DAILY LOBO new mexico
Frankly, you’re embarrassing see page 11
August 25, 2011
thursday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Carpenters protest restaurant Gov. branch trains
freshmen leaders
Contractor: Carpenters union threatened, harassed restaurant for work
by Charlie Shipley
by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu
Labor union Carpenters Local 1505 has protested since Monday outside new, family-owned Asian restaurant Fan Tang, which opened in Nob Hill two weeks ago. Fliers from the union claim Fan Tang owners hired contractor Lone Sun Builders Inc., which the union alleges does not meet area labor standards, to complete construction on the building. According to the fliers, the contractor does not meet standards for benefit provision to its workers, but when asked, the picketers said they weren’t members of the union, and furthermore were making just above minimum wage and had no health insurance. “No, I’m not a carpenter, I work just right here,” said Ernest Griego, who was outside the restaurant holding a sign that read “Shame on Fan Tang” Tuesday. “I don’t know anything.” Griego said his employers weren’t giving him the same benefits for which they were asking Fan Tang. “(I have) no health insurance,” he said. “Work might be for a small time or a short time; it depends.” Fan Tang owner Jason Zeng, and Chet Karnas, president of Lone Sun Builders Inc., said the carpenters union is using unethical tactics to
Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Day laborers picket outside Fan Tang restaurant in Nob Hill Tuesday on behalf of a Californiabased carpenters union. Workers say they aren’t members, have no benefits and aren’t paid well by the union that they supposedly represent. promote its own welfare. They said the union tried to bully the restaurant into using a carpenters union construction company, which Lone Sun Builders Inc. is not. “They sent me letters before I started construction saying use (the carpenters union), or else,” Zeng said. The union did not respond to multiple phone calls as of 5 p.m. Wednesday. They did, however, hire workers to protest outside Fan Tang with a large sign that said “Shame on Fan Tang,” Zeng said.
“This is so shady it shouldn’t be legal,” he said. Zeng said no one from the restaurant staff is protesting. “They make it seem like our internal labor had a dispute with us, and that clearly is not what is happening,” he said. “None of our workers are upset.” Zeng said he let companies publicly bid to do the construction work on the new restaurant. “We put out a bid fair and square,
sharing, and they give background info about the bands and the songs,” Lynn said. “But there is just something about hearing the people’s voices that makes it very personal.” Lynn said the format of Lobo Growl gives DJs more freedom to experiment with radio and its content, which is what drew her into Lobo Growl. “That freedom is really important, because as a student you have all these ideas and you can run with them,” Lynn said. “And we probably won’t turn anybody down (who wants to be a DJ).” Lynn said she exercised her freedom by altering her show for an episode to reflect what she was going through in her own life: getting married. “I am getting married in two months,” she said. “And this week is ‘bad wedding song’ theme. It is either things you shouldn’t play at your wedding or songs about bad marriages.” Another DJ for Lobo Growl is sociology student Adam Trujillo. Trujillo is a self-professed music geek who has a show called “The Young Alien Types.” Trujillo said music is a passion of his, but radio probably won’t be his profession. “I honestly don’t think I could go into professional radio,” Trujillo said. “I don’t have a strong radio personality. I just like sequencing songs, and it would be nice to spring into live DJing with this.”
He said that at first he had some trouble getting his show together because he had to learn the new technology. He has now produced and aired three shows, which he and his mom are very proud of, he said. Ulibarri said any other interested students can go to the website and fill out the DJ application form. After that, the group helps the new DJ put a pilot show together to make sure everything runs smoothly. He said Lob Growl has a space at KUNM that is only available when KUNM is open and not using it, but he said they are getting a space in the SUB for people to use the equipment. Once Lobo Growl gets a space in the SUB, student organizations can advertise on the online radio shows free of charge, he said. Ulibarri said the shows air multiple times during the week, and all students need to do is download a plug-in to stream the music on a computer. “The whole thing is about ease of access,” he said. “It is student-run and student-managed. No experience is needed if you want to be a show host.”
see Labor
Dispute PAGE 8
Station gives students air time by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu
Lobos can growl a little louder this semester with the debut of Lobo Growl, an online radio station made up of student DJs. The group’s president, Billy Ulibarri, is a graduate student in sociology and was on the board of directors for KUNM. “I had more of an interest in student access to communication channels,” he said. “We have a station on a college, but it’s not really a college station.” Ulibarri said Lobo Growl satisfies KUNM’s goal to integrate students into its programming. He said putting the radio station online was the best way to do this. Ulibarri posted flyers around campus in early 2010 to see if anyone was interested in starting the project. Tami Lynn, a photography graduate student, was one of the people who saw the fliers. She said she always wanted to do radio as a kid, and joined Lobo Growl as soon as she knew she could. Lynn hosts the music show “A Damn Fine Cup of Indie Rock.” When Lynn was a kid, she said she would listen to the radio with a blank tape in the cassette player so she could hit ‘record’ any time a DJ played a song she liked. “With radio, there is a personality and the person is talking to you and
Inside the
Daily Lobo volume 116
issue 5
Emerging Lobo Leaders, a facet of the undergraduate student government organization ASUNM, allows freshmen to participate in student government and pursue leadership opportunities as they begin their college experience. Hannah Russell, the group’s director, said the program presents a unique opportunity for freshmen. “Typically you’d have to be appointed to a position as a director of an agency, hired by the president as staff for one of the agencies, or elected,” she said. “As a freshman it’s kind of overwhelming to come onto campus and want to get involved if you were in student government in high school or you were a leader in your community, but you don’t know how to get involved at UNM.” ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal said she has seen the program succeed. “It’s a great program because it gives students a good gateway and a kind of crash course, if you will, as to how ASUNM and student organizations function and work,” she said. “It’s a great opportunity for freshmen.” Russell said two freshmen who took part in the program last year
ran for ASUNM senate during the spring semester and won. “It’s networking, too,” she said. “If the student government knows you and they’re behind you, it’s awesome as far as your chances go to win.” ELL is beginning its second year, and Russell said plans to expand are underway. Last year the program had 20 student participants; this year, the goal is to have between 25 and 30. “A lot of people who are applying have been involved in similar things in high school, but we also have applicants who just played Varsity soccer in high school,” Russel said. “All that matters to us is you want to get involved now, and interested in being a leader now.” Selected students will meet with leaders within ASUNM, such as the president, vice president and attorney general, as well as the directors of the different agencies within ASUNM’s executive branch, like Lobo Spirit, Student Special Events and Community Experience to learn how student government works. “ELL was the best way for me to learn what ASUNM actually does,” said Frankie Gonzales, who participated as a freshmen
see Lobo
Leaders PAGE 8
For more info
on listening and
applying, visit:
Going green
The artistic economy
See page 2
See page 10
Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Tami Lynn records her Internet radio show for Lobo Growl at the sub Tuesday evening. Lobo Growl is a completely student run Internet radio station that streams tunes and talk.
Photo Essay
Trekkies Unite
Joanie Frerichs, in the photo to the right, eats salad, and Canadian semi-professional “Spock� impersonator, in the photo to the left, snacks on a chocolate bar in between lectures at the official 45th anniversary Star Trek convention in Las Vegas, Nev.
DAILY LOBO new mexico
volume 116
issue 5
Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com
Photos by Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Hunter Riley Photo Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith
Culture Editor Eva Dameron Assistant Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han
Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson
The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.
Welcome Back Shabbat! When: Friday, August 26th Where: Aaron David Bram Hillel House Address: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 Time: 6pm Phone Number: (505) 242-1127 Website: http://www.unmhillel.org Hillel is the Jewish student organization on campus welcoming students of traditional age, between 18-31.
