NM Daily Lobo 042512

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Daily Lobo new mexico

So...thirsty see page 7

April 25, 2012

wednesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

ScottCohen receives degree

Lasting Legacies

Psychology department grants posthumous B.S. by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Wolfgang Scott-Cohen Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Left to right, Elga Garcia Garza, Jose Garcia, Jorge Garcia perform a traditional Aztec sunrise ceremony Greeting to the Four Directions Sunday morning on Johnson Field. The ceremony kicked off Nizhoni Days, the weeklong celebration of indigenous culture hosted by the Kiva Club and other American Indian student groups. See page 6 for full story.

Roybal recollects teamwork, legislation by Svetlana Ozden sozden@unm.edu

Jaymie Roybal As her term comes to an end, ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal said she is proud of ASUNM’s accomplishments this year and hopes that the administration continues to listen to the student body. She said she aimed to keep tuition low and improve student health facilities because student wellness, she said, should be a priority at UNM. The Daily Lobo sat down with Roybal to reflect on her achievements as ASUNM president and learn more about her plans for the future.

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 145

Daily Lobo: One of your primary goals was to keep tuition low. Tuition increased by 3.75 percent this year compared to 5.5 percent last year. While tuition increased, it didn’t by as much as in previous years. How much of an effect do you think your actions and the actions of students had in keeping it low? Jaymie Roybal: One of the things I’m most proud of is that I was able to work well with GPSA President Katie Richardson. ASUNM and GPSA have different priorities but we worked together to keep tuition and fee increases low. It’s something that hasn’t been done in the past. ASUNM and GPSA having a united voice had a big impact on keeping the tuition increase low. Any tuition increase is unfortunate for students but 3.75 percent is less than the 5.5 percent increase from last year and students will see that, although it is more money, it means more services for students. Part of library costs will be covered by the tuition increase and next year there will be new professors, graduate assistantships and teaching assistantships. DL: Despite aims to keep student fees low, SFRB recommended a $16.71 increase over last year and the administration is likely to add an additional $50 fee for Athletics. Why did student fees increase so

much this year? JR: SFRB stands behind the $16.71 recommendations. The increase will offer more services for students. It will fund a recreational center and includes extended hours at Johnson Center and a 24-hour library. But I strongly disagree with the $50 fee for Athletics. ASUNM fought against that and I am very unhappy that the regents support it. ASUNM has been very vocal about our dissatisfaction with the additional funding for Athletics. DL: What would you have done differently? JR: I would have liked to create more opportunities for administrators to engage with students because the administration rarely comes in contact with the student body aside from working with ASUNM, GPSA, SFRB and other organizations. It’s unfortunate because as much as student leaders can represent the student body, the administration doesn’t interact with the rest of the student body, and it could have more of an impact if the administration was more involved. I think it’s necessary that they hear the students’ voices as well. DL: What do you plan to do in the future? JR: I graduate in December and I hope to go to graduate school, law school and get my MBA. I

don’t intend to continue a position within ASUNM but I accepted an internship at Northwestern Mutual Financial Network that will start this summer. DL: One of your key goals at the state Legislature this year was the repeal of the tuition credit, which is a tax on higher education that students pay to the government. How did your actions and the actions of ASUNM ensure that got taken off the books? JR: It’s been a lengthy process and a big part of it was educating state Legislature because they weren’t really aware that the tuition credit existed. We explained that the tuition credit balanced the budget of the state and they took it to heart. DL: The bike share program, which would allow students to rent bicycles from electronic pay kiosks on campus, will be funded $50,000 from student fees through the SFRB, conditional on the rest of the $250,000 in funding being raised by ASUNM. Where are you on the fundraising process and will we see that program implemented next year? JR: I hope to see it implemented next year and we’re waiting for the final quote from the company we’re working with that will

fewer than

150 spaces left

A P P LY O N L I N E @ L O B OV I L L A G E . C O M • 5 0 5 . 9 2 5 . 5 575

see Roybal page 3

Deceased UNM student Wolfgang Scott-Cohen was awarded a posthumous Bachelor of Science in Psychology by the department. During the Faculty Senate meeting Tuesday, faculty voted to award the degree to Scott-Cohen for his efforts during the three and a half years he spent studying at UNM. In February, Scott-Cohen was in a coma for 11 days after a vehicle collision and died on Feb. 21. Chriselle Martinez, advisement coordinator at the Department of Psychology, said Scott-Cohen was well-liked among his classmates. “He was very outspoken and a lot of classmates were really fond of him,” she said. In a letter addressed to the psychology department, Jane Smith, the department’s chair, said Scott-Cohen was well-known in the department and served as a research assistant with several faculty members. Psychology major Jason Alexander said Scott-Cohen had hoped graduate either this spring or in the fall. ScottCohen had accumulated 110 credit hours, according to the degree request. Alexander said. Scott-Cohen was well known by classmates for his knowledge, not just in psychology but in a wide range of subjects. “He always contributed in class, and he always knew so much,” he said. “Sometimes I think he would get off topic, but what he had to say was usually pretty interesting, off the wall, and well-informed. It’s really too bad that guy will never go to work in his field. I’m sure he would have come up with something no one else did.”


