NM Daily Lobo 022912

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Are you relaxed yet? see page 6

February 29, 2012

wednesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Students risk torture, jail to pursue education by Megan Morris

mmorr42@unm.edu UNM student Flora Kiyan earned a degree in Iran by taking classes in living rooms and basements. She and the other students learning out of these makeshift classrooms knew that if the Iranian government discovered they were pursuing education, they would face torture and imprisonment. “There was always worry and caution. It was always with us, we had to be careful,” Kiyan said. When Kiyan came to UNM to pursue a master’s degree, she discovered the degree she earned in Iran, which came from Báha’í Institute of Higher Education, wasn’t going to be recognized by the University. When Kiyan applied to UNM for a degree in elementary education, UNM accepted only 80 of her 150 BIHE credits. In 2010, however, UNM changed its policy and now no longer accepts any BIHE credits from incoming transfer students. Gastroenterology Professor Henry Lin said the change came following a decision not to accept credits from a number of national and international universities, based on their academic rigor, and that the change was not directed specifically at BIHE. Kiyan is a member of the Báha’í faith, a world religion that began

in Persia (present-day Iran) more than 160 years ago, and whose teachings include the unity of mankind, the equality of men and women and the need for universal education. Because they face constant persecution from the Iranian government, which excludes Báha’ís from the public education system and prohibits them from pursuing degrees at Iranian universities, Báha’ís in Iran have been forced to earn college degrees in secret. UNM’s chapter of the Education Under Fire Movement hosts on-campus events promoting the rights of Báha’ís to education and freedom from discrimination. Lecturers who spoke at the Education Under Fire movement event Monday said since the religion’s founding in the 1800s, Báha’ís have been forced to leave their jobs, give up professional licenses, and have even lost the right to own property. Several years ago, the Iranian government began to tap all Báha’ís’ phones, check their mail and monitor emails. In 1987, the Báha’í community took matters into its own hands and established the Báha’í Institute for Higher Education. This informal undergraduate program gives persecuted Báha’í youth a chance to pursue higher education. Kiyan was denied access to

Iran’s universities because of her faith, a fate shared by the 300,000 Báha’ís living in Iran. “Attending BIHE was the only option I had to get an education,” Kiyan said. Kiyan enrolled in 1998, an infamous year in BIHE history in which the Iranian government organized a raid of the BIHE facility and confiscated computers, copiers, student files and books. Kiyan said BIHE students and professors had to be cautious for fear of getting caught, which would mean they would be tortured and thrown in jail. When classes were over, the professors asked students to leave in groups of two and to leave every five minutes so as not to attract the neighbors’ attention. During the lecture Monday, Kiyan discussed the underground educations program. “People would volunteer their time to be the carriers,” she said. “We would give our homework assignments to the volunteers who would drive them, despite great personal risk, to the professors in Tehran to be graded. Then the carriers drove them back to the students.” Depending on how far away the students were from the BIHE headquarters in Tehran, Kiyan said it could take up to two

see Iran PAGE 3

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Flora Kiyan speaks to students and members of the community about the persecution and torture Bahá’ís face in Iran. The Bahá’ís are fighting for the right to go to school, and hope UNM will change its stance on accepting credits from the Bahá’í university in Iran.

Continuing Ed rife with learning


by Gabriel Segovia

Luis Pinedo / Daily Lobo From left, Nickole De La O, Sophia Taulbee, Victoria Springer, Jade Sierra and Diane Anderson sing at open mic for Greek Sing in the SUB Monday night. Greek Sing is part of Greek Week, where fraternities and sororities raise money for charity.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 110

Before the grid

Headed home

See page 2

See page 9

every week,” she said. “We have all kinds of arts and projects. For cookgsegovia@unm.edu ing classes, like “One Dish DinWhether you’ve always want- ners,” students meet for three hours ed to learn how to prepare East In- a week and eat what they cook, one dian cuisine or navigate rapids in a of the main reasons many take these kayak, UNM Continuing Education classes,” McGhee said. Students can register for growth has a wealth of courses in which both students and nonstudents can and enrichment classes online any time before class begins. The cost participate. The Growth and Enrichment Pro- of classes ranges from $25, for a gram of Continuing Education offers “Money Matters,” course to $450 for “Coastal Kayathe majority of conking on Inland tinuing education “We are offering Waters,” a class courses in areas inheld at Ute Lake cluding art, music, physical education shortened classes for in which participants learn to and cooking. Marie McGhee, senior pro- people that don’t have plan and initiate multi-day sea gram manager for as much time and kayak trips, Growth and EnrichGilda Latzky ment, said a wide range of people at- have a lower budget.” has been working with the tend the classes, not Growth and Enjust degree-seeking Gilda Latzky richment prostudents. teacher gram for 13 Growth and Enyears. She teachrichment offers about 350 courses for the fall semes- es “Exploring the Cuisine of the Inter, 360 in the spring semester and dia,” one of the 19 courses she is 150 in the summer, she said. Last teaching this semester. “In this class we will learn about year, nearly 8,600 students enrolled the spices and unusual ingredients in Growth and Enrichment classes. “There are about six to 50 stu- used in this cuisine,” she said. “Indidents per class, the age groups vary an food is simple to cook and people from teenagers to retired people, see Continuing ed. PAGE 3 and we open about 10 new classes


59 | 33

PageTwo Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Posthumous exhibit plumbs early work of Taos artist by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press

TAOS, N.M. — A Taos museum has opened an exhibit of work by an abstract painter who was a quiet fixture of the local community but who was well-known in the art world for her seemingly simple and muted grid paintings. “Agnes Martin: Before the Grid” opened Feb. 25 at the Harwood Museum of Art in Taos. Martin, who died in 2004 at age 92, would have celebrated her 100th birthday in March. Each of her paintings is a unique exercise in perfect scale and proportion. The show at the Harwood is the first large posthumous exhibit of her work, and the only one to highlight such an extensive collection of paintings and drawings that predate the grids that made her famous. It took a small team of curators about two years to unravel the mystery of her artistic beginnings. Playing detective, curators read through Martin’s letters, looked through film negatives, and searched public and private art collections. Because Taos artists often give some of their works to local schools, curators also approached the school district, and were able to find some of her work in a storage closet at a high school. The hope is that the 30-plus oil portraits, watercolor landscapes and abstractions inspired by contemporaries like painter Mark Rothko will give visitors a better understanding of the evolution behind Martin’s style. “You’ll be able to go upstairs and downstairs and you’ll wind your way through her mind. You’ll walk around the room and see her mind at work,” said curator Jina Brenneman.

