NM Daily Lobo 050211

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Banksy Strikes see page 7


May 2, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Regents decide against fee increase


SFRB suggestion upheld at expense of longer gym hours by Kevin Forte kforte@unm.edu

Al-Jazeera / AP Photo This file television image broadcast on Qatar’s Al-Jazeera TV is said to show Osama bin Laden at the wedding of his son in January of 2001. President Obama said Sunday that bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has the body. Read full story, page 3.

The budget is finalized. The regents unanimously passed the budget and finalized tuitionand-fees during Friday’s meeting at the SUB. Board of Regents President Jack Fortner said the board took the Student Fee Review Board’s recommendation not to increase student fees next year. Regent Gene Gallegos said that a $40 fee increase would have allowed Johnson Gym to stay open on weekends and afforded students longer library hours among other things. “The University is not funding the library appropriately,” he said. “It’s a real mistake not to make a fee for Johnson Gym and the library.” Fortner said that the regents wanted to take the SFRB’s advice. He said the regents would address the issue again when the

University has a clearer view of enrollment rates and more budgetary wiggle room. “One of the things we tried to do is to listen to the students,” he said. “They are going to have lost hours at the gym, but it’s important to let the students know that we listened.” Regent Don Chalmers said students are already financially strained and this budget allows somewhat of a reprieve. Given budget cuts, he said, the University has done well over the past several years. “We need to look at different places, instead of putting it on students’ backs,” he said. “Nobody likes this budget, but it’s as good as it’s going to get.”

Visit unm.edu/~budget to read the operating and capital budget plans

Activist: Corporations harm land, climate by José M. Enríquez jenriq01@unm.edu

Diné activist Louise Benally knows firsthand how corporate takeover can destroy traditional ways of life. Benally talked Friday at the SUB about how everything changed for her family when, in 1974, Peabody Coal Company opened a mine at Black Mesa, Ariz. Soon afterward, she said, roads opened and people started working for Peabody. “The land partitioning took place and things changed forev-

er,” she said. “The livestock were reduced down to 75 percent. Homes were no longer allowed to be built or reconstructed, or patched up, so things changed.” Benally was brought up in a traditional Diné lifestyle, and her parents weren’t formally educated. She remembers her family raised livestock, rode horses to camps and grew corn, squash and beans. But Diné means of survival became illegal. The federal government outlawed transporting windmills and lumber, growing and gathering wild foods and hunting animals in large

quantities, Benally said. “More and more of the land was being expanded for the mining companies,” she said. Presently, Diné people and other indigenous groups believe global climate changes threaten their traditional lifestyle, Benally said. Benally said the situation in Black Mesa is a microcosm of what’s happening globally. She said some groups want to live in a sustainable manner, but corporations want to extract the natural resources on these groups’ land. “There is so much poison being pulled out of the ground and into

Credit card meters offer convenience by Diego Gomez

dgomez24@unm.edu Keep your spare change for the laundromat. Last week, UNM began replacing coin-operated parking meters with machines that exclusively accept credit cards. The machines will operate for an area of about 15-20 spaces, as opposed to one coin meter on each space, said Robert Nelson, associate director of Parking and Transportation Services. He said that PATS explored various forms of meter technology before deciding which meters to install. “These are cost-effective, efficient, and we think good for the customer,” he said. “Customers would carry around coffee mugs full of quarters. They don’t have to do that now anymore.” PATS plans to wire the meters in the near future to accept

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 148

LoboCash. For right now, credit and debit cards are the only accepted payment forms. The pay-and-display machines are solar powered, web-based and wireless, meaning they can be moved to different locations if needed and are self sufficient as far as power goes, Nelson said. Whenever a card is swiped, the information is immediately sent to a computer database, the meter machine, and the customer’s bank statement. The new meters allow drivers to move their cars to different spaces around campus so long as they keep their receipts on the dashboards of their cars, Nelson said. “The space is not restricted by time anymore,” he said. “So you could buy eight hours of time if you wanted to, whereas before with the meters, you couldn’t put enough quarters in to buy that much time.

the air, and our community suffers from a lot of health problems from these pollutants that are released into the atmosphere,” Benally said. She said reversing the damage on the Black Mesa will be difficult. “How do we address these problems?” she said. “We really don’t know, but just to continue to have that relationship with the natural world, and that’s all we can do. But the future is unpredictable at the scale we are going at right now.” At UNM, students and professors are effecting positive change by developing technology and educating people in traditional ways,

Benally said. Sustainability studies professor Bruce Milne will run a USDA-sponsored field school this summer. In it, students will learn about New Mexico’s modern and traditional agriculture. They’ll visit Canyon de Chelly, a site about 40 miles away from Black Mesa. “The more diversity that we have in the number of species and the kinds of genotypes that are out there the better,” Milne said. “And cultural diversity and the knowledge that different people have is essential for enabling us to respond to the challenges that come along.”


Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Michael Sheehan, the Archbishop of Santa Fe, blesses the 28th annual Gathering of Nations on Friday in the Pit. See more page 2.

Little hitter wins big game

May Day Protests

See page 2

See page 5


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PageTwo M onday, M ay 2, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Left: A portrait of Ron Chasing Eagle in his ceremonial clothing. Above: Native Americans from all over the world gathered at the Pit to present their unique cultures on Friday.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 148

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Kallie Red-Horse Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Andrew Beale Assistant Culture Editor Graham Geatz Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark Opinion Editor Nathan New

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, May 2, 2011 / Page 3

Prof. recounts cannabis history by Kallie Red-Horse kallie69@unm.edu

Where does cannabis come from? Assistant professor Chris Duvall discussed on Friday the origins of Cannabis sativa, or marijuana, during the Student Organization for Latin American Studies’ final Brown Bag Lecture Series. He said the plant originated in Central Asia, spread across the continent to North Africa, and enslaved Africans brought knowledge of marijuana to Brazil. But it is unclear if they introduced the plant to South America.

