NM Daily Lobo 082112

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Meet the cast see page 14

tuesday August 21, 2012

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

UNM Parent Association board quits by Elizabeth Cleary and Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

All members of the UNM Parent Association Board of Directors have resigned, following a dispute between the board and the UNM administration. One of the Parent Association board members, Grant Kitting, said the board has chosen to disband because the UNM administration wanted a say in the selection of the association’s next president. The 8,000-member association has not had a president since Aug. 1, but, according to the association’s bylaws, the association’s board nominates the president. “Well, there are still members, but they no longer have an executive board because they all have already resigned,” Kitting said. “They want to put someone in charge of us so we’re under someone politically, but

our bylaws state that we’re an independent association, we don’t need anyone’s ‘okey-dokey’ standpoint.” Last year, the association awarded $1,000 scholarships to 40 UNM students, and without the Parent Association to generate scholarship money, students miss out on an opportunity to help pay for school. “The people that are really going to be affected by this are the students, they’re the ones getting this money,” he said. “Every cent generated by the association went to scholarships, and it’s not even all students, it’s for the needy students. I have three sons and they don’t benefit from the money generated by the association, only the students in need of it do.” Kitting said the main function of the association is to generate funding for scholarships for needy students and that, because the association is independent, it does not


By following this phrase with “anglais” or “espagnol” I hopefully had an open line of communication with any French speaker I encountered. Six weeks in La Chapelle and another three weeks in République, both located in the 10eme arrondissement of arguably the most romantic city on Earth, was more than enough time to see to it that my heart bled for the French and my mouth formed the perfect pucker to pronounce: “Je peux prendre une photo de vous?”For all its predictable daytime tourist traps and gritty, damp nighttime streets, Paris stood as a monument for the development of my photographic eye and inspiration and will always remain coursing through my blood (not only because I am a quarter French) as an enchanting and nurturing giant.The opportunity to chase a photo essay through streets of Paris in the saddle of a steel, 12-speed vélo is not one you may stumble across every lifetime. Santé, salut et allez les bleus! (See pages 8 and 9 for full photo journal.)

Juan Lebreche / Daily Lobo A young girl clings to her mother on the bullet train that runs from the Gare du Nord in Paris to the Gare de Marchandises Saint-Saveur in Lille.

see Parents PAGE 6

Social media site arrives in ABQ A fresh take on Math 120 by Barbara Gomez-Aguinaga

“Part of it (growth) is the value and how we make the campus more connected,” he said. “In the past, we’ve seen really fast growth on campus, and as such we expect hundreds if not thousands of UNM students in the first two months.”


A new social networking site called “At The Pool” launched at UNM this week, and aims to give students with similar interests a tool to find each other. The startup social network was launched at UNM on Monday in order to help students break out of their social circles, engage with new people and, in contrast to most of the current social networks, get offline, said Alex Capecelatro, the founder and chief executive officer of At The Pool. Capecelatro, who spent summer of 2007 in Albuquerque, said the site is important for UNM students because meeting other students with the same interests can be difficult at a large campus like UNM. “If a freshman, for example, wants to find other vegetarians, international students, people who like poker, et cetera, there’s no easy way,” he said. “This leads to a campus that’s a bit disconnected, and a lot of people end up eating alone at lunch and not meeting the kinds of people they want to meet.” Capacelatro said that unlike Facebook, where users can share information with people they already know, At The Pool allows users to meet new people based on their interests and locations. “Facebook has become a place to stay in touch with people we already know — high school friends, family, et cetera, and it’s really bad at helping us meet new people,” he said. “At The Pool

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 3

is the opposite (because) it’s all about meeting new people who share our interests and connecting the communities we’re part of.” At The Pool, which was founded in Los Angeles, first went live in September 2011 and is used in dozens of cities across the nation. Gloria Kim, an At The Pool user from the University of Connecticut, said that the network met her expectations. “It is an interesting take on social media and meeting new people,” Kim said. “It is still just starting up, so it is not perfect and still has its kinks, but I see it potentially doing pretty well.” Capacelatro said about 1,000 users join the social network every week, even though it is an exclusive network that requires special codes to sign up. Capacelatro said the company has seen the greatest growth at colleges and that the company expects the campus community to respond well to the new service.

To sign up, visit


and enter “UNM” as the invite code.

Tomato palooza

It’s time to think again

See page 16

See page 19

by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

A new instructor-aided, self-paced learning program for Intermediate Algebra, Math 120, is expected to remedy the high failure rate for the course. About half the students who enroll in Math 120 at UNM fail the course, according to the Albuqueruqe Journal. This fall, the UNM administration implemented a pilot program to replace the course with the Math Learning Lab. The program focuses on mastery learning, a learning style that sets expectations that students meet at their own pace before moving forward in the course. Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Mark Peceny said students who fail Math 120 can’t complete the core curriculum, because Math 120 is a prerequisite for all courses that satisfy the mathematics core requirements. “If this many people are having trouble in Math 120, they can’t even get to

the course that they need in order to fulfill the core curriculum,” Peceny said. “To serve all those students who are struggling with math, we figured we needed to look for a better way to deliver that instruction so that more students would succeed.” Peceny said students enrolled in the course will be required to come to the math learning lab for three to four hours per week, but that all lectures will be available through the online component of the course. Teachers, graduate students and some undergraduate students will be on hand to assist the students in the lab. Peceny said this style of instruction allows students to get help while they are working on assignments, which is when students need instruction most. “Rather than spending three hours in the classroom listening to a lecture … we’re saying ‘the time we really want to see you is when you’re working on your homework,’” he said. see Math PAGE 5


91 | 69


Open House for Photojournalists


Attention photojournalists and shutterbugs alike: The Daily Lobo will be hosting an open house this Monday, Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. in Marron Hall room 104. This is an opportunity to meet the photo staff and address any questions that you have regarding a freelance photographer position with the paper. Freelancing allows you to gain invaluable experience in the field by providing a variety of assignments divided among news, culture, sports and individual photo projects. It is encouraged that you bring a portfolio and résumé to the open house. Refreshments and snacks will be provided for your enjoyment.