“You’ll see how she actually came to arrive here,” Brenneman said, referring to “The Spring,” the show’s benchmark piece. “She was a gallery goer, she was a museum goer. She had a strong visual memory so she really, really was watching what was going on around her. She wasn’t just isolated in her adobe creating grid work. She was looking.” She had her first solo exhibition at the Betty Parsons Gallery in New York in 1958. By the early 1960s, Martin was all about the penciled lines and square formats. Art critic and historian Richard Tobin of Santa Fe credited her with bringing together abstraction’s divergent streams during the 20th century. She was a quiet fixture of Taos until her death. Modest and reclusive, she threw her support behind a community swimming pool, a skateboard park and other programs for children. She spent time sitting in the Harwood’s galleries and she liked drinking martinis at Doc Martin’s Restaurant along the main street. For Martin’s centennial, the restaurant will be offering a special martini in her honor. In the museum’s storage room, Brenneman pushed apart the racks of artwork waiting to be installed. She pointed to Martin’s pieces and talked about the similarities to works by artists such as Rothko, Ad Reinhardt, and Adolph Gottlieb. Other Martin paintings — such as the New Mexico landscapes she painted in 1947 — were beautiful but unrecognizable as Martins. Martin wasn’t particularly happy with the early work. Historians contend she destroyed more than 100 of her early pieces and tried to reclaim as many as she could from friends,

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 110

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Courtesy of the Harwood Museum of Art / AP Photo This undated image provided by the Harwood Museum of Art shows Agnes Martin’s “New Mexico Mountain Landscape, Taos,” Raymond Jonson Collection. This exhibit in “Agnes Martin: Before the Grid,” opened on Saturday at the Harwood in Taos. relatives and collectors so she could dispose of them as well. “She did a great disservice to herself,” Tobin said. “I think everyone has a theory why she did it. The most current one is that she was trying to shape her legacy, which is a normal human thing.” Therein lies the controversy with the exhibition. Had Martin still been living, the show likely would not have happened. Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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Brenneman said the exhibit had to be done in Taos, a mountain community that has long been a mecca for internationally known artists and authors. “It was her home. This was a place where she decided to live and die,” Brenneman said. “Visitors can come and see the town that she chose to live in, and the people she was around are still around. They’ll be able to see what kind of life she lived.”

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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“She would have been furious because she mythologized herself and she did it on purpose,” Brenneman said. “We’re close enough to Agnes’ life that we can avoid and correct myth. I think demythologizing her is going to, in the long run, be much better for her in an art historical perspective. This makes her so much more vital.” The museum got the blessing of some of her closest friends to go ahead with the exhibition.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo


Wednesday, February 29, 2012 / Page 3

from page 1

months for an assignment to be graded and returned. “Something that is very precious to me was the resilience, the spirit of service and helpfulness,” Kiyan said. “The professors were doing a service for the students. They were not paid, and they faced the constant threat of arrest and torture at the hands of the government.” After five and a half years of study, Kiyan graduated with an undergraduate degree in American literature, and spent two years giving back as a BIHE literature teacher. Five years ago Kiyan and her family were forced to leave Iran after the government prohibited her husband from continuing his business, and Kiyan from studying

Continuing ed.

from page 1

become fascinated because once they understand the spices, cooking is no longer difficult.” Latzky also came up with the concept for a new project called “Learn at Lunch.” “We are offering shortened classes for people that don’t have as much time and have a lower budget,” she said. “They are great for learning to cook quickly. The classes are going to be at lunch time and they are going to have a lower price,” she said. The Division for Continuing Education at UNM is located at 1634 University Blvd. For more information on courses and prices, visit dce.unm.edu.

in graduate school. Education Under Fire is a movement, sponsored by Amnesty International and the Báha’í Faith, to fight human rights violations in Iran and to encourage U.S. universities to accept BIHE students into their graduate programs. An active member in this movement, Kiyan encourages everyone to sign the EUF petition (found at EducationUnderFire.com) that will be sent to the Iranian government protesting the persecution of the Báha’í people. “It’s not about me, personally,” Kiyan said. “The efforts put into Education Under Fire come from my passion in helping my fellow Báha’ís, my friends who are in jail in Iran, and the professors who dedicated their time and are now imprisoned.”

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The Daily Lobo is committed to providing you with Correction factually accurate information, and we are eager to correct Monday’s More fees needed,” the any error article, as soon“NMPIRG: as it is discovered. If you have any Daily Lobo incorrectly reported that NMPIRG received information regarding a mistake in the newspaper or online, a grant of $75,000 the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. please contactfrom editorinchief@dailylobo.com. This grant went to Sustainability Studies, with whom NMPIRG filed a joint Student Fee Review Board request.

