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Spotlight see page 2


April 19, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Group to find provost WRC hosts event Faculty president: Position will be filled by applicant from within the University by Kevin Forte kforte@unm.edu

Provost Suzanne Ortega will resign from her position in June, and a committee to find her temporary replacement will publicly interview applicants starting next week. President Schmidly announced in his April 4 Monday Morning Message that Ortega opted out of a renewed contract with UNM to take a job offer back East. Schmidly appointed Faculty Senate President Richard Wood to chair the internal search committee for an interim provost. Wood said the committee will replaceme Ortega with a UNM faculty member. He said a joint effort between faculty and administration is crucial to the selection process. “That’s a really important improvement in shared governance of the University — to have the faculty and administration deeply connected as we look for a new provost,” he said. Applicants will hold open forums next week, where they will give presentations and field questions from faculty and students. Wood said the committee hopes to make a recommendation to Schmidly by May 6. The faculty member chosen to replace Ortega will serve as provost until Schmidly’s contract

expires in June 2012. A temporary appointment will allow the University’s next president the opportunity to appoint a provost. “The idea would be to have someone who bridges between the current president and the next president,” Wood said. “Typically a provost is appointed permanently and serves at the pleasure of the president.” Because of time constraints, the search committee isn’t accepting applicants outside UNM, Wood said. He said appointing an interim provost from within won’t take more than two months. “Usually when you search for a provost, you look outside, within and beyond the University,” he said. “Typically that takes a year to do. But what do you do in the meantime? You can’t leave the University rudderless.”

For more information on interim provost public forums, contact Kevin Stevenson at 277-0582.

The search committee is made up of 19 members, including Wood. Schmidly and Wood worked together to select committee members who adequately represent the UNM community. ASUNM Sen. Caroline Muraida and GPSA President-elect Katie Richardson serve as student government representatives on the committee. Muraida said student representation is invaluable to the selection process. “We advocate for the priorities of students because we represent those who are directly affected by the quality of academic affairs within this University,” she said. To be considered, applicants must have a doctorate or terminal degree and experience in a leadership role. April 20 is the deadline for applications for best consideration. Wood said the provost appointment is one of the most important decisions the University will make this year. “It’s not a political appointment; it’s an academic appointment requiring intellectual judgment,” he said. “And our belief is that the faculty are in the best position to have a strong voice in that. But that we need representation from the key student groups, the staff and the administration.”

to help rape victims by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

The ages of sexual assault victims in New Mexico range from as young as 6 weeks to 90 years old, according to data compiled by the Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico, and one in four women in the state will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. In an effort to address the harrowing statistics, the UNM Women’s Resource Center will host an event today to discuss services available for victims and survivors. “The best way to help somebody is to believe them, straight up. Don’t ask them any qualifying questions. Just allow them control over their own bodies,” said Summer Little, the WRC interim director. “A lot of people don’t report to anybody because they don’t feel anybody will believe them.” Today’s event begins at 11 a.m. in SUB Ballroom C. More than 20 campus groups helped organize the event, including the LGBTQ Resource Center, El Centro de la Raza and the Student Health and Counseling Center. New Mexico Attorney General Gary King will speak at 12:15 p.m. about state sex trafficking. More than 100,000 minors are in the commercial sex-trade in the

SNAP program users increase

Texas battles rampant wildfires

Associated Press

by April Castro Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas — David and Kris Griffin returned home from out-oftown weekend trips on Monday to find that their house was one of at least 20 in their Austin neighborhood destroyed or nearly destroyed by a weekend wildfire. Nearly all of their possessions went up in flames, and George, their cat of 11 years, was missing. Making their loss even tougher to grasp, the homes on both sides of theirs survived relatively unscathed. “All the other houses got saved except ours ... we’re just kind of speechless right now,” said Kris Griffin. She said finding the cat was their priority, because their possessions were replaceable. Authorities charged a 60-yearold homeless man with arson on Monday, saying he defied a nearly statewide burn ban and left a campfire untended Saturday when

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 139

United States, according to the Polaris Project, a leading organization against human trafficking. Eighty percent of human trafficking victims are women, King said. In 2008, the Attorney General’s office, spearheaded by King, passed a law that made human trafficking a felony crime. So far, New Mexico has prosecuted two cases, Assistant Attorney General Maria Sanchez-Gagne said. She said it’s too early to tell if the law has reduced state human trafficking. The forum will provide resources for sexual assault victims and divert the dialogue away from revictimization, Little said. Sexual assault victims are often accused of lying about instances of abuse, or told the abuse was their fault, which adds to the trauma. “If you put yourself out there and people start analyzing, ‘You put this on or you went to this place,’ it’s revictimizing,” Little said. “We all need to speak up against perpetuating myths of sexual assault.” Little said the forum looks to form allies with men. “This is a men’s issue,” she said. “They need to intervene when they see something wrong. Every man is not going to sexually assault someone, but every man will meet a sexual assault survivor in their lifetime.”

Alberto Martinez / AP Photo Mike Warren stands in front of his house in Oak Hill. Texas, on Monday, after his home was destroyed in Sunday’s fire on. Fire officials toured a smoldering area of the state capital, finding that a weekend wildfire destroyed at least 10 homes and damaged 10 others. he went to a store to buy beer. Fire officials say wind-blown embers ignited the blaze, which spread quickly through a suburban-like area of southwest Austin and forced the evacuation of about 200 homes. The blaze destroyed 10 homes in the affected area and significantly damaged 10 others, and

those numbers were likely to rise as fire officials continued searching the affected area, said Austin Fire Department spokesman Palmer Buck. One of the driest spells in Texas history has left most of the state in extreme drought, and wildfires in various parts of the state have burned more than 1,000 square

Getting hitched

Hearttugging photos

See page 3

See page 3

miles of land in the past week — an area that together would equal the size of Rhode Island. Gov. Rick Perry asked President Barack Obama on Sunday for federal disaster funding, and forestry officials said Monday that the threat of new wildfires remained extremely high in the western part of the state.

One in five New Mexicans now receives government help to buy food. The number of people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, soared as the nation’s economy began sinking a couple of years ago, with more than 400,000 New Mexico residents now receiving the benefits, the Albuquerque Journal Monday reported in a copyright story. SNAP benefits, once known as food stamps, are a safety net for people who have fallen on tough times. The program is based on income. A family of four, for example, can make up to $3,032 a month and qualify. New Mexico figures show the average SNAP beneficiary in March received $296. The U.S. Department of

see SNAP page 2


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PageTwo Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Drew Morrison,

Sophomore, Theater Daily Lobo: Have you pursued theater all your life? Drew Morrison: I got started in eighth grade, and I had done some school plays before that, but nothing too serious. I did it every year of high school. DL: What do you do to be serious about theater? DM: I’ve been doing a lot of theater classes, but I do as many shows as I can, usually one or two a semester, hopefully. I also volunteer outside of school. There are a lot of local theater companies around, like Tricklock, and I’ve done some volunteer work with them. This semester I did “Ghost Sonata,” and last semester I was in “Firebugs” and “Traitors.” DL: So do you think your glasses help with your art cred? DM: Maybe a little bit. I don’t wear them onstage. I guess the whole “Weezer” thing might construe it a little bit but … DL: What appeals to you in the theater? DM: I’ve come to like everything at one point or another. I do like a lot of weird stuff. I like absurdism, and I have enjoyed

