NM Daily Lobo 041312

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April 13, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Roybal veto stops student vote on amendment by Luke Holmen

news@dailylobo.com ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal vetoed a bill she said she did not believe “was in the best interest of the student body,” instead of letting students vote on the issue. Senate Bill 6, a bill recommending raising the ASUNM student fee from $20 to $25, passed the ASUNM Senate in March and would have gone before a vote of students as a constitutional amendment during Wednesday’s elections. The amendment would have required a two-thirds majority vote of students to pass, according to the ASUNM Constitution. Roybal said she did not know the bill would have required a two-thirds vote of students in order to pass. Roybal said she vetoed the bill on the last day permitted by the law book, which would have left senators with two days to call an emergency meeting had they wanted to override her veto. The deadline to submit a bill to be included on the ballot for Wednesday’s elections was March 26, according to Elections Director Claire Mize. Roybal received the bill on March 8, a Thursday, and waited six school days to veto it, as allowed by the law book. But spring break ran from March 11-18, and Roybal wasn’t required to veto the bill until March 22. Once senators had a chance to review the veto on the 23rd, they would have had just two days following the 24-hour

required notice to re-pass the bill by the 26th. The amendment would have increased funding availability for student groups on campus. Roybal said she opposed an increase in fees for students who already face financial hardships to attend school. “I did not believe raising the ASUNM fee was in the best interest of the student body as a whole,” she said. “The Senate could have called an emergency meeting and overridden the veto, but they didn’t.” When asked why she did not believe students should vote on the issue, she declined to comment. ASUNM Sen. Tyler Crawley, who was one of the bill’s sponsors, said there was not enough time to override the veto, despite support for the bill. The Senate originally passed the bill 16-1-1. “We didn’t find out she had vetoed it until Friday at the Budget Summit,” Crawley said. “We would have had to get a majority of senators by that afternoon, call an emergency session that day, to convene on Monday by 5 p.m. There was not enough time.” While the law book does not prohibit emergency meetings on Saturday or Sunday, Crawley said he was not aware he could have called a meeting over the weekend. ASUNM Sen. and Finance Chair Isaac Romero said some Senate members had considered an emergency meeting, but it was

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo In this March 28 file photo, ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal listens in on a senate meeting. Roybal vetoed a bill that would have put before the students a constitutional amendment to raise student fees to support student organizations across campus, despite a 16-1-1 Senate vote in favor of the measure. never officially proposed. “There just wasn’t enough time to put it back in,” he said. “I think people considered calling an emergency meeting, but that would have taken one-third of the senators, or the president or vice president … she signed it at the last possible second.”

Crawley said he is working with other members of the finance committee to create a new bill dealing with student fees that will be more flexible, rather than resubmitting the bill this year. “I want to develop our funding source so that it grows or decreases with the needs of students and

ASUNM,” he said. “We shouldn’t … have to do this with a constitutional amendment every 10 years.” Sen. Brandyn Jordan, who also sponsored the bill, said he is looking at how other universities allocate student fees to try to develop a more comprehensive model.

Schmidly reflects on presidential term ASUNM by Victoria Carreon and Avicra Luckey news@dailylobo.com

President David Schmidly’s fiveyear career at UNM will come to an end in July when President-select Robert Frank takes office. A retirement reception was held in Schmidly’s honor on the lawn of the University House Thursday afternoon. Schmidly said he plans to return to UNM during the fall of 2013 as a faculty member in the biology department. “What I’m really excited about is getting back with the students,” he said. “I like to teach. I like to be around people, so I consider myself very fortunate that I get to end my career this way,” he said. Looking back on his time as president, Schmidly said he feels his time at UNM has been productive. “I think we’ve gotten a lot done. There have been a lot of challenges, particularly financial, but I feel good about it,” Schmidly said. While many higher education institutions, such as the University of California school system, have had to increase tuition rates by nearly 20 percent over the last five years, UNM has kept tuition increases at about 1 percent above the rate of inflation, according to a report by the president’s office outlining major achievements from the past five

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 137

years. But tuition and fees at UNM still rose to $5,809 from $4,109, or by about 41 percent, according to UNM Fact Book. Student fees also increased under his administration, and $50 per student of the increase next year will go to the Athletics Department. Schmidly said that during his administration, an increase in student enrollment helped offset budget problems because it brought in more tuition, allowing the school to make smaller increases in tuition rate. Some of the accomplishments achieved during Schmidly’s presidency include an increase in number of national scholars who attend UNM, and more students are attending UNM than ever before. Enrollment for fall 2011 at all campuses was 36,742, up from 32,086 in fall 2007. In 2008, Schmidly was troubled with concerns over the salaries of administration versus those of faculty. He was accused of favoring part-time instructors over tenuretrack professors because of their lower cost. Schmidly says he has no regrets about his term, despite making some changes that students did not favor. “You can’t make everybody happy; that’s never going to happen,” he said. “That’s one of things you have to learn about being in this role. I

talks retention rates by Svetlana Ozden sozden@unm.edu

Rebecca Hampton/ Daily Lobo UNM President David Schmidly says his goodbyes to former coworkers Tanya Giddings (left) who works in government relations and Connie Beimer (right) who works in office of the vice president for research. Schmidly will retire in June when President-elect Robert Frank takes office. don’t think students were happy about the increase in the student athletic fee and I can understand that.” As his five-year term comes to an end, Schmidly said he has tried to make student success a priority. He said one initiative he thinks improves students’ experiences is the way academic advising is structured, although one of the concerns students brought up at a forum early March with Frank was that there were too few advisers. Schmidly was treated for pancreatic cancer in 2010, but he told