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Wednesday February 29, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


LETTER Protesters’ actions smack of censorship Editor, I just wanted to say thank you to the brave men and women of (un)Occupy Albuquerque for what they did on Thursday. For a while, it seemed that UNM students were in danger of being able to hear information and then being able to make a decision about it for themselves based on the evidence that they heard. To assure that something horrible like this never happens again, we should make sure that in the future, all guests are vetted and approved prior to speaking by (un)Occupy. These brave souls, the self-appointed guardians of truth and morality for UNM, have done us all a huge favor by not letting people speak who have different points of view. I think they’re really onto something. I think it would be great if (un)Occupy started a UNM censorship club. It could sponsor public book burnings on campus so UNM students could be freed from the worry of reading anything that might be considered controversial. Freedom of speech and the Constitution/Bill of Rights are obsolete. We need new laws: only speech that offends no one and is approved by the selfless and wise (un)Occupy will be allowed. Thank you for camping out on our campus to protest the banks, but not actually showing up to the banks or IRS to protest them in person. I agree with you, our campus is a lot nicer place to protest, the soft grass in Yale Park, the trendy location, and it’s close to many food shops, which is convenient as well. But most of all, thank you for not allowing invited guests at UNM to speak. The student body at UNM is definitely not mature enough to be able to handle information that is not pre-approved and filtered by (un)Occupy. Thank you so much for your efforts. Don’t listen to all those people who say you “embarrassed” our school, or “set us back.” They’re just jealous of your bravery and ability to shout down old people. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for fighting for a campus free from choice, information and decisions not based on groupthink. You have made the world, and our campus, a better place. Thank you. P.S.: On a serious note, I thought that it was hilarious and ironic that on Friday there was an article about society collapsing, and then the next week articles about violence/ arrests on campus. Synchronicity? Sean Cortazar UNM student

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REPORTERS apply @ unmjobs.unm.edu LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


Bamboozlement obstructs conversion by Devon Stevens

Daily Lobo columnist I’m not entirely sure Christians know what they have to do to convince atheists of their position. I suppose this makes sense because, before the 19th century, all Christians had to do was burn the heretic at the stake, rather than have a debate with them. So the entire argument is a relatively new one with very little practice. I am therefore going to outline what a Christian must do to convince me that batting for Christ’s team is the way to go. These steps will go a long way toward eliminating the silly and often repetitive statements Christians make when they hand me a pamphlet and engage in an hour-long, fruitless conversation. The first thing I need to be convinced of is not theological, but must be done if I am to listen to any argument. It is, simply, that I must be convinced the Christian is not a con artist. That is to say, that they are not trying to bamboozle me out of my money, my happiness, or any of my possessions, or my friend’s happiness, money, etc. This is very difficult to do when you are leading a church, though not so difficult if you are a fellow off the street. The difference is pocketbook size. Religions often preach that poverty is next to divinity, but

from Hinduism to Christianity, it seems that the church leaders have a hard time with this fundamental concept. The second thing you must convince me of is very much tied to the first, and that is you must convince me that you are not being led by a con artist. This is a good deal harder, as I am now questioning your minister. If you listen to TV evangelists, you are going to be out of luck because there is no way you can make me believe that those fat, loud, psychotic pricks are in religion for any reason other than to line their pockets. Now, you have real work to do. Because you have to convince me of the validity of your position. There are several ways to do this. The easiest would be to have God tell me he exists. Because this is impossible both in a theological worldview (a man calling God on a whim is absurd) and in an atheistic worldview, most Christians fall back on either an argument of design or on appeals to mortality and morals. The Bible cannot be used in this debate because I do not view it as valid. This is something Christians need to understand. I do not care what the Good Book says any more than I care about what the Quran says. So stop trying to use it to convince me. I don’t believe it is the Word of God. If I did, we would be killing each other over

our interpretations of the Word rather than whether it is divine. Telling me that I wouldn’t have morals without a creator is absurd. Being young, I’m not particularly swayed with the threats of hell or by Pascal’s cheap gambit. And even if I were, that’s still not a good reason to believe, and may indeed be the worst reason to believe, given what Christians keep telling me about Yahweh’s character. Instead, the argument for design is the most logical way to go, even if fairly weak, if only because when going this route, the Christian now has to know more about genetics and cosmology than I do and that is extremely doubtful. Yet, this is probably the easiest way to go. Let’s say you’ve convinced me that the world is designed. You, however, are not done yet. There are more than 1,000 religions and spiritual traditions, most of which have a creation myth of some sort. To get me to accept that it was Yahweh the ancient Hebrew sky-god who created the world, you now have to disprove every single other religion, and even if you convince me that it’s Yahweh I should be praying to, you now have to stop me from going over to the Jews or the Muslims. If you can do all that, then I will be a Christian.

LETTER Crude political cartoons fail to entertain readers Editor, Political caricatures are awesome. As someone who has experienced different higher education systems internationally, and has been exposed to varying degrees of student expression via mediums like independent student newspapers, allow me to draw your attention to a freedom you are privileged to have. You’re able to expose, critique, analyze and feature virtually any topic you like, and cartoons are an important component of this. Political caricatures are a great medium of critique to depict the basic premise of a topic in an entertaining, ironic and somewhat informative way. I mean, there’s a reason why they’re in history books, right? This type of organized expression isn’t commonplace everywhere, so

acknowledge this liberty and, furthermore, keep it classy. The Daily Lobo cartoonist, Juan Tabone, has been and continues to blatantly exploit this freedom in a desperately un-classy way. Last semester, he reiterated the same hollow, crude and frankly primitive style of argument within the ink of the majority of his cartoons. Tabone’s material from Monday’s newspaper features the winner of the “How stoopid are yoo?” prize, depicted as a white, overbuilt,. overweight and “Jeezus”-loving male; apparently believing that the birth control pill causes abortion defines his appallingly low “eye-cue.” I’m disappointed in the Lobo for allowing distasteful material to be published under “Juan’s Opinion” … wait, my apologies, I meant “Lobo Opinion.” Look, as a woman, physics and applied mathematics double major, French minor and Christ-lover via Catholicism, I conclude on the analysis of this cartoon: It is stupid. Please impart some leadership skills onto your cartoonist and encourage him to competently devote his drawing skills and create tastefully

ironic commentary on something relevant. As a political caricature fan and a very strong supporter of free press, I think every Lobo would appreciate more intellectual presence in your cartoon sector. Maria Benitez-Jones UNM student

