NM Daily Lobo 041612

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Me and my Civic


see page 5

April 16, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Groups hold event to combat violence by Svetlana Ozden sozden@unm.edu

One quarter of female college students in the United States are victims of attempted or completed sexual assault according to the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. Faculty and students alike will spread awareness of the ongoing battle with harassment and violence today at the second Annual Gray-Torres Conference on Interpersonal Violence. Co-organizer and Interim Director of the Women’s Resource Center Summer Little said the theme of this year’s conference is “It Begins with Me.” She said she wants to focus on giving bystanders the tools to intervene in a violent situation. “The conference was originally about domestic violence and stalking, but we realized that we need to include verbal and sexual assault as well, because there are always points where an intervention could be made,” she said. “But it’s on a continuum; the problem only gets worse once it starts.” Co-organizer and chair of the English department Gail Houston said the conference formed in response to the murder of UNM professor Hector Torres and student Stefania Gray. Torres, 54, and Gray, 43, were found dead in Torres’ home on March 8, 2010. The victims were shot to death by Ralph Montoya, Gray’s ex-boyfriend. Montoya confessed to murdering the couple the next day and was sentenced to 25 years in prison in October 2011. Little said keynote speaker, Mike Dilbeck, will present the details of

his Every|Day Hero Campaign. She said Dilbeck is the founder of the campaign and teaches people to recognize and intervene in interpersonal violence situations. “The Every|Day Hero Campaign further emphasizes the exact message we’re trying to convey,” she said. “Anyone can be a hero, anyone can intervene and stop a violent situation before it’s too late.” Little emphasized the importance of male involvement and awareness. She said Pi Kappa Alpha (PIKE) fraternity members sponsored Dilbeck’s coming to speak at UNM, and that the fraternity’s sponsorship is a startingpoint for that effort. “Not all men commit violence, but all men can be involved in the efforts to end it,” she said. “It’s so important for men to step forward as allies, and the men of PIKE have helped us tremendously.” Pi Kappa Alpha member and ASUNM Attorney General Greg Montoya-Mora said the fraternity members do their philanthropy through the Women’s Resource Center by promoting, organizing and volunteering in various events hosted by the Women’s Resource Center. He said the fraternity believes it is important for everyone to spread awareness and help put an end to harassment and violence. “Fraternities often have a bad reputation for our moral values,” Montoya-Mora said. “This is an effort to show that our values truly lie in being gentlemen.” Houston said student involvement played a major role in the organization of the conference this year. “Students have helped us broaden our focus and offer a new


Jessikha Williams / Daily Lobo Mechanical Engineering students Ivar Arnarsson (left) and James Clarke joust at Lobo Palooza Friday on the east side of the SUB. Lobo Palooza was hosted by ASUNM Community Experience and ASUNM Lobo Spirit to show student appreciation. The event included a dunk tank, jousting, face painting, cotton candy and a photo booth.

perspective,” she said. “Instead of focusing on domestic violence and stalking, the conference now includes every type of violence, from verbal harassment to sexual assault and teaches people how to intervene in every situation.” Student volunteer Elizabeth Thayer said she became involved because she wants to help spread awareness. She said she wants every student to have a better understanding of how to deal with and prevent violence. “Every student needs to be aware of their surroundings because there’s violence all around us,” she said. “We all need to know what we can do to help and make sure we

never lose another UNM member.” Little said involvement includes more than the student body. She said the conference is co-sponsored by the UNM Police Department, 2nd Judicial District Attorney’s Office, Verizon Wireless, Theta Nu Xi sorority, the Rape Crisis Center, Domestic Violence Resource Center and the Agora Crisis Center. She said donations have been received from UNM President David Schmidly, the Athletics Department, the Alfonso Ortiz Center, the Women’s Resource Center and the English department. “The conference involves everyone on campus and in our community,” she said. “It cost about $8,000, but the money has

all been donated.” Little said the conference will include a number of guest speakers, a panel discussion and poetry readings and will cover all types of violence and how to intervene in every kind of violent situation. She said the conference will also include a film screening of “Telling Amy’s Story,” a film about a former Verizon employee who was murdered by her husband. “The film is a deconstruction of Amy’s case and points out places in her life where interventions could have happened,” she said. “It encompasses the exact message we are trying to send out.”

by Avicra Luckey

going on in our own back yard.” Julie Jaynes, member of SJP, said the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israeli lobby organization that aims to strengthen the U.S.Israel relationship, has a lot of influence on Congress and media. She said AIPAC influences the average American’s understanding of the conflict in favor of Israel. “They (AIPAC) have created this sort of censorship against knowing what’s actually going on on the ground in Palestine, so it’s kind of our job as a student voice and an alternative media voice to bring that perspective to our campus,” she said. Mustafa said the group decided to include other organizations in the weeklong project in order to call attention to both social and physical barriers. She said one way the group decided to do this was to break the week up by issue area. Each day will

Pro-Palestine group erects ‘Israeli Apartheid Wall’ avicraluckey@gmail.com

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo Graduate student Carlos De Anda helps with the construction of the mock wall Sunday morning in Smith Plaza. De Anda represents the Association of Architecture Design and Urbanism. AADU meets in the architecture building on the first Tuesday of every month.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 138

Coaching the kids

Beaten by Boise

See page 17

See page 20

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) gathered Saturday to build a plywood mock “Israeli Apartheid Wall” that will be erected on Smith Plaza all this week as part of the group’s Mock Wall Campaign. The wall symbolizes barriers to equality all over the world, according to the group’s press release. Danya Mustafa, co-chair of SJP, said the group hopes to call attention to not only the Israel-Palestine conflict, but issues concerning immigration and other social inequalities around the globe. “We’re going to do the Israeli Apartheid Wall, which surrounds the West Bank and (is) inside the West Bank in Gaza,” she said. “We’re also going to do parallels with the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s especially important because New Mexico is a border state and a lot of people don’t know what’s

see Wall PAGE 3


68 | 43

PageTwo M o n d a y , A p r i l 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

where are


Every Monday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to WhereAreWe@dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced next week. Nobody correctly guessed last week’s : “Where are we.” The photo was taken on the west side of the College of Education building.

Jessikha Williams / Daily Lobo

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 138

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Staff Reporters Svetlana Ozden Hannah Stangbye Victoria Carreon Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Design Director Elyse Jalbert Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Robert Lundin Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Brittany Brown


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NEWS FROM BIOLOGY!!! • Ever need to take a Biology course and the sections are all closed? • Need your science core class, but cannot come to campus at the times it is offered? • Want to do your course work at a distance? The Department of Biology in coordination with Extended University is offering the following courses on-line for Fall 2012 semester: Biol 123 Biol 237 Biol 247

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Fri. April 20, 8:30am - 3pm Go to:

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New Mexico Daily Lobo


Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 3

from page 1

Are You Interested In Dentistry? Join the UNM Pre-Dental Society Monday, April 16 at 6pm in the Mirage/ Thunderbird Room (SUB 3rd Floor)

Guest Speaker Dr. Kathleen Craig Admission Officer, University of Washingon Dental School Discussion about Dental School Requirements and Tips on Admissions

Check out our remaining meetings:

Rebecca Hampton / Daily Lobo Students congregated Sunday morning to erect a 75-foot long and 8-foot high wall on Smith Plaza. The mock wall has been erected to raise awareness about social injustices worldwide. have themes associated with it, and discussions, street theater and film screenings that have to do with that day’s themes. Topics include indigenous rights, racism, classism, accessibility, gender and sexuality.

The Mock Wall weeklong event will include film screenings and panel discussions.

Students for Justice in Palestine said the UNM Israel Alliance will also erect a wall with what it calls “The Wall of Truth.” The organization could not be reached for comment despite multiple calls and emails.

For more detailed information on all of this week’s events, visit UNMSJP.org/mockwall or follow the QR code.

Mike and Ike split by Mary Claire Dale The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — They’ve been together 72 years, but it’s not clear whether Mike and Ike will reach their next anniversary. The colorful candy characters are going their separate ways, and using Facebook, Twitter and Tum-

blr to announce the split.

