NM Daily Lobo 061311

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Americans love the new food plate see page 4

June 13-19, 2011

Wildfires advance into NM by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Ash and smoke from wildfires in the east continues to cloud the horizon and turn Albuquerque’s normally blue sky a dull gray. Arizona wildfires spread to western New Mexico June 11, as more than 700 square miles of brush and forest continued to burn largely uncontained in eastern Arizona. Fire officials believe an unattended campfire may have sparked the Wallow fire, the largest burning in the area. The fire has consumed thousands of acres and is expected to cost more than $10 million in fire damage and containment fees. The New Mexico Department of Health issued a warning to residents on Saturday to avoid the outdoors, using swamp coolers and exercising during periods when smoke is visible. “The people we’re most concerned about are obviously those with chronic health conditions, but when air quality gets this bad it can actually have negative effects on everybody,” said Chris Minnick, a spokesman for the New Mexico Department of Health. “Just because you can’t see the fire doesn’t mean there isn’t an effect from the smoke blowing into the state.” The Air Quality Index in Albuquerque reflected pollution

was nearly 10 times its normal level during evening hours several days last week, according to the National Weather Service. Gov. Susana Martinez announced June 7 that the Department of Homeland Security has ordered the State Emergency Operations Center to activate to a level three operations status due to the effects of the ongoing wildfires.

“We are working hard to ensure the safety of all New Mexicans as the wildfire approaches our western border.” ~Susanna Martinez, Governor Fire crews from Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, Farmington, Bernalillo County, Mora County and San Juan County have been deployed to Arizona to assist with firefighting efforts. Wildland Fire Strike Teams from Montana and Idaho are also assisting, according to Martinez. Over 4,000 firefighters are currently battling the Wallow fire, which spread due to dry conditions and strong winds. As of Saturday the fire was only 5 percent contained. Nearly 10,000 people have been evacuated

from mountain cities in Arizona. “We are working hard to ensure the safety of all New Mexicans as the wildfire approaches our western border,” Martinez said. “It is important for our residents to heed the warnings of local and state officials as we handle the issue of persistent smoke in the air and prepare for the possibility of the fire moving into New Mexico.” Albuquerque resident Maria Glenn said the fire was a serious health concern. “I have asthma, high blood pressure and had a heart attack last year, and I’m 68. I have to be very careful when I use my air conditioner and have hardly been outside this last week.” Glenn said the fire has affected many of the elderly in her retirement community. She said she is on steroids and has emergency adrenaline on hand, and she has to wear a mask when she goes out. Student Dylan Wilson said the pollution has made it difficult to complete an astronomy project he was working on. “I’m not sure if it is affecting research at the department, but I know visibility has been very low lately,” he said. “I was working with a short range telescope at my house and couldn’t even figure out where I was looking. I had to try several nights in a row before I could actually see the set of stars I was trying to look at.”

summer The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Smoke from wildfires in Arizona encroaches on New Mexico skyline and obscures the sun seen from the Very Large Array. The smoke blocked the intensity of the sun’s rays, allowing a viewer to directly gaze at it. Wildfires have burned around 700 miles and have continued for nearly two weeks.

‘Juárez and El Paso is one community’ by Andrew Beale abeale@unm.edu

Nearly 60 people marched Friday from El Paso, across the bridge, and into one of the most dangerous cities in the world to join a several-hundred-strong protest against violence in Ciudad Juárez. Over 3,000 people were killed in Juárez last year, which means it has one of the highest murder rates of any city across the globe, according to CNN. The killings and drug violence in Mexico sparked the protest, said David McKenney, a member of a University of El Paso (UTEP) student group, Miners Without Borders, who helped organize the march into Juárez. “Everyone’s appalled by the violence in Mexico, and finally some of the students at UTEP said ‘we’re sick of this, we gotta do something,’ and started to organize,” he said. “And we did at UTEP and then we met a lot of other community organizers and connected with them.” McKenney said he travels to Juárez several times a month to take part in protests and deliver supplies to people affected by the violence. He said he wasn’t nervous about marching into the city

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 156

because he expected a lot of people to show up for the march. “The more people there are, the safer it will be, is how I feel,” he said. About 600 Mexican citizens attended the protest, some traveling from as far away as Mexico City. They marched to the Benito Juárez Monument, where protest leaders signed a peace accord which read, in part, “We promote solidarity and the just claim to rights for a better life for all.” Mexican citizen Pepe Ortiz traveled from Guanajuato, a city in central Mexico, dressed as Mexican revolutionary hero Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla to attend the protest. He said the costume was meant to inspire people to struggle for their rights. “I want the children to see in my costume the image of the person that broke the chains of slavery and wanted to bring peace and prosperity to Mexico,” he said in Spanish. The protestors were marching to demand an end to violence and a higher standard of living in Mexico, Ortiz said. “(They’re marching for) prosperity and a better life,” he said. “To take out, as best they can, this cancer — take out the army, be-

Elizabeth Cleary / Daily Lobo Families of slain victims from the violence in Juarez laid out this memorial quilt outside Benito Juarez Monument on Friday. Hundreds of Mexicans traveled from as far away as Mexico City to Juarez in protest of the increasing violence across the border. cause the army should be in barracks, not in the city… There’s a lot of work. Mexico is large and strong but, unfortunately, the people that are at the top, well, they don’t understand the people.” Juárez resident David Flores said the march from El Paso worked as a powerful symbol of cross-border solidarity. “We need to show that Juárez and El Paso is one community. At the border, it’s almost like living

Small hours, great art

US soccer: a lost cause

See page 6

See page 9

in both cities at the same time,” he said. Flores said he doesn’t expect either the Mexican or the American government to change their policies as a result of the march. “They’ve been ignoring this peace movement. We want nonviolent solutions to this problem. It’s been created by the war on drugs,” he said. “This is the point that it’s got to change.”

McKenney said he’s been to several marches in Juárez and always felt safe despite the high incidence of violence in the city. “A student at the University in Juárez had been shot by a Federal police officer,” he said. “But I went to a march a couple weeks later, and it was safe. Some of the organizers in Juárez, the students over there, they’ve really got it togeth-

see Juarez page 2


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PAGETWO JUNE 13-19, 2011

Stolen parking passes found with ex-employee

Voltig since he is no longer employed at UNM, according to the report.

Peter Voltig, a former UNM Parking Attendant, admitted to stealing two booklets of parking passes from the University on May 7, according to a police report. Voltig’s former manager, Michael Haggerty, called UNMPD on May 11 when he found the booklets were missing. When questioned, Voltig said he intended to sell the passes and keep the money for himself. Each booklet contained 250 $5 passes. The University decided not to press charges against

UNMH employees hassled, injured by unruly patron Victor Biggs, according to a police reporter, attacked two health care workers at UNM Mental Health Clinic June 1. The report said Biggs began yelling at a female staff member when Randy Garcia, another staff member, tried to restrain him. Garcia said in the report Biggs also tried to smash the windows.


Crime Briefs

Dwight Flores, a co-worker, came to help deal with Biggs. They weren’t able to restrain him, so UNMPD was called. Both Garcia and Flores were bitten and promptly received care at the UNMH Emergency Room.

Car theft victim had car stolen, found once before Larraine Sedillo reported June 2 her car had been stolen from UNMH’s west parking structure. When she returned to the structure after working a night shift at UNMH, her car was gone,

she said according to a police report. Sedillo called UNMH Security and went with them to search for her car, thinking she may have parked in another spot. The car still wasn’t found. UNMPD was notified. Sedillo said her car had been stolen before. On February 9, she called UNMPD to report her car missing, the report said. UNMH Security had a video of a man in a car that looked like Sedillo’s driving out of the lot. Sedillo said she did not recognize the man, and her car was found in the OMI parking lot and taken into police custody, according to the report.