90 | 57

PageTwo Wednesday, A pril 25, 2012

by Avicra Luckey

avicraluckey@gmail.com Patrick Ross said his career is more than sequins, feather boas, skin tight dresses or chicken cutlet chest enhancers — for him it’s theater. His 20-year career as a female impersonator, or drag queen, has allowed him to travel and perform original acts. Ross said although he impersonates women such as Joan Rivers and Barbra Streisand, he has no desire to be an actual woman. “The best part of drag is taking it off,” he said. “There’s different genres of gender bending and some of it is sexual identity and some of it is theater. That’s why I don’t have a

drag name, I’m Patrick Ross always, because I’m an actor.” During his Patrick Ross Comedy Hour, Ross hosts comedians, burlesque dancers and other drag queens. Ross is the emcee of the show and sashays around the stage swimming in various colored feather boas as he introduces the acts. During the introductions he impersonates women with strong personalities and has made a name for himself doing so. “For me there are certain energies that speak to me and certain people that I look like,” he said. “That combination of who can you do and who do you feel, you know, where’s the magic for you

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 145

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Luke Holmen Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Staff Reporters Svetlana Ozden Hannah Stangebye Victoria Carreon Photo Editor Dylan Smith

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Career Profile: Drag queen

and if you’re one of those.” Ross is a native of Albuquerque who began his career performing in the city’s small bars when he was still a teenager. Because Albuquerque is a relatively small city with few other drag acts, particularly when compared with cities like Los Angeles and New York, Ross said he found success as a performer here. He eventually moved to Las Vegas and was discovered while performing a one-man cabaret show in a small club. The producers of “La Cage Follies,” a show performed at a larger venue, offered Ross a chance to be in their show. From there, Ross said, he went

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chiefs Danielle Ronkos Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Junfu Han


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on to perform and understudy at different casinos in various shows. He now performs regularly in Albuquerque. He said although mainstream audiences often have misconceptions about whether these impersonators really want to be women or change their sex, audiences are still fascinated by shows featuring the performers. Famous drag queens such as RuPaul can draw audiences of thousands. Ross said female impersonators draw the biggest crowds “As an audience member they want to say ‘damn that looks just like that b****,’ and then you wanna go ‘damn that’s a dude.’

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Printed by should be made to the editor-in-chief. Signature Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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That’s the magic,” he said. As a performer, Ross said he enjoys what he said drag does for its audience, that is, transcends barriers and allows people to let their guards down. “It breaks the walls down. If you can’t laugh at a gorgeous woman who’s a man making jokes, making fun of herself and having a party, then what can you laugh about?” he said. “I find it a magical art form and I find it eye opening, tantalizing, strange, wonderful and magical.”




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Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Patrick Ross laughs in his dressing room during a stand-up routine Saturday at a local bar. Ross, a performing drag queen, was the emcee for the night’s events.

provide us with the bicycles. It’s possible to get the money in place by the time my term is up. DL: Some students opposed expanding Johnson Center or creating a new recreation center, which you supported during your administration. Do you still stand by the claim that students need better exercise facilities, and what cost do you think is reasonable for students to pay to receive them? JR: Students need to have the best services that they can have. I don’t believe that student fees should be increased to pay for the center. With all the new housing on campus and the incoming students, we need somewhere for those students to go to improve student health and wellness on campus. We pay a facility fee for various buildings on campus and that fee should go to pay for the buildings students use, like a wellness center. There are many options that can be explored to find funding for the center. It’s just a matter of

finding the money. DL: You recently attended a summit on behalf of UNM in Washington, D.C. as a member of the National Campus Leadership Council, which is a national group of student body presidents from schools across the country. What was addressed at the summit and how does UNM student leadership compare to leadership at other schools? JR: We exchanged ideas and talked about our successes and failures. We also discussed the issues students have with the Obama administration, tuition, fees, sustainability, student engagement and involvement, campus safety and affordability of education. We had a lot to contribute and a lot of other students were impressed by all that UNM had to share. UNM is on the same level, if not above, other student leaders. We had a lot of ideas to share like Spring Storm and FIESTAS that the other leaders found interesting.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday April 25, 2012



