NM Daily Lobo 041112

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DASUNM AILY LOBO Elections Voting Guide new mexico

International Festivities


see page 7

April 11, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Today, undergraduates can vote for president, vice president and senators in the ASUNM elections. Read up on the candidates and their platforms before heading to the polls.

Students for Students


Presidential candidate

Vice presidential candidate

Presidential candidate

Caroline Muraida junior, economics and biology

Sunny Liu senior, accounting

Ashkii Hatathlie junior, communication and journalism

ASUNM senator, Finance Committee Former ASUNM president pro tempore Interim Provost Search Committee member Honors College Proposal Committee League of United Latin American Citizens member

ASUNM senator, president pro tempore Former Senate Finance Committee chair President Strategic Advisory Team member Student Publications Board member Net Impact vice president

ASUNM senator, Steering and Rules Committee Resident adviser, Coronado Hall Alpha Tau Omega fraternity member Undergraduate fellow, Office of Equity and Inclusion Director of Residence Life and Student Housing Hiring Committee

Vice presidential candidate Bridget Chavez sophomore, journalism and mass communication, political science ASUNM senator, Outreach and Appointments chair Former ASUNM Senate clerk Pi Beta Phi sorority member Student Publications Board member Honors Curriculum Task Force

If elected, on what ideals would you model your presidency? Caroline Muraida: Communication is an area that needs improvement. There needs to be a consistent form of communication between the president and the student body — letting them know what we do, and why we do it. I am looking forward to working through the media to achieve this. Making sure that students serve on … and are heard on the University boards that make major decisions about the direction in which this University is going is of vital importance.

Ashkii Hatathlie: I really want to work toward having bi-monthly round tables with agencies, to not only increase opportunities and attendance at events, but also increase volunteers within those agencies as well. When agencies start out on the right track, (that) is when ASUNM will spike the interest of individuals outside of the agencies themselves. We need to let people know what ASUNM really does and that students have the opportunity to voice their concerns to the Senate.

How do you view the role of president/vice president? CM: As the president of ASUNM, it is my job to carry out the executive duties and to oversee the three separate branches, but my role goes beyond that. It is about connecting the UNM community. For instance, one of the initiatives I want is to meet with student body leaders all across the state and across the nation to get an idea of what they are doing and what ideas are being implemented at schools other than UNM.

AH: I would not be an effective president if I did not have my own goals, aside from the goals of my slate. I am really looking forward to the ASUNM relationship with the incoming president. Asking him, what was it like when you were an undergrad here, when you received your degrees from here? What was the climate like? What did you like and not like? Working to culminate all these ideas and create something new.

Sunny Liu: I have a lot of ideas on how to divide up the work among senators. Currently, I think there are two main problems: one, the learning curve, once you get elected as a senator, and two, putting senators where they work best. Since elections and the turnover of senators is so rapid, it is really important that senators start jumping into what they promised their constituents when they ran for the position — this can be accomplished through training, and showing senators what their role is. I would like to take this a step further and place more accountability there.

Bridget Chavez: The vice president is in charge of the overseeing the Senate and we need to take an active role as a Senate. I do know that resolutions and bills do go a long way, but with that … it does not just stop there. We need to assign senators to the agencies they will be representing and that way they can start that communication early because a lot of the time senators may not know what their agency is expecting of them. If we start the communication early, by the time school begins those committees and agencies are already set up. It is about starting the process early enough so that everyone on ASUNM, both the executive and the legislative side, are on the same page.

Why did you decided to run for president/vice president? CM: Someone once told me you should never run to be someone, but run to do something. When I joined Senate, I never imagined that I would be running for president in spring of 2012 but the opportunity presented itself, and to form this inspiring team of senatorial candidates. I am giving this experience this shot because I believe in what we are doing — it is an opportunity to organize the community around a common goal of being a better university.

AH: It was a combination of as senator … I had all of these really big ideas, and I did not know how to go about implementing them as a senator, I felt that in order for me to effectively accomplish what I want to accomplish … I could effectively do that as president of UNM. Hitting the ground running next fall is something we have to do and we are prepared to because we are able to come from different areas of representation.

SL: We have been speaking with students over the course of this campaign about what they would like to see changed. I want to show students that ASUNM is their voice. ASUNM is intended to collaborate with students. We are not just 20 senators and an executive branch.

BC: I started at the bottom of the food chain as far as ASUNM is concerned. I started with (Emerging Lobo Leaders), then the next semester I was Senate clerk so I worked under Joe Colbert when he was vice president. I know what is expected out of the office, and how the office works and how it should run. I’ve been a senator, but I have also been even below a senator — so I know both sides. I think having knowledge of all the levels of ASUNM really contributes to why I want to do this. -Compiled by Hannah Stangebye

Poll locations and times SUB 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Johnson Center 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Dane Smith Hall 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

SRC Commons 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Zimmerman Library 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Mitchell Hall 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For a list of Senate candidates and ballot numbers see page 3

Centennial Library 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Mesa Vista Hall 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

PageTwo Wednesday, A pril 11, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Career Profile: Printer

by Jeffrey Hertz

hertzjeffrey@yahoo.com With the advent of the Internet, printing companies that once had to literally “cut and paste” newspapers together are now receiving files sent across the country within seconds — allowing them to process, print and distribute a newspaper within just a few hours time. Rick Donahey, production manager of Signature Offset, a commercial cold-web printing company that prints The Daily Lobo newspaper amongst others, said there has been so much change in printing technologies over the last 15 years that he continues to learn more about the process every day. Donahey, who has been working in the printing business for more than 32 years, said the Albuquerque location of Signature Offset has been printing The Daily Lobo for nearly 20 years. The printing process begins every evening when The Daily Lobo uploads files to Central Imaging’s website — an imaging department located in Boulder, Colo. After uploading images onto the website, The Daily Lobo creates an estimated “job ticket” (EST), or a specification sheet. Each EST processed every evening contains every specification for the next day’s newspaper, from the size of the paper to the quantity to where color is located on each page. The Daily Lobo has a deadline of 2 a.m. to issue each EST. After the specification sheet has been received, the files are formatted and transferred onto an “imaging plate file,” the file used to physically print the paper. Donahey said newspapers used to use film and chemicals to produce the paper, but the paper is now produced entirely electronically. These imaging plate files are then sent

Jeffrey Hertz / Daily Lobo

Darin Kee, second pressman to the Signature Offset in Albuquerque to be transferred onto aluminum litho printing plates. These printing plates are then loaded into “Four Highs” — printing presses containing four oil-based ink dispensers (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) that distribute ink accordingly across the page.