Have a knack for photography? Work for the Daily Lobo! submit your cover letter, résumé, and five samples of work to photoeditor@dailylobo.com

Adria Malcolm Photo Editor photoeditor@dailylobo.com

volume 117

issue 3

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Hannah Stangebye Avicra Luckey Photo Editor Adria Malcom Assistant Photo Editor

Juan Lebreche

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse Multimedia Editor Paul von Soosten

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M on.- Fr i., 9:00 AM -5: 30 PM Last appointment of the day is at 5:30 PM. Effective Monday, August 13, 2012 *

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. PRINTED BY SIGNATURE com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single OFFSET copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 3

LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Letter Gun control leaves good defenseless against evil Editor’s note: This letter is in response to a letter published in the Daily Lobo on Aug. 13 from reader Oswin Lambert. In his letter, Lambert argued in favor of stricter guncontrol laws. Editor, After reading “Shooting should be call to arms on gun control,” I could not help but respond. The writer must be hysterical, fearful and someone who actually believes that the police will protect him from this kind of violence. As we can see from the tragedy he has cited, the police can only respond after an incident has started. This does nothing to keep the tragedy from getting started. Secondly, this is the typical response we get whenever something like this happens. Let’s take away all gun owners’ rights because one person was irresponsible. This is akin to saying that we should outlaw all cell phones because some people break the law and use them while driving and risk killing other motorists. When will people realize that we can’t legislate morality? It is not moral to prohibit everyone from owning or doing something because a few people can’t own or do it responsibly. There will always be criminals in the world; no law or moral position will ever change that. Lambert is right about one thing: guns don’t kill people, people do. Aside from that, his examples are ridiculous. Lambert states that owning guns is a crime against humanity, as sick and twisted as owning child pornography. I suppose he would like our armed forces to go back to using pointed sticks or, even more likely, to just go to the enemy en masse with no guns, singing love songs. Apparently he doesn’t realize that these men and women are risking their lives so he can stay home and express antiAmerican sentiments. The right to bear arms is in the Constitution, Mr. Lambert! As for us gun owners wanting to purchase an Auschwitz gas chamber, where do these ridiculous ideas come from? I not only don’t want a gas chamber, I don’t want a pipe bomb, a flamethrower or a biological weapon. However, per the Constitution, I do want the right to legally hunt, and to protect myself from those few people who will always surface to be irresponsible, whether it be with a gun, a car or a child. Lambert speaks of owning guns that can quickly murder dozens of people, but so can cars, planes, prescription drugs, etc. Lambert can live in his fantasy as long as he wants, or until someone who doesn’t share his convictions makes him a victim. Personally, I believe that the only defense we have against violent, evil people is good people who are more skilled at violence. Larry H. Crum UNM staff member

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

From the web In the letter “Shooting should be call to arms on gun control laws,” published Monday, Aug. 13, Oswin Lambert argued that the July 20 movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colo., is evidence that stricter gun laws are necessary. Readers on DailyLobo.com responded: by “Rudemix” “Like the government cares. They do knee-jerk reactions to appease people when citizens die (Tylenol/pill bottles in the ‘80s) but do not care. Citizen, if the government cared about you, cigarettes would be outlawed and Big Pharma would be served notice (more people overdose on prescriptions than all other drugs combined). Guns are a huge industry. A third of all guns in the world are owned by 1 percent of the population. There is money from the industry, money from both sides lobbying and home constituents to appease. Guns aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.” by “FlameCCT” “It is truly sad to see such ignorance on display. While you’re going about the banning of weapons for Americans (although it is a constitutional right), why not ban the use of the Internet, too, since it provides access to all kinds of information from the old “Anarchist Cookbook” to “The Terrorist’s Handbook.” Also, perhaps you may wish to ban physics, biology, chemistry, etc. After all, those sciences are used to create many weapons of mass destruction (chemical, biological and nuclear to name a few).” by “Johnathan Zuro” “A person who owns automatic weapons and lots of ammunition can be reasonably assumed to be planning or fantasizing about doing nasty things, just as a person who owns kiddy porn can be considered a danger. Some have said that such logic is like saying that my spoon and my

fork forced me to get fat. Liberals, they say, just blame the object for the poor outcome, when the real problem is the intent of the user, not the fork and spoon. However, if you own a fork and a spoon, it’s reasonable for someone to assume you plan to eat. And if you own a rapid-fire fork and spoon that shovels tons of food into your mouth at an alarming rate, it’s reasonable to assume you want to get fat. It’s reasonable to assume that you don’t plan to place such a high-powered fork and spoon on the wall and admire it. Nope. You want to eat fast, fast and hard, fast and with abandon. And any wussy liberal congresswoman from Arizona who gets in the way of your highspeed fork and spoon — well the outcome is her fault, not yours. Stupid liberals. Clearly, they are all anti-food.” by “That Guy” “‘Such tragedies happen because America hasn’t learned that owning weapons of mass murder is, by nature, a crime against humanity.’ That was the exact quote from this article. The writer makes very clear by this statement that he believes guns to be weapons of mass murder, that owning them is a crime against humanity. ‘Holmes’ victims are not dead because of some sad twist of fate, but because Americans haven’t learned that the desire to purchase such weapons is akin to the desire to purchase your very own Auschwitz gas chamber or medieval torture device.’ Not only did he equate them to weapons of mass murder, he equated them to Nazi extermination methods. This statement proved the utter and complete idiocy of Oswin. One of Hitler’s first acts upon attaining power was disarming Jews and moving them into the ghetto. ‘The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their

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subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.’ — Adolf Hitler This is why the Second Amendment exists, to safeguard a citizenry against its government becoming a tyranny, not to protect hunting rights. The founding fathers believed that the purpose of government is to secure the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They also believed that when the functions of government became destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish such government and institute new government. The Second Amendment ensures that the people retain the power to alter or abolish the government, should the need ever arise. Ever hear the old adage ‘Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting that vote.’ Think the lamb would get very far if it weren’t armed?” by “Mark” “A gun is not a weapon of mass murder. You know very well that’s not the point of the article. The article specifically mentioned high-speed automatic weapons together with the ammunition to use them. But gun nuts will keep saying liberals are out to ban hunting rifles, etc. Want to walk around with enough guns and ammo to shoot deer and whatnot? Fine. Want to walk around with enough ammo to take out a schoolyard of children? Not fine. Simple as that.” by “Big T” “Dude, why don’t you put a sign in your front yard that says, ‘The occupants of this house are not armed and do not believe that an armed citizen is a safe citizen,’ and see how long before your home is invaded.” To join the conversation, go to DailyLobo.com

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 5

Math from page 1 “We want you to be in a facilitated learning environment so that when you’re doing your homework and trying to understand how to implement the equations, you can do it in an environment where you can get some one-onone help.� Peceny said the course is split into three modules and that students must pass each module with at least 80 percent proficiency before moving on to the next module. He said students enrolled in the pilot program this semester who do not complete all the modules will receive an ‘incomplete’ for the course, but in the future, the course may be split into three one-credit courses rather than one three-credit course so that students can complete each credit individually. “This is less of a pilot project and more of a first run to get some experience in using this model,� he said. “Only a couple of sections are being taught in the emporium style in the fall and then all sections of Math 120 will be using this form of instruction in the spring.� Pre-calculus director Tamra Mason led the faculty group that investigated a variety of options to restructure the math course. The group decided to implement a pilot project to test the effectiveness of the new learning strategy, which is being conducted



THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO YOU! n on o p ni u Compa Fall 2012 Co Y AIL




in ESCP 107. The University will fully implement the new teaching style in spring 2013. The new Math Learning Lab, which will be on the top floor of the Centennial Science and Engineering Library, is being designed and will open in spring 2013. The new lab will include 125 computers for math students who are studying and completing assignments for the course and an additional 15 computers reserved for testing. The course will utilize the ALEKS program, a mathematics learning system designed specifically for mastery learning. The new lab will cost about $1 million, most of which will come from building replacement and renewal funds and about $300,000 of which will come from the College of Arts and Sciences I&G reserves, according to Peceny. A small contribution from Student Housing Services will fund a refreshment stand in the lab. The pilot program is listed in Math 120 sections 028 and 029 on the fall 2012 class schedule, and there were spaces available in the sections at time of publication. Mason said mastery learning allows students to reach the same level of mastery at their own pace rather than the traditional math course structure that often leaves some students behind. “In the new model, students have an individualized learning

plan and work through material they are ready to learn,� she said. “If students are motivated, they can work through the topics in the class quicker than a traditional class allows.� UNM President Robert Frank, who implemented the same program at Kent State University, said the new lab will allow students to learn fundamental math skills that they often lack when they enroll in the course. “Our math results have been very weak,� he said. “If you look at the performance of our students, we have very high failure rates in that class because what we see is that the students that come in, their preparation for that class is quite variable, and we see that their skills are all over the place.� Frank said that because the lab is self-paced, students can learn the necessary fundamental skills and the University will be able to ensure students only move forward when they are ready. “With our new program, we can teach those foundation skills, go back, re-assess foundation skills, and if the students lost competence, we can re-teach the student those skills, bring them back to competence and go back and reassess and assure that students maintain mastery,� he said. “That’s why this new program is so superior.�




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New Mexico Daily Lobo

from page 1

rely on funding from the University. He said allegations that the UNM administration funded the association are false by virtue of the association’s bylaws. “They have never ever, ever given us funds,� he said. “We’re an independent association of parents; the administration has never funded us.� In May 2011, the Parent Association president and the Board of Regents president signed

a memorandum of understanding that established the association as officially affiliated with UNM. According to the memorandum, UNM would provide facilities and services to help with fundraising efforts, but said nothing about providing funds to the association. UNM communications officer Cinnamon Blair said the gradual evolution of the Parent Association as an official

University organization warrants further discussion between the two parties. “There has been this evolution of the Parent Association, this conversation has always been going on. It’s always been pretty collaborative,� she said. A notification of an emergency meeting for the association was sent out Tuesday, and the disbanding of the Parent Association was an item on the meeting agenda.

Faux meth hits candy shelves The Associated Press

The owner of an Albuquerque candy store is selling a product she’s calling “meth candy� as she tries to play off the popularity of the hit TVshow “Breaking Bad.� Debbie Hall, owner of The Candy Lady, said Monday that the bluetinted snack is merely sugar rock candy, though it bears a close resemblance to the blue crystal that is central to the plot of the Albuquerque-based TV drama. In fact, it bears such a close resemblance because Hall said she supplied the “meth candy� for the show as props for the drug during previous seasons. “We supplied the show when it first started,� said Hall, who buys the

raw candy from a wholesale dealer before retooling it. “It’s just rock candy with blue dye and it looks like the real thing.� Hall didn’t get the idea of selling the blue stuff until she saw actor Bryan Cranston, who plays Walter White, a chemistry teacher turned meth dealer on the AMC series, during an appearance on David Letterman last month. He pulled out a small bag of the blue candy on the show. “Breaking Bad� follows Walter White producing and selling methamphetamine with a former student, Jesse Pinkman, played by Aaron Paul. The series is shot in Albuquerque. Since Cranston’s Letterman appearance, Hall said she has sold

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more than 300 bags of the meth lookalike. “The response has been great,� said Hall. “They are all fans of ‘Breaking Bad’...and fans of Albuquerque.� The Candy Lady isn’t the only shop in Albuquerque trying to capitalize on the popularity of “Breaking Bad.� A new doughnut shop on the city’s northeast section, the Rebel Donut, is selling “Blue Sky Breaking Bad� doughnuts, fully equipped with blue sugar rock sprinkles on top of a vanilla-iced caked doughnut. The two-month old store has been selling it since the shop opened and regularly sells out. In addition, ABQ Trolley Co. has sold out all tickets through

see Candy

Meth page 10

Don’t worry... it kinda looks like you’re taking notes.

Page 6 / Tuesday, August 21, 2012



DAILY LOBO new mexico


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 7


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BEING OF FASHIONISTA MIND but of thrift store means, I will hereby spend less for my textbooks in order to save money for that must-have pair of skinny jeans.


Page 8 / Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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A pair of late-night pub crawlers traverse the wet cobblestones of Rue des 3 Mollettes in Lille.

Juan Lebreche / Daily Lobo

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 9

French cyclists take refuge from the persistent rain under the awning of a closed café in the plaza facing the Pompidou in Beaubourg, Paris.

Plan Administrator: Maksin Management Corp. Underwritten by: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. with its principal place of business in New York, NY

Be a Lobo at night! photo courtesy of John Sumrow

Evening and Weekend classes provide convenience with a work schedule. Online courses also provide flexibility to earn a degree. Juan Lebreche / Daily Lobo

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Page 10 / Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Meth Candy

New Mexico Daily Lobo

from page 6

September for “The BaD Tour� — a three-hour tour of “Breaking Bad� locations throughout Albuquerque that are shown prominently in the television series. Matt Kennicott, a spokesman for the New Mexico Human Service Department, the state agency that tackles substance abuse, said although state officials support small businesses, owners need to understand the state’s challenges with drug abuse. “We need to all be aware of the drug epidemic in this state,� Kennicott said. “This is a serious problem we are facing.� For her part, Hall said she’s not looking to glorifying meth and the drug trafficking business. “It is what it is. Everyone needs to remember this is television,� she said. “We’re just playing on a television show. I don’t condone drugs in any way, shape or form.�

Debbie Hall, 60, owner of The Candy Lady store in Albuquerque, N.M., is shown displaying her new line of “meth candy� made from sugar rock candy. The store, which supplied some “meth candy� for the TV hit series “Breaking Bad� to be used as props for the drug meth, is selling the candy for $1 a bag. AP Photo

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Page 12 / Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Clown camp fixes frowns by Gillian Flaccus

The Associated Press

Even when she’s not in character, Julie Varholdt acts like a buffoon. On a recent day, the veteran clown named “Lovely Buttons” gave her age as 1 billion, 527 million and 437,512 seconds; did a few pull-ups on a luggage cart, and then stretched out on a hotel front desk to the giggles of the receptionist. Bring up professional clowning, however, and the mother of three decked out in cartoon-sized purple buttons, a red straw hat and oversized shoes grows serious — and even sheds a few real tears. “Clowning is an art, it is an ancient art,” said Varholdt, whose grandfather was a clown. “You can’t just pull on a wig and slap a watermelon smile on and — ‘Poof!’ — you’re a clown. Unfortunately, we see it a lot.” These days, that half-rate competition is cutting into clowning when the recession has already hit some in the business like a pie in the face. A weeklong conference to help clowns punch up their punch lines and learn new tricks also became a forum for how to make it in a niche industry that is contracting in decidedly unfunny ways.