Rampant rudeness irritates, dismays by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

I walked past the duck pond the other day where I saw a guy push over a table that had just been set up then continue on his way. I picked up the table and scurried to catch up with him, heart racing with irritation. I spun him around as authoritatively as I could and asked him why he knocked down the table. “Oh, because I’m an asshole,” he said, then smirked and walked away. What could I do but agree with him wholeheartedly? It wasn’t the most satisfying confrontation and I couldn’t quell the burning feeling. How people can be so rude I’ll never understand. Even more so, how could anyone acknowledge and be proud of the fact? I’m sure I’m not the only one who deals with rudeness almost every day. There are those who open a door for themselves and let it slam in your face as you trail behind. Others party-hop and get wasted on everyone else’s booze. Roommates leave you two sips of milk for cereal in the morning. A guy who bummed a cigarette from me then tucked it in a pack filled with other cigarettes before he jollily bid me good day and rode off on his bicycle. Regardless of how deeply these pricks dig under one’s skin, it leaves one feeling vengeful, or annoyed at least. So many people go through life unaware or uncaring of how they affect those around them. A friend of mine, a particularly aggressive driver, weaves through traffic in an imagined race toward the freeway. When she changes lanes she waits until she’s already between both lanes before she signals, if she bothers to signal at all. As far as bad manners and inconsideration are concerned, she is not an exception. When did common courtesy become such a rarity, and, better yet, why? Everybody is guilty of offending at least once in a while. We all have bad days, we can’t be perfect. But it seems to me many people don’t consciously consider anyone but themselves or the people who in some way contribute to their well-being. The problem is seemingly minor when you consider isolated instances, but add these up and you’ve got a daily bombardment wearing down your necessary ability to tolerate others. Each instance takes a stab at my patience. As it diminishes, everything becomes aggravating and the world that was so beautiful when I rose out of bed grows loathsome as the day goes on. The offenders reading this might think, “Sounds like a personal problem to me,” only they’re too self-centered to see that everyone affects each other. Anyone with a conscience might be able to imagine a “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” scenario with any person they’ve offended and see how their actions come back at them. Just think about how you feel when you’re in a stormy mood. A person laughing too loud could light your fuse. I don’t know anyone who isn’t negatively affected by careless behavior. In such instances, their mood affects their interactions with others who then continue to spread the negativity. I would simply love to live among selfaware and considerate people who balance their needs with others’ and consider treating people the way they would like to be treated. How did people forget this elementary lesson once they became supposedly responsible, mature adults?


Newspapers should strive for open bias by Devon Stevens

Daily Lobo columnist Last week, I noticed a letter in the Lobo criticizing the editor-in-chief of this paper for expressing his opinions. I would like to respond. Not to the letter, but to a general trend I see in criticizing newspapers for expressing opinions. As I do nothing for this paper except express my opinions, I thought I should inform you of my opinion on this. In this country we have this noble, if not foolish, idea that newspapers should strive to be as unbiased as possible, that reporters and editors should not have opinions, and that an unbiased opinion is as close to the truth as it is possible to get. These are all lies. Newspapers have never been unbiased and most other countries have newspapers that are very proud of their biased nature. Being unbiased, that is, not swinging either left or right in politics, is seen as something desirable, and maybe it is, but it is not possible and most papers don’t even try to be unbiased. Everybody, everybody, has an agenda. Sometimes it is as simple as getting laid, other times it is a desire to get you to vote for that person’s preferred politician. Approaching any publication expecting a non-slanted, unbiased view is extremely silly and foolish. Yet, anytime a paper

Being unbiased, that is, not swinging either left or right in politics, is seen as something desirable, and maybe it is, but it is not possible and most papers don’t even try to be unbiased. expresses an opinion somebody complains about it. They act shocked, they gasp, and they say, “The standards of this paper have fallen! You should act more professional!” So, what is professional, I ask? Is it presenting a biased view in such a way as to appear unbiased? Is it to present only the facts that support your view without ever actually articulating your viewpoint? Is it, in other words, dishonest, disingenuous but subtle slanting? I think a newspaper with a clearly expressed viewpoint is far more trustworthy than a paper that doesn’t tell you what

