NM Daily Lobo 040611

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April6, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Provost to leave for new position

Committee will form to select Ortega’s replacement by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

UNM Provost Suzanne Ortega will not return to her post in the fall. Ortega’s contract is up for renewal this summer, but she accepted a job offer back east instead of renewing her contract, University President David Schmidly said in his Monday morning e-mail. “We’ll be able to share more about it as the details are finalized, but know that it is a wonderful opportunity, and no one is more deserving of it,” Schmidly wrote. Ortega did not return calls or emails and couldn’t meet Tuesday. Faculty Senate President Richard Wood will lead an internal search committee to help identify an interim Provost, Schmidly’s email said. Wood said the committee will meet today and ASUNM, GPSA and Staff Council representatives were invited to serve as committee members. He said he could not release committee members’ names until they agree to serve on the committee. Ortega was appointed UNM’s executive vice president and provost in August 2008. In November 2010, Ortega was one of four finalists named a senior vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, but she was not selected. In her last months at UNM, Ortega plans to focus on issues raised in academic self-studies, Schmidly’s e-mail said.

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo The Rail Runner pulls away from the Albuquerque Depot station over the weekend. Construction workers broke ground in Los Ranchos on Monday to widen streets in an effort to make the area more friendly to bicyclists who ride to the commuter train.

City makes strides to help pedals by Kallie Red-Horse kallie69@unm.edu

Albuquerque is taking steps to make the city more bike-friendly. Construction workers broke ground Monday on a four-week project to widen El Pueblo Road between Second Street and Edith Boulevard, near the Los Ranchos/Journal Center Rail Runner station. The construction is part of a combined city-and-county effort to make Albuquerque more accessible for bicyclists, Project Engineer Jeanne Wolfenbarger said. “The width of El Pueblo Road is currently insufficient,” she said. “We are widening the shoulders so they are four feet wide to accommodate bicycle travel so both vehicles and bicycles can access it.” During construction, two-way

traffic will be allowed on El Pueblo Road, but Rail Runner commuters should factor in time delays and parking changes. Traffic will be detoured onto roadway shoulders, so no parking will be allowed there, but temporary parking will be provided immediately east of Edith Boulevard on the north side of the road. The construction is consistent with the city’s Bikeways and Trails Master Plan, Wolfenbarger said. The plan’s vision statement calls for a safe and convenient access for bicyclists to all Albuquerque areas, so that bicycling is a viable transportation option that results in improved quality of life. Improving the safety of bicycle lanes is a key component of achieving that vision, said Cathy Lopez, from the Bernalillo County Public Works Division.

“There is great likelihood of an accident, so we want to improve the safety in this area” ~Cathy Lopez BCPWD “Safety is always our No. 1 concern,” she said. “Any design that we do always bears in mind the safety of the pedestrians, cyclists and motorists who will be using the road.” Albuquerque is updating the existing bikeways master plan by

integrating suggestions from the community and recommending changes to existing conditions. Many commuters bike to the Rail Runner station, which creates heavy bicycle traffic, Lopez said. “Right now there is no safe way for cyclists to get to the station,” she said. “There is great likelihood of an accident, so we want to improve the safety in this area.” In addition to widening the street, parts of El Pueblo Road will be repaved, Wolfenbarger said. Construction is scheduled to be done by May 9, Wolfenbarger said. She said the project is widely supported. “We are trying to encourage bicycle traffic going to the Rail Runner station,” she said. “Citizens want to have that bike route, and people are happy about having pavement replaced.”

ASUNM hopes to increase election turnout by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Students have a chance to elect UNM’s future undergraduate and graduate student leaders during the ASUNM and GPSA elections, but few actually vote. Since 2008, no more than 11 percent of main campus undergraduate students voted in ASUNM spring elections, according to data from ASUNM Elections Adviser Debbie Morris. Last year, 10 percent of main campus graduate and professional students voted in the GPSA presidential election, GPSA President Lissa Knudsen said. She said voter turnout was unusually low last year, but the number of students who vote depend on the issues

