NM Daily Lobo 071811

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

see page 4

July 18-24, 2011

summer The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

HSC justifies costly off-campus training


Faculty member says colleagues outraged over spending by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Although the Las Conchas fire has been more than 50 percent contained, the orange glow of fire can still be seen from the outskirts of Santa Fe.

Hospital reps say rights violated by Chelsea Erven


An anti-abortion group protested outside the UNM Center for Reproductive Health after an ambulance was called to the Center in February, and center physicians responded by saying patients’ rights are being violated. Lauren Cruse, Public Affairs representative for UNM Health Sciences, said Defending Life violated patient privacy when it posted a recording of the 911 call on its website. “It is unfortunate that organizations use situations without knowing the facts, especially when discussion and public disclosure may violate the right of all patients to maintain the confidentiality of their medical information,” Cruse said in an e-mail. An ambulance was dispatched to the UNMCRH Feb. 15 for a patient who

was “unresponsive” after receiving a sedative medicine during an abortion, the group claimed. Tara Shaver of Defending Life, the group responsible for the protesting and a pregnancy resource center set up across the street from UNMCRH, said an eyewitness saw the ambulance, prompting Shaver to request a recording of the 911 call. “Someone saw the ambulance, and we got the recording because these clinics are really just abortion clinics,” Shaver said. “No other procedures require a sedative like that. We want to inform women of the dangers of abortion.” The Daily Lobo obtained a recording of the call July 7 from Melissa Romero, media contact for the Albuquerque Fire Department. Tony Ogburn, a physician at UNMCRH and professor of obstetrics and

gynecology, said organizations like Defending Life interfere with health care. “What they have is not a medical clinic, and they have no licensed health care professionals,” he said. “They have an agenda, and their goal is not to provide legal healthcare.” Ogburn said it is unfair for UNMCRH patients to be harassed by protesters. “It really hasn’t impacted our operation, but I would prefer that patients didn’t have to be bombarded by protesters,” he said. Ogburn and Cruse said the 911 call was standard procedure given the situation but that the patient was not transported to the hospital and was released that day. He and Cruse would not give the nature of the patient’s problem. “People don’t need to know,” Ogburn said.

UNM’s Health Sciences Center Board racked up a nearly $12,000 bill at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa during a May training session, leaving some faculty questioning the use of funds. The Bank of America corporate purchasing card statement for the HSC Board reflects $11,543.38 spent on a two-day training session for inaugurated board members and HSC leadership. HSC spokesman Billy Sparks said the board is a complex organization that demands its leadership to have a thorough understanding of its functions. “How do you explain and be available for exchange on a $1.2 billion organization that is going to be your responsibility to govern in the least amount of time in the most effective way?” he said. “Having a two-day training session is considered very efficient and very worthwhile.” Board members and HSC leadership decided to hold the retreat at the Tamaya, Sparks said. He said he didn’t know why the training session could not have been held in a free meeting room on campus, but he said holding offcampus meetings is nothing new. “We’ve had a long partnership with the pueblos over the past 50 years,” he said. “It’s a local operation owned by the pueblos, and there has been other meetings there by many different departments in the University over the last several years. … It was strictly a business meeting

conducted in a single room for that time period.” After reading an Albuquerque Journal article about the highdollar meeting, University professor Sherman Wilcox wrote a letter to the editors at the Daily Lobo and Albuquerque Journal. Wilcox said he was upset because his department had recently rejected several talented students because of lack of funding. Sparks said money the HSC Board spends is mostly generated by the HSC, which means it would not be spent on anything outside the HSC. Still, Wilcox said the wealth disparity between University operations is disheartening, a sentiment he said is shared among many faculty members. “It may be entirely true that this is money that only could be spent on meetings, but faculty at UNM have heard this so much, and very often it’s true, so it’s not that it’s factually inaccurate,” he said. “It’s the perception and the feeling when programs are suffering so much. It’s the sense of despair that strikes you so much when you see something like this.” HSC Board chairperson Carolyn Abeita said an offcampus venue best fit the board’s needs but future routine meetings should be held on campus. “This was not a typical Board of Directors meeting,” she said. “It was the board’s first opportunity to meet as an established body with new board members, some of whom have not had experience serving on a board for a major health science center.”

Lapped in funding, students on track by Miriam Belin

mbelin08@unm.edu UNM’s race car cruised to a top 10 finish at an international racing competition last month. The LOBOMotorSports team placed eighth in engineering design and ninth in autocross at the Formula Society of Automotive Engineering competition in California. Project Manager Jaik Ortiz said that this year’s car was one of the best in the class’ history. “For the first time, we were able to build a car and program that competed on the same level as the best teams in the world,” Ortiz said. “It was a great feeling to be one of the most watched teams at the event and also have one of the best looking cars.” Instructor John Russell said he was pleased with his students’ work. “We were keeping up with the best

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 161

of the teams,” he said. The LOBOMotorSports team was not affected by University-wide budget cuts, and Russell said its budget increased thanks to contributions from private sponsors. Even with the increase, he said, LOBOMotorSports remained in the bottom 25 percent of funded teams at the competition. “We are a low-budget team, but we learned to deal with it,” Russell said. The class is a three-semester course that teaches students vehicle dynamics and engineering procedures. Students then build and test a race car, and Ortiz said the 2012 LOBOMotorSports team will begin work on next year’s car in the fall. “After our great showing at this year’s competition, the 2012 team is mainly focusing on improving our car rather than completely designing a new one,” he said.

Courtesy of LOBOMotorSport LOBOMotorSports’ racecar participated in an international competition in California last month. The racecar placed in the top 10 in two categories.

Getting Gronk

Red, white and blew it

See page 5

See page 10


94 | 70

PAGETWO JULY 18-24, 2011






Daily Lobo: What drew you to the position of dean of UNM’s School’s of Engineering? Gruia-Catalin Roman: I think there are a number of different issues. Obviously, New Mexico is a wonderful state and everybody that I talked to said, “Oh, you’re moving to New Mexico. I’d love to live and work in New Mexico.” … The University has recognized the importance of engineering … and the impact that the school has in the state and across the University. DL: What was your previous job? GCR: I was at Washington University in St. Louis for 35 years as faculty, and for the last 13 or so years, I was the department chair. DL: How has your adjustment to New Mexico been? GCR: I’ve been here for only two weeks … so it’s been pretty fast. I’ve been learning about the University. It’s a huge amount of information that you get hit with in just the first couple of days, but it’s been fun. I’ve had to make a few important early decisions in

terms of leadership positions and leadership hires — interim chairs and permanent chairs … and all of those worked very well … It’s been an amazingly smooth transition. DL: Have you been working with the engineering faculty? GCR: I’m meeting with every single faculty member in this school and getting to know where they were born, where they got their Ph.D., what kind of research interests they have and what their concerns are. I met a lot of bright people, and it’s a very diverse environment. DL: What improvements can be made regarding students? GCR: I have not yet had the opportunity to spend a lot of time on the academic programs … but I have a track record of promoting innovative teaching methods and promoting active learning. I would like to see some of those ideas and initiatives also taking root here. I have also been a strong promoter of flexible programs. DL: What have been some unique challenges that you may not have anticipated?

DEAN OF ENGINEERING GCR: Parking. (laughs) I see a lot of opportunities. I have not yet been faced with issues that I feel are insurmountable. One challenge was appointing new interim chairs — it’s a complicated process and required a lot of consultation … It took time and it took effort, but if you don’t listen to people’s input, it’s less likely you’re going to make a good decision. DL: Is there anything you would like prospective engineering students to know? GCR: Well, engineering is fundamental to the success of the country. There are always going to be interesting challenges. If you look at the entire infrastructure of the country, we are going to change the infrastructure, we are going to modernize it … But we need engineers to design it. We need people to supervise the building of it and think in creative ways.