How better to engage the teenage audience that Pennsylvania candy maker Just Born hopes to reach with the cheeky marketing campaign? “At some point, we would love … for them to get back together,”

see Candy page 5

Saturday, April 28 Prepare Yourself:

Tuesday, May 1 Admission Workshop:

Mock Interviews & Feedback Noon in SUB Cherry/Silver (3rd Floor of SUB)

Dental school admission process & personal statement tips 6pm in SUB Mirage/Thunderbird (3rd Floor of SUB)

Email: newmexicopredentalsociety@yahoo.com or find us on Facebook

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Monday April 16, 2012


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Who are you going to vote for in the ASUNM elections on Wednesday, April 11? Impact: presidential candidate Ashkii Hatathlie, vice-president candidate Bridget Chavez


Students for Students: presidential candidate Caroline Muraida, vice presidential candidate Sunny Liu


A combination of both.


I am indifferent.


Out of 99 responses.

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Senate Bill 6, which recommended raising the ASUNM student fee from $20 to $25, passed the ASUNM Senate 16-1-1. The bill would have increased the amount of funding available to student organizations that receive funding from ASUNM. ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal vetoed the bill, saying she “did not believe it (was) in the best interest of students to raise fees.” Had she not vetoed it, students would have voted on the increase, which would have required a two-thirds majority to pass. Do you support Roybal’s veto, or would you have preferred the bill go to a vote of the students? I do not support the veto. She should have let students vote on it instead of assuming she knew what was best for them. I do not support the veto. She vetoed the bill at the last minute so that senators could not override her veto even if they had wanted to. I support the veto. Roybal was within her rights as president to veto the bill and followed the ASUNM Law Book. If the senators wanted to override it they should have called an emergency meeting.




 Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor


Celebrity support can ruin a cause by Jason Darensburg

Daily Lobo guest columnist

Effective celebrity activists use their fame and fortune to bring attention to important issues and to give credibility to representatives of social movements. Internationally known celebrities can help expose and highlight problems that would normally get little or no news coverage without their involvement. George Clooney’s recent arrest for protesting in front of the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C. is a perfect example of this. But does celebrity involvement really make any difference in what people care about? In a society obsessed with celebrity worship and showbiz, the answer is a resounding yes. The problem isn’t that famous people shouldn’t speak out about politics or social issues. The problems begin when celebrities try to speak for the people they are trying to help. This is especially true when they don’t actually belong to the group they claim to represent. Every citizen can and should have the right to publicly take up issues of social welfare, injustice and matters of war and peace. We are social animals. The average Joe doesn’t have the time or the resources to devote to such causes, but millionaire celebrities have plenty of money and time on their hands. When a celebrity throws their political or cultural capital behind a movement much larger than themselves, the success or failure of that movement can become entwined with their personal reputation. The heavier the capital, the more inseparable they become from the cause, in many cases. Celebrities might have the noblest of intentions, but they can also end up having a negative effect on the issues if they aren’t careful. John Lennon is one example of a celebrity who was able to successfully brand himself as a “peace activist” by simply supporting the idea of peace without giving any definitive answers about how to achieve it or what it meant. His reputation was enhanced among progressives and anti-war supporters, but his political opinions (naïve as they were) got him into hot water with the U.S. government, which was heavily invested in the Vietnam War at the time. Traditionally, musicians have been at the forefront of activist causes, in the folk traditions of union organizers such as Woody Guthrie, Joe Hill and Pete Seeger. More recent examples of musicians bringing awareness to social issues include George Harrison’s Concert for Bangladesh in 1971, Bruce Springsteen with the No Nukes concerts in the late ‘70s through to

LIVE AID, FARM AID and the TIBETFREEDOM concerts in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Pop stars such as Bob Geldof, Willie Nelson, Neil Young, Dave Matthews, Paul McCartney, Erykah Badu and Bono have been high-profile champions of many worthy causes. The LIVE AID concert on July 13, 1985, and the subsequent LIVE 8 shows in 2005 are two particularly notable examples of successful consciousness-raising regarding global sustainability issues — although they failed to bring us any closer to actual solutions. Entertainers like the late Danny Thomas used to be a rarity. A true visionary in the field of celebrity activism, he helped establish St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. in 1962. Thomas’s daughter Marlo and her husband, Phil Donahue, still work to raise money for the internationally recognized children’s health facility and nonprofit, Medical Corporation. From the early ‘50s until 2011, Jerry Lewis served as national chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). He started hosting telethons to benefit MDA in 1952, and from 1966 until 2010 he hosted the annual “Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon,” now called the MDA “Labor Day Telethon.” In August 2011, it was announced that Lewis would no longer host any telethons due to his declining health. Harry Belafonte was instrumental in promoting civil rights legislation in the early ‘60s. French actress Brigitte Bardot retired from Hollywood in 1974 to devote all her time to animal rights causes. Audrey Hepburn supported animal rights, UNICEF and the United Nations. Today, celebrity activists are a dime a dozen. Angelina Jolie is following in Hepburn’s footsteps. She and Brad Pitt are outspoken activists who volunteer their time and donate money to many worthwhile causes. Jolie is also a goodwill ambassador to the U.N. as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the international foreign policy think tank. Tennis legend Andre Agassi established the Andre Agassi Preparatory Academy, a charter school for at-risk children in his hometown of Las Vegas, Nev. Now considered one of the best prep schools in the country, Agassi and his wife, fellow tennis legend Steffi Graf, have donated more than $35 million to the project. Ben Affleck, Oprah Winfrey, Leonardo DiCaprio and Sean Penn are further examples of celebrities who have taken a public stand on important issues, and in some cases they’ve experienced career setbacks because of them. Ashton Kutcher’s anti-sex slavery campaign is a recent example of celebrity activism gone

wrong. He made his case with poor data, which resulted in a public awareness campaign that wrongly identified the root cause of human trafficking as essentially a moral issue, and in the end Kutcher trivialized and misinformed people about an important cause. A celebrity activist is an asset only insofar as he or she is respected. If not, the celebrity becomes a liability. Sometimes celebrities would do better to just write a check and shut the hell up. Celebrity interest in Africa has become something of a cliché these days, thanks to Angelina Jolie’s adopted daughter and overhyped events such as Madonna’s adoption of a child from Malawi several years ago. The Arab Spring and the Kony 2012 controversy have certainly kept African issues in the headlines lately. And now, thanks to his arrest last month for protesting outside the Sudanese embassy, we can add George Clooney to the list. Unfortunately, as pointed out by Sudanese writer Nesrine Malik in British daily “The Guardian,” the U.S. media’s preoccupation seemed not to be with the suffering of the Nuba mountain people (the cause Clooney is advocating for), but with fawning over the virtues of celebrity activism. Malik sarcastically referred to Clooney’s replies to reporters as “beauty pageant contestant responses to what is actually going on in Sudan.” To many Sudanese activists, celebrities like George Clooney come off as well-meaning, but ultimately irresponsible and even potentially destructive to the cause. The problem with Clooney’s selective approach to humanitarianism is that it implicitly perpetuates the idea that genocidal acts are carried out by other governments, never by ours. Most people are unwilling to accept that the economic policies of our own government are (arguably) responsible for most of the world’s suffering. George Clooney should be commended for his efforts to bring awareness to the plight of the people he claims to support, but he also needs to be careful when he tries to oversimplify matters for the general public, and he needs to consider that his humanitarian work might appear to be self-serving to some people. It’s a fine line, for sure. His arrest can only help his image in any case (at least among the Hollywood elite), and if that’s what it takes to bring attention to the situation in Sudan — more power to him. The world needs more high-profile celebrity activists to challenge mainstream power structures — as long as they’re sincere and intelligent about it.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 5

Students design Honda ad

+DYH D %ODVW WKLV 6XPPHU Courtesy photo Students from the Anderson School of Management are collaborating with Honda to advertise the newest model of the 2012 Honda Civic Coupe.

by Elena Saavedra Buckley esaavedrabuckley@gmail.com

Students at the Anderson School of Management are working with Honda to create an advertising campaign to sell real products to real-world customers. Students from the Management 487 promotions class are promoting the new Honda Civic Coupe as part of their marketing campaign in a competition against 20 schools from around the country. The top three schools get to present their campaigns in California to economists from Honda, and the winners will receive $5,000 for their school’s business program. Honda provided a $3,000 budget for each school to spend on the campaign. Last week, Anderson students hosted the on-campus event, “Me and My Civic� which gave

attendees the opportunity to design their own Civic Coupe at an interactive display. UNM student Danielle Silva said the electronic design stations are just one portion of UNM’s student-made campaign, which targets a younger audience. “What’s really cool is that some of the student-made ads will be displayed on billboards around town,� she said. Silva said the event allowed students to explore the Civic Coupe for themselves, including new features such as Eco Assist, a system that helps drivers conserve gas and adjust their driving style for optimal performance, and Satellite-Linked Navigation. She said she hopes UNM’s focus on high-tech marketing tools such as electronic media and the interactive displays will give it an edge over other schools.

