NM Daily Lobo 030912

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Apathetic about apathy see page 7


The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

March 9, 2012

(un)Occupy protester faces misconduct probe by Jeffrey Hertz

hertzjeffrey@yahoo.com (un)Occupy Albuquerque protester Brittany Arneson could face a disorderly conduct charge for “mic checking” author and lecturer Nonie Darwish two weeks ago. During the Feb. 23 event, members of (un)Occupy interrupted the speaker and began chanting, “Nonie Darwish speaks for Israeli apartheid and genocide at the hands of the (Israel Defense Forces).” While about a dozen protesters participated in the mic check, Arneson said she is the only protester who is currently under investigation. The group claimed the lecture given by Darwish, a pro-Israel ex-Muslim who speaks on the dangers of Sharia law, was anti-Muslim. Supporters of the UNM Israel Alliance rushed toward the protesters and started pushing them toward the exit. Protesters resisted, but were eventually pushed out of the lecture hall. Rob Burford, student conduct officer from the office of the Dean of Students, will conduct an investigation on behalf of the University to see if the protesters violated the student code of conduct prohibiting disruption of University-sponsored activities. Burford was unavailable for comment, but Arneson, who is being charged with violating section 2.18 of the Student Code of Conduct, spoke with the Daily Lobo about the investigation. “I think it’s absurd that, in a university that welcomes community involvement, we face utter discrimination against individuals that work for the betterment of our university as a whole,” she said. Section 2.18 of the UNM Student Code of Conduct prohibits “Any other acts or omissions which affect adversely University functions or University-sponsored activities, disrupt community living on campus, interfere with the rights of others to the pursuit of their education, or otherwise affect adversely the processes of the University.”

Jeffrey Hertz/ Daily Lobo Brittany Arneson protests alongside members of Raza Graduate Student Association as part of a march around campus in honor of International Women’s Day Thursday. UNM is investigating Arneson concerning a Feb. 23rd incident. Donald Gluck, president of the UNM Israel Alliance, said the investigation of Arneson is appropriate. No audience members have been charged with any misconduct, despite violent conduct by members of the audience recorded in a video released by (un)Occupy following the lecture, Gluck said. In the video, a group of protesters, Arneson included, began chanting at the back of the lecture hall while Darwish was in the middle of delivering her talk.

(un)Occupy protester Henry Edwards said they were worried the audience was going to chase them out, because they had done it in the past. “Saying that we were ‘kicked out’ is a bit of a euphemism,” he said. Marilu Ugalde, one of the protesters at the Darwish lecture, suffered a concussion as a result of the incident, Edwards said. In response to the lecture, members of (un)Occupy marched in solidarity with UNM’s Raza Graduate

Student Association (RGSA), which protested against the mistreatment of Ugalde. About 30 people participated in the protest march on Thursday, which began at the Bookstore. Protesters spent the afternoon marching around campus. Edwards said RGSA decided to get involved in the protest because its members have seen more and more human rights violations occurring on campus. (un)Occupy members attempted

to reoccupy UNM’s Yale Park the day after the lecture, but about a dozen UNM police officers forced the group to move out of the park. Officers denied protesters the ability to protest because they lacked a permit. After leaving the park peaceably on Feb. 24, some protesters returned to the park on Sunday. Shortly before 3 p.m., four members of the group were arrested. The group has been struggling to protest on campus since September.

by Avicra Luckey

have kept Student Publications’ budget the same despite the feel increase was amended following a presentation from Daily Lobo representatives. During the meeting, representatives from the Daily Lobo, including Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana and news editor Luke Holmen, argued against a section of the original bill which would have lowered, from 8.5 to 6.4, the percentage of the ASUNM student fee that Student Publications receives. The percentage decrease would have been offset by the increase in the overall fee, and the dollar amount of funding for Student Publications would have remained the same. Student Publications was the only organization that ASUNM recommended receive a lower fee percentage. During a presentation, Quintana said the student newspaper would not be the only student publication to

benefit from the increase in funding that would result if the percentage was kept the same. Best Student Essays and Conceptions Southwest, which are also part of Student Publications, allow students to be published and get realworld experience, he said. Holmen said many at the Daily Lobo work for less than the hourly minimum wage, and that the funding could possibly go towards hiring more reporters in an effort to improve campus coverage. The last time the ASUNM fee was raised was in 2002, from $14 to $20. Numbers from previous years aren’t available, but ASUNM representatives believe before 2002 the last increase was during the ‘80s. The number of requesting student organizations has been on the rise in recent years. This year, 147 student groups are requesting $745,711 in funding. Last year, organizations only requested $719,798.

