NM Daily Lobo 032411

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March 24, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Alcohol Styrofoam can fizzles trash campaign at dorms stirs up debate by Elizabeth Cleary news@dailylobo.com

Officials, students weigh pros, cons of drinking policy by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Lobo Village plans to allow alcohol for of-age residents when the dorms open in August, but no one ran that policy past the City Council. “It was never revealed to anyone here,” Councilor Isaac Benton said. The City Council in November denied UNM’s requests for a liquor license at The Pit. Lobo Village, however, isn’t required to apply for a liquor license from the council since the establishment isn’t selling alcohol, merely allowing students to have it at its facilities. Regardless, Benton said he doesn’t support Lobo Village’s alcohol policy. Lobo Village caters to older students who are of legal drinking age, said Walt Miller, vice president of Student Life. “It’s geared toward the upperclassmen, which leads us to the key part that they have to be of legal age,” he said. “We’re not permitting freshmen to live there, so that’s forcing at least a couple years of students being likely to be 21.” UNM’s alcohol policy applies to property owned, leased, or operated by the University. Alcohol consumption must comply with state and federal

see Alcohol page 3

The oversized soda can in the SUB is meant to demonstrate how small pieces of trash can turn into big problems, but the soda can is made of material that isn’t environmentally friendly. The soda can, which stands about 10 feet high, is made of Fiberglass and Styrofoam, said Adam Greenhood, the creative director of the Albuquerquebased Esparza Advertising firm. Greenhood’s firm designed the soda can, on display in the SUB basement, for New Mexico Clean and Beautiful’s litter prevention and control campaign, Toss No Mas. “This is not a pro-environmental campaign,” Greenhood said. “Just don’t throw stuff out.” The process for making polystyrene, the generic term for brand-name Styrofoam, “pollutes the air and creates large amounts of liquid and solid waste,” according to the Earth Resource Foundation’s website. The EPA classifies styrene, the basic building block for polystyrene, as a possible human carcinogen. Chemicals in food containers made from polystyrene can leak into food and cause health problems, the website said. Greenhood said the soda can will be transported and displayed in movie theaters, shopping malls and public functions around New Mexico. The SUB is the soda can’s Zach Gould / Daily Lobo second stop, and it will remain there for about the next two and a half The oversized soda can in the SUB is a part of Toss no Mas’ anti-littering campaign. The soda weeks. can, which stands about 10 feet tall, is made of Styrofoam, an environmental pollutant. “The reason people litter is that they think it is kind of a small thing,” he said. “It’s a big, big problem.


The GPSA presidential race kicked off Wednesday with the first of four debates, and candidates discussed student fee allocation, departmental cuts and student government transparency. Candidate Katie Richardson said GPSA should set an example as an open, inclusive government for the University. She said Athletics is over-funded and should not be propped up by student fees. “I absolutely am against using student money for these purposes,” she said. “Student fee money ought to be used towards the academic success of students — towards our recruitment, our retention and ultimately our graduation rates.” Richardson, Patricia Caballero, Jacob Candelaria and Joseph Dworak are among the four candidates.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 121

Arguing that Athletics is a useful recruitment tool, Candelaria said it attracts minority students to higher education, and he said it should be financially supported. “I don’t think we can do a carte blanche, anti-Athletics approach because there are unintended consequences when you shrink those programs,” he said. “What we can do is make it open and transparent, and we can get to a level of subsidization that everyone is OK with.” Cabellero said GPSA should insist on participating in the budgetary process and gaining accurate facts to influence future departmental cuts. “Information is power, and we have not had the information,” she said. “The questions have been asked, and we all know that something is happening at that level that is not making sense,

see GPSA page 3

“This is not a proenvironmental campaign. Just don’t throw stuff out.” ~Adam Greenhood Creative Director “This is money that could go into education, health care or other issues that are bigger than litter,” he said. Lobato said New Mexico faces challenges in keeping trash contained. “One of the challenges for New Mexico as a whole is our wind and properly contained trashcans,” he said. “Because if you have it where it’s open, it can actually blow away and create more litter.” Lobato said that more than 6,000 pieces of trash litter every mile of road in New Mexico. He said people litter because they don’t care about environmental welfare. “It’s been shown that they don’t care,” he said. “They think someone is going to pick up after them. They take no ownership in the environment.”


Candidates debate Athletics, budget by Kallie Red-Horse

When you read the nutrition facts on the back of the can, it has all of these really enlightening facts about the littering situation in New Mexico and how bad it is.” Joe Lobato, the director of the Toss No Mas campaign, said his campaign targets 18-35-year-olds because they litter more than people in other age groups. Lobato said the country spends $11.5 billion annually picking up trash.

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Sara Ryan reads “The Ghost Sonata” script Wednesday backstage at Theatre X. The abstract play deals with the facade people create in their relationships. See page 6 for full story.

Don’t teach for America

Drug war

See page 4

See page 5


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PageTwo Thursday, March 24, 2011

photo essay: staten island ferry

New Mexico Daily Lobo

A commuter rides the lower level of the Staten Island Ferry on Sunday. The ferry carries more than 75,000 people on a five-mile trek through New York harbor to Manhattan. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and it began operation in 1817. Robert Maes Daily Lobo

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 121

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg

Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark

Opinion Editor Nathan New Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, March 24, 2011 / Page 3