“Our marketing techniques coincide with the car,� Silva said. “They’re innovative and cuttingedge, they’re up to date and current. You don’t see other schools using a digital board where you can create your own customized car.� Twenty-eight students are working on the project, which began before the semester started. Anderson School of Marketing Student David Jarry said the program is about gaining work experience in the real world. “It’s an opportunity to work in a real marketing setting with a nationally recognized company,� he said. Silva said Honda is trying to attract Civic Coupe at the younger generation, one reason why the company partnered with UNM. “What better way to advertise toward our generation than with our generation?� she said. Daily Lobo

Attn: Shawn




Instead of reading it, Shawn would rather wear the Cost:

Daily Lobo as a hat...

Shawn is a


110.00 (estimate) new mexico


Candy from page 3 said Matt Pye, vice president for marketing of Bethlehem-based Just Born. “In some ways, consumers are going to help (determine) where this story ends up.� The story has been unfolding this year on social media sites, with hints of trouble between the fictional friends. Mike plans to pursue music, while Ike dabbles in art. “I know it’s hard to believe, but yes — Mike and I split. It is what it is. We just couldn’t agree on stuff anymore. Some call it creative differences? Whatever,� Ike posted. Countered Mike: “We just don’t agree on the candy. My red, his red, my lime, his lime, my box ideas, his box ideas. So over it. Instead of all this hassles, now I’m just gonna jam.� The characters themselves — vaudeville types when the candy debuted in 1940, anthropomorphic fruit in the 1980s — are now absent from the packaging. The latest boxes, billboards and other displays will have one name or the other scratched out. The origin of the brand name remains a mystery even to Just Born, although fans often wonder if it’s named for real people. “Consumers have always



do you like my hat?


___________________________ contacted us and asked: ‘Who are they? The owners? The founders?’� Pye said. That curiosity helped spark the idea of a story line as a new Just Born management team, led by President David Yale, looked to reinvigorate their folksy brands, which include Peeps, Hot Tamales and Peanut Chews. “We have an opportunity to really build them and grow them,� Pye said. The Mike and Ike split was announced on the brand’s Facebook page on April 2. The candy has added more than 200,000 Facebook fans since then, to about 650,000, thanks in part to media reports about what some call Mike and Ike’s gay “divorce.� Whatever the pair’s relationship, The Morning Call of Allentown, in the company’s backyard, noted Friday that such a marriage couldn’t take place in Pennsylvania, which does not have same-sex unions. No matter, some fans are already worried about custody issues. “OK, who gets what colors?� asked Facebook fan Randy Fasnacht. “I’m going to follow whoever gets green.�

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Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program & Research Opportunity Program

Youth Camps

April 16, 2012

The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement by Deborah Kastman & ResearchPlaced Opportunity Program are accepting applications for 2012-2013. UNM Continuing Education If you have any questions Please call 505-277-6216.

COME TO ONE OF OUR INFORMATION SESSIONS When: Tuesday, April 17 Where: Department of History Mesa Vista Hall Suite 1101 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am

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APPLY TODAY! *The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is 100% funded in the amount of $231,488.00 through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education under the Higher Education Act of 1965 Title IV, Part A, Subpart 2. The Research Opportunity Program is funded by the State of New Mexico.

lo mejor otra vez

Page 6 / Monday, April 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting last fall in the 2011 Lo Mejor Student Choice Survey Best Chinese Restaurant

1 Kai’s Chinese Restaurant 2 Big Chow’s 3 P.F. Chang’s Chinese Bistro

Best Japanese Restaurant

1 Japanese Kitchen 2 Azuma Sushi & Teppan 3 Light & Healthy Mirai Express

Best Vietnamese Restaurant

1 2000 Vietnamese Restaurant 2 Viet Taste 3 May Cafe

Best Thai Restaurant

1 Orchid Thai 2 Thai Cuisine II 3 Thai House

Best Indian Restaurant

1 Taj Mahal Cuisine of India 2 India Palace 3 Rasoi

Best Seafood Restaurant

1 Red Lobster 2 Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen 3 Landry’s Seafood House

Best UNM Athletic Team

1 Mens Basketball 2 Mens Soccer 3 Ski Team

Best Steakhouse

1 Texas Roadhouse 2 Outback Steakhouse 3 Marcello’s Chop House

Best Burger

1 Fuddruckers 2 Blake’s Lotaburger 3 Five Guys

Best Coffee Shop

1 Starbucks 2 Satellite Coffee 3 Winning Coffee Co.

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites

lo mejor otra vez

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites 1 2 2 3

Best BBQ Restaurant Rudy’s Bar-B-Q Quarters BBQ The Cube Whole Hog CafÊ

Best Apartment Complex

1 Lobo Village 2 Broadstone Towne Center 3 The Cedars

Best Bowling Alley

1 Holiday Bowl 2 Lucky 66 Bowl 3 Leisure Bowl

Best Cellular Service

1 Verizon Wireless 2 T- Mobile 3 Sprint


Best Place to Get Wings

thanks the Daily Lobo readers for voting LOBO WiFi thebest bestWiFi—three WiFi–four years the yearsininaarow! row!

Best Sushi

Lo Mejor Best WiFi 2010 2011

1 Buffalo Wild Wings 2 Hooters 3 Wingstop

1 2 2 3

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 7

Azuma Sushi & Teppan Sushi King Sushi & Sake Crazy Fish

Best Dessert

1 Flying Star 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Olo Yogurt Studio

Best Wi Fi

1 Lobo Wi-Fi 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Starbucks

IT proudly offers students, faculty and staff IT offers many other services to you. Check out LoboMobile—for Lobos on the Go. LoboMobile is computing.unm.edu to ďŹ nd out whereand all computers and printers UNM’s smart phone application lets you check out are located on campus. Update current contact infolook at library materials, check UNMyour shuttle schedules, loboalerts.unm.edu and stay connectedtowith what's goingVisit on. up names in the campus directory, name a few. Download print drivers to fordownload wireless printing and download free http://it.unm.edu LoboMobile to your antivirus software at it.unm.edu/download. smart phone!

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Page 8 / Monday, April 16, 2012

lo mejor otra vez

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites......

