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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Crossword see page 11

thursday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

September 3, 2009

IT beefs up Lobo-WiFi security measures


by Abigail Ramirez Daily Lobo

Vanessa Sanchez / Daily Lobo President David J. Schmidly, right, speaks Wednesday at the SUB during ASUNM’s first meeting of the 2009-2010 school year. Schmidly, Provost Suzanne Ortega and VP for Student Affairs Cheo Torres were in attendance.

COSAP: No DUI checkpoint list Staff Report Daily Lobo

A campuswide e-mail sent out Aug. 27 gave some students the impression that the Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention would be disclosing the locations of DUI checkpoints. “As a service to everyone, COSAP will be sending you notices of upcoming checkpoints throughout the year,” the e-mail stated. Jill Anne Yeagley, COSAP program manager, said the message was misinterpreted. “The e-mail in question wasn’t a lot different from e-mails we have previously sent to students, so I was surprised that it would be interpreted to mean we were going to provide checkpoint locations,” Yeagley said in a followup e-mail the next day. Student Jonathan Bartlett said when he read the first e-mail he thought COSAP would release checkpoint locations. “I actually thought that the initial (e-mail) was basically stating that they were going to tell us where to avoid, and I think that their retraction was probably a realization that it was a mistake of what they said in the first place,” he said. “I don’t think they should have sent it out in the first place.” Student Nathan Nelson said he didn’t expect COSAP to release checkpoint locations. “Well, they are warning them that they are out there,” he said. “Everyone knows that they are going to be out there.” Yeagley said she got e-mails from students saying they were angry that COSAP would

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 114

issue 10

Information Technology Services has changed the way students and community members access Lobo-WiFi. Users now need to download a one-time policy key and use their NetID and password to connect. Jane McGuire, IT strategic planner, said the policy key and a student’s NetID will give the user credibility to use the Internet. “The combination of that policy key and your NetID … allows us to know who is on the network and that it’s UNM people using the network, because we’re not Starbuck’s,” she said. “We have sensitive information like your grades out there, and we need to protect our information. That’s why the network access control is taking a step toward securing the network.” The technology used to verify users is called Network Access Control, McGuire said. Guest users without NetIDs still have limited access to the Internet. Student Kellie Knapp said

see Wi-Fi page 3

Growing grapes in the desert

release checkpoint locations. “COSAP wants to make it totally clear that we will never provide anyone with information regarding the location of a DUI Checkpoint,” she said in the second e-mail. “Our purpose for advising you of this weekend’s checkpoint and any future ones is not to help you ‘beat them,’ but rather to give you one more reason to avoid drinking and driving.” Yeagley said that instead of drinking and driving, students should pick a sober driver to take their friends to and from bars. They can also pitch in money for a cab ride. “Other options include the city and county Safe Ride, which is a free cab ride home from any establishment as long as both are in Bernalillo County,” she said. “In the summer, the Rapid Ride After Dark operates until 3 a.m.” Yeagley said alcohol-related crashes are the leading cause of death among college students in the U.S. The New Mexico Department of Transportation reported in 2006 that 67 percent of motor-vehicle fatalities in the state involving young adults were alcohol-related. Yeagley said even when there isn’t a crash involved, a DUI conviction can change a person’s life. “First, there is the financial burden (approximately $2,000), lost time and embarrassment at having an ignition interlock,” she said. “Some individuals will lose their jobs or opportunities for promotions as a result of a conviction.”

Joey Trisolini / Daily Lobo Riesling is a German grape grown at the Casa Rondeña Winery. See page 6 And visit www.DailyLobo.com for a slideshow.

“Sometimes people are spinning out opinions not based on facts, masquerading as journalists, but the public doesn’t know the difference.”

~ David Brancaccio

Go to Page Two for a Q & A with the PBS host.


Tea party at the bar

See page 4

See page 10

Today’s weather

86° / 63°




David Brancaccio is host of NOW, a weekly news and analysis program that airs on PBS. In April, Brancaccio and his team were awarded the 2009 Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Coverage. Brancaccio has appeared on CNBC, on CNN with Anderson Cooper, and on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow. He has a bachelor of arts degree in history and African studies from Wesleyan and a master’s degree in journalism from Stanford.

Daily Lobo: Before you started on NOW on PBS, you had the opportunity to work with Bill Moyers. How did that influence you as a journalist? David Brancaccio: He is a truly

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 114

issue 10

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-6228

News@DailyLobo.com Advertising@DailyLobo.com www.DailyLobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Rachel Hill Managing Editor Abigail Ramirez News Editor Pat Lohmann Assistant News Editor Leah Valencia Online Editor Junfu Han Photo Editor Vanessa Sanchez Assistant Photo Editor Gabbi Campos Culture Editor Hunter Riley

