NM Daily Lobo 022511

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Strange sightings see page 2

February 25, 2011


The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Future students may lose out on Lottery Lottery ticket sales dip to put NM State Lottery in debt; students may end up paying the price when funds run out

by Kallie Red-Horse kallie69@unm.edu

The Lottery Scholarship fund could run dry, and if the New Mexico Legislative Finance Committee’s prediction is correct, funds will dry up by 2014. The Lottery Fund continues to finance more students and pay more for each student because of tuition hikes. The number of students supported by the Lottery Scholarship has grown 28.5 percent since 2005, with 19,700 students receiving the aid. Student Financial Aid Director Brian Malone said UNM will decide how to move forward if the Lottery Scholarship is discontinued. “We are aware of the Lottery funding situation,” he said. “UNM actively works with the state to discuss and evaluate options for the future.” The committee predicted the Lottery Fund will be cut in half by fiscal year 2012 and will zero out in FY14. The NM State Lottery, which allocated 30 percent of its annual revenue to the Lottery Tuition Fund, is in debt, and declining ticket sales are partially to blame. Since 2006, the lottery profits have decreased $8 million.

see Lottery page 3

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo A customer buys a scratch-off lottery ticket at Smith’s grocery store on Carlisle Boulevard on Thursday. The NM Legislative Finance Committee predicted the Lottery Scholarship fund to run out by FY14.

Senator: Make synthetic pot illegal Faculty: Create dental “(Parents) might not know that their dept. children are getting by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

One state senator wants to outlaw synthetic marijuana in New Mexico. Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort (R-Sandia Park) introduced a bill that would ban synthetic cannabinoids and fine anyone caught using or selling it. Beffort said children’s safety is at stake. “(Parents) might not know that their children are getting high on harmlesssounding products like incense, potpourri and bath salts,” she said. “That high can lead to terrible complications. We want to protect our children and our communities. We need to ban these products and make their distribution and use illegal.” Synthetic marijuana is sold in smoke shops under the popular brand K2 Spice. The product came under fire after a report from New Mexico parole officers said parolees are using Spice to achieve a “legal high.” Critics also question the drug’s safety. Senate Bill 134 was sent to the Senate Finance Committee to determine its fiscal impact after it reached the Senate floor for a full vote. If the bill is passed, synthetic mari-

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 107

juana will be classified as a schedule I drug, which means it will fall into the same category as substances like heroin, marijuana and cocaine. The New Mexico Corrections Department said banning a new drug would create more criminal felony prosecutions that put more people in jail and on parole. The state might not be able to handle administrative costs associated with the increase of synthetic marijuana smokers in the criminal system. The NMCD said in a report to the Legislative Finance Committee that it was concerned the bill would create a criminal misdemeanor for anyone distributing and in possession of Spice. Student Jonathan Morgan said he disagrees with the state’s efforts to ban the product. “I think it’s sort of stupid they want to get rid of Spice,” he said. “But if they legalized real marijuana, then people wouldn’t have to buy the fake stuff.” Campus Safety The Senate passed a bill that would allow campus police to write traffic tickets for city traffic violations. S.B. 267 was sponsored by Sen. Steven Neville (R-Farmington) to help deter parking violations at San Juan College, located in his district. The bill would give campus police the authority to issue traffic violations at all New Mexico colleges. “I understand there are abuses of

handicapped parking spaces, and people are parking wherever they want, causing traffic problems,” Neville said. The bill passed the Senate 20-13, and now goes to the House for a vote.

high on harmlesssounding products like incense, potpourri and bath salts.” ~Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort

Neville said his bill will take burden off overstretched municipal law enforcement officers. “This bill will help the college get a handle on their parking situation on campus when city police are not available to ticket offenders,” he said. Scholarship bill extended to the Senate The Senate Judiciary Committee gave a do-pass recommendation to a bill that would allow high school graduates up to 16 months to apply for the Lottery Scholarship.

Shooting for redemption

Keeping it classy

See page 6

See page 4

H.B. 62, sponsored by Rep. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) will now be voted on the by the full Senate. If passed, it will only need a signature from the governor to become law. The bill received unanimous support from the House of Representatives. Under current legislation, students who want to receive the Lottery Scholarship must apply to a public university immediately after high school graduation. Many UNM groups oppose extending the Lottery Scholarship because the Lottery Scholarship fund is slowly running out. No data has been compiled during this year’s legislative session that would confirm the bill would have a negative impact. Rep. Antonio “Moe” Maestas (DAlbuquerque) introduced a similar bill in 2007. That bill never made it out of committee, partly because of a study that said it would be bad for the Lottery Scholarship fund. The Legislative Finance Committee cited that study in a 2011 report on the current bill. “I understand the hurdles that came with that bill,” O’Neill said. “My constituents told me they wanted this, and I was fortunate that representative Moe Maestas allowed me to take over trying to extend the Lottery Scholarship to students who can’t attend college right away.”