Best UNM Department

1 Anderson School of Management 2 Student Health & Counseling 3 Sociology

1 2 3 3

The Orchid Chamber Lotus Nightclub Olo Yogurt Studio Hinkle Family Fun Center

Best Frozen Yogurt

1 Smith’s 2 Trader Joe’s 3 Whole Foods

1 2 3 3

Best Sporting Goods Store

Big 5 Sporting Goods REI Sports Authority Sports Systems

Best Pet Shop

1 PetSmart 2 Clark’s Pet Emporium 3 PETCO

Olo Yogurt Studio Chillz Frozen Custard Menchies YoYo Bliss

Best Used Clothing Store

1 Buffalo Exchange 2 Family Thrift 3 Thrift Town


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1 2 3 3

Best Under 21 Hangout

Best Grocery Store

E ve N A l b H ill o N Sun-Thurs 12noon-10pm Fri-Sat 12noon-11pm

lo mejor otra vez

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 9

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites Best Place to Dance

1 Dirty Bourbon 2 Lotus Nightclub 3 One Up Elevated Lounge

Best New Clothing Store

1 Forever 21 2 Dillard’s 3 JC Penney

Best Place to Work Out

1 Defined Fitness 2 Johnson Center 3 Planet Fitness

Best Mexican Restaurant

1 Sadie’s of New Mexico 2 Los Cuates 2 Rita’s New Mexican Restaurant 3 Taqueria Mexico

Best Salsa

Best Student Discount

1 Sadie’s of New Mexico 2 Los Cuates 3 El Pinto

1 Free Bus Passes--ABQ Ride 2 Free Tickets to Lobo Athletic Events 3 Defined Fitness 3 Dennys 3 Game day Fridays in the Bookstore

Best Place to Do Laundry

1 Home 2 Harold’s Laundry 3 Campus Laundry

Best Bike Shop

1 The Outdoor Shop (UNM Recreational Services) 2 Sports Systems 3 The Bike Coop 3 Two Wheel Drive

Best Spa

1 Betty’s Bath & Day Spa 2 La Bella Spa & Salon 3 Sandia Resort

Best Student Organization

1 Chi Omega Sorority 2 Sigma Chi Fraternity 3 Kappa Sigma Fraternity

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey!

Here are your favorites......

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Page 10 / Monday, April 16, 2012




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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 11

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lo mejor otra vez

Page 12 / Monday, April 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey!

Here are your favorites......

Thanks to students, faculty, staff, friends and the UNM community for voting us the BEST! #1 Best UNM Area Restaurant




Best Huevos Rancheros Best Late Night Snack Best Green Chile Best Breakfast Best Lunch Best French Fries Best Green Chile Cheeseburger Best New Mexican Restaurant

Best Green Chile Cheeseburger

1 Blake’s Lotaburger 2 Frontier 3 Bob’s Burgers

1 2 3 3

1 2 2 3

Best Place to Have Breakfast

Frontier Weck’s IHOP Village Inn

Best New Mexican Restaurant

Sadie’s of New Mexico Frontier El Pinto Los Cuates

Best Good, Hot Green Chile

1 Frontier 2 Sadie’s of New Mexico 3 Twisters

Best Huevos Rancheros

1 Frontier 2 Flying Star 3 Weck’s

1 2 3 3

Best Burrito

Golden Pride Dos Hermanos Frontier Twisters

Best Romantic Restaurant

1 2 2 3 3

The Melting Pot Artichoke Cafe Gyros Mediterranean Bravo! Cucina Italiana Scalo Northern Italian Grill

Best Late Night Snack

1 Frontier 2 Taco Bell 3 McDonald’s

Best Vegetarian Restaurant

1 Annapurna’s World Vegetarian CafÊ 2 Sweet Tomatoes 3 Thai Cuisine II 3 Tomato CafÊ

Best UNM Area Restaurant

1 Frontier 2 Saggio’s 3 Kai’s Chinese Restaurant

Best Burrito

#1 Best Burrito

lo lo mejor otra vez

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 13

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites

1 Star Tattoo 2 Route 66 Fine Line Tattoo 3 Tinta Cantina

Best Microbrewery

1 Marble Brewery 2 Kelly’s 3 Il Vicino

Best Place of Worship

1 Aquinas Newman Center 2 Sagebrush Community Church 3 First Unitarian Church 3 Legacy Church

Best Coupon Companion Coupon

1 Saggio’s 2 Coldstone 3 SUB Theatre Coupon

Olive Garden Bravo! Cucina Italiana Buca Di Beppo Saggio’s Trombino’s Bistro Italiano


Best Pizza Place

1 Saggio’s 2 Dion’s 3 Pizza 9

Best Buffet

1 Furr’s Family Dining 2 Golden Corral 3 Sandia Casino


Tiki Tuesdays! The TV Killers Yards • Andy Wagner

$4 Tiki Drinks All Night


Vinyl And Verses

18 $1 Tecate Draft til Midnight Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

Advertising Sales 101 Stand out from the crowd with on-the-job training!

$3 Vodka Drinks


Best Place to Eat on Campus

1 Saggio’s Big Slice 2 Chick-fil-A 3 Sahara



1 2 2 3 3

Best Italian Restaurant


Best Tattoo Parlor

1 M&M Smoke Shop 2 The Orchid Chamber 3 Hookah Kings




The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone


Roger Jameson

Jaded Heart Band 20 and the The Highgraders


1 ASUMN Community Experience 2 Lobo Spirit 3 Give Blood-United Blood Services 3 Road Runner Food Bank

Best Smoke Shop



Texylvania 66 Guns • Farthouse Featuring DJ Mello

Check out


for the monthly calendar! NEVER

Best Way to Volunteer




It’s a competitive world out there. When you graduate, if you have real experience with sales, deadlines, marketing campaigns and customer relations, you will have the competitive edge over applicants with just a degree. The Daily Lobo Advertising Sales Team offers real world experience, flexible scheduling, paid training, and the potential to earn fantastic pay—all while working from campus.

Join the Daily Lobo Advertising Sales Team and get the competitive edge you need! Contact Daven at 277-5656 or send your resume to advertising@dailylobo.com You may also apply online at unmjobs.edu

lo mejor otra vez

Page 14 / Monday, April 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites...... 1 1 2 3

UNM's Source for Greek Food

Best Margarita

El Pinto Garduno’s of Mexico Sadie’s of New Mexico Ojos Locos

thank YOU 106 Cornell SE Just south of Frontier

FOR KEEPING US AS ONE OF YOUR fAVORITES ~look for our coupon in this issue! ~


1 2 3 3

mON-fRI 11-10 Sat 11:30-10 sun 12-9

Place to Take a Date

1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 The Tram 3 The Orchid Chamber

Best Place to Have Lunch

1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 Frontier 3 Saggio’s

Best Bar or Nightclub

1 Monte Vista Fire Station 2 Dirty Bourbon 3 Anodyne

Best Appetizer

Which Wich? Gyros Mediterranean Subway Cheba Hut

Best Daily Lobo Coupon

Best Salon

1 Inspire 2 Aveda 3 La Bella Spa & Salon

Best Sandwich Shop

1 Pita Pit 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Frontier

Best Greek Restaurant

1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 Olympia CafÊ 3 Yanni’s Mediterranean Grill

Best Live Music Venue

1 Hard Rock Pavilion 2 Sunshine Theater 3 Launchpad

Best Health Service

1 Student Health & Counseling 2 Presbyterian 3 UNM Hospital

1 Gyros Meditteranean 2 Applebee’s 3 Elephant Bar

, 3 ,

Advertising Design 101 Stand out from the crowd with real portfolio experience! Ready to get real world design experience? The Daily Lobo is highering an Advertising designer to work on advertising production and marketing materials. Get your work publish and build a great portfolio that will translate to real world opportunities after graduation! Get ready to turn student employment into a life experience as you work with a professional advertising staff and UNM’s flagship publication! Join the Daily Lobo Advertising Sales Team and get the competitive edge you need! Contact Daven at 277-5656

