NM Daily Lobo 022412

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Perturbed piggy


see page 4

February 24, 2012

Driver who hit student speaks

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

The driver of a truck that hit UNM student Wolfgang Scott-Cohen said police promised to keep him updated on Scott-Cohen’s condition. But, the driver said, he never received any notifications, not even after Scott-Cohen died. “They whisked him away because he was hurt,” he said. “The cops said they are going to let me know, but they haven’t said a damn thing.” Driver Michael Barros said police promised to contact him following the Feb. 10 incident, but said he didn’t even know the name of the student until he spoke with the Daily Lobo. Scott-Cohen fell into a coma as a result of the accident and died Tuesday night. “I’ve been wondering about him, and I called to the police station the day after it happened, but they were closed over the weekend, and the next day there was another accident nearby and I asked that cop, but they told me ‘Well if he would have died, they would have let you know,’ so I kind of took it that he was doing alright.” Albuquerque police told the Daily Lobo on Feb. 12 that ScottCohen had been hit by a drunk driver, but the official police report states Barros had not consumed any alcohol. UNM Public Information Officer Casia Martinez said there was no DWI investigation connected to the incident, and Barros said he was not intoxicated at the time. “Oh no, I don’t drink and drive at all,” Barros said. Martinez said she was unable to obtain any documentation about the incident late Thursday night and that she does not know if Barros will face any charges. “The case gets forwarded to the district attorney and they will decide if there is going to be an investigation,” she said. “I do not know if there are any pending charges.” According to the police report, multiple witnesses said Scott-Cohen ran the stop sign at Adams Street while heading west on Claremont Street and was struck by Barros, who was driving south. Barros said he called for help and several PNM workers who were in the area monitored Scott-Cohen until an ambulance arrived. “I got out of my truck going ‘Oh my God, oh my God,’” he said. “We called 911 and they came down and were tending to the guy, but he had trauma to his head and

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 107

Junfu Han/ Daily Lobo UNM senior sprinter Thomas Trujillo (right) passes the hand off to junior decathlon athlete Richard York during the men’s 4x400 relay at Don Kirby Invitational Feb. 10 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Check the sports section for the MWC indoor championship preview.

Club preps students for societal collapse by Nathan Farmer


One UNM professor says a world without electricity and ravaged by natural disaster might not be too far off, and the UNM community needs a plan. “I think we are going to crash in one form or another,” Sustainability Studies professor Maggie Seeley said. “It may be slow; it may come economically so I want the UNM campus and the perimeter around the campus to have a plan.” The newly formed Transition Club is ready to prepare students and UNM for possible societal and technological collapse. The club was originally a project started last semester in Seeley’s Sustainability 334 class called “transition group.” Seeley said she isn’t planning for doomsday, just that the lives of future generations are going to be more difficult and preparation needs to begin now. you could see it.” Scott-Cohen’s sister, Pegeen Scott-Cohen said in a text message that a hospital staff

“I’m not thinking about Armageddon,” she said. “I am just totally believing that we won’t have the life that I grew up with.” The group became a club on campus two weeks ago and hopes to have monthly potlucks where students can come together to plan to make UNM more prepared for environmental disasters and hardship. Pily Rodriguez, a junior community regional planning major and head of the Transition Club, said the club aims to train students in traditional agricultural techniques that don’t depend on modern technology. “It’s a movement that is becoming more resilient and becoming less energy dependent,” she said. “It means increasing the amount of food we produce locally, having chickens and learning manual skills that we have lost over time because of technology.” Rodriguez said the group had a meeting off campus last se-

mester that 83 people attended. About 30 percent of the attendees were students, he said. Rodriguez said holding club meetings on campus will encourage more students to attend. She said she is going to focus on teaching students simple manual skills, such as sewing and repairing, that many people don’t have because machines are able to do them. “It’s (about) becoming resilient so that when crisis happens we are going to survive as a community so we’re not going to go into chaos,” she said. Seeley said UNM will be one of the first campuses in the country with a club like this. “UNM could cut some serious ground here,” she said. “I think it’s a good plan if we are prepared. It could just be a drought with no water, or it could just be a brownout, or some sort of flu epidemic or perpetual unemployment.” Seeley said she wants to build on the idea behind Lobo Gar-

dens, which is an agricultural initiative that teaches students how to cultivate and harvest crops. La Posada dining hall and Outtakes then use the produce for the food they sell. Lobo Gardens is an effort to teach students how to live off the land, Seeley said. “We already have Lobo Gardens, and we have a tiny amount of produce going into Outtakes from the produce we make,” she said. “It’s not much, but it’s a beginning. I want to see something big enough so the University can get behind it. “

member “who didn’t have correct information” told the family her brother was hit by a drunk driver. Barros said he wanted to con-

tact Scott-Cohen’s family but was unsure of how they would respond. “God bless his soul and his

family,” he said. “It’s hard to know whether I should call his family, or are they going to hate me? This is a hard position to be in.”

Check please.

