NM Daily Lobo 030711

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Great expectations


see page 9

M a rc h 7 , 2 0 1 1

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Alumni office renovations run over $2M budget by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

The amalgamation of construction tape, scaffolding and plastic sheets known as Hodgin Hall has been out of service for more than a year, and it’s also nearly $1 million over budget. The original renovation budget was $2 million, according to University Communications and Marketing, but the budget is now $2,937,497, according to a document from UNM Office of Capital Projects, and officials said they underestimated the amount of renewal and replacement the project required. The building first went under construction in March 2010 and will reopen to the public in September. Hodgin Hall houses the UNM Alumni Association and the UNM Alumni Relations Office. Regent Don Chalmers said it’s vital to fund the center because alumni are the University’s future donors. “Keeping in touch with them to get their support in many ways, financial and in the Legislature, is extremely important for a university,” he said. UNM alumni donated $18.1 million in gifts to UNM during 2009-10, almost a quarter of all gifts made out to the University, according to the UNM Foundation’s Annual Report of Giving. These donations went to

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo Construction worker Eric Chavez prepares a door before it’s installed at Hodgin Hall, UNM’s oldest building. The hall, which has been under construction for more than a year, is almost $1 million over budget.

scholarships and not construction. To fund construction, state general funds contributed $100,000 in 2005. The project received $183,800 in general funding in 2007. The center also received more than $1.1 million from a severance tax bond, and $1.5 million from UNM system Revenue Bonds. Alumni Relations Associate Vice President Karen Abraham said the center will reopen in September. She said the regents designated Hodgin Hall for the alumni center in 2005. “It didn’t have any state-of-theart facilities, and the electrical systems were not very good,” she said. “We went to the legislature and got about 40 legislators to give an average of about $2,500 each to help support renovations of the building.” Abraham said alumni will raise money to maintain the building once the renovations are done. Capital Projects Group Manager Mike Reid said the renovation crew dealt with difficulties when fixing up the 100-year-old building. “There were instances where they had to remove a lot of the walls, almost 50 percent, because they were running new wiring and new IT,” he said. Rick Henrard, also a group manager for Capital Projects, said part of the building’s fire code was out

see Budget page 5

Gay rights protests stop traffic House says no more

immigrant licenses

by Cody Jo

codythelion@gmail.com As many as 250 brightly dressed protesters marched in support of gay marriage and civil rights Saturday afternoon in Nob Hill. The pack of supporters unfurled rainbow banners, shook tambourines, beat drums and chanted as they marched west on Central Avenue toward University Boulevard just before 1 p.m. Organizer and student Brittany Arneson headed the action, directing the chants and rallying the crowd. “We are here to defend a simple justice — equality.” she said, “It is absurd that the LGBT community is still facing so many discriminatory acts.”

“I just love my gay dads, and I want them to get married.” ~Alegra Sewell, 7 Protesters included members and allies of LGBT organizations, including Albuquerque Darlings, A.N.S.W.E.R., Get Equal, Pink Panthers and UNM’s Queer Straight Alliance.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 113

by Diego Gomez dgomez@unm.edu

Robert Maes / Daily Lobo March organizer Brittany Arneson stands with fellow protestors, blocking traffic at the intersection of Central Avenue and University Boulevard. The march for equal rights for gays attracted around 250 participants. Local news cameras arrived just as demonstrators held hands and spanned across the crosswalk at University and Central, blocking traffic for almost five minutes. Arneson banged a drum to the beat of the marchers’ chant, “Gay, straight, black, white — marriage is a civil right!” Alleviating traffic constriction, the marchers U-turned and made their way back toward Nob Hill. In the courtyard adjacent to the Bookstore, they passed the megaphone among themselves and

made personal statements. “I just love my gay dads,” 7-year-old Alegra Sewell said. “And I want them to get married.” Arneson said she made a choice to stand up for what she believes in. “I decided I could no longer sit and wait for the world to change,” she said. “I needed to do something now. We have to be daily activists. Be passionate, and quit allowing yourself to be trampled on by the ideologies of others.”