Gruia-Catalin Roman

~Kevin Forte

Volunteers aid Los Alamos fire victims by Charlie Shipley pshipley@unm.edu

When the largest fire in New Mexico’s history forced the evacuation of the city of Los Alamos, the UNM Medical Reserve Corps were on the ground to help. Luke Esquibel, a First Aid instructor at UNM Hospital, said medical volunteers donated more than 500 hours of their time during the first week of the blaze.

He said he helped care for patients with special medical needs like high blood pressure, diabetes and respiratory problems. “We make sure that livelihood continues when (medical care) comes to a standstill,” he said. “Some folks had time to evacuate, some didn’t. There were folks that needed meds and oxygen.” Esquibel, a member of a Medical Reserve Corp, a group of volunteers who serve during local emergency

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 161

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporters Hunter Riley Alexandra Swanberg

situations, said that when he was approached in 2003 about getting involved, the concept of an MRC was brand new. He said for every medical provider, there are five non-medical volunteers helping to facilitate care. “It’s the same pattern as a hospital, with that kind of support structure,” Esquibel said. He said one detachment of ER doctors was assigned to the Los Alamos Medical Center where their exPhoto Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith Culture Editor Eva Dameron Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk

pertise was most needed, and other volunteers were dispatched to area shelters, such as the Pena Blanca Community Center and Cities of Gold Casino. Esquibel said that volunteers helped those affected by the blaze to deal with the emotional toll. “It may not hit today or tomorrow, but on the third, fourth, or fifth day, you begin to realize what’s happened and what you may have lost,” he said.

Multimedia Editor Junfu Han Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Jason Gabel Paul Glover Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Classified Manager Renee Tolson

The Daily Lobo is accepting applications for columnists. For more information email editorinchief@dailylobo.com

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


DNA links suspect to yogurt by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press

A New Mexico man accused of handing out semen-tainted yogurt samples at a grocery store will remain behind bars pending his trial after a federal judge ruled Friday that he was a danger to the community. Anthony Garcia, 32, was indicted this week on charges of adulterating food and making false statements to federal investigators. Police say he was linked to the yogurt through DNA samples. The judge sided with prosecutors during Garcia’s detention hearing, ruling that he should remain in custody without bail. Garcia has not yet entered a plea. John Van Butcher, his public defender, said he was disappointed with the judge’s decision, but he said he couldn’t comment further on the case. Garcia is accused of handing out the yogurt sample at a Sunflower Market in Albuquerque in January. Officers responded to the store after a woman said she believed the yogurt she was given was actually a bodily fluid. The woman told police that after tasting the sample, she spit on the floor several times and wiped her mouth on

the garment she was wearing to get the taste out of her mouth, according to court documents. Investigators collected samples of the woman’s spit from the floor and took the garment she was wearing as evidence. They later served a search warrant and collected blood and DNA samples from Garcia. Police said they linked sperm cells found in both the victim’s saliva and on the garment to Garcia using DNA. According to the indictment, investigators with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Garcia falsely claimed not to know that the spoon he handed the customer contained semen. Garcia was arrested Wednesday by Albuquerque police and FDA officials. In court documents, federal prosecutors described the allegations as “sickening and appalling.” “To target and lure an unsuspecting individual for such an assault upon her person falls far outside the bounds of normal societal behavior,” the prosecutors said in a motion seeking Garcia’s detention. Prosecutors also included in the motion police reports of previous incidents involving Garcia. They pointed to a 2001 report in which Garcia

was reported to have been seen masturbating in an Albuquerque neighborhood. The officer noted in the report that he had answered another call about a month earlier involving a similar claim outside a middle school. In 2004, Garcia received a citation for indecent exposure at a Wal-Mart. The police report states Garcia apologized for “pulling out his private parts and touching himself as he walked around the store.” A September 2010 police report involving indecent exposure along a popular jogging path in Albuquerque also mentioned Garcia. Court documents also say that on the day of the incident at Sunflower Market, police arrested Garcia on an unrelated outstanding felony warrant for criminal sexual contact with a minor. Prosecutors said those charges are still pending in state district court. Prosecutors did note that none of Garcia’s prior conduct has resulted in any felony convictions on his record. “Based on the pending charges in both state and federal court, it appears that, over time, the defendant’s behavior has instead become increasingly dangerous and threatening,” prosecutors said in the motion.

Cardio clinic offers more care by Charlie Shipley pshipley@unm.edu

The UNM Cardiology Clinic opens this week, giving Westside residents access to a full range of cardiovascular diagnostic services. The clinic will be staffed by a team of board-certified cardiologists and specialized technicians. Cardiologist Robert Dubroff serves as lead

physician, along with UNM faculty cardiologist Abinash Achrekar, who is on staff. The clinic will bolster the services already offered by a facility located on Lomas Boulevard between University and Girard. UNM’s cardiology team was recognized with a 2010 Gold Plus Medal from the American Heart Association. The award is the high-


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est designation given to hospitals that consistently follow up-to-date guidelines when caring for cardiac patients. Additionally, UNM hospital is the highest-ranked academic hospital in the nation for heart attack treatment response time, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the University Health System Consortium.

July 18-24, 2011 / Page 3

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New Mexico Daily Lobo


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Want to work on a magazine?

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Summer July 18-24, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter of a child and aggravated child abuse. Do you think the jury made the right decision? Yes, there was not enough evidence to 44% prove she was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. No, clearly she is guilty, and her family 30% is lying to protect her. Maybe, I could see a decision either 8% way. I don’t know. I just can’t be sure based 18% on what I have heard.

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Last week the Daily Lobo reported that The Pit being will be allowed to serve alcohol to club-level ticket-holders. Do you agree with the decision? Yes, it’s sold at Isotopes Park ,so why shouldn’t it be sold at The Pit? No, I don’t want to deal with drunks when watching a college game. Maybe, but allowing only club-level ticketholders to drink seems aristocratic. Does it matter? Everyone is already drunk at these games anyway, right?



FROM THE WEB In the letter, “Lakewood comic strip needs to go because it’s not funny,” published on July 10, a student complained about the comic Lakewood. Readers at Dailylobo.com responded: by “Jonathan Breedlove” Posted Monday “I happen to be a longtime fan of the Lakewood comic strip and feel that its brand of humor appeals to me and many whom I’ve shared it with. by “David” Posted Monday “I find Lakewood to be a fun comic. Why not use this as a chance to expand the comic section to cater to more student tastes?” by “Sophie” Posted Monday “I keep trying to like Lakewood, but I really don’t understand the humor, if any. I can appreciate a simple cartoon strip ... but I just have never seen a Lakewood strip that makes me even smile, much less laugh.”