The number games

See page 5

See page 7

Box: Transition Club Transition Club meeting meeting Monday 5 p.m. Travelstead Hall

Monday 5 p.m. Travelstead Hall


52 | 30

PageTwo F riday, F ebruar y 24, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

UNM Crime Briefs by Christopher Bartlett bchris89@unm.edu

Cops: Man at UNMH arrested, admitted On Feb. 16, a UNMPD officer went to UNMH in response to a combative patient, a police report states. The patient was standing on the southwest corner of the ER entrance smoking a pipe. When security approached him, he became aggressive but was soon hand-

cuffed, the report states. The man told police that he needed to be treated for bronchitis; he then began complaining that he was having trouble breathing. He was admitted into the ER and his pipe was taken from him.

Check stolen from dorm, police say

On Feb. 12, a female student told police that a check had been stolen from her dorm in Lobo Village, according to a police report. She

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 107

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Dylan Smith

told police that the check was stolen sometime between Jan. 18 and Jan. 23 and was cashed for $50 on Jan. 23. The thief forged her signature, the report states. There were no witnesses and no one has been identified.

Booted car vanishes from Lobo Village lot On Feb. 15, A UNMPD officer was dispatched to Lobo Village because of a larceny, a police report states. A man who was with the UNM parking Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

authority told police he had booted a car that had “numerous unpaid citations.” The man told police that he received a call later that day regarding the car. He was told that it was no longer present at the location, the report states. Police soon discovered the car belonged to a man from Los Lunas who was not a resident at UNM.

Cops confiscate pot at dorms, cite student

On Feb. 18, UNMPD officers showed up at Laguna De Vargas dorms

Design Director Elyse Jalbert Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

in reference to a resident in possession of marijuana and a glass pipe, a police report states. A resident adviser told police she had received complaints from other residents about an odor of marijuana coming from a room. According to the report, the resident of the room admitted that he was in possession of marijuana, the pipe and a plastic Sobe bottle out of which he had smoked the marijuana in attempt to mask the smell. He was issued a misdemeanor citation and the police confiscated the marijuana, the pipe and the bottle, the report states.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, February 24, 2012 / Page 3

Sexy dance may have been trap FREE FREE TOWING TOWING by Juan Carlos Llorca The Associated Press

Cops catch cop raiding fridge The Associated Press

new mexico


new mexico



DEER PARK, Texas — A sting operation by a suburban Houston police department netted one of their own when surveillance cameras caught an officer repeatedly stealing colleagues’ food and drinks from the refrigerator in the station’s break room.

Deer Park police Officer Kevin Yang was charged with misdemeanor theft and suspended for 30 days without pay. Deer Park Police Chief Greg Griggs tells KTRK-TV of Houston that a class C misdemeanor conviction would not keep Yang from returning to duty. Griggs says he authorized the

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video sting because the thefts have been going on for too long. Even though the items being stolen may be of trivial value, Griggs says theft is theft. Yang tells KTRK that he was merely taking it upon himself to keep the shared refrigerator clean.

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Las Cruces) last year asked the state to take over government in the southern New Mexico town that borders Texas and Mexico. Garcia’s request came after Mayor Martin Resendiz nearly came to blows with the mayor pro tem after council members questioned the mayor’s attendance and his approval of a $47,000 buyout for the city manager. Garcia said this week she has not heard back from the state, but may follow up after the mayoral elections next month. “It’s always the same,” said resident Beatriz Perez. The politicians “keep saying they are going to do stuff, and they do nothing. It’s like no one cares about us.” Hernandez says he is the target of a setup by his opponent Daniel Salinas. Salinas has denied any involvement and says he’s not under investigation for extortion. State police and the district attorney have declined to say why they raided City Hall, saying the search warrant was sealed. Hernandez said police were looking for surveillance video that might show who approached him in the parking lot and who left a copy of the questionable video at his opponent’s election booth near City Hall.

I-25 I-25

SUNLAND PARK, N.M. — Scandals and dirty politics have long defined this dusty border town. So when a woman started dancing topless in mayoral candidate Gerardo Hernandez’s office, he says it crossed his mind it could be a setup. “But then I thought to myself, you’re not that important, who would set you up?” Hernandez said in an interview Thursday. It all started, Hernandez said, after a Mexican national fleeing threats south of the border offered to assist his campaign. During a meeting, Hernandez said, the man turned on some music and indicated the woman who was with him liked to dance. The dance turned sexual, Hernandez said, but there was no sex — just a dance. “As any gentleman would know, it was a lap dance,” he said. And all the while, Hernandez says, he was being taped without his knowledge. His opponents say the married candidate is simply trying to cover up being caught in an uncompromising position. “He made his cross, now he

should carry it,” said City Council candidate Ernesto Marquez. Marquez said he saw a video of the encounter after a flash drive was dropped off at an election booth in the parking lot of City Hall. He says the recording depicts Hernandez engaging in lewd acts with the woman that go beyond dancing. No one knows who placed the flash drive. But the answer to that question is apparently what state police were looking for when they raided City Hall this week, a few days after Hernandez said he told authorities a stranger approached him and threatened to leak a sex video of him if he refused to drop out of the race. Residents, meantime, are just plain fed up with a city hall that has seen raids by state police three times in as many years and whose mayor acknowledged signing a million-dollar contract last year while drunk. “It’s been happening for years,” said grocery store cashier Roberto Perez. “They are all the same. … They just squander the money because it’s not theirs. They don’t give a (expletive).” Things have gotten so bad that state Rep. Mary Helen Garcia (D-

