NM Daily Lobo 082611

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

August 26, 2011

Why not?

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

College students prone to DWI by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Michelle Tarin and Kaela Pearson look at photos from earlier in the night on the Party Trolley. The Party Trolley is a group of taxi service for the University, Nob Hill, and Downtown areas.

According to a New Mexico Department of Transportation study, college-aged drivers made up about 24 percent of total DWI citations in 2010. Robert Archuleta, the enforcement bureau chief for the New Mexico Department of Transportation traffic safety bureau, said college-aged drivers are the target audience for anti-DWI campaigns because of their frequent risky behavior, like drinking and driving. “Those are your young males, mostly, who are within that age range, and they are out drinking, going to college, or working,” he said. “And they aren’t quite in that mature age range when people start settling down.” In 2009, college-aged drivers made up about 25 percent of total DWI citations according to the State Department of Transportation (DOT) study. Archuleta said though males tend to get DWI citations more than women, the number of women with citations has increased. But, Archuleta said the instances of fatalities due to drunk driving have gone down in New Mexico. He said New Mexico is no longer in the top 10 in the nation for alcohol-related fatalities. Joshua Asplen works at a com-

Lobo Village halts Party Trolley by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Last Friday and Saturday, Lobo Village officials barred the Party Trolley from entering its gates to pick up customers who had made a reservation for transportation from Lobo Village. Party Trolley’s founder Paul Aitken said he was driving the bus on Saturday night when a security guard told him he could not enter the facility. “I told him ‘I am turning around.’ I told him, ‘I’m sorry there was a problem.’” Aitken said. “And I guess the night manager, who was a lady, said that they don’t want to promote drinking at Lobo Village.” Aitken said property manager Brent McPherson said, in an email and in person, that at the end of the spring semester the Party Trolley could do business at Lobo Village, but Lobo Village did not want to officially associate with the ride service.


see page 11

“If you’re (drinking) at Lobo Village and I can’t pick you up at Lobo Village there is no cheap, safe, fun way to go downtown or to Nob Hill or to a party,” Aitken said. The Daily Lobo contacted Lobo Village for comment on the incident, but office staff said it was against policy for Lobo Village to talk to the media and directed the reporter to American Campus Communities’ (ACC) corporate office. The corporate media contact did not return multiple phone calls as of Thursday afternoon. Aitken said UNM has not given him trouble about doing business on campus, and he will have the bus in front of the SUB on Monday, Thursday and Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Walter Miller, the Associate Vice President for Student Life, said there is a committee meeting to find out whether Lobo Village is able to decide if the Party Trolley can enter. “It’s been a discussion because of the main campus dorms,” Miller said.

“I would hope by the end of next week we should have something concrete. We’ll be talking to the management committee which is made up of University and ACC people.” ACC rents from UNM’s lot on where Lobo Village is built. When the new ACC dorms on main campus are finished, Miller said they will be subject to University procedures and policies, and no alcohol will be allowed. John Steiner, the director of Campus Office for Substance Abuse Prevention, said DWI is too large a problem among college students to not give them as many ways as possible to get home without drinking and driving. “I think it’s a shame that ACC turned them around,” Steiner said. “From what I know about it they are in business to help people get home safely who have made the decision to drink. At least they aren’t driving cars, and they’ve done something to avoid that.”

trying to find the Heart Hospital. Students who witnessed the incident said he drove through Smith Plaza and ran into a deadend. “This guy comes down and he hits the first step,” student Andrew Wayner said. ”And he literally just hits the gas and almost skips off the steps. He just started driving around people and two of us start

“He just started driving around people and two of us started chasing them”

pany called Street Guardians, which drives people and their cars home after a night of drinking. For example, he said he and a friend would show up in one vehicle. He would drive the intoxicated person home in his or her vehicle while his friend follows. Once home, his friend drives the two of them to the next call. Asplen said Street Guardians also has street scooters that fold up to fit in the trunk of the car they’re driving home. Asplen said Steel Guardians charges $10 per pickup and $2 a mile after that. It costs about $18-20 for a ride from downtown, he said. UNM student Paul Aitken gave students another option to avoid drinking and driving with the Party Trolley, which began offering rides this summer. “This is a shared-ride carrier,” he said. “So you are sharing the price of transportation and so we charge individual fares.” The charge to ride the party trolley is $5 if you have cash and $5.50 if you want to pay by credit or debit card. “The legal statues for a sharedride carrier say that I have to have a zone, and that’s a grid structure,” he said. “So we have our Zone 1, and that is from 12th Street to San Pedro and Gibson to I-40, so that is $5. Then if you want to go farther out, that adds $2.50 additional per rider.” The Party Trolley will pick

customers up at their house and then take them to drop spots in either Nob Hill or Downtown. The Nob Hill drop spot is in front of Imbibe and the downtown drop spot is on Central Avenue and Third Street. The vibe on the Party Trolley is just that, a party. With black leather seats that are larger than airplane seats, chalkboard paint on the roof and walls and several flat-screen TV’s on the inside and outside of the Party Trolley, Aitken said people sometimes enjoy the ride more than the party they might be going to, even though alcohol is not allowed on the bus. “We had a request that we could drive people around for 30 extra minutes to just drive around and party,” he said. “There should be a way to have guilt-free drinking. So, we can go out, have fun and not worry about anything and there is a cheap, safe efficient way to get home.”

If you are drunk and need a ride home, call Street Guardians at

(505) 881-SAFE To reserve a space on the Party Trolley call 505-433-7386


Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Designs from The High Bridge competition is currently showing in the Raincosek Gallery on campus. Geared toward reinforcing the connection between the Bronx and Manahattan boroughs of New York City, the contest recieved designs from the artists of over forty different nationalities

Elderly driver steers car through Smith Plaza by Kevin Forte kforte@unm.edu

An elderly driver took a “wrong turn” in his car Thursday. The wrong turn caused the car to go down a staircase east of Zimmerman Library and onto the plaza, police said. Lieutenant Robert Haarhues said the man, 83, got lost while

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 6

~Jaime Gilmore UNM Student

Susanna sold the jet

A new start

See page 6

See page 8

chasing him.” Student Jaime Gilmore said the driver seemed scared because people surrounded him, took pictures and called the police. “I was sitting near my stand and I looked over towards the SUB and I see a Saturn coming down the stairs, and I’m kind of confused,” Gilmore said. “Then he passes by us and he stops because he can’t

go past the pole.” The man did not receive a citation, and according to Haarhues, UNMPD officers drove him to the Heart Hospital. His family was contacted to pick up his car. “He said he made a wrong turn,” Haarhues said. “But he did end up in the middle of the plaza.”


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PageTwo crime briefs F riday, A ugust 26, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Beaten man found in front of Sigma Chi

Flying van kills two after bank robbery

Unknown man found on UNM roof

Husband accused of murder of wife

Man pleas guilty to stabbing ex-wife

On July 31, UNMPD responded to a dispute at the Sigma Chi fraternity house at 1:57 am. Upon arriving, officers saw a male victim lying on the ground, bleeding from both the nose and mouth. According to the police report, the UNM student was unconscious with several other students gathered around him. The report said the suspect, a member of the UNM baseball team, came back to the Sigma Chi house after being asked to leave, along with several other members of the UNM baseball team. According to the report, a member of the baseball team identified two suspects who beat the victim with a weapon. Officers found a sheath that appeared to be used for a machete lying on the ground near the front lawn of the Sigma Chi house.

Federal jurors have found an Albuquerque man guilty of bank robbery and killing two women while trying to flee police. Prosecutors say jurors deliberated less than two hours Wednesday before reaching a verdict against 32year-old Jeremiah Jackson. Jackson has been in custody since his arrest on April 6, 2010. He remains detained pending his sentencing hearing, which has yet to be set. He faces a life sentence. Jackson was accused of robbing a New Mexico Bank and Trust branch in northeast Albuquerque. After presenting a demand note, he fled with about $2,400. He lost control of his van while trying to avoid police. It became airborne and landed on a vehicle carrying Kimberly Aragon-Nunez, a mother of three, and Janice Flores, a mother of two children. The women died instantly.

