NM Daily Lobo 033012

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Justice can be threatening


see page 4

March 30, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sigma Chi, community remember Garrett Elders by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Garrett Elders will be remembered by his family and friends as a loving son, an outstanding student and a loyal friend and fraternity brother. Elders was Garrett Elders found dead in his room at the Sigma Chi house late Tuesday night, members of Sigma Chi said. Elders’ father, Kevin James Elders, said his son was wise and compassionate beyond his 19 years. “Garrett is the shining star of my heart,” he said. “I can’t begin to express the depth of the sorrow my broken heart feels. Garrett impacted so many people’s lives in such a short time. The depth of his compassion, respect and honor to his fellow man was years above his actual age.” UNM student and Sigma Chi member Frankie Gonzales said what stood out to him was Elders’ drive and enthusiasm. “Garrett loved to talk,” he said. “He always wanted to talk to you. He had so much energy and was so interested in so many things. It’s just a tragedy. He had bright ideas and had so much to live for. He saw the world as a place that could be improved and he made it his personal mission to make it so.” Garrett James Elders was born Oct. 14, 1992 in Amarillo, Texas. He graduated with honors in the top 8 percent of his class from Amarillo High School in May 2011. Elders studied finance at UNM, worked for the IT department as a comptroller and was an active member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Among other honors, Elders made the dean’s list and received the Amigo Scholarship. Fellow fraternity member Adrian Avila said Garret Elders will be missed not just in the close circle of Sigma Chi, but all across campus.

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo The memorial honoring Garrett Elders outside Sigma Chi fraternity house has grown as UNM community members came to pay their respects. By Wednesday evening, the memorial was surrounded by flowers and candles, commemorating the life of Elders, who died earlier this week. “Garrett should be remembered for the impact that he has left on a great number of people on UNM’s campus,” he said. “And that is not just someone that is in Sigma Chi or the Greek Community, it is the entire University, including the alumni.” Elders’ mother, Rhonda Hill, posted on DailyLobo.com that Sigma Chi members have been nothing short of extraordinary in their support of the family. Sigma Chi helped organize a candlelight vigil and memorial service, which will be held this weekend. “He matured and grew in ways far

beyond his years the short time he was (at Sigma Chi),” she said. “These young men have also been an incredible source of comfort and help for our family until we can be there on Saturday for the candlelight vigil they have organized and the memorial service on Sunday. I will forever be grateful for their outpouring of love and support.” Kevin Elders said members of Sigma Chi were brothers to his son, and that he therefore considers them part of his family, too. “As much as the pain I feel in my heart for my son, I look forward to

meeting each and every one of my new sons, as you were brothers to Garrett,” he said. “May God bless each and every one of you. Lord keep us in your comfort in mind, body and soul.” A candlelight vigil for Garret Elders will be held Saturday at 8 p.m. at the duck pond. The event is open to any who wish to attend. A Sigma Chi and family-only service will be held Sunday at the Alumni Chapel. He is survived by Rhonda Hill and his stepfather, Marvin Hill; his father, Kevin, and stepmother, Alana Elders; his sisters Evany Reed and Michelle

Jackson; and his brother Levi Elders. Elizabeth Cleary and Svetlana Ozden contributed to this report. BOX: Candlelight vigil to remember late Candlelight vigil toElders remember UNM student Garrett UNM student Garrett Elders Saturday 8 p.m. Duck pond

Saturday 8 p.m. Duck pond

Local employers value experience over GPA Importance of Credentials to Employers (ranked on a scale of 1-5)



Work Experience


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Garrity Group La Montanita Co Op New Mexico Legal Group Dekker/Perich/ Sabatini Accounting and Consulting Group New Mexico Business Weekly Duran Central Pharmacy KRQE News 13



Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 127





Lumberjack defeat


See page 5

See page 7

by Avicra Luckey

avicralukey@unm.edu The Daily Lobo spoke with eight local businesses to find out what employers are looking for in prospective employees, and the results suggest that while a college degree matters more than any other qualification, a student’s GPA doesn’t necessarily guarantee them a job. David Crum, managing partner at New Mexico Legal Group law firm, said his firm focuses on a candidate’s attitude and how they interact with clients. “(GPA) probably the least important thing to us,” he said. “The most important thing for us is the person’s personality and communication skills,” he said. Many employers said while a degree counts, it’s not so much a student’s major is that matters. Both Crum and Bill Anderson, general manager of KRQE and KASA, said a degree demonstrates applicants are able

to complete a difficult task. “The degree itself I’m not impressed with, but getting the degree is an indication of ‘stick-to-it-iveness’ (and) of someone who wants to learn,” Anderson said. Mona Ghattus, owner of Duran Central Pharmacy, and Kathi Schroeder, editor at New Mexico Business Weekly, said they both value initiative and other qualities that don’t come in a degree. “(We look for) people who have an understanding of work ethic, (the idea) that they need to be where they are supposed to be when they say they’re going to be there,” Schroeder said. Employers also said they look for real-world experience and internships. “There’s a lot of multitasking in retail pharmacy, which is not something that you learn in school, so experience can be very helpful to get you organized and build your confidence and leadership,” Ghattus said.