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


Putin may owe thanks to tanks by Peter Leonard

The Associated Press NIZHNY TAGIL, Russia — If Vladimir Putin reclaims the Russian presidency in this weekend’s election, he’ll owe a word of gratitude to this bleak industrial outpost known for making military tanks. In December, amid a stunning wave of protests against Putin over fraud-stained elections, the city of smoke-belching factories 1,400 kilometers (900 miles) east of Moscow forced its way into the national consciousness: The tank plant’s workers issued an impassioned manifesto voicing disgust with the demonstrators. “While we work round the clock in our factories and make products that earn the state money, they roam the streets bawling for their rights,” the workers declared. For the Kremlin, it was a public relations coup that allowed Putin to project the sense that the Russian heartland still loved him. The reality was a bit different: Less than a third of the city of 370,000 people voted for Putin’s party in the tainted December parliamentary poll — far lower than the national average. What mattered most for Putin, however, was the imagery contrasting protesters in Moscow and St. Petersburg, dismissed by the Kremlin as rich spoiled urbanites, with Putin’s traditional blue-collar support base — which he portrays as the “real Russia.” The tank factory allowed Putin to cast himself as the working man’s hero — and sure enough, his approval rating has crept up gradually. Nizhny Tagil became an emblem of the values Putin is striving to foster: hard work, order and full-throated loyalty to the leadership. A pro-Putin rally by workers at

the Uralvagonzavod plant on Dec. 24, the same day as a massive protest in Moscow, “proved a lifesaver for Kremlin strategists and government officials in the region,” said political analyst Sergei Moshkin. A nationally televised call-in show with Putin included a video link to the Uralvagonzavod plant, where a cadre of workers stood stonily as their spokesman, Igor Kholmanskikh, vowed that he and his colleagues would help clear the streets of protesters if the police failed to do so. Kholmanskikh, who has become the poster boy for a campaign aimed at drawing the working class vote, traveled to Moscow in late February for a giant pro-Putin rally, where he denounced “those loafers who are always grumbling.” Yet for all that, few among the steady trickle of employees trailing out of the Uralvagonzavod plant at the end of a recent shift appeared enthusiastic about Sunday’s election in which Putin, currently prime minister, seeks to return to the presidency he held from 2000 to 2008. “Voting won’t settle anything,” said 27-year-old welder Sergei Zubov. “Putin is going to win whatever happens, that much is clear.” For others, however, the memories of the turbulent 1990s, when salaries often went unpaid for months, are a strong inducement to vote for a leader whose tenure in power has been marked by stability and steadily rising prosperity. “Most people are worried about the prospect of more crises and they are sick of revolutions,” said 41-yearold Oleg Libin, who has worked at Uralvagonzavod for 15 years. Nizhny Tagil, despite a sprinkling of shiny new shops and restaurants, is largely a grim landscape of sooty neighborhoods,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 / Page 5

muddy, rutted roads and creaking government buildings. Disappointment with the state of the city’s roads, schools and hospitals led to Putin’s United Russia party earning a dismal 32 percent of the vote in December’s parliamentary elections in Nizhny Tagil — well below the national total of just under 50 percent. Putin needs to win more than half the national vote on Sunday if he is to avoid a second round. The nationalist Liberal Democratic Party and the Communists, both of which have fielded presidential candidates, scored 18 percent and 17 percent of the vote, respectively, in Nizhny Tagil. But Putin’s camp appears to be counting on the Uralvagonzavod workers to carry the day. Their company is a monolithic presence in the city, which should make the employees’ involvement in political campaigning crucial. Uralvagonzavod chief executive Oleg Siyenko “very, very much wants not just to help Putin, but to do it demonstratively, to prostrate himself and show his loyalty,” said Moshkin. Indeed, speculation is rife that Uralvagonzavod workers’ burst of enthusiasm for Putin was initiated by the management. Uralvagonzavod billboards promising a vibrant future for Nizhny Tagil are ubiquitous in the city. On some roads those billboards are interspersed with giant Putin campaign posters. The implication is hard to miss: The only way is Putin’s way. Putin promised in September to pump more than $2 billion into developing the company, once renowned for churning out the nimble T-34 tanks that were instrumental in the Red Army’s defeat of invading Nazi forces.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 03/31/12

Spring 2012 Field Research Grants For research in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal


The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII), with funding from the Tinker Foundation, announces the availability of Field Research Grants (FRGs) for graduate student and faculty research. FRGs support research projects in Latin America and Iberia that require limited time in the field. Awards typically cover airfare and some in-country travel and field expenses. Visit laii.unm.edu/node/84 for application and guidelines.

Application Deadline: Monday, March 19, 2012 by 5pm in the LAII (801 Yale Blvd NE)


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New Mexico Daily Lobo


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The Associated Press

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( be watching: were 4(-$#5(6"7(#8/"9 the competi" #5 4(-$#5(6"7(#8/"9 " tor’s knees locked? Were the wrists !"#$%&'()*"+,+%-".%"-/+"0123$+" :;9<"(=" straight? Did the forehead :;9<"(=" and the #5 4(-$#5(6"7(#8/"9 " "#$!%&'()!*+,-.)*%)-/0! knee connect? If not, points are go! "#$!%&'()!*+,-.)*%)-/0! ing to be lost. ! :;9<"(=" +!.,/0!+(10(( Seeking the perfect pose+!.,/0!+(10(( will be "#$!%&'()!*+,-.)*%)-/0! """2+%&&,&..%+%234'( the order of the day at the !National ( """2+%&&,&..%+%234'( '4+!(,&54+'10,4&(1#4%0(!"#$%&'(10(( +!.,/0!+(10(( ( Yoga Asana Championship, being """2%&'2!6%78!"# '4+!(,&54+'10,4&(1#4%0(!"#$%&'(10(( put on March 2-4 by an organiza"""2+%&&,&..%+%234'( """2%&'2!6%78!"# ( tion that wants to see yoga asana, '4+!(,&54+'10,4&(1#4%0(!"#$%&'(10(( or posture, competition become an """2%&'2!6%78!"# Olympic sport. Wait, competitive yoga? Isn’t that counterintuitive to something that’s usually presented as a spiritual, meditative discipline? Not according to Rajashree Choudhury, who founded USA Yoga, which is holding the competition. First of all, she says, the focus is on yoga postures. “I’m not trying to measure anybody’s ‘eight states,’” she said, referring the meditative and spiritual aspect of yoga practice. “The posture can be competitive.” Participants must do a series of seven yoga poses in three minutes. Five are compulsory — standing head-to-knee pose, standing bow-pulling pose, bow pose, rabbit pose and stretching pose. The participants are allowed to pick the last two poses themselves. The poses show “how someone can have perfect strength, balance, flexibility in the body,” Choudhury said. Competitors who have come in first or second in state meets are expected from 32 states. The New York competition is March 2; the national Seth Wenig / AP Photo semi-finals on March 3 and the finals on March 4. The winners will Yoga teacher Kyoko Katsura demonstrates handstand scorpion, one of the poses that could be take part in an international com- seen during the National Yoga Asana Championships in New York. Katsura will be a competing petition scheduled for June in Los in the national competition, which will take place from March 2-4 in New York City. Angeles. #5

