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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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May 3, 2012

English professor files for mistrial

thursday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Warner disputes ruling in $1.5m lawsuit with UNM by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

UNM English professor Sharon Warner is filing for a mistrial in her $1.5 million court case against the University. Warner, who lost a breach of contract lawsuit against UNM in March, requested a new trial and a new jury to hear the case, following what her legal counsel is calling improper communication between the bailiff and the jurors. Warner and UNM’s legal counsel submitted the final documents regarding the mistrial to District Court Judge Sarah Singleton Monday. Singleton is considering whether to grant a new trial. Warner filed the original complaint in September 2009, following what her lawyer alleges was retaliatory behavior by UNM against Warner after she registered a complaint about alleged sexual harassment of students in the English department. Warner filed an Office of Equal Opportunity complaint after she received an anonymous letter about UNM creative writing professor Lisa D. Chávez, which claimed Chávez was sexually harassing students. The authors claimed to be parents of a UNM student and the letter included pictures of Chávez posing as a “dominatrix professor” disciplining “misbehaving students,” according to the lawsuit. In 2008, Chávez was discovered to be an operator at local phone-sex company People Exchanging Power. She worked under the name “Mistress Jade.” According to the People Exchanging Power website, Mistress Jade could act as “a biker bitch, an imperious goddess or a stern teacher ready to punish unruly students.”

Rebecca Hampton/ Daily Lobo Antique Atari games from the early 1980s and an Intellivision Intelligent Television, which was introduced in 1979, sit stacked at Gamers Anonymous Wednesday. Gamers Anonymous buys and sells antique and classical games. See full story on page 12.

In one photo, she posed with thengraduate student Liz Derrington. Following an investigation, UNM did not find Chávez guilty of any wrongdoing. She remains a teacher at UNM. Legal fees are mounting as the case continues. According to her records, Warner has spent about $200,000 on the case, and in late March New Mexico Risk Management documents indicate the total cost spent on behalf of UNM amounted to about $170,000. Under New Mexico law, which requires the losing party in a civil case to cover some trial-related fees, Warner estimates she will be required to pay between $15,000 and $20,000 in additional legal fees to compensate UNM for court costs if the motion for mistrial is not granted. These fees include subpoena costs and expert witness costs,

among others. But Sharon Warner’s husband, Teddy Warner, said the total cost of the case is much greater. “I’m not exaggerating here, it may sound exaggerated … Sharon and I, when thinking about this, would estimate that it has cost Sharon over the past four and a half years, about 4,000 to 5,000 hours of time,” he said. “She has probably spent 15 to 20 hours a week on average, and some weeks she spent 30 to 40 hours. She still did her job full time, but she is a novelist and a short-story writer. Think about how many stories she could have written in that time.” Teddy Warner, a professor at UNM Health Sciences Center, also filed a lawsuit in 2009 claiming the University cut his pay by 20 percent in spousal affiliated retaliation. Teddy Warner’s

case will commence after the resolution of Sharon Warner’s request for mistrial. UNM legal counsel stated all proper documents relating to the mistrial have been submitted, but declined to comment further. Sharon Warner said UNM has unfairly characterized her as a “money grabber.” “The thing that really upsets me about this is that UNM tried to paint me as someone who wanted to make a lot of money, and nothing could be further from the truth, I was just trying to get them to uphold their policies,” she said. In an October 2008 mediation between UNM and Sharon Warner prior to the 2009 lawsuit, Warner did not request any financial compensation. But by the final mediation negotia-

tion in November 2010, Sharon Warner requested $150,000, according to mediation documents, which UNM declined. Sharon Warner said UNM offered her $20,000 shortly before the case went to trial, but said she declined because it would not have even covered the legal fees she had accrued by that point. In the court case that ended in March, Warned requested $1.5 million, but lost. But Warner said she may have had at least partial success in changing University policy. She said she believes the creation of UNM’s current sexual harassment policies and programs was shaped by her lawsuit. Following Sharon Warner’s original complaint in 2008, UNM instituted online sexual harassment training that is now required for faculty and staff.

base pay for two years. As a result of the arthritis, Donovan now uses a wheelchair. Donovan said she felt out of place growing up in the late ‘60s and ‘70s because the general public did not view people with disabilities as assets. “People cared about them, but there weren’t resources. They weren’t considered really valuable parts of society,” she said. “The society around me told me I wasn’t OK the way I was, so that translated, for me, into being really shy.” Donovan said her shyness followed her into college, and because of it she found she was not as adept

at expressing herself in front of others as some of her peers. She said her disability has allowed her to better understand the less recognized parts of society and made her open to different people, ideas and ways of doing things. “I also think that because I grew up as a kid with a disability at the time I grew up, that that placed me, kind of, on the borderlands of society, on the borderlands of culture,” she said. “I have a lot of respect and concern and interest in people of all types who feel like they are also on the periphery of society.” According to OSET, award

recipients serve a two-year term in which they are expected to share with the rest of the University what they’ve learned from the successes and failures they experienced as teachers. Recipients also choose one area on which to focus and improve within the University. Their department may receive up to $3,000 to initiate a plan. Donovan said she will focus on quiet students who are smart and have good ideas, but struggle with social interaction and public speaking. “The project that I proposed has to do with encouraging, assisting and helping faculty, teaching assistants

and lecturers to think about strategies to assist shy students in getting the skills they need to be able to share their ideas and collaborate well,” she said. “So that they can achieve at advanced levels if they want to.” Donovan has been teaching since 1986. She won the Alumni Association Faculty Award in 2007, an honorary membership to the Maia Chapter of the Mortar Board in 2010, and the Honors Outstanding Teacher of the Year from the University Honors Program last year. Donovan was recognized at the

Honors professor wins top UNM teaching award by Avicra Luckey


Leslie Donovan said she was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when she was 3 years old, and although she had supportive family and friends, the disease made her feel isolated as a teenager, but has helped her career as a teacher. Donovan is 2012 Presidential Teaching Fellow, the highest award faculty can receive at the University. According to the Office of Support for Effective Teaching (OSET), the award includes a $1000 increase in

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 151

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A P P LY O N L I N E @ L O B OV I L L A G E . C O M • 5 0 5 . 9 2 5 . 5 575

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PageTwo T h u r s d a y , M a y 3, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Photo Essay: Bodybuilding photos by Ruby Santos

Ezrah Reed rests between sets Tuesday at Johnson Gym. Reed has been competing in bodybuilding competitions for 2 years.

Ezrah Reed is a UNM sophomore studying physics and astronomy. Originally, Reed planned to play college football, but found bodybuilding to be a more reasonable pursuit. He first competed in the St. Louis Midwest Classic in 2010, taking first in his weight class and second overall. When asked if he’d go to the professional level, Reed said it takes a lot of dedication, but he is willing to try it out if the opportunity presents itself. He has been lifting regularly for 8 years and has been lifting at a higher level for 3 years. “The hardest thing is finding time to work bodybuilding into your life. I have to plan meals, workouts and a class schedule and that makes it a full-time job. Because the show happens to fall on the weekend after finals, I have to handle finals week and peak week at the same time and it’s the most difficult part of the process.” On May 12th, Reed will compete in the Fitness New Mexico competition at the Hard Rock Casino and Hotel.