its viewpoint is. At least you know how to approach the information it is giving you. And what about the idea that unbiased opinion is as close to the truth as you can get? I can tell you, for instance, that meatpacking plants in 1906 were terrible places to work, but you can’t grasp the truth about being in a packing plant without some human soul injected into the content. A biased opinion like that found in Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle is worth a thousand truths more than facts presented in bullet-point format. Too often I find that what people object to from newspapers is not unprofessionalism but rather the different viewpoint. I look at the comments for the editor’s opinions and I instantly see the word “Leftist.” I know the moment I see it that I’m not going to read anything useful or informative. It is going to be high-pitched nonsense. It tells me nothing about the article I have just read, but it does tell me a lot about the commenter and their “appreciation” of the text. Folks on the left complain about rightwing publications, folks on the right complain about left-wing publications and both sound the same while doing it. Newspapers always have a bias. Always. There is no getting around it. It is far better to admit a bias and continue on than to hide behind a smiling, unbiased face covering a cynical, manipulative motive.

Letter Bigotry on Lobo website has become intolerable Editor, It is time that you people at the Daily Lobo put your foot down to the bigots that infest your comment sections. The other day I was reading an article about the Mock Wall the SJP constructed and what do I read in the comments?

Nothing but Islamophobic and anti-Arab bigotry coming from uneducated morons who have too much free time on their hands. As a paper whose readers mostly consist of intelligent human beings, please do us a favor and shun these bigots from posting their vile views. I understand your commitment to free speech, but there should be no reason your boards should be a platform for that sick kind of people. Abraham Sammy Daily Lobo reader

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Luke Holmen News editor



by Faerl Marie Torres

Q &A

Alyssa Maunders, junior, music “I think I’d probably fall into the hipster category, indie-hipster. I don’t like being called something.” Maunders combines modern pieces with vintage pieces she finds in her mother’s closet. “Lately I’ve been wearing a lot of my clothes in a different order,” she said. She said she doesn’t think too much about her clothes and just tries to go with it, as long as they don’t leave her too exposed. Favorite trend: “I’ve been seeing a lot of baggy stuff, like baggy shirts and I participate in that. It feels comfortable and makes you feel not tight in your clothes. I like highwaisted stuff with it because then if you wear the high-waisted with something loose you don’t look like a bag.” Least favorite trend: “I’ve been seeing a lot of butt cheeks hanging out of short shorts and I don’t like that. Short shorts are okay but I don’t want to see your butt cheeks.” Advice to fashion defunct friend: “More is better. Put on a lot of clothes and jewelry. I feel like that’s what’s in style now. I see a lot of stuff being piled on: jewelry, shoes, hair pieces, everything. Just go with it. Try not to match.”


Steven Russell, sophomore, nursing “This is all-night studying for pharm 101 on the couch with a nice summer blazer.” Russell said his overall style doesn’t fit into one category because his fashion choices vary from day to day. Favorite trend: “I’ve only seen one person with this trend and it was her hair, kind of like Rihanna. It was side to side (asymmetrical) with silver glittery ends that she dyed. It was like a horse’s mane. I like hair trends.” Least favorite trend: “Girls in tights. I am not a fan. It reminds me of my aunt who was really overweight and that’s all she used to wear.” Advice to a fashion defunct friend: “I don’t believe there is ‘fashion defunct.’ I think people are just going to do what they’re moved to in the moment.”

Alyssa Maunders

Sunglasses — Microsoft kiosk giveaway Necklace — family heirloom from the Philippines Shirt — gift from a friend Blazer — Macy’s, $20 Belt — Levi’s, $30 Jeans — Wrangler, $20 Shoes — True Religion at Journeys, $50

Earrings — gift from a friend in Spain Necklace — found it Shirt — gift from sister Cardigan — Buffalo Exchange, $10 Bracelet — flea market in Santa Fe, $20 Skirt — from mom’s closet Shoes — Urban Outfitters, $20

photos by Adria Malcolm

Steven Russell

University of New Mexico


1952 - 2012 Celebrating our 60th anniversary

Events : Sunday April 22, 2012 - SUNRISE Ceremony Events : / Alumni Talking Circle Johnson Field MondayApril April 23, – -TAIKO Drummers & INDIGENOUS FoodTalking Sale Sunday 22,2012 2012 SUNRISE Ceremony / Alumni CircleCornell – Johnson Mall Field Thursday April 26, 2012 – SAGE ROMERO HOOP DANCER Monday April 23, 2012 – TAIKO Drummers & INDIGENOUS Food Mall Mall Sale Cornell – Cornell Sunday April 29, 2012 – 57th Annual Nizhoni Days POW WOW Thursday April 26, 2012 – SAGE Johnson Field ROMERO HOOP DANCER – Cornell Mall

