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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Rocking the Wal-Mart see page 6

wednesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

September 2, 2009

DNA, eBay catch bike theft suspect by Tricia Remark Daily Lobo

A man police suspect of stealing five bicycles valued between $2,250 and $12,500 was arrested on campus July 24. UNMPD said Charles Gutierrez has been sawing through protective chains and cables to steal bicycles and pawn them for at least two years. Gutierrez is charged with seven counts of larceny. Senior Rikk Murphy helped police catch Gutierrez in December after Murphy’s bicycle was stolen. “I was coming back from a class at the business center and I was walking past Zimmerman Library,” Murphy said. “I saw some guy standing there with the bicycles, pulling one out, and I thought at first, ‘Oh, this guy’s got the same kind of bicycle horn that I do.’ Then it dawned on me. I was like, ‘No, that’s my bike.’” Murphy said he chased the thief as far as he could but never caught up with him. He called UNM police and said that he saw the thief set down a coffee cup before taking the bike. “At some point I mentioned to the officer that the thief left his coffee cup down there and he got all excited,” Murphy said. “I said ‘Oh yeah, it’s still down by the bike rack.’” Murphy said the officer collected the cup but he never heard back from the UNMPD about his bike. UNMPD Detective Ronnie Rushing said the department sent the cup to state lab analysts to get a

DNA profile. “This whole process takes some time — it’s not like on television where you can get it done in 30 minutes or an hour,” Rushing said. “It takes weeks if not months.” Rushing said UNMPD received a tip from another UNM bike theft victim who saw his bike online, offered for sale on eBay by Albuquerque’s Valley Pawn Shop. Rushing said UNMPD used information from Valley Pawn and DNA from the coffee cup to pinpoint Gutierrez. “When our detectives went to the Valley Pawn Shop, they were able to tell us that Charles Gutierrez was a customer there and sold several bicycles to them,” Rushing said. He said UNMPD was able to recover five bikes from Valley Pawn and return them to students. All of the bikes recovered were valued between $450 and $2,500. “This man was stealing expensive bicycles,” Rushing said. “He had an eye for it.” Rushing said students should get the strongest bike locks they can find and write down the brand, name and serial number of their bike in case of theft. “I’ve had many people come in and say ‘Yeah, my bicycle was pink,’ but they don’t even know the brand of it,” Rushing said. “We can’t help much in those cases.” Rushing said one of the best ways students can make sure their bikes are returned to them is to get their names

see Bike theft page 3

Gabbi Campos / Daily Lobo Student Noah Storie, left, smokes Monday in a designated smoking area near Zimmerman Library. No sign is present to indicate this is a smoking area.

Locations for tobacco use still hazy by Michael T. Ruhl Daily Lobo

The tobacco-free campus policy went into effect over a month ago, but designated tobacco-use areas are still being marked. Of the 12 smoking areas on campus listed on the UNM Smoke Free Campus Web site, four are not physically marked. Also, only nine of the 12 smoking areas are circled on the online campus map. Pug Burge, chairwoman of the Smoke Free Campus Committee, said the marking of the smoking areas was disorganized, but the group did not set out to make it easy to smoke on campus anyway. “The whole idea was not to make this convenient,” Burge said. “This whole drive has been about the promotion of a healthy campus. We have been somewhat

conservative because we knew that once we identified designated smoking areas, it would be difficult to take them away.” Burge said the Physical Plant Department is in charge of installing the signs around campus, and monitoring that work wasn’t one of her priorities. “It’s been a group effort, and people in PPD have been doing their very best to get this stuff going,” Burge said. “I haven’t kept a list that I have been checking twice every day.” Win Hansen, president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy, said his organization has become the public face for smokers on campus who are displaced into “smoking ghettos” by the new policy. “The only reason we know where the smoking areas are is because we see a lot of people smoking there,” he said. “There wasn’t a

campuswide e-mail saying, ‘Here are the smoking areas on campus.’” Hansen said many students aren’t even aware of the policy. He said the lack of information presented to smokers makes the ban less effective. “To limit the information to the smokers is undermining your entire For more on UNM’s tobaccofree campus policy, check out unm.edu/smokefree case,” he said. “If you want them to be more educated about what you’re doing and to not subject other people to secondhand smoke, they need to know where they can smoke. They need to be participatory in deciding the policy as it stands.” Burge said the current signs are temporary, and she said the

see Smoking ban page 3

Meth addicts hear new message by Jim Salter

Associated Press

Jory Vander Galien / Daily Lobo In this photo illustration, a man attempts to steal a locked-up bicycle. Charles Gutierrez was arrested July 24 for stealing several bikes worth thousands of dollars in total from the UNM campus.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 114

