NM Daily Lobo 042511

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Pilgrim prayers see page 2

April 25, 2011

monday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

GPSA elects chair after re-voting twice O’Laughlin wins; some members skip out of final vote by Kallie Red-Horse kallie69@unm.edu

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Senior pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary of Albuquerque delivered his sermon during the church’s annual Easter sunrise service Sunday. More than 20,000 people attended the service at University Stadium.

Easter service fills empty seats by Kevin Forte

kforte@unm.edu How do you beat UNM’s average football game attendance from 2010? Have an Easter bash at Lobo Stadium. Calvary of Albuquerque held its annual Easter service at Lobo Stadium Sunday. An estimated 22,000 people attended, Calvary Pastor Justin Marbury said. On average, 20,188 attended each of the Lobo football team’s first six home games, according to ESPN. com, and an average of 17,715 people attended each of the team’s last three games. Nancy Baldwin, who has attended

Easter services at Lobo Stadium for the last four years, said attendance jumped this year. “From last year to this year, there’s a huge difference,” she said. “I sat right here last year. Those bleachers over there, I guess that’s how they know there was over 20,000 people here.” Calvary has held the event for 1520 years, Pastor Brian Nixon said. He said last year’s attendance topped 18,000 and the previous year’s 15,000. “I think generally, we do view this as a community event — inviting the community together for the sole reason to celebrate the resurrection of Christ,” Nixon said. “This is the one

area where you could put down denominational lines. … We’re here for the single purpose, for the historical fact that Jesus rose from the dead, and we’re here to proclaim that.” This year, Jars of Clay, a Grammywinning Christian pop band, performed at the event. The band’s keyboardist, Chris Lowell, said performing at a worship service of this magnitude is different than performing at other concerts. “It’s a different thing to be leading worship because it’s a real posture of humility, and you have leadership at the same time,” he said. “It’s just a little different vibe for us, but I think we try to approach it with real humility...”

GPSA has a new council chair, Megan O’Laughlin. It was a tight race between candidates Shannon Crowley, Victor Lopez and O’Laughlin. Council members voted three times before yielding results at the April 23 meeting. The Council decided to cast a re-vote after the first ballot count had a tie between Lopez and O’Laughlin, but some members left the meeting before the second vote. The votes should reflect the active members in the organizations, representative Rachael Sydlowski-Sewards said, and those who left are not actively participating. “I think it is unfair that so many of us left the meeting,” she said. “We are all adults in this room. We don’t take on any responsibility without being able to fulfill it. Walking out after voting is showing you don’t value this time commitment.” Representatives Jessica Carlisle and Japji Hundal said they would prefer current council chair Megan McRobert make a tie-breaking vote. McRobert said she would be comfortable doing so, if the council approved. “I think it is a bit presumptuous of us to assume that because we are able to be here every Saturday that our votes count more,” Carlisle said. “I think it makes perfect sense that the tiebreaker would be in Megan’s hands.” The re-vote yielded another tie, O’Laughlin and Lopez each receiving 14 votes and Crowley with 10. The council then held a written vote between the front-runners, and O’Laughlin won the vote 19-17.

Representative Michael Verrilli said he thought the re-voting process was fair, because those regularly involved in GPSA had the opportunity to determine its future leader. “I think I did see a few people come in, cast a vote and then take off that I had never seen before,” he said. “It is the voice of the people who are taking the time to be here consistently — they are the ones who are sticking around today.”

“We are all adults in this room — we don’t take on any responsibility without being able to fulfill it.” ~Rachael Sydlowski-Sewards GPSA Representative O’Laughlin is an Anderson School of Management representative seeking her master’s degree in accounting. In her candidate statement, O’Laughlin said she would focus on assisting the legislative process by creating a unified, efficient and accessible forum. “In life, I have given my time and talents to serve organizations which foster community growth,” she said. “I’m committed to building a stronger and effective council by engaging underserved departments and promoting greater collaboration with external organizations.”