Hospital wins award

A devilish defeat

See page 3

See page 6

the Daily Lobo earlier this year that health was not a factor in his decision not to renew his contract. “My health is much better, and it’s really heading in the right direction,” he said. “For 40 years all I have done is higher education work. Now I’ve got more books to write, more papers to write, and I like teaching. I always said I would not finish my career as a college president.” Since he has not taught as a college professor in nearly 25 years, UNM’s 20th president said he is

see Schmidly PAGE 3

At UNM, fifty percent of freshmen who don’t return to school for a second semester are failing 100level core classes. The Enrollment Management Select Summary Data Report (Enrollment Data Report) listed failure rates of 50 percent or higher in Biology Lab 123, Anthropology 130, Religion 107, Psychology 105, and Earth and Planetary Sciences 101 for freshmen who did not return to school. Additionally, more than 45 percent of these students fail Math 120. In a presentation before the ASUNM Senate Wednesday, Associate Provost for Curriculum Gregory Heileman said high failure rates and inadequate advisement contribute to falling student retention and low graduation rates. “Student retention and

see Senate PAGE 2


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Senate from page 1

graduation rates are similar to Napoleon’s march from Paris to Moscow in 1812,” he said. “It started out with 400,000 soldiers but ended with only 10,000 soldiers.” According to the Enrollment Data Report, 74 percent of freshmen from fall 2010 returned in fall 2011, 5 percent fewer than 2008, and only 45 percent of students who first enrolled in 2005 graduated in 2011. Heileman said courses with high failure rates should be restructured to better suit student needs. He said the Provost Committee of Academic Success, a committee established last semester to improve student success and advising practices on campus, will develop a math

emporium for Math 120 that will allow students to choose the pace of the course. “Students will have scheduled hours that they have to be in the emporium,” he said. “They can set their own pace but the system won’t let you move forward without knowing a concept.” Heileman said the committee initiated a pilot project in fall 2011 that trains advisers through UNM’s Mentoring Institute, so that advisers are not only capable of helping students choose classes, but also give advice on things like study strategies and career options. “We’re looking at freshmen that haven’t registered for next semester,

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 137

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Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Staff Reporters Svetlana Ozden Hannah Stangbye Victoria Carreon Photo Editor Dylan Smith

freshmen on (academic) probation and other early warnings associated with classroom performance and trying to improve their experiences on campus,” he said. “We want to extend training to alumni, retirees and students as well.” During the meeting, ASUNM Sen. Anthony Santistevan said the proposed 3 percent increase in tuition would affect the affordability of education and influence student retention. Santistevan asked Heileman what measures the administration is taking to curtail the rising costs of attending UNM. He referenced the Enrollment Data Report, which states tuition and education cost as the main Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

reason students don’t return for a third semester. Heileman said the committee is working with the bursar’s office to offer payment plans for students who are indebted to the University. He said payment plans would allow students to continue their education. “Bursar holds impede student registration and discourage students from continuing their education because they can’t afford to pay the thousands of dollars on their bill,” he said. “We want to allow students to make small payments against the debt they owe without it affecting their education and without accumulating additional debt.”

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Heileman said UNM already offers assistance to students who want to return to the University. He said the Graduation Project offers admissions assistance, priority enrollment and tuition assistance through the Regents’ Tuition Assistance Program and Graduation Express, and offers distance education and child care services to increase student graduation rates. “The vision is to positively impact the ability for students to excel academically,” he said. “The committee addresses the disconnect in UNM policy related to advisement effectiveness and how these services are actually delivered.”

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, April 13, 2012 / Page 3

UNMH wins employer award by Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga


For the third year in a row, University of New Mexico Hospitals (UNMH) has been named one of the best companies for hourly workers, according to “Working Mother,” a national magazine dedicated to mothers who work. Juana Maria Velasco, mother of four, is an hourly worker from the UNMH housekeeping department. She has worked at UNMH for almost three years and said being a UNMH employee has given her more free time to do things she really enjoys. “Having a system of flexible working hours is very important for me and my family,” Velasco said. “My job schedule lets me stay more time in my home and spend more time with my kids.” The award is the only national initiative that identifies companies who provide family-friendly benefits, such as continuing education, medical services and flexible work schedules. In order to be eligible for this recognition, companies must employ a minimum of 500 employees, and half must be hourly workers. UNMH internal communications manager Lyn Kehoe said companies are rated on flexibility of hours, medical service availability and other

benefits. At UNMH, 90 percent of the hourly employees work 40 hours per week and 84 percent of UNMH’s nearly 6,000 employees are hourly workers, Kehoe said. “Working Mother” only recognizes 12 companies across the country with this award. Other companies acknowledged by the magazine for exceptional flexibility and benefits for parents earlier this month included Best Buy, Marriott and Target. Kehoe said other benefits for UNMH hourly employees include financial services, life and health insurances, annual paid leaves, parents’ guidance, retirement plans, internal training courses and educational reimbursement for college credits. “Toward employees’ education, UNMH pays employees what UNM charges even if you don’t want to go to UNM,” she said. “If you want to be a foreign culture major and it has nothing to do with your job here, it still will be paid because you can get any degree that you want.” Kehoe said that UNMH hourly workers deserve all these benefits because the jobs they do help the Albuquerque community at large. “These people (UNMH hourly workers) are helping our community every single day with their regular job,” Kehoe said. “That is why UNMH does a good job on making opportunities available for the employees.”