On Aug. 14, UNMPD was dispatched to the Anthropology Building after alarm went off. Officers conducted a perimeter check of the building, and according to the police report, a subject was seen on the roof of the building. The fire department was called to bring a ladder so officers could inspect the roof. Officers climbed to the roof and noticed a male subject crouching in a lower portion of the rooftop. The report said the police officer pointed his firearm at the subject and ordered him to lie down with his hands in sight. The subject was handcuffed and held until the fire department arrived with a ladder to exit the building.

FARMINGTON, N.M.— Farmington police say a husband is facing charges of murder and kidnapping after his wife was found dead at a local motel. Police responded to the motel Wednesday where they found the man’s wife with severe injuries. Paramedics were called and later determined 22-year-old Stacey Anna Peshlakai was dead. Police detained and arrested 23year-old Judge Aspaas. He was booked into the San Juan County Adult Detention Center on charges of murder, kidnapping and tampering with evidence. His bond was set at $300,000. Attempts were being made Thursday to determine if Aspaas has a lawyer.

CARLSBAD, N.M.— It’s a 20 year prison sentence for a Carlsbad man after pleading guilty to charges of aggravated battery for beating, stabbing and holding his ex-wife against her will. The Current Argus ) reports 42year-old Jerry W. Phillips entered a guilty plea in April. The victim, Jennifer Sanford, told Eddy County deputies that Phillips stabbed her in the thigh with a sharp tool during an argument on May 25, 2010. Phillips could face between 5 and 20 years of parole after serving the 20-year sentence

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 6

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporters Hunter Riley Photo Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith


Motorcycle parked at UNM is stolen On Aug. 12, UNMPD was dispatched in reference to a stolen motorcycle. A male victim said that he had last seen his motorcycle Aug. 10 and returned on Aug. 12 to find the motorcycle missing. The motorcycle was legally parked. No other information is available. Culture Editor Eva Dameron Assistant Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Stephanie Kean Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson

On Aug. 9, police met with a female student who claimed her ex-boyfriend broke the window of her vehicle. The female student said she discovered the passenger side window of her car broken at 2:30 pm. According to the police report, the suspect was unable to be reached because of an inaccurate phone number. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.



Student: Boyfriend busted my window






New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, August 26, 2011 / Page 3

Gadhafi leaves photos behind by Sergey Ponomarev The Associated Press

TRIPOLI, Libya — Libyan rebels, who took control of Moammar Gadhafi’s sprawling compound, made a surprising discovery in one of the buildings: a photo album with pictures of former secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice. Though maybe the discovery isn’t that surprising. Over the years, the Libyan leader’s comments and actions related to Rice have raised a few eyebrows. Consider how he talked about her in an interview with AlJazeera television in 2007, where he hinted that former President George W. Bush’s top diplomat wielded considerable influence in the Arab world. “I support my darling black African woman,” he said. “I admire and am very proud of the way she leans back and gives orders to the Arab leaders. ... Leezza, Leezza, Leezza. ... I love her very much. I admire her, and I’m proud of her, because she’s a black woman of African origin.” The following year, Gadhafi and Rice had an opportunity to meet when the secretary of state

paid a historic visit to Libya — one that made steps toward normalizing relations after the United States went decades without an ambassador in Tripoli. “The U.S. doesn’t have any permanent enemies,” she said during the trip. Gahdafi welcomed Rice in his home (one that President Ronald Reagan once ordered bombed in retaliation for Libya’s attack on a German disco) for the traditional meal that ends the daylight fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Once again, he repeatedly addressed Rice — “Condi” to her friends — as “Leezza,” her aides said. During the visit, he presented Rice with a diamond ring, a lute, a locket with an engraved likeness of himself inside and an inscribed edition of “The Green Book,” a personal political manifesto that explains his “Third Universal Theory for a new democratic society.” Together, the haul was worth $212,000. Rules prevented her, or any other U.S. official, from keeping gifts from foreign leaders — they generally end up in a warehouse, and some may turn up years later in a presidential library.

Flash forward three years, when Libyan rebels moved into Gadhafi’s Tripoli stronghold and took control. There, left behind in the compound, was Gadhafi’s dear Leezza, her image affixed to the pages of a photo book. Rebels leafed through the album Wednesday after finding it as they rummaged through Gadhafi’s Bab al-Aziziya compound. Rice did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the discovery of the photos. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland was also asked about the album. “I don’t need to see the photos,” she said. “But bizarre and creepy are good adjectives to describe much of Gadhafi’s behavior. So (it) doesn’t surprise me. It’s deeply bizarre and deeply creepy, though, if it is as you described.” ___ Eric Carvin reported from New York. Follow him on Twitter at https ://twitter.com/ericcarvin. Associated Press writers Matthew Lee, Anne Gearan and Calvin Woodward contributed to this story from Washington.


Contrary to what was printed in Tuesday’s article, MatLab free, without piracy, MatLab will be available to students for free permanently, not for this month only.

For research in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal

The Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII), with funding from the Tinker Foundation, announces the availability of Field Research Grants (FRGs) for graduate student research. FRGs support research projects in Latin America and Iberia that require limited time in the field. Awards typically cover airfare and some in-country travel and field expenses. Visit laii.unm.edu/node/84 for application and guidelines. An INFORMATIONAL HELP SESSION will be held Monday, Sept. 12 at 12pm at the LAII

Application Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2011 by 5pm in the LAII (801 Yale Blvd NE) Questions? Contact Alexandra Blodget at laiicomm@unm.edu (277-7049)

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Welcome Back Shabbat! When: Friday, August 26th Where: Aaron David Bram Hillel House Address: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 Time: 6pm Phone Number: (505) 242-1127 Website: http://www.unmhillel.org Hillel is the Jewish student organization on campus welcoming students of traditional age, between 18-31.

Hakim Bellamy Allen Cooper Lisa Gill Cherrie Moraga Roberto Rodriguez Margaret Randall ...and more!

Keynote Speech delivered by UNM Professor

Michelle Hall Kells August 27-28, 2011 9 AM-5:30 PM (& evening performances) Harwood Art Center 1114 7th St NW, ABQ Discounted UNM student rate: $15 per day More info @ albuquerqueculturalconference.org

The University of New Mexico Student Health & Counseling (SHAC)

Student Health Insurance Orientation Student Health & Counseling, Rm 234 (2nd Floor) Wed., Aug. 31, 10:00 am OR Thu., Sep. 8, 2:00 pm SHAC closed on Mon., Sep. 5 (Labor Day) Educational info is also available at shac.unm.edu


Fall 2011 Field Research Grants


Dependent coverage available SHAC Phone: 505-277-3136 Online Enrollment: www.macori.com/UNM Questions: Call Macori, Inc., at 1-800-285-8133 Plan Administrator: Maksin Management Corp. Underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa.