City: Housing homeless saves public money by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Data compiled by the city finds housing some of Albuquerque’s homeless is cheaper than leaving them on the streets. Mayor Richard Berry’s Heading Home initiative aims to house 75 of the city’s “most vulnerable” homeless, but the initiative’s primary concern is to save money, said Chris Ramirez, a spokesman for Berry. Ramirez said vulnerability was determined with both need and cost in mind. “This model surveys the entire homeless community, and through a vulnerability index, determines who are the most needy and costly to the public sector,” he said. Berry launched the initiative in early January. It surveyed hundreds of homeless and selected the 75 “most vulnerable” to be placed in city-funded housing. Ramirez said the initiative aims to defray the economic impact of homelessness by reducing public dollars spent on hospitalizations, ER visits,

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 43

jail time and calls for public safety service. “We believe these types of public expenditures go down when people have a safe home to live in,” he said. The most expensive person surveyed, who was also considered one of the 75 “most vulnerable,” cost the city more than $100,000 last year. The individual reported 30 inpatient hospitalizations and 120 emergency room visits. Albuquerque Fire Department firefighter Jose Gomez said the economic impact of homelessness is “huge.” “The economic impact is significant, just in fuel wasted going to pick them up,” he said. Last year, the Albuquerque Fire Department responded to more than 3,000 “down-and-out” calls from homeless people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction, and Gomez said those calls account for nearly 80 percent of his station’s calls. Another fireman, Derrick Ross, said responding to a high volume of “down-and-out” calls limits the number of other calls AFD can respond to.

see Homeless page 3

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo A homeless man holds the day’s earnings as he sleeps on a bench outside the UNM Law School. Mayor Richard Berry’s initiative, Heading Home, gives housing to 75 of Albuquerque’s homeless and, in doing so, saves thousands of taxpayer dollars.

Missouri miracles

Ready for rugby

See page 8

See page 12


74 |48

PageTwo M o n d ay , A p r i l 25, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Photo Essay: Good Friday

Thousands of New Mexicans wait in line to pray at the Santuario de Chimayo, the holy destination in northern New Mexico of the annual Good Friday pilgrimage. Believers traveled to the site to pray for good blessings in their lives.

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo Martin Diaz lights a candle Friday inside the Santuario de Chimayo, praying that his family be blessed over the next year.

Laurisa Galvan Daily Lobo

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 143

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg

Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark

Opinion Editor Nathan New Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.



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Experts: BP fund delays stop research by Cain Burdeau Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — Scientists say it is taking far too long to dole out millions of dollars in BP funds for badly needed Gulf oil spill research, and it could be too late to assess the crude’s impact on pelicans, shrimp and other species by the time studies begin. The spring nesting and spawning season is a crucial time to get out and sample the reproduction rates, behavior and abundance of species, all factors that could be altered by last year’s massive spill. Yet no money has been made available for this year, and it could take months to determine which projects will be funded. “It’s like a murder scene,” said Dana Wetzel, an ecotoxicologist at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida. “You have to pick up the evidence now.” BP PLC had pledged $500 million — $50 million a year over 10 years — to help scientists study the spill’s impact and forge a better understanding of how to deal with future spills. The first $50 million was handed out

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in May 2010 to four Gulf-based research institutes and to the National Institutes of Health. Rita Colwell, a University of Maryland scientist who chairs the board overseeing the money, said the protocol for distributing the remaining $450 million would be announced Monday at the National Press Club Washington. After that, scientists will be allowed to submit proposals, but it could take months for research to be chosen. Michael Carron, a Mississippi marine scientist selected to head the BP-funded post-spill research project, the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, doubted money would be available before June. He acknowledged not being able to study the spring spawning in full bloom would be a problem. “This will be the first good glimpse of what happened to larvae, the first class” of species born during and after the spill, he said. With the BP funds so slow to get out the door, scientists are trying to get funding from federal grants and other sources. And it’s possible the BP money will be handed out on an

see BP page 5

Homeless from PAGE 1 “You take units out of service that could be responding to other calls,” he said. “You take out an ambulance, call level which frequently is what we zero, meaning they have no other units available to respond because they’re taking a drunk guy to the hospital.” Ambulance rides aren’t free. Ross said a ride costs the city about $500. He also said once they’re dropped off at the hospital, homeless people take up space in the emergency room. Mike Chicarelli, spokesman for UNM Hospital, said homeless people account for about 10 percent of the hospital’s 95,000 emergency room visits each year. “We see at least one a day,” he said. Chicarelli said the emergency room visit can cost between $100$5,000 depending on the case. He said nurses and doctors often don’t know a person is homeless until after the visit is complete. “In many cases, we have to eat the bill,” he said.




MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2011 / PAGE 3

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New



Monday April 25, 2011


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: If given the option, which female pop star would you most like to hang out with? I’d rather hang out with Slayer


Katy Perry




Lady Gaga


Rebecca Black


Out of 81 responses.