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legendary figure in our business and an incredible guy. I co-anchored with him for almost two years — incredible experience. There is a famous story that I saw I think in five different history books about President Johnson — the Civil Rights Act of 1964, signed by President Johnson. So when I saw the story for the fifth time, same anecdote, I went to Bill Moyers and said, “So Bill, who is the source on that story? Who was there when the president was in his quarters? So Bill just kind of smiled at me like, ‘Well, you know, the president was in his bed and had the covers pulled up to his nose the way he did.’ It was clear that Moyers was

see Brancaccio page 5

Assistant Culture Editor Chris Quintana Sports Editor Isaac Avilucea Copy Chief Thomas Munro Opinion Editor Damian Garde Multimedia Editor Joey Trisolini Design Director Sean Gardner Classified Ad Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Ad Manager Steven Gilbert

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo (USPS #381-400) is published daily except Saturday, Sunday during the school year and weekly during the summer sessions by the Board of Student Publications of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-2061. Subscription rate is $50 an academic year. Periodical postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: send change of address to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO, MSC03 2230, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address, telephone and area of study. No names will be withheld.



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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, September 3, 2009 / Page 3

Tripp’s dad spills more Palin gossip The Associated Press ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Levi Johnston, the father of Sarah Palin’s grandchild, said the former Republican vice presidential candidate wanted to adopt his child so that people wouldn’t know her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Johnston said Palin had a plan to deal with Bristol’s pregnancy. “Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging — she wouldn’t give it up. She would say, ‘So, are you gonna let me adopt him?’ We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid,” Johnston told the magazine for its October edition, which goes on sale Saturday. Excerpts of the interview were posted Wednesday on the magazine’s Web site. Meghan Stapleton, Palin’s spokeswoman, did not immediately respond to request for comment, but has previously discounted Johnston’s allegations. Palin has been keeping a low profile since she resigned on July 26 with more than a year left in her first term.

A week after Republican presidential candidate John McCain named Palin as his running mate, the campaign issued a statement that her unwed daughter was pregnant. It also said Bristol, now 18, and the young man would marry. Johnston, 19, lived in the house for two months awaiting the birth of the baby, Tripp, who was born in December. The couple called off the wedding shortly after their son’s birth. Since then, Johnston has complained in national interviews that the Palins have limited his access to the boy. He’s also said he’s pursuing a career as an actor or model. Johnston said the Palin home in Wasilla was not what most people would think. “The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family, even before she was nominated for vice president. There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook — the kids would do it all themselves,” Johnson told Vanity Fair. Palin has four other children. The youngest, Trig, is 1 year old. Johnston also repeated claims that Palin said she wanted to quit and write a book or host a TV show. When Palin returned to Alaska following McCain’s unsuccessful run for


president, she was different, Johnston said. “Sarah was sad for a while. She walked around the house pouting. I had assumed she was going to go back to her job as governor, but a week or two after she got back she started talking about how nice it would be to quit and write a book or do a show and make ‘triple the money.’ “She would blatantly say, “I want to just take this money and quit being governor,” Johnston said. He also claims Palin is not the hockey mom or outdoorswoman she claims to be. He said she rarely attended her oldest son’s hockey games, and asked Levi how to shoot a gun. “She says she goes hunting and lives off animal meat — I’ve never seen it,” Johnston said. Chuck Heath, Palin’s father, said his daughter has been out of Alaska for the past month writing her memoirs. Later this month, the former governor is expected to appear at her first commercial speaking engagement during a visit to Hong Kong to address the CLSA Investors Forum, a well-known annual conference of global investment managers. Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Alan Greenspan have spoken at the event, hosted by brokerage and investment group CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets.


from page 1

logging in each time to use the computer takes a little longer, but the added security is good because it deters community users. “I think it’s effective for keeping people who just come on campus to use the Wi-Fi off campus, so it kind of reduces the traffic, but I also think it’s a little bit of a hassle for students trying to get online really quick to get information for a class or something like that,” Knapp said. “It kind of takes up a little extra time, but overall I think it’s a good idea.” Vernie Emerson, a CNM student, said she hasn’t noticed a difference in her Internet access. Emerson said she uses the computers at UNM about three times a week. She said there is usually a wait to access the computers if you’re not a student. “Sometimes there’s a long line of people waiting to use a computer,” she said. “During the day there isn’t a wait, but at night there are usually a lot more people, but (the library staff ) are good about making sure everyone gets time on the computers.” McGuire said even with the increased security, IT has no intention of monitoring what students are viewing through their laptops. “There’s 65,000 active NetIDs at UNM, so we don’t have the resources to monitor what everyone

is doing, nor do we have the interest,” she said. “This is a university, a much more open environment.” McGuire said these additional security measures are needed to protect the network connections from hackers. “As network technology improves, people who hack the network also get smarter, and so we have to use more advanced technologies to secure the network,” she said. In addition to the increased security, McGuire said Lobo-WiFi is more comprehensive throughout campus. McGuire said 80 percent of classrooms on campus now have wireless access to the Internet. She said this is a part of the classroom modernization project, which is using $12 million to renovate classrooms and improve technology used in those classrooms. In addition to this, the IT Department has also purchased licenses for all UNM community members to download antivirus systems onto their laptops, McGuire said. “We want to make sure that the machines that are accessing the network don’t have viruses on them and we don’t spread viruses through the network,” she said. “So we’re not passing viruses internally.”