For many at the conference about 40 miles east of Los Angeles, the number of paid gigs have dropped while demand for pro bono performances at charities, hospitals and schools has soared. Parents no longer are content with someone just joking around: They want a skilled face painter, a magician, a stand-up comic and a wizard with a menagerie of evermore-complex balloon animals. “I can’t tell you how many times that phone will ring and they’ll say, ‘Well, they do painting AND balloons for that price,’” said Donna Hofstee, who taught about 15 attendees the finer arts of facepainting, including how to dab on a tear drop and cover tiny faces with tiger spots, cheetah spots and zebra stripes. California Clown Campin’ started three years ago after a long-running camp in Wisconsin went kaput. Instructors from the U.S. and Canada led sessions on marketing and character development sprinkled among staples of slapstick and sleight of hand. The most successful clowns will have a Mother Goose-type character for schools, a seasonal persona for the holidays and even a special shtick for parades, said Laura Sicklesteel, the event’s codirector who focuses on church

events as “Molly the Clown.” “Everybody’s cutting the extras and unfortunately we are an extra,” said Sicklesteel, who has seen a 15 to 20 percent drop in paid gigs. “The growth potential of expanding your character — or maybe even creating a new character — that helps you to market yourself better.” Morgan Thacker got a scholarship to the conference from Bristol, Tenn., with the hope of building her clown character. She learned to twist balloons into ladybugs and dogs, apply her own whiteface makeup, yank a tablecloth without disturbing the place settings and practiced delivering and receiving a pie in the face. “A person opens up so much more whenever you make them laugh, or make them smile or show them that you’re a little bit different,” Thacker said. “I think that will help me in all areas of my life.” Rather than joining the circus, though, she’ll start her freshman year this week at Utah State University — with some new tricks up her sleeve. Her clowning aspirations will soon be tested off-campus. She has her first gig at a family restaurant this fall.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 13


The Weekly Free Maybe you’re sitting pretty on top of a mound of cash from your scholarship refund. Or maybe you’re just as broke as usual after buying new school clothes. Either way, save up that greenery by doing something free for a change.



Munch on a freshly uprooted carrot while pondering a piece of art — what could make for a better afternoon? KeepItQuerque takes place at Los Poblanos at 4803 Rio Grande Blvd. N.W., home to the lavender farm, and runs from 4 to 8 p.m. The veggies and art aren’t free, but the cool vibes are all yours.


“Defending Happiness and Other Acts of Bravery� chronicles one woman’s struggles through breast cancer, online dating and motherhood. The author will give a reading and present the book at the Special Collections Library at 423 Central Ave. N.E. from 6 to 7:30 p.m.


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Although most students aren’t writing grants for nonprofits, learning how to write grant applications is a valuable skill. That’s probably all you will be doing after graduating, given the current economy. This workshop is held at the Albuquerque Main Library at 501 Copper Ave. N.W. from 10 a.m. to noon.

Have you been in a long-term relationship and ever wanted to swing? We don’t mean swing dance, we mean engage in sexual activities with someone other than your partner. If this sounds tantalizing but you have no idea where to begin, Self Serve is offering a class to get your feet in the door — or more. The class is at 7:30 p.m. and you can reserve a spot by calling (505) 265-5815. The shop is at 3904 B Central Ave. S.E.



Hungry for a snack between classes? Today you can find watermelon next to the duck pond from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday they’re serving up green chile stew, Thursday there’s pizza and Friday it’s wieners galore — by that I mean hot dogs, you pervert.

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Wind down from a stressful first week by watching dancers spice it up, Latin style. The event features everything from salsa and ballroom to hip-hop and reggaeton, and takes place in the Old Town Plaza gazebo from 5 to 10 p.m. Call (505) 515-4036 for more information.

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PAGE 14 / TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012



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by Nicole Perez

culture@dailylobo.com Daily Lobo cartoonist Juan Tabone’s uncensored, unapologetic style has evoked cheers and jeers from the University community illustrated in his work. Ever since he started drawing, Tabone’s cartoons have reflected his taste for the visceral. “Me and a friend used to do this Tom-and-Jerry-style cartoon where we’d draw each other getting run over by trucks and beating each other up, stuff like that,” Tabone said. Tabone drew his way through high school and college and worked as a syndicated cartoonist as well as a video store salesman, a deli delivery-van driver, a research coordinator and a fast-food server. He currently works for a research group based in Boston that pays him to act drunk in bars and find out if the bartender will serve him. Tabone drew three editorial cartoons per week for the Daily Lobo last year, and this year he’ll draw a comic strip for the paper that will run four days per week and every other Monday.

gets a strip

The characters in his cartoons won’t be running each other over with trucks, but Tabone won’t hesitate to take shots at University administrators when he feels their professional conduct warrants it. In his editorial cartoons, Tabone expresses the absurdities he finds inherent to graduate-assistant programs, student debt and nepotism within the University. “The last 30 years have been rough, so as a result, my political views have been shaped by that,” he said. “When you realize that 90 percent of the media espouses a reactionary conservative worldview, I do feel that to some extent we need to push back.” Tabone said he often receives negative feedback about his cartoons, particularly when he pokes fun at religion. People often write letters to the editor criticizing his cartoons, and he said he never takes the critique personally, but respects the fact that readers took the time to stand up for their views. Last year, Tabone even caught the attention of David Schmidly, the president of UNM at the time, when the Daily Lobo published Tabone’s editorial cartoon

depicting former ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal as a literal “kiss ass.” In the cartoon, Schmidly’s bottom was covered in kiss marks. Schmidly wrote to the Daily Lobo calling the cartoon “tasteless” and “mean-spirited” toward Roybal. “I don’t claim to be perfect or right 100 percent of the time, maybe 99 percent of the time — I’m kidding — but I do try to consider their point of view before I draw another cartoon,” he said. “At the same time, if you do that all the time, your stuff ’s going to get watered down, you’re not going to be clear about your points and it’s basically going to be worthless.” Tabone’s new strip features seven characters — Maddie, Trixie, Irving Gaffney, Ph.D., Falcon Eddie, Nick, Duh-Wayne and Don Pancho — and caricatures UNM using some creative license. He said he based many of his characters on friends he has, and most of them include aspects of himself. “Not only are the characters certain archetypes and certain means of getting a point across, but it’s also from personal experience,” he said. “I’ve seen a lot of things for many years.”


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Maddie is an exasperated teaching assistant who is trying to get through graduate school and also works at Don Pancho’s bar, on top of everything else. She’s a smart-ass, she’s politically aware and she’s a strong feminist. “She’s kind of the grounding of the strip in a lot of ways; she’s the focal point, if you will, around which the strip revolves,” Tabone said.

Trixie, with her tiny dog Pickles, is a Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton archetype, and serves as an opposite of Maddie. Her uncle is the vice president of an unknown UNM department, so she gets through school and work without much effort. Trixie giggles and rolls her eyes at pretty much everything until she gets what she wants. She is not impressed with Don Pancho’s, the bar where Maddie works, because it isn’t a hip club with light shows and DJs.