Islam and Democracy don’t UNM’s reproductive health Politicians primed to destroy belong in the same breath clinic is professional, cautious house Founding Fathers built Editor,


With so many quarters cheering at the top of their lungs for the so-called “Arab Spring,” one has to wonder if the concepts of Islam and Democracy are compatible. The definition of Islam is “Submission to the will of God;” the definition of democracy is “a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.” Let us examine the question of supreme authority in both systems. In Islam the ultimate authority to legislate laws comes from Allah as revealed in the Quran and the way, or Sunnah, of the Prophet Muhammad. These laws are eternal and they do not change. The role of the rulers is to implement and abide by the divine law. In democracy, the people, through representatives, are given the power to legislate laws as they see fit without recourse to divinity or any prophet. Laws can be voted in and out depending on what the majority of people find acceptable at any given time. Any evil can be given the protection of the law. So, the conflict should be obvious at this point. While the lands of the Muslims are all afire with cries for democracy, do they not realize the consequences of what they are asking for? Democracy and Islam are not compatible. Whoever says they are either does not know the meaning of Islam or the meaning of democracy. It is a sad fact that many Muslims do not realize that they already have the best guidance for all mankind in the form of the Quran and Sunnah. Muhajir Romero UNM student

Speak for yourself, Philip; Lakewood deserves to run Editor,

Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor

I am writing this letter in response to a letter by Philip Lafreniere. He has written to the Daily Lobo about the Lakewood comic publication. I feel a couple points need to be brought to this young man’s attention. The Daily Lobo is not produced for the purpose of serving any one student. The content and publications inside intend to pull in the wide student body. For him to say any one piece in the Daily Lobo


The UNM Center for Reproductive Health provides comprehensive obstetric and gynecologic health services for New Mexico women, and it does so in a safe and supportive environment. The clinic is staffed by UNM physicians who are nationally recognized medical experts. The clinic provides prenatal care, miscarriage management, well woman care, pregnancy termination and contraception for our patients. The safety and well-being of our patients, both men and women, remains our highest responsibility. As a precautionary measure and consistent with national standard operating procedures, 911 is called if transport of the patient from a clinic to the hospital is under consideration. It is unfortunate that organizations use situations without knowing the facts, especially when discussion and public disclosure may violate the right of all patients to maintain the confidentiality of their medical information. Billy Sparks Executive Director, Communications and Marketing of Health Sciences Center Editor’s Note: The audio records the Daily Lobo used in last week’s story, “Mishap spurs new clinic,” were obtained from the City of Albuquerque, not from the Defend Life organization.

is an insult to the student body as a whole is beyond unreasonable. No single person has the right to make that claim. Content-wise, Lakewood has shared a wide variety of topics and jokes, ranging from social experiences to the most current headlines. Included is the subject of engineering, which Philip so desperately seeks. Point being, not every reader is an engineering student or has the same sense of humor. I think the student body should make up their own mind and not have a single student shove his opinion down everyone’s throat. I find that immature and unprofessional. Phil Shaw UNM student

It must be comforting to American citizens to know that so many of today’s politicians follow in the Founding Fathers’ footsteps by supporting low or no taxes for the wealthy and corporations and high taxes for the middle class and poor. They also support a high “defense budget” with troops in as many countries as possible and elimination of as many government-supported activities as possible — things like road maintenance, teachers, police, social security payments and health care for the middle class and poor. How do I know that this is true? Because these politicians are hell-bent on destroying the Founding Fathers’ America and replacing it with a plutocracy or corporatocracy in which the majority are economic slaves to be used as needed. I’ll end with what I see as the reality of America’s current situation in America: The media distracts the people, and they can’t see that they will lose constitutional rights and become virtual slaves of the few wealthy individuals who have usurped the power. Robert Gardiner UNM Community Member




LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

July 18-24, 2011 / Page 5

students deserve health care too. Courtesy of Gronk Gronk on the set he designed for Vivaldi’s “Griselda“ at the Santa Fe Opera House. He and opera director Peter Sellars will engage in a public creativity converstation Thursday.

Opera director and East-L.A. painter talk art philosphy, work Are you unimpressed by the general public’s take on art and what it is? If you’re on a self-improvement kick, or just want to become even more cultured than the shining beacon of culture you already are, know that the Albuquerque Museum of Art has free activities going on every third Thursday. It’s called “Third Thursday,” and the next gathering is called “Conversation: Creative Collaboration,” a panel discussion between two making-it-well-in-theworld artists. They’ve got Los Angeles-based painter/performance artist Gronk, who will also be painting an onsite mural for the rest of July at the museum, and he’ll acknowledge you when you stop by. “I’ll be painting museum hours so people can come in and watch the painting as it progresses or they can come by and offer me a doughnut and maybe have a cup of coffee with me,” Gronk said. On the other side of the table will be opera and stage director Peter Sellars, an art philosopher of sorts, and museum curator Andrew Connors sounds like one of Sellars’ biggest fans.

“He says things you don’t expect,” Connors said, “but he also thinks about things so deeply and richly that no matter how removed an art form might be from our personal experience, and in our case he’s talking about opera, he can make the oldest, most antiquated forms of art reveal something real about our humanity … He is a realistic, so he doesn’t say things he can’t relate to. He speaks to people’s reality and elevates reality.” Sellars and Gronk have been collaborating at the Santa Fe Opera since April, putting together Vivaldi’s “Griselda,” which opened July 16. Gronk designed the set with lots of green and pieces of red. As for Gronk’s mural, it will be finished July 30, and then the public can party down with him the next day at the museum from 1-5 p.m. His finished piece will be painted over in February 2012, but a chunk of the wall will remain in the museum’s collection to document the event. Gronk said he doesn’t know what the mural will look like yet. “It’ll depend on the reaction I have when I actually walk into the space,” he said. “There’s no structure. One of the guidelines for asking me to do this type of show is that the institution has to trust that

I’m going to do something. That is the prerequisite — that element of trust. That’s an underlying pinning to what I do inside of a university or museum context. Sometimes people are fearful and they want a presketch or pre-idea.” Connors said Gronk’s work resonates with art snobs and people who may not know much about contemporary art. “It’s because he’s willing to talk to anybody at any time about why he does the things he does,” Connars said. “He has got a wonderful sense of humor that at times is almost goofy and at other times very skeptical … He has dealt with so many major art museums and art curators and leading figures in American culture that he has heard it all. Therefore, when he hears something that doesn’t seem to make sense, he questions it.”

by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Local artists are playing telephone operator, connecting with each other all over town. Sarah Nall and the man called Stone co-created Les Artes Eclectic after the wave of art performance shows crashed last year, in part because these shows were hosted by galleries and relied on art sales to keep afloat. “There were these … art galleries that would be doing the art gallery thing moving into art performance shows,” Stone said. “We’re not running an art gallery. That’s not our thing. We come up with ideas, the roster, and people to try and put together a show.” Les Artes Eclectic performs monthly. The next show, “Soul Shake Down Party,” will be at its new location, the Freed and Co. building. Each show is a patchwork of local talent that is loosely bound by the term “art,” including but not limited to body painting, poetry, dance, body movement performance, visual performance, a coloring contest, video installations and music.










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Les Artes Eclectic looks to inspire untapped talent Corina Sugarman, collaborator from gallery and boutique The Talking Fountain, said the collective’s anything-goes attitude lends itself to the idea that anyone can be an artist. “We’re told we’re simply a consumer, and we forget that we’re a necessary piece in this greater puzzle,” she said. “If I can pop one person’s perception bubble of what they view as being an artist and show them they can do something artistic to express themselves, that’s what it’s about for me.” On top of being a source of inspiration for untapped artistic vision, the showcase is a launch pad for practicing artists who haven’t yet sought out a venue, Nall said. To this end, Nall and Stone go out of their way to find artists and facilitate their exposure to the larger community. “(The are) people who wouldn’t even think of having their own show, but they like the idea of getting their stuff out there, so maybe the show makes them more confident,” she said. “We’re showing both sides: established artists, but also just beginning ones; having everyone together, not really having professional standards.”

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Offering a “smattering” of everything creates a sense of inclusion that most galleries are missing when they impose genre boundaries on their shows to capture a slice of the art community, Sugarman said. And most expenses come from out of their pockets — the $5 entry fee just covers their rent, because this is not a money-making enterprise, Stone said. However, he said their success is measured in something beyond the material world, and he envisions it becoming a permanent community fixture. “I want it to become something … so successful, so huge that people are looking forward to it all the time,” Stone said. “Not only that, but sooner or later I would like to incorporate other art galleries and it could be like a little collective of artists and art galleries every month.”