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Spotlight: Drew Morrison

working with Shakespeare and such in the past. Classical theater can be a lot of fun, and I’ve enjoyed that a lot. It’s all just a matter of doing what makes you grow. If you’re learning stuff and if you’re developing as a performer and you’re having a good time at it, that’s really what you should be doing. DL: Do you like pissing people off or do you avoid conflict? DM: I certainly don’t avoid it, I’m not looking to irritate anyone but theater is meant to ask questions and pose conflict that otherwise might not get talked about. … Life is so interesting, and life is so complex, I just try to embrace everything. DL: I heard once that French theater is the writer’s theater, British theater is the actor’s theater and American theater is the director’s theater. What do you think about that? DM: I don’t know. In Albuquerque, you can see a lot of interesting different kinds of theater. I haven’t been to New York before; I haven’t seen things that people stereotype American theater as. I think everybody has a place here. ~Eva Dameron

Eva Dameron / Daily Lobo

SNAP from page 1


The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


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Opinion Editor Nathan New Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero


issue 139

Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark

replace direct federal funding for SNAP with block grants to states. The intent is to encourage states to limit enrollment and curb the program’s $80 billion annual cost. The state doesn’t yet know possible effects, but it has the potential to limit New Mexico’s ability to enroll additional beneficiaries in times of greater need, McCracken said.


20 HU


volume 115

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg

in total economic activity,” Anders said. “So that one SNAP dollar is not just helping a family buy a meal, it’s helping local grocers and other workers stay employed.” Republicans in the U.S. House have unveiled a budget that would sharply cut food aid for the poor. The 2012 budget resolution passed Friday by the House would






DAILY LOBO new mexico

Patricia Anders, an attorney at the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, said the state is lucky the program works the way it does because it meets demand when the demand rises. The program is funded entirely by the federal government. “Every dollar spent in SNAP benefits actually generates $1.79


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Gonzales McCracken. “Compared to other states, our SNAP participation is in the top four or top five,” McCracken said. “But we know that there are still 33 percent (of eligible) families that qualify for the program who aren’t enrolled.” New Mexico falls among the five poorest states.



Agriculture, which administers the program, last year approved a New Mexico plan that allows people who make up to 165 percent of the federal poverty level to enroll in SNAP. The previous level was 130 percent. The USDA acted after the state asked it to make it easier to get benefits, said state Human Services Department spokeswoman Betina


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 / Page 3

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Anthony Devlin/ AP Photo Metropolitan police officers carry out security checks on drains and lamp posts Thursday along the Mall in central London, ahead of the Royal wedding.

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 04/30/11

Security prepares for wedding by Gregory Katz Associated Press

LONDON — Public areas near Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey in London are being checked by special security teams in advance of the April 29 royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Police said Tuesday they had checked areas along the parade route for explosives that might have been hidden in drains, lampposts, traffic lights and other possible hiding places. The goal of the checks, expected to continue until the big event is concluded, is to make the route the

royal couple will use as secure as possible. Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Fairman, who is coordinating the sweeps, said all vulnerable areas will be checked. “Officers are trained to be vigilant and check areas where items may have been hidden,” he said. The wedding, one of the most anticipated public events in recent years, will draw an extraordinary collection of royals, politicians and VIPs included Queen Elizabeth II and roughly 50 foreign heads of state. That poses a severe security challenge, especially since the royal entourage will use a parade

LA Times wins two Pulitzer Prizes by John Rogers Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles Times, long heralded for its national and international coverage, stayed close to home to reveal a massive corruption scandal and take a gripping look at the effects of gang violence that won two Pulitzer Prizes Monday. Dozens of people cheered and snapped pictures in the Times downtown newsroom when it was announced the paper had won one Pulitzer for public service for reporting that officials in the suburban city of Bell had paid themselves exorbitant salaries, and another for feature photography for portraits of the victims of gang violence taken by photographer Barbara Davidson. The Times has now won 41 Pulitzer Prizes.

“We gave a small town, we gave them an opportunity to speak out. Thats what newspapers do.” ~Ruben Vives Writer Jubilant staff writer Jeff Gottlieb, a reporter on the Bell corruption story, clutched a bottle of champagne and offered to fill the glass of anyone who approached as colleagues came

forward to offer hugs and handshakes. Ruben Vives, 32, teamed with Gottlieb on the story, which came to eventually involve about two dozen staffers, including reporters, editors and columnists. “Last Wednesday was my birthday,” Vives said, smiling. “I guess this is my birthday present.” Their revelations regarding how officials hid their gigantic salaries from the residents of the blue-collar town where one in six people live in poverty led to a citizens revolt that culminated last month when voters put the entire City Council out of office. “The real victors in this are the people of Bell, who were able to get rid of — there’s no other way to say it — an oppressive regime,” said Gottlieb, 57. The revelations gave a major moral boost to the Times as it perseveres through financial troubles. Editor Russ Stanton said the paper doesn’t always get the attention it deserves for its coverage of local news. “At a time when people are saying newspapers are dying, I think this is the day when we can say, no, not really,” Vives said. “We gave a small town, we gave them an opportunity to speak out. That’s what newspapers do.” Davidson’s photographs exposed the enduring heartbreak suffered by innocent victims of gang violence and their loved ones. She spent two years documenting the stories, sometimes meeting with people several times to win their trust before

see Prizes page 5

route that has been publicly announced several months ahead of time. Police expect huge crowds to throng the parade route from the abbey to the palace, where the newlyweds are expected to emerge on a balcony in front of the multitudes for the traditional post-wedding kiss. They are likely to be joined by other senior royals. In addition to the security sweeps, Scotland Yard plans to identify a small number of individuals thought to have an unhealthy obsession with the royal family and conduct surveillance to make sure they don’t cause trouble on the wedding day.



Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 04/30/11

It’s alright... your math homework can wait.

sudoku in the lobo features

DAILY LOBO new mexico

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New



Tuesday April 19, 2011


Letter UNM Veterans Resource Center needs financial help, stability Editor, Because of the economic climate and the expansion of the GI Bill, many military service members have decided to return to school. Having served their country at home and overseas, these student veterans have elected to use educational benefits at UNM. The UNM community has an opportunity to increase the enrollment of returning student veterans, ensure their academic success and provide the necessary infrastructure for the UNM Veterans Resource Center. Currently, the UNM Veterans Resource Center has one full-time employee who certifies more than 900 student veterans. On the other hand, Central New Mexico Community College employs three active certifying officials to do the same job. UNM’s student veteran enrollment increases every semester, and the population of returning veterans looking to attend a school has not slowed. Recently, the director of the UNM Veterans Resource Center resigned, adding to the strain of enrolling and retaining our student veteran community. Student veterans not only contribute to the academic success and diversity of the UNM community, but also contribute to our financial well-being. Because of student veterans, UNM receives millions in tuition and fees every year from the federal government. Certifying officials are essential to this process, by approving classes under federal guidelines and maintaining certification for student veterans with the Department of Veteran Affairs. The certifying official is the only person who can contact the VA regional office, and the official often coordinates with other UNM offices to prevent student veterans from being financially dropped. The UNM community benefits from the enrollment of student veterans in many ways, and the UNM Veterans Resource Center is crucial to keeping active service members, veterans and their dependents in school. As the population of student veterans grows every semester, the UNM Veterans Resource Center must respond to compete nationally and locally with other universities. One immediate solution is to hire two part-time certifying officials and additional academic advisers to efficiently streamline the GI Bill benefits process. We, as the UNM community, must continue to support student veterans and ensure that students who start school graduate with a degree. Andres F. Lazo Student veteran