Ezrah Reed works out his hamstrings Tuesday at Johnson Gym. Immediately after his upcoming show, he plans to indulge in high-caloric foods such as pancakes, doughnuts, pretzels, ice cream, candy, pasta and pastries. Usually he gains 20 pounds the weekend after his competitions.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 151

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Avicra Luckey Staff Reporters Hannah Stangebye Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga Photo Editor Dylan Smith

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Page 3

from page 1

awards ceremony for the rigor, creativity and originality of her courses. Over the years, Donovan has taught a wide range of courses, from magazine-making courses to courses on Anglo-Saxonisms found in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Lord of the Rings.� One of Donovan’s graduate students, Ilse Biel, said she took a course where students from the honors program help produce and

edit “Scribendi,� a magazine with undergraduate students’ works of fine art and nonfiction. Biel said the course was unique and pragmatic. “Where some of the other courses are concerned, like math and things like that, yeah I use that, but not really consciously,� she said. “But with this particular design course, every time I have to design a flier or look at a design then I sort

of hear Leslie’s (voice).� Provost Chaouki Abdallah said Donovan shows that concern for students can help them succeed. “You need to care and you need to set high standards, you cannot lower your standards,� he said. “Students don’t want to just get an ‘A’, but you have to show them you care and this is it. She epitomizes that.�

Video helps inmates avoid rape by Russell Contreras The Associated Press

New Mexico officials have released a new video aimed at helping prisoners avoid being raped or sexually assaulted while incarcerated. The New Mexico Corrections Department announced that all current and incoming inmates will be required to watch the video, which was released last week. The video gives tips on preventing rape, including staying away from gambling and avoiding flirting with guards. Cristina Rodda, a department spokeswoman, said the video comes in preparation for new federal guidelines for state prisons in preventing rape. The Metropolitan Detention Center in Albuquerque is the first county detention facility to adopt the new

program. The center’s chief, Ramon Rustin, said the introduction of the video is a change for prison officials and inmates, and everyone needs to adjust. “Rape used to be hidden in jails. It was something (that) no one wanted to talk about,â€? Rustin said. “That’s changed, and we need to send out a message that it won’t be tolerated.â€? According to state numbers, there were six reports of sexual abuse in New Mexico’s state prisons last year. There are around 6,600 inmates in New Mexico prisons. Production Outfitters, an Albuquerque production company, shot the video using a two-person, news-like studio with a digitally constructed prison as a backdrop. Production Outfitters owner Gary


Marsh said using a digitally constructed prison was easier than filming at a prison because there are so many regulations with shooting footage at jails. “By shooting it here we could focus on the content, which is very sensitive,� Marsh said. Among other tips, the video tells inmates to decline any gifts, avoid bragging that they are tough, and report any threats of assaults immediately. The video also tells inmates what to expect if there are raped, from physical reactions to emotional effects. And it walks inmates through the process of reporting sexual assaults. Rodda said the video eventually will be made available to New Mexico’s other state, county and privately run jails.

In the April 27 article titled “UNM Alumni Chapel turns 50,� Michelle McRuiz was incorrectly attributed. The quotes from McRuiz are from Karen Abraham, executive director of the Alumni Association. The error was made in reporting. In the April 27 article titled “UNM Alumni Chapel turns 50,� John Gaw Meem was quoted as saying, “the chapel follows Pueblo Revival Style.� Gaw Meem did not say this; the information came from a brochure about the chapel. The error was made in reporting. In Monday’s article titled “Regents approve $50 Athletics fee,� Athletics Director Paul Krebs was quoted as saying the $50 student fee increase is a loan the department will pay back to UNM. The loan Krebs mentioned is not funded by student fees and will be used to cover expected deficits related to the UNM football team. The error was made in reporting.


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Thursday May 3, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/Alexandra Swanberg



Sandia’ s shoddy nuclear landfill poisoning city Editor, The political insulation of Sandia National Labs is directly affecting a large population in Albuquerque by permitting the careless disposal of radioactive nuclear waste, contaminating portions of our limited source of fresh water and polluting New Mexico’s soil and air. Because of chemical leakage and careless nuclear waste disposal, fatal solvents seep into local water supplies. Inadequate sensors bordering the mixed-waste landfill, or MWL, fail to detect groundwater contamination. This is inhumane and should not be permitted. Sandia National Labs’ MWL is exponentially affecting Albuquerque citizens and New Mexico’s vital resources. The landfill is located approximately five miles southeast of the Albuquerque International Sunport. The infrastructure of schools on Kirtland Air Force Base is located approximately three miles from the dump and Mesa del Sol, a residential development, will be receiving its main source of water from the contaminated aquifer, as will a nature center called La Semilla located just a few miles from the landfill. The landfill’s unlined pits are filled with radioactive and hazardous nuclear waste, predominantly from researching and engineering nuclear weapons during the Cold War. The MWL site contains 720,000 cubic feet of radioactive and hazardous waste disposed of over a 30-year period in unlined pits and trenches located directly above Albuquerque’s sole source of drinking water, the aquifer. The groundwater flow goes directly under the MWL containing various fatal chemicals and nuclear discharge. Based on the groundwater flow, the MWL monitoring wells are ineffective because they are located across from the landfill instead of in a location where the groundwater flows through and could be tested for contaminants. The labs continually bypass local, state and federal laws concerning efficient disposal of toxic waste. Corporate donations have increased nuclear contamination at SNL by funding programs for increased nuclear weapons production. The New Mexico Environment Department has permitted Sandia to leave the waste in place and cover it with dirt as a sufficient method of nuclear waste disposal, despite cancer-causing solvents. The failure of the Department of Energy and NMED to hold the Labs accountable by means of the Resource Conservation Recovery Act and their environmental degradation and blatant disregard for the citizens, land, air and water of New Mexico, is not morally permissible and is in direct violation of citizens’ personal rights. The isolation of SNL’s direct involvement in and disregard for the contamination of the groundwater, air quality and soil for half a million people living in the Albuquerque area is unacceptable. The bureaucratic entanglement of checks and balances with institutions essentially disconnects branches involved in implementing legally binding laws. Through preventative measures federally outlined by the RCRA and regionally explained through the Environmental Improvement Board, DOE and NMED need to have effective modes of communication and dedication to imposing these laws on SNL regardless of their political influence. Without accountability, SNL will continue negligent nuclear-waste disposal and continue to disrupt New Mexico’s environment through careless means. A global composition of nuclear waste accumulated since the Cold War resides here in New Mexico. Samantha Warren UNM student

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor


Dr. Peg’s Prescription ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was that belly’ It’s time to break out the summer attire. How are those shorts fitting? How are you looking in that bikini? Are you dismayed by an extra bulge or three? Feeling the need to slim down? It’s a common sentiment this time of year. Winter flab is so out of season. You will look and feel better if you can get your weight down into a normal range. Normal weight depends on your height and is measured as body mass index, or BMI. You can figure out your BMI easily using tables online, such as bmi-calculator.net. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is normal. 25 to 29.9 is overweight and anything more than 30 is obese. Overweight and obese people have more health problems than normalweight people, such as diabetes, heart disease or sore joints from carrying extra weight around. Not to mention the whole bikini thing. The basic formula for weight loss is really quite simple. You have to burn more calories than you eat. Period. No fancy drink or frozen meal or television show can do this metabolic math for you. It’s a matter of in versus out. Simple does not mean easy, however. Losing weight can be incredibly difficult. Like all things worth doing, it

takes work. My suggestion is to take it slow, stick with it and be reasonable rather than rabid. If you have ever tried a “crash diet,” you know they don’t work. Why? The answer lies in evolution. We are programmed for alternating feast and famine. Back in the day, when it was feast season, we put on weight and kept it on. When winter bore down, the food supply dwindled and our bodies slowed their metabolism, trying to conserve energy. Muscle takes more energy to maintain than fat, so when you starve or hibernate, your body hangs onto the fat and jettisons the high-cost muscle. That’s not the kind of load you want on your fanny, right? So don’t starve. Don’t hibernate either. Get that rear in gear and move it! Exercise is crucial for weight loss and general health. Find something you enjoy doing and make it part of your routine. We’re also evolutionarily programmed to be eaters of plants, lean meat and whole grains, and our bodies haven’t caught up to the modern way of life. Our caveman metabolism doesn’t know what to do with a drive-through fried meal of fat

and carbs except rejoice in the feast and pack it away as flab. Go back to basics with low-calorie, unprocessed foods. Vegetables are your best flabfighting friends. By far the most effective way to lose weight is to take the long view and make gradual changes. You know what they say: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was that belly. It’s going to take time to shed it. Slowly decrease your calorie intake and slowly increase your activity level. Give yourself time to adjust to each new level before you make another change. And allow yourself an occasional treat or you might end up giving up on the whole thing. If you need help or if you think you might have a medical problem contributing to your weight, contact SHAC at 505-277-3136. Peggy Spencer is a student-health physician. She is also the co-author of the book “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@unm.edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous.