issue 9

ST. LOUIS — Josh Palmer’s story has played out countless times here in the heart of meth country. Introduced to methamphetamine as a teenager, he soon became addicted, couldn’t keep a job, lost his house and lost his family. Today, he’s turned his life around, so much so that he’s part of a national anti-meth marketing campaign that was launched Tuesday in St. Louis. “At one time in my life I thought everybody was doing dope because everybody I knew was,” Palmer, 32, said after a news conference at St. Louis City Hall. “I found out there was another world out there. And I like it a lot better.” Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske was on hand Tuesday to launch the $9 million ad campaign. Missouri is among the states worst affected by methamphetamine addiction, and has ranked first in the nation for years in meth-lab busts and seizures. Wyoming, Arkansas and Nevada were the top three states in per capita use of meth among people ages 18-25 in a 2007 survey by the Substance Abuse and

Where are we?

The Zen of film making

See page 2

See page 5

Mental Health Services Administration. The new campaign focuses on a message of hope — that meth addiction can be overcome. The ad blitz runs through November and will be run in newspapers, online and on TV, radio, billboards and even gas pumps. It focuses on the 16 states with the worst meth problems — Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky and Nebraska in the Midwest and Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona and New Mexico in the West. Anti-meth radio and Web ads will run nationally. “Despite the overall decline in meth usage across the country, we still have work to do,” Kerlikowske said. “This drug leaves a path of destruction that affects individuals, families and entire communities.” The ads focus on prevention and provide information to meth users and their families seeking recovery services. They target people ages 18-34, the age group most likely to use the drug. “Meth is literally stealing the lives of people across the state, specifically young people,” Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said.

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PageTwo where Wednesday, September 2, 2009


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Every Thursday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to WhereAreWe@dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced next week.

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo

Daily Lobo new mexico

volume 114

issue 9

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo (USPS #381-400) is published daily except Saturday, Sunday during the school year and weekly during the summer sessions by the Board of Student Publications of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-2061. Subscription rate is $50 an academic year. Periodical postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: send change of address to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO, MSC03 2230, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address, telephone and area of study. No names will be withheld.

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Smoking ban from PAGE 1 Las Lomas




Student Union



Student Services Center

Johnson Fields

Girard Blvd.

Univ ersit y

Blvd .

Zimmerman Library Duck Pond


Central Ave. Courtesy of UNM Web site The red pushpins in the above photo illustration represent the designated smoking areas located across main campus. Twelve smoking areas are set campuswide, even though only nine are pinpointed on the UNM Smoke Free Campus Web site and four are not physically marked. For more information check out www.unm.edu/smokefree. permanent indicators of a smoking area will be three benches surrounded by ash trays. She said she doesn’t know when the benches will be installed. Student Health and Counseling Health Manager Jessica Taylor

Bike theft

campus.� According to the UNM Policy Manual, the smoking areas could be on campus for as long as five years, and Spurrier said the removal of the smoking areas is at the discretion of University President David J. Schmidly.

e k a S & i Sush Ko

“My bike gets me to school, work and home, so if it was stolen I guess I’d just have to start walking everywhere,� she said. Sulima said she usually doesn’t worry about campus bike theft unless it is late at night. She said she plans to be more cautious in the future because of Murphy’s story. “Right now I just use a cable lock that I picked up at a bike shop



Outdoor BBQ grills available in the tables on the patio

on Central,� Sulima said. “They told me it would protect my bike the best.� Murphy said Gutierrez was able to cut through his cable lock and steal his bike. Murphy was not among the students who got their bikes back. He said he had to walk and take the bus to school and work until he got a replacement bike in June.


rean BBQ


from PAGE 1

and phone numbers engraved on their bikes. The service is available for free at the UNMPD station. Rushing said he returned a bicycle earlier this year because a student had his phone number engraved on it. UNM biology major Shauna Sulima said she was unaware of the engraving service, but will take advantage of it, since her bike is her main form of transportation.


Spurrier said the goal of the policy created by the Smoke Free Campus Committee is to encourage smokers to quit. “This isn’t about treating smokers badly or being mean to smokers,� she said. “It’s about promoting a healthier




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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Damian Garde