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Help make our dream come true and support your UNM Alumni. Please vote online for couple #3 Mark & Maurisa! !!!"#$%&'()!'%%*+,"-.) !

Help make our dream come true and support your UNM Alumni. Please vote online for couple #3 Mark & Maurisa! "#$%&'!(&)*!+,-,./0.1! !!!"#$%&'()!'%%*+,"-.) !! "#$%&'!(&)*!+,-,./0.1!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 / Page 7

swim and dive

Swimmers break seven records, win zero events by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com Even though the team finished in sixth place this past weekend in the women’s MWC swim and dive championships in Oklahoma City, the Lobos brought back two of the conference’s best. Senior diver Ashlee Erickson and diving coach Abel Sanchez were named the best diver and diving coach, respectively, in the conference. Erickson won both of the diving events in the competition, the 1-meter and 3-meter dives. “It feels awesome. I am very honored,” Erickson said. She won the 1-meter dive with a score of 311.85 and the 3-meter dive with a score of 326.35. Earlier this year, she won MWC diver of the week for three weeks in a row. Her scores qualify her for the NCAA zones meet this coming weekend. Sanchez said he wasn’t surprised that Erickson won both events and that expected her to do well all season. “All year long I have thought this year she has been the strongest 1-meter diver,” he said. “She has been undefeated all year except for one meet. It’s definitely a testament to how good she is.”

Erickson said Sanchez made her focus on a different part of diving this year, which helped her improve. “We really focused on the mental side of competing and practicing and how that works,” she said. “Knowing how to stay relaxed and focused and go all out on every single dive.”

“The Mountain West has gotten to be a really fast conference.” ~Tracy Ljone head swim coach Sanchez’s coach of the year award is his second in a row, but he said it’s his divers that made the award possible. “It’s good, however, all of the recognition should go to the divers — they are the ones who did all of the work,” he said. Sophomore diver Megan Harper and freshman diver Michole Timm will accompany Erickson to the NCAA zones. All three were named the all-MWC team for the 1-meter and 3-meter dives.

The NCAA zones is a qualifying meet with the best divers from around the country, where the top eight finishers compete in the national diving competition. Sanchez said he hopes at least one of his divers will make the national competition. “I think all three of them have a great chance of qualifying to the next level,” he said. “It would be a great feat for New Mexico to get one diver in, if we get two it’s short of a miracle, if we get three it is miracle.” For the swim team, the sixth place finish all but ends its season. UNM did, however, break seven school records in the MWC meet, even though it failed to win any race in the meet. Swimmers broke records held for the 200-yard medley, 100-yard butterfly, 200-yard freestyle relay, 400-yard freestyle relay, 100-yard breaststroke, 200-yard breaststroke and 200-yard backstroke. Head swim coach Tracy Ljone said the fact that the Lobos broke school records and still didn’t win a race is a testament to how tough the competition was. “The Mountain West has gotten to be a really fast conference,” she said. “We didn’t win any, but the conference is very competitive.”

Courtesy photo Over the weekend, UNM diving head coach Abel Sanchez earned his second Mountain West Diving Coach of the Year award, and senior diver Ashlee Erickson won the Diver of the Year award. Erickson took the 1-meter and 3-meter springboard diving events at the MWC Swimming and Diving Championships last weekend in Oklahoma City.


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Page 8 / Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Qualified coach gets fast promotion

Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)


by Nathan Farmer


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The football team has added two more coaches to its roster — well, sort of. After former defensive coordinator Ron West left UNM earlier this month for a coaching spot at Arizona State, head coach Bob Davie announced Jeff Mills will take over the position. Mills was originally hired in January as a defensive backs coach, but has now been promoted to the defensive coordinator position. Davie also hired Kevin Cosgrove as the new linebackers coach. Davie said after getting to know Mills during the past few weeks at UNM, he knew he would be the right coach for the position. “Over the past month, it became clear to me that Jeff Mills has all the qualities I am looking for in a defensive coordinator,� Davie said. Mills racked up 10 years of experience as a defensive coordinator during his time at Idaho, Nevada and Youngstown State, but he said he did not expect to become the defensive coordinator just one month after being hired. “No, I wasn’t expecting it,� he said. “Originally when I was hired here in January it was to coach the defensive backs, but it’s a role I have served at three other universities.� Mills was hired from Washington this year, where he was the secondary coach for the past three seasons. He arrived at Washington just as the team wrapped up a 0-12 season, and then made back-to back bowl games the following two seasons. He said he plans to do that at UNM as well. He will have his work cut out for him, after UNM gave up more than 490 yards per game last season. Opposing teams averaged 41.7 points per game against the Lobos during the 2011 season.