Gary’s last stand

Belly balancing

See page 12

See page 2

After two days and 13 hours of deliberation, the New Mexico House of Representatives passed a bill that would prevent some undocumented residents from obtaining driver’s licenses. HB 78 passed 42-28 on Friday and is now in the Senate’s hands. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Andy Nuñez (I-Hatch), said undocumented residents could still get driver’s licenses if they had a spouse in the country legally. He said international students would be able to obtain New Mexico driver’s licenses under the measure, but only for the period of time that they are in the states legally. “We took care of the human aspects of it,” he said. “It’s just the ones that are coming here from all over the world that are breaking the laws. They get their license then go to Texas or some place, and then we lose track of them. That’s just a big abuse.” Under the measure, foreign nationals applying for a driving permit or driver’s license would have to present their Social Security number, valid passport number, Visa number, and any other arrival-departure

record issued by U.S. Department of Homeland Security. On Friday morning, Nuñez introduced a floor substitute, which allows a bill to bypass committee and go straight to debate on the floor. It was debated and voted on at about 6:30 p.m. In committee hearings, dozens of families, business owners and law enforcement officials testified about the merits of having all drivers in New Mexico licensed, said Maria Cristina Lopez, a founding board member of Somos Un Pueblo Unido, a statewide immigrant rights organization. She said thousands attended hearings, signed petitions, e-mailed legislators or participated in lobbying activities at the Round House to oppose the bill. “It’s a dangerous precedent and inexcusable that House members would shut New Mexicans out from the legislative process by blasting Rep. Nuñez’s bill to the floor and passing a substitute bill without any hearings or public input,” she said. “Legislators’ refusal to even consider a ‘compromise’ bill that attempted to address specific concerns about fraud shows that this debate isn’t about sound public policy. It’s about politics and re-election campaigns.” When it comes to public safety, Lopez said the bill is a step in the wrong direction. In 2003, the

see Immigrants page 5


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PageTwo M onday, M arch 7, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Photo Essay: World Language Expo Volcano Vista High School student Amy Maestas smiles as a sword is placed on her head by belly dancer Zuri Bennett. Bennett taught a belly dancing class during Saturday’s World Language Expo held in Ortega Hall. Amie Zimmer Daily Lobo

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 113

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, March 7, 2011 / Page 3

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New



Monday March 7, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Do you think synthetic cannabinoids, like K-2 Spice, should be illegal? Yes.




Out of 62 responses


Have you been paying attention to the uprising in Libya? Yes.




LETTER Gaddafi has shown true colors; let’s act now and show ours Editor,

Immigrant bills abound this year by Danny Hernandez

Muammar Gaddafi has clearly stated his stance; he is not voluntarily relinquishing the position of power he currently occupies. Barack Obama, too, has clearly stated his stance; Muammar Gaddafi is not fit to be in that position of power. Gaddafi has already taken actions that clearly show us that there is substance behind his words. Now the world is waiting to see what actions Obama will take to ensure that Muammar Gaddafi does not continue to occupy his position of power. Or were his words just empty words with no substance? Just for the record, I know how I would prepare for taking action against Muammar Gaddafi. My first action would be to meet with Barack Obama and other key people to determine if they know more about this situation in Libya than I do. My next action would be determined from what I learned from those discussions. Be assured that my actions would not cease until Gaddafi was no longer in the position of power he currently occupies. Robert Gardiner Community member

EDITORIAL BOARD Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist One of New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez’s first acts in office was to issue an executive order requiring the New Mexico Department of Public Safety to check immigration status during the discharge of its duties. Oh, how the political pendulum swings! Eight years ago, newly elected Gov. Bill Richardson directed NMDPS to not check immigration status. At the same time, Richardson championed a controversial law granting undocumented foreign nationals the privilege to obtain New Mexico driver’s licenses. This move flew in the face of the George W. Bush administration’s desire to crack down on unlawful immigration. Indeed, this led to threats from the newly formed Transportation Security Administration to require New Mexicans to carry other forms of identification when flying. At one time, there were up to 10 states with similar, immigrant-friendly laws. Today, there are three. Every year since 2003, Sen. Richard C. Martinez (D-Rio Arriba & Santa Fe) has introduced bills prohibiting N.M. state, county and municipal law enforcement officers from using state resources to enforce federal immigration laws. It was the only immigrant-related bill I could recall, or find, from 2003-06. Since 2006, immigration seems to have become a more popular issue at the N.M. Legislature, especially on the right. That was the year Sen. Rod Adair (R-Chaves & Lincoln) proposed a bill that would require law enforcement to check immigration status. Neither bill has seen the governor’s desk,

much less become law. Two years ago, Richard J. Berry used “Albuquerque is a sanctuary city” as a wedge issue against incumbent Mayor Martin Chavez. As socially liberal as my old friend Mayor Marty might have been on certain issues, he never designated his hometown “sanctuary city” status. What he did do was follow the local trend and prohibit APD from inquiring about residency status during routine stops. But, once in the system, corrections was required to check immigration status. Regardless, Berry won with the help of that decidedly anti-immigrant wedge.