Letter UNMPD needs proactive approach to stop skaters Editor, Last month on the day of UNM’s sustainability festivities, I was walking down the mall when I heard a loud and familiar sound: “clack.” As I got closer, I saw a common sight: skateboarders jumping on and off the base of the “Fiesta Dancers” sculpture across from Popejoy Hall. Some of them looked familiar. I had seen this group the week before, performing their antics on the same spot. I had phoned the campus police — yes, stunts are against campus regulations — and reported these delinquents that day, which apparently had no effect. Then yesterday, as I walked south on the mall to meet my wife for dinner after work, I again saw a skateboarder jumping on and off of some of the bancos, despite metal rods added to prevent this. Further on, I spotted a group of boarders seeing how far they could jump off the steps of George Pearl Hall, our new architecture building. I again phoned the UNMPD dispatcher,

who said he would send someone out. But the scofflaws had plenty of time to disperse before anyone showed up. What is wrong with this picture? Obviously the “reactive approach” — waiting until one sees vandalism before contacting the police — is not effective at controlling this problem. How about a “proactive” approach? Regular patrolling of the campus, for example. I think there is virtually no patrolling during the daytime on campus. I’ve worked at UNM for nine years and could count on one hand the number of times I’ve ever seen a UNMPD officer. And yes, I’ve tried just asking violators to stop, pointing out that they were damaging public property and suggesting they go to one of the local skateboard parks. For my efforts I’ve been called names and even threatened with violence. The days of respect for authority are long gone, so it falls to the cops. I think police officers on foot or bikes, frequently moving around campus, would be a more effective deterrent. As it stands now, certain areas have become popular spots for jackass-type tricks. One can easily see where the base of the fiesta statue has been blackened by skateboards. Soon they will have to add metal bars to prevent

it, as was done around the “Is It Art?” sculptures. All of the main pedestrian areas could be easily covered and certain areas could get extra attention — the SUB mall and Smith Plaza, for example. Plus they could head towards any loud “clack” sound. While they’re at it, they could stop smokers in nonsmoking areas. Why is there no patrolling? I understand that UNMPD has about 30 officers — where are they? What do they do all day? UNM is not a quiet campus in a sleepy college town. This is an open campus in an urban area that has a crime rate above the national average, situated along a street wellknown for panhandlers and drunks. You would think there would be regular patrolling after a student was stabbed on campus last year. Just consider the liability. I often see skateboarders that are definitely below college age, especially in the summer after school lets out. What if one of them breaks an arm doing stunts on campus? Don’t think their parents wouldn’t sue UNM. It would be much less expensive to prevent this problem. I wonder if Chief of Police Kathy Guimond has any answers to my questions. Larry Compton UNM staff member


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Page 5

Hamas claims EU meetings by Ibrahim Barzak and Karin Laub The Associated Press

BEIRUT — Hamas has been holding secret political talks with five European Union member states in recent months, a senior official in the Islamic militant group told The Associated Press on Wednesday. If confirmed, such talks would be a sign that the isolation of the Gaza-based Palestinian movement is easing in the wake of the Arab Spring uprisings that have brought Islamists to power in parts of the Middle East. The E.U. and the U.S. consider Hamas a terror group and refuse to deal with it unless it renounces violence and recognizes Israel. However, the West is reassessing its Mideast policy following the uprisings of the past year that toppled several pro-Western regimes in the region and gave rise to the Hamas parent movement, the pan-Arab Muslim Brotherhood. It appeared possible that some E.U. member states are now softening their approach toward Hamas. In an interview Wednesday, Beirut-based Hamas official Osama Hamdan said his group has been talking to government officials from five major E.U. member states in recent months. He would not list the countries. “I can say it’s an important level (of officials), without defining whether it’s junior or senior, and the channels are working,” said Hamdan, who handles the group’s foreign relations and spoke at a Hamas office in Beirut’s southern

Dahiya neighborhood. “It’s not just a contact. It’s channels of talking.” Hamas won Palestinian parliament elections in 2006 and seized control of the Gaza Strip by force a year later. Since then, the West has demanded that the group recognize Israel and renounce violence, in exchange for international acceptance. The Islamists, whose top leaders live outside the Palestinian territories, have largely observed an unofficial truce with Israel in recent years but balk at recognizing Israel. Hamdan is the first Hamas official to speak publicly and in some detail about purported contacts with Western governments. In Gaza, three Hamas officials said Britain, France and the Netherlands are among the countries involved in backchannel talks. Two also mentioned Austria, and one added Sweden to the list. The officials said talks have been held in Gaza, Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey. The three spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the diplomatic contacts. Officials in Britain, France, Austria and the Netherlands denied their governments are conducting talks with Hamas, while officials in Sweden could not immediately be reached for comment. In the backchannel talks, Hamas is seeking assurances that European countries will recognize the outcome of future Palestinian elections, Hamdan said. It’s not clear when such elections would be held, since they are linked to a stalled reconciliation agreement between Hamas and its main rival, Western-backed Palestinian

President Mahmoud Abbas. “They have to accept the Palestinian democracy,” Hamdan said of the international community. “We believe that if … they are ready to accept the results, regardless to the names and the organizations, that would be fine for the Palestinians.” Hamdan said he believes the changes in the region, with its resurgence of Islamist movements, have prompted some European countries to review their policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including Hamas. “I think the Europeans also understand that if they want to deal with the region in the Arab Spring, they will face big questions from the region toward the Palestinian cause,” he said. Hamdan said European officials keep bringing up the issue of recognition of Israel in backchannel talks, but that Hamas won’t budge. Hamdan and others in Hamas argue that recognition cannot be granted as long as Israel controls war-won territories the Palestinians want for a state. The Hamas founding charter calls for Israel’s destruction. In recent years, senior Hamas officials held out the possibility of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, but they refuse to say this could be the permanent solution to the conflict. In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said he couldn’t confirm European meetings with Hamas. The group can only play a role if it meets the long-standing demands by the international community, he said.