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Page 6 / July 18-24, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Author revives Civil War in New Mexico by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Just before the Civil War started in 1861, camels roamed free in New Mexico, but it was only because the soldiers didn’t get along with them. Author Walter Pittman said the U.S. Army brought camels and Arab trainers to the South. While doing research, Pittman read a letter about a group of confederate raiders that hijacked a caravan of camels and took them from Apache Pass, Ariz., to New Mexico. “The guy who had captured them, he was a leader of a confederate band. … The Yankees made him give them back. … The Confederates experimented with camels, and they traveled well across the desert, but the troops wouldn’t work with them because they were nasty, broody animals,” he said. Pittman, a military man with a Ph.D. in history, a master’s in geochemistry, and a B.A. in chemistry/ physics and geology, said his interest in the Civil War led him to pen New Mexico and the Civil War, a book that details New Mexicans’ political leaning during the war that divided the nation, among other topics. He presents his book at Bookworks on Rio Grande Boulevard on Sunday, followed by a book signing. Pittman said the Civil War in New Mexico was three-sided. “You’ve got the Indians, the North and the South,” he said. “And you really should include the Mexicans in that. Three-sided wars never happen.”

He said that most New Mexicans, aside from the aristocrats, had no loyalty to either side of the Civil War. One thing most New Mexicans could agree on at the time was that they didn’t like Texas because of the way it treated prisoners of war during the 1810 dispute. Pittman said most of the research for this book will be incorporated in a larger book called Rebels in the Rockies: Confederate Irregular Warfare in the West. He read confederate soldiers’ letters and diaries, newspaper clippings and official letters sent to and from the U.S. Army based in New Mexico at the time. “I have turned over every stone you ever heard of,” he said. “The book was a fantastic amount of research because the confederates destroyed all the info on their secret operations. The way you find out about these secret operations is when they fail.” Pittman said New Mexico had its share of slavery which included Union supporters owning Navajo slaves, Navajo owning Mexican slaves and Mexicans owning Navajo slaves. “Navajo wars were essentially triggered by the constant Hispanic people warring on them for slaves,” he said. “The Navajo tended to adopt them and sometimes they kept them in the slave status, but they generally amalgamated them into their families. And that is true of the Hispanics, too.” Pittman said modern and civil war New Mexico share the trait of being socially separated from the rest of the nation.

“The soldiers that came in, Colorado troops, were just astounded at the backwardness of New Mexico,” he said. “The lack of metal in the houses, the lack of furniture, no tables and chairs in most of the houses. … It was the very insular and self-sufficient culture that still persists here.” Pittman said it was interesting to ponder the reasons why some New Mexicans joined the fight for the South. He said they were essentially Confederate guerillas because their

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reasons for joining the war weren’t necessarily aligned with the South’s ideology. “They were probably attracted to the special units more than anything else,” he said. “It was very primitive, but the New Mexicans really wanted to be left alone. They didn’t care about the issues. They didn’t like the government, but they didn’t like Texas more. The best thing I can tell you is that this wasn’t their war.”

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

July 18-24, 2011 / Page 7

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's er m a Ad Burg za on n a Bon seen v. ! n a M ation N d o o

Hardy (respectively), but the true star-turn in “Damn Yankees” is Daryl Streeter as Mr. Applegate, the Devil of the play. The charming Mr. Applegate offers protagonist Joe Boyd all of his baseball dreams, asking only for his soul in return. As Applegate, Streeter first employs a subtle wit, but eventually grows bolder, threatening to steal the whole show. Streeter’s virtuoso performance alone is worth the price of admission. Despite everything they’ve had to endure, Musical Theatre Southwest doesn’t seem to be going anywhere just yet, which is good news because “Damn Yankees” proves it’s clearly still capable of putting on great entertainment.


e Com

1950s settings. The sets are sleek and gorgeous, the costumes and hair perfect. The choreography, designed by Luke Loffelmacher and Christina Daly, is slick and inventive. The jazzy score, performed by a live orchestra, carries the piece. Put simply, “Damn Yankees” is a damn good show, the kind that can push reviewers to exhaust their supply of superlatives. However, ultimate compliments must go to director Terry Davis for his impeccable casting of the show. No performer disappoints, lending even the smallest roles detail and precision. Joel White and Erik Clack both play convincing protagonists Joe Boyd and his baseball-star alter ego Joe

with any other off Expires ers. 0 Prid 7/24/11

When a theatre company has to rebuild, the temptation can be to try something easy: a show sure to sell tickets, but something not too risky. Surprisingly, Musical Theatre Southwest has gone for ambition instead, choosing to do “Damn Yankees,” a challenging musical that could have easily gone wrong. But MTS’s third production of “Damn Yankees,” directed by Terry Davis, is a triumphant romp, demonstrating the vast potential of community and musical theater. A Faustian musical about a man who sells his soul so his beloved baseball team can taste success,

“Damn Yankees” first opened on Broadway in 1955. Musical Theatre Southwest, one of Albuquerque’s oldest theatre companies, first produced “Damn Yankees” in 1974 and again in 1986. However, tragedy struck the company last year. Its warehouse fell victim to a fire, losing 50 years of history, archives and costumes. In true “the show must go on” spirit, MTS began the rebuilding process almost immediately, and now continues its performances at the African-American Performing Arts Center. Every aspect of “Damn Yankees” impresses. The play is magnificently designed, transporting the audience to a variety of distinct, colorful

Not vali d


r customer.


by Justino Brokaw


Page 8 / July 18-24, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo baseball

Player gets a taste of minor-league format by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu Aside from learning how to put bat to ball more consistently, Trey Porras needs to learn one more thing: When it comes to baseball, Ray Birmingham knows best. “If he does what I ask him to, he’ll have a major opportunity to play a lot,” said Birmingham, the Lobos’ head baseball coach. Porras transferred from Wharton Junior College and played sporadi-

cally for the Lobos in 2011 because he struggled offensively. That led to the emergence of first baseman D.J. Peterson. But Porras is looking forward to breaking into the starting lineup, and he has spent the better part of summer with the Brazos Valley Bombers, a team in the Texas Collegiate League. He is one of nine players from the Bombers’ squad to make the All-Star game, which takes place today. Porras said he has thrived

from the experience and will play in about 70 games in a two-and-a-half-month stretch. “I’m getting a small taste of how it is to play professional and minor league ball,” he said. “And I have a new respect for those guys.” Porras leads the league with a .391 average and leads the team in hits and runs scored. More importantly, as Birmingham would say, Porras has only six strikeouts in 110 at bats — the fewest strikeouts on his team.

As if things could be better, Porras has also played alongside his brother, Brad. “It sounds like I’m at a summer camp or something,” Porras said. Birmingham said he is encouraged by Porras’ summer output. “He’s had a good summer,” he said. “He’s learned how to hit, and he’s learned how to make the approach. He has a chance to be a pretty good hitter. He has a chance to be a fierce competitor, and he has a chance to do well.”

The Lobos went 16-39 in the latest season, but went on an unprecedented run in the Mountain West Conference tournament to earn a bid to the NCAA tournament. Porras said he loved playing in front of thousands, and is looking forward to it in his last season as a Lobo. “Hopefully I can get in the lineup every day and help out the team and get us back into the playoffs,” he said.

messages to the Daily Lobo seeking comment. His lawyer, Jay Jackson, didn’t return multiple calls over the weekend. The Gwinnett Daily Post first reported that three men allegedly entered the victim’s Village Way home with a .38-caliber handgun, looking to steal marijuana. They took the marijuana and the victim’s purse before fleeing. A Lawrenceville police officer identified a vehicle that matched the description of the getaway car, but before he could stop the car it sped off. Dennis, the alleged driver,

reached speeds of 85 mph before veering off the road at the intersection Ga. Highway 120 and Old Norcross Road, according to police. The suspects fled on foot, the Daily Post reported, but were later apprehended. The victim identified the suspects, including Dennis , who the victim said is her cousin. Dennis and the three other suspects were booked on charges of armed robbery, possession of marijuana with the intention to distribute and possession of a weapon during the commission of a crime, according to court records.