Oh, how the political pendulum swings! During the Richardson administration, the immigration-related bills presented in the Legislature were few and far between — and decidedly pro-immigration. This year, there are six bills that affect immigrants. Two of them are pro-immigration, and the other four are anti-immigration. On the pro-immigration side is the customary Sen. Richard Martinez bill (this year SB 152) that prohibits law enforcement at every level from using state resources to enforce federal immigration laws. Sen. Eric Griego’s (D-South Valley) SB 419 is the Democratic answer to Martinez’s Jan. 31 executive order. It prohibits law enforcement at the state or any political subdivision of the state (possibly exempting APD) from enforcing “federal civil immigration law.” This bill is doing well in the Senate, but is likely to stall in the House. What Sen. Griego is reminding us of in the line “federal civil immigration law,” is that the federal law at issue is an adminis-

trative civil law, not a criminal law. The racially loaded slur “illegal immigrant” or “illegal” has little bearing on the legal status of the law broken. As a matter of law, people crossing the border without the proper documents are no more “criminal” than someone illegally crossing Central Avenue from the UNM Bookstore to Satellite Coffee. The act isn’t even criminal, much less the ones performing it. The hot-button issue in this year’s legislative session is driver’s licenses, passed under the Richardson administration. There are two flavors of how to undo what was done by the 2003 legislature and Richardson. HB 401, sponsored by Rep. David C. Chavez (R-Valencia), would give a temporary guest permit, not a driver’s license, to visiting foreign nationals. It doesn’t seem to be getting any traction. Sen. John Ryan’s (R-Albuquerque) SB 518 and Rep. Andy Nuñez’s (I–Dona Ana) HB 78 are the real hot-button bills. These bills would require everyone to show a Social Security card to get or renew a N.M. driver’s license. SB 518 also puts limitations on the duration of licenses for foreign nationals. After a long debate on the House floor, HB 78 was passed and is on its way to the Senate. Rep. Nora Espinoza’s (R-Chavez, Lincoln & Otero) HB 562 is of real interest to the UNM community. If passed, it would require United State citizenship or legal resident status “to qualify for a legislative Lottery Scholarship.” Although getting little play in the media, this bill really flies in the face of DREAM Act supporters who dream of a day when all young people have highereducation opportunity. This bill also doesn’t seem to be getting much traction at this time, so you don’t have to say goodbye to your immigrant friends — yet.

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, March 7, 2011 / Page 5

Six Turkey journalists arrested by Suzan Fraser Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey — A Turkish court on Sunday ordered two leading investigative journalists jailed, pending the outcome of a trial into an alleged plot to topple the Islamic-rooted government, raising further concerns over media freedom in the country. Nedim Sener and Ahmet Sik were charged with links to the alleged conspiracy to overthrow Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government in 2003, and ordered jailed, the state-run Anatolia news agency reported. Police had raided their homes, seized hard disks and notes as evidence and detained them along with six other journalists on Thursday, drawing expressions


of concern from Western governments and international media rights groups. One of the six was released without charge on Sunday, while the others were still being questioned. About 400 suspects are already on trial for membership in the alleged hardline secularist network, called Ergenekon, which prosecutors say plotted to create chaos in Turkey and overthrow the government. The government insists the trial is strengthening democratic rule in Turkey by helping to unravel shady networks linked to state institutions that once operated with impunity in Turkey. Critics contend that the government is using the Ergenekon case to jail Erdogan’s secular-minded foes and undermine Turkey’s secular legacy. They say there is

no solid evidence against many of the accused and denounce their long detention periods. The prosecutor’s office issued a brief statement saying the journalists were not detained because of their reporting. “The investigation is not about opinions or books that have been written,� the statement said, according to Hurriyet and Milliyet newspapers. “No one has been detained because of their duty.� There is evidence “that cannot be disclosed due to the confidentiality of the investigation,� the statement said. Earlier, President Abdullah Gul was quoted as expressing worries that the detentions were undermining a country that some have touted as a model democracy for Middle Eastern nations.

