NM Daily Lobo 083012

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Jeeves and Jell-O see page 4

August 30, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Football down two more players



by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com

UNM football players Rod Davis and Fatu Ulale were suspended by the NCAA on Wednesday for “impermissible benefit violations.” The UNM football program reported that the violations will cause Davis to be ineligible for the first two games of the season and Ulale the first four. The violations occurred last year under former head coach Mike Locksley, and the players are in the process of paying back the benefits. Current head coach Bob Davie said the incident involved players shipping things home with a University FedEx account. “Guys were given a FedEx number, a University FedEx number, by a member of the previous staff and they FedEx-ed some things home,” Davie said. “They were told they could do that, which you can’t do that.”

see Suspensions PAGE 3

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Jim Srubek (left), professional potter and former UNM professor, demonstrates how to throw a bottle out of porcelain to his apprentice Lauren Waterman. Srubek learned his form of porcelain pottery-making from Living National Treasure of Japan Inoue Manji Sensei. See story, page 8.

Privacy complaints plague advisement center Open plan of One-Stop center makes compliance with federal privacy law difficult

by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

Although UNM has made efforts to hasten and improve student advisement, students continue to argue that advisement practices ignore students’ rights to privacy. UNM’s One-Stop center, which opened in Mesa Vista Hall in spring 2009, was created to allow students faster admissions, financial aid and registration advisement, all in one place. Students can receive advisement without an appointment in an open room where multiple advisers are stationed at computers and assist students with one-on-one advisement. In September 2009, the Daily Lobo compiled a list of students’ reactions to the center shortly after it opened. In the article, former UNM student Natalie Marquez said all her questions were answered, but that she felt advisement became less personal and private. “Before, you would go into an office and it was personal and confidential. Now, it’s just at the front desk with everyone around,” Marquez said. “It was way more personal when they had individual offices. Sometimes you do not want to talk about things like financial aid with everybody around.” In a letter to the editor that appeared in the same issue of the Daily Lobo, former UNM student Eric Ross said he noticed the One-Stop system violated students’ privacy because he

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 10

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Dave Romero (front) sits within earshot of Carlo James Aragon as he conducts private business with a financial aid adviser. Students have complained that the One-Stop system violates students’ rights to privacy because students discuss sensative issues, such as financial aid and admissions, in an open space. could overhear the private conversations between students and advisers. “I overheard staff — probably to no fault of their own because they are at the mercy of the One-Stop office setup — giving out private information, and students, uncomfortably, relaying their ID numbers, birth dates, incomes, addresses, health problems, grades, etc. to the staff,” he said. “This information could easily be overheard because we have no choice but to sit right next to other students without partitions or office walls or even space

to divide the conversations.” In the letter, Ross suggested adding partitions or using offices to ensure students’ privacy is protected during advisement. “I don’t believe that the decisionmaking bodies of Enrollment Management have fully thought this system through,” he said. Complaints continue to follow One-Stop. On Aug. 23, UNM student Amber Jones said in an email to the Daily Lobo that she was displeased with the One-Stop system because

Mmmmm bacon

E.C. was here

See page 5

See page 11

the University violates the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law intended to protect student information. “The University deliberately violates FERPA. Everyone that goes to the One-Stop stands in a makeshift line (they have no ropes, signs or number system telling students … what to do or where to stand),” she said. “Then, I’m called up by an employee to help me with my question … My question could be about records, financial aid or admissions and they are ‘supposed’ to help me.” On several occasions, Daily Lobo reporters observed an employee standing near the entrance of OneStop to direct students to the appropriate desk based on their needs. Jones said she was hesitant to speak to an adviser about financial aid because she didn’t want to discuss her personal information with other students present. “I have a student sitting on my left and my right side and then I have the line that I just came from close behind me, which all around could hear my questions and answers from the employee discussing my very personal financial aid issues,” she said. “I would like to see UNM fix this huge FERPA violation ASAP by putting in tall barriers…” Associate University counsel Melanie Baise said the One-Stop area doesn’t violate FERPA regulations because the law doesn’t specifically

state that conversations about student records have to be done privately behind closed doors. She said the law protects personal student information, but doesn’t mandate where discussions about student information happen or how the environment should be furnished. But Baise said the University is obligated to configure the space to ensure that student information isn’t shared with other people who might be in the area. She said students should voice concerns in a formal complaint to the Enrollment Management Division or the Office of the Registrar to ensure their concerns are being brought to the University’s attention. “It’s the University’s responsibility to not disclose private information,” she said. “Sounds like someone needs to look at the space, someone has to take reasonable steps to ensure the University doesn’t disclose students’ information to others.” But financial aid supervisor Raina Barnett said the open seating is not the only option students have for advisement sessions. She said students who want to have a private conversation can ask to go into one of the offices in One-Stop to speak to a financial aid adviser privately. “At any time you can ask to go in any of the offices, and anyone who is helping you will go ahead and do that. There are at least 12 offices to go into,” she said. “We do have a couple of students who ask to do that.”