NCAA praises UNM athletes’ brains by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Student-athletes typically attract attention for outstanding athletics, but with the release of the NCAA’s 2009-2010 Academic Progress Rate report, all of the attention is on academics. According the report, UNM scored the highest it has scored in eight years: 973 out of 1,000. Nine UNM teams, including the Men’s Cross Country team, received a perfect score of 1000. Joe Franklin, head coach for track and field and cross country, said he sees his job as a way to prepare students for life after college. “Our philosophy is make sure the students are prepared for life when they are 40,” he said. “In our sport it is rare that they make any money, we have an expectation that they go to class, do their work and that they are respectful to their professors. We have seen that trend over the last five or so years that the kids are very driven academically.” The scores are based on two factors: eligibility (if the student goes to class and completes assignments on time) and retention, said Henry Villegas, UNM Manager of Academic Advisement. “For each student-athlete, we get two points each term and we

get another point for their retention,” he said. “All those points are added up for each team, so a perfect score of 1000 would mean that every student-athlete on that team was eligible and retained.” UNM track and field athelete, sophomore Janna Mitsos, said an athlete’s drive to succeed academically can come from the same place that fuels a desire to win an event. “I think (academic success and athletic success) go hand in hand, and they both are a lot of hard work, and if you can succeed at one you can succeed at the other,” she said. Villegas said the NCAA can also impose penalties on teams that do not meet the minimum acceptable score of 925. He said this is the first year that UNM has received no penalties despite the baseball team’s 912 score. Five years ago UNM had five teams that scored below a 925, and the NCAA required UNM to develop a plan to help those teams do better academically, Villegas said. “We put together a team and looked at all aspects of the program,” he said. “We looked at every single student-athlete that we had lost a point for. We looked at the reason that they weren’t eligible or they left, and based on those issues, we developed a plan.” Some of those changes includ-

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 156

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporters Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg Photo Editor Zach Gould

UNM NCAA Division Academic Progress Rate Report Ten Team Sample


Single Year Rate 03-04

Single Year Rate 09-10




Men’s Basketball



Men’s Cross Country






Men’s Soccer



Women’s Basketball



Women’s Cross Country



Women’s Soccer












ed hiring a learning specialist for student-athletes and adding a clinical psychologist to talk with student-athletes and help them throughout their college careers. Franklin said this year’s improved score builds UNM’s academic reputation by encouraging current students to do well, and making UNM a strong competitor Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith Culture Editor Graham Gentz Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Craig Dubyk

against other schools. “If you look at the trend academically, it is trending very positively, and it starts from (Athletics Director) Paul Krebs and trickles down to Henry (Villegas) and his staff, and then to the students,” Franklin said. “It shows that the University is a viable academic institution for those elite academic students.”

Multimedia Editor Junfu Han Design Director Jackson Morsey Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Dulce Romero

Vehicle break-in at G Lot had no theft, witnesses A car in the G Lot was damaged June 1 in what appeared to be an attempted break-in, according to a police report. Francisco AvitiaFuentes said he returned to his car in the early evening and found his car window smashed.However, nothing was missing. There was no other damage or signs that the car might have been forcibly entered. AvitiaFuentes called UNMPD, but there were no witnesses to the attempted break-in and there are no suspects, the report said.


from PAGE 1

er. It’s just amazing to see how organized they are. They’ve got these great peace tactics, non-violent protest tactics they use. It’s really cool to watch.” McKenney did have guns pointed at him once in Juárez, he said — by the police, who mistook him for a threat while he was on his way to deliver clothing to a poor neighborhood of the city. “I ended up going the wrong way on Mariscol street, and there was some Federal Police coming the other way. It probably freaked them out, they probably thought I was trying to block them. So they all jumped out and pulled their guns on me. They asked if I had ‘armas, armas,’ and I said ‘ropa, ropa,’ (clothing) and they let me go,” he said. “I’ve never had a problem otherwise.” The violence in Juárez is caused by a small percentage of the population, and protest can show the world that most citizens are good people who only want to survive, McKenney said. “I always loved Juárez and going over, ever since I was a little boy,” he said. “Something about it can’t be recreated anywhere else. I’ve always loved it over there. Ninety-five, 99 percent of the people over there are peace-loving, good people.” The Daily Lobo is now accepting applications for Copy Editors. Goto UNMJobs.unm.edu to apply.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


Alumnus nominated for Emmy by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

UNM alumnus Mark Kachelmeier was nominated for an award in the 2011 Heartland Emmy Competition for his “Catching Predators” series. His weeklong series aired on KRDO News Channel 13 in Colorado Springs and profiled five convicted sex offenders. Thanks to viewer tips generated by the show, two of the five were brought into custody. The Daily Lobo talked to Kachelmeier about the show and his Emmy nomination. Daily Lobo: Tell me about the program, “Catching Predators.” Mark Kachelmeier: Basically, it was a week-long series where there were five sex offenders who were convicted and were supposed to be living in the Colorado Springs area. They were on the run from the law because they did not register. So we went to their last known addresses and found out where they were living. They weren’t where they were supposed to be, so we went around and talked to police like, ‘Where are these guys sup-

posed to be? What are they wanted for?’ Every day, we featured one of the sex offenders, and after the first time it aired, somebody called up and gave us a tip. So we captured one of the sex offenders who was living in an apartment with a single mom and had a kid, and she didn’t even know he was a sex offender. It’s scary stuff. Another sex offender was caught a couple months later, and he was living in Buffalo. The rest of them are still on the run from the law. DL: Whose idea was this? MK: This was the idea of an investigative reporter, James Jarman. He was under a contract and couldn’t be on air, so until his contract was up at the other station, he was behind the scenes. That’s why he was the writer/producer, that’s why he had another reporter front this thing. DL: What part did you play in the whole thing? MK: I’m the person who shot it. I’m a photojournalist, so I’m the person who shot most of the video. Basically, I’m the person who’s responsible for shooting all the vid-

eo, editing it, and also shooting all the live shots. So my name’s on the Emmy — if we win, that is — for photojournalist/editor. DL: Can you tell me about your experience doing this piece? Did you enjoy the project? MK: It was an interesting project; I really liked the final piece. Some parts were kind of scary in a way because we had to go through some rough neighborhoods looking for these people, and if you’re working in television news, walking up to some door with the camera rolling, you knock on the door and you never know what to expect. Someone could come out with a gun, your life could be in danger, so it was a great experience, but it was also kind of scary. DL: Why do you think it was nominated? Out of all the submissions, what do you think sets this one apart? MK: First of all, it was put together really well. I think it was kind of original, and I just think it was quality work. In fact, because of our story two sex offenders were caught. I think that plays a big role in it.

Tuna live in fear no longer By Don Melvin

The Associated Press ABOARD THE STEVE IRWIN: The helicopter lifted gingerly off the aft deck of the ship, banked sharply, then sped off a few hundred feet above the Mediterranean whitecaps in search of boats fishing illegally for bluefin tuna — potential targets for activists determined to do what they can to preserve the species. The helicopter returned nearly two hours later, however, with no new targets to report — having scouted, among other things, an EU fisheries inspection vessel, a pleasure craft with picnickers, and a vast empty sea near the border between Libya and Egypt. But the chopper — an MD550E, a civilian version of a helicopter designed for scouting missions in Vietnam — is evidence of the increasing sophistication of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. These are not wild-eyed radicals putting to sea in any old rustbucket. The group’s current campaign, which it calls Blue Rage 2011, uses two ships and a number of small launches, sophisticated radar and communications equipment — and the helicopter, flown by former commercial pilot Chris Aultman. The aim is to try to prevent illegal fishing for bluefin tuna. The stock of the fish has dwindled to the point that experts fear its collapse. If the group finds boats it feels it can prove are fishing illegally, it wants to send divers in to cut the nets and free the tuna. But the group’s methods are controversial. The conservation group Oceana shares Sea Shepherd’s assessment of the imminent danger to the bluefin tuna, but is more circumspect in its comments on Sea Shepherd’s tactics. “Although Oceana doesn’t have the same practices, we don’t oppose those practices,” said Maria Jose Cornax, an official with Oceana. “They are contributing to the same goals we are.” But Japanese officials have called Sea Shepherd members terrorists who have endangered lives with their pursuit of the Japanese whaling fleet, in which collisions occurred at sea. And, although privately European Union officials welcome the research of this and other non-governmental groups — and credit them with helping awaken public opinion — EU spokes-