by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

The Faculty Senate unanimously approved a proposal to create a dental medicine department at UNM. UNM’s dental medicine programs are under the Health Science Center’s Department of Surgery but have grown large enough to need their own department, the proposal said. Most University Health Science Centers already have a dentistry department, UNM Chief of Dental Services Gary Cuttrell said. “We’re just bringing UNM’s health sciences up to the standard of most health science centers with a department of dentistry,” he said. Faculty Senate President-

see Dental page 3


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PageTwo Friday, February 25, 2011

Daily Lobo asks you:

New Mexico Daily Lobo

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever witnessed on campus? “This guy was riding his bike by the Duck Pond. He lost control and went into the Duck Pond. His girlfriend started laughing, and he tried to push her in, too.”

“I saw a girl fall through the ice on the Duck Pond. Her friend told her not to, but she said she would be fine. She was pretty big, so of course she was going to fall through.” Calvin Keller Sophomore Environmental Science

Kimia Kia Junior Intercultural Communication

“A couple of weeks ago I saw some group shouting about religion, protesting godlessness and whatnot. They had banners and the whole deal — it was a bit ridiculous.”

“I live in Coronado, and there have been at least three instances where I have woken up in the middle of the night with fire trucks outside. Twice there have been ambulances. One of the times, I heard, was for this guy who was smoking meth in his room, and they carried him out on a stretcher.”

Lucie Jelinkova Junior Biology

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 107

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Kallie Red-Horse Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Hunter Riley

Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark

Ryan Quickbear Freshman Criminology

Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero


Using Social Media to Expand Your Client Base Starts at: 8:00am Location: ontinuing Education S-Bldg, 1634 University Blvd. NE Tuition is $259. This one day class will be held today from 8am-5pm in the Continuing Ed. South Building. For more info contact Sherry TenClay at 277-6038 or visit dce.unm.edu. WRC Spring 2011 Film Series Starts at: 12:00pm Location: 1160 Mesa Vista Hall Ida B Wells: A Passion For Justice (53 min.) Free Film! U.S. Power-down in Afghanistan Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Dane Smith Hall, 328 U.S. Power-down in Afghanistan Will the U.S. plan hold? Talk by Dr. Gregory Gleason Professor of Security Studies Baseball: Lobos vs. Bluejays Starts at: 3:00pm Location: Isotopes Park Cheer on your Lobos as they take on the Bluejays of Creighton. Student admission is free!

Softball: Lobos vs. Bears Starts at: 6:00pm Location: UNM Softball Park Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Bears of Northern Colorado. Student admission is free!

COMMUNITY EVENTS Moonlight and Magnolias Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Los Alamos Little Theatre 1670 Nectar Street Los Alamos, NM This is based on the true story of how Gone with the Wind production was shut down and the screen play rewritten in five days!


Men’s Tennis: Lobos vs. Lumberjacks Starts at: 9:30am Location: Linda Estes Tennis Complex Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Lumberjacks of Northern Arizona. Student admission is free! Women’s Basketball: Lobos vs. Horned Frogs Starts at: 2:00pm Location: The Pit Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Horned Froges of Texac Christian University. Student admission is free!

Baseball Doubleheader: Lobos vs. Bluejays Starts at: 12:00pm & 3:00pm Location: Isotopes Park Cheer on your Lobos as they take on the Bluejays of Creighton. Student admission is free! Softball Double Header: Lobos vs. Bears Starts at: 4:00pm & 6:00pm Location: UNM Softball Park Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Bears of Northern Colorado. Student admission is free! Men’s Tennis: Lobos vs. Wildcats Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Linda Estes Tennis Complex Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Wildcats of Abilene Christian University. Student admission is free!

COMMUNITY EVENTS Celebration of Gourds Starts at: 9:00am Location: Manual Lujan Bldg/ NM Fairgrounds We have vendors, Art Competition, Classes: Feb.24. thru Feb.27, plus FREE ADMISSION. Robert Rivera is our featured artist. Visit our website: www.newmexicogourdsociety.org

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Event Calendar

Planning your weekend has never been easier! Moonlight and Magnolias Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Los Alamos Little Theatre 1670 Nectar Street Los Alamos, NM This is based on the true story of how Gone with the Wind production was shut down and the screen play rewritten in five days!

SUNDAY 2/27 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Student Union Building, Upper floor Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

The Terrorist Mindset: Motivations for Political Violence Starts at: 3:00pm Location: Continuing Ed. Auditorium Plenty of free parking at the door. Tickets $20 at the door. Students with a valid ID FREE. Info at 856-7277 or www.abqinternational.org. Baseball: Lobos vs. Bluejays Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Isotopes Park Cheer on your Lobos as they take on the Bluejays of Creighton. Student admission is free! Women’s Tennis: Lobos vs. Lumberjacks Starts at: 10:00am Location: Linda Estes Tennis Complex Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Lumberjacks of Northern Arizona. Student admission is free! Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will apear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.