ASUNM passes resolution to raise student fee aluckey@unm.edu

Ruby Santos / Daily Lobo ASUNM Sen. Tyler Crawley looks on Wednesday night as Sen. Sunny Liu discusses raising the ASUNM student fee in the SUB. Senate Bill 9, which would raise the fee from $20 to $25, passed in the Senate. It will go before the undergraduate body for approval in April, and then must be approved by the regents.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 117

Women’s health See page 4

Student Fee Increase A bill that recommended raising the ASUNM student fee from $20 to $25 passed the ASUNM Senate Wednesday, and will go before a vote of the student body in the April elections. Senate Bill 9, proposed by Sens. Brandyn Jordan, Tyler Crawley and Anthony Santistevan, originally called for a $7 dollar increase in the fee, from $20 to $27, but after an amendment proposed by Sen. Isaac Romero, the Senate quickly came to a 16-1-1 decision, passing the bill. Crawley said the bill, although amended, will increase available funding for student organizations. “We’re looking at about a $150,000 increase,” he said. “It would have been about $180,000 with $27 (per student).” A portion of the bill that would

On to the next one See page 5

see Senate PAGE 2


50 | 28

PageTwo F r i d a y, M a r c h 9 , 2 0 1 2

Senate from page 1

ASUNM has only $583,050 to allocate. Jordan said the fee increase would make UNM more competitive with comparable schools, such as the University of Utah. He said that school has a full-time enrollment of about 19,000 students and students there are charged about $23 each year. “Just from that you can tell that we’re already behind,” he said. Crawley said he is pleased with the outcome of Wednesday night’s meeting, and looks forward to hearing students’ opinions during the April elections. “I know it’s going to make a difference in student groups’ lives, and, hopefully, it will allow us not only to be able to fund the minimum amount, but to allow us to fund them to where they can grow and succeed,” he said. “As a Senate we’re ready to get behind this and bring it to the students in April.” Universal Restrooms Matthew Rush, a representative from The Queer Voices Roundtable, said at the meeting that supporting a resolution to install universal or gender-neutral restrooms on main campus would make the University a more comfortable place for those who do not conform to a gender. These restrooms would not have male or female signs on them, which means any student would be able to use the stalls. Alma Rosa Silva Banuelos, program coordinator for the

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 117

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

LGBTQ Resource Center, said funding options are still unclear. “Depending on if we can do it, we may have to look at money from ASUNM, GPSA or maybe some I&G funding that can go into, but I don’t think there’s any clear idea for the funding,”

GPSA chair’s seat could get hotter by Luke Holmen

Student Health and Counseling Center Beverly Kloeppel, director of Student Health and Counseling (SHAC), asked the Senate to consider supporting a multi-million dollar renovation of the building. “There are privacy concerns, because there are a lot of areas where the patient care is crowded into a small square footage,” she said. “We actually need more square footage to serve the students appropriately.” Kloeppel presented a feasibility study to the Senate which looked at different ways to achieve the square footage needed. The cost could fall between $8.5 million to $12 million, depending on which route SHAC chooses to take with the project. SHAC is still looking for funding sources for the project. In other news: In response to concerns from students and action from ASUNM at the Capitol, the State Legislature during its 2012 session allotted $100,000 to improve lighting around Zimmerman Library on main campus.

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han


GPSA Council Chair Megan O’Laughlin submitted a contract to pay her own tuition from GPSA funds before the Council had approved the funding. The Legislative Steering Committee plans to conduct an investigation to determine whether she violated the constitution or bylaws of GPSA. During the Feb. 25 GPSA Council meeting, the Education Grant, which would have paid for O’Laughlin’s tuition, was voted down on the grounds that she submitted a funding request in her contract for payment of tuition before the issue had come to a vote. A change in the GPSA bylaws voted on September and approved in December allows GPSA to pay up

Design Director Elyse Jalbert Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

to 12 credit hours of tuition expenses for the council chair as part of a new compensatory measure. But the change did not specify whether the current council chair was eligible for the funding. “We acted as though we were under the old bylaws, which did not have this education credit,” GPSA Representative Matthew Rush said. Legislative Steering Chair Corbin Casarez said the committee will conduct an investigation into the issue. “We are going to have a discussion equivalent to an inquiry and allow anyone who wants to talk about it discuss their thoughts and if we feel this needs to be investigated, we will move forward,” he said.

see GPSA page 3

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Due to the upcoming

GOING PAPERLESS New rules, license fees and application methods will require New Mexico hunters to do some homework before planning their hunts for the 2012-13 seasons. Dramatic changes adopted by the State Legislature or approved by the State Game Commission will affect the application process, season dates and how many licenses are reserved for state residents. The changes were designed to streamline the application and licensing process, provide more hunting opportunities for state residents, and to make drawing results and refunds available much sooner. Say goodbye to paper application forms. Beginning this year, applications for all licenses will be made through the Department’s online application system at www.wildlife.state.nm.us.

over the counter from license vendors statewide. Senior and junior hunters, handicapped and some military may be eligible for discounted licenses.

License and application fees will be charged at the time of application. Applicants can pay by credit card or electronic check, a new convenience beginning this year. Once an application is complete, it can not be changed, only deleted. Applicants can reapply, and will receive a refund for the deleted application after the drawing.

Hunters who need help applying for 2012-13 licenses online can get it from a real person over the telephone or at one of several locations with public computers staffed by Department of Game and Fish representatives.

