Daily Lobo 05/06/2024

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Daily l obo

UNM solidarity encampment, week two

Update 05/05/2024

On Saturday, May 4, at the University of New Mexico Duck Pond solidarity encampment, students and community members joined the UNM Faculty & Staff Divestment

Working Group for a teach-in and art build on Palestine and divestment.

The working group consists of UNM faculty and staff who advocate for the advancement of student protesters and University divestment from Israel, according to Jennifer Tucker, an associate professor at the School of Architecture & Planning.

“It’s really about exploring the links between activism and art and how art can be a force for social change,” Tucker said.

Jennifer Jordan, the UNM Open Educational Resources librarian, attended the teach-in to support her students, she said.

“I saw at least one of (my students) on the footage (from the Student Union Building), and I was scared for him,” Jordan said.

Later that day, local therapists like Niyera Hewlett offered drop-in sessions at the mental health first aid tent.

“We’re here in support because we’ve noticed a lot of the violence and brutality that people have experienced, and when you’re in survival mode you can’t really feel those feelings. We wanted to offer a space for folks to try and

process some of it,” Hewlett said.

As of Sunday, May 5, UNM has no plans to alter the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11 in response to the protests, UNM Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Cinnamon Blair said.

On Friday, May 3, the encampment released a statement addressing the police response to the April 29-30 occupation of the Student Union Building and in response to UNM Leadership’s statement earlier in the week.

“Until UNM discloses information on investments, we cannot know the full extent of our institution’s contribution to the genocide of Palestinians,”

the encampment’s statement reads.

The UNM Department of Native American Studies also released a statement on May 3 in solidarity with those involved with the encampment, calling for UNM leadership and administration to engage in dialogue with student and faculty protesters.

“Students are the ones who are saying no business as usual until we reevaluate our relationship with Israel,” Tucker said. “So it’s important for faculty and for the community and for staff to support those who are taking risks in order to make change on this really urgent issue.”

see Encampment page 2

At the end of each semester, the Daily Lobo recognizes graduating staff and their contributions to the paper and the broader campus community.

The Daily Lobo’s outgoing editorin-chief, Maddie Pukite, has spent their time at the University of New Mexico and in student publications making change.

Pukite graduates this spring with two bachelor’s degrees – one in political science and one in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies – and two minors – one in Honors Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts and one in Journalism & Mass Communication.

Pukite served as a reporter, managing editor and editor-in-chief

Outgoing editor-in-chief graduates, beloved by all

throughout their four years on Lobo staff. While doing so, they maintained a steady college schedule, taking 18-21 credits per semester.

Through all their commitments, they created and maintained meaningful friendships inside and outside the Lobo, like with Gabriel Biadora, a former Lobo news editor.

“The thing that makes (Pukite) so incredible as a reporter and as an editor is their unrelenting empathy. I think that’s the thing that really drives their work. Everything that they do (has) this overwhelming sense of real, genuine kindness and so much empathy for what they’re covering,” Biadora said.

Pukite reported on wide-ranging topics, including City Council meetings, accessibility, protests and environmental issues. The first story they wrote for the Lobo was about the cost of grass upkeep on campus.

“I was very proud of it. It won second place for Environmental Reporting at the New Mexico Press Association,” Pukite said.

As their time reporting evolved,

they said they realized that journalism isn’t something that is learned within a classroom, it’s something learned on the job.

“(Journalism) is something you learn by doing, and you learn it from good editors and you learn it from having great coworkers and trusted mentors. I feel like the newsroom and working with people is really how I’ve learned how to do journalism,” Pukite said.

Yet in the classroom, Pukite said the critical theories they learned for their degrees have been integral to constructing their stories and the way they report.

“It gives me a way to think about the world from my personal experience. It’s helped me ask better questions and approach an interview from an intersectional lens, and ensure that I’m asking about every part of you,” Pukite said.

Alex Tierney, a close friend of Pukite, said Pukite grew throughout their entire time at the Lobo, but especially as editor-in-chief.

“They say what they mean and

Estrada’s creativity knows no bounds

“I was like, ‘F*ck, I’m not getting a job,’” Katrina Estrada said about her 2022 interview to be a freelance photographer at the Daily Lobo – during which she burst into laughter when a pigeon attacked then photo editor Mackenzie Schwartz.

A week later, she was hired. She soon became the multimedia editor, and later, the photo editor. She graduates from the University of New Mexico with a bachelor’s degree in film this spring.

“I chose film because I’ve always been in love with the art. I think it started with my love for photography that started at a very young age, and then it blossomed into wanting to delve into other visual medias,” Estrada said.

Estrada is from Silver City, New Mexico. She opted to attend UNM

partly because of its proximity to home, and said Albuquerque feels like its “own little world” inside the state.

At UNM, she learned about the power of film and its symbiotic relationship with history, she said.

“It’s crazy impactful. I think that’s also why I wanted to go into film. As a woman of color from rural New Mexico, my life and the way I tell stories, and the way I perceive the world, and the fears that I’ve had of the world or the things that I love about the world, are very different,” Estrada said.

At the Lobo, Estrada photographed sports, protests and any last-minute Sunday captures needed for stories. She also inspired friend and reporter Marcela Johnson to join the newsroom.

“(Estrada) has so much knowledge and she’s so willing to share it,” Johnson said. “I’m not a photographer, but she’s been so helpful to me in communicating with photographers about what I want.”

Estrada’s favorite part of her time

at the Lobo was the comfort and security shared amongst the staff, she said.

“All the times I doubted myself or was like, ‘Oh my gosh, no one in this city takes us seriously because we’re a student newspaper’ … It was nice to have people there to be like, ‘No, we matter.’ Our voices matter; the stories we tell our audience matter,” Estrada said.

Her advice for any creatives in college is to not take their craft – or themselves – too seriously, she said.

“A lot of photography and film, or photojournalism and video journalism – there’s a sort of prestige within it, inherently built off of the backs of people who claim they’ve created the art, which are white, heterosexual, cisgender men, and they take themselves way too seriously,” Estrada said.

Estrada puts thought and love into her creative ventures and everything she does, her longtime friend Kai Warrior wrote.

“Her art, her words and her presence are such beautiful beaming lights and you are lucky to know her if you do,” Warrior wrote.

After graduation, Estrada plans to travel to Chicago, then return to Albuquerque in July and begin various photography projects she has planned. She wants to continue story-telling without being limited to one medium, she said.

Estrada also wants to work in film at some point, and is prepared for the work she said it will take.

“I think one of the biggest lessons I learned through the Lobo was that if you do something or walk into a place that you don’t think you belong in with enough confidence, no one really tells you no,” Estrada said. “I think that could be applied to a lot of different things.”

Lily Alexander is the editor-in-chief at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com on Twitter @llilyalexander

they mean what they say, and it’s hard to find people like that. They care wholly and deeply because they can’t even help it,” Tierney wrote.

Biadora admires Pukite’s community-oriented, authentic approach to reporting, he said.

“Their sense of empathy and looking after your neighbor – I think that’s what makes them such an incredible reporter and better editor. I love the way that they have taken (the Lobo) and the direction that it’s gone. I think they’re doing amazing stuff; I’m just amazed with what they’ve accomplished,” Biadora said.

Upon graduation, Maddie said the past four years were a whirlwind, and they have decided to spend some time “working in a restaurant or something.”

“I’ve had the absolute thrill of a lifetime these past four years. Well, not a lifetime. There are more exciting things to come,” Pukite said.

Karina Bolaños is the Culture Editor at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com

new mexico
dailylobo.com Monday, May 6, 2024 | Volume 128 | Issue 35
The Independent Student Voice of UNM
Photo courtesy of Maddie Pukite Outgoing editor-in-chief Maddie Pukite poses for a photo in the Daily Lobo newsroom on April 13. Photo courtesy of Katrina Estrada Katrina Estrada poses at the cactus garden outside of Zimmerman Library on April 22.
@paloma_chapa88 & @ella_daniel7

chanted as Hope was escorted to a NMSP vehicle.

At about 4 a.m., officers began forcibly removing anyone who remained in the SUB and made more arrests.

16 arrested after pro-Palestine protesters occupy the SUB

On Tuesday, April 30 at around 3:30 a.m., 16 pro-Palestine protesters – five of them University of New Mexico students – were arrested by UNM Police Department officers at the Student Union Building after they occupied the space. New Mexico State Police, dressed in riot gear, participated in the response.

The protesters filled the second floor of the SUB with tents, food and supplies, writing pro-Palestine messages on the walls with chalk and marker. As of April 30, at least 34,535 people have been killed in Gaza, according to Aljazeera.

Two protesters, including UNM alumni Sofia Jenkins-Nieto, were pepper-sprayed by UNMPD officers.

“I was just trying to get a good video of (the officers) and then I was outside as they were pushing people out, so I saw a lot of people get pushed to the ground and get tackled – get stepped on,” Jenkins-Nieto said. “I was about to get on the concrete to step down .... I think they were trying to spray everyone and I just got hit on the corner of my face.”

UNMPD and NMSP officers tackled protesters and threw them down to arrest them. One UNMPD officer pointed his taser at a legal observer.

The previous day, Monday, April 29 at 6 p.m., about 300 protesters gathered at the encampment at the Duck Pond to rally and march in solidarity with Palestine. About an hour later, protesters marched to the SUB.

During a speech, protester and former student Jonathan Juarez announced the occupation of the SUB.

“We are here to stay. We are calling on President Stokes and the Board of Regents to immediately begin the process of divestment,” Juarez said.

UNM has received grants from the U.S.-Israel Binational Foundations, according to The Jewish Virtual Library. Protesters chanted “disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest,” repeatedly throughout the night.

At 8:30 p.m., a campus-wide LoboAlert was sent out, stating protesters occupied the SUB and that the building was closed. Protesters remained in the building.

At around 9 p.m., UNM President Garnett Stokes was outside the SUB. UNM Chief Marketing and Communications Officer Cinnamon Blair did not know why Stokes was there, she said.

“Right now, I’m thinking and considering what it means – what this next action represents for the campus. And so for me, I understand the various perspectives. I know what’s being asked, but at the same time, I think there are many things to consider, including the impact of this on other members of the community, and so (I am) considering what our next steps are,” Stokes said in a statement to the Daily Lobo.

At around 11 p.m., about 29 police cars belonging to UNMPD and NMSP were staged outside of Hokona Hall, according to Juarez.

Several protesters sealed tent en-

trances with zip-ties and chained the tents to the second floor railing. Protesters anticipated the police officers would perform arrests. Some filled out forms where they wrote their names and emergency contact information in case of arrest.

Abbey Myrick, a graduate student in the Department of Neurosciences, was willing to risk arrest to support the younger students involved in the protest, she said.

“It’s not really about politics and it’s not even really about history at this moment. Even though there’s a lot of history, it’s more a humanitarian crisis that’s occurring right now and (UNM is) funding it,” Myrick said.

UNMPD and NMSP arrived at the SUB at 3 a.m., telling protesters they had 30 minutes to leave before being charged with criminal trespassing. Protesters barricaded doors leading outside with couches, tables and chairs.

Shortly before 3:30 a.m., about 20 NMSP officers dressed in riot gear entered the north end of the SUB, standing in a line. They gradually approached the protesters at the south end, who used plastic storage container lids as shields and linked arms, chanting.

The officers dismantled tents with protesters inside, including Siihasin Hope, a protester and community organizer. Officers arrested Hope and other individuals who were inside the tents.

“We see you, we love you, we will get justice for you,” protesters

“I definitely did see several students get brutalized by police,” Juarez said. “I also have a friend that is pregnant right now who was also injured by the police.”

On April 30 at 2 p.m., UNM Leadership released a Universitywide statement regarding the SUB occupation, describing it as “not acceptable.” The SUB remained closed until Wednesday, May 1 at 7 a.m.

As of April 30 at 2 p.m., about half of the arrested protesters were released, according to the UNM Palestine Solidarity Camp Instagram.

“President Stokes and this administration would rather see students be brutalized and forcibly removed than have a written commitment to divest within 48 hours – rather than meeting really basic and feasible demands of students,” Juarez said.

Update 05/02/2024

By Thursday, May 2, all 16 of the protesters arrested during the April 30 SUB occupation were released from the Metropolitan Detention Center. They were charged with criminal trespass and wrongful use of public property, according to court records.

Hope was the only protester charged with criminal trespass involving damage, per New Mexico Statute 30-14-1 (D), according to court records.

Four protesters who were arrested, including Hope and Sophia Ellis-Young, said they sustained injuries from their arrests.

“I was laying there because I had put my hands behind my back –none of us were resisting arrest – and I looked back at (an officer) and

he just looked at me. And then he stepped as hard as he could on this object, and it snapped up in my face,” Hope said.

On Tuesday, April 30, protesters at the Duck Pond held a vigil in solidarity with Palestine and those who were arrested at the SUB.

Hope and Ellis-Young were put in solitary confinement cells at the detention center without water, food or access to phone calls, they said at the vigil.

“Choosing to be arrested is no joke. We experienced wounds; one comrade got his lip busted, I got my shirt ripped. It was an incredibly traumatizing experience,” Ellis-Young said.

On Wednesday, May 1, the United Academics of UNM – a faculty union – circulated a signable statement in solidarity with students participating in the SUB and Duck Pond encampments. The statement received 225 signatures from faculty and staff by May 2, Jennifer Tucker, an associate professor at the School of Architecture & Planning, said in a press release.

“We urge President Stokes and Provost Holloway to de-escalate their response towards students exercising their first amendment rights,” the statement reads.

Representatives at the SUB did not immediately respond to a request for comment concerning the April 30 occupation’s impact on the building.

Paloma Chapa is the multimedia editor for the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at multimedia@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @paloma_chapa88

Ella Daniel is a freelance reporter with the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @ella_daniel7

Lelia Chapa contributed reporting to this article.

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An NMSP officer moves a legal observer toward the exit
Ella Daniel / @ella_daniel7 / Daily Lobo door at the SUB on Tuesday, April 30. Encampment from page 1

Daily Lobo twins for the win

Paloma and Leila Chapa, Daily Lobo staff members and Women’s Soccer Club founders, are graduating from the University of New Mexico this spring with degrees in environmental planning and design.

The twins started at UNM in 2019 and quickly became involved with the campus community. In September 2023, Paloma became multimedia editor for the Lobo and helped build the video desk. Leila joined the Lobo as a videographer in February 2024.

The two were excited to create videos together – a longtime passion of theirs – and gain new experiences at

the Lobo, they said.

“The Lobo team has been so gracious and welcoming from the start. I remember my first day, I already felt like part of the team because of the great energy of everyone there,” Leila wrote.

The pair also launched the UNM Women’s Soccer Club.

“(We) took passion in trying to get it from pick-up games at Johnson Field to as high a level as possible,” Leila wrote.

In the academic world, Paloma and Leila worked under the mentorship of Professor Subhankar Banerjee on a project involving biodiversity justice and visual culture through the UNM Center for Environmental Arts and Humanities (CEAH). Paloma and Leila were attentive, sincere and rigorously engaged when they attended Baner-

jee’s spring 2023 class, he wrote.

The pair’s project – a suite of postcards exploring the relationship between human and nonhuman life – will be included in a 2026 book and exhibition called “Coexistence: Biodiversity in New Mexico,” co-produced by CEAH and the Albuquerque Museum, Banerjee wrote.