or send your resume to advertising@dailylobo.com

You may also apply online at unmjobs.edu

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lo mejor otra vez

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 15

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites Best Piercing Studio

1 Evolution Body Piercing 2 Star Tattoo 3 The Zone

1 2 3 3

1 2 2 3

Best Bar Food

Best Fast Food Restaurant

Taco Bell McDonald’s Wendy’s Pita Pit

Best Snow Resort

Kelly’s Brew Pub Two Fools Tavern Applebee’s O’Niell’s

1 Ski Santa Fe 2 Durango Mountain Resort 3 Taos Ski Valley Resort

Best Bookstore

Best Adult Store

1 Barnes & Noble 2 UNM Bookstore 3 Borders

1 Castle Megastore 2 Self Serve 3 Flirty Lingerie

Best Place to Play Pool

Best Happy Hour

1 Anodyne 2 cUeNM 3 Downtown Distillery

1 Sonic 2 Elephant Bar 3 Geckos

Best French Fries

Best Alternative Mode of Transportation

1 McDonald’s 2 Frontier 3 Blake’s Lotaburger

1 Bicycle 2 ABQ Ride 3 Golf Cart (HAM 1)

Best Class at UNM

Best Banking Service

1 Classics 107 (Greek Mythology) 2 Big Screen Rome 3 Psych 101

1 2 2 3

Best Teacher at UNM

Monica Cyrino Marty Martinez Ryan Goodman Steven Alley

Best Place to Study

1 New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union 2 Wells Fargo 3 Bank of America

Best Ski/Snowboard Shop

1 Sport Systems 2 REI 3 UNM Recreational Services

1 Zimmerman Library 2 Parish Library 3 Chi Omega Sorority House

Best Theater

1 Century Rio 24 2 Century 14 Downtown 3 The Guild

Best Used Car Dealership

1 Carmax 2 Cross Country 3 Garcia Honda

Best Strip Club

1 TD’s 2 Fantasy World 3 The Palms

Best Gas Station

1 Smiths 2 Valero 3 7 Eleven

frappĂŠs buy one

get one FREE



Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 04/30/12

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 04/30/12

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Page 16 / Monday, April 16, 2012

UNM PD Annual Bicycle Auction The UNM Police Department would like to extend an invitation to the University Community. We will be having our annual bicycle auction on Thursday, April 19th, from 10 AM to 2PM at the Sustainability Expo east of the SUB. The bicycles we have are unclaimed, unregistered bicycles from the UNM campus. If you think we may have your bicycle, please call 277-0081 to make sure that we will not be auctioning off a bike that may belong to you.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Dodgers best Padres

We also have several musical instruments, a number of calculators and iClickers and a few Lobo items up for auction.

Reed Saxon / Associated Press San Diego Padres catcher Nick Hundley, right, tags out Los Angeles Dodgers’ Juan Uribe who was trying to score on a Dee Gordon single in the second inning of a baseball game in Los Angeles on Sunday. All players wore No. 42 jerseys in honor of Jackie Robinson on the 65th anniversary of his breaking the Major League Baseball color barrier. The Dodgers wore retro Brooklyn Dodger helmets.

by Beth Harris

The Associated Press


Highly readable content. Though we appreciate your dedicated readership, please use caution when attempting to read the Daily Lobo in unconventional situations.

Los Angeles, Calif. — The San Diego Padres are ready to play someone else. They sure can’t beat the Los Angeles Dodgers. They continued to struggle against their NL West rival, losing 5-4 Sunday for their ninth consecutive defeat at Dodger Stadium. The teams have played seven times already this season, with the Padres losing six of seven and four in a row. Their latest setback included being on the wrong end of a bizarre triple play tied 4-all in the top of the ninth inning. Chris Denorfia led off with a single against Javy Guerra (1-0) and Chase Headley walked. Jesus Guzman squared to bunt, but the pitch came high and tight and hit his bat as he backed away. The ball landed in front of the plate and catcher A.J. Ellis alertly picked it up and threw to third. Guzman, startled by what happened, didn’t run to first base, which made it easy for third baseman Juan Uribe to relay to shortstop Dee Gordon at second base. In turn, he threw to James Loney to complete the triple play. “As soon as I got the ball to Juan and nobody was running I said, ‘This is going to be a triple play,’” Ellis said. “They were sure it was a foul ball and we were sure it was a bunted ball.” Padres manager Bud Black came out to argue with plate umpire and crew chief Dale Scott, who ejected him. “It happened so fast,” said Black, who thought he heard two sounds when the ball hit the bat. “It sounded funny.”

He came into the clubhouse and watched a replay. “There’s not many times where a ball headed for the face turns into a triple play,” Black said. “I looked at the tape, and it was a fair ball.” Headley saw Scott’s hands go up and believed the umpire was signaling that the ball hit the bat, then hit him in the batter’s box, making it a foul ball. “When he throws his hands up like that, it’s supposed to be a foul ball. I told him that five times. He said that he was just trying to get out of the way,” Headley said. “He wasn’t just sticking his hands up. He waved them, and to me, that means foul ball, regardless of whether it hit him or didn’t hit him. That’s irrelevant.” Scott told a pool reporter that the umpiring crew didn’t see the ball hit the batter. “It was off the bat and then straight down,” he said. “We saw several angles, including the replay here and we also called in and asked for the replay from New York and looked at that. The ball went straight down and I thought it hit the bat. I heard bat.” Gordon singled home the winning run in the bottom of the ninth for the Dodgers’ sixth straight win. “It was just a crazy occurrence,” Headley said about the triple play. Black said, “We’re been involved in some close games that have hinged on a key play, especially late in the game.” Brad Brach (0-1) took the loss in the series finale. San Diego opens a three-game series at Colorado on Monday.

Sports Briefs baseball

San Diego, Calif. — San Diego State’s Cody Smith singled in the bottom of the ninth inning to beat the men’s baseball team 4-3 Sunday afternoon. First-place UNM won the first two games of the three-game series and is 9-3 in conference play. The Lobos beat the Aztecs, 5-1 and 11-4, in the first two matchups.

Do not attempt to pilot an aircraft vehicle while reading the Daily Lobo. A FRIENDLY PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Track & field

El Paso, Texas — The track and field team finished with 22 top-15 finishes over the weekend at the UTEP Invitational. Sophomore long jumper Kendall Spencer, who recorded the second longest jump in the world last weekend at the Don Kirby Tailwind Invitational, led the way with a second-place finish in the same event with a jump of 25 feet, 4.5 inches.


World Voice Day Starts at: 10:00am Location: SUB 3rd Floor In honor of World Voice Day the UNM chapter is offering free voice screenings and chair massage. Human Rights and Socail Justice: Work by Taller de Grafica Popular Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Zimmerman Library 2nd Floor

For more information call: 277-0818 or pheffern@unm.edu ADHD Coping Skills Workshop Series Starts at: 1:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn to maintain focus in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Wednesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Anger Management Workshop Starts at: 3:00pm Location: UNM SHAC

Learn to develop alternative responses to problematic situations in this one-part workshop. NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537. Mindfulness Meditation Workshop Series Starts at: 4:00pm Location: UNM SHAC Learn skills to broaden awareness in this 4-part workshop series (offered on Tuesdays). NO CHARGE to UNM Students! Call 277-4537.

Men’s soccer

Dallas, Texas — The men’s soccer team beat Southern Methodist University 2-1 on Saturday. Down 1-0 with eight minutes left in the game, senior forward Blake Smith scored the equalizing goal and sent the game into overtime. In the extra period, Smith struck again to give the Lobos a come-from-behind victory.

Women’s tennis

Fort Worth, Texas — The women’s tennis team lost to No. 38 TCU 6-1 on Saturday to fall to 8-11 this season. The Lobos lost all three doubles matches to go down 1-0 early on. The Horned Frogs finished off the Lobos by winning five of the six singles matches. Sophomore Michaela Bezdickova was the only Lobo to record a win, beating TCU’s Stefanie Tan, 6-2, 6-3.