Saturday Appointments Available

France celebrates Joan of Arc by Thomas Adamson The Associated Press

ORLEANS, France — The normally tranquil city of Orleans is buzzing with festivities over the next two weeks to mark the 600th birthday of one of France’s best cultural exports: Joan of Arc. On Tuesday, the Loire River swarmed with wooden boats filled with locals dressed in medieval garb — re-enacting Joan of Arc’s legendary entry into the city in 1429. It’s an event that liberated Orleans from English invaders, and sealed her place in the history books. It has inspired over the centuries myriad novels, poems, rock songs, operas, plays — and even a blockbuster feature film with Milla Jovovich. “It’s marvelous to see the children dressing up and learning about this great French heroine who’s known all over the world,” said Jacques Dubarre, dressed in a velvet mantel. “Of course we’re also having fun.” In a testament to her international appeal, some 600 contemporary artists — from as far as the U.S., Japan and Russia — have made portraits of Joan of Arc through the ages that will be projected on the City Hall this Friday. Later in the week, a medieval market will be the scene of period cuisine and music, while a sound and light show will be projected

on the city’s Gothic cathedral to celebrate her life. Despite the enduring fame, it’s been a rocky ride for the teenage legend. At just 17, Joan led the French army to victory, only to be burned at the stake as a heretic two years later. She was heralded as a political symbol of the French far left during World War II, only to be snatched up as the mascot of the far right thirty years later. It seems like the only thing that anyone can agree on is that she is the ultimate French icon. “The two most famous figures from France are Napoleon and Joan of Arc, no others quite come close,” said Russian journalist Vladimir Dobrovolsky, one of the estimated 40,000 people who attended Tuesday. But why does a woman whose achievements spanned a mere 2 years inspire so much fascination? “She achieved greatness but died young and was wronged. She had strong convictions and character but she was a woman, a virgin,” said Olivier Bouzy, historian and adviser on Luc Besson’s 1999 movie, “The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc.” “Yes, in many ways she was ahead of her time.” In France she is seen as a sort of symbol of the nation, but the myths around her began relatively late.

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It was in World War I that an effigy of Joan of Arc in armor, which appeared on pictures and postcards, first came to symbolize war and nationhood — in this case, the French fight against Germany. “Yes, she is the symbol of the nation at war, but the biggest myth is that she actually led the French in battle. She was a prophet who morally guided the army to victory. She was no commander or fighter,” said Bouzy. Questions about her exact identity have left subsequent eras room to fill in the gaps and allowed diverse groups to claim her as inspiration. French far-right leader Marine Le Pen staged her anti-immigrant National Front’s annual May 1 rally Tuesday in front of a huge Joan of Arc banner. Bouzy predicts Joan’s identity may shift yet again: “Since the ‘80s she has been an extreme right political figure, but after the Luc Besson film, she’s back in the realm of culture, softer.” There indeed seems to be renewed interest in the “softer” cultural face of Joan of Arc. She is currently the subject of a play by the well-known Japanese drama company Theatre No, which will run in Orleans from Saturday. “Everyone wants to appropriate her, and have their piece,” said Orleans deputy mayor, Jean-Pierre Gabelle, “but this festival will put her back where she belongs.”






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Page 6 / Thursday, May 3, 2012


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Harley rides tsunami to Canada


IS MOVING To Lomas and University

Courtesy Photo In this photo taken by Canadian Peter Mark at the end of April and released yesterday, a motorbike lies on a beach in Graham Island, western Canada.

by Malcolm Foster The Associated Press

Our new location will be the Business Center, first floor, just inside the main entrance next to the foyer. (See map below.) The Business Center is only a short walk from: - the Yale Garage @ Lomas and Yale (lots of hourly parking!) - Dane Smith Hall and Zimmerman Library, - the Redondo Shuttle stop at Duck Pond roundabout, and - Golden Pride! Designated Bursar short-term parking is available in the GR lot south of the Business Center on Mesa Vista Road. Bicycle racks will be available in front of the building.

TOKYO — It must have been a wild ride. Japanese media say a Harley-Davidson motorcycle lost in last year’s tsunami has washed up on a Canadian island about 4,000 miles away. The rusted bike was found in a large white container where its owner, Ikuo Yokoyama, had kept it. He was located through the license plate number, Fuji TV reported Wednesday. “This is unmistakably mine. It’s miraculous,” Yokoyama told Nippon TV when shown photos of the motorcycle. Yokoyama lost three members of his family in the March 11, 2011, tsunami, and is now living in temporary housing in Miyagi prefecture.

The motorcycle is among the first items lost in the tsunami to reach the west coast of North America. In March, an Alaska man found a football and later a volleyball from Japan; their owners were located last week using names that had been inscribed on the balls. Canadian Peter Mark, who found the bike and its container, told Fuji that he “couldn’t believe that something like that would make it across the Pacific.” The report said he found it April 18 on Graham Island, off the coast of British Columbia. The motorcycle was caked with “a lot of corrosion, a lot of rust,” said Mark. When he saw the Japanese license plate, Mark wondered if it might have drifted from Japan after the tsunami, and contacted a local TV station. The Fuji report said the

motorcycle would be shipped back to Japan, and that the shop that sold it to Yokoyama would help with paperwork and storage. Debris from the tsunami initially gathered in the ocean off Japan’s northeastern coast and has since spread out across the Pacific. In February, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said currents would carry much of the debris to the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Washington and Oregon between March 2013 and 2014, though they correctly predicted that some of it could arrive this year. Last month, a U.S. Coast Guard cutter fired on and sank a fishing boat in the Gulf of Alaska that had drifted from Japan after the disaster. Authorities had deemed the ship a hazard to shipping and the coastline.

The T-Lot Shuttle picks up @ Las Lomas and Yale just north of Dane Smith and stops next to the Business Center. Moving day is 5/18/12. We will be closed but will be available for online chat. We’re expanding our services – both Cashier’s and Student Accounting will be open during the lunch hour. We know you want personal services and we intend to deliver—and all our on-line services are available through LoboWeb. For information and updates please visit our website at http://www.unm.edu/~bursar/.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Perry: God forgives ‘oops’ by Will Weissert

Here at the

DAILY LOBO new mexico

We would like to encourage you to excersise your right to

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Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color proudly presents

The Associated Press AUSTIN, Texas — God forgives people for their “oops moments� even if the American electorate does not, failed Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said Wednesday at a breakfast to celebrate the National Day of Prayer. The Texas governor famously muttered “oops� during a presidential debate when he couldn’t remember the third federal department he’d promised to eliminate if elected. It has become one of the campaign’s signature moments. “Every one of us has ‘oops moments’ every day� Perry told hundreds of faithful packed into an Austin hotel ballroom. “America may not forgive you for it,� Perry said, drawing laughter and applause. “But God will.� Perry is an evangelical Christian and often attends prayer gatherings. A week before officially beginning his run for president in August, he hosted a national day of prayer that drew 30,000 to a Houston arena. Perry has kept a relatively low profile since dropping out of the presidential race two days before the South Carolina primary in January. But he is in his element at religious events and it showed Wednesday, with the relaxed and self-effacing governor playing to a sympathetic crowd that frequently interrupted him with cries of “Amen!� His speech kicked off state celebrations of the National Day of Prayer a day early. The annual event, held on the first Thursday of May, attracts people of all faiths who pray for the country. It was created in 1952 by a resolution in Congress, and signed into law by President Harry Truman. Perry also presented a proclamation formally recognizing May 3 as Texas Day of Prayer. Organizers of the breakfast promised mass prayer events statewide on Thursday. “You’ve been given free will but it’s God’s will that we seek every day in our private lives, in our public lives and as a nation,� Perry said. “National Day of Prayer is our way of saying that we require God in every facet of our lives, not just in our public lives and certainly not in just our private lives.� He also urged the gathering to pray for President Barack Obama, drawing another burst of “Amens!�

Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Page 7

the 6th Annual Faculty of Color Awards

Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color The University of New Mexico MSC03 2180 Student Union Building Lobo Lair Room 1046 1 University of New Mexico

* Pictured: Several 2011 FoCA Recipients

Phone: 505-277-7397 E-mail: gradpeer@unm.com pnmgc.unm.edu

Houston Chronicle / AP photo Texas Gov. Rick Perry pauses before beginning to speak at a national prayer rally in Houston. On Wednesday, Perry held a prayer breakfast to kick off state celebrations of the National Day of Prayer a day early. “Let’s pray for our president, for his wisdom,� Perry said. “I pray that God pierces his heart.� Perry is the country’s longest-serving sitting governor and has held his post longer than anyone in Texas history, taking office when George W. Bush left for the White House in 2000. He has not ruled out seeking a fourth full term in 2014, and has even fueled speculation he may try again for the presidency. Perry, who opposes abortion, said he hoped Obama “truly understand God’s will to protect innocent life. I pray for his true understanding of God’s will for this country.� Texas is embroiled in a legal battle over a state law preventing a health

organization affiliated with abortion providers from receiving state funds. On Tuesday, a federal judge said he wanted to hear arguments on whether the state should be prevented from enforcing a law that bans Planned Parenthood from participating in the program — less than 24 hours after another judge ordered Texas not to enforce the rule. The law passed last year by the Republican-controlled Legislature forbids state agencies from providing funds to an organization affiliated with abortion providers. Eight Planned Parenthood clinics that do not provide abortions sued the state, saying the law unconstitutionally restricts their freedom of speech and association.