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Thursday, August 25, 2011 / Page 3
LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Thursday August 25, 2011
Letter Restoring capitalism will benefit economy Editor’s Note: This letter is response to Jose Flores’ letter printed in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo,“Economy steals from poor, gives to rich,” which decried the current American economic system. Editor, First off, we do not live in a true capitalist system. It is absurd to believe that we do. We live in a mixed economy, one that blames the crumbles of liberty that still exist for all the failures by the strong-growing establishment of socialism. And the last I checked, Wall Street absolutely loves government intervention. Any signs of what’s called quantitative easing from the Federal Reserve, it goes green, the stimulus, goes green, the TARP bailouts, go green. Why? Well, because it is predictable, and Wall Street loves predictable. This failed Keynesian ideology, much driven by university professors, thrives off bubbles and busts, and leaves the less fortunate in the dust.
“For every single falter that we see from government intervention, somehow, capitalism gets the blame.” The rich get richer, while the poor suffer, jobless, with nothing more than a cheap unemployment handout, no real job, no real sense of self-satisfaction or purpose. In a mixed economy, it is this endless supply of morphine that the government supplies its poor to keep them sedated, away from personal responsibility, away from learning to do what it takes to survive. Then they tell them to vote for them to get more. In a truly laissez-faire economy, such is not so. … The super-rich do not get more at the expense of the poor; cheap ways are not as readily predictable. There are multiple companies competing. Just like biological evolution, small companies can fill the niches that the large ones miss. There is not an endless supply of regulations to shackle them out of the game. In capitalism, there is no corporate welfare where politicians wine and dine with the richest lobbyists … it is forbidden, but in socialism, there is. For every single falter that we see from government intervention, somehow, capitalism gets the blame. Then government and its power-hungry politicians prescribe more of the same morphine, and a heavier dose. Indeed, the time has come to shake off these chains, to remove the IV and to unequivocally restore capitalism. To restore capitalism, such as in the experiments in East Germany, Soviet Russia and South Korea, would be to restore prosperity, and to relight the bright light of freedom and prosperity for all … rich and poor. Damian Erasmus UNM Alumnus
Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief
Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor
Chelsea Erven News editor
Uninformed can’t give good quotes by Charlie Shipley
Daily Lobo Columnist “I heard s**t went down.” In a letter in Tuesday’s issue, “Good journalism needs good quotes,” a reader, not unkindly, criticized Luke Holmen for using a quote in a story about reported nonsense that happened at Lobo Village over the weekend. He implied that Luke wasn’t taking his reporting seriously when he gathered the quote, and he offered a few pieces of journalistic advice to my colleague about who to quote when chasing a story: “A good journalist quotes not those who hear about what happened, but those who saw what happened.” He encouraged him to quote students who can provide eyewitness examples. In this case, I assume the reader would have preferred quotes from students who saw the 5-0 banging on doors and citations flurrying about the apartments. Never mind that if there’s anything history has taught us, it’s that the first thought going through a student’s mind when the fuzz show up and said student has an illgotten can of alcohol in his hand is most assuredly not “Oh, let me talk to this intrepid reporter,” but “Run! Run, dammit!” Add that said student is probably on his own for the first time and being bankrolled by parents, and he’s going to be in Sandoval County before the cop takes his pen out. When choosing quotes, journalists choose not only the informative ones, but ones that strike emotional chords — the juicy ones that make you go “Woah, they said that?” With any luck, they’ll know something in the bargain. There’s an unfortunate fact of journalism that the letter writer fails to recognize, and it is that “I heard s**t went down” is sometimes the best you’re going to get. There are those who don’t want to talk to the press, those who didn’t see anything at all whether they were there or not, those just simply not articulate enough to form a decent sentence and, worst of all, those
who simply don’t know anything. It’s part of the territory — a part that I seem to be revisiting more and more often — and that’s unfortunate, particularly on a college campus. It’s difficult to do a piece on students’ reactions to the situation in Tripoli when most don’t know what Tripoli is, or that Gadhafi is not Gandhi.
“How can you write about world affairs when the only state visit that most students know about is the cast of “Jersey Shore” going to Italy?” You can’t get a decent quote about London if a student doesn’t know that London is burning. How can you write about world affairs when the only state visit that most students know about is the cast of “Jersey Shore” going to Italy? I remember last year during the Gulf Oil Spill, I asked a good friend of mine, a fellow student, what he thought of the disaster. I reprint his response in totality for you below: “What?” The oil spill in the Gulf, I told him. You know, the BP tanker that is dumping millions of gallons of crude and destroying an entire industry in a matter of days? “Nah, man. I don’t know about that.” See? That isn’t even “I heard s**t went down” caliber. My friend, who has a Twitter feed, a Facebook page, a Tumblr, and constantly video chats with scores of friends, had heard nothing. And I realized that if he hadn’t, it’s likely the people with whom he communicated hadn’t as well. There’s no effort required anymore to get nearly any information you
want; unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any effort to get any kind of information you might need. Another friend of mine, to pick on the crew from the “Shore” again, bristles if you call her JWOWW, but has no idea what the Department of State is. She’s a high school graduate, folks. I remember mornings in middle school and high school when our eyes were barely open and we poured ourselves into those desks. “Channel One News” would come on. These were days long before Lisa Ling was known for her work on “The View;” she was simply known to hundreds of thousands of eighth and ninth graders for her somber, whispered reporting on tragic situations in Bosnia and Yugoslavia. The camera would pan from her to just over a barbed-wire fence where children and families were starving, or rebels were poised to start a revolution for independence somewhere. We may have moaned and groaned and only been interested in the Mountain Dew commercials and the popular songs they played as bumper music, but like a form of televised osmosis, we would all keep something from those broadcasts. A smattering of us would, at one point or another, before mercilessly taunting one another over who completely bombed the “Pop Quiz,” engage in a serious discussion of What Is Happening in the World. I don’t know if they have Channel One anymore, or if it has become too much of an annoyance for teachers who are overworked and underpaid and have too much to cover in too short of a time. I think we need it though. We need the “Pop Quiz” and the Mountain Dew Commercials and somber, serious Lisa Ling to remind us that there is an entire world outside of MTV’s cameras. There’s life after the finals and classes and grades. Indeed, there’s s**t going down, and students should make an effort to learn about it, talk about it and know about it. That way, they’ll be able to give the kind of quote that the letter writer yearns for.
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ugust 25, 2011 / Page 5
Page 6 / Thursday, August 25, 2011
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Russian shuttle falls apart (Off) Campus Bookstore Guaranteed Cheaper than the Competition Serving UNM and CNM CASH FOR BOOKS USED and NEW Sell, Rent and Buyback all year round!
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by Jim Heintz
The Associated Press MOSCOW — An unmanned Russian supply ship bound for the International Space Station failed to reach its planned orbit Wednesday, and pieces of it fell in Siberia amid a thunderous explosion, officials said. A brief statement from Roscosmos, Russia’s space agency, did not specify whether the Progress supply ship that was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan had been lost. But the state news agency RIA Novosti quoted Alexander Borisov, head of a the Choisky region in Russia’s Altai province, as saying pieces of the craft fell in his area some 900 miles northeast of the launch site. “The explosion was so strong that for 100 kilometers (60 miles) glass almost flew out of the windows,� he was quoted as saying. Borisov said there were no immediate reports of casualties. The ITAR-Tass news agency quoted Choisky’s Interior Ministry as saying the space ship crashed in a vast Siberian forest that contains small villages. Yuri Shmyrin, the chief of Karakoksha, one of those villages, told Interfax news agency that the search operation for the wreckage is not likely to start until Thursday morning. The Russian Emergencies Ministry could not be reached for comment. A Roscosmos media officer who refused to be identified said the agency had no immediate comment. Roscosmos said the third stage of the rocket firing the ship into space failed a few minutes into the launch.