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Page 6 / Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kiva Club hosts free powwow

Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color proudly presents

by Nicole Perez


the 6th Annual Faculty of Color Awards

Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color The University of New Mexico MSC03 2180 Student Union Building Lobo Lair Room 1046 1 University of New Mexico

* Pictured: Several 2011 FoCA Recipients

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Phone: 505-277-7397 E-mail: gradpeer@unm.com pnmgc.unm.edu

Organizers of Gathering of Nations place a $17-per-day value on experiencing American Indian culture, but members of the UNM Kiva Club say tradition shouldn’t cost money. Even the performers at the world’s largest American Indian powwow have to pay the admission fee, said Makhpiya Black Elk, Kiva Club president. “We don’t believe you should charge to get into your own event,� he said. “They’re asking the dancers to put numbers on, pay money and then have a contest to see who’s the best and get all that money. It’s really commercialized. It’s really lost that community that was part of it.� On Sunday, the day after Gathering of Nations, the Kiva Club and other American Indian groups will host a free powwow that celebrates American Indian culture. The powwow is part of Nizhoni Days, a weeklong festival put on by the Kiva Club that kicked off last Sunday with a sunrise ceremony on campus. Today, Nizhoni Days organizers host a Miss Indian UNM pageant, in which contestants are judged on traditional performance and storytelling, among other things. They will also host a Native Knowledge Bowl similar to Jeopardy! But Black Elk, a senior majoring in Native American Studies, said putting on events for free comes with a price. He said the group started the school year $1,200 in debt, and members had to raise money to both pay off the club’s debt and put on this year’s events. Black Elk said putting in the time and effort isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it in the end. “Sometimes it’s hard. I stayed up all night and then had to come here at 5 o’clock for a sunrise ceremony,� Black Elk said. “But there’s a sense of responsibility that comes with it, that it’s our duty to do this so I think it’s anger that was transformed into passion.� In the past, the Nizhoni Days powwow attracted up to 5,000 people, said Andrew Nelson, powwow committee chair.


“This is a legacy that I’m very proud to be in.� ~Makhpiya Black Elk Kiva Club president Black Elk said many of the ceremonies are deeply rooted in past traditions. Nizhoni, he said, is a Navajo word for cultural and traditional beauty, as opposed to beauty in the Western sense. “The powwow tradition, the spring ceremonies, they’re all part of that, it just re-emerged through Kiva Club on campus,� he said. “It’s through this tradition that we try to stand out from Gathering of Nations.� This year, members of Kiva Club are also commemorating the club’s 60th anniversary. Founded in 1952, Kiva Club is the oldest Native American student group on campus. “I try to imagine what it was like for the original 25 people that started up Kiva Club in ’52 and try to imagine what was it like to be completely excluded from everything and then to have to plant this seed of what Kiva Club is,� he said. “This is a legacy that I’m very proud to be in.� But Marley Shebala, president of the Kiva Club in the ‘70s, said indigenous people still face the same struggles as they did 30-40 years ago. She said the Kiva Club used to have its own building, but now the group is forced to rent space in the SUB to hold events. “How are student organizations supposed to build and reach out to one another when there’s no place for them, especially in an area that’s their regional homeland?� she said. “It’s disrespectful and the University continues to be that way. I would think that after so many years they would have that understanding.� Black Elk said Kiva Club’s goal for the school year was to promote healthier eating habits in the Native American community. He said the club took a controversial stance against fry bread, because he said the bread was not made until after contact with Europeans.

He said unhealthy eating habits contribute to high rates of diabetes on reservations. “For a lot of people it’s almost a personal attack because fry bread becomes almost an extension of your identity,� he said. “We’re trying to break that because it’s not an indigenous food and so raising awareness to the issue, we’re offending people.� Former Kiva Club member John Redhouse said the Kiva Club will continue to flourish far past its 60th anniversary. “I knew that there would always be a Kiva Club,� he said. “The spirit, the tradition, and just because the student population here is one of the highest in the country, and there’s always a need for an organization like that.�

Nizhoni Days Today Indian taco sale, hosted by DinĂŠ of UNM 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Mesa Vista Hall, west courtyard Knowledge Bowl, hosted by Native American Student Indigenous Research Group and Kiva Club 3-5 p.m. SUB Acoma A and B

Thursday Hoop dancing by Sage Romero, hosted by Kiva Club 12-1 p.m. Cornell Mall

Sunday Powwow 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Johnson Field For more events this semester, visit aiss.unm.edu/Nizhoni/nizhoni_calendar.php or follow the QR code.