ENROLLMENT DEADLINE: Mon., Sep. 12, 2011


Student Employment Job Fair & Community Service Info Booths

MUSIC: Jimmy’s Jupiter




LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Friday August 26, 2011



Bachmann unlawful about homosexuality Editor, Since the latest Iowa Straw poll, all the major news outlets have been appraising Michele Bachmann as a serious contender for the Presidency. Unknown to most, made clear since 2004, is Bachmann’s view on homosexuality, when she stated on CBS, “It leads to the personal enslavement of individuals, because if you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage, personal bondage, personal despair, and personal enslavement. And that’s why this is so dangerous.” So, is homosexuality bondage? Does it lead to despair? Christian author Lehman Strauss has stated that homosexuality is an illicit lust forbidden by God, which seems to be the conjecture of Bachmann’s argument. I make this assumption because it is unthinkable to assume that 100 percent of homosexuals are in despair; therefore bondage and enslavement must be of “divine” origin. No one with any education can accept Bachmann’s claims. For that matter, no one with respect for his or her fellow citizens or human rights would entertain such a ghastly notion. The American Psychological Association has stated that no one chooses to be straight or gay and the idea of homosexuality as a mental disorder is preposterous. All biologists know that homosexual behavior occurs across species. Biologist Bruce Bagemihl, who wrote Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity, lays out the scientific observation on this fact. In history homosexuality existed before Christianity could tell people it was wrong. Homosexuality was around even before the advent of monotheism. It is a shame that these facts have to be explained to the ignorant, but nevertheless as long as the Bachmanns of the world persist, it does. People who believe in civil rights will have to continue to let others know that relationships are not public discourse. Furthermore, the heinous, derisive, hysterical way in which people like Bachmann have been able to retard civil rights of our fellow citizens, in the U.S. and in a post modern world, is very disgraceful, and this alone makes this woman (Bachmann) unfit to be our head of state or commander in chief. Homosexuality is a not just a mode of sex, it is a form of love and this fact cannot be understated or overstated. Jose Flores UNM student

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


Tuition used to cost $450 per semester by Will Desmare

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist Hello, I am a “non-traditional student” here at UNM. What makes me non-traditional? I received a bachelor’s degree in Engineering from NMSU in 1987. After graduating, I worked for the U.S. Navy and Air Force as well as the Department of Energy for about 20 years. Between 2004 and 2006, I had a few reconstructive surgeries and a lot of rehabilitation. I got to see the medical world from the other side, and I was very impressed with the nurses. I chose to change fields and enter the nursing occupation. I start the Level I nursing program in August. I have been here at UNM since June of 2010. Since I have been back to school, something I have been doing is comparing my collegiate experience during the 80s and now. I see a lot of differences between then and now. Some of the differences, like the cost of a college education, are dramatic and not what I really expected. Some of the differences, like trends, fads and styles, are minor and expected. Others, like social interactions, are due to changes in technology. When I was an undergrad we didn’t have cell phones, texting, Facebook, email or Inter-

In Thursday’s edition, the story, “Carpenters protest restaurant,” told the story of the Carpenters Union hiring day laborers to protest outside of the new restaurant, Fan Tang, due to labor disputes. Readers at DailyLobo.com responded: by Jennifer Caluti Posted Thursday “This article was really great, this is kinda old news, but not enough people hear about this. I gotta say though the headline was awful and didn’t say anything about what the story is about. First of all, the people protesting weren’t carpenters at all, they were day laborers, and secondly, it’s boring as hell. A better headline would have been ‘Union blackmails local business, pays low wages.’ But still this is good stuff. I can’t believe a union can be so hypocritical and what are they even doing here from California anyway? And just hiring random people off the streets to do their dirty

net, and students talked to each other more. But moving on to what most students are probably concerned about: educational costs. I had a tough time trying to determine why it costs exponentially more now than in the 80s and what a student is getting for all that extra money that he or she is spending. It is not like the administration is paying the professors and staff a whole lot of money. When I read about the UNM salary book, I looked at the salaries for some of the instructors that I had, and the salaries have in no way kept pace with the cost of tuition. It is not like students are getting a whole lot more in terms of benefits for their money either. The tuition for my last semester as an undergraduate at NMSU was about $450, and that included my student activity fee, parking sticker, and health center fee. There were actually student parking lots on campus and you could see a health care provider at the health center (you were charged for services like X-rays and lab work). So, from what I can see, today’s students are really getting less for their money. Things started making more sense after I read an article in the Daily Lobo that stated there were over 30 vice presidents at UNM and that each one made about $250,000 per year. Each vice president also has a staff and a budget, so there is a significant cost here to UNM. When I was an undergrad, we had one pres-


work and making honest business look bad? Too bad they didn’t comment though. I feel like this story might be somewhat one sided, but it seems like these guys are pretty messed up regardless.” By “EMM” Posted Thursday “What’s with American unions today? They used to be the symbol of the American workforce but now they just demand dues and do mediocre work, on top of harassing people who won’t hire them for aforementioned reasons.” by “The Real McCoy” Posted Thursday “Wait. The Carpenter’s Union is protesting a company with a full benefits package and competitive wages and the union won’t even return a phone call??? What is the dispute if you’re too cowardly to talk to media? Sounds like there is no

ident and one vice president. I wondered if Schmidly was trying to emulate a multi-national corporation, like General Electric, where they have 42 vice presidents. However, GE also has over 300,000 employees and is a very efficient corporation. I wondered how many of the UNM vice presidents, and their staff, are actually efficient and contribute to UNM’s accreditation or mission — probably very few. I wondered how many contribute to the well-being of the faculty, staff or students — probably even fewer. I wondered what they actually do — probably very little, if anything. What does all of this mean to the average student? In my opinion, the collegiate experience is more than academics; it includes other extra-curricular activities where a student grows emotionally and socially, among other ways. These activities also cost money. Instead of students spending what little money they have how they want to, in ways that will benefit them the most, they are paying the salary and benefits for vice presidents and their staffs, who really do very little, if anything for the students. Taking into account the chance that the Lottery Scholarship will disappear, I see the situation getting worse for students, in that a lot of them will have to take out loans to pay for something that does not benefit them.

dispute. Sounds like the Union doesn’t have a leg to stand on for this issue. There obviously isn’t any training going on at their new training facility of Pan American so they spend their money by attacking good, honest, ethical contractors. Next time you drive by their facility count the number of cars in the huge parking lot. I guarantee you’ll only need one hand. Who would want to become a Union Carpenter anyway after cowardly and unethical practices such as this? Simply put, the Carpenters Union stands for lies, slander, libel, and thug-like behavior. Albuquerque is better than that, get outta town busters… err Losers! You aren’t gonna win this one so get out before you lose more than your dignity and reputation. The contractor exceeds area standards! I’m going to Fan Tang’s tomorrow for lunch just to support them and encourage them to support local companies who treat their employees well such as Lone Sun Builders. I encourage the community to support Fan Tang.”


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, August 26, 2011 / Page 5

GRADUATE RESOURCE CENTER Together to the Highest Degree

The Graduate Resource Center (GRC), administered by the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS), supports graduate and professional students engaged in writing and research. The GRC provides a series of workshops, seminars, and symposia that are specifically crafted to develop the academic, research, and professional skills essential to student success.

One-on-One Consulting in Writing & Statistics Educational & Professional Development Workshops Thesis/Dissertation Writing & Support Groups Online Writing Lab (OWL) Computer Lab, Conference Room & Commons (505) 277-1407

Mesa Vista Hall, Suite 1057


The Graduate Resource Center is a Title V PPOHA educational initiative funded through the U.S. Department of Education.

Welcome and we look forward to seeing you throughout the academic year!

GRADUATE STUDENT FUNDING INITIATIVE A “one stop shop” to preparing funding proposals

A collaborative effort with more than 50 sessions offered in the fall semester, co-sponsored by the University of New Mexico Office of the Vice President for Research, the Office of Graduate Studies, the Title V Graduate Resource Center, Graduate & Professional Student Association, Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (and other student organizations), Center for Academic Program Support, and University Libraries.



Note: many sessions are offered twice, all are small groups and taught by experts

Four Certificate Programs: Grant-Writing & Proposal Development – all the elements for successful proposals Principal Investigator (PI) Eligibility –responsibilities of the grant awardee Responsible Conduct of Research – ensure your research is conducted ethically and satisfy NIH and NSF RCR requirements Research Compliance – create effective protocols for human and animal research Plus: Hands-on Finding Funding workshops, a Website of Resources, one-on-one proposal preparation assistance, and much more. For more information about the GSFI and contact persons, see the website above.


Page 6 / Friday, August 26, 2011

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Welcome Students! Welcome Students!