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PageTwo T hursday, A ugust 30, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

ShowHow Me

to stay organized

Now that the semester has begun, students might have trouble readjusting to the school year and a new set of classes. In an attempt to help students get back on track and be successful throughout the semester, the Daily Lobo sat down with Student Health and Counseling clinical counselor Ray Mitchell to help students understand how to be organized and why it’s so important. out your goals and put your expectations into perspective. Do Step 1 Figure you have enough time to get all A’s and still maintain a part-time job? Look at your schedule and organize your to-do list from most important

to least important, and allot enough time for each thing on your list. If you want to be a successful student, attending class, doing your homework and studying should be at the top of that list.

a bird’s eye view of your semester by drawing out a timeline for each class so you can keep important dates in order, such as exams and Step 2 Create assignment deadlines, and can set aside enough time to complete all

Megan Murphy / Daily Lobo

yourself to have better habits. Work to keep your Step 4 Train life in order and tackle chores and responsibilities as soon as you can, instead of waiting until the last

your assignments. You might even be able to get some assignments done ahead of time, if you work it into your schedule. “This gives students a chance to see when the crunch times are going to be. They are going to see if they have three papers due in one week, or something similar,” Mitchell said. “Students are often surprised by how everything meshes together.”

minute. Being proactive will help you stay organized. It’s easier to do three or four dishes or one load of laundry at a time, rather than letting the mess pile up. “Students need to condition their discipline, to condition their willpower; it’s like a muscle,” Mitchell said. “It might be something like doing the dishes that conditions your will for the harder things, the harder things being homework.”

Step 3

procrastinate and you won’t have to cram. Waiting until the last minute often makes any task Step 5 Don’t more stressful and only clouds your thoughts. Do what

Ask yourself what you can and cannot control. Move around more flexible obligations, such as studying or working out, to work around deadlines that are set in stone.

you need to do when you need to do it, so you don’t rush through your to-do list at the last minute. “It is as though procrastination is built into our chromosomes,” Mitchell said. “It is going to take some extra discipline to get yourself to do a paper early to avoid a crunch at the end, but it will pay off.” ~Hannah Stangebye

volume 117

issue 10

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Hannah Stangebye Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J.R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

Design Director Robert Lundin Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie Kean Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Brittany Flowers

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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Suspensions from page 1


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Rod Davis games, but I thought it was fair to them to go through the appeal process,� Davie said. “I was never going to mislead someone, but talking to our people here, they said it was better for them to finish the appeal process before announcing it.� Davie said the all of the suspensions are part of the rebuilding of Lobo football. “I feel pretty good, to be honest,� Davie said. “It’s kind of a cleansing,

Fatu Ulale refreshing thing that guys make mistakes and get exposed.� Davie said he might sit out Ulale for the whole year. Ulale’s suspension already puts him out of commission for a third of the season and it would be difficult for him to rejoin the scheme after such a long absence, Davie said. “We may redshirt (Ulale) anyhow, because that was kind of the plan,� Davie said.

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STEVENSON, Ala. — James Davis is fighting to keep the remains of his late wife right where he dug her grave: in the front yard of his home, just a few feet from the porch. Davis said he was only abiding by Patsy Ruth Davis’ wishes when he buried her outside their log home in 2009, but the city sued to move the body elsewhere. A county judge ordered Davis to disinter his wife in March, and the Alabama Civil Court of Appeals refused to overturn the order. Davis, 73, said he never expected such a fight. “Good Lord, they’ve raised pigs in their yard, there’s horses out the road here in a corral in the city limits, they’ve got other grave sites here all over the place,â€? said Davis. “And there shouldn’t have been a problem.â€? While state health officials say family burial plots aren’t uncommon in Alabama, city officials worry about the precedent set by allowing a grave on a residential lot on one of the main streets through town. They say the city has cited concerns about long-term care, appearance, property values and the complaints of some neighbors. “We’re not in the 1800s any longer,â€? said city attorney Parker Edmiston. “We’re not talking about a homestead, we’re not talking about someone who is out in the country on 40 acres of land. Mr. Davis lives in downtown Stevenson.â€? A strong libertarian streak runs through northeast Alabama, which

has relatively few zoning laws to govern what people do with their property. Even a neighbor who got into a fight with Davis over the grave site — Davis said he punched the man — isn’t comfortable with limiting what a homeowner can do with his property. “I don’t think it’s right, but it’s not my place to tell him he can’t do it,â€? said George W. Westmoreland, 79, who served three tours of duty in Vietnam. “I laid my life on the line so he would have the right to do this. This is what freedom is about.â€? Davis protested the ruling by running for City Council. A campaign sign hangs near a bigger sign in his yard that says: “Let Patsy Rest in Peace.â€? He lost the election yesterday, coming in third place. A law professor who is familiar with the case said it’s squarely at the intersection of personal rights and government’s power to regulate private property. While disputes over graves in peoples’ yards might be rare, lawsuits over the use of eminent domain actions and zoning restrictions are becoming more common as the U.S. population grows, said Joseph Snoe, who teaches property law at Samford University in suburban Birmingham. “The United States Supreme Court has said that the states, and the cities through the states, have the power to regulate. But if it goes too far ‌ then the government’s got to pay, and there are certain things the government just doesn’t have the power to do,â€? he said. “As we get bigger and as government gets bigger and as people

are more regulated ‌ you start having more and more disagreements.â€? Davis, a longtime carpenter, built the family’s home on a corner on Broad Street about 30 years ago in Stevenson, a town of about 2,600 in northeast Alabama. Once a bustling railroad stop, the city is now so quiet some people don’t bother locking their doors. Davis first met Patsy when she was a little girl. They were married for 48 years, but she spent most of her final days bedridden with crippling arthritis. Seated on a bench beside her marble headstone and flower-covered grave, Davis said he and his wife planned to have their bodies cremated until she revealed she was terrified by the thought. “She said this is where she wanted to be and could she be put here, and I told her, ‘Yeah,’â€? Davis said. “I didn’t think there’d be any problem.â€? But for now, Davis visits his wife’s grave each time he walks out the front door. He puts fresh artificial flowers on it regularly, and he washes off the marker when raindrops splatter dirt on the gray stone. At Christmas, he said, he and other relatives hold a little prayer vigil around the grave, which is beside an old wooden garage. Davis is adamant that he won’t move the body, regardless of what any court says. “If they get it done it’ll be after I’m gone,â€? said Davis. “So if they order her to be moved, it’s a death sentence to me. I’ll meet Mama sooner than I planned on it.â€?