“Did Africans introduce cannabis to Brazil?� he said. “My answer would be maybe. We don’t have the evidence — there is simply not enough reliable information to accept or reject African-led biological diffusion.� More recently, Duvall said, marijuana users have been stigmatized, but historically the plant has been used for medicinal, spiritual and holistic purposes. “It has been used as a narcotic, a food, and a source of fiber for about 6,000 years,� he said. “The case of marijuana’s introduction to Brazil needs to have more attention given to it. The case of marijuana pro-

vides really excellent evidence for cultural effusion from Africa to the Americas.� Understanding the plant and its history is important, Duvall said, because cannabis is New Mexico’s third-largest cash crop. “Many people who are involved in cannabis either to grow it, to use it or to transport it are engaged in illegal activities, so they are not willing to share information about it,� he said. “Much of the cannabis literature is clearly biased either for or against marijuana. It aims to promote these viewpoints rather than really create knowledge about the plant.�

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Osama killed in US-led raid by Matt Apuzzo Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden, the glowering mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks that murdered thousands of Americans, was killed in an operation led by the United States, President Barack Obama said Sunday. A small team of Americans killed bin Laden in a firefight Sunday at a compound in Pakistan, the president said in a dramatic late-night statement at the White House. A jubilant crowd gathered outside the White House as word spread of bin Laden’s death after a global manhunt that lasted nearly a decade. “Justice has been done,� the president said. Former President George W. Bush, who was in office on the day of the attacks, issued a written statement hailing bin Laden’s death as a momentous achievement. “The fight against terror

goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done,� he said. Few details were immediately available of the operation that resulted in bin Laden’s death, although the president said none of the Americans involved was harmed. The development came just months before the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon, orchestrated by bin Laden’s al-Qaida organization, that killed more than 3,000 people. The attacks set off a chain of events that led the United States into wars in Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and America’s entire intelligence apparatus was overhauled to counter the threat of more terror attacks at home. Al-Qaida was also blamed for the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 231 people and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed


17 American sailors in Yemen, as well as countless other plots, some successful and some foiled. A senior administration official says Obama gave the final order for U.S. officials to go after bin Laden on Friday. The official added that a small team found their quarry hiding in a large home in an affluent suburb of Islamabad. The raid occurred in the early morning hours Sunday. Obama spoke with Bush and former President Bill Clinton Sunday night to inform them of the developments. The attacks a decade ago seemed to come out of nowhere, even though al-Qaida had previously damaged American targets overseas. The terrorists hijacked planes, flew one of them into one of Manhattan’s Twin Towers — and, moments later, into the other one. Both buildings collapsed, trapping thousands inside and claiming the lives of firefighters and others who had rushed to help them.

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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Monday May 2, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Nathan New


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: How was Fiestas this year?

I didn’t go.


Mad decent.



10% 10%

I’d rather not talk about it.


Sick. Out of 67 responses.

THIS WEEK’S POLL: What new feature would you most like to see in the Daily Lobo next year?



Conservatives not against change—just more prudent

New comics.


Subject quiz/trivia. (Astronomy, Math, History, etc.)

In Thursday’s Daily Lobo, Opinion Editor Nathan New blasted Donald Trump and conservatives. He’s wrong about the latter. For societies ruled by despots, conservatives support change — transformative change. Ronald Reagan made this clear at his 1987 Speech at Brandenburg Gate where he implored: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Likewise, in 2009 conservatives heartily

Jumble puzzles.

Lottery results.



LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

“American exceptionalism” distracts from introspection Editor, First, I want to clarify that I love the U.S., and that I know our liberties are unprecedented in the history of the modern world. However, should we really still consider our country to be exceptional? American exceptionalism suggests a moral superiority to our foreign counterparts — that all here are treated equally and fairly under the rule of law. But how can we still believe that when

Grads deserve a voice that is proportional to their work Dear President David Schmidly:

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Nathan New Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor

I am a graduate student at UNM. I am writing to ask you to please reject the proposed changes to the makeup of UNM’s Student Fee Review Board — that is, amending the current voting student members from three graduates and four undergrads to two grads and seven undergrads. These changes reduce critical graduate student representation at the same time that we are asked to carry out more of the University’s mission. I understand the reasoning behind the proposed change: to more closely align the SFRB with UNM’s student population. But population should be only one of many considerations when making such an important decision. Far more important, and what must be

supported the Iranian people in their peaceful protest against an election stolen by tyrants. Had President Obama voiced support for this Iranian “Green Revolution,” change for the better might have been possible. On the other hand, in non-despotic countries with functioning civil societies, amelioration is best achieved through reform guided by experience and precedent, not by New’s “progress” and “real change.” This was largely the message of the father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke, in his 1790 book Reflections on the Revolution in France. France would have been better served by prudent correction than what transpired

under “real change” — 16,500 guillotined during the Reign of Terror. Rightly, we do not fear nor expect any such catastrophe in America. Our distresses are modest by comparison. Yet they are not insignificant. “Hope and change” and “change you can believe in” have given us 8.8 percent unemployment, yearly deficits of $1.5 trillion, food prices rising sharply, gasoline near $4 per gallon, and a still-falling housing market. Perhaps this is the “progress” New had in mind?

those with political and monetary power are treated differently under the American rule of law? We can’t say we’re exceptional when those on Wall Street who caused the world financial crisis haven’t been criminally investigated by President Obama’s Department of Justice. Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, the alleged whistle-blower of classified documents to WikiLeaks, has previously been held in less-than-humane conditions for releasing documents that were less sensitive than the Pentagon Papers released by Daniel Ellsberg. That’s not even mentioning passive tolerance of our government’s support of oppressive dictatorships with histories of

human rights violations — like Augusto Pinochet of Chile, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, to name recent examples — right up until they start murdering their own citizens. Other domestic examples include draconian cuts to budgets, starting with social safety net programs; turning Medicare into a voucher instead of quality, guaranteed healthcare; destroying laborer’s abilities to collectively bargain. And all while continuing to be the largest military spenders in the world. Are we really so exceptional?