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from page 1

organization spearheaded a campaign to allow qualified immigrant drivers to register their vehicles and obtain licenses and insurance. Gov. Susana Martinez issued a statement Friday applauding the House’s passage of the bill. “Today, the will of the people of New Mexico was heard in the House of Representatives,� she said. “Despite numerous procedural schemes

to defend the status quo, a broad coalition of Republicans, Democrats and the House’s lone Independent came together to stand with an overwhelming majority of New Mexicans who want to see the dangerous practice of issuing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants overturned.� Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo), who voted against the measure, said H.B. 78 was a

radical agenda push by the Republican Party. “There are some of us who want to stand on the principle of the issue of the bill and that something needs to be done,� she said. “But the bill that we have before us is not the solution. What I saw with this bill is a rhetoric of a campaign strategy, and it is a political aspect rather than solving a problem for the state of New Mexico.�

Budget from page 1 of date, and construction crews had to make sprinkler modifications to comply with code. “We ran into a whole lot of old, rusted pipe on the radiators,� he said. “We replaced a lot of that, and then we ended up replacing electrical conduits.�

In several spots around the building, the flooring and walls were not replaced and instead framed in glass or plastic to expose the building’s original materials, Abraham said. Hodgin Hall has not always been a protected relic of UNM’s past, she said





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Page 6 / Monday, March 7, 2011

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!


Emma Difani / Daily Lobo UNM’s Dairese Gary darts between Air Force’s Derek Brooks (24) and Todd Fletcher Saturday at the Pit. Gary had a team high 17 points in the win over the Falcons.


defeated UTSA 13-6, 6-5, 8-3

Men’s Basketball

defeated BYU 82-64 Air Force 66-61

Women’s Basketball defeated Air Force 73-70

Women’s Tennis

defeated Montana 4-3

Track and Field won

Men’s Triple Jump

from page 12

didn’t skip a beat with Fenton contributing 11 points. “I just saw that we were a little low on energy and my job was to be a spark from the bench,” Fenton said. “I just had to bring it ’cause Tony was out, and I had to pick up his points.” Midway through the first half, Fenton hit a 3-pointer, then took a full-court pass from Gary for a layup that was the Lobos’ first two-point basket of the game. If anything, Snell’s absence was a key factor to the Lobos’ outside game. They hit seven 3-pointers in the first half, but were limited to just one in the second half. Fenton created a lot of opportunities for Gary to drive into the lane and draw fouls, and the lanes opened up in the second half. UNM



New Mexico Daily Lobo

won the rebound game, 35-25, in part because of center Drew Gordon’s 11th double-double of the season. “I think in this three-game streak, Jamal has a lot to do with it,” Alford said. “He’s playing better. He’s playing the way he needs to play. He’s playing quick defensively, and he’s knocking down shots.” Momentum on their side, the Lobos travel to Las Vegas, Nev., with a favorable No. 4/No. 5 matchup and a chance to make another NCAA tournament run. “We have to have a better effort than when we played last time at their house, so we owe them,” Fenton said. “I think our fan support will come out more than their fan support.”

Up Next

Mountain West Conference Tournament

Men’s Basketball vs. Colo. State Thursday, 3:30 p.m. Thomas & Mack Center Las Vegas, Nev.

from page 12

a scholarship player. One win in the Mountain West Conference tournament will give Gary the record. “It has been great to see what he’s done,” head coach Steve Alford said. “Four years ago, we were in last place in the conference. He gets here, and he finishes third, first, first and fifth. He’s been in postseason play all four years. The things he’s done for us from locker room talks to practice— our guys are really going to miss him. He’s laid a blueprint for what we want this program to be about.” The MWC’s all-time assist lead-

er (552), Gary is fifth all-time in the UNM record book as of Saturday. His 128th consecutive start is the nation’s longest streak and second only to former UNM guard Rob Robbins’ 133 starts. Jamal Fenton, who will likely replace Gary at the point position next season, finished with 11 points and two assists, but he said it was Gary’s night. “We didn’t have to get amped up for this,” he said. “It was just his Senior Night, and he is a big leader for us, and we were ready for it. We just wanted to play hard for him and

just play hard for his last time in The Pit.” With the MWC tournament starting Thursday, Gary is poised to lead UNM to back-to-back NCAA tournament appearances. He said he couldn’t have asked for a better ending at home. “You know, you have to get a win on your Senior Night,” he said. “Air Force was up at the half. It was stressful, but at the same time, my teammates were in it, and we came out with the win. Afterwards, it was an amazing feeling.”