In October, Dennis was dismissed from the UNM football team after failing to meet academic requirements. Dennis was among the players in head football coach Mike Locksley’s first recruiting class. When announcing the decision Oct. 26, Locksley said it was an unfortunate end to Dennis’ Lobo career. “We had some things in place that needed to be met on Demond’s part,” he said. “It saddens me that he was unable to meet the standards we set.” The former UNM tailback was

also involved in an encounter with Albuquerque Journal reporter Greg Archuleta. Archuleta emailed Dennis on Oct. 4 and asked him if he had quit the team, suggesting that it might have been “a step in the right direction” if Dennis had quit. Dennis handed the email to the Athletics Department, and the Journal subsequently reassigned Archuleta. Three weeks after the email exchange, Dennis was no longer with the program. He played in 16 games in two seasons for the Lobos, racking up 427 yards in 10 games as a freshman.

Dennis booked on multiple felony charges Staff Report

sports@dailylobo.com It has been a freefall from grace for former UNM running back Demond Dennis. Once a three-star recruit and the Lobos’ featured tailback, Dennis, 21, faces multiple felony charges stemming from his alleged role in an armed robbery in Lawrenceville, Ga. He is accused of leading police on a high-speed chase June 7 after he and three other men allegedly robbed his cousin. Dennis didn’t return text

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

July 18-24, 2011 / Page 9


Ex-tailback’s indifference led to his unraveling ijavilu@gmail.com

Way back in October, head football coach Mike Locksley decided he had enough. Lack of on-field production was something he could deal with. Lack of production in the classroom, however, was not. So against his better sense of compassion, he jettisoned tailback Demond Dennis, citing Dennis’ failure to fulfill the academic standards the coaching staff had deemed necessary. Add that to the short list of things Locksley has done right since he took over for Rocky Long. With tap-dance footwork and jaguar-like reflexes, Demond Willie Dennis might have eluded defenders, but he couldn’t outrun the cops or the long arm of the law. If the allegations against Dennis are true — that he drove a getaway car after three men robbed his cousin at gunpoint — then it’s far too easy to deduce why Locksley, who has a penchant for not dismissing players who have committed more reckless offenses than not turning in homework, parted ways with the once-prized recruit. And why, in doing so, he was so forceful in proclaiming that, “Demond Dennis’ chapter is done. Demond Dennis is done as a Lobo.” Far be it from me to speculate so aggressively about someone’s character, but the truth is that football

HAPS Listings MoNday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *The Slow Poisoner* (myspace.com/theslowpoisoner) *$3 Marble Drafts & $5 Mojitos*

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wasn’t Dennis’ issue. Neither was academics. It wasn’t just that Dennis was apathetic toward his studies; it was that he was indifferent to everything — and everyone. Rules were more like behavioral suggestions to Dennis. To Dennis, people, more specifically people in the media, were nothing more than faceless caricatures with whom he was forced to interact. We all know what I’m getting at. The only mistake that former Albuquerque Journal beat reporter Greg Archuleta made when he tried to contact Dennis last year to inquire whether he had quit the team was that he tried to contact Dennis at all. What he didn’t know, and couldn’t have known, is that Dennis is a wolf in sheep’s clothing — his closet contempt for the media never amounted to so much as a blip on the radar. Up in front of the podium, when the cameras were engaged, Dennis was soft-spoken and wasn’t particularly fond of the attention, but there was no evidence to suggest he had any pent-up anger toward those who covered him. All that vitriol came out later, after Archuleta was already reassigned. In one of the few text-message exchanges I had with Dennis, I asked him why, if he didn’t want to be at UNM and was contemplating withdrawing from school and heading back to Georgia, he chose to hand

over Archuleta’s email to the Athletics Department. His response told me everything I needed to know: “I hate the media.” True to form, Demond Dennis was about exacting revenge for some perceived injustice. How dare he be expected to grant interviews unless they, in some way, benefited his agenda.

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Maybe a week after that conversation, Dennis texted me, saying that he was ready to divulge what led to him being booted from the UNM football team. He instructed me to call him the next day. Reporters are paid to write stories, and knowing there could be one there, I obliged. But he never picked up. Not once. And he never returned my calls. See, Demond Dennis got some sort of twisted gratification out of toying with reporters. In retrospect, I’m glad I never landed the interview. Judging by the evidence, it seems reasonable to believe that Dennis’ account would have likely been an embellished version laced with half-truths, and it would have been an intentional dig at

Locksley — character assassination. In the end, it morphed into an unfair case of credibility assassination and a miscarried, albeit valiant, attempt to uphold journalistic ethics. The Dennis-Archuleta episode will always exist for me as a jumbled parable about the current state of journalism, indicative of the complex, one-way highway reporters must now navigate — one in which the reporter must strive for objectivity while being prodded because of bloodless, excuseless competition to get stories by almost any means necessary. Of course, this by-any-means doctrine was spawned out of sheer survival, a defense mechanism adopted to combat the airtight filter of public relations and the rolling, 24-hour news cycle. Having covered Lobo football during Locksley’s tenure, I can sympathize with what Archuleta endured. Many untapped informational wells were quickly capped. Finding out about contentious issues in the football program was equal parts building rapport and dumb luck. So “he-said, he-said” became our threshold of proof. Get one side, get the other. Boiled down to its essence, that is what passed for “objective” journalism. The hard part was actually getting those sides without taking sides, even if that just meant convincing a source that you were attuned to his or her

plight, which is what Archuleta tried to do when he suggested it might have been “a step in the right direction” if Dennis had quit. This is where the “creed of objectivity” — something that Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and respected author, derided because it “banishes empathy, passion and a quest for justice” — breaks down: when a source doesn’t have empathy or passion, doesn’t strive for justice or doesn’t respect a reporter’s job, and has less-than-upstanding motives. Archuleta tried building rapport with a snake. And even a snake charmer will tell you, no matter how close you get to it, no matter how many hours you spend with it, a snake instinctively bites. In the short time he played for the Lobos, Demond Dennis wore the number 1. It’s indicative of the way Dennis carried himself. He didn’t give a damn about anybody or anything but himself. Didn’t care about his grades. Didn’t care about representing the University. Didn’t care about Archuleta and how that email might impact his career. And now we have come to find that, if the allegations are true, how could we have expected anything else? Demond Dennis didn’t even care about a member of his own family. Inattention to academics isn’t what did Demond Dennis in. It was indifference to his fellow man.

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Demond Dennis got some sort of twisted gratification out of toying with reporters.