Government tries to control horse numbers by Matthew Daily Associated Press

WASHINGTON— The government said Thursday it will scale back costly roundups of wild horses that some critics contend are inhumane. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management will reduce the number of wild horses removed from the range by about one-quarter — to 7,600 per year. The agency also will expand the use of fertility controls and increase the number of animals adopted by individuals or groups. The bureau continues to oppose horse slaughter, which some in the West have advocated as a way to thin herds. The agency’s director, Bob Abbey, said the new plan was intended to ensure that viable herds of wild horses and burros remain on the nation’s public lands for generations to come. To improve the health of both horses and Western lands, officials need the help of private partners and must ensure that management decisions have a scientific foundation, Abbey said. The changes do not include a proposal that Abbey and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar floated in late 2009 to move thousands of wild horses to preserves in the Midwest and East, where they would graze on land unthreatened by drought and wildfires. The government would have established large horse ranches open to the public for tours and educational visits. The preserves would have cost at least $92 million to buy and build. The plan ran into bipartisan opposition in Congress and among the public. “It was very evident to us that the public did not like that idea and so we have dropped that from the strategy we are pursuing now,” Abbey told reporters in a conference call. The new approach comes a week after the House approved an amendment to cut the agency’s budget by $2 million to protest the roundups. The program’s annual cost has tripled over the past decade to $66 million. Annual costs are expected to reach at least $85 million by 2012.


More than 38,000 wild horses and burros roam in Nevada, California, Wyoming and other Western states. An additional 40,000 animals are cared for in corrals and pastures in Kansas, Oklahoma and South Dakota. The wild horse program was created by Congress in 1971. It’s intended to protect wild horse herds and the rangelands that support them. Under the program, thousands of horses are forced into holding pens, where many are vaccinated or neutered before being placed for adoption or sent to long-term corrals in the Midwest. Animal rights advocates complain that the roundups — which sometimes include use of helicopters — are inhumane because some animals are traumatized, injured or killed. Ranchers and other groups say the roundups are needed to protect fragile grazing lands that are used by cattle, Bighorn sheep and other wildlife.

“(The current plan) is not economically sustainable and it is bad policy” ~Wayne Pacelle President, Humane Society of the United States Abbey said he knows the changes will not end controversy over the horse management program, but said they send an important message: “We will no longer kick the can down the road just because it is challenging.” Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States, called the latest plan encouraging, but said the Obama administration needs to do more to reduce the number of horses rounded up and removed from public lands. The current plan “is not economically sustainable and it is bad policy,” Pacelle said.

from PAGE 1

Valero Manager Aaron Quick, who works at the gas station on Princeton Drive and Central Avenue, said daily tickets sales have been lower recently. He said only one high jackpot has been paid out since November, and high jackpots usually generate high sales. “Sales go up when the jackpot goes up,” he said. “A month or two ago, it was over $200 million, and I sold $900 worth in one day, so it really just depends on how large the jackpot is.” The national jackpot amount grows when no one predicts the Powerball number, Quick said. He said the money compounds until somebody hits the number. Student Chelsea Worthington said she depends on the Lottery Scholarship to fund her education. “Without the Lottery Scholarship, the vast majority of graduates from New Mexico high schools would be unable to afford degrees,” she said. “Many students will rely on loans, if they still attend school at all, which will potentially create even more financial hardship for the state.”

State senators are trying to find ways to keep the Lottery Scholarship afloat. Sen. Stuart Ingle (R-Dist. 27) introduced a bill that would freeze tuition increases for students on the scholarship throughout their time in college. The proposed legislation, Senate Bill 292, was unanimously passed by the Senate Education Committee and now must go through two more committees before reaching the Senate floor. CNM said in the S.B. 292 Fiscal Impact Report that the legislation would positively impact the Lottery Scholarship fund by reducing its expenditure rate increase. That would make the scholarship program financially viable for longer. Provided they don’t take a break, New Mexico high school graduates are eligible for the Lottery Scholarship for eight semesters with no repayment requirements. Sen. William Payne, (R-Dist. 20) introduced a bill that would allow students to wait a year or more before starting college and maintain their Lottery eligibility. Bill opponents contend it will jeopardize the scholarship’s financial viability.


from PAGE 1

elect Tim Ross said UNM should have a dentistry department because dental hygiene programs don’t belong under a surgery department. “There’s already a dentistry sciences program, and for years it’s existed under the Department of Surgery at UNM …,” he said. “But we also have dental hygienist training, and they really shouldn’t be under the department of surgery.” Ross also said the proposal is cost-neutral and won’t impact UNM’s budget. Giving the Division of Dentistry department status could attract much-needed faculty to the University’s dental program, the proposal said, and attract talented hygiene students and dental residents to the University. Cuttrell said he hopes a dentistry department will draw attention to UNM’s existing oral education services. “I think that a lot of people are unaware that UNM even has these dental services, so hopefully this will draw attention to that, too,” he said. The unanimous approval of the proposal shows that faculty understand the importance of UNM’s dental programs, Cuttrell said. “It goes to show the appreciation that people really do have for oral health education in New Mexico,” he said.





LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Friday February 25, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

from the web In Thursday’s story, “Grad student group suggests cutting admins, Athletics,” reporter Andrew Beale interviewed graduate students who were organizing against what budget cuts that they consider are harming the University’s academic mission. Readers online chimed in:

by ‘Lobo Joe’ Posted Thursday “So much for First Amendment rights. I guess you don’t have the academic freedom you thought you possessed.”

by ‘Lobo Joe’ Posted Thursday “And my alumni donation won’t be given.”

by ‘Shame’ Posted Thursday “How pathetic that the wallets of highend administrators continue to grow while the budgets that educate the citizens of tomorrow continue to shrink. This University must have a change at the top, or it will be the bottom who suffer.”

by ‘Lawrence’ Posted Thursday “Bravo, pressure.”





by ‘sam spade’ Posted Thursday “I think it may be worth everyone’s effort to compare the Oklahoma State University administrative structure when Schimdly left and now. Burns Hargis and company have downsized the structure as it was when Hargis took over from Schmidly and all of the incompetent people Schmidly hired are now gone... It pains me to see the place where I received my graduate degree destroyed, but better that then where I work.”

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


Who dictates NBA talent market? by Isaac Avilucea

managingeditor@dailylobo.com The NBA arms race is leading us down a path to Cold War. The leveraging of power between players and owners will inevitably lead to a standoff, and we all know what that means. In all likelihood, there will be a lockout before next season arrives. Look no further than Carmelo Anthony for confirmation. In refusing to sign a $65 million extension with Denver, Anthony steered which franchise he’d play for. At its root, the overhyped Anthony trade underlies a simple communal feeling among owners: Players have too much power over their billion-dollar, white-collar counterparts. When collective bargaining proceedings commence, owners will do all they can to halt the proletariat revolution and restore order to the system. Except this new phenomenon of player autonomy is just reinforcing the dominant capitalist system. The NBA’s soft salary cap, which enables big-market teams to pay a luxury tax, a penalty, to exceed arresting financial cap constraints, is forcing small-market teams to rethink the current bargaining agreement and take a hard look at what they’re losing out on. What exactly are they losing out on? The ability to keep financially excitable superstars tethered to their organizations. It’s a simple prospect: Financially strapped organizations are forced to pour most of their resources into a franchise player. But what happens when the team can’t fill out the roster because of a tight budget? And then it struggles through a grinding season in which the franchise player must overexert them-


Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

Amare Stoudemire left the desert for the Garden in New York; and Chris Bosh ditched Toronto just in time to watch league MVP LeBron James saltily turn his back on Cleveland to “take his talents to South Beach.” And it hasn’t stopped. More recently, with the trade deadline approaching this year, teams spent the last few days speedily casting away superstars: The Jazz packed up All-Star point guard Deron Williams for Derrick Favors and Devin Harris; Anthony, the tortured Denver soul, got his Broadway wish at the expense of his reticent-to-leave compadre Chauncey Billups, and the two will team up with Stoudemire in New York. Bizarrely, in a system where the argument has been made that players represent nothing more than $60-million slaves, how is it they suddenly have so much gravity over franchises? Opt-out contract clauses have become the great social equalizer. Hostage-holding organizations have seen the tables flip. Now these organizations are painted into a corner where fear is omnipresent: They can either ship their superstars off and get something in exchange, or risk not resigning them when free agency rolls around, then losing them to a biggermarket team and recouping nothing for all the courting. Madison Avenue and Wall Street, symbols of what these corporate-modeled organizations can offer, have monopolized the player talent market. It is of little debate that in a society that champions true market value for corporate bigwigs and CEOs, players, too, should be entitled to this American value. But in the end, in this moneyball quest, mom-and-pop organizations are caught in a large-scale game of tug-of-war. And unless the arms race stops, the war is just starting.


Editorial Board Pat Lohmann

selves to keep the organization treading above water? You guessed it. The franchise player uses the threat of free agency to force the team to upgrade talent or send the superstar to a more attractive destination. We saw Kobe Bryant do this in 2007 — with, of all organizations, the Los Angeles Lakers. Together with the Dallas Cowboys and New York Yankees, the Lakers have never been an organization to skimp on acquiring talent, no matter the expense. Yet here was Bryant complaining to an amateur cameraman about the Lakers’ backdoor managerial maneuverings, how they refused to trade a young center in Andrew Bynum for veteran point guard Jason Kidd. Later, Bryant went on record demanding a trade, but later relented on the request. It’s of little coincidence that the Lakers traded for Pau Gasol less than a year later. And if you go back to 2007, that’s when the congregation of the NBA’s constellations formed. Finally, players started recognizing the free-trade market. Spawned when Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen departed their respective teams to team up with Paul Pierce in Boston, joining forces became an accepted ethos, and it has evolved into an unsettling trend that endures into the present. Parity strewn aside, the Celtics, thanks to the star-studded assembly, went on to win the 2008 NBA title — setting the foundation for a swift paradigm shift in professional basketball. Anticipating a future clash with the Celtics, the Lakers had enough foresight to acquire Gasol in February 2008, making them relevant again. Then there was the 52-card reshuffling during the summer of 2010, when the Jazz lost out on Carlos Boozer’s services to Chicago;

