NM Daily Lobo 032212

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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March 22, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

ASUNM Senate opposes proposed fee hike by Svetlana Ozden sozden@unm.edu

In an emergency meeting Wednesday, the ASUNM Senate unanimously passed a resolution in opposition to the proposed $77 increase in student fees. The Board of Regents is considering a proposal that would split the additional funding between Athletics and UNM Libraries. ASUNM President and Student Fee Review Board Vice Chair Jaymie Roybal said the Board of Regents has not offered a detailed outline of how student fees would be spent, but said a portion of it will pay off the Athletics Department’s $1.5 million debt. “It’s unnecessary and inappropriate,” Roybal said. “It’s not our responsibility to pay off the debt of any department. There needs to be more financial responsibility in every department, especially departments that use student fees.” GPSA President and SFRB Chair Katie Richardson said the proposed increase in tuition and fees would also pay for the e-journals for UNM libraries, something she said needs to be paid for through Instruction and General funding from the state, or tuition. “SFRB has been paying for the journals and they are inflating by 10 percent every year,” Richardson said. “We shouldn’t be paying for these costs because they are essential to student success. It is inappropriate that student fees are funding

journal costs.” According to the ASUNM resolution, the SFRB recommendation will expand services for students, including a 24-hour library, recreational service hours and tutoring services, and an increase above what was recommended by the board not only disregards the recommendations of the board, but is unnecessary. Roybal said any increase in tuition or student fees should be justified by specific claims as to how that money will serve students, something she said the regents have not done. “For every dollar we spend, we should get something in return,” Roybal said. “An increase in tuition and fees should only be used for concrete services with concrete benefits.” Roybal said the regents and Athletics representatives have been unclear about Athletics’ financial situation and what the money will be used for if the $77 increase passes. “There’s a lot of mistrust between the students and the regents,” Roybal said. “At the end of the entire process to just tack on an ($77) increase totally diminishes everything we’ve done.” Members of ASUNM will present the resolution to the Board of Regents on Friday during the budget meeting. The presentation will include a video produced by ASUNM Sen. Bridget Chavez that will share the stories of five students at UNM who will be unable to afford an increase in

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Attorney General of ASUNM and SFRB Board Member Gregory Montoya Mora (right), along with ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal, Chief of Staff Cassie Thompson and ASUNM Adviser Debbie Morris, address the ASUNM Senate during an emergency meeting Wednesday night. During the meeting, the Senate passed a resolution calling for the Board of Regents to retract proposals to raise student fees. tuition and student fees. If the proposal is approved, fees could be as high as $580 next year. “As a Senate we have to urge for student representation on board decision-making bodies,” ASUNM Attorney General and SFRB member Gregory Montoya-Mora said. “We should have a voice for any

Q&A with GPSA presidential hopeful

Marisa Silva

by Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga and Luke Holmen news@dailylobo.com

Marisa Silva, a GPSA Representative from the history department, is the sole candidate for the GPSA presidency next year. She spoke with the Daily Lobo about what she hopes to accomplish if she is elected and what qualifies her for the position. Daily Lobo: Why did you decide to run for office? Marisa Silva: I decided to run for office because I wanted to pursue the goal of continuing increased fiscal responsibility, and also promoting graduate assistantships. We are living in a time of fiscal crisis and nationally we are

Inside the

seeing some cuts; however, I feel that graduate assistantships are something we cannot afford to make at the University, especially as they’re related to promoting undergraduate and graduate recruitment, retention and completion of degrees. I’m a native New Mexican and I feel that we have many people from outside of the state (running the University). Some of them are very talented and I respect them very much, but many out-of-state faculty and administrators occupy leadership positions, and I feel that as a New Mexican, we need someone who knows our community’s needs and I really wanted to put diversity at the forefront of the UNM hiring processes, especially relating to faculty. I was willing to challenge (Current GPSA President) Katie Richardson (as an in-state leader) despite my tremendous amount of respect for her leadership (Richardson is from California). I feel that it is vital to put this diversity issue on the front page, and to continue in some of the great work that GPSA and (Richardson) in particular have already been doing to increase private assistantship funding for graduates. I have served on special sessions related to assistantship funding as a representative of the History Graduate Student Association. DL: What are your top three goals? MS: My three top goals are to increase graduate assistantship funding

Dirty Pit

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 121

See page 2

at the University in order to promote graduate and undergraduate degree completion. The second would be to continue working toward greater fiscal responsibility at the University level in general, and that includes addressing this proposal by the regent majors during spring break to increase students fees and student tuition by 3 percent … This would hurt the goal of recruitment and degree completion. My last goal is to promote the hiring of faculty as well as collaboration across the University between student groups. DL: (un)Occupy Albuquerque protesters have been banned from protesting on UNM’s campus without a permit. Do you think it is appropriate for groups to apply for permits to protest, or should any group have that right at any time? MS: This University is a state institution and should be held to the First Amendment. Any group should have the right to free speech and non-violent assembly, especially at an institution of higher education. I do not believe you should have to apply for a permit to exercise a constitutional right. DL: What specific measures would you take to increase the funding for assistantships? MS: I was on the committee with GPSA and Graduate Employees Together (concerning assistantships) and we have already


Obama in town See page 5

dollar we are funding.” The ASUNM Senate considered an amendment to the resolution that would have stipulated how any increase in tuition and student fees would be spent if the regents decided to pass the increase, but the motion did not pass. “The most important part is

that we communicate that several departments need more fiscal responsibility,” ASUNM Sen. Caroline Muraida said. “Student fees are not a scapegoat or a last resort.” The Board of Regents is also considering a 3 percent tuition increase. The board is expected to finalize the budget April 27.

UNM needs bond funds to renovate by Miriam Belin

mbelin08@unm.edu New Mexico voters will decide whether to approve a bond that could mean a major facelift to UNM’s biology and chemistry departments. In November, New Mexico voters will vote on the $114.5 million General Obligation Bond C, $19 million of which would go toward construction at UNM. UNM would use $16 million for a large-scale renovation of Clark Hall, which houses the chemistry department, and $3 million to complete construction to Castetter Hall, which houses the biology department. Construction on Castetter Hall began in 2010, but the building remained unfinished after construction funds ran dry. Renovations to Clark Hall and Castetter Hall are part of the University’s 10-15 year Consolidated Master Plan. UNM is conducting a facility scan — evaluating the conditions of buildings on campus to decide whether to update or demolish. While the scan is not entirely complete, Provost Chaouki Abdallah said Clark Hall and Castetter Hall seem to be the University’s top priorities. If the bond passes, construction

could begin as early as next year. The bond funds would be split among 26 higher education institutions. University Planning Officer Mary Kenney said the facility scan will help put the bond funds to effective use in a difficult economic environment. “When we address some of the condition issues on our campus, it’s going to be important for us to understand, based on the academic plan and the strategic plan of the new president, where we are going to focus our resources because there’s just not enough money to go around and do everything we need to do,” she said. University Architect Robert Doran said after the unfinished floor of Castetter Hall is complete, it will include new teaching laboratories and offices. Kenney said Clark Hall needs major work, including structural renovations, interior updating and exterior remodeling. “We believe that we can really bring a whole new life to chemistry,” she said. “Chemistry is one of those foundational programs that feed pharmacy, nursing, School of Medicine and biology. It’s an essential building that needs to have renewal so that we can serve our students better and make sure that faculty have labs and offices that are appropriate for teaching.”