Schmidly from page 1 interested in seeing how students have changed in regard to learning styles. Before he returns to the classroom, he said he will continue his research in zoology. He plans on continuing his extensive study of mammals in the Southwest and Mexico, particularly deer mice. One honor that Schmidly is fond of is having a species of deer mice, Peromyscus schmidlyi, named after him by a former student.

David J. Schmidly was selected as the 20th president of the University of New Mexico on Oct. 7, 2007. Prior to taking office at UNM, Schmidly served as the system CEO and president of at Oklahoma State University from 2002-2007. Schmidly has also served as president of Texas Tech University, and spent 25 years in various positions at Texas A&M, according to the president’s website.

Although the award was given by “Working Mother,” Kehoe said the benefits UNMH offers apply to both female and male workers. “We do not make any distinction,” Kehoe said. “A father, for example, can take a family leave when a child is born.” While most companies require employees to work 40 hours a week to receive benefits, Kehoe said UNMH hourly workers are only required to work 20. Kehoe said UNMH has created an environment that compensates employees well through benefits packages regardless of the hours they work. “There are so many hourly workers at UNMH, so it is really sort of the culture to make sure that everybody is getting benefits,” she said.

UNM PD Annual Bicycle Auction The UNM Police Department would like to extend an invitation to the University Community. We will be having our annual bicycle auction on Thursday, April 19th, from 10 AM to 2PM at the Sustainability Expo east of the SUB. The bicycles we have are unclaimed, unregistered bicycles from the UNM campus. If you think we may have your bicycle, please call 277-0081 to make sure that we will not be auctioning off a bike that may belong to you. We also have several musical instruments, a number of calculators and iClickers and a few Lobo items up for auction.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Friday April 13, 2012



The new chain letter is online link spam by Devon Stevens

Daily Lobo columnist

Ah, the chain letter, those things that nobody sees anymore in print form but that have become an irritating hassle with the advent of social networks. It seems some days I can’t log on without finding something in my feed about clicking the “like button” if I think starving children are bad or to share a link if I’m “weird and don’t care if anybody knows.” Listen, linkers, if I am weird and don’t care if anybody knows, I’m going to be doing weird stuff, and my opinion on starving children, breast cancer and ‘80s hair metal are givens. I don’t need to reaffirm that these are bad things by clicking the like button. I know starving children is bad thing and I dislike the idea that the entire Internet might just exist to explain humanity to itself, over and over again. In the modern era, chain letters get passed around more easily if only because you no longer have to copy the letter manually and then mail it off at your own expense to six or seven people. This also means that the electronic social network type of viral picture or chain letter doesn’t need to come with threats such as “if you don’t re-send this, you will have bad luck!” In the spirit of fun, I think I’ll demonstrate how an old fashioned mailbox chain letter looked, fresh out of your mailbox (these still surface in emails occasionally): Dear Sir and/or Madam, This is a very important letter of utmost importance — do not crumple or throw away! Ms. Jane Doe Kurrkopolis of Kirksville, Iowa threw away this letter and ended up being chased by mad IRS agents. Mr. Robert Skullcrusher of Texas mashed his thumb after throwing away this letter. And Mrs. Natty Leatherstocking of Cooper, N.Y. ended up on Slazalk IV without a translator after she threw away this letter. Instead, kind sir and/or madam, consider Mr. Defilade, who, after copying this letter FIFTEEN times and sending it to FIFTEEN friends, ended up with three hundred signed copies of a rare signed copy of To Kill a Mockingbird (however, the sudden appearance of said copies drove down their market value considerably). And consider Ms. Gale Auspicious who won the Kentucky Derby after she mailed TWENTY copies to her friends and/or relatives. And then there was Mr. Huston Shilling, who, after mailing TWO HUNDRED copies to his friends, was able to go to a college where the administration gave money to the school’s library services instead of the Athletics Department. If you too wish to be as lucky as Defilade, Auspicious and Shilling, then mail THREE HUNDRED copies to people in the phone book. If you do, you shall be rewarded! Sincerely, a friend and/or relative possibly Aunt Gertrude who always falls for these things since she was always far too trusting, possibly with an attached note that says, “Please mail it out soon so you don’t get lost in space and time!” Thank goodness these things are a thing of the past. But the new forms of them are the same as the old ones. They are silly insubstantial things. Only now, they are so easy to send along that everybody does it without thinking. I suppose what I want to say here is that you should think what sharing “Re-blog this if you admit you are weird and don’t care” says about you to everybody who is going to see. Somehow I don’t think it will say to them that “You are weird.” If you agree, re-blog this seven hundred, twenty-two million billion trillion times and send a copy to everybody you know via fax, e-mail and semaphore or I shall curse you with incompetent politicians in the voting booth this year.