79 | 50

PageTwo F r i d a y , M a r c h 30, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

ap crime briefs Mayor-elect barred from office, sues LAS CRUCES, N.M. — The mayor-elect of a troubled New Mexico border town is turning to the state Supreme Court to help get him into office. The high court scheduled arguments Tuesday on the request by Daniel Salinas, who has been barred from taking office in Sunland Park by the terms of his release from jail. He faces charges that he tried to force an opponent out of the mayoral race with a secretly taped video of the other man

getting a topless lap dance. Salinas’ attorney asked the court on Wednesday to direct the 3rd Judicial District Court to revise an order that prevents him from going to City Hall or having any contact with any Sunland Park workers. Under state law, Salinas must be sworn in by April 5 or forfeit the seat. But the city clerk must administer the oath. Salinas’ attorney argued the court order violates his constitutional rights and amounts to the court indirectly interfering with an election, The Las Cruces Sun-News reported. Salinas, the city manager and another city

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 127

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Christopher Bartlett Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Dylan Smith

worker face extortion charges in the alleged plot to force Gerardo Hernandez out of the mayor’s race. Salinas won by 88 votes after being arrested on the charges, despite an attempt to halt the election due to what the secretary of state said was evidence of widespread voter fraud. Hernandez said he expects to file an appeal of the results next week. The case was one of several being investigated in the troubled town near Texas and the Mexican border. Several current and former city officials have been arrested on voting fraud charges. Salinas and acting Police Chief Luis Monarez were arrested last week on bribery Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

and conspiracy charges. In that case, Salinas allegedly hired Monarez in exchange for persuading his sister not to run against a Salinas ally in a city council race. The city council this week voted to promote Sgt. Jamie Reyes to the police chief’s job.

Cops: man kills self, neighbor over music ROSWELL, N.M. — Roswell police say loud music led a man to shoot his neighbor then turn the

Design Director Jason Gabel Design Assistants Connor Coleman Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

gun on himself. Police tell KRQETV 51-year-old Monico Carbajal was upset with his 26-year-old neighbor, identified as Roman Hernandez, for playing his music too loud Monday night. Police say Carbajal confronted Hernandez and demanded he turn it down. The two men argued and that’s when police say Carbajal went home, got a gun, and then returned and shot Hernandez. Police said Carbajal went back to his home and killed himself. Hernandez was flown to a hospital in Lubbock, Texas, in serious condition.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, March 30, 2012 / Page 3

Private dorm rep visits UNM Sushi 6& Sake 338-2424 42 Ko rean BBQ 338-2 by Miriam Belin


Casas del Rio area manager Brent McPherson asked the ASUNM Senate to embrace the partnership between UNM and American Campus Communities as the new on-campus dorms near the final stages on construction. During the Senate meeting Wednesday, McPherson told the ASUNM Senate he understands there will be hesitations about the introduction of a private company to UNM’s main campus housing operations, but said he hopes they will also accept UNM’s partnership with ACC. “I just want you to embrace and acknowledge what the University of New Mexico has decided to go to and take it for what it’s worth,” he said. “At the end of the day, this is going to help your degree. This is going to help your value by investing in this change.” Casas del Rio, the 1,028 bed on-campus project, is under construction at an estimated cost of $39.4 million, paid for by ACC, and will open to students Aug. 17. McPherson said the facility is already 50 percent booked and construction is on schedule to finish for the fall. McPherson said the new dorms will offer Casas del Rio residents and nonresident students a computer lab and study spaces. Senators also debated a resolution calling for the administration to take action in response to the physical violence that occurred at pro-Israel activist Nonie Darwish’s lecture on Feb. 27. Resolution 5S, introduced by Sens. Ife Hampton and Caroline Muraida, requests a public statement from the University administration affirming that members of the audience who physically assaulted protesters during the meeting will be prosecuted according to the UNM Student Code of Conduct. The resolution was almost

unanimously voted down 160-1. Muraida and Hampton were absent from the meeting. Section 2.18 of the Student Code of Conduct prohibits “Any other acts or omissions which affect adversely University functions or University-sponsored activities, disrupt community living on campus, interfere with the rights of others to the pursuit of their education, or otherwise affect adversely the processes of the University.” ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal clarified that the people who were shoving the protesters are the violators referred to in the resolution, not the protesters. While the administration is not investigating any members of the audience who assaulted protesters, (un)Occupy Albuquerque protester Brittany Arneson could face a disorderly conduct charge for “mic checking” Darwish, Arneson told the Daily Lobo earlier this month. Rob Burford, student conduct officer from the office of the Dean of Students, was unavailable for comment about Arneson’s investigation. But the Senate voted down the resolution because they said it needed to address more than the disciplinary action on the people who assaulted the protesters. Sen. Joe Stevens told the Senate that the resolution should focus more on the right of free speech. “The main point should be reaffirming that people can have free speech on campus,” he said. “I would rather have a clause saying for the UNM administration to reaffirm the qualities and continued stances on quoting free speech.” The resolution will go back to the Steering and Rules Committee for amendment and Roybal said the resolution could appear before the Senate again in two weeks. The Senate also commemorated the life of student Garrett Elders, who died this week, with a moment of silence. Sen. Stevens

recited lines from a poem called “Death is Nothing at All” by Henry Scott Holland. “Why should I be out of mind, because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval. Somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.” Roybal told the senators to keep the bonds they build with their classmates in student government and at UNM a priority over their responsibilities as senators and students. “We come to these meetings and the work you do is incredibly important but at the end of the day, the relationships you make through this organization and through your time at this University are more important,” she said.