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



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FOR RELEASE APRIL 25, 2012, April 25, 2012 / Page 7 Wednesday

ACROSS 1 Fodder figure? 5 First Greek consonant 9 Antlered grazers 13 Australia’s national gemstone 14 Wail 15 Winter forecast 16 Melodies for a soothing atmosphere 18 “Henry’s Crime” actor Reeves 19 College application part 20 Nothing to suggest, as foul play 22 Positive energy 25 Home of the Ivy League’s Bulldogs 28 Safe havens 32 Lawyers’ org. 33 Shopping center? 35 Pooh-pooh 36 With 39-Across, convenience that might include the dish spelled out by the first few letters of the answers to 16-, 22-, 50- and 60Across 39 See 36-Across 41 Course’s 18 42 Sci. class 44 Sorority letter 45 Black hair and almond-shaped eyes, e.g. 47 Certain sail spars 50 Pick up momentum 52 Tour in a doubledecker bus, perhaps 55 Valium maker 59 Southwestern brick 60 2002 Jodie Foster thriller 63 Deli subs 64 Nile slitherers 65 Par for the course 66 Unwelcome look 67 Apollo’s instrument 68 “Don’t move, Spot!”




By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

DOWN 1 Unspecified amount 2 Wall St. events 3 Landlocked Asian republic 4 Gerontologist’s study 5 Mitt Romney’s alma mater: Abbr. 6 Homer’s saffronrobed goddess 7 Star shine 8 Big name in foil 9 Refined and discriminating taste 10 Low in fat 11 Numbers game 12 Double __ Oreo 15 Alpine competitor’s protection 17 “Don’t interfere,” briefly 21 Grads-to-be: Abbr. 23 “My bad!” 24 Dork 25 Harbor party site 26 Can’t stomach 27 Ali who retired with a perfect 24-0 record 29 Clucking quarters 30 Faith

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

31 Opposition group 34 Brownstone hangout 37 Dennis, much to Mr. Wilson’s dismay 38 Will subjects 40 Mont Blanc, par exemple 43 “Piece of cake!” 46 Bro’s playmate 48 Grand Marquis, for short


49 Decks out 51 Landlocked Asian republic 52 Satirist Mort 53 Nantes notion 54 Reason for an R rating 56 Odd old fellow 57 Wedding dance 58 Award for “Modern Family” 61 “Fresh Air” airer 62 Sussex suffix



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LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Wednesday, April 25, 2012



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico


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Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Lost and Found

FOUND KEYS ON 4/23 by Anthropology. Call to identify and claim them. 505-264-4927. FOUND 4/17 WOMEN’S jacket at designated smoking area on Yale mall. Must be able to describe it to claim it. Call 505-312-2171.

Services ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

INJURED? ARRESTED? FOR a free consultation call 750-1398 or 750-2423. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

For Sale

WE BUY BROKEN laptops and Macs. Cash or in store credit. 505-814-7080. www.digiground.com

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 504-5851. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net GO GREEN ROOFING New roof/ repairs. Lifetime warranties, energy efficient roofing. Licensed/ bonded.Call Victor at 505-410-9069.

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

TERM PAPER DUE? MiltonCrane.com

Your Space

Announcements STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting April 27, 2012 @ 3pm in Marron Hall Rm 131. NASIRG RESEARCH PRESENTATION workshop, Thursday, April 26, 2012, Mesa Vista Hall, Room 3080, 2-4PM. segantt@gmail.com

HAPPY 3RD CORYPALOOZA! your favorite Cory and celebrate!


Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com ATTRACTIVE 1BDRM, NOB Hill. $500/mo +electric. $250 deposit. No pets. FREE UNM Parking. 610-5947.

LIVING AT LOBO Village next year? Move in early! Need female to take over lease early May-August, May’s rent paid. $499/mo. Email enzlers@unm.edu FEMALE NEEDED TO take over Lobo Village lease. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool, workout facilities. Available May. May rent covered. Contact Courtney 505-412-2780. 3BDRM 1.5BA. Near UNM. Share with 2 awesome roommates. Utilities, internet, and cable included. W/D. NP. $430/mo. End of May, early June. 505-974-7476. ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3BDRM house near North Campus $425/mo +1/4utilities. W/D included. Relaxed environment, backyard, garden, chickens. 505-228-7439, leucosticte@gmail.com

RA- NM TECH Upward Bound seeks energetic woman for summer resident advisor. Experience working with teens and leadership skills a must, $10/hr call 366-2521.

LOOKING FOR FEMALE. $450/mo+ $450deposit.Avaliable immediately,wifi,utilities included.313-980-1122.