Roybal denied students ability to vote


We have a new student body president now, but it should be known that Jaymie Roybal, lame duck, quietly denied undergrads a chance to vote on their student fees. Here’s how it happened: The ASUNM Senate voted on a bill to introduce a constitutional amendment, which students must approve by vote, that would increase ASUNM student fees from $20 to $25. The vote passed 16-1-1. That’s a super majority, and for those who may not know, a super majority is a big deal. If the ASUNM president plans to veto a bill, she has to do it within six school days, and here’s where it gets tricky, so hang with me. According to Elections Director Claire Mize, the deadline for the amendment to be included on Wednesday’s ballot was March 26th. The bill passed on a Wednesday night, March 7. The clock starts ticking on March 8. Roybal would have six school days to veto it, according to the constitution. So let’s do some math. March 8 and 9 make two days. And then the whole of spring break isn’t counted as an official school day. So the clock starts back up again on March 19, which means she had to make a decision by March 22, a Thursday. Senators have up to six days to call an emergency meeting, but they must issue

a 24-hour warning, and must assemble a third of senators to call for this meeting. Assuming they found out on Friday, March 23, the bill had been vetoed, they needed to call an emergency meeting during the weekend, and then override the veto by Monday, March 26, the deadline for items to be registered on the ballot. The ploy, politically, was perfect. Everything met legal standards, and no one could raise a complaint about the illegality of the situation. It wasn’t illegal. It was morally corrupt, but morality can’t be legislated, can it? No senators proposed an emergency meeting. There wasn’t enough time. So instead of letting students vote if they wanted a fee increase or not — an increase entirely dependent on the undergrad vote — Roybal denied that right. Why? As she stated in Wednesday’s paper, in the article “Roybal vetoes ASUNM student fee increase bill,” she didn’t believe raising the ASUNM fee was in the best interest of the student body. But I have to raise a concern that Roybal probably didn’t consider. I believe the student body, which elected Roybal, might want a say in what’s in the best interest of the student body. If the student body wanted fees to remain the same, they would have voted down the bill. If the student body wanted the fees increased, they would have voted for the increase. They should have gotten the chance to vote on it.

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Because Roybal thought she knew what students wanted, she shut down the bill, rendering the opinions of the students — and the senators who passed the bill — worthless. One person shut down the voices and votes of more than 20,000 undergraduate students. Let’s summarize the Roybal regime, shall we? Her presidency was already marred by the time of her election after students found out that she was dating then ASUNM President Laz Cardenas at the time she was running for office. Cardenas fired his chief of staff, Michael Thorning, after he discovered Thorning was running for president against Roybal, because he put his “trust in (Thorning), and there was no trust returned back.” Roybal stated she wanted to keep tuition low, but proposed and pushed for costly programs such as the new recreation center and the bike share program. She didn’t have an opinion on the pressing issue of using of student fees to pay off old University debts. And now we have this blatant attack on students’ right to vote. Caroline Muraida, please ensure you never disrespect your constituents in the same way Roybal has. Chris Quintana Daily Lobo editor-in-chief

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, April 13, 2012 / Page 5


Regents approve $1.38 million field by Nathan Farmer

Davie said there isn’t an advantage to playing on artificial turf, but his players seem to disagree. Junior linebacker Dallas Bollema said the team will definitely enjoy playing on turf more. “I feel a little faster on turf,” he said. “When we play away on other turf fields, we will be ready. It gives us an edge a little bit because it’s our home-field advantage and we will be used to it more over our opponents.” Senior tight end Lucas Reed said he was excited about the change of surface when he found out last week. He said having both grass and artificial turf practice fields puts the team at an advantage. “We have our indoor facility here, and that’s turf. We sometimes practice on that and we can gain an advantage using it,” he said. “Sometimes grass can be a little unpredictable and unreliable when there is weather, so this will help us, I think.” In 2010, the NFL’s Injury and Safety Panel did a study that showed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries happened 88 percent more often when football was played on turf. Reed said if you are prepared to play on turf, though, there shouldn’t be any more chance of injury than playing on grass. “You do have a little bit more grip,” he said. “As long as you are cautious when you are running and you have your ankles taped and you are prepared for everything, you should be OK.”

sports@dailylobo.com The football team will play on artificial turf next season. University Stadium field has been grass since 1958, when it was built, but will have artificial turf installed for the beginning of next season. This will cost UNM about $1 million, said Greg Archuleta, UNM Athletics media representative. The money comes from a $1.38 million expenditure that was approved by the UNM Board of Regents April 5. Head football coach Bob Davie said he is unsure whether the turf will give his team any sort of gain next year. “We’re just trying to make a first down right now,” he said. “It doesn’t matter if we play in quicksand or if we play on concrete. We’re not even in the stage yet to worry about advantages or disadvantages.” Only two teams in the MWC are from schools with grass fields for this upcoming season, and nearly every game on UNM’s 2012 schedule will be played on artificial turf, including its six home games. The team has both artificial turf and grass practice fields, and Davie said the team can prepare on both surfaces, depending on where its next game is. The turf takes about 12 weeks to install and UNM Athletics Director Paul Krebs said the field can be used for high school games as well, because it causes no wear and tear like a game on grass would.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo


Coach optimistic despite loss by Mundo Carrillo ecarr50@unm.edu

Despite keeping the Sun Devils from rounding the bases for six innings, the baseball team still lost to Arizona State University 3-1 at Isotopes Park on Tuesday. Lobo pitcher Sam Wolff pitched a shutout until the ASU second baseman smacked the ball deep into left field for a tworun homer in the sixth inning. Even though Wolff got the loss, bringing his record to 0-2, he pitched his best game of the season. He struck out five batters and allowed four hits. “My mindset was different going into tonight,” Wolff said. “I felt a little more confident out there and I was able to throw my stuff for strikes.” Head coach Ray Birmingham said he has seen a lot of improvement in Wolff. “Wolff was outstanding,” Birmingham said. “He’s figured it out. We made a couple of adjustments while we were at Air Force.” Pitcher Will Mathis came in to relieve Wolff in the seventh inning. He struck out six batters, allowed three hits and gave up one more run. “Will Mathis did a great job,” Birmingham said. “I think our pitching staff is coming together, which is encouraging because that’s what we have to have to get, to get

to our third regional in a row.” The Lobos weren’t the only ones throwing strikes. ASU pitcher Alex Blackford struck out five Lobos, allowed only three hits and gave up only one run. The game was scoreless until the fifth inning. Mitchell Garver hit a triple and three batters. Later, short stop Alex Allbritton batted him in with a sacrifice fly to left field. In the ninth inning, ASU left fielder James McDonald scored when he stole home after a wild pitch by Mathis, bringing the score to 3-1. ASU pitcher Jake Barrett ended any hopes of a comeback by striking out three Lobos, sealing the victory for the Sun Devils. The Lobos went error-less. “Blackford did a good job keeping us off balance,” UNM catcher Mitchell Garver said. “On the other side, Sam Wolff did an excellent job, too. I’d say it was a very even game. It was well pitched.” The Lobos are 0-5 in games played on Tuesday this season. Despite losing a close game to the Sun Devils, the players kept their heads up after the loss. “We haven’t been too hot on midweeks, but I think we showed a lot of heart,” Garver said. “The way that we played is encouraging as we enter conference play.” Despite the team’s losing record (15-17), Birmingham said the team could earn national recognition.

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Junior pitcher Sam Wolff throws the ball to first base to get an out during the game against ASU on Tuesday night at Isotopes Park. The series finished in a tie with the Lobos losing 3-1 to ASU Tuesday night. “UNM and ASU are very comparable now,” Birmingham Baseball said. “That’s what I came here to vs. do. Now ASU wants to play us on san Diego State a regular basis. The University of New Mexico has moved into a today, 7 p.m. higher echelon and we can com- San Diego, Calif. pete with anybody.”

$2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo


go s bo loo feat. the o l s go bos g o o s INFAMOUkSe bo lob go l go o oty Sha o l s go bos obos lo- BoC g ontest o o s o l s l b o g o Ca$h Prizes! o o o b s b g l g o o o o l s go bos obos lob go l go g The list of upcoming os lobo o lo go l s go bos bos lob Lobo athletic events is published g o o o o s o os l o os l l b o g g o every Friday in the Daily Lobo. o o o s s b g b lob o l g g o o o o s s s l bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go Upcoming Athletic Events o s o l o l s s l b o o g g o bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go os g o o s s s l l b o lo g bos g bo Baseball o o o b bo lob go s s g g g o Fri-Sun 04/13-15 o o o o s s o os l o os b ol b ol o o g g @ San Diego State o o o o b b s g l s g Tues-Wed 04/17-18 ob lo go ob lo go l s g os g bo s l l os loo o o @ Texas Tech o o o b o b s s b g l b g g o g o o o o o s o l s o l s s l s Softball bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo o s o l o l Wed 04/18 s l s l b b o o g g o o o o o o o o o b b @ Arizona s g l s b g l b g g o o o o o o s s o os l o os l l l b b o o g g o o o lo go s g bos lob lob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o l s Men’s Tennis s o lo g bo Sun 04/15 o lo g bo o o o o o b b s s g g b g g o vs. Boise State 11am o o o o o o s s o l o l s l g bo g bos bo lob o l go o Estes Tennis Complex o bo lob go l gLinda s s g g o o o o o o s s o l s o l s s l oTennis bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo obo lWomen’s o Sat 04/14 l s o l o s s l s l b b o o go os g obo @ TCU s g obo lobo o lo go os g obo lobo o lo g g s s g bos bo lob o l Track o luck o l go os g obos obo lob go l gGood s go & Field too g o g o s s o l s o l s -04/14 s o lSat oUTEP ob Softball, o l go os g obos ob bo lob go l go os g obo oboBaseball, l Outdoor @ g o s oin El Paso, l o os s Invitational b ol o TX g o o o o l s go bos obos lob go l go l s gMen’s Tennis, b s b g l b g Thurs-Sat 04/19-21 o o o o o o o s l l @ Mt. SAC Relays l b ol go bos bo lob Outdoor o Tennis o l s go bos obos lob gWomen’s o o s g g lo g o g o s &bField o os in Walnut, CA s o os and oTrack lo o l s bo o lo o l g o g o o o o b b s s b g l b lo g l b lo g g o o o o s s o o s l s l b b o o g o bo lob o lo go os go os g obo lob o lo go g o s s s l l b b o g g o lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob s o go os g obo lobo o lo bo lobo o lo go g s s s l b g o o o o o o bo sg