Editorial Board

Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief


The art of coping with stress by Nathan New Opinion Editor

Dr. Peg is out this week, so I will be filling in as the voice of health-consciousness. I’m glad to have the opportunity because I think students should receive wellness tips from peers and trained professionals. But only fellow students can truly relate to the issues you’re dealing with and offer advice in the parlance of our times. So the first thing I’d advise is that you melt a stick of butter and free-base some Altoids. Let’s get started. Students often deal with worries. Worry that you’ve not studied hard enough to pass a test, that you’re not prepared for class, or that your significant other has a thing for their lab partner. Worry leads to sadness and stress, which can wreak havoc on your immune system and drain your energy. In a book called Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Robert Sapolsky introduces the idea that we should deal with worry the way animals do: by fighting, running, or some other spontaneous action that frees our minds of stress and allows us to focus on immediate concerns. Do that. Whenever you feel worried or are bringing yourself down, get impulsive and express it. Don’t internalize stress. You’ll just cause yourself physical damage. I, for one, have a bad habit of carrying my stress in my stomach, which gives me stomach aches. I stay awake at night and think about all of the things I should have done that day, and that makes me feel guilty and restless. I often deal with this by rapping Usher lyrics into my pillow, but

we’ll get to my disturbing release methods in a minute. I shouldn’t oversimplify that idea. Just finding an outlet for frustrations will not solve the problem entirely. Rather, finding the root of worry is key. You must identify what it is, at its core, that causes worry/frustration/stress. By acknowledging it (even if it is something that is hard for you to accept), you fight half the battle.

Don’t internalize stress. You’ll just cause yourself physical damage. Then, I recommend treating that realization with a sense of humor. Especially if the underlying problem makes you feel inadequate, it will do wonders to take it less seriously. Let’s say you embarrassed yourself in class today. You thought you had a good point, but got laughed at. While it’s easy to say you don’t care about what people think of you, you probably do. And it’s eating you up inside. What I like to do is visualize everyone getting pulled apart by horses while I cackle from my throne. No. I mean what I like to do is put on Kid Rock and do pushups. I mean, what I like to do is to recognize that my embarrassment stems from my insecurity, which always wants to be right. Once I remind myself that no one in the course of history has

been right 100 percent of the time, my worry fades. I have nothing to compare myself to and no reason to feel stupid. I laugh it off because I know that every mistake is a valuable lesson, and my happiness does not depend on getting my peers to agree with me. And once I’m done with all that, I feel fine. I laugh at myself for caring in the first place. As many wise people have said, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” And I’ll echo that sentiment to the fullest. Don’t give a single shit about the little problems. Focus on the big ones, and run past the little ones like a proud Zebra. I can’t stress enough (no pun intended) the value of meditation. I know it’s hard to sit still for a few minutes and do nothing but breathe. But if you can do that one thing, I think you’ll find that the stressrelease process mentioned earlier happens naturally. Meditation can be so much more than just sitting, though. Lift weights. Listen to music. Nap with your eyes open. It’s whatever you can do to steady your mind. And the key is to keep your mind from sabotaging your body. If all else fails, most people know how to grab a beer, and that’s cool, too. I’m an advocate of whatever helps you get past your worry. While alcohol does destroy the body, it soothes the mind. It can also get you laid, which is perhaps the greatest stress-relieving tactic. So go get laid. I really can’t think of any better way to get over your worries.

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.



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The Bankruptcy Store Barbara Davidson / AP Photo Jamiel Shaw Sr. kneels before Jas’ coffin during funeral services in Los Angeles. This was among the photos that helped earn the Los Angeles Times a Pulitzer Prize in feature photography on Monday.


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an $8.2 billion buyout engineered by real estate mogul Sam Zell. The U.S. economy plunged into the recession around the time the buyout was completed, triggering staff cuts at the Times before and after the bankruptcy filing.

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about $1.5 million. Four of the five City Council members received salaries of about $100,000 a year, the police chief $457,000 — far more than the Los Angeles police chief — and the assistant city manager more than $375,000. Last September, eight Bell officials were arrested and charged with numerous counts of fraud, misappropriation of public funds, falsification of public records and other crimes. They are awaiting trial. It was later learned that Bell officials funded their lucrative salaries by improperly raising property taxes, business license fees, trash collection fees and other sources of revenue. Property taxes in Bell had become higher than those in Beverly Hills until the state controller’s office ordered the tax money refunded. After Gottlieb and Vives filed their initial report, the Times promised it would stay on top of the story. The Times has been hobbled by the troubles of its owner, Tribune Co., which has been operating under federal bankruptcy protection since December 2008. Tribune Co. has been trying to shed debt it took on in


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photographing them. She said Monday she was humbled by the award. Her photos show images of children brutally scarred by bullets, of a woman left paralyzed who struggles to tell her children she can never walk again, and of a man devastated by the murder of his son, a star athlete. The Pulitzer judges called her work “an intimate story of innocent victims trapped in the city’s crossfire of deadly violence.” The Times broke the Bell salaries story last July after Gottlieb and Vives, looking into the finances of another city, heard from an investigator in the district attorney’s office that an inquiry was under way into the salaries of Bell’s City Council members. After weeks of pressing Bell officials to fulfill their California Public Records request, the reporters learned former City Manager Robert Rizzo was paid an annual base salary of nearly $800,000, almost twice that of President Barack Obama. With lucrative vacation pay and other perks he granted to himself, Rizzo had an annual compensation package of






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Page 6 / Tuesday, April 18, 2011


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Patient awarded millions Associated Press

LAS VEGAS, N.M. — A San Miguel County jury has awarded a Raton woman $9 million against three doctors after she suffered heart damage when her heart attack was not diagnosed for more than a day. Bryanna Baker’s attorney, Randi McGinn, said that despite the verdict, the law has a $600,000 cap on what Baker can collect from each doctor, meaning she could collect $1.8 million. McGinn said she plans to challenge the cap’s constitutionality. Jurors on Friday awarded the compensatory damages after finding physicians Misbah Zmily and Lee Caruana of Raton and Stephanie Hedstrom of Albuquerque negligent in handling Baker’s medical treatment in November 2006. None of the attorneys for the physicians immediately returned a call Monday from The Associated Press seeking comment on whether they plan to appeal the verdict. Baker’s future medical bills will

be paid from a patient compensation fund. McGinn estimated those costs at $5 million. McGinn said Baker’s heart was severely damaged, and the woman, now 29, likely will need a heart transplant. The physicians’ attorneys hammered away at McGinn’s case during a three-week trial. Zmily’s attorney, Jennifer Hall, said Baker came to the emergency room in Raton with multiple symptoms, not just crushing chest pain, and that heart attacks are rare among 24-year-old women. If the diagnosis was so easy, she argued, why did so many physicians at Miners’ Colfax Medical Center in Raton, Alta Vista Regional Hospital in Las Vegas and University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque miss the heart attack? Baker went to Miners’ Colfax Medical Center after experiencing severe crushing chest pain and other symptoms and was transferred to Alta Vista. She eventually ended up at University of New Mexico Hospital.