THIS WEEK’S POLL: How was Fiestas this year? Sick.


Mad decent.

Don’t let money tear you apart



I didn’t go.

I’d rather not talk about it.


DL “Look beneath the surface.”

The Daily Lobo is accepting applications for:

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EDITORIAL BOARD Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

by Peggy Spencer, M.D. Daily Lobo Columnist

My girlfriend and I moved in together last semester. We both go to school and both work, but we’re not making enough money to keep up. It has been really stressful, and lately she has gotten all hostile and moody. She stalks around, sulks and glares like she’s mad at me. I’m struggling on the inside with the same things she is, but none of that seems to matter to her. I don’t need her moods on top of everything else. Do you have any advice? Signed, Maxed-Out Man Dear Maxed-Out Man, Financial stressors are the worst. Money puts major strain on people and relationships. First, know that you are not alone. Far from it. Money is the top item on most couples’ fight menu. Lashing out in anger is a common reaction to shared stress, although not a useful one. It sounds like you are both angry. My advice is to get beneath the anger. I’ll explain. Anger has its roots in fear most of the time. Your girlfriend is probably scared. She might be afraid that you’ll run out of money and lose the place you live. She might be afraid of losing you. It’s hard to face our own fears. It’s much easier to get mad at someone else. Her behavior, the way you describe it, does look like she is angry with you, but it is possible that something else entirely is going on. Maybe she feels guilty that she’s not doing enough to help, or worried about her sick grandfather, or ticked off at her lab partner.

You can’t always tell what is inside someone by looking at the outside. Imagine this scenario: You’re worried about your financial situation. You scowl as you’re walking past a friend on campus, and you don’t say hello. Your friend might decide that you are mad at him for something, or he might get mad at you for what he sees as rude behavior. Whereas in truth you didn’t even see him, and the scowl was all about your own internal worry. It is easy to misinterpret others’ actions and words.

Anger has its roots in fear most of the time. Identify your own feelings and share them honestly. Back to your girlfriend. When she stalks and glares, she might just be expressing her own inner stress. You won’t know unless you ask her, and you won’t be able to ask her until you can get beyond your own defenses. When she acts this way, you might feel attacked. Your natural animal impulse is going to be to fight back. But we’re better than animals, right? Or so we were taught in elementary school biology. We can rise above our instincts and apply logic and compassion. I’d encourage you to take a breath and try to look beneath her anger. Let go of your immediate defense reaction, and just think about what she might be feeling inside. If you can imagine the frightened child inside the hostile woman, you can probably find some compassion for her. If you can find compassion, and respond to her from that place, it will soften the whole interaction, which is a good thing. You complain about her moods. I would remind you that her moods are just that — hers. Whatever is going on inside her, it is far more to do with her than with you or anyone else. Try not to take her anger personally, even if she’s flinging it at you like daggers. It’s her anger, not yours. You can choose your own response. Look at your own feelings. You are angry at her for being angry at you. Perhaps there

is fear in you, too. What if everything falls apart and you lose her? Or maybe you feel overwhelmed, inadequate and frustrated. Try to get beneath your own anger and irritation. What is going on for you? What are you feeling? Look at your own behavior. What are you doing? What is she seeing on the outside of you? Are you perhaps sulking and glaring, too? Again, it is always easier to see and criticize others than to do that with ourselves. You might be doing things that add stress to the situation. Be honest with yourself. You might be able to make some changes in your own behavior that will smooth things between you. Think about sharing your feelings with her. If you are scared, and you tell her so, then she can see your frightened child in turn. You can comfort each other, and, although that doesn’t change the situation, you’ll be able to deal with it better if you have each other’s love and support. Focus on your own feelings when it comes to expressing yourself. When we get angry, many of us blame the object of our anger for our own feelings, and feel free to tell them what they are doing wrong. This is not to say that anger is never appropriate, but just to encourage you to take responsibility for your feelings. If you are tempted to lash out at her, take a breath and look inward, under the anger. If you can’t see anything but anger, try just expressing it as, “I feel really angry,” rather than, “You screwed up!” You will have a more successful conversation if you own up to your own feelings and start there, rather than with an attack. Take a breath. Look beneath the surface. Identify your own feelings and share them honestly. Find compassion for her and for yourself. Do what you can to ease the situation. You are in this together, so you might as well be allies. And if you are ever at a loss for words, try a hug. It works wonders. Peggy Spencer has been a UNM Student Health physician for 20 years. E-mail your questions to her directly at pspencer@unm. edu. All questions will be considered, and all questioners will remain anonymous. This column has general health information only and cannot replace a visit to a health provider.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

