park, one
see Feisty page 5
Young player mirrors former Lobo turned rookie by Isaac Avilucea Daily Lobo
Behind a pitching screen, 30 feet from the plate, Lobo head coach Ray Birmingham stands protected — a Kmart basket full of baseballs, all from different walks of thread. There’s the “old and beat up” ones that “run in on your hands,” said outfielder Ryan Honeycutt, the ones that “tail away from you” and the ones that “go even faster.” And now, Honeycutt is next to step into the cage, next to be victimized. There he is — straddling the left side of the plate, knees slightly bent, hands faintly choked up on the handle of the bat, the alternating zip of the ball leaving the machine, the echoic “ping” of the baseball as Honeycutt makes contact and the ever-occasional thump of a ball hitting the backstop. The latter sound, that solid wallop, signifies it’s time to take a seat on the pine. Honeycutt down — next batter up. Honeycutt exits the danger zone, murmuring something to himself. He’s learned. “You ain’t going to see anything dirtier than that,” Honeycutt said, pointing back toward the machine. “Ooh, man, it’s fast — faster than any pitch I’ve ever seen. Coach doesn’t ever want us to get
beat by velocity.” When it comes to batting, Birmingham doesn’t put up with mediocrity, Honeycutt said. “He’s particular. You gotta put it on the barrel or you’re done. You miss it, you’re out,” he said. This is the painstaking, and reigning, regimen Birmingham employs, how he turns regular baseball players into remarkable baseball players. It’s the very process by which the UNM baseball team led the nation in hitting. And it’s this very process which turned Brian Cavazos-Galvez into a 12th round pick of the Los Angeles Dodgers. It’s what helped him win the Most Valuable Player for the Ogden Raptors of the Pioneer League, an advanced, MLB farm rookie league. “I put them in a situation in there to show them, ‘You’re not that special,’” Birmingham said. “You’re only as good as you are today. Yesterday don’t mean nothing.” And it seems like just yesterday Cavazos-Galvez was at Manzano High School, an uncooked talent, raw on emotion and impatient as hell. “When I got him, he was 50 pounds overweight, he was a bad first baseman,” Birmingham said. “He struck out a lot and hit a lot of high flys to right field.”
see Honeycutt page 5
Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Ryan Honeycutt led the nation in hitting for much of the season last year.
“Whenever and wherever” seems to be UNM head baseball coach Ray Birmingham’s unofficial motto. Anytime, anyplace, Birmingham said he and his boys will play the best teams that college baseball has to offer. “I am proud to be a New Mexican, and I am going to go to Texas and tell them,” Birmingham said. So tell ’em, Ray. The Lobo coach and his team will have an opportunity to do just that when UNM opens up the season on the road against last year’s NCAA College World Series runner-up, Texas. The threegame series is slated to start Friday at 2 p.m. and will finish up on Sunday. The Longhorns are TheCollegeBaseballBlog.com’s preseason favorite to win the College Baseball World Series in June, and are, coincidentally, ranked preseason No. 1. “I am putting them against the best teams in the country right away, and obviously Texas (is one of them),” Birmingham said. “And Texas is on the schedule because I jumped on it when an extra week got put on the schedule to start the year. I said ‘I am calling Texas.’ So, I called and I argued with them. But some of those guys are friends of mine and they were nice enough to put us on their schedule.” UNM, according to the Texas’ probable pitching rotation, will have to face one of three of Texas’ stud pitchers, Taylor Jungmann. Jungmann pitched in four games during the Longhorns run to College World Series National Championship game 2009. He posted a 3-0 record, while striking out 15 batters in only 15.1 innings pitched. As if that wasn’t enough, Texas returns four pitchers from its 2009 pitching rotation. Whatever you do, don’t ever doubt Birmingham’s mindset. The third year head coach has all the faith in the state of New Mexico in his own young pitching staff. Mike Lachapelle, a new pitcher in the Lobos’ bullpen, is a junior college transfer from Pima Community College in Arizona. Lachapelle said he isn’t intimidated about going in front of 7,000 crazed Texas faithful fans at UFCU Disch-Falk Field. “It’s a lot different than junior college, that’s for sure,” he said. “I think we have a great team, though. I think that we are going to go in there and are definitely (going to) open up some eyes. We are going to shock Longhorn nation.” Lobos’ left fielder Max Willett, who was named to the All-American Preseason team alongside Rafael Neda and Ryan Honeycutt, wasn’t as deliberate in his statement, though the senior said he is eager to play Texas. “Ah man, we are excited to get
see Preview page 5