New legislation requires everyone who hunts or applies for a license in New Mexico to purchase a Game-hunting License or a combination Game-hunting and Fishing License. Game-hunting ($15 for residents, $65 for nonresidents) and Game-hunting and Fishing licenses ($30, residents only) will be available online or

Assistance is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. MST, by calling toll-free, (888) 248-6866. The Department will offer computer access in public locations statewide. Look for more information and locations online, www.wildlife.state.nm.us.

Spring Break please take note of the following deadline changes for march 19 Lobo Life Wed 03/7 5:00 PM

Display Advertising Thurs 03/8 5:00 PM

and march 20 Lobo Life Thurs 03/8 5:00 PM

Display Advertising Fri 03/9 5:00 PM

Display offices will be closed during the week of Spring Break (March 1216). Classifieds will remain open with no deadline changes.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, March 9, 2012 / Page 3

Student will run for GPSA president uncontested by Luke Holmen and Gabriel Segovia gsegovia@unm.edu

Only one candidate submitted an application to be on the ballot in next year’s GPSA presidential race. Marisa Silva, the sole candidate for the GPSA presidency, is a member of the GPSA Council from the history department. Silva said she hopes to increase graduate assistantships, fiscal responsibility and diversity. “UNM enrollment will increase by 5 percent next year, and as retention and completion of degree are now part of the state funding formula, we need to provide additional assistantships to graduates to not only generate stable employment, but also keep the teacher-to-student ratio low,” she said. Silva said she will demand both the administration and student government abide by strict fiscal

accountability. “Students need access to what fees are being charged and how they are being allocated,” she said. Silva said she will work to continue to develop a more diverse faculty and student body. “We are a minority-serving institution and we want to continue to recruit faculty who represent the diverse community that is UNM and New Mexico.” The GPSA president for the next academic year will be elected during the general election that will take place April 9-12. The voting for this election will be conducted by electronic ballot. Candidates for the chair of the GPSA Council were also announced Wednesday and will be elected through GPSA Council representatives at the April 28 council meeting. The two candidates running for the position are Kris Miranda and Michael Verrilli.

GPSA from page 2 GPSA President Katie Richardson said she is unsure whether O’Laughlin is guilty of any wrongdoing, or simply made a mistake. “I have been trying hard to understand what happened and what did not happen,” she said. “I do not know what I am unsure about.” Richardson said the Court of Review would likely settle the question of any violations, but said she has not yet requested an opinion from the court, although nearly three weeks have passed since the incident.

More funding for graduate students

On Wednesday, Provost Chaouki Abdallah agreed to petition that $250,000 in assistantships for graduate students be included in next year’s budget, following a GPSA resolution passed in February. Abdallah said that, after reviewing the resolution, he submitted a proposal to the Board of Regents and the President’s Strategic Budget Leadership Team, which drafts the budget proposal, requesting the money be incorporated in the budget process. The final budget proposal to the regents is due in April. Katie Richardson, GPSA president, said graduate and professional students are essential to the research and teaching mission of the University. She said the assistance they provide to professors supports UNM’s research mission by lowering faculty workload,

Rush said that, while he can’t speak for the entire council, he voted down the tuition coverage because O’Laughlin submitted her contract early, and did not tell the Council publicly that she had done so. “I would tell you that was my reason for voting it down,” he said. “I can’t tell you exactly why it got voted down in Council, because there was almost no discussion on the topic.” O’Laughlin was unavailable for

leading to increased research. “I requested from the budget, money and part of that is to add $250,000 for graduate assistantships, but this is not money that the Provost’s office has, but money we requested from the budget set by the regents,” he said. Abdallah said the request is part of an effort to hire and support more faculty. “It’s important for many reasons, and the main reason is we want to hire more faculty, and that faculty will need help with both research and teaching as well as grow graduate student levels, and assistantships are one of the ways we can attract graduate students,” he said. According to the GPSA resolution, graduate and professional students teach 40 percent of all undergraduate courses, some of which are core classes of 100 or more students that are essential for graduation.

comment. Following the Feb. 25 meeting, O’Laughlin amended her contract removing the tuition funding request and resubmitted it to the Student Government Accounting Office (SGAO). SGAO Representative Yvette Hall said no payments were made out of the GPSA fund for her tuition. Legislative Finance Chair Joseph Dworak said that while some Council members believe O’Laughlin acted inappropriately, he

In 2010 1,679 out of the 6,000 enrolled graduate students were employed by UNM as either teacher assistants, graduate assistants, research assistants or program assistants, according to the Office of Institutional Research. Richardson said assistantships are the primary form of financial aid for graduate and professional students and help cover tuition, fees and health insurance. “They are a major way for graduate students to make ends meet,” Richardson said. “Without assistantships, graduate students at UNM have to take out on average $6,000 in loans from financial institutions.” Richardson said assistantships would not only help shorten the time until graduation for graduate students, but would also lower the faculty-tostudent ratio, which would increase undergraduate retention.

said O’Laughlin has not violated any bylaws. “A lot of this has become politicized, and it’s based off of personal issues and my job is to make sure we are doing things by the book,” he said. “It is all unclear, these changes were implemented last year; a lot of us assumed it wouldn’t take effect until next year.” Richardson said GPSA has no current plans to clarify whether changes to the bylaws or constitution apply to the current year or the next fiscal year.