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 130

candidates address. “When there is a lot of controversy or hot-topic issues that people are interested in being addressed, voter turnout increases,” she said. ASUNM President Laz Cardenas said ASUNM election turnouts have increased, and he hopes to heighten student awareness of election dates, locations and procedures. “On the day of the election, I’m going to be sending out a message to all the undergraduate students saying, ‘Today is election day. Vote at these locations,’” he said. “And the Student Senate will be doing outreach at various locations on campus to talk about the upcoming election.” Student Josh Madrid said he doesn’t plan to vote in the

upcoming elections. “The changes (ASUNM) makes don’t really affect me,” he said. “I don’t think they really do anything.” Voting for ASUNM leadership is important because it allows students to have a say in University governance, Cardenas said. University spokeswomen Susan McKinsey said ASUNM presents reports to the regents. She said ASUNM represents the student body on important administrative decisions. “They are a regent adviser, and they report in every month to the executive cabinet,” she said. “... I would say no major decision is made at the University without seeking the input of the students, and the best way to do that would be through ASUNM.”

Mile-long memorial


See page 4

See page 7

Vote in the ASUNM elections April 20 From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

-Centennial Science and Engineering Library -Mitchell Hall -University Advisement and Enrichment Center

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PageTwo Wednesday, April 6, 2011

volume 115

issue 130

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg

Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark

Opinion Editor Nathan New Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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see Mousseau page 3

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low. Students need to be given successful resources on campus. For example, they need the resource centers to teach them where they are going in life. We want to work on advisement, keeping tuition down and debt low. We want to do a four-year plan with students so they know what it will cost in each of the four years. And for wellness, our big focus is on bringing a SafeRide program to UNM. Being in Albuquerque, with the DUI problems we have, we want students to feel comfortable that they can get a safe ride home anywhere for free.

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Daily Lobo: Tell me about your slate and some of the platforms you guys are promoting. Tim Mousseau: When we selected senators, we chose individuals for their passion for students and the platforms we’re running on. We brought a lot of new faces on who are passionate

about ASUNM. We wanted some of the old and new senators in there and willing to take risks and make a positive change. DL: What do you guys want to focus on during the next year? TM: We have three main goals: openness, competitiveness and wellness. Openness is something I focused on. I think a lot of students on campus don’t know what student government is. One big thing we want to do is webcast all Senate meetings. Students can watch as they’re going on, and we also plan on doing an archive. With competitiveness, any kind of student debt would need to be kept

Yale Blvd

Editor’s Note: Tim Mousseau is the new presidential candidate for the New Day slate after Michael Thorning dropped out of the race Monday.

ASUNM Presidential Candidate

Zach Gould

Tim Mousseau, Junior, New Day slate

Tim Mousseau

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, April 6, 2011 / Page 3

Settlement case turns sour Attorneys in the government’s $3.4 billion settlement with American Indians over mismanaged royalties are “stonewalling” a congressional panel as they ask a judge to more than double their fees in the case, the committee’s chairman said Tuesday. Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska, is cosponsoring legislation to cap the attorneys’ fees at $50 million. He said in a hearing before the House Subcommittee on Indians and Alaska Native Affairs, which he chairs, that “it smells” for the plaintiffs’ lawyers to now make the argument that they deserve $223 million, after the


settlement limited their fee request to $99.9 million. Young said both the plaintiffs’ attorneys and the Obama administration officials who negotiated the settlement refused to testify Tuesday on the proposal and have stymied previous attempts to gather information about how the fees were structured. “Today, the Plaintiffs are stonewalling the efforts of this committee to get to the bottom of the fee controversy in their refusal to testify or to respond to numerous written inquiries over the last year seeking information about their fees,” Young said. If Congress passes the legislation, it will void the settlement, plaintiffs’ spokesman Bill McAllister said

Tuesday. Congress had a year to vet the terms of the settlement before it approved the deal in December, he said. Now it’s back under the authority of a federal judge and out of the panel’s hands. “Political interference in the judicial process would harm 500,000 individual Indians, undermine our system of government and jeopardize the settlement in its entirety,” the plaintiffs’ attorneys said in a statement. The federal government never would have agreed to a $3.4 billion settlement with American Indians if it knew the plaintiffs’ lawyers would try to more than double their fees, Young said. Even $100 million is too much, he added.

nity, and I’m president of the Interfraternity Council. I was awarded Greek Man of the Year, and I’m part of the honors program on campus. DL: What will you do to help relations between GPSA and ASUNM? TM: I think for me, with GPSA, I’m a very relationship-oriented person. We just need to sit down at the beginning of the year and come up with a list of goals that we share for the year. That would really help. I think a weekly meeting with the GPSA president would help to build that relationship, where we can address

concerns together. DL: How are you going to help represent undergraduate students with the UNM administration? TM: I would love to create more weekly meetings with the administration. I think updating the ASUNM website is very important. That can be used with the administration successfully. We can put student polls on there and things like that. It comes down to building relationships on Day one with the administration.