‘Sweetest’ nursing student missing by Sheila Burke Associated Press

PARSONS, Tenn. — Whether they are grabbing coffee, sitting down for a meal or filling their pickup trucks with gas, people in this western Tennessee town are talking about the abduction of 20-year-old Holly Bobo. Those who know the nursing student with blond hair and a big smile say they don’t know what’s more shocking — that anyone in this community about 100 miles northeast of Memphis would be abducted or that it would happen to someone like her. “That’s what’s so surprising: that it’s her,â€? said Robert McCoy, who goes to nursing school with her at the University of Tennessee at Martin. “She’s just the sweetest little thing and so smart.â€? She was last seen by her brother, Clint, early Wednesday morning as she walked into the woods with an unknown man. Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Special Agent John Mehr said authorities do not believe she went willingly. Searchers went back to looking for Bobo on Saturday, a day after authorities revealed her brother saw blood outside the house. Authorities haven’t confirmed whether it belonged to Bobo, who disappeared as she was preparing to go to classes. Police said Saturday afternoon they are receiving calls from all over the country offering information about Bobo. Investigators have expanded their search to four counties and are hoping she is still in the western part of the state. McCoy said Bobo had already begun her clinical training program at local hospitals. He called her a natural nurse, soothing and gentle with the sick. “She was so good with the patients,â€? McCoy said. Besides surprise, the suspected abduction also inspired fear. Residents nearby say they have begun to lock their doors at night. Bobo’s father, Dana, has said the captor was probably watching the family and knew the rhythm of their comings and goings from the one-story home where Bobo lived with parents and

25-year-old brother, Clint. Bobo was on her way to campus to take a test when she was taken. A convoy of teenagers on all-terrain vehicles, seating two and three kids at a time, rolled down a country road where volunteers gathered to search for her. Her community of Darden, where neighbors are close in spirit even though their houses can be a mile or two apart, has rallied to help. On Friday, almost a thousand volunteers joined officers to push through thickets of brush and up and down wooded hills looking for a sign of Bobo. They have taken food to the family, posted fliers with Bobo’s photo and held prayer vigils. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says her brother at first wasn’t alarmed when he saw her outside the family home around 8 a.m. Wednesday, walking toward the woods with a man dressed in full hunting camouflage attire holding her arm. He thought at first it was her boyfriend, the TBI said. Authorities have said neither her boyfriend nor her brother is a suspect. Friends say Bobo, like most young people here, likes to go fourwheeling on the weekends. Bobo, they say, enjoys the outdoors and fits right into this community of sports enthusiasts and hunters where men often wear hunting camouflage. Bobo’s Facebook page shows her with a young man in a camo cap. Like many here, Bobo attends church regularly. She also sings in church, sometimes by herself in front of the congregation and other times performing in a duo. She performed in several talent shows in school. “She has an angelic voice,� said David Ivey, who goes to church with the family. Bobo’s Facebook page says her interests include Miley Cyrus and country music singer Whitney Duncan, who is her cousin. Friends said she loves animals, especially horses. She spends much of her free time going to dinner and the movies — she likes Morning Glory and The Hangover 2 on Facebook — with her boyfriend.


Monday, April 25, 2011 / Page 5

Advertising Sales 101

from page 3

expedited basis, Carron said. From the outset, the $500 million has been fraught with problems and questions over how the money would be distributed and how much scientists would be influenced by BP. The result has been paralysis. It took until last month for BP and the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, a nonprofit headed by Gulf Coast governors, to finally agree on how to spend the rest of the $450 million. Under the agreement, BP pledged that research would be independent of the oil giant and the Gulf alliance and that scientists could publish their results without BP approval. Still, BP will exert some control. For example, the funds will be overseen by a BP-hired contractor, and the oil giant has appointed half of the members on a 20-member board that will decide what research to do.

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Page 8 / Monday, April 25, 2011


New Mexico Daily Lobo

George Wise / AP Photo A damaged car sits in front of Ferguson Christian Church on Sunday in Ferguson, Mo., on Sunday. The church sustained damage during Friday’s tornado, and Easter services were moved to St. Louis Christian College in Florissant, Mo., due to the damage.