Call For Nominations – Faculty of Color Awards The project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC) is proud to announce the 6th annual Faculty of Color Awards. This event recognizes the outstanding work by faculty of color at the University of New Mexico in mentoring, research, community service, and teaching. These awards are a small way that students at UNM thank faculty of color for their contributions. Faculties of color at UNM contribute to the success of students of color as well as serving the entire UNM campus and the larger New Mexico Community. All nominations must be received by March 31st, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the PNMGC office or Office of Graduate Studies. Applications must be complete with both the nomination form and letter of support. All submitted nominations will be reviewed by a committee of UNM students and staff.

A nomination form is also available online:


All submitted nominations will be reviewed by a committee of UNM students and staff. All nominated faculty of color will be honored at the UNM Faculty of Color Awards Reception on Wednesday, May 9, 2012.





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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Friday March 9, 2012


From the web

In “Black March good example of protest,” published last Friday, Daily Lobo editor-inchief Chris Quintana argued that members of the (un)Occupy movement’s use of Apple electronics contradicted their anti-corporate message. Readers on DailyLobo.com responded: Excellent points Chris. Not only that, but a large majority of the polymers that make up the polar fleece, the drinking containers, the bikes and their components ARE from oilbased polymers! Yes, crude oil, like the ones that they all seem to rail against. These people are statists, yet want all the amenities of capitalism. The confusion makes it amusing in any case. They announce the building of a solar farm in the Sonora desert, yet the environmental movement opposes them. The wind-farms, while extremely inefficient, kill thousands of birds … it’s carcass city near these things. Yet they continue on … for who knows what reason. I think that they won’t be happy until we are all living naked and shitting in holes out in nature. Posted by: “Damian” Students, the fallacious argument Damian (and Quintana) are using here is known as “false dilemma.” They argue that unless the protesters never, ever again use a consumer product with a dubious (environmental impacts, inhumane working conditions, human rights abuses, etc.) origin, they have no right to protest or criticize the corporation that made the product. Thus, in a rhetoric, logic, or debate class, this argument would have no merit — in a logical sense. Any truly rational person knows that in the modern world, in our materialistic society, it would be nearly impossible to survive without our modern machinery, consumer products and economic system. But obviously that does not preclude consumers and citizens from protesting the “powers that be.” That’s the false dilemma Quintana and Damian advocate: either “live like a primitive cave man,” or “enjoy our material comforts and shut up.” A rather fascist argument, when you think about it. You’re welcome, Damian — for the free logic lesson I just gave you. See, it’s okay you didn’t take a class in it when you attended UNM. Here’s a bonus question: what’s it called — in economics — when a consumer product, service or commodity has an unintended impact on society? (I bet you didn’t take Economics 105 either, but since you always act the expert on every subject, I thought I would quiz you). Posted by: “Frodo” Frodo is talking about negative externalities. Great, he took an intro to econ because it was probably required for his worthless American studies degree. Good for you, you know some economic definitions. We live in the land of applied economics, so go home. It is not impossible to live without an iPhone or even a car. I agree you need some things made by corporations, but if you want to protest and take the moral high ground, don’t drive a Hummer and say you can live without a car. Don’t wear Versace and say you have to buy clothes. Don’t buy a 70-inch flat screen for the news or a Harman Kardon to listen to NPR. You can drive, call, dress, watch and listen without going sellout. Get a flip phone from Credo, a used bicycle and small television and a simple radio — maybe even used. Posted by: “Sweatshop” I find it fascinating the ways in which people remember social movements. We often forget from what a linear perspective we are taught about the way things “really” happened. Quintana claims MLK, Gandhi and OWS for the successful side of protest. Meanwhile, our local (un)Occupy movement is deemed as lacking because it critiques the society in which we live whilst functioning within that society. As if MLK and Gandhi were met without even the slightest bit of doubt, anger, confusion or hate for their thoughts and actions. As if there weren’t a single black person during the Civil Rights movement that rode on the back of the bus to get to work and then went to a protest immediately after. As for OWS, did they all smash their iPhones and I just didn’t get the memo? Good for them. Posted by: “BeCuriousI’mSerious”