Center of the Universe used to have meaning, not garbage Editor, The “Center of the Universe,” Bruce Nauman’s art piece outside Ortega Hall, and reporter Alexandra Swanberg’s Feb. 23 Daily Lobo article really upset me. The “Center of the Universe” was one of my favorite art pieces at UNM, and the write-up about it was good as far as it went. “As it stands today, the structure extends in five directions and meets at right angles, implying a coordinate system,” the article said. “The

grate in the center acts as the hypothetical center of the universe.” But as it stands today, the piece isn’t the original concept or construction. Under the grate is a sixth tunnel that goes straight down. It was lighted to match the five other tunnels’ natural light. To walk over the thin grate and deep, lighted pit was a somewhat disturbing experience, especially for me since I have mild vertigo. But the fear of walking over the pit would make you look up and see a reassuring sky left and right, down again and then walk forward. In that moment that you stopped, you would think about your place in the vast universe. Leaves and trash blew into the pit. UNM wouldn’t clean out the trash and so it rose. But

rather than keeping the pit clean or placing a window under the grate, UNM changed the piece’s concept by screening the pit and turning the “Center of the Universe” into the funny little tunnel that it is today. No one looks down because there is nothing to see. No one looks up to a reassuring sky, and no one thinks about where you are in the universe. All of man’s works need a little care now and then, and it seems it would take so little (a 10foot square of plastic) to return this powerful work of art to its original concept and wonder. Don Menning UNM student

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Friday, February 25, 2011 / Page 5



STAFF WRITER Clean out your attics, closets and lock boxes, because the Treasure Hunters Roadshow is coming to Rio Rancho. Roadshow experts are in town examining antiques, collectibles, gold and silver. While the Roadshow will accept anything that’s old, they will be focusing on: gold and silver coins made before 1964, military items, toys and trains, musical instruments, pocket and wrist watches. Scrap gold is expected to be a popular category this week due to soaring gold prices.

“U.S. COINS MADE BEFORE 1964 ARE THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER BY COLLECTORS. COINS MADE BEFORE 1964 ARE 90% SILVER, A N D VA L U A B L E B E C A U S E O F EITHER THE SILVER CONTENT OR EVEN MORE VALUABLE IF ONE HAPPENS TO BE A RARE DATE.� Expert buyers for the roadshow have noticed a tremendous increase in the amount of gold coming to the Roadshow, and for good reason. Record gold prices have Roadshow guests cashing in on broken or outdated jewelry with our fair and honest purchase offers. The Roadshow encourages anyone planning a visit to take a minute and examine their jewelry box or their lock box at the bank and gather anything that is gold. If a guest is not sure if something is gold, bring it anyways and the Roadshow staff will test it for free. Other gold items of interest include gold coins, gold ounces, gold prrof sets and dental gold. Other types of items Roadshow exper ts hope to see include old toys and train sets. Archie Davis, the Roadshow’s toy expert, spoke about some of the top toys getting great offers. “Old tin wind-up toys from the late 1800’s through the 1960’s are in great demand right now,� said Davis, “especially those that are character related. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, the Flintstones or any other character toys are sought after. Old Buddy L toys from the 1920’s to the 1960’s are especially in high demand.� Basically any toys made before 1965 are wanted. Train sets made by Lionel, Americn Flyer, Marklin and others have the potential to fetch a large sum. Davis also stressed, “Toys with boxes and in mint condition bring sensational prices. Most of the toys that come to the

Got Gold? Next week, visitors can cash in on antiques, collectibles, gold, silver, coins or just about anything that is old. Roadshow are not in per fect shape, but can still bring good prices from collectors.� W h e n e x p e r t To m F u l l e r was asked what he enjoyed most about working at the Roadshow, he was quick to answer, “Old coins and paper currency—for as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with collecting coins. I would go through the change in my parents’ grocer y store, looking for rare dates and errors. Once, I found a silver quarter that I sold Above—Roadshow exper t, Tony Enright, talks for $300. Not bad for an 8 with a family about the gold jewelr y that they year old.� Fuller went on to explain brought in. that any U.S. coins made before 1964 are the most sought after by collectors. Coins made before 1964 are 90% silver, and valuable because of either the silver content or even more valuable if one happens to be a rare t(BUIFS JUFNT PG JOUFSFTU GSPN ZPVS date. Fuller explained, “We help people sort through their coins for unique dates. We buy all BUUJD HBSBHF CBTFNFOU FUD 5IFSF JT types of coins at the Roadshow—from wheat OP MJNJU UP UIF BNPVOU PG JUFNT ZPV DBO pennies to buf falo nickels, and from single CSJOH coins to entire truckloads. See you at the Roadshow.� t/P BQQPJOUNFOU JT OFDFTTBS Z