from page 2

free. We want to give students an option to eat healthier on campus. We want to support the student free bus pass. We want to make it a more bikefriendly campus by making more bike paths. DL: Tell me a little about yourself personally. Where are you from? TM: I went to high school in Clovis, N.M., but my dad was in the Air Force, so I had the privilege of traveling a lot. I really love traveling. Personally, in my spare time, I like to do art. I paint and I’ve taken some photography classes. I am in the Sigma Chi frater-


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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New



Wednesday April 6, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

Letters Spit on your teachers for ruining America’s economy Editor, When the economy went belly up and millions of people lost their houses and their jobs, you can bet the teachers, their unions and their outrageous pensions were at fault. All the wealth in this country has been ripped off by greedy teachers who are sickly obsessed with their fantasy that people in this great land of ours need to be educated and that these ne’er-do-well educators actually need to be paid to teach their bullshit. What a joke. We have a bunch of these useless-eater teachers right here at Walmart U. with their huge salaries and their insane retirement demands. No wonder the New Mexico Legislature took swift action and threw their pensions down the sewer. Next, we should throw out the teachers after their disappearing benefits and their insane talk of ideas and improving things in the land of freedom. If you see any of these freeloader teacher bums on campus, spit on them and scream profanities as loudly as you can. Mad dog the suckers. I guarantee they will tremble in fear and scurry away to their rat-hole offices, and you will feel so good about your act of affirmation. The world will be a better place if you just curse a teacher today. James Burbank UNM faculty

Mussolini’s failed conquest should serve as a lesson Editor, The Western nations currently trying to bomb Libya into submission must not be familiar with Libyan history. Who was Umar Mukhtar, and why is he so famous in Libya? Mukhtar organized and led the armed resistance to Italian colonization between 1912-31. Benito Mussolini, the Italian leader, was hell-bent on reconquering Libya in order to rebuild the Roman Empire. With the latest weapons of war at his disposal, the fascist Mussolini thought that the conquest of Libya would be a walk in the park. What Mussolini found instead was a former Quran teacher skillfully using guerilla warfare to ambush Italian forces and then disappearing back into the desert. When the fascists realized that Mukhtar’s support among the Libyan people was so strong, Mussolini decided to place many Libyans into concentration camps. This strategy paid off, and eventually Mukhtar was captured and executed. Ironically, the Italians were forced out of Italy in 1943 having failed in their bid to reestablish their beloved Roman Empire. I can fully understand that the leaders of the West are far too arrogant to let the final words of a Quran teacher change their minds, but I will conclude with Mukhtar’s final words: “To God we belong, and to Him we shall return.” Muhajir Romero UNM student

Editorial Board Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor


Success in college is nonlinear by Nathan New Opinion Editor

I have to pass a math class in order to graduate. While I respect math and its precision, you could literally sink Albuquerque in the void that is my desire to work on math. I’m a languages major, and I can’t see when I would ever, ever, need to graph a quadratic function. Beyond that, the tedium and exactness of math is something I have trouble relating to, and I resent the fact that it’s forced on my degree. So I’m stuck in a place of necessary agony, like a small-town Walmart. I think it’s inane that I have to pass algebra in order get the degree. I wish there were a class that would teach me gas mileage and tax rates, instead of the definition of a vertex. I don’t need to know how to write linear functions; I need to know how to make investments and buy bulk hexafluoride for the secret project that I’m not working on. So a few questions as to why I must spend my potentially salacious nights on Algebra

homework: First of all: Why algebra? There are thousands of different ways math could be applied to my foreseeable life without ever needing to understand those basic rules that higher science uses. It’s a really cool process, but I just don’t see the application for me. If nothing else, make me take geometry. Secondly, why not really challenge me? Make me earn my math credit by doing an independent project measuring the distances between coffee shops. Or labeling the graphic coordinates of Taco Bells. One way or the other, I’m engaging in math. And third, why do you, the mammoth university bureaucracy, take no pity on me and my brain-dead math-bastard brethren when it comes to passing our sheepskin? I just want to be done, to move on with life, and forget every single thing about a parabola. I’m calling out for help. And a tutor. But in all fairness, my math is being served to me very nicely. I very much like the situation in which I’m taking it, and its all-or-nothing consequence. That in itself is a challenge. So I take from that a certain