The ship was carrying more than 2.5 tons of supplies, including oxygen, food and fuel. Since the ending of the U.S. space shuttle program this summer, Russian spaceships are a main supply link to the space station. It was the 44th ‘Progress’ (the name of the ship) to launch to the International Space Station.
“The explosion was so strong that for 100 kilometers (60 miles) glass almost flew out of the windows,� ~Alexander Borisov, Choisky region head Roscosmos said the accident “would have no negative influence� on the International Space Station crew because its existing supplies of food, water and oxygen are sufficient. Interfax cited a Russian space analyst, Sergei Puzanov, as saying those supplies could last two to three months and that “the situation with the loss of the Progress cannot be called critical.� In the United States, NASA said the rocket appeared to function flawlessly at liftoff, which occurred right on time, but there was a loss of contact with the vehicle just over five minutes into the flight. On NASA TV, Russian officials
said the upper stage did not separate from the supply ship and that on two subsequent orbits controllers tried in vain to contact the supply ship. Two hours after the mishap, Russian Mission Control told the space station crew: “We’ll try to figure it out.� NASA is counting on Russia as well as Japan and Europe to keep the orbiting outpost stocked now that the space shuttles are no longer flying. The shuttle program ended in July with the Atlantis mission; a year’s worth of food and other provisions were delivered. Late this year, a commercial company in California plans to launch its own rocket and supply ship to the space station. NASA is encouraging private enterprise to make station deliveries. There are six astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which orbits 220 miles above the Earth. They are Russians Andrei Borisenko, Alexander Samokutyaev and Sergei Volkov; Americans Michael Fossum and Ronald Garan and Japan’s Satoshi Furukawa. “The supplies aboard the space station are actually pretty fat,� NASA spokeswoman Kelly Humphries said from Houston after the resupply mission by space shuttle Atlantis in July. “So we don’t anticipate any immediate impact to the crew.� Humphries stressed that NASA was waiting to get more details from Russian space officials on what actually happened. In July of 2010, a Progress supply ship failed in its first automatic docking attempt due to equipment malfunction, but was connected with the orbiting laboratory two days later.
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Go Lobos!
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Thursday, August 25, 2011 / Page 7
GRADUATE RESOURCE CENTER Together to the Highest Degree
The Graduate Resource Center (GRC), administered by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), supports graduate and professional students engaged in writing and research. The GRC provides a series of workshops, seminars, and symposia that are specifically crafted to develop the academic, research, and professional skills essential to student success.
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A collaborative effort with more than 50 sessions offered in the fall semester, co-sponsored by the University of New Mexico Office of the Vice President for Research, the Office of Graduate Studies, the Title V Graduate Resource Center, Graduate & Professional Student Association, Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (and other student organizations), Center for Academic Program Support, and University Libraries.
Note: many sessions are offered twice, all are small groups and taught by experts
Four Certificate Programs: Grant-Writing & Proposal Development – all the elements for successful proposals Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility –responsibilities of the grant awardee Responsible Conduct of Research – ensure your research is conducted ethically and satisfy NIH and NSF RCR requirements Research Compliance – create effective protocols for human and animal research Plus: Hands-on Finding Funding workshops, a Website of Resources, one-on-one proposal preparation assistance, and much more. For more information about the GSFI and contact persons, see the website above.
Page 8 / Thursday, August 25, 2011
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Alleged smugglers plead guilty by Jeri Clausing
The Associated Press
Stack of Pancakes 2 for $1.25
Federal prosecutors are close to wrapping up their case against a group of border town officials accused of helping to smuggle hundreds of guns into Mexico. A change of plea hearing is scheduled in Las Cruces on Thursday for Columbus police chief Angelo Vega, who faces a felony conspiracy charge. The town’s former mayor, a former town trustee, and nearly a dozen other people already have pleaded guilty in the case. If Vega changes his plea to guilty, there will be just two defendants left to resolve their charges, according to a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in West Texas, which took over prosecution of the case. One of those is a fugitive who was never arrested; the other, Gabriela Gutierrez, is accused of making false statements, ( Limited to
aiding and abetting and conspiracy. Former Columbus Mayor Eddie Espinoza, 51, was the first to change his plea to guilty last month. Since then, 11 others have followed suit. Espinoza’s attorney, Howard Anderson, said Monday that everyone had been “pretty much lined up” to change their pleas to guilty in the case following their arrest in a federal sting in April. But he said the agreements have all been sealed so it’s unclear who might have made deals for leniency. “It’s hard to say,” Anderson said. “It’s a question of what they could and couldn’t prove. … Obviously some have deals.” A spokesman for Vega’s attorney confirmed the hearing was scheduled this week for Vega to change his plea. Vega faces one count of conspiracy in the case, which could carry a sentence of up to five years.
The other two town officials face potentially much longer sentences. Blas Gutierrez, a 30-year-old former village trustee, faces up to 280 years in prison after pleading guilty to 19 counts of gun smuggling, 17 counts of making false statements in the acquisition of firearms and one count of conspiracy. Espinoza faces 65 years in prison for guilty pleas on one count of conspiracy, three counts of making false statements in the acquisition of firearms and three counts of smuggling firearms. Sentencing dates have not been set. Anderson said it takes about 75 to 90 days after pleas are entered for pre-sentencing reports to be completed. Columbus sits just north of Palomas, Mexico, a town that has seen increasing violence as drug cartels wage war against one another, the Mexican Army and police.
us,” he said. “What they are doing is
last year. “It’s more than ASUNM, though — it is about leadership and learning to be involved, and I would encourage other freshmen to apply.” He now serves in a paid position as the assistant director for ELL under ASUNM. Russell said there will be more hands-on opportunities after the first month in the program. “Each of the agencies is going to have a special project they’ll give to the ELLs,” she said. “For example, Student Special Events is considering giving the marketing of their annual Halloween event to [us], so ELLs can design fliers and distribute them, and learn how these things are paid for and how it works.” ELL is also planning a day for local high school students who serve in student government to come to UNM and learn about the workings of government on the college level. Students can pick up ELL applications in the ASUNM office on the bottom floor of the SUB until Aug. 29. Students will be contacted for interviews and will be notified by Sept. 5 as to whether they’ve been accepted.