Mini-Coups have fun,

SNOW REPORT and be fashionable.

Go Lobos!

the haps

HAPS Listings

Imbibe College Night $1 select Draft, $3 Skyy DJ 9pm

Thursday Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon Line Dancing Lessons start at 6pm Ladies Night Nathan Dean and the Damn Band preforming at 9 pm $5 Cover for guys $2 cover for ladies Outpost Performance Space Claudia Villela and Romero Lubambo; 7:30pm Brazilian vocalist reknowned for her incredible voice, songwriting and improvisations with virtuoso guitarist


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ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $18.95 DINNER $21.95 Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-10 Saturday 11:30-10 Sundays 4-9

Enjoy Patioo! ur

The Library Bar & Grill Thursday Ladies Night 8pm-2am Feat. the Infamous BOOTY SHAKE! CA$H PRIZES $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo

*Wildewood* Sunshine Theater *Behemoth* Decibel Magazaine Tour Watain The Devil’s Blood - In Solitude Doors Open 7PM All Ages

Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots Holiday Bowl College Night Karaoke 9:30pm to 2:00am Two Hours of Bowling $10 One Pitcher of Beer $4 Discounted Late Night Menu

Friday Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Nathan Dean and the Damn Band performing at 9 pm $3 Cover after 7 pm Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10

The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10pm Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close. Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots


$2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo



Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Nathan Dean opening for Tyler Rushing Band $5 Cover

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Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. A chance to Win a trip for 2 to Vegas! Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots and $6 Bombers.

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Antique Scream* *Pouch*


e k a S & i h Sus

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Cheap Beer All Night


Antique Scream Pouch

Cinco De Mayo Bash

1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers ALL NIGHT *wings not included Beer Pong Tournaments with SW Beer Pong

Wednesday Karaoke

Featuring $11.00 Pitchers of Sam Adams & Sam Adams Seasonal *Happy Hour from 4:30-7:00

Coaches is now wireless!

Jimmy’s Jupiter People’s Republic Mondo Vibrations Element 37

Check out


for the monthly calendar! NEVER

Page 8 / Thursday, May 3, 2012




the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Cinco De Mayo Bash!* *Jimmy’s Jupiter* *People’s Republic* *Mondo Vibrations* *Element 37* Sunshine Theater Redfish presents: *Dirty Loud* ABQ’s dirtiest Cinco de Mayo! Tickets @ redfishevents.com 18+ w/ valid I.D 21+ drinking area Starts: 9PM The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Imbibe Cinco de Mayo Party DJ Akata on Rooftop SkyyBar CJ Cisco Downstairs $3 Dos XX & Tecate $5 Don Julio Shots $6 Margs Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close. Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots


The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos Monday Night Football!! DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon No Cover The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am for the 2011-2012 Football Season! DJ Official spinning 9pm-close!

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features)

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9

Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots

Imbibe Happy Hour All Day: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12mid Sunshine Theater The Fight to Unite Tour *Blood on the Dance Floor* Brokencyde Doors Open 6PM All Ages Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)

Tuesday Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon Nathan Dean and the Damn Band performing 8:00pm-midnight Two-Step Dance Lessons starts at 6:30pm $2 Cover after 7pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Cuddle Magic* *Justin & Angelica* *TheDanny Graves Band* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night*

Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots

MoNday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Imbibe Happy Hour All Day: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis

The Library Bar & Grill Happy HOUR!!! Drink Specials Imbibe College Night w/ Dos XX & Jager Specials DJ 9pm

Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Page 9 Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features)

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (exceptt bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Aboslute Flavors Downtown Distillery FREE Pool $2 PBR 16oz. $2.75 Tecate 16oz. $2.75 Jager Shots

WEdnesday Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons starting at 6:30pm Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Albuquerque’s True Skool* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$1 Tecate Draft Til Midnight* *3 Vodka Drinks* The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The BEST Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons Imbibe Wine Down 1/2 Price Bottles World Tavern Poker 7 & 9pm Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis

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7515 Lomas NE

10 Lobo Culture SUSPENSION Page

Thursday May 3, 2012

Culture Editor / Nicole Perez

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Of Disbelief

Body modifiers find rush, resiliency while hanging from hooks by Nicole Perez


Ruby Santos / Daily Lobo Shelby Smith is suspended by Ascension Body Modification shop owner Steve Truitt Tuesday. Some people can be suspended for up to two hours, and many people who suspend regularly say it isn’t that painful.

Four hooks are inserted into Shelby Smith’s upper back at Ascension Body Modification shop Tuesday. “It hurts more than I remembered,” she said. Ruby Santos / Daily Lobo

A small rivulet of blood trickles down Shelby Smith’s spine as her skin stretches further and further, pulled by a pulley system connected to hooks in her back. She slowly inches upward until only her extended big toes touch the ground, her face in a grimace. With a quick tug on the pulley, she is suddenly suspended two feet above the ground by a couple inches of taut skin. “You’re at that point where you’re being lifted up and you’re on the tip, tip of your toes and they just seem so heavy, like it’s almost impossible to pick yourself up,” said Kasja McCarthy. “It’s one of those things you have to jump into and you start swinging. It was like flying; all of a sudden, I was completely weightless.” Suspension is a type of body modification in which participants pierce their skin and insert hooks attached to ropes and pulleys. The ropes are then used to hang the person from trees, light posts or open ceiling beams. McCarthy is a member of Ascension, an Albuquerque-based suspension group that toured with the band Jane’s Addiction for most of 2011 and was featured in movies such as “The Flock” with Richard Gere and “Gamer” with Gerard Butler. Ascension puts on shows around Albuquerque, but many of its suspensions are for people who want a more private and personal experience. Ascension member Mark Fischer, who is also a UNM Health Sciences researcher, said he was first intrigued by the activity because he saw the participants enter a more personal state of mind. “After I observed, I noticed that there was some sort of intrinsic ritual that people went through to provide themselves a safe space for suspension,” Fischer said. “I thought that was a phenomenal way to come into yourself as a person.” Steve Truitt, the Ascension group’s founder, said he was first intrigued by the intense pain described in books. “I had read about it in books like Modern Primitives when I was younger, and it was supposed to be this crazy painful experience,” Truitt said. “It was supposed to be so painful that your spirit left your body because it hurt that bad.” But most Ascension members agree that the pain is minimal. Truitt said it is helpful to breathe deeply and move limbs around to distract oneself. “Once you’re up there, your endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, kick in, and it depends on what you’re doing, too,” he said. “If you’re thinking, ‘This hurts, this hurts,’ then it hurts more. If you’re swinging around and enjoying yourself and just going with the experience, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much.” Truitt suspends primarily for shows the group puts on or at suspension