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Friday February 24, 2012



IT department purchase a boon for students, staff Editor, Want to learn some software, maybe Photoshop or Maya, or perhaps how to program in almost any language? It’s a lot easier now as a UNM student, staff or faculty. Check out lynda.unm.edu (or follow the QR code). I just wanted to thank the UNM central IT department, its CIO and deputy CIO as well as the library and others involved for the site license that was purchased for lynda.com so all students, staff and faculty can use it. I have used lynda.com for a number of years both personally and professionally and can’t say how useful it’s been for my IT work, hobbies and school. Andrew Trever UNM student


Future foggy for inconsistent Lobos by Cesar Davila


LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Need a job? We are hiring reporters! unmjobs.unm.edu


Does the UNM basketball team deserve to be ranked among the top 25? As the roller coaster season continues, I’m still uncertain — and I think the Lobos feel the same. Tuesday night’s 71-63 loss to unranked Colorado State, one day after getting national attention and the No. 18 ranking in the Associated Press weekly poll, convinced me that I won’t know how good this team is until its final loss of the year. I won’t know what kind of team head coach Steve Alford has assembled because every time it looks ready to make the step from good to great, the team falls on its face. And Tuesday was no different. The Lobos lost to a Rams team they beat at home by 32 points just last month. Three days after making a statement on national television and crushing thenNo. 11 UNLV at The Pit, the Lobos traveled to Fort Collins, Colo. and chucked their worst shooting percentage of conference play (36.7 percent). And senior forward Drew Gordon was out-Gordon-ed. Last week, nobody played at the level Gordon did, maybe in the entire country. He took it to then-No. 13 San Diego State with a Herculean effort in the win, scoring 17 points and grabbing 17

Editor’s Note: Readers, I am forgoing my regular column today to give one of my writers the chance to reflect on the recent death of UNM student Wolfgang Scott-Cohen. Thank your for your understanding. My column will resume next week. by Luke Holmen news@dailylobo.com

Managing editor

LukeHolmen News editor

down 62-53 at home and ended with 28.0 shooting percentage, the worst of any game thus far in the season. Eight days later UNM lost again to Santa Clara in the ‘76 Classic, a tournament many picked the Lobos to win. Fans started to doubt. My best friend heckled me for writing a column in which I claimed the Lobos would win 28 games. Then the Lobos went on an unprecedented 13-game winning streak. The streak was the fourth longest in the country at the time, just behind Syracuse, Baylor and Murray State. The Lobos were on the verge of top-25 status. And just like that, they fell to San Diego State at home and then to UNLV by 17. Suddenly, UNM went back to mediocrity. It got lost in the middle of the conference standings and bordered on irrelevance. Then Alford proposed a 13-day challenge to his team that sparked a sevengame win streak and earned the Lobos a national ranking — until Tuesday. I don’t know what to expect from the Lobos anymore. They could win the rest of their games, the MWC tourney, grab a 3 to 5 seed in the NCAA tournament and maybe sneak into the Sweet 16. Or they could lose another game before the conference tournament, fall short in the MWC tourney, settle for a 7 to 10 seed and lose in the first round of the NCAAs. I just don’t know.

Reflections on losing a friend


Elizabeth Cleary

rebounds. Just when you thought he had played the best game of the season, he played the best game of his life. His 27-point, 20-rebound performance against the Rebels on CBS three days later got NBA front offices talking. Colorado State forward Pierce Hornung upstaged Gordon at Moby Arena. Hornung muscled UNM’s front court for 13 points and 15 rebounds — all Gordon did was tie his career-high in turnovers with six. And that’s the kind of season it’s been for the Lobos. Up and down. UNM was picked as the preseason favorite to win the Mountain West, mainly for its depth of talent and new faces. Gordon was named preseason player of the year and Hugh Greenwood preseason freshman of the year. The Lobos slaughtered Davenport and Western New Mexico in the two exhibition games, winning by 38 and 31 points, respectively. And in the first game that mattered, the opening game of the season in which the Lobos took on New Orleans, UNM won by 52. All was good in Lobo land — and then the Aggies came to town. The Lobos, who averaged 94.3 points per game in those first three games (against nobodies, granted) were shut

The thoughts on death that take hold of the mind after a friend’s passing: A longing to see them just once more;

the guilt in thinking that you might have, somehow, saved them; the remembrance of times you have spent together … These seem cliché; a repetition of the countless thoughts of others who have lost before you and of those who will follow in the footsteps of your grief. But they are not clichés. No, they are the proper burial shrouds of a stubborn optimist; an ambitious thinker; a loving son and brother and a dear friend whose company the world will miss. They are the burial shrouds that each heart who knew him lays on the passing of our dear friend Wolf Scott-Cohen.