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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Friday March 30, 2012


Letter Leave the smokers and their bad habits alone Editor, In response to James Burbank’s letter (published Wednesday) about smoking on campus: I love cigarettes. I look forward to my morning smoke with my coffee, and relish my post-lecture smoke break along the Yale benches or near Zimmerman. Lighting up is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. But I’m not delusional enough to perceive this habit as an act of rebellion against “The Man.” In fact, we smokers are basically fellating “The Man” every time we buy a pack of smokes. You don’t want a well-meaning professor coming up to you and telling you to smoke in the designated area? Fine. I’d be annoyed, too. Sanctioned though Burbank’s intervention may be, it’s still obnoxious on a basic level. But whatever seeming imposition Burbank is making on us by asking us to simply obey campus rules is nothing compared to the imposition we’re making on our own lives, pocketbooks and health. I’m not here to preach against smoking itself — as I’ve said, I am a devoted smoker and, frankly, have no plans to quit any time soon — but I feel at least we need to be realistic about our habit and stop thinking of ourselves as a noble dying breed, except in the most literal sense: Rod Serling died at 50 from heart problems exacerbated by life-long chain smoking. Humphrey Bogart, the exemplar of mid-century suave, died of esophageal cancer. We prove nothing meaningful by disregarding rules limiting smoking, except maybe that we’re chumps who have bought, hook, line and sinker, the outdated idea that a smoking habit is a sort of chic subversion. Now, nonsmokers need to be less combative as well. Nonsmokers often glower at smokers who are within the designated smoking area, or walk THROUGH the designated smoking area when they could easily avoid it, and take the opportunity to fake exaggerated coughing fits or talk loudly with their friends about how stupid and disgusting smoking is. This behavior encourages the idea that smoking is a nonconformist act, and is also, frankly, just obnoxious. It’s not on the level of the smokers who have cursed at Burbank or spit on him, but it’s still an antagonizing act. No one likes the idea of being told what to do. But we smokers are on the receiving end of a valid paradigm shift in which smoking has gone from part of the American way of life to being associated to a nastier and less respected sort of folk. This is as it should be. There is valid reason for us to be discouraged from smoking, and it is perfectly natural as a measure for the overall health and enjoyment of the campus as well. We need a smoking area at or around Dane Smith hall, true, but I doubt anyone is so highly inconvenienced by the locations of the other smoking areas that they simply can’t go there to smoke. Doing otherwise is, at best, “overweening self-focus,” as Burbank so aptly put it, and, at worst, a proud denial of a foolish and disgusting addiction. Johanna Orand UNM student

Editorial Board


All the facts help deter conjecture


During the last couple of days, I have received a number of letters concerning the Daily Lobo’s choice to run “personal” details about the death of student Garrett Elders. A lot of people have questioned our decision and have called it “vulgar and inappropriate,” and I see where they are coming from. However, I want to inform you all that the decision to publish personal details concerning his death was heavy on our minds. We would have preferred not to, but given the context of the situation, we deemed it necessary. At the time of our publication, no cause of death had been established. In fact, there is still no official cause of death. Suicide is suspected by some, but again I would urge readers to remember that no official cause of death has been issued. No one on campus knew what was going on,

Lobo coverage of student death is tasteless, mean Editor, I am writing to express my disgust with your article on the tragic death of a UNM student and member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. Your article is inappropriate and tasteless; you are blatantly disrespecting the friends and family who are mourning. The Daily Lobo is expressing itself as a juvenile paper, rather than an unbiased,

Professors should be held to their own rules Editor,

Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor

Most classes have the rule stating that if a student misses more than three classes they will be dropped. In some cases, that rule states that after missing more than three classes your grade will be dropped five points with every absence. Why is that not the case with professors? Since the start of this semester, I have not had a full week of classes. This is absolutely ridiculous because I only have classes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

except that there was a death at a fraternity, Sigma Chi. Moreover, this is a group with a troubled history on this campus. In an effort to end the conjecture which could arise from these circumstances, we chose to include the most pertinent details. Imagine if we had just reported that there was a death at Sigma Chi, and that a student was found dead in his room. Imagine if we had given no name, no reason as to why he wasn’t found for two days. Instead, the specter of an unknown death would loom over our campus. Rumors would fly wildly about, and incorrect stories and perceptions about what really happened would have taken away from the seriousness of a fellow student’s death and caused panic. In publishing only part of the story, we would have caused more controversy for the already grieving friends and family. We had no desire


mature and respectful entity. I am not a member of the Greek community at UNM , yet even as an outsider I can see the bond of the Greek members and their support for one another. Perhaps you could touch on this topic, as it is relevant and newsworthy, unlike the tasteless report that was in your article. Perhaps you could elaborate on the person that Garrett was — clearly a hardworking student who was devoted to his fraternity, a student who left behind many people with their hearts swollen for him. As the newspaper of a flagship research university, your news should be respectful, Now, I love my classes being canceled as much as the next person. I love getting an email that allows me an extra hour of sleep. But when a professor (or worse, a graduate student) misses class without notice, it is wrong. If we are expected to do something, then it is only fair that the people who are being paid to be here are following their own expectations as well. I’m glad to know that I am just throwing my tuition money down the drain. I’m paying for classes that repeatedly get canceled, and I am paying for instructors that never actually show up to class. Michelle Kuechmann UNM student