FOR MORE INFO CALL 217.787.7767





COINS Any ny and all coins made before 1964: silver and gold coins, dollars, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies. All conditions wanted! GOLD & SILVER PRICES AT 40 YEAR HIGH for platinum, gold and silver during this event. Broken jewelry, dental gold, old coins, pocket watches, Krugerrands, gold bars, Canadian Maple Leafs, etc. JEWELRY Gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, all types of stones and metals, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. (including broken jewelry) Early costume jewelry wanted.

1907 $20 High Relief St. Gaudens

27 Count Elizabeth II Gold Proofs Collection 1979–1987

PAID $34,505.75

PAID $16,100.00



WRIST & POCKET WATCHES Rolex, Tiffany, Hublot, Omega, Chopard, Cartier, Philippe, Ebel, Waltham, Swatch, Elgin, Bunn Special, Railroad, Illinois, Hamilton, all others. TOYS, TRAINS, DOLLS All makers and types of toys made before 1965: Hot Wheels, Tonka, Buddy L, Smith Miller, Nylint, Robots, Battery Toys, Mickey Mouse, train sets— Marklin, Aerican Flyer, Lionel, Hafner, all other trains (all gauges, accessories, individual cars), Barbie dolls, GI Joe, Shirley Temple, characters, German.

1959 Gibson Les Paul Jr. Red Electric Guitar PAID $4,481.25

MILITARY ITEMS & SWORDS Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, etc: swords, badges, clothes, photos, medals, knives, gear, letters. The older the swords, the better. ADVERTISING ITEMS Metal and porcelain signs: gas companies, beer and liquor makers, automobile, implements, etc.



Page 6 / Friday, February 25, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo men’s basketball Phillip McDonald intercepts a pass from UNLV’s Oscar Bellfield up court during Mountain West Conference action at the Pit on Wednesday night. UNLV won the game in overtime 77-74.Â

Asst. coach gets violation letter

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

Laurisa Galvan Daily Lobo

A chance to rebuild confidence by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

It could be worse for the UNM men’s basketball team. The Lobos, who have lost their last four Mountain West Conference games, head to Fort Worth, Texas, to face last-place TCU. The game should be a reprise from UNM’s recent downward spiral: TCU has won only one game in league play this season

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Are you a writer seeking recognition for your work? Best Student Essays, UNM’s premiere nonfiction student review, seeks essays, research papers, criticism, memoirs, foreign language, and any other type of nonfiction. For submission forms, look in past issues of BSE, visit Marron Hall Room 107, or visit our website at beststudentessays.org. Follow directions on form. Cash award offered. If you have already written your essay for class, then why not submit for a chance to win cash? Publication can be yours. Info: Best Student Essays, beststudentessays.org, bse@ unm.edu, Marron Hall Room 107 or 277-5656.



(1-13 MWC). Head coach Steve Alford said his young guys are feeling the season’s strain. “They’ve had a tough go at it,� he said. “We just have to carry momentum forward and be able to make some plays late.� As of late, the only one making plays has been Dairese Gary. He had a career-high 26 points in a 77-74 overtime loss to UNLV. Gary said the Lobos will need to play 40 minutes of strong basketball against TCU, or else they won’t win again. “It’s just a matter of putting an entire game together,� he said. The Horned Frogs are led by guard Hank Thorns. Last Saturday in a loss to BYU, Thorns dished out 12 assists. He is one of only five players in the country with multiple 10-assist games. He leads the MWC in assists and is ranked sixth nationally. UNM’s post players are the only others who have been remotely productive. Against UNLV, forward Drew Gordon had 15 points and 14 rebounds. He averages a double-double during MWC play. But Gary and Gordon can’t carry the Lobos by themselves. In order for the Lobos come out strong against TCU, they will need production from starting underclassmen Kendall Williams and Tony Snell. They saw considerable time on the court against

UNLV, but Williams passed up open shots to get the ball into other players’ hands. Snell had no points and hasn’t found the outside shooting touch that made him a threat in earlier conference games. Out of the four freshmen who saw action against UNLV, Williams was the only player who produced, scoring six points. Alford said he hopes his six underclassmen have not hit a lateseason wall. “It’s the pressure of the situation,� he said. “They’re part of a program that has had a lot of success over the past three years, and all of a sudden you start losing a couple and you feel it. That’s part of it, but as coaches we have to help them make plays and get confidence.� And regaining that confidence could start with TCU.