Those who shared his company are forever indebted to the time they spent with him, and those who had not yet met him will unknowingly have missed the privilege of meeting one of the greatest men I have met in the time I have spent on this Earth. Know that as you think of Wolf today, and whenever you think of him, that you are not alone in your remembrance. May he cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees, cradled in the hands of God who blessed this Earth with his presence.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, February 24, 2012 / Page 5


Team vies for first winning record by Nathan Farmer


With a new season and new coach, the lacrosse team is ready to get its first winning season since its inception at UNM. Nick Griffith, a sophomore business major and vice-president of the lacrosse club, said the team has yet to have a winning record in its past two seasons, but hopes to change that this year. “We have been really improving every year after only getting a few wins our first year,” he said. “We are putting in more work than we did last year so we can compete at a better level.” The team is led by first-year head coach Andrew Goldston and competes in the Rocky Mountain Lacrosse Conference (RMLC). After playing for four years at the University of Oklahoma, he said he is prepared to get into coaching. “I really like the team we have right now. They have really good potential and everyone on the team is really excited,” he said. “The emotion and enthusiasm I have seen on this team is more than any one I have played on.” The team opens up its season at home against Fort Lewis on Friday and plays Texas Tech on Sunday. “They are both very winnable games,” Griffith said. “Fort Lewis is a rival of ours ever since the team started up a few years ago.” Goldston said he plans on getting two wins this weekend to start off his coaching career. “I’ll be disappointed if we don’t come out 2-0,” he said. “We haven’t fared that well against them in the past, but the team we have and the strides we have made, I definitely think we can come out being 2-0.” The team also has games this year against Colorado School of Mines, CSU-Pueblo, Utah State, Utah,


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255-7272 2206 Central Ave SE Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Junior Justin Gaudian takes a shot on the team’s goalie, junior Eric Painter, during a practice Wednesday at Johnson field. The UNM lacrosse club team starts its season Friday with a match against Fort Lewis.

Western State and North Texas. The highlight of the schedule is the match against No. 1 BYU on March 9. BYU won the national championship last year, and Goldston said the team is excited to play the best team in the country. “It’s going to be a really good experience getting to play a team that is so well known across the nation,” he said. Because lacrosse is a club sport at UNM, it receives money through team fees and ASUNM. The team fee per player is $650. Griffith said the amount the team receives from ASUNM changes every year. Last year ASUNM funded the team $2,000, a small portion of the team’s total expenses. He said the team fees provide most of the funding for travel,

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

practice time and equipment. “It (money from ASUNM) doesn’t really cover for any of the costs,” Griffith said. “There are a lot of costs, so the money we get from the school helps, but it’s nowhere near enough. So we have to do a lot on our own.” Goldston said the fact that each player is willing to shell out the $650 fee demonstrates the group’s dedication to the sport and to the team. “These kids really put in a lot of hard work,” he said. “The dedication on this team is great and there have never once been a complaint about the cost.” Men’s

Lacrosse vs. fort lewis friday, 7 p.m. johnson field



Page 6 / Friday, February 24, 2012

track & field


New Mexico Daily Lobo

BYU gone, title up for grabs by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu With one of their stiffest competitors out of the way, this weekend the men’s and women’s track and field squads vie for their first conference titles. The 2012 Mountain West indoor track and field championships are held this weekend at the Albuquerque Convention Center. With the departure of Brigham Young University from the conference, a team that had won the previous three men’s and women’s titles, the championship is up for grabs this season. “Right now Boise (State) and Air Force on the men’s side are way out in front on paper,” UNM head coach Joe Franklin said. “Luckily, we don’t play games on paper.” Franklin said TCU is the favorite on the women’s side. But the Lobos have talent of their own — especially in long distance running. Franklin, a notorious recruiter of successful long distance runners, will have many of those athletes on display Thursday through Saturday. On the men’s side, senior distance runner Ross Millington holds the fastest 3,000-meter run (7:49.11) in the conference and the fourth best in the nation. He’ll try for two titles this weekend, also running the mile. “This year it seems like the teams have gotten better, but I want to win both (races),” Millington said.

Franklin said Millington could go down in UNM history as the best long distance runner the Lobos have ever seen. “Right now he’s the fastest 3,000-meter runner in the history of the University of New Mexico and he may be the fastest miler by the time it’s all done,” Franklin said. “He could go down as the greatest distance runner in University of New Mexico history.” Millington, who also runs cross country for UNM, could not finish at the NCAA championships last November because of an illness, a setback that fueled him for this indoor track season. “I wasn’t really happy about that, so I trained really hard over Christmas,” Millington said. “I’ve been very pleased with how things are going right now.” Junior distance runner Sam Evans joins Millington in the mile event. He is ranked third (4:05.00) in the MWC and 94th in the country. Sophomore distance runner Gabe Aragon will run the 800-meter, where he ranks first (1:49.37) in the MWC and 32nd nationwide. Junior distance runner Sean Stan holds the third-fastest time (14:14.24) in the conference in the 5,000-meter and is 60th in the NCAA. On the women’s side, junior distance runner Josephine Moultrie has taken the Lobo program by storm. With three school records in the last two meets, the top-ranked 800-meter (2:09.27) and mile runner (4:42.30) in the conference is on the brink of greatness. “We haven’t had a great miler yet,”