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Professor Gaffney is an aging, tenured professor who has lost motivation for his subject and is more concerned with staying hip and cool, like many baby boomers. Maddie does all of his teaching work for him, while he ponders bleaching his butthole. “It really shows the abusive nature of the TA system or the graduateassistant system — it’s indentured servitude. It’s pretty rough,� Tabone said. “Also, he represents the older generation, the baby boom generation, a very pampered generation.�

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Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 08/31/12

Discover your Potential

Nick is a quiet kid who is a lot more intelligent than he looks. He has a thorough understanding of history and is fairly jaded and cynical about the world. He would probably attend a protest. He owns minimal gadgets, except for his Game Boy — he refuses to own a cell phone. He is the male counterpart to Maddie. “Nick’s an interesting character because he’s very aware of where he is in history,� Tabone said. “So he sees through the game rather than wins it, and that’s where he comes in. He understands systems and how they work, he understands history and how it works, he’s really more intelligent than he appears.�




see Strip PAGE 18

Here at the

DAILY LOBO save money,


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Falcon Eddie is a happygo-lucky student who loves to say “Uh, extreme, dude.� He enjoys a range of activities from extreme napping to extreme horseshoes, and is more instinctual than intelligent. He is not self-conscious at all.

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PAGE 16 / TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012


TWITTERPATED over tomatoes Could YOU be the next



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Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Nancy Davis (right) and 10-year-old Sarah Cherne peruse an array of heirloom tomatoes as Marjory Sweet of Chispas Farms offers advice. Chispas Farms specializes in heirloom tomatoes and has participated in every Tomato Fiesta since the festival began six years ago.

by Antonio Sanchez culture@dailylobo.com

The Best Deal In Town!

Teresa Edens pushed back her hat, which was decorated with ripe, red tomatoes, while her red earrings and bracelets jingled. She sat down under a tree and read a tomato-themed joke posted there. “‘What do you do when a tomato goes on strike? You pick-it,’� Edens said. “I think that one’s my favorite.� Edens, the Albuquerque Tomato Fiesta founder, celebrated the largest homegrown tomato crop in the country with hundreds of tomato and gardening enthusiasts this weekend at the Albuquerque Tomato Fiesta at the Albuquerque Garden Center. This festival of tomatoes featured tomato

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Visit the Correspondence website for details:

vendors, discussions on how to grow better tomatoes, tomato tasting, tomato dishes, tomato photography and an area for kids to draw on tomatoes with markers. Tomato jokes were posted on trees and doors around the center. Regardless of whether people say to-may-to or to-mah-to, first-time volunteer Sidney Mallard said she loves eating tomatoes. “When I see tomatoes in food, I just get excited,� Mallard said. “I don’t know why. I’m serious as a heart attack; I just love tomatoes.� The event is held annually to raise money for the Albuquerque Area Extension Master Gardeners program. Edens said the event aims to educate local residents about smarter eating

and farming techniques. “I don’t think you have to eat bad food; you don’t have to go to McDonald’s, no matter who you are or what your financial status is,� she said. “People always say fresh food is so expensive but it’s not. It doesn’t have to be a Big Mac — you could have frozen peaches.� The Albuquerque Tomato Fiesta is run entirely by volunteers, master gardeners and garden lovers alike. Volunteer master gardener Paula Garvanian said the tomato fiesta connects with her basic needs as a gardener. “We love growing roses and bushes and lawns and trees, but to grow

see Tomatoes PAGE 18

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

We would like to encourage you to excersise your right to save money, Mini-Coups

have fun, SNOW REPORT and be fashionable.


For current tuition rates, visit www.unm.edu/~bursar/tuitionrates.html


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, August 21, 2012/ Page 17

To Regis te


PAGE 18 / TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2012

CULTURE Tomatoes


from PAGE 16

things that we can eat is just so exciting,” Garvanian said. “It’s really the basis of what gardeners want to do: to support ourselves, to feed ourselves.” Garvanian said her love of gardening began when she was a little girl and was fascinated with her neighbor’s garden. “It looked like a little forest,” she said. “It had pathways through growing, shady trees, little places where things were growing and it made me


crave that. I’ve been trying to duplicate that for myself.” Lorette Lacher promoted the Millennium Demonstration Garden project at the event. Members of the Millennium Demonstration Garden project grow six rows of vegetables at the Rio Grande Community Farm, where the produce is raised and harvested by master gardeners before being delivered to the Rio Grande Food Bank. Lacher said that the

tomato festival and groups like her own help promote the importance of growing fresh produce. “I feel that plants are very essential to our everyday life, to the ecology of our country, to the ecology of the entire world. Without plants we would all perish,” Lorette said. “We have to sustain what we have. Because things are so expensive to grow now, if you encourage families to grow even one crop, I think it’s a good thing.”

from PAGE 15


Duh-Wayne is a resident tea-bagger, a major conservative reactionary and not very smart. He doesn’t get his information from too many places, maybe Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Tabone said he often represents America’s more base instincts and reactions to the changes that America has been experiencing since the ‘60s. “I’m hoping to make his character more sympathetic as time goes on, but for the time being he’s definitely a character that leans far to the right, feels cheated by the social advances of the last 30 or 40 years,” Tabone said.

Don Pancho is the owner and chief bartender of Don Pancho’s, where many of the characters work and hang out. Don probably inherited it from his father and keeps the family business going, and he’s older than the kids. He has a little more perspective on things and thus he’s a sounding board for the characters and their issues. Every week there will be a new band playing there, and Tabone said he has an endless list. “I’ve got like 100 silly band names stacked up,” Tabone said. “You talk and you put a couple of words together that sound good, sound like a goofy band name so you write them down.”

Don Pancho

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by Juan Tabone


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Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

PARKING 1 BLOCK south of UNM $100/ semester. 268-0525.

Services STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

ECUMENICAL CATHOLIC COMMUNION. Community of Mary Magdalene. All are welcome. Eucharist celebration. Sunday at 10 am. Le Baron Conference Center. 2100 Menaul Blvd NE. 3 blocks East of University Blvd. Not associated with Roman Catholic Church.

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

38 Casanova 39 Bruins Hall of Famer Bobby 40 Makes moist 42 Fragrant wood 43 __ Beta Kappa 45 City west of Cleveland 46 Gem State potatoes 47 Scandal suffix 50 Accustom (to) 51 Paranormal, say


52 Filled completely 53 __ & the Gang: “Celebration” group 54 Yen 55 Go past one’s breaking point 56 Jazzy James 59 Ltd. counterpart, in the States 60 Airport queue vehicle 61 Above, in verse


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DOWN 1 Harness race horse 2 Texas mission 3 Show up unannounced 4 Tiny soldier 5 Where the herd grazes 6 Plywood layer 7 Boats like Noah’s 8 Blind component 9 Perfect score 10 Slanty, typewise 11 Martini ingredients 12 Love personified 13 Notice 18 Division word 19 Shifted car parts 24 Notice 25 Biblical possessive 26 Oktoberfest draft 28 One of a powerful race of gods 29 __-Magnon 30 “As if!” 31 Beachgoers’ hues 32 Epic story 33 Utah city 34 Junkyard guard

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NEED WRITING/EDITING ASSISTANCE? Contact Lori 350-3499 or lrosegoldstein09@gmail.com for information.