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Friday, April 13, 2012 / Page 7

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to next week’s problem

ACROSS 1 In tears, say 6 NPR’s Totenberg 10 Pasta grain 15 Greenish shade 16 Hemoglobin mineral 17 Like healthy soil 18 Pie nut 19 *Casual-wear brand since 1873 21 Work on film 23 Betwixt 24 Familia member 25 *Enters a witness protection program, say 29 Maine __ cat 30 Unbeatable service 31 Morlock prey 32 Sister of Rachel 34 More than serious 36 Presaging times 38 Skin-care brand with a “For Men” line 42 *Compromised choice 46 Take off the TiVo 47 Encrust, in a way 48 Goddess of discord 49 Obi-Wan portrayer 52 On the road 54 “Imagine that!” 55 Wyoming city near Yellowstone 58 *Wedding shop array 61 Distortion, perhaps 62 Little songbird 63 City on the Aare 64 Song that first topped the charts on 4/13/1957 ... or how its singer’s name appears in the answers to starred clues 68 Blink of an eye 71 Bench clearer 72 Pickup shtick 73 “L’chaim!” is one 74 Seafood serving 75 Author Blyton 76 Els of the PGA DOWN 1 Unruly do 2 Cry after Real Madrid scores 3 With the order switched

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DAILY LOBO new mexico


ADHD Coping Skills Workshop Series Starts at: 1:00pm Location: UNM SHAC

Learn to maintain focus in this 4-part workshop series. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC

Learn skills to broaden awareness in this 4-part workshop series. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Intellectual Hooliganism Starts at: 5:00pm Location: UNM Honors ForumStudent Health Center

Join us for this exciting glimpse into popular culture studies! This event is FREE & open to the public! Lobo Campus Civitan Club Starts at: 5:00pm Location: SUB Thunderbird Room

Every Friday, pre-charter meetings for Lobo Campus Civitan Club! Make new friends. Learn leadership skills. Free refreshments!


8th Annual UNM Relay For Life Starts at: 6:00pm Location: UNM Johnson Center

Help us celebrate our survivors, remember our loved ones lost to cancer, and fight back by raising money for cancer research. For more info go to rflunm.com or email unmrelay@gmail.com

COMMUNITY EVENTS Edge of Color Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute

Edge of Color will showcase Tamarind artists associated with the hard-edge/color-field movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Jazz Choir Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 500 Lomas Blvd. NE

Practice and perform songs in jazz and acapella/pop styles!


WalkMS Albuquerque Starts at: 3:30pm Location: UNM SHAC

Learn to reduce stress in this 4-part workshop series. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537.


4 Give the slip 5 1990 Robert Frost Medal recipient Levertov 6 Zero, in Real Madrid scores 7 Fuming state 8 Super stars? 9 Twisted balloon shape, often 10 Christian bracelet letters 11 Weed whacker 12 Muse for Yeats 13 OB/GYN test 14 Boxer with a cameo in “The Hangover” 20 Produce offspring 22 Floor installer 25 Tureen utensil 26 Less chummy 27 De __: from square one 28 Feudal estates 29 Onion kin 33 Suffix with oct35 History test section, often 37 Start to fast? 39 Zachary Taylor, by birth 40 The senior Saarinen


56 Refueling ship 57 Street of many mysteries 59 Finalize, as a cartoon 60 Program problem 62 Timely question 65 Patch, say 66 Prefix with corn 67 “Xing” one 69 Popular CBS procedural 70 Parisian season

Planning your weekend has never been easier! Visit the Cactus and Succulent Society of New Mexico’s Spring Show and Sale! There is no admission charge. ABQ School of Massage OPEN HOUSE Starts at: 10:00am Location: 10590 2nd St. NW

Albuquerque School of Massage Therapy & Health Sciences is hosting an open house to introduce the benefits of massage therapy and massage school. April’s Tail Date Starts at: 2:00pm Location: Flying Star Café

A symposium to be held at the Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media Studies Center at Mesa del Sol.

Come join us in celebrating Flying Star Café and Satellite Coffee’s Buy A Cookie, Save A Pet campaign! Animal Humane’s Tail Date is a club for dog lovers to meet and socialize.

National Institute of Flamenco Open House Starts at: 10:00am Location: 214 Gold Ave. SW

Coen Brothers x2 Starts at: 6:00pm Location: KiMo Theatre

Cactus & Succulent Show and Sale Starts at: 10:00am Location: 10120 Lomas Blvd. NE

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

41 Beasts of burden 43 Sargasso Sea denizen 44 Trumpet effect 45 Toothbrush choice 50 The Aragón is a tributary of it 51 Southern language 53 Hollywood’s Mimieux 55 Holding device

Event Calendar

Where Does History Live? Starts at: 9:00am Location: The Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media Studies Center

Join us on Saturday the 14th to celebrate the 30th birthday of the National Institute of Flamenco.

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved





By Gareth Bain

$10 includes both films. Coen Brothers Double Feature. Concessions will be available, cash only please.