to create more problems than need be, thus our choice to publish a few clarifying details. I also want to point out that our publication was the first to break this story, and the one who has dedicated the most time and space to covering Elders’ death. We understand and acknowledge that his death is an important issue to the community — and us — and we’ll continue to cover this story as it develops. In short, the purpose of this column isn’t for justification of our actions, but clarification of reader concerns. We all offer our sympathy to the friends and family of Elders, and we urge you to stick with us for any further developments. Chris Quintana Editor-in-Chief

unbiased and thoughtful. This is not the first time the Daily Lobo has shown disrespect, yet I never thought it would become so vulgar. I ask that you reprint the article, with respect to Garrett and his family members, brothers and friends. Tell Garrett’s story, speak of his character and of the love and overwhelming support from the Greek community. A vulgar, inappropriate article has no place in our University’s news. Ladan Dayyani UNM student

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, March 30, 2012 / Page 5


Poor pitching leads to loss

March 26April 1

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facebook.com/oloyogurt 3339 Central Ave NE - Nob Hill Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Freshman designated hitter Alex Real swings for a strike during the game against Stephen F. Austin State University on Wednesday afternoon at Isotopes Park. The Lobos lost the series 2-0 and play play Fresno State this weekend in California.

by Thomas Romero-Salas tromeros@unm.edu

The baseball team lost its lead early and could never come back. The Lobos lost to Stephen F. Austin on Wednesday, 9-5, after giving up four runs in the first inning. Head coach Ray Birmingham said pitching needs to improve, because the Lobos usually can’t come back from such deficits. “We need way better starting pitching, because you can’t ask your team to come back from four or five to nothing all the time. It’s impossible,” Birmingham said. After losing 8-7 to SFA on Tuesday, junior pitcher Selby Brummett started his second game of the year and went through the entire Lumberjack lineup in the first inning, giving up four runs on seven hits. The Lobos (10-13) were able to score in the bottom of the second inning, albeit only an RBI single from freshman catcher Alex Real, to make the score 4-1. After SFA (11-14) pushed the

lead to four in the fourth inning, UNM came within a run in the bottom of the fourth due to a two-out rally which started with an error from SFA that put freshman outfielder Ryan Padilla on first. Junior centerfielder Mitchell Garver then doubled, to put Padilla on third. Real, the next batter, was hit by SFA starting pitcher Chase Greening to load the bases. Sophomore infielder Ryan Pustay brought home two Lobos with a single. Real also scored when SFA third basemen Bryce Cummings threw to third with no one covering the bag, allowing Real an easy path to home plate. However, the Lumberjacks would answer back in the fifth with a three run inning of their own, to put the game out of reach for the Lobos. The Lobos, down 9-4, scored only one more run in the eighth inning off a Josh Melendez homer over the left field wall, his second of the season. Padilla said that the team didn’t play to its potential, and it showed in this series against the Lumberjacks.

“As a team, we didn’t play our best, definitely coming off a big win last weekend,” Padilla said. “We’re just looking to get better and we’re going to learn from our mistakes.” UNM used five pitchers that day, and sophomore pitcher Jake McCasland outperformed the other four. He threw for three innings, allowing one run on two hits. McCasland said that he was trying to keep the Lobos in the game and that the team didn’t come out like it did during two victories against No. 19 Texas Christian University last weekend. “I would say it was our mindset for me against TCU,” McCasland said, “I just felt we were going to win the way were we playing. We were having a good time and we were kind of flat these games.” Birmingham said this series was about finding more pitching depth for his team. “These two times (games against SFA) were about finding some more pitching,” Birmingham said. “We ran some guys out there and we got smoked.”

The New Mexico LULAC District 1 Convention and Professional Young Adults of Albuquerque Mixer

Detail of events: Our LULAC District 1 Convention and Young Adult Professionals of Albuquerque Mixer will be hosted at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM March 30th to March 31st 2012. This Convention is aimed at highlighting the contributions, successes and dreams of our community’s youth and young adults. Council 8057 is hoping to start and sponsor their first scholarship award, aiming to go to a first-generation Hispanic/Latino student who already attends UNM as a current freshman.

LULAC Council 8057 is the first and only Young Adult’s Council in the entire State of New Mexico. Founded by two undergraduate students; Joe’L Trujillo and Jessica Martinez,

their mission for this Hispanic/Latino student organization was to promote attainable and equal education for all New Mexican students and community activism. With well over 30 active young adult members today, the council has flourished to be one of our Nation’s largest & most active LULAC Young Adult Council to date. The first LULAC Young Adults Council in the state of New Mexicolook forward to hosting an amazing, informative and remarkable event for all our visitors and guests.