conventions. He said he once suspended over a waterfall in Massachusetts, and he is planning a suspension from a helicopter in which he and a few others will sky dive out of the suspension. Truitt said he gets a rush from the crowd, but Fischer said for himself it is a more personal process. “There was a fear that came in at first, like I don’t believe that these are going to hold my weight,” Fischer said. “The first time you actually lift your feet off the ground and you’re still there, it was a very gratifying experience and definitely a watershed of satisfied emotion. I realized the resilience of my body, which was striking.” Fischer said many people are drawn to suspension as a method for alleviating personal issues. But he said performances are also important, because it can inspire people to pursue the activity. Truitt said suspension allows the seemingly impossible to occur. “Some people, they just want to deal with the pain, but a lot of people use it as a way to put things in perspective,” he said. “Putting hooks in your skin and hanging from it seems crazy and impossible, and then they do it, and so it makes other things they thought were impossible more realistic.” Truitt said he and other members push the limits on what is possible with suspension. They personally test the strength of hooks in various positions to see if the hooks can hold their weight, or to see if their skin is resilient enough in certain parts of the body. Truitt said a friend of his hung from his buttocks in a position called the “Astronaut” at the old location of his shop on Yale and Central avenues. They held the suspension at around 1 a.m. and as they were walking back, they passed by a long line of cars at the McDonald’s drive in. His friend’s underwear was bunched up like a thong and he had blood running down his legs. “Those people were probably like, ‘That guy just got gang-raped in an alley,’” Truitt said. Truitt said he gets mixed reactions from people who find out he suspends. “Mostly it’s just, ‘Wow, did that hurt? How does it not tear? Why do you do it?’” he said. “During shows, we’ve had people faint, we’ve had people throw up, we’ve had people leave. But after the shows, we always have people who come up and are like, ‘Hey, how do I do that.’” He said he doesn’t try especially hard to respond to negative perceptions of the activity. “I just tell them it’s not for everybody, to each their own,” Truitt said. “I think as long as you’re consenting adults, you should be able to do whatever you want to do, and if somebody else doesn’t like it, then they don’t have to look at it or be involved in it.”


Safe suspension depends on gear by Nicole Perez


THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2012 / PAGE 11

come through skin and hooks. They come through connectors.” Truitt said the worst accident he’s ever heard of was when someone’s rigging broke and they fell and broke both of their hips. Nothing like that has ever happened in Albuquerque, although Truitt said he did fall once during a show. “I had one person hanging from each of my legs, so when they fell, they both landed on their knees and I landed on top of them,” he said. “It was a show, so we were like, ‘Yay, this was on purpose.’” Fischer said that even with his medical background, he was impressed with what the human body can withstand. “From an anatomy and physiology viewpoint, I was surprised,” he said. “The densa zones are incredible. That’s what holds your skin cells together, they’re the connections. You can get a really nasty paper cut, but under these set of circumstances, you can lift your body up with potentially just one hook. Just the way the body is adaptable under stress is impressive.”

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Suspension, like any other form of body modification, requires strict sanitation and caution. Steve Truitt, founder of the suspension group Ascension, operates under a stricter set of rules than the state of New Mexico requires. Fishing hooks are the cheapest hooks of choice for suspension, and Truitt files down the barbs so they are usable. He said sometimes multiple people suspend from each other, meaning they are attached to the primary suspender by hooks and ropes. For these types of suspension, the group uses hooks designed for suspension. He said they have never broken any of these hooks. Ascension group member Mark Fischer said suspension accidents are very rare, but usually occur because of problems with rigging, not because of the piercings or hooks. “The dangers come more with the rigging and the physics itself, using the right type of ropes and rigging it proper for a dynamic or static load,” Fischer said. “Most breaks don’t


Ruby Santos / Daily Lobo Shelby Smith is slowly suspended from a tree outside Ascension Body Modification shop Tuesday. Modified fishing hooks are used for most suspensions, and tearing of the skin is very rare.

- Food - shirts - hats Ruby Santos / Daily Lobo CNM student Shelby Smith prepares to be suspended in the suicide position with four hooks pierced into her back Tuesday at Ascension Body Modification shop. People can be suspended from almost any part of their bodies, including their knees, chest, face and feet.

Enjoy for Free: - Ipad Giveaway - laptop Giveaway - photo booth

- Massages - Ping Pong - live music

(The noms and DJ PBS)

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Page 12 / Thursday, May 3, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Gamers gather for retro thrill by Antonio Sanchez


frappés buy one

get one FREE



Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 05/31/12

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 05/31/12

A replica of a Virtual Boy handheld system, discontinued by Nintendo in 1996, and a 5-foot-tall original Game Boy greet customers. Inside, the walls are decorated with pixilated 8-bit video game paintings and a chorus of electronic blips runs incessantly in the background. This is Gamers Anonymous, a retro gaming store tucked away on Albuquerque’s West Side. Gamers Anonymous and its Northeast Heights counterpart, Super Gamers Anonymous, are retro gaming stores that sell games for systems from the first Atari console of the ‘70s to present day Xboxes, said owner Jon Sakura. Sakura said it’s the stores’ older games that really bring in customers. “I think my favorite part about the classic gaming element is that every single day we get someone that walks in here and sees a painting on the wall or sees classic games holding up and they go, ‘Holy crap, this is taking me back to my childhood,’” Sakura said. “I think every single time I hear that, I’m like, ‘I’m doing it right, that’s exactly what I’m looking for.’” Sakura said one of his main priorities when designing the stores was to create enough space to host a large community of gamers. “Community to me is the biggest element to everything we do here,” he said. “It’s having room here for people to come in here and play games, run tournaments. We do lots of active gaming events. Doing that was priority one for me.” Sakura runs Super Gamers

Anonymous alongside joint-business owner Buckley Johnson of the computer repair store MetaLogic Computers. Although Johnson fixes PCs for a living, he said he is intimately involved in the gaming community. Johnson and Sakura have worked together throughout this past year to put together PC and retro gaming events. Although Johnson’s primary focus is PC gaming, he said he admires the consistent crowd Gamers Anonymous gets in response to “Pokémon Friday.” “These people love Pokémon and they are not judged for it,” he said. “Growing up, I remember people being hazed for playing the Pokémon trading cards and the Pokémon games because they thought it was childish. Now at ‘Pokémon Friday,’ it’s completely accepted, no matter what your favorite Pokémon, what your favorite version — it’s just flooded with awesome people.” “Pokémon Friday” happens every Friday at Gamers Anonymous, and gamers of all ages stop by to join local card and video gaming tournaments and play Pokémon trivia games, said the group’s organizer Eric Knox. Knox said after years of playing Pokémon, he wanted to create a place where gamers could meet and enjoy Pokémon together while following the Pokémon Company International rules and standards. “I never had a place like this when I started playing Pokémon,” Knox said. “I still play, so I figured, why not start actually having events going on that actually fosters the community. It’s much more fun when you can look

your opponent in the face and chat with them while you’re battling.” In a market predominantly associated with young boys and men, Gamers Anonymous also supports female gamers, said employee and avid gamer Sarah Saucedo. Saucedo said she is tired of seeing female gamers as “gimmicky,” pointing out a particular image of a woman licking a PlayStation controller. “This, I hate this — if I could get away from one female gaming stereotype, it’s that I like to lick controllers,” Saucedo said. “I think a lot of the girl gaming influence that we get is not necessarily genuine. I wish that there were more educated, good-looking girls in gaming.”

this through her art. “When I was a child, I was worried about not seeing black people in TV, newspapers, etc.,” she said. “When black people appeared, they were ever the cleaner, the prostitute, the robber; I mean, the idea surrounding blacks was ever negative, the worst possible.” Sidnei Amaral, another artist visiting from São Paulo, said the art community in Brazil is small, and, as a result, it is difficult to be successful as an artist, no matter what someone’s race. By working with such a wellknown and established institute as Tamarind, Amaral said he hopes to enter the broader art community. “I have a drawing called ‘The Stranger’ in which I stand up paddling in a mattress toward a building of the São Paulo Biennial with the work ‘La Fontaine’ from Duchamp, because I never felt like I was part of this artistic community,” he said. “I am a stranger coming in through artistic environment.” Marjorie Devon, director of the Tamarind Institute, said she visited Brazil to search for native artists. She said she met a man who lived in a favela, or slum, and he told her he was fortunate because his poet neighbors sent him to typing school when he was young. This exposed him to books and eventually allowed him to receive his master’s degree in public health. His thesis was on violence in the favela, and upon completion, his adviser suggested he find the beauty in the slum.