understanding of how to deal with the class: To challenge myself for the sake of success, regardless of the subject matter. Surely, that’s a big part of earning a degree. So I’m buckling down and sledding into hell. I wish I could convince myself that I care about the material, but I just don’t. It’s nothing against algebra because without it I’m sure I’d be sapping the electricity from a fetid potato. Rather, my complaint is against a similarly rigid structure that forces all students to pass the same unnecessary courses. Get with the times, administration. And get with them in like the next two weeks and e-mail me. My future depends on you, or...me. Odd it should work that way. Reader, I hope you’re acing all your courses and practicing your tassel-flipping. But for all of you dealing with a predicament similar to mine, I offer encouragement in the words of Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” And here’s hoping a quadratic formula doesn’t confront me in a dark alley and say, “Factor me or I’ll kick your ass.”

Letter It is my educational party, and I can attend if I want to Editor, I was 3 minutes late to my public speaking class this week because I forgot keys to my bike lock. As I knocked I could hear the graduate assistant instruct everyone to not open the door. I sat outside sulking in my shame and began thinking about this policy. I understand locking a door while a student is speaking preserves privacy and stops interruption; however, I showed up before any speeches began and was refused entrance after the first speech finished. I am guessing the department of Communication and Journalism is hoping to reinforce some degree of responsibility by implementing this policy. When I started college, I was under the impression that I would have the freedom to manage my time as I saw fit. I find now that I am punished for not doing with my time what the C&J

department sees fit. Why, I couldn’t possibly have anything more important to do than listen to an inexperienced GA regurgitate lines from a pathetic excuse for a textbook. Next time I need to miss for a legitimate reason, like my wife being sick, or my boss calling to beg for a few extra hours, I’ll have to consider if it’s worth another deduction on my public speaking grade. Mandatory attendance appears to be a policy of the department, and not my teacher. However, as I waited outside my class hoping for a classmate to take pity on me, I witnessed five students show up late and be let in to another public speaking class next to mine. To add insult to injury, speeches were being performed in there as well. If this is a policy of the C&J department, why am I so unfortunate to be stuck with the GA that thinks this is a legitimate rule? So far this semester, I have had four public speaking classes canceled by the teacher. Do I dare suggest that a double standard exists in this department? It’s quite alright for our GA to schedule

activities during the class period, but not students. So much for the proponents of mandatory attendance who think the policy will get them their money’s worth. Mandatory attendance suggests that students will advance simply by showing up. Clearly, no one who believes this has sat in on my class. The lectures consist primarily of YouTube videos (several of which are filled with foul language) and factory-produced PowerPoints. If a student poses questions or challenges an idea, the GA not only doesn’t have an answer, but doesn’t foster the exchange of ideas in class that would bring about an answer. The class has done little more than create confusion on the best methods of public speaking preparation and delivery. Whatever the intended benefits of this policy are, it completely misses the mark. Too bad I couldn’t leave this letter anonymous. I’m sure my grade will suffer now since I don’t have the freedom to miss class or express an opinion. Curtis Vernon UNM Student

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.




e k a S & Remembering Flanagan Sushi Korea LOBO WOMEN’S BASKETBALL

by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

To his former players, Don Flanagan was stoic, detail-oriented, stubbornly obsessed with fundamentals and occasionally humorous — but he was unquestionably a great coach. Former UNM point guard Amy Beggin said Flanagan was like “a little kid on the basketball court,” always smiling and enjoying every second. During his tenure, Flanagan’s Lobos won five conference championships, posted 14-straight winning seasons and had 102 academic all-conference awards. But UNM’s most decorated coach’s accomplishments — the postseason accolades and championship titles — are but a footnote to his legacy, said Nikki HeckrothLobato, a former player who is now 610 The Sports Animal’s women’s basketball color commentator. “It’s going to be difficult to walk into The Pit and not see Flanagan standing there,” she said. Somehow, fans and former players will grow accustomed to it. On the basketball court, Flanagan showed little emotion and was calm and collected, said Abby Garchek-Jaramillo, who played for Flanagan from 1995-97. “When I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him yell at anyone,” she said. “In fact, I don’t think I ever heard him raise his voice. He was very strict on us those first few years because he had to be … but he was never a yeller.” A yeller, no, but if there was one thing Flanagan was, it was a

fundamentalist. “He’s very good at teaching the basics of basketball — dribbling, passing, shooting,” said Cristal Garcia, a 2004 alumna and Pojoaque standout. “We would go two hours a practice sometimes doing nothing but the fundamentals.” When he wanted to be, Flanagan was also a stand-up comedian. Former UNM player Molly McKinnon, now Kansas’ assistant strength and conditioning coach, said Flanagan is known for his one-liners. “This one time we were playing at BYU, and he made it a point to tell the team about the drop off they have going into the band pit from the court. Not five minutes into the game, I chased a ball