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Minorities college bound by Justin Pope

The Associated Press

In just one year the number of Hispanics ages 18-to-24 on America college campuses grew by nearly a quarter, while the number of white students that age declined, highlighting a substantial and increasingly rapid demographic transition in higher education. The 24 percent increase — about 350,000 additional young Hispanics in college in 2010 compared to the year before — was reported Thursday in a study of census data by the Pew Hispanic Center. It’s the largest such increase on record, and is noteworthy because it’s substantially higher than the 7 percent increase in the overall population of Hispanics that age. More Hispanics are completing high school, and thus becoming eligible for college, is one factor, but the economy is another. Fewer jobs are available for students who stop at high school, Hispanics may have been disproportionately affected by those changes, though it’s not clear from this particular data. “In the Great Recession, job markets, particularly for the nation’s young in many states, significantly deteriorated,” said Richard Fry, senior

research associate at the center. “For some youth, work is an alternative to school. They can’t find jobs, so why not finish high school? Why not go to college?” The number of college-age blacks enrolled in higher education also increased, though not as rapidly, and for the first time there are more Hispanics from the ages 18-to-24 on U.S. campuses than blacks. Overall, college-age Hispanics represented 1.8 million, or 15 percent, of the 12.2 million young adults in college, but substantial differences persist in the types of colleges that different groups attend. Forty-six percent of young Hispanics attending college last October enrolled in two-year schools and 54 percent in four-year schools. By contrast, 73 percent of young white students enrolled are in four-year colleges, along with 78 percent of Asians and 63 percent of blacks. The 43 percent of college-aged whites enrolled in higher education remains higher than the figure for blacks (38 percent) and Hispanics (32 percent). But unlike those groups, the proportion of young whites in higher education is falling. There were 320,000 fewer

young non-Hispanic whites in college in 2010 compared to the year before. The drop is only partly explained by a declining population of whites that age; the smaller group is also falling in achievement. Both the percentage graduating from high school and the percentage of high school graduates enrolling in college fell last year. At the Community College of Denver, about a quarter of approximately 7,000 students are Hispanic, President Cliff Richardson says the economy is one factor driving enrollment growth but the college has gotten better at recruiting. “We’re also doing many new outreach programs, we’re catching these students in high schools, sometimes even in middle schools,” he said. “We’re making them believe college is attainable.” Lorenzo Castillo, a biology student and aspiring dentist at Florida International University, where Hispanics are a majority of the student body, said the word has gotten out in the community there are no good jobs without college. “It’s because of how people are being brought up these days,” he said. “You have to go to college now. You have to work harder now. A lot more people are than before.”

take ownership of the twin-engine business jet. Robert Felland is chairman of the board of Dicom Corp., a printing and publishing company based in Wisconsin. The Cessna Citation Bravo was purchased new in 2005 by Democratic Gov. Bill Richardson’s administration for $5.5 million.

Martinez promised during her campaign last year to ditch the jet to cut government costs. Richardson was a frequent flier on the jet, but Martinez never used it. The jet was sold through a broker, which will receive a commission of 2 percent of the purchase price — about $50,000.

Guv keeps to promise, sells jet by Barry Massey

The Associated Press

Republican Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration is selling a state jet for $2.5 million to a retired couple from Anchorage, Alaska. Robert and Linda Felland were in Santa Fe on Thursday afternoon to

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AP Photo New Mexico General Services Secretary Ed Burkle poses next to the state’s 2005 Cessna Citation Bravo. A New Mexico government official says Gov. Susana Matinez’s administration is selling this much-criticized state jet for $2.5 million.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, August 26, 2011 / Page 7

Catholic mass draws protests by Chelsea Erven

news@dailylobo.com A UNM student said he plans to protest “Mass on the Grass� to be held at the Duck Pond Aug. 28, calling it a violation of the separation of church and state. UNM’s Catholic student group, The Aquinas Newman Center, planned the mass to “kick off� the school year, the Center’s director of Campus Ministry Brother Gabriel Dault said. Student and CNM professor Peter Lundman wrote a letter to New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, the UNM Board of Regents, the Freedom from Religion Foundation and others asking them to put a stop to the event. “In previous semesters the Center has tabled there, but now they seem

to be upping the ante by actually planning to perform a religious rite at a publicly funded university,� Lundman said. “It is a clear violation of law upholding separation of church and state.� Dault said the service would be a traditional Catholic mass open to anyone on campus who wants to attend. Lundman said the service could be offensive to non-religious members of the UNM community. “The announced religious encroachment on public space is disturbing,� he wrote in his letter. “Imagine an analogy; that some Hindu group has planned a ritual blood sacrifice of a goat to Shiva or Kali at the duck pond (I remember my initial revulsion at witnessing this while in Nepal). The offering of the ‘body and blood of Christ’ at the duck pond can be, and I think will be,

equally disturbing to non-Catholics.� Dault said UNM President David Schmidly wrote a response to Lundman’s concerns. “According to the University, we (Newman Center) went through all the correct procedures to have our event and it was approved by the University,� Dault said. “The University in no way sponsors the event, and it’s the same as letting political groups on to campus.� Dault also said the Newman Center is a group chartered through the University. A 2001 court case, Good News Club v. Milford Central School ruled a government operated “limited public forum,� like a public University, cannot discriminate against speech taking that takes place within that forum, including any type of religious expression.

day released a detailed breakdown of the state’s population based on age, sex and race along with details about the more than 791,000 households that were counted. The figures show the number of families headed by women with no husband present grew nearly five times faster over the last de-

cade than the number of families that included a married couple. Nonfamily households also increased by nearly 29 percent from 2000 to 2010, while the number of family households saw an 11 percent jump. Some social advocacy groups are pointing to economic pressures for the changes.

make it clear that we must address problem,� Martinez said. The governor has said she will put the issue on the agenda for the special session next month. Lawmakers rejected her attempts to repeal the law during the regular session earlier this year. “We are attracting criminals to our state who exploit our driver’s license policy and threaten the safety and security of all New Mexicans,� Martinez said. “I applaud the hard work that went into cracking down on this particular fraud ring, but that is only a stopgap measure until we repeal the law that invites this criminal activity once and for all.� The three men are accused of running the advertisements between March 2009 and Nov. 2010. They leased multiple apartments simultaneously in Albuquerque and secured driver’s licenses for 62 illegal immigrants of Chinese descent, primarily from New York, prosecutors say. Tin and Alex Cheung also notarized residential and lease

agreement documents fraudulently for their customers, according to the indictment. The illegal immigrants flew into Albuquerque from New York, obtained their driver’s permits and left the state, prosecutors said. The ringleaders had the actual licenses mailed to an address in Albuquerque and then forwarded to their clients in New York. The New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division cancelled all the driver’s licenses issued in this case after the arrest of Leong and three of his alleged customers, who prosecutors say flew into New Mexico to pick up their licenses. Fongyee Hiew, Shu Sheng Liu and Sui Lam were indicted on 16 counts each of fraud, forgery, conspiracy, making false affidavit perjury, and altered, forged or fictitious licenses. Arrest warrants have been issued for both Tin and Alex Cheung. A spokeswoman for the Albuquerque district attorney’s office did not know if any of the suspects had attorneys.