Attorney Ann Maggiore, representing Hedstrom, argued her client did everything she was supposed to ensure Baker was aware of her potentially serious condition, including mailing information to her. Lorri Krehbiel, attorney for Caruana, argued that doctors ordering tests are responsible for following up, and that Caruana was not negligent. McGinn accused Zmily, an emergency room doctor, of abandoning Baker to see other patients who were not as ill. McGinn contended that by the time Baker arrived at Alta Vista, the classic heart attack symptoms had changed. Hedstrom supervised a doctor who saw Baker a year before her heart attack when an abnormal lab result indicated a potentially lifethreatening condition. Hedstrom should have done more to ensure Baker knew the seriousness of the lab result, McGinn said. Caruana, who referred Baker to the specialist, failed to take action when he saw the abnormal lab result, McGinn argued.

More trouble in miner rescue Associated Press

BOISE, Idaho — Rescuers faced mounting obstacles Monday as they tried to reach an Idaho silver miner trapped a mile underground: They will need more equipment, need to clear more than twice as much debris and must dislodge boulders that stand in the way. The effort to reach 30-year mining veteran Larry Marek had stretched into a third day after he was trapped when the roof of a tunnel collapsed about 5:30 p.m. Friday at the Lucky Friday mine in Mullan. Officials did

not know Marek’s condition, and they have not had contact with him since the collapse. “It’s been very different every day,” said Melanie Hennessey, spokeswoman for Hecla Mining, where Marek has worked for 12 years. “That’s because of the complexity of the fallen ground.” The company also was deploying a diamond drill to determine if there is an open area behind the cave-in that could have provided Marek with refuge. A 2-inch hole from the drill could allow fresh air into the area, though it may take as long as two days to bore from a nearby tunnel through about 185 feet of rock, Hennessey said.

“The amount of work needed to do the 4 feet, given the increase in height, is tremendous.” ~Melanie Hennessey Spokeswoman, Hecla Mining The accident Friday comes as a spike in silver prices boosts the Coeur d’Alene company’s mining of the precious metal. Silver prices have soared about 38 percent this year, and Hecla is spending $200 million to increase silver production by about 60 percent. It is expanding the historic Lucky Friday mine, tucked into the forested mountains of the Idaho Panhandle’s Silver Valley, and extending its life beyond 2030. Like mining areas around the world, northern Idaho is not immune to accidents, some of them tragic. Last June, a miner was killed in the Galena Mine in nearby Silverton after a rock slab fell on him. In 1972, 91 miners were killed in a fire about 3,700 feet underground inside the Sunshine Mine between Kellogg and Wallace. In the Lucky Friday mine, workers engaged Monday in the time-consuming task of shoring up the cavedin tunnel to prevent another collapse, and officials said a crew had placed timber supports in only an additional several feet over a span of about 12 hours. “The amount of work needed to do the 4 feet, given the increase in height, is tremendous,” Hennessey said, adding the speed of the advance depends on the material rescuers encounter. Hecla Mining officials said Monday that workers had advanced a to-

tal of 39 feet into the collapsed area, which could be as long as 75 feet. The ground that fell is up to 25 feet high and 20 feet wide, more than twice as high previously thought. Hecla officials said that’s made shoring up the tunnel to make it safe for rescue workers more complex and timeconsuming. Workers, who had lowered a remote-controlled digging machine called a mucker to speed rescue efforts, also were awaiting the arrival of an electrical component before they could employ a digger with larger capacity. It’s unclear if Marek had communication equipment with him at the time of the accident; it could have been left in a vehicle he was using at the time. Marek, 53, and his brother, another mine worker, had just finished watering down blasted-out rock and ore on existing mining areas when the collapse occurred about 75 feet from the end of the 6,150-foot deep tunnel, according to the company. His brother was able to escape. The family asked for the media to respect its privacy as it awaits news. Hecla said all mining activity has been halted for the rescue effort. Officials said they will focus on how the collapse occurred once the rescue is complete. The mine employs roughly 275 workers, about 50 of whom were underground in various parts of the mine when the collapse occurred, company spokeswoman Melanie Hennessey said. On its website, Hecla describes itself as the oldest U.S.-based precious metals mining company in North America and the largest silver producer in the U.S. Hecla currently produces silver from two mines, Greens Creek and Lucky Friday, a mine that has been operational since 1942. Hecla appears to have a good record of health and safety at Lucky Friday. The mine has reported no fatalities dating back to 2000, according to a Mine Safety and Health Administration database. The federal regulator has cited the mine for violations, but none in the last year specifically tied to the kind of accident that occurred Friday. In 2009, the company agreed to pay $177,500 in fines for violating federal clean water laws at Lucky Friday. EPA investigators said the mine exceeded discharge levels for metals such as lead, zinc, cadmium and suspended solids between September 2008 and February 2009. Discharges flow into the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River above the town of Mullan.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, April 18, 2011 / Page 7

news briefs

Officer fired, faces charges in wife’s death An Albuquerque police officer who was indicted last week on charges related to the death of his wife has been fired. Police Chief Ray Schultz announced the dismissal of Levi Chavez during a news conference Monday. Chavez faces counts of murder and tampering with evidence. His wife, Tera Chavez, was found dead in the couple’s Los Lunas home with a gunshot wound to the mouth in October 2007. The officer’s service weapon was found by her body. Chavez has maintained his innocence. Between 2007 and 2009, he was placed on administrative leave with pay and administrative duty. Chavez is also a defendant in a lawsuit filed by Tera Chavez’s family. The city of Albuquerque in February settled its portion of the lawsuit, which involved claims of negligent hiring and supervision.

Man convicted for intent to distribute cocaine A 49-year-old man from Loving has been sentenced to five years in federal prison for conspiracy to possess cocaine with the intent to distribute. Efrain Santos Onsurez will serve four years on supervised release after his prison sentence. U.S. Attorney Kenneth Gonzales of Albuquerque says the charges resulted from a two-year Drug Enforcement Administration investigation into a cocaine trafficking organization

Affordable Student Housing operating in southern New Mexico and El Paso, Texas. The U.S. Attorney’s Office says Onsurez admitted two kilograms of cocaine were delivered to his ranch in Loving between April and June 2010 and that other members of the conspiracy sold the cocaine.

State: Man poached 39 animals, hunted illegally TAOS — A pretrial hearing is set Tuesday for a Taos man accused of poaching 39 animals and throwing several carcasses off the Rio Grande Gorge bridge in northern New Mexico. Ray Cortez has pleaded not guilty. The state Game and Fish Department accused him of the illegal killing and possessing 29 deer, five bears, a cougar and four elk through August 2010 and of outfitting without a license. The charges were filed Jan. 21 after search warrants alleged Cortez possessed numerous game animal parts but no licenses or carcass tags showing legal ownership. The 25-year-old Cortez previously was convicted of hunting cougars in a closed area, hunting cougars without a license, hunting turkeys during a closed season and violating the summer closure at the Valle Vidal.