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Photo Essay: Prepping the Pit

After the basketball season, the next big event for The Pit is the 16th annual Ty Murray Invitational, presented by the Professional Bull Riders (PBR). It is hosted by Ty Murray, a nine-time bull riding world champion and PBR co-founder. The top 35 bull riders in the world will be competing with the toughest bulls at the University Arena this weekend. New Mexico native L.J. Jenkins of Texico won first place last year. The Pit is the smallest arena PBR hosts, requiring only 40 tons of dirt, compared with other arenas that need up to 2,400 tons. Because of The Pit’s small entrance, only one tractor bucket can be hauled at a time. Filling The Pit takes more than four hours. Bull riding events will be held Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the UNM ticket outlets.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 121

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Staff Reporter Miriam Belin Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

Design Director Elyse Jalbert Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

All photos by Junfu Han

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, March 22, 2012 / Page 3

Computer takes on cancer by Jim Fitzgerald

The Associated Press

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — The medical training of IBM’s speedy Watson computer will continue with a residency at a renowned Manhattan cancer hospital. IBM and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center said today that they will add the latest in oncology research and the hospital’s accumulated experience to Watson’s vast knowledge base, and keep updating it. The result should help the hospital diagnose and treat cancer more quickly, accurately and personally, they said.


“The capabilities are enormous,” said Dr. Larry Norton, deputy chief for breast cancer programs at Sloan-Kettering. “And unlike my medical students, Watson doesn’t forget anything.” Watson won fame by beating the world’s best “Jeopardy!” players. Applying its speed and language skills to medicine was a longtime goal at IBM, and Watson went to work last year for the health insurer Wellpoint Inc. The training at Sloan-Kettering will take time, and it may be the end of next year before patients at the hospital are benefiting from Watson’s speed and depth, said Dr. Martin Kohn, chief medical scientist at

IBM. If successful, the finished product could be used anywhere in the world to aid cancer treatment. Watson will be fed textbooks, medical journals and, with permission, individual medical records. Then it will be tested with increasingly complicated scenarios and assessed with the help of an advisory panel, Kohn said. It’s expected to speedily suggest diagnoses and recommend treatments, ranking several alternatives. The computer’s grasp of the scientific literature and ability to find the right passage in seconds will help doctors keep up with the everexpanding amount of available information, the doctors said.

in the session. It was a matter of time — the clock literally running out. DL: What specific measures would you take to ensure more diverse faculty are hired? MS: One of the things I need to do is research how faculty are hired. I am not sure what the areas of consideration are for faculty hiring and how points are assigned. But if there is a student voice that is clamoring for faculty that closely resembles our diverse population, that will be heard. I am hoping to keep in close contact with the Faculty Senate and ethnic centers and student organizations. The first phase of this would be a needs assessment of this committee. A wide variety of organizations would likely support greater diversity because it promotes retention. Retention of diverse groups is improved by diverse faculty. In undergraduate students, the attrition rates of men of color, for instance, are very low at this institution so I believe there is a sound rationale for hiring faculty to retain them through graduation, and these men

would be able to help mentor at-risk younger students. DL: Have you considered trying to get a student voice on boards that hire faculty? MS: Historically I need to do more research on that, but absolutely I think that would be an excellent step. DL: What qualifies you for the office of the presidency? MS: I have a long history of service to New Mexico in public school. I have seven years of experience teaching in Albuquerque and Las Cruces. I worked as a substitute teacher and education assistant, a high school teacher here at Valley High School in Albuquerque for five and a half years. I’m a bilingual educator and I feel that the multicultural diversity in New Mexico needs to be addressed by somebody who knows it. … I also have a very strong network with the student resource centers, including the Women’s Resource Center, the American Indian Student Services, African American Student Services and El Centro de la Raza.

from page 1

drafted a resolution on the issue. There have been overtures made by the provost saying that he is on board with increasing those assistantships, but the official resolution is still subject to a vote with GPSA. That resolution has been drafted through six different departments and I imagine that will be on the ballot for our March 31 meeting. DL: Several bills GPSA advocated for at the State Legislature that would have increased funding for graduate students and created hiring incentives for recent graduates failed this year. How would you ensure that future bills supported by GPSA have a better chance at passing? MS: I know that those were very close and it was a matter of time running out, not a matter of the language, which was very positive and received a positive response from legislators. What we can do is make sure to generate more visibility through the media and partnerships with the community, and this will provide more of an incentive for legislators to hear the bill earlier

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance of UNM and the Biology Undergraduate Society would like to invite you to participate in a campus wide event to create public awareness about the plight of the Mexican Grey Wolves at

Wolf Fest 2012 Where: Smith Plaza (in front of Zimmerman) When: Friday, March 23; 9am-5pm with a film screening of Lords of Nature to follow e world that We want to show th rrounding su d an s pu our cam out the fate of community care ab nt to see this wa d an t, our masco iving and essential species survwild! e th in g in thriv

The University of New Mexico Student Publications Board is now Accepting Applications for

2012-2013 Daily Lobo Editor Apply at: unmjobs.unm.edu Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, March 30, 2012. Term of Office: May 2012 through April 2013. Requirements: To be considered, the candidate must be a student enrolled at the University of New Mexico, have been enrolled 6 hours or more at UNM the preceding 2 semesters, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student in a degree-granting program for at least 6 credit hours throughout the term of office. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656.

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The UNM Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for

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Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2012. Term of Office: Mid-May 2012 through Mid-May 2013. Requirements: To be selected editor of Conceptions Southwest you must:

Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656.