More single mothers in NM by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press

New U.S. Census Bureau figures show the number of households across New Mexico grew as the population expanded over the last decade, but what’s different is the makeup of those households. The Census Bureau on Thurs-

Illegal license dealers nabbed Associated Press

An Albuquerque grand jury Thursday indicted three leaders of an alleged Chinese crime ring on charges they helped secure New Mexico driver’s licenses for more than 60 out-of-state illegal immigrants using fraudulent documents. Gordon Leong, Tin Cheung and Alex Cheung each face 386 counts of fraud, forgery, conspiracy, making false affidavit perjury and altered, forged or fictitious licenses. The three men are accused of running newspaper advertisements in Chinese newspapers in New York, promising New Mexico driver’s licenses for $1,500 each. New Mexico is one of just three states where illegal immigrants can get driver’s licenses. Gov. Susana Martinez, who has been pushing to repeal the exception, hailed the indictment. “We have long known of fraud and abuse in our driver’s license system, and these latest indictments

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Page 8 / Friday, August 26, 2011


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo football


Off again, on again fan love by Cesar Davila



August 22, 2011

Dear Fellow Students: The Mountain West Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) believes the most important aspects of sport are good ethics and positive sportsmanship. We are very pleased the Conference continues its initiative to enhance this philosophy. We need your assistance to make this effort a success. The SAAC believes that, in order for an institution to convey a message of good ethics and positive sportsmanship, it must have the involvement and participation of everyone involved with athletics on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, the President, athletics administrators, coaches, student-athletes and you – the students/fans. It is our behavior that will shape the perception of our institutions and teams by the public, the media and our opponents. Good ethics and positive sportsmanship are philosophies that must be displayed both on and off the playing field. We must take a leadership role to compete at the highest levels, always endeavoring to win, but doing so with grace, class, dignity and respect. Please join us in supporting the Conference’s Sportsmanship Initiative. Such an effort will help make the Mountain West Conference one of the premier athletic conferences in the country, and represent our institutions well. Cordially,

The Mountain West Conference 2011-12 Student-Athlete Advisory Committee

Since I am a sucker for bad shows, I just watched a recent episode of MTV’s Jersey Shore. But then it struck me. The relationship between Ronnie and Sammi, the show’s token on-again, off-again, melodramatic couple, is a lot like the one between UNM football head coach Mike Locksley and Lobo fans. Ronnie embodies Locksley. He is big, tough and walks with confidence. He’s a guy you want to root for, but his end results are frustrating. He seems to always find a way to disappoint, but he means well. He has a soft side. Sammi represents the Lobo fans. She just wants to be treated right. She has trust issues because she’s been let down too many times, and she wants to trust Ronnie/Locksley but hasn’t been shown anything to make her feel otherwise. Ronnie and Sammi go into this season’s Jersey Shore, which was shot in Italy, are no longer a couple. But a few episodes in, they recapture the love that brought them together in season one. The journey of their relationship has been a roller-coaster ride and, at times, hard to watch, just like football at UNM. Lobo fans are still broken after after last year’s 1-11 season, which started off with a 72-0 loss at the hands of Oregon and ended with a 66-17 fist pump to the face from TCU. When Mike Locksley was introduced as head coach back in December 2008, fans fell in love with the good recruiter from a big-time program in a big-time conference. Just like Sammi did with Ronnie, fans went head over heels and confided in Locksley. That trust was broken after the football season started with three straight losses and with the report that Locksley had an altercation with then receivers coach J.B. Gerald. Ronnie, who’s had several altercations of his own, lost Sammi’s trust during season two due to infidelity, which led to their big breakup. After Locksley’s first season, fans wanted him gone. The coach was getting in trouble, and the athletes weren’t living up to the fans’ expectations; they felt cheated. When Sammi was told Ronnie was cheating, she wanted him out of her life. But after he apologized and she had time to cool off, she forgave him. And that’s what Lobo fans did in 2010. After a disappointing first season under Locksley, the offseason dragged, and hope sprung for the new season. The Lobos held their 2010 home opener against Texas Tech. More than 25,000 fans showed up to watch the game in hopes that this season would

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Tight end Lucas Reed struggles to stay in bounds after taking a hit during last Saturday’s scrimmage. The Lobos look to put back-to-back 1-11 seasons behind them when they take the field this yer. be different. It wasn’t. The same could be said for Ronnie and Sammi. When they got back together after their first breakup they seemed optimistic about their future together. They were determined to make it work, but nothing ever went right for them. Similarly, in 2010, nothing went right for the football fans or for Locksley. The fans were let down again after the season ended 1-11 and the Lobos, for the second season in a row, lost to rival New Mexico State. Out of 120 Division I football teams, the Lobos ranked 116th in scoring, 106th in rushing and passing, and dead last in scoring defense and rushing defense. A little over 18,000 fans showed up for the season’s last home game against Texas Christian University in a stadium that holds well over twice that many seats. Fans gave up on Locksley, just like Sammi did on Ronnie in the finale of season three. Everyone thought it was over. Everyone thought there was no way the two could come together again — but they did. Just like Ronnie and Sammi both came back to a fourth Jersey Shore season despite a terrible ending to their relationship the season before, Lobo fans will watch the 2011 regularseason home opener against Colorado State with Locksley on the sidelines.

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This season, Ronnie and Sammi are trying to do whatever they can to make it work once again. They both have had time away from each other and want to be together. They’re giving it one more shot. Lobo fans want to love Locksley. Lobo fans want him to succeed and make football at UNM relevant again. So I say Lobo fans should give it one more shot as well. Locksley has key out-of-state transfers: Lamaar Thomas and Deon Long both eligible to play; B.R. Holbrook and Tarean Austin, two healthy quarterbacks; Lucas Reed, a 2011 Mackey Award preseason candidate in tight end; and Bubba Forrest, Carmen Messina and Jaymar Latchison, who offer senior leadership on the defense. Locksley has also brought in assistant head coach and defensive coordinator George Barlow to rebuild a defense that could stop anybody a year ago. The Lobos open up at home against Colorado State and will play four of their first five games at University Stadium. So maybe, just maybe, after a couple weeks of play, the fans and the football team can fall in love again, just like Ronnie and Sammi. I know Locksley is doing everything he can to make Lobo fans happy. I just hope the third time is the charm. If Sammi can forgive Ronnie, then you can forgive Locksley.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Top athletes, coaches honored by Cesar Davila


New record for New York by Ben Walker Associated Press

NEW YORK — The New York Yankees became the first team in major league history to hit three grand slams in a game, with Robinson Cano, Russell Martin and Curtis Granderson connecting Thursday in a wet, wild 22-9 romp over the Oakland Athletics. Cano began the barrage with his slam in the fifth off starter Rich Harden, making the score 7-6. Martin connected in the sixth off Fautino De Los Santos for a 10-7 lead. Granderson took his turn in the eighth, launching a two-out drive off Bruce Billings. “It’s a pretty crazy accomplishment, when you think about it,� Yankees manager Joe Girardi said.

“It’s amazing.� Martin homered twice and doubled, setting career highs with five hits and six RBIs. Cano drove in five runs as the Yankees pulled off their biggest comeback win since 2006 and avoided a three-game sweep. Former All-Star catcher Jorge Posada, made his first career appearance at second base and had the final play, fielding a grounder and firing a one-hop throw that knocked over first baseman Nick Swisher and left him laughing as he caught it. They came at bat a startling 17 times with the bases loaded — Derek Jeter alone got four tries, He grounded out twice, struck out and walked in those spots. Jeter did get three hits and

briefly boosted his average to .300. Quite a climb from that July day that began with him mired at .257 and ended with him getting his 3,000th career hit. Granderson’s slam gave him 103 RBIs. The Yankees had hit two slams in a game three times, but never at home. The Yankees scored six times in the seventh, helped by seven walks in the inning, and six more in the eighth. Cliff Pennington homered, doubled and drove in four runs for the A’s. Scott Sizemore also homered. Martin began New York’s rally with a solo home run in the fourth. Cano lined his second slam of the season and sixth of his career the next inning with a liner to right field.


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McKinnon’s $7.5 million dollar donation to UNM, the largest of its kind. The tennis program will receive $1.5 million of the donation. “I know what a great honor this is,� Alan said. “And then to be able to go in together as brothers, as coaches, makes everything even that more special.� Economides played baseball for UNM from 1954 to 1957. He was also a four-time world champion at handball. Ikeda played volleyball for UNM and is currently an assistant coach at the University of Minnesota. Ron Jacobsen wrestled for UNM from 1962 to 1964, and coached from 1966 to 1980. In 1963, he was the Western Athletic Conference champion in the 177 weight class. In 1972, he was named WAC coach of year and was enshrined to the National Junior College Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1979. Wimberly was a two-time AllAmerican golfer at UNM. He won the WAC title in 1963 and was enshrined into the PGA Golf Professional Hall of Fame. McFarland was posthumously inducted into the Hall of Fame. He played football, basketball and track from 1926 to 1928. He was a member of the undefeated UNM football team in 1927 as an offensive guard.