Alcohol from page 1 law and will be allowed only in private rooms, according to the Rules and Regulations sections of Lobo Village’s lease, Lobo Village General Manager Brent McPherson said students under 21 found with alcohol or drunk will be punished. Written into the lease, alcohol containers exceeding one gallon are not permitted on the premises. It says alcohol consumption is not allowed in common amenities and interior hallways, and keg-cooling devices are also prohibited. The penalties for even the most minor violations of the Liquor Control Act include fines of up to $300, property


confiscation and imprisonment for up to seven months, according to the policy. Serious violations carry greater penalties, with larger fines and longer prison time. Lobo Village employee Ryan Benefiel said alcohol violations will be handled case by case. “It’s not my job to interpret the law,” he said. “It depends on each situation, but we will abide by those laws.” John Steiner, program manager for the Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention, said that alcohol at Lobo Village isn’t ideal. “My hope is that Lobo Village will be well-managed with respect to alcohol use, that guidelines for the use

of alcohol are developed and put in place before students move in, and that those guidelines and legal drinking age laws are properly enforced,” he said. Student Kelsey Grubb said that allowing alcohol at Lobo Village introduces potential for abuse of the rules. “I think it’s stupid,” she said. “We’re a dry campus, and if some people have alcohol, then it will just be shared with everyone, including underage residents and guests.” Student Romilly Tsinhnahjinnie said she doesn’t have a problem with Lobo Village’s alcohol policy. “I think it’s fine as long as people pay attention to the law,” she said.

redirecting SFRB student fees to graduate research. Candelaria said UNM’s graduate research financial problems can only be solved at the state level.

adequately leverage and build the largest pot of money as we possibly can as an institution,” he said. “This problem is not going to be solved by this University alone. I would bring this to the table to the proper areas of state government because if we don’t act there, we are never going to solve the problem.” Richardson said she is willing to work with undergraduates, but her loyalty lies with graduate students. “We need to be the leaders on this campus and reach across the aisle to undergraduates,” she said. “Where we share common interest, work together, but my priority is to protect the interests of graduate students. I will always stand with graduate students.”

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but we have not been forthright in demanding to see reports.” Positive change can only be brought about through council and presidential collaboration, Dworak said. He said the $120,000 legislative cuts to graduate research will force GPSA to get creative in seeking alternate sources of funding. “Currently, each graduate student pays extra $22 more than undergraduates in student fees,” he said. “That is well over $100,000 and could be used to supplement graduate-only programs, like graduate research. Realistically, it wouldn’t be possible to allocate it through SFRB process, but we need to look at every option.” Richardson said she favored

“Information is power, and we have not had the information.” ~Patricia Caballero GPSA President Candidate “We must attempt to bring all the resources of this University together in a coordinated way to

correction In the article, “Salary Sacrifices,” John Rask was incorrectly identified as a UNM Government Relations spokesperson. He is on the Faculty Senate Government Relations Committee. Also, the article said the Board of Regents has until April 18 to send a budget to Santa Fe, when in fact the University has until May 1 to send a final budget.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New



Thursday March 24, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

Letter UNM is not broke; don’t let the regents tell you otherwise Editor, In 2009, according to the University’s audited financial statements, UNM had more than $753 million in liquid assets, including almost $178 million in cash. Additionally, UNM had reserves, represented by cash, of almost half a billion dollars ($484,528,511). I know this not because the University makes these statements widely available, but through the AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress chair. For several months, we have been hearing about dwindling state funding and the resultant cuts that the administration has been forced to make. What we haven’t heard about is these large reserves, or the increases in tuition revenue, as a result of tuition rate and enrollment increases. Both have largely negated the decreases in state funding. The Daily Lobo reported that the University recommended to the Board of Regents further cuts next year totaling more than $12 million, including nearly $900,000 to instructional budgets. Furthermore, a “significant rise in tuition” is almost inevitable, Faculty Senate President Richard Wood said. Regent Jamie Koch was quoted as saying, “I have no problem raising tuition if we’ve done everything to lower our costs.” This narrative that the administration has done everything it can to lower costs and that cuts must now be made is commonplace and utterly false. Among the University’s other recommendations to the regents: a meager $300,000 cut to Athletics. And UNM still has more than 20 vice presidents, many, if not all, taking home large six-figure salaries. And what of those massive cash reserves? Cutting another $900,000 from instructional budgets would be devastating, leading to layoffs, furloughs and pay cuts. But that $900,000 represents just 0.11 percent of the $753 million in liquid assets. The administration’s predictable response is that using up these reserves will hurt UNM’s bond rating. I’m no economist, but how much damage can that 0.1 percent really cause? Provost Suzanne Ortega recommended cutting $6,000 in instruction and general support from the Office of International Programs and Studies each of the next two years, replacing that money by increasing student fees. These are major cuts to a valuable program that will be imposed on students, yet insignificant in light of UNM’s reserves. By all means, UNM should strive to be more efficient, but making unnecessary cuts to the University’s academic mission, especially ahead of cuts to luxuries like Athletics and vice presidents’ salaries, is inexcusable. As E. J. Dionne recently said in the Washington Post, and Michael Moore said from the steps of the Wisconsin state capital, “America is not broke.” UNM is not broke, either. Euan Mitchell UNM student

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

Letters Liberal ideology denies that people can make bad choices Editor, It’s interesting how the writer of Tuesday’s “welfare queen” letter makes a statement that has a touch of truth. She then flips that truth like a burger, attacks the person she cited, offers no proof to support her attack statements, then wraps her monologue with a parting shot to reinforce her attack. Well done, Ms. Kay Simmons. Ronald Reagan did point out there were “welfare queens.” I was there. I heard what he said and read what he wrote. He never made it racial; Simmons did by attacking Reagan with a “straw man” argument. And Simmons’ backhanded attack portrays all who question welfare as racists. Why did she do this? The reality is that the people who are on/qualify for welfare are in this position for three reasons supported by empirical research: 1. Unmarried moms. Most are high school dropouts, have neither the education nor work skills to justify being hired for anything but low-paying jobs. The cost to feed and clothe a growing kid means living on welfare at taxpayers’ expense. I did say most.

Poor students should not be subsidizing UNM shortfalls Editor, I am writing in response to Daily Lobo reporter Shaun Griswold’s piece, “Tuition bump on the horizon,” to express my disappointment that the ASUNM president is “optimistic” that tuition will go up by 8-10 percent. Translation: He is “optimistic” that New Mexico resident undergraduates will enjoy a $300 tuition increase for fall 2011. What a defeatist attitude! There is no reason why students, one of the poorest demographics nationally, should have to subsidize the University with tuition and fee increases. Is it not enough that tuition and fees for resident undergraduates have increased by marginally more than 100 percent in the last 10 years? Is it not enough that the average undergraduate completing their degree this semester will owe roughly $25,000 in student loans?