Wednesday September 2, 2009

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

FROM THE WEB Yesterday, the Daily Lobo published an update on the UNM Mailing Systems policy that caused the mail room to return Ph.D. candidate Nina Lanza’s dancing shoes because they weren’t considered University business. The policy has been suspended. Readers on DailyLobo.com started a lively discussion on the subject. Rick Porfrey Posted Tuesday “Left unreported by the Daily Lobo or University Services is the way Nina Lanza verbally abused the staff at MS. It is sad to see such reprehensible behavior rewarded by the University …” Justin Dodd Posted Tuesday “I would like to applaud Ms. Lanza and University Services for their efforts to bring about much needed changes in Mailing Systems policy. Policies instated by the University exist for the benefit of the University community. Policies that are outdated or no longer serve the community in an effective manner should be reevaluated. Ms. Lanza has done the University a service by calling attention to an arbitrary and antiquated mail censorship system. It is refreshing to see these issues dealt with in a constructive manner by Ms. Lanza, University Services and the UNM Policy Office.” unm staff Posted Tuesday “Also left unreported by the Daily Lobo was that Ms. Lanza is an Earth and Planetary Sciences grad student who had her UNM-related dancing shoes sent to that address as opposed to her club’s address. Dancing shoes to E&PS – it’s not censorship. I would have sent them back, too. I agree with Porfrey that it’s sad that UNM continually rewards self-centered whiners, at the real monetary expense of students and taxpayers. As for Justin, another E&PS grad student, how does UNM Mailing Systems becoming inundated with personal mail and packages benefit the University? But even with all my complaining, I am glad there are now no restrictions (at least for the next few months) on personal mail. I can’t wait to have all my Christmas gifts like games, DVDs, books, music and maybe even some shoes shipped to campus so I don’t have to go pick them up or worry about having them stolen before I get home at night! Thanks Daily Lobo and Mailing Systems!”






Abigail Ramirez Managing editor

Damian Garde Opinion editor

Pat Lohmann News editor

ext. 134 ext. 131 ext. 133 ext. 127

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters to the Editor Submission Policy: Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

LETTERS La Posada offers healthy food, astonishing customer service Editor, My first lunch at La Posada, under the then-new management of Chartwells, was motivated by a Friday special and my love of buffets. I liked the food but was even more impressed that while some of the stations offered a certain dish, e.g., the pizza station, several offered balanced dishes that changed from day to day. Given my own reluctance to cook, I soon reasoned that between the balanced dishes, the excellent

Denish most qualified to help economy and education in NM Editor, The state of New Mexico, along with nearly every other state in the union, is facing hard times due to the global economic crisis of the past year. Now more than ever, it is important to have a steady hand at the wheel to guide our state down the road of prosperity. Lt. Gov Diane Denish is a strong, thoughtful and mainstream leader and will make a great governor of our state. Denish has a proven track record of working hard to help the state of New Mexico achieve great things. As lieutenant governor, she has led the fight to improve education across the state

Veterans of the armed forces earn benefits by their service Editor, As a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, two emotions came to mind as I read James N. Post’s letter on veterans benefits. The first emotion was that of pride. The Constitution guarantees not only the freedom of the press, but also the freedom of speech. When taking the oath of enlistment, you swear

juices, the ever-present green-chile-chicken stew and the salad bar, I could conveniently improve my diet for less money than eating out. I purchased a commuter plan and loved it. While purchasing my second plan, I ran afoul of the summer schedule which, as staff, I had misunderstood. I asked for a refund. I was impressed that Chartwells delivered that refund in a single day, and in cash, no less. I was astonished, however, that they left some meals on my Lobo Card. When I said that I wasn’t trying to steal from them, I was told, “Nonsense, this is just good business.” I had always appreciated the friendly staff, but that was amazing.

That same manager explained to me a month or two later that Chartwells had figured out that faculty and staff almost never ate dinner, but only lunch and breakfast. Consequently, the price for commuter plans was going down a bit. I used to pay a little more than $7, and now pay a little less than $6. I cannot remember the price for anything else I have purchased decreasing. The commuter plans: good food, easy nutrition, great staff, smart management and astonishing customer service. I like Chartwells.

by working to provide more pre-kindergarten opportunities to New Mexican children. She also has helped provide more after-school programs to children and teens through the Next Generation Fund. As a college student, I am glad to see how much Denish values education as an important priority for the state. Another part of what makes Denish uniquely qualified to be governor is that she will continue the work of Gov. Bill Richardson by creating a strong, diverse and vibrant economy in New Mexico. Even in these tough economic times, New Mexico continues to be a national leader in job growth and economic momentum. The RichardsonDenish administration has overseen massive economic growth in our state’s economy through the majority of its tenure. Even during a global economic crisis, New Mexico

has maintained one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation. Denish has already proven she has an understanding of what drives the New Mexican economy: small businesses. She has successfully worked toward making it easier for small businesses to obtain loans and various other forms of investment. She regularly holds forums with small-business leadership and understands the concerns and needs of this vital group. The people of New Mexico need strong, proven leaders. Denish will govern as a pragmatic and thoughtful leader and will be an excellent governor of New Mexico. Denish is the clear pick as New Mexico’s next governor.

an allegiance to your country and the defending of the Constitution. Since Post used two of his entitlements, he let me know that my brothers and sisters in arms are doing their job. The second emotion was outrage. As an incentive to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, I was promised health care for my service. If your employer does not offer health care, that is your problem. Mine did, and I took advantage of it. As an incentive to stay in the military until retirement, I was offered health care for life. Just as an employer pays workers’ compensation, the

government is responsible to compensate for injuries incurred on active duty. What it comes down to is the veterans of the armed forces are given benefits for their service and sacrifice. I proudly served and am now attending UNM using my GI Bill. So, for defending your freedoms, I am able to educate myself for continued service. Thank you, Mr. Post, and God bless America.