FREE APARTMENT FOR proactive person. Resident manager needed for small east central complex. Duties: Leasing, light maintenance. Additional paid work may be available. Please email resume and note detailing interest, experience. nativeagent@earthlink.net

LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over Lobo Village lease from middle May to August. $499/mo. char_1492@hotmail.com 3BDRM 2BA, CENTRAL and Unser, near UNM/CNM Westside campuses and Blueline rapidride station. $400/mo +1/2utilities. Internet included in rent. W/D. 505-440-3960. LOOKING FOR MALE to take over lease at Lobo Village, available May 11August 1, $499/mo, 1/4 utilities. Contact Raphael 347-459-6972. TWO FEMALE ROOMS available at Lobo Village, $500/month, 1/4 utilities, roommates studious, available midMay. beccagon@unm.edu QUIET STUDENT WANTED to share 3BDRM 2.5BA home 10 mins from campus. Price $450/mo. includes utilities. Call 505-399-9020.

Bikes/Cycles 2007 KYMCO PEOPLES 250. Black, new stuff, 75 mpg and a lot of power. $2100. 604-7336.

A NICE LARGE 1BR, 504 Columbia SE. 266-3059.

MALE FERRET FOR sale. 4 months old, de-scented, healthy. Email for more info snt77@unm.edu


Looking for You

QUIET SOUTH VALLEY 1BDRM apartment. Storage shed, patio and small yard. All utilities included. $500/mo + DD. 452-9322. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

DO YOU HAVE Type 1 Diabetes? Are you a nonsmoker, 18 years or older? Are you currently taking long-acting and meal-time insulin injections? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a inhaled insulin research study. If you qualify, all study-related medical care, lab tests, and medications will be provided. You will be compensated for your time. Please call Lisa Toelle at 505-272-1663. RESTAURANT SERVERS WANTED for UNM Psychology research study. Seeking healthy women aged 18-35 who work at least 20 hrs/wk as servers in full-service dine-in restaurants. For their time and inconvenience, participants will be entered for a drawing for $100 Visa gift cards. If interested, please call or email Professor Geoffrey Miller at gfmiller@unm.edu, 505-277-1967, for more information. ELDER MAN LOOKING for a possible wife. Preferably in her 30s and a good person. 505-977-8539.

Low Cost

Dental Cleanings, X-Rays & Sealants UNM Dental Hygiene Clinic

(505) 272-4106

2BDRM. NEW PAINT/CARPETED. Laundry on-site. 3 blocks to UNM. Cats ok. No dogs. $735/mo including utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com 313 Girard SE. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385. 2BDRM 1BA $600/MO new carpet close to UNM. W/D hookup Please call Luke 610-5492.

Houses For Sale ARE YOU RENTING? Why rent when you could buy? Interest rates low, prices low, let us help you. Low down payments available. Call John Thomson 450-2878. Thomson Real Estate.

Rooms For Rent $375/MO, 1/3UTILITIES, 3BDRM 2BA,Female Only,Available Immediately,call 313-980-1122. LOOKING FOR MALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Near pool and gym. Furnished with cable and wifi. Dhari 505-730-2671. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED FOR Lobo Village, starting in August, e-mail cleh12@unm.edu


Year Round Garden Supply NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

Indoor Garden Supplies • hydroponics • indoor grow lights • and organics! www.ahlgrows.com 1051 San Mateo Blvd SE • 255-3677

Jobs On Campus MAKE-FREE-INCOME.com Connection2Clouds.com 2Save4Ever.com

Volunteers SUMMER FIREWORKS SALES. Make 24k in ONE week. Locations still available. mullaneyk@tntfireworks.com 505-504-2127. COMMAND CENTER NOW hiring for all positions, banquets, kitchen, construction (all phases), labor, clerical, film industry. Apply in person @2621 San Mateo, Suite B, online or send resume to rebecca.maxwell@commandonline. com !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330). INTERN OPPORTUNITY - Consult with college radio social network. Knowledge of internet radio/facebook integration a plus. E-mail resume: webinmotion@gmail.com MENTOR AN INCARCERATED Youth: Volunteer for the PEP program. Great experience in the juvenile justice field. Contact David at 505-321-4594. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help others-class credit-great experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com

Clear Mind Summer Camp, a project of the Albuquerque Zen Center, is seeking counselors for overnight camp on Sandia Mountain June 9-17. Camp is in rustic setting and focuses on wilderness experiences and personal growth. Must have prior experience working with children ages 8-13. Pay is $350. Please send resume and references by April 30 to Eva Thaddeus at evathad@nmia.com

PTSD symptoms include: x

1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 engine, four-barrel carborator. Asking 2500, if interested, Call Sam at 505-916-7064


NAVAJO RUGS FOR sale.Lost my wallet and everything inside. Selling these will help me make payments. tchichar@unm.edu, chicharello@hot mail.com, 505-450-4824. Can give more information if needed.