2. High school dropouts send a message to an employer: This person has little focus and self-discipline, and may have difficulty reading manuals and other instructions. Employers might question if these employees can communicate properly with customers. 3. Those with a criminal history, often involving drugs. Employers are responsible for the employees’ actions. If an employee has a history of theft, violent crime, drug use and commits a crime during work, the employer can face financial loss via a lawsuit. Just ask the law school folks who will argue the employer knew that employee presented a danger; hence he is financially responsible, not the criminal who owns nothing. Reagan and others argue that any person who fits into these three groups is there by choice. Other than by rape, it is your choice to put yourself into these categories. It is the progressive/liberal ideology that denies this truth and demands that taxpayers give them our money. Hubert Humphrey and Daniel Patrick Moynihan spoke about the deteriorating family because of expanding welfare. Humphrey spoke about the disintegration of the “negro family” as a direct consequence of the “Great Society” welfare programs imposed by LBJ. Reagan did not make it racial; Humphrey and Simmons have. Job growth and the “welfare queen” have nothing in common, except for what

Simmons has done: Take a fact, twist it and imply that Reagan — and by subtle implication his supporters — have racial bias as their issue rather than job growth. Simmons is quite clever. Is she running for office soon? This century has seen the permanent loss of 8 million U.S. manufacturing jobs. The EPA and state regulations, tax laws, the cost of mandates and liability are the factors that impact job creation and loss. The cost of natural gas used to fire porcelain sinks, tubs, toilets is less in Mexico than in New Mexico, and so is the cost of labor and benefits. It is less expensive to harvest chile in Hatch and take the crop to Mexico and roast them than to do so in the U.S. Brazil will drill in the Gulf of Mexico using funding that comes from the export/import bank. Some of that funding is our tax dollars. We prohibit drilling and do not give that financial support to U.S. corporations. China will drill in the Caribbean. Do you think those nation’s oil companies have to comply with U.S. law, pay taxes, provide benefits and hire U.S. citizens? Simmons, rather than the attack you mounted, look at the serious problems our nation faces and their causes so you can offer constructive solutions.

What will it be for those graduating in three or four years’ time — $30,000? $40,000? Unfortunately, I’d say this is a likely scenario if ongoing fiscal trends continue and given that the Lottery Scholarship is on its last legs. I thought that UNM was a public institution that is in the business of providing a public service meant to be affordable and accessible to all. I thought UNM was meant to offer a wealth of quality classes taught by tenure and tenure-track faculty. Instead we are heading into a future where students are asked to pay exponentially rising tuition costs for classes (what few are left after budget cuts force program cancellations) that are bigger than ever and are almost entirely taught by underpaid part-timers on semester-to-semester contracts. I urge all who read this to consider whether an 8-10 percent rise in tuition is the way forward. Is the only solution to the so-called budget crisis placing the largest burden on those who can least afford it? I think not. Ask yourselves this: Where else is there money on this campus? Is it within the bloated administration where the average salary is over $250,000 and annual

deferred compensation packages can range into the hundreds of thousands of dollars? Is it within the millions of instructional dollars siphoned off into non-academic programs like the UNM Foundation, the Alumni Association and intercollegiate athletics? Is it within the roughly threefourths of a billion (yes, billion!) dollars that UNM has in liquid assets (including nearly $200,000,000 in cash)? If you find that this negligence by UNM toward those it is meant to serve makes you angry or upset, I encourage you to tell the Board of Regents and UNM administration. On March 28, the UNM Board of Regents will convene in the SUB (Ballroom C, 9 a.m.) for its annual “Budget Summit.” Let them know that you won’t stand for rising tuition in the face of a diminishing quality of education. Let them know that they don’t have to squeeze students dry as they already have the money to avert the “budget crisis.” I and many others who feel as you do look forward to you joining us Monday in the SUB to let our voice be heard.

Phillip Howel Community member

Tom Whittaker UNM student


New Mexico Daily Lobo

local briefs

Berry to decide on redlight camera viability Albuquerque officials say the city is losing money on the red-light runner cameras. KOB-TV reports Mayor Richard Berry could decide within the next 30 days whether to pull the plug. In January, Albuquerque changed yellow lights so they last longer at red-light camera intersections because a study suggested it would lower the amount of crashes. Wrecks went down and fewer tickets are being issued. That means less money for the city. City councilor Dan Lewis says the city’s red-light camera fund that pays for the program has about $700,000 left and it’s costing about $100,000 a month to run it. That gives the city seven more months of funding before the mayor would have to start dipping into the city budget to pay for it.

He says the initiative helps children learn healthy eating habits and has the added benefit of supporting local farmers.

Federal gov gives funds for HIV/AIDS treatment New Mexico has been awarded a nearly $2 million grant to help provide care, services and prescription drugs for people with HIV and AIDS. The funding is being awarded through the Ryan White CARE Act. The act makes federal funds available to metropolitan areas and states to assist in health care costs and support services for individuals and families affected by acquired immune deficiency syndrome or the human immunodeficiency virus.

Guv appoints horseFruit, veggies initiative to racing group members promote healthy eating SANTA FE — New Mexico’s Public Education Department is getting federal funds to provide students with locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. The school project will receive more than $2 million from The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Program to buy fruits and vegetables that are given to students at no charge. Democratic Sen. Jeff Bingaman announced the federal grant.

SANTA FE — Gov. Susana Martinez has named four people to the state Racing Commission and reappointed one member. Martinez announced Wednesday she had appointed Los Lunas veterinarian Jerald Glenn Cosper, Farmington City Councilor Gayla McCulloch, Albuquerque lawyer Rob Doughty and Albuquerque horse race owner Beverly Bourguet. The commission regulates New Mexico’s pari-mutuel horse racing industry.