Franklin said. “We’ve had some good milers but no great ones. Maybe Josephine has a chance to be the first.” Joining Moultrie in the mile are junior distance runner Imogen Ainsworth and senior distance runner Sarah Waldron, who are ranked second (4:49.05) and third (4:52.15) in the conference, respectively. Ainsworth will also participate in the 3,000-meter run, where she is ranked fourth (9:40.52) in the MWC. In the 5,000-meter, Waldron and junior distance runner Lacey Oeding are ranked first (16:14.65) and third (16:44.01) in the MWC and 22nd and 70th in the NCAA, respectively. MWC top-10 mile runners senior Ruth Senior and junior Shawna Winnegar will not compete this weekend because of injuries. “It’s going to be a great event,” Franklin said. “It’s a great weekend for track and field in Albuquerque. And maybe if we could have things fall right, we can challenge.”

go MWC s o o ob o l s Track l g o o Championship s g bos lob o o b lo go s g Friday and Saturday, all day oLobo Junfu Han / Daily o l s o g o o o UNM’s junior triple-jumper Floyd Ross earned third place atg the Don Kirbys Albuquerque Convention Center o ob lob go l s s Convention Invitational’s triple-jump event Feb. 10 at the Albuquerque l b o o o o o Center. The men’s and women’s MWC indoor championship weekend. g l g ob is this os lob s o l s b o g bo lob o lo go os go s go o s s The list of upcoming l b o lo g bo o o b bo lo s g Lobo athletic events is published g o o o o s o os l o os l l b o g g o every Friday in the Daily Lobo. o o o s s b g b lob o l g g o o o o s s s l bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go Upcoming Athletic Events o s o l o l s s l b o o g g o Softball Baseball bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go os g o o s s Thurs-Sun 02/23-26 s Fri-Sun 02/24-26 s l l b o lo g bo @ UT San Antonio g bo o o o b bo lob go @ Cathedral City Classic s s g g g o s s o os o os in Palm Springs, CA bo o lo o bo o lo o l o o g g o o b b s g l s b g l b g Men’s Basketball g o o lo o l Men’s Tennis go bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bos bos lo- Sat 02/25 o s g g Sat 02/25 o g o @ TCU o o o o s o oWed l s o os l s 02/29 l s l b b o g o g @ Denver o o o o o o g ob o l s g os lob lob go l s g os g bos lobvs. Air Force 6pm s l b o g o Women’s Tennis o o goThe Pit s bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo g g o o o s Sat 02/25 s s s l l b b o o g g o o o o o o o vs. Western NM 10am o b o Women’s Basketball b s l s b lo g l b lo g l g g o o o o s o s o Lobo Tennis Complex Sat 02/25 s s l s l b b o g o o Thurs 03/01 bo2pm go os vs.oTCU go os g obo lob o lo bo lobo o lo g g o s s @ UTEP s The Pit l s l b l b o o g g o o o o o o o o o b b s g l Wed 02/29 s b g l b g o o o s o lo s o lo s g @oAirs Forceosg lo Track & Field bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo ob l Thurs-Sat 02/23-25 s o s b ol goGolf Indoor hosts os o l s go bos obo lob go l go l Men’s s b s g obo lobo o lo g g MWC Indoor Championships Mon-Tues 02/27-28 o o o o s s o l l gto bos bo @ North Sat-Sun 02/25-26 Intercollegiate o luck ob Ranch o o l go os g obos obo lob go l Good s gCAo hosts USA l g g o g Indoor Track & Field o in Westlake Village, o s s o l s o l s s l s l b b o Baseball, Men’s Basketball, o g o g o Championships o o o o o o o g l g ob o l s ob o l s go s g bos lob lob os lob Skiing Albuquerque s l o l s Women’s Basketball, b o g o g g o o o o o o o Convention Center o o o b Sat-Sun s s Golf,obSkiing, b g 02/25-26 l s g Men’s b lob o l g g o o o o o o s s o l Softball, Nordic/Alpine s l s l b l b b o o o lo NCAAgWest bo lobo@ RMISA/ go os gTennis lo Tennis, go os g obo lobo oMen’s lo g g o Women’s s o s s s l s Regional Championship l b b o lo o o bTrack bo MT go os gin Bozeman, go os g obo and bo lobo o lo g g o & Field o s s o l s b ol g bos bo lob o l o s g go os g obo lobo o lo g o o s lo go os g s l b b ol o g o o o o o o g l g os lob lob go l s g os g bos lob s s b o o bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go g o s s s l b o go os g obo go os g obo lobo o lo g s b ol g bos bo lob o l o s g lo g o o s lo go os g s l b o o o o o g b lob o l g os lob s s b o g o o o go os ob lob go l s g l b o bo go os lo g o s s b ol bo lobo o lo sg g o o g os lob b lo go s bo

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FOR RELEASE FEBRUARY 24, Friday , F2012 ebruary 24, 2012 / Page 7