Seven inductees and four honorees were introduced into the UNM Athletics Hall of Honor on Tuesday. Among the inductees honored by the UNM Alumni Lettermen’s Association, at The Pit, were brothers Alan and Loren Dils, James Economides, Nao Ikeda, Ron Jacobsen, Guy Wimberly and Jack McFarland, who was inducted posthumously. The honorees included UNM cross country and track and field head coach Joe Franklin, who received the award for coach of the year. In his four years as head coach, he’s won the award twice, the last time in 2009. Franklin coached both cross country teams with the women finishing 5th in the NCAA and the men finishing 16th. His outdoor track and field team qualified 31 athletes to the 2011 NCAA outdoor regional’s last season. Male Athlete of the Year went to cross country and track runner Rory Fraser. Fraser said he didn’t believe he had actually won the award. “When I was told about it, I thought it was a joke,� he said. “I

thought ‘there was no way I did enough to win an award like this.’� Fraser won All-American honors for finishing sixth in the 5000-meter race last season in the NCAA. Female Athlete of the Year was awarded to Amanda Best, who was an integral part in last season’s UNM women’s basketball team. She averaged 11.2 points and grabbed 8.0 rebounds per game last season, and she was a slam dunk in the classroom too. She received Academic AllAmerican honors last season with a cumulative GPA of 4.09. Raymond Sanchez was given the Distinguished Service Award for having served the state of New Mexico for over 30 years as a member of the state legislature and speaker of the house. He is also a member of the board of regents at UNM. The inductees into the hall of honor included Alan and Loren Dils. Alan is going into his 15th season as UNM men’s tennis coach and is currently the longest tenured active head coach at UNM. His brother Loren was an assistant coach at UNM. Together, the Dils have been a part of 10 conference championships as coaches. They were also instrumental in receiving Sonnet and Ian

Friday, August 26, 2011 / Page 9




Page 10 / Friday, August 26, 2011

DAILY LOBO new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo volleyball

Finally ready to take the court Spiritual Guide

Invite students to be a part of your community.

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The Daily Lobo provides an unrivaled opportunity to reach the UNM community. Students turn to the Daily Lobo for informtion about events and services that impact their lives. The Daily Lobo Spirtual Guide lets you reach college students effectively and inexpensively every Friday! For only $20 per week*, you can inform students about your services, special events, youth groups, and volunteer opportunities. *$20 per week, when comitted to 5 consecutive guides. Price for single Spiritual Guide is $26.50. Ad size is 1.95” x 1.95”.

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bse Deadline for each Friday Daily Lobo Spiritual Guide is on Wednesday at 5pm

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The UNM volleyball team hosts a wealth of national talent this weekend in the MCM Elegante Lobo Classic. The Lobos will play University of South Florida on Friday and Nebraska on Saturday at Johnson Center. The Lobos have been practicing since the spring, and Kelly Williamson said the players are finally ready to take the court. “I’m excited,” Williamson said. “We’re definitely looking forward to it.” USF is coming off a 10-16 record last season, and Nebraska is coming off a 29-3 season. Nebraska, currently ranked 5th in the nation, made it to the third round of the NCAA tournament before they fell to Washington. The Lobos are coming off a 2010 season with a 12-4 conference record and are picked to finish second in the conference behind Colorado State. The game against USF will be the first of the season for both teams with neither team having an experience advantage as both are led by three seniors. Nebraska’s first game of the season will be against NMSU on Friday in the early game before UNM plays University of South Florida (USF). The Lobos beat USF on their home floor last year in front of a sold-out crowd, and head coach Jeff Nelson says the match-up against them will be intense. “We’re expecting them to go after us here,” Nelson said. Nelson started his coaching career at Nebraska, and he said he knows firsthand how big the volleyball tradition is there. “They’re big, they’re strong, they’re physical, but it’s the kind of match we want early in the season,” Nelson said. Nelson believes that playing

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo A Lobo alumnus spikes the ball past Ashley Rhoades (4) and Ashley Newman (18) during last Saturday’s alumni game at Johnson Gym. UNM hosts the MCM Elegante Lobo Classic this weekend when they take on Nebraska and USF. against a powerhouse like Nebraska at the beginning of the season will help them make a run at the postseason. He also said it will be a good experience for the six freshmen on the team. Elsa Krieg is one of those freshmen. “I’m nervous but it’s like an excited nervous,” Krieg said. “It’s going to be great experience for us. We’ll get to play a really high level of volleyball and pick up our level of play.” Nelson says that high ranking teams like Nebraska are going to start to want to schedule UNM early in the season to get used to playing

in a loud, hostile environment. “We’re starting to get a pretty good reputation for having big crowds and big fans,” he said. “They wanted a match like that before they moved into the new Big 10.” The Lobos have never beaten a top ten team before. Despite that fact, the team is not intimidated by having No. 5 Nebraska come to their home court. As a matter of fact, they are pretty excited about it. “Having Nebraska in our gym is going to be very exciting and fun,” senior Ashley Rhoades said. “It’s always exciting have top ten teams here in Johnson.”

go s bo lost o Deadline: August 31 , 2011 o l go os s g bos lob o o ob o lo s go s g l o lo g bo o b s g o os lobo o lo go l s go bos b lo go os g os obo lo o o o b s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g oo ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o l s l o go os g obo go os g obo lobo o lo g s s s l bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go o Men’s Soccer o l s go bos obos lob go l go l s go bos obo log Fri 08/26 o o o o s o l s o l s s l vs. Townsen 7pm bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo UNM Soccer Complex s o os l o os b ol b ol o o g g o o o o b b s g l g os lob lo go l s g os g bo ob lo go Women’s Soccer s l os loo o o o o o Fri 08/26 b o b s s b g l b g g o g o o o o o s o l s o l @ Florida State s s l s l b b o g o g o o o o o Sun 08/28 ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s go os g bos lob l @ Alabama o g g o o o o o o o o go os ob lob go l s g os g bos lob lob go l os g os g l b Volleyball o o o o o o b o b s lo s b g l b g l Fri 08/26 g o g o o o o o s o l s o l o os s s l l b b o g o g vs. USF 7:30pm o o o o o o o o b b s s b g l b g l b Sat 08/27 lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo ovs. Nebraska 7:30pm s g Johnson Center l s b lo g l b lo g g g o o o o s s o s o s s l bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo obo lo go bos bos lob o l go l s go bos bo lob o l go l s go bos s o The o list of upcoming o o o lo go os g os oLobo lo go os g os obo l l b l o athletic is published o o o o s goevents s b lob o l every g b lob o l g g g g o o o o s s s Friday in the Daily Lobo. bluckotol g bos bo log bos bo Good o os bo lob go l go o s s g l o o advertise o o thisosspecial section, lo gin s o os g os obo lo gMen’s lo go os lTo l b o o o o Soccer, o o o b b s s g l s b g l b g g g o o o 277-5656! o ob o o o s s o l o l s call l s l b l b b o o g g Women’s Soccer, o o o lo go s go bos lob lob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s go s oVolleyball g bo and o o o b s go os g obo lo g bo lobo o lo g g o o o s s o l s b ol g bos bo lob o l o s g go os g obo lobo o lo g o o s lo go os g s l b b ol o g o o o o o o g l g os lob lob go l s g os g bos lob s s b o o bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go g o s s s l b o go os g obo go os g obo lobo o lo g s s l l b b o

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Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem


Friday, August 26, 2011 / Page 11 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis dailycrossword ACROSS 1 Gum with a jingle that began, “So kiss a little longer” 7 Seconds in the air, to punters 15 Wicked 16 Penance component 17 Poker chips are often seen in them 18 Chocolaty treats 19 Some charity races 20 Second crop of a growing season 21 Reason for a prep course 22 Healthy piece 23 Picky person? 24 Brought down 26 Bangladesh capital 31 Guiding light 33 Longhorn rival 34 Calls at home 36 Etta James classic 37 New Jersey river 38 Exhilarating 39 Folly 40 Threadbare 41 Words spoken after Polonius says, “I hear him coming: let’s withdraw, my lord” 45 Tie up loose ends? 48 Air Force pilot who became a pop star 49 Right to play first, in golf 50 Grace 52 One of Penelope’s 108 in the “Odyssey” 53 Disdainful 54 Chant 55 Diving concern 56 Phoned on a computer, in technospeak DOWN 1 Marble works 2 Espionage aid, for short

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku



Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk © 2011 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.