Tornado notice prevents deaths by Jim Salter

Associated Press

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners! Baseball

defeated BYU 9-2 & 7-5

Men’s Tennis

defeated Air Force 7-0

Track & Field

won the women’s triple jump & men’s 4x400m relay in the Cal Brutus Hamilton Inviational

BRIDGETON, Mo. — The St. Louis area’s most powerful tornado in 44 years rips into an airport and through a densely populated suburban area, destroying up to 100 homes, shattering hundreds of panes of glass at the main terminal and blowing a shuttle bus on top of a roof. Yet no one is killed, or even seriously hurt, and the airport reopens less than 24 hours later. How? Early warnings, good timing and common sense all helped prevent a tragedy Friday night. But on Easter Sunday, many of those cleaning up the mess also thanked a higher power. “I don’t know why God decided to spare our lives but I’m thankful for it,” Joni Bellinger, children’s minister at hard-hit Ferguson Christian Church, said Sunday. Lambert Airport reopened for arriving flights Saturday night, and departing flights began Sunday morning. Still, dozens of flights have been canceled, the airport’s Concourse C is still closed and complete repairs could take up to two months. The tornado peaked at an EF-4 level, second-highest on the Enhanced Fujita scale, packing winds of up to 200 mph, National Weather Service meteorologist Wes Browning said. It was the most powerful twister in metropolitan St. Louis since 1967 — and eerily, it followed a path similar to that of the earlier tornado. Entire subdivisions were destroyed. Cars were tossed about like toys, roofs tossed hundreds of yards and 100-year-old trees sucked out by the roots. County officials said during a news conference Sunday that 2,700 buildings were damaged. Gov. Jay

Nixon said Saturday that up to 100 were uninhabitable. The damage clearly will cost millions of dollars to repair, but a more precise estimate was unavailable Sunday. The twister destroyed two of the homes John Stein owns on a street in the city of Berkeley, and damaged five others. “Everything you’d find in a war zone except the bodies,” Stein said. Residents in nine communities and unincorporated parts of St. Louis County were still sorting through the rubble Sunday. Ameren Corp. had about 2,000 workers seeking to restore outages that affected 47,000 homes and businesses immediately after the storm. The utility said 18,300 were still without electricity on Sunday, and it could be several days before all power is restored. Yet the common refrain was: It could have been worse. Stuff was destroyed, not lives. The normally busy airport took a direct hit, with hundreds of panes of glass shattering from the force of the wind. The shuttle bus on the roof was among dozens of vehicles that were damaged. But the airport had been quiet Friday night. Few planes on the ground were filled with passengers, and those shook but didn’t topple. Just a couple of hundred passengers and workers were in Concourse C, which took the brunt of the damage, airport director Rhonda Hamm-Niebruegge said. Five people suffered minor injuries. Residents praised the weather service for warning them about the tornado more than a half-hour before it hit. Warning sirens blared at the airport, where security officers and other workers herded people to stairwells and bathrooms. Residents also paid attention

to the sirens, and local TV stations switched from network programming to radar of the pending disaster and stern warnings from meteorologists to seek refuge in basements. “The bottom line is the 34-minute warning and the heeding of that warning by the citizens has saved countless lives,” Nixon said. Browning agreed. “The public did what we told them to do,” the meteorologist said. “Many came out of the basement without a scratch, and there was nothing left” of their homes. Bridgeton Mayor Conrad Bowers believes divine intervention also was at work. His own home had moderate damage, but several houses in his neighborhood were obliterated. In many of them, mercifully, no one was home when the twister hit. One family was out for dinner. Another was away playing cards. Another was visiting relatives in Dallas. “The grace of God,” Bowers said. “What else can I say?” At Ferguson Christian Church, nearly three dozen people were gathered on Good Friday to watch the movie “Passion of the Christ” when the sirens began to blare. Pastor Stacy Garner paused the movie and hurried everyone to the basement. They were out of harm’s way as the tornado imploded the sanctuary above them. Like hundreds of residents in surrounding communities, church members have been back trying to salvage what they could. Their Easter Sunday services were at a college campus. “It’s not just our church, but people from all over the neighborhood have come to help and clean up the mess and pick up the pieces, and try to figure out what we’re going to do from now on,” said Bellinger, the children’s minister.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo women’s soccer