Drug lord’s in-law detained by E. Eduardo Castillo Associated Press

MEXICO CITY — Mexican authorities detained an in-law of top drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman who allegedly ran a transnational drug operation that reached as far as Ecuador, federal police said Wednesday. The suspect, Victor Manuel Felix, is both an in-law of Guzman, the head of Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel, and the godfather of one of the drug lord’s children. He is know by the nickname “El Senor,” roughly “Mister” or “The Man.” Ramon Pequeno, the head of antidrug operations for Mexico’s federal police, said Felix ran a financial network for the Sinaloa cartel, Mexico’s most powerful gang. Pequeno said eight other people had been detained in Mexico along with Felix in raids in three Mexican states that began last week. He said the raids also netted about a half ton of cocaine. Authorities in Ecuador said they conducted raids on a half dozen properties in that South American country, acting on information provided by Mexican authorities.

Eduardo Verdugo/ AP Photo Ramon Pequeno, head of Mexico’s federal police anti-narcotics division, answers questions at a news conference Wednesday in Mexico City. Mexican authorities detained Victor Manuel Felix, an in-law of top drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. Felix is Guzman’s in-law and the godfather of one of the drug lord’s children. The raids in Ecuador resulted in the detention of nine suspects there — four Ecuadoreans, two Colombians and three Mexicans. More than 4.1 metric tons of cocaine also were seized, said Col. Rodrigo Suarez, the operations director of Ecuador’s national police. Suarez said the organization “was responsible for buying and storing cocaine and exporting it to Mexico.” Elsewhere in Mexico, the navy announced it had detained seven local police officers, most from the Monterrey suburb of San Nicolas de los Garza, on suspicion of working for drug cartels.

The navy statement did not say what evidence there was against the officers, but corruption is commonplace in local police forces in Mexico. In the western state of Michoacan, state prosecutors reported that unidentified gunmen killed the police chief of the town of La Piedad as he headed home late Tuesday. Jose Luis Guerrero had taken the La Piedad post Jan. 21. He was the third police chief killed so far this year in Michoacan, home to the violent La Familia drug cartel. Shell casings found at the scene of Guerrero’s killing were the type of ammunition favored by Mexico’s drug cartels, authorities said.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011 / Page 5

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2011-2012 Daily Lobo Editor Apply at: unmjobs.unm.edu Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, April 1, 2011. Term of Office: May 2011 through April 2012. Requirements: To be considered, the candidate must be a student enrolled at the University of New Mexico, have been enrolled 6 hours or more at UNM the preceding 2 semesters, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student in a degree-granting program for at least 6 credit hours throughout the term of office. Some publication experience preferable.

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Speakers include faculty, students, and national and local experts in national security.

Program: Wednesday, March 30 8:30 Welcome 9:00 Cyber War: A reality – Is the U.S. prepared? 10:00 Panel: Firewalls and CyberͲkills: Do they work? 11:00 TBD 12:45 National Security Studies Program Student Reports 1:45 New Media Impact on Global Politics and Diplomacy: Will it ever be the same? 2:45 Panel: Targeted Viruses and Denial of Service (DoS): Did Stuxnet work & what is next? 3:45 Panel: National Security Careers – Are there challenging opportunities out there?

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OPEN TO ALL UNM STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF RSVP to Ms. Candace Shirley at shirleyc@unm.edu


Lobo Culture Culture editor / Chris Quintana


“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.”

Thursday March 24, 2011

~ Mark Twain

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


culture@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Junfu Han/ Daily Lobo Cast as the “old man,” actor Tino Brokaw uses a wheelchair for his role in “The Ghost Sonata.” In the play, the characters mask their true selves, while the protagonist tries to expose them for what they really are.

unmasking the ‘monsters’ by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Acknowledging the murky part of humanity is what UNM theater student Van Hollenbeck looks to do in his directorial debut. “The Ghost Sonata,” an abstract piece centered on the protagonist’s search for truth in tortured souls, premieres Friday at Theatre X. Hollenbeck said he’s trying to expose

unfiltered truth. He said the characters’ struggle is concealing their darker selves, a common human conflict. “We have two selves — the self that we put out front and sort of show people, and then there’s something darker and more hideous within us that’s trying to creep out, and we’re always battling it,” he said. “There’s a monster in every one of us.”

The spiritually conflicted characters coexist in a house, the play’s setting. The relationships are complex and unclear. What’s not important is that the audience understands the narrative or details of the relationships, since the play is emotional, Hollenbeck said. In the house, the characters hide their true selves to mask their past seedy natures. The façade wears thin as the “student” digs

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Director Van Hollenbeck sits in the stands at Theatre X during Wednesday’s dress rehearsal of “The Ghost Sonata.” This piece marks Hollenbeck’s directorial debut.

“We have two selves — the self that we put out front and sort of show people, and then there’s something darker and more hideous within us that’s trying to creep out, and we’re always battling it.” ~Van Hollenbeck Director deeper into the character’s lives by befriending the “daughter.” In the play, the “daughter” says that, “In madhouses, people say everything they think,” underscoring the play’s social stance. When August Strindberg wrote the play in 1907, Hollenbeck said, society frowned upon unbarred personal expression, considering it a mental problem. That belief, he said, holds true today. “I think a lot of the codes and signals that we use in society are based on hiding our true selves,” he said. “Whether those true selves are innately bad or innately good, it’s all about concealing. I think that’s really our culture today, because if somebody expresses their uncensored personal truth, it’s taken as madness or irregularity.” Hollenbeck said writers like Strindberg saw the darker side of humanity and focused on people concealing their true nature from the outside world. Throughout the play, the “student” breaks down the characters’ false reality. A self-proclaimed “embittered optimist,” Hollenbeck said he sees parallels between the “student’s”

experience and his own. “I see it as the illusion breaking down, the sort of puppetry and smoke and mirrors of this pseudopurgatory world he’s in kind of breaking down and finally collapsing at the end,” Hollenbeck said. “It’s like, yeah, the world is kind of a miserable place to be in, yet somehow that’s OK, that there’s a faint glimmer of hope. As faint as it is, it means everything — that it’s so tiny and, yet, it’s enough to light up the world.” Hollenbeck said he identifies with the “student’s” desire for honesty, encouraging a dialogue between him, the cast and the design team. The play’s abstract nature focuses on morbid emotions, which Hollenbeck said attracted him to the production. “With realism, it’s always about fighting back the emotion,” he said. “When you get into less realist works, not always, but there is a tendency to sort of let the emotions play out on stage. I think what I would say is that it strikes me as more truthful.”