After being printed, each roll of paper travels through the “tower” and “former board,” where the paper is folded and cut. After each newspaper is completed, they are stacked and bundled in groups of 100. Signature Offset usually prints 9,000 copies of The Daily Lobo every weekday.

After being bundled up, Trucking Supervisor Denise Kee picks up all the bundles and transports them to The Daily Lobo building on campus between 6 and 6:30 a.m. Once received, employees of The Daily Lobo distribute the newspaper to more than 150 dispensaries on and off campus.

Roybal vetoes ASUNM student fee increase bill by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

A bill recommending raising the ASUNM student fee from $20 to $25, which passed the ASUNM Senate in early March, won’t be voted on by students in this election. The bill would have gone before a vote of students as a constitutional amendment during the election today, but it

was vetoed by ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal late last month. Roybal said she opposed an increase in fees for students who already face financial hardships to attend school. “I did not believe raising the ASUNM fee was in the best interest of the student body as a whole,” she said. The bill would have increased funding availability for student

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 135

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Dylan Smith

groups on campus. The last time the ASUNM fee was raised was in 2002, from $14 to $20. The number of student organizations has been on the rise in recent years, increasing the demand for student fee funding. This year, 147 student groups requested $745,711 in funding for next year. Last year, organizations requested only $719,798 for this year. ASUNM was only able to allocate about $580,000 for both years. Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

There was not enough time for the Senate to reconsider the bill to override Roybal’s veto in time to place it on the ballot for today’s election. The original bill passed 16-1-1, and a two-thirds majority would have been required in a second vote to override the veto, according to the ASUNM Law Book. ASUNM Sen. Tyler Crawley, who sponsored the original bill, said he will work to develop a different bill

Design Director Elyse Jalbert Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown

dealing with student fees, rather than resubmitting the bill in the fall. “I want to look at how we can redevelop our funding source so that it grows or decreases with the needs of students and ASUNM,” he said. “It can’t be that we have to wait 10 years to increase our funding with a constitutional amendment. We are working on developing a more comprehensive approach to funding student organizations.”

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

New Mexico Daily Lobo



Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Page 3



With thoughtful communication and hard work, together we can benefit our UNM community. Inform. Involve. Empower. Students for Students. Comedy?, Fair Trade Initiative, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Pi Kappa Alpha, Residence Hall Association, UNM Students for Justice in Palestine, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile.

2. Ashkii Hatathlie

I’m running for president with the Impact slate. Our mission is to broaden and strengthen student life and student engagement. ATO, Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Interfraternity Council, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Trailblazers, Beta Sigma Epsilon.


9. Taylor Bui

Taylor V. Bui. A morning person. Optimistic. Romantic. A student fighting for students. He’s for it. Are you? ATO, Collegiate DECA, Comedy?, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Residence Hall Association, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, World Student Alliance, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

10. Larry Salazar

Larry Salazar BAEPD program, Omega Delta Pji, Multicultural Greek Council, Albuquerque CASA, ASUNM Community Experience, ResLife, LULAC, Students for Students. Comedy?, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Multicultural Greek Council, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, Daniel’s Fund Scholars at UNM, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

11. Julie Lautenschleger

Hello, my name is Julie Lautenschleger and I am running with Impact for ASUNM Senate. I want to represent YOU! Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Trailblazers.

I am FOR informing, involving, and empowering students to strengthen our UNM community. Are you?-Students for Students

12. Jillian Martinez

ATO, Collegiate DECA, Comedy?, Fair Trade Initiative, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Residence Hall Association, UNM Students for Justice in Palestine, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, Daniel’s Fund Scholars at UNM.

Chi Omega, Comedy?, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Residence Hall Association, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

Jillian Martinez, Physical Education Major, Chi Omega Sorority, ASUNM Lobo Spirit Director, New Student Orientation Leader, Students for Students.

1. Bridget Chavez

13. Valerie Arellanes

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Trailblazers, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Men’s Lacrosse, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Trailblazers, Beta Sigma Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha.


I am running with the Impact slate and I will strive to increase student involvement with ASUNM.

I’m running with the Impact slate. I have the passion and the drive to inspire students to become more involved.

15. Mariana Madrigal

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Interfraternity Council, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Residence Hall Association, Trailblazers, Daniel’s Fund Scholars at UNM, Pi Kappa Alpha.

My name is Mariana Madrigal and I am from Mexico City. I am majoring in International Studies at UNM.

Comedy?, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Phi Gamma Delta, Operation Smile, World Student Alliance.

2. Miquela (Quela) Ortiz

16. Marlene Smith

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Out Womyn, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Residence Hall Association, Trailblazers, Daniel’s Fund Scholars at UNM, Beta Sigma Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha.

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Residence Hall Association, Trailblazers, Pi Kappa Alpha.

I am running for vice-president with Impact. I want to initiate new and revamp existing programs to inspire student engagement.

I’m running with the Impact Slate, I will work to get the LGBTQ Resource Center on Instructional & General funding.

3. Damon J. Hudson

I’m Damon Hudson. I want this university to be better for students. We at Students for Students can do that. Sigma Chi, Comedy?, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Phi Gamma Delta, Residence Hall Association, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

4. Arman Salehian

I’m running for senate with Impact. I want to bring an innovative problem-solving perspective to ASUNM.

As a Senatorial Candidate, I represent UNM Students and I am committed towards making student experience more productive and memorable.

14. Allan Stone

Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Trailblazers, Daniel’s Fund Scholars at UNM, Pi Kappa Alpha.

I am running on the Impact slate. If elected, I would be a liaison for people involved with campus housing.

17. Spenser Owens

My name is Spenser Owens, and I am a second-semester freshman. Student government should be representative of students. Diné of UNM, NET IMPACT.

18. Austin Gonzales

I am running on the Impact slate because I want to bring awareness and voice the student opinions at UNM. Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Diné of UNM, Interfraternity Council, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Trailblazers.

Sigma Chi, Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Interfraternity Council, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Trailblazers, World Student Alliance.

19. Hannah Taylor

5. Isaac Romero

Comedy?, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Operation Smile.

Isaac will help students develop a passion for the university through creating involvement opportunities. Students for Students. We’re for it! Collegiate DECA, Comedy?, Fair Trade Initiative, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Residence Hall Association, UNM Students for Justice in Palestine, Up ‘til Dawn, Women’s Water Polo, Operation Smile, World Student Alliance.

6. Andrew Aragon

My name is Andrew Aragon, New Mexican and proud Lobo. Students for Students will positively build UNM with your help! Comedy?, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Omega Delta Phi, Inc., Phi Gamma Delta, Operation Smile.