By David W. Cromer


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.


CITATION FOR PUBLICATION UNDER WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE SECTION 294 CASE NUMBER: 111JD020664 CASE NAME: JACOB DEAN LA JEUNESSE aka JACOB LA JEUNESSE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 1. To: Rebecca Bravo aka Rebecca Lynn Bravo aka Rebecca La Jeunesse and anyone claiming to be a parent of: Jacob Dean La Jeunesse aka Jacob La Jeunesse born on: February 22, 2007 at: The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2. A hearing will be held on: November 1, 2012 at: 8:15 a.m. in Dept.: 70 located at 115 Terraine St., San Jose, CA 95110-2423. 3. At the hearing the court will consider the recommendations of the social worker or probation officer. 4. The social worker or probation officer will recommend that your child be freed from your legal custody so that the child may be adopted. If the court follows the recommendation, all your parental rights to the child will be terminated. 5. You have the right to be present at the hearing, to present evidence, and you have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and cannot afford to hire one, the court will appoint an attorney for you. 6. If the court terminates your parental rights, the order may be final. 7. The court will proceed with this hearing whether or not you are present. Date: August 16, 2012 by Cindy Wiley, Deputy 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, 9/11/12 CNS-2365590#

ACROSS 1 Like a visit from Benedict XVI 6 Ginormous 10 Currier’s partner 14 Sans chaperon 15 Mystery writer __ Stanley Gardner 16 Maryland athlete, briefly 17 Former kids’ show title character named for the large pockets in his coat 20 U.K. record label 21 Egg container 22 Popular name for a tree-lined rd. 23 Any of the “Be My Baby” singers 26 Scott of “Happy Days” 27 Fuse blower 32 Like the first stage of a car wash 35 Really riles 36 TV Guide’s “We don’t know yet” 37 Pseudosophisticated 38 Chopper blade 40 “__ Harry Met Sally...” 41 Understand 42 Mrs. Dithers of “Blondie” 43 Nuisances 44 Apollo Theater tryout for nonpros 48 Morse creation 49 Yellow-disked flowers 53 Puppet pal of Fran and Ollie 55 Pants part 57 Teachers’ lobbying org. 58 Judge’s demand, and a hint to this puzzle’s theme words, which end 17-, 27- and 44Across 62 Hymn starter 63 Brussels-based defense gp. 64 Where eagles dwell 65 Toy with theme parks 66 No.-crunching pros 67 Kennel club classification


new mexico

new mexico

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



FOR RELEASE AUGUST 21, 2012 Tuesday , August 21, 2012/ Page 19

1BDRM ($545) AND 2BDRM ($645). WIFI and water included. On bus line. Laundry room. Quiet, clean and roomy homes. Call to see. Ask for student discount. 505-323-6300. www.villageat fourhills.com

2BDRM 2BA. CARLISLE & Montgomery. No pets. $650/MO utilites included. First, last, and DD. Availible 8/13. 505-263-6560. CLOSE TO UNM/ DOWNTOWN. Newly remodeled appartments. $450-$650/mo + utilities. Singles. Available August 27th. 266-4505. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com COZY CASITA- STYLE studio, just remodeled, under 8 minutes to UNM. Private, quiet—not an apt. complex. Hardwood and tile floors. WiFi, utilities included. $400/mo +dd. 341-3042. 1BDRM 1.5 BLOCK from UNM, utilities paid, off-street parking, $530/mo. 8974303.

RENTING AN APARTMENT? Advertise in the Daily Lobo! 277-5656

Condos 1BDRM CONDO NEAR KAFB/UNM. Gated complex with pool and on-site laundry, free parking, ideal for students or instructors. $48K with 10% down and good credit or new loan at lower interest rate. 505-265-5349 or max_ macauley@yahoo.com.

Duplexes 1BDRM. HARDWOOD FLOORS, Fenced yard, w/d hookups, pets okay. 1115 Wilmoore SE. $525/mo. $500dd. Available September 1st. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent 2BDRM 1BA HOUSE Near UNM-Downtown. Tile floors w/d hookup. Fenced yard. $700/mo + utilities $300dd 505917-3712. SMALL, CLEAN, AND 2bdrm, 1ba house for rent. Two small living areas. Enclosed, grassy backyard with covered portico. Carport, w/d hookup. Refinished hardwood floors. Safe location. Walking, biking distance to UNM Medical/Law School. Tenant must maintain yard. NS only. 1yr lease. Small pet negotiable. Contact: kaycarrot@hotmail. com BEAUTIFUL, NEWLY REMODELED Old Town casita available for rent, $900/mo. 1BDRM with cozy living space and kitchen, lots of light, and new tile throughout. Only a 5 minute walk away from Old Town plaza, restaurants, and shops, and across the street from Albuquerque Museum and Tiguex Park. Includes a spacious, fenced-in back yard with storage shed. Remodeled bathroom with new W/D. 1908 1/2 Old Town Rd. NW. Sorry, no pets/ NS. Available September 1. Call 505-4595272.


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 20 / Tuesday, August 21, 2012



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers 2 BDRM COTTAGE recently remodeled, 3 blocks to UNM, off street parking, hardwood floors, $750 +gas and electric. No dogs. 842-5450.

ROOM FOR RENT. With separate bath. Kitchen and laundry privileges. Partially furnished. NS/ ND. $475/mo +1/2utilities. If interested call 304-4756, ask for Kathy. 10 MINUTE CITY bus to UNM. Furnished. Pond, Park, Fruit Trees, Bike Path, some pets ok. NS/ND $475 includes utilities/ wifi/ laundry. 459-2071. FEMALE TEACHER WELCOMES quiet, NS, employed/female grad student. Two story townhouse. Private upstairs BDRM with walk-in closet and private BA. $475/mo+utilities. Located at 12th and Mountain. 3 miles from UNM. $150 DD with lease. 505-975-6528. LESS THAN 1 BLOCK FROM UNM! 2 females in house on Stanford. Seeking clean quiet female student for attached room $300/mo. Call/text Chloe: 505917-7123. SUBDIVIDED HOUSE IN North Valley. Private 2BDRM 1BA, den, kitchen for rent. House has W/D. 0.5 acre yard and garage. $700/mo. Call Brenda 856-6993. BEAUTIFUL HOME CLOSE to campus. $350/mo. Male student preffered. W/D. Fully furnished home besides bedroom. Call Timothy at 486-2402 or Cindy at 486-0530

STUDENT WANTED TO share 3BDRM 2.5BA home 10 mins from campus. Price $450/mo. includes utilities. Call 505-399-9020. TAKE OVER LEASE. Lobo Village for fall. Willing to pay security deposit/ application fee. $519/mo. BDRM, BA, living room, kitchen. Gym, pool, internet, shuttle. 505-720-2219. SEEKING UNM FEMALE student to share a 3BDRM shared BA. $520/ mo utilities included. If interested call 505310-1529. LOBO VILLAGE LEASE up for grabs! Your own bedroom and bathroom in a fully-furnished four-person apartment. $519/mo. Contact Melina at 505-9170166 or mhickey@unm.edu ROOM FOR RENT. UNM area. $495/mo. Utilities and Wi-fi included. 505-453-4866.