man Oliver Drewes questioned Sea Shepherd’s desire to enforce the law itself. “They are not policemen,” Drewes said. “No third party has policing obligations or powers. Every 12-year-old kid knows that.” Brigitte Scheffer, a spokeswoman for Sea Shepherd, said the organization has never claimed police powers. “What we are enforcing, if we have any legal standing here, is the U.N. Charter, where we believe each individual has the right to defend nature and in our case marine wildlife,” Scheffer said. But no one can question the group’s increasing sophistication. And part of that is due to the aviation program built up painstakingly over the past few years by Aultman. The helicopter he flies off the back of the Steve Irwin, Sea Shepherd’s mother ship in this campaign, is worth about $850,000 — probably $1.4 million if it were new. Scheffer said all the organization’s money comes from donations, large and small. Sea Shepherd has tax-exempt status as a charity in the U.S. Aultman, a 41-year-old Georgia native who lives in Santa Monica, became friends with a member of Sea Shepherd’s board six years ago. They began diving together. And late in 2005, Aultman said, Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson “told me to find a helicopter and buy it.” It’s fast and powerful — a pilot’s helicopter, he said — and it skips above the waves at 80 or 90 knots (90-105 miles per hour). Sunday, the first target, which had been spotted on the Steve Irwin’s radar, was a vessel that was towing two rings that looked like tuna cages — but there were no nets dangling from the rings. It struck Aultman as peculiar, but if there were no nets, clearly there were no fish. The second vessel was clearly marked “EU Fishery Inspection” — not illegal fishermen but the police. The third was a trawler, probably bottom-fishing, clearly for something other than tuna. Feeling that the area was covered by inspectors, and it was more likely to find uninspected boats elsewhere, the chopper headed east toward the Libya-Egypt border, just north of the NATO-enforced no-fly zone. But other than a pleasure craft with picnickers munching happily on the top deck, there was little but

empty sea stretching out to the horizons. The whitecaps looked for an instant like boats but then dissolved and disappeared. To return to the mother ship without running out of fuel, Aultman turned the chopper around. He had no luck today, but Aultman feels fortunate to have left commercial flying behind and gone full-time with Sea Shepherd. “I love it,” he said. “It’s become my life.”

June 13-19, 2011 / Page 3

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Summer June 13-19, 2011


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: A bad batch of German bean sprouts, according to the AP, is believed to be responsible for a widespread outbreak of E.Coli. Twenty-two have died thus far, and four Americans are suspected of having it. Are you worried? Yes, there’s no point in taking a chance 16% with a virile virus. Maybe, if I went to Germany I would 72% avoid the bean sprouts. No, it’s happening in another country 12% across the ocean. OUT OF 18 RESPONSES

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Do you think the media’s coverage on Anthony Weiner is justified? No, it’s his personal life, and it shouldn’t be drug through American homes. No, the guy is either going to resign or fail to get reelected, and there’s nothing else to consider. Yes, he lied to the public and his constituents for ten days. What else is he lying about? Yes, he abused his position and power, and deserves what he’s getting.




Replace police with supermen The following is a work of satire from the editor of the local ‘zine, The Nightly Noodle Monthly. Expect future guest columns from Ms. Avenue, and, as always, the views reflected in this article do not represent the paper at large.

by Eva Avenue

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist


Comments ‘unintelligible,’ discourage participation Editor, Dialogue in the comments section of the Daily Lobo website is extremely off-putting. Polarized and uninformed viewpoints abound, but that’s not the only problem. Some comments are obviously trolls trying a crude hand at sarcasm or some other form of humor. Some posts are so unintelligible that it’s impossible to determine the writer’s intention, or whether the comment should be interpreted as literal or satirical. I’m not criticizing humor. I just think it should be intelligent on a news website. I’ve heard some talk about how the staff should censor posts, but I think the Daily Lobo does the right thing by not inhibiting free speech. Rather, the student body should participate more online. The Daily Lobo is not perfect, but it does a good job of providing interesting articles and commentary about UNM events and politics. There are a lot of articles that have the potential to spawn intriguing discussions but generally don’t because of the low quality of participation. I don’t enjoy posting much because it feels like stooping down to a lower form of dialogue, and I suspect many others feel the same. Nevertheless, it would be great if the website was a place for interesting and prolific conversation. I don’t know how to do it. I’m just saying. Sam Waggoner UNM Student

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor

By now, we can all pretty much agree this whole police force thing isn’t really working out. Nobody trusts the police. They shoot at anything that moves. They’re rude and sarcastic. They don’t understand how to talk to people, and are generally unfit to handle the power bestowed upon them. They cause trouble wherever they go. They set people up to rip them up, and they’re not there when you need them, but show up when you commit the littlest benign infraction and make a big fucking deal about it. They’re the type of people who had no real friends in high school because they

were too racist and stupid to be taken seriously, or they where bullies because they couldn’t relate to the world around them in any constructive way. The ones who joined the force to make a difference are few and far between and probably go on to get more esteemed jobs where their sense of compassion is more appreciated among their co-workers. Isn’t it time we replace these cops with a cooler, slicker task force of super-people with emotional intelligence, an understanding of people, the ability to inspire reverence and devotion, and the ability to take control of any situation without resorting to immediate fatal violence? You know, like an articulate ninja-shaman-best-friend-good-samaritan-zenmaster-quick-as-a-fox-break-dancingsoul-master-genius-employee-of-themonth-gender-bending-man-of-the-hour everyday superhero. In black. Take, for instance, your garden-variety out-of-control disturbing-the-old-lady-

next-door house party. A member of the Super Force would show up, knock politely on the door and explain, plainly and calmly, that your octogenarian neighbor is trying to get a good night’s sleep so that she can walk her cats in the a.m. So, “Hey, dudes, just try to maybe not vomit loudly in her azaleas and we can all just get along.” And because Super Force members are, like, really fucking cool, you’ll be excited he/she is there, and you’ll invite him/her to stay, and he/she totally will, telling a series of really rad stories about the time he/ she went to Thailand and briefly married a Turkish goat from Illinois. Contrast that with APD, which would blast open your living room wall with a dynamite-strapped squirrel grenade, shoot you in the knee on general principle, skin your girlfriend, wear her flesh as a kimono for Winter Ball and whistle “Good Day, Sunshine.” Terrible, I know.

LETTER Burundian Americans article contained many factual errors Editor, I was pleased to read your recent coverage of the one-year anniversary of the Association of Burundian Americans in New Mexico. Although I commend your coverage of this organization, I was disappointed to find multiple factual errors in the June 6, 2011, report, “African refugees adapt to NM.” First, the article makes mention of the limited financial support available to refugees. However, the article fails to contextualize that discussion within the federal refugee resettlement system and the laws and policies that define the aid available to refugees. Financial assistance to refugees is provided through federal funds from the Department of State and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. The brief timelines for assistance are entirely the result of federal policy. I fear that your article made it appear that local resettlement agencies were responsible for the economic plight of refugees when in reality refugees are resettled into poverty as a

direct result of [these policies]. In short, the poverty we see in our own community among refugees resettled to Albuquerque is the direct result of federal policy that operates under unrealistic timelines and rarely leads to positive outcomes anywhere nationwide. Second, the article states that refugees must repay a loan for the cost of travel to Catholic Charities. This statement is totally and utterly false. All refugees take out a loan from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), which is an intergovernmental organization that assists in the overseas processing phase of refugee resettlement and is widely subsidized by governments, including the United States government. National resettlement agencies assist in the collection of these loans. However, local affiliates such as Catholic Charities play no role in the collection of travel loans and do not benefit directly or indirectly from the proceeds of the loans. Third, the article states that Catholic Charities provides financial support to the Association of Burundian Americans in New Mexico. This is also incorrect.