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3017 MontetionalVista NE / 256-4540 stage this summer. “I was chosen to testify in www.Artisan-SantaFe.com Washington D.C. in front of a congressional subcommittee in May 3017 Monte Vista NE / 256-4540 to talk about what they are doing,” www.Artisan-SantaFe.com he said. “I have not sued, but they
WANT A LOBO? LOBO? WANTTO TO BE BE A Open tryouts are going to be held for the following women’s intercollegiate Open tryouts are held forcontact the following women’s intercollegiate sports programs at going UNM.to be Please the head coach or assistant sports programs at UNM. Please contact the head coach or assistant coach for further details. coach for further details. W. Basketball Erin Grant, Asst. Coach 925-5772 e-mail: egrant15@unm.edu W. Basketball Erin Grant, Asst. Coach 925-5772 W. Diving Abel Sanchez, Head Coach 249-4652 e-mail: egrant15@unm.edu e-mail: abel2s@unm.edu W. Diving Abel Sanchez, Head Coach 249-4652 W. Golf Becky Dover, Asst. Coach (805) 704-4776 e-mail: abel2s@unm.edu e-mail: W. Golf Beckyrdover44@unm.edu Dover, Asst. Coach (805) 704-4776 W. Skiing Fredrik Head Coach 277-5423 e-mail:Landstedt, rdover44@unm.edu e-mail: landsted@unm.edu W. Skiing Fredrik Landstedt, Head Coach 277-5423 Softball Christi Musser, Asst. Coach 925-5813 e-mail: landsted@unm.edu e-mail: Softball Christicmusser@unm.edu Musser, Asst. Coach 925-5813 W. Soccer Krista Foo, Asst. Coach 925-5760 e-mail: cmusser@unm.edu (Spring Only) e-mail: W. Soccer Kristakp18@unm.edu Foo, Asst. Coach 925-5760 W. Tennis Roy Cañada, Head Coach 306-8407 (Spring Only) e-mail: kp18@unm.edu e-mall: rcanada@unm.edu W. Tennis Roy Cañada, Head Coach 306-8407 W. Track & Field Rodney Asst. Coach 417-6428 e-mall:Zuyderwyk, rcanada@unm.edu rzuyderw@unm.edu W. Track & Field e-mail: Rodney Zuyderwyk, Asst. Coach 417-6428 W. Swimming Crystal Asst. Coach 277-4472 e-mail:Forbes, rzuyderw@unm.edu e-mail: crystalbluehi@aol.com W. Swimming Crystal Forbes, Asst. Coach 277-4472 W. Volleyball Ben Wallis, Asst. Coach 277-2314 e-mail: crystalbluehi@aol.com (Spring Only) e-mail: bewallis@unm.edu W. Volleyball Ben Wallis, Asst. Coach 277-2314 (Spring Only) e-mail: bewallis@unm.edu
Chet Karnas, president of Lone Sun Builders Inc., said the claims against his business are ridiculous. “We pay 85 percent of our employee health benefit and dental plans,” he said. “That is a really high amount. For a family of four, the employees only pay $150 a month and we pay $850.” Andy Hart, President of Hart Construction, who contracted with Lone Sun to do the carpentry at Fan Tang, said the company treats its workers well. “Lone Sun’s employment package is pretty darn amazing,” he said. “I’ve looked into this and they are not at all paying their employees anything unreasonable. I see the same guys time and time again and they wouldn’t be coming back if the wages were low.” Karnas said the employees at his company were satisfied. “We have a full range of hourly wages, ranging from 16-24 dollars an hour depending on their qualifications,” he said. Karnas has made video and print compilations detailing the unions’ activities at lonesun.wordpress.com “You can see in the videos … some of the physical assaults they have made on us, and cussed at
have been the subject of lawsuits in Georgia and Chicago, and they’ve lost a lot.” The Chamber of Commerce, the Associated General Contractors Association, and Association of Building contractors have written editorials in support of the contractors being picketed against, and against the activities of the carpenters union, but it hasn’t stopped the organization, which has picketed across Albuquerque at places like the Tamarind Institute near UNM and Il Vicino. “I’m a former union member, and I have nothing against unions,” Karnas said. “The carpenters union is a rogue union. I have very good relations with other union leaders and people have every right to collective bargaining … but these tactics are disparaging to themselves … it’s a damn mob of organized crime. They have told me face-to-face (that) they aren’t trying to unionize me, they are trying to put me out of business.”
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4:59:18 PM
Thursday, August 25, 2011 / Page 9
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Lobo Culture
“I am not afraid ... I was born to do this.”
-Joan of Arc
Thursday August 25, 2011
The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895
Culture editor / Eva Dameron
culture@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131
creative economy
The map on the right illustrates the various elements of Albuquerque’s Creative Economy. The Creative Sector Core (workers, occupations and industries) is supported by: • Upstream Production Infrastructure – education, equipment, information, etc. • General Public Infrastructure – funding, associations, policy, etc.
Supplies & Equipment Research & Information (Statistical & Scientific)
For this environment to flourish in Albuquerque, we must foster creative education, adaptation, exploration, reciprocal exchange, diversity and progress among the various members of our creative community. All of these interactions generate a flow of ideas and inventions that stimulate active markets. Creative Albuquerque provides services and support to ensure the vibrancy and continued development of our creative economy.
Media & Publishers
Funding & Financing (Public & Private)
Retail Distribution Outlets
Agents, Brokers & Intermediaries
Marketing & Advertising
Partners & Collaborators
Unions & Trade Associations
Presenters & Festivals
Professional & Non-Professional Associations
Facilities & Venues
• Downstream Distribution Infrastructure – consumers, venues, representatives, collaborators, etc. John Howkins, author of “The Creative Economy,” explains that creative economies exist where learning is fastest, collaboration easiest and novelty most stimulating.
Workforce Education & Training
Public Space Policy
Local group measures artists’ contribution to the economy, f inds avenues for growth and civic cooperation by Eva Dameron
culture@dailylobo.com Think you’re doomed to be a starving artist? “The term ‘starving artist’ is fast becoming passé,” said Regina Chavez, executive director of Creative Albuquerque and UNM teacher for Intro to Arts Management. “It’s an old term not used as much, and here’s why: ‘Starving artist’ could also be a starving business person, starving architect, starving bus driver, starving waitress — it could be anything. As long as people selfidentify as starving whatever, they’re going to stay that way; it’s a very limiting label.” She said Creative Albuquerque focuses not so much on the individual person (although she said it does have a good professional development program for artists), but on the bigger picture of the creative economy and how it can stimulate jobs and cultural activities for the creative economy. With Creative Albuquerque amassing information on our creative economy, we can now examine the hard-fast of the entire creative industry in the city. At Creativeabq.com, you can sift through all sorts of eye-opening information on all manner of arts-related things, as well as sign up for its weekly newsletter Creativity Matters: Chronicles of the Creative Economy. “We put in local tidbits and we also talk about stuff going on nationally, globally — anything we feel the creative individuals would want to know about,” Chavez said. “And it’s not very long, because it comes out weekly, so you don’t have to spend an hour reading it.” Chavez said the creative economy makes up onethird of the workforce, taking in $1.2 billion in revenue and making up about 19,500 workers in Bernalillo County. This includes architects, landscapers, graphic designers, interior designers, historians, writers, actors, visual artists, musicians, animators, software developers — in short, anyone who solves creative problems with the intent to innovate. “We are working with three national projects to collect data from the arts and cultural industries, and this data will tell us how many creative workers we have here, how much are they contributing to the economy, what are their annual wages, how many people do we have in what jobs, how many actors, historians, photographers — that kind of information,” Chavez said. “What do we need to do to help this sector grow?”
Sherri Brueggemann, manager of city’s public art program, said she contracted Creative Albuquerque to do three major projects: The Creative Vitality Index, The Arts and Economic Prosperity Report, and the Local Arts Index. She said Creative Albuquerque has the capacity to be in contact with all of the for-profit and nonprofit arts organizations and individual artists, show up to all of the arts events and conduct surveys. “How much did you pay for a theater ticket? Did you eat at a restaurant? How much did you spend on dinner? Did you pay for parking? Did you get a babysitter?” Brueggemann said. “We’re trying to get a picture of the full economic impact of the arts in our community. They’re taking on the task of doing all of that data collection so we can use that information to better provide services to the citizens.”
She said that, in theory, this data will allow them to work on better offerings at cultural venues such as libraries or special events. “We might use the information to provide better parking at venues that are owned by the cities,” she said. “We might use the info to budget funds through the economic development office to help arts businesses and organizations do better marketing for themselves.” She said Creative Albuquerque’s downtown arts and cultural information center, which is located at 115 Fourth St. N.W., is always having events and receptions, and people are welcome to stop by.