2006 SPECIAL EDITION Honda Metropolitan Scooter. Asking $1200 but negotiable. Call or text 688-3699.



For Sale ATTENTION MGMT 341 Students: Intermediate Accounting binder-ready version Sixth Edition textbook for sale. Only $80 (compared to $152.75 ebook and $206 used) Call 505-730-2745. JULLIAN EASEL FOR sale $170 original French easel, made in Paris nearly brand new retails for $199 contact: Monica at 505-917-9528. AMST 185 COURSE. “Racial Thinking in the United States” textbook. Like brand new. $10. 261-8470, sonyia1@unm.edu JULLIAN EASEL. EXCELLENT used condition. made in France. $125. 505917-9528. BRADLEY’S BOOKS. (USED) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Inside Winning Coffee. bookanimal@yahoo.com NEED SOMETHING FOR your dorm or apartment? TV’s, DVD’s + Shelf, Pillows, Bedding, File Cabinet, XX Men’s Clothes, Sm. BBQ, Dishes, Books including used text books. Contact 505268-3484 or 505-385-5888. PIANO, WALNUT KAWAI 43” Upright, wood action, with bench. Perfect condition, never stored, 1 owner. $1,500 obo, appraised $4,500. Payments possible. 220-7155.

TOWN HOUSE FOR rent in quiet area. 2 BDRM , 2 CG, W/D. 9704 Lagrima de Oro. $1200/mo. 505-344-7006.

LOBO VILLAGE LEASE available now to August 2013. If you take this lease you will get a $500 move-in bonus. Contact 610-739-9426.

2-3BDRM. HARDWOOD floors.Kiva fireplace. $950/mo. One year lease. Big back yard. Atrium. Pets ok. 505-4506788.

NATIVE AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE textbook. Nabokov, author. Native American Art II -- Fry, instructor sells used for $48 at bookstore excellent condition for $35. 505-917-9528.

QUIET MALE ROOMMATE to share 4BDRM house. Girard and Silver. $310/mo. +utilites. Ken 604-6322.


Houses For Sale

3BDRM 2BA PLUS detached studio. Near campus. Move-in condition. Hardwood floors. All appliances stay. Joanna Muth Pargin Realty 505-4405022, 505-296-1500, JoannaMuth@ya hoo.com

ROOM FOR RENT in 3BDRM 2BA. 4 blocks to UNM. $425/mo. includes utilities. Call 239-0570. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $390/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu 2 ROOMS FOR rent. Available immediately. $450 and $550 utilities included. Remodeled home, walking distance to UNM. Call 450-3083. NEED UNM STUDENT to take over Casas Del Rio lease 8/12-5/13. Willing to pay application fees! Contact imhro mas@yahoo.com

WHY PAY DORM Fees? Four-Bedroom townhome with Clubhouse and Pool near I-25/San Mateo. Many Upgrades. Just minutes from UNM via I-25. Call Penny 505-228-3902 or Joyce 505-9340688. Pargin Realty, ERA 505-2961500. GREAT BUY! DUPLEX on Adams Street. Make money for yourself or parents! Seller financing. Call Jeff 505-2354242/Signature J Homes.

WHY PAY DORM Fees? UNM/South, Four-Bedrooms, Three Baths. Many Upgrades. Minutes to Nob Hill, UNM, and Airport. Call Joyce 505-934-0688 or Penny 505-228-3902. Pargin Realty, ERA 505-296-1500.

Rooms For Rent UNM STUDENT SEEKING female to take over Lobo Village lease August 2012-13. First month’s rent is paid for. Contact Jaclyn at jgordo02@unm.edu or 505-690-0572. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to take over lease at Casas del Rio. $511/mo + utilities. Call 505-610-1589. CLEAN QUIET FEMALE roommate needed to share 2BDRM, 1BA apt just west of UNM $388/MO + half utilities. No pets or smoking on-site coin laundry, parking permit included 505-3792990.

ROOM FOR RENT 2 blocks from Campus in Historic Spruce Park Neighborhood. $525/mo+ utilities. Serious student but likes to have fun. Call Aaron 575-779-0954. 2BDRMS AVAILABLE IN 4BDRM house. Available immediately. Females preferred, $425/mo. including utilities, wifi, 1 block from UNM campus. 505205-0288. STUDENT WANTED $400 +utilities. Room available in big furnished house. W/D. Pets ok. 10 mins to UNM. Call Eric at 934-4540. UNM/PRESBYTERIAN AREA ROOMMATE Wanted: One-year rental agreement for a 1BDRM available in a furnished 3BDRM/1BA 1250 sq. ft. House within walking distance to UNM and 2 blocks from Presbyterian Hospital. Nonsmoker and no pets. Rent is $500/mo. + 1/3 utilities (Gas, Water, Electric, Security system, Internet) with a $500 security deposit. Call 505-948-4230. CLEAN, QUIET, EMPLOYED roommate wanted to share 3BDRM house. $325/mo. including all utilities and internet. Unfurnished. 2 miles from UNM. Graduate student preferred. Lawrence 505-264-6009. LOBO VILLAGE LEASE! Swimming pool, great gym, hot tub. Awesome roommates! Female only. $519/mo. 307-689-9522. SEEKING MALE UNM student to take over Lobo Village lease August 201213. Will pay your first month’s rent. Email rharding@unm.edu or call 505293-1074.

2 FUTONS TWINS (together=king) w/covers, 3-position wood frames 1=$125 2=$200. 550-8701. ABQ lochlady@g mail.com DORM AND APARTMENT furnishings. Student desks, swivel chairs, file cabinets. Twice is Nice, 4716 CENTRAL AVE SE. On Central directly across from Dion’s between Washington and San Mateo. USED FURNITURE. SOFAS $45, loveseats $35, sofa chairs $25, tables $120 and $100, chairs $20. Show student ID for 10% discount. Call 505-9167096.

Vehicles For Sale 06 PT CRUISER 93,200 miles, Economical, white/grey interior. Standard transmission. Runs good. Perfect for college. $5,500 .Call/text 505-489-6515. E-mail me at vinniegirl1@msn.com CHEVY MALIBU 2001. Runs 123600 miles. $2950. 505-917-8677.



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.


ALASKAN/SIBERIAN sale. 203-9316.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

well. Call

2001 ACURA MDX for sale. $5995 OBO. 505-453-2739. WHITE STANDARD SATURN Car. Runs very well. Need to sell to pay for school. $2,700. Text 505-879-5492. 1992 FORD EXPLORER automatic, teal, overheats. Trade for car that runs. $1200 obo. Call 359-8194.

Child Care CHILD CARE POSITION available immediately, birth through elementary- hours 8:30am-12:30pm Sundays and other times as needed at First Presbyterian Church. Must be able to work during UNM breaks. $9/hr. libbywhiteley@ firstpresabq.org.