Catholic Charities assists and encourages the association in several ways. However, it provides no direct financial support. As the Director of the Center of Refugee Settlement and Support, I serve on the advisory board of the association and am actively engaged in assisting the association in obtaining grant funds so that it may be fully self-sufficient. What alarms me most about the statements and the tone of the article is that although Catholic Charities was mentioned multiple times, no one at Catholic Charities was contacted for comment even though several staff members were present at the celebration last Saturday. The Lobo’s editorial practices quite simply lack care and do not comply with minimum journalistic standards. In the future, I would respectfully request that the Lobo more thoroughly vet the facts mentioned in its publications and provide organizations and individuals mentioned in its stories the opportunity to comment prior to publication. Marshall Jensen Director of the Center for Refugee Settlement and Support for Catholic Charities

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Local writers work to create largest poetry database in US by Andrew Beale abeale@unm.edu

Albuquerque will soon house the single largest collection of poetry in the U.S., if an Albuquerquebased poetry group’s plan works out. The group, Speak Easy , is working to build a collection of poetry to be placed in a library the group will construct. Speak Easy Tangents co-founder Zachary Kluckman said all of the group’s founders are teachers who saw a need for educators to have greater access to poetry. “The resources they have available to them are pretty small. It tends to be Robert Frost and Shel Silverstein and Emily Dickinson, and that’s about it,” Kluckman said. “A lot of contemporary poetry, a lot of the stuff that happens, especially in spoken-word and slam, just isn’t available except through clips on YouTube. It’s just a limited resource and it’s hard for educators to compile together.” The group is building the library to help teachers educate students, and help anyone who is interested to educate themselves, Kluckman said. “Our thought process is if we put together a huge, huge library, then educators, as well as writers and youth poets, and anybody who just is interested can come in and find all this stuff under one roof without having to Google search for hours and hours and hours to find something appropriate,” he said. Kluckman said the library will loan books and CDs for free for a

couple days, just like a regular library, but it will also sell books and offer extended check-out of materials for a fee. He said the funding for the construction of the library will come from these sales as well as grant money. “It’s going to be interesting,” he said. “We’re really kind of hoping to make it a community-funded effort. That’s one of the reasons we’ll have books and CDs for sale in the library.” The group formed in late 2010 and held its first major event on Saturday, when Kluckman and Speak Easy Tangents’ other founders Katrina Guarascio and Jessica Helen Lopez held a book-release party, Kluckman said. He said all three poets released new work, and they kick off a poetry tour June 13th where they read their work and collect other poets’ work to go in the library. The group has already received some donations of poetry books and CDs through the mail from poets around the country, Kluckman said. “Between the three of us, we know poets from all over the world in all styles. So we put a call-out to them first,” he said. “While we’re touring and putting out our new books, we’re going to be asking for donations of books and CDs from local poets. So every state we hit, we’re going to do kind of a book drive.” After the tour, the group will launch a series of “culturalarts exchange programs” to collect new work for the library, Kluckman said. In the programs, Albuquerque poets will meet with poets from other big cities around

Educators learn to teach about stars by José M. Enríquez jenriq01@unm.edu

From the West Mesa to the East Mountains, Albuquerque has 30,000 acres of open space that people can survey, but the largest open space in the city is the night sky. Jodi Hedderig, manager of the Open Space Visitor Center, said the center provides information about these 30,000 acres and access to trails, gardens and wetlands. On Friday, June 17, the center will switch its focus from the land itself to the stars.

For the event, “Evening With Saturn,” the center will conduct a Teachers’ Astronomy Workshop, where educators in Albuquerque will learn about available astronomy resources. Afterward, there will be a star party, open to the public, where guests will take part in hands-on, astronomy-related activities with telescopes provided by The Albuquerque Astronomical Society and greenlaser-guided tours of the night sky, with a special focus on Saturn. Judith Stanley, education officer with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, said astronomy is a good way to get students interested in physics, chemistry and math. “We’re using astronomy as a gateway science. Every human being has looked up at the stars,” she said. “As human beings, we all have

had that shared experience about wondering about the night sky.” The Open Space Visitor Center is the ideal place for star gazing in the city, Hedderig said. Usually light pollution makes it hard for people to see the night sky, but because of the location there is a small amount of clear night sky available. On June 17, the sun sets at 8:23 p.m. and the moon rises at 10:06 p.m., and the near-one-and-ahalf-hour gap is the best time to see Saturn. Although there have been concerns that smoke from the Wallow fire in Arizona will cloud up the night sky, Hedderig and Stanley

said the event will still happen.

“(We) will also include a star lab, which is a blow-up planetarium that people can get into and see the night sky, as it would appear during that season. Whether the skies are clear or not, we can still hold this program,” Hedderig said.

Evening With

Saturn Friday 8 – 9:30 p.m.

Open Space Visitor Center 6500 Coors Blvd.

the world and exchange work. “The idea is that we give a bunch of books and CDs from Albuquerque poets to them, to do whatever they want to do with them. Archive them, put them in poets’ houses, clubs or whatever, libraries, so that we’re spreading Albuquerque’s literary tradition out there to the world, too,” he said. “But in exchange, they’re giving us their stuff and we’re putting all of this under one roof in the library.” Speak Easy Tangents will also work to bring youth and LGBT poets into the limelight. “I’m always trying to bring both of those communities in because they really are underrepresented in the literary world,” Kluckman said. “I think that’s a shame because there are many communities out there with many, many talented writers and they don’t get any exposure.” The group will first build its collection, then rent a storefront to house the collection and eventually construct a new building to serve as the permanent library. The plan is to rent the storefront within a year and start construction on the library as soon as the group’s funding allows. The group hopes to forge a relationship with the public library system by the time it has a building constructed, Kluckman said. “We’re trying to work as much as we can with the Albuquerque Public Library system,” he said. “We’re not sure what that structure looks like yet, but we’re trying to create a structure where we can work with them and be — I’m not sure of the right word — symbiotic, almost.”

June 13-19, 2011 / Page 5

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Page 6 / June 13-19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

New York transplants stay up late making art by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

The small hours are defined as the hours in the early morning when insomniacs and natural night owls go off duty, passing the baton to the early birds. Four artists, all connected by past residency in New York City, have been exploring this idea, and their individual collections are “Small Hours,” an art exhibit at the KiMo Theater Art Gallery that will be up until July 23rd. The artists created pieces inspired by the hours that separate night and day, and there is a visual connection between their offerings. Upon entering the intimate space that neighbors the theater, the eye is first drawn to Kenneth Fernandez’s contribution. His construction cones may seem an odd choice for the sole focus of an art piece, but this is not to say the entertaining pieces have no aesthetic value. Fernandez said he thought about the nights he and his friends spent wandering the city streets, abusing construction zones they found in their path. “My idea was to kind of give the cones back a little bit of dignity,” he said. “So I started going around late at night taking photographs of cones and then I would give them something that they could possibly dream or aspire to.” He said he didn’t want the cones “doing taxes,” so the cones innocently play hopscotch, make snowmen and play jump rope. Just up the wall are John Myers’ pieces. Myers’ is a more sober take on the theme. His images (acrylic and gold leaf on canvas) focus on a single

subject as well — a female with pearly gray skin and her eyes cast away from the viewer. The color tones, as well as the subject’s expression, betray a sense of vulnerability, which Myers described as the feeling of solitude he experiences working into the dawn. “It’s a very alone time, but it can also be magic time,” Myers said. “That’s what I was trying to communicate — this magic.” Contrasting with the dewy skin colors are metallic silver, gold and blues, most notably in “Fractal Eye.” “I wanted to put a fractal in the eyeball, almost like you’re wired. You’re wide awake, it’s 4 a.m.,” he said. “Then I thought of someone sleeping, like right before dawn. Those are what came to me right away.” Lito Vales’ work is displayed on the far side of the gallery and consists of altered photographs and oil on paper. The linseed-oil and gouache-on-color photographs possess a very different emotive quality than the oil-on-paper portraits. Vales uses long, lean strokes of paint with only the living features of the photos peeking through the paint. His style manifests the chaos of city life. Jahneiah Lee Duran also chose to address tributes to the past. “The Gift of Prayer” is an interplay of light and dark conveying her struggle to balance what she associates with the opposing times of day. The small hours have been a time when Duran struggled with the loss of her mother last April. “Initially I started thinking about very shady things because I lived in Brooklyn for nine years and the city for 12,” she said. “It’s very deep and spiritual and serious.”