see Ghost Sonata page 7


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Ghost Sonata

from page 6


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Hollenbeck said he had a clear idea of what he wanted the performance to look like, and actors were given a rigid framework to develop their characters. “There’s a lot in it happening really fast, and that’s kind of the way I wanted it, but I do think there may be some hurdles in understanding,” he said. “However, ambiguity can be effective if the actors know exactly what they’re doing. ... So even if you don’t know what they’re talking about, you feel what they’re talking about.” When the play came together, Hollenbeck said he discovered the faint hope Strindberg alludes to, despite Hollenbeck’s initial unease about being a first-time director. He said the experience taught him that life’s downfalls are worth enduring. “I think my experience trying to get this play up has sort of proven to me its relevance,” he said. “It’s a difficult process getting a play from

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Danielle Martin plays the clarinet during Wednesday’s rehearsal for “The Ghost Sonata.” Martin plays the “cook” and “fiancee” in the play.

Thursday, March 24, 2011 / Page 7

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the haps

Page 8 / Thursday, March 24, 2011



Two Wheel Mondays


Antique Scream • Witchburn Astrovan




23 HU






26 ON






Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

$3 Marble Drafts



The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

Outpost Performance Space Jim Hall Quartet 7:30pm jazz guitar legend with Greg Osby, alto sax; Steve LaSpina, bass; Joey Baron, drums

Tiki Tuesdays! Thurlow • Jack Wilson

$4 Tiki Drinks All Night

Open @: 11 am Mon-Fri,

Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$2.50 Select Pints


The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone

DLRM Presents: Dance Party Wae Fonkey & Guests Tenerizor CD Release Party Acryptical Mongrel

Two Wheel Mondays TBA

$3 Marble Drafts



ASUNM Southwest Film Center Blow Out Starring John Travolta & John Lithgow “Murder has a sound all of its own� 6:00pm, 8:30pm SUB Theater swcc.unm.edu

12 noon Sat-Sun

Vinyl And Verses

Happy Hour

(Tues-Sun) 4 pm - 8 pm $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Liquid Monday Happy Hour All Day! Blackbird Karaoke w/DJ Kammo 9 pm Tuesday Geeks Who Drink - 7 pm All Pints $2.50 9 pm - Midnight Wednesday 9 pm - Midnight $1 off Vodkas $3 Marble Pints Thursday 9 pm - close $3 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals Friday/Saturday Late Night Happy Hour 11 pm - close Sunday Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio! NO COVER ALL EVENTS 21+



TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Follow us on Twitter! twitter.com/blackbird505

The Blackbird Buvette 509 Central Ave NW ABQ, NM 87002

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Exhale Exhale Thursdays 18+ Event Doors at 9pm

Outpost Performance Space Jesus Munoz flamenco 7:30pm a rising star with Jose Cortes Fernandez “El Muleto� Hijo and Jose Valle “Chuscales�

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull Ladies Night - $2 Bud Light ‘til 10 Other Drink Specials for Ladies FREE Bull Rides for Ladies

ASUNM Southwest Film Center Blow Out Starring John Travolta & John Lithgow “Murder has a sound all of its own� 6:00pm, 8:30pm SUB Theater swcc.unm.edu

Friday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tenerizor CD Release Party!* *Acryptical* *Mongrel*

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

The Library Bar & Grill 11am-2am Blackbird Buvette Late Night Happy Hour 11pm- Close

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL!* *The Original Weekly Dance Party!* *Dance/ Electro & Indie* *CLKCLKBNG and Guests* *75 Cent PBR Until Midnight*

ASUNM Southwest Film Center Blow Out Starring John Travolta & John Lithgow “Murder has a sound all of its own� 6:00pm, 8:30pm SUB Theater swcc.unm.edu

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *DLRM Presents: Dance Party* *Wae Fonkey & Guests*

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 4-7pm $1 off all drinks (excluding beer) I Kissed a Girl Contest $3.25 Absolute & Jim Beam $3.50 90 Shilling Bottles $5.50 Jager Bombs Blackbird Buvette $3.00 Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals Imbibe NCAA Sweet 16 + JERSEY SHORE Beach Party - wear bikinis & flip-flops. Cabo Wabo Specials. DJ 9pm Downtown Distillery Every Thursday $2.75 All Drinks! FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Imbibe NCAA Elite 8 + Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10pm Downtown Distillery Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games! Exhale Dance Night! $1 Drafts 7-10pm

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

Maloney’s Tavern Video Game Tournament! Play to win a free wii!! $3.25 Skyy Infusions

Sunday TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Blackbird Buvette Late Night Happy Hour 11pm- Close Outpost Performance Space Jim Hall Quartet 7:30pm jazz guitar legend with Greg Osby, alto sax; Steve LaSpina, bass; Joey Baron, drums Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm + $5 Jose Cuervo Margaritas ALL DAY NCAA Sweet 16 DJ 10pm Downtown Distillery Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

Outpost Performance Space SKUMBAAG 7:30pm UNM Composers’ Symposium—21st Century Phantasmagoric “Rockin� Vaudeville ASUNM Southwest Film Center Blow Out Starring John Travolta & John Lithgow “Murder has a sound all of its own� 1:00pm, 3:30pm SUB Theater swcc.unm.edu

Exhale Dance Night 18 to enter, 21 to Drink

5)& 1035"-

The Copper Lounge CLOSED The Library Bar & Grill 11am-12am

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake closed


The Kabbalah Center Free Intro Lecture 4pm

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

Maloney’s Tavern Split Shift Sundays 7pm - 12am Rotating Drink Specials Blackbird Buvette Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio! Exhale Karaoke Night $2.50 Bacardi Breezers


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the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Imbibe NCAA Elite 8 Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12Mid

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer) Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour All Day Blackbird Karaoke w/ DJ Kammo - 9pm

Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

Imbibe Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-12:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!