“It’s going to be difficult to walk into The Pit and not see Flanagan standing there.” ~Nikki Heckroth-Lobato Former player out of bounds and fell off. After I climbed out, he looked at me and said, ‘I told you so.’” UNM Director of Basketball Operations Jordan Adams said she’ll miss Flanagan. “When I was a player I would just look at him like, ‘Did he really just say that?’ not knowing whether to laugh or what to do,” she said. “Now that I work with him, I’ll just

bust out laughing.” What wasn’t a laughing matter, though, was Flanagan’s team rules. Dionne Marsh, the women’s all-time career point leader, said Flanagan’s coaching style took time to get used to. “You appreciate Coach Flanagan more once you’re done,” she said. “Especially with all that he requires of you.” But that didn’t mean that Flanagan didn’t show his amicable side during his 16-year career at UNM. Wyoming assistant head coach Katie Kern, who graduated in 1999, recalled one Hawaii trip where Flanagan took to the team to a beach-side dinner. “Being the land-locked New Mexico girls we were, we all decided to run into the water with our clothes on,” she said. ”Not only were the girls all out there, but Coach Flanagan was out there splashing around with us, too.” Tamika Stukes-Daniel, who graduated in 1998, said she used to have to muster the courage to ask for dessert during team dinners. “He always had the team on dietary restrictions,” she said. “We couldn’t eat this, or we had to have extra that. I was always the one on the team who was elected to ask Flanagan if we could have dessert after we won a game. You could always tell if he was happy with the team or not by his answer.” No matter what, former UNM player Amanda Adamson said Flanagan’s legacy will live on. “When I think of Flanagan I always think about the Dr. Seuss quote, ‘You can’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”


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Page 6 / Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo women’s basketball

Abrupt exit for legend coach by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu As Don Flanagan put it, he was just tired of basketball. So, too, were five freshmen players who pushed the UNM women’s head coach to resign. Flanagan, after 16 seasons of guiding the program to 340 wins, three Mountain West Conference regular-season championships and six conference tournament titles, resigned Monday after just his second losing season. Flanagan said at a news conference Tuesday at The Pit that he intended to honor the final year of the four-year extension he signed in 2007, but reversed course when five freshmen — Tina Doughty, Erin Boettcher, Morgan Toben, Brianna Taylor and Jasmine


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Alpha C


Patterson — told him in individual postseason meetings they planned to quit the team. “They told me over and over that they’re not coming back,” Flanagan said. The Albuquerque Journal first reported Flanagan’s resignation late Monday afternoon. Flanagan said Tuesday that four were quitting basketball permanently and one planned to transfer and play elsewhere. He didn’t say which player would transfer. So onward into retirement is where Flanagan is headed. With Athletics Director Paul Krebs sitting to his left, Flanagan said it was his decision to step down, not anyone else’s, and he talked to his family the last few years about retiring after the 2012 season. “It was definitely an individual decision,” he said. “...I think at this point after 40 years I can feel pretty comfortable that it was a positive career.” A positive career, undoubtedly, but arguably with a bittersweet ending. Flanagan said before spring break he encountered no complications from players or staff. At the end of the season, he said he envisioned one player would transfer because of diminished playing time. UNM struggled during the season, but made an unforeseen run to the MWC tournament semifinals, largely on Patterson’s back. The immediate future looked bright. Season-ending injuries to guards Nikki Nelson and Sara Halasz forced Flanagan to rely heavily on the play of his two seniors (Amanda Best and Jessica Kielpinski) and younger players, but that prepared them for the tournament. The freshmen players, apparently, felt otherwise. Flanagan said some freshmen felt