considered more closely, is the role graduate students play in the mission of the University. Specifically, graduate students make faculty research and tenure possible. Some may consider this an overstatement, but a look at UNM’s division of labor shows it is not. In many departments, graduate students teach a significant portion of classes offered so that tenure-line faculty can teach a smaller load, allowing faculty to pursue the research that earns them tenure. If you were to reduce the number of grad students to the same degree of representation under the proposed SFRB changes, faculty would find themselves teaching 50-100 percent more classes per semester. That would make time-consuming research impossible. Such a situation would fundamentally change the nature of our Research-1 University, where faculty research and publication defines us and brings esteem and funding. Further, graduate students play an inte-

gral role in research, often doing considerable work with faculty on specific projects. Take away these students, in the manner that taking away their voices is being proposed, and research slows to a snail’s pace. Let me be clear: I am a grad student and do some of the work described above, and though I wish I was paid better, I love my work and am happy to make such an important contribution to the University. It would be unconscionable to take away our voices on the SFRB when we hear from your weekly about the severity of our financial difficulties, when we see faculty and administrative lines cut in our departments and are asked to do more for less to make up for lost workers, when we see budgets for research and conference travel slashed and have to take on significant debt just to build our CVs. Please reject this change.

Donald Gluck President of UNM Conservative Republicans

Kevin Wenderoth UNM student

Respectfully, Dan Cryer UNM graduate student


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, May 2, 2011 / Page 5

May Day rallies proliferate across world by Juergen Baetz and Selcan Hacaoglu Associated Press

BERLIN — Some 400,000 people took to the streets in Germany on Sunday as marchers around the world demanded more jobs, better working conditions and higher wages on International Workers’ Day. In Turkey, some 200,000 protesters flooded a central plaza in Istanbul, making it the largest May Day rally there since 1977, when at least 34 people died and more than 100 were injured after shooting triggered a stampede. Turkish unions weren’t allowed back until last year. Across Germany, some 423,000 people took to the streets to demand fair wages, better working conditions, and sufficient social security, the country’s unions’ umbrella-group, DGB said.

“Fair wages, good jobs and social security are the minimum standard in this country that workers expect...� ~Michael Sommer May Day Protester, Germany Union group head Michael Sommer said the turnout — similar to last year’s — was a clear message to the government that it should give up its refusal to introduce a national minimum wage. “Fair wages, good jobs and social security are the minimum standard in this country that workers expect, need

and have to fight for time and again,� Sommer said at a protest in the central German town of Kassel. In Berlin, several rallies were scattered across the capital, with police saying ten thousand people had taken to the streets. Some 8,000 gathered late in the afternoon at a rally called for by leftist groups, with police out in force as past demonstrations had turned violent. Marchers carried banners saying “This is the least: fair salaries, fair jobs.� Across the city, some 6,000 security forces were deployed Sunday to monitor the protests, police said. In Austria, more than 100,000 people peacefully took to the streets of Vienna, protest organizers said. Social Democratic Chancellor Werner Faymann promised social policies and warned against leaving too much room to financial speculation, Austrian news agency APA reported. In New York, labor leaders from Wisconsin joined activists to march for the rights of America’s immigrants and workers. Immigration advocates latched onto the May Day tradition in 2006. The noon rally in Manhattan’s Union Square was one of dozens around the nation. Marchers planned to walk down Broadway to lower Manhattan for a second rally. In Cuba, hundreds of thousands of people marched through Havana and other cities to mark May Day in a demonstration touted as a vast show of support for economic changes recently approved by the Communist Party. In South Korea, police said 50,000 rallied in Seoul for better labor protections. They also urged the government to contain rising inflation, a growing concern across much of Asia, where food and oil prices have been spiking and threatening to push millions into poverty.

Thousands of workers also marched in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Philippines to vent their anger over the rising cost of living and growing disparities between the rich and poor. Several thousand people turned out for May Day demonstrations in Paris, including supporters of the farright National Front party whose new president, Marine Le Pen, stressed her party’s long-standing anti-immigrant stance. In the Philippines, about 3,000 workers demanding higher wages held a protest in a Manila square that included setting alight the effigy of

Philippine President Benigno Aquino III grinning in a luxury car. Aquino was criticized this year for buying a secondhand Porsche in a country where a third of people live on a dollar a day. In Taiwan, about 2,000 people rallied in Taipei to protest the widening income gap and to demand their government create better work conditions. About 3,000 people in Hong Kong took part in a Sunday morning protest while another 5,000 were expected at an afternoon rally, local media reports said. In Spain, where unemployment has reached a eurozone high of 21.3

percent, several thousand people gathered in the eastern port city of Valencia and protested the government’s failure to create new jobs. In Moscow, up to 5,000 Communists and members of other leftist groups marched through the city carrying a sea of red flags to celebrate their traditional holiday, which in Soviet times was known as the Day of International Solidarity of Workers. Since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union, the holiday has been known as the Day of Spring and Labor, and organizations from across the political spectrum held their own marches on Sunday.

Armando Franca / AP Photo A man carries a child holding a red carnation while marching with a group of immigrants taking part in a May Day workers’ demonstration Sunday in Lisbon. The red carnation is a symbol of the 1974 revolution that restored democracy in Portugal.

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Page 6 / Monday, May 2, 2011

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Japan gov. adviser steps down by Yuri Kageyama

Volunteers help clean a cemetery at Jionin temple in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan, Friday.