Photos and graphics courtesy of Creative Albuquerque
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Thursday, August 25, 2011 / Page 11
Retailer: Don’t wear our clothes The Associated Press
The Situation doesn’t usually require a lot of motivation to lose the shirt. But Abercrombie & Fitch wants him to go one further — the company has offered to pay “Jersey Shore� cast members to stop wearing clothes carrying their brand. The preppy teen retailer based in New Albany, Ohio, said Tuesday it would pay a “substantial payment� to Mike “The Situation� Sorrentino or any cast member who stops wearing its clothing on the popular MTV reality show because the series is “contrary to the aspirational nature of the brand.� “We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino’s association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image,� the retailer said in a press release. It may seem strange that a brand that employs half-naked models to stand outside its flagship stores and courts controversy with racy catalogs has come out with such an aggressive campaign against the hard-partying cast of “Jersey Shore.� But the audacious approach is getting the teen retailer tons of publicity during the crucial back-to-school season, the second biggest shopping period of the year. The CEO says it’s having fun with the ploy, and marketing experts say the company may wind up laughing all the way to the bank. “It gets their name further out into the marketplace with one of the hottest brands on TV right now at the peak of the back-to-school season,� said Wall Street Strategies analyst Brian Sozzi. “It’s free marketing. Because the approach is so ridiculous, everybody’s talking about it.� Brands usually embrace celebrities
Charles Sykes / Associated Press In a March 9 photo Mike “The Situation� Sorrentino appears onstage at the Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump in New York. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. says in a news release Tuesday Aug. 16, 2011 that they are concerned that having Sorrentino seen in its clothing could cause “significant damage� to the company’s image. or performers who adopt their products in an unsolicited, organic way, because of all the attention it can drum up. But sometimes they can have an uneasy relationship. When hip-hop stars unofficially adopted luxury champagne Cristal as their drink of choice several years ago, for example, the relationship seemed cozy at first. But after a company executive made derogatory comments about hip-hop culture, high profile rappers like Jay-Z boycotted it. Still, unexpected adaptation can be beneficial. When an urban audience adopted ultra-preppy Tommy Hilfiger clothes, the brand ended up expanding massively — and now Tommy Hil-
figer’s son is a rapper. The cast of “Jersey Shore� doesn’t consist of the kind of role models most brands covet. Now filming its fifth season, the show has won millions of viewers who tune in to watch a group of foul-mouthed 20- and 30-somethings hanging out, hooking up and behaving raucously. Sorrentino is one of the most popular and outrageous cast members, boasting of a “gym-tan-laundry� routine and lifting his shirt to show off his abs at every opportunity. Abercrombie CEO Mike Jeffries said the offer to pay cast members came about when someone alerted him Sorrentino was wearing Abercrombie & Fitch on the show. In an Aug. 11 episode, Sorrentino wears neon green AFlabel sweat pants. Abercrombie has not disclosed the offering price. MTV called the move a “clever PR stunt� by Abercrombie. “We’d love to work with them on other ways they can leverage ‘Jersey Shore’ to reach the largest youth audience on television,� the network said Wednesday in a statement. The news came as Abercrombie reported strong second-quarter results fueled by international growth. Sorrentino did not return requests for comment and there was no word at press time whether anyone in the cast had accepted the offer. ___ AP TV writer Frazier Moore contributed to this report.
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the haps
Page 12 / Thursday, August 25, 2011
HAPS Listings Thursday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL* *The Original Weekly Dance Party* *CLCK CLCK BNG & Guests* *Dance/ Electro & Indie* *75 Cent PBR Until Its Gone* The Library Bar & Grill Booty Shaking Thursday 8pm-2am 3rd Place wins $50! 2nd Place wins $100! 1st Place wins $200! $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm The Orchid Chamber 25% off Hookah Menu Noon-1:30pm & 5-7pm SE Corner of Corrs/Sequoia Coaches Geeks Who Drink 8:30 - 10:30 $11.00 Pitchers of Fat Tire, 1554, and Ranger IPA
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. A chance to Win a trip for 2 to Vegas! Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers.
Dance Excess Presents the 6th annual DXS Dance Xperience $15 at the Southwest Cultural Center
Saturday Burt’s Tiki Lounge *The Prids* (theprids.com) *The Glass Menageries* *Lady Uranium* Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10
Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10
The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!
Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Turbo Negro* *Ass Cobra* *Car Theif* The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos Free Buffet with Drink Purchase bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm
bRgR Hours of Operation: 12:00pm-9:30pm Coaches College Sports Day Features $3.00 Corona and Corona Lights. AND $4.00 Negra Modelo Drafts Dance Excess Presents the 6th annual DXS Dance Xperience $15 at the Southwest Cultural Center
The Orchid Chamber 25% off Hookah Menu Noon-1:30pm & 5-7pm SE Corner of Corrs/Sequoia Coaches Best Happy Hour in Town 4:30 - 7:00 1/2 Priced Drafts and Appetizers *wings not included Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close.
Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close.
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 bRgR Hours of Operation: 12:00pm-9:30pm Coaches NFL Footb Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials
MoNday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *The MC Type* *Solar One* *Mic Deli* *$3 Marble Drafts & $5 Mojitos* The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm The Orchid Chamber 25% off Hookah Menu Noon-1:30pm & 5-7pm SE Corner of Corrs/Sequoia Sunshine Theater Amon Amarth Doors at 7:30PM All Ages Coaches Monday Night Football Beer and Drink Specials!
Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials
The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos
Coaches 1/2 Priced Drafts and Appetizers All Night *Wings not included Beer Pong with SW Beer Pong Tournaments
Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Greenland is Melting* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night*
Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) & late night food specials
Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30
bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm
Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints*
The Orchid Chamber 25% off Hookah Menu Noon-1:30pm & 5-7pm SE Corner of Corrs/Sequoia
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New Mexico Daily Lobo
Drag bingo informative, fun Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu
Just because a person is straight doesn’t mean he or she can’t enjoy a night of drag bingo. Friday evening, OUT Queer Grads hosts UNM Drag Bingo in the SUB. This event is the first of its kind on campus, though not uncommon elsewhere. Christopher Ramirez, the organization’s networking guy, said this is an opportunity to educate the community at large through a popular form of entertainment. “So we were thinking, ‘what could we do that would be sort of a fun event to kick off the school year?’” he said. “What we want to do is raise visibility on the LGBTQ issues around the University in a fun way while also educating people. We hope that it’ll become a tradition at the University that we can do every fall.” OUT Queer Grads, a graduate/ professional student organization, was created one year ago. Since then, Ramirez said the group has worked with the LGBTQ Resource Center, in addition to sponsoring a slew of events for graduate professional students such as Queer Pilates and the New Mexico Queer Student Summit in partnership with the UNM Queer-Straight Alliance. The idea, he said, is to weave the educational component throughout the performances and bingo game in such a way that people walk away having been exposed to new ideas and terms like “drag queen” and
“transgender” without feeling beaten over the head with information. Ramirez said that because the organization’s members know they won’t have trouble attracting folks from the LGBTQ community, they’re directing their efforts toward getting straight allies to come out to the events. “We all count on student allies to be part of the work we’re doing,” he said. “We want to reach out to straight allies because sometimes they don’t think they’re invited to some of these events, but we want everyone to be there. One of the ways we can make this campus safer for all students, not just queer students, is to get allies to be part of the work we’re doing as well.” For those unfamiliar with the concept of a drag show, PJ Sedillo, a Ph D student who will be performing as ‘Fontana DeVine,’ said it is just like going to any other kind of theater performance. Many perceive drag queens as individuals who want to permanently become women; however, Sedillo said this is not true of the majority of female impersonators. “Maybe a little bit campier, but no different,” Sedillo said. “It’s sort of like honoring women, because you take the best qualities of a woman and try to highlight that, showcase that … For me, it’s playacting. I get to be a different person. Fontana gets to do everything that PJ doesn’t get away with.” In the 20 years he has been performing as Fontana DeVine, in
roughly 500-600 shows, most of his work has helped raise money for different organizations. Most audiences first see a man acting as a woman, he said, but the question of gender fades from their consciousness as they succumb to the entertainment he provides. “In my entire career I’ve probably raised, and can account for it by different organizations, probably close to $80,000 to $90,000 that I give back,” he said. “That’s by doing drag; I sing and I dance and do many shows with Musical Theater Southwest, but I’ve found it easier to raise money for the community by doing drag.” Ramirez said the attraction to drag shows is not necessarily that it’s about a man dressed as a woman, but the kind of energy she brings to the performance. “You see how much they’re enjoying themselves,” he said. “Whether it’s drag or somebody presenting their research, it’s entertaining, but how great is it to watch somebody doing something they absolutely love that comes across on stage, in any kind of performance?”