Marcus White UNM staff

Raymond Suelzer UNM student

Thom Tolbert UNM student

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Documentarian sends viewers in search of self by Tomas E. Moralez Daily Lobo

Sit down in the deep mountains of South Korea. Prepare to find your inner self. Sang Hwan Kim, the producer of “Zen Buddhism: In Search of Self,” which premieres at a Singapore film festival this month, says that one can spiritually die and be reborn, become one with the body and mind, and ascend to another level of life through meditation. The documentary is set in the Baek Hung (pronounced ‘beck kung’) Temple, deep in the Palgong Mountains of Daegu, South Korea, during a 90-day event known as Dong Ahn Geo, when Zen Buddhist nuns gather for rigorous meditation, fasting and contemplation. Kim, a Korean-American who was born in what is now South Korea, is working on a doctorate in exercise science at UNM. It took Kim several years to persuade the Zen Buddhists to allow him and his crew to film the 90-day retreat, and he finally got permission in 2001. The Zen Buddhists have been taking part in this event for nearly 1,000 years, Kim said. However, no one has ever been allowed to film the event because doing so is considered taboo in Korean society, especially when women are involved. “What I found so amazing was the extreme seriousness of this religious event, but also the irony when the Zen Buddhist nuns were given leisure time,” he said. “They would create a fun and loving atmosphere through games and singing.” For the past 25 years, Kim has been teaching Tae Kwon Do, a Korean style of self-defense, in the United States. He said he has practiced martial arts his whole life. Throughout his teenage years, he trained deep in the mountains of Bisul in the Yuga Temple, three hours west of the Baek Hung Temple. He also went through rigorous meditation and fasting. “Generations of my family were martial artists, so it was only natural that I would also become one,” Kim said. “It was an experimental journey for enlightenment. I wanted to synthesize Eastern and Western methods of martial arts to find better ways of helping people develop healthier lifestyles.” Kim said his love for extreme environments, where the terrain is difficult and challenging to live in, is what

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“Zen Buddhism: In Search of Self” For a copy visit Amazon.com or Netflix.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 / Page 5

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drew him to the Land of Enchantment. He said it reminded him of his training in the Korean mountains as a teenager. In March 2009, Kim was contacted by representatives of the 2009 Thus Have I Seen Buddhist Film Festival in Singapore, who wanted to feature his documentary. The 2009 T.H.I.S. Buddhist Film Festival is sponsored by Dharma in Action, a nonprofit organization that promotes the Buddhist lifestyle in Singapore for the benefit of society and mankind. “At first, I thought they were joking, because the film was a for-television documentary, not a form of entertainment, but I realized they were serious after receiving more requests from them,” he said. “So my wife, Cynthia, and I got to work on making changes to the film to match the specifications that were requested.” The film is scheduled to be shown this month at the Brothers Lido Cinema in Singapore, but it’s also for sale online. Freshman Anthony Santistevan said he would be interested in seeing the film and possibly imitating the Zen Buddhists. “It looks like something only seen in the movies, but it opened me up to the idea,” he said. “I would actually like to try something similar, such as training in New Mexico’s wilderness. It sounds like a good experience.” Kim said he was pleasantly surprised to find out his documentary will have a wider audience, being presented on a much bigger stage than he had planned. “There is a saying in meditation that goes, ‘Before training, a mountain is mountain and water is water,’” he said. “‘During training, mountain becomes water and water becomes mountain. After training, mountain is mountain and water is water again. It is the same mountain and water, but changed perspectives.’ It’s symbolic of how when we are beginners at something new; we take steps, but as we master it, we become less conscious of our actions.”




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Lobo Reading Experience




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Gabbi Campos / Daily Lobo After graduating from Berklee School of Music for guitar, Ben McClintock returned home to invent a new sound for his music. McClintock, who has quickly formed a group temporarily named Wal-Mart, will play at Burt’s Tiki Lounge on Friday.