Associated Press

TOKYO — Criticism of the Japanese government’s handling of the crisis at a radiation-spewing nuclear power plant has increased after an adviser quit in protest of what he lambasted as unsafe, slipshod measures. Toshiso Kosako, a professor at the University of Tokyo’s graduate school and an expert on radiation exposure, announced late Friday that he was stepping down as a government adviser. Prime Minister Naoto Kan appointed Kosako after the magnitude9.0 earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan on March 11. The disaster left 26,000 people dead or missing and damaged several reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant — setting off the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. In a tearful news conference, Kosako said he could not stay and allow the government to set what he called improper radiation limits of 20 millisieverts an hour for elementary schools in areas near the plant. “I cannot allow this as a scholar,� he said. “I feel the government response has been merely to bide time.� Kosako also criticized the government as lacking in transparency in disclosing monitoring of radiation levels around the plant, and as improperly raising the limit of radiation exposure levels for workers at Fukushima Dai-ichi, according to Kyodo News agency. The prime minister defended the government’s response as proper. “We welcome different views among our advisers,� Kan told parliament Saturday in response to an opposition legislator’s questions. A government advisory position is

Hiro Komaen AP Photo

highly respected in Japan, and it is extremely rare for an academic to resign in protest of a government position. The science and education ministry has repeatedly defended the 20millisievert limit as safe, saying that efforts are under way to bring the limit down to 1 millisievert. Some people have expressed concerns, noting that children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults. Japan, which has 54 nuclear reactors, has long been a major proponent of atomic power, constantly

billing its technology as top-rate and super-safe. Japan’s government has also been trying to make deals to build nuclear power plants in other countries, although such attempts are likely to fall flat after the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident. As the only country in the world to suffer an atomic bombing, as it did at Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, Japan has long had a powerful anti-nuclear movement, and such protests have become louder recently.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, May 2, 2011 / Page 7

Street art exhibit may have led to graffiti increase by John Rogers Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — It’s art from the streets that’s been moved into the museum, and critics are going gaga over it. Words like stunning and near-overwhelming have been used to describe the colorful, esoteric works of Futura, Smear, Chaz Bojorquez and dozens of other seminal street scribblers covering the walls of the Museum of Contemporary Art’s Little Tokyo campus. But take the art back to the streets, as some over-enthusiastic artists, or perhaps just wannabe Banksys, have been doing since the exhibition opened at MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary campus earlier this month, and the reception hasn’t been quite as enthusiastic. Since the show began, people in the neighborhood have complained of ugly graffiti appearing on their walls, and police suspect at least one of the artists represented in the museum is responsible for some of it. The artists themselves have squabbled over who got in and who didn’t and why one prominent artist’s commissioned work was painted over before the show even opened. The Phantom Street Artist, whose well known Rage Against the Machine album cover isn’t represented, said the museum practiced the equivalent of post-Colonial hegemony in going with more mainstream artists like Shepherd Fairey, whose Obama Hope poster is in the show. The brouhaha only illustrates, says one of the artists in the show, that whether you put it in the museum or on the side of a building, art turns everybody into a critic. “Art really is all about taste,” says Mr. Cartoon. “Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.” That was perhaps best demonstrated when MOCA Director Jeffrey Deitch commissioned the prominent Italian street artist Blu to paint a huge mural on the side of the Geffen ahead of the show’s opening, then ordered it whitewashed almost immediately. It was feared the mural’s anti-war sentiments (it showed coffins draped in dollar bills) might be offensive to people visiting a nearby memorial honoring Japanese-Americans who fought in World War II. Most offensive to residents has been the graffiti, said Brian Kito, president of the Little

Tokyo Public Safety Association, as he pointed out etchings left in the windows of the historic neighborhood’s visitors center. But Kito added that MOCA, anticipating things like this might happen, has been quick to come out and clean things up. Police, meanwhile, are attempting to track down the French artist Space Invader, whose ceramic tiles are among the works of some 50 artists featured in the show. Authorities suspect he and a sidekick have been putting similar works on buildings around the neighborhood. “I’m going to resolve the incidents with these individuals one way or another,” said Officer Jack Richter. “Either they are going to come to me and clean it up or I’m going to catch them.” Space Invader couldn’t be located for comment. Calls placed to a phone number listed for a relative rang unanswered. Not that Richter isn’t an art aficionado himself. He has been to the MOCA exhibition more than once since it opened. “I really respect the art form and the quality of some of the work,” he said. “But when you take it out of the museum and put it on somebody’s building or public property, then it becomes vandalism.” Evidence of that was demonstrated Monday when one of the show’s artists, Revok, was sentenced to six months in jail for failing to pay restitution in a 2009 vandalism case. Cartoon, famous for his colorful murals on lowrider cars and the elaborate tattoos he’s inscribed on numerous celebrities, says he can see both sides of the issue. He’s a graffiti artist whose first break was an $800 commission to paint a mural on a gymnasium wall. He used the money to pay a vandalism fine. “When I was a kid I didn’t really care about anybody else’s business or their wall,” he said. “Now that I’m older and own my own business, I’ve had kids write on my building and carve their names on my store. So I kind of get both sides.” He also adamantly believes the show, billed by MOCA as the first major museum exhibition of street art, will have a positive influence on Reed Saxon / AP Photo young taggers, showing them that if they work The artist Banksy and students from City of Angels School created “Stained Window” for Art In The Streets, at their craft they can become as successful as an exhibition of street art at the Museum of Contemporary Art in the Little Tokyo district of downtown Los a Banksy. Angeles Tuesday.



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Page 10 / Monday, May 2, 2011


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo women’s soccer

Scoring the way to NCAA by Nathan Farmer sports@dailylobo

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!