Pimentel Concert Series Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 1701 4th Street SW

A tribute Honoring the Late Lorenzo Pimentel For his contributions of world-class guitars to musicians worldwide, and Josefina Pimentel for helping make Lorenzo`s dream come true. Salsa Party at the Cooperage with Son Como Son!!!! Starts at: 9:30pm Location: The Cooperage Restaurant

Dance all night long to the sounds of Son Como Son, Salsa Cuban Style at the #1 Venue for salsa in Albuquerque, The Cooperage Restaurant!!!!

SUNDAY 4/15 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: SUB Santa Ana A & B

Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Werewolf The Forsaken venue. ide chronicle.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Friday, April 13, 2012



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico

CLASSIFIED INDEX Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

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A NICE LARGE 1BR, 5 blocks to UNM, 504 Columbia SE, NP, $525, 266-3059.

Dental Cleanings, X-Rays & Sealants

APARTMENT FOR RENT 1BDRM. W/D. 3 blocks west of campus. 401 Sycamore. 505-842-0126 or 505-203-1633.

UNM Dental Hygiene Clinic

WALK TO UNM/CNM, huge 2BR/1BA duplex across from Roosevelt Park. Hardwood floors, detached garage. $750/mo. + utilities. $750 deposit. Call Tim 505-239-5555.

Lost and Found FOUND PHONE AT South Lot bus stop. Call to identify. 610-1589. LOST IPOD IN woodward hall if found please call or text. 505-239-9131. LOST 4/4/12 USB drive. Transcend. Black with red slider button. Dane Smith, Mitchell, or Duck Pond. Documents are important for me. REWARD. Call Ben 603-6949. LOST SMALL BROWN wooden rosary on North Campus. 505-681-0169. USB AND KEYS found at Columbia and Lead. Email jshepar1@unm.edu to identify.

Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com


STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting April 13, 2012 @ 3pm in Marron Hall Rm 131. VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com WRITE YOUR SCREENPLAY NOW! Class starts in May. marccalderwood@hotmail.com INTERESTED IN SPORTS Marketing? Howl Raisers is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 Board. Work one on one with Lobo Athletics--Marketing, coaches and student athletes to help increase student attendance at athletic events. A list of positions and applications are available by request. raisers@unm.edu.

Fun Food Music LIVE SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Saturday, April 14th Cooperage 9:30 -1 $7 cover (21 and up)

Looking for You

NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 358-2142.


Your Space I LOVE YOU to the Milky Way and back. I’ll be here for you with churros when you get out the pen. Angels on your pellow. Kri$tin. DEAREST TRIPPY, I love you to the moon and back. Love, Tripp. :) ART PROJECT. Pay $10 to say whatever you want on a commercial spot that runs on The CW. Call Chris 505-699-9500. SHOUT OUT TO Mangela for throwing a hot dog down the hallway. :) -Jenna.

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. LARGE 2BDRM, NEW carpet, gated, pool, NP, $830/month, includes utilities, 255-2685. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

DO YOU HAVE Type 1 Diabetes? Are you a nonsmoker, 18 years or older? Are you currently taking long-acting and meal-time insulin injections? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a inhaled insulin research study. If you qualify, all study-related medical care, lab tests, and medications will be provided. You will be compensated for your time. Please call Lisa Toelle at 505-272-1663. PUBLISHED AUTHOR SEEKS venture investor ($8800) to complete promotional mailer of First Edition of Legacy of th Southwest. Contact Jim Scott 806-268-0474. RESTAURANT SERVERS WANTED for UNM Psychology research study. Seeking healthy women aged 18-35 who work at least 20 hours per week as servers in full-service dine-in restaurants. For their time and inconvenience, participants will be entered for a drawing for $100 Visa gift cards. If interested, please call or email Professor Geoffrey Miller at gfmiller@unm.edu, (505) 277-1967, for more information.

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presbyterian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 116 Sycamore. $550/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. May 1st. Call 550-1579. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. 2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.



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Condos 1BDRM CONDO PAID utilities with W/D and dishwasher. $675/mo. +$500 deposit. 328-9124. CONDO 1BDRM FOR sale. $55,500; MLS#717713. 1601 Pennsylvania, NE, Windrock Villas. Contri, Keller Williams Realty, 440-3657 or 271-8200.

Houses For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT Ridgcrest Area 2BDRM, one bath, excellent area for UNM students. Must have references, first and last months rent. $900/mo. 262-2490.

Rooms For Rent LOOKING FOR MALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Near pool and gym. Furnished with cable and wifi. Dhari 505-730-2671. FEMALE NEEDED TO take over Lobo Village lease. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, workout facilities. Available May. May rent covered. Contact Courtney (505)412-2780. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 2BDRM on Central and Louisiana. Cinnamon Tree Apartments. $315/mo +electric. 505-231-5955. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3BDRM house near North Campus $425/mo +1/4utilities. W/D included. Relaxed environment, backyard, garden, chickens. 505-228-7439, leucosticte@gmail.com FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM house in University Heights/ Harvard Drive area. $425/mo +1/2utilities. Available 5/15. Call Kyra for interview 907-854-8028. ROOMS FOR GRADUATE students, fully furnished house, 2 minute walk to UNM/UNMH. Accepting summer/fall term applicants. Water, WIFI, Cleaning service provided. Call 610-1142. LOOKING FOR MALE roommate to take over lease at new Casas Del Rio on campus. 2 BDRM 2 BA 4 person suite fully furnished. All utilities/WiFi $511/month. Will cover $50 app fee. Call 228-3809. TAKE OVER LEASE at Lobo Village. Female only. Roommates really clean and quiet. No deposit. Hot tub, swimming pool, gym, shuttle to UNM. minkegoes@gmail.com LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to take over five month lease starting in May at Sun Village Apartments. $500/mo. plus electricity. mlacome@unm.edu