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by Jay Reeves



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Man defiant about wife’s grave The Associated Press

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The suspensions come on the heels of two other football player suspensions earlier this week. On Tuesday, walk-on quarterback David Vega was suspended after being arrested early Sunday morning for “over the weekend a minor in possession, something about he didn’t show his ID or something,� Davie said. On Monday, sophomore cornerback Devonta Tabannah was suspended after his arrest Sunday. Tabannah was charged with driving while intoxicated, failure to obey a traffic control device and failure to provide registration, a driver’s license or proof of insurance. Davie said he knew about the suspensions of Ulale and Davis beforehand and wanted to report them sooner. “I would have announced it earlier. I wanted to announce the day that we knew they were going to miss

Thursday, August 30, 2012/ Page 3


Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 09/29/12



FRI AUG 31, 2012


Jay Reeves / AP Photo In this Friday, Aug. 10, photo, James Davis, 73, stands over the grave of his wife, Patsy, in the front yard of the home they shared in Stevenson, Ala. The city sued to make Davis move his wife’s remains from the residential tract.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg



Boyle’s ‘freedom’ doesn’t extend to slaves, women Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the letter “Democracy, entitlements portend dictatorship,” published in the Tuesday issue of the Daily Lobo. In the letter, Ryan Boyle argues that the U.S. will become a dictatorship unless all government services and bureaucracy are done away with and all spending ceases. Editor, The historical claims in Ryan Boyle’s letter, “Democracy, entitlements portend dictatorship,” are so puzzling that they deserve a response from a historian. The basic problem is simple: Boyle claims that “true freedom” was only achieved in civilizations that had slavery or lacked democracy, or both. To hold up ancient Athens, ancient Rome and the early U.S. as exemplars of freedom is very strange indeed, because all three allowed people to own other people as property — surely the exact opposite of freedom. In the American case, he suggests that the nation fell from grace during the Progressive Era, an odd idea because that was when women won the right to vote in federal elections — the greatest expansion of democracy in the history of the nation. But perhaps Boyle views this as a bad thing, considering his overall argument is that democracy — “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” as America’s greatest president described it — helps pave the way to dictatorship. I invite Boyle to take some classes from my colleagues in the Department of History so that he can base his political theories on actual events in the past. Either way, though, if Boyle is so adamant about “ending all government services” to “stop the impending dictatorship,” shouldn’t he start by volunteering to pay UNM $40,000 a year, the going rate for a private college, rather than the much lower tuition made possible by the state government of New Mexico? A. K. Sandoval-Strausz UNM faculty member

PATS mum about spaces, permits for motorcycles Editor, When is the department of parking and transportation going to list on its website its new decision to require parking passes for all motorcycle/scooters (even under 50 cc)? I was told when I called Parking and Transportation Services that you may get ticketed for not having a pass, despite no communication about needing one. Also, what are PATS’ plans to create more motorcycle parking spaces? Bryan Thompson UNM staff member

FROM THE WEB Readers on DailyLobo.com responded to the letter “Democracy, entitlements portend dictatorship,” published in Tuesday’s issue of the Daily Lobo. In the letter, Ryan Boyle argues that the United States will become a dictatorship unless all government services and bureaucracy are done away with and all spending ceases.

demand, meaning less of a supply is needed, which causes job loss. There is indeed a correlation between unemployment and the amount of money being circulated.”

The Republicans are like those families on the ‘Intervention’ television show who try to get their family member and/ or friend into rehab, but the junkie says the family is the problem. Eventually, they by “Sean” agree to go to rehab, but they eventually re“You do realize that ‘(t)he people of a lapse because they’d rather sleep in their society should rule themselves individu- own vomit, and Democrats want to keep ally on their own property and should not them that way. by “Christopher Plante” be subjected to majority wants or the conNow Obama has created 15 million “My personal opinion with taxes is they trol of the few in a government’ would lead more on food stamps. The unemployment wouldn’t need to be high for any class if to chaos and meaningless violence, right? checks are now at 99 weeks and has run the spending wasn’t so high. If I were a I get the feeling this article is not genuine, out on millions of people, adding to the rich person, I would not live in this coun- but rather a measure by the Republican millions of more people who have given try. I would rather live in a country where party to manipulate the youth vote with ri- up looking for work, especially now that my money goes toward things I agree with. diculous propaganda.” Obama has given 800,000 undocumented It is not the rich people’s job to pay for the citizens job permits to take more of our people who decide to be fools, i.e., the by “Brian Fejer” jobs, and that’s on top of the jobs they alones who have kids young, the people who “Holy moly, this dude needs to put ready have and being paid under-the-table decide to drop out, the people who decide down the Glenn Beck books. It seems like cash and not paying taxes, which Obama not to go look for work, the ones who mess the Grand Old White Party doesn’t realize complains that the rich aren’t paying their with drugs. most of the current debt doesn’t come from fair share when 47 percent of people don’t If you make a mistake, it is your job to welfare for those brown folks, but from the even pay taxes but complain about the 1 fix it, no one but yourself. It is the same lowest tax rates since the ‘50s, a trillion- percent. with the rich. They have made the right de- dollar unfunded war, the interest on the Then you have people who dream of cisions, and it is not their job to pick up af- debt, the financial collapse of the United winning the lottery where one second you ter the people who have made the wrong States and — yeah — entitlements. It’s not are a 99 percent-er and the next you are ones. so black and white that you can cut all gov- a 1 percent-er, but then slam Romney for The thing about America is you have a ernment. We have a mix of private-sector working decades for his $250 million, while choice. When you make the choice, you and public-sector jobs; you can’t have one they want to win that amount and more on face the consequences. I know, it is just ter- or the other. If you want to bring down the a $2 bet for instant wealth. rible that people who choose not to work debt, cut spending and raise taxes.” Ryan, don’t waste too many brain cells UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO LOBOSon this topic because you have to rememhard don’t get 16, as2011 much. What kind of world MARCH do we live in where people have to actually by “Zoe Noel” ber that this is UNM, a bastion of socialist get up and work to survive? “Democrats are like drug pushers. They thought, socialist professors who love their What happens when the rich are try to addict everyone to heroin, and once capitalist check and complain for more, no longer rich? Then who will pay for they turn them into junkies, those junkies and those who still love Cuba, Fidel and everything? Who provides jobs? Simple have to vote for the Democrats in order to have a Che poster in their office.” economics: increased taxes means less get their fix. The University of New Mexico ® UNM™ New Mexico Lobos™ New Mexico™ Lobos ® The Pit ® Lobo Country™ Lobo Nation™



Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

University of New Mexico-Gallup

University of New Mexico-Los Alamos University of New Mexico-Valencia

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor

University of New Mexico-Taos University of New Mexico-Rio Rancho

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 Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters Lobo.” Send a message to the one that got away in an email to for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany NOTE: The marks of The University of New Mexico are controlled under a licensing program administered by The Collegiate Licensing Company. Any use of these marks will require written approval from The Collegiate Licensing Company. editorinchief@dailylobo.com all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be and we’ll publish as many as we can. You will remain 100 percent published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and anonymous and as soon as we receive enough submissions, the do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees. feature will run on Mondays. PANTONE 321 PANTONE 410 PANTONE 410 - 30%


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

New bakery features dazzling doughnuts by Megan Underwood culture@dailylobo.com

Albuquerque’s favorite crystal drug is hitting the streets again — this time on top of a fluffy, hand-crafted doughnut. The “crank”-topped doughnut features blue rock-candy crystals, and is subtly flavored like cotton candy. This is Rebel Donut’s famous “Breaking Bad” Blue-Sky doughnut. After a short return to a career in architecture, owner Carrie Mettling — the creator of Cake Fetish Cupcakes — opened the shop in June of this year. But despite being a new business, Rebel Donut has already developed an enormous following on Urbanspoon.com because of its unusual doughnut flavors, such as maple bacon and orange Tang. But Mettling said the meth doughnut is what the shop is known for. “It was made as kind of a joke,” Mettling said. “But it actually turned out to be a really good seller, and we make it every day now.” Although Mettling got bored with her architecture desk job, she said she used her expertise to build the shop from the ground up. After a long struggle to find an available retail space, she and her husband

Thursday Imbibe ROCK A BILLY BASH Live Music by Big Sandy and his Fly-Rite Boys, Hi-Lo Tones, Gelix Y Los Gatos, Cowboys & Indian and Whoohabs +Car Wash & Giveaways 5pm to close TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 9am to 10pm Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

personally designed, built and decorated everything in the shop. “We put our kids to bed at night, then came here and swung hammers,” she said. All of Mettling’s hard work is not only evident in the store’s appearance, but in the doughnuts as well. Innovation is a very big part of the shop, and Mettling said she encourages people to come to her with new ideas. Employees constantly come up with new flavors; on Tuesday, they were making Pineapple-Upside-Down doughnuts for the first time. “I credit my employees for being really fun,” she said. “Literally every day we’ve been open, there’s been a new experiment in the case.” Store manager Marcy Penn wakes up every morning at 2 a.m. to drive from her home in Moriarty so she can get to the store by 4 a.m. Penn said the drive is worth the amount of freedom and creativity working at Rebel Donut permits. She said the store’s open approach to flavors is what sets the shop apart from Dunkin’ Donuts and other chains. “They’re not anywhere in our ballpark. We have the weird flavors,” Penn said. “Dunkin’ wouldn’t do that.” UNM student and frequent Rebel Donut patron Robin Jones also said

Thursday, August 30, 2012/ Page 5

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Rebel Donut owner Carrie Mettling said she’s always open to new tastes, with flavors ranging from Fruity Pebbles to Bailey’s Irish Cream. Featured above are the birthday cake, Tang, Homer (left to right) and the maple bacon (front) iced doughnuts. that doughnut chains can’t compete with the unique creations the bakery has to offer. “I think they’re honestly better quality doughnuts,” she said. “How often do you get a doughnut that has Lucky Charms on it?” With only two months of operation under the store’s belt, Mettling said she hopes Rebel Donut will continue to gain momentum. She said

that customers have a lot of cool fall flavors to look forward to in the next couple of months, such as pumpkin and spice-themed doughnuts. Mettling said sometimes customers are so excited over new doughnut flavors, they can’t control their reactions. “(People) walk up and down and start clapping in front of the case,” she said.

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Daily Awesomeness: Monday




10.0.oz. on the scale (exactly) and it’s FREE! (10% off for anyone who goes over 10 oz.)

Tuesday Olo’s birthday! $0.28/oz. for everyone all day! Wednesday Olo ♥ students- 30% off, bring your ID Thursday Spin the prize Wheel! Two lucky Olo Libre members will win Free froyo for a year! Friday

facebook.com/oloyogurt 3339 Central Ave NE - Nob Hill

Salsa Baby Zumba: 5:00pm Beginner salsa class: 6:30pm All age dance: 7:30pm

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Olo Yogurt Spin the Prize Wheel All Week: Double Olo Libre points $25 Gift Card giveaway every day Sept. 6

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THURSDAYS all drinks


all drinks

ALWAYS FREE GAMES 10 Pool Tables • Ping-Pong Foosball • 4 PS3 Consoles Never a cover 406 Central SW | Downtown

August 30th 5pm Music By:

Big Sandy and his Fly-Rite Boys Hi-Lo Tones Cowboys & Indian Woohabs Felix y Los Gatos


the haps

Page 6 / Thursday, August 30, 2012

Friday Imbibe BACK TO SCHOOL BLOCK PARTY with FOAM PIT $5 Drink Specials DJ Malik & DJ Automatic 7pm to close ABurlyQ Burlesque & Sideshow Spectacular Tix $15-$17 At Sunshine Theater Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10 Graham Central Station Keg Party $3 domestic longnecks, wells and wine til 10pm/ $3 draft beer all night Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro Happy Hour 5pm-7pm: $4 cocktails, $6 food items

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Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close Sunshine Theater * ABurlyQ! * Burlesque & Sideshow Spectacular Doors Open 8pm All Ages

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pmClose with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close

Dirty Bourbon Nathan Dean opening for Cody Canada & The Departed $5 Cover

ABurlyQ Burlesque & Sideshow Spectacular Tix $15-$17 At Sunshine Theater Pizza 9 Pizza Eating Contest! $1000 1st Place $15 Entree Fee Starts at 2p.

Imbibe Happy Hour ALL NIGHT $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis. Open 12n-12mid


TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Salsa Baby Zumba at noon!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Olo Yogurt Two lucky Olo Libre members will win Free froyo for a year! All Week: Double Olo Libre points $25 Gift Card giveaway every day Sept. 7

Saturday The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro Happy Hour 5pm to 7pm: $4 cocktails and $6 food items Live Music 930pm to 1230am No Cover Salsa Baby Schedule your party today! 505-250-5807.

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover Graham Central Station Party Central $3 well, wine and domestic longnecks til 10pm Sunshine Theater * ABurlyQ! * Burlesque & Sideshow Spectacular Doors Open 8pm All Ages

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Salsa Baby Zumba: 12pm and 5pm Salsa-Aerobics: 6pm Beginner dallas swing class: 7pm

Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro $9 Fried Chicken & Waffles all night Happy Hour 5pm to 7pm

Olo Yogurt Olo loves students-30% off, bring your ID All Week: Double Olo Libre points $25 Gift Card giveaway every day Sept. 3

Dirty Bourbon Local Band Sunday featuring Santa Fe South Band No Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am DJ Official spinning 9pm-close! Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Salsa Baby Schedule your party today! 505-250-5807.


Dirty Bourbon Nathan Dean opening for Rick Trevino $10 Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)


Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro $5 Taco-Tini Night 2 tenderloin tacos, 5 premium martinis $5 each


Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

Tuesday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover Dirty Bourbon Nathan Dean & Marshal Reign Two-Step Dance Lessons starts at 6:30pm $2 Cover after 7pm TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm The Library Bar & Grill Drink Specials all Night Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro Two Dollar Tuesday Bluesday $2 angus beef sliders, $2 half pints, Live music 8pm to 11pm No Cover

Salsa-Baby Dance Studio 

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Every Thursday Night All Ages Salsa Dancing Intro Class at 6:30 $7 — Dance 7:30-10 $3 307 Central Ave NW (3rd St) 505 250 5807

Check the


for Local Events

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Imbibe College Night DJ 9pm

Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons starting at 6:30pm

Salsa Baby Zumba: 12pm and 5pm Salsa-Aerobics: 6pm Beginner salsa: 7pm Intermediate salsa class: 8pm

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

Olo Yogurt Olo’’s birthday! $0.28/oz. for everyone all day! All Week: Double Olo Libre points $25 Gift Card giveaway every day Sept. 4

The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico 9pm The Best Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons

Wednesday Imbibe WINE DOWN 1/2 Price Bottles Happy Hour till 7pm $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Korean BBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pmClose Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Absolute Flavors Olo Yogurt 10.0.oz. on the scale (exactly) and it’s FREE! (10% off for anyone who goes over 10 oz.) All Week: Double Olo Libre points $25 Gift Card giveaway every day Sept. 5

Thursday, August 30, 2012/ Page 7

$2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

Zinc Wine Bar & Bistro Wine & Cheese Night Purchase any bottle from our wine list, receive 20% off that choice and a free premium cheese plate. Salsa Baby Zumba: 12pm and 5pm Buy 10 classes get 2 free!

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8 Lobo Culture An Eastern Spin Page

Thursday August 30, 2012

Culture editor / Nicole Perez

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Renowned potter instructs new students in an ancient Japanese method by Antonio Sanchez


Photos by Adria Malcolm

Srubek cuts a piece of Sitka spruce wood with a band saw to make a custom tool known as an oshibera, or shaping rib, prior to demonstrating the Arita method of pottery to his students.

Srubek wipes dried porcelain off his legs stretched out from his 6-foot-7-inch frame.

Designed by Jim Srubek

Tucked away behind a burial ground for abandoned trucks is a tiny pottery studio. Surrounded by scraps of metal and spare tires, the creative haven itself is quaint — shelves of half-finished vases surround the entrance as a recording of bird chirps floats throughout the room. Japanese-porcelain potter Jim Srubek sat beside his work sink, a clay-stained mess of wooden tools to his left, a small porcelain cup of tea on a table to his right. “I offer my instruction for free because it’s part of my responsibility to pass this on,” Srubek said. Srubek is a world-renowned potter who specializes in Japanese Arita porcelain pottery. Arita pottery is unique in that, unlike Western pottery, the pottery wheel spins clockwise and is molded from the inside of the bowl, as opposed to the outside. Srubek’s career as a potter began in 1969 when he was working on his Ph.D. in art education at Penn State. After taking a few ceramics courses, Srubek attended an Arita pottery course, under the direction of National Living Treasure of Japan Inoue Manji Sensei. Srubek said he was immediately attached to the art form. “All of the other things I was doing was, in a way, forcing myself to be loose and spontaneous, and that’s not really my nature,” he said. “But when I was confronted with this method, it required discipline, it required being precise, it required doing it over and over and over again and always trying to work towards making it better, making it ideal, and that fit towards my personality.” Srubek said his work stood out to the ceramics sensei, who later tapped his shoulder and told him he could study for free under his direction in Japan. For a year, he learned the ins and outs of Arita pottery alongside six other apprentices, molding and reworking pieces for nine hours a day, seven days a week. After a year of apprenticeship in 1979, Srubek went on to teach pottery courses at UNM from 1980 until he retired in 2001. Srubek has since moved his work to a small pottery studio outside Jackson Equipment Company near Second Street and Osuna Road, shared with potter and former student Shelly Jackson. Srubek has fully adapted to the Japanese approach to pottery; he hand-carved every tool his students use from Sitka spruce wood purchased from the acclaimed acoustic-guitar company Pimentel and Sons. Srubek said he spent the last three years teaching students who are willing to learn the difficult art form before finally looking for an apprentice this year. “There’s a saying that one national