Jeff Mills Mills said he is not going to dwell on past seasons and will, instead, focus on what’s in front of them. “It’s about effort first — that’s the starting point, we really aren’t looking backward, just forward, all we can control today,â€? he said. “From there we are going to look at fundamentals and focus on proper fundamentals at each position.â€? Cosgrove joins UNM as the linebackers coach with 32 years of experience and 17 years as a defensive coordinator. He has spent 25 years coaching in the Big 10 at Nebraska and Wisconsin and has coached in 16 bowl games, including four Rose Bowls. Davie said Cosgrove has the coaching experience needed to help turn UNM’s struggling football program around. “I’ve known Kevin Cosgrove personally for a long time,â€? he said. “Certainly, his coaching rĂŠsumĂŠ speaks for itself.â€? Cosgrove spent 14 seasons at Wisconsin and in 2008 was inducted into the Wisconsin Football Coaches Hall of Fame. Former Badgers head coach Barry Alvarez said during his time at Wisconsin, Cosgrove was one of the best coaches. “Kevin did an unbelievable job for us and a big part of our success was because of what he did,â€? he said. “In addition to being a great coach, he’s one of the very best recruiters I’ve ever been around.â€?


*For information, base access and permission to register, call 260-1354. Because of Air Force policies, you must call no later than the date indicated above in order to take a class at Kirtland Air Force Base. Email: kafb@unm.edu t 8FCTJUF http://kafb.unm.edu ,JSUMBOE "JS 'PSDF #BTF &EVDBUJPO $FOUFS 8ZPNJOH 4& 3N

Daily Lobo: Size: 3 col x 7� Run dates: Feb 20, 21, 22 and Feb 27, 28, 29


Lobo Football 2012 new head coach Bob Davie home game schedule tba this fall

the next generation of Lobo Football


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 / Page 9

men’s basketball

Title to be decided at home by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu There’s no place like home — especially after the week the Lobos just went through. The men’s basketball team took a road trip last week, one day after jumping into the top 25 in every major college basketball poll. Back-to-back losses to Colorado State and TCU dropped the Lobos back into a three-way tie for first place in the MWC with UNLV and San Diego State. UNM also dropped out of all the top-25 polls. “We got both teams’ best effort and we didn’t handle it very well,” head coach Steve Alford said. “We got ranked late in the year, and maybe that was part of last week; our guys were ranked for the first time, (there was) lot of emotion going into last week and obviously didn’t play well.” The Lobos now get to finish the last two games of the regular season at home. “We know we’ve got a difficult test ahead of us, but I’m glad we’re playing at home in front of our crowd and in our Pit,” Alford said. UNM (22-6, 8-4 MWC), takes on Air Force (13-13, 3-9 MWC) tonight. The Falcons struggled out of the gates in conference, losing seven of their first eight games. Days after an 18-point loss to Colorado State

on Feb. 4, Falcons head coach Jeff Reynolds was fired. Since Reynolds’ firing, Air Force is just 2-3, but did beat then-No. 13 San Diego State less than two weeks ago.

Despite the struggles of late, Alford continues to keep a positive attitude “We’re not sure what they’re going to be running now that they’ve got a new coach,” senior forward Drew Gordon said. “So it’s going to be like playing a new team.” Air Force junior guard Michael Lyons has been the lone bright spot for the Falcons this season. He is second in the Mountain West in scoring with 15.3 points per game, just behind San Diego State’s Jamaal Franklin with 18.2 points per game. Lyons was key in his team’s upset win against the Aztecs by scoring a game-high 27 points and has kept his team in games since then. “After doing a good job of taking care of CSU and TCU the first time, hitting the road they were two different teams with a

lot of momentum,” sophomore guard Kendall Williams said. “Air Force has a lot of momentum.” The Lobos hope to grab some momentum themselves after giving up a two-game lead in the conference with two games remaining. Despite the struggles of late, Alford continues to keep a positive attitude. “I keep saying it, we’re 22-6, we’re in first place in the league that’s ranked fifth in the country,” Alford said. “These guys have done an unbelievable job. I couldn’t be more proud of them individually or collectively as a team.” Unlike last season, UNM controls its destiny to another conference title. “We’re battling for our third title in four years,” Alford said. “And that’s an accomplishment that these kids have really worked for.”

Men’s Basketball vs. Airforce

The Pit Tonight, 6 p.m.

Adria Malcolm/ Daily Lobo UNM junior forward Chad Adams gets a rebound during the game against UNLV Feb. 18 at The Pit. After two road losses, the Lobos are seeking a win at home over Air Force tonight at 6 p.m.


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London colors up for games by Danica Kirka

The Associated Press


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LONDON — For athletes, the Olympics are about the gold. For London organizers, the Olympics are about the pink, the purple and the orange — colors that will give the 2012 games an immediately recognizable look. Cities, towns and hamlets all over Britain are getting ready for their once-in-a-lifetime TV close-ups. Take Mole Valley, a community of 80,000 near London that is hosting the Olympic cycling road race. It has asked residents to plant dahlias, petunias and sunflowers in Olympic-approved shades so when the riders swish past on July 28-29, television viewers will be left seeing swishes of pink, purple and orange. It’s not an accident: Making


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Britain memorable is considered critical to the long-term success of the games. “What will people be reminded of when they pull out the T-shirt, the pin?” asked Greenwich University marketing department professor Peter Vlachos. “Will they remember London or the Olympics?” Work is being done now in hopes that viewers — and potential tourists in particular — fondly remember the U.K. and not just the sports. Britain’s leaders will spend 9.3 billion pounds ($14.6 billion) on the games, but hope that tourism and outside investments will repay billions in revenue over time. A barge carrying huge Olympic rings is sailing down the Thames on Tuesday, a precursor of photo opportunities to come. Local neighborhoods without the money to hire a barge for the day need only consult Olympic organizers’ “Look Book” to get ideas — and purchase materials — to festoon their buildings in games-approved decor. London’s look is predominantly pink, aqua blue, yellow, purple and green — big colors in shards that slash at the edges of Olympic banners. “The people who are running these things and their paymasters and mistresses have convinced themselves that you hold these things to sell yourselves to the world,” said David Goldblatt, who wrote “How to Watch the Olympics,” with co-author Johnny Acton. “The selling of brand GB (Great Britain) /London is at the heart of the rationale.” This is not an idea unique to London. Hollywood-conscious Los Angeles recognized in 1932 that the games offered a platform for selling its image as the capital of glitz and sun. Organizers planted palm trees along Wilshire Boulevard, making it seem bigger, more stately — a feel that is readily identifiable as Californian. “If people are going to take pictures, you’ve got to dress the set,” Goldblatt said. “The genius of Los Angeles is that they realized it.” Then Los Angeles supplied the cast, having Hollywood stars appear at the Olympic Village. Screen idols like Mary Pickford hosted parties. The Marx Brothers went to athletics events. Movie mogul Louis B. Mayer had athletes over for coffee. Although it’s a world away from Los Angeles, cycling venue Mole Valley is beside itself with