Albuquerque drivers are sociopaths by Jason Darensburg Daily Lobo columnist

I consider myself a libertarian. The fewer laws the better, as far as I‘m concerned. There are some laws I agree with, though. I believe that laws which protect children, the elderly, animals and private property should be applied and enforced, and I am in favor of any legislation that protects the public’s safety — which is why I fully support the citywide ban on distracted driving. Drivers are bad enough in Albuquerque when they’re sober and totally focused; the ability to talk on the phone and operate a moving vehicle is clearly beyond the capability of most people in this town. So why do they try to do it? A 2008 study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) demonstrated that drivers are four times more likely to be involved in serious crashes while using their cell phones than drivers not using such devices. Approximately 515,000 people were injured that year in car accidents involving some form of distracted driving, and nearly 6,000 people died as a result of their actions. Drivers aren’t just talking behind the wheel, though — there are plenty of other distractions such as GPS systems, BlackBerries and iPhones. Eating while driving is something I see a lot more people doing nowadays. Predictably, novice drivers under the age of 20 have the highest proportion of distraction-related fatalities. They made up about 16 percent of the total number. The age group with the nexthighest percentage of fatal crashes was the 20 to 29 year-olds, with about 12 percent. Last December, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended a total, nationwide ban on the use of cell phones and text messaging while driving. They likened the practice to the “new DUI” and referred to the situation as an epidemic. A spokesman said the action was necessary to combat the growing threat posed by distracted drivers. Data showed the number of fatalities involving distracted drivers dropped to around 3,100 in 2010, although the actual number may be far higher than that. Determining if driver distraction was a factor in an accident can be difficult because distracted drivers often don’t own up to their actions, or they die in the crash. The proportion of drivers reportedly distracted at the time of a fatal accident increased from 7 percent in 2005 to around 11 percent in 2009. Only 10 states have a total ban on cell phone

use while driving: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Utah, Washington, joined by the District of Columbia. While there is no statewide ban in New Mexico, talking on the phone while driving is illegal in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Española and Taos, and is prohibited in all state vehicles. I had the pleasure of taking UNM’s Defensive Driving course recently and it’s hard to believe that so many people are still unaware of the cell phone ban in Albuquerque — but judging by the number of people I see driving around town breaking the law (including cops), they’re not alone. Intriguingly, according to public opinion surveys conducted by the National Safety Council (NSC), most motorists acknowledged that using a cell phone while driving is dangerous — yet they continued to do it. In fact, the NTSB discovered that texting while driving actually increased 50 percent since the past year. Two out of 10 drivers say they’ve sent text messages or emails while behind the wheel, despite (or perhaps because of) the rush by many states to ban the practice. Even more alarming is the fact that the main role models for most people — their parents — admit to driving distracted while teaching their kids to drive. An auto insurance company survey on distracted driving found that 53 percent of parents admitted they were distracted at least once by a mobile device while trying to teach their children how to drive a car. Most teens only have their parents’ behavior to observe behind the wheel, and will be influenced by the way they drive. How easy is it for young people to follow rules their parents refuse to obey? I’ve seen many adults driving around having animated conversations while behind the wheel of a car filled with children. I just have to ask: What are you people thinking? Is it really worth risking everyone’s life just because you can’t shut up long enough to drive from point A to point B? I have a theory. I believe that part of the reason for this epidemic of self-destructive, anti-social behavior is because our society breeds sociopaths who simply don’t care about their fellow human beings. A sociopath — someone suffering from Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) — typically disregards the rights and well-being of others and engages in anti-social behavior without any feelings of guilt or remorse. Sociopaths have problems assimilating with society, following the law, or behaving in a safe manner. They find it hard to tolerate boredom or manage their anger, they have problems controlling their impulses, and they have trouble

developing meaningful relationships with others. That describes about half of all Americans, if you ask me. It’s clear that many people are aware of the cell phone ban in Albuquerque and simply choose to ignore it. Mayor Berry and Gov. Martinez are both on board with the w82txt (wait to text) community-awareness campaign, but educational messages and public appeals to reason aren’t going to change the behavior of a sociopath. Good laws and strong enforcement are the only ways to solve this problem. Many drivers simply won’t stop doing it unless they fear getting a ticket. I understand that for a lot of people today, having a cell phone has become a real physical addiction, as bad as methamphetamine or heroin. It‘s actually worse than those drugs, because a cell phone is within arm’s length 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ‘Cell Phone Separation Anxiety‘ is a real phenomena. Research has shown that people actually suffer from classic withdrawal symptoms when their phone is taken away, even for short periods of time. All I can say is that if you’re one of those people, you need to seek help immediately. Is there a ‘Cell Phones Anonymous’ yet? There should be. Just for the record, I am not one of the 93 percent of Americans who own one of those infernal contraptions — surprise — although I must confess I have borrowed my wife’s phone on occasion. Cell phones are useful in emergencies and they have many other valid purposes, but there is no reason in the world why most phone calls can’t wait until you get out of the car. An automobile is a two-ton projectile. Operating a moving vehicle is serious business, and it should be taken seriously. Driving while talking on the phone or texting is not simply a bad habit — it’s illegal, it’s dangerous, and it’s immoral. You’re putting other people’s lives at risk because your conversation is more important than their safety. That is sociopathic behavior.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