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, March 7, 2011 / Page 7







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Page 8 / Monday, March 7, 2011

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Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Lobo Ben Woodchick slides into second as the Roadrunner’s Matthew James tries to tag him out Sunday at Isoptopes Park. UNM took the bestout-of-four series 3-1 over University of Texas-San Antonio, including an 8-3 win Sunday.

Losing streak struck out by Levi Lewis

llewis14@unm.edu It didn’t take until the 11th hour for the UNM baseball team to get its first win of the season. The Lobos, finding momenUNM 8 tum after an eight-game losing UTSA 3 streak, took three games from the University of TexasSan Antonio in a four-game series over the weekend at Isotopes Park. Pitcher Bobby Mares threw seven scoreless innings to help the Lobos defeat the Roadrunners 8-3 Sunday. Head coach Ray Birmingham said he has been impressed with the way Mares performed in three season starts. “He is a fierce competitor, and as you see him walk off the mound between innings, he’s locked in,” Birmingham said. “He’s locked in and ready to compete. He’s not afraid, and that’s a sophomore out there.” In Game 1, designated hitter John

Michael Twichell hit UNM’s first home run of the season. His threerun home run finished a five-run first inning that propelled the Lobos to a 13-6 victory. On Saturday, UNM split a double header with UTSA. The Lobos squeaked out a 6-5 win, but UTSA took game two by a final of 3-1. Pitcher Steven Florez replaced Mares in the eighth inning Sunday, and started by walking leadoff hitter Tommy Vukovich. That led the way for a Roadrunner rally. They strung together singles and cut UNM’s lead to 8-2. With the bases loaded, UNM brought in Richard Olson. But Lobo Kyle Stiner, who played his first game at shortstop Sunday, nabbed a hard-to-handle groundball and finished with a forceout at second base, which effectively stopped the Roadrunners’ comeback. Not only was Stiner solid on the defensive end, he contributed two RBIs; one on a triple in the fifth in-

ning gave the Lobos an insurance run. Stiner said he doesn’t mind being a utility player at UNM. “All fall and all spring we’ve kind of mixed people up position wise,” Stiner said. “I’ve been at short. I’ve been at second. I’ve been at third, so it’s nothing really new.” Birmingham said the team is finally in an offensive groove. “It’s going to take maturity, and it’s not going to get any easier,” he said. “We’ve got to rise to that level, and we’re playing better baseball. It’s all about guts and preparation and having no fear.”

Up Next

Baseball at NMSU

Tuesday 6:05 p.m. Las Cruces, N.M.

lobo softball

Swept, but not left in the dust by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

The Washington softball team showed exactly why it’s a national powerhouse. The undeWash. 12 feated, fifthranked Huskies 3 UNM swept the UNM softball team in a three-game series over the weekend at Lobo Field. Washington completed the sweep Sunday with a six-inning, 12-3 run-rule victory.

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Women’s Veteran Group Starts at: 12:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall There is no question, women vets have special needs and this is a place where we can network to make sure those needs are met.

Content Management Systems for Websites Starts at: 1:00pm Location: Continuing Education, 1634 University Blvd. NE Tuition is $219. For more information contact Caroline Orcutt at (505) 277-6037 or visit http://dce.unm.edu/digital-arts. htm.

UNM Howl Raisers Meeting Starts at: 3:00pm Location: Lobo Lair, Office 1045 Join the Howl Raisers and help us discuss upcoming athletic events and on campus promotions.