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Thursday March 22, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Student fee hike is still up for discussion by Jacob Wellman

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist Reflecting on the Tucson shootings last January, our nation’s president asked us to engage in civil dialogue while discussing the issues we are called on as citizens and community members to address. “As we discuss these issues, let each of us do so with a good dose of humility. Rather than pointing fingers or assigning blame, let’s use this occasion to expand our moral imaginations, to listen to each other more carefully, to sharpen our instincts for empathy and remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together,” he said. There is no place where more hopes and dreams are shared by more passionate people than at a university — especially here at the University of New Mexico. We must remember these words as we move forward in discussing the hard issues of funding our educational system at UNM, and strive to fulfill our collective vision of a better, stronger University. Contrary to prior headlines and statements made this week, no decision has been made on any tuition, fees or budget. The Finance and Facilities meeting on March 12 was the first time regents discussed possible directions for a budget with administrators in a public meeting. This meeting was intended to start the formal and complex process of setting a budget for the coming year at UNM, which follows one of the most inclusive budgetary processes we’ve seen at the University, with the work of the Strategic Budget Leadership Team largely informing the scenario under consideration. At the regents’ Budget Summit, administrators will present preliminary budgets to be considered over the next month. During this month and at the meeting on Friday, the regents will listen to constituency leaders and members of the public on how these suggested budgets will impact them and the people they represent. Ultimately, we must make a decision on a scenario that helps the University become a stronger institution for New Mexico and our students, while keeping college affordable for current and future students. Responsibility for funding UNM is divided among the taxpayers of New Mexico (state appropriations), students and their families (tuition dollars), friends and alumni who believe in UNM so much that they donate their own money for others to experience higher education, and the funds that the University is able to self-generate. The state appropriations have been decided and approved by Gov. Martinez. Because of a new incentives-based formula, UNM has received an increase in state funds. This is rare in today’s economy. During his visit to Albuquerque in January, former University of Chicago President Don Randel told a national story of how America has begun to disinvest in higher education, with state appropriations creeping further down while the resources needed to educate students grow. It is commendable that New Mexico has seen the value of investing in our students, but after three years of sharp reductions in funding, we will still struggle to operate the University at an acceptable level. Even though we are plagued with abysmal graduation and retention rates, the entire UNM community has taken necessary steps to improve the education we provide


Dr. Peg’s Prescription Get the facts on organ donation

April is National Donate Life month. Are you an organ donor? If you are, thank you on behalf of a child or adult who will benefit from your generosity. If you are not, why not? Perhaps you just haven’t thought about it. You’re young and immortal, after all, right? Wrong. Or perhaps you have some misgivings based on lack of information. Since you’re all in midterm mode, I’ll use the familiar True/ False test mode to educate you. Don’t worry, it’s open book. Question 1: There are more than enough organs in the organ banks. They don’t need mine, too. Answer 1: False. Every day, 18 people in the U.S. die for lack of a donated organ that could have saved their life. That’s almost 7,000 a year, one every 80 minutes. In New Mexico, about 1,000 people are on the list, but only about 50 people a year actually donate organs. Question 2: My family will get hit with a big bill for harvesting my organs. Answer 2: False. There is no cost to the donor’s estate or family for organ donation and associated expenses. Question 3: If I’m injured or sick, they won’t try as hard to save me if they see I’m an organ donor. Answer 3: Totally False. What do you take doctors for, a bunch of unscrupulous mercenaries? Well, whether you do or not,

it’s still false. If you get mortally wounded or terminally ill, all efforts will be made to save you. Only after everything has been done and doctors have declared you officially brain dead will your organs be harvested. The only people who profit from your gift are the recipients, whose lives may be saved. Question 4: My religion forbids it. Answer 4: Probably false. Most major religions have nothing against this life-saving practice. Some leave it up to the individual while condoning the practice, and some outright encourage it as an act of human benevolence in keeping with their doctrine. Question 5: I have to be dead to donate my body parts. Answer 5: Creepy, I know, but false. You can donate blood, bone marrow and even more while you’re still alive. I know someone who gave part of her liver to save her brother’s life. Question 7: I’m too _______ (young, old, sick, damaged, etc.) to donate my organs. Answer 7: By now you’ve caught onto the answer pattern here. Yep, this one, too is false. There are no age limits on organ donations, and while some of your organs may not be usable, others might be. Possibilities for transplant include cornea, kidney, heart, liver, lung, pancreas and intestines. Surely at least one of those is in

New Mexicans. The provost’s academic plan, the crux of the answer to improving education at UNM, calls for new faculty hires, improved advising systems and new academic opportunities, such as an Honors College. This plan carries great promise to lead our state’s flagship University to becoming a leader in providing educational experiences to students across all disciplines. It also carries a price tag, one that in my opinion is prudent and necessary to fulfill. As we approach the next step in the budget process, I encourage students to keep in mind a fundamental truth for any consideration of increased tuition: while

all decision makers must be aware of the importance of keeping costs to students down, it may be more wise to invest in measures to help students graduate faster now, rather than cause students to pay for additional years of school because of unaddressed barriers to graduation. I look forward to your participation in the Budget Summit and hope than we can all come to a fair decision that will help our current students graduate and build us a stronger University for the future. Jacob Wellman is the UNM student regent. He can be reached at Stregent@unm.edu.

decent shape. Don’t let your age or health status stop you from donating. Question 6: If I donate organs, I won’t be able to have an open-casket funeral. Answer 6: Also false. Your organs are inside you, remember? They can be surgically removed with no outward visible effects and you will still look peaceful and whole. Question 7: I can just tell my family to sell my organs. Answer 7: False. Don’t even think about it. Buying and selling organs is illegal. I know it isn’t easy to think about dying, and deciding to donate your organs means admitting you could die an unplanned death. Unfortunately, unplanned death happens all the time. I hope it doesn’t happen to you anytime soon, but if it did, wouldn’t you like to know that someone’s life could be saved even as yours was lost? Register to become a donor at or get more info at DonateLifeNM.org. Peggy Spencer is a student-health physician. She is also the co-author of the book 50 ways to leave your 40s. Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@ unm.edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous. This column has general health information and cannot replace a trip to a health provider.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, March 22, 2012 / Page 5

Obama visits NM oil town

Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)

Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP Photo President Barack Obama speaks during his visit to oil and gas production fields located on federal lands outside of Maljamar, N.M.