Monday, April 25, 2011 / Page 9

Time to believe in the bench by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com The best teacher of soccer is the game itself. UNM women’s head soccer coach Kit Vela said the Lobos have built off of the best season in the program’s history. The Lobos are 4-0 in spring season, after beating Texas Tech, Cal-State Fullerton, UC Santa Barbara and San Diego all on the road. In the four games, UNM has given up just one goal. “We try to make our spring schedule as difficult as we can so that the fall is comfortable, and so that when the season starts we won’t see anything new,” she said. “We try to play the best competition possible, and I think we are doing that.” Goalkeeper Kelli Cornell has been responsible for UNM’s stingy defense. Cornell said she is humbled, and the success this spring has been a total team effort. “We have a team defense, and everyone works hard for each other,” she said. “The 10 players in front of me are doing a really good job.” UNM had its best season to date last

year when it won the Mountain West Conference regular-season championship. The Lobos outlasted national powerhouse and rival BYU. The Lobos made the NCAA tournament for the first time in school history, but fell at the first hurdle to eventual national champion Notre Dame. Vela said the biggest difference between the Lobos and the Fighting Irish in that game was the Fighting Irish’s deep bench. She said the spring season will give players more experience for when the games count. “The biggest change between us and Notre Dame was that they had more depth,” she said. “They would make substitutes, and their substitutes were just as experienced and just as good soccer players as the ones they replaced. We had the talent, but they were sitting on the bench because they did not have that experience.” After graduating only four players, UNM is a veteran-laden squad. Vela has 20 field players at her disposal, and she is using a rotation for maximum experience. “All 20 of our field players are playing basically 45 minutes a game

because we have more depth than we have ever had,” Vela said. “We beat Santa Barbara with two goals in the first half from one lineup and (scored two goals) in the second half from another.” This proves the value of spring games for UNM. Cornell said the young players have adapted to game-like situations. “We have two different lineups, and everyone has been able to keep it consistent and the level stays the same no matter who is out there,” she said. “We are going to take everything we have learned so far, and we hope it will make us even stronger in the fall.”

Up Next

Women’s soccer vs. Arizona Friday TBA UNM Soccer Complex

Alumni return to field for ALS by Nathan Farmer


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Grange family for what they have done for the program. Sandoval said that it was special to play against former Lobo players he grew up idolizing. “It was pretty emotional playing all of these alumni, especially with everything that has happened to Pat Grange,” he said. “I grew up here watching all of these guys my whole life, and playing against them was an honor. It was awesome seeing so many people out here giving their support.”

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It was a game where the score did not matter. The UNM men’s soccer team tied the star-studded alumni 1-1 Saturday in a benefit game for former standout Pat Grange, who was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) four months ago. “It was unreal,” head coach Jeremy Fishbein said. “It’s more than just wins and losses … Soccer has been put by the wayside this weekend. It was more about Pat and supporting him.” The team planned the alumni game last fall, and it was to be played as a lowkey exhibition on UNM’s practice fields. But after Grange’s diagnosis, it evolved into an alumni charity match to help find a cure for ALS, assistant coach Brandon Moss said. Nearly 3,000 people showed up for the game, and while admission was free, the team accepted donations at the gate and held a silent auction. “There were a couple thousand people here, and the support for Pat and the program just makes everything worthwhile,” Fishbein said. “It was a great experience. … It’s cliché to say it’s like a family, but it really is.” UNM showed a compilation of Grange’s greatest Lobo moments before the game, including his final two goals for UNM during the 2004 NCAA tournament.

The alumni boasted a strong roster including four who played in Major League Soccer, but it was the Lobos that had the best early chances. Just six minutes in, forward Devon Sandoval hit his shot off the far post before Blake Smith hit his header wide 14 minutes later. The alumni found the back of the net first. Moss had a shot from 25 yards out that the goalie deflected into Lance Watson’s path. Watson tapped the ball into the open net. Watson sprinted 60 yards to celebrate with Grange, and he said that the alumni game was important for everyone. “We really wanted to win this for Pat,” he said. “He is a guy that no one has any words for and everyone wanted to be around. I had the best four years of my career here, and it was good walking out of the locker room with some of my former teammates.” In the 66th minute, midfielder Lance Rozeboom played in a cross to Sandoval, whose header beat the onrushing goalie at the near post to tie the game at one. UNM pushed forward for a winner with Rozeboom and Sandoval both coming close, but neither could find the back of the net. After the game, an emotional Moss thanked the crowd and the