living treasure once said: ‘To surpass your master is to pay the debt you owe him,’” he said. “If I teach something to a student and carry this tradition along, it repays what my teacher gave to me.” Jackson said her teacher’s recent attempt to find an apprentice is a noble one. “It’s being socially conscious,” Jackson said. “Somebody socially handed you something, and you are being socially conscious to hand it to somebody else.” Jackson began studying under Srubek in 1992, after practicing Western pottery for years. Since then, Jackson said Srubek’s Arita method has changed her outlook on the art form. Jackson said that because the Arita method is so technique-driven, she sees herself perfecting her work through her old age. “When I wasn’t using the method well as I was getting older, I was starting to worry about being able to do this,” she said. “But once I started using the method more correctly, it kind of overcame some of the things I was losing because of aging, because it’s some heavy, hard work. When I was using the method correctly, I could see that I could go into old age doing this.” Srubek said that most students have a therapeutic moment while taking his course. “When working with clay, you have to get it centered,” Srubek said. “Centering involves certain kinds of movement, but in centering it, you’re also centering yourself.” Student and ceramics teacher Heidi Meissner said her life changed after taking Srubek’s course. “He gives this lecture, he shows the slides of his trip to Japan and what it’s all about, and I was just enthralled,” Meissner said. “I just knew that’s what I wanted to do.” Meissner said she changed her major from engineering to ceramics after taking Srubek’s class. She spent the next 10 years, from 1990 to 2000, taking courses with Srubek. Meissner currently teachers a ceramics class in Denver, teaching students from kindergarten to adults, and she drives down to Albuquerque at least once a month to take a lesson from Srubek. She calls her teacher “a gold mine of information.” Meissner said her instructor’s passion for teaching pottery is what keeps her making the long trek back to Albuquerque. “He doesn’t tell people what to do; he doesn’t force people,” she said. “He’s very unlike a Japanese teacher in that respect. A Japanese teacher would be folding their arms, tapping their feet and watching you work for nine hours every day, six days a week. He (Srubek) wants you to be there, and he wants you to love it.”




‘It is a matter of physics’

by Nicole Perez

nicole11@unm.edu Professional potter Jim Srubek learned his craft from national living treasure of Japan, and is one of the few teachers of the Arita method in the U.S. Artisans from Arita, Japan, first started working with porcelain in 1616 and the people from that town collected techniques for successfully working with this difficult medium. Clay makes up only half or less of porcelain’s composition; the rest is mainly a combination of raw minerals. Srubek said that the Arita method has been refined over the years, as artists figured out what works and what doesn’t. Porcelain was first created by Chinese potters, later adopted by Korean potters and then picked up by the Japanese who developed the Arita method. The method has been in the making for more than 3500

years, starting when porcelain was first used. He said there is usually only one correct way of following the method — but this is because of the limitations of the medium. “It is a matter of physics,” Srubek wrote in a handout he gives to his students. “Porcelain is governed by the universal laws of the physics and chemistry of its materials.” He said there are many ways of working with porcelain, and Arita is only one of these. He said the method fit his personality, and so he dedicated himself to finding the “correct way.” “There were no half-measures or partial commitments,” he wrote. “The more control I developed using the method, the easier it became for me to create my own unique artistic shapes.” Srubek said the art almost seems out of place in New Mexico. He said

he was doing a presentation on how to attach handles to a cup using the ‘dry-to-dry’ method with his sensei teacher. Somebody in the audience shouted, “That’s impossible. You can’t do that.” Srubek had to explain that you can do it, and he said the story il lustrates how little-known Arita pottery is. Srubek said his classes at UNM were consistently full, with people on the waitlist, but now he only chooses to teach people who he feels have a true passion. He teaches out of a tiny personal studio behind a truck junkyard. “I have a limited amount of time remaining in my life,” he wrote. “I truly believe that the most valuable asset I have is time. I want to give some of my valuable time to teaching this method to those who are receptive.”

Srubek said he spent the last three years teaching students who are willing to learn the difficult art form before finally looking for an apprentice this year. “If I teach something to a student and carry this tradition along, it repays what my teacher gave to me,” he said.

Objects adorn the walls surrounding a wash station in Shelly Jackson’s studio. Ten years ago, Jackson’s husband transformed the former paint and body shop building into a studio for her pottery. Three years ago, Srubek began teaching in the studio space.

Apprentice Lauren Waterman carries freshly thrown demonstration pieces to an area for drying. Srubek made six pieces from a 20pound wedge of porcelain.


Photos PAGE 10

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from PAGE 9

Students Shelly Jackson (right) and Kerry Kinnick enjoy laughs over tea and snacks. Srubek and his students have a ritual of having tea after each class.

Apprentice Lauren Waterman tops her cracker with apricot spread. The students bring various food items to eat after each class in a meal that Srubek says is often a feast.