By Betsy Blaney

The Associated Press MALJAMAR — President Barack Obama traveled to the outskirts of a no-stoplight town in solid Republican territory Wednesday evening to promote his administration’s commitment to continued increases in domestic oil and gas development. Flanked by an idle oil pumpjack on federal lands in southeastern New Mexico’s Permian Basin, Obama told a crowd gathered in a cold wind that his administration has opened millions of acres of public lands in 23 states to production, has increased access to potential offshore resources by 75 percent and recently approved drilling of a field in the Gulf of Mexico that has the potential to produce 400 million barrels of oil. “If you hear anybody on TV saying that somehow we are against drilling for oil, then you’ll know that they either don’t know what they are talking about or they are not telling you the truth,” he said. “We are drilling all over the place.” The president, who was accompanied by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, also reiterated his commitment to bringing down gas prices through an “all-ofthe-above” energy strategy that includes an increased focus on renewable energies. But he said there is “no connection between the amount of oil and gas we drill in this country and the price of gas” because global demands from countries like China are behind the rising prices. Republicans jumped on the visit to the state, which is one of a handful of key swing states in the November election, putting out statements blaming what they called his failed

energy policies for high gas prices. Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., and others disputed Obama’s assertion that his policies have increased production on federal lands. “While oil production on private lands has increased, according to the Institute of Energy Research, oil production on federal land was down 11 percent in 2011,” Pearce said. Tim Wigley, president of Western Energy Alliance, said Obama’s “bureaucracies and broken policies are making energy development in the West increasingly difficult, time consuming, and cost prohibitive.” Obama made the stop in New Mexico en route from a tour of the nation’s largest solar plant in Boulder, Nev., to the site of future oil pipeline Oklahoma. Republican Gov. Susana Martinez and Roswell Mayor Del Jurney greeted the president when Air Force One landed in Roswell about 5:20 p.m. He then boarded Marine One and headed toward the oil fields outside the town of Maljamar, population 38. Protesters were also waiting for the president, some carrying signs opposing his administration’s consideration of listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as an endangered species. The oil and gas industry fears such a designation could curtail development. “Lizards don’t pay taxes,” read one sign held up by protesters gathered at the Roswell airport Wednesday afternoon. “Saving a lizard will starve a child,” read another. Complaints about a slow permitting process were also being echoed in advance of Obama’s visit to wells on federal lands outside of Maljamar. At lunchtime, oil field workers

were joined by White House officials in suits and ties at the town’s lone restaurant, Linda’s Grill. Maljamar resident Bill Gideon, 64-year-old husband to the grill’s namesake, sat there about an hour before grabbing a meal and going back to work. He owns L&B Trucking and his six trucks haul piping for drilling to oil rig sites all over the region. The economy is OK, he said, and people have jobs, but it could be busier. Companies have moved rig operations west because “the permits weren’t coming fast enough, it was slow,” Gideon said. His lunch companion, Wade Hood, is in the water delivery business, piping it to rig sites for use in hydraulic fracking. The slow permitting trickles back, he said. “When they start slowing down the process, the economy goes down,” Hood said. Still, Sam Cobb, the mayor of nearby Hobbs, said he was excited about the president’s visit. “We are anxious to show the president and his staff what we do in this part of the state, and we really want to be part of getting America energy independent,” he said. “We want to show the president that we are ready, willing and able … and hope we can work with the federal government in reducing barriers to achieve (that) goal.” Maljamar is about 280 miles southeast of Albuquerque near the Texas border. According to the menu at Linda’s Grill, “William Mitchell, president of Maljamar Oil & Gas Company, which brought the first oil well to southeastern New Mexico in 1926, reportedly named the town for his three children, Malcolm, Janet and Margaret.”

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Lobo Culture Retro Culture editor / Alexandra Swanberg

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Thursday March 22, 2012



by Nicole Perez

nicole11@unm.edu Before the words “texting,” “Twitter” or “touch screen” were part of the common vocabulary, people opened up the phone book and spun rotary dials on telephones connected to the wall to call one another. The Telephone Museum of New Mexico is a testament to these old days of telephones. The museum, at Fourth Street and Central Avenue, is home to hundreds of telephones from 1880 to 1984. Phones made of wood and brass line the walls, and every Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo room is filled with telephone A toy soldier is propped up beside a Magneto Army fi eld phone in the Telephone Museum of New Mexico Thursday. The museum is run entirely by volunteers, most of knickknacks — from pens with whom spent their careers at telephone companies and used the equipment that is now on display. a metal ball designed to dial a rotary phone, to an early video phone, to 100-yearrelies on dial-up Internet. “We have teachers who are old New Mexico telephone Featured telephones include young enough today, some of books. A smiling, red-cheeked the “thumper,” the first-ever them have never seen a rotary mannequin dangles from a twocommercial phone model. telephone,” she said. “Isn’t story indoor telephone pole, his Turner said the wooden that strange?” plastic hands frozen midaction. telephone made a knocking The museum opened its Susie Turner, the museum’s noise when it rang, earning doors to the public in 1997 tour guide and publicist, said it its nickname. She said the and is housed in a telephone all the telephones were used Princess Phone, available in building built in 1902, one in New Mexico at some point. pastel colors, was popular in of the oldest buildings in “I always tell people we the late 1950s. downtown Albuquerque. It live in one of the highest tech “That was what every is funded by donations and states west of the Mississippi teenage girl wanted,” Turner volunteer work, and Turner except for California, so don’t said. “It’s lovely, it’s little, it’s said it took 33,000 hours of think we’re hicks,” Turner light. It was so light that when see TelephonePAGE 7 said. “We have a lot to do you tried to dial it, it would go with what made New Mexico right off the table.” a state and the history behind In one interactive exhibit, the space program.” museum-goers pick up the Both Turner and the Chair handset of a turquoise rotary Telephone Museum of the board of directors phone and dial a number. Gigi Galassini have decades of Elvis music plays once they’ve of experience working completed the task. Turner with Mountain Bell, the New Mexico said young children don’t Albuquerque branch of Bell know how to dial a rotary Systems that later changed phone, so she teaches them. over to many other owners. “It doesn’t have a button; Both began work when 110 Fourth Street N.W. they have no idea what to do they graduated from high with it,” she said. “And they school, and Galassini said 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. do not know what a handset she stayed in the telephone is. We’ve had them in here business for 38 years. Most Monday,Wednesday, and they just try to pick up the of the volunteers and board whole phone.” Friday Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo members are old enough Galassini said it’s not just Life-size wax models of Thomas Edison and his wife illustrate the fi rst transcontinental to have worked with the the kids who have never used $2 general admission equipment that is now behind phone call. The Telephone Museum of New Mexico displays the history of the telephone these phones. from its invention to the breakup of Bell Systems in 1984. glass cases. And Turner still



Telephone from PAGE 6 volunteer service to prepare the Turner said the museum houses museum for opening. every telephone book from every Turner said the museum receives town in New Mexico and holds the visitors from around the world, and largest collection of New Mexico some visit for guidance as they build telephone books, larger even than their own telephone museums. One that of the state government. man took it even further. The most modern phone in the “We had one fellow who came museum is at the front desk, where over and took pictures of the the receptionist answers calls with museum, and more modern then he put it technology. on the Internet Turner said she as his own has no problems museum,” she using modern said. “Maybe communication he’s got a lot of technology, such business for us as Skype. that way; I don’t “I think it’s know.” fine. I think it’s C h a r l i e good to keep in ~Susie Turner Calhoun, a contact that way,” museum visitor she said. “You museum tour guide from Olympia, have to forgive me Wash., said he because I don’t liked the display of gifts given to like webcams, so I don’t like that telephone workers of bygone eras part of Skype. But the talking on for jobs well done. the phone part, I think is great.” “There are just fun little things Although the museum always I’ve noticed as I’ve walked around, gets positive feedback from kids, like there’s this button that says Galassini said it is hard to get something like, ‘Go to work, don’t younger generations to help out go to heaven,’” he said. “I’m kind and continue the legacy after she of geeky, so it’s great for geeky steps down. people, but also people who are “Someday somebody will want into quirky, historical stuff.” (the museum), I don’t want it to A small room in the basement go down the tubes,” she said. “I is stacked from floor to ceiling can die here, I guess, if it had to with New Mexico telephone be. But it’s very important to me books, the oldest of which is from to make sure that what we have Estancia and was issued in 1918. built will continue forever.”