Six games, six wins. The UNM women’s soccer team shut out Denver and Arizona on Saturday at Robertson Field, capping off a perfect spring season. Head coach Kit Vela said the Lobos approached the exhibition games with more intensity. “Every day was important for them,” she said. “We played the best opponents we have ever played, and they worked hard and that’s what we’re really looking for.” Forward Jennifer Williams’ two goals propelled UNM over Denver, and it didn’t take her long to score against Arizona. Playing their second game in six hours, UNM took an early lead when Williams found the back of the net in the first five minutes. The Lobos’ dominance continued throughout the first half. UNM could have doubled the lead, but forwards Jordan Craig and Natalie Jenks missed easy goals in the final seconds of the first half. In every game this spring season, Vela has switched UNM’s lineup at half time. The changes included the defense, and she said it helped younger players gain experience. “We have 21 players on this team

defeated Texas Tech 8-4


defeated Colorado State 13-7

“We played really well, not only today but the entire spring.” ~Jennifer Williams Forward Craig gave the Lobos a 2-0 lead 30 minutes into the second half, and with time winding down, Williams scored her second goal of the game and fourth on the day. “We played really well, not only today but the entire spring,” Williams said. “We worked hard over the past two and a half months, and winning all six of our games is awesome, and we are all excited for the fall.” UNM scored 15 goals during the spring while allowing only one. Not only did the Lobos win every game, but their opponents nev-

er came close to beating them. The only scares came against Texas Tech, which UNM won 2-1. The Lobos pulled a close victory over Cal State Fullerton with a 1-0 conclusion. They dominated powerhouse teams like UC Santa Barbara, 4-0, and San Diego, 3-0. Williams said that the spring games unified the team. “I think that was one of our main focuses for the spring,” she said. “We learned to play together and to work hard for each other. That’s a lot for some of these players who had never played a college game before.” Unified and undefeated, UNM looks to defend its Mountain West Conference regular-season championship in fall. The Lobos hope this time around their season doesn’t end in the first round of the NCAA tournament, like it did last season against eventual national champion Notre Dame. Vela said that having a challenging spring toughened the young players on the roster. “Last year we lacked depth and experience, and I think this spring showed that that may not be one of our problems anymore,” she said. “We always like to win, and they are getting the results and scoring the goals, and that’s what we’re the most happy about.”

mlb briefs

Pittsburgh 8 Colorado 4

DENVER — The Pittsburgh Pirates used new blood and old knowledge to beat the Colorado Rockies on Sunday. Xavier Paul had two hits in his first start for Pittsburgh and former Rockies reliever Joe Beimel pitched out of a jam in the sixth inning to lift the Pirates to an 8-4 win. Paul was claimed off waivers from the Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday and made an immediate impact. He hit a two-run triple to key a four-run rally in the second and added a single in the fourth.

Florida 9 Cincinnati 5

CINCINNATI — It’s going to take more than one swing for Hanley Ramirez to feel as though his slump is over. Ramirez hit his first home run of the season and the Florida Marlins went deep a season-high five times Sunday in a 9-5 victory over the Cincinnati Reds. John Buck homered to snap a seventh-inning tie. Greg Dobbs, Mike Stanton and Emilio Bonifacio also connected for the Marlins, who have won eight of 11.

Oakland 7 Texas 2


that need playing time,” she said. “We had our starting defense in for half the game and our second back four in for the other. It’s not that our starting defense did not get scored on. None of them got scored on.” Even with the second-half changes, the outcome was much of the same.

OAKLAND, Calif. — Conor Jackson had two hits and two RBIs, Gio Gonzalez pitched into the seventh inning to snap a three-start skid and the Athletics snapped out of their scoring slump in a 7-2 win over the Texas Rangers on Sunday. Leadoff hitter Coco Crisp added two hits in his return to the lineup and Kurt Suzuki had two RBIs to help the A’s score more than six runs for only the fourth time this season. They knocked out Rangers starter Matt Harrison (3-3) in the second inning. Gonzalez (3-2) scattered five hits with seven strikeouts over 6 2-3 innings to win for the first time since April 9. The left-hander didn’t give up a hit until the fourth inning and allowed only three runners past second base.

San Diego 7 Los Angeles 0

LOS ANGELES — Dustin Moseley pitched seven shutout innings for his first victory of 2011, Brad Hawpe doubled his RBI total for the season with a two-run single, and the San Diego Padres beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 7-0 on Sunday. Andre Ethier extended his hitting streak to 27 games when he led off the Dodgers’ seventh with a single up the first base line and off the glove of Hawpe as he tried to backhand it behind the bag. It is the second-longest streak by a Dodger since the club relocated to Los Angeles in 1958, and is five shy of Willie Davis’ franchise-record 31-game run in 1969.

Baltimore 6 Chicago 4

CHICAGO — Gavin Floyd’s one bad inning was too much for the Chicago White Sox to overcome. Floyd allowed five runs in the fifth inning while Zach Britton pitched six strong innings and Nick Markakis hit a three-run double to lead the Baltimore Orioles to a 6-4 victory Sunday.

Arizona 4 Chicago 3

PHOENIX — Daniel Hudson pitched seven solid innings and the Arizona Diamondbacks took advantage of some key mistakes by the Chicago Cubs in a 4-3 victory on Sunday. Hudson (2-4) won his second straight start after allowing three runs against Philadelphia April 26. He gave up three runs and eight hits in seven innings. The Diamondbacks scored three runs in the fourth inning on a balk, sacrifice bunt and wild pitch. Cubs starter Casey Coleman balked home the first run with Miguel Montero on third. Then with runners at first and third and one out, Hudson laid down a bunt and Ryan Roberts beat the throw home.

see MLB Briefs page 11


New Mexico Daily Lobo

MLB Briefs

Monday, May 2, 2011 / Page 11

from page 10

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Matt Slocum / AP Photo New York Mets third baseman David Wright, left, tags out Philadelphia Phillies’ Jimmy Rollins after Rollins was caught in a rundown while trying to steal second, Sunday, in Philadelphia.