At the Lobo most recently, Paloma and Leila have been covering the UNM Palestine solidarity encampment with photographer Ella Daniel.

“Now in my second semester with the Lobo, it’s hard to believe I’m writing and reporting on the current events on campus after only having written one culture article previously,” Paloma wrote.

Paloma brings detail and positivity to her work, Daniel wrote, and Leila’s dedication to journalism makes her video-storytelling authentic.

“I would not have been able to achieve my goals as a journalist without Paloma by my side … I am always eager to watch (Leila’s) videos,” Daniel wrote.

The Lobo staff made Paloma more confident in her abilities, she wrote.

“When I had a rough week or stressful time, I would always feel better after spending time with the other editors on Sunday,” Paloma wrote.

After graduation, Paloma and Leila will continue their work with Banerjee. They also intend to go to graduate school for environmental engineering, Paloma wrote.

Arly Garcia is a freelance reporter with the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

Francesca Cicconetti knows ball

Francesca Cicconetti’s life has been dominated by sports. From an early age, she watched games with her family, which led to a high school career in volleyball. At the University of New Mexico, she covered sports for the Daily Lobo and started a temporary job with the New Mexico Ice Wolves.

Cicconetti graduates from UNM this spring with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication.

Her family moved to Albuquerque when she was young; later, she attended Volcano Vista High School. Cicconetti graduated in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and originally wanted to go out of state for college, but stayed close to home and doesn’t regret a thing.

“I grew up in UNM and (with)

UNM stuff, so it felt right … I got to stay around friends and family. I love the programs here and a lot of family work for UNM, so it felt very full circle in the end,” Cicconetti said.

When she began college, she initially did not know what she wanted to do, but said she realized she should pursue the thing she loves.

“For about a year, I thought I was going to be a public affairs officer in the Army and that did not happen, but then I was already (working for the Lobo) and I was like, ‘I really like doing this, it’s something I care about,’” Cicconetti said.

Cicconetti will cover any sport.

At the Lobo, she wrote about everything from cross country to rodeo. Her favorites to watch are football and hockey, but her favorite to write about is volleyball. Her previous experience — playing opposite hitter in high school — allowed her to go in depth with her writing and create something she was proud of.

“Since I played, writing about it (gets me) a lot more invested because I can share the ins and outs of certain plays, certain hits, positioning and where they were really strong or not. So I get really happy to write about that,” Cicconetti said.

Elizabeth Secor, a fellow Lobo reporter, and Cicconetti recently teamed up to cover the Savannah Bananas. Cicconetti’s joy and professionalism added to the experience, Secor said.

“We were there for eight hours interviewing players, getting photographs and actual game coverage. It was a long day but made even more fun by who I was working with,” Secor said.

Cicconetti stood on the dugout to interview a player on stilts, Secor said.

“As someone who had never covered sports before, (Cicconetti’s) expertise was very helpful and together we wrote a 1000-plus-word story of the game,” Secor said. “And it is one of my favorites I’ve ever written.”

Outside of features and game coverage, Cicconetti wrote opinion pieces. This year she predicted the UNM men’s basketball team would finish 24-7. The team went 22-9 in the regular season.

If Cicconetti could have given herself advice going into her freshman year, she would have said to be less hard on herself regarding her grades, she said.

“Don’t take it so seriously … You don’t need to fully stress yourself out, it’s going to get done, you’re never not going to give a good effort at what you do. You can take a minute and you can breathe. I definitely did not give myself that grace until this last year,”


Thomas Bulger is the sports editor for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @thomasbulger10

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Cicconetti Valeria Brenes / @Dailylobo / Daily Lobo Francesca Cicconetti poses on the UNM campus on Wednesday, May 1. Ella Daniel / @ella_daniel7 / Daily Lobo Paloma Chapa (left) and Leila Chapa (right) pose outside Marron Hall on Sunday, May 5.

BillyJack Davidson is a writer

BillyJack Davidson has worked for the Daily Lobo as the men’s basketball beat reporter this past season, covering community events on the side. He graduates from the University of New Mexico this spring with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts.

Davidson was born and raised in Albuquerque and said he has no intention of leaving. As a third generation Lobo, he said he is proud to graduate from UNM, as it has been his dream from a young age.

Davidson chose liberal arts because it allowed him to explore every subject available, he said.

“I didn’t have a definitive college I had to stay in. I got to do art history, ballet, writing, creative writing, nonfiction writing, film noir, philosophy, anthropology – all fields I had access to which I really enjoyed,” Davidson said.

After graduation, Davidson wants to pursue journalism. As long as he has the opportunity to write, he will be happy, he said. He writes fictional short stories in his spare time.

Davidson wants to continue with sports journalism, however, unlike many sports writers, sports is not something he grew up with.

“Originally, I tried (sports writing) because I knew it would be easier for my brain to work with, and I kept writing and kept going to different sporting events. I realized the importance of it. For instance, soccer is just guys run-

ning around kicking a ball into a goal, yet it’s one of the things that brings together the most people in the entire world,” Davidson said.

In sports journalism, Davidson loves being the middleman between the players on the court and the fans in the stands, he said.

Most of his favorite memories of writing for the Lobo were at The Pit, particularly UNM’s 99-86 victory against Utah State.

Davidson also covered local events for the Lobo culture desk. Karina Bolaños, the culture editor, wrote that his attention to detail made his writing style unique.

“I really like how well he can set up a place in a story. He pays attention to some of the more minimal details that people may not necessarily think to


include. I think my favorite pieces he wrote were his concert pieces because of that reason,” Bolaños wrote.

Davidson’s primary hobby is writing, he said. He was recently published for his coverage of NM United’s win in the U.S. Open Cup.

“I write. I write and I write and I write. I’m old school, I do it by hand. I have 15 notebooks filled with random story ideas – none of them have endings,” Davidson said.

If Davidson could go back in time and give himself advice as a freshman, he would say to not worry about the social aspect of college.

“Don’t worry about (being sociable) as much. Seriously, don’t worry about making friends, or trying to please people or trying to be ‘in,’ and focus on yourself, because things will work out. They always do,” Davidson said.

Thomas Bulger is the sports editor for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @thomasbulger10

Mackenzie Schwartz shows artistry and strength

Writer, photographer and powerlifter

Mackenzie Schwartz is graduating from the University of New Mexico with a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and three years at the Daily Lobo under her belt.

Schwartz has had a passion for photography since high school and served as the Lobo photo editor for three semesters. She received the Mark Holm Photojournalism Award in 2023, which annually recognizes one Lobo photographer.

“(My passion) has grown more over the years, working at the Daily Lobo (and) attending sports, protests and campus events,” Schwartz wrote.

At the Lobo, Schwartz wrote about and photographed various local events, such as the Nizhoni Days Powwow, which her mom, Janice, said yielded her favorite of Schwartz’s photos.

“The photos alone told a story,” Janice wrote.

Schwartz is from Englewood, Colorado, and decided to attend college out-of-state despite the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns, Janice wrote.

“Our proudest moment of (Schwartz) is now looking at all that she has accomplished these last four years,” Janice wrote.

Schwartz’s favorite event she covered for the Lobo was a United game. Doing both the writing and photography for that story provided her ample experience with multi-

tasking, she wrote.

“My favorite memory working at the Lobo was at a men’s basketball game. I was taking photographs from the floor, looking through my viewfinder and noticed that one of the players was getting close. I put down my camera, and the player ran into me,” Schwartz wrote.

Outside of journalism, Schwartz worked as an intern and lab assistant in the Exercise Physiology Lab. Exercise science professor Leonard Kravitz — also Schwartz’s academic advisor for the past two years — described Schwartz as passionate, professional and positive.

Following graduation, Mackenzie will head to the University of Buffalo in New York to pursue a master’s degree in exercise science.

Pride Convocation brings campus LGBTQ community together

The University of New Mexico LGBTQ Resource Center’s 13th annual Pride Convocation honored graduates and awardees on Friday, May 3. Attendees and speakers paraded into the Honors College Forum to Beyoncé’s “Break My Soul” to begin the evening’s festivities.

The celebration included speeches from LGBTQRC Director Frankie Flores, UNM President Garnett Stokes and UNM Division for Equity and Inclusion President Assata Zerai. Madison Otero, UNM senior and co-chair of Juniper Reimagined –UNM’s Queer and Trans student alliance – served as the student speaker for the event. In her speech, she thanked the center and spoke to her fellow graduates about what to hold on to and what to let go.

“We can all let go of regrets and obligations, even if doing so is hard, and we can hold on to the lessons we’ve learned and the community that sup-

ported us,” Otero said.

In her speech, Zerai spoke about identifying and defining power, and the forging of new relationships, quoting American writer and professor Audre Lorde.

“I can’t wait to see the new ways of relating that you will create, the new languages that you will create as well as the social change you will bring about,” Zerai said. “Here’s to your revolution.”

Flores emphasized the strength of this year’s graduating class, which began during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. They also talked about living in one’s whole self and community.

“We are being told to make ourselves small and I want to remind you all to be big,” Flores said. “Be big in your ideas, in your movements, in your convictions and, most importantly, in your love.”

Stokes spoke about the ongoing efforts of the LGBTQRC, as well as recognizing Juniper Reimagined, other student groups like the UNM Association of Jotería Arts, Activism and Scholarship and spACE.

“Thank you for your kindness and compassion, (and) your support for each other. You have absolutely made this university a better place – a brighter place,” Stokes said to the graduates. Four awards were given during the convocation. The Stonewall Legacy Award is given to Queer and Trans individuals on campus who have contributed to the UNM LGBTQ community. This year’s Stonewall Legacy Awards were given to Fabián Armijo, UNM Hospital’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Executive Director and Francisco Galarte, an associate professor of American studies.

The Dr. Jozi De Leon Advocate Award is given to non-Trans and Queer advocates on campus. It is named for Leon, who worked with students to create the LGBTQRC. These awards were given to LoboRESPECT director Lisa Lindquist and Student Activities Center director Ryan Lindquist.

Graduates received a cord – still available at the LGBTQRC – and a certificate of congratulations as part of the festivities. Awardees

were given a turkey feather boa in lieu of an award plaque. Turkey feather boas are higher quality than standard chicken feather boas, according to Flores.

“And remember, you are not chicken feathers, you are turkey feathers,” Flores said.

The event celebrates Trans and Queer students as well as allies, Flores said.

The event did not require a cap and gown or other dress code.

“We have had students who have come in drag, we have had students come dressed in their affirmed identity for the first time ever,” Flores said.

Otero was honored to speak at the event, she said, because she attributes much of her personal growth to time spent with the center.

“Being able to have this space to celebrate all of our achievements and not having to diminish any part of my identity is really special,” Otero said.

Marcela Johnson is a beat reporter for the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo.

“I am nervous about graduating, just having to move to New York in a few months, but I am also excited about what the future will hold once I graduate,” Schwartz wrote.

As for how her time at the Daily Lobo impacted her life, Schwartz wrote that its effect was nothing but positive.

“I have made friends that I will cherish forever and have greatly improved my photography skills throughout the years. Working at the Daily Lobo has taught me more than I would have thought, (considering it’s) a hobby I had just picked up one day,” Schwartz wrote.

Maria Fernandez is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at culture@dailylobo.com

Monday, May 6, 2024 4 Volume 128 Issue 35 The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld. UNM Land Acknowledgement statement Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council. Multimedia Editor Paloma Chapa Design Director Alexandra Starostina Editorial Staff Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com Editor-in-Chief Lily Alexander Culture Editor Karina Bolaños Sports Editor Thomas Bulger Photo Editor Liliana Esparza Copy Chief Kelsa Mendoza Copy Editor Grace Egan Advertising Staff Telephone: (505) 277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com Advertising Manager Manny Aguilar Campus Advertising Victoria Ruiz Advertising Representatives Krystelle Anaya Astrid Larson Nevaeh Lucero Nina Nzekwe Advertising Design Ethan Weiner Advertising Assistant Ben Gibbons Classified Advertising Victoria Ruiz Calendar Coordinator Skylar Weber
Leila Chapa / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo BillyJack Davidson poses outside of Marron Hall on Friday, May 3. Maria Fernandez / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Mackenzie Schwartz poses outside Kiva Hall on Friday, May 3. Noah Laffler / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Madison Otero (student speaker), gives a speech at the 2024 Pride Convocation at the Honors College Forum on Friday, May 3. Noah Laffler / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Frankie Flores (LGBTQ RC Director) addresses the audience at the 2024 Pride Convocation at the Honors College Forum on Friday, May 3.


2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!


MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 / PAGE 5 @DailyLobo NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO These are opportunities worth seizing. Perspectives worth sharing. Ideas worth debating. These are steps worth taking. Dreams worth dreaming. Impacts worth making. These are moments worth embracing. Journeys worth traveling. Trials worth facing. You are Lobos worth celebrating.
CLASS OF LoboGrad.unm.edu Spring 2024 Bachelor’s degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. Anderson School of Management BBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Anna Abeyta Myra Abeyta Crystal Abrisz Antonio Acevedo Ibrahim Al-Rahmoun Aspen Amador Bastien Amat Kaitlyn Anderson Samantha Anderson Griselda Archuleta Angel Baca Caleb Baca Christopher Baca Jonathan Baca Vanessa Baca Sofia Bachicha Aubrey Baldonado Luke Baldoni Alexandra Baldwin Sara Barakat Kathleen Barela Romulo Barrientos Arellano Alexandria Bates Tamari Beard Sherman Begay Sabastian Benavidez Ella Blackwell Albert Boneta Cami Dominique Bouska Erin Brennan Kaylee Brown Dalis Bruce Kelsey Buckingham Ariana Calderon Isai Carrillo Dominic Chavez Jordan Cheresposy Kvian Conner Jacob Contreras Ivory Cooper Adrian Coronel Angelique Cortez Karen Cota Forrest Crist-Ruiz Kristoffer Dailey Son Danh Reece Davis Allyssa Dean Raeleen Degroat Joshua Demel Osaze Demund Angelica Diaz Emily Diaz Jeanie Diep Hannah Joy Dille Calla Dixon Alexandra Dolin Aidan Donohue Brianna Duran Simone Duran Jamie Eichwald Nevaeh Elevario Meaghan Espie Ashley Farr Elijah Ferguson Theodore Fiala Tyrone Finch Diego Flores Elena Flores Elizabeth Florez Chandler Fuller Tanner Gallegos Angelina Garcia Esmeralda Garcia Isaac Garcia Isaiah Garcia Luis Garibay Aliya Gerhardt Jordan Gilliam Sebastien Gomez Ariana Gonzales Gabriel Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez-Herrera Abigail Gordon Kelley Grassham Alexander Grzybowski Alexandria Guiffre Kirby Gurley Zion Hall Ethan Harrison Akhil Hassanali Nicholas Havens Mireya Herrera Michelle Hill Kaleigh Hipple Collyn Hoang Connie Hoang Jake Holland Stephanie Holpp Paul Holzmann Leonie Hoppe Clay Houghtaling Ngoc Huynh Jamie Jaffa Martinez Amanda Janssen Abed Jean Charles Aiden Jimenez Blanche Johnson Tanner Jones Lina Katba Bader Madison Kelsh Konner Kinkade Conner Kinslow Christopher Kirby Julia Kirby Jonathan LaMone Matthew Larkin Kimberly Lerma Marcos Leyba Mateo Leyba Amber Linton Armando Lopez Christopher Lopez Leslie Lopez Sapphire Lopez Melodie Love-Wagner Jack Luu Isabella Madrid Tonya Madrid Alec Marenco Cameron Marquez Ruben Marquez Aaron Martinez Joshua Martinez Angelica Martinez Cordero Jaime Martinez-Gibson Sabrina Mason Ryoma Matsushita Christie Maturino Lauren McAllister Kalista McCorkey Stacie McElveny Jemeni McGee Luke McGowen Dennis McLernan Marla Medina Mario Medrano Victoria Mendoza Alexander Messenger Weston Metz Mason Miller Lucas Mills Jesse Mirabal Brandi Mondragon Jenee Montoya Madison Montoya Miacera Montoya Enrique Morales Danna Moreno Jose Moreno Maya Morton Danielle Nelson Sara Nelson Ben Nguyen Minthy Nguyen Samantha Olivas Loo Cameron Ortega Dominique Ortega Iliana Ortiz Cody Osborn Cindy Otero Xavier Otero Ethan Padilla Savannah Padilla Ian Padilla-Salazar Lilia Pangan Tyler Parrett Aarya Patel Jasmine Pellerin Alina Pena Cristal Perez Ruth Perez Sebastian Perez Andrew Perry Diane Peshlakai Luke Pham Becenti Platero Kristin Platero Shayne Pobanz Quinn Porath-Yeager Zackry Portillo John Primaveri Ana Quijano Meza Nathaniel Racca Raneem Ramadan Daniela Ramirez Simon Ramirez Nadia Rasheed Nayeli Resendiz-Romero Garris Rivera Jillian Rodriguez Mariana Rodriguez Andrew Romero Victoria Romero Kennedi Rose Keane Roske Garrett Ross Robert Ruiz Shylow Saenz Brandon Sanchez Dominique Sanchez-Bell Quincy Sander Vincent Santos Roni Saponar Chauntae Scott Devin Serrano Camila Sharp Savanah Shockey Alexia Silva Stefano Simone Brooke Smith Gryphon Sobieski Ezekiel Sorenson Xander Sorenson Aivi Spencer Sean Stephens Jackson Stone Allana Strong Kori Szabo-Smith Deavon Tabish Moran Jacob Tafoya Jennilyn Tafoya Marcos Tafoya Maren Talbot Jace Taylor-Stalhut Jake Tejada Grant Templin Luke Tompson Ricardo Torres Danielle Tran Nathan Tran Michael Trent Izabella Trujillo Joseph Trujillo Rachel Trujillo Paulina Valadez Danyelle Valdez Thomas Valenzuela Justin Van Dyke Trenton Vanderhoof Ethan Vasquez Daniel Vigil Matthew Vigil Melanie Vigil Erin Watts Justice Webb Chase Weissenborn Robert West Lucas Whitacre Katlyn Whiting Tommy Willoughby Irma Wilson Dafne Yeverino Michael Zamora Graham Zielinski Rayyan Zindani College of Arts and Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS American Studies Gunnar Barnes Anthropology Nick Allen Maxwell Bode Isabella Collins Amanda Dillard Katherine Eachus Sabrina Fraser Emerson Guy Andrew Hale Rachel Johnston Alexander King Kasandra Lopez Arianna Montoya George Shearin William Tara Jordan Wilson Alisa Yeoman Biology Adan Benavidez Victoria Bonilla Isabelle Hernandez Haley Hughes Nadia MacDonald Desirae Ortiz Faith Ridenour Aubrey Torres Mercedes Torres Lauren Urenda Evan Wheeler Chemistry Autumn Arruti Jonathan Cornell Cecilia Pareja Gabriella Poler Chicana and Chicano Studies Daniela Gomez Ali Jurado Diego Renteria Camilla Serrano Garcia Classical Studies Garrett Evans Communication Keith Alvarado Rachel Arelline Samuel Baker Hayley Banuelos Isaiah Chavez Shirlee Duran John Ersoydan Genesis Garcia Gabriel Gonzales Martin Hudson Jaren Jackson KoriRae Jaramillo Victoria Jaramillo Kyler Kinzie Cameron Krause Ryan Lovato Katie Mancilla Caleb Marra Andy Martinez Miguel Martinez Garrett McKinstry Daniela Millan Gabriella Montoya Declan O’Reilly Francisco Olivas Monica Padilla Andrew Russell Hunter Sellers Madeline Skipp Anni Thompson Shandiin Thurman Iryna Tsesiul Grace Valenzuela Kennedie Vigil Melissa Walden David Weber Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies Mario Ulloa Criminology Marina Abeita Evan Anaya Sofia Apodaka-Morales Tessa Bagwell Kimberly Barradas Anahi Baylon Sierra Bencomo Vivian Bencomo Micah Bernard Martika Campbell Thomas Chavez Ryan Dabbah Madisyn Dowdy Elias Elicio Aidan Friberg Lucia Gallegos Savannah Gallegos Nathalia Gardea Ceniceros JoAndra Gonzales Luis Guerrero Alea Henderson Gem Denise Hilotin Jesse Holder Desiree Jones Asael Leyva-Guaderrama Sara Lopez Kaitlyn Maes Santiago Martinez Andrea Martinez Cordero Kaitlin McAlister Kaitlyn McLeod Andrea Medrano Julia Messier Tyler Miller Ashanti Moore Jarius Moore Dahmar Morales Ryan Moya Gabriel Ogaldez Stephanie Orr Charmaine Parker Angel Rey Ashton Reyes Andrea Rodriguez Simental Elena Romero Troy Romo Lexia Roush Jennifer Sanchez Semaj Sims ReElle Snyder Marcus Steele Dominic Tafoya Jordyn Thibodeau Alicia Torres Demitra Ulibarri Alejandra Vizcarra Emilie Von Harders Bobby Wooden Earth & Planetary Sciences Alexander Ammons Kayla Bottinelli Sa’angna Gollette Estevan Rodriguez East Asian Studies Colin Ahlen Mia Gallegos Ross Johnson Justin Wipperman Economics Michael Allison Sabastian Benavidez Razhinder Bitsoi Abigail Castro Shaleena Flores Antonio Granillo Steven Hagan Alex Kaltenbach Jonah Molina Cameron Plese Joaquin Romero Elias Samaha Garrett Snyder Arielle Taboada Jeremy Westine Sean Yonemoto English Studies Aiman Aamer Ariana Aguilar Grace Bell Jacx Crane Alexandra Dark Robert Dyer Seth Gloshay Victoria Gomez Jessi Hobby Galli Huaute Simona Jayme Addison Key Daniel Kinghorn Noel Kittredge Lark Landon Adrianna LeDoux Alexandria Longo Ariel Lotero Eric Lucero Ramona MacLeod Elijah Maestas Julian Martinez Castalia Mayerhofer Alex Moulton Jeanette Nelson Juan Pena Sophia Puglia-Henry Sofia Rivera Sarah Romero Victoria Ruiz Acacia Ryska Denika Saiz Kelly Stanley Lizbeth Torres Quiroz Tanya Tyler Marina Tynku Mia Uhlenbrock Chandler Veal Alethea Williams English-Philosophy Jonah Armbruster Evan Chilton-Garcia Daniel Ulloa Vega French Sebastian Sanchez-Carrera Geography Michael Liles Health, Medicine & Human Values Simran Bhardwaj Kamani Carney Krysta Cunico Tenzin Gendun Daisy Gutierrez Morales Haley Hughes Fahima Kamal Christian Martinez Quincin Sean McNally Jorrell Mirabal Amogh Shukla Sarah Villarrial Helen Wagner Joshua Yeboah Tiffany Ynostroza History Reese Atencio Gerad Baca Fiona Mae Balasuit Ethan Brech Mark Campbell Grace Egan Ayoub El Ashmawi Shannon Finley Dandro Fralinger Devin Galves Jayson Gober Julian Gunther Alex Hunt Sheila Jurnak Danielle Knox Lucas Loe Dougald MacDougall Carlos Moya Walker Quale Rafael Romero-Salas Simon Ruybalid Malia Saavedra Jason Serrano Matthew Taylor Leyabah Tsosie Abigail Vermette Jonathan Wooster International Studies Ásíyih Barker Bailey Barrows Anna Borders David C de Baca Iram Camacho Merina Chaudhary Madalyn Everett Shaleena Flores Tyler Gann GiGi Gong Max Grabowsky Autumn Hamman Bayan Jaber Molly Mahoney Ian May Steffen Ortiz Michaela Pacheco Olivia Panaccione Reed Pieper Christopher Rodriguez


Test With Truman

Be Empowered. Know Your Status.

Walk in HIV Testing

Monday: 8am-noon

801 Encino Pl NE

Quirky Used Books & More

Books, Puzzles, Stickers, Mugs, Etc.

Mon: 11am – 6pm

120 Jefferson St NE

Sunshine Theater

Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com for more showings!

https://www.sunshinetheaterlive.com/ 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

Lucky Goose

Burgers, Chicken, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes

100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS

Thursday-Monday 8am-9pm

3503 Central NE Suite B 87106

Pink Pony Soft Serve

Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks!

Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more… Monday 1-7 pm 2536 Alvarado Dr


Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816

Tuesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Quirky Used Books & More More than 16,000 Used Books Tue: 11am – 6pm 120 Jefferson St NE

Sunshine Theater ERRA - North America Tour with Make Them Suffer * Void of Vision * Novelists

Tuesday May 7th 2024 · 7:30pm $27 - $77· 6:30pm Doors· All Ages 120 Central Ave SW, 87102


Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816


Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Quirky Used Books & More Fiction & Nonfiction

Wed: 11am – 6pm

120 Jefferson St NE

Sunshine Theater Dayseeker with Silent Planet * Rain City Drive * AVOID.

Wednesday May 22nd 2024 · 7:00pm

$27 - $77· 6:30pm Doors· All Ages

120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Pink Pony Soft Serve

Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more… Wednesday 1-7 pm 2536 Alvarado Dr Jamba

Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816


Test With Truman

Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing

Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Quirky Used Books & More

Books, Puzzles, Stickers, Mugs, Etc. Thu: 11am – 6pm 120 Jefferson St NE

Outpost Performance Space

Joe Fonda: From the Source 7:30 pm

From the Source is an interdisciplinary music-performance ensemble that blurs the boundaries between music, dance and healing. Student tickets only $15. outpostspace.org

Sunshine Theater J Boog with Cas Haley * DeeCee’s Soul Shakedown Thursday May 9th 2024 · 8:00pm $27 - $77· 7:00pm Doors· All Ages 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Lucky Goose Burgers, Chicken, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes 100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS Thursday-Monday 8am-9pm 3503 Central NE Suite B 87106

and more…

Thursday 1-7 pm 2536 Alvarado Dr Jamba Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816