Graham Bell a mixed-bag innovator

“It’s very important to me to make sure that what we have built will continue forever.”

HAPS Listings Thursday Sidewinders Line Dancing $4 Jack! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo Renee Ochoa (right) and her daughter, Andi Ochoa (center), look at a statue adorned in pins related to the advancement of telephones in the United States. The museum has received visitors from Canada, Australia and Belgium, and has a copy of every New Mexico phone book issued.

by Nicole Perez

nicole11@unm.edu Alexander Graham Bell is most renowned for inventing the telephone in 1876, but he worked on many smaller, quirky projects as well. Here are some interesting facts about Bell, according to the Telephone Museum of New Mexico. He experimented with sheep for 30 years to develop an ewe that

Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon Line Dancing Lessons start at 6pm Ladies Night Simon Balkey performing at 9 pm $5 Cover for guys and $2 for ladies Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL* *The Original Weekly Dance Party!* *CLKCLKBNG & Guests* *Dance/ Electro & Indie* *75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone*

Coaches Geeks Who Drink; $3 Jager Shots 8:30-10:30pm featuring $11 pitchers of Fat Tire, 1554 and Ranger IPA Happy Hour from 4:30-7pm The Library Bar & Grill Thursday Ladies Night 8pm-2am Feat. the Infamous BOOTY SHAKE! CA$H PRIZES $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo




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would bear more than one lamb at a time. He studied music under August Benoit Bertini, a French composer. He planned a musical career but ended up following in his father’s footsteps as an inventor. When he was 14 years old, he invented a rotary brushing wheel to clean husks from wheat for a local farmer. He conducted experiments with

kites that could lift men. He trained his Skye Terrier to growl steadily and manipulated the dog’s mouth and vocal cords to form the words “ow ah oo, gama-ma,” meaning “How are you, grandmother?” He wanted the phone greeting to be “Ahoy” instead of “Hello.” When Bell was buried in Nova Scotia, all telephones in the U.S. were silent for two minutes in his honor.

the haps

Caravan East March 22

Drink Specials $2 Bud Light • $2.50 Tall Coors $3 Well Drinks All Proceeds will sponsor Operation Smile Surgeries 7605 Central Ave NE $5 Cover • Open 8pm-1:30pm • 21+ only

$2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

Imbibe College Night with DJ Flo Fader 9pm $1 Select Draft, $3 Skyy Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. A chance to Win a trip for 2 to Vegas! Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots and $6 Bombers. Downtown Distillery Under Konstruction Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs Holiday Bowl College Night Karaoke 9:30pm to 2:00am Two Hours of Bowling $10 One Pitcher of Beer $4 Discounted Late Night Menu

feat. the

INFAMOUkSe Booty Sha Contest

Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Monday to Thursday 11:00-9:00

Friday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Ca$h Prizes!

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Sidewinders DJ Scoobie $4 S. Snak! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Simon Balkey performing at 9 pm $3 Cover after 7 pm


The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!

Sidewinders DJ Stitch $5 Patron $3 Smirnoff! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE

Coaches Best Damn Happy Hour In Town 4:30-7pm 1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers (wings not included)

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Simon Balkey opening for Randy Rogers Band $15 Cover Burt’s Tiki Lounge *The Knux* *The Vibrant Sound* *The Royal Heist*

Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm:$2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10pm

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close.

Coaches College Sports Day featuring $3 Corona & Corona Lights The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm:$2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10p Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close.

Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Friday and Saturday 11:00-10:00




Second Entrée of equal or lesser value.

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Silent Crush TBA The Knux The Vibrant Sound The Royal Heist

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for the monthly calendar! NEVER


Page 8 / Thursday, March 22, 2012




the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Dragonfly Yoga Grand Opening Party 6:00 pm Henna tattoos, free thai massage, food, wine, music $1 raffle to benefit New Day Foundation

Sunday Sidewinders Open Sundays! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon SIN Night No cover The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am for the 2011-2012 Football Season! DJ Official spinning 9pm-close!

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 Coaches SIN! Service Industry Night ½ Off “Yourâ€? Bar Bill With Alcohol Certification Card $1 PBR and Session Lager & Black 5pm-close Imbibe Happy Hour All Day: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12mid Outpost Performance Space Mark Weaver UFO Ensemble 7:30pm Albuquerque tuba player Mark Weaver’s group joined by NYC drummer Harris Eisenstadt & featuring Bill Clark, trumpet and Christian Pincock, trombone. Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Sunday 12:00-9:00

MoNday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos Monday Night Football!! DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Rollin Thunder performing 8:00pmmidnight Two-Step Dance Lessons starts at 6:30pm $2 Cover after 7pm

Imbibe Happy Hour All Day: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features)

Coaches Cheap Beer All Night 1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers All Night (wings not included) Beer Pong Tournaments with SW Beer Pong

Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Shots of Jager $2.75 Tecate $2 16 oz. PBR Coaches Big Monday College Basketball night featuring $3 BudKight Drafts & $3 Bud Bottles

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Shotgun Shogun* *TBA* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night!*

Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Monday to Thursday 11:00-9:00

The Library Bar & Grill Happy HOUR!!! Drink Specials Imbibe Drew Estate Cigar Event cigar pack specials include free cigars from Dirty Fabian DJ Twisted Audio 9pm

Tuesday Sidewinders Karaoke $4 Tuaca! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE


Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Monday to Thursday 11:00-9:00 Copa Cabana Red Cup Tuesdays $2 Well Drinks plus All Night Drink Specials DJ 9pm

WEdnesday Sidewinders $3 U Call It Wednesdays! $2 Drafts Happy Hour! 8900 Central SE

Coaches Karaoke Featuring $11 Pitchers of Sam Adams & Sam Adams Seasonal Happy Hour from 4:30-7pm Imbibe Worl of Poker Series - Games at 6 & 9pm + Wine Down w/Tastings & Appetizers 6pm Happy Hour All Day: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis

Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons starting at 6:30pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl & Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$1 Tecate Draft Til Midnight* *$3 Vodka Drinks* The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The BEST Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (exceptt bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Aboslute Flavors Downtown Distillery FREE POOL $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs Plum Cafe Buy One Entree Get the 2nd One 1/2 Priced w/ the purchase of two drinks Monday to Thursday 11:00-9:00

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features)

e k a S & i Sush Ko -2426

Thursday, March 22, 2012 / Page 9


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Page 10 / Thursday, March 22, 2012

NY sings UNM choir’s praises

frappés buy one

by Antonio Sanchez


get one FREE



Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 03/31/12

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 03/31/12


New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Best Sushi Best Service Best Taste Lunch Bento $8.95-$9.95 Sushi lunch $11.45-$13.45 3310 Central Ave SE (505) 265-9166

Members of the UNM choral program received a standing ovation in the Lincoln Center after their performance of René Clausen’s “Requiem” last weekend. Brad Ellingboe, director of choral activities, said recognition like that is rare in New York. “In New Mexico, everyone stands for everything all the time and I think that’s because they had been sitting a long time,” he said. “In New York, that’s a real mark of respect.” UNM sent 180 singers to perform the piece, written specifically for the UNM choir, at New York City’s Lincoln Center Sunday. Ellingboe said they performed the world debut of the piece last year at Popejoy. “Those people that got to be a part of this — really, it’s almost validation that the work that we’re doing here at UNM is really good on a national level,” Ellingboe said. The group, which performed

for more than 2,000 people, was composed of the University chorus and two small choirs from Cibola and Moriarty high schools. UNM student Darci Lobdell, Ellingboe’s secretary and personal assistant, said Sunday’s performance was emotional for the UNM students. “Usually with this production company, they take choirs from all over the place and put them all together, but we just brought all of UNM and made one giant choir,” Lobdell said. “It definitely had school pride in it as well as New Mexico pride. We were the only ones who have ever done this before.” “Requiem” was composed specifically for UNM, voice instructor Sam Shepperson said. With no prior recording to work off of, Shepperson said it was difficult to put the piece together at first. Working with a newly composed piece did have its benefits, Shepperson said, such as leaving a positive impression on the New York audience. “There’s a certain generic sound sometimes from a stage from New York

— the people that do it are so used to doing it. For us, we were really excited to be there,” he said. “We had worked hard to do it, and I think that the audience there felt that and realized what a special piece it was, and how much it meant for us to be there to perform it.” Performing at the Lincoln Center for the first time, Shepperson said he was thankful for the opportunity. “You’re performing on the same stage where Pavarotti once sang, or Domingo — all of these famous people once performed or still perform, so that’s special,” he said. Voice instructor and soprano soloist Leslie Umphrey said that the confidence UNM’s choir had going into Sunday’s performance was something that impressed the audience. “After the show, someone asked if we were a professional choir, and were surprised to find out that it’s our University concert choir and a few high school choirs from the Albuquerque area,” she said. “It was an overwhelmingly positive experience.”

party features aerial trapeze artists, stilt walkers, body painters, live music and beer, wine and tequila lounges, Armstrong-Strober said. “So we’ve definitely tried to create this kind of a rock-and-roll circus feel,” she said. “That’s sort of the feeling we’re going for. We’ve been to Burning Man; we’re all about creating art and in-the-moment spontaneity.” The lounges are available all weekend, as well as live entertainment. After Friday, Strober said there are more cooking demos, a chocolate-eating contest, a bounce house for the kids and a baking contest. Strober said eventgoers can sample myriad chocolate concoctions, including both sweet and savory dishes. For example, attendees can taste Chocolate Gelato Java Stout Beer Floats. There will also be gluten-free, all natural and organic options, such as raw vegan chocolate almond fudge. Armstrong-Strober said this year’s venue is five times larger than last year’s, to accommodate more vendors and attendees. Out of the 73 vendors, 95 percent of them are from New Mexico, and she said the rest are from surrounding states. She said the event is highly beneficial to the vendors, many of whom have day jobs to pay the bills while working to get their businesses off the ground. One vendor, Teri’s Sweet Garden, is a candy shop in Los Lunas that Teri Leahigh and her husband Mark started two years ago. For their first year

at the festival, they’ll have treats such as chocolate-covered Twinkies, fudge and cups of dirt. Leahigh said she always told her chocolate-fanatic father that she’d start a candy shop, so he could get his fix free. “Unfortunately, my dad had passed away before I was able to get the funds and do all the stuff it takes, but we have his pictures up in the shop here, and we named one of our candies after him, so he’s still here, but the final motivation was just ‘jump out of the boat and do it, do it for dad,’” she said. When customers come in, they tell her it’s like Disneyland, Leahigh said. She tries to create a kid-friendly atmosphere; if chocolate is broken, they can always melt it down, she said. “It’s all just fun, and that’s how I remember my dad,” she said. “We would go to the little chocolate shop and we would get chocolate and take it into (back in the day it was) Mervyn’s … so it was fun, chocolate was always fun.”

Fest mixes local food, NYC feel by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

The Southwest Coffee and Chocolate Fest is more than a sampling of the buzz-inducing goodies in the region; it’s about supporting the local producers, so people can get their fix for years to come. Festival founders Dean Strober and Lena Armstrong-Strober moved to Albuquerque from Brooklyn a year and a half ago. Strober said they attended a wine festival in Bernalillo and had the idea for the coffee and chocolate festival. He said they wanted the festival to be as diverse as parties in New York City, instead of an event where people just walk around and sample chocolate and coffee. “The best kind of party is where there’s always something different going on, and you can really explore what’s in this room, what’s in that room, oh my god there’s flamenco dancers, oh look, aerialist trapeze performers, over here we’ve got a blues band,” he said. Strober primarily organized the event on his own, and during the last month, he said he’s been working 16 hours a day on five hours of sleep. Armstrong-Strober said Strober’s ambition and their mutual love for entertaining is what motivates them to put on the fest. This Friday, the fest kicks off with the Alien Tequila After Dark Chocolate Party for adults 21 years and older. The

Southwest Coffee and Chocolate Fest

AlbuquerqueConvention Center 401 Second St. N.W. Friday 5 to 11 p.m. $20, 21+ Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. $10, all ages Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. $10, all ages ChocolateandCoffeeFest.com

The University of New Mexico Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for

Best Student Essays Editor 2012-13 This position requires approximately 10 hours per week and entails supervision of a volunteer staff.

Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Term Of Office: Mid-May 2012 through Mid May 2013 Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2012. Requirements: To be selected editor of Best Student Essays you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656

lobo features Los Angeles Times DailyT Crossword , M 22, 2012 / P Puzzle

New Mexico Daily Lobo



Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis dailycrossword



ACROSS 1 Altar vestments 5 Not back down 11 Screw up 14 Boor 15 Shortening name 16 __ Paulo 17 A falsehood in every respect 19 Basinger of “Batman” 20 Congo River beast 21 Arsoninvestigating org. 22 Three-time W N B A M V P __ Leslie 23 Beast of burden 24 Chuck Connors titlerole 28 Condemn 29 Passable 30 Common crossword clue ending 33 Piper’s followers 36 D.C. hearings broadcaster 39 Risky activity, and what certain four-letter sequences in 17-, 24-, 49- and 61-Across are doing? 42 Badly cooked 43 Reasonable 44 Pilot’s prefix 45 Summoning gesture 47 Plenty 49 “Scream” or “Halloween” 53 Sis, say 56 They’re mostly fours 57 Tijuana relative 58 “Three inches is such a wretched height to be” speaker 60 Sí, in Paris 61 Actor’sliability 64 __ pro nobis: pray for us 65 Mid-size Nissan 66 Latin 101 verb 67 Athlete’s supporter 68 Have it in mind 69 Ad amount

Level 1 2 3 4

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age 11





Disney College Program Starts at: 10:00am Location: Santa Ana A & B This truly unique program allows participants to network with leaders, take part in personal and career development classes. Academic Success Workshop Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC

Learn tips to deal with barriers to academic success. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Anxiety/Stress Workshop Series Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to reduce stress in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Mission Impossible 4 Starts at: 3:30pm Location: SUB Room 1003 Students: $2, Fac/Staff: $2.50, Public: $3.

The Anthropology Collloquium Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Hibben 105 UNM Archaeological research along the Tungabhadra River of inland South India, to step back from these ‘global’ constructions of ancient India and present a local history of one region. Life Drawing Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE

By Ed Sessa

DOWN 1 Top dog 2 Joe the boxer 3 Baby’s achievements? 4 Baby book first 5 Here, on the Seine 6 Atomic energy org. 7 Solo instrument in “Norwegian W ood” 8 Last Supper question 9 Jeers (at) 10 Heavy weight 11 Ice cream treat since the 1920s 12 Mrs. Gorbachev 13 __ numeral 18 Snapshot, commercially 22 Heart-healthy food claim 25 Rhino feature 26 Webzines 27 Scot’s sailing site 28 Wine quality 30 LAPD alert 31 Primary colore 32 Neanderthal type 34 Former carrier with a JFK hub

3/22/12 W ednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

35 Historic peninsula 37 JFK posting 38 “The Matrix” hero 40 Reason to scratch 41 Archer of note 46 Boiling point? 48 Bridge master Sharif 49 Parody 50 Dr. with advice 51 Cowboy’s rope


52 “Oliver Twist” villain 53 S, as in Socrates 54 Mac messaging program 55 Actress Davis 59 One to whom you might say,“I doubt that” 61 Wanted poster uncle? 62 CPR expert 63 __ Schwarz


Event Calendar

for March 22, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! Draw from a live model and learn to interpret the human form to build confidence and improve control. Poetry Workshop: Prompts and Circumstances Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. Find inspiration for your poetry in the unexpected: group prompts, odd prompts, timed prompts, surprising prompts. Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Santa Ana A&B

Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Changeling The Requiem venue. Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Welcome Back: New Lithographs at Tamarind Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute New lithographs from 2011, back from their successful New York City Debut.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Thursday, March 22, 2012



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DAILY LOBO new mexico


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Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

Announcements NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com NEW CONSTRUCTION IN the UNM Area, walking distance to main campus, CNM, and Presbyterian hospital. 5 modern 2BDRM urban flats/ loft units with washer dryer hookups only $525,000. Property tour at noon on 3/27 . Offer deadlines 4/2, call Todd Clarke CCIM at NM Apartment Advisors for more info 505-440-8633 or tclarke@nmapartment.com for address, flyer and tour details.

Looking for You

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com

STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net ALGEBRA, CALCULUS TUTOR. Call 410-6157.

Your Space SINGLE WHITE MALE, blue eyes, athletic build, 6’1’’, great hair, seeking beautiful girl to hang out with. Email wease25@yahoo.com to set a date. Name’s Kyle. SINGLE WHITE FEMALE. Looking for single white male, with blue eyes, great hair, athletic build and 6’1”. Preferably named Kyle. Email jch1219@unm.edu

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. 1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presbyterian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 116 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. Call 550-1579. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties. com

Duplexes AVAILABLE NOW. UNM/ NOBHILL, 1BDRM, hardwood floors, fenced yard, pet okay, off-street parking, water paid. $650/mo +$500dd. 268-1964.

Houses For Rent

ARE YOU PREGNANT? A childless, successful, single woman seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom w/flexible work schedule. Financially secure.Expenses paid. Maria/Adam. 1-800-790-5260.

HOUSE FOR RENT, across from CNM, 2BDRM, hardwood floors, fireplace, updated appliances with washer & dryer. Rent includes utilities. Call Gary 803-8981.

PORTRAIT ARTIST LOOKING for subjects to paint, interested in all types, especially interested ethnic diversity. Paying $10/hr. Leo Neufeld 721-1471. leoneufeld.com

HOUSE FOR RENT Ridgcrest Area 2BDRM, one bath, excellent area for UNM students. Must have references, first and last months rent. $900/mo. 262-2490.

Lost and Found

FURNISHED 1BDRM 1BA, quaint casita, walk to UNM/ Old Town, available now, $850/mo, NS/ NP, 505-934-6453.

LOST 1ST GENERATION iPod touch. In Johnson Gym or near outdoor bike shop. 3/8/12. Call or text 505-205-4947. SILVER IPOD SHUFFLE lost in Carlisle Gym, Monday 3/5. Call or text 505-715-0437 if found. LOST NIKON D3000, camera bag, 2 lenses, hard drive etc. Hard drive is irreplaceable. $200 Reward no questions asked. silverfwn@yahoo.com or 505-459-1548. SILVER IPOD SHUFFLE lost in Carlisle Gym, Monday 3/5. Call or text 505-7150437 if found.

Services CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Free consultation/ reasonable rates/ student discount. Quinn Kirby 505-750-1398. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. NEW MEXICO RENT-A-Box attention students: dorm room storage. You pack your stuff and we store it for you during the summer! Up to 10 boxes and packing supplies, $220 +tax during the entire summer. 505-346-0563. rentaboxnm.com MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Houses For Sale ARE YOU RENTING? Why rent when you could buy? Interest rates low, prices low, let us help you. Low down payments available. Call John Thomson 450-2878. Thomson Real Estate.