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PAGE 10 / JULY 18-24, 2011



Japan’s victory ends US streak Team hopes win brings relief to disaster at home by Raf Casert

The Associated Press FRANKFURT, Germany — Japan became the first Asian nation ever to win the Women’s World Cup on Sunday, beating the United States in a penalty shootout after both sides were level at 2-2 in extra time. The Japanese denied the U.S. team the chance to become the first country to lift the cup three times. The Americans missed their first three penalties, and Japan went on to win the shootout 3-1 when Saki Kumagai slotted the final shot high past goalkeeper Hope Solo. In a thrilling final, 32-yearold Japan captain Homare Sawa flicked a corner through a jumble of players and past Solo with three minutes of extra time left to equalize and set up the shootout. Japan had already scored late in regulation to force extra time. “We ran and ran. We were exhausted but we kept running,” said Sawa, the top scorer in the tournament with five goals. “Not one of the players gave up,” coach Norio Sasaki said. “The penalty kicks are always a 50-50 percent chance.” Japan goalkeeper Ayumi Kaihori did more than her part, saving the first penalty from Shannon Boxx with her foot and swatting the third kick from substitute Tobin Heath away with her

gloves. In between, Carli Lloyd skied her shot over the bar. U.S coach Pia Sundhage was perplexed and couldn’t find an explanation for the penalty misses. “Sometimes in, sometimes out,” she said. Sawa received the cup and immediately went into a huddle with her players, a multitude of hands cradling the trophy, a symbol of the nation’s teamwork. Japan was always driven by a greater purpose, hoping its success at the World Cup could provide some emotional relief for a nation still reeling from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. The team displayed a banner reading “To our Friends Around the World — Thank You for Your Support” before the final, and Sasaki inspired his players before the quarterfinal by showing them pictures of the devastation. After Japan came back in the game late in regulation time, the Americans kept hustling and pressuring, and it finally paid off when Alex Morgan sent a pinpoint cross to the towering Wambach in the 104th minute. The forward didn’t even have to lift a foot to send her header past Japan’s goalkeeper from six yards. The goal gave Wambach four for the tournament, and it looked good enough for the title. She had scored in the last minute of extra time with a header against Brazil, setting up the shootout win in the

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Former soccer players Lucas Chavez and Lauren Doyle gathered with friends at Coaches Bar and Grill to watch the women’s U.S. national team play Japan. Japan won in penalty kicks 3-1. quarterfinals, and a goal against France in the semifinals. Still, the Americans were left with bitter disappointment. “It’s obviously heartbreaking. Japan played well, they never gave up,” Wambach said. After dominating play from the start, the Americans went ahead in the 69th minute when Megan Rapinoe sent a 35-meter pass to Morgan, and the substitute hustled past Saki Kumagai to slot home with angled shot from 15 meters. After seeing one shot hit the post and another the crossbar, the U.S. finally managed what

it had been working for against a strangely lackluster Japanese team. Against the run of play, Japan scored a goal out of nothing in the 81st minute when American defenders Rachel Buehler and Alex Krieger failed to clear a ball, allowing star Japan player Aya Miyama to sneak in and slot home from close range past Solo. That set up for a wild finish with both sides seeking the win in regulation time. Japan suddenly found its passing game, threatening whenever the Americans lost the ball.




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Capricorn—Go with your instincts this week, not what you think you ought to do, or it is likely to be a troubling week rife with frustration and mental blocks. You are likely to waste more time motivating yourself to take care of loose ends and responsibilities, as the energy this week is best for contemplative activities. Aquarius—The thin rope tethering you to Earth is about to snap, which will give rise to a sense of momentary panic. Avoid getting carried away with the feeling of losing your mind and simply enjoy being oblivious to the minute details of reality. You will notice the world is a beautiful place from a distance. Pisces—Last week you spent a lot of time with your head in the clouds. This week you will find yourself finally glancing around your surroundings to find you’ve traveled a long way from home. While unfamiliar, don’t feel you are unsafe in this place. It is easy to lose your head, but when it happens, it is important that you gain something from your travels. Aries—Your mind must be exhausted from the onslaught of new ideas and projects that rose from your unconscious in the last week. This next week, the trick is to remember what got you so fired up about them in the first place. Even if you commit yourself to seeing only a few of them to the end, it is important that you assess all of them or they all will be forgotten. Taurus—The week ahead is looking mighty humdrum for you, but you will welcome it all the same

as the same kind of respite an overcast day offers desert wanderers. A firm believer in reality and logic, it is often difficult to disconnect and relax no matter how vital this is to your well-being. Think about how productive mindlessness can be and feel free to indulge, within reason of course. Gemini—Everyone has left the party for the night, except you. Now, having overdone it with every vice and temptation, you will wander the dark streets looking for stranger to confide in. This time is not about the moment you come upon this soul but the thoughts that are clarified by the calm and quiet, like stones at the bottom of an ocean that reveal themselves after the storm has passed. Cancer—All tasks have been checked off the to-do list, but you will find yourself grappling with a restlessness that cannot be mollified by completion and productivity. Think outside of what should be done and remember the things you do for the joy of it. Life is not all about doing things, as practicality tends to drain the color from experience, rendering it incomplete. Leo—A little does a lot, but too much is never enough; you’ve been tottering on the latter half of this and all the sludge that accumulates with overindulgence is threatening to hold you there. It’s never easy, or even desirable at first, to slough away bad habits. Evaluate your lifestyle and identify the most important changes you need to make. Spend the week preparing for next week when the cosmos will

facilitate change. Virgo—Not you, but your life is in its rebellious teenage phase. No matter what you do, it seems as if there is nothing you can do to prevent chaos from permeating your carefully structured existence. That is because there isn’t – chaos is the mainstay in our world. Get to know chaos for its familiar properties of order and consistency and you will be reminded that this too shall pass. Libra—Knuckle-imprinted chin, facial hair rubbed off in lengthy mull sessions, carpal tunnel from writing to-do lists — yes you are suffering from Hamlet syndrome. Thinking before you act is important and often overlooked, but when it turns into overanalyzing, your mind can paralyze you. This week should be spent away from the issue so you can re-approach it with a fresh take next week. Scorpio—Walking in pitch darkness is a scary thought for some people, because it leaves you vulnerable to the unknown and unexpected. However, what people imagine is out there is often scarier than the reality of what they are stepping into. This week, you will descend into your inky unconscious mind, so remember what you anticipate will strongly affect the experience you have. Sagittarius—You expect a lot of yourself, more than others expect from you, and you often feel like the acrobat at the bottom of the pyramid that others count on to keep them from death or serious injury. This is a heavy burden to put on yourself, and unrealistic at that. Figure out ways in which you can act as the central figure while freeing yourself up to move about the stage at will.

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dailycrossword Across 1 Detective Pinkerton 6 Bug-eyed with excitement 10 Formally give up 14 Let, as a flat 15 Place for doves, not hawks 16 x or y line 17 Type of government spending typified by the Bridge to Nowhere 19 Tach measures: Abbr. 20 Very old: Abbr. 21 More furtive 22 Disco __ 23 Unlike Wabash College 25 “Two Tickets to Paradise” singer 29 “Gunsmoke” star James 31 “We’re outta here!” 32 Doctor’s request 33 Studio warning 36 Long, long time 37 (At) maximum capacity 40 “Because I said so!” elicitor 43 Bad time for a procrastinator 44 Planet’s path 48 Big honey brand 50 Fishing line tangles 51 Classic candy bean 55 Michelle of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” 56 57-Across brand 57 Casual pants 59 Bird: Prefix 60 Flat-topped rise

62 Brew after a shot (and, in a way, what the end of 17-, 25-, 37-, or 51-Across can be) 64 Poet Khayy‡m 65 Beige shade 66 Absorb a loss, slangily 67 Responsibility 68 Eyelid affliction 69 Spars on board Down 1 Llama relatives 2 “Il Trovatore” soprano 3 Grand or petit crime 4 Look for answers 5 Birds’ bills 6 Pungent 7 Injured in the bullring 8 “SNL” alum Cheri 9 Hair-holding goo 10 Metaphorical incentive 11 Broad area 12 Lower, as lights 13 Twisting shape 18 Quaffs in tankards 22 Rock music’s __, Lake & Palmer 24 Unwilling to listen 26 “Splendor in the Grass” director Kazan 27 Self-esteem 28 Over there, to Milton 30 Sleep, informally 33 Like the hills? 34 Miami Heat gp. 35 Prince __ Khan

SPONSOR THE DAILY LOBO YOUR BUSINESS CROSSWORD COULD BE HERE! 505.277.5656 80% of students will live off campus this year.

How will they find a place to live?

NM’s best selection of organic and natural garden supplies!