Los Angeles 6 Tampa Bay 5

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Alex Cobb appeared headed toward a win in his major league debut. A big comeback by the Los Angeles Angels kept it from happening. Hank Conger homered, and nifty baserunning by Vernon Wells helped the Angels rally from a five-run deficit to beat the Tampa Bay Rays 6-5 on Sunday. Cobb, recalled from Triple-A Durham for a spot start, couldn’t get through the fifth despite being handed a 5-0 lead in the first.

Houston 5 Milwaukee 0

HOUSTON — The Milwaukee Brewers couldn’t hit Bud Norris’ slider, which helped keep them off the scoreboard for the first time this season. Norris combined with three relievers on a three-hitter, and Carlos Lee hit a three-run homer before being taken to the hospital to have tests on his injured ribcage in the Houston Astros’ 5-0 victory Sunday.

Cleveland 5 Detroit 4

CLEVELAND — No matter the situation, the upstart Cleveland Indians can do no wrong this season. Cleveland has baseball’s best record at 19-8 after Michael Brantley singled home the go-ahead run in a three-run eighth inning Sunday and the Indians beat the Detroit Tigers 5-4 for their 13th straight home win. Cleveland’s third consecutive victory in its last at-bat and sixth straight overall pushed Detroit’s losing streak to six games. It also gave the Indians five series sweeps this season, one more than all of 2010 when they went 69-93.

Washington 5 San Francisco 2

WASHINGTON — Ivan Rodriguez hit a two-run single in the eighth to seal the Washington Nationals’ 5-2 win against the San Francisco Giants on Sunday. He was even more proud of the play he made a half-inning earlier. Rodriguez threw out pinch-runner Darren Ford trying to steal after reliever Tyler Clippard issued a walk to open the eighth with the Nationals leading 3-2. After the play, the next two Giants went down in order and Rodriguez gave his team two insurance runs in the bottom of the inning.



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Kansas City 10 Minnesota 3

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Mike Aviles played his way to the Kansas City bench early in the season by going hitless in 18 consecutive at-bats. It would be difficult to pry Aviles out of the Royals lineup now. Aviles had three hits, including a homer, and drove in four runs to help the Kansas City Royals beat the Minnesota Twins 10-3 on Sunday.

Boston 3 Seattle 2

BOSTON — Even a 10-time Gold Glove winner can lose the ball in the sun. And with that mistake by right fielder Ichiro Suzuki went the Seattle Mariners’ chance at a perfect road trip. Jed Lowrie hit a ninth-inning fly that turned into a triple, then scored on Carl Crawford’s two-out single to give the Boston Red Sox a 3-2 victory Sunday.



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Jeffrey M. Boan / AP Photo Miami Heat’s LeBron James drives past Boston Celtics’ Rajon Rondo during the second-round of the NBA playoff basketball series, Sunday, in Miami.

THE CHOICE IS YOURS! Three great options to read the Daily Lobo—

Celtics unable to take the Heat by Tim Reynolds Associated Press

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Salary Negotiations for Acad. & Profess. Women Starts at: 10:00am Loc.: Careers Services Conference Rm Presented by Caitlin Henke from Career Services. Learn strategies for women negotiating pay in academic and professional careers.

Women’s Veteran Group Starts at: 12:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall There is no question, women vets have special needs and this is a place where we can network to make sure those needs are met.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar:

Discussion Forum: Student Ticket Distribution Starts at: 3:00pm Location: SUB, Mirage-Thunderbird Hosted by UNM Howl Raisers with Lobo Athletics and ASUNM. Join the discussion regaurding changes to the Student Ticket Distribution Policy for Men’s Basketball.

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page.

MIAMI — Dwyane Wade knew his regular-season numbers against Boston were lacking. He also knew that wouldn’t matter in the playoffs. And Game 1 — which seemed more like Round 1 — of what’s already an emotionally charged series went to Wade and the Miami Heat. Wade scored 38 points on 14-of21 shooting, James Jones set a Miami postseason record with 25 points off the bench, and the Heat beat the Celtics 99-90 on Sunday to open their Eastern Conference semifinal series. “It’s a big game. It’s Game 1, at home,” Wade said. “You’ve got to take care of home court. These guys expect this from me. I wasn’t giving it to them in the regular season versus them and I wanted to come out today and be a leader.” LeBron James finished with 22 points, six rebounds and five assists for Miami, which led by as many as 19 before a fiery finish that saw plenty of players jawing at each other — more than that in some cases. Paul Pierce was ejected with 7 minutes left to play after picking up two technicals in skirmishes with Wade and Jones within a span of 59 seconds. Ray Allen scored 25 points for Boston, which lost for the first time in five games this postseason. Pierce scored 19 and Delonte West finished with 10 for the Celtics, while Rajon Rondo and Kevin Garnett were held to a combined 14 points on 6-for-19 shooting. Game 2 is Tuesday in Miami. It was a physical game throughout, with West earning a technical

and Jermaine O’Neal picking up a flagrant foul along the way before things really got hot in the fourth. Pierce took offense with a hard foul by Jones, each of them getting double-technicals, and Pierce and Wade — who have a bit of history — renewed their acquaintanceship not long after that. Referee Ed Malloy called both for double-technicals, and Pierce was screaming as he departed. The Celtics tried to rally. Allen made a 3-pointer to get within 90-82, but Chris Bosh and Wade had Miami’s next two baskets, restoring a lead that wasn’t again threatened. “Every game is going to go like this,” Wade said. “We look forward to the challenge.” Wade averaged 12.8 points on 28 percent shooting against the Celtics in four regular-season matchups, his worst numbers in both categories against any opponent this season. Whatever wasn’t working then was fixed for Game 1. He had nine field goals and 23 points by halftime, while the entire Boston starting five combined for eight field goals and 21 points in the first 24 minutes. He had a steal to set up Mario Chalmers’ layup with 0.1 seconds left in the first quarter that put Miami up 20-14, and added a more spectacular buzzer-beater near halftime. Heat coach Erik Spoelstra wanted a 20-second timeout to set up the final possession of the half, only to get overruled — surely without complaint, either. Wade waved it off, then kept waving his arm to clear his teammates away, setting up a drive past West for a bank shot with 0.8 ticks remaining that put Miami ahead 51-36 at the break.