Friday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know


Doug Lawrence’s Nuevo Mexicanos 7:30pm. Albuquerque’s

PAGE 6 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com
Pink Pony Soft Serve Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes,
Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312
Used Books & More More than 16,000 Used Books Fri: 11am – 6pm 120 Jefferson St NE Outpost Performance Space
own multi-Grammy-winning tenor saxophonist with his New Mexican bandmates Student tickets $15. outpostspace.org Sunshine Theater THE TAYLOR PARTY: THE T’S DANCE PARTY Friday May 24th 2024 · 9:00pm $18· 8:00pm Doors· 21+ Ages 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Lucky Goose Burgers, Chicken, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes 100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS Thursday-Monday 8am-9pm 3503 Central NE Suite B 87106 MAY 5.3 Roust the House/ Rock 101 Music Academy Performance Night 5.9 Joe Fonda: From the Source 5.10 Doug Lawrence’s Nuevo Mexicanos 5.12 Kiran Ahluwalia 5.16 Jon GordonMichael Morreale Quintet 5.18 Inpost Artspace Reception & Outpost Benefit Sale: Photographs by Jim Gale 5.23 Andy Milne & Unison JUNE 6.5 The Rodriguez Brothers 6.7 Inpost Artspace Reception: Herstory at the Outpost SUMMER 2024 HIGHLIGHTS 28th Annual Summer Thursday Jazz Nights: June 27-Aug 22 Route 66 Summerfest: Saturday, July 20 18th Annual New Mexico Jazz Festival: September 5-29 PLUS Classes,Visual Arts Exhibits, and more ALL ACTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE 210 YALE SE • OUTPOSTSPACE.ORG MAY/JUNE/SUMMER OUTPOST HIGHLIGHTS Quality soft serve ice cream & coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more... Check us out! 2536 Alvarado dr NE pinkponysoftserve Mon, Wed, Thurs 1-7pm Fri & Sat 12-8:30pm Sun 1-7pm Burgers, Chick’n, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes 100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS! 3503 Central Ave NE Suite B 87106 Thursday - Monday 8am-9pm 10% Student Discount HAPS The Entertainment Guide Mattie Rosenbaum Alexander St Charles Crystelle Stufft Nazrawit Tedrose Victoria Villa Julia Wagner Journalism & Mass Communication Sara Atencio-Gonzales Mariah Baca Elijah Barela Jack Boggs Alyssa Buchanan Francesca Cicconetti Adriana Delgado Bradley Eversgerd Brody Foster Danielle Gallegos Tara Gatewood Liam Hatter Noah Hickerson Bianca Hoops Crystal Lente Adayna Leon Billy Linnehan Skye McMillon Gavin Moughan Meghan Mulryan Leslie Perez Kiana Raagas Christian Ryan Lily Sanchez Mason Seidel Kyle Smith Joseph Thompson Languages Brandon Chavez Elliot Jackson Linguistics Logan Ballou Edward Chavez Melanie Kirk Chandelle Mays Mallory Owen Barny Sanchez Oporta Kimberly Woolam Native American Studies Karyn Beach Christopher Francis Ebony Gonzalez Kiona Tinney Victoria Williams Katie Yellowhair Philosophy Kallee Fallon Zachery Gentzlinger Cooper Lennon Aleksia Minetos Logan Rafael Dallas Reed Gareth Ripol Haven Sierra Antonio Villegas Political Science Tessa Bagwell Philip Balderamos Justin Bayette Luke Bellanca Ella Bodor Hatfield Anna Borders Michelle Borgogna Dasante Browne Iram Camacho Lauren Carlsen Trent Carlton Jacqueleen Carrillo Sofie Carrillo John Chavez Jessica Cordero Zoey Craft Kareem Crum Wyatt Donner Leonardo Espino Samantha Fernandez Perez Brazil Fierro Jaidan Garcia Jadyn Godinez-Hamm Mason Grubesic Autumn Hamman Mercedes Herrera Haley Johnson Danielle Knox David Lopez Amaya Lauren Maddock Alexander Marquez Daniela Millan Taylor Moya Aaron Newe Sabrina Perez Madeline Pukite Nathan Rukovena Nathan Saavedra Shena Sadeghian Jesus Sanchez Edward Spalione Anni Thompson Anthony Vallez Alyssa Van Patten Ellie Walton Kaitlyn Ward Ally Williams Drew Wilson Psychology Shana Acosta Abdulfatah Al Alwan Jaymi Allen Monica Allen Edgar Alonso Yvonne Amberman Allison Anderson Bradley Anderson Nicole Anderson Dulce Andrade Mosqueda Haydee Andujo Connor Antic Terence Apache Ricardo Apodaca Rubio Lisanna Aragon Alejandro Aragonez Dominique Armijo Victoria Azizova Virginia Becerra Sarah Beck Tierra Begay Francesca Bell Serena Bihn-Adams Sarah Bodkin Albert Boneta Cami Daisy Borunda Lorelei Breitfeld Maya Bridges Tara Brown Jordan Bruce Maricia Calabaza Connie Calhoun Deven Candelaria Angelina Casaus Amaya Castaneda Navyesca Castaneda Gabrielle Castanuela Laysha Chaparro Giselle Chavez Arianna Cisneros Sierra Clark Kimberly ContrerasOlivas Eden Cote Johenny Cruz Rogelio Cruz Kaiah Cumpian Issaiah Curley Ashlee Custy Cassandra D’Angelo Melissa DeHoyos Chelsea Diaz Isaiah Dimmer Carlos Dominguez David Elder Katherine Ellinger Shaylee Estes Savannah Ezekiel-Fuller Andrew Fahey Kenna Fleig Cheyenne Ford Jacquelyn Forte Casey Fox Brandon Frank Jean Paris Frauenglass Liz Funnell Leandra Galindo Andria Gallegos Ysabela Gallegos Mya Galvan Destiny Garcia Izaynah Garcia Mariah Garcia Cameo Griego Jordyn Groover Sydney Groth Ethan Hall Kayley Henderson Madison Hernandez Sarah Herrera Abel Hinson Bryn Hodan Dana Hoffmann Kaitlyn Honaberger Adria Huggins Madeline Hulme Alexis Hunter Jessi Irick Vanessa Jackson Jill James Alex Jaqua Katie Jenkins Sarah Johnson Dennette Kauzlaric Maddison Kennedy Kat Kentopp Moosa Khan Evan Kopf Greyson Lasley Nayely Leon Faith Lerma Luke Lionbarger Amy Littlegeorge Benjamin Lopez Noelia Loya Medina Camden Macarthur Taylor MacDonald Brooke Maddock Amanda Madeja Mia Madrid Tonya Madrid Jordan Magnuson Rudy Mangum Jack Manwill Samantha Manzanares Caitlyn Martinez Orlando Martinez Ryan Martinez Andrew Masin Hunter Masters Reagan McClellan Ariel Melero James Meyer Julianne Mix Marissa Montes Bryant Nelson Nevaeh Ortiz Mohammad Oweis Christopher Owens Kirsten Padilla Brianna Palacios Renee Perez Zuany Perez Muenala Lea Perry Tammy Peshlakai Grace Petro John Pham Khang Phan Lucinda Poore Christina Primaveri Dominique Quesada Kirsten Rainwater Daana Ramirez Katelynn Ramirez Millie Rayford Caroline Reardon Raine Reilly Richard Remley Eddie Reyes Ordonez Donovan Roberts Gabriel Rodriguez Brevan Romero Carissa Romero Josefina Rubio-Quiroz Leah Ruiz Elias Samaha Ann Sanchez Daniela Sanchez Monica Sanchez Shamyra Sanchez Erica Sandoval Marisol Sandoval Nathan Sandoval Kylie Sauter Sam Schmitt Anthony Sicking Rio Sierra Sicilee Silversmith Michael Sisneros Diandra Smith Illiana Smith Elexis Smith-Nealy Anthony Solnitzky Natasha Somoza Daria Sorokina Moriah Sujkowski Savannah Sujkowski Najam Tafoya Simran Tafoya Hunter Teubner Natalee Thomas Tierney Thomas Valery Thomas Ifunayia Tiwa Savannah Torres Malyssarose Trujillo Madi Turner Presley Tyler Elijah Valdez Dominique Valenciano Jada Valenzuela Madeleine Velasquez Alexis Venegas Lucero Audrie Vigil Antonio Villegas Shelbie Waganaar Celeste Wagner Ally Waguespack Lauren White Douglas Williams Devin Wilson Jazmine Wilson Baxter Wood Valine Yokoyama Kerry Young Nina Zahnle Tania Zarate Erika Zuniga Religious Studies John McMahon Russian Sonja McCulloch Logan Prather Gabriela Rivero Sean Zielinski Sociology Marysa Apodaca Ava Aydelott Debora Baker Alyssa Delgado David Elder Savannah Garcia Molly Gray Lucia Hoelter Nectaria Kurth Alyssa Kuzio Hollie Lovelace Rita Mercado Devon Norberto Esperanza Rael Saul Rodelas Montiel Amaya Sanchez Garrett Shields Steven Sierra Milliana Smith Aitana Villasenor Avory Wilson Spanish Yamil Anaya Noemi Bejarano Alejandra Campos Hernandez Omar Diaz Xochitl Garcia Ahlee Gomez Madison Hohn Kimberly Rodriguez Speech & Hearing Sciences Kyra Cordova-Urioste Nik Day Bernadette Deremiah Olivia Dixson Hannah Edgel Felicity Ferrell Raquel Gonzales Madison Gossett Elizabeth Hamilton Josiah Hernandez Breanna Kwan Leah Mora Jamie Nootenboom Carly Reynoso Krisca Salazar Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Sebastian Herring Madeline Pukite BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Anthropology Kristen Benson-Spangler Christopher Boggs Madison Butler Arthur Hughes Anyssa Lopez-Gaston Jackie Martin Jasmine Martinez John Moore Eleanor Paskus Astrophysics Jesus Aguilar Talia Eddings Jake Garcia Cameron Lamar Jonathan Mills Damen Reyes Biochemistry Adina Adina Creighton Apodaca Troy Bencoe Garrett Carrasco Sofia Figueroa Kendra Giersch Madelyn Gomez Diego Gonzales Lexi Gravelle Laurel Greenwood Mariam Hameed Brandi Hess Emily Ho Van Hoang Kiyoko Hsu Shivani Kapadia Noelle Kramer Greyson Lasley Julie Le Haydee Liu Joshua Lopez Brett Mabry Louise Kaye Malaluan Samantha Manzanares Seol Marcus Jaanai Martinez Ryan Martinez Roshawn Morgan Paige Patterson Jordan Perez Chris Peverada John Pham Khang Phan Grace Picha Cade Pimentel Samar Rizvi
C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!


Pink Pony Soft Serve

Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more… Friday 12-8:30 pm, 2536 Alvarado Dr


Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie!

Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites!

Oh My! 7 am-7 pm

2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816


Test With Truman

Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE, 505-272-1312

Quirky Used Books & More Clothing Swap

All Vinyl DJ sets by Orange LaLa 11am-4pm Info: @retrolivia 120 Jefferson St NE

Sunshine Theater

The Japanese House with Miya Folick

Saturday May 25th 2024 · 8:00pm

$30 - $80· 7:00pm Doors· All Ages 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

Lucky Goose Burgers, Chicken, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes

100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS

The Entertainment Guide

Thursday-Monday 8am-9pm 3503 Central NE Suite B 87106 Pink Pony Soft Serve Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more… Saturday 12-8:30 pm 2536 Alvarado Dr


Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816

Sunday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE, 505-272-1312 Sunshine Theater BASHFORTHEWORLD From Dallas With Love Tour Sunday May 26th 2024 · 7:00pm $27.50 - $75· 7:00pm Doors· 13+ Ages, 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

Outpost Performance Space Kiran Ahluwalia 7:30

pm Award winning singer-songwriter infuses rich musical styles of India and Pakistan with West African Blues
Jazz Student tickets only $15 outpostspace.org We see you there, thinking about getting tested for HIV. Knowing is better than not knowing, and it only takes about 20 minutes to learn your HIV status. Scan the code below to schedule your free, rapid, and confidential test today. Albuquerque’s Newest Used Bookstore 120 Jefferson St. NE • 505.492.2948 OPEN Mon – Sat 11-6 Come check us out! 11AM - 6PM Lucky Goose Burgers, Chicken, Hotdogs, Fries, and Shakes 100% Plant Based 100% DELICIOUS Thursday-Monday 8am-9pm 3503 Central NE Suite B 87106 Pink Pony Soft Serve Quality soft-serve ice cream and coffee drinks! Sundaes, floats, milkshakes, and more… Sunday 1-7 pm 2536 Alvarado Dr Jamba Don’t be Moody! Get a Smoothie! Fruit Smoothies, Juices & Light Bites! Oh My! 7 am-7 pm 2100 Louisiana Blvd NE Ste 816 Brendan Sanders Justin Sequeira Jason Snow Ahmad Soueidan Trini Tran Vanessa Vazquez Rayna Vue Taylor Wells Christina Wong Elizabeth Zapien Biology Aiman Aamer Yarely Acosta Aguirre Zera Adame Rama Alkasasbeh Sifatullah Alkozai Ian Alsobrook Ashley Amdor Sedona Arellano Adamaris Arteaga Leon Luke Baca Rainier Audrey Bautista Hannah Beason Shynaia Benally Isabella Bizzell David Bjorklund Lexis Blount Emma Bolivar Adriana Brackeen Kaleigh Brown Christine Bui Eric Burgess Trella Cain Hayleigh Campbell Jaden Castellano Jayden Chavez Natalia Chavez Luke Cherian Sarah Cherne Kenzie Cook Alexa Davis Emily Dillon Joseph Donahue Celina Eberle Ariana Fierro Shawna Filfred Sean Flory Paulina Fourzan Rayann Garcia Aaron Gonzales Nathan Gonzales Alexa Gonzalez Jayce Griffith Daisy Guadian Nyah Hadfield Maya Holder Fatima Holguin Seiji Imai Fatouma Zara Issoufou Kapran Daniel Ivanov Alexandra Jaquez Joshua Johnson Marisa Jojola Francine Jones Dylan Justus Prabhleen Kaur Emma Kerley Hannah Kreger Malgorzata Kukawa Melissa Lewallen Jiaqiao Liu Janel Lomasney Anyssa Lopez-Gaston Hannah Lozoya William Luther Kira Mangham Izrael Marquez Roxanne Marquez Eric Martinez Ben Marwedel Grace McCabe Myah McDonald Scott McGaha Aviella Melendrez Cameron Moezzi Maribel Montes Brandon Morris Heba Moussa Marisol Munoz Sirena Narro Maria Nava Wanese Nez Cindy Nguyen Phuong Nguyen Mia O’Hara Jonathan O’Rourke Janna Oczon Ayla Ofer Ashley Olson Marissa Orona Makayla Ortega Ariana Ortiz Madison Otero Krystah Pacheco Armando Pantoja Marc-Anthony Pearson Cyrus Peterpaul Clennon Daniel Petre Ann Pham Danny Pham Emily Phan Michael Pisz Brenda Ramos Villanueva Rachel Redel Darian Reid Ricky Reyes Reyanne Rodarte Christopher Rodriguez Amber Romero Jalynn Sais Brianna Sanchez Megan Schoch Marina Seheon Shahab Shokoohi Renae Simonson Jessica Situ Max Stafford Tyler Tabor Nazrawit Tedrose Lindsey Thomas Alyssa Torres Aram Torres Aaron Tran Jacob Truetken Janelle Ubungen Priya Vanmali Andres Vigil Marissa Vigil Sarah Villarrial Donna Vu Jeremiah Westerman Gabriel Wiltse Deion Woods Breanna Ybarra Abigail Zarate Guillermo Bryan Zubia-Ruiz Chemistry Jordan Estrada Jordan Foster Omar Jaramillo Danh Nguyen Earth & Planetary Sciences Ben Rodriguez Environmental Science Rebecca Allen Aiden Burns Elizabeth Chou Chrishawnah Delgado Ian Erwin Lila Goleman Elizabeth Houghton Aaron Lawrence Celeste Lucero Ian Lyons José Montoya Johnny Nguyen Jennifer Patterson Diego Salazar-Behrens Mallory Schlegel Avery Simpson Mckenzie Williams Geography Josh Byker David C de Baca Jaden Casias Lasya Fiuty Kayla Gustafson Jorge Hernandez Jessica Hilfers Elise Rodriguez Will Tatman Mathematics Jesus Aguilar Grace Allison Daniel Baca Carter Beasor Thaddaeus Bonzon Murphy John Roque Lopez-Mccoy Michael Mente Huy Nguyen Owen Pannucci Ryan Riner Lauren Slater Ellen Sun Lochlan Thorp Alexandria Van Why Physics Pelagia Eddings Carl Miles Juan Diego Montoya Christian Pereira Emilio Perez de Juan Fernando Rivera Tyler Rocha Psychology Alaa Al Rahmoun Zachary Andrews Isabella Bizzell Jasmine Blackwell Elijah Botello Lauren Brown Esperanza Cruz Amiah Dutra Rakin Faruk Cleopatra Fasil Laura Francis Brenna Giannini Julianna Gough Slade Harrell Arianna Holguin Santana HolmesWhittenhall Seiji Imai Carlos Jurado Muskan Katoch Jahnesta Killen Nolan Kilpatrick Lucy Liang Brett Mabry Eliza Mariner Catherine McNitzky Lily Means Genesys Pineda Mikayla Poe Sandy Quintana Camila Renteria Amber Romero Jalynn Sais Madison Sandoval Max Segal Mikayla Taylor Diego Tenorio Gabrielle Thomas Nakisa Vyfken Anna Tiersch Taylia Vallo Sarah Villarrial David White Signed Language Interpreting Molly Arseneau Sage Garcia Nakia Jackson Isabella Krooth Noemi Magana Eddie Saiz Charmaine Vigil-Lujan Statistics Collin Evans Yulene Hernandez Haely Katt Cole Kochan College of Education & Human Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Secondary Education Gabriel Bowman Cesar Castillo Vega Mia Cullen Taylor Dannenberg Jack Dillon Katherine Dolan Genaro Duran Evelin Estrada Eli Feliciano Collin Fowler Arturo Garcia Sofia Garcia Daniel Gavin Danielle Genero Brandon Glasscock Thomas Gould Francisca Gurrola Aguilar Andrew Hagerl Dejah Hensley Jaqueline Loya Jacob Muller Alec Mullet Farnosh Naeemi Samantha Reed Savanna Sedillo Leilani Torres Karen Trejo Leslie Trejo Rebecca Woffard Chunyi Wu BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Community Health Education Casey Anderson Roseanna Archuleta Savannah Braun Justine Correa Giovanna Godoy Sanchez Maya Hammond Eliana McDonald Delysia Nicasio Jackelyn Olivas Ruiz Brooke Samuel Ty Sherman Mackenzie Wedel Exercise Science Peter Abramson Jessica Apodaca John Barriga Gabriel Barrowman Jessica Begay Karianna Briscoe Brendan Bunzel India Caldwell-Vasquez Gannon Christman Robert Gallegos Olga Garay Trinity Garcia Tim Gonzales Eduardo Granillo Uxue Guereca Parra Kristen Hepfer Luke Humphrey Michala Lerman Jennifer Long Demetria Madalena Rafael Medina Justine Montano Danica Ortiz Jacqueline Padilla Elena Resta Alexandra Salas Mackenzie Schwartz Jade Skaggs Shantell Smith Isabella Star Aleksandra Tomaszek Marcus Trujillo Maidelys Valdes Ramos Carolina Valverde Marin Wilson Family & Child Studies Sarah Aguilera Jacqueline Avila Delphine Brown Monique Chavez Elvira Cuevas Adrianna Diaz Ashley Dodd Autumn Donaldson Tanisia Duran Natalie Flores Clupper Lauren Gallegos Kristyll Giango Latham Harvey Lynelle Lalio Shelby McDaniel Cayleigh Montez Angelica Nino Andrea Richardson Kristen Saiz Barbie Sanchez Olivia Santiago Lupita Serrano Leticia Topa Marisa Torres Odalis Villagomez KJ Walker Sherika Watchman Nutrition & Dietetics Shauni Ausman Jaime Avila Jalecia Cervera Ashley Churan Jade Evans Quinn Fleming Amanda Gonzalez Natasha Kaelesch Elizabeth Kay Alexis Lopez Andrea Mariscal Guerra Quinlyn McBrayer Lily Means Marissa Orlando Kai Pedigo Angelica Sabol Sergei Smishko Naiyah Van Why Henry Walker BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Elementary Education Perla Anchondo Marisa Armijo Sophia Armijo Destiny Baca Leslie Baca Amelia Benavidez Brynn Boeyink Jennifer Chavarin Courtney Chavez Tessa Cogburn Desiree Contreras EllaKathryn Craig Karina Dominguez Tarango Pamela Garcia Lita Gigliotti Ann Gonzales Lorenzo Guerrero Emily Hall Christina Hren Emma Johnson Amanda Lee Alexandra Lucero Chaez Ortiz