The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central Monday Special: Buy 1 Get 1 Anything! 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *TBA* *$3 Marble Drafts*

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *TBA* *$4 Marble Drafts* Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos Equis Lager; Tecate; Honeybrown; Marble Blonde; Boulder Sweaty Betty Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s, Blue Paddle; Marble IPA $4.00 Margaritas; Cosmos Slippery Nipples $5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza 50¢ Tacos


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$5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza 1/2 off Selected Appetizers

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Smithwick’s Sam Adams Seasonal Marble Red; Bass; Stella Artois Patio: $2.75 Marble IPA; Blue Paddle; Modelo Especial $4.00 Skyy U-Call-It* Copper House Martini *no Red Bull or Martinis

$5.00 Copper Burger


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11:00am - 7:00pm $2.75 Well Drinks $2.50 Bloody Marys $2.25 Domestic Bottles 5:00-7:00pm $3.00 Drafts on Patio: Marble IPA; Widmer Hefeweizen; Blue Paddle 7:00pm - Close All drafts $2.50 everywhere $6.75 Chicken or Ground Beef Burrito



*includes flavors

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos Equis Lager; Tecate; Alien; Sam Adams Seasonal; 5 Barrel Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s; Widmer Hefeweizen; Modelo Especial $3.25 Corona and Corona Light $4.00 Salty Dogs Razzitinis; Mind Erasers $4.50 Jose Cuervo $6.00 Manzano Martinis $5 Stuffed Sopapillas (Chicken or Beef)



7:00pm - Close $2.50 All Pints $4.00 Smirnoff U-Call-It*


TadEnjoy am ou i ro r om


$2.50 Drafts All Night 7pm-Close





e k a S & i Sush Ko n atioon c o w L en Ne ow op my & n ade ing Ac yom W

2:00pm - 7:00pm $2.50 Blue Moon $2.25 Domestic Beers $2.75 Well Drinks 7:00pm - Close $2.75 Bridgeport IPA Blue Moon; Shiner Bock Hardcore; Alien $4.00 Lemon Drops Kamikazes $5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza $5.00 Cheeseburger w/ FF


The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See Ad for daily specials

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


Daily Draft Specials for $2.50 Mon-Sat Nightly Patio Specials on Select Beer


The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials


Thursday, March 24, 2011 / Page 9

1504 Central Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 242-7490 Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat

Package Liquors 11a-11:55p Mon-Sat


Page 10 / Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Bring a toothbrush to the robotic invasion by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

They’re in homes, at workplaces. It’s the March of the Robots, Quelab’s monthly public expo that takes place Saturday. The always-evolving hackerspace encourages ingenuity. Quelab’s communications czar Adric Menning said that the word “robot� brings to people’s minds a narrow view of a broad invention. He said robots can be programmed for all tasks and are becoming integral parts of the world. “We want to encourage people when they’re building their bristle bots to go wild with however they decorate them, trick them out, things like that,� Menning said. Quelab invited guests to present robots they’ve made. Featured robots include a camera bot that users can

Blackbird Buvette Geeks Who Drink - 7pm All pints $2.50 9pm-12am Imbibe NIT Semi-finals COLLEGE NIGHT SPECIALS - $1 Draft, $2.50 Blue Moon & Corona, $3 Long Island & Skyy DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilio Quinones 9:30pm Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

control through a Wi-Fi connection between the bot and a cell phone, and the MakerBot, which, when given a specific code, melts plastic and prints a layer-by-layer 3-dimensional plastic object. People can also visit a craft table where they can make bristle bots, simple robots made using toothbrush heads that can move after being attached to a simple circuit. They then use these robots for sumo matches or races, and the team found a way to hack into Roombas to control their movement. And they can battle. Quelab’s marketing czar Walter Duran said the two previous expos brought about 30-50 participants. “When people hear the idea, they see the potential for a good time,� he said. “It’s such a joy to see people coming here not quite knowing what to expect and getting really creative and

have a great time with it.� Quelab has been Albuquerque’s hackerspace since 2009, and it is part of an expanding international audience. Bringing together people focused on creation and not consumption, Duran said, is a growing movement. “It’s actually kind of a worldwide movement,� he said. “I believe there are hackerspaces in every major city in the U.S.� Quelab Director Gabe Ortiz said the movement originated in Europe in the 1980s when hackerspaces were private and high-tech junkies constituted a special interest group. Since then, he said, the movement has grown and become more visible to the public. Last month, Noisebridge, San Francisco’s hackerspace, put on a fashion show that tried to fool face-sensing technology. He said this is one example of what such a space can become. “It’s not just the whole electrical


Maloney’s Tavern Karaoke Wednesdays $1 off Absolute & Absolut Flavors 9:30-1:30 Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints*

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

TNA Smokeshop 3716 Central 15% Student Discount 35% Off Anything in the Store FREE Hookah Toboacco of Your Choice with Purchase of any Hookah The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Imbibe NESTOR MIRANDA Cigar Event Cigar & Whiskey Specials + Giveaways 6:30-8:30pm WINE DOWN w/Tastings & Appetizers 6-7pm

The Dirty Bourbon 5:00pm-2:00am Mechanical Bull 9800 Montgomery Blvd 505-296-2726

Blackbird Buvette 9pm - 12am $1 off Vodkas $3.00 Marble Pints Downtown Distillery FREE POOL Great Drink Specials Everyday Check out our new games!