Up Next

Men’s Basketball at TCU

Saturday 8 p.m. Fort Worth, Texas

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This time it’s the quarterback coach who has been sacked. UNM assistant coach David Reaves is accused of violating NCAA regulations while he was coaching at the University of Tennessee in 2009. Tennessee received a letter from the NCAA on Wednesday that the university violated NCAA recruiting regulations. Reaves is mentioned only once by name in the report, but Tennessee blacked out portions of the report, including parts that could have discussed Reaves. Reaves stands accused of requesting that unknown persons make impermissible telephone contact with Tennessee recruits. Widely circulated reports allege that Reaves failed to alert Tennessee officials of improper recruiting contacts made by Orange Pride, a now-defunct group of female UT students. Orange Pride escorted recruits who made on-campus visits. Athletics Director Paul Krebs said in a statement that UNM is aware of the NCAA allegations. “We are in full cooperation with the NCAA and will take the appropriate actions based on the findings,� he said. “We understand the

severity of NCAA sanctions and the importance of operating under the rules and regulations.� Reaves was the quarterback coach under former UT head coach Lane Kiffin. Kiffin, who coached Tennessee for one season, bolted to the University of Southern California and received a separate notice from the NCAA with his own allegations. The NCAA said that Tennessee’s basketball and football programs committed recruiting violations and failed to promote agreement of NCAA rules within both programs. The decision came after a 22month investigation of the Tennessee athletics program. The NCAA notified the school that its coaches and assistants violated 12 rules. Tennessee has until May 21 to respond to the allegations and is expected to appear at a Committee on Infractions meeting in June. The NCAA will make a final decision after the infractions conference, and any sanctions likely would come several weeks after that.

Harvard Dr

by Ryan Tomari


Yale Blvd

lobo football

New Mexico Daily Lobo Mal and Chad

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ACROSS 1 Rigged support 5 Curve of a cabriole leg 9 Sheet of stamps 13 “So that’s how it’s going to be” 14 Anago and unagi 15 An amulet may ward it off, purportedly 16 Move from Crystal to Caesar’s? 19 Danish poker star Gus 20 Curling surface 21 Texter’s “Heavens!” 23 Oscar night figure 24 Small, vocal bird 26 __ market 27 Cliff, Carlos and Derrek of baseball 28 Antelope of questionable virtue? 30 Mag wheels? 31 Pound output 32 Has a powerful desire (for) 33 “Another regulation, sorry to say”? 36 Gait between walk and canter 39 Wine Train valley 40 MoveOn.org, e.g.: Abbr. 43 Greengrocer’s grab bags? 46 Hole maker 47 Mongol sovereign 48 Trap, in a way 49 “Cheers” waitress 50 Sixth rock from the sun: Abbr. 51 Rye go-with 52 Repartee 53 1997 Kevin Spacey film, and a hint to this puzzle’s theme 57 Lowdown 58 “Exodus” novelist 59 Compass __ 60 Riding 61 Took off 62 Dot and Flik, in “A Bug’s Life”




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MATURE FEMALE UNDERGRAD looking for housing near UNM, reasonable price. Email if roommate needed for upcoming year. shannon.3@hotmail.com

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CARPET PYTHON FEMALE ~ 5.4ft., friendly. Vision cage in new conditions, stand, light , waterdish included. brisley@unm.edu

Discount Tire is now hiring for Tire Technicians/ Warehouse tech. We have flexible schedules and great starting pay. No experience needed, we will train. If you have a great attitude and you’re a hard, reliable worker, please apply at 4600 Pan American Frwy NE (NE corner of I-25 and Montgomery).

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Services 24/7 PRO TECH Pest Control. 833-0778.

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STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

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PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? The Gabriel Project offers monetary and emotional support to all pregnant women regardless of circumstance. Free pregnancy tests and ultrasound. Call 505-266-4100. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

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2 BDRM REMODELED, 1/2 block from UNM off street parking, utilities paid, $675/mo, 897-4303.

1BDRM 3 BLOCKS south of UNM. $550 +utilities. 720-1934 or 881-3540. 3BDRM, W/D, BASEMENT, lots of parking. $1000/mo + $400 deposit. Does not include gas or electric. 2 blocks from UNM. 881-3540. SUPER CUTE 2BDRM 2BA home Near UNM/ Downtown. Newly upgraded kitchen, has historical features w/updates. Available now. 915 Walter SE. $850/mo. Andrew 505-872-8937.

Rooms For Rent

NEED ROOMMATE ASAP: Girl 18-25. Huge house. You will get masters bed/bath. $425/mo. Washing and Copper. Call Jessie at 505-702-5632.

1 BLOCK UNM- 1020sqft, hardwood floors, 1BDRM, 2 walk-in closets, FP, backyard, parking included. No pets $750/mo. Incredible charm! 345-2000.

ROOMMATE/ CAREGIVER WANTED. no rent but care necessary on weekends. Emergency care during week. Food, cable provided. 292-9787.

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM. $750 utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no smokers, no pets. 262-0433.