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Dylan Smith/ Daily Lobo Jessica Hamilton looks at a painting by John Meyers. The painting was part of the ‘Small Hours’ exhibition at the Kimo Art gallery. The exhibit features artists from the east coast and “explores the moments in darkness of night before the light.”

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by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

(Sonny) Reynaldo Rivera is a local sculptor and native New Mexican whose work focuses on the rugged beauty of southwest culture. His work is displayed in Colorado, Washington, Utah, California, Texas, Kansas, Arizona and New Mexico. His sculptures include Spanish Conquistador Don Juan de Onate, author Rudolfo Anaya and monuments to historic events such as the terrorist attacks of September 11th. He works mainly in bronze and clay. Daily Lobo: Is it difficult to make a living as an artist? Reynaldo Rivera: Very difficult. The economy affects artists a lot. Most of my art is commissioned by cities or counties or states. It’s monumental- meaning I make monumentsand when there is a government that says there is no money, then what can you do. I have made a good living, but not many have been as lucky as I have… There are hundreds of artists competing from all across the country for commissions. Art is not just a local thing anymore and there are some people that are very good that live elsewhere. Second place wins nothing. DL: What is the most important thing that you communicate through your art? RR: Well it has to tell a story and what I mean by that is it must be high energy. …For instance this sculpture tells the story of the curandera. These are uneducated people who deliver babies and know about la yerba buena. DL: How did you get interested


Aikido & Fitness Summer Camp (ages 5-17) Starts at: 9:00am Location: Aikido of Albuquerque Tuition is $230 per session. For more information contact Naomi Sandweiss at 505-277-0698 or visit dce.unm.edu. Santa Clara Pueblo Dances Starts at: 9:30am Location: UNM Continuing Education For more information visit dce.unm.edu/storyof-new-mexico.htm or call Joan Cok at (505) 277-0563. To register visit dce.unm.edu. CV/Resume (Academic v. Non-Academic) for Employment Starts at: 10:00am Location: Career Services Conference Room A CV/Resume workshop that provides tips and insight as to how to prepare the appropriate documents for the job one is applying to.

TUESDAY 6/14 CAMPUS EVENTS Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center

Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment.


Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Open Meetings Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center For women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism. MCAT Admissions Seminar Starts at: 6:30pm Location: UNM Continuing Education Thinking about going to Medical School? Learn the Do’s and Don’ts of Medical School Admissions from one of Kaplan’s expert instructors. Pre-register at www.kaptest.com/mcat.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel. Phone: 505-269-8876.



Conference on Archaeoastronomy of the SW Starts at: 8:30am Location: Maxwell Museum Two and 1/2 days of presentations by national and international researchers. Topics represent Southwest interests and the challenges of cultural astronomy. Returning Women Students Walk-in Hours Starts at: 9:00am Location: Women’s Resource Center Thinking about returning to school? Have some questions about how to get started? Come by the WRC and get some answers. Apply to Graduate School (Letters of Support/Intent) Starts at: 2:009m Location: Career Services Conference Room A workshop for students interest and or in the process of applying to graduate school. Provides tips and insight on how to craft a distinctive letter of support and or intent. Archaeoastronomy Lecture Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Anthropology Lecture Hall Dr. Edwin C. Krupp Director of Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles. For more information call 277-1400

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

in art? RR: I went to school in Chicago to the American Academy of Art for three years, got a scholarship and went to Florence, Italy for a year. DL: Did you get a degree? RR: No I wasn’t there for a degree, I was there to learn. I was already 40 years old. DL: What did you do before? RR: Before that I was a hair stylist. DL: What are you working on right now? RR: The Albuquerque museum in September and October has a minia-


ture sculpture contest, and I am working on these pieces. DL: Do you make a lot of work that doesn’t sell, or that you make outside of commission and just hope will sell? RR: I should do more sculptures just of things that I like, but I don’t. I am fairly busy. I am one of the lucky guys. You have got to enjoy your work, but it’s hard to do what you want though sometimes because the work is commissioned and they have something specific in mind. But I try to shape the projects.

Courtesy of Juan Soche Artist (Sonny) Reynaldo Rivera is a nationally known artist with works all along the West Coast and Southwest. He hails from New Mexico, and he works mainly in bronze and clay.

Event Calendar

Planning your weekend has never been easier! Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Changeling The Requiem venue. Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.

FRIDAY 6/17 CAMPUS EVENTS Mesa Verde Tour Starts at: 8:00am Location: UNM Continuing Education For more information visit dce.unm.edu/ story-of-new-mexico.htm or call Joan Cok at (505) 277-0563. To register visit dce.unm.edu. Michael Chapdelaine Guitar Concert Starts at: 8:00am Location: Keller Hall Michael Chapdelaine will open the New Mexico Classical Guitar Festival with a concert of acoustic guitar music. Tickets are $20 General Admission and $10 for students and seniors.


Archaeoastronomy Dinner Lecture Starts at: 6:00pm Location: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

$35.00 tickets: www.caasw.org/2011conference.html

SATURDAY 6/18 COMMUNITY EVENTS Mickey Jones Guitar Concert Starts at: 11:15am Location: Keller Hall Mickey performs as a member of the New Mexico Guitar Duo and the Rio Grande Guitar Quartet and has been invited around the United States and the world to teach, lecture, and perform.

SUNDAY 6/19 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

u.s. soccer

June 13-19, 2011 / Page 9


World Cup aspirations are pipe dreams for US by Isaac Avilucea ijavilu@gmail.com

My fellow Americans, this is a call to reason, not a plea of insanity: Give up on soccer promptly. Winning the World Cup is a pipe dream, a fool’s errand, a fairy tale with a reality-show ending. That’s the only feasible conclusion that we can draw after the U.S.’ onthe-wrong-side-of-history loss to Panama on Saturday during the group stage of the Gold Cup. No fewer than 36 minutes into the match, the Americans found themselves down 2-nil thanks to Gabriel Gomez, who converted a penalty kick to give Panama a sizeable lead. The loss marked the U.S.’ first group-stage setback in any Gold Cup. “Sometimes you just come out flat for whatever reason. At this level, and against a good team, you can’t do that,” Landon Donovan said about the U.S.’ betterlate-than-never showing. “Some nights you come out flat and you don’t get punished, but other nights you do. We learned a valuable lesson.” The lesson: The United States will never hoist the World Cup.

Chris O’Meara / Associated Press Panama goalkeeper Jaime Penedo (1) punches the ball past teammate Roman Torres (5) and United States defenders Clarence Goodson (21) and Carlos Bocanegra (yellow armband) during the second half of a CONCACAF Gold Cup soccer match on Saturday, June 11, 2011, in Tampa, Fla.