TUESDAY 7/19 CAMPUS EVENTS Negotiation Skills for Academic/Professional Women Starts at: 1:00pm Location: Career Services Conference Rm Workshop hosted by Career Services and provides information and advice for Academic and Professional Women entering the job market. Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment.



52 Unique button in 007’s Aston Martin 53 Suspicious 54 Oater star Lash 58 Noah’s irstborn 60 Stylish, in the ‘60s 61 Outback runner 62 Teachers’ degs. 63 Little battery

Get your name out there with the Daily Crossword


Daily Lobo Housing Guides July 25—Mail Out August 15—Back to School deadline August 11

reach them through the

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Open Meetings Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center For women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Returning Women Students Walk-in Hours Starts at: 9:00am Location: Women’s Resource Center Thinking about returning to school? Have some questions about how to get started? Come by the WRC and get some answers.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel. Phone: 505-269-8876. Cosmology Book Signing and Talk Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Page One Bookstore Visionary scientist and author Scott M. Tyson will provide an entertaining multimedia presentation about the controversial cosmological theories proposed in his book, The Unobservable Universe.

August 22—Welcome Back



Half-Day Drum Camp (ages 7-14) Starts at: 9:00am Location: UNM Main Campus Camp runs July 18, 2011 through 22, 2011 on UNM Main Campus. Tuition is $150. For more information contact Naomi Sandweiss at 505277-6098 or visit dce.unm.edu.

38 Leopold’s co-defendant 39 Butler’s carrying aid 40 N.Y. financial paper 41 Color 42 Bawls out 45 Chicken choices 46 “That’s perfect as is!” 47 Casual tops 49 Clouded, as vision 50 Harmony

deadline July 21


new mexico

July 18-24, 2011 / Page 11

Presentation Skills for Graduate Students Starts at: 5:00pm Location: Graduate Resource Center Workshop provides presentation tips for classroom/conference/professional project/thesis/ dissertation presentations. Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.

FRIDAY 7/22 CAMPUS EVENTS Acrobat Pro: Working with PDFs—Fast Track Friday Starts at: 8:00am Location: UNM Continuing Education

deadline August 18

Planning your week has never been easier!

Tuition is $229. For more information call Caroline Orcutt at (505) 277-6037 or visit our website at dce.unm.edu.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

SUNDAY 7/3 CAMPUS EVENTS Werewolf The Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event info and submit! Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / July 18-24, 2011



Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

SPAIN/EUBANK. FURNISHED ROOM in large house. Need female student to share w/2 females & 3 dogs for fall semester only. $400/mo utl. included. 619-616-6115, renee2234@gmail.com AVAIL IMMEDIATELY 2BDRM 1BA house, UNM/Nob Hill. Student seeks responsible, quiet, drug free roommate. $537/mo, no dd, 1/2 utilities. Big Kitchen, indoor and outdoor living areas. One year commitment. 505-4596243.


CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575; utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com 1BDRM, NEW CARPET & paint, ceiling fan, alarm system, 3 blocks UNM. 313 Girard SE $550/deposit 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

Announcements WRITINGASSOCIATE.COM Affordable Editing and Proofreading Services. Professional, English Ph.D. Student Discounts! CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT. At Tierra del Sol Golf Course in Belen. Call David at 505-463-2626 for more info.


GETTING MARRIED? Need a Photographer? www.AWPNM.com TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

TANDCMANAGEMENT.COM TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED PLACES... 1Bedroom Guest House and also 1Bedroom Apartment. Available 08/01/2011. Just bring Clothes/ Books/ Linens. Only 2 blocks to UNM on beautiful tree-lined Silver Street... No need for Car. PERFECT for 1 serious GRAD STUDENT. Wireless Internet, Laundry. No Pets/ Drugs/ Smoking/ Parties. Won’t last long. From only $493 –$593. You may be lucky one chosen to live here. See today. 505-220-8455, bon_neal@hotmail.com UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

2BDRM, NEW CARPET & paint, 3 blocks UNM, laundry on-site. Cats ok. 313 Girard SE. $725/mo utilities included. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated Air. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

UNM/CNM/NOBHILL, LIGHT & bright, Large 2BDRM 910sqft. Small complex. Off-street parking, coin laundry. No Pets. $500/mo, $250dd. 345-2000.

WEDDINGS, HOLIDAY PARTIES, Birthdays $300. ABQPartySpace.com 505-250-5807.

2BDRM 2BA. CARLISLE & Montgomery. Swimming pool & work-out room. No pets. $650/mo utilites included. Availible 9/1. 505-263-6560.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

1BR/STUDIO APARTMENT FOR rent Unique, open layout.1 Block from UNM! Shared back courtyard space $850/mo Includes Utilities. No dogs please Call 246-9196 to see.

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Health and Wellness MEDICAL MARIJUANA CARDS cannabisprogram.com PTSD PSYCHIATRISTS AVAILABLE PTSDpsychiatrists.com

Apartments LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525.

UNM NORTH CAMPUS. Lomas/ Girard, 4BDRM, 2BA, hardwood floors, FP, W/D, $1400/mo. 480-3844. LARGE NORTH CAMPUS Home. Walking distance to UNM Med/Law schools. 2 Renters - $900/mo, or 3 Renters $1200/mo. Available now. 505-2665874. Leave Message.

2 BLOCKS FROM UNM. 2 remodeled studios. $425 +electric and $395 +electric. 505-670-5497. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. 3 blks to UNM. Off-street parking. No pets. $450/mo. Utilities paid. 842-5450. 2 BLOCKS TO UNM. 2 carpeted BDRMS. Small fenced backyard. Wrought-iron entries. Utilities included. 212 Princeton SE. 463-8210. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. Month to month option. 8439642. Open 7 days/week.

3716 MESA VERDE NE. Available 8/1/11 , 4-5BDRM 1.75BA near UNM. $1275/mo obo + deposits. 602-7938666. 3BDRM, 2BA LOMAS/ EUBANK 1-40. All Appliances. 1500sqft. $1100/mo $750dd fenced yard. Walk to Walmart/ Target/ schools. No pets. 505-426-4067.

Houses For Sale NEWER 2 STORY home located in the Old Town / Downtown corridor. Home includes all new kitchen appliances and owner will include washer and dryer. GREAT HOUSE, GREAT LOCATION, MUST SELL. 1000 Mountain Rd. NW. $169,900. Contact Joe Shaw at Shaw and Shaw Realty - 7651440 or 280-8200. CHARMING 2BDRM 1BA home near UNM in a nice neighborhood. Excellent condition, low utilities. For sale by owners 175K. 7K under appraisal. Reasonable offers considered. 713 Van Buren Pl. SE 238-3732.

Computer Stuff DELL LATITUDE D830. 15.4inch notebook. Intel Core duo 2.2GHz. Excellent condition. $385/obo. 505-280-3470. DELL XPS410 MULTIMEDIA computer. Itel core 2 6600 2.4GHc each. Creative Sound Blaster. X-Fi. Xtreme Gamer. Pro audio card. ATI Radeon X1550 video card. $415/obo. 280-3470. GAMING COMPUTER. CPU only. 6Core Processor, SSD, 4gb memory, 9600gt. Custom-built. $800/obo. Text 505-3144642. APPLE IBOOK G4. 14inch notebook. 1.42GHz. Vintage, near mint condition. $340/obo. 505-280-3470.

For Sale SELLING CAP AND gown. Used in Spring 2011. For a person 5’3”. Reasonable price: $26. Call now: 702-7269. NIGHT/ DAY CONTACT lenses, -2.75 prescription. 5 lenses for $5 each; Lacoste Men’s Challenge perfume $25; Lacoste Men’s leather large wallet $50. Text 975-1759 32 INCH FLAT screen TV, white TV stand and large white fridge. $400. Great for Freshman dorm room! Call or text 817-233-2834.