“So he started looking for the selftaught artists in the favela and began to collect their work,” she said. “So now, he has what he calls his rooftop gallery. He’s exposing kids to art in a way they wouldn’t have been by allowing them into his gallery.” Paulino said the art community in Brazil is small, and not only in its lack of state or private financial support and few gallery spaces. She said black art, female art and gay art are not readily accepted in the community. To combat this, she said she hopes to learn more about using art as a civil instrument from the African-American artists she meets at Tamarind. “I believe this difficulty is linked with the lack of respect to civil rights,” she said. “As we advance in this area, the art linked with these groups will occupy the place that it deserves. We are just starting to walk in this field.”

Gamers Anonymous 1504 B Wyoming 505-332-0717

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São Paulo trio defies racism by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Artists from Brazil will expose their art to a broader community of artists at the Tamarind Institute, where their work is more accepted than at home. The Tamarind Institute typically hosts contemporary artists from the U.S., but this summer, they host three Afro-Brazilian artists who will be paired with three African-American artists. This is part of the institute’s ongoing effort to spread knowledge of lithography — printmaking using stone — so artists all over the world understand and can use the medium. Artist Rosana Paulino, who is from São Paulo, said although rampant racism in Brazil has been somewhat tempered by government efforts such as racial quotas in universities, the problem remains. She said society is slowly but surely getting used to black people who are taking jobs from which they were previously excluded. “When you are the cleaner, people will look at you like the cleaner,” she said. “Cleaners don’t mean a challenge to an established authority, but when you occupy a place such as a judge, you are occupying a place that, for a lot of people, ‘is not for a black person.’” Paulino said she has been interested in the subject of racism since she was a child. She said racism dominates Brazil even though the majority of the population is black, and she questions

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Human Rights and Socail Justice: Work by Taller de Grafica Popular Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Herstein Latin American Gallery For more information call: 277-0818. Interactive InDesign Starts at: 1:00pm Location: 1634 University Blvd. NE

Learn how to create interactive documents using InDesign. With InDesign’s interactive features we can now create interactive PDFs and web-based media. Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB Santa Ana A&B Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Changeling The Requiem venue. Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.


Edge of Color Starts at: 9:00am Location: Tamarind Institute Edge of Color will showcase Tamarind artists associated with the hard-edge/color-field movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi, NE

“Afro: Black Identity in America and Brazil” June 1 through August 31 Tamarind Institute gallery 2500 Central Ave. S.E. Gallery hours Monday through Friday 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Event Calendar

for May 3, 2012 Planning your day has never been easier! Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and The Kosmos Factory on 5th - Revelations a play by Hillel. New Mexico Native, James Galloway, Directed by Annetta Jordan and Asst Directed by Wendy K. Jay. Jazz Choir Starts at: 6:00pm Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: Location: 500 Lomas Blvd. NE This fun class will help you with vocal 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com techniques and offer opportunities for solos 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. and improvisation. The class concludes with a 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right concert on the last class date. side of the page. Revelations a play by James Galloway 4. Type in the event Starts at: 8:00pm information and submit! Location: 1715 5th St. NW


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, May 3, 2012 / Page 13

Cinco de Mayo’s appeal lies in underdog narrative by Russell Contreras The Associated Press

Here’s what Cinco de Mayo has become in the U.S.: a celebration of all things Mexican, from mariachi music to sombreros, marked by schools, politicians and companies selling everything from beans to beer. And here’s what Cinco de Mayo is not, despite all the signs in bar windows inviting revelers to drink: It’s not Mexico’s Independence Day, and it’s barely marked in Mexico, except in the state of Puebla, where the holiday is rooted in a complicated and short-lived 1862 military victory over the French. But don’t let that spoil the party. In Houston, ballet folklórico dancers will ring in Cinco de Mayo by stomping to traditional Mexican music in a city park. New York City will close parts of Spanish Harlem and Queens for street fairs as Mexican flags flap from apartment fire escapes and car antennas. Albuquerque honors the day with a mariachi concert and free cab rides for those who show their love for Mexico with a little too much Dos Equis or tequila. Even West Des Moines, Iowa, has an all-day festival with Mexican food, artwork and live music. The holiday has spread from the American Southwest, even though most are unaware of its original ties to the U.S. Civil War, abolition and promotion of civil rights for blacks. Often mistaken for Mexican Independence Day (that’s Sept. 16), Cinco de Mayo commemorates the 1862 Battle of Puebla between

the victorious ragtag army of largely Mexican Indian soldiers against the invading French forces of Napoleon III. Mexican Americans, during the Chicano Movement of the 1970s, adopted the holiday for its David versus Goliath story line as motivation for civil rights struggles in Texas and California. Over the years, the holiday has been adopted by beer companies as a way to penetrate the growing Latino market, even as the historical origins of the holiday remain largely forgotten. David Hayes-Bautista, a professor of medicine and health services at UCLA and author of the newly released “El Cinco de Mayo: An American Tradition,” said the holiday’s history in the U.S. goes back to the Gold Rush when thousands of immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America came to California during the Civil War. According to Spanish-language newspapers at the time, this first group of multinational Latinos on U.S. soil identified with the Union Army’s fight against the Confederacy and often wrote pieces about the evils of slavery. Hayes-Bautista said these Latino immigrants were concerned about the Union’s lack of progress and Napoleon III’s interests in helping the South. “It wasn’t until the news came about the Battle of Puebla that they got the good news they wanted,” said Hayes-Bautista. “Since Napoleon III was linked to the Confederacy, they saw the victory as the first sign that their side could win.” They didn’t, of course, at least not for a few years. French forces took over Mexico after the Battle

Don Ryan/ AP Photo In this May 5, 2011 file photo, dancers perform for Cinco de Mayo in Portland, Ore.

of Puebla, and installed Habsburg Archduke Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico. He was captured by Mexican forces five years later and put to death. But in the years that followed,

Latinos in California and the U.S. Northwest celebrated Cinco de Mayo with parades of people dressed in Civil War uniforms and gave speeches about the significance of the Battle of Puebla in

the larger struggle for abolition, said Hayes-Bautista. The Cinco de Mayo-Civil War link remained until the Mexican Revolution, which

see Cinco page 14


Page 14 / Thursday, May 3, 2012

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from page 13

sparked another wave of Mexican immigration to the U.S. Those immigrants had no connection to Cinco de Mayo — except that U.S. Latinos celebrated it. “That’s when it became about David versus Goliath, Indians beating a European force, and it took on a new meaning,” said Hayes-Bautista. “The Civil War ties disappeared.” The date received another jolt during World War II during the U.S. government’s “Good Neighborhood Policy” aimed at building good relationships with Mexico and during the Chicano Movement, when Mexican American activists adopted the day to reinforce civil rights demands. Two police beatings of Cinco de Mayo revelers — one in Houston in 1978 and the

other in Washington DC in 1991 — resulted in riots and sparked protests and calls for reforms from Latino advocates. The holiday spread outside of the American Southwest as more Latinos moved to new areas around the country. Alyssa Gutierrez, 35, a teacher who is originally from Robstown, Texas but now lives in New York’s Harlem neighborhood, said Cinco de Mayo was barely noticed when she moved to New York in 1998. “Now there are Mexican restaurants on almost every block and all do something on Cinco de Mayo, usually around a boxing match,” said Gutierrez. Jody Agius Vallejo, a sociology professor at the University of Southern California and author of “Barrios to Burbs: The Making of the Mexican-American Middle