pressed into pressured-filled roles. So with seven players leaving — the two seniors who completed their eligibility and the five freshmen — Flanagan said he felt it best to retire. He said it would be difficult to fill six to seven rosters spots in recruiting, and he didn’t want to tell recruits that he was going to retire after the 2011-12 season. “We felt that there wasn’t going to be a problem with my last year of recruiting,” Flanagan said. “This is because I only needed one or two players. So, when you only need one or two players, it’s not that hard to recruit, and we still would have had 12 players returning. But since all of the freshmen decided they weren’t coming back because the pressure of playing time, it’s a complete reverse of what normally happens.” Flanagan’s extension would have expired April 2012, and he said the five freshmen didn’t know he had one year left on his deal. His retirement is effective at the end of April. Effective, to put it mildly, is what Flanagan has been in his time at UNM. Flanagan made a name for a program that had previously won just 14 games from 1990-94. UNM hired Flanagan April 16, 1995, and had immediate impact. In his UNM tenure, Flanagan led the program to eight NCAA tournament appearances and one Sweet 16 appearance in 2004. Flanagan spent 16 years at Eldorado High School in Albuquerque. There, he compiled a 401-13 record, and the Eagles won 14 state championships. “The reality is that he put us on the map in women’s basketball,” Krebs said. “We all like to think we’re smart and we make great hires, but the hire of Don Flanagan ...was an incredible hire.”

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level: 1 2 3 4

solution to yesterday’s puzzle

ACROSS 1 *“Bohemian Rhapsodyâ€? group 6 *Poet Whitman 10 Exotic food fish 14 AĂąo Nuevo month 15 Irish Spring variety 16 Wife of Zeus 17 Sudoku fill-in 18 Fronded plant 19 Irving hero 20 Starbucks pickup 22 Man with morals 23 *Painfully shy 26 *Tormented by pollen, say 27 Torino time period 28 Good thinking 31 *Cross 34 Overhauls 39 Aladdin’s helper 40 *Medico’s address 41 Red simile words 42 Parent who minds how her kid acts? 44 *Like a quiet town 45 Dojo discipline 47 WNBA position 48 *He won 26 Oscars, including an Academy Honorary Award (consisting of one full-sized and seven miniature statuettes) for the film depicted in this puzzle’s starred answers 52 *Cry of surprise 55 Quarterfinals complement, e.g. 56 Danube capital 58 Like a noted piper 59 Watch 60 Roads scholar? 64 Feminine suffix 65 Corleone family head 66 “We’re out of choicesâ€? 67 “Son of Frankensteinâ€? role 68 *Frosted flakes 69 *Chess side DOWN 1 Proof abbr. 2 Cycle prefix



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Wednesday, April 6, 2011 / Page 7

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


By Patti Varol

3 Hosp. test 4 “Love Storyâ€? novelist Segal 5 __ this world: bizarre 6 Hem and haw 7 On the safer side 8 Passed-down stories 9 Downing Street number 10 “My goodnessâ€? 11 “__ porridge hot ...â€? 12 Paella ingrediente 13 *All smiles 21 Faulkner’s “The Sound and the __â€? 22 Like some reports 23 His 3,000th hit was a homer 24 Stop in QuĂŠbec? 25 Healthful hot spot 26 Cry noisily 29 Starbucks pickup 30 NYSE overseer 32 “Top Gunâ€? foe 33 Didn’t wait for Christmas 35 “May __ of service?â€? 36 Hanger-on

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Pool statistic 38 Start to foam? 40 Palme __: Cannes film award 43 Has the okay 44 Spotted 46 Market index, familiarly 48 *Not very bright 49 Best part of the cake, to some 50 Shorthand pro


51 “Unsafe at Any Speed� author 53 Attached to a trailer hitch 54 Brooks of C&W 56 Vital thin blue line 57 Passionate about 59 RCA products 61 Sushi bar tuna 62 Congregated 63 Not post-


The GPSA Election this year includes a vote on a new GPSA Constitution!

Learn more about the proposed changes at: gpsa.unm.edu/proposed_constitution Electronic Voting will run from 8 am on Mon, April 4 - 5 pm on Thurs, April 7 Links to the General Election ballots will be distributed to each graduate and professional student’s UNM email address on Monday, April 4th at 8am. For more information about the Constitution, please contact the Council Chair: gcchair@unm.edu For more information about the GPSA elections, please contact: votegpsa@unm.edu


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Wednesday, April 6, 2011





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MISS EARTH NEW Mexico Pageants are now accepting contestants for the 2011 pageant! Winners receive an all expense paid trip to compete at Miss Earth United States and Miss Teen Earth United States in Daytona Beach, FL! Visit us at www.earthnewmexicopageants.com or call Kim Bebon at (915) 309-2576.