ON to unlv

Friday, March 9, 2012 / Page 5

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Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Freshman guard Hugh Greenwood attempts a layup in the second half of the UNM game Thursday night against Air Force in the first round of the MWC tournament at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nev. UNM won the game 79-64 thanks to 19 points from sophomore guard Demetrius Walker. See page 6 for the full story.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

men’s basketball

Falcons fall, Lobos advance by Cesar Davila


LAS VEGAS, Nev. — Eight days removed from their last meeting, the UNM men’s basketball team and Air Force met again. And nothing changed. The No. 2 Lobos beat the seventh-seeded Falcons for the third time this season — this time 79-64 in the quarterfinals of the Mountain West Conference tournament on Thursday night at the Thomas & Mack Center. They face UNLV today in the semifinals at 9:30 p.m. “We match up well with Air Force,” sophomore guard Kendall Williams said. “Coming to a neutral site, they fought us all the way through. Luckily, we had a couple of players make plays.” The bench made some of the biggest ones. Sophomore guard Demetrius Walker led the Lobos with 19 points, as UNM’s bench outscored Air Force’s 32-19. “Our bench (has) been doing it all year,” Williams said. “So tonight was (Walker’s) night.” Walker set a career-high in points, making 5 of 6 field goals, including three 3-pointers. “I just wanted to come in and provide a spark, whether that’s offensively or defensively,” Walker

said. “Tonight was offensively.” Early on, Air Force was determined to redeem its two 30-pluspoint blowout losses to UNM earlier in the season. Mike Fitzgerald’s layup, off a Shawn Hempsey no-look pass with 12:36 left in the first half, gave the Falcons a 12-11 lead. The lead was short-lived after Williams hit a 3-pointer to put the Lobos up 14-12 and brought most of the fans in attendance to their feet. The Falcons stuck around and regained the lead, going up 15-14, but it was their last lead. Walker’s 3-pointer with 10:01 left in the half sparked a 15-0 run spanning fewer than three minutes and putting the Lobos up 29-15. Walker scored 11 of the Lobos’ 15 points in that stretch, giving UNM a 45-31 edge at the break. In the second half, the Falcons pushed back with a 10-2 run capped by Kyle Green’s jumper that cut the Lobos’ lead to 69-60 with 4:42 left. But just like the in the first half, Walker hit a 3-pointer to keep the Lobos in front. “When you’re in this part of the season, it’s about win and advance,” head coach Steve Alford said. “I thought our guys did a good job. Every time Air Force

made a run at us, we seemed to get a basket.” The Falcons’ top gun Michael Lyons scored 17 points on 4-of14 shooting, after being held to 15 combined points in the teams’ first two meetings. But it wasn’t enough. Senior forward Drew Gordon lead a quartet of Lobos in double figures with 15 points. Sophomore Tony Snell added 10, Walker had 19 and Williams chipped in 13. UNM scored 31 of its 79 points from the free-throw line, a school record. “We haven’t been great doing that,” Alford said. “We’ve started emphasizing a little bit more just because we feel like those are some free points you need to get to.”


Basketball vs.

unlv today, 9:30 pm las vegas, nev.

Requirements: To be selected editor of Conceptions Southwest you must:

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Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The go s editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be bo loa UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience o o os l g o preferable. s b g

The D aily L obo is hiring reporters!