PRO MARKETING WORLD is looking for an assistant office manager with excellent computer skills. Send resume to jobs@promarketingworld.com Call 773-655-9427.

Have you been diagnosed with PTSD or OCD??


BLUE JACKSON ELECTRIC Guitar for sale for $325 OBO. dpyke09@unm. edu or text 575-418-7778.

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now accepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information.

Camp Counselor

For Sale

MUSIC: JUPITER TENOR sax $450, Conn Student French Horn $250. Jimi 480-7444.

WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429.

PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202.

LOOKING FOR FEMALE to take over lease at Lobo Village. $499/mo +1/4utilities. Fully furnished, cable, wifi, pool and fitness center. Contact Jessikha 816-589-8491. Email jaiwill.unm.edu

INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE BOWL Wednesday, April 25, 2012, UNM SUB Acoma A&B, 3-5PM.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for summer employment for swimming instructors and lifeguards. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. or call 265-6971.

TAKE OVER LEASE at Lobo Village. Female only. Roommates really clean and quiet. No deposit. Hot tub, swimming pool, gym, shuttle to UNM. minkegoes@gmail.com


UNM/CNM UTILITIES PAID! 2 BDRM and 1 BA. $600/mo. 402 Cornell SE. TA Russell Company 881-5385.

LEGAL ASSISTANT FOR Crime Defense Attorney in fast-paced office. Word Perfect, Office, and Excel. BA/BS preferred. Good training for anyone interested in grad or law school. 1 year commitment. Email: parale gal@jrobinslaw.com no later than May 31st. Position begins August 1st.

LICENSED SPEECH LANGUAGE Pathologist (CCC’s preferred) for 20122013 with East Central BOCES member school districts. PreK-12th, competitive salary, excellent benefits. Access to vehicle or mileage reimbursement and possible tuition reimbursement. Contact Tracy at 719-775-2342, ext. 101 or email tracyg@ecboces.org ECBOCES is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

BLOCK TO UNM. Large 1BDRM, gated, pool, ref A/C, no pets. $620/mo includes utilities. 255-2685.

WRITE YOUR SCREENPLAY NOW! Class starts in May. marccalderwood@hotmail.com


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.


STRESSED ABOUT JOB? Life? Call Agora. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Responding to a traumatic event with fear, horror, or helplessness. Having distressing dreams, memories, or flashbacks about the traumatic event. Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event and/or feeling numb. Feeling overly alert, irritable or angry, or having difficulty concentrating.

OCD symptoms include: x x x

Unrelenting, unwanted thoughts or mental images. Thoughts feel unreasonable and cause you distress. You respond to these thoughts with repetitive behaviors or mental acts.

For More Information Call 505-277-5165

Are you depressed?

Furniture LEATHER SOFA AND loveseat. New, 3 months old. Excellent condition. Photos available. $1400 for both. sarmijo3@unm.edu MATTRESS, BOX SPRING, and frame like new. Originally $350. Less than 1 yr old with warrantee. $175 OBO. nyoungbl@unm.edu

Vehicles For Sale 1968 MUSTANG PARTS car, 289 engine, four barrel carburetor. Asking $2500. If interested, call Sam at 505-916-7064.

Symptoms of depression include: x x x x x x

Low energy Low self-esteem Hopelessness Sadness Feelings of guilt Trouble sleeping

Jobs Off Campus $10/HR CARE SERVICES 92 year old woman, disabled son. Shopping, cards, meals, etc. Days: PT; nights: 4 times/ yr. Contact: WriteTyler@aol.com Best applicant has car, knows computers, might be bilingual (French, Spanish, something). BEEPS SEEKING PERMANENT PT sales person. Retail experience preferred. Position starts mid May. Evening shifts only. Apply in person. THE ALBUQUERQUE POLICE Department is currently hiring for Police Officer and Police Service Aide. Contact recruiters today! (505) 343-5000 or log on to APDonline.com for more information.

The University of New Mexico is studying a new investigational medication for the treatment of depression. You may be eligible to receive the study medication at no charge if you are between the ages of 18 and 65, and are experiencing an inadequate response to ongoing antidepressant treatment. For more information, please call 505-272-6898.

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