7. Ana Frias

I’m running for Senate on the Impact slate. We hope to install a textbook scholarship program through donors. Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Chi Omega, Diné of UNM, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Trailblazers, World Student Alliance, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

8. Cassie Thompson

I am running for senate on the Impact slate. I want to strengthen alumni relations with students. Africana Leadership Opportunity Team (ALOT), Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc., Collegiate DECA, Diné of UNM, Men’s Lacrosse, Phi Gamma Delta, Pi Beta Phi Sorority, Pi Kappa Alpha, Residence Hall Association, Trailblazers, World Student Alliance, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

I’m currently a junior studying political science at UNM. I’m excited about the opportunity to increase my involvement on campus.

20. Alex Borowski

My name is Alex Borowski, and I’m a UNM student looking to inspire more involvement and activity among UNM’s undergraduates. Sigma Chi, Collegiate DECA, Comedy?, Interfraternity Council, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Phi Gamma Delta, Residence Hall Association, Operation Smile, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

21. Hannah Syme

I want to inform, involve and empower students to add input into important decisions with an optimistic and realistic approach. Comedy?, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, NET IMPACT, Residence Hall Association, Operation Smile, Beta Sigma Epsilon.

POLLING LOCATIONS AND TIMES SUB Zimmerman Dane Smith Hall Student Residence Center Johnson Center Centennial Science & Engineering Library Mitchell Hall University Advisement & Enrichment Center

9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-7pm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm 9am-5pm

Election results will be announced in the SUB Atrium at 8pm on Wednesday, April 11.

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday April 11, 2012



GPSA president hopeful urges students to vote by Marisa Silva

Daily Lobo guest columnist Despite the strong leadership of the current GPSA president and council, and despite a strong showing at the GPSA-ASUNM-sponsored rally for affordable education, students face a fee increase for the upcoming year. This is not a diatribe against Athletics, nor against a much-needed raise for deserving faculty, but a reality check. This is an acknowledgement that all students, both undergraduate and graduate, are now facing increases that are potentially cost prohibitive for some in the coming year. For New Mexico residents, this amounts to $237 per year. For out-of-state and international students, it is $766 per year — the equivalent of almost two months’ rent. Where do we go from here? I want to begin by inviting folks to vote in this week’s GPSA and ASUNM 2012 elections. Yes, voting, that pesky institution that people have fought and died for. I’m talking about the right that women were not granted at the national level until 1920, a right historically denied to minority groups through poll taxes and outright violence. One person, one vote. The question is, will you vote? The GPSA ballot only has two questions 1) GPSA president 2) GPSA constitutional changes, and takes less than a minute to vote. Voting opened for graduate and professional students on, and polls remain open until Thursday at 5 p.m. I believe that the first step in addressing the challenges of the upcoming year is to begin a conversation in which graduate and professional students connect and share stories and concerns regarding funding, and other academic issues for the coming year. I welcome your calls and input at (505) 433-1174 if you would like to talk about details related to the general points of affordability of education, a strengthened and more unified student voice, post-graduation planning, or anything else. I also welcome you to join the Graduate and Professional Student Association at the UNM Faculty Club every Friday in the month of April, from 4-7 p.m. Let’s toast to spring, and let’s strategize, build and fortify relationships for the coming year. Constitutional ballot items up for vote include: —non-substantive/grammar/punctuation changes and substantive changes —presidential compensation & removal —executive committee stipends & approval —GPSA grants name changes —council chair membership, voting, impeachment, & compensation —judicial impeachment —deletion/changes to definitions —new finance code I urge you to express yourself in this election; further information on ballot items are available at unm.edu/~gpsa, as well on my website, marisaforpresident.com, click on the link to cast your vote. Marisa Silve is the GPSA presidential candidate.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


ASUNM presidental candidates speak Impact wants to initiate, integrate and inspire undergaduate students by Ashkii Hatathlie

Students for students wants to foster courage, conviction and compassion on campus by Caroline Muraida

Daily Lobo guest columnist

Daily Lobo guest columnist

My name is Ashkii Hatathlie and I am a presidential candidate for ASUNM, and I am proud to be running with the slate Impact for UNM Student Government. Spring elections are today, and I would encourage all undergraduate students to take the initiative and begin to play a proactive part in student government here at UNM. Join me in voting to make our campus the best it can be. For students who have not already cast their vote, hesitation or a feeling of indifference is often accompanied by choosing not to vote. Within this opinion section it is my hope that I will have worked to change the mindset in which you will be empowered to be a student government ally by not only participating in this election, but also beginning the first step in providing and improving your overall student experience. The candidates that compose our slate, Impact, will serve as advocates for the common interest of students, foster student life, encourage community involvement, enhance and preserve academic excellence and integrity, and act as a liaison between the student body, the University and external communities. Combined, we will work to broaden and strengthen the scope of student life and student engagement here at UNM. With your support, the opportunities to improve UNM are endless. Imagine: a student government that engages the new UNM president so students become his first priority; a student government that supports our athletes and develops fun and new incentives for attendance at games; a student government that will fundraise money for scholarships for textbooks; that’s what Impact and I, as ASUNM president, can do for you. It is the role of student government to serve as the student body’s voice throughout the University. If elected, we will work to put you, the student, first by establishing a student government that can provide you with unparalleled representation that is both innovative and transparent. As a slate, we thank you for your interest and active role in this year’s elections process. It is your duty as a student to participate in your school’s elections by being aware of what each candidate has to offer, and by voting for the best student representatives. In our multiple years of experience with student government, we have gained invaluable knowledge about the University of New Mexico. Utilizing our knowledge and experience, we have set specific goals that will target what we feel students will benefit from the most. Our goals for next year can be summarized in three simple pillars: initiate, integrate, and inspire all undergraduate students. These powerful words are what created this campaign in order to put students first with every decision your student government should make. Our priority is you. Never forget, one small idea can make an impact and lead to a ripple of change.