Fewer homes for sale puts market in stalemate SANTA FE — The board president of the Santa Fe Association of Realtors says there is no sign of a rebound in the local real estate market.

Sales information for the first quarter of 2011 released by the association last week showed about the same number of home sales closed as last year. President JoAnne Vigil Coppler said the median price countywide for a single-family sale was $355,000 — down 2.7 percent from a year ago. There are fewer homes on the market, a 14 percent drop from 2010. Some of that represents fewer foreclosures, which RealtyTrac reported last week. The small inventory also could indicate reluctance of some owners to sell at today’s market price. “Sellers may be choosing to rent rather than put their houses up for sale in the competitive market,” Coppler said. Veteran agent Lois Sury says fewer houses up for sale also reflects a less mobile society. “People aren’t moving for jobs, and those who need to sell a home to buy another can’t,” Sury said. Many of the home-mortgage applicants coming into Santa Fe banks are from first-time buyers, said Pam Trujillo, a lender with Community Bank in Santa Fe. Paperwork and underwriting are tougher than ever, but new buyers can go forward with an offer that’s not contingent on a home sale. “A lot more local people are looking to buy,” Trujillo said. “Those without a house to sell, there are less complications.” Santa Fe’s foreclosure numbers are down, following a national trend which shows all foreclosure activities from default notices to auctions to bank sales are down from a year ago.

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Woman pleads not guilty in murder case by Susan Montoya Bryan Associated Press

A woman who helped her fiancé and two other men flee an Arizona prison pleaded not guilty Monday to federal charges in the deaths of an Oklahoma couple who authorities say were killed in New Mexico while the escapees were running from the law. Shackled and wearing an orange jumpsuit, Casslyn Welch appeared before U.S. Magistrate Robert Scott in Albuquerque. The 44-year-old Welch dabbed her eyes with a tissue and looked several times at the victims’ family and friends before the proceedings began. Welch told the judge she understood the charges, and her attorneys entered the not guilty plea on her behalf. Welch faces carjacking and murder counts in the August 2010 deaths of Gary and Linda Haas, both 61, of Tecumseh, Okla. Prosecutors say the three targeted the Haases at a rest stop in New Mexico for the couple’s camping trailer. The Haases were on their way to Colorado to meet friends for an annual camping trip. The couple’s remains were found with their burned-out camping trailer on a remote ranch in eastern New Mexico. “They meant the world to us,” Gary Haas’ younger sister, Linda Rook, said outside the courthouse Monday. “This is the hardest thing we’ve ever been through. We’re just looking for justice.” Rook, Gary Haas’ 81-year-old mother, Vivian Haas, and the couple’s only daughter, son-in-law and infant grandson were among the group of family and friends who traveled from various states to see

Welch make her initial appearance. Family members said not a day goes by when they don’t think about Gary and Linda Haas, high school sweethearts who loved fishing and traveling. “We’re still all suffering,” Rook said. Welch was brought to New Mexico after pleading guilty last week in Arizona to state charges of helping her cousin and fiancé, John McCluskey, and two other men flee a prison near Kingman. The escape sparked a nationwide manhunt. Welch has acknowledged throwing cutting tools onto the grounds of the medium-security prison near Kingman, which allowed McCluskey, Tracy Province and Daniel Renwick to break through a perimeter fence and flee into the desert. She also acknowledged supplying the men with guns and money, and Renwick with a get-away vehicle. Renwick was captured after a police shootout in western Colorado. Province, McCluskey and Welch found themselves without transportation and hijacked a semi-truck at gunpoint near Kingman, forcing the drivers to take them to Flagstaff. Authorities caught up with Province, then Welch and McCluskey. Province pleaded not guilty to federal charges related to the couple’s deaths during his arraignment in Albuquerque in February. McCluskey has pleaded not guilty to the state charges in Arizona, and he will not likely be transferred to New Mexico to face the federal charges until that case is resolved. Prosecutors have said all three defendants could face the death penalty if convicted of killing the Haases.


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Page 8 / Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Choral program Stand out in an audition scores new score by Graham Gentz gbgentz@unm.edu

I don’t know if I’ve gotten better at auditioning in the years I’ve been an actor. You certainly never stop learning about acting — new tools, methods, head games, and modes of attack and thought. But auditioning is still not easy, and it’s a skill on its own. Even directing shows hasn’t done much for empathizing with the man behind the curtain. Every director wants something different visually or verbally from the cattle call of actors humping through to perform a pre-memorized monologue or cold script reading. I always preferred cold readings for auditions. I thought they were more relevant to the process of casting, and I felt like my acting aptitude to make a dead text sound like impassioned speech was better used and tested. What I am better at, I think, is dealing with being judged and assessed. Rejection is at the forefront of people’s minds in an audition, particularly if you’re emotionally invested in the part. Beating that pressure down into small parts of nervous energy is important. Pressure and rejection is something people will go to no small measure to avoid (See: Facebook). But rejection is integral to the entire process of auditioning. So get used to being told, “We regret to inform you that you were not cast for this specific play.” Get used to this kind of rejection not affecting your self-worth. It’s absolutely rough when you

don’t get the totally sweet lead role you desperately wanted in the World’s Coolest Play Ever, but the kind of accurate self-assessment can’t come from the human elements of an outside decision to cast you in a show. I try to think more along of the lines of, “What am I going to do differently to get the next part so that the director can clearly tell I rock?”

You want to be memorable. You want the director to be thinking about the performance you gave when they’re thinking about the actors they want in their cast. Something I’ve learned about auditioning is that the point is to stand out. You want to be memorable. You want the director to be thinking about the performance you gave when they’re thinking about the actors they want in their cast. This might be going beyond what you’d think is an appropriate level of energy or enthusiasm for a live performance. One of my major metacognitive triggers is my awareness or worry about overacting. You don’t want to look

like an idiot or that you don’t know what you’re doing. Overacting comes from a lack of understanding or control. But remember that you’re not in front of an audience. You’re in front of a director who you’re trying to convince that you’re talented — that you have the range and ability to fill the parts they need. If that means stage whispering to get a cheap laugh, suddenly screaming your head off at the dramatic climax of a despondent soliloquy, or messing with the rhythm of speech so much it sounds like English might be your second language — then change back. Don’t just stand there. Do something! Even if you have the script in your off-hand and you’re trying with much difficulty to keep track of your words, act as though it’s the most important rehearsal of the show. Look, move, touch, sigh, laugh, react to the other person — do anything you would do in an actual performance. Nerves are normal, but for an audition, nerves are the enemy. Nerves tell you not to stand out, not to be That Guy — especially if it ultimately leads to rejection. But in theater and in an audition, you want to be That Guy — that weird one who everyone remembers. Theater people are weird. I don’t need to tell you that. But since theater people casting a show will be looking for weird theater people to do weird theater things, this plays to your advantage. And in a theater audition, you need to play to all your strengths and weaknesses.