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE. UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo.+1/3 utilities. Laundry. (505)615-5115. $425/MO +UTILITIES. NICE Kitchen, Laundry, Gym, Sauna, Garden & Fruit Trees, Pet chickens and pond fish. Call 459-2071.

LOST/ STOLEN LONGBOARD: Krown longboard w/ purple and blue design on bottom, green sector 9 ball wheels. Cash reward! Please call 505-604-5880.

1BDRM APTS. $400/MO. 2BDRM Apts. $475/mo. $150 deposit $25 security check. Call 505-266-0698.



STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

Vehicles For Sale

1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, W/D, $750/mo +utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

CAR FOR SALE: As it is. Mercury Mistyque 1995. Good Tires. $600 OBO. Call: 833-1563 after 10:00 AM.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

TUTOR JR HIGH through Undergrad. Science, Math, and Writing. 505-2059317. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. ?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

SEEKING QUIET RESPONSIBLE tenant for north UNM area. 1BDRM. Brick floors, patio. $520/mo. 265-2279.

NEED AN ATTORNEY? Free Consultation. 24/7. 505-333-8613. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.


HOUSEKEEPER. CLEANING, COOKING, pet care, gardening, more. 505205-9317.

WORRIED? LOG ON to Spirituality.com BRADLEY’S BOOKS. MWF. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting April 8th 2011 @ 3pm in Marron Hall Rm 131.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $650/mo. Ask about student discount. 610-2050.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.


LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525.

AFFORDABLE PRICE, STUDENT/FACULTY discount. Gated Community, Salt Water Pool, pets welcomed. 15 minutes UNM. Sage Canyon Apartments 505344-5466.

NEED FUNDRAISING? - Pure Profit Fundraising is LOCAL & can help! Check out our products at: www.pureprofitfundraising.com or call 353-1988.


Your Space

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. Month to month option. 8439642. Open 7 days/week.

Houses For Rent 3BDRM 1BA HOUSE For Rent. On Ridgecrest. 5 mins from campus. Backyard. Available June 1. $1150/mo. 505366-1380.

Rooms For Rent $455/MO $40/APP. FEE. Avail 4-24, utilities split, pool, garage spot, NE heights. Jennifer 505-363-5716.

For Sale ** PAYING TOP DOLLAR for Gold and Silver. Honest! Call today for an appointment. 505-764-8346. D&G ACCESSORIES (MEN’S). Pendant and cuff. Sold together or separate. Contact brisley@unm.edu

Jobs Off Campus MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT Cross platform with HTML5 and Javascript. Local company has student intern position available. Approx 20 hrs/wk. Paid position; no class credit. Will work around school schedule. Additional hours available during summer. Required skills: experience programming with a dynamic language, preferably Javascript; general knowledge of web technologies; familiarity with MVC design pattern. Preference given to those who have experience with mobile development, HTML5, source code control (Subversion and/or Git) and knowledge of Unix. Business-casual dress code. Fax or Email resumes to 505-3461611, careers@summit.com EOE. RUNNING STORE SEEKS qualified applicates. Running background a must. Retail experience helpful. Apply between 10-12. jackson@fleetfeetalbuquerque.com CAREGIVER/ CNA FOR disabled woman. PT am & pm. 3 days/wk $1014/hr DOE. attendantad2011@yahoo.com EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.AdCarDriver.com !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180.

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NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

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ROOMMATE WANTED IN 3BDRM 2BA co-ed house. Must be a student. House has 2 dogs. $300/mo +utilities. Please call 505-382-8821.

PIANO ACCOMPANIST FOR Church. Music is progressive & celebrates diversity. Call 505-453-0164.

CLEAN, RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE wanted. Remodeled home 2 blocks from UNM. No pets/smoking/drugs. $400/mo includes utilities and laundry privileges. Available immediately. 505-385-3562.

MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE. THIS position requires excellent communication skills, reliable transportation, and a positive attitude. Earn $10-$15/hr w/o selling involved. Call 881-2142ext112 and ask for Amalia.