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Year Zero



Level 1 2 3 4

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ACROSS 1 Word in discount store names 4 Hand-holding dance 8 Reveal all? 13 Set right, in a way 15 His voice is heard after “Live, from New York ...” 16 Rewards cardholder’s benefit 18 Brazilian novelist Jorge 19 Horace’s “__ Poetica” 20 Roulette option 22 Computergenerated visual media 26 Athlete dubbed “O Rei do Futebol” 27 One known for great service 28 Limerick fifth 29 Environmentalist Sigurd 30 Show of strength? 31 Baseball div. 32 Time for laundry and such 35 Bright 37 Yale grads 38 Tiffany collectibles 39 Key not used by itself 40 Curved molding 44 Road maneuvers, briefly 45 Salad dressing ingredient 47 Rhinitis doc 48 Dads 49 Infomercial kitchen brand 50 Starting a project ... and what the letters between each pair of circles are doing? 55 Bizarre 56 Audience member 57 Does some yard work 58 Solomonic 59 Hosp. areas




By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

DOWN 1 Tetley competitor 2 Infinitesimal 3 Long sail 4 Spartan serf 5 Time and again, in verse 6 “The Natural” protagonist Hobbs 7 Surrealist Jean 8 Hunting or fishing 9 IDs on a carousel 10 Grade sch. basics 11 “My thought is ...” 12 Thick-skinned citrus fruit 14 Zenith’s opposite 17 In short supply 21 Unfavorable impression? 23 Calm 24 Bank claim 25 “The handmaiden of creativity”: Eliot 26 Guilty, for example 29 Bygone GM division

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

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30 Marshy lowlands 31 Nimble 32 Got real? 33 They may be sealed 34 Workers’ rights org. 35 Risqué 36 Illusory hope 39 Mozart’s “__ fan tutte” 40 Pungent bulb



41 Reveal all? 42 Former Disney chief 43 Ducks 45 “Land __ alive!” 46 Concur 48 Cowpoke’s pal 51 Côte d’Azur saison 52 “I’m thinkin’ not” 53 Sporty VW 54 Sporty cars


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CALL FOR INFORMATION 505-506-8040. PARKING 1 BLOCK south of UNM $100/ semester. 268-0525.

GREAT JOBS FOR Gay Rights! $8-$13/ hr. Full or part time. Call 505-255-6061. Ask for Cameron.

Lost and Found FOUND IPHONE NEAR SUB/SHAC/Johnson. Email austine@unm. edu with description of wallpaper and will return in exchange of $50 and handdrawn My Little Pony thank you card. Just kidding. But maybe not.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.


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VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora. Call.277-3013. Chat: www.agoracares. org TUTOR FOR HIGH school freshman to help with homework, papers or projects; 2 to 8 hours from Mondays thru Thursdays. $10/hour. Yvonne 249-1144. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. WANTED ASAP: TUTOR for biochemistry 445, Intensive Biochemistry I, Call Joe at 220-4115.

Health and Wellness NEW TO ALBUQUERQUE? Stressed out and need some relief? Albuquerque Soccer League can help. Men’s, women’s and coed teams forming now and looking for players for the Sunday league starting September 9. Contact us at aslsoc@swcp.com or check us out at www.aslsoccer.com

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com LARGE, CLEAN 1BDRM. Move in special, free UNM parking. No pets. $480/mo. +electricity. 268-0525. BLOCK TO UNM. Large, clean, quiet 1BDRM. Starting at $595 includes utilities. No pets. 268-0525. 255-2685. CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM $575/mo, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433. ATTRACTIVE 2BDRM 2 blocks south of UNM. $785/mo. includes utilities $300dd. No pets. 268-0525. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

Services STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. WE BUY JUNK cars! Cash! 505-7021483.

1BDRM. HARDWOOD FLOORS, Fenced yard, w/d hookups, pets okay. 1115 Wilmoore SE. $525/mo. $500dd. Available September 1st. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent 2-3BDRM 1.5BA, Hardwood floors, W/D, Large Fenced Backyard, Pond, Hottub! Pets Welcome! 215 Walter St. NE. $1500/mo. 505-331-1814. 2 BDRM COTTAGE recently remodeled, 3 blocks to UNM, off street parking, hardwood floors, $750 +gas and electric. No dogs. 842-5450. 2BDRM 1BA NEW W/D and dishwasher, garbage disposal, FP, energy efficient windows refrigerated air. $715/mo +gas and electric +dd cats welcome no dogs, NS. Available September 10 . 617 Monroe NE. 550-1579.

Houses For Sale

3BDRM 2BA PLUS detached studio. Near campus. Move-in condition. Hardwood floors. All appliances stay. Joanna Muth Pargin Realty 505-4405022, 505-296-1500, JoannaMuth@ya hoo.com


1BDRM ($545) AND 2BDRM ($645). WIFI and water included. On bus line. Laundry room. Quiet, clean and roomy homes. Call to see. Ask for student discount. 505-323-6300. www.villageat fourhills.com


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2 BDRM APARTMENT availabe. Utitlities included. Newly painted. Extra clean, carpeted, laundry on site. 3 blocks UNM. 313 Girard SE.$735/mo. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties. com (ask move-in special).

2.2 miles to UNM, close to Rapid Ride, convenient freeway access, quiet community w/ pool, covered parking & on-site laundry MOVE-IN SPECIALS



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new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Housing Wanted MUSICIAN NEEDS PLACE to live and practice. Just needs space and a shower. 345-2715, 249-3006.