Rooms For Rent STUDENT WANTED TO share fully furnished, 3BDRM. 2BA. $400/mo. $250dd. 1/3 utilities. No pets. N/D. N/S. Available now. Have one dog. hf5w2s@unm.edu, 907-6139. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 2BDRM on Central and Louisianna. Cinnamon Tree Apartments. $315/mo +electric. 505-231-5955. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM house in University Heights/ Harvard Drive area. $425/mo +1/2utilities. Available 5/15. Call Kyra for interview 907-854-8028. LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, and fitness center. Contact Michelle 505-319-9689. NEED FEMALE STUDENT to take over 2012-2013 lease in Casas Del Rio. Do not have to be a freshman. Daughter unable to attend UNM. We will pay application fee. Contact DeeDee 505-2352971.



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM Lease Takeover August 2012-August 2013. $519.00/mo. Utilities, Cable and Internet included. Fully Furnished. Female only. Call 505554-7795.

FEMALE WANTED, MOVING out of state in May and need someone to take over lease at Lobo Village ASAP. $499/mo. 505-379-7704. ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. Near UNM. Share with 2 awesome roomates. Utilities, internet, and cable included. W/D. NP. $430/mo. End of May, early June. 505-974-7476. FEMALE NEEDED TO take over Lobo Village lease. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, and workout facilities. Available May. Contact Courtney 505-412-2780. CLEAN, QUIET, RESPONSIBLE roommate wanted to share 3BDRM house. $275/mo including all utilities and internet. Unfurnished. 2 miles from UNM. Graduate student preferred. Lawrence 505-264-6009. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu LOBO VILLAGE APARTMENT for rent. Lease term August 2012- August 2013. Male only. Rent $519. Special offers may be discused. Contact 505-550-5202.

For Sale SELLING AN AUTHENTIC Louis Vuitton purse. Asking $870OBO. Feel free to text me for pictures. 505-975-1759. BALL PYTHON SNAKE for sale, 2 years old, $50 +cage, needs home ASAP, 505-359-0140. BRADLEY’S BOOKS ACCEPTS plastic MWF. WESTFALIA CAMPER VAN for Sale. Please call 505-898-7271.

Vehicles For Sale 2004 HYUNDAI SANTA Fe. Excellent condition inside and out. 108K. $7300. 933-1782. SCOOTER: 2003 APRILLA 500CC’s excellent condition, adult ridden, always garaged, $2350 OBO. 269-5226. BUICK PARK AVENUE. Only 75K. Needs paint job, drives great. $2,300obo. 933-1782. 2000 HYUNDAI ELANTRA. Looks/ drives great. Excellent condition! 34mi/gallon. $3,750. 933-1782. 1968 FORD MUSTANG white, runs well, 4 barrel carburetor, v8 engine, new starter, battery and tires. Asking $10,000obo. Call Sam at 505-916-7064. TOYOTA CAMRY LE Model, Looks/drives great. $2,900obo. 933-1782.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Child Care PT NOW BUT FT(Summers)- Nanny for family in North Valley, 2 kids (9&11) must have reliable car, help with homework, bilingual Spanish/English a plus. danielabq@aol.com

Jobs Off Campus TALIN MARKET IS currently looking for team members in the following areas: customer service, cashiering, t-Bar, produce, seafood. Please take an application at 88 Lousiana Blvd. SE. GOING INTO A helping profession?

Students have gotten valuable experience by helping a very cognitive independent woman, who has a physical disability, with everyday needs. To learn more and apply, go to the URL: https://sites.google.com/site/open touniquework/ HIRING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES BBB A+ CERTIFIED BUSINESS SIGN ON BONUS!!!

Apply at: http://nationalpcsolutions.com/careers Call 800-588-2188. TALIN MARKET IS looking for morning stocker. Hours from 6am- 10am Monday-Friday. Starting pay at $9/hr. Please apply online at talinmarket.com or pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE.

AIR FORCE NURSING HIRING! No experience required. Within 1yr of BSN. Call/email by April 2012. 303-366-6814. steven.kuberek@us.af.mil RUNNER/OFFICE ASSISTANT NEEDED for busy Downtown Law Firm, PT position: We are looking for a hard-working, dependable and professional individual to join our team. Must have a reliable vehicle, current insurance for office runs & be flexible when not in school. Email resumes to joreen@curtislaw firm.org. Contact 505-243-2808. NOW HIRING SUMMER positions. Pest Defense Solutions 505-899-4808.

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330).

THE UNIVERSITY OF New Mexico Student Publications Board is now Accepting Applications for 2012-2013 DAILY LOBO EDITOR

Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or download an application at: http://www.unm.edu/~pubboard/policy.htm Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2012.


full body waxing • microderm facials airbrush tanning • eyelash extensions

Term of Office: May 2012 through April 2013.

This position requires approximately 10 hours per week and entails supervision of a volunteer staff.

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Brazilian Waxing Boutique

Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, March 30, 2012.

THE UNIVERSITY OF New Mexico Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for BEST STUDENT ESSAYS 2012-13 EDITOR



Apply at: unmjobs.unm.edu

For more information call 277-5656.


Brazilian Wax $35

Jobs On Campus

Requirements: To be considered, the candidate must be a student enrolled at the University of New Mexico, have been enrolled 6 hours or more at UNM the preceding 2 semesters, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student in a degree-granting program for at least 6 credit hours throughout the term of office. Some publication experience preferable.

DO YOU HAVE Diabetes, Asthma, etc.? Register at CTSCTrials.health.unm.edu (HRRC#06-412) to hear about research opportunities going on at UNM. For more information contact Danielle DaTrujillo@salud.unm.edu

INTERESTED IN BEING a Research Participant? Register at www.ResearchMatch.org For more information contact Danielle at 272-6048 or DaTrujillo@salud.unm.edu

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3 LOCATIONS! EASTSIDE 2910 San Mateo NE 505-217-5508

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SANTA FE 1544 Cerrillos Rd. 505-989-4WAX (4929)

City of Albuquerque Parks and Recreation Dept. Aquatics Division

NOW HIRING ALL POSITIONS Wages Range From $7.50 - $12.00

Upcoming Job Fairs

March 10, 2012 9am - 3pm @ WEST MESA POOL March 17, 2012 9am - 3pm @ HIGHLAND POOL March 24, 2012 11am - 2pm @ SANDIA POOL for more information, please contact 311

Term Of Office: Mid-May 2012 through Mid May 2013 Requirements: To be selected editor of Best Student Essays you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable. For more information call 277-5656. THE UNIVERSITY OF New Mexico Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for UNM’s Student Art and Literature Magazine CONCEPTIONS SOUTHWEST 20122013 EDITOR

This position requires approximately 10 hours per week and entails supervision of a volunteer staff. Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or download an application at: http://www.unm.edu/~pubboard/policy.htm Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2012. Term of Office: Mid-May 2012 through Mid-May 2013.

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now excepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information.

Requirements: To be selected editor of Conceptions Southwest you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202.

For more information call 277-5656.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.


To Do:

call Molly @8 buy tix pick up Daily L obo

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