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lobo features

Page 10 / Monday, April 25, 2011



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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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ACROSS 1 Shire of “Rocky” 6 Mortgage insurance org. 9 “__, poor Yorick!”: Hamlet 13 Giving the old heave-ho 14 Flippered mammal 15 Tibetan spiritual master 16 Near miss 18 And others, in footnotes 19 Casino game 20 Make smooth, as a transition 21 Glacial ridge 22 Boxer’s fit condition 25 Texas city across the border from Ciudad Juárez 28 Bottle opener, e.g. 29 Pine (for) 30 “Phooey!” 32 Betray sleepiness 36 Musician’s asset 37 Neckwear accessory 40 Hush-hush fed. gp. 41 Design detail, for short 43 It’s younger than a yearling 44 Deserves 46 Police action 48 Police action 49 Specially edited version of a film 54 Regal pronouncement 55 Equine restraint 56 Cuba, por ejemplo 60 “Candy is dandy” poet 61 Establishment where the ends of 16-, 22-, 37and 49-Across take place 63 You, to Quakers 64 Load to bear 65 Worldly-unwise 66 Turgenev’s “Fathers and __” 67 RR stop 68 Building wing




By Jennifer Nutt

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Graduate Resource Center: “Ask a Professor” Starts at: 2:00pm Location: 2nd Floor of Zimmerman GRC: Ask a Professor: with Dr. Nancy Lopez an hour long dialogue about the experience of being a graduate student and making the transition to faculty while balancing life and research.


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Women’s Veteran Group Starts at: 12:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall There is no question, women vets have special needs and this is a place where we can network to make sure those needs are met.



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new mexico

Monday, April 25, 2011 / Page 11

People Before Profit Film Series Starts at: 6:30pm Location: SUB Theater This weeks film is Salt of this Sea with a post film discussion facilitated by Teresa Cutler-Broyles. This screening is sponsored by the UNM Peace Studies and American Studies programs.

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12 Monday April 25, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Ryan Tomari

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

TRYING TO TRIUMPH Women’s rugby team to play Army this weekend by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu They might be unknown, but they’re also unrivaled in terms of success. The UNM women’s club rugby team will embark Friday on its chance to play for a national championship. The club has been a staple in continued excellence in the eight years it’s been on campus. The team is one of 16 left competing in a Minneapolis tournament Friday and Saturday. UNM matches up against Army, the nation’s third-ranked team. “These girls are really talented and

“These girls are really talented and they have a lot of potential,” ~Jillion Potter Associate Hread Coach they have a lot of potential,” associate head coach Jillion Potter said. “They’re a young team, but our appearance in Sweet 16 will set the standard for future people coming in and the progression of the program.” Potter, a member of the USA women’s rugby team since she was 19, is the backbone of the team. She said the matchup will test UNM. “It’ll just be a really good experience for them to see,” she said. “It will be a higher level of rugby that they’ll be exposed to, and they’ll see teams that have been there multiple times.” Head coach Shannon Robinson has been a part of the team since its inception in 2003. Robinson said he’d be hard-pressed to find a better group of women on campus.

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Women’s rugby associate head coach Jillion Potter, watches the team “scrum,” the method to begin play in matches, during a Friday practice. The UNM women’s rugby team will travel to Minneapolis for a tournament Friday. “These are all New Mexico athletes,” he said. “And in women’s rugby, you can improve very fast. In this state, they’re superior in so many sports. All you have to do is teach them to transition in the sport.” Freshman Desire Smoot started making that transition this year, but she will miss the tournament because of an injury. Smoot tore her MCL in the team’s last regular-season match. Smoot said she comes from an

athletic background, but she couldn’t compare anything to rugby. “When I grew up, I saw it, but I never really played it,” she said. “I played soccer my whole life, and you can’t really tackle people in soccer. One of my former soccer teammates came here and played rugby, and she said, ‘Dude, you should come here and play this.’ So I tried it out, and the first day of practice, I fell in love with it.” Impassioned players like Smoot

are the reason the club has made four Sweet 16 appearances and one Final Four in eight years. Potter said the program has developed over the years, and it will be prepared to play Army. “Army is going to be fierce and they’re going to be fit and mobile,” she said. “They’re really going to hit us hard in terms of their back. They’ve got some threats, in particular with their fullback.”