Evening Gala will be $30.00 per person or $300.00 for a table. Location of events: The founding president of LULAC Council 8057 and Deputy State Director for Young Adult’s Joe’L Trujillo and Deputy District 1 Director for Young Adult’s Erica Baca will be hosting a free Friday Night’s Professional Young Adults of Albuquerque Mixer at The University of New Mexico’s Hodgin Hall in the Bobo Room at 5:30pm and Young Adult’s Council 8057 will be hosting Saturday Night’s District 1 Gala and Awards Ceremony at the University of New Mexico’s Student Union Building Ballroom at 5:30pm. For more information regarding the convention or LULAC please email lulacunm@unm.edu

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Page 6 / Friday, March 30, 2012


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The baseball team’s schedule is as rigorous as ever this weekend. After losing both games to Stephen F. Austin during the week, the Lobos (10-13) travel to California for a fourgame series against Fresno State. Fresno State won the national championship in 2008, and head coach Ray Birmingham said he expects the team to be tough, but not as good as it was when it won it all. “(We have played) good teams and this is one of them,” he said. “Right now, I don’t know if they are where they were in the national championship team, in 2008.” UNM has played five games in the past seven days, and the series against Fresno State includes a double header on Saturday. By Sunday, the Lobos will have played nine games in nine days. Birmingham said he is going to eliminate midweek games in the future because of the strain it puts

on the team. “I hate midweek games,” Birmingham said. “We’re not going to schedule anymore double midweek games. It’s not smart, it affects your class and your play.” Fresno State comes into the game with a 13-11 record. All but five of those games were played at home and the games include a 7-4 victory over then-ranked No. 1 Stanford. The Lobos are 1-4 on the road this season. Birmingham said it’s going to be difficult to go into their place and get an easy victory. “This is just another good program with four games at their place, which nobody wants to do, but we’re going to do it because we want to get it all right before we get into conference,” he said. The Bulldogs are led by Trent Garrison, who is batting .328 with 19 hits and six runs batted in. Kenneth Wise is the offensive threat with 13 runs batted in and two home runs. Fresno State has hit just six home

runs this season, compared to UNM’s 11. Sophomore first baseman D.J. Peterson leads UNM with five home runs and is batting .462 on the season, with 25 runs batted in. UNM has allowed 152 runs this season, 17 in its past two games. Freshman Ryan Padilla is second on the team in hitting, with .424, and is third on the team in runs batted in (RBI), with 15. He said the team has to step up to stop its two-game losing streak. “Every game, we’re going out there to win,” Padilla said. “We need to go out there with the same intensity no matter who we’re playing or what day of the week it is.”

Baseball vs.

Fresno state Tonight, 7:05 P.M. Fresno, Calif.



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New Mexico Daily Lobo

LONDON — Dozens of officials in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime will be blocked from attending the London Olympics, Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed Wednesday as he pledged to make the event “the greatest show on Earth.” Cameron said those subject to international travel bans and asset freezes would not be able to attend the sporting spectacle, which takes place from July 27 to Aug. 12. “I don’t think we should punish the athletes for the sins of the regime, so Syria will be taking part in the games and that is right,” Cameron told reporters as he held talks with International

Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge, who was in town for the IOC’s final inspection visit before the games. “But let’s be absolutely clear, Britain has led efforts within the European Union and elsewhere to institute asset bans, travel freezes and punishing sanctions against this despicable regime. Anyone covered by one of those travel bans will not be welcome in London,” Cameron said. A total of 41 organizations and 127 people linked to the Syrian regime have had European Union sanctions imposed upon them, including Assad’s British-born wife, Asma. Diplomats have conceded they could not prevent her from entering Britain, but insist they do not

expect her to try to travel to the U.K. Britain’s Home Office, which is responsible for border control, will need to decide whether to grant a visa to attend the Olympics to Syrian Olympic Committee president Gen. Mowaffak Joumaa, a close Assad aide who is not currently covered by sanctions. The ministry can deny entry if it feels an individual’s presence in Britain would not be “conducive to the public good.” Cameron said he, Rogge and London organizing committee chairman Sebastian Coe used their talks to discuss transport, security planning and attempts to make sure ordinary people benefit from the legacy of the London Olympics.

go s bo loo o l s go bos g os lobo o lo go b against Tulsa lo go os g os oUpcoming o in Austin, TX b s l b g o o o Athletic Events s o l s l Men’s Tennis b o g o o o o b s b g l Fri 03/30 g o Baseball o o vs. Northern Arizona 12pm Fri-Sun 03/30-04/01 o l s go bos obos lob go l go g UNM Tennis Complex o @ Fresno State o s s o os l l b o o g o Tues 04/03 ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s Women’s Tennis @ NMSU l o g g o o o Sat 03/31 o o Thurs-Sat 04/05-07 o b s s b g l b lo g g o o o @ UNLV o s @ Air Force s o o lob o l go g bos bo lob o l go Sun 04/01 b s against San Diego State lo go os g os obo lo o lo go os g bos o- Women’s Golf o in Las Vegas, NV o b s l s b g l b g Fri-Sat 03/30-31 g o o o o o o s o l s o l s s l l b g bo@ PING/ASU Invitational g bo o o o bo lo bo lob go s s Track & Field g g in Tempe, AZ g o o o o o s s o os l o os l l b Wed-Sat 03/28-31 b o o g g o o o o o o b b s g l s b g l b Outdoor @ Texas Relays g g o o o Softball o o o s s o os l o os l l l b in Austin, TX o o g g o o Fri-Sun 03/30-04/01 o o o b o b s l @ Texas s b g l b g Thurs-Fri 04/05-6 s 03/31 s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo go oSat Outdoor @ Stanford g Invitational ob o l s g os lob lo go l s g os g bos lob s l b o g in Palo Alto, CA o o o o o o o o o b b g os lob lo go l s g os g bos lob lo go l s g os g b o o bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go os lo g g o o s s g The g bos bo lob o l go os list of upcoming os bo lob go l go s s b b g o o o events is published loathletic lo o l go bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bos bos lob Lobo o o every Friday in the Daily Lobo. g s g g g o o o o o o s s o l s o l s s l l b b o o g o g o b b lo in this special section, lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob Toloadvertise o o s o lo gcall b277-5656! o lo g bo g bo os o o o o b b s s g s g g g o o o s o os o os lo o l bo o lo o l os lobo o lo go o g g o b o b s s b g l b g Good luck to s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo go os g bos oGolf, g l Women’s g g ob o l s g os lob lo go l s os lob loBaseball, s s o l s b b o o g g o o o o Softball, o Men’s Tennis, o o b s s b g l b g bo lob o lo go os g g o o o o o o s l l b ol go bos bo lob o l g bos bos lob Women’s o Tennis o o s s g g lo g g o o o o o s &bField lo go os g s o os and oTrack l l s l b o g o o o o b lob o lo go s g bos lob lob o l s go s g bos lob s o lo g bo o o b s g go os g obo lobo o lo go g o o o s o l s s l l b b o g g o lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob s o go os g obo lobo o lo bo lobo o lo go g s s s l b s g bo s g bo obo lo go go go Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 04/30/12