os lobo o lo go Apply @ unmjobs.unm.edu b g o For more information call 277-5656. o l s go bos obos log os lobo o lo go l s go bos b lo go os g os obo lo o Upcoming Athletic Events o o b s g l b g g o os lobo o lo go l s go bos bos loSoftball Baseball b g o o Fri-Sat 03/09-10 Fri 03/09 o o s o l o l s g bo g bos bo lob o l go @ Texas Tech vs. Gonzaga 6pm o s s g g o o Wed 03/14 o o o Sat 03/10 s s o l s l b o o o lob o l go g o o @ NMSU o vs. Gonzaga 2pm b b s g l b lo g g o o o Sat-Sun 03/17-18 s Sun 03/11 s o o l s s l b @ Cal State Northridge vs. Gonzaga 1pm o go os g obo lobo o lo go os g obo lobo o lo g s s Tues 03/13 s s l l b b o o bo lo Swimming & Diving go os g obo vs. NMSU 6pm go os g obo lobo o lo g g s s o Fri 03/16 s l s Thurs-Sat 03/08-10 l b b o o g g o o o o o o o Diego State 6pm @ NCAA Diving Zones os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob lob go l s g os gvs. San - Sat 03/17 in Colorado Springs, CO o o o o o o o b o b s l s b vs. San Diego State 2pm g l b g Thurs 03/15 g o g o o o o o s o l s o l s s l s l b Sun 03/18 b @ NCAA Championships o g o g o o o o o o o o b b s s b g l b g l vs. San Diego State 1pm g in Auburn, AL g o o o o o o s s o l s b ol o Park o l s go bos obo lob go l Isotopes g g go os g obo lobo o lo g Men’s Tennis b ol os lBasketball g bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bos bMen’s o o Fri 03/09 s g lo g o g o o Thurs-Sat 03/08-10 o o o vs. Air Force 5pm s o l s o l s s o lob o l go g Championships g bo o os bo lob go l go @ MWC Sat 03/10 b s s b b vs. BYU 12pm loVegas,o NV lo o lo go os bos obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo inoLas Wed 03/14 s g l s b g l b g g g o o o o o o s s o l s o l vs. Arizona 12pm s Women’s Basketball s l l b b o 03/07-10 o lo g bo Wed-Sat g bo o o o o b o b bo lo UNM Tennis Complex s l s g g g o g o s luck @l MWC Championships os tolobo o lo go go bos go bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bGood o b s s Fri 03/09 Women’s Tennis o o o Men’s o o os g os against lo Basketball, lo go os g os obo Baseball, lo3:35pm l b l Boise State Sat 03/10 g o o o o o o b o b s l s b g l b g in Las g Vegas, NV g g o @ Northern Arizona g o o o o o s o os l l s o os lobBasketball, g os lob o l go l s go bos Women’s Sun 03/11 o o o b b b g g oGolf o l s g o Golf, o against Akron os lobMen’s o o sGolf, l s o l o l Men’s Women’s s s l b b o g o g g o in Flagstaff, AZ o o o o Sun-Mon 03/11-12 o o o o o b b s g o Invitational ob Sat 03/17 os lob lo go l s g os g bosSkiing, ob Softball, s g Hackler lo go l os g @ General l l b b o o o o @ Pacific o o in Myrtle Beach, SC o o o b o b s l s b g l b g l g g o g o Swimming & Diving, o o o o Sun 03/18 Fri-Sat 03/16-17 s o l s o l s s b ol g bWilliams g bos bo lob o l go o o against Fresno Pacific @ Morris s s g bo lobo o lo s in Stockton, CA o os gTennis lo gWomen’s lo s g os obo o Men’s lo oTennis, bo oIntercollegiate o g o o o b in Austin, TX b s l and Track & Field s b g l b g g Track & Field bo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo s go os o s b g l b Fri-Sat 03/09-10 g l Women’s Golf g g o o o o o s s o os l l s l b b Indoor @ NCAA Championships Sun-Tues 03/18-20 o o g o o o b lob o lo in Boise, ID @ Battle at Rancho Bernardo go s g bos lob lob o l s go s o g in San Diego, CA g o o o o o g os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob b To advertise in Skiing lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go Wed-Sat 03/07-10 this special section, s g bo o Nordic/Alpine o s g bo lobo o lo g call 277-5656! s @ NCAA Championships s bo o lo o g o o o in Bozeman, MT b s l b g bo o lo o lo go os g o s b g l s g os lo bo



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47 Cold remedy in LiquiCaps 48 "Mayor" memoirist 49 Connect 53 Arab League member 55 "__' Eyes": Eagles hit 56 Actor Rob 57 Blacken 58 Journal ending 59 Sister or mother

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Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107

from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Term Of Office: Mid-May 2012 through Mid May 2013 Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2012. Requirements: To be selected editor of Best Student Essays you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

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10% UNM Student Discount 1500-A Wyoming NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 505.312.8762 PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com

For Sale

Apartments ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947.


CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

Announcements VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com ETHICS AND AGING conference, March 9-10, Continuing Education building, info at hse.unm.edu/ethics. Call for more info/RSVP 272-4566.

Lost and Found LOST: GOLD POST earring, elongated oval shape, lost 3/4/12 in Aquinas Newman area. $200 reward. Call 280-4211.

Services ABQESSAYS.COM We deliver polished, well-written model papers on virtually any subject in as little as 8 hours. Check us out! CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Free consultation/ reasonable rates/ student discount. Quinn Kirby 505-750-1398.

DAILY LOBO new mexico


2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com VERY SPECIAL 1BDRM in duplex. Nob Hill area. Hardwood floors, fenced yard, off-street parking. Pet OK. Water paid. $625 +$500 deposit. 268-1964.

Duplexes 1BDRM HARDWOOD FLOORS. Fenced yard. Off-street parking. Pets okay. 1115 Wilmoore SE. $515/mo +$500dd. 362-0837.

Rooms For Rent

www.apluseducationalservices.net STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

UNFURNISHED 1BDRM APARTMENT NE Heights. $675/mo +utilities. Private laundry furnished on premises. 505-235-0617. LIVE ON THE EDGE... of downtown. 2BDRM 820 sqft off street parking, laundry, gated. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. $710/mo. Also 1BDRM available $595/mo. 802 Gold Ave SW. 305-975-0908. ONE BEDROOM AVAILABLE $625/mo, $400dd, private, spacious, and clean. Move-in in March is free 480-4436, 480-2552. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

2 ROOMS AVAILABLE in 3 BDRM 2 BA home. Close to freeways. 4 miles/ 10min from UNM Main. Prefer graduate students/ professionals. Call Chris at 366-4733 or csteny97@gmail.com 2BDRMS AVAILABLE. 1BDRM in basement with bath. Share kitchen and living with others, 4 blocks from UNM, $405/mo, includes utilities and wifi. 239-0570 or 252-9227. 1BDRM AVAILABLE IN 4BDRM house. Starting April 1st. Females preferred, $425/mo. including utilities, wifi, 1 block from UNM campus. 505-206-6466. $350/MO INCLUDING UTILITIES. Lobo Village continuing lease for male. Immediate move in. Fully furnished with cable and internet. Please contact Lucas Perez 505-814-3200. Email lfperez@unm.edu FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, and fitness center. Contact Michelle 505-319-9689. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to take over my 2012-2013 lease at Lobo Village! Change of plans and need someone to take over ASAP! $519/mo +electricity. contact jsando10@unm.edu.