HAPS Listings MONday

Ever. Winning the World Cup is a national project, requiring more commitment and dedication than the Manhattan Project. And that is something America just doesn’t have. Soccer isn’t imbued into our cultural identity. To Brazilians, it’s a beautiful game. To Americans, there’s nothing beautiful about a 2-0 contest. It’s geometric, as black and white as the pentagons on a soccer ball. Short attention spans and long, languid 90-minute matches don’t mix. Soccer is the ultimate team sport, which explains why American children dabble in the game in youth leagues but soon after lose interest. Babe Ruth, Emmitt Smith and Michael Jordan — definitive American athletes — revolutionized baseball, football and basketball, and in one broad stroke underlined the main reason we prefer those sports above soccer: as much as they are team-based sports, there are built-in platforms for individual success, and Americans are born and socialized to become attention whores. On the contrary, one cares much less about the stars on a

World Cup roster. The emphasis is on winning and ethnic pride, not the elevation of one particular player. Soccer runs contrary to the American capitalist ethos, one that says, “Stand out or be stood on.” And sorry to say it, but it doesn’t matter that the U.S. women have twice won the international gauntlet. Forgive me if that sounds sexist. It’s not meant to be. Bear in mind that the takehome point in saying such a thing is this: when I started writing this column, I asked a friend, rather sheepishly, even though I was almost positive of the answer, “Has the women’s national team won the World Cup?” He answered rather sure of himself. “The American women? No. There’s no way.” Ah, the legacy of unconscious chauvinism, the machismo of misogyny. It’s unconscionable how, even today, women’s athletic achievements take a backseat to men’s — that they get lost and collect dust in the American sporting conscious. Forgive the

see World Cup page 10


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Page 10 / June 13-19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo track and field

Crossing ocean, finish line for All-American title by Cesar Davila


The UNM track and field team has two All-American Englishmen. Rory Fraser and Keith Gerrard ran in the men’s 5,000-meter and 10,000meter races, respectively, this weekend at the NCAA Championships in Des Moines, Iowa, and both finished in the top eight. Fraser ran one of his best times (13:39.40) and said his strategy was to keep up with the fresh legs by not running the 10,000-meter the day before. For the first time since he left England three years ago, his parents were in the audience watching him compete.

World Cup

men’s team racked up only five points to place them in 41st place overall. The women’s team did not score. Even with the struggles, Franklin said he thought this season was an improvement from the last, which he said was a complete disaster. “We had some good performances, and some average, but overall better than last year,” he said. This marks the fourth consecutive year that UNM has sent track-and-field athletes to the NCAA championships and Franklin said it’s a step in the right direction. “You’re never 100 percent satisfied, but I’m very content with our progress,” he said.

“There were some guys that were just doing the 5k, and they knew that they could make it faster and help their chances to make the other guys even more tired,” he said. “So they basically just went quick from the very beginning, and I just tried to hold on as long as possible, and I just ran for as long as I could and that’s what got me sixth place.” Rain delays affected the competitors’ routines throughout the four-day event, but Fraser’s race was one of the few that had sunlight. “It rained all weekend,” he said. “And then the sun came out for my race and it felt like it was meant to be.” Nicholas Kipruto and Ross

Millington also ran the 5,000-meter. Kipruto took 11th place and Millington did not finish due to asthma-related complications from the humidity, said head coach Joe Franklin. Franklin said he was happy that Fraser finished his collegiate career on a good note. “Rory had an up-and-down season,” he said. “He did super well during cross country, ran very marginal during indoor track and field, and then started getting it going in outdoor and finished his college career as one of the best distance runners in the country.” Gerrard, the other All-American, ran his personal best time (28:36.33) in the 10,000 meter.

“Keith did great. He finished fourth in the Mountain West, and then seventh in the country,” Franklin said. In the high jump, Django Lovett rose 2.05 meters, and Richard York amassed 7,229 points in the Decathlon, as both took 22nd place in their respective events. David Bishop ran 3:52.30 in the 1,500-meter race but failed to qualify for the final heat. On the women’s side, Ruth Senior took ninth in the 10,000-meter race, just missing out on All-American honors. In the triple jump, Deanna Young leaped 12.36 meters and placed 11th. At the end of the competition, the

$80,000. What, then, accounts for the rise in salaries but fall in median income? Well, its boils down to this: The MLS poaches out-of-their-prime players from prestigious European leagues and pays them handsomely to legitimize our bastardized knock-off imitator. David Beckham, Thierry Henry and Rafael Marquez, to name a few. But our players? By all accounts, they make a high-middle-class wage that pales in comparison to our naturalized sports. Sporting and economicwise, they are second-class citizens in their own country. No one wants to play

soccer. It’s a thankless profession. Before 2010, when the league negotiated a new labor pact, the league minimum was about $32,000. It’s now $40,000, compared to the low $300,000s in the NFL, to the mid and low $400,000s in the MLB and NBA. There’s a reason all the best soccer players flock overseas to compete. Simply put, it’s not worth their time to stay in America. Not only that, but the MLS has spurred an outgrowth of expectations. Delusional Americans believe that because we have a pro soccer league, we are on the cusp of bringing the cup to the nation. Nothing could be further

from the truth. nals bid. The World Cup? There comes Judging by MLS salaries (which are a point in all our lives when we must let a reflection of the nation’s interest in the go of our dreams. sport, because where there’s demand, Please, my fellow Americans, let go there’s an influx of cash flow), the U.S. of the nationalism. Let go of the pride. has not invested enough in soccer to re- Let go of the sense of American excepalistically expect international results. tionalism. There’s no shame in admitGetting to the quarterfinals in the ting that, despite what we’ve been told, 2010 World Cup was not progress; that we are not the best at everything. was the U.S. reaching its glass ceiling. For those who can’t bring themPainful? Yes. But even truer. selves to reject such a self-serving atThe U.S.’ most recent setback is like titude, take shelter in this: Americans foreshadowing in a novel. This narrative might not be the best at everything, but is doomed. Maybe it’s not a predictor of there’s little doubt that we are the best at what’s to come in the Gold Cup. It’s true thinking we are the best at everything. the U.S. can still salvage its Gold Cup fiJULY 27-AUGUST 13, 2006 / PAGE 17

from page 9

digression. The point is that individualism in sports is tied to masculinity. Economic success is a measuring stick for male self-worth. In that respect, there is a spot for Marketplace Man, but not Marketplace Woman. To be sure, unlike other American sports, soccer doesn’t promote such a doctrine, either stylistically or economically. Take Major League Soccer for example. It pays its players minor league salaries. Per the Denver Post, MLS player salaries have risen 12 percent from 2010. The median income, though, plummeted from about $88,000 to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO

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Advertising — There are two sections: classifieds and display. They bring in 94 percent of the budget. The paper’s size depends on how many ads are sold.

Ad production — This department has one employee who designs and lays out ads for each paper. This person is trained in graphic design.

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Over 100 items including sushi & vegetarian! Fresh and made to order. Business and accounting — The business manager and office manager keep track of bills and funding for the paper. The two are not students. They keep the paper running.

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Sports — This desk is in charge of covering University athletics and is published two or three times a week. It has game stories as well as features on student athletes.

Reporter — Section editors assign reporters stories to write for the paper. Reporters cover assignments in culture, sports and news.

Photo — Whether it’s a football game, a concert or a burning building, photographers accompany reporters on assignments to help project a visual understanding of the story.

Culture — Arts, entertainment and music can be found in this section. Campus events are covered as well as offcampus events. It runs two or three times a week.

Opinion — Students, faculty, staff and Daily Lobo readers express their opinions through this section. Letters, columns, cartoons and editorials are published in it every day.

News — This desk covers on-campus news and offers profiles and features on people in the UNM community.

Production — Every story and photo is placed on the page by two or three designers each night. They’re here until 3 a.m. to make sure the paper is visually appealing.

Editing — Every story is edited by the reporter, desk editor, copy editors, managing editor and editor in chief. The process starts at 3 p.m. and can take until 3 a.m.

Web — Before the Daily Lobo hits the newsstands, it is published on the Internet every morning at about 6 a.m. Readers can receive a copy in their e-mail, or they can view it on our Web site. We also have a web editor who maintains the site and keeps it updated throughout the day, posting blogs, audio clips and breaking Associated Press news stories.

Delivery — Every morning, students deliver the paper to stands on campus and around the UNM community using bicycles and vehicles.

Readers — The last step in our adventure brings us to you. You are the reason we put the paper out each day.