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Thursday September 3, 2009

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Damian Garde

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LETTERS Reinstating draft will help spoiled kids build character Editor, This country is abusing its warriors in the Middle East by sending them on multiple tours. It’s taking its toll on the soldiers and their families. Units in the Marine Corps are serving nine tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, causing more injuries and death to our soldiers. On the horizon, I can foresee involvement in Iran and North Korea. These warriors who serve are coming back in body bags, maimed or emotionally destroyed. Yet there are not enough volunteers to take their place. Our reserves and National Guard (who are supposed to be protecting the home front) are sacrificing their lives, jobs and careers so the rest of us can live in freedom. Their contracts to serve are being extended involuntarily, because there are too few people who will stand up and serve. To be fair, most people should be forced to serve for a time in the military, if not only to instill discipline in their lives, then at least to witness what conflict is all about. Being a combat veteran myself has opened my eyes to the importance of giving this country my service to experience why our forefathers bled for this free land that we live in relatively safely. What is resulting from non-service is a generation of young folks who are spoiled and have life served to them on a silver platter with a silver spoon. Children disrespect this country and their parents. What they need to learn is to appreciate not having to live in fear of some dedicated, suicidal carbomber. The young today are wasteful and feel they are owed a living, instead of earning their way like the honest citizens of the United States do. Perhaps some time facing reality and risking their lives would snap them back to reality. This country needs to bring back the draft to open some eyes. Running away to Canada to get out of it is harder than what young people are doing now. Citizens need to get a taste of the medicine our soldiers take daily. Either that or let’s get the hell out of the Middle East and let them all kill themselves. This country needs some shaking up, and it needs to face the jeopardy our freedom is in. I challenge you all to man up and volunteer in whatever capacity to help this country. Your country is in dire jeopardy. William Valentine UNM student

Rollout of new tobacco-free policy unfair to UNM smokers Editor, UNM’s tobacco-free policy has its faults, most of which come from the manner in which it is being treated. Your article in Tuesday’s paper showed that, although the UNM administration has had time to prepare for the change to designated smoking areas, those areas are not clearly labeled, and many of them are not labeled at all. Many tobacco users complain about the lack of a smoking area at Dane Smith, for instance, and are unaware that a smoking area exists there. The policy states that all designated smoking areas “are clearly marked,” but this is not the case. If the administration wants us to comply with their policies, then they should be willing to comply with them as well. It’s difficult to believe that this policy isn’t discriminatory toward smokers when marking the designated areas and educating students about the policy hasn’t been a priority, especially when “disciplinary action” can be taken on those who don’t comply due to a lack of information. The transition to a tobacco-free campus would go much more smoothly if the administration worked with tobacco users instead of intentionally making smoking inconvenient. Breann Burton UNM student


Finding a friend at UNM by Hadeel Al-Essa

Daily Lobo guest columnist It’s my first week at UNM, and I am determined to make a friend. I made it into a Ph.D. program. Certainly I am capable of making a friend. My family calls, concerned, and I reassure them by changing the subject. “My adviser is amazing. He showed me all around the campus,” I say. Or, “Yes, my new professor is from South Africa. Isn’t that interesting?” I manage to distract them, yet I remain a bit concerned myself. I sit on the shuttle, looking out the window. During breaks between classes, I call friends in other states and ask them if they hear the fountain of water in the background. “It’s such a beautiful campus,” I say. When I go home, I decide it’s time I take matters into my own hands. Making a friend is something I have to work toward. Smiling would only take me so far. I decide to e-mail the Office of International Programs and Students. The e-mail starts like this: “I am a new student, and because I was born in the U.S., I am not considered an international student, but I am looking to meet people.” I add their group to my Facebook, so that I’ll be notified of events. Within a day or two, I get a phone call from a local number. I decide to answer it, and the young woman on the other end

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters to the Editor Submission Policy: Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

is speaking Arabic. I am surprised, and it seems OIPS was more concerned than my parents and forwarded my contact information to a student who is from the same region as me. She is very friendly and invites me to the local mosque. I thank her and tell her I will come to meet her soon. As I hang up the phone, I am excited. There is someone in New Mexico I can speak Arabic to. However, I am concerned about her recommendation to meet her at the mosque. I forgot to tell OIPS that my mom is Swiss and my father is a liberal who writes against fundamentalism. I calm down. I have been to mosques before, and it can be a very spiritual experience. That night, I try on everything in my closet, looking for a proper outfit for the occasion. I would be going directly after class, so I want the outfit to work for class and work for a religious occasion. Nothing is working. The clothes are either not long enough or too long, or the top is cut too low. I always dress modestly, but now I don’t own proper wear to enter a mosque. After several attempts, I decide I will wear jeans and a top and then later add a cardigan to that. My friend-to-be offers to bring me a head covering after I explain that I don’t own one. I spend a good deal of time pulling on my cardigan sleeves and my top to make sure no skin is visible. I am welcomed and helped with putting on the hijab. I feel fine.

Yes, this is