HOUSING GUIDE daily lobo

PAGE 8 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com
1 Nicolette Peynesta Trinity Rogers Amanda Rydeski Marisa Sedillo Summer Slone Hunter Talley Jasmine Tata Alicia Thies Madeline Tungate Carrie Villalobos Chelsea Willson Physical Education Jason Anicito Cheynoa Dee Aliyah Gonzalez Andrew Hernandez Christopher Orman Elijah Star Secondary Education Jaylen Acosta Haley Bia Special Education Naanibah Eddie Mary Laughrin Abigail Orndorff Jared Rado College of Fine Arts BACHELOR OF ARTS Art Education Ariana Robinson Sierra Trujillo Art History Rebecca Shalliker Art Studio Rocio Aguilar Ambriz Devonna Billy Kacie Carpenter Jocelyn Ibarra Adrian Alexander Jones Matthew Jones Estefania Medrano Ashlyn Olsofsky Nancy Perea Jhoana Perez Lopez Ted Rivera Elba Rudolfo Brittany-Ann Webster Audrey Wilkins Dylan Zinn Dance Alyssa Alderete Isabella Alderete Isabelle De Groote Tavares Isabella Nuanez Lennon Washburn Film & Digital Arts Matthias Abasumoh Alexander Atencio Frederico Austin Daniela Basista Nadia Benchbana Edder Bravo-Lozano Leif Burkman Courtney Chomycia Christopher DeBonis Christie Dobson Julia Doke Katherine Dunworth Jose Elguezabal Katrina Estrada Corey Fong Dominic Fraire Isabella Frasco Mariana Garcia Elijah Gonzales Chase Hartley Sadie Hopkins Julia Kaskiewicz Trung Luu Curtis Madden Mikaela Martinez William Martinez Michael May Oscar Meana Megan Menetrey Jasmine Nzekwe Jacquelinne Olivas Jacqueline Palicio Malachi Pena Mathew Ponce Jacob Racette Jana Reichsfeld Alexis Rivera Jack Rosgen Abran Saenz Gale Scriven Tyler Sovelove Jonathan Titcomb Emely Torres Interdisciplinary Arts Zac Adonicam Logan Anderson Jordan Billiot Megan Johnson Grace Marks Cristian Romero Music David Hernandez Nikolas Hoerning Theatre Emiliano Aguilar Rachel Dodd Jenniefer Eison Jayla Franklin-Sullivan Manuel Lopez Ainza Jack Maikranz Hannah Miles Laura Love Tode Cameron Williams BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Art Studio Raquel Anaya Manuela Cardenas Olivia Chavez Tamaron Chee Liz Courts Josephine Duran Nikolai Lawton Patricia Lujan Alma Martinez Cano Emilio Ortiz Camilla Parker Sarah Perkison Lauren Reddington Andrew Roibal Ryan Romine Eva Sanchez Keila Suazo Melanie Tharnish James West Elisabeth Williams Leo Wines Design & Technology for Performance Nicholas Hogan Film & Digital Arts Fatima Adawee Matt Bacher Marcus Bratton Jack Brown Sophie Carlberg Kyle Crist Maya Dominguez Eric George Anna Hawkins Philip Henshaw Henry Hidalgo Jackson Higgins Dante Holguin Davin Lee Ellisif Leishman Anderson Lovell Amanda Madeja Luke Manock Jakob Marston-Galarza Jose-Carlo Martinez Raymond Martinez Kara McGee-Russell Brandon McLamb Dominic Montez Trin Moody Daniel Moreno Ryuichiro Morgan Anthony Nguyen Rylee Norman Laura Olona Brayden Palmer Dominic Peralta Davis Pope Gabriela Quezada Ted Rivera Angelique Romero Edward Shije Cesar Silva Olivia Sim Gaege Sosa Mariana Souza Silva De Oliveira Bryant Staff Sophia Thompson-Arispe Jacob Tucker Dom Valdez Cole Velasquez Nicklas Venhuizen BACHELOR OF MUSIC Bridget Bass Addison Bosch Mario Garay Barrera Jude Harb Tzvi Harel Bat Asherah Lucian Johnson Cody Kurr Thomas Ropp BACHELOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION Amethyst Gallegos Lucian Johnson Alexander Santistevan Jordyn Tatum Steven Villavicencio College of Nursing BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING Aryana Acosta Maia Aguino Erin Ahlgrim Angelica Alfaro Ramirez Carly Anderson Desirae Anslover Hailey Aragon Sabrina Aragon Christina Arango Alysha Arbuckle Alexis Archuleta Lukas Archuleta April Armijo Leonard Armijo Jack Arnaudville Perla Arzate Nathaniel Barnes Kimberly Barnett Leslie Barragan Delgado Isabel Bauman Campbell Beck Lauren Begay Semone Begay Anjolie Benham Marissa Binasiewicz Brandon Black Isabel Bolivar Dillon Buckley Nguyen Bui Tarren Burch Kaitlin Butler Alexis Campos Kaylee Carey Brita Carlson Samantha Carrillo Lidia Castellano Miles Castillo Giron Lina Chee-Duran Marissa Codopony Paulette Coffey Coleen Compton Amia Cressman Coronado Joseph Crumbacher Madison Daniels Melba De La Torre Aimiede Egharevba Adam El Farisse Calissa Emmert Michael Evans Reyna Evans Sydney Favorite Jolyssa Finley Mary Flores Gemma Frias Ashley Garcia Daniel Garcia Kristi Gaskin Kennu Go Ashley Gonzales Casey Green Ana Guerrero McKenna Harris Theo Hasler Zachary Henegar Jairo Hernandez Manuel Hernandez-Acosta Andres Herrera Craig Houston Sarah Hudgins Santos Megan Hull Krystle James Monica John Autumn Jones Yvonne Kaimukilwa Craig Keys Treyton Lalacita Andy Le Samantha Lente Jennifer Lewis Jorilyn Lewis Denis Leyton Cobos Ma Manuela Ysabel Locsin Ariana Lopez Antonio Lovato Michelle Lovato Marlei Lucero Kalli Lucki Shawn Lujan Aidan MacDonald Doris Malinao Estevan Manzanares Shanna Marsh Mireya Martinez Quinlyn McBrayer Aiden McConnell-Reard Meredith McGowan Michael McGrath Ashley McMains Evalynn Medina Isaac Micca Misha Miller Valeria Monterroso Balcarcel Jalynn Montoya Maya Montoya Cecilia Munoz Amber Nafus Leah Neergaard Heather Obrien Lucas Sam Olguin Crystal Otero Mohammad Pakfar Kylie Palmer Sarah Passey Ximena Perez Rodelas Chelsea Peterson Maria Phillips Lauren Polio Alondra Portillo Evan Rand Sophia Reynolds Austin Rhames Esther Rios Kayla Rissman Kyle Marcus Roland Rodeles Lindi Rodrigues Walsh Analisa Rodriguez Maria Rudolph Mason Sanchez Kyla Santos Lisa Schall Jessica Scott Elizabeth Serrano Rachel Silva Cristine SIlver Naomi Sincher Melanie Smith Jocelyn Sung Athalia Sungkono Alicia Tafoya Rebeca Tamayo Katie Tetreault Chelsey Thomas Emily Thomson Jaden Titus Tara Tomaskovic Eric Tonihka Mallory Tucker Samantha Vazquez Reanna Velasco Derrick Villa Damien Vukcevich Joshua Webster Heather Winkeljohn Brian Wyaco Kaiwen Xue Chantelle Young Bella Zahringer Anjani Ziznewski College of Pharmacy BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Pharmaceutical Sciences Ruaa Adnan Tamara Cline Maraya Esquibel Samantha Maxwell Teresa Tran College of Population Health BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Population Health Matthew Aragon Leanne Baca Antonio Beltran Mikenzie Chessman Semira Firezghi Jazmin Garza Hayley Hamilton Melody Lopez Reiley McCall Emma Montano Lila Nezar Hannah Norberto Lizbeth Olivarez Arely Ortega Paige Torres Luis Vera-Adrianzen College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Instructional Technology & Training Mackee Bancroft Amanda Chacon Tammy Davis Victoria Navarrette Sonja Perrault Kerly Sue Tweeten
C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!


Housing Guide Map 1 Residence Life 2 Lobo Rain Forest 2 1 UNM Honors College BACHELOR OF ARTS Honors Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts David C de Baca Jesus Sanchez School of Architecture + Planning BACHELOR OF ARTS Architecture Miguel Astiazaran Alondra Azurdia Edward Balsewich Melyse Begay-Harlan Nathan Blazek Julio Borroel Jarron Cadman Seth Carlson Desiree Castillo James Charbeneau Vanessa Coronado Sydney Crane Ruby Diercks Jason Earnest Marlon Figueroa Gabriella Floren James Funnell Dominic Galindro David Garcia John Gonzalez Aaron Grant Christian Gutierrez Natalie Hofman Sydney Hopkins Daniel Jaramillo Ethan Klingsick Yamile Loya Breonna Lucero Cristhian Macias Emily Maethner Michael Marcelli Emilia Martinez Kassidy McKim Kelsey McLain Caden McWilliams Lyvan Medrano Christian Miller Isabella Munoz Morales Isaiah O’Connell Alessia Plummer Ashley Porter Esai Ramirez Matthew Saavedra Jordan Sanchez Jean Seaver Davin Siltala Lee Standley Richard Stuart Aiko Timmons Marina Tomasello Jacob Torres Grecia Tovar Alexander Urias Hailey Valdez Alicia Varoz Lisa Villanueva Aili Wiggins Peter Zea Environmental Planning & Design Madelyn Allen Lashannon Begay Leila Chapa Paloma Chapa Henry Day Aaron Hill Maria Lagunas Anna Marklin Lauren McAllister Alyssa Ortiz Natalie Peavy Hannah Rodriguez Nathaniel Wurster School of Engineering BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Civil Engineering Ahmed Al Saedi David Aragon Jack Dugan Erica Gamblin Duncan Gardner Astrid Gonzaga Ethan Kapp Jesus Moncada Joshua Morgan Alexandria Morrow Nicole Nimeh Syanna Padilla Savannah Tapia Victor Valles Chris Vreeland Zachary Weaver Lonnie Wilhite Nathaniel Winters-Hilt Chemical Engineering Carina Anastasio Abdulrahman Bahri Francesca Chioda Lillian Elam Angelina Encinias Zeke Garcia Cynthia Guerra Ben Harvey Tyler Kendall Luke Lucero Jenna Marek Tristan Martinez Daniela Mendez Banda Gracee O’Toole Joshua Olguin Marelessis Palomino Dhruv Patel Raphael Angelo Reyes Mikayla Romero Alix Rule Patrick Survis Ciara Wright Construction Management Saul Bencomo Shenoa Jones Irvin Rubio Dillon Sala Geena Villasenor Logan Whitaker Computer Engineering Imane Bahji Lawrence Calais Tim Chu Yaniksa Mata Sankalpa Regmi Muhammad Shuja Saleem Oreoluwa Sanya Matt Simone Lucas Zhou Computer Science Adrian Abeyta Ester Aguilera Alexander Alvara Danial Anwaar-Maximo Elektra Caffrey Sean Davies Althea Denlinger Abhinav Dev Christopher Frost Andrew Geyko Ricardo Gonzales Brian High Vincent Hilario Sebastian Hoang Thomas Hynes Del Jones Kelsey Knowlson Tristan Larkin Dominic Larranaga Victoria Lien Utsav Malla John Augustin Materum Erin McClure Luke McDougall Spoorthi Menta Michael Millar Ryan Mills Jerry Nieto Atah Omar Diego Ornelas Bryce Palmer Franklin Pezzuti Dyer Thinh Pham Andrei Popa-Simil Manjil Man Pradhan Lester Nathan Racca Jacob Rodeheaver Wayne Rudnick Marina Seheon Ge Shi Pavan Kumar Singara Loc Su Logan Sullivan Nicholas Sullivan Randall Suski-Oppedahl Meiling Traeger Jack Vanlyssel Jack Wickstrom Hank Wikle Erick Yin Junyi Zheng Electrical Engineering Meshal Alotaibi Rena Berdine Gregory Brown Ian Cornwell Andrew Gilbert Joseph Likar Juan Diego Montoya Anna Moore Vishnu Nampoothiri Elmer Ramos Tyler Rocha James Tapia Mechanical Engineering Tobechukwu Agu Ryan Alford Hussain Alhasan Richard Armijo Jared Banteah Ryan Bingham David Boese James Brining Adrian Campbell Hyein Choi Giovanni Cordova Patrick Kyle Delos Reyes Shawn Devore Brandon Doehne Daniel Emrick Samuel Fisher Joshua Gabbard Olivia Garcia Cody Henry Shawn Johnston Nicholas Jones Auron Joyner Patrick Kingsbury Helio Lopez Aidan Lott Morgan Lucero Antonio Martinez Lucas Muller Collin Nesbit Kien Nguyen Sophia Orona Yang Cesar Ortega Ryan Patricelli Cameron Reeder Brennan Roberts Daniel Romero Antonio Rubio
C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b�
PAGE 10 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com Mon-Sat 11am-9pm Sun 11am-8pm 2210 Central Ave SE (505) 266-5222 Across from UNM Have you tried our big ol’ gyros sandwich? slices of seasoned beef and lamb, onions, tomatoes, and tzatziki sauce in a warm, thick greek-size pita Gyros sandwich + drink $9.75 every day (reg. $10.74) One coupon per customer per visit. Expires 05/12/24 1/4 chicken dinner includes thick pita, greek salad, & choice of potatoes or rice One coupon per customer per visit. Expires 05/12/24 $8.95 (reg. $9.95) Falafel with tahini $6.95 (reg. $7.75) 10% off regular menu items with UNM ID Come on in! One coupon per customer per visit. Expires 05/12/24 WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Sandwich/Wrap + Soup & Cookie $995 Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Expires 05/12/2024 BOX LUNCH SPECIAL 2201 Silver Avenue SE (corner of Silver & Yale) 262-2424 5939 4th Street NW Albuquerque 254-2424 5200 Eubank NE Albuquerque 275-2424 CAR-MA® TO GO curbside service WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Vegan and Gluten Free Baked Goods Catering Available Soy-free, wheat-free bakery Tasty made from scratch menu See our Green & Chef’s Plate Specials Online www.worldvegetariancafe.com CHAI HAPPY HOUR 3-5pm daily ® Take Out or Delivery Available Order Online at loscuates.restaurant Valid Through 12/31/24 *Dine-In Only. Not Valid w/ Any Other Offer OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Buy 1 Entree & Get a 2nd Entree 1/2 Off 4901 Lomas Blvd 505.255.5079 8700 Menaul Blvd 505.237.2800 10051 Coors Blvd 505.897.7441 Locations: EVERYMONDAY COUPON BONANZA Congratulations 2024 Graduates GOOD LUCK ON FINALS! OPEN 5am - 1am Every Day 2400 Central SE $1.65 For only $4.50 Reg. $6.15 FIESTA BURGER (Red or Green Chile, Cheddar Cheese, Onion, & Lettuce) Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 11/11/16 with a regular For only $5.50 TACO TUESDAY SPECIAL 2 Crunchy Tacos and a regular soda or iced tea WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 2 Carne Adovada Burritos & Fries No coupon necessary! For only $5.50 No coupon necessary! THURSDAY SPECIAL Frontier Pile-Up with red chile or green chile stew For only $5.50 No coupon necessary! OPEN 5am - 11pm Every Day 2400 Central SE Save $1.95 Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 5/10/2024 OPEN 5am - 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE For only $4.00 Reg. $5.95 valid only from 5 am - 11 am Breakfast Burrito GOOD MORNING SPECIAL (Egg, Cheese, Green Chile, and Hashbrowns wrapped in a fresh Flour Tortilla) Save $1.65 Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 5/10/2024 OPEN 5am - 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE For only $5.25 Reg. $6.90 HAMBURGER (Tomato, Pickle, Onion, Lettuce and Salad Dressing) with a regular

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

DAILY LOBO C ampus Calendar of Events of

Current Exhibits

Layer Play Through May 10

Tamarind Institute Collaborative Lithography Exhibition.