Today marks the day each spring when our campus is scattered with eager and ambitious individuals seeking to increase awareness about the ASUNM election process. Many students hear the name, “Associated Students of the University of New Mexico,” and associate the offices, agencies and positions as simply part of an undergraduate political organization. But ASUNM is less a political organization than it is an advocacy organization. As the ASUNM presidential candidate with the team Students for Students, I feel it is my duty to share our belief in the potential of our students to act as advocates for our University community. Every day, people take on leadership roles in their community, adopting issues near to their hearts and setting out to influence society. It isn’t only the goal or responsibility of elected officials to act as advocates. Whether you are a member of Kiva Club, or the World Student Alliance, whether you are involved in Residence Life or Greek Life, whether you work or volunteer on campus at one of our resource centers or in one of our student service facilities, or you simply put forth great efforts in your academic pursuits, you are embracing an opportunity to be an active member of your community. As a candidate for president of ASUNM, I seek to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity on campus, recognizing that our strength as a university lies in the collective individualities of each student, faculty, staff member, course, program, department and college, and in our ability to maximize student involvement and input. I will strive to ensure that ASUNM remains an integral part of our community, working to inspire and enact profound change in the development and well-being of the student community with courage, conviction and compassion. As president, I will be visible, accessible and transparent, seeking to enhance communication through innovative methods such as, but not limited to, legislation, town hall meetings and communication through the Daily Lobo and other forms of social media. With the guidance of my leadership and through the support of our community, ASUNM will communicate opportunities to serve on university boards and committees, to be involved in our several agencies, to attend open Senate meetings and to engage in decision-making processes that affect our academic experience here at UNM. Students for Students advocates for the goals of our involvement to be centered on the academic mission of our flagship University; on the financial integrity of our actions surrounding tuition and student fees; on the accessibility of resources and opportunities for students such as advisement, research and equitable treatment; on ensuring the safety of our community for all those who share this learning environment; and on the strong and sustainable relationships between students, faculty and staff, which allow our University to thrive. (For a detailed outline of our goals and objectives, please visit our Facebook page: Facebook.com/UNM. StudentsForStudents) Remember that it is the responsibility of each undergraduate student to act as a citizen diplomat, an advocate for progress. Together as people who demonstrate the ability to inspire, the courage to act with conviction, and the compassion to do so gracefully and effectively, we can make this University the best it can be.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Lobo pup found shot in wild

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Page 5

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AP Photo This undated photo provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service shows a Mexican gray wolf leaving cover at the Seviellta National Wildlife Refuge, north of Soccorro, N. M. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has had one of its partners abandon an agreement aimed at bolstering the effort to reintroduce Mexican gray wolves to the Southwest.

by Susan Montoya Bryan

December due to safety concerns. Still, biologists are concerned about high pup mortality and the One of the Mexican gray wolf long-term effects that could have pups that survived the largest fire on wild-born pups being able to in Arizona history last summer has supplement the population. The pup found dead near Alpine been found dead along a forest road, and federal wildlife officials belonged to the Hawks Nest Pack, on Tuesday confirmed a single which is one of three packs in Arizona that were directly affected gunshot wound was to blame. The carcass of the female pup by last summer’s Wallow Fire. The was found at the end of March just pack’s primary den site was charred west of Alpine, Ariz. A prelimi- by the raging fire, but wildlife nary exam failed to reveal an obvi- officials said the pack members ous cause of death, but a necropsy were able to move all of the pups to safety. done at a federal The pack forensic laboratory produced at in Oregon deterleast six pups mined the wolf had last spring. The been shot. wolf reintroThe U.S. Fish duction team and Wildlife Serbelieves at least vice and the Arifour wolves rezona Game and main with the Fish Department pack. on Tuesday urged Part of what anyone with infrustrates supformation regardporters of the ing the shooting wolf program is to contact law enthat the Hawks forcement offiNest Pack had Michael Robinson cers with the two a reputation for agencies. Center for Biological steering clear of A reward of up Diversity trouble despite to $10,000 is being being uprooted offered by the Fish and Wildlife Service and Arizona’s by the fire and living in an area Operation Game Thief is offering surrounded by livestock, hunters another $1,000 for information and recreationists. Officials said the pack has no leading to the conviction of the person or people responsible for documented livestock kills or nuithe illegal shooting of the pup or sance incidents involving people. “These wolves have been able any other Mexican gray wolf. Other organizations and private to live and breed … with little to individuals have pledged an addi- no interaction with the people that also use the area,” the Fish tional $46,000 in reward money. “With fewer than 60 Mexican and Wildlife Service and Arizona gray wolves alive in the wild, every Game and Fish Department said loss is tragic and brings the ‘lobo’ in a statement. Robinson used the shooting to one step closer to extinction,” said Michael Robinson of the Center renew his call for the federal govfor Biological Diversity, one of the ernment to not loan to landowners groups contributing to the reward. and others in the wolf recovery area The shooting marks the latest radio telemetry receivers that alblow to the 14-year effort to low them to track collared wolves. reintroduce Mexican gray wolves While the receivers are meant for to the wild in Arizona and New preventing livestock depredation Mexico. The effort has been and nuisance incidents, critics say stalled by everything from illegal they make the wolves vulnerable shootings, livestock depredations to poaching. The Mexican gray wolf, a suband court battles over management species of the gray wolf, once of the reintroduction program. There are at least 58 wolves in roamed New Mexico, Arizona, the wild in the two states, accord- Texas and Mexico. Hunting and ing to the latest annual survey government-sponsored extermicompleted in January. The survey nation campaigns all but wiped recorded at least 18 pups among out the predator. It was added to the federal enthe packs. The births helped offset the dangered species list in 1976, and eight wolves that were found dead a captive-breeding program was last year and the one wolf that pro- started. The first batch of wolves gram officials were forced to kill in was released in May 1998.

The Associated Press

“With fewer than 60 Mexican gray wolves alive in the wild, every loss is tragic and brings the ‘lobo’ one step closer to extinction.”

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Zimmerman’s attorneys quit by Kyle Hightower The Associated Press

SANFORD, Fla. — The Trayvon Martin case took a bizarre turn Tuesday when George Zimmerman’s attorneys quit, complaining that they have lost all contact with him and that he called the prosecutor and talked to a TV host after they told him not to speak to anyone. The lawyers portrayed the former neighborhood watch captain as erratic and his mental state as shaky, and they expressed fear for his health under the pressure that has been building in the month since he shot and killed Martin, an unarmed black teenager. “As of the last couple days he has not returned phone calls, text messages or emails,” attorney Craig Sonner said at a news conference outside the courthouse. “He’s gone on his own. I’m not sure what he’s doing or who he’s talking to. I cannot go forward speaking to the public about George Zimmerman and this case as representing him because I’ve lost contact with him.” The split came as special prosecutor Angela Corey neared a decision on whether to charge Zimmerman with a crime in the Feb. 26 shooting. That decision could come later this week, as Corey released a brief statement late Tuesday saying she would make an announcement about the case within 72 hours. She did not specify what new development in the case would be released. Sonner and colleague Hal Uhrig said they had not spoken with Zimmerman since Sunday. Since then, they said, they had learned that he spoke to Corey’s office and to Fox TV host Sean Hannity without consulting them, in an attempt to give his side of the shooting. They said Corey refused to talk to Zimmerman without his attorneys’ consent and Hannity wouldn’t tell them what was discussed. Zimmerman also set up his own website even as the lawyers were creating one for him at his request. Zimmerman said on his website that he wants “to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries.” The site allows