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Creating Motivation for Change Workshop Starts at: 3:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to resolve ambivalence about changing behaviors in this one-part workshop. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Enroll online at http://shac.unm.edu/forms/counselingworkshops.html or call 277-4537. Social Success Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to deal effectively with anxiety in so-

Can you write good and do other good stuff good, too?

excitement, planning British street parties, contests for kids and welcome centers for tourists. “The games will put Surrey on the map,” said Denise Saliagopoulos of the Surrey County Council, who predicts the games will attract 1 million tourists a year. No one is forcing any community to take part: banner hanging and flower planting are optional. In London, organizers will hang the Olympic rings from the famous Tower Bridge. Light displays are also planned. In a separate move, Olympic organizers also are working to keep out any advertisers trying to sneak in a publicity stunt. Organizers have imposed strict advertising regulations along the route to protect Olympic sponsors from unwanted competition. “Where a company deliberately attempts to create an authorized association with London 2012 we will take swift and firm action,” organizers said in a statement. London’s Olympics organizers aren’t really talking too much about look yet, preferring to wait until a big launch in the spring. One might say they are a tad media-shy, as their early attempts at a unified look have not been met with acclaim. The unveiling of the 2012 London logo was met by a wave of derision. Iranian hard-liners complained that the squarish design spelled out the word “Zion” as opposed to the numerals “2012.” Impromptu contests sprang up in the blogosphere to offer alternative logos featuring icons like Big Ben or the London Eye. But that doesn’t mean organizers won’t go to great lengths to make sure London and other sites hosting the games look just so. The marathon route originally was supposed to go through gritty areas in east London where the Olympic Park is located. But, mindful of television images, organizers rerouted the race so it now passes classic London landmarks. Civic leaders in east London, however, were outraged. After six years of living next to one of Europe’s biggest construction projects, they were hoping to reap the benefits of being on the world stage. “It just makes you feel as if they were completely ashamed of that part of London,” said Andrew Boff, a Conservative politician. “It didn’t fit with TV angles.”

If you just thought to yourself, “Hmm, sure!” then please apply to be a reporter via


Event Calendar

for February 29, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier!

cial situations in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Enroll online at http://shac.unm. edu/forms/counseling-workshops.html. Lobo Men’s Basketball Starts at: 6:00pm Location: The PIT Come support you Lobos as they take on the Falcons from Air Force. Student admission is FREE. Poetry Workshop: Prompts and Circumstances Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd.

Find inspiration for your poetry in the unexpected: group prompts, odd prompts, timed prompts, surprising prompts. Don’t be afraid to write outside of your comfort zone. NOVA Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Center for the Arts Rodey Theatre blazes with the choreography of UNM’s stellar dance faculty in NOVA. Featuring the dazzling talent of the students in the dance program. Jack & Jill Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB Theater-Rm 1003

Semester Pass-$15, UNM Students-$2, Faculty/Staff-$2.50, and Public-$3.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Welcome Back: New Lithographs at Tamarind Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute New lithographs from 2011, back from their successful New York City Debut. Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel.

One Dish Dinners Starts at: 6:00pm Location: Los Altos Christian Church Enjoy an evening of cooking and eating with a seasoned caterer/instructor that has over 35 years experience. Discover a whole variety of one dish meals that only need a salad added for a complete meal! Stiffed Starts at: 7:00pm Location: KiMO Theatre 423 FREE ADMISSION - Not recommended for children under the age of 17. Written, Produced and Edited by Devin O’Leary. Join us for the DVD release party, courtesy of film!

lobo features Los Angeles Times Daily W ,F 29, 2012 / P Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE FEBRUARY 29, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis dailycrossword



Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s puzzle:

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku



“DeďŹ nitely the comics, I read them everyday.â€?

ACROSS 1 Defense lawyers’ adversaries, for short 5 Otherwise 10 Smidgen 14 Certain 15 Motored 16 Agitate 17 Member of Hook’s band 18 Ear-related 19 Time-half link 20 Shooter of soft confections 23 Gp. that issues canine pedigrees 24 Blue wearer, usually 25 In reserve 26 Satchel __, aptly named dog in the comic “Get Fuzzyâ€? 28 Make fun of 31 Beatty of “Deliveranceâ€? 32 Formal coif, perhaps 33 More sleazy 36 Minor motoring mishaps 40 Exercise popularized by Jim Fixx 41 Tennis do-overs 43 JFK alternative in NYC 46 Certain stove filler 47 In a convincing way 48 Palmer with an army 50 Show about Capote 52 Avenues of access 53 Strains credulity 58 Rock’s partner 59 “... never see __ lovely as ...â€?: Kilmer 60 Build a tree house 62 Chevy subcompact 63 __ firma 64 MĂśtley __ 65 Greenhorn




By Donna S. Levin

66 Overwhelm, or a relative of the first syllable of 20-, 36-, or 53-Across 67 Overdone publicity DOWN 1 Obstinate beast 2 Dolt 3 Alaska’s 907, e.g. 4 Clairvoyant 5 Where Moscow is 6 Dowdy dresser 7 Author Ephron 8 Racetrack 9 Tattle 10 Sketched 11 Welcome, as a new year 12 Moniker for Mussolini 13 Hit with a pitch, in a way 21 Academic inst. 22 Seeped 23 Kwik-E-Mart proprietor on “The Simpsons� 27 “And� or “or,� e.g.: Abbr. 28 Overly enthusiastic 29 “I’m all for that!�

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

30 Pizazz 33 Bell-shaped lily 34 Therefore 35 Depend (on) 37 Fastening pin 38 Oil plant 39 Gets to one’s feet 42 Jun. grads 43 Maze runner 44 Old-style “Cool!� 45 Rod-and-reel wielder


47 Mooch, as a smoke 49 Domed home 50 Heat unit 51 Plot anew 54 Welcome sign for a hungry traveler 55 Eject, as lava 56 When tripled, a 1970 war film 57 Waistline unit 61 Golf bag item



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Looking for You SEEKING INDIVIDUAL MALE Hispanic who was a donor for the UNM Reproductive Endocrinology Department in 1990, working then in the library system. If you have information, please call 766-7641.