by Hunter Riley Daily Lobo

Ben McClintock has returned to his native Albuquerque, but only for a bit. He graduated from Berklee College of Music for guitar, but figured too many other people did the same thing. Now he’s come home to invent a unique sound and perfect it before he moves to San Francisco. Since his return, McClintock has joined up with some friends to form a group temporarily named Wal-Mart. McClintock is also teaching guitar lessons. Daily Lobo: Who are you? Ben McClintock: My full name is Ben McClintock. I am originally from Albuquerque, but I’ve spent the last four years in Boston studying music at Berklee College of Music. I play guitar but I’m very interested in new sounds and electronic sounds. I’ve invested a lot of time and money into effects pedals, guitar-effects pedals and whatnot. I played in a band out in Boston for a couple years, and we did a New England tour, and then we disbanded shortly before I moved back to Albuquerque, which was just a couple days ago. Now I’m just going to write a lot of music and try to teach, and then towards the end of this year I’m going to move to San Francisco to tap into the music scene out there. DL: What brought you back to Albuquerque? BM: I needed some time to catch up with what I’ve learned. I want to di-

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Indian Bread Baking Starts at: 11:00 AM Location: Maxwell Museum of Anthroplogy, on Redondo Dr. Oven bread, baked fresh in the Maxwell Museum’s horno. Indian tacos & more by the Edaakies of Isleta Pueblo.


K-LOVE FREE Listener Appreciation Concert w/Rush Of Fools Starts at: 6:30 PM Location: Desert Springs Church 705 Osuna Rd Albuquerque 797-8700 Contemporary Christian band Rush Of Fools will be in town for a FREE Listener Appreciation event with KLOVE.

gest what I’ve learned, and Albuquerque is a much easier place to do that for me. There’s not as much distraction here as there was in Boston. DL: When did you get into guitar and music? BM: I started playing music real late, around the time I first went to college. And at that point I just got really into it. Then, after that first year of college, I took a year-and-a-half off just to practice, and then I got into Berklee in January of 2006. DL: Are you going to be playing shows while you’re back in Albuquerque digesting your education? BM: There’s a local band here called A Man About a Horse, and we kind of formed a little side project (Wal-Mart), and we’re playing a show this Friday at Burt’s Tiki Lounge. The two other members in the band are both playing different instruments. I’m going to be playing guitar, and I’ve got all my effect toys to mess around with. It’s going to be kind of improvised. We’re trying to form basic structures and we’re going to try and play around that. DL: How did you break away from doing traditional guitar to experimental effect music? BM: Berklee College of Music — there’s a thousand guitarists there studying guitar. So it just became very apparent to me that it’s very easy to fall into this guitarist style. And there are so many people that do the same thing, and I feel kind of like it’s just regurgitated and it’s not very creative.


Friday, 7 p.m. Burt’s Tiki Lounge 313 Gold Ave. SW Free

It kind of turns into a competition of who can play the traditional stuff the best, and I don’t really have an interest in competitive music. And then my band in Boston, we were called Izzi Creo, we were an instrumental threepiece of guitar, bass and drums. So we had to figure out a lot of ways to keep the audience interested, because you don’t have vocals and you don’t have a lot of information for dynamics. DL: What kind of things do you do to keep your audience interested? BM: All of our songs are pretty long: I think the shortest song we had was seven minutes. It’s a lot of precomposed music where we would start with an idea, and it was rare that we would repeat an idea. And that was one thing that we consciously did so we could keep things moving and have movement with other songs. My other two bandmates were Berklee students, so we tried to utilize a lot of what we learned without being too obvious about it. I think a lot of bands that we played with, or bands that come out of Berklee, are very technical-based and sometimes it just doesn’t even sound good.

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lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

by Scott Adams


Wednesday, September 2, 2009 / Page 7


by Tim Rickard

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!

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Las Noticias

PARKING, 1 BLOCK south of UNM. $100/semester. 268-0525. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others - Great Experience! Employment Opportunities! Class Credit! Only takes a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply Online! www.ago racares.org

Lost and Found LOST: FEMALE BRINDLE and white boxer mix. White stripe down her nose. Name is Bella. Lost near Richmond and Lead. 607-267-3000.

Services JOIN AMERICAS #1 DIscount Medical/Dental Plan. Save 20-80% off regular rates. Dental plans start at $14.95 per month. Call AMERIPLAN 554-3791 TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

2BDRM CONDO STYLE. W/D, close UNM, off street parking. Available. Call evenings 842-1640.

Houses For Rent 2BDRM/ 1BATH HOUSE lrg fenched yard. 10min from UNM 900/mo.+gas & electric/ 500dd 2550275. 3BDRM BIG LOT fence for horses or extra vehicle. South Valley $900/mo +gas/ electric $400dd. 881-3540

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 2427512.

?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

Apartments LARGE 1BDRM CONDO near UNM. All appliances, laundry, and pool. $525/mo. Please call Scott 554-6065.

Cute, comfy 3BR/ 2Ba home in nice, safe neighborhood only 1 mile NE of campus! 1500 sqft only $995/mo. 6814082, see pics at www.UNMpads.com! 2 BDRM, OFFICE, garage, fireplace, refridgerator included, near UNM,Lomas/San Mateo, available 9/1/09, $875, deposit required. 797-1009

Houses For Sale

LEASE LIVE/ WORK loft at Central & Buena Vista. Call Carol at NAI The Vaughan Company 797-1100

UNM/ CNM 2BDRM house +duplex $225,000 (terms $15,000 down, will trade). 1620 Lead. 615-4813, 275-9227.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards, houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/ week.