Rooms For Rent CLEAN, QUIET, EMPLOYED roommate wanted to share 3BDRM house. $325/mo. including all utilities and internet. Unfurnished. 2 miles from UNM. Graduate student preferred. Lawrence 505-264-6009. QUIET MALE ROOMMATE to share 4BDRM house. Girard and Silver. $310/mo. +utilites. Ken 604-6322. TWO ROOMS IN 3BDRM/2BA. Altura Park Home available Oct. 1st. $400/mo. each plus shared utilities. Female. Serious Junior/Senior or Grad Students to share with Pre-med. 1yr lease min. Lisa 505-480-9072. ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 3BDRM house with male and female college students $317/mo +utilities. Located near Constitution and Eubank. For details email mvillalo@unm.edu

LOBO VILLAGE LEASE! Swimming pool, great gym, hot tub. Awesome roommates! Female only. $519/mo. 307-689-9522.

2001 ACURA MDX for sale. $5499 OBO. 505-453-2739.

SEEKING MALE UNM student to take over Lobo Village lease August 201213. Will pay your first month’s rent. Email rharding@unm.edu or call 505293-1074.

MCM ELEGANTE HOTEL currently hiring: Maintenance, Room Attendents, Room Inspectors, Line Cook early AM shift, Dishwasher, Bellperson, Night Auditor, Restaurant supervisor, Bartender/Banquet server, Restaurant server, Cocktail server, Catering Manager. Apply at 2020 Menaul BLVD NE.

LESS THAN 1 block from UNM! 2 females in house on Stanford. Seeking clean quiet female student for attached room $300/mo. Call/text Jenny: 505400-1901. RIO RANCHO HOUSE with open room. $300 deposit plus $100 pet deposit. $400/mo +1/3 utilities. Female only. Call or text 505-379-3958.

Pets ALASKAN/SIBERIAN sale. 203-9316.



For Sale JULLIAN EASEL FOR sale $130 original French easel, made in France excellent condition contact: Monica at 505-917-9528. 3000 AUTOS FOR sale Mazda 2004 3i. 98K, silv, 4dr 5-spd stick, man windows & locks, $6,500. Clear title. Runs great. Clean. 505-3621204.

Jobs Off Campus

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

TALIN MARKET IS hiring for all positions. Please pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE.

BRADLEY’S BOOKS. (USED) Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Inside Winning Coffee. bookanimal@yahoo.com

LOS POBLANOS INN is hiring for part time banquet servers & bussers. Must be availible on the weekends and be alcohol certified to serve in the state of New Mexico. Please send resumes and contact info to acabral@lospoblanos. com

STANDARD PUB-HEIGHT table with four matching chairs for sale. Espresso finish, ivory fabric chair cushions. In good condition, 5 years old, $150/OBO. Email colleen.fortuin(at)gmail(dot) com

Textbooks SELLING A MATH 316 Math 311 Physics 160/161 Geography 101 Mastering Physics Access Code, Fairy Tales, Serial Killers, Animals in Translation. Email ssully10@unm.edu for prices.

Vehicles For Sale 1997 HONDA ACCORD. Excellent condition. Well maintained. $3500 obo. 415515-5462.


SKILL BUILDING INSTRUCTORS needed to provide instruction for several after school programs. Must teach variety of topics. PT $12.00/hr. Must be available M-F 1-6pm. Some prep hours required. Must have reliable transportation to travel NE, NW and University areas & able to lift at least 35lbs. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE.

MEMORY FOAM MATRESS topper for sale. Twin bed. $50 obo. Russell 909538-5335.

OFFICE FURNITURE: OAK desk, computer desk, hutch with shelves, atop of small table, drawer legal size file cabinets, high bookcases, conference table, small Frig, microwave. 263-7900.

3102 Central Ave. SE

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

BRAND NEW SILVER IPod nano 8gb for sale. Contact Edgar at 505-5142611 or e-mail at dgr_chvz@yahoo. com


Best hats for any occasion. Bowlers • Fedoras • Top Hats Vintage Women’s Jewelry

DEPENDABLE OUTGOING INDIVIDUAL for part-time retail sales. Email resume to oldtownemporium@comcast.net

MARKETING STUDENT NEEDED PT to help local flower shop with online marketing through social media, email, and other online methods. To apply email al buquerqueflorist@hotmail.com or apply in person at 3121 San Mateo.

NATIVE AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE textbook. Nabokov, author. Native American Art I -- Szabo, instructor sells used for $48 at bookstore excellent condition for $35. 505-917-9528.


EDUCATOR/CAREGIVER FOR TOPquality after-school and summer child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org Workstudy encouraged to apply. ACTIVITY LEADERS AND Substitutes needed for homework help & facilitating educational activities in after school programs. PT, $10.50/hr. Experience with school-age children preferred. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. LOOKING FOR COLLEGE students to tutor in 21 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 M-TH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Lucy Ramirez ramirez_lu@aps.edu CAST & CREW wanted no experienced needed for union and non-union movies. Call for appointment 505-8840557 a1starcasting.com

FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography. 433-9948. TALIN MARKET IS looking for morning stocker. Hours from 6am- 10am Monday-Friday. Starting pay at $9/hr. Please pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE. MR. POWDRELL’S BBQ on EAST CENTRAL is looking for cashier/counter. Please apply in person at 11301 Central N.E. after 2pm Monday thru Saturday. Part time and Full time Available. CAREGIVERS: GET PAID to offer companionship and assist senior citizens with daily tasks (cooking, light cleaning, errands, medication reminders, and sometimes personal care). Rewarding employment and excellent experience for nursing and health sciences students. No experience needed; training provided. Part time work with studentfriendly, flexible schedules. Apply online at www.rightathome.net/albu querque

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Agora Helpline’s Fall training! Application Deadline: September 8. Apply early, Apply now at AgoraCares.org

Work Study Jobs GENERATION JUSTICE, A youth multimedia project committed to inspiring social change, is hiring an experience video Editor for a WorkStudy position. Email admin@generationjustice.org

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