Class,” said Cinco de Mayo is now used by assimilated Mexican Americans as an easy way for them to showcase their ethnic identity. “It’s very similar to how IrishAmericans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day,” said Vallejo. “One way they can honor their ethnicity is to celebrate this day, even when most don’t know why.” But not all buy in. “To others,” she added, “this holiday is kind of viewed as a joke because they feel it’s their culture that is being appropriated and exploited.” Hayes-Bautista said because the theme and focus around Cinco de Mayo has transformed a number of times, it won’t be surprising if it changes again.

by Rachel D’Oro

after federal taxes, Ice Classic manager Cherrie Forness said. Waters was the only person to correctly guess that a tripod set up on the river would tip over and stop the official clock at 7:39 p.m. April 23. Waters, a mental health technician, has won in two other classics. For the latest classic, he went so far as to buy a guess for each minute of each hour for the winning afternoon. Waters also spent time drilling holes in the area to measure the thickness of the ice. Altogether he spent $5,000 on tickets to submit his guesses and spent an estimated 1,200 hours working out the math by hand. “I’m just glad it’s over, so I can get started on next year’s classic,” Waters said. Forness couldn’t recall any other three-time winner of the classic.

For $2.50 a guess, ticket buyers try to predict when the ice will go out. The jackpot is usually about $300,000. The game has been a tradition since 1917, and records show the ice goes out anywhere between April 20 and May 20. Waiting for the ice to move is hugely popular in a state that doesn’t participate in lottery drawings or have any sanctioned gambling beyond bingo and pull-cards. The classic has come a long way since it was founded by engineers surveying for the Alaska Railroad 95 years ago. They charged $1 a guess as to when the ice would go out, and the winner pocketed $800. The game is operated by a nonprofit organization. After splitting out the winners’ take, expenses and staff salaries, the remaining proceeds help charitable organizations.

Alaskan thrice wins ice game The Associated Press

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ANCHORAGE, Alaska — And the winner is … a man who drills his own holes in a frozen river to study the best conditions for hitting the jackpot in Alaska’s biggest annual guessing game. The hands-on research paid off handsomely for Tommy Lee Waters in the Nenana Ice Classic. The Fairbanks man bested more than 250,000 other entrants in a contest to see who could guess when the ice would give way on the Tanana River in the tiny community of Nenana, about 55 miles south of Fairbanks. Organizers announced the winner Tuesday, but Waters won’t receive his winnings until June 1. This year’s jackpot was a record $350,000. Of that, $252,000 will go to Waters


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, May 3, 2012 / Page 15

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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Level 1 2 3 4

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ACROSS 1 River movement 5 You can count on them 10 Braff of “Scrubs” 14 Cleanse 15 Does a scrapbooking task 16 Away from the wind 17 Tension-easing activity 19 Breathing organ 20 In accordance with 21 Road trip respite 22 Triangular architectural feature 23 Music to a collector’s ears 28 Pursue quietly 30 IRS business designation 31 Partner of ciencias 32 Perfect 36 Warsaw __ 37 Drink suggested by the starts of 17-, 23-, 47- and 58-Across 39 Ancient gathering place 41 Fried, filled tortilla 43 All-out 44 Be gaga over 46 Keystone State team, familiarly 47 New Orleans tourist spot 52 Patron saint of girls 53 Campaigned 54 www address 57 Men’s clothing cut 58 Starlet’s benefactor, perhaps 62 Alien-seeking org. 63 Circle 64 Thunder sound 65 African antelope 66 Mixer that completes 37Across 67 Start of North Carolina’s motto DOWN 1 Turn on a griddle 2 Doily material

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48 Obvious flirt 49 Kwanzaa principle 50 Alternate song recording 51 Less grilled, say 55 Nutritional figs. 56 Singer Lovett 58 Hem, say 59 Sch. founded by Jefferson 60 Heater 61 King Kong, e.g.



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SUMMER FIREWORKS SALES. Make 24k in ONE week. Locations still available. mullaneyk@tntfireworks.com 505-504-2127.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Agora Helpline’s Special Summer training! Application Deadline: May 29th. Apply early, Apply now at AgoraCares.org

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330). COME HELP BEAT cancer in a GRAND way! The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is celebrating its 4th annual Grand Finale Gala on Sat. 5-19 from 4-10pm and we need your help! Retail experience a plus. If interested contact Judi Hines @ 872-0141x228. INTERN OPPORTUNITY - Consult with college radio social network. Knowledge of internet radio/facebook integration a plus. E-mail resume: webinmotion@gmail.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help others-class credit-great experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com

PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. FALL 2012 ENGLISH Program In Korea (EPIK). ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree. Deadline: May/ 12 **this date is tentative and could change depending on circumstances** Please visit the website www.epik.go.kr

Join us at the first and only place to get genuine Filipino in ABQ! 3804 Central Ave. SE (505) 717-2368

CLERICAL EMPLOYEE NEEDED for catering company. Knowledge of Quickbooks and computers necessary. Has car and customer service experience. Flexible PT hours. Beginning end of May. 505-804-8000 or 505-880-0057. LIGHTING DESIGNER & Equipment wanted! Small dance recital at AHS 5/17, 5/19, 5/20. Creative fun opportunity. Patient and professionalism. 4406864 or allstar.dance@yahoo.com

Apply now for our summer training program beginning June 5th.

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now accepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information.

The GREAT Academy


For Sale

BEARDED DRAGONS, THREE weeks old, $20 each. 505-332-7763.

ESCAPE SUMMER TO Colorado. Durango getaway in summer but excellent student rental September-May! Great mountain views, vaulted ceilings, very private, quiet, carport under unit, 2BDRM 1BA. $129,900 MLS666004.

Houses For Rent 3BDRM 2BA 1CG North Valley, fully furnished, all utilities paid, including wifi and cable. W/D. $1875/mo. 505-883-9047. SPACIOUS 3BDRM 2.5BA on .25+ acre. Nature/ organic lovers paradise. Backyard access to Bosque. Quiet culde-sac. 5 min to downtown, 10 min to UNM/ CNM. $800/mo +utilities +DD. 505-270-8155.

Houses For Sale

NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for summer employment for swimming instructors and lifeguards. Apply at The YMCA 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. or call 265-6971.


g rin



Are you a junior, i H senior, or graduate level Marketing, Business Administration, Computer Science, Health Education or Secondary Education Major?

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DO YOU WORK on Looking to make a west? Courses at UNM/CNM West? Look no further than 400 Loma Linda Loop in the Loma Colorado subdivision in RR! Pics and info on craigslist PostingID 2971656657 Cinco De Mayo Open House Party 5/5 4PM

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The GREAT Academy is now hiring full and part-time junior, senior, and cover letter resume to Email graduate level Marketing, Businessand Administration, Computer Science/Software Developers, and Secondary Education Majors.



The GREAT Academy is a FREE, public charter high school with a mission to ensure that all students gain real-world experience through active transition. For more 505-792-0306 information visit www.thegreatacademy.org. Email cover letter and resume to employment@thegreatacademy.org

Application and DSP survey required for immediate consideration

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