By Kyle T. Dolan

3 Country that eliminated the United States at the last two World Cups 4 Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” e.g. 5 FDR and Truman, fraternally 6 Bad opening? 7 Could choose 8 Swore 9 Word heard before and after “say” 10 Fed personnel 11 Someone has to pick it up 12 Savings choices, briefly 13 Sorvino of “Mighty Aphrodite” 14 Rose point 20 “__ to the Top”: Keni Burke song 23 French Revolution figure 25 Having strong low tones, as headphones 26 Column style 27 Highfalutin 28 Co-composer of “Johnny’s Theme”

8/26/11 8/27/11 Thursday’s puzzleSolved solved Friday’s Puzzle

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

29 Not dull 30 Married couple? 31 Spread with drinks 32 Cantina cooker 33 Pickup for a pound 34 “Nuts!” 35 Pedro o Pablo 39 Pierced surgically 40 1998 De Niro thriller 42 Leading


43 Cumberland Gap explorer 44 Stumbled 45 Branch 46 Valley where David fought Goliath 47 Bob Seger’s “__ Got Tonight” 48 Low area 49 Object of ogling 51 Speak idly 52 Cheer syllable



LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Friday, August 26, 2011



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico


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Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

SHAKE OFF THE stress of college. Albuquerque Soccer League has openings for male and female soccer players at all levels of play in both our men’s and coed divisions. Send us your interests and a brief soccer bio at aslsoc@swcp.com

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com 1BDRM APARTMENT. 1 block south of UNM. $585/mo. $250 deposit. Includes utilities. No pets. 286-0525 or 269-9896.

For Sale

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.

SPAIN/EUBANK. FURNISHED ROOM in large house. Need female student to share w/2 females & 3 dogs for fall semester only. $400/mo utl. included. 619-616-6115, renee2234@gmail.com

LARGE 1 AND 2BDRMS. $400 $475/mo. $150 deposit. $25 application fee. Call 505-266-0698 8am-5pm.

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

SPACIOUS 2BDRM IN Ridgecrest Southeast area 6-plex. Home like setting w/ gorgeous courtyard, private backyard, hardwood floors, tile kitchen, private garage w/ extra storage room. Near UNM and KAFB. 710-3831.

Announcements BOOKS!

VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com PARKING, 1 BLOCK south of UNM. $100/semester. 268-0525.

Services WE BUY JUNK cars! 505-702-1483. MOVING? WE’LL BUY your un-used or un-wanted items. Call Lobo Liquidators @ 575-201-8986 or 505-215-3998. Buy*Sell*Trade* TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net MATH TUTOR. ALL undergrad courses. $25/hour, $35/ hour+1/2. (505)227-0442 MATH/PHYSICS TUTOR. M.S. ENG. 505-385-4989 NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 9076479. MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

Health and Wellness BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

AZTEC STORAGE ABSOLUTELY the BEST PRICE on storages. All size units. 24 Hour video surveillance. On site manager. 10 minutes from University. 3rd month free. 884-1909. 3201 Aztec Road NE. TRUSTWORTHY ROOMATE FOR 1BDRM w/Low rent in exchange for, yard, and dog care. 12th and Candelaria. 505-206-1891. TAKE OVER LEASE at Lobo Villiage. Close to amenities. $499/mo $175dd $50 app fee. jgonza31@unm.edu A FRIENDLY/ PROFESSIONAL female wanted to share beautiful 3BDRM 2BA house minutes from UNM. $500/mo includes all utilities, Wifi. W/D. Pictures available. Email Jseeley@unm.edu


WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

GREAT HOME FOR visiting professors! East mountains. 3BDRM. Beautiful view. Easy highway access. Short commute. Can rent by semester. $1200. 235-8825. AVAILABLE AUGUST 21ST. Only 2 blocks to UNM/Nob Hill. Huge 5BDRM, two living areas, each w/BA, WBFP, seperate entrance. Shared kitchen/studio/laundry/parking. $375/BR + Utilities. Owner/broker, Shaw&ShawLtd., 7651440. HOUSE FOR RENT 3BDRM 1.75BA. Garage. W/D. Located west across the street from UNM campus at 1629 Roma NE. $1000/mo. 505-842-0126 or 505203-1633.

Houses For Sale SUPER CUTE 2BDRM 1BA. Lots of windows. Great oversized lot. Walk to UNM. W/D Inlcuded. $199,900. Owner/Broker: Call Janet 401-0252. TOTAL REMODEL 2BDRM 1BA UNM North. New Kitchen, bath, carpet, windows, and wood floors. $189,900. Call Mel 220-3149.

Rooms For Rent 1 ROOMATE WANTED to share 3BDRM 2BA house with 2 males. UNM/ Nob hill area. Must be clean. Male or female. $400/mo. + 1/3 utilities. WiFi. Cable. New kitchen. New furnace. Refrigerated air. W/D. Call Zach 414-5995. CLEAN, COZY, PRIVATE room and bathroom in newly remodled condo. Furnished optional. W/D, pool/ fitness, private parking, gated w/ security. $375/obo. Central ABQ Location. 505-803-6963. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 1BDRM shared BA. Near UNM. If interested call 1-505-310-1529.

LOOKING FOR ROOMMATE to share 3BDRM. $350/mo. Hardwood floors, furnished living room, nice backyard, wi-fi, laundry, dishwasher, garage. Wyoming & I-40. Call 459-1331. 1006 MLK NE (East of I-25) $300/mo & shared utilities. $150/DD. Ideally 21 or older. Call 903-2863. UNFURNISHED NOB HILL. Large airy rooms with oak floors and expansive windows. Recently remodled. NS male. $375/mo plus 1/3 utilities. 280-3470.

Vehicles For Sale 1992 SAAB 900. 3 door, 5 speed, excellantly maintained. $2300 obo. 227-1453 or paulpaar@yahoo.com

Jobs Off Campus AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Director: Join a wonderful, supportive team of 8 directors. Starting salary is $27K ($13/hour) full-time, plus health, dental, life and disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, generous 401K retirement plan, paid training, gasoline allowance, and more! Responsible for overall site management, planning activities, and building relationships with kids, families, and school faculty. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org CAREGIVER FOR 48 year old quad. Easy gig close to campus, 30 minutes -1 hour in morning & night. 7 days/wk. $12/Hr. or $200/wk. 832-621-5232. MALE ASSISTANT NEEDED By bookman/spiritual director. Mornings Preferred. 10-20hrs/wk. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Blackbelt Karate, Cheer, Hip-Hop & Jazz Ballet. Teach ages 4-15. 1 night/ week, great P/T pay. (505)899-1666. GLOW KICKBALL DIVISION Rep -- Super cool person needed for promoting, managing league and planning division parties! $15-$30/hr, must be 21+. info@glowkickball.com !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training courses available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. TALIN IS LOOKING for morning stockers. Hours from 6AM to 10AM. Also hiring receptionist and closing cashier. Hours 4PM to 8:30PM. Apply online at talinmarket.com P/T AFTERNOON AND evening cleaning positions available. Starting pay $8/hr. Call for more information 505750-2230.

Houses For Rent

$300. POOL. W/D. Room and more. $50 DD. 505-306-5015.