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem

ACROSS 1 Woolly grazers 5 It follows John 9 Defunct Olympic sport 13 Dieter’s snack? 16 On __ with 17 Crop production toast? 18 5’7” Spud who won an NBA Slam Dunk contest 19 Words before coming or out 20 Telegraph sound 21 Lover of Psyche 22 Artist’s pad 25 Ability to detect a certain orientation 27 Not like at all 30 PLO part 32 Boxing statistic 33 Actress Thurman 34 Saint in red 36 Raised entrance area 38 Ave. paralleling Park 39 Useless footwear 41 Switz. neighbor 42 Soul 44 Waist-length jackets 45 Gray gp. 46 Stray chasers 48 Not own outright, with “on” 49 Pique 50 Debate choices 52 Piano sonatas, usually 54 It covers all the bases 55 Tuna of the Pacific 57 Golden __ 61 Rice from New Orleans 62 Buckaroo at sea? 65 It has banks in Germany and Poland 66 Dance and theater in Texas? 67 Red areas, once: Abbr. 68 Case workers, briefly 69 The greater part DOWN 1 Do some glass cutting, perhaps

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By Ian Livengood

2 “Take it easy!” 3 Goes astray 4 Declining from old age 5 Bavarian carp? 6 Friend of Fidel 7 Knotted 8 Mistletoe piece 9 Played with, in a way 10 One giving pep talks between acts of “Carmen”? 11 Maternity ward? 12 Balls 14 __-1: “Ghostbusters” auto 15 Relatively cool red giant 23 Fail in business 24 With 35-Down, fairs, and a hint to making sense of this puzzle’s pairs of adjacent 10-letter answers 26 Acknowledgments 27 Pacific dance 28 Pews, at times? 29 Intersection where cabs hang out?

2/24/12 Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

31 Joie de vivre 34 Tropical ringtailed critter 35 See 24-Down 37 H.S. sophs may take it 40 Basie’s “__’Clock Jump” 43 Auto club employees 47 Hot tea hazard 49 Ojibwa home 51 Young pig


53 Thailand neighbor 54 New Mexico ski resort 56 Buried treasure site, often 58 Iberian river 59 Disintegrates 60 Part of MS-DOS: Abbr. 63 Dr. Mom’s forte 64 __ in Charlie


$2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

feat. the

INFAMOUkSe Booty Sha Contest

Ca$h Prizes!

The University New Mexico ChapterChapter The University ofofNew Mexico of of Honour Society Golden Key International recognizes the academic excellence of its new members for 2011-12 Golden Key International Honour Society

recognizes the academic excellence of its new members for 2011-12 <[names of new members to be inserted here]> Matthew Armijo, Meagan Ayoub, Justin Baca, Anna Baecker, Nyika Allen, Vincent Aragon, Mikaela Armenta, Kayla Armgardt, Lou Barber, Jerico Barela, Paul Bates, Stephanie Becker, Hannah Bell, Julian Benavidez, Cathryn Bidal Katherine Boggess, Jessica Bolin, Abby Boling, Dave Bonham, Lindsey Borders, Alexander Borowski, Carolyn Boykins, Dalea Brashar, Lara Britt, Jhett Browne, Merry Brun, Christine Budagher, Francisco Burnett Y Velarde, Corinne Byrdsong, Gregory Campbell, Kristin Caplan, Patrick Carr, Jennifer Carriveau, Aaron Centeno, Michael Channer, Alexandria Chavez, Israel Chavez, Louise Clah, The top 15% of UNM students are invited to join. Christopher Clavio, Linda Cochrum, Roberto Colon, Elaine Stella Conklin, Ruben Contreras, Maxwell Cotton, Mark Golden Key is now Compton, accepting Graduate Students. 6pm, inMichael next meeting is March 1, 2012, the SUB Jemez room.Daniel Eisweirth, Amre Elmaoued, Daniel Davee, Linda Day Bouton, Anna Dumars, Our Jessica Duncan, Kelly Dunn, Dunn, For more information contact: goldkey@unm.edu. Enriquez, Tara Erkman, Zachariah Falgout, Shaun Fawver, Margot Feldvebel, Amanda Flores, Alicia Frank Haviland, Lindsey Frederick, Penny Frost, Ally Funkhouser, Oyahan Gallegos, Christopher Gamez, Rebecca Garcia, Sharayah Garcia, Valeria Garcia, Amy Garner, Michael Gay, David Gleghorn, Randi Grantham, Joshua Groening, Salvador Guardiola II, Gidget Hall, Cheri Hamilton, Angie Hammer, Sara Harsh, Brittney Harvey, Maura Hassing-Joy, Lauren Hatcher, Denise Herrera, Natasha Hite, Guojun Huang, Homer Hubbell, Roy Huddleston, David Irwin, Joseph Jagers, Kristin Jandreau, Ida Jarvis-Vanzelst, Courtney theJones academic ofKalaveshi, its newRobin members for 2011-12 Johnson, Gary recognizes Johnston, Franklin III, Alonaexcellence Kahrig, Saranda Kelly, Leslie Kirkpatrick, Erik Kneller, Shelbi Knox, Paul Koury, Jonathan Kring, Malika Ladha, Christopher LaPoint, Jan Larranaga, Cameron LaVigne, Rachel Leos, The topJennifer 15% ofMahoney, UNM students invited to join.Martinez, Rachel Martinez, Carlos Torres Leyba, Amy Locke, Britte Lynam, Brandy are Martinez, Matthew Golden Key is now accepting Graduate Students. Martinez Yero, Anastasia Mataya, Benjamin Matheson, Margaret Matthews, Gianna May, Matthew Menzenski, Clayton Milla, Evan Mitchell, Crystal Mitchell-Nothus, Claire Mize, Megan Moffett, Amyroom. Moore, Luc Mouchet, Hayley Our next meeting is March 1, 2012, 6pm, Jazlyn in the Mooney, SUB Jemez Murphy, Jeannine Nelson, Patricia Nevala, Julia Noel, Mariah Oeser, Emmaly Owens, Erick Pacheco, Audrey Padilla, Stephanie ForJayda morePatterson, information contact: goldkey@unm.edu. Palacios, Micah Palmer, Sarah Parro, Roberta Pena-Benard, Alex Peterson, Colleen Petranovich, Sina-Aurelia Pleasant-Soul, Davin Poulin, Betsy Ramsell, Brittany Rankin, Tracy Richardson, Marisa Rivera, Francisco Rodriguez, Rebecca Rodriguez, Thomas Roha, Eric Romero, Jazmine Ruiz, Hannah Russell, Joy Sanders, Jeremy Scarlott-McClintock, Catherine Schutze, Karli Schwartz, Amy Seibert, Sondos Shakir, Robert Shaw, Taylor Smith, Rebecca Smith-Sealy, Daniel Stansbery, Paula Stubbs, Michael Sullivan, Sharon Sullivan, Angelica Swanson, Natalie Swanteson-Franz, Marissa Tatari, Shelby Thomas, Phillip Tovar, Naomi Tucker, AnnaTummelson, Nina Vakhlamova, Tomas Valerio, Deirdra Velasquez, Caitlin Walsh, Stephanie Walton, Dusty Winclechter, Benjamin Wolfe, Sarah Wood, Zachary Wood, Lori Yonas, Julia Youngs, Erin Zimmerer.