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FOR RELEASE MARCH 30, 2012 arch riday




ADHD Coping Skills Workshop Series Starts at: 1:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to maintain focus in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Anxiety/Stress Workshop Series Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to reduce stress in this 4-part workshop series. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! 277-4537. Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn skills to broaden awareness in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537.

Lobo Campus Civitan Club Starts at: 5:00pm Location: SUB Thunderbird Room Service club working a variety of community service projects. Make new friends. Learn leadership skills. Free refreshments! The Power of Music: Dance/Show Starts at: 7:30pm Location: UNM SUB Ballrooms The Iota Phi colony of Phi Mu Alpha presents The Power of Music! Come dance the night away with music from local Dj’s PBS, teezy, and mashup duo Cobra Moonshine.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Edge of Color Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute Edge of Color will showcase Tamarind artists associated with the hard-edge/color-field movement of the 1960s and 1970s.

ACROSS 1 Legendary kicker 5 Go slowly 9 Start to strip? 13 Neural transmitter 14 Old carrier 16 Count (on) 17 Actor roomies' mailbox label that sounds like racing groups? 19 Fifty-fifty 20 In the wrong way 21 On a cargo ship, say 23 Mink cousin 24 Actor/flutist roomies' mailbox label that sounds like a crook? 28 Jodie Foster title role 31 First apartment, perhaps 32 TV host/singer roomies' mailbox label that sounds like a vital sign? 37 Begins a concert tour 38 Flamenco shout 39 Cyberspace giant 41 Waikiki wreath 42 Digestion-related commercial prefix 45 Actress/comic roomies' mailbox label that sounds like an auto safety feature? 48 Youth who flew too near the sun 50 Appointment 51 Actress/cartoonist roomies' mailbox label that sounds like an airport employee? 54 Frankfurt's state 58 Winningest NFL coach 59 Resentful 60 Former eft 63 Screenwriter/acto r roomies' mailbox label that sounds like an old announcer? 65 Track 66 Net business 67 "Sesame Street" giggler 68 Heredity unit

Jazz Choir Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 500 Lomas Blvd. NE Practice and perform songs in jazz and acapella/pop styles! This fun class will help you with vocal techniques and offer opportunities for solos and improvisation.

SATURDAY 3/31 CAMPUS EVENTS ADHD Coping Skills Workshop Series Starts at: 1:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to maintain focus in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Anxiety/Stress Workshop Series Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to reduce stress in this 4-part workshop series. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! 277-4537.


By Pancho Harrison

69 "Now!" relative 70 Road sign silhouette DOWN 1 Half a '60s quartet 2 Get a life? 3 Game you usually lose 4 3-Down player, e.g. 5 Nimble 6 Seine filler 7 30-ton computer 8 Ristorante offering 9 Invent 10 Gun 11 Stein filler 12 MD for women 15 Desert rises 18 Work the party, in a way 22 Opposite of exo25 "A Passage to India" heroine 26 Montana, once 27 Respectful response 29 Not clerical 30 Alibi provider, sometimes 32 Pueblo people 33 Smart guy?

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

34 Make good on 35 However, briefly 36 Blabbed 40 Plug end? 43 Railroad crossing 44 "That hurt my feelings!" 46 Code of conduct 47 Visibly furious 49 Cook on the range 52 Conspires 53 Poke, kitten-style


55 Elegance 56 Note next to a red F, maybe 57 Miscue 59 Circular road 60 Frothy traditional beverage 61 "__ of Destruction": 1965 protest song 62 Pallid 64 Peeples of "Fame"


Event Calendar

Planning your weekend has never been easier! Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn skills to broaden awareness in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. The Power of Music: Dance/Show Starts at: 7:30pm Location: UNM SUB Ballrooms The Iota Phi colony of Phi Mu Alpha presents The Power of Music! Come dance the night away with music from local Dj’s PBS, teezy, and mashup duo Cobra Moonshine.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Salsa Party with Son Como Son!!! Starts at: 9:30am Location: The Cooperage Restaurant Fun time dancing all night long to Cuban Salsa Music at the #1 Venue for salsa music in Burque: The Cooperage Restaurant (7220 Lomas NE).