by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

UNM’s choral program commissioned a piece on death to celebrate its 100 years of life. About a year ago, UNM Choral Activities Director Brad Ellingboe approached world-renowned composer Rene Clausen to request a piece to celebrate the program’s centennial. It just so happened that, at the time, Clausen was thinking about doing a Requiem. “The choir that he works with at Concordia College is basically the best on the planet,” Ellingboe said. “But also he writes a lot of music. So when we’re having this 100th anniversary, it was just a plum for us.” The University Chorus, the Concert Choir and UNM Orchestra are collaborating to execute the world debut of Clausen’s Requiem, which departs from a 20th-century modern style and encompasses fuller, more traditional 21st-century harmony, Ellingboe said. Already, Clausen’s piece is scheduled to be performed the next concert season at Lincoln Center in New York City and the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. He served as the conductor of the Concordia Choir of Concordia College for 25 years, during which time he was the artistic director of award-winning Christmas concerts. He has been a guest conductor of major choruses and orchestras and has composed 32 works. “The implication is we’re pretty good to have had this piece written for us,” Ellingboe said. “Otherwise he would’ve written a different

piece.” Camille Kelly, alto section leader for the Concert Choir, said that the group performed other Requiems so the Latin wasn’t difficult to sing. She said an audience with no exposure to the music should still draw meaning from it. “It’s really a unique piece, not like any other Requiem out there,” she said. “Rene Clausen was able to create these images almost. There’s this one piece called ‘In Paradisum,’ which is ‘In Paradise,’ and the strings and orchestra comes in, and it just sounds heavenly.” Ellingboe said the UNM choral program was honored that the piece will debut at UNM. He said it will enjoy longevity. “It is a major new contribution to our repertoire, and we’re really proud to be the people that made it happen,” he said. “I have no doubt that this piece will continue to live on to be done around the country, around the world, and I’m really proud that UNM brought it into birth.”

Rene Clausen’s


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TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2011 / PAGE 9

With finals coming up, everyone needs a study break regardless of whether they’ve actually been studying. For some, this will mean endless house parties, bar parties, graduation parties, “I hope I’m graduating” parties, “damn, I almost graduated” parties and “at least six more years of college to go” parties. For others, this will mean sitting alone in the dark playing Call of Duty online and pretending those people you know from Xbox Live count as friends. But for the more cultured, “study break” means one thing: concerts. So the Daily Lobo presents a guide to the best live music between now and the end of the semester.


Noise-rock band Lightning Bolt comes to our fair state to spread its gospel of jazzy/metally/hard-rocky awesomeness. It’s hard to describe how these guys sound, but suffice to say, they play fast. If moshing like the possessed is your thing, it will be well worth it to grab the Rail Runner to Santa Fe to see the band work its magic.


For all you hipsters who were disappointed that the Octopus Project didn’t show up for its scheduled Launchpad show last month, the venue is offering you a chance to flaunt your true, ironically mismatched colors in a special make-up date. This may be the most hipster event to come to town for a while, so hop on your fixie and ride down to the Launchpad. They’re playing with some band called the Gatherers and some other band called Daffodil Megasaurus, but I guess I’m not deck enough to know about those bands.

Lightning Bolt VFW Hall (Santa Fe) All ages $10

The Octopus Project Launchpad All ages $10

Saturday Justin Hood Launchpad All Ages $10

April 26

Social Distortion Sunshine Theater All Ages $35

April 30

Prozak El Rey Theater 21 + Price TBA

Local electro-hip-hop artist/rapper Justin Hood is dropping his new album, The Falling Season tonight. The promo video (available on YouTube), features music by the Bloody Beetroots and is surprisingly awesome. The flier, featuring an oddly creepy picture of a teddy bear, advertises six other Albuquerque acts playing with Hood, so the show should be well worth the price of admission. Show up early to get a free CD, available for the first 150 through the door. Although $35 is a ridiculous asking price to see a bunch of aging punks, Social Distortion should put on a good show. It’s a seminal band in the modern punk scene, which you can take as a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you feel about Blink 182. Actually, that may be a bit harsh. Social Distortion certainly isn’t a bad band, and it did a lot to bridge the gap between punk and traditional rock-and-roll. If you can afford the tickets, it’ll be a worthy history lesson, if nothing else.

Billed as “The Hitchcock of Hip-Hop,” Prozak plays a mildly interesting form of ultra-violent horror-hip-hop along the lines of Tech N9ne (who has been featured on some Prozak tracks.) He’s also a frequent collaborator of Fiestas headliner Twista. If mainstream rap isn’t angry or violent enough for you, this one will probably be worth seeing.

May 13

I’ve never heard of any of these bands (In This Moment, Straight Line Stitch, System Divide and Sister Sin), but Revolver magazine, which is sponsoring the tour, generally knows what it’s talking about in the realm of hard rock. Plus, the promo photos feature some genuinely hot chicks — it’s a definite bonus that this show is all ages because that’s a serious selling point if you’re a 15-year-old boy.

May 9

Papa Roach? Really? I’m stunned … I can’t believe this band is still a thing. What is this, 1999? And how could they have the gall to charge $33? I feel bad for complaining about Social Distortion’s ticket prices now. Maybe $33 is what they’ll pay you if you show up and pretend to like them. Seriously, if Papa Roach is your thing, I can’t help you.

May 19

It’s good to see these guys are still around, as the band brings a particular weirdness to the hard-rock/metal scene that would be sorely missed if it stopped doing its thing. The band’s political viewpoint seems righton, too, even if it’s a little hard to decipher — at least it’s singing about something other than mass murder, a rarity in this type of music (I’m looking at you, Slayer). This show is sure to offer plenty of elbow-throwing, moshpit opportunities, making it the perfect way to work off all that pent-up aggression you’re feeling toward your professors for making you write stupid term papers when you should be attending shows.

Revolver Magazine’s “Hottest Chicks in Hard Rock, Hell Hath No Fury Tour” Launchpad All Ages $15

Papa Roach Sunshine Theater All Ages $33

System of a Down Hard Rock Casino All Ages $32 and up

Constitutional Amendment Amendment I Shall Section 2, Article 1 of the Constitution of the Associated Students of UNM, ASUNM be amended to bring up-to-date the language in the student rights section and to include gender identity. Opinion Poll 1. Are you aware that in the academic year 2011 your tuition may be increased by as much as 8 percent ($220.00 in-state) or ($747.00 out-ofstate)? 2. With knowledge of future tuition increases, would you support an increase in student fees by $107.50 per semester (separate from tuition) for 25-30 years bond period, to fund the construction of a new Student Recreation Center on campus? Vote on April 20


Page 10 / Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Daily Lobo Mini Coups Electric Motorcycles and Scooters Gas Scooters Scooters from $1950.00 413 Montano Road NE 505.344.3164

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

FIESTAS 2011 by Andrew Beale and Chris Quintana

Editor’s Note: In the past, Fiestas brought artists such as the Flobots and the Shins. This year, we get Twista. That’s not to say this year won’t be good, but it does mean that Twista had better give a performance way better than the ones on his music videos. The Daily Lobo went out, or, more accurately, online, and listened to the artists coming to Fiestas this year. What follows is a guide about what to catch, what to skip and when to put insert earplugs:


Carl Terrell Mitchell (aren’t rappers’ regular names grand?) is headlining this year, and maybe we’re biased, but he has his work cut out for him. His music leaves something to be desired for anyone who doesn’t listen to rap, but he is actually pretty good. He used to hold the title for the fastest rapper in the world, and his album Kamikaze was a chart-topper. That said, he hasn’t been doing a whole lot lately. But, hey, if rap is your thing, you can’t go wrong with this guy, even though he probably won’t make you an “Overnight Celebrity.�


This is the band all you remix junkies, and anyone else with ears, should be excited about. Flosstradamus is the stage name of Chicago DJs J2K (Josh Young) and Autobot (Curt Cameruci). Besides having awesome names, they have awesome music. The group’s remix of Matt and Kim is killer, and the crunchy beats will get you dancing, provided you aren’t so paralyzed by social shame that you can’t move. Beyond that, it’s always sick to listen to remixes that make original songs better. We’re looking at you, Twista.