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

June 13-19, 2011 / Page 11 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis




level: 1 2 3 4

ACROSS 1 Elbows and bow ties 7 Floppy-eared “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” demon 11 RMN’s first veep 14 Pre-deal demand 15 Roll call response 16 Gist 17 City on the Rio Grande 18 Plane folks? 20 Words of regret 22 Lair 23 Vodka brand that sounds like a toast 24 Martial arts schools 26 TV’s Mrs. Peel 28 Oil holder, perhaps 31 Hawaiian coffee region 32 Samaritan’s assurance 36 Freq. performer at Tanglewood 37 Lauderdale neighbor 38 Bleachers sound 40 Non-Rx 43 Classic kids’ wagons 48 Good time 50 Memo starter 51 Physical, e.g. 52 Responded to a bailiff’s request 54 Brittle cookie 57 Actress Zadora 58 Paddy Chayefsky novel, and literally, what the beginnings of 20, 32-, and 43Across all are 62 Piker’s nickname 63 Nailed the test 65 Earl or Lady Grey 66 Rodent control brand 67 Like pine pitch 68 N.C. summer hrs. 69 Africa’s Mobutu __ Seko 70 Things on strings

solution to last week’s puzzle

DOWN 1 Sidekick 2 Angels’ home 3 Off-the-wall

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku





By Ed Sessa

4 Fit to be tied, with “off” 5 Wiesbaden wheels 6 Scare 7 Traditional Jewish bread 8 Assess 9 The Phantom of the Opera 10 “__ My Shadow”: 1927 song 11 Flattering trickery 12 Excitement generators 13 Six-pack __ 19 Had the desired effect 21 Some mutual funds 22 Soft & __: deodorant 25 __ Paulo 27 Jabber 29 Abandons at sea 30 Plum’s title, briefly 33 Postal motto word 34 Sweet Sixteen gp. 35 __ de mer 39 Catcher’s place? 40 Dictionary cousin of arch. 41 Unsalvageable after an accident

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved Solved Last Week’s Puzzle

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

42 Hipster 44 Cook’s announcement 45 “Where you book matters” online service 46 Barn ritual 47 “He’ll hae misfortunes great an’ __”: Burns 49 Adult silkworm 53 Some sealed documents


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55 Arcade games leader 56 Took measured strides 59 America’s Cup competition, say 60 Poetic saga 61 Drill 62 Summer in the cité 64 TV host Pennington et al.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / June 13-19, 2011



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CLEAN, COZY, PRIVATE room and bathroom in newly remodled condo. Furnished if needed. W/D, pool/fitness, private parking, gated w/ security. Central ABQ Location. misspareesa09@hotmail.com

Announcements Announcements Fun, Food, Music Looking for You Auditions Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space


WEDDINGS, HOLIDAY PARTIES, Birthdays $300. ABQPartySpace.com 505-250-5807.

For Sale


Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575; utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433. UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.


LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.


CLOSE TO UNM/ DOWNTOWN. Large 1BDRM. $350/mo +utilities. Singles. 266-4505.

WORRIED? LOG ON to Spirituality.com

1BDRM, NEW CARPET & paint, ceiling fan, alarm system, 3 blocks UNM. 313 Girard SE $550/deposit 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com


Lost and Found FOUND: NM DRIVERS License, last name Smith To claim: call 277-5656. FOUND: NM DRIVERS License, last name Muneri. To claim: call 277-5656.

Services GETTING MARRIED? Need a Photographer? www.AWPNM.com

ARTIST/ WORKSHOP/ STUDIO LIVING Zoned commercial & residential. Work and live in the same location. Great for artists, jewelers, etc. Multiple use possibilities. Unique, quirky - open floor plan. Nice shaded patio. Approx. 900SqFt. 1 block from UNM! $700/mo (includes utilities) Call 246-9196 to see.

LARGE 2BDRM; QUIET Neighborhood, ,HW floors, Refurbished kitchen, W/D hookup; lots of inside storage + outside unit; off-street parking; near UNM, Nob Hill, VA, Sandia, KAFB. Cats okay. $610/mo +utilities. $500 deposit; year lease. Call/ text 350-8698. 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS available immediately in remodeled 3bdrm, 1 & 1/2 bath house, laundry, 2 blocks to UNM. NS, no drugs. Exchange, Grad student preferred. $450/mo utilities included. Call 505-410-5582 or 505-4712337. UNM 2 BLOCKS: 1 BDRM $450/mo, 2 BDRM $700/mo. 897-6304 STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated Air. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com 1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows, light and bright. 116 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cat okay. No smoking. Call 550-1578. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. Month to month option. 8439642. Open 7 days/week. A LOVELY 1BDRM. Hardwood floors, UNM area. $450. 1812 Gold. 299-2499.

Duplexes 1BDRM. HARDWOOD FLOORS. Off street parking. Pets ok. 1113 Wilmoore SE. $525/mo & $500dd. Available now. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent

TANDCMANAGEMENT.COM NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 9076479. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Now’s the time to advertise your service to the student market. 277-5656 or classifieds@dailylobo.com for more info.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $650/mo. Ask about student discount. 505-610-2050. A LOVELY KNOTTY Pined decor 3BDRM 1.5BA. Skylight, parking, UNM area. Some furtniture. $799/mo. Summer special. 1814 Gold. 299-2499. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. 1BDRM 3 BLOCKS south of UNM. $550 +utilities. 881-3540. TINY 1BDRM HOUSE. Enclosed yard, close UNM, references required. $500/mo +utilities +dd. 293-8164.

NEW CONSTRUCTION! 1 Block from UNM! Big & Beautiful. 1BR / 2BA townhouse. 2 story unit. Lots of windows & light. 3 patios/decks. Huge walk in closet. W/D hookup. Secured parking. $1300/month (utilities included). Call for showing. Available immediately. Call 246-9196 - Melissa or Liz LARGE FURNISHED 3BDRM, 2BA house with office space in heights near Uptown. $1100/mo, same deposit. Tenant pays all utilities. No smoking, no pets. Call 505-331-1150.

Health and Wellness

7’X16’ ENCLOSED CARGO Trailer. Easy to hook up & tow. Side & Rear ramp doors. Just moved, not needed. Protect/Secure your load. $4,000 obo. 385-3422.

ALASKAN/SIBERIAN huskies for sale. 203-9316.

LOOKING FOR RESPONSIBLE female roommate to share fully furnished DOWNTOWN ABQ CONDO! $395+ 1/2 utilities. Call 505-429-0479 or email downtownabqcondo@gmail.com

NO MORE PARKING Tickets!!! Brand new scooters $999.00, 90mpg, no insurance or registration required. 559-0299 or 319-1918. www.loboscooter.com

RESPONSIBLE, FUN FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share quiet 2BDRM 1BA apartment. June-August. Near Girard and Indian School. $350/mo, but willing to negotiate rent! jess9901@unm.edu

1993 HONDA ACCORD. Low miles. Runs excellent. Maroon. 4 door, tint with pioneer quality speakers. $2,100 obo. Contact at 505-508-7679.

ROOMMATE WANTED. 3 BDRM 1.5 BA. Male or female. 1mile from UNM. Available July or August. $420/mo Utilities, internet and cable included. 505-974-7476.

INFANT AND TODDLER opening at state licensed home. ICCPR certified 22 years. Accepts state assistance also. 889-0511.

GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo.+1/3 utilities. Laundry. 505-615-5115. AZTEC STORAGE ABSOLUTELY the BEST PRICE on storages. All size units. 24 Hour video surveillance. On site manager. 10 minutes from University. 3rd month free. 884-1909. 3201 Aztec Road NE. 2-3 FEMALES wanted to share 4BDRM house. $400/mo. includes utilities, cable, Wifi. 3 blocks from North Campus. 2 rooms available immediately. Suzanne 999-8296. CLEAN PEACEFUL HOME. Great study room. Excellent kitchen. Laundry. Quick bus/bike to UNM $350/mo or $450/mo w/ private 1/2BA. Free wifi/ organic food. 459-2071. FULLY FURNISHED NEAR North Campus, high speed Internet, 1/4 utilities, gated community. Access I-40/ I-25. Employment/current landlord reference required. Pictures available. 505-2329309, tkuni@unm.edu ROOMMATE NEEDED FOR a 2 story townhouse, BDRM with private BA, garage, fenced backyard, safe neighborhood, 15 minutes from UNM campus. $525/mo. 505-412-5252.