engineer stuff,� Duran said. “It’s artistic; it’s whatever people want to make out of it. I think it’s hard for people to come here and not be stimulated.� When he first thought of opening Quelab, Ortiz wanted to develop a place uninhibited by deadlines but also intellectually stimulating. Members can use the facilities for $35 a month, and nonmembers pay $5 a session. Quelab isn’t just an atmosphere that gets the synapses firing, Ortiz said, but a place where everyone brings something to the table. “I think it was a need people didn’t realize they had,� he said. “As soon as a

lot of us heard of the idea, we were like, ‘Oh yeah. That’s exactly what I need,’ a place to hang out with people who have these knowledge domains, skills, and just bounce ideas off of them, and figure out if what you’re doing is completely ridiculous or feasible.� Duran said that the team’s enthusiasm for its work inspires people to pursue creative endeavors. “I think New Mexico just has something about attracting talented people and people who are particularly passionate about what they do,� he said. “So we’re giving them the venue to participate in that, and sharing with other people is great.�

March of the Robots Quelab - 1112 Second Street N.W. Saturday 6-10 p.m. $10 for nonmembers, free for members

Exhale Karaoke Night $2.50 Bacardi Breezers


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lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, March 24, 2011 / Page 11 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


dailysudoku solution to yesterday’s puzzle

level: 1234

ACROSS 1 Soaking spots 6 Mideast ruling family name 11 Field call 14 Language that gives us “kayak” 15 Abu __ 16 She played Beatrix in “Kill Bill” 17 Romantic evening components, perhaps 19 Strain 20 Reason-based faith 21 Film in Cannes 22 California Gold Rush staple 27 Watering hole 28 23-Down was one: Abbr. 29 “Able was __ ...”: palindrome start 30 Try in court 32 Came around regarding 36 Alien statutes 40 It can make a star shine 41 4-Down titles 42 Stadium take 43 Like sashimi 46 Cause of star wars? 47 Wurlitzer whirlers 52 27-Across offerings 53 Plant moisture buildup 54 Quaint stopover 55 Decide once and for all, and what one can do to the ends of 17-, 22-, 36- and 47Across 61 Hens do it 62 Novelist Jong 63 Blue Cross competitor 64 Yellow __ 65 He passed Lou in 2009 to become the Yankees’ alltime hit leader 66 Pulitzer writer Kidder DOWN 1 Certain eBay click

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


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By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

2 Darth, at one time 3 Large cask 4 Gandhi, for one 5 Directs 6 Attaches to the house 7 SeaWorld performer 8 Did nothing 9 Symbol of honesty 10 Bad-mouth 11 Sweetie pie 12 Whirlpool brand 13 Like some slippery floors 18 Sally in space 21 Anglers’ baskets 22 “So I was wrong” 23 2009 Peace Nobelist 24 Leslie Caron title role 25 Sub 26 British weapon designed in Czechoslovakia 27 Three-time Masters champ Mickelson 31 Ruffles features 32 Had 33 Challenged 34 Campfire base 35 __ buco

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Snatch 38 __-Rooter 39 “A Clockwork Orange” narrator 43 New Jersey’s state tree 44 Top server 45 Burrowing marsupial 47 Puts in the can? 48 Radii neighbors 49 Homeland of 23Down’s father


50 Volleyball great Gabrielle 51 More elusive 55 Dr.’s study 56 Were now? 57 Cassis apéritif 58 Seventh Greek letter 59 Mandela’s org. 60 Mary __ Ash, cosmetics company founder



LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Thursday, March 24, 2011



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Announcements Fun, Food, Music Looking for You Auditions Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

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UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. 2BDRM $650. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 5737839. FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE. LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525. CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575, 2BDRM $750; utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 2620433. CLOSE UNM/ DOWNTOWN. 1BDRM $350/mo +utils. Singles. 266-4505.

STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

1BDRM, UNM AREA, 600sqft. Off street parking. W/D on site. Newly renovated. $655/mo avail 3/1/11. 414-7200.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, W/D, $750/mo +utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

WALK TO UNM. 1BDRM. $450/mo not including utilities. No pets. Call Scott 505-401-1076.

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Bikes/Cycles BEAUTIFUL RED 2009 Vespa LX150 for sale! Low miles, great condition! Must sell! Call 505-333-9195 or email ckim1226@gmail.com for more information and pictures.

COMPUTER TRANSFORMERS We specialize in computer repair! $45 flat fee for most repairs. Call us at 505503-6953. Bring your computer to 1606 Central SE. Suite #105 (next to Souper Salad).

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Rooms For Rent GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo.+1/3 utilities. Laundry. (505)615-5115. QUIET STUDENT WANTED to share 3BDRM 2.5BA home 10mins from campus. Price $450 per room, includes utilities. Call 505-470-4673. LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE. NW area. $425/mo + utilities. 1CG, 1BDRM, 1BA. 505-712-4675. ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 3 BDRM house in a quiet, safe neighborhood, located within walking distance of the Uptown Mall & close to freeway access. Many restaurants exist nearby. The house has many features: central heating/ cooling, updated interior, furniture & W/D. The available room is furnished: twin bed, chest, night stand, & entertainment center, with an attached bathroom. Must be drug free. I prefer a quiet student or professional. Available Immediately. $400/mo utilities included. Refundable security deposit of $250.00 is required. Contact Ralph Lopez Jr. 1-505-8508759, or Ralph Lopez Sr. 1-505-4704906. CAMPUS ROAD RM for rent: house with FP and backyard. able and outgoing female wanted. $400/mo +utilities. Call tha 505-450-4311.

2 PREMED STUDENTS looking for female roommate to share 3BDRM 2BA house w/ backyard on Gibson/ Maxwell 1 mile from UNM. $316.67/mo +utilities. Anju 505-480-7828.

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FEMALES: FREE ROOM and Board in exchange for homemaking. No: boys, drinking, or drugs. 20 mins from UNM. 505-798-4659.