<[names of new members to be inserted here]>

The University of New Mexico Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society

<[names of new members to be inserted here]>

The top 15% of UNM students are invited to join. Golden Key is now accepting Graduate Students. Our next meeting is March 1, 2012, 6pm, in the SUB Jemez room. For more information contact: goldkey@unm.edu.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Friday, February 24, 2012



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SEEKING INDIVIDUAL MALE Hispanic who was a donor for the UNM Reproductive Endocrinology Department in 1990, working then in the library system. If you have information, please call 766-7641. WANTED: ENGLISH COMPOSITION tutor. College freshman level. 362-4601.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

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Your Space SEEKING: WRITER TO join established critique group. Meets 2x/month Wednesday PM. Send sample (2-4K words) to evelynn@unm.edu

Apartments CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433.

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947.

INTERESTED IN SELLING or buying Avon? Call JoAnne 505-323-2917 505-353-0288. VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com ETHICS AND AGING conference, March 9-10, Continuing Education building, info at hse.unm.edu/ethics. Call for more info/RSVP 272-4566.

Fun Food Music THE BEST LIVE COMEDY!FREE! Feb. 25th 8pm - 11pm Lucky 66 Bowl 6132 4th NW www.TheBestLiveComedy.com Call for more info 340-4654.

Houses For Rent NOB HILL, THREE BDRM 2BATH, large yard, W/D, pets OK, available now, $1500/mo +utilities. 414 Carlisle SE, call for appointment. 505-412-2261.

Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR RENT in huge 4BDRM EDO house, garage, laundry. Close to UNM, downtown, restaurants. $390/mo. +utilities. 505-514-8507, Jesse. BASEMENT BDRM WITH BA share kitchen and living with others, 4 blocks from UNM, $405/mo, includes utilities and wifi. 239-0570 or 252-9227. 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE at Lobo Village, application and security deposit fees waived. Call if interested Kelsey 719332-0481 or Christina 505-920-8678. LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share 4BDRM house on North Campus, $400/mo +1/4 utilities, available now, call/ text 263-9708. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu

Office Space NEED A QUIET place to study, your group to meet, maybe just a place to reflect off campus? $150 per month, 1330 San Pedro NE, month-to-month OK, 24 hour access, call Dennis Garber, 266-9112, Bottom Line Management.

Pets 2 MONTH FEMALE boxer. Comes with bed. Has first shot. $150. 505-917-1167.

For Sale TALL UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. Call 907-6139. 500 NEW ARRIVALS • Bradley’s Books, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Inside Winning Coffee. Credit/debit cards now welcome. $60 FOR $65 credit at either Pink Rhino location. Email me at mbaseman@unm.edu if interested. SELLING AN AUTHENTIC Louis Vuitton purse. Asking $970OBO. Feel free to text me for pictures. 505-975-1759. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. Call 821-9426. BEAUTIFUL SCOOTER 49CC red/white.$750OBO. Call after 4pm. 505-450-5830.

Vehicles For Sale HYUNDAI ELANTRA. LOOKS/ drives great. Excellent condition! 32mi/gallon. $3,700. 933-1782. ALL WHEEL DRIVE Subaru Legacy drives great $2500. 933-1782.

2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735 including utilities. 2462038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE.