STUDENTS ONLY: PRIVATE furnished 1BDRM 1BA in a 3bdrm house, HiDef TV, Parking. Executive needs a housesitter/ light cleaner to trade for rent. (310)966-0998. SPAIN/EUBANK. FURNISHED ROOM in house. Need female student to share w/2 females & 3 dogs. $400/mo utl. included. 619-616-6115, renee2234@gmail.com STUDENT SEEKS SINGLE christian female student roomate in nice house. Available now. N/S, No Drugs, Dinner parties Okay. I have a dog. Like minded. hfinc1001@q.com RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE WANTED. $462.50/mo +Utilities. 3BDRM 2BA Condo w/ Garage Parking, W/D in Unit. Located 15 Minutes from Campus. Call 505-228-1810.

Too busy to call us during the day? 2BDRM, NEW CARPET & paint, 3 blocks UNM, laundry on-site. Cats ok. 313 Girard SE. $725/mo utilities included. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com

MICROSOFT ZUNE 16 GB New/ Never Opened Wireless Media Player 5 HRS HD Video/ Music/ Pictures 140.00 OBO. 505- 272-3124.

FULLY FURNISHED NEAR North Campus, $355 +Parking, Highspeed Internet, 1/4 utilities, gated community. Access I-40/I-25. Employment/ current landlord reference required. Pictures available. tkuni@unm.edu 505-2329309.

RESPONSIBLE, STUDIOUS, STUDENT roommate wanted to share 2BDRM, 1.5BA townhouse. One block from UNM. Unfurnished room available. No pets. $370 + 1/2utilities. Camron@unm.edu

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

For Sale

MORNING DR NE. Ideal 2BDRM home. $650 299-8543 Cell 379-7349

Rooms For Rent

Event Rentals


Vehicles For Sale

Child Care

SITTER 6/27-7/14. M-TH. 7-9am & 56pm. Child @ UNM program. Call Sonia 362-1886. NEED AN EXPERIENCED BabySitter? Housesitter? Help around the house? Hire a pro! dromero16@gmail.com

Jobs Off Campus SECRETARY/ INTERPRETERS, FLUENT Vietnamese, Chinese, or Spanish to English & NDA required. 288-9896. GET PAID TO drink coffee. For more information call Brenda at 573-2792. FT OR PT partners/salespeople needed in this area immediately! Training provided, no experience necessary, Spanish a plus. A BUSINESS BUILT EXACTLY FOR ECONOMIC TIMES LIKE THESE! YOU NEED TO BE POSITIVE, FULL OF ENTHUSIASM AND COURAGE, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY-HAVE A SINCERE DESIRE TO SUCCEED! Leave message at 505990-3669. GRANT WRITER. LOCAL non-profit seeking motivated individual to write grants for services related to hearing/vision impairments and literacy solutions. We provide workshops, training and technology for State, senior services, educational system, public facilities, etc. Earnings based on grant dollars generated. Work hours flexible. Send resume to rpierce@nmrninc.org GALLERY SALES ASSOCIATE. Palette is seeking an individual with sales experience and knowledge of fine art and craft. Our successful applicant must possess a four year college degree and be able to use Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop to create marketing materials and update gallery inventory and mailing lists. You will also update our website. Your ability to travel and work out-of-state artshows where Palette exhibits three or four times annually is necessary. The typical show, including travel, set-up, show hours and pack-up runs six days. You must be able to hang/install our artwork. A full-time person, who is able to work forty hours per week, is required. A base salary and commission opportunity are offered. Palette is open 10AM 6PM, Monday thru Saturday. Please mail your resume to: Palette Contemporary Art & Craft 7400 Montgomery Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 www.palettecontemporary.com RECEPTIONIST NEEDED FOR law office in Nob Hill. Consistent, competent, compassionate – and an energetic team player. Full-Time. Send resume, references, and transcript of grades if recently in school, to Anna@ParnallLaw.com

CLEAN STUDENT wanted to Wish you could place ads atQUIET, midnight? share furnished house near uptown

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CHARMING 1BDRM, DECK, bike path, courtyard. N/S, no pets. $575/mo +utilities. 505-577-8051.

LARGE NORTH CAMPUS Home. Walking distance to UNM Med/Law schools. 2 Renters - $900/mo, or 3 Renters $1000/mo. Available 1 July. 505-2665874. Leave Message.

Now you can!

RELAX AND DE-Stress! $25 for an One hour Therapeutic Massage. Contact info: Kristin Cunnar, LMT No. 6160 call to schedule an appointment at: 505-4147604. Located inside a NE Hair Salon.

2BDRM 2 BLOCKS from UNM 1505 Gold SE. Bright and sunny. Cats okay, private yard. $760/mo +utilities +DD. 550-1578.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

2 STORAGE/PARKING GARAGES available immediately. Electric roll up doors. 12x24ft. $110/mo, & 14x24ft. $150/mo. $75 deposit required. Call 505-4712337 or 505-410-5582.

area. Own bathroom. $380/mo utilities included. mhunt01@unm.edu, 920-8071, FURNISHED BASEMENT ROOM. QUIET MALE STUDENT only. Share kitchen/ bath. $330/mo, includes utilities/ wi-fi. Available 6/13. 243-0553.

BOOKKEEPER. NON-PROFIT organization seeking bookkeeper to handle accounts payables and receivables. Experience working with QuickBooks required and background in retail preferred. 20-30 hrs per week. Hours are flexible. $12-$20/hr based on experience. Send resume to rpierce@nmrninc.org

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. MALE ASSISTANT/AIDE NEEDED By bookman/spiritual director. Mornings Preferred. 15-30hrs/wk. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com THE WOODMARK RETIREMENT Living is hiring people-oriented, motivated caregivers and med-techs to join our team. Apply at 7201 Prospect Place NE. 505-881-0120. !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE, www. newmexicobartending.com 292-4180. TEACH ENGLISH IN Korea! 2011 Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 6/29/11 Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr 2011 English Program In Korea (EPIK) ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation Must have BA degree Last day to apply: 6/29/11 Please visit the website www.epik.go.kr Jai - (213)386-3112ext.201. jai.kecla@gmail.com MUSIC SPECIALIST NEEDED PT for fun lively entertainment & instruction in Summer Day Camp and Fall After School Programs in NE, NW and University area. 10-15 hrs/wk, $13.00/hr. Experience with school-age children required. Must provide own instruments & willing to teach various types of music including current popular songs. Some basic dance & drama experience a plus. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University NE. ROMA BAKERY AND Deli downtown looking for kitchen/counter help Mon-Fri days. Please fill applications at 501 Roma Ave NW, 7am-2pm. SUBSTITUTE PIANO/ORGANIST FOR Lutheran Sunday services 6 weeks starting in July. Call for audition 8993016 eves. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training courses available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. SUMMER POSITION-IDEAL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENT. We are looking for a person to classify our inventory to meet export regulations for international shipping. This person must be detail oriented, have technical expertise, be internet savvy, and know how to use Microsoft Office. This is a temporary FT position, 8-5, Monday-Friday. Salary DOE - no benefits. Please fax resume to 505-345-8730 or email to doraine@usedeqsales.com UNM PROFESSIONAL SEEKS part-time personal assistant for house hold errands and tasks. Must have safe driving record, be organized, responsible, reliable. Please respond to: lap.imaging@gmail.com VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. INSTALLER SEEKING INDIVIDUAL to install induction loop systems in large venues such as churches, theaters, etc. Must be familiar with PA and sound sytems. Hours may vary depending on job. $10-$12 per hour. Send resume to rpierce@nmrninc.org

RESPONSIBLE, RELIABLE, OVERACHIEVING Housekeeper needed for occasional hourly work. References a plus. mofagod@yahoo.com or 8973073. CERTIFIED TRAVEL AGENTS needed. Work from home/ dorm in your spare time between classes. Call Mr. Lefevre @ 505-217-5145 or e-mail travellefever@yahoo.com

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. To apply Email your cover letter and resume to advertising@dailylobo.com

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