In spite of two shortened contests, head coach Erica Beach said her team competed at times. “I definitely see places where I know we can improve and where we can get stronger as we get to conference,” she said. “But that’s what this weekend was for. We wanted to see where we stand. We wanted to see where we stack up.” The up-and-coming Lobos came out with everything they had in Game 1 of Saturday’s doubleheader, dropping a heartbreaking 7-4 decision in extra innings Saturday. Washington run-ruled UNM 11-2 in five innings in the second

leg. Game 1 was probably the weekend’s most thrilling contest. UNM jumped out to an early 2-0 lead in the bottom of Saturday’s second inning behind the bat of center fielder Kerry Hodgins, who singled to short stop to spark the Lobos’ offense. The Lobos gave up that lead in the fourth inning, but rallied late to tie the game at 4-4 heading into extra innings. Designated hitter Cassandra Kalapsa knocked in the game-tying run with a

see Softball page 9

Event Calendar

for March 7, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! People Before Profit Film Series Starts at: 6:30pm Location: SUB Theater Every Monay at the SUB Theater films on various social justice issues are screened. This weeks film is Dirty Pretty Things with a post film discussion led by geography professor John Carr.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, March 7, 2011 / Page 9

Call For Nominations - Faculty of Color Awards

Junfu Han/ Daily Lobo UNM’s Chelsea Anaya tries to throw out the runner at second base Saturday at Lobo Field. The Lobos dropped all three games this weekend to Washington including a 12-3 rout on Sunday.


from page 8

home run to left field. In the bottom of the seventh, the Lobos had a runner in scoring position, but Kalapsa popped up to end the inning. After two more scoreless innings, Huskies’ center fielder Kimi Pohlman doubled to left-center for the gamewinning RBI. “I think we surprised a lot of people by taking them to extra innings,” catcher Jessica Garcia said. “They came out that next game knowing that we weren’t just going to roll over.” Washington came into the series with one of the nation’s best batting

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averages at .432, but struggled against sophomore right-hand hurler Kaela DeBroeck (3-3) in the series’ first game. DeBroeck allowed seven runs on 13 hits in nine innings of work Saturday. She also struck out five. “We came out fighting,” DeBroeck said. “Our season can only go up from here. We’re young, and it’s early in the season. We’re only going to continue getting better and better.” Beach said she expects great things from the team. “We’re growing at a great rate,” she said. “We are learning from each expe-

rience. We’re staying positive and working hard, and that’s what you want to see from a young team at this point in the season.”

The Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC) is proud to announce the 5th annual Faculty of Color Awards. This event recognizes the outstanding work by faculty of color at the University of New Mexico in mentoring, research, community service and teaching. These awards are a small way that students at UNM thank faculty of color for their contributions. Faculties of color at UNM contribute to the success of students of color as well as serving the entire UNM campus and the larger New Mexico community. All nominations must be received by Friday, April 1st at 5:00 p.m. in the PNMGC office or Office of Graduate Studies and applications must be complete with both the nomination form and letter of support. *Please see attachment for nomination forms.

Up Next

Softball at Texas Tech

Wednesday Noon Lubbock, Texas

All submitted nominations will be reviewed by a committee of UNM students and staff. All nominated faculty of color will be honored at the UNM Faculty of Color Awards Reception on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.

Submit Applications at http://www.unm.edu/~gradpeer

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Spring 2011 Field Research Grants For travel to Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) announces the availability of Field Research Grants (FRGs) for graduate students and faculty. FRGs support research projects in Latin America and Iberia that require limited time in the field, such as four to eight weeks. Awards typically cover round-trip airfare, and some in-country travel and per diem. Visit http://laii.unm.edu/node/16 for application forms and guidelines.

Deadline: Monday, March 21, 2011 by 5pm in the LAII (801 Yale Blvd NE) Questions? Contact Alexandra Blodget at laiicomm@unm.edu (277-7049)



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Page 10 / Monday, March 7, 2011 Dilbert



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By Scott Atkinson

DOWN 1 Walked decisively 2 Christie sleuth Hercule 3 On a slant 4 Pharaoh’s cross 5 Hot alcoholic drinks 6 Burger toppers 7 Group with thirtysomethings, briefly 8 “Mighty� tree 9 Vehicle’s framework 10 Wham-O footbag 11 Addis Ababa’s country 12 Television watcher’s choices 13 Kit __ bar 18 Teamed, as oxen 21 Massage reactions 24 McGregor of “Moulin Rouge!� 28 Q-U connection 29 Cheap dance hall 30 Like small laddies 31 Halloween mo. 32 “Undersea World� explorer Jacques 33 Momentous

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Monday, March 7, 2011 / Page 11

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The University of New Mexico Student Publications Board is now Accepting Applications for

2011-2012 Daily Lobo Editor Apply at: unmjobs.unm.edu Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, April 1, 2011. Term of Office: May 2011 through April 2012. Requirements: To be considered, the candidate must be a student enrolled at the University of New Mexico, have been enrolled 6 hours or more at UNM the preceding 2 semesters, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student in a degree-granting program for at least 6 credit hours throughout the term of office. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656.