Parks and Recreation Dept. Aquatics Division


3BDRM Personstudent Saman-

Pets 4 PET RATS. Friendly, come w/large 4story cage. $40. Email: BEKAH1SPAR@yahoo.com BALL PYTHONS FOR Sale. Spider $200. Pastel - $200. Het Pied - $150. All include cages. Email: BEKAH1SPAR@yahoo.com HORSES FOR SALE. Great trail, show, or pleasure. Registered AQHA gelding $6500. Registered Percheron -$3000. Email BEKAH1SPAR@yahooo.com or Call 505-410-8393.

For Sale BLOCK WIDE GARAGE Sale!!! 600 Block of Solano SE. Near Ridgecrest and Carlisle. Saturday 3/26 starting at 9am. 7’X16’ ENCLOSED CARGO Trailer. Easy to hook up & tow. Side & Rear ramp doors. Just moved, not needed. Protect/Secure your load. $4,000 obo. 385-3422.

Child Care 1 INFANT AND Toddler opening at state licensed home. ICCPR certified 22 years. Accepts state assistance. 8890511.

Jobs Off Campus HONEST AND FRIENDLY employee for fun gift shop in Old Town. Apply in person. 301 Romero NW 87104. Variety of shifts available. No phone calls. EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarDriver.com ACTIVITY & SPORTS leaders for before & after school programs in NE & NW ABQ. $10.50 hr. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. PT HELP NEEDED. Golf and retail sales experience required. Apply in person Bullseye Golf Center 8212 Menaul NE. !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180. NEED MONEY? www.Earn-It-Here.com


Returning Women Students Walk-in Hours Starts at: 9:00am Location: Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall Thinking about returning to school? Have some questions about how to get started? Come by the WRC and get some answers. Workshop: Turning Conf. Paper into an Article Starts at: 10:00am Location: SUB Lobo A & B As part of the Working with Writers Symposium the Graduate Resource Center supports Turning a Conference Paper into a Punlished Article. WRC Focus Group Sessions Starts at: 10:30am Location: Women’s Resource Center

These sessions will provide an opportunity for sharing successes, concerns, and barriers that women are facing at the graduate level and also ideas about how the WRC can serve this population better. Dissertation Groups Workshop Starts at: 11:45am Location: SUB, Lobo A & B Introduction to the Graduate Resource Center and Dissertation Writing Groups Leah Sneider | Graduate Resource Center SGI Buddhist Club Starts at: 2:00pm Location: SUB,Isleta Room Come join us to our weekly buddhist meeting on campus. Chanting, discussion and small refeshments will be provided. C. Ruth and Calvin P. Horn Lecture Starts at: 5:30pm Location: SUB, Lobo A & B



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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Andrew G. Kirk, Professor of History at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas will present a lecture titled “’Doomtown:’ Picturing Home on the Nevada Test Site.” Film Production Assistant--Getting Set Ready Starts at: 6:00pm Location: Continuing Education Bldg For more information, contact: Caroline Orcutt at 277-6037 or visit http://dce.unm.edu/ digital-arts.htm. Register online at http://bit. ly/filmproductionassistant or call 277-0077. Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Student Union Building, Upper Floor Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. LEADERS/ CAREGIVERS FOR an awesome school-based summer day camp and year-round child and youth development organization. This is a “foot in the door” job – a training and leadership develop position to prepare you for promotion within the organization. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr with some benefits during the summer, $11/hr upon promotion to Associate Director, and an annual salary staring at $27,040 with full (great) benefits upon promotion to Program Director. Degree completion or students very close to degree completion preferred. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org PART-TIME WORK $15 Base/Appt. Customer sales/ service, scholarships possible, no exp nec, conditions exist, all ages 18+. Call ABQ: 268-2774. NW/ Rio Rancho: 891-8086. www.workforstudents.com WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. ESTABLISHED JEWELRY COMPANY wanting FT salesperson. Retail and/or jewelry experience is preferred, but not required. Computer skills. Salary TBD. Call 505-884-4888.


3102 Central Ave SE


MOUNTAIN BREWPUB IN SW Colorado. Wants Summer seasonal staff: bartenders, wait-staff, kitchenstaff. Send Resume to kate@silvertonbrewing.com or call 910-426-8151. VERIZON WIRELESS CAREERS for everything you are!! Come work for the nation’s most reliable network. Apply online at vzwcareers.com. Job ID 270506

Candidates must have the ability to work in a fast-paced, intense and results-oriented environment. Responsibilities include handling inbound customer calls, researching and resolving billing inquiries, explaining our products and services, and troubleshooting. Competitive pay, excellent benefits starting day one and room for growth! VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. PART TIME ACCOUNTING, network, and project coordination positions open. 505-243-3771. epcompanies.jobs@gmail.com

STUDENTS/ TEACHERS NEEDED. Manage Fireworks Tent w/TNT Fireworks for 4th of July! 505-341-0474. Mullaneyk@tntfireworks.com


Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Listed by: Position Title Department Closing Date Salary

Job of the Day

Youth Counselor/ Activity Leader I Health Exercise & Sports Science 06-08-2011 $9.00/Hr.

Life Guard Johnson Center 06-06-2011 $8.00/Hr.

Computer Technician - College Enrichment Program 06-22-2011 $9.00/Hr.

Display Ad. Rep Stu. Publications 06-23-2011 $50.00/unit/ commish.

Cashier Parking Transportation Services 06-14-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Editor in Chief, New Mexico Daily Lobo Student Publications 04-07-2011 $1142.00 per month

UNM Srv. Corps 06-20-2011 $8.50/Hr.

After School Tutors 06-16-2011 $8.50/Hr.

Audio Tech SUB. 06-09-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Peer Mentor Pediatrics 06-16-2011 $14.00/Hr.

Sports Equipment Attendant Golf Course 06-18-2011


Clinical Support Aide. Health Dep. 06-23-2011 $8.25/Hr. Office Assistant 06-23-2011 $8.25/Hr.

RAD Camp Counselor 04-04-2011 $8.00/Hr.

Student Employment Intern SFAO Administration 03-14-2011 $11.00/Hr.

For more information about these positions, to view all positions, or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

Event Calendar

for March 24, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar:

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

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