visitors to give Zimmerman money for living expenses and legal bills. Sonner and Uhrig said that they still believe in Zimmerman’s innocence and that they would probably represent him again if he contacted them and requested it. They said Zimmerman is in the U.S., but wouldn’t say where because they fear for his safety. They said Zimmerman has been under extreme pressure and is basically alone, having gone underground because of the furor. “This has been a terribly corrosive process. George Zimmerman, in our opinion, and from information made available to us, is not doing well emotionally, probably suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. We understand from others that he may have lost a lot of weight,” Uhrig said. “To handle it this way suggests that he may not be in complete control of what’s going on. We’re concerned for his emotional and physical safety.” Ben Crump, an attorney for Martin’s family, said they are worried that Zimmerman might flee if he is charged. “We’re just concerned that nobody knows where he is at. Nobody knows how to get to him,” Crump said. Kendall Coffey, a former U.S. attorney in Miami who is now in private practice, questioned the way the lawyers publicly cast doubt on Zimmerman’s mental stability. “The lawyers have every right to withdraw, but it’s highly unusual, and it will be controversial, for counsel to describe their client’s erratic behavior,” Coffey said. “In the court of public opinion, the press conference was not helpful for George Zimmerman.” In a case that has stirred a furious national debate over racial profiling and self-defense, Zimmerman, 28, shot Martin, 17, after he spotted the teen walking through the gated community in Sanford. Zimmerman’s father is white and his mother is Hispanic. Zimmerman said Martin attacked him, and he claimed self-defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which gives people wide leeway to use deadly force. Martin’s family has said the evidence suggests Zimmerman was the aggressor.

Meanwhile, tensions were rising in Sanford as townspeople awaited the prosecutor’s decision. Someone shot up an unoccupied police car Monday night as it sat outside the neighborhood where Martin was killed. And a demonstration by college students closed the town’s police station earlier in the day. Some residents said they worry there will be violence if Corey decides not to charge Zimmerman. The prosecutor has not said when she will announce her decision, but many in town believe it will be soon. Police aren’t saying what, if any, precautions they are taking. Eddie Jones, a 58-year-old black man and lifelong resident of Sanford, said Zimmerman’s arrest is paramount to keeping the protests peaceful. “They need to go ahead and arrest this guy before something happens,” he said. “Sanford is screwed up. This place just didn’t get corrupt.” While tensions are high, some think this city of about 53,000 — around 57 percent white and 30 percent black — will come through the crisis without violence, as it did during similar uproars. Two years ago, after a black homeless man was beaten by the son of a Sanford policeman, passions soon cooled. The assailant, Justin Collison, initially wasn’t charged but eventually was arrested after footage of the episode went viral on YouTube. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and received probation. James Carder, a mechanic at McRobert’s Auto Center, put a message on his shop that was readily visible to anyone driving down First Street: “Sanford is still a good little town.” Until the Martin shooting, Sanford was probably best known as the Florida stop for the Auto Train, the Amtrak line that carries tourists and their cars between suburban Washington and central Florida’s theme parks. “I put it up because I do care about my good little town,” said Carder, who is white. “It has problems just like everywhere. But it’s still a good little town. It always has been and always will be.”












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New Mexico Daily Lobo


Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Page 7

Festival explores world’s cultures by Antonio Sanchez

sanchezantonio24@gmail.com The UNM International Festival goes beyond cultural sharing to provide a bridge between the international students. International students and scholars activities coordinator Hardo Teets said the annual festival was held outdoors for the first time in 2007. UNM alumus David Hartwig will volunteer at this year’s festival for the fifth time, and said he flew from Germany to help. “They have a microcosm here in New Mexico — white culture, Mexican culture, everything kind of mingled together, they can actually see how it’s going to be transferred all over the world,” Hartwig said. “We’re sharing

see Festivalpage 9

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo Merve Yildirim, a graduate student from Turkey, performs during the International Fashion Show in the SUB Tuesday afternoon. International Week events run through Friday.


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Fashion Q&A Brianna “Bree” Cantu, freshman, dance

“I prefer thrift stores and character. It’s whatever I feel like, I don’t really follow the dress code.” Even in private school, Cantu didn’t wear what was expected. She calls her style “the unknown” and believes style is about personality. Cantu also believes in a bargain philosophy when shopping. “You can still be fashionable without going with a name brand,” Cantu said. Favorite trend: “I like the greaser look on guys, the Eurotrash mohawk where it’s shaved but not done. For girls, I don’t see one sense of fashion here at UNM.” Least favorite trend: “Wearing just leggings isn’t something that should be okay for some girls. Sometimes, on some girls, it’s just gross.” Advice to a fashion defunct friend: “First I’d ask if you really want my honest opinion, then I’d tell them to go to Thrift Town or Ross. I only shop clearance racks. Make sure you try it on first, because it could look really good on a hanger and not the person. Go with the bargains.” Top — Rue 21, $2 Undershirt — Joppa, $4 Bracelet — Homemade Skirt — Ross, $4 Leggings — Ross, $4 Shoes — Rue 21, $8

Advertising Sales 101

Brianna Cantu Andy Nguyen, freshman, biology “I’m usually a little more dressed up, but I had a late class so I went for comfortable clothes. I try to look casual but put-together at the same time. I don’t want to overdo the way I dress.” In sum, Nguyen said his style is “simply sophisticated.” Favorite trend: “The hipster movement has been getting a lot of attention and it looks interesting on certain types of people. They’re really pushing the envelope on what’s acceptable looking.” Least favorite trend: “Goth-looking people. They’re kind of sad-looking.” Advice to a fashion defunct friend: “We can go to the mall and see what would look good. I’d tell them they have to bring their own money and buy me lunch.” Glasses — Vans, $10 Sweater — PacSun, $10 Undershirt — Hollister, $15 Sweat pants — Nike, $30 Shoes — Vans, $45

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012 / Page 9

Alumnus sculpts success by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu


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Courtesy Photo UNM alumnus Stephen Webb developed a passion for art when he started taking small metals casting and construction classes. He majored in biology rather than art studio and is working to forge a career that connects art and science. casting and construction, said many universities are moving in the direction of interdisciplinary work as jobs call for multiple skill sets. “I think it’s incestuous to be

taught only by artists how to make art,” she said. “I’m all for combining disciplines. It enlivens the practice.”