She said the convention attracts about 45 local authors each year, as well as authors and guests from out of town. “We are what’s called a literary convention,” Dorland said. “We deal mostly with written topics, comic books, books, articles, things like that.” The guest of honor is Stephen Leigh/S.L. Farrell, a science fiction and fantasy writer, artist and musician. The toastmaster is Suicide Kings author Ian Tregillis, and John Picacio will be the guest artist. People must sign up for a $45 membership for the weekend in order to attend the talks, or they can pay for one day, which gets them into the art show and the Dealer’s Room Flea Market. Caci Gallop, who runs the dealer’s room, said this year Bubonicon has a table called Custom Cranium, which has morbid baby dolls. “They’re like your normal teddy bears with real animal skulls,” Gallop said. “They’re extremely interesting, but they’re definitely a little far out there.” Saturday night is the costume contest, which will attract many steampunk-themed outfits, of course.
“The actual definition is it’s an alternate history, and it’s based on the idea that technology evolved from steam power, not electricity,” Dorland said. “Because steam was so heavily developed during the Victorian era, there’s the idea that has kept going that the Victorian dress remained en vogue.” Dorland said that in the past people have dressed to the themes of space pirates, zombies and superheroes. “The costume contest is usually very extravagant, and this year will be no different,” Gallop said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meet local authors and have a great time.”
[box] OUT Queer Grads Drag Bingo Friday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. SUB Ballroom C
Queer Grads
Drag Bingo Friday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. SUB Ballroom C
Sci fi con goes steampunk Welcome Students! Welcome Students! by Eva Dameron
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DAILY LOBO new mexico
This year’s steampunk-themed Bubonicon 43 is one of the Southwest’s oldest multi-genre science fiction conventions, dating back to the Summer of Love — 1969. Co-chair Kristen Dorland said that in 1972 the name changed from NewMexiCon to Bubonicon as a response to New Mexico’s bubonic plague outbreak. “Egypt had imposed a ban on travelers from New Mexico because of the bubonic plague,” she said. “Not anywhere else: just New Mexico.” This year’s festival has some novel talks, such as “Geographies of Mars,” which examines 19th-century Mars science and how astronomers used geographical theories and methods at the time to make sense of the red planet’s landscape; a workshop called Inventing A Language; panel discussions called “Re-Inventing Yourself: The Use of Pseudonyms,” “Zombies, Angels & Werewolves, Oh My: Future Trends,” “Steampunk Definitions: More Than Victorian Clothing,” and “Dig On This Again: Alien Archaeology.”
A XICANA CODEX OF CHANGING CONSCIOUSNESS A Literary & Visual Art Presentation with CHERRÍE MORAGA and CELIA HERRERA RODRÍGUEZ Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Kiva Lecture Hall This is a free event. Advance tickets are not required. For more information: V. Gina Díaz, ginadiaz@unm.edu. For accessibility needs: 505.277.3506. Sigma Alpha Omega Info Night Starts at: 7:00pm Location: 3rd floor SUB, Mirage Sigma Alpha Omega, the Christian sorority, recruitment starts this week! Come find out what we are all about!
Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.
COMMUNITY EVENTS METRO TEEN COURT Starts at: 4:30pm Location: Children’s Court, 5100 Second Street NW Alternative methods of adjudicating minor juvenile offenses, including programs that teach responsibility and positive decision making and restore a sense of safety in the community.
Bubonicon 43
Box Bubonicon 43 Friday-Sunday Friday-Sunday Sheraton Albq Airport Hotel Sheraton Albq Airport Hotel 2910 Yale Blvd. S.E. Yale Blvd. SE $45 for2910 the weekend the weekend Single$45 daysfor are $15-$25-$15 Single14-17 days are Youths $23 $15-$25-$15 for the weekend Youths Under14-17 14 free$23 for the weekend Under freeBubonicon. For more info,14visit For more info, visit Bubonicon.com com
Event Calendar
for August 25, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier!
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Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.
lobo features
New Mexico Daily Lobo
Thursday, August 25, 2011 / Page 15
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
dailycrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis
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3 4
Level 1 2 3 4
Solution to yesterdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problem
ACROSS 1 Beatles film 5 Globetrotterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s need 9 TV choice 14 x, y and z, in math 15 Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Barak 16 Curved moldings 17 Hard to spot 18 Muddy up 19 Chestnut-hued horses 20 Chicken, beef, or fish? 23 Bar order 24 Sweetie 25 Three-time Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film 27 Saw 32 Membership list 33 Slangy morning cup 34 Tabloid exclusive 36 Inferior 39 Director of the last episode of â&#x20AC;&#x153;M*A*S*Hâ&#x20AC;? 41 Concerning 43 Hersheyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s toffee bar 44 First name in daytime TV 46 Worldweariness 48 Gin maker Whitney 49 Jazz and swing periods 51 Word with crew or key 53 Gridiron call 56 Respectful title 57 French vineyard 58 Expensive bottle of wine? 64 River including Livingstone Falls 66 Major in astronomy? 67 Balm ingredient 68 Milk dispenser 69 Hardly handsome 70 Loads 71 Run for the __: Kentucky Derby 72 Understands 73 Gusto DOWN 1 Boaters and bowlers 2 Auditorium sign 3 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Leading With My Chinâ&#x20AC;? author
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4 Film with a creepy motel owner 5 Archieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heartthrob 6 Dennyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competitor 7 Diamonds, but not emeralds 8 Robin Williams forte 9 Tight braid 10 Gone by 11 Shop specializing in Winnie the Pooh merchandise? 12 Lotte who played Rosa Klebb in â&#x20AC;&#x153;From Russia With Loveâ&#x20AC;? 13 German steel town 21 Fashion designer Michael 22 Anthem contraction 26 Pontiac muscle cars 27 Slightly cracked 28 Anglerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s need 29 Money set aside for garden mazes? 30 Drink brand with a lizard logo 31 Mars pair 35 __ rock
8/25/11 Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Puzzle Solved
(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
37 Alone 38 Joyceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homeland 40 Ostentatious behavior 42 â&#x20AC;&#x153;__ With Morrieâ&#x20AC;?: Albom best-seller 45 Salts on the ocean 47 Hip bones 50 Star Wars prog. 52 German sub? 53 Present itself, as a thought
W J P ? C M M R P C GRÂ&#x201C;Q LCT
Š 2011 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
54 Tolkien ringbearer 55 1975 Tonywinning play about a stableboy 59 The munchies, e.g. 60 Cruise stop 61 Dark purple fruit 62 Eternities, seemingly 63 Midterm or final 65 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Golly!â&#x20AC;?