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The Radar Brothers

These guys are a standard rock setup, which isn’t bad, but also isn’t exciting in a city dominated by standard rock outfits. Granted, the band’s singer does have a distinctive croon that cradles the listeners through songs. Other than that, we don’t have a lot to say. If you dig indie rock, you’ll probably appreciate these guys, but if you don’t, they aren’t going to change your mind.


The Real Matt Jones

The Real Matt Jones distinguishes himself from Ryanhood in one important respect: Instead of being two white guys with guitars playing emo-folk, it’s one white guy with a guitar playing emo-folk. Sample lyric: “I’m not so lovable/I’m not so wonderful/I’m not so beautiful inside me.� It’s safe to say that all the girls that still have their panties left after the Ryanhood show will toss them onstage for Matt Jones.

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No, that’s not a misplaced headline from another story. That’s the actual stage name of performing artist Danielle Anderson. She’s something of an interweb star, and it’s easy to understand her success. She’s a cute girl, yes, and she has quirky little songs — played on a ukulele, of course — with weird backdrops on every video. She’s basically a less shitty non-version of Justin Bieber, but still, any version of Justin Bieber should be feared. Her songs are little more than chords that blend into one another after a while, and the subject matter, lost loves — surprise — gets boring after a song or two. Plus, she’s known for her YouTube presence. We can’t help but wonder if she has any stage presence, but maybe that’s just us.

More indie rock, this time of the “folky/emo-y� variety. The band is just two guys with guitars, fingerpicking and singwhining their way through a fairly standard set of Bright Eyes knockoffs. This doesn’t excite us at the Lobo that much, but hey, we’re the type of guys that prefer Bob Dylan to Conor Oberst — you know, fuddy-duddies. If you’re a girl (or guy, for that matter) who gets in the mood to throw your panties on the stage every time some pretty white boy sings a moody song about relationship troubles, this is definitely your band. Sample lyric: “Ooh me, choose me/ Don’t abuse me.� So, you know, they have emotions and stuff.

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Danielle Ate the Sandwich

Squash Blossom Boys

Damn fine homegrown bluegrass. These guys seem to be omnipresent around Albuquerque, especially the UNM and downtown areas. So you’ve probably seen them before, especially if bluegrass is your thing. It’s a little weird to think that these guys will be sharing a stage with Twista and Flosstradamus. But, you know, diversity is key to this type of event.

Marabout Saints and Arroyo Deathmatch

The Lobo has given a lot of recent coverage to these two bands. Arroyo Deathmatch won UNM’s Battle of the Bands, and the Marabout Saints made a strong showing. Both bands are worth your time. So be sure to check out these UNM-area acts and support your fellow students.

Fiestas // 12:30 - 9 p.m. // Saturday Johnson Field Free


A Sexual Assault Awareness Month Event With Special Guest Speaker: NM Attorney General Gary King Starts at: 11:00am Location: SUB, Ballroom C Information tables from various organizations that advocate against Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence and provide victim/ survivor services will be present.

Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center For women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events� link near the top of the page.

CV/Resume Workshop Starts at: 1:00pm Location: Cenntial Library A workshop for graduate and professional students and those who hope to become postbaccalaureate students on how to prepare a CV/Resume for the academic and even the non-academic world.

3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing� on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Event Calendar

for April 19, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall Friends & family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can ďŹ nd support in a safe & conďŹ dential environment.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo


dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


level: 1 2 3 4


solution to yesterday’s puzzle

ACROSS 1 Chase, as a fly 5 Comme ci, comme ça 9 Whaler’s rear end 14 “__ Fly With Meâ€?: Sinatra standard 15 Swan’s “Swan Lakeâ€? wear 16 Hawk’s home 17 Boo-boo, in tot talk 18 Grassland burrower 20 “Hungarian Rhapsodiesâ€? composer Franz 22 “My __!â€? 23 Mojave lizard 26 Boulevard, e.g. 27 Comical Coca 31 “You betcha!â€? 35 Bad doings 36 Soft drink suffix 37 Flippered ocean critter 41 Jack Horner’s last words 42 Zoom or macro 44 Orange-andblack-winged butterflies 46 Dangles a carrot in front of 50 Jay with jokes 51 Sure-footed Rockies denizen 56 Prayer set to music by Schubert and Gounod 59 1945 conference site 60 Playful swimmer 63 Object of worship 64 Some ’80s Chryslers 65 Crescent’s tip 66 It flows through Egypt 67 Feel intuitively 68 AMA concerns 69 Slippery fish DOWN 1 Chew out 2 Canadian comic Mandel 3 Not quite right 4 Old coots



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5 “The Racer’s Edgeâ€? 6 “... __ daily breadâ€? 7 College football immortal Amos Alonzo __ 8 “Yes, yes, Fifiâ€? 9 Verbally refused 10 Like most adolescents 11 Earth, in Germany 12 60-Across habitats, to JosĂŠ 13 Strips in a photo lab 19 Wander 21 Cinq moins deux 24 Container weight 25 Gray matter creation 28 Flood emergency op 29 Gp. that funds psychiatric drug testing 30 “Boola Boolaâ€? singers 31 “Boola Boolaâ€? university 32 Paradise 33 Email status 34 “Slipperyâ€? tree 38 Kansas city

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

39 R.E.M.’s “The __ Love� 40 Au pair 43 Almost boils 45 Hair-raising product? 47 Like some sandpaper 48 Continental coin 49 Tattletale 52 “Paper Moon� Oscar winner O’Neal

Find your new home!


53 Nostalgic record 54 Ring-shaped reef 55 Fairy stories 56 Torah holders 57 Smoking or drinking, some say 58 “__ Almighty�: 2007 film 61 That, in Toledo 62 Fast-spinning meas.




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By John Lampkin



e k a S & i Sush Ko


Tuesday, April 18, 2011 / Page 11

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle




LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Tuesday, April 18, 2011





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PTSD BiPolar Schizophrenia and other Mental Health Diagnosis Available


PTSDpsychiatrist.com EXPERIENCED TUTOR EXCELLENT communicator. Multiple degrees, All ages. Chemistry, Math, and Writing. 505-205-9317.