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see Artistry page 10


from page 7

culture, we’re sharing values, we’re sharing habits. There’s not a big difference between Western and Eastern cultures.” Student representatives who have visited the country they are representing share that culture with attendees at each booth. Teets said the organizers of this year’s festival have planned for 22 booths with 100 student volunteers, many of whom are international students. Besides the information booths, Teets said this year’s festival showcases culturally representative food and performances. The event received a lot of support from the University’s administration, he said. “UNM’s dean has made a commitment to diversity, and this event shows how this University is diverse and has all of these cultures, that people from different countries are here to be a part of the UNM community,” he said. “Our voices are being heard.” Teets said he hopes this year’s festival can help inspire students to study abroad. “The really cool thing about this is that some students, American students, they come to these events, they ask for information, they try the food, get a sense of their culture, and they decide they really like it and become exchange students and go study abroad for a semester,” he said. “This event is really life impacting.” Teets, who is from Estonia, said the International Festival helped him meet new people during his first year at UNM. While the festival educates UNM students about other cultures, Teets said he hopes the festival also helps bring international students together.

Come see us at the International Festival in front of the SUB on April 12th, from 10am to 2pm



A UNM alumnus dreams of the day the plastic organs and skeletons in classrooms come to life. Stephen Webb only minored in art studio, but said he’s shown his fantasy bronze figures in exhibitions almost since he started taking small metal casting and construction classes at UNM. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in biology, but has profited from selling his art and driving a commercial truck. But he said he’ll still put his degree in biology to use doing something that combines art with science. “I’m interested in doing that but changing it up a bit,” he said. “What if I made a living sculpture? There’s that possibility, kind of a Frankenstein-esque modern day artist. I kind of have to make that career at this point in time, it doesn’t really exist. I kind of have to forge the pathway.” Webb continued to show his work in exhibits after graduation, his most recent being “Show of Heads” at the Limner Gallery in New York City. His next show, “Sinister Dexterity” opens Friday on June 1 in the Stranger Factory Gallery at Carlisle Boulevard and Central Avenue. He said he wants to unite art and science to cure the boredom others like him experience in grade school. “What if you have a living circulatory system in a class that you could look at, you could see moving lungs and a beating heart? I think it would stimulate a lot more interest in learning how things actually work,” he said. Constance DeJong, one of Webb’s professors in small metal




Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo Students from Austria perform a traditional dance during the International Fashion Show in the SUB Tuesday afternoon. “I try to make people meet other people, to have a good time, which is the whole purpose of the event,” he said. “We just want to make sure they have a good time before they leave UNM.” Student volunteer Mariana Madrel, who is representing Colombia, said she helped spread the word about the event by creating fliers and recruiting friends to help run booths. Madrel, who has studied in South America, Europe, India and Singapore through UNM’s study abroad programs, will perform flamenco at the festival. Madrel said students will gain interest and an understanding of other cultures through the festival’s displays of food, dance, song and art. “I hope that they get a curiosity to learn more about the world, I

hope that they get a good desire to visit all of these places that they’ve been learning about, and more than anything I hope that they can embrace the likeness we all have,” she said.

UNM International Festival Cornell Mall (outside the SUB) Thursday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free





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Page 10 / Wednesday, April 11, 2012

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Student paints his anxiety by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Rather than his art driving him to madness, UNM student George Evans said his madness drove him to art. After a year of work as a UNM mechanical engineering major in 2003, Evans said he dropped out because of severe anxiety. By the end of 2004, he said he was in a manic episode that lasted halfway through the next year and took him six months to recover from. During this time, he found that alcohol diminished his anxiety and paranoia, resulting in an addiction. He quit drinking April 5, 2008, and entered a 12-step program. He said that later he found solace in art. “I’m an atheist, so I had to find some sort of higher power,” he said. “For me, that quickly became something I could physically observe and see progress in, and that was art.” Evans said he still experiences a certain level of anxiety, which inspired his bachelor’s honors thesis solo exhibition “Anxiety Control.” The exhibit is in the John Sommers Gallery in the UNM Art Building through Friday, April 20. He said the desired effect on the viewer is similar to that of Mark Rothko’s series of immense abstract paintings in the Rothko Chapel in Houston, which have brought people to tears. However, instead of tragedy, he wants his viewers to experience anxiety. “I want people to see them, and either worry about themselves or the painting or the artist. Not in a pitiful way, but out of concern for their own thought processes,” he said. “I think anxiety spurs creativity, it spurs action, it spurs


ADHD Coping Skills Workshop Series Starts at: 1:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to maintain focus in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 3:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment. Every Tuesday. Anxiety/Stress Workshop Series Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC

discipline. I don’t think it should be pure anxiety because that’s just debilitating and traumatic.” Scott Anderson, one of Evans’ professors, said Evans’ work has therapeutic value but it also raises issues of universal importance.

Upon recovery, he found he didn’t believe in anything. “I think most people can relate to this constant struggle between chaos and control,” he said. “George’s paintings, like any artworks, don’t resolve anything. They provide an occasion for reflection.” Evans’ work has elements of both anxiety and control. He controls his painting with a narrative he sketches out before he paints. This functions as a jumping-off point for the anxiety elements, which are the parts of the painting he improvises, stream-of-consciousness style like a loss of control. UNM’s art studio program requires more art history classes than most programs in the country, and Evans said styles and images he’s learned from painters come into his paintings when improvising. “What I want the real joy to be in the paintings is for someone to come up and sort of go on this little scavenger hunt, like ‘What did he sample, what was he thinking about when he created some of the styles in the painting?’” he said. In the midst of depression and alcoholism, Evans said he believed in virtually everything. His paranoia tinted his view of reality similar to the way the improvised elements in his paintings evoke a sense of anxiety.

“I found myself thinking I could walk off buildings and land on ethereal planes, I had number codes and color codes,” he said. “It’s sort of a pet peeve when people are like, ‘You’re just thinking differently or you’re just seeing the world differently, in a more profound way,’ and it’s not like that. You’re not seeing the world, you’re seeing your own version of the world without any basis in reality.” Upon recovery, he found he didn’t believe in anything. This led to a theme in his work, object cultural nihilism, which Evans said is sampling from art movements and processes without staying faithful or committing to any of them. Because of this, the viewer must take his or her own meaning from the work, just as humans have always assigned their own meaning to objects and ideas. “Not that I don’t think ethics or morals or even having a philosophy or thought process is bad, I just don’t commit to anything,” he said. “I think that ethics are a good idea, but I think they’re malleable.”

“Anxiety Control” by George Evans BFA honors thesis solo exhibition John Sommers Gallery, second floor of UNM Art Building Through Friday, April 20

from page 9

DeJong said although she’s had non-art-majors in her classes, Webb is exceptional in his level of engagement and discipline. She said midway through his first small metal casting and construction class, he produced enough work to show in exhibits. However, Webb doesn’t really consider himself an artist, she said. “I would say he is immersed in this, he’s consumed by it,” she said. “I think with artists, it’s good to be consumed by their art. I don’t think he would call himself an artist. He even looked at me once and said, ‘I hate art,’ and I said, ‘me too,’ and we just laughed like crazy. Although I think the art world will treat him well, I think he’s outside the art world.”