SEEKING SOFTWARE DEVELOPER, Part-Time. www.solveering.com/jobs STUDENTS/ TEACHERS NEEDED. Manage Fireworks Tent TNT Fireworks for 4th of July! 505-341-0474. Mullaneyk@tntfireworks.com SPORTS AND ACTIVITY Leaders for before & after school programs in NE & NW ABQ. $10.50/hr. Shifts: 7:00-9:00AM (M-F) and/or 3:30-6:00 (M,T,Th,F), 12:30-6:00 (W). Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. VERIZON WIRELESS CAREERS for everything you are!! Come work for the nation’s most reliable network. Apply online at vzwcareers.com. Job ID 270506

Candidates must have the ability to work in a fast-paced, intense and results-oriented environment. Responsibilities include handling inbound customer calls, researching and resolving billing inquiries, explaining our products and services, and troubleshooting. Competitive pay, excellent benefits starting day one and room for growth! VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.


Now you can! CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575, 2BDRM $750; utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 2620433.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Jobs On Campus CENTER FOR TELEHEALTH Student Technical Assistant position. Work study ONLY. Call 505-272-2296 for more info or see unmjobs.unm.edu posting # 0809911. THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, email advertising@dailylobo.com, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu. search department: Student Publications. THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE! Work on campus! Enthusiasm, good phone etiquette, computer and organizational skills preferred. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Dulce at 277-5656 or e-mail classifieds@dailylobo.com. Apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search under Department: Student Publications.

Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Listed by: Position Title Department Closing Date Salary

Job of the Day

Editor in Chief, New Mexico Daily Lobo Student Publications 04-07-2011 $1142.00 per month

Marketing Intern Cancer Research Treatment Ctr 06-30-2011

$7.50-14.00/Hr. Stagehand UNM Public Events 06-30-2011 $8.00/Hr. Office Asst. Pediatrics 07-04-2011 $9.00/Hr.

you could place ads at midnight? Apartments

SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Saturday April 9 Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover (21 and up)


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Teacher Aides Off-Camp 07-04-2011 $9.00/Hr. Computer Technician Soc. Dept 04-10-2011 $9.00/Hr.

Student Manager CAPS 06-30-2011 $14.00/Hr. Food Serv. Worker Child Campus 04-24-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Clerk II IT Customer Service 06-28-2011 $8.00/Hr. Conference Aide Cont. Med Educ 06-24-2011 $8.00/Hr. Sales Asst. Bookstore Main Camp 06-14-2011 $7.50/Hr. Audio Tech SUB 06-09-2011 $7.50/Hr.

GED Preparation Tutors Off-Camp 06-17-2011 $12.00 to $14.00 BOE and edu. Student Employment Intern SFAO Adm. 04-16-2011 $11.00/Hr. CEP Orientation Leader Spec.Prog. 05-14-2011 $9.00/Hr.

For more information about these positions, to view all positions, or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

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Disney Keys to Quality Service Starts at: 8:00am Location: UNM Continuing Education Tuition is $395 and includes breakfast lunch and snacks. For more information contact Sherry TenClay at sherrytc@unm.edu or (505) 277-6038. www.albuquerquemouse.com Healthy Body Image Screening Day Starts at: 11:00am Location: Student Health & Counseling, Rm 155 Struggling with a negative body image? Students can take an anonymous eating disorder self-assessment and meet with a mental health professional. Free! Indian Bread Baking Starts at: 11:00am Location: Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

Indian bread baked fresh in the Maxwell’s horno - indian tacos, posole, and more served by the Edaakies of Isleta Pueblo! De-Stress & Relax Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Student Health & Counseling Free stress reduction program on Wednesdays for students. Do not have to attend all sessions. Sign Up: 277-4537 Info: http://shac. unm.edu/events.htm WRC Brown Bag: Visualization/Stress Reduction Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Finals are just around the corner...stressed yet? Don’t be! Come join us for Visualization/ Stress Reduction! Enjoy a complimentary relaxation visualization session with professional coach, Holly Seibert Kawakami, PhD.

Endnote Web Workshop Starts at: 1:00pm Location: Zimmerman Library, Rm 254 A useful and potentially important workshop for student of all levels to learn the basics and gain an understanding of the use of Endnote Web. ADHD: Managing Focus & Attention Starts at: 1:00pm Location: Student Health & Counseling Free educational workshop series on Wednesdays for students! Diagnosis of ADHD or other learning difficulty is not required. To sign up, call 277-4537.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel. Phone: 505-269-8876.

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