Event Calendar

for April 16, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! COMMUNITY EVENTS Edge of Color Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute Edge of Color will showcase Tamarind artists associated with the hard-edge/color-field movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Jazz Choir Starts at: 6:00pm Location: 500 Lomas Blvd. NE

This fun class will help you with vocal techniques and offer opportunities for solos and improvisation. The class concludes with a concert on the last class date.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 / PAGE 17


A new image starts with giving

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Head coach Bob Davie speaks to the football team Saturday at University Stadium. High school coaches and students from the Lobo Football Youth Experience were in attendance for the practice.

by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu The UNM football team spent its ninth spring practice of the year teaching kids the basics of football. “It’s good to give back,” defensive lineman Rod Davis told Golobos.com. “For us to be out here and to coach the kids and be around them is a good thing for everybody.” 150 high school coaches and more than 400 grade school children from kindergarten through eighth grade attended Saturday morning at University Stadium. “It’s nice that we can do this and give back to the community and the kids,” junior tackle Darryl Johnson told Golobos.com. “You always have fun when there are kids around.” Head coach Bob Davie said interacting with the Football Coaches Clinic and the Lobo Football Youth Experience for the two-hour practice was a great way to connect with the football community. “These last 10 years just


from PAGE

being out in communities every weekend all across this country, you see how important high school football is on Friday nights,” Davie said. Davie said he would attend high school games almost every Friday in the city he was broadcasting in when he was at ESPN. Inviting coaches to practice is a way for Davie to show what kind of a program he is running at UNM, Davie said. “This is the first step in building a relationship with these guys,” he said. In his first press conference as head coach in November, Davie mentioned that recruiting in New Mexico would be a priority for him. This opportunity to have an inside look into the operations of Davie’s program for high school coaches could be the bridge that connects high school talent to UNM football, he said. After three one-win seasons and several scandals within the football program under former head coach Mike Locksley, Davie said the football program is trying to improve its image.

“If you ask the kids who were out here today what our record was the last three years, they’d have no idea, and that’s how it should be,” Davie said. Repairing the team’s image seems to be easier than repairing its losing record, he said. “I don’t like to practice in the stadium ever, but particularly right now,” Davie said. “We’re not even near ready to go into that stadium.” Davie said injured players and transfers have depleted the Lobos’ roster. “It’s frustrating because we really can’t practice the way we really need to practice in this situation,” Davie said. “Because of the limited numbers, we can’t scrimmage as much as we’d like to. We don’t have as much as competition at positions as we’d like to have.” Even with the struggles on the field, Davie said Saturday’s practice was a positive one. “It was great for our players to be around young people, feel like they’re giving something back,” Davie said.

Eldorado, beat Bryce’s, La Cueva, 75-72. Cullen’s 34 points led the Eagles to their first state title since 2005. Their sons’ college decisions may provide a glimpse of what the future may hold for the two Lobo coaches. Bryce committed to UNM to play under his dad and join his brother Kory. Cullen will head to Saint Mary’s this fall and play for head coach Randy Bennett, partly

because the Lobos have a deep roster, but also because Cullen’s dad will probably be a head coach elsewhere soon. Neal has been a top candidate for head coaching positions across the country in the last couple of years. It’s no longer a matter of if, but when Neal will land a head coaching job where he can earn the kind of recognition he’s been helping Alford get the past eight years.

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!


MWC consistently. Alford’s defensive schemes and Neal’s offensive tactics complement each other’s strengths to make a winning basketball program. The two are also responsible for molding two of the best high school players in the state — their sons. Neal’s son Cullen and Alford’s son Bryce each led their team to the state championship game in the last month. Cullen’s team,

Apply to be a Daily Lobo photographer at

unmjobs.unm.edu Don’t worry... it kinda looks like you’re taking notes.

daily crossword in the lobo features

DAILY LOBO new mexico


defeated Arizona State 15-6 San Diego State 5-1 & 11-4

Men’s Tennis

defeated Hawai’i 7-0

lobo features

Page 18 / Monday, April 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Weekly Horoscopes by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

You will solve sudoku. Capricorn—Do your best to be tactful ing moves based on your gut feeling be- you’ve accomplished this year, you’ll fi-

Solution to last week’s problem available at


55 Woman’s sleeveless undergarment, for short 57 Watchman’s order 61 Tasseled headgear 62 One who follows tornadoes ... or an apt description of the starts of 17-, 30-, 39- and 46Across 65 Get along in years 66 “Casablanca,” for one 67 Protein-building acid 68 Low-quality 69 Make off with 70 Liberal voter, slangily Down 1 Scribbles (down) 2 “That’s __ of hooey!” 3 “Casablanca” heroine 4 Leans to port or to starboard 5 “Get it?” 6 Draw up plans for 7 “Fathers and Sons” novelist Turgenev 8 Chevy’s plug-in hybrid 9 Rap sheet abbr. 10 Some Avis rentals 11 The Volga River flows into it 12 Dedicated poetry 13 “Holy guacamole!” 18 Copenhagen native 23 Not quite timely 25 Skin breakout 26 Uncle Remus title 27 Hard-__: very strict

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


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28 Eye-related prefix 29 Spoke from the pulpit 31 Refresh, as a cup of coffee 32 Psychic hotline “skill,” briefly 33 Shine 34 Fifth-largest planet 36 Old Greek markets 40 Capt. saluters 41 “__ momento!” 42 Neutral shade 47 Cricks and tics 48 Saddle knob



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Level 1 2 3 4

Across 1 Puts behind bars 6 Opera headliners 11 Dairy creature 14 Stan’s sidekick, in old comedy 15 Call forth 16 Hubbub 17 Dish that’s thrown together? 19 Fix a button, say 20 PDQ, in the ICU 21 “__ I a stinker?”: Bugs Bunny 22 Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa 24 Belted out 26 __ B’rith: Jewish org. 27 Phone bk. info 30 Where 6-Across often are when performing 35 Most of 34-Down’s surface 37 Sugar suffix 38 Visiting Hollywood, say 39 Protective feature of most power strips 43 Ticklish Muppet 44 Bearded grassland grazer 45 Rib cage locale 46 Wall protector near a room entrance 50 Campfire residue 51 Catches some Z’s 52 Musical work 54 Traveler’s entry document





nally be willing to give yourself a break this week. Once you’ve enjoyed a taste of sweet rest and relaxation, expect that you’ll want more and more of it. Keep this is check as you’re likely to use the “I deserve this” excuse for slacking off. Don’t make all your hard work for nothing. When it’s time to get back to work, don’t forget how to turn that mode on. Libra—Your mind is working about five times faster than your limbs can execute whatever it is you’re working toward. If you can, pull together a few people to help you get it done, even if it’s a study group to take things off your mind that threaten to kill any focus you can muster. Your desires are scattered over too many projects to manage at once, so do your best to choose the worthiest few to devote your time and energy to. Scorpio—A heavy funk settles over your thoughts this week. As a result, any obligations will feel like a trudge through tar. However, you can’t just sit in the muck and let yourself get stuck. In this case, it’s important to keep your eye on the finish line. You’ll feel better at the end knowing that you did your best getting through it, and if you look around you’ll find you’re not the only one struggling this week. Sagittarius—For a while there, a chronic relationship problem had you feeling like you weren’t a part of the picture. You’re not a selfish person, but it doesn’t help the relationship if you let resentment grow instead of directly addressing the problem. Be serious and sit this person down. If they really care about you they’ll do what they can to balance the relationship. If not, think hard about continuing the relationship.