Are you a writer seeking recognition for your work? Best Student Essays, UNM’s premiere nonfiction student review, seeks essays, research papers, criticism, memoirs, foreign language, and any other type of nonfiction. For submission forms, look in past issues of BSE, visit Marron Hall Room 107, or visit our website at beststudentessays.org. Follow directions on form. Cash award offered. If you have already written your essay for class, then why not submit for a chance to win cash? Publication can be yours. Info: Best Student Essays, beststudentessays.org, bse@ unm.edu, Marron Hall Room 107 or 277-5656.





12 Monday March 7, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Ryan Tomari

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo

Lobo fans hold up cutouts of senior Dairese Gary Saturday at the Pit. Gary played his final home game in the Pit for the Lobos in the 66-61 win over Air Force.

GARY’S WORK CUT OUT by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

It was a milestone and a memorymaker all wrapped up in one. The previously slumping UNM men’s basketball team gave its coach and senior leader a reason to celebrate after dispatching UNM 66 Air Force 66Air Force 61 61 Saturday at The Pit. Point guard Dairese Gary got a fond farewell, and head coach Steve Alford notched his fourth straight 20win season at UNM. “We knew we had our hands full with a very disciplined, very wellplaced team,” he said. The Falcons shot 46 percent and hit more 3-poiners (nine) than UNM, but the Lobos won the game from the charity stripe. UNM hit 22 to Air Force’s four, and Gary’s 13 free-throw attempts were six more than the Falcons shot. Fifth-seeded UNM will play Colorado State in the Mountain West Conference Tournament Thursday afternoon. The teams split the season series, each winning at home, and Gary said UNM is looking forward to playing the Rams a third time. “Last time we didn’t put a whole game together,” he said. “Now we have been putting whole games together, so we’re going to see what happens.” The Lobos could meet up with BYU in the MWC tournament semifinals if they get past CSU. Dating back to last season, UNM has a four-game winning streak against the Cougars. With MWC tournament seeding already set, the Lobos were playing

almost exclusively for Gary, who was gunning for a win on Senior Night. Air Force played stingy basketball and pinched the Lobos’ inside game. Forced to the perimeter, UNM found itself down 20-13 halfway through the first period. Filling in for injured guard Tony Snell, Jamal Fenton led the Lobos back with quick penetration and nifty first-half ball handling. Snell sat with a sprained ankle, but the Lobos

see Basketball page 6

by Ryan Tomari


It was pretty much like any other game played at The Pit in the last four years. Like so many times before, it was point guard Dairese Gary’s passfirst mentality that led to the Lobos’ first points — this time in the UNM men’s basketball team’s 66-61 victory over Air Force. It was the season finale, and lone senior Gary closed his four-year

UNM career by leading Lobo scorers with 17 points. Having watched former Lobo Roman Martinez go through it last year, Gary said his Senior Night was still overwhelming. He said he spoke to Martinez by phone Friday night. “He told me to live all this up,” Gary said. “He said, ‘You get one Senior Night, and it’s your last game in The Pit.’ He made some jokes about me speaking afterwards. He spooked me a little bit, but it was all laughs. He just told me to get the win.”

Get the win is exactly what the Gary-led Lobos did, and in doing so, the Lobos’ undisputed leader this season leaves a UNM legacy. In four years, Gary averaged 24 wins a season, and the Lobos earned two NIT appearances and a trip to the second round of the NCAA tournament. And with Saturday’s win, Gary set himself up to eclipse Kenny Thomas’ 96 career wins, the most victories by

Mountain West Championships Bracket

Don’t miss the Daily Lobo’s coverage of the MWC tournament online and in print! Visit Daily Lobo.com throughout the championships.


see Gary page 6

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