Women’s rugby vs. Army Friday TBA Minneapolis

Coach pick is homegrown Familiar face calms players’ anxieties by Ryan Tomari


It truly was a good Friday for one member of the UNM coaching staff. UNM named Yvonne Sanchez its fifth women’s head basketball coach. Sanchez replaces former head coach Don Flanagan after a 19-day nationwide search. Sanchez was immediately named interim head coach when Flanagan stepped down April 4, and she said she wasted little time building a case to succeed Flanagan. “For me, it wasn’t just an interest,” she said. “I have a passion for this job.” Athletic Director Paul Krebs said Sanchez was the only candidate offered the opportunity. Sanchez interviewed for the position April 18, beating out finalists Curt Miller — who Krebs hired during his tenure as athletics director at Bowling Green State — Texas A&M associate coach Vic Schaefer, and West Texas A&M head coach Krista Gerlich. “Yvonne was probably an underdog going into the process,” Krebs said. “She showed a toughness, a grit and a passion. Her opening couple of comments in the interview set the tone for the whole interview, and from there on it was her job to lose.” Sanchez agreed to a four-year contract, which has not been finalized. Sanchez’s first day will be May 1, the same day Flanagan’s contract expires.

Krebs said Sanchez will make less than the nearly $400,000 Flanagan made annually. Krebs said Sanchez earned the job because she has a vision for the program. “When it was all said and done … we did a national search and found the best candidate, and there was no question that our best candidate was in our backyard,” Krebs said. Sanchez said she will be able to recruit her own group of players starting next year.

“There was no question that our best candidate was in our backyard.” ~Paul Krebs Athletic Director “Going back to how long (the contract is), the 2012 class is extremely important,” she said. “We have identified who we want. The nice thing is that everyone is aboard. The phone calls in May will be very easy to make, because I can have answers for recruits.” And Sanchez is no stranger to recruiting. She has served as the Lobos’ recruiting coordinator since she has been with UNM and has been a member of the Lobos’ coaching staff since 2000. She spent all 11 seasons studying under Flanagan and spent the last

three seasons as the associate head coach. Sanchez said Flanagan sent her a text message early Friday morning congratulating her on landing the job. Even though Sanchez has been a part of a winning formula under Flanagan for over a decade, she said she plans to establish her own coaching style. “There are going to be some changes, and there will be some changes in the staff,” Sanchez said. “I’ve been very fortunate to be in this business for 18 years and have made a lot of contacts nationally. There are a lot of people that I’ve meet, that I know when I go out recruiting. You see them working and how good of a job they do. I always envisioned if I got a (head coaching) job that I’d want (them) on my staff.” Sanchez is currently the only assistant coach in the 2010-11 Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Board of Directors and the only assistant coach on both the State Farm All-American committee, which selects the nation’s top 10 players, and the WBCA Coach of the Year selection committee. Krebs said he believes Sanchez will prosper in leading the program to new heights. “We made countless phone calls and interviewed four candidates,” Krebs said. “Without question, she was our No. 1 choice and our No. 1 candidate.”

by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com It’s a weight off of everyone’s shoulders. Yvonne Sanchez was named UNM women’s basketball coach Friday, taking over for Don Flanagan, who resigned April 4. Many players said they were nervous not knowing who their coach would be next season, but after the announcement the tension was lifted. “I think the fear of playing for someone who did not recruit you is a scary thing,” sophomore Emily Stark said. “We were stressed out about finding out who our coach would be, but it’s a relief now knowing we can keep working with someone we know and someone who has had our backs for years.” Sanchez has been with UNM since 2000 and has been an assistant coach for the past nine seasons. Sanchez said it eased players’ minds to find out that she would succeed Flanagan. “It’s been a stressful week — probably more for them than is has been for me,” she said. “They have been working really hard in the weight room and during workouts not knowing what was going to happen.”

Even though players on the current roster are familiar with Sanchez, Stark said she expects to see changes in the system. “I think it makes it easier now that we already know the personality of our coach,” she said. “When you get a head coaching job, it changes your philosophy when you are no longer an assistant. It’s good to have the continuity, but it will also be a very different coach.” Sanchez said she looks forward to running practices and taking charge of a program. She said she plans to make UNM a more physical, intimidating force. “My players are definitely going to work hard,” Sanchez said. “It’s going to be a physical style of play. When teams get done playing against UNM, they are hopefully going to be feeling it the next day.” Sophomore Jourdan Erskine said the team is turning the page from Flanagan to Sanchez. She said the transition to the new coaching staff will be more familiar than foreign. “I’m sure she is going to change a little, but … we all have a really good relationship with her,” Erskine said. “It will be weird not having Coach Flanagan, but they have a lot of similarities.”

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