Services CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Free consultation/ reasonable rates/ student discount. Quinn Kirby 505-750-1398. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

Apartments ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735 including utilities. 2462038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. VERY SPECIAL 1BDRM in duplex. Nob Hill area. Hardwood floors, fenced yard, off-street parking. Pet OK. Water paid. $625 +$500 deposit. 268-1964.

1BDRM HARDWOOD FLOORS. Fenced yard. Off-street parking. Pets okay. 1115 Wilmoore SE. $515/mo. $500dd. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent NOB HILL THREE BDRM 2BATH, large yard, W/D, pets OK, available now, $1500/mo +utilities. 414 Carlisle SE, call for appointment. 505-412-2261.

Rooms For Rent BASEMENT BDRM WITH BA share kitchen and living with others, 4 blocks from UNM, $405/mo, includes utilities and wifi. 239-0570 or 252-9227. QUIET/ CLEAN FEMALE roommate wanted. 2BD, 1BA. 1min walk to UNM &North campus shuttle. $388/mo +utilities. NS, no drugs/ pets. Available end of April. 575-418-7648. $350/MO INCLUDING UTILITIES. Lobo Village continuing lease for male. Immediate move in. Fully furnished with cable and internet. Please contact Lucas Perez 505-814-3200. Email lf perez@unm.edu



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LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share 4BDRM house on North Campus, $400/mo +1/4utilities, available now, call/ text 263-9708.

Grand Opening March 2nd

New Mexico Daily Lobo

2BDRMS IN 4BDRM house. W/D, living, kitchen, basement, 2BA. $350/mo +utilities. Closer to campus than Redondo dorms. UNM student, sophomore+. Matt 505-620-9921, Nick 505-554-0580. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu

For Sale 500 NEW ARRIVALS • Bradley’s Books, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Inside Winning Coffee. Credit/debit cards now welcome. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. Call 8219426. 2011 VILANO 24SPEED road bike 700c, black, great condition, shifts smoothly, 24lb., Shimano Components, double walled wheels, $275OBO.505-503-9441.

Vehicles For Sale

SMALL PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE hiring PT administrative assistant. Must be able to work EVERY Saturday and at least two days during the week for a total of approximately 15-20hrs/wk. Must be computer literate and able to touch type at least 45WPM. Duties include medical records, filing, cleaning patient rooms and patient care. Must have reliable transportation and 3 references. Email resumes to Ltogami@sleeptreat ment.com Pay $8+ DOE. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. MR. POWDRELL’S BBQ on EAST CENTRAL is looking for cashier/counter, Busser and Prep Cooks. Please apply in person at 11301 Central N.E. after 2pm Monday thru Saturday. Part time and Full time Available.

3109 Central Ave. NE In Nob Hill Yannisandopabar.com 505.268.9250

February is Lobo Appreciation Month at Yanni’s Mediterranean Bar & Grill We love our Lobos! 10% off your entrée with a valid UNM ID during Lunch (11:00am-3:00pm) Restrictions apply

MALE ASSISTANT NEEDED By bookman/spiritual director. Mornings Preferred. 25hrs/wk. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

2000 HYUNDAI ELANTRA. Looks/ drives great. Excellent condition! 34mi/gallon. $3,700. 933-1782. FORD 2004 RANGER. 116K. Excellent condition. Looks/runs great! $4,200. 505-933-1782.

Child Care

SHIFT LEADER Immediate Openings!!! UNM Student Union Building Work in a fast & friendly workplace on campus.

RESPONSIBLE STUDENT WANTED for child care for toddler. Half days, flexible times. Experience required. Near campus. 505-554-3566.

Required: Min 1yr supervisory experience in restaurants. Open availability including weekends.

Jobs Off Campus

Apply Online: www.flyingstarcafe.com

CHRISTIAN CDC LOOKING for assistant teachers for ages 6 wks - 5 yrs old and a lead teacher for 2/3 year olds. For more info visit http://childrenspromisecenters. org/about-us/join-our-staff SERVERS FOR CATERING company needed, professional appearance, previous experience helpful, flexible schedule, call Sharon 804-8000 or 880-0057. HONEST PT CASHIER needed for fun shop in Old Town. Able to work a variety of shifts. Apply in person. 301 Romero St NW. CAREGIVERS AND COMPANIONS needed for non-medical home care agency. Assist seniors and disabled adults with the activities of daily living. Fulfilling employment and flexible schedules. Excellent experience especially for students in nursing or health sciences. Training provided. Please apply on-line at www.Rightathome.net/Albuquerque CARING MENTORS NEEDED to tutor children in after school reading program. Must be available 2-6 pm, M-F. Applications without required availability cannot be considered. $10.50 hr, up to 20hrs/wk. Experience with school-age children preferred. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE.

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UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330).


Jobs On Campus BUSY ESPRESSO CAFE at UNM hospital needs a talented barista. Apply online at hospitals.unm.edu requisition # 11519290 position “Clerk Retail.”

Year Round Garden Supply NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

Indoor Garden Supplies • hydroponics • indoor grow lights • and organics! www.ahlgrows.com 1051 San Mateo Blvd SE • 255-3677

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