Rooms For Rent

1 BEDROOM APARTMENT- 5 Minutes from Campus, Beautiful community, Immediate Move in Available, Amenities Included, Some Utilities Included Call for details 505-842-6640 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with Study $660- 5 Minutes from Campus, Gated Community, Free Parking, Shuttle Bus to UNM, Fitness Center 505-842-6640 Ask for Claudia 1 BEDROOM LOFT Apartment- $600.00 5 Minutes from campus, Immediate Move Ins, Amenities Galore- call for details 505-842-6640 Ask for Claudia NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 141 Manzano St NE, $585/mo. 6102050. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, refrigerated air. 1515 Copper NE from $455/mo +dd. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com. RIDE THE RAPID RIDE straight to UNM w/ free UNM pass. 1BRs at $525. Lush and serene 2BRs start at $575. $200 off 1st mo. Free WiFi in some, small pets, walk to 2 groceries, Starbucks, Einsteins, theater. Adjacent to city open space & bike trail. Call 323-6300 or www.villageatfourhills.com 8700 NORTHEASTERN - Apartment B $550 2BR/1BA Private Yard GDR Property Management 883-7070 2 BEDROOM- $680.00 5 Minutes from Campus, Vaulted Ceilings, Shuttle to UNM - call for details 505-842-6640 1BDRM 1BA DOWNTOWN. $525/mo +gas/ electric +deposit. Available August 1st. Call Clay 480-9777. 2 BLOCKS TO UNM. 2 carpeted bedrooms. Small fenced backyard. Wrought-iron entries. $650/mo. 212 Princeton SE. 463-8210. A GREAT OFFER! 1BDRM, $499 2BDRM $599, 3BDRM $799. Only $199 app and deposit. Available now. Gated property, huge closets, gas heat. Canyon Point Apartments 505-2943108.

SHORT BED CAMPER Shell. 3 Years old. Fits all short bed trucks. $200/obo. 505-366-1380 12 INCH WORKING Man base amp. Great condiction. $150/obo. 505 3661380.

THE BEAUTIFUL HOTEL ANDALUZ (formerly La Posada) is now hiring! FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES! FULL or PART-TIME Positions. We are seeking friendly and enthusiastic applicants for our stylish and sophisticated hotel including upscale cocktail and restaurant servers, bussers, room attendants (great incentive), stewards, on-call banquet servers, front desk agents, and bell persons. Great benefits including medical insurance, educational reimbursement and paid time off! Apply in person at 215 Central Ave. in Bradbury Building Suite 2B. NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for lifeguards and swimming instructors. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd NE. 505-2656971

SELLING A NEW long board. Used only 12 hours. Relatively good condition. Asking price is $150. 575-613-5012

3rd Edition David Moore Basic statistics

!HEART OF NOB Hill. Small 1BDRM, beautiful garden, N/S, $550/mo free utilities 255-7874.

NOB HILL/UNM AREA 1bdr, gated, private covered parking granite/ stainless appliances/ tile/ shared gym area/ w/d on site. $600/mo +dd. (505)238-8034 or 889-5042.

CANON FTB SLR, late 1970s. Includes Vivitar 2800D Flash Unit, 3x magnifier lense extension, 50mm lense, 3 light filters, +1-3. Excellent condition. $200obo. 280-5610

6TH EDITION ELAINE Marich Anatomy & Physiology

GREAT SUNLIT CONDO on the top floor 3845 Montgomery #937for $72,500. Newer appliances: stove, refrigirator, W/D. HOA membership includes use of pool, clubhouse, gym, security, storage unit, insurance and partial utilities. Contact Mila Lucero 5506824

$450 STUDIO- 5 Minutes from Campus, Shuttle Available to UNM -This apartment is a must see! 505-842-6640

2002 John Deere 5205 Diesel, price $4300, Mower, Loader, 4WD, pictures and details at robrrt44@gmail.com, (505)514-0719.

OFFICE POSITION AVAILABLE immediately for gymnastic school close to campus. Handle phones, payments, and basic office/ computer skills. Bilingual a plus. Fun work environment! Afternoons MWF. info@sagagym.com, 505-8846949.


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown, PhD. welbert53@aol.com 401-8139 PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA..