Meander Through May 10

1206 S Broadway Blvd, SE, ABQ, NM

An MFA Thesis show by Rachel Bordeleau.

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology: Ancestors Through May 11

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

This exhibit will introduce our ancestors and close relatives, first came the early apelike Australopithecus (A.)* afarensis and A. africanus; these eastern and southern African relatives were the earliest humans.

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology: People of the Southwest Through May 11

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

The exhibition celebrates the cultural history of the Southwest, especially the close relationship southwestern people have had with the land around them.

Hindsight Insight 4.0 Through May 11

UNM Art Museum

The UNM Art Museum’s Hindsight Insight 4.0 exhibition, featuring portraits, landscapes, and abstract artworks, delves into narratives about racism, colonialism, and

gender stereotypes, highlighting curatorial authority and institutional voice.

Pelton & Jonson: The Transcendent 1930s Through May 11

UNM Art Museum Paintings, drawings, and archival materials from the UNM Art Museum collection to illustrate the aesthetic achievements and personal connections between American painters Agnes Pelton (1881-1961) and Raymond Jonson (1891-1982).

Print in Action: Lithography and the Modern World Through May 11

UNM Art Museum Presents lithography as an agent of social, cultural, political, and artistic change. The exhibition is divided into six sections: Drawing on Stone, the Reproductive Print, Advertising, Travel, and Collaborative Printmaking and Lithography Today.

Borders: Created, Contested & Imagined Exhibit Through May 29 Zimmerman Library Learning Commons

A thought-provoking exploration of the dynamic interplay between maps and the societies they represent.

Severe Punishment Through June 9 fourteenfifteen gallery By Taylor Engel.

ALL REZ: Kéyah, Hooghan, K’é, Iina / Land, Home, Kinship, Life Through July 27

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology

A traveling, site-specific, experimental photography exhibition and museological project. ALL REZ centers the voices and experiences of Diné community members, offering a reciprocal process of exhibitionmaking.

Cuneiform and Cultural Heritage: Writing, New Ways of Being, and Displaced Artifacts Through October 31

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology This exhibition highlights the eight cuneiform tablets in the Maxwell Museum collections and attempts to uncover their journey to Albuquerque.

Pedacitos de Resistencia: Socially Engaged Work in Latin American Special Collections Through December 2024

Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room

Offers archival snapshots, pieces of collections to briefly showcase how socially engaged work can capture different histories, narratives, and imaginaries.

“Nothing Left for Me”: Federal Policy and the Photography of Milton Snow in Diné Bikéyah Through May 3, 2025

Maxwell Museum of Anthropology This exhibition foregrounds Diné perspectives on the intersecting and ongoing legacies of both photography and American colonialism.


Campus Events

Free Screenings for National Speech day 1700 Las Lomas Rd NE 9:00am – 12:00pm

UNM Speech Hearing Sciences will have free screenings including, Cognitive screenings, Voice screenings, Hearing screenings (age 5 and up), Swallowing Screenings, and Pediatric Speech & Language Screenings.

Study for Finals Hodgin Hall 10:00am – 3:00pm

Drop-in study hours for finals. Energy drinks and snacks will be provided. Free blue books and composition notebooks.

Manicure Mondays Women’s Resource Center 12:00 – 2:00pm DIY manicure. Nail polish is provided, but feel free to bring your own.

Art & Music

Meander Artist Talk Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room 3:00 – 4:00pm An MFA Thesis show by Rachel Bordeleau.

Lectures & Readings

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Farris Engineering Center, Room 2550 10:00 – 11:00am Christopher Fetrow, NSMS Nano Science & Micro System, presents “A Rechargeable MetalCO2 Battery Using Lower-Cost Materials.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room 3:00 – 4:00pm Rachel Bordeleau, Art & Art History, presents “Meander: Stories of

PAGE 12 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com Monday-Sunday,
2024 Events are free unless otherwise noted! To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com Preview events on the Daily Lobo Website www.dailylobo.com
May 06- May 12,
Plant Migrations in the Middle Rio Grande Bosque.” Workshops Café de Olla Workshop 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Casita Kitchen With Evolet and Yoli. This workshop will briefly go over the history and origins of Café de Olla. This traditional drink that originated during the Mexican revolution by adelites that many continue to enjoy. TUESDAY Lectures & Readings
Campus Calendar continued on page 13 Dominic Sanchez William Sands Gabriel Serrano Kayla Singer Christopher Solis Max Tafoya JT Tarantino Isaac Viramontes Jacob Whisenhunt Nathan Wolff Nuclear Engineering Xavier Angus Lauren Bailey Erik Boldt Antonio Connelly Maxwell Dimsha Maggie Friemel Kevin Garcia Jomanah Khudabakhsh Daniel Levario Josephine Lewis Courtney Mace Alexandra Martinez Richmond McDonald Bao Nguyen Alana Pankopf Gibson Prall Thomas Smith William Todd School of Medicine BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Emergency Medical Services Carter Avila-Linn Aaron Baker David Bjorklund Edgar Cabrera Darryl Chitwood Elizabeth Coffey Benjamin Derrington Indra DeSerpa Lyons Elizabeth Forster Rylan Gaylor Christopher Herrera Danielle Hill Jared Isaacson Dane Johnson Brian Morris Stephanie Ogaz-Carreon Christopher Olguin Juliana Pena Leisa Rodriguez Alex Roudebush Sean Routzen Ashlynn Sanchez Zachary Stickley Alyssa Trujillo Geoffrey Walker Radiologic Sciences Alicia Baca Stephanie Cervantes Lanaya Cleghorn Yisrael Gutierrez Jose Melendez Gerardo Tinajero Hali Zotter Dental Hygiene Bethany Alvarez Santanna Baca Jetta Breen Alleah Candelaria Joshua Cink Robyn Curtis Stephanie Darrow Jasmin Garcia Montes Somaia Hedayat Amanda Heredia Kora Jones Jacque Le Paula Le Jessica Luevano Sonia Martinez Alma Martinez Cano Karla Mejia-Garcia Ailene Munoz James Pettis Ashley Pilger Lauren Quattlebaum Eden Quintana Mary Redfield Miguel Ruiz Gurrola Rediet Tefera Kayla Trujillo Taylor Wrenn Medical Laboratory Sciences Lyndsey Engelmann Diana Hernandez Safa Kassem Nicole Martinez Celeste Power Alexander Robles Robert Soto Jade Trujillo University Studies BACHELOR OF ARTS Liberal Arts Peter Aguilar Eliot Anderberg Ejean Armstrong Simon Arnet William Asby Aniyah Augmon Gabriella Baca Walter Baca Jermarques Bailey Wilson Bannister Laura Benkova Rae Bennu Edie Bickel Ashley Billie Dibe Bogado Elizabeth Braddock Delaney Brigman Benjamin Broshious Christy Bryson David C de Baca Barbara Campos Sydney Carithers Victoria Choppa BillyJack Davidson Celia De Souza Denise Dejolie Janalyn Dickson Devon Dixon Isabella Edwards Sarah Frazier Maggie Friemel Nicholas Griffin Jose Guadiana Donovan Hanson Dennis Hayden Catherine Helm Jordan Hernandez Ian Hudson Camille Jackson Rohana Juddo Ray Leutele Josue Macias-Sosa Melissa Maestas Lorin Martinez Jamal Mashburn Jacqueline McDowell Caleb Medford Renee Medina Jacory Merritt Gretchen Meyer Mary Montano Alejandra Montoya Peyton Myers Evan Nava Abby Parker Stormy Pearce Jamileth Pena Chiaki Ramirez Arlette Ramos Jonathan Rodriguez Geronimo Romero Campbell Alexandria Ruth Zeinab Saleh-Seif Diamond Sandoval Samantha Sandoval Skylar Schafer Anastasia Schultz Evan Schweers John Seager Josiah Shank Brie Anne Sillery Sophia Smith Shaina Snell Nicole Sorensen Jonathan Strickland Shayne Tackett Thomas Termote Kristin Thacher Aaron Wheeler Ambrosia Wilson Liberal Arts & Integrative Studies Renee Burreson Lars Lammeman Viridiana Mendoza Rodriguez Zachary Stelter Deborah Talley BACHELOR OF INTEGRATIVE STUDIES AND INNOVATION Tibor Klar Galileah Shank Timothy Thiergart BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ARTS Hayley Hawn Spring 2024 Master’s degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. Graduate Programs EDSPC EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Delyssa Begay Shirley Berg Edwina Brown Bull Charlotte Dosumu Puja Goel-Sakhalkar Cynthia Joy Hassett Denise Johnson Reynelle Lowsayatee Rita Martinez Amanda Montoya Lana-Rae Montoya Cora Morris Brianna Sanchez Olivia Yazzie GRADUATE CERTIFICATE Autism Spectrum Disorder Trisha Dreskin Evans Elementary Education Jennifer Bowen Maria Colazo Alex Fortin Arielle Giddens Tina Hopkins Elizabeth Igwe Genevieve Karam Isabella Luna Martinez Joseph Montano-Pilch Marcos Morales Kira Murphy Farhana Rahman Alicia Roeker Robert Shupryt Nicholas Singer Frances Tullis Lisa Valenzuela Solomon Wasko Secondary Education Blake Beck Christine Bennett Sebhat Browne Anna Marina Carrillo Musante Connor Drebing Nathaniel Holloway Asa Kearns Hannah Lerner Vianey Marquez Villa Helena Omana-Zapata Hannah Redwood John Rojas Phillip Romero Heidi Struse Maternal Child Health Courtney Grassham Race & Social Justice Ariana Gonzalez Technical & Professional Communication Didi Asiya Kyle Browder University Science Teaching Biomed Science Natalie Pinkowski Christine Robbins MASTER OF ARTS Anthropology Isobel Coats Lilly Domenici Sarah Foster Virginia Huber Emma LaMartina Art History Isis Serna Chicana and Chicano Studies Valerie Chavez Diego Lucero Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies Katherine Chohan Erin Consla Sé DiFilippo Christopher Hetherington Counseling Breanna Boyett Farleigh Carson Korinna Christian Parya Gharibi Alex Gillikin Amanda Graves Caroline Hogeveen Brienna Kinder Economics Adrian Balderamos Erin Cohen Ben Cornelius Ahmed Amine Jawhari Pem Lama Refat Mishuk Noah Montano Carlos Ortega-Lujan Christopher Sanchez Alix Walkup Silas Wyatt Jiaqing Zhao Education Cristina Aldaz Rebecca Anderson Emily Bjustrom Josh Blanchard Leah Blankenship Rebecca Clare Angela Cobb Heather France Adriana Giannini Pablo Gonzalez Michael Lynam Michael Mason Jalyn Morgan Tal Netter-Sweet Aileen Nieto Mariah Roybal Alisha Salgado Kathy Shallenberger Brittany Stocking Amanda Wason Waugh Waugh Kadyn Wilson Educational Leadership Kathryn Biggs Semone Carlston Bryant Johnson Verrica Livingston Aretha Mariano Alexandra McNease Renae Smith Ashley Torres Educational Psychology Elise Ballard Josiana Lacrete Paris McKenzie English Didi Asiya Asa Holcombe Ian Martin Ford Peay Isabel Strawn Deanna Tenorio Family and Child Studies Laura Barriga Jessica Sanchez Ann Wright French Laura-Martin Alasandagutti History Janet Coen Erin Ostlund Marisa Pickett Allison Wheeler Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies Ashley Nowikowski Latin American Studies Brenda Macias Lopez Leonel Martin Linguistics Patricia Farrell Eliza Forrest Jose Manuel Gonzalez Izquierdo George Strohl Holly Wilson Seth Wyatt Museum Studies Alexis Lucero Luke McDaniel Madisyn Rostro Native American Studies Daniel Augustine Trey Benally Quentin Candelaria Sidney Kabotie Matthew Lassey Taylor Strickland Mildred Young Organization, Information & Learning Sciences Catherine Abuhilu Melissa Chavez Susan Core Denise Garcia Jennifer Klecker Ingrid Magoffe Deyanira Nunez Reed Spenrath Philosophy Seyedbehan Alavi Dresden Craig Scott Harowitz Tobin Muratore Elijah Padilla Justin Spain Political Science Sarah Bliss Elizabeth Dodson Richard Hyatt Portuguese Luisa Hurtado Iglesias Sociology Emily Ahrend Susana Echeverri Herrera Vittoria Totaro Libby Vigil Spanish Liliana Alva Regalado Abigail Bowen Gisell Cereceres Maria Dominguez Fernando Garcia Quezada Luisa Hurtado Iglesias Logan Moses Shane Saddison-Bradford Special Education Sarah Baca Erica Bergen Nikole Bouma Elizabeth Hulett Margo Lujan Paola Ramirez Ashlynn Silva Diona Yazzie Galina Yershevich MARCH ARCHITECTURE Andrew Archibeque Richard Atkinson Danni Begay Diana Bernal Andrade Shreya Bhaskare Emily Boettcher Doran Nikki Brown Steven Esparza Collin Fouser Israel Frias Chaparro Zachary Gaillour Gonzalo Gonzalez Isaac Gonzalez Dheepth Isac Rebecca James Ryan Jaramillo Hanel Jun Colin Lawrence Jacob Martinez Patrick Narvaez Miah Olson Lance Parisot Jing Qin Elizabeth Rivera-Dirks Halle Sago Lauren Salazar Omid Shafigh Khatibi RaeAnna Spiger Ian Tibbetts Joshua Valdez Drake Ward Anna Wyka MCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Robel Mesfin MCRP COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING Trevor Bos Brennan Davis Jake Mirabal Aaron Moore Ana Moran Jazmin Moreno Rebecca Neal MENG CIVIL ENGINEERING Amabilis Baca Derrick Brown Matthew Gonzales Ryen Gonzales-Martinez Bradley Torres MASTER OF FINE ARTS Art Studio Chloe Hanken Claudia Hermano Francis Reynolds Anna Rotty Drew Trujillo Creative Writing Leo Williams Dramatic Writing Katie Farmin Marya Jones Danielle Mettler MHA HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Sophia Alderete Sydney Ashcraft Yvonne Castillo Shannon Petsche Mariah Smith-Fassler MLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Farzin Baik Viktorija Kristupaitis Abby Kuchar Daniel Lovato Louise Bani Sarcar Maggie Schneiderman Thea Swift MMU MUSIC Mikayla Baker Thomas Corbridge Karen Doerfert Andrew Duncan Mauricio Fortuna Vazquez Elisa Martinez Guerrero Patricia Morrison Logan Musel Laura Olson Ridge White MOT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Sonia Baluca Laura Borawski Dana Brescia Sheridan Cowboy Andrea Ellis Marcyanna Rinaldi Meagan Romero Brandy Runningwolf Anna Welch MPA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Christell Begay Berenice Chacon Sandra Chavez Nicholas Christianson Francis Driscoll-Miller Stephanie Gonzales Erica Henderson Cindy Mason Jake Mirabal Valene Mitchell Jazmin Moreno Lionel Patterson MPH PUBLIC HEALTH Keisuke Abe Gaelyn Archer Brenna Banwarth-Kuhn Evelyn Byrd Juan Ceniceros Abudushalamu Feiluola Tara Golden Dakotah Jim Leena Le Annie Leszczynska Miriam McQuade Rebecca Neal Christian Ojeda Diana Perea Maryam Sadeghi Dominic Solhtalab Edna Torres-Chaparro Carl Whalen MPP PUBLIC POLICY Amelia Bierle Julio Chavez Leandra Dalen-Van De Griend Elsa Goossen MASTER OF SCIENCE Anthropology Ellen Dyer Architecture Alice Gomez Athletic Training Blake Poledna Elliot Wunsch Biology Joshua Burke Juan Camacho Shayne Halter Aisha Hamid Jade McLaughlin Anastasia Pittis Kayley You Mak Biomedical Engineering Esteban Baca Matthew Justus Aidan Leyba Lauren Ostermann Ashley Tafoya Seth Torres Kali Wolf Chemical Engineering Kristen Batt Cross Caputo Matthew Powell Civil Engineering Sara Rassa Ossiris Sanchez Rodriguez Brittney Seaburn Odey Yousef Computer Engineering Anindya Bal Sasi Kumar Bondila Michael Calzadillas Neeraj Chityala Pavan Kumar Kantu Navya Kasarla Nitish Kota Sai Surya Kumar Meesala Zachary Montoya Vamsi Krishna Nalabolu Harishanmukha Chowdary Nalamothu Nicholas Ross Matthew Salcido Sai Naveen Vasa Computer Science Mari Aoki Mike Dinh Christopher Leap John Leonard Praneeth Marri Ben Ogden Bennett Poulin Anthony Sharma Jason Stewart John Tran Ariana Villegas Suarez Dental Hygiene Autumn Butler Alayna Holcomb Duc Nguyen Catrina Otero Cristen Schweitzer Earth & Planetary Sciences Felipe Rojas Vilches Electrical Engineering Asad Abdullahi Mohammad Abedi Robert Beattie-Rossberg Michael Crabtree