Event Calendar

for May 2 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! People Before Profit Film Series Starts at: 6:30pm Location: SUB Theater This weeks film is Cultures of Resistance sponsored by the UNM Coalition for Peace and Justice in the Middle East. Learn more about this film at: www.culturesofresistance.org.

Future events may be previewed at dailylobo.com

3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, May 2, 2011 / Page 13



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Alonzo Adams / AP Photo Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook lies on the court after being fouled during a second-round NBA playoff game against the Memphis Grizzlies in Oklahoma City on Sunday. Memphis went on to upset the Thunder 114-101.

by Jeff Latzke

Associated Press

“We definitely believe. Our confidence is up high. I tell the guys we can compete and play with anybody.” ~Zach Randolph Forward, Memphis Grizzlies “I think we always try to do that,” Gasol said. “The thing is that it’s not always possible. We always try to come out and execute and play the right way. It’s not always possible — teams are going to adjust, and they’re going to do something different. “We’ve got to keep being hungry, keep being unselfish offensively and defensively and keep playing the right way.” Game 2 is Tuesday night in Oklahoma City. Kevin Durant led the Thunder with 33 points and 11 rebounds. Russell Westbrook scored 29, but the All-Star tandem couldn’t overcome a big advantage in the paint for Memphis. Randolph had two games with at least 30 points and 10 rebounds in the regular season against the Thunder, as Memphis won the series 3-1. And he was at it again from the tip, scoring the Grizzlies’ first seven points to provide them a lead they wouldn’t relinquish. “You can’t stop him. You’ve got to make them shoot tough shots like he’s been doing, but if he’s making them, he’s tough to stop,” Durant said. “He’s an animal.” Durant went on to say that he

that.” Shane Battier hit a 3-pointer from the right wing when Oklahoma City failed to get back in transition, and Gasol added three straight jumpers, the last one coming at the start of the fourth quarter to make it 86-71. The advantage reached 91-74 when Battier followed O.J. Mayo’s 3-pointer with a layup with 10:22 left. Brooks called timeout and got Durant back in the game, and the NBA’s scoring champion immediately hit a 3-pointer to stop the bleeding. He added a putback on Westbrook’s miss and Ibaka had a twohanded slam as Oklahoma City rallied with nine straight points to make 93-86 after Westbrook’s driving jumper with 7:09 remaining.

Source: 2002 Readership Survey by Pulse Research

OKLAHOMA CITY — Zach Randolph and the Memphis Grizzlies powered their way to another playoff upset — not that he considers it one. Randolph had a playoff career-high 34 points and 10 rebounds, Marc Gasol added 20 points and 13 boards, and the Grizzlies outmatched the Oklahoma City Thunder inside for a 114-101 victory in the opening game of the Western Conference semifinals on Sunday. “We believe,” Randolph said. “We definitely believe. Our confidence is up high. I tell the guys we can compete and play with anybody.” Just as they did in a first-round upset of top-seeded San Antonio, Randolph and Gasol provided enough punch to give eighth-seeded Memphis a road victory in Game 1. Randolph and Gasol each scored 20 points in Game 1 against the Spurs, a feat they repeated to negate the Thunder’s home-court advantage right from the start.

considers Randolph, a 10th-year veteran who’s bounced around the league with no postseason success until this year, to be “the best power forward in the league.” “I’ve got to agree with that. Thanks, KD,” Randolph said with a smile. “I appreciate that.” Before this year, Randolph hadn’t made the playoffs since his second year in the league with Portland in 2003 and — like the Grizzlies — had never won a postseason series before. All that is changing now for Randolph, an All-Star choice last season who was left out of the showcase this year. “I’ve felt like I don’t get a lot of respect I deserve.” Randolph said. “It’s nothing personal… I just try to come out and be the same player, consistent during the regular season and during playoffs. I just try to be this way all the time, play my way all the time, and not be up and down. The good players be consistent and stay consistent, not just playoffs but during the regular season, also.” The only player in the league to average at least 20 points and 10 rebounds each of the last three seasons, Randolph teams with Gasol to make the Grizzlies the NBA’s most productive team in the paint with a 51.5-point average. The Grizzlies racked up 52 against the Thunder, who had bolstered their interior defense with their trade deadline pickup of Kendrick Perkins from Boston. That move allowed Serge Ibaka — the league’s top shot blocker — to move from center to power forward and give Oklahoma City two top defenders inside. “They’re not an easy matchup,” Gasol said. “They’re big and strong, kind of how we are. But we’ve got different ways to play. We don’t just throw the ball in there and try to bang, bang.” Randolph started out with short jumpers to give Memphis the lead in the opening 2 minutes. Then he followed a 17-5 run fueled by the bench with the Grizzlies’ lone first-half 3-pointer to make it answer Durant’s two-handed alley-oop and make it 5438 with 2:26 left before halftime. The Thunder used a 20-7 charge that spanned intermission to close the score to 61-58 before Randolph steadied the Grizzlies again. He hit two free throws, a putback, a tip-in and then a jumper that caromed high off the rim before going in during a key stretch to keep Oklahoma City at bay. “The one thing that I admire in his game is he’s relentless,” Thunder coach Scott Brooks said. “He’s always playing the game. You just know that the loves the game. We have to do a better job of controlling him and making him miss some shots.It’s not going to be easy, and we knew that going into this game. He scores, and he scores in bunches, and we have to do a better job with

the facts


Randolph, Gasol maul Thunder

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16 Monday May 2, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Ryan Tomari

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Small-statured batter close to colossal feat Friendly competition between teammates spurs excellence by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

At 5-feet-4-inches tall, UNM utility player Jessica Garcia isn’t the most daunting player on the softball diamond. But when she steps into the batter’s box, pitchers shake in their cleats. That’s because Garcia’s .792 slugging percentage leads the Mountain West Conference.