LOBO LIFE Learn to reduce stress in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn skills to broaden awareness in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Adventures of TinTin Starts at: 4:00pm Location: SUB Room 1003 UNM Students: $2, Fac/Staff: $2.50, Public:$3. Go to movies.unm.edu for possible schedule changes.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Edge of Color Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute Edge of Color will showcase Tamarind artists associated with the hard-edge/color-field movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi, NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel. Crime Prevention Workshop Crime Prevention Workshop Starts at: 6:00pm Location: Aquinas Newman Center

Courtesy Photo UNM alumnus Stephen Webb said he can finish a piece of bronze art in a day or two, sometimes up to a month if the project is large and especially intricate. He said many of his pieces comment on the many parts people play depending on who they are interacting with, like actors on a world stage.

Event Calendar

for April 11, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! The Aquinas Newman Center hosts a Crime Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: Prevention Workshop, where Steve Sink from the Albuquerque Police Department will go 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com over how to be safe in today’s environment. 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. Jazz Choir 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on Starts at: 6:00pm the right side of the page. Location: 500 Lomas Blvd. NE This fun class will help you with vocal 4. Type in the event information and submit! techniques and offer opportunities for solos and improvisation. The class concludes with a Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your deconcert on the last class date. scription will be edited to 25 words. To have Doña Tules: Gambling Queen of Santa Fe your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school Starts at: 7:00pm days prior to the event. Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location Location: KiMo Theatre423 and 25 word description! Although events The famous gambling hall of Doña Tules was will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the of the event, events will be on the web patronized by soldiers, merchants, traders, day once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web conspirators, priests, and dignitaries. or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

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FOR RELEASE APRIL 11, 2012 pril ednesday




By Jack McInturff

2 One skilled in plane talk 3 Fiats 4 Legal hangings? 5 Little bit 6 Pancho’s peeper 7 Jet age 2011-’12 TV drama 8 Hoover led it for 37 yrs. 9 Political pollsters’ targets 10 Winter glaze 11 Mollusk named for its pair of long earlike appendages 12 Rest 13 Responds 19 Espied 21 Catch some rays 25 Injure severely 26 Marceau, notably 27 Verve 31 Don Ho’s instrument 34 Sra.’s French counterpart 36 Crosses (out) 37 A student’s GPA blemish 38 Caesar’s “I saw” 39 “__ it my way”

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

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40 Kind of rap 41 Former Romanian president 42 Utter nonsense 44 Secure behind one’s head, as long hair 45 Make a mess of 46 Really bugs 48 Synagogue 49 “Rock-__ Baby”


50 Actor Quaid and pitcher Johnson 52 Pharm. watchdog 55 Internet giant with an exclamation point in its name 60 According to 61 “__ Song”: #1 country hit for Taylor Swift 62 Hockey great 63 Opener on a ring


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Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

LOST 4/4/12 USB drive. Transcend. Black with red slider button. Dane Smith, Mitchell, or Duck Pond. Documents are important for me. REWARD. Call Ben 603-6949.

Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Announcements STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting April 13, 2012 @ 3pm in Marron Hall Rm 131. STRESSED ABOUT JOB? Life? Call Agora. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

Year Round Garden Supply


UNM SENIOR SEEKING female for Huning Castle apartments downtown. Gated and quiet with amenities, 2BDRM, 2BA, large walk-in closets. Call 505-331-2972. WRITE YOUR SCREENPLAY NOW! Class starts in May. marccalderwood@hotmail.com INTERESTED IN SPORTS Marketing? Howl Raisers is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 Board. Work one on one with Lobo Athletics--Marketing, coaches and student athletes to help increase student attendance at athletic events. A list of positions and applications are available by request. raisers@unm.edu.

Fun Food Music LIVE SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Saturday, April 14th Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover (21 and up)

Looking for You

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 358-2142. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net ALGEBRA, CALCULUS TUTOR. Call 410-6157.

Health and Wellness FIND OUT IF you have Prediabetes. Contact us if you have one or more of the following risks: - family history of diabetes; - diabetes while pregnant; - overweight; - Hispanic, Native American, African American or Asian ancestry. Info at 505-272-4338 or jmiddendorf@salud.unm.edu

Your Space “TO MOST PEOPLE, the saying “to use someone,” carries a negative connotation...To ‘mis’, ‘over’ or ‘ab’ use someone is negative. To use is necessary. And if you can’t be used, then you’re useless.” -Kanye West. ART PROJECT. Pay $10 to say whatever you want on a commercial spot that runs on The CW. Call Chris 505-699-9500.

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. LARGE 2BDRM, NEW carpet, gated, pool, NP, $830/month, includes utilities, 255-2685.

DO YOU HAVE Type 1 Diabetes? Are you a nonsmoker, 18 years or older? Are you currently taking long-acting and meal-time insulin injections? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a inhaled insulin research study. If you qualify, all study-related medical care, lab tests, and medications will be provided. You will be compensated for your time. Please call Lisa Toelle at 505-272-1663.

Low Cost

Dental Cleanings, X-Rays & Sealants UNM Dental Hygiene Clinic

(505) 272-4106

UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. 1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presbyterian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 116 Sycamore. $550/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. May 1st. Call 550-1579. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

New Mexico Daily Lobo UNM ID ADVANTAGE


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. WALK TO UNM/CNM, huge 2BR/1BA duplex across from Roosevelt Park. Hardwood floors, detached garage. $750/mo. + utilities. $750 deposit. Call Tim 505-239-5555.


1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 engine, four barrel carburetor. Asking $2500. If interested, call Sam at 505-916-7064.

Jobs Off Campus THE LIBRARY BAR & Grill is hiring! Looking for attractive people, eager to work in a fast-paced environment, with HUGE earning opportunity! Will train! Cocktail waitresses, bartenders, and security. Apply in person at 312 Central Ave SW. SPORTS & ACTIVITY Leaders needed for before & after school programs. $10.50 hr., PT, M-F. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University NE.

1BDRM CONDO PAID utilities with W/D and dishwasher. $675/mo. +$500 deposit. 328-9124.

YMCA CENTRAL NM currently taking applications for lifeguards and swim instructors. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. 505-265-6971.

CONDO 1BDRM FOR sale. $55,500; MLS#717713. 1601 Pennsylvania, NE, Windrock Villas. Contri, Keller Williams Realty, 440-3657 or 271-8200.