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2024 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

LOBO C ampus Calendar of Events of

Update using 2018 Data.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Bandelier Hall, West Room 122

1:00 – 2:00pm Arian Golrokh Amin, Civil Engineering, presents “Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Crash Severity and Determining Contributing Factors: A Comparative Study.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Castetter Hall, Room 100 9:00 – 10:00am

Kyana Montoya, Biology, presents “Climate shapes the mitochondrial DNA contact zone in the Audubon’s Warbler.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Farris Engineering Center, Room 3100 9:30 – 10:30am Humayra Tasnim, Computer Science, presents “Insight Into Complexity: Novel Information Theoretic Analysis of Spatiotemporal Interactions.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation Economics, Room 1008 10:30 – 11:30am

Eunice Ajibade, Economics, presents “Labor Market Penalties for Foreign Degrees Among College-Educated Immigrants:

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation C&J Building, Room 121 2:00 – 3:00pm Amanda Gyesi, Communication & Journalism, presents “???How I dress is no one???s business!???: Fashion as a Subversive Language of Resistance among Female Christian Celebrities in Ghana.”

Theater & Film

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice 7:30 – 9:30pm Popejoy Hall

Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog,

sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163.


What’s Next? Day 2: Transitioning Out of College 1:00 – 2:00pm University Advisement and

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 / PAGE 13 @DailyLobo NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO Monday-Sunday, May 06- May 12, 2024 Events are free unless otherwise noted! To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com Preview events on the Daily Lobo Website www.dailylobo.com Thesis/Dissertation Presentations 1:00 – 2:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 116 Savannah Cutler, Earth & Planetary Sciences, presents “SubStage Climatic Shifts during MIS 11 Refined from Diatom Assemblage Analysis in The Valles Caldera, New Mexico.” Campus Events Crafternoon 12:00 – 1:00pm Women’s Resource Center All supplies provided and no artistic ability required. Attend one or all sessions, no commitment necessary. Theater & Film Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice 7:30 – 9:30pm Popejoy Hall Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163. Workshops What’s Next? Resumes Transitioning Out of College University Advisement and Enrichment Center, Room 220 1:00 – 2:00pm Hosted by Career Services. Sports & Recreation UNM Men’s Baseball vs. NMSU 6:00 – 8:00pm Santa Ana Star Field UNM Men’s Baseball faces off against NMSU. Tickets are free but must be acquired online. Meetings SSE Volunteer Meeting SUB 6:00 – 7:00pm WEDNESDAY
SUB, Room 1062 3:00
Meetings Community Experience Meeting
– 4:00pm
Lectures & Readings
Enrichment Center, Room 220 Hosted by Career Services. THURSDAY Campus Events CCS Graduation Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta Blvd SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 10:00am – 1:00pm Celebrate and congratulate the Chicana and Chicano Studies graduates. Colorectal Cancer Support Group 2:00 – 3:00pm UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, Room 1048 In this group led by an oncology Campus Calendar continued from page 12 Campus Calendar continued on page 15
Maren Hatch Darren Kressaty Ken Le Nolan Rebernick Beatrice Sabatella Jesus Sanchez Benjamin Surman Andrew Zamora Geography Rebecca Hobart Stephanie Olivas Kingsley Oppong Alexandra Vivier Health Education Miles Cargas Mathematics Nate Bianco Daniel Havens Nate Kornetzke Sampson Owusu Mechanical Engineering Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Zully Avila Jacob Barry Maren Baur Trevor Bird Zach Casias Joseph Erwin Nicholas Garcia Matthew Garrett Kevin Kim Hannah Klopstock Alexandra Kozai Evan Lucero Madison Lund Anthony McMaster Clayton Milla Evan Paskow Nicholas Phelps Christopher Rice-McClure Kevin Simms Cameron Thomas Tristin Zimmer Museum Studies Erin Berkowitz Nanoscience & Microsystems Engineering Melvin Foster Emmy Turpin Nida Yoo Nuclear Engineering Dennis Ahorlu Christopher Hooper Roberts Ituah Julie Minton-Hughes Nutrition Juanita Duran Pharmaceutical Science David McChesney Physical Education Suzana Andrade De Oliveira Shannon Begay Lancen Duncan Rebekah Gridley Isaac Lopez Aidan Quinn Marissa Sandoval Nathanael Smith Physician Assistant Studies Jessica Salvi Physics Rajorshi Bhattacharya Katie Dalton Alex Fischer Piper Wysocki Psychology Gabriela Acosta Jacob Spinks Timothy Vandiver Speech-Language Pathology Tomas Chavez Statistics Imuseoluwa Obembe Shuang Yang MSN NURSING Dana Allsop Yesica Barrera Benitez Megan Boone Julia Brovarney Sarah Burnett Amanda Candelaria ShiDawn Crank Annie Creswell Claudia Cruz Kaya Green Veronica Holmes Erin Hughes Deborah Kress Lesya Lambros Tanya Lister Sizhu Liu Carrie Lopez de Perez Mariah Martin Veronica Mata Jacqueline McMahon Shawntel Montoya Nahnsejay Mouwon Miranda Oakeley Joslin Olivas Daniel Perdaems Ayla Redman Toni Reed Noreen Rizvi Michelle Rodriguez Nathan Romero Gemma Santos Ifeloluwa Sanya Krista Smith Emily Sumrall Avion Swanier Allyssa Tedder Anna Trujillo Loryn Udell Meriyea Upshaw Amy Vandling Christina Vasquez Bikal Wagle Kymm Ann Wallin Kathryn Whittaker Aaron Winder Breawnna Wunder MWR WATER RESOURCES Brennan Davis NURCP NURSING CERTIFICATE Brenna Ehgartner Courtney Grassham PDCERT HISTORIC PRESERVATION & REGIONALISM Katie Brewer Steven Esparza PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL SECURITY Zachary Ninneman Elizabeth Quinley Lorenz Spangler Gregory Wilder Anderson School of Management MACCT ACCOUNTING Karl Anderson Taniela Cox Feihong Fan Melissa Iturralde Saenz David Jenkins Meaghan McCarthyBustamante Ruby Mills Anthony Montano Rebecca Morales Tari Muneri Samson Munoz Binh Nguyen Jessica Notah Autumn Pilcher Robert Richter Hope Sanchez Anthony Serrano Jeremy Seymour Geoffrey Shelendewa Tory Works Zhiqin Yan MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Alejandro Aldama Valdez Amen Anwar Annalee Baca Amelia Bierle Erin Rose Brown Shalyn Caudill Yue Lin Chen Lizbeth Contreras Thomas Cooper Joseph Coulter Courtney Craig Deion D’Arco Carolyn Delgado Stephanie Espinosa Landon Esterly Gina Falcone Asheli Fierro Annabella Figueroa DeAndria Gallegos Holly Gallegos Linda Garcia Raine Gavino Matthew Gonzalez Dominique Griego David Gros Gabriela Hernandez Nathaniel Joe Merlin Johnson Tohid Khalili Grace Kimura Jacqueline Krawchuck Lauren Lehigh Danielle Livsie Dylan Lucero Rachael Marquis Lucais Martin Brianna Martinez Jonathan Matthews Bradley McClinton Nikolas Meneakis Brian Morris Brennan Myers Cindy Neder Claudia Ojha Marisa Poveda Nadine Prentice Robert Puccetti Jessica Quezada Haylee Rivera Alex Sanchez Joshua Sanchez Ian Sandin Anuoluwapo Somoye Erica Sorrelhorse Debbie Stanley Miriam Tennent John Thomas Mikal Thompson Taylor Uselman Ivan Vestal Alex Walker John Williamson Maria Paula Ybargüengoitia Agüero MBA EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM Victoria Archuleta Marita Campos-Melady Jeffrey Coleman Valerie Dominguez Steven Emmons Angela Engleman Laurie Garin Claudia Gerst Gabriel Gomez Rebecca Goodman Melissa King Alaina Martinez Zachary Peterson Marchelle Quintana Andrew Reynolds Elizabeth Rivas Dan Rushton Oleksandr Schevchuck Stephen Silversmith Veronica Talamantes Victor Ulibarri Tamara Weary Justin Wise MS CYBERSECURITY & BUSINESS ANALYTICS Levi Allen Imelda Andrade Sayarika Baral Prakat Bhatta Nathaniel Bland Alexander Cole Sambhrant Dhakal Alexander Dietl Guoqing Ding Christian Duran Sean Fisher Jazmina Flores Jesse Garcia Cedric Hawkins Mary Hayes Fengguang Hu Jais Jose Sajina Karki Ashish Khatri Vincent Kolander James Lassa Mohan Saikumar Madaka David Natonabah Aileen Quinones Lorrey Romero Lauren Saad Paola Sanchez-Medina James Seegers Bhanu Sree Sheelam Harrison Smith RuthAnn Tibbetts John Torres Matthew Trujillo Gowri Uppu Vaksu Vanapalli Jacquelyn Vandever Raquel Vasquez Mason Walker Anneliese Ward guanrui Zheng MS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Jasmine Alvarado Miranda Archuleta Grant Bamberg Megan Barker Monica Cardozo Donovan Chee Josh Cordova Ryan Corrigan Athina Dimitriadis Miranda Dominguez Jenny Esch Isaac Gallegos Marissa Garcia Andres Gonzales Haleigh Gossett Rachael Hathoot Sara Hesch Myah Isais Reja Khan Jemima Lewis Michael Ludwig Dominic Mantelli Esteban Martinez Rose Messec Jonathan Metevier Nolan Miller Joey Noble Leslie Ogas Ryan Ortiz Alberto Perez Leslie Romero Vanessa Roybal Cecille Sanchez Monica Sanchez Danial Shahrabi Farahani Fatima Torres Rebecca Tresise Linda Vance Oscar Velasquez Garrett Werito Hannah Wood Spring 2024 doctoral and terminal degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. Graduate Programs DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Samuel Abbanat Luke Beauchamp Sage Galloway Tanner Geisler Kenidee Hatler Aubry Hershberger Henry Madsen Alisia Montoya Marisa Phillips Cody Pisz Katarina Rasinski Chelsea Rizk Lauren Rupp Gabrielle Sanchez Oliver Schultz Stephen Schultz Jake Theis Katia Velasquez Margaret Walker Matthew Weinstein Joel Whitney Grady Woodul EDD EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Sarah Curley Christopher Gunnare Vincent Mays Shannon McCoy-Hayes Kenneth Salazar Nonabah Sam Ophelia Sanchez Danielle Yepa Gunderson DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY American Studies Tania Garcia Caitlin Grann Anthropology Emily Moes Biology Christopher Anderson Claire Doherty Biomedical Sciences Rabeya Bilkis Natalie Pinkowski Chemistry Tongtong Li Sangita Paudel Shenghan Song Amy Stevens Rajani Thapa Magar Communication Anthony Peavy Computer Science Andisheh Dadashi Economics Daniel Clayton Aditi Sarkar Kritika Sen Chakraborty Rex Sitti Educational Linguistics Andy Lim Hafiz Yar Engineering Andre Chavez Rubel Das Rowdy Davis Mary Louise Gucik Sleight Halley Md Amanul Hasan Harsh Kumar Jean-Elie Pierre English Kalila Bohsali Family and Child Studies Lynda Cruz Heidi Sanders History Carter Barnwell Rachael Cassidy Zonnie Gorman Steven Kostelecky Language, Literacy, & Sociocultural Studies Elizabeth Berton Reilly Magdalena Dathe Mathematics Owen Davis Kyle Henke Sarah Poiani Optical Science & Engineering Fatih Ince Organization, Information & Learning Sciences Sara Dominguez Monica Dorame Amber Gallup Philosophy Jason Barton Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science Kelsey Bourbeau Sean Fullerton Abdulaziz Masoud Jessica Smith Physics Birendra Dhanasingham Anupam Mitra Easwar Anand Narayanan Sivaprasad Omanakuttan Andrew Zhao Political Science Melanie Dominguez Mahtab Shafiei Psychology Tia Donaldson Monica Goncalves Garcia Kaitlyn Schodt Elena Stein Sociology Yuka Doherty Machienvee Lammey Elizabeth Sabbath Spanish & Portuguese Elisabeth Baker Luis Gamboa Special Education Brigid Ovitt College of Nursing DNP NURSING Angela Bachicha Shawnadine Becenti Tony Hume Cynthia Johnson Mariah Megli Angelina Rodriguez Jessica Spurrier Melissa Wyaco College of Pharmacy DOCTOR OF PHARMACY Ethan Alvarado Brooke Aston Abed Ayesh Robert Baca Alyssa Barnes Brianna Bustretsky Heather Cabos Jade Denninger Simon Do Jessica Duong Makhaila Esquibel Maraya Esquibel Cesar Garay Siem Goitom Leslie Gonzales Jennica Granger Kirstin Green Ronnie Griego Hannah Haynes Nawasa Iamsen Casey Karler Nada Kherbik Savannah King Andrianna Lane Marissa Martinez David McChesney Kendall McKenzie Kathryn McNeil Kaydee Mego Denise Mendoza Bria Nelson-Sanderson Michael Neville Helen Ngo Lisa Nguyen Angela Nickens Fariba Nikookar Dashtmiani Nick Olivas Venessa Padilla Merissa Perea Mostafa Qasemi Sara Roach Tessa Rogers Roman Romero Zachary Romero Annajita Rubio Atif Samadi Tomanda Sandoval Jade Tran Bobby Trujillo Alyssa Valdez Arianna Werley Isaiah Young School of Law JURIS DOCTOR Ibrahim Al-Gahmi Noah Allaire Camilla Allison Alex Alvarado Griffin Arellano Alia Attallah Daniel Berenger-Russell Oona Bjornstad Joseph Brakenhoff Sophia Bunch Alyx Callison Leshem Randy Carrillo Alexandria Charney Abigayle Christiansen Henry Chynoweth Melanie Coffing Parker Connolly Andrew Corbell Jessica Cothern Jess Czajkowski Madeline D’Arezzo Shannel Daniels Thomas Davis Shaniya Decker Courtney Denker Valerie DiBernardo Lauren Earls Lana Elledge Alejandria Gallegos Daniel Goodwin Alondra Granados-Diaz Ricardo Guadarrama Diego Guerrerortiz Kristin Guin Fetsum Habtemariam Jack Hart Paul Havern Kevin Hedrich Laura Ingersol Jocelyn Jarrett Ryleigh Johnson Kameron Kennedy Thomas Kennedy Sundesh Khalsa Grace Kienzle Justin Lauriano Natalia Listwan Isabelle Lopez Abigail Lutz Brenda Macias Lopez Maggie Maestas Sabrina Martinez Xaveria Mayerhofer Colman McCanna Alan Mena Annalisa Miller Chance Mitchell Isabella Montoya Jacqueline Munro-Vahey Seve Naranjo Rebecca Needhammer Julia Oliver Mikayla Ortega-Speight Elena Papadakos Kayd Patterson Mary Helen Pavlides Bethany Peterson Morgan Pettit Isaac Pushkin Miguel Quintana Sophie Rane Maxwell Reidys Michelle Reitz Logan Rice Krista Russell Serafina Seluja Aaron Sharratt Justin Starr Hannah Stephens Logan Stokes Christa Street Augustin Ternoir Hunter Thomas Devrim Tiryaki Maria Trujillo Nicholas Valdez Sage Wagner Holly Watson Pauline Wayland Aaron Whiteley Matt Whitworth Connor Woods Kristin Woodworth Tory Works School of Medicine DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Lucas Akes Danielle Alaouieh Michael Apostol Brenna Banwarth-Kuhn Ashlynn Black Anurag Borah Chantel Clark Tegan Clarke Van Cochran Jonathon Cordova Lydia Crooks Lizeth Cueto Kristen Cummings Michael Delahoussaye Alexandra Do Eric Ensign Abudushalamu Feiluola Angela Feng Shawn Fernandez Andres Flores Tessa Flores Emily Funsten Gabrielle Gallegos Devon Garland Desna Ghatalia Rikki Hall Emily Hong Tyler Hough Veronica Hutchison Priyanka Jain Johnathan Jensen Scott Jun Sean Kaisler Madison Kajder Alexander Kassicieh Arash Kheyraddini Mousavi Jessica Larsen Eric Leung Remy Link Erica Logue Austin Lucero Lucas Maestas Kevin Martinez Alison McWhorter Anderson Pachely Mendivil Aguayo Marisa Michealson Michael Miera Cody Moezzi Florencia Monge Alycia Montgomery Gaelan Montoya Addi Moya Monica Moya Balasch Ashley Newman Hoang Nguyen Oluwaseun Oyeku Johann Pacheco Chris Paiz Talia Passarelli Juhee Patel Keisha Patel Mikayla Pulliam Marco Ramos Dante Rangel Glenn Ratmeyer Anna Reviere Marshall Reviere Bailey Rivera Alexander Robles Bethany Sanchez Jacob Sanchez Payton Sandoval-Belt Joseph Sena Grace Thompson Joshua Thurgood Jacob Torres Samantha Trujillo Danielle Turner Virva Walkington Jordan West Avalon Yi
Good luck with finals, Lobos!
PAGE 14 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com crossword sudoku Level 1 2 3 4 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis FOR RELEASE MARCH 18, 2017 ACROSS 1 Cleaning up a mess? 5 Overcomes, as adversity 15 River to the Laptev Sea 16 Beset by dire circumstances 17 Reach new heights 18 Sharper 19 Publication for pitchers? 21 Paid 22 “I have a lady in the balcony” old radio/TV quiz show 24 Binge-watcher’s aid 25 Showman named Phineas 29 Butterflies 33 __ room 34 Largest Italian lake 36 __ Valley, Calif. 37 Court judgment 38 Metaphorical social barrier 39 Salon substance 40 They might be about nothing 42 Gather in a mass 44 Self-named 1954 or 1964 jazz album 45 Expel 47 Disgruntled fans, slangily 49 Novelist O’Flaherty 51 X-Ray __: U.K. punk band 52 Socrates or Plato 56 Meditative discipline 60 Agenda 62 Kennebunkbased personal care products brand, familiarly 63 Old crate 64 Noodle bar order 65 Windows alternatives 66 Shady time, for some DOWN 1 Wife of Igor of Kiev 2 Socially awkward type 3 Recognize 4 Handled carelessly 5 Putting in jeopardy 6 Like many beginners’piano pieces 7 Burn slightly 8 Keith Hernandez, e.g. 9 Marathoner’s need 10 Succeed bigtime 11 Pool habitués 12 Leave off 13 It has two jaws 14 Storefront sign abbr. 20 Miss an easy spare, say 23 Bobwhite, e.g. 25 Classroom with mice 26 Old-time screen vamp Bara 27 Track bar 28 Ernie Banks’ sobriquet 30 Intensity 31 Fix, as copy 32 Track apparel 35 Teaching methods 41 Aquarter of a half? 42 Some recliners 43 Beer openers 44 Scrap 46 One of Pete Rose’s record 3,215 48 ’80s-’90s co-star with Betty, Rue and Estelle 50 Far from shiny 52 First razor with a pivoting head 53 Chiang Mai native 54 Battleship goals 55 Myrna’s role in “The Thin Man” 57 Musical closing 58 Managed care gps. 59 Exists no more 61 Brooklynese pronoun Friday’s Puzzle Solved By Bruce Venzke 3/18/17 ©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 3/18/17 April 29th issue puzzle solved Follow Us... @dailylobo Look Us Up.. Daily Lobo Look Us Up... Daily Lobo Subscribe to Us... dailylobo Follow Us... @dailylobo Friend Us... Daily Lobo Your #1 source for UNM News stay updated on our website dailylobo.com April 29th issue puzzle solved Rain Tree - NM Center for Meditative Inquiry Listening into Stillness, The Wholeness of Life! The Great Anxiety is healed. Life blossoms in Simplicity. 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com A personalized approach OPEN April 1 - Oct 28 FRI-MON • 10am-4pm Last ticket sold at 3:30pm tinkertown.com 505-281-5233 Located on the road to Sandia Crest Delivered to your inbox: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! STAY INFORMED! Subscribe to our email newsletter. Stay in the loop on all the news and entertainment around UNM! Subscribe NOW! DAILY L OBO new mexico Add our email lobonews@dailylobo.com to the Safe Senders list in Outlook to avoid our email newsletter going into spam!
Illustrated by Hannah Cerne