AFFORDABLE LUXURY LIVING. Green, Healthy Home. Partial Work Exchange. 19 min bike 12 min bus; UNM. Available Now. $275 +1/4 utilities +chores N/S, No Drugs aje@unm.edu

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

1BDRM, UNM AREA, 600sqft. Off street parking. W/D on site. Newly renovated. $655/mo avail 3/1/11. 414-7200.

LOBO WIRELESS: LG Vortex™: $100 2-yr price, $100 mail-in rebate debit card with new 2-yr activation & data pak req’d. Central Ave SE. Corner of Girard and Central 505-321-1668.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $650/mo. 6102050.

FEMALE N/S GRAD Student (or Mature Undergrad) w/liberal values preferred, for spacious room/ bath in my warm, bright home. House 10 mins UNM. I’m a busy female healthcare professional. $425/mo including utilities/ cable. $250dd. No pets (I do have a cat). 505450-6024.

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

FEEL BETTER AT 277-3013. Agora Helpline. www.agoracares.com

PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE, Irrigation repair and installation, Tree trimming and removal. 505730-9301.


Please no phone calls.

Vehicles For Sale 1987 VOLVO MAROON, new brakes, hoses, belts, very well maintained engine - Runs great! $1,600 OBO. E-mail: rmactire@comcast.net

AVON REPS NEEDED, $10 to start earn 40%. Hannah 505-688-5977. PART-TIME FLEX schedule, days, in-home elder care. Companion for 90 yr old woman, car a plus. $8/hr. plus perks. Contact Frank WriteTyler@aol.com

97 PONTIAC FIREBIRD 6 cyl. NEW: Battery & Ignition. PL, PW, PS, tilt, TTop. Owned by mechanic’s son. $2800 obo. 505-697-1832, Jsalaz09@unm.edu

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

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PART-TIME WORK $15 Base/Appt. Customer sales/ service, scholarships possible, no exp nec, conditions exist, all ages 18+. Call ABQ: 268-2774. NW/ Rio Rancho: 891-8086. www.workforstudents.com

NEW SCOOTER FOR Sale. Asking $850. Please call 505-264-2274.

Jobs Off Campus INTERNET OUTSIDE SALES representatives wanted. Must have 2 years online sales experience and NMDL. Bachelor’s degree in related field, strong record of closing sales preferred. Email resumes to hr@abqpubco.com or apply in person: 7777 Jefferson NE.

OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES wanted. Must have at least 1 year of print sales experience and NMDL. Bachelor’s degree in related field, strong record of closing sales preferred. Email resumes to hr@abqpubco.com or apply in person: 7777 Jefferson NE.

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now hiring for PT mowing jobs. Able to work w/ some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information.

WANTED: CAREGIVER. 3-4hours/day. $11/hr. Nursing students preferred. 2929787.

!BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

DG’S DELI IS hiring cashier (experience necessary) and sandwich artists. Enthusiastic, motivated people, clean appearance a must, Apply within. 1418 Dr. MLK or call 247-DELI(3354).

SS DISABILITY LAW office looking for person with knowledge of medical terminology to work on a PT flexible schedule preparing medical summaries. Must have good typing speed & accuracy. Potential for combination in office/at home work. Date for best consideration is Thurs 2/24/11. Email cover letter & resume to melissa@barbarajarvislaw. com or fax to 246-8878.

FT/PT ENTRY LEVEL position in law office serving the disabled, with excellent potential for growth & learning. Must be bright, highly motivated person, have good typing/computer skills. Requires excellent organization & good people skills. Date for best consideration is Thurs 2/24/11. Email resume & cover letter to melissa@barbarajarvislaw. com or fax to 246-8878.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

NEED MONEY? www.Earn-It-Here.com


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WORRIED? LOG ON to Spirituality.com

WANTED PARTICIPANTS FOR a dissertation study regarding women of color w/learning disabilities. Participants will be compensated for time w/monetary stipend. Please contact: 710-1674, avianariel@yahoo.com

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Houses For Rent

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.

ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

Looking for You


FOR SALE: 1BDRM, 1BA, laundry, study, 1CG condo overlooking Tramway. Views. Patio. All appliances incl. Clubhouse,Pool. Close to biking/ hiking trails. MLS# 688098. OPEN SUNDAY, Feb. 27, 1-4pm. CBLR(8982700). Call Sandy at 459-2761.

$455/MO 3BDRM 2BA house. utilities split, garage, pool. $40 app fee. NE heights. Open 5-1-11. Call Jennifer 3635716.

LOBO LIQUIDATORS WILL pick up your unused or unwanted items for cash. We buy Appliances, Sporting Goods, Tools, Furniture, and many other items. Call David at 505-215-3998.


20YR OLD ENGLISH/ Psych double major seeking an activities partner. Looking for a confident independent woman with a great sense of humor. Email pic kevinlee505@yahoo.com


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STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

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