For Sale MUSIC: JUPITER TENOR sax $550, Call Fischer French horn $300. Jimi 480-7444. 2003 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Wagon. Silver with black leather interior. Sunroof, A/C, automatic, power windows/doors, heated seat, tinted windows, CD. 82K miles. $5,950. (505) 974-1437. UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. Call 821-9426. BRADLEY’S BOOKS ACCEPTS plastic MWF.

Vehicles For Sale 1968 FORD MUSTANG white, runs well, 4 barrel carburetor, v8 engine, new starter, battery and tires. Asking $10,000obo. Call Sam at 505-916-7064.

Child Care BEFORE AND AFTER school child care needed near UNM North campus 7:309am and 3:30-5pm M-F variable days average 4-8 hrs/wk total starting April 2012. Will know schedule 1 month in advance. Take 6, 10, and 12 year old boys to school and pick up, sometimes get to after school activity. Must be punctual and have reliable transportation. $100/wk. Send letter of interest and summary of experience to Elizabeth at ehenderson1703@yahoo.com.

Network Support Starts at: 8:00am Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE Learn how to configure network adapters, protocols, and services to allow communication between computers. Learn to use these technologies to effectively administer a network. InDesign: Beginning— Fast Track Starts at: 8:00am Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE Get a fast-paced introduction to all the basic InDesign tools and techniques. We cover character formatting, working with blocks of text, creating and working with simple graphics. Web 2.0, Multilingualism, & Language Learning Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Ortega Hall, Rm 124 In this Brown Bag, Dr. Olga Basharina will discuss managing and implementing telecollaboration, Web 2.0 tools which are most optimal for practicing multilingualism, characteristics of Web 2.0 conducive for language learning.


VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. RUNNER/OFFICE ASSISTANT NEEDED for busy Downtown Law Firm, PT position: We are looking for a hard-working, dependable and professional individual to join our team. Must have a reliable vehicle, current insurance for office runs & be flexible when not in school. Email resumes to joreen@curtislawfirm.org. Contact 505-243-2808.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).


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LOBO LIFE Lobo Men’s Tennis Starts at: 5:00pm Location: UNM Tennis Courts Come support your Lobos as they take on the Air Force. Student Admission is FREE! UNM Baseball Starts at: 6:00pm Location: Isotopes Park Come support your Lobos as they take on the Bulldogs from Gonzaga. Student Admission is FREE! Life Drawing Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE Improve your drawing skills! Don’t miss this great opportunity to work with artist Leo Neufeld. Draw from a live model and learn to interpret the human form to build confidence and improve control. Poetry Workshop: Prompts and Circumstances Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. Find inspiration for your poetry in the unexpected: group prompts, odd prompts, timed prompts, surprising prompts.


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Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Welcome Back: New Lithographs at Tamarind Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute New lithographs from 2011, back from their successful New York City Debut. Happening thoughout the weekend. Sand Painting Demo Starts at: 4:00pm Location: 1923 Las Lomas NE Turquoise Man is an UNM student on campus and he is an experienced Native American Dine artist who will demonstrate how a sand painting can be created with his own two fingers.He will have his art work on exhibit for the month of March.

SATURDAY 3/10 CAMPUS EVENTS Network Support Starts at: 8:00am Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE Learn how to configure network adapters, protocols, and services to allow communication between computers.

Upcoming Job Fairs

March 10, 2012 9am - 3pm @ WEST MESA POOL March 17, 2012 9am - 3pm @ HIGHLAND POOL March 24, 2012 11am - 2pm @ SANDIA POOL for more information, please contact 311

Event Calendar

Planning your weekend has never been easier! Life Drawing Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE Improve your drawing skills! Don’t miss this great opportunity to work with artist Leo Neufeld. Draw from a live model and learn to interpret the human form to build confidence and improve control. Poetry Workshop: Prompts and Circumstances Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. Find inspiration for your poetry in the unexpected: group prompts, odd prompts, timed prompts, surprising prompts.

COMMUNITY EVENTS The Figueroa Project Starts at: 6:00pm Location: The Historic Kimo Theatre The Figueroa Project performs Stravinsky’s Histoire Du Soldat (The Soldier’s Tale) and Tchaikovksy’s Souvenir de Florence, Op. 70 with guest narrator Toby Appel, The Man of a Thousand Voices.

SUNDAY 3/11 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 11:00am Location: UNM SUB Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Werewolf The Forsaken venue. Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.


Sunday Chatter Starts at: 10:00am Location: Factory on 5th Artspace Paul Hindemith Sonata for Solo Viola/W A Mozart String Quartet No 4 in G Minor K516/John Amen poet.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

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