SUNDAY 4/1 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: SUB Santa Ana A & B Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Werewolf The Forsaken venue. Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Friday, March 30, 2012




Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

NEW MEXICO RENT-A-Box attention students: dorm room storage. You pack your stuff and we store it for you during the summer! Up to 10 boxes and packing supplies, $220 +tax during the entire summer. 505-346-0563. rentaboxnm.com

WALK TO UNM/CNM, huge 2BR/1BA duplex across from Roosevelt Park. Hardwood floors, detached garage. $750/MO + utilities. $750 deposit. Call Tim 505-239-5555.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

2BDRM HOUSE FOR rent. Carlisle/ Central, 5 min from UNM. $1,050/mo, utilities included. 412-335-5634.

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets


Your Space

THE VENUE IS picked and the wedding dress bought. There is no time for second thought. This rhyme is just some food for thought. In just a few months we tie the knot.

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

KEVIN, YOU ARE addicted to Monte Vista, but it’s okay because you are stimulating the New Mexico economy. LOOKING FOR A man who is DTF (Down To Fish). Preferably tan, 6’1” with a slight resemblance to Taylor Lautner. Please send all inquiries to:ccamp bell631@hotmail.com



Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com


AVAILABLE NOW! $600/MO. 2 BDRM 1 BA. Kitchen appliances and w/d hookups. FP in LR. Cute with views. Carlisle and Gibson dd $500. Luke 505-610-5192.

VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

Fun Food Music

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presbyterian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 116 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. Call 5501579.

LIVE SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Saturday, March 31st Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover (21 and up)

UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

Looking for You

HEART OF NOB Hill, small 1BDRM, garden area, N/S, no pets. $550/mo free utilities. 255-7874.

PORTRAIT ARTIST LOOKING for subjects to paint, interested in all types, especially interested ethnic diversity. Paying $10/hr. Leo Neufeld 720-1471. leoneufeld.com

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE.

Lost and Found RING FOUND AT Dane Smith Hall. Men’s ring with inscription. 505-4506250.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

LOST NIXON WATCH in locker rooms in gym. Reward if found. Text 505-2496670.


STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties. com

CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. Free consultation/ reasonable rates/ student discount. Quinn Kirby 505-750-1398.

Houses For Rent

HOUSE FOR RENT Ridgcrest Area 2BDRM, one bath, excellent area for UNM students. Must have references, first and last months rent. $900/mo. 262-2490.

BRADLEY’S BOOKS ACCEPTS plastic MWF. CAP & GOWN (Bachelor’s-red). 5’7 to 5’9. $25 cash. Text 505-379-4793.

Vehicles For Sale 1992 CADILLAC SEVILLE. 148K mi, V8, automatic. Runs and looks great. $2500OBO. Detailed description/ contact at https://post.craigslist.org/u/m pCstwBl4RGtZ8XsPvBY7A/iaaqh TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 SR5 V6 Truck, 170K, 5 speed manual selling for $4500. Just got fixed up and runs great. Call/text 505-225-0474

HOUSE FOR RENT, across from CNM, 2BDRM, hardwood floors, fireplace, updated appliances with washer & dryer. Rent includes utilities. Call Gary 803-8981. FURNISHED CASITA 1BDRM 1BA, walk to UNM/ Old Town, available now, $850/mo, NS/ NP, 505-934-6453.

LOOKING FOR CAT whisperer to get my cat to stop yelling randomly in the middle of the night. I need help. I’m sleep deprived. lmartell@unm.edu


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.



new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Rooms For Rent 18TH FLOOR MILLION dollar penthouse, 5 full bedrooms and baths. Furnished with luxury furnishings. Central and San Mateo. From $400 to $750 per month. Women only or men only. All utilities and full Directv with 4 large flat screens included and two large kitchens. Roy, 505-410-8661. 1BDRM AVAILABLE IN 4BDRM house. Starting April 1st. Females preferred, $425/mo. including utilities, wifi, 1 block from UNM campus. 505-206-6466. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 2BDRM on Central and Louisiana. Cinnamon Tree Apartments. $315/mo +electric. 505231-5955. FURNISHED MASTER BDRM available in updated home in Uptown area. Remodeled. Prefer female. Great location, 10 min drive to campus. $450/mo. 505280-4611. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM house in University Heights/ Harvard Drive area. $425/mo +1/2utilities. Available 5/15. Call Kyra for interview 907-854-8028. CLEAN, QUIET, RESPONSIBLE roommate wanted to share 3BDRM house. $275/mo including all utilities and internet. Unfurnished. 2 miles from UNM. Graduate student preferred. Lawrence 505-264-6009. LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool and fitness center. Contact Jessikha 816-589-8491. Email jaiwill.unm.edu OLD TOWN PLAZA. $450/mo. $400dd. 319-4911. NEED FEMALE STUDENT to take over 2012-2013 lease in Casas Del Rio. Do not have to be a freshman. Daughter unable to attend UNM. We will pay application fee. Contact DeeDee 505-2352971. LOBO VILLAGE: FEMALE needed to take over lease in May or June. $499/mo. Security deposit and application fee paid. Contact Melissa at 505321-2079 or msprinkl@unm.edu

For Sale SELLING HP LAPTOP DV7 series. Motherboard doesn’t turn on. Make me an offer 505-975-1759.