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net DETAIL-ORIENTED HOUSEKEEPING. cooking, pet care, gardening, more. 505-205-9317. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

For Sale

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

MARIJUANA CARDS Medical Marijuana Doctors

PTSD, Chronic Pain, 14 More Conditions You May Qualify • FREE Consultation Grow Your Own Medicine & Save No Appointment Necessary Walk-Ins Welcome

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

505.299.7873 12408 Menaul, NE Ste. D (Tramway & Menaul)


Announcements VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com WORRIED? LOG ON to Spirituality.com

ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. GRADUATION PARTIES!!! JC’S NEW YORK PIZZA DEPT. 515-1318.



Lost and Found FOUND BICYCLE ABANDONED near Cornell parking garage over weekend. Call to identify: 505-277-0605. EYEGLASSES LOST AT Woodard Hall. Contact Seymon Hersh 899-1669.


UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

For Sale ARE YOU TIRED of dealing with flat tires? I will exchange your old tires for my tires P185/70R14, asking for $80 only. 505-833-1536.

HALF-BLOCK TO UNM. Secluded, detached 1BDRM. Private brick patio. $550/mo + gas/elec. No Dogs. 2560580.

7’X16’ ENCLOSED CARGO Trailer. Easy to hook up & tow. Side & Rear ramp doors. Just moved, not needed. Protect/Secure your load. $4,000 obo. 385-3422.

1BDRM, UNM AREA, 600sqft. Off street parking. W/D on site. Newly renovated. $645/mo. 255-2995.

Vehicles For Sale

1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, W/D, $750/mo +utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745. 316 COLOMBIA SE. Cute 1BDRM in duplex, hwd floors, parking, $450/mo + utilities. 3 blocks to UNM. 401-1076. 1BDRM 3 BLOCKS south of UNM. $550 +utilities. 881-3540. AFFORDABLE PRICE, STUDENT/FACULTY discount. Gated Community, Salt Water Pool, pets welcomed. 15 minutes UNM. Sage Canyon Apartments 505344-5466. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. Month to month option. 8439642. Open 7 days/week.

Houses For Rent 3BDRM 1.5BA Campus/ Girard. Many amenities. $1290/mo. Utilities paid. No smoking. Available June. burqueno.com

Rooms For Rent FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2BDRM 1BA apartment 5min walk to UNM. $388/mo +1/2util. Nonsmoking, no drugs. (575)418-7648. GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo.+1/3 utilities. Laundry. 505-615-5115. MUST SEE, FOUR seasons room/ apartment behind Frontier Restaurant. Quiet, private, and gated. NO Illegal Recreational Drugs. $300/mo month to month. Call Edward @ 505-379-7771.

LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525.

FIRST HALF MONTH FREE. NEAR NORTH CAMPUS, $355/mo, fully furnished, high speed Internet, 1/4 utilities. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. 505-232-9309. tkuni@unm.edu

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575, 2BDRM $750; utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 2620433.

FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share spacious 3BDRM 2BA house in Nob Hill, short bike/bus to UNM, $330/mo +1/3 util. Call 505-933-5433.

2000 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GT for sale. AT, power everything, 92,000 miles, clean, runs great. $4,300 OBO. Call 505-288-1009.

Jobs Off Campus A SUMMER YOU will never forget! Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails is seeking highly motivated, enthusiastic, caring individuals to join our summer camp staff team in Cuba, NM and Angel Fire, NM June 1-July 31. 505-343-1040 or email serickson@gs-nmtrails.org MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE. THIS position requires excellent communication skills, reliable transportation, and a positive attitude. Earn $10-$15/hr w/o selling involved. Call 881-2142ext112 and ask for Amalia. TEACH ENGLISH IN Korea! 2011 Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 6/29/11 Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr 2011 English Program In Korea (EPIK) ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation Must have BA degree Last day to apply: 6/29/11 Please visit the website www.epik.go.kr Jai - (213)386-3112 ex.201. jai.kecla@gmail.com VERIZON WIRELESS CAREERS for everything you are!! Come work for the nation’s most reliable network. Apply online at vzwcareers.com. Job ID 270506

Candidates must have the ability to work in a fast-paced, intense and results-oriented environment. Responsibilities include handling inbound customer calls, researching and resolving billing inquiries, explaining our products and services, and troubleshooting. Competitive pay, excellent benefits starting day one and room for growth! RUNNER NEEDED FOR law office in Nob Hill. Consistent, competent, compassionate, energetic, and a team player. 2-5PM, 5 days/week. Parking available, down the street from campus. Send resumes or inquiries to anna@parnalllaw.com MOTION/ AFTER EFFECT students to help create PSA’s. P/T, Salary DOE 319-8414. !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180.

NEED EXTRA $$$ for books? $300-$500+/mo. With AVON. 714-3577230 or brianna_biberston@yahoo.com

WRITER/ LOCAL EDUCATIONAL ESL publisher seeks FT entry-level writer. Email resume/ cover letter to: hr@creativecontentllc.com

Hiring Summer Interns

Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, and Construction Management

Jobs On Campus

Pay starts at $8.00-$10.00/hr

THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, email advertising@dailylobo.com, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu. search department: Student Publications.

Contact us for more information 505-771-4900 Fax resumé to 771-4901 info@victorcorpnm.com PT AFTERNOON CO-Teacher M-Th for Accredited North Valley pre-school. Call 344-5888. NOB HILL PIZZERIA Hiring: Bartenders, Waitstaff, Cooks. Email resume to: sliceparlor@gmail.com STUDENTS/ TEACHERS NEEDED. Manage Fireworks Tent TNT Fireworks for 4th of July! 505-341-0474. Mullaneyk@tntfireworks.com

THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE! Work on campus! Enthusiasm, good phone etiquette, computer and organizational skills preferred. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Dulce at 277-5656 or e-mail classifieds@dailylobo.com. Apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search under Department: Student Publications.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. !!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Listed by: Position Title Department Closing Date Salary

Job of the Day

Gallery Assistant Tamarind Institute 04-20-11


Computer Technician 04-10-2011 $9.00/Hr. Manager CAPS 06-30-2011 $14.00/Hr.

Stagehand UNM Pub. Events 06-30-2011 $8.00/Hr.

Teacher Aides Off-Campus 07-04-2011 $9.00/Hr.

After School Tutors 06-16-2011 $8.50/Hr.

Sales Asst. Bookstore Main Campus 06-14-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Sport Equip Attendant Golf Course 06-18-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Clinical Support Aide Stu. Health 06-23-2011 $8.25/Hr.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale

Student Employment Intern SFAO Adm. 04-16-2011 $11.00/Hr.

Clerk II IT Customer Service 06-28-2011 $8.00/Hr.

Audio Tech SUB 06-09-2011 $7.50/Hr.

Office Asst. 07-04-2011 $9.00/Hr.

Tutor ASM 07-13-2011 $10.25/Hr.

Conference Aide Cont. Med Educ 06-24-2011 $8.00/Hr.

CEP Orientation Leader 05-14-2011 $9.00/Hr.

For more information about these positions, to view all positions, or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

FREE Daily Lobo Classifieds for students? Your Space Rooms for Rent For Sale Categories

Food Serv. Worker Child Campus 04-24-2011 $7.50/Hr.



TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

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STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com




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New Mexico Daily Lobo

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