Pets BABY HEDGEHOGS FOR sale. $175/females and $150/males. Email for more information. deserthedgehogs@gmail.com

For Sale BRADLEY’S BOOKS ACCEPTS plastic MWF. NAVAJO RUGS FOR sale.Lost my wallet and everything inside. Selling these will help me make payments. tchichar@unm.edu, chicharello@ hotmail.com, 505-450-4824. Can give more information if needed.

Jobs Off Campus THE LIBRARY BAR & Grill is hiring! Looking for attractive people, eager to work in a fast-paced environment, with HUGE earning opportunity! Will train! Cocktail waitresses, bartenders, and security. Apply in person at 312 Central Ave SW. YMCA CENTRAL NM currently taking applications for lifeguards and swim instructors. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. 505-265-6971. BEEPS SEEKING PERMANENT p/t sales person. Retail experience preferred. Position starts mid May. Evening shifts only. Apply in person. M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106 from 9am- 1pm. THE ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Department is currently hiring for Police Officer and Police Service Aide. Contact recruiters today! (505) 343-5000 or log on to APDonline.com for more information.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE! Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). Hiring immediately! You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, or email advertising@dailylobo.com Apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search department: Student Publications

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

DEPRESSED? TRIED TREATMENT without results? Taking any medication for your depression was no improvement? We are currently seeking volunteers to participate in a research study investigating treatment of major depression. You may be eligible if you are: 1865 years of age, have a history of depression, have not responded to antidepressant medication, are in good physical health, are not currently participating in another research program, and are not currently pregnant or nursing. If you meet the above criteria and are interested in participating in this study please call 505-272-6898.

CALL THE DAILY LOBO at 277-5656 today! Or email us at classifieds@dailylobo.com

ONLINE VIRTUAL INTERNSHIPS! Internsunlimited.com PT CAREGIVER: ONE person efficiency apartment salary of $800/mo. Cable, utilities, internet access. Daily ride to/from CNM/UNM (ideal for students) Helping male in wheelchair weekday evenings and mornings, applicants must be trustworthy, reliable, with references, able to move 200 lbs. and have valid DL, we pay for drug and background check. No pets or smoking in premises. Located near Academy and Wyoming. 856-5276. QUIKRETE- BUSINESS/COMMUNICATIONS MAJORS: outside seasonal customer support position in NM and El Paso, TX areas (April through September). Retail merchandising, inventory assessments, product training and promotional events. Reliable transportation is a must, lifting 80lbs, various weekends. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursement. Resumes to thovda@quikrete.com ASAP, but not later than 4/17/12. TRICORE REFERENCE LABORATORIES has an excellent part time opportunity for a Benefits and Compensation Assistant. The qualified candidate will assist with administrative functions and support of department. Responsible for filing, searching, faxing and administrative support for special projects. Exercise independent judgment, initiative, self-motivation, problem solving abilities and confidentiality in performing assigned duties. The qualified candidate will have at least a High School diploma and Two (2) years in a general clerical/administrative position. In addition, the candidate should be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook with accurate typing skills of 50 wpm. Demonstrated experience working in a fast paced office environment and/or Human Resources experience preferred. The largest medical laboratory in New Mexico, TriCore Reference Laboratories provides comprehensive medical testing (everything from simple cholesterol screens to complex geneticsbased testing) to a statewide network of Hospitals, Physicians, and Healthcare Providers. 1001 Woodward Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 For more information on these opportunities and to apply, please visit out website at: www.tri core.org Pre-employment drug screening required. EOE/M/F/V/D PAID SUMMER INTERNSHIPS; Fortune 500 financial company seeks to fill two positions, email resume: marni.mcmullen@nmfn.com

EXCELLENT ECONOMY CAR. 38 MPG Ford Escort with only 99K miles. Drives great. $3,700OBO. 933-1782. 1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 engine, four barrel carburetor. Asking $2500. If interested, call Sam at 505-916-7064.

SUMMER JOBS FOR students. FREE RENT and paid training. Check out our website PNCLTechs.com/ben or email evarela@pinnsec.com

Vehicles For Sale LINCOLN TOWNCAR FULLY loaded, looks/ drives like new. $3,000. 933-1782.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

SUMMER CAMP ACTIVITY leaders, and counselers for male cabins at a UNM camp program for kids with autism spectrum disorders and their peers. One week in late June and one week in late July. Stipend paid. Application and information at www.camprisingsunnm.org For more information contact Somer at 272-5142.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429.

BLUE JACKSON ELECTRIC Guitar for sale for $325 OBO. dpyke09@unm.edu or text 575-418-7778.

PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202.

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