HAPPY BIRTHDAY NINA! Your friends at the Daily Lobo hope your birthday shines as bright as you do!



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Part-time Clinical supervision and training; Review all documentation compliance. Provide support with crisis management team protocol, strategies, and post mortem evaluation processing for clients. Implement training for CCSS staff on BHSD requirements for client care. Responsibilities: Critical Incident Report management/ training on CIR procedure. Develop and implement standard operating procedures for clinical staff. Culture development and reinforcement of HopeWorks’ mission. Education, experience, & amp; Licensure requirements: Masters’ Degree in Social or Behavioral Sciences. Must be an independently licensed clinician in good standing with the State of NM licensing board (LISW, LCSW, LPCC, LMFT), must be able to provide supervision for nonindependently licensed staff. At least two years’ experience with severe disabling mental illness population and homeless adults. 1 year of management preferred. Pay rate is $30/hr. Email resume and cover letter to vpalmer@hopeworksnm.org

DAILY LOBO C ampus Calendar of Events

Campus Calendar continued from pg 13

social worker & colorectal cancer survivor, people can share their personal experiences, ways of coping and helpful resources

Honors College Spring 2024 Convocation UNM Continuing Education Auditorium

6:30 – 8:30pm

Celebrate and congratulate the Honors graduates.

Lectures & Readings

Thesis/Dissertation Presentations

Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room

12:00 – 1:00pm

Isabella Valdez, English, presents “isabella all the time: a memoir in pieces.”

Thesis/Dissertation Presentation

Northrop Hall, Room 101

2:00 – 3:00pm Esteban Lopez Murillo, Earth & Planetary Sciences, presents “Late Cretaceous ammonites and other non-rudist mollusks from Costa Rica and their paleoecology.”

Theater & Film

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice

7:30 – 9:30pm Popejoy Hall

Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163.


Student Advisory Council Meeting

UNM Art Museum

4:00 – 5:00pm

SAC works as a group to create a zine that focuses on themes from UNMAM’s exhibition “Hindsight Insight 4.0” and themes relevant to art museums, museum studies, art history, art practices, etc.


Campus Events

COPH Convocation 2024

1:00 – 3:00pm SUB, Ballrooms B&C

Celebrate and congratulate COPH and MPH graduates.

Biochemistry Spring 2024

Undergraduate Convocation

2:00 – 4:00pm Domenici Auditorium

Celebrate and congratulate the Biochemistry graduates.

Law School Honors & Awards Ceremony

2:00 – 3:30pm UNM Law School, Back Forum

Honoring and celebrating the accomplishments of the Law School’s Nalsa graduating class.

Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Spring 2024 Convocation

3:00 – 5:00pm Anthropology Lecture Hall, Room 163

Celebrate and congratulate the Chemistry and Chemical biology graduates.

Earth & Planetary Sciences 2024 Convocation

3:00 – 6:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122

Celebrate and congratulate Earth and Planetary Science graduates.

College of Nursing Convocation

3:30 – 6:30pm The Pit

Celebrate and congratulate the College of Nursing graduates.

Theater & Film

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice

7:30 – 9:30pm

Popejoy Hall Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163

Sports & Recreation

UNM Men’s Baseball vs. Nevada 6:00 – 8:00pm Santa Ana Star Field

UNM Men’s Baseball faces off against Nevada. Tickets are free but must be acquired online.

Art & Music

Severe Punishment Opening Reception

5:00 – 7:32pm fourteenfifteen gallery By Taylor Engel.

Meander Closing Reception 7:59 – 10:29pm 1206 S Broadway Blvd, SE, ABQ, NM


Sports & Recreation

UNM Men’s Baseball vs. Nevada

2:00 – 4:00pm Santa Ana Star Field

UNM Men’s Baseball faces off against Nevada. Tickets are free but must be acquired online.

Theater & Film

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice

2:00 – 4:00pm Popejoy Hall

Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163.

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice 7:30 – 9:30pm Popejoy Hall

Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163.

Campus Events

UNM Spring 2024 Commencement 9:00am – 12:00pm The Pit

The campus-wide graduation ceremony for all students from all schools, colleges, and degree programs. Bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates will proceed across the stage and be recognized individually. Doctoral and terminal master’s degree candidates will be hooded.

Physics and Astronomy Spring 2024


12:00 – 2:00pm PAIS, Room 1100

Celebrate and congratulate the Physics and Astronomy graduates.

Law School Commencement 1:00 – 3:00pm

UNM Law School, Back Patio

Celebrate and congratulate the Law School graduates.

Languages, Cultures and Literatures

Spring 2024 Convocation 2:00 – 4:00pm SUB, Ballroom C

Celebrate and congratulate the Languages, Cultures and Literature graduates.

School of Engineering Spring Convocation 2:00 – 4:00pm The Pit

Celebrate and congratulate the School of Engineering graduates.

College of Education and Human Sciences 2024 Convocation 6:00 – 7:30pm The Pit

Celebrate and congratulate the Education and Human Sciences graduates.


Theater & Film

Popejoy Presents: Beetlejuice 1:00 – 3:00pm Popejoy Hall

Based on Tim Burton’s film, Beetlejuice tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes. Recommended for 13+. Parental discretion advised. Beetlejuice includes substantial haze and fog, sudden loud noises, pyrotechnic and strobe lighting effects. Tickets are $63-$163.

Sports & Recreation

UNM Men’s Baseball vs. Nevada 12:00 – 2:00pm Santa Ana Star Field

UNM Men’s Baseball faces off against Nevada. Tickets are free but must be acquired online.

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home on occasional basis. Nice home, big yard, and beautiful covered patio. Very friendly dog. jennifersjohns@comcast.net. ARE YOU HIRING? Place ads in this classifieds category! To place your ad email classifieds@dailylobo.com or call 505-277-5656. You can also come by Marron Hall room 107 and talk to use in person about placing your ad! Hope to see you in the classifieds category soon! Internships NEED AN INTERNSHIP (paid)? UNM professor seeks assistance with manuscripts, research, social media, and podcasts. Friendly office in North Valley; transportation required. Knowledge of HTML and office experience a plus. Longterm position through academic year, flexible hours (10/week, $15/hour). Email resumé to dunaway@unm.edu; open until filled. Contact our email today! classifieds@dailylobo.com Earn Money Instantly! Get matched with new trials Get paid (505) 243-1627 info@velocityclinical.com 3901 Carlisle Blvd NE, ABQ NM 87107 New Trials. Cash Rewards. Fast Payments. Velocity is the world’s largest organization of fully integrated research sites. The company parters with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for research. www.dailylobo.com
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