For Sale

1 BEDROOM 3 blocks from UNM Stove/refrigerator. $550+ utilities. 8813540


CLOSE TO UNM- Gay friendly, $450/mo includues utilities, internet, W/D. Well-lit room, hardwood floors. Call Joe 4143735. GIRARD-LOMAS VICINITY: 2 Bedrooms available (furnished/unfurnished) share a 1700 square foot furnished home. $400-425 per person. Student or military discount available. 5730449. GREAT LOCATION NEAR Indian School and San Mateo. Large yard, share one bathroom with female, large kitchen and living area. $400.00 per month plus share utilities. Call 980-3035 WANTED- HOUSEMATE TO share 2BDRM house close to UNM/ bus route $450/mo utilities included. Sean 5143360. ROOM FOR RENT, 3bd/ 2ba in north valley female preffered, $300/mo utilities negotiable, call Al 344-1974 !HEART OF NOB HILL. Bright bedroom with private entrance/ bathroom. Utilities included. Nonsmoker. $450/mo. 255-7874 MATURE STUDENT, FURNISHED ROOM, W/D, cable, smokeless, free utilities, $295/mo +$50dd. 344-9765. LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE? Sublet $500/month + 1/3 util. 4 blocks from campus Beautiful 3BDRM/ 2BA dining, living, new kitchen, W/D. 2 rooms available Looking for serious, tidy student. Call 318-573-6409 ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 3BDRM home near UNM. 1 block from UNM shuttle $400/mo including utilities and wireless internet. Call 850-2806.

Bikes/Cycles RESTORED 1974 HONDA CB125 only 3,200 miles. Runs perfect, excellent transportation. $1,150. Call 294-7313.

Computer Stuff ICLICKERS FOR SALE- Contact Ian umbrellamonster@gmail.com or 505550-4953

Pets MUST SELL: ALASKAN-SIBERIAN HUSKIES for sale. Please call 2039316.


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

2 BDRM 1 BA, close to University, base, and nob hill. $650/mo + deposits. Call 266-2727 or 328-5662.

1BDRM WOOD FLOORS, off-street parking, fenced yard. W/D hookups, pets okay. $495/mo $500dd. 1113 Wilmoore SE. 362-0837.



new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Working I-clicker $25.00. Please email lr222000@yahoo.com or call 864-4360 UNOPENED MYECONLAB ACCESS code with online access to entire eText textbook. Required for ECON 105. $30. scadys@unm.edu, 505-670-7855. BIO237 USED BOOK plus atlas and iclicker. $50 cash. Book is from last semester. 505-269-6104.

Vehicles For Sale BLUE/GREY 2003 FORD Expedition XLT 4x4 82K miles 5-door CD/ Cassette, Power windows locks/ seats. Automatic transmission. Tow package, seats 9. Lori 554-4475. $9999obo.

Child Care CAREGIVERS FOR TOP quality afterschool child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9-10/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Also hiring Wednesday Afternoon Field Trip Chaperones. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 2962880 or visit www.childrens-choice. org Work Study Encouraged to Apply. ENRICHMENT CLUB INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12, in a top-quality afterschool program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20 per hour depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org Work Study Encouraged to Apply. GET PAID TO go on FIELD TRIPS on Wednesday afternoons! Get your foot in the door with a great child development organization. $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Also hiring full-time program director $12/hr plus generous benefits. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens choice.org Work Study Encouraged to Apply. LOOKING FOR A person with good sense of humor and adventuresome spirit to hang out with 4 kids. Some mornings and afternoons. 10+ hours a week. Near UNM and we’ll throw in parking permit! Please call 719-8500230 or 307-2276 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM Director: Join a wonderful, supportive team of 8 directors. Starting salary is $25K ($12/hour) full-time, plus health, dental, life and disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, generous 401 K retirement plan, paid training, gasoline allowance, and more! Responsible for overall site management, planning activities, and building relationships with kids, families, and school faculty. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org

Jobs Off Campus A GREAT PT OPPORTUNITY! Looking for a fun, energetic, detail oriented retail sales associate for women’s casual and active clothing store at Paseo and Wyoming. Must be available Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-6pm. Send resume to striveabq@gmail.com

Defined Fitness, New Mexico’s premier health club, is currently looking for a Social Media Intern to assist in driving marketing programs and generate interest about health, wellness and Defined Fitness through creative social media strategies and concepts. The Social Media Intern will be responsible for making regular content updates, posting ads, videos, tweets as well as monitoring and managing feedback on our social networks. Candidates must have proficient knowledge and experience with social media applications (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTude), solid business writing skills and strong ability to work independently. If you are interested in this position, please visit our website at www.defined.com and complete an online application.

HIRING FOR FALL 2009 CHEER/ DANCE COACHES NEEDED: After school program looking for individuals 18 or older for 09-10 school year. Great flexibility and pay! For more info. Call 292-8819 or cheerdancedrill.com.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. ATTENTION FASHION FANS. I need an enthusiastic and positive person to introduce my tee shirt line to retail stores. PT. $15/hr +commission. Flexible hours. Send resume to cynthia@devo tionclothingco.com

Make sure to check the Daily Lobo Monday - Friday for new employment opportunities. Visit us online at www.dailylobo.com/classifieds !!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.