ENGLISH MAJOR WITH superb writing skills needed. $10/hour. Flexible schedule. Call Natalie at 505-615-0158.

Houses For Rent PERFECT LOCATION 4 blocks from campus. 2/3BDRM house, 1BA, wood floors, cheery colors, w/d available. $1200/mo; 1 year lease. Call Ruth 250-9961 to schedule appointment. ATTRACTIVE 2BDRM 1BA. House. Large living room, kitchen, washroom. 2blocks south of UNM. $820/mo. $300dd. No pets. Tenants pay utilities. 268-0525. HOUSE FOR RENT Ridgcrest Area 2BDRM, one bath, excellent area for UNM students. Must have references, first and last months rent. $900/mo. 262-2490.

Rooms For Rent LOOKING FOR MALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Near pool and gym. Furnished with cable and wifi. Dhari 505-730-2671. LOBO VILLAGE MALE roommate needed to take lease in May. 505-412-7850. FEMALE NEEDED TO take over Lobo Village lease. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, workout facilities. Available May. May rent covered. Contact Courtney (505)412-2780. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 2BDRM on Central and Louisiana. Cinnamon Tree Apartments. $315/mo +electric. 505-231-5955. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3BDRM house near North Campus $425/mo +1/4utilities. W/D included. Relaxed environment, backyard, garden, chickens. 505-228-7439, leucosticte@gmail.com FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM house in University Heights/ Harvard Drive area. $425/mo +1/2utilities. Available 5/15. Call Kyra for interview 907-854-8028. ROOMS FOR GRADUATE students, fully furnished house, 2 minute walk to UNM/UNMH. Accepting summer/fall term applicants. Water, WIFI, Cleaning service provided. Call 610-1142. TAKE OVER LEASE at Lobo Village. Female only. Roommates really clean and quiet. No deposit. Hot tub, swimming pool, gym, shuttle to UNM. minkegoes@gmail.com

Pets BABY HEDGEHOGS FOR sale. $175/females and $150/males. Email for more information. deserthedgehogs@gmail.com

For Sale BRADLEY’S BOOKS ACCEPTS plastic MWF. NAVAJO RUGS FOR sale.Lost my wallet and everything inside. Selling these will help me make payments. tchichar@unm.edu, chicharello@hot mail.com, 505-450-4824. Can give more information if needed.

Furniture LEATHER SOFA AND loveseat. New, 3 months old. Excellent condition. Photos available. $1400 for both. sarmijo3@unm.edu

Vehicles For Sale 1997 FORD EXPLORER Ltd with leather,CD,V8 2WD, tow package, 140+K miles, great shape, $3300. 505-856-1851. LINCOLN TOWNCAR FULLY loaded, looks/ drives like new. $3,000. 933-1782. EXCELLENT ECONOMY CAR. 38 MPG Ford Escort with only 99K miles. Drives great. $3,700OBO. 933-1782.

THE ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Department is currently hiring for Police Officer and Police Service Aide. Contact recruiters today! (505) 343-5000 or log on to APDonline.com for more information. M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106.

WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. SUMMER JOBS FOR students. FREE RENT and paid training. Check out our website PNCLTechs.com/ben or email evarela@pinnsec.com !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE! Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). Hiring immediately! You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, or email advertising@dailylobo.com Apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search department: Student Publications

PAID SUMMER INTERNSHIPS; Fortune 500 financial company seeks to fill two positions, email resume: marni.mcmullen@nmfn.com

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330). SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITY leaders, and counselers for male cabins at a UNM camp program for kids with autism spectrum disorders and their peers. One week in late June and one week in late July. Stipend paid. Application and information at www.camprisingsunnm.org For more information contact Somer at 272-5142. DEPRESSED? TRIED TREATMENT without results? Taking any medication for your depression was no improvement? We are currently seeking volunteers to participate in a research study investigating treatment of major depression. You may be eligible if you are: 1865 years of age, have a history of depression, have not responded to antidepressant medication, are in good physical health, are not currently participating in another research program, and are not currently pregnant or nursing. If you meet the above criteria and are interested in participating in this study please call 505-272-6898.

Minutes M from UN

CAREGIVER PT WEEKEND mornings. Helping person in wheelchair. Academy and Wyoming. CNA or want to be, needed for two hours Saturday and Sunday mornings. Must be reliable with references and able to move 200 pounds. We pay for required background and drug tests. 856-5276. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. LOCAL BUSINESS LOOKING for energetic, outgoing people 18 years or older to hand out product samples. Part time, $15/hr. Please call or text Don at 505-681-7007 for more information. ONLINE VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS! Internsunlimited.com PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. PT CAREGIVER: ONE person efficiency apartment salary of $800/mo. Cable, utilities, internet access. Daily ride to/from CNM/UNM (ideal for students) Helping male in wheelchair weekday evenings and mornings, applicants must be trustworthy, reliable, with references, able to move 200 lbs. and have valid DL, we pay for drug and background check. No pets or smoking in premises. Located near Academy and Wyoming. 856-5276.

We are certain you will love our luxurious gated community and the convenience of the upscale amenities (fitness center, theatre room, billiards room, computer lounge and much more) located at your door step! FOR MORE INFO CALL:

505-243-6688 t 1801 GIBSON SE

QUIKRETE- BUSINESS/COMMUNICATIONS MAJORS: outside seasonal customer support position in NM and El Paso, TX areas (April through September). Retail merchandising, inventory assessments, product training and promotional events. Reliable transportation is a must, lifting 80lbs, various weekends. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursement. Resumes to thovda@quikrete.com ASAP, but not later than 4/17/12. TRICORE REFERENCE LABORATORIES has an excellent part time opportunity for a Benefits and Compensation Assistant. The qualified candidate will assist with administrative functions and support of department. Responsible for filing, searching, faxing and administrative support for special projects. Exercise independent judgment, initiative, self-motivation, problem solving abilities and confidentiality in performing assigned duties. The qualified candidate will have at least a High School diploma and Two (2) years in a general clerical/administrative position. In addition, the candidate should be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook with accurate typing skills of 50 wpm. Demonstrated experience working in a fast paced office environment and/or Human Resources experience preferred. The largest medical laboratory in New Mexico, TriCore Reference Laboratories provides comprehensive medical testing (everything from simple cholesterol screens to complex geneticsbased testing) to a statewide network of Hospitals, Physicians, and Healthcare Providers. 1001 Woodward Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 For more information on these opportunities and to apply, please visit out website at: www.tri core.org Pre-employment drug screening required. EOE/M/F/V/D COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT, proficient with MAC, needed. Flexible schedule. 10 dollars per hour. Please call Natalie at 505-615-0158.

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call Molly @8 buy tix pick up Daily L obo

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