2003 MAZDA PROTEGE. 109K. Excellent condition, stick shift, $4,700OBO. 933-1782.

Jobs Off Campus !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. SMALL PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE hiring PT administrative assistant. Must be able to work EVERY Saturday and at least two days during the week for a total of approximately 15-20hrs/wk. Must be computer literate and able to touch type at least 45WPM. Duties include medical records, filing, cleaning patient rooms and patient care. Must have reliable transportation and 3 references. Email resumes to Ltogami@sleeptreat ment.com Pay $8+ DOE. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

MR. POWDRELL’S BBQ on EAST CENTRAL is looking for cashier/counter, Busser and Prep Cooks. Please apply in person at 11301 Central N.E. after 2pm Monday thru Saturday. Part time and Full time Available. STUDENT NEEDED TO help 6th grade girl with daily homework after school between 4- 8pm. Days and times are flexible. NE Heights. $10/hr. kimfederici@comcast.net WORK ON HORSE farm, cleaning, feeding, and other chores. 4-5 hrs/ day, $9.50/hr. Mornings, more work possible. Also possible trade, feeding/ horse management for rent and utilites for house on property. 505-280-4849.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330).

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in the following categories: Rooms for Rent Your Space For Sale Ads must be 25 words or less.

LIVE ON THE EDGE... of downtown. 2BDRM 820 sqft off street parking, laundry, gated. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. $710/mo. Also 1BDRM available $595/mo. 802 Gold Ave SW. 305-975-0908.

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VERY SPECIAL 1BDRM in duplex. Nob Hill area. Hardwood floors, fenced yard, off-street parking. Pet OK. Water paid. $625 +$500 deposit. 268-1964. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

GIRL SCOUT COOKIES $3.75/box. Text Martha 250-3557. Delivery to dorms.


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2BDRMS IN 4BDRM house. W/D, living, kitchen, basement, 2BA. $350/mo +utilities. Closer to campus than Redondo dorms. UNM student, sophomore+. Matt 505-620-9921, Nick 505-554-0580.

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SPACIOUS & SPACE AGE; huge 1000 sq.ft., 2BDRM in renowned Bart Prince building, dated and landscaped, 5 min UNM, $695, student discount available. 225-6216.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.


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UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.



new mexico

LIVE SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Saturday, February 25th Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover. (21 and up).

New Mexico Daily Lobo

UNFURNISHED 1BDRM APARTMENT NE Heights. $675/mo +utilities. Private laundry furnished on premises. 505-235-0617.


UNM Track Starts at: ALL DAY Location: ABQ Convention Center Come support your Lobos as they compete in The Mountain West Conference Championship. Student Admission is FREE! Social Success Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to deal effectively with anxiety in social situations in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! UNM Mens Lacrosse Starts at: 7:00pm Location: UNM Johnson Field Come watch for free as your UNM Men’s Lacrosse team takes on Ft. Lewis. Poetry Workshop: Prompts and Circumstances Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd.

Find inspiration for your poetry in the unexpected: group prompts, odd prompts, timed prompts, surprising prompts. NOVA Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Center for the Arts Rodey Theatre blazes with the choreography of UNM’s stellar dance faculty in NOVA. Featuring the dazzling talent of the students in the dance program, Assistant Professor Vladimir Conde Reche is the artistic director of this vibrant concert.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Welcome Back: New Lithographs at Tamarind Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute New lithographs from 2011, back from their successful New York City Debut. Happening thoughout the weekend.


Lobo Women’s Tennis Starts at: 10:00am Location: UNM Tennis Facilities

Event Calendar

Planning your weekend has never been easier!

Come support your Lobos as they take on Western New Mexico. Student Admission is FREE! Lobo Women’s Basketball Starts at: 2:00pm Location: The PIT Come support your Lobos as they take on the Horned Frogs from Texas Christian University. Student Admission is FREE! The American Teacher (2011) Starts at: 6:00pm Location: SUB Weaving interviews of policy experts and startling facts with the lives and careers of four teachers, American Teacher tells the collective story by and about those closest to the issues in our educational system.

FREE LIVE COMEDY EVENT! Starts at: 8:00pm Location: 6132 4th St NW Mike Boyle from Last Comic Standing and MY 50TV stars with Keith Breckenridge of the NEW TV Show & Tingley Beach and New Mexico’s first lady of Comedy, Goldie Garcia also from MY50TV. Also MY50TV’s John Cuellar, Andrew Harms and more!


Sunday Chatter Starts at: 10:00am Location: Factory on 5th Artspace Steve Reich Vermont Counterpoint Felix Mendelssohn String Quartet in D Major Opus 44 No 1 Cathryn McGill The Irony of Amazing Grace.

Mobile Adoption Event Starts at: 10:00am Location: 3601 Old Airport Rd. NW M.A.G.C. Mobile Adoptions. The Maddie’s Adoption Guarantee Coalition will join together to host an adoption event.For more information on M.A.G.C., 505-255-5523.


UNM Men’s Lacrosse Starts at: 11:00am Location: UNM’s Johnson Field Come watch for free as your UNM Men’s Lacrosse team takes on Texas Tech.


ChamberCHOPS Spring Concert #1 Starts at: 2:00pm Location: 201 University NE The program includes Beethoven’s Septet Eflat, Op. 20, Poulenc’s Trio for trumpet, trombone and horn, Danzi’s Quartet for bassoon and strings, and Arrieu’s Quintette en Ut for woodwind quintet. All concerts are free!

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

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