Jobs Off Campus CLASSROOM ASSISTANT NEEDED. Must be available everyday. Monday through Friday mornings and afternoons. Montessori experience helpful, will train. PREFER STUDENTS ENROLLED IN EDUCATION PROGRAM or 45hrs CDC required. Send info to: 11216 Phoenix Ave. NE, ABQ NM 87112. admin@academymontessorischool.org 299-3200. BRICKYARD PIZZA IS hiring Delivery Drivers!! Must have own vehicle, registered, and insured. Call 262-2216 and ask for the Manager on duty for more information. CAREGIVER FOR DISABLED adult. Daily. Monday-Friday 2 hrs am, Tuesday and Wednesday 2hrs pm. Prefer 8AM and 6PM, flexible on exact times. $10/hr. Nursing students preferred. 2929787. CHEER/DANCE COACHES NEEDED! Energetic & Fun individuals to coach elem/mid school teams. Working cell phone, email, reliable transportation. HS Diploma. Background check req’d. $10-$20/hr. earning potential. Call 2928819 today! SOCCER COACHES, PT Saturdays only. 3-5 hrs, coach youth ages 4-11, great PT pay. 898-9999. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. WORK ON HORSE farm, cleaning, feeding, and other chores. 4 hrs/ day, $10/hr. Mornings, more work possible. 505-280-4849. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. MALE PERSONAL ASSISTANT/AIDE for bookman/ spiritual director for fall semester. Flexible schedule. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com CAREGIVERS: GET PAID to offer companionship and assist senior citizens with daily tasks (cooking, light cleaning, errands, medication reminders, and sometimes personal care). Rewarding employment and excellent experience for nursing and health sciences students. No experience needed; training provided. Part time work with studentfriendly, flexible schedules. Apply online at www.rightathome.net/albuquerque Come by and visit us at our booth during Welcome Back Days (Aug. 21 & 22)! ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team of people providing top-quality afterschool programs for 5-12 year olds. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors work under direct supervision of Program Directors who prepare them to be responsible for overall afterschool program management. $10/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 2962880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106 from 9am- 1pm. QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Black belt Karate, Cheer, Hip-Hop & Jazz Ballet. Teach ages 4-15. 1 night/ week, great PT pay. 505-899-1666.

EDUCATOR/CAREGIVER FOR TOPquality after-school and summer child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org Workstudy encouraged to apply. TUTORS WANTED: ACT / SAT. English, math, science. PT $12-$15/hr DOE. Send resume to info@aplus coaching.com ACTIVITY LEADERS, SUBSTITUTE Activity Leaders and Reading Tutors needed to provide homework help & facilitate educational activities in after school programs. PT, M-F $10.50 hr. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT! Job duties include: Revenue reports, Campus billing, mailing of newspaper to subscribers, preparing & mailing tearsheets & monthly statements. Special projects as assigned; data entry and filing. 2-4 hours/day, 5 days/week, must be able to work mornings, position is year-round, 4-8 hrs/wk during the summer. Accounting experience required including a working knowledge of Excel and Access. Accounting student preferred. Good customer service skills a plus. $8.50-$10.00 per hour depending upon experience. Apply online at: unmjobs.unm.edu/applicants/ Central?quickFind=68587


SCRUBS DIRECT HIRING P/T customer service clerk. Friendly,dependable,self starter wanted.Immediate start. Apply at 2225-G Wyoming Blvd. LOOKING FOR COLLEGE students to tutor in 21 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 M-TH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Lucy Ramirez ramirez_lu@aps.edu ENRICHMENT CLASS INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12 after school. We want fun-loving people who can plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, science, guitar, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Classes typically meet once or twice per week, for an hour, at one or multiple schools. Pay up to $20 per class session depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:00 T-F. Call Jeff at (505) 296-2880 or e-mail jeff@childrens choice.org

UNIVERSITY OF NEW Mexico is looking for Women with Asthma for Asthma Research Study. Women with asthma are needed for a new research study looking at the effects of body fat on the breathing tubes or airways. Participation involves one outpatient screening visit with breathing tests. If you qualify, one to two overnight hospital stays will occur with additional testing including blood and breathing tests at no cost to you. Compensation of up to $100 for each overnight hospital stay will be provided for your time and inconvenience (maximum of $200). If you are a woman with asthma, over the age of 18 and less than 56 years, and are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact or leave a message for Tereassa Archibeque at 505-269-1074 or email tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu

TravelCenters of America

PERFECT JOB FOR college student! Caregiver needed for disabled working man living near Cibola HS. Dressing, cleaning, and laundry. No experience needed, no lifting. PT, M-F, 6-9:15am, $130/wk. Call 319-6474.

Good for $2 Off

Country Pride Restaurant This location only. 2501 University Blvd NE 505.884.1066 WE THANK YOU Where seconds are on us!

HIRING? ADVERTISE IN the Daily Lobo! 277-5656.

We Have Moved To A New Location! - Same Great Service -Closer to UNM -Locally owned and Operated



Est. 1977 120 Yale Blvd s.e. Albuquerque, NM 87106


Producto de Nuevo Mexico Join a movement and gain valuable experience while working from home!

Volunteer with the

Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico Volunteer Advocates answer the center’s phone hotline or online hotline for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator:

WANT TO SELL television commercials? Are you creative and aggressive? Then come join the fun, fast paced, lucrative field of broadcast sales. New Mexico’s CW is looking for account executives. We will pay Top commissions for top level talent. Please send a resume to kern.dant@my50.tv ACME Communications is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

volunteer@rapecrisiscnm.org 505-266-7712 ext 117 or Visit our website for more info! rapecrisiscnm.org All volunteers must complete a 40-hour training. Next training begins: September 21st, 2012

Brazilian Wax $35

FRESQUEZ COMPANIES IS currently hiring Crew Members, Servers and Cooks. Cooks - 2 yr. Previous Line cook experience (Work experience a plus). Servers must be alcohol certified Apply at www.fresquezcompanies.com Fax: 505-880-1015 apply in person 8218 Louisiana Blvd. NE ABQ, 87113 ALL CANDIDATES MUST SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE PRE EMPLOYMENT SCREENING.

CHILD CARE CHURCH services Sunday Mornings 9-10, 11-12. Experience, references. $20/Sunday. Near UNM. 254-2606.

PART- TIME RETAIL clerk needed at Old Town Gift Shop. Some retail experience preferred. Apply at Plaza gifts. 2024 South Plaza NW.

BABY SITTER/ NANNY. Educator wants PT help for 2 small children AM & PM to drive before and after school programs. John at 553-4730.

WANTED: CHEMISTRY TUTOR. 2982170. FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography. 433-9948.


Brazilian Waxing Boutique full body waxing • microderm facials airbrush tanning


3 LOCATIONS! EASTSIDE 2910 San Mateo NE 505-217-5508

WESTSIDE 10200 Corrales NW 505-922-0WAX (0929)

SANTA FE 1544 Cerrillos Rd. 505-989-4WAX (4929)

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