FORD WINDSTAR MINIVAN LX, FWD. 160K. Looks/ Drives like new! $3,100 OBO. Call 933-1782. 1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 engine, four barrel carburetor. Asking $2500. If interested, call Sam at 505916-7064.

Child Care NANNY FOR 11 year old. 319-4911. FUN/ INTERACTIVE BABYSITTER for two young children(3&4) in Rio Rancho two days/week. More days in fall. Must have reliable car with insurance and references. Weekend availability a plus. clancy@aps.edu KIDS QUEST AND Cyber Quest seeks qualified candidates for part-time teammate positions at its Route 66 Casino location in Albuquerque, NM. Qualified candidates will enjoy working with children, be positive, energetic, flexible, possess exceptional customer service skills, and be able to multi-task well. Kids Quest and Cyber Quest offers paid training, flexible hours, and health and dental insurance. Please apply in person or online at kidsquest.com PT NOW BUT FT(Summers)- Nanny for family in North Valley, 2 kids (9&11) must have reliable car, help with homework, bilingual Spanish/English a plus. danielabq@aol.com

Jobs Off Campus BEFORE AND AFTER school child care needed. Varying weekdays 7:30-9am and 3:30-5:30 pm. Able to drive children. 5-6 hrs per wk average, $100/wk. Email Elizabeth ehenderson1703@ya hoo.com or call 505-385-2195. CAREGIVER FOR DISABLED adult. 2hrs am, 2hrs pm. Daily Monday - Friday. Prefer 8AM and 6PM, flexible on exact times. $10/hr. Nursing students preferred. 292-9787. THE ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Department is currently hiring for Police Officer and Police Service Aide. Contact recruiters today! (505) 343-5000 or log on to APDonline.com for more information. PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. TALIN MARKET IS currently looking for team members in the following areas: customer service, cashiering, t-Bar, produce, seafood. Please take an application at 88 Lousiana Blvd. SE.

YOUR PERSONAL PATH coach seeks male assistant. 20+ hrs. saintbo brakoczy@aol.com TALIN MARKET IS looking for morning stocker. Hours from 6am- 10am Monday-Friday. Starting pay at $9/hr. Please apply online at talinmarket.com or pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE. GROUP LEADERS/ CAREGIVERS for top-quality after-school and summer child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice. org Work-study encouraged to apply. CHILDCARE WORKERS NEEDED for NE Heights church. Sunday mornings and occasional evenings. Experience and background check required. Call 856-5040 x120. EARLY BIRD LAWN service now accepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information. AIR FORCE NURSING HIRING! No experience required. Within 1yr of BSN. Call/email by April 2012. 303-366-6814. steven.kuberek@us.af.mil

EXCLUSIVELY DESIGNED - High Quality Jewelry Your Retail Sales career can be as brilliant as our jewelry & at the same time imagine making someone’s day! We are looking for Full & PartTime individuals who are self-motivated, enthusiastic, and sales goal driven! We are a NM Family owned & operated business since 1975! We offer advancement opportunities, great benefits and a unique company who thinks of our employees as “jewels”! Background check will be completed at time of employment. Applications accepted at Coronado Mall, Cottonwood Mall, & Santa Fe Old Town Square or e-mail: misty@kabana.net WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429.


BIOLOGY/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR(S) April/ May. Pay DOE. Send resume/ cover letter to mayersnm@yahoo.com VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. MCM ELEGANTE HOTEL currently hiring: Laundry Attendant Am & PM, Room Attendant, Room Inspector, PM Lobby Attendant, Houseman, Restaurant Server, Cocktail Server, AM Restaurant Supervisor, Dishwasher, HVAC Technician, PM Maintenance, Bellman, Administrative Assistant. Apply at 2020 Menaul BLVD NE. ENRICHMENT CLASS INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12 in a top-quality summer program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, guitar, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20/hr depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors work under direct supervision of Program Directors who prepare them to be responsible for overall afterschool program management. $10/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 2962880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106.

ANIMAL PROTECTION OF New Mexico, a statewide nonprofit working to improve animals’ lives through systemic change, is seeking summer interns for our various campaigns. Looking for motivated individuals who can multitask. Volunteer position with flexible hours, based in ABQ. Visit apnm.org/get_in volved/internship/ or call 265-2322 for more info. UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330). INTERESTED IN BEING a Research Participant? Register at www.Re searchMatch.org For more information contact Danielle at 272-6048 or DaTrujillo@salud.unm.edu DO YOU HAVE Diabetes, Asthma, etc.? Register at CTSCTrials.health.unm.edu (HRRC#06-412) to hear about research opportunities going on at UNM. For more information contact Danielle DaTrujillo@salud.unm.edu

Grand Opening March 2nd Disc Golf Ultimate Frisbee Freestyle Clothing & Apparel

10% UNM Student Discount 1500-A Wyoming NE Albuquerque, NM 87112 505.312.8762

Challenge your friends to a game of ping-pong! Mark your calendars for the Grand Reopening of Louie’s Lounge on April 4 at 12 p.m.


s TM

Free to play


Open Monday to Friday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Pool, Ping-Pong, Xbox and Flat Screens.

Located in the SUB Plaza Level

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