NOB HILL COMMUNITY Acupuncture: The Nob Hill experience in your healthcare, without the retail price-tag. $15-40 student sliding scale. nobhillCA.com 232-2870

FREE WIFI. GYM. Laundry. Parking. Excellent Kitchen. Nice Area. 12 mins bike/bus to UNM. Private 1/2 bath. Healthy Peaceful Oasis. 459-2071. $450 NS/ND.

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.

LARGE STUDIO BEHIND main house. Recently remodeled. Off-street parking. Pool. Lomas and Washington. N/S. No pets. $580/mo. utilities paid. 505-2555001.

REMEMBER BRADLEY’S bookanimal@yahoo.com

RESPONSIBLE ROOMMATE WANTED through December. Shared bath, $450 + Utilities. Perfect location in Nob Hill, 10 min. walk to UNM. 505-903-9881.

GRADUATE STUDENT: FURNISHED room, W/D, cable, smokeless, free utilities. $295/mo + $50dd. 344-9765.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

1BDRM FOR RENT, $400/mo. Female preferred. Close to campus. 2305 Academic Place. For more info call 915-4224814.

LOOKING FOR GIRL roommate for 2BDRM apartment near UNM on Vassar DR. $250/mo +Utilities. Quiet, calm and responsible environment:)! munguiar@unm.edu

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated Air. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

LARGE, CLEAN, GATED, 1BDRM. No pets. Move in special. $575/mo includes utilities. 209 Columbia SE. 2552685, 268-0525.

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

2007 150CC SCOOTER less than 4K miles. In perfect shape - runs great - vintage looks - very cool. Joe 505-2810019, jlangdon1@comcast.net $950.00 LIKE NEW SPECIALIZED 17” mountain bike. New tires, new tubes. Ridden less than 20 times. $275. 296-7482

Computer Stuff DELL DUAL CORE 15.4” laptop with Windows 7 in excellent condition. $250 cash or card. Call 515-0972. DELL XPS410 MULTIMEDIA desktop. Intel core 2 CPU 6600 2.4GHz each. Great audio and video cards. Creative labs surround speaker system. Great viewing. $180/obo. 280-3470. APPLE IBOOK G4. 14inch notebook. 1.42GHz. Great for student use. Excellent condition. Extra battery. $170/obo. 505-280-3470.

For Sale 1993 HONDA HELIX for sale. Runs Great! $1900 OBO. 210-722-0047. ‘95 THUNDERBIRD FOR sale. Blown engine, brand new tires and parts. $300. Call Tony at (505)-507-7334. QUEEN BED FOR sale. $350. Guaranteed to repel velociraptors. More info and photo at http://tinyurl.com/44wxh3y Contact mwilli05@unm.edu UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. 1993. Call 821-9426. BRADLEY’S BOOKS INSIDE Winning Coffee, 111 Harvard. Great & carefully chosen selection of literature, nonfiction, poetry, ect. Most are approx 1/2 (or less) of todays new price. <bookanimal@yahoo.com> BLACK FLAMENCO SHOES for sale. Size 7. $30 obo. Email: rolisa@unm.edu if interested.

Furniture SOFA, LOVESEAT, OAK Accent and Sofa Tables like new, Carla 298-3837.

Garage Sales GRADUATES MOVING SALE! 8/278/28, 8am-2pm. Furniture, Books, Women’s Clothing, Jewelry, Antiques, Purses! 5304 Hines Dr. NE Abq, 87111.

LOOKING FOR A kindergarten bilingual teacher. Must have or near graduation: BA in ECME and a NM teaching license. Call Karen 505-896-6764. CAN YOU PROOF & CORRECT MY GRAMMAR WITH GUSTO? Then easy money is yours for the taking! Retired Executive turned MBA student seeks executive assistant to proof essays and work assignments prior to submission. Third year HISTORY or ENGLISH undergrad or any graduate level student with STRONG comprehension of APA style writing. Please email writing sample to executiveMBAstudentNM@gmail. com and include your phone number. I will give you a call within 24 hours. NEW MEXICO LEGISLATORS seeking intern for several weeks during special session in September. Interest in government and transportation to Santa Fe required. Pay negotiable. Please call (505)508-0782 if interested. CAREGIVERS FOR TOP-quality after school childcare program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Must be able to work Wednesdays 12PM - 5PM in the fall. Work-study encouraged to apply. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org EARLY BIRD LAWN service now excepting applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student schedules. Call Bob at 294-2945 for information. RUNNER NEEDED FOR law office in Nob Hill. Consistent, competent, compassionate – and an energetic team player. 2 to 5 PM, 5 days/week. Parking available, down the street from UNM campus.Send resume, references, and transcript of grades if recently in school, to Anna@ParnallLaw.com AVON REPS NEEDED! $10 to start. 40% earnings. Call Shantel (ISR) 9230347. MCLOUD MOUNTAIN SIDE YMCA is now hiring for a part time front desk staff position. Looking to cover 5:15-9:30 AM MWF, flexible to work other hours throughout the week. For information: 505-292-2298

ENRICHMENT CLUB INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12, in a top-quality after school program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20/Hr. depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org UNM Work Study Encouraged to Apply. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors are trained and prepared for promotion to the position of Program Director (responsible for overall after school program site management). $11/Hr. plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises (upon promotion - Program Director annual salary starts at $27,040). Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880. CHILD CARE PROVIDERS needed PT at Alphabet Junction. Will work around schedule. Apply in person, 12000 Candelaria NE 87112. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. CLASSROOM ASSISTANT NEEDED. Must be available everyday. Monday through Friday. Mornings or afternoons. Montessori experience helpful, but will train. PREFER EDUCATION MAJORS. Send info to: 11216 Phoenix Ave. NE, ABQ NM 87112. admin@academymontessorischool.org or call 299-3200. SOCCER COACHES: SATURDAYS only. 3 to 5 hours. Teach youth ages 4 to 11. Great PT pay. 898-9999. MR. POWDRELL’S BBQ ON EAST CENTRAL is looking for cashier/counter help. Full-time or part-time available. Please apply in person at 11301 Central N.E. after 2:00pm Monday thru Saturday. Some experience is appreciated. FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography. 433-9948. !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE. www.newmexicobartending.com 2924180. LOOKING FOR COLLEGE students to tutor in 21 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 M-TH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Mona Marchese marchese@aps.edu FEMALE ASSISTANT SOCCER Coach. Ten year old girls team. Practice T, W, TH afternoons. Coaching experience or advanced playing experience required. E-mail danielabq@aol.com or 505-2054100.



Starting at $8.50/hr. Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person.

2400 Central SE PROGRAMMER – ENTRY level/ recent graduate. Expertise in C++, C#, VBA and .NET. Programming, commodity and stock market price analysis, modeling. Salaried position. Internship experience a plus but not necessary. Send resume, salary requirements, availability and code samples to drcsolutions@gmail.com.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE. Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). For best consideration apply by April 8. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. To apply Email your cover letter and resume to advertising@dailylobo.com

Volunteers ELEMENTARY ED VOLUNTEER. Volunteer reading tutor needs reliable assistant every Wednesday morning to read 1:1 with students and assist with computer software. 817-789-7175. UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others-Class CreditGreat Experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com BEST STUDENT ESSAYS NEEDS VOLUNTEERS

Openings for Copyeditors and a Design Editor. Copyeditor applicants with some publishing/editing experience are preferred, but all are welcome to apply. Design Editor applicants must be proficient in InDesign CS3.


WAIT STAFF PT/ FT for busy lunch cafe. Apply at Model Pharmacy, corner of Lomas and Carlisle.

Contact Editor-in-Chief Sarah Parro at bse@unm.edu for details.

Want to work on a magazine?

Best Student Essays, UNM’s premiere non-fiction magazine, has openings for volunteer staff members: - Assistant Editor - Copy & Research Editors - Design Editor (must be proficient in InDesign CS3)

- Photography Editor - Science Editor - Website Editor

Positions are open to all undergraduate and graduate students. For more information and to apply, contact Editor-in-Chief Sarah Parro at bse@unm.edu.

Deadline: August 31st, 2011

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