“We’re all hitting well. It’s a team effort.” ~Jessica Garcia UNM Utility Player Head coach Erica Beach said that Garcia’s strike zone is smaller than other batters’, so pitchers struggle to get her out. “As long as you swing the bat hard and you swing at the right pitches, you’re going to make contact,” Beach said. “It’s less about being overpowering and more about being smart at the plate and getting the job done.” Garcia has certainly got the job done from the plate. She ranks among the conference’s best in eight statistical hitting categories including doubles, home runs and RBIs. “I’m just swinging the bat with a lot of confidence right now,” Garcia said. “I’m seeing the ball really well, and I’m able to put the barrel to the ball. It’s that simple.” Garcia’s two home runs Saturday against Colorado State brings her within one long ball of UNM’s history books. She has 12 homers overall, needing just two more to surpass UNM’s single-season home run record. “If a pitcher is going to put the ball on the outside edge of the plate, that’s my pitch,” Garcia said. “If I’m able to get my hands extended and make contact, good things happen.” Good things, indeed. Garcia is hitting .492 for the year and leads the Lobo softball team in every statistical hitting category except RBIs. That distinction belongs to shortstop Stefanie Carramusa. “We definitely have a friendly rivalry going,” Carramusa said. “We’ve been chasing back and forth in the home run race this year. She hits one, and then I get one. I tried to see her two, but that didn’t work out so well.” As it stands, Garcia leads the home run race by two, whereas Carramusa has two more RBIs overall. “I’ll have to remind her of that,” Carramusa said. In Saturday’s contest, Garcia went 3-for-4 with two home runs, two RBIs and three runs scored. She is also in the midst of a three-game hitting streak. But ask Garcia about this or any of her accomplishments, and she deflects praise. “It’s my teammates who do a good job of getting on base and setting me up to knock them in,” she said. “We’re all hitting well. It’s a team effort.” Beach said that’s just the kind of player Garcia is. “She’s not the team’s outspoken, vocal leader,” she said. “But I think a lot of the other players look up to her because of her on-thefield performance. She leads by example.”

Robert Maes / Daily Lobo The UNM women’s softball team celebrates at the plate after a home run by Stefanie Carramusa Saturday at the Lobo softball field. The Lobos beat Colorado State 13-7.

The best defense is a good offense by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

The UNM softball team didn’t have an affinity for defense, nor did Colorado State. The Lobos smashed 17 hits — four long balls — en route to Saturday’s 13-7 win against CSU at Lobo Field. Head coach Erica Beach said she expected an offensive battle against the Rams. “That’s how they play the UNM 13 game,” she said. “They hit Colo. St. 7 the ball well. We hit the ball well. It’s almost always going to be a high-scoring game.” UNM took two games against CSU on April 16 by scores of 19-6 and 13-5. And for two innings, it looked like Colorado State would avenge those losses. The Rams jumped out to a 5-3 lead in the opening innings of Saturday’s contest. “We were a little sloppy on defense,” Beach said. “I challenged them after two innings to step it up, to make the plays on defense and to score and score often.” Beach’s pep talk worked. The Lobos held the Rams scoreless in the top of the third and fourth innings. Meanwhile, UNM’s offense tacked on six runs in the that twoinning stretch.

Robert Maes / Daily Lobo Colorado State’s Brianna Donahue slides into third as Kaity Ingram tries to tag her out Saturday at the Lobo softball field. UNM won the game 13-7 thanks to home runs from Jessica Garcia, Stefanie Carramusa and Cassandra Kalapsa. First baseman Dani Castro, who was a 4-for-4 from the plate with a double and three runs, paced the Lobos’ offensive surge. “Coach told us we needed to get our acts together,” Castro said. That they did. Catcher/designated hitter Jessica Garcia’s two-out, solo homer spiraled over the right-center fence and spurred UNM’s fourth-inning rally. Then, two batters later, shortstop Stefanie Carramusa sent the ball packing over the left-field fence for a two-run shot. UNM led 9-5 after four. “Even in practice, we’ve been hitting bombs left and right,” Carramusa said. “Each and every one of us is hitting the ball solid. We have some lefties who are even getting

some nice power on the ball — and that hasn’t happened all year. We’re all just hitting the daylights out of the ball right now.” Garcia hit another solo bomb, this time over straight-away centerfield, to leadoff the sixth inning. Then, pinch hitter Cassandra Kalapsa capped off the slugfest with a two-run shot of her own. “The whole team is doing a good job of putting the bat to the ball,” Garcia said. “We’re hitting with a lot of confidence, and it makes for some pretty entertaining softball.” UNM improved to 18-21 overall and 4-5 in Mountain West Conference action. UNM will host Utah and BYU this weekend at Lobo Field, and

Carramusa said the team knows it’s critical to finish the season decisively. “Our goal at this point in the season is to win out,” she said. “We know we can compete with anyone, and every game from here on out is going to be a dog fight.”


Softball vs. Utah Thursday 6 p.m. Lobo Field

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