By David Poole
LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 16 / Thursday, August 25, 2011
new mexico
DAILY LOBO new mexico
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Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space
UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839. FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE. 1BDRM APARTMENT. 1 block south of UNM. $585/mo. $250 deposit. Includes utilities. No pets. 286-0525 or 269-9896. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated Air. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. LARGE 1 AND 2BDRMS. $400 $475/mo. $150 deposit. $25 application fee. Call 505-266-0698 8am-5pm.
Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets
LARGE STUDIO BEHIND main house. Recently remodeled. Off-street parking. Pool. Lomas and Washington. N/S. No pets. $580/mo. utilities paid. 505-2555001. SPACIOUS 2BDRM IN Ridgecrest Southeast area 6-plex. Home like setting w/ gorgeous courtyard, private backyard, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, private garage w/ extra storage room. Near UNM and KAFB. 710-3831.
For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale
WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.
Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers
UNM/ CNM/ NOBHILL. 1BDRM apartment in small complex. 710sqft. $400/mo. Light & bright. Off-street parking. Coin Laundry. No pets. 1.5 miles from campus. 345-2000.
NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com BOOKS!
PARKING, 1 BLOCK south of UNM. $100/semester. 268-0525.
RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE WANTED through December. Shared bath, $450 + Utilities. Perfect location in Nob Hill, 10 min. walk to UNM. 505-903-9881.
FREE WIFI. GYM. Laundry. Parking. Excellent Kitchen. Nice Area. 12 mins bike/bus to UNM. Private 1/2 bath. Healthy Peaceful Oasis. 459-2071. $450 NS/ND. LOOKING FOR GIRL roommate for 2BDRM apartment near UNM on Vassar DR. $250/mo +Utilities. Quiet, calm and responsible environment:)! munguiar@unm.edu SPAIN/EUBANK. FURNISHED ROOM in large house. Need female student to share w/2 females & 3 dogs for fall semester only. $400/mo utl. included. 619-616-6115, renee2234@gmail.com AZTEC STORAGE ABSOLUTELY the BEST PRICE on storages. All size units. 24 Hour video surveillance. On site manager. 10 minutes from University. 3rd month free. 884-1909. 3201 Aztec Road NE. TRUSTWORTHY ROOMATE FOR 1BDRM w/Low rent in exchange for, yard, and dog care. 12th and Candelaria. 505-206-1891. TAKE OVER LEASE at Lobo Villiage. Close to amenities. $499/mo $175dd $50 app fee. jgonza31@unm.edu A FRIENDLY/ PROFESSIONAL female wanted to share beautiful 3BDRM 2BA house minutes from UNM. $500/mo includes all utilities, Wifi. W/D. Pictures available. Email Jseeley@unm.edu 1 BLOCK TO Campus! Exceptional Student Roomies Seek Same. $590 FullyFurnished. Utilities, WiFi, Laundry and housekeeping included. No additional pets. Superior! 505-918-4846.
Services WE BUY JUNK cars! 505-702-1483. MOVING? WE’LL BUY your un-used or un-wanted items. Call Lobo Liquidators @ 575-201-8986 or 505-215-3998. Buy*Sell*Trade* TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATH TUTOR. ALL undergrad courses. $25/hour, $35/ hour+1/2. (505)227-0442 MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.
Health and Wellness BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.
Houses For Rent
Houses For Sale CHARMING 2BDRM 1BA home near UNM in a nice neighborhood. Excellent condition, low utilities. For sale by owners 175K. 7K under appraisal. Reasonable offers considered. 713 Van Buren Pl. SE 238-3732. SUPER CUTE 2BDRM 1BA. Lots of windows. Great oversized lot. Walk to UNM. W/D Inlcuded. $199,900. Owner/Broker: Call Janet 401-0252. TOTAL REMODEL 2BDRM 1BA UNM North. New Kitchen, bath, carpet, windows, and wood floors. $189,900. Call Mel 220-3149.
NOB HILL COMMUNITY Acupuncture: The Nob Hill experience in your healthcare, without the retail price-tag. $15-40 student sliding scale. nobhillCA.com 232-2870
Apartments LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525. CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.
2007 150CC SCOOTER less than 4K miles. In perfect shape - runs great - vintage looks - very cool. Joe 505-2810019, jlangdon1@comcast.net $950.00 LIKE NEW SPECIALIZED 17” mountain bike. New tires, new tubes. Ridden less than 20 times. $275. 296-7482
Computer Stuff DELL DUAL CORE 15.4” laptop with Windows 7 in excellent condition. $250 cash or card. Call 515-0972. DELL XPS410 MULTIMEDIA desktop. Intel core 2 CPU 6600 2.4GHz each. Great audio and video cards. Creative labs surround speaker system. Great viewing. $180/obo. 280-3470. APPLE IBOOK G4. 14inch notebook. 1.42GHz. Great for student use. Excellent condition. Extra battery. $170/obo. 505-280-3470.
Rooms For Rent
For Sale SELLING LACOSTE MEN’S Challenge cologne $30 and Lacoste Men’s leather wallet $50. Text or call 505-975-1759.
CLEAN, COZY, PRIVATE room and bathroom in newly remodled condo. Furnished optional. W/D, pool/ fitness, private parking, gated w/ security. $375/obo. Central ABQ Location. 505-803-6963.
‘95 THUNDERBIRD FOR sale. Blown engine, brand new tires and parts. $300. Call Tony at (505)-507-7334.
$300. POOL. W/D. Room and more. $50 DD. 505-306-5015. LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share 3BDRM. $350/mo. Hardwood floors, furnished living room, nice backyard, wi-fi, laundry, dishwasher, garage. Wyoming & I-40. Call 459-1331. 1006 MLK NE (East of I-25) $300/mo & shared utilities. $150/DD. Ideally 21 or older. Call 903-2863. UNFURNISHED NOB HILL. Large airy rooms with oak floors and expansive windows. Recently remodled. NS male. $375/mo plus 1/3 utilities. 280-3470. 1BDRM FOR RENT, $400/mo. Female preferred. Close to campus. 2305 Academic Place. For more info call 915-4224814.
3102 Central Ave SE
Furniture SOFA, LOVESEAT, OAK Accent and Sofa Tables like new, Carla 298-3837.
Garage Sales GRADUATES MOVING SALE! 8/278/28, 8am-2pm. Furniture, Books, Women’s Clothing, Jewelry, Antiques, Purses! 5304 Hines Dr. NE Abq, 87111.
Vehicles For Sale 1992 SAAB 900. 3 door, 5 speed, excellantly maintained. $2300 obo. 227-1453 or paulpaar@yahoo.com
Child Care EDUCATOR SEEKING A PT nanny/ babysitter. Responsible Graduate or Undergrad to drive two 8-10 Y/O children to and from school, activities. Light cleaning and cooking. Car provided. Must be responsible with current DL. Great Salary! Resume and references are required. 553-4730.
Jobs Off Campus AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Director: Join a wonderful, supportive team of 8 directors. Starting salary is $27K ($13/hour) full-time, plus health, dental, life and disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, generous 401K retirement plan, paid training, gasoline allowance, and more! Responsible for overall site management, planning activities, and building relationships with kids, families, and school faculty. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org
MALE ASSISTANT NEEDED By bookman/spiritual director. Mornings Preferred. 10-20hrs/wk. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com
1 ROOMATE WANTED to share 3BDRM 2BA house with 2 males. UNM/ Nob hill area. Must be clean. Male or female. $400/mo. + 1/3 utilities. WiFi. Cable. New kitchen. New furnace. Refrigerated air. W/D. Call Zach 414-5995.
FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 1BDRM shared BA. Near UNM. If interested call 1-505-310-1529.
CAREGIVER FOR 48 year old quad. Easy gig close to campus, 30 minutes -1 hour in morning & night. 7 days/wk. $12/Hr. or $200/wk. 832-621-5232.
GREAT HOME FOR visiting professors! East mountains. 3BDRM. Beautiful view. Easy highway access. Short commute. Can rent by semester. $1200. 235-8825. AVAILABLE AUGUST 21ST. Only 2 blocks to UNM/Nob Hill. Huge 5BDRM, two living areas, each w/BA, WBFP, seperate entrance. Shared kitchen/studio/laundry/parking. $375/BR + Utilities. Owner/broker, Shaw&ShawLtd., 7651440.
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GREAT DOWNTOWN LOFT at 100 Gold. 2BDRM 2BA. $1550 +utilities. Parking included. Call or text 505-2506250.
REMEMBER BRADLEY’S bookanimal@yahoo.com
APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com
New Mexico Daily Lobo
1993 HONDA HELIX for sale. Runs Great! $1900 OBO. 210-722-0047.
QUEEN BED FOR sale. $350. Guaranteed to repel velociraptors. More info and photo at http://tinyurl.com/44wxh3y Contact mwilli05@unm.edu 1993 MERCURY SABLE gold. $2850 OBO. BRAND NEW TIRES!!! Pwr windows/locks/driver’s seat. Keyless entry. Tan leather. V6. 30 MPGs! AM/FM/cassette. Great run around car! Outside Temp gauge! Call/text 208-481-0637 after 4pm UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. 1993. Call 821-9426. BRADLEY’S BOOKS INSIDE Winning Coffee, 111 Harvard. Great & carefully chosen selection of literature, nonfiction, poetry, ect. Most are approx 1/2 (or less) of todays new price. <bookanimal@yahoo.com> BLACK FLAMENCO SHOES for sale. Size 7. $30 obo. Email: rolisa@unm.edu if interested.
ENTRAVISION COMMUNICATIONS IS looking for a Research Director. Participate and support sales staff in client presentations and discussions of pertinent marketing data. Consult with Sales Managers and Account Executives on various research-based projects/ initiatives. Responsible to provide guidance for departments annual budget. Maintains all third party contracts in budget. Reports to GM. Email resumes to: cvernon@entravision.com QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Blackbelt Karate, Cheer, Hip-Hop & Jazz Ballet. Teach ages 4-15. 1 night/ week, great P/T pay. (505)899-1666. GLOW KICKBALL DIVISION Rep -- Super cool person needed for promoting, managing league and planning division parties! $15-$30/hr, must be 21+. info@glowkickball.com !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training courses available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. TALIN IS LOOKING for morning stockers. Hours from 6AM to 10AM. Also hiring receptionist and closing cashier. Hours 4PM to 8:30PM. Apply online at talinmarket.com P/T AFTERNOON AND evening cleaning positions available. Starting pay $8/hr. Call for more information 505750-2230. LOOKING FOR A kindergarten bilingual teacher. Must have or near graduation: BA in ECME and a NM teaching license. Call Karen 505-896-6764. CAN YOU PROOF & CORRECT MY GRAMMAR WITH GUSTO? Then easy money is yours for the taking! Retired Executive turned MBA student seeks executive assistant to proof essays and work assignments prior to submission. Third year HISTORY or ENGLISH undergrad or any graduate level student with STRONG comprehension of APA style writing. Please email writing sample to executiveMBAstudentNM@gmail. com and include your phone number. I will give you a call within 24 hours. NEW MEXICO LEGISLATORS seeking intern for several weeks during special session in September. Interest in government and transportation to Santa Fe required. Pay negotiable. Please call (505)508-0782 if interested.
CAREGIVERS FOR TOP-quality after school childcare program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Must be able to work Wednesdays 12PM - 5PM in the fall. Work-study encouraged to apply. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org EARLY BIRD LAWN service now excepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information. RUNNER NEEDED FOR law office in Nob Hill. Consistent, competent, compassionate – and an energetic team player. 2 to 5 PM, 5 days/week. Parking available, down the street from UNM campus.Send resume, references, and transcript of grades if recently in school, to Anna@ParnallLaw.com AVON REPS NEEDED! $10 to start. 40% earnings. Call Shantel (ISR) 9230347. MCLOUD MOUNTAIN SIDE YMCA is now hiring for a part time front desk staff position. Looking to cover 5:15-9:30 AM MWF, flexible to work other hours throughout the week. For information: 505-292-2298
Starting at $8.50/hr. Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.
Apply in person.
2400 Central SE !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE. www.newmexicobartending.com 2924180. LOOKING FOR COLLEGE students to tutor in 21 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 M-TH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Mona Marchese marchese@aps.edu FEMALE ASSISTANT SOCCER Coach. Ten year old girls team. Practice T, W, TH afternoons. Coaching experience or advanced playing experience required. E-mail danielabq@aol.com or 505-2054100. WAIT STAFF PT/ FT for busy lunch cafe. Apply at Model Pharmacy, corner of Lomas and Carlisle.
ENRICHMENT CLUB INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12, in a top-quality after school program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20/Hr. depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org UNM Work Study Encouraged to Apply.
PROGRAMMER – ENTRY level/ recent graduate. Expertise in C++, C#, VBA and .NET. Programming, commodity and stock market price analysis, modeling. Salaried position. Internship experience a plus but not necessary. Send resume, salary requirements, availability and code samples to drcsolutions@gmail.com.
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors are trained and prepared for promotion to the position of Program Director (responsible for overall after school program site management). $11/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises (upon promotion - Program Director annual salary starts at $27,040). Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880.
THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. To apply Email your cover letter and resume to advertising@dailylobo.com
CHILD CARE PROVIDERS needed PT at Alphabet Junction. Will work around schedule. Apply in person, 12000 Candelaria NE 87112. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. CLASSROOM ASSISTANT NEEDED. Must be available everyday. Monday through Friday. Mornings or afternoons. Montessori experience helpful, but will train. PREFER EDUCATION MAJORS. Send info to: 11216 Phoenix Ave. NE, ABQ NM 87112. admin@academymontessorischool.org or call 299-3200.
Jobs On Campus
Volunteers ELEMENTARY ED VOLUNTEER. Volunteer reading tutor needs reliable assistant every Wednesday morning to read 1:1 with students and assist with computer software. 817-789-7175. UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others-Class CreditGreat Experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com
SOCCER COACHES: SATURDAYS only. 3 to 5 hours. Teach youth ages 4 to 11. Great PT pay. 898-9999.
MR. POWDRELL’S BBQ ON EAST CENTRAL is looking for cashier/counter help. Full-time or part-time available. Please apply in person at 11301 Central N.E. after 2:00pm Monday thru Saturday. Some experience is appreciated.
Openings for Copyeditors and a Design Editor. Copyeditor applicants with some publishing/editing experience are preferred, but all are welcome to apply. Design Editor applicants must be proficient in InDesign CS3.
FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography. 433-9948.
Contact Editor-in-Chief Sarah Parro at bse@unm.edu for details.
bse Want to work on a magazine?
Best Student Essays, UNM’s premiere non-fiction magazine, has openings for volunteer staff members: - Assistant Editor - Copy & Research Editors - Design Editor (must be proficient in InDesign CS3)
- Photography Editor - Science Editor - Website Editor
Positions are open to all undergraduate and graduate students. For more information and to apply, contact Editor-in-Chief Sarah Parro at bse@unm.edu.
Deadline: August 31st, 2011