Starting at $8.50/hr. Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person.

BUS MONITOR TO ride school bus with bright, energetic elementary students to enforce seatbelt rule and appropriate behavior. Afternoon ride (3:30 to 5:30 p.m.), $9.00/hour. Must be reliable and able to pass background check. Call Libby at 2170606. MOTHERS HELPER FOR Twin Babies and three year old, Morning Hours 2809443.

2400 Central SE WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography, 288-0074. UPWARD BOUND TUTOR Wanted- 2 hr/wk for high school students in math. $15/hr; 366-2521. ATTENTION STUDENTS!!! FLEX Schedule, Great Pay, Scholarships Possible!Customer Sales/Service, No Exp. Nec.,Cond. Apply. Call now, All ages 18+,ABQ 243-3081, NW/Rio Rancho: 8910559

PART TIME $20/HR go to www.quick starttrading.net. COMPANIONS & CAREGIVERS needed to work with seniors in their homes. Good experience, particularly for students enrolled in human sciences (e.g., nursing, pre-med, etc.). Flexible schedules. Training provided. Must be able to pass background check and drug screen. Reliable transportation required. Send letter of interest and/ or resume to rightathome@lobo.net. Right at Home, 6721 Academy Rd. NE, 2665888.


Sandia Neuromonitoring is an intraoperative nerve monitoring company headquartered locally in Albuquerque. Sandia currently has entry-level tech positions available for full-time intraoperative nerve monitoring services in the Southwest and West Texas. Applicants MUST have a minimum of a bachelors degree (biological and physiological sciences preferred). Training provided & travel and/or relocation required. Competitive salary and benefits available. Visit www.sandi amonitoring.com. Email resume to: cglover@ sandianeuromonitoring.com OFFICE ASSISTANT WITH general knowledge of accounting starting at $10/hour. Please pick up application at Talin Market, 88 Louisianna Blvd SE.

WATER WASTE INTERNS- Perform field inspections and document violations using video camera. Must be FT college student. Valid DL required. Salary starting at $11.00/hr. E-mail resume to cedwards@abcwua.org or call 768-3604. NOW HIRING ESCORTS. Call Tanya 505-712-4345.

Jobs On Campus CONCEPTIONS SOUTHWEST MAGAZINE is looking for volunteers with interest and experience in copy editing, art, literature, theater, music, architecture, publicity, design, and other areas related to publications. e-mail questions to csw@unm.edu

THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE! Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). Hiring immediately! You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Workstudy is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu.

Volunteers MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your community and volunteer with the Rape Crisis Center as an advocate! For more information: www.rapecrisiscnm.org, 2667711 or volunteer@rapecrisiscnm.org DO YOU HAVE Type 1 Diabetes? You may qualify to participate in an important research study. To qualify you must have type 1 diabetes for more than one year, be 18-70 years old, and be willing to participate in 8 clinic visits. You will be paid $50 for each clinic visit. If interested, please contact Elizabeth at 272-5454 or by email at evaldez@salud. unm.edu

Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Listed by:

Position Title

Job of the Day

Tutor African American Student Svc Open Until Filled

$7.50 to $8.25 Admin Assistant I Parent Relations 09-06-2009 $7.50 MARC Undergraduate Research Assistant AS Biology General Administrative Open Until Filled MNTH $922.00/month stipend

Human Resources Assistant SFAO Administration Open Until Filled 8.25 Program Support Staff Registrars Office Department Open Until Filled $7.50/ hr.


Closing Date

Office Assistant/ Computer Lab Aide Gallup Bus Management Tech Open Until Filled 7.50

Teaching Asst. ChNE 321 Chemical Nuclear Engineering Open Until Filled 10.00-12.00

ESS Front Desk Assistant Engineering Student Services Open Until Filled $8.00/hr

Microbiology Laboratory Tech AS Biology General Administrative $8.00/hr

Teacher Assistant/ Grader ChNE 317 Chemical Nuclear Engineering Open Until Filled 10.00 - $12.00 Scheduling Program Support Staff Registrars Office Department Open Until Filled 7.50

Admin Support Housing Svcs Operations Open Until Filled $9.50

Salary Student Associate Off Campus Work Study Open Until Filled 8.50 Admin Assistant Off Campus Work Study Open Until Filled 8.00 Student Writer Development Office General Open Until Filled 8.50

Building Manager New Mexico Union Open Until Filled 8.50-9.25

Mager Event Tech New Mexico Union Building Svcs 08-29-2009 9.25

Office Assistant Payroll Department Open Until Filled $7.50 per hour

TRiO Math Peer Gallup Deans Office 8.00

For more information about these positions, to view all positions or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

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