Furniture MOVING! ALL MINT condition apartment furniture must go. (503)-889-6253.

Vehicles For Sale

Rooms For Rent

NO MORE PARKING Tickets!!! Brand new scooters $999.00, 90mpg, no insurance or registration required. 559-0299 or 319-1918. www.loboscooter.com

2 QUIET RESPONSIBLE Roommates wanted mid August. Share 3BDRM 2BA house. $500/mo includes utilities, Wifi. W/D, Remodeled Kitchen & Bath. 505797-2702.

HONDA MOTORCYCLE 1988GL1500 For Sale at a low cost. For more details and pictures contact: edward8561@live.com

MUST SEE, FOUR seasons room/ apartment behind Frontier Restaurant. Quiet, private, and gated. NO Illegal Recreational Drugs. $300/mo month to month. Call Edward @ 505-377-0515. AZTEC STORAGE ABSOLUTELY the BEST PRICE on storages. All size units. 24 Hour video surveillance. On site manager. 10 minutes from University. 3rd month free. 884-1909. 3201 Aztec Road NE. SEEKING RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE. Share spacious home w/undergraduates. 2 blocks UNM. Includes utilities, laundry privileges. 1BDRM $400/mo, larger room w/private BA $600/mo. Available now. flamingogal2001@yahoo.com 1006 MLK, NE (East of I-25) $300/mo & shared utilities. $150/DD. Ideally 21 or older. Call 903-2863. GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo. +1/3 utilities. Laundry. 505-615-5115. FULLY FURNISHED NEAR North Campus. $355 +Parking. Highspeed Internet 1/4 utilities. Gated community. Access I40/I-25. Employment/ current landlord reference required. Pictures available. tkuni@unm.edu

THE PUEBLO OF Isleta Head Start and Early Head Start Programs have the following openings: Health Coordinator – Responsible for ensuring health status of enrolled children and providing resources for parents. Full-time, 12 months. Salary: $34,300 - $54,100 + benefits. BA in Health Education, Early Childhood Education or closely related field required. Early Head Start Education Coordinator – Responsible for curriculum implementation and teacher supervision of enrolled children. Full-time, 12 months. Salary: $34,300 - $54,100 + benefits. BA in Early Childhood Education plus supervisor experience required. Early Head Start Teacher – Responsible for classroom and developmental activities for children age 4 months to 2 years old. Full-time, 12 months. Salary: $38,400 - $47,600 + benefits. BA in Early Childhood Education or significant progress toward degree required. Head Start Teacher – Responsible for classroom and developmental activities for children age 3 to 5 years. Full-time, 9 months. Salary: $31,400 - $38,700 + benefits. BA in Early Childhood Education or significant progress toward degree required. Head Start Classroom Assistant (3 positions) – Under direction of Teacher, responsible for classroom and developmental activities for children age 3 to 5 years. Full-time, 9 months. Salary: $16,400 - $23,400 + benefits. AA in Early Childhood Education or significant progress towards degree required. Family Service Worker – Under direction of Family Partnership Coordinator, responsible for family involvement and education. Full-time, 9 months. Salary: $26,000 - $37,400 + benefits. BA in a social service field required. POSITONS OPENED UNTIL FILLED First review of applications begins July 22, 2011 FULL JOB DESCRIPTIONS ARE AVAIABLE AT WWW.ISLETAPUEBLO.COM. SUBMIT APPLICATIONS/RESUME TO HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: VIA MAIL – PUEBLO OF ISLETA, P.O. BOX 1270, ISLELTA, NM 87022; VIA E-MAIL POI70104@ISLETAPUEBLO.COM; OR, APPLY ON LINE AT WWW.ISLETAPUEBLO.COM. FOR A COPY OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION CALL 7666623. BACKGROUND CHECKS ARE ROUTINELY CONDUCTED ON PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES IN ORDER TO CERTIFY COMPLIANCE WITH MINIMUM BACKGROUND STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE PUEBLO OF ISLETA. PUEBLO OF ISLETA IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER.

Child Care

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Director: Join a wonderful, supportive team of 8 directors. Starting salary is $27K ($13/hour) full-time, plus health, dental, life and disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, generous 401K retirement plan, paid training, gasoline allowance, and more! Responsible for overall site management, planning activities, and building relationships with kids, families, and school faculty. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org

PT NANNY NEEDED after school and evenings. This North Valley family has four children and is looking for a fun, active person to help with driving, meal preparation, homework, and general childcare duties. Clean driving record and references are mandatory. (505) 842-8597.

NEEDED: DEPENDABLE GRADUATE students to participate in a market research project. Paid training included with compensation for time. Central/ South American students encouraged to apply. Ages 20 - 55. For more information please email lydiaruth505@gmail.com

2007 HONDA METROPOLITAN Scooter. $1100. Email Rich for pictures and info rmartin2@unm.edu

ACTIVITY LEADERS & Site Managers needed for before and after school programs. PT, $10.50-$12.60 hr. Must be available M-F. Training begins immediately. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training courses available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. LOOKING FOR ENTHUSIASTIC individuals and families to come be a part of our foster care team and help make a difference in the lives of children! We need people who want to work with teens and younger children and make their lives a little bit better. Please call 881-4200 for more information. TALIN IS LOOKING for office assistants. Proficient in Microsoft Office. Basic accounting knowledge. Great interpersonal skills. Well-organized. Must be able to type 90 words per minute. Apply online at talinmarket.com CAREGIVERS FOR TOP-quality after school childcare program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Must be able to work Wednesdays 12PM - 5PM in the fall. Work-study encouraged to apply. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org ENRICHMENT CLUB INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12, in a top-quality after school program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20/Hr. depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org UNM Work Study Encouraged to Apply. ROMA BAKERY AND Deli downtown looking for kitchen/counter help Mon-Fri days. Please fill applications at 501 Roma Ave NW, 7am-2pm. $10 GETS YOU involved in the world’s #1 opportunity for major residual income. This is easy, fun and powerful. Call 681-7300. Go to www.autoxten.com/bigincome ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors are trained and prepared for promotion to the position of Program Director (responsible for overall after school program site management). $11/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises (upon promotion - Program Director annual salary starts at $27,040). Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880.


Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. To apply Email your cover letter and resume to advertising@dailylobo.com

FREE Daily Lobo Classifieds for students?


STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

UNM NOB HILL efficiency for lease. Available August 1st. Very nice. Alarm system, W/D, private gated backyard. Off street parking. On bus route & only 9blks to campus. $599/mo All bills paid. Call Wes at 505-249-4506 for appt.

NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 9076479.

SMALL NORTH CAMPUS Home. Walking distance to UNM Med/Law schools. 2 Renters - $1000/mo. Available now. 505-266-5874. Leave Message.

2BDRM 1BA. LARGE fenced yard. San Mateo and Constitution. Available August 1st. 238-6824.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $650/mo. Ask about student discount. 505-610-2050.

WE BUY JUNK CARS! (505)702-1483

1500 SQFT 3BDRM 2BA 2 living areas. In Uptown area. $900/mo. Price negotiable with longer lease. $500dd. Close freeway access. 830-2348.

Jobs Off Campus


UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

Houses For Rent

STUDENT SEEKS SINGLE christian female student roommate. Large house. Available now. N/S, No Drugs, Dinner parties Okay. I have a dog. $443/mo +utilties. Free wi-fi. hfinc1001@q.com


For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. 1 mile from UNM. Utilities, internet, and cable included. No pets. $435/mo. 505974-7476. ROOMMATE NEEDED!! SPACIOUS master bedroom is all yours for $433/mo. Townhouse on Yale and Katherine. Minutes from campus. Call or text 505-702-9292.

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.


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