new mexico

cause your intuition is likely to betray you. It’s difficult to know what moves you should make, but use your head and if you don’t have all the facts to make a solid decision, procrastinate until you’re feeling more prepared. This is not a time to rush through anything, so plan ahead and go over lists even once you think you’ve taken care of business. Gemini—This is the beginning of a more relaxed period for you, though the next couple of weeks you may have a hard time adjusting to the sluggish pace that accompanies the Taurus sun. Think of it this way: baking some goodies takes time in which you could watch T.V. or catch up on homework. If you let yourself get sidetracked, you can bet you’ll have some burnt cookies. Practice your focusing skills and stay in the moment. Cancer—Just when you thought you couldn’t take the heat any longer, the sun moved in Taurus giving you a rest. The sign rules recreational activity, encouraging folks to enjoy earthly pleasures and take care of themselves. If you’ve got a full plate to deal with still, just know you’ll be feeling a bit lazy over the next month. That said, it’s best that you chop work up into bits and take a little at a time. Leo—You may be feeling that people are dropping off your social network like leaves off a tree in autumn. However, you can’t blame this one on circumstances beyond your control. It’s difficult to shake off your biased view of your own behavior, so perhaps open up communication with the people concerned. Ask them openly what is happening and you’ll feel better if you take responsibility rather than flaring up at their honesty. Virgo—As a reward for all the hard work


with others, even if you feel you’ve been diplomatic and patient long enough. It will serve your long-term interests to stay on good terms with these people as they may prove to be lucrative social connections. In the meantime, you should find constructively destructive ways to vent any aggression or you risk going off at inopportune moments. Aquarius—If you’re in a tight situation, financially or academically, you’ll want to be doubly sure to stay on your toes this week. You’ll tend to be impulsive, causing you to overlook deadlines and overestimate account balances. Tie a knot around your finger or whatever serves you best as a reminder. On the sunny side, you’re enterprising which will drum up some opportunities, but wait a week or so to pursue new beginnings. Pisces—If you can afford to recede like a wave into the ocean where you explore the depths of the universe, or your mind, please take the time to do so. The answers that surface are beneficial to your personal growth which, over time, will reveal the solution to universal problems. Don’t embark on this journey with the goal in mind; forget the end of the tunnel and enjoy living in the moment. Aries—Your thinking is likely to be all over the map this week which will put you at a disadvantage whenever the situation calls for logic. On the other hand, last-minute creative solutions may do the trick as you aptly patch up problems that aren’t so straight-forward or easily resolved. No matter who’s watching, make sure you’re performing your best as you never know who they’ll tell about it. Taurus—Don’t take any chances mak-

49 Sweeping in scope 53 Disgrace 54 Folk singer Suzanne 55 Sheltered inlet 56 “The Marriage of Figaro” highlight 58 “In your dreams!” 59 Pre-Easter time 60 City tricked by a wooden horse 61 “Marvy!” 63 Trike rider 64 Actor Holbrook


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Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers


STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

Indoor Garden Supplies • hydroponics • indoor grow lights • and organics! www.ahlgrows.com 1051 San Mateo Blvd SE • 255-3677

A NICE LARGE 1BR, 5 blocks to UNM, 504 Columbia SE, NP, $525, 266-3059.

LOST SMALL BROWN wooden rosary


on North Campus. 505-681-0169.

3 blocks west of campus. Sycamore. 505-842-0126 or 505-203-1633.

USB AND KEYS found at Columbia and

Lead. Email jshepar1@unm.edu to identify.

Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instruc-

tor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.


consultation call 750-1398 or 750-2423. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR.

Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects.

Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars.


GO GREEN ROOFING New roof/ repairs.

Lifetime warranties, energy efficient roofing. Licensed/ bonded. Call Victor at 505-410-9069. ALGEBRA, CALCULUS TUTOR. Call 410-6157.

Your Space I LOVE YOU to the Milky Way and back. I’ll be here for you with churros when you get out the pen. Angels on your pellow. Kri$tin. DEAREST TRIPPY, I love you to the moon and back. Love, Tripp. :) PROFESSIONAL

RESUME WRITING Services. 25 years as Job Developer. Reasonable rates. Contact: stillstanding22@aol.com


UNM Psychology research study. Seeking healthy women aged 18-35 who work at least 20 hrs/wk as servers in full-service dine-in restaurants. For their time and inconvenience, participants will be entered for a drawing for $100 Visa gift cards. If interested, please call or email Professor Geoffrey Miller at gfmiller@unm.edu, (505) 277-1967, for more information.

Lost and Found FOUND PHONE AT South Lot bus stop.

Call to identify. 610-1589.

Low Cost

Dental Cleanings, X-Rays & Sealants UNM Dental Hygiene Clinic

(505) 272-4106

Condos 1BDRM CONDO PAID utilities with W/D

and dishwasher. $675/mo. +$500 deposit. 328-9124.

Houses For Rent campus. 2/3BDRM house, 1BA, wood floors, cheery colors, w/d available. $1200/mo; 1 year lease. Call Ruth 250-9961 to schedule appointment. HOUSE FOR RENT Ridgcrest Area

2BDRM, one bath, excellent area for UNM students. Must have references, first and last months rent. $900/mo. 262-2490.

Rooms For Rent

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs.

3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

DO YOU HAVE Type 1 Diabetes? Are you a nonsmoker, 18 years or older? Are you currently taking long-acting and meal-time insulin injections? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a inhaled insulin research study. If you qualify, all study-related medical care, lab tests, and medications will be provided. You will be compensated for your time. Please call Lisa Toelle at 505-272-1663.


PERFECT LOCATION 4 blocks from


Looking for You

Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

April 12. Email to identify. lebrun@unm.edu

looking for new and experienced models. All welcome. TFCD. Google JW_vi sions. Email JW_visions@yahoo.com

NEED SOME HELP working things out? Call Agora! 277-3013. www.agoracares.com


FOUND: DECK OF magic cards in SUB

please call or text. 505-239-9131.


INTERESTED IN SPORTS Marketing? Howl Raisers is now accepting applications for the 2012-2013 Board. Work one on one with Lobo Athletics--Marketing, coaches and student athletes to help increase student attendance at athletic events. A list of positions and applications are available by request. raisers@unm.edu.

2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE.

1 BLOCK UNM- 1020sqft, hardwood floors, 1BDRM, 2 walk-in closets, FP, backyard, parking included. No pets. $700/mo. Incredible charm! 345-2000.

LOST IPOD IN woodward hall if found


FEMALE NEEDED TO take over Lobo Village lease. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, workout facilities. Available May. May rent covered. Contact Courtney 505-412-2780. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 2BDRM on Central and Louisiana. Cinnamon Tree Apartments. $315/mo +electric. 505-231-5955. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3BDRM house near North Campus $425/mo +1/4utilities. W/D included. Relaxed environment, backyard, garden, chickens. 505-228-7439, leucosticte@gmail.com FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM house in University Heights/ Harvard Drive area. $425/mo +1/2utilities. Available 5/15. Call Kyra for interview 907-854-8028. FOR GRADUATE students, fully furnished house, 2 minute walk to UNM/UNMH. Accepting summer/fall term applicants. Water, WIFI, Cleaning service provided. Call 610-1142.


LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool and fitness center. Contact Jessikha 816-589-8491. Email jaiwill.unm.edu LOOKING FOR MALE roommate to


www.keithproperties.com Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947. ATTRACTIVE



LARGE 2BDRM, NEW carpet, gated,

pool, NP, $830/month, includes utilities, 255-2685. 2 BDRM 1 bath $600/mo new carpet

close to UNM. W/D hookup Please call LaJean 505-410-2315. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM

and 1 BA. $600/mo. 419 Vassar SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106 from 9am- 1pm. THE ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Department is currently hiring for Police Officer and Police Service Aide. Contact recruiters today! 505-343-5000 or log on to APDonline.com for more information. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary

student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. QUIKRETE- BUSINESS/COMMUNICATIONS MAJORS: outside seasonal cus-

tomer support position in NM and El Paso, TX areas (April through September). Retail merchandising, inventory assessments, product training and promotional events. Reliable transportation is a must, lifting 80lbs, various weekends. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursement. Resumes to thovda@quikrete.com ASAP, but not later than 4/17/12.


BLUE JACKSON ELECTRIC Guitar for sale for $325 OBO. dpyke09@unm.edu or text 575-418-7778.

Vehicles For Sale

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presby-


terian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 116 Sycamore. $550/mo +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. May 1st. Call 550-1579.

Ford Escort with only 99K miles. Drives great. $3,700OBO. 933-1782. 1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 en-

gine, four barrel carburetor. Asking $2500. If interested, call Sam at 505-916-7064.

Jobs Off Campus YMCA CENTRAL NM currently taking

applications for lifeguards and swim instructors. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. 505-265-6971.


(TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance. Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 5/31/12. Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

Minutes M from UN We are certain you will love our luxurious gated community and the convenience of the upscale amenities (fitness center, theatre room, billiards room, computer lounge and much more) located at your door step! FOR MORE INFO CALL:

505-243-6688 t 1801 GIBSON SE

ing: HVAC Technician, Ground Keeper, Line Cook, Room Attendant, Room Inspector, Laundry Attendant AM and PM, Houseman, and Bellman. Apply at 2020 Menaul BLVD NE. TRICORE REFERENCE LABORATORIES has an excellent part time opportu-

nity for a Benefits and Compensation Assistant. The qualified candidate will assist with administrative functions and support of department. Responsible for filing, searching, faxing and administrative support for special projects. Exercise independent judgment, initiative, self-motivation, problem solving abilities and confidentiality in performing assigned duties. The qualified candidate will have at least a High School diploma and Two (2) years in a general clerical/administrative position. In addition, the candidate should be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook with accurate typing skills of 50 wpm. Demonstrated experience working in a fast paced office environment and/or Human Resources experience preferred. The largest medical laboratory in New Mexico, TriCore Reference Laboratories provides comprehensive medical testing (everything from simple cholesterol screens to complex geneticsbased testing) to a statewide network of Hospitals, Physicians, and Healthcare Providers. 1001 Woodward Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87102 For more information on these opportunities and to apply, please visit out website at: www.tri core.org Pre-employment drug screening required. EOE/M/F/V/D

In the Enterprise Management Training Program you’ll lead an ambitious team and run a million dollar business. Are you ready to make real decisions everyday? If so, you can join a company BusinessWeek Magazine named one of the “Best Places to Launch a Career” for four years in a row.

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now ac-

cepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information.


For Sale

FALL 2012 TEACH and Learn in Korea

MCM ELEGANTE HOTEL currently hir-

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to take over five month lease starting in May at Sun Village Apartments. $500/mo +electricity. mlacome@unm.edu

LINCOLN TOWNCAR FULLY loaded, looks/ drives like new. $3,000. 933-1782.

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM- FEMALE ONLY- for 2012-13 school yr. Rent is $517/month. Will pay 1st month and app. fee. Contact Kay at 505-331-1823 or email kwilli09@unm.edu

SEEKING PERMANENT PT sales person. Retail experience preferred. Position starts mid May. Evening shifts only. Apply in person.



Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

THE LIBRARY BAR & Grill is hiring! Looking for attractive people, eager to work in a fast-paced environment, with HUGE earning opportunity! Will train! Cocktail waitresses, bartenders, and security. Apply in person at 312 Central Ave SW.

take over lease at new Casas Del Rio on campus. 2 BDRM 2 BA 4 person suite fully furnished. All utilities/WiFi $511/mo. Will cover $50 application fee. Call 228-3809.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus.



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Year Round Garden Supply

Monday, April 16, 2012 / Page 19

500 financial company seeks to fill two positions, email resume: marni.mcmullen@nmfn.com


Apply online at www.go.enterprise.com or contact: Yvonne Aragon phone: (505) 830-8948 Competitive Salary plus bonuses email: yvonne.aragon@erac.com Excellent Benefits Package

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LoboSports Sports Editor / Nathan Farmer


20 Monday April 16, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Seniors’ last game ends in loss to Boise State by Michael Warren msw0618@unm.edu

On a brisk, sunny afternoon, the UNM men’s tennis team took to the courts for its final home match of the season. The Lobos lost to Boise State 5-2, to fall to 16-7 on the season.

“I’ll hate to see these seniors go. They’ve done a great job on the court and in the classroom.” ~Alan Dils men’s tennis head coach “If we have four or five more points anywhere, we win,” UNM head coach Alan Dils said. “Our level of tennis today was better than last weekend.” For seniors Phil Anderson, Ben Dunbar, Matthew Nield and Carl Ho, the loss marked the final home match of their careers. Dils said the four seniors will be missed. “I’ll hate to see these seniors go,” Dils said. “They’ve done a great job on the court and in the classroom.” The match began on a rough note as the Lobos lost the doubles point 2-1. The two teams split the first two matches, but Boise came out on top in the third and deciding match. The pair of Ho and freshman James Hignett battled Broncos Andrew Bettles and Filipp Pogostkin to tiebreakers before eventually losing 9-7. “It’s more like a chess match in the tiebreakers,” Ho said. The matches were close, but the Lobos’ luck didn’t change during the singles portion of the day. The Lobos won two of six matches, and three matches took three sets to decide a winner. The Lobos’ highlight of the

afternoon came in the No. 6 match, which saw Ho defeat Boise State junior Scott Sears to win his final home match. The victory also extended Ho’s singles win streak to 12. “I feel fortunate to play for the Lobos,” Ho said. “I don’t think about the streak. (Dils) tells us that each match starts at square one. That’s how you have to handle it.” Another bright spot for UNM was the No. 4 match, as Lobo junior Conor Berg defeated Bronco sophomore Nathan Sereke, 6-7 (3-7), 7-6 (12-10), 1-0 (14-12). A tightly contested match, all three sets were settled in tiebreakers. In the No. 1 match, Lobo junior Jadon Phillips lost to Bronco junior James Meredith in two sets 6-4, 6-2. The No. 2 match saw Dunbar face Boise State’s senior Damian Hume. Dunbar lost a dramatic match, 6-7, 6-4, 6-3, winning the first set in a tiebreaker before squandering leads to lose both the second and third sets. A closely fought No. 3 match saw Anderson fall to Bronco sophomore Andrew Bettles in two sets, 7-6 (7-4), 7-6 (7-5), both of which went to tiebreakers. “That’s just tennis,” Anderson said. “It was a super fun battle and hopefully I’ll win next time.” In the No. 5 match, UNM freshman Samir Iftikhar lost to Pogostkin, 7-6 (7-4), 1-6, 6-3. In a match that reflected the intensity of the day’s play, Iftikhar lost the first set in a tiebreaker before winning the second set to force the third. Pogostkin proved too much for Iftikhar in the third set. The Lobos will be in action again on Saturday when they travel to TCU to close out the regular season. The Mountain West Conference tournament begins on April 27 in San Diego. Senior Phil Anderson grimaces in frustration during Saturday’s loss to Boise State at the Linda Estes Tennis Center. Anderson lost in both singles and doubles matches. The Lobo tennis team lost 5-2 to Boise State. Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo


Loss of Neal would be a blow to men’s basketball by Cesar Davila


Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Lobo basketball associate head coach Craig Neal directs the offense in the game against TCU on Jan. 28 at The Pit. Neal was a finalist for the head coaching position at Colorado State University but will remain at UNM for the upcoming season after CSU selected Larry Eustachy from the University of Southern Mississippi for the coaching job.

The men’s basketball program dodged a bullet. Lobo associate head coach Craig Neal did not land the Colorado State head coaching position last week, which means he’ll stay at UNM — for now. In a sports landscape where superstar athletes are idolized, head coaches revered and everyone else is pushed aside, the people not in the spotlight are often the most important pieces to a successful team. For every Phil Jackson, there’s a Tex Winter. Winter, a longtime assistant of Jackson, created the triangle offense, which Jackson successfully used in a two-decade span to win 11 NBA championships as the head coach of the Chicago Bulls and the Los Angeles Lakers. And in the past eight years, Neal has been to Lobo head coach Steve Alford what Winter was to Jackson. The Indiana native joined longtime friend Alford at Iowa in

2004. As associate head coach, Neal helped the Hawkeyes win 25 games in the 2005-06 season, the second greatest number wins in school history. Neal, an offensive guru, is also a great recruiter. The year following the 25-win season, Iowa had one of the top recruiting classes in the country. The AlfordNeal tandem combined for a 6335 record in three seasons, until Alford resigned. The Hawkeyes were just 89-71 in four seasons under Alford, without Neal. When UNM hired Alford in 2007, Neal was quickly added to the coaching staff and the two haven’t missed a beat. The Lobos are 126-46 in the five years the two have been at UNM, including the only 30-win season in school history. The Lobos have captured two Mountain West regular season titles and won the conference tournament this past season. And just like in Iowa, Neal has brought talent to New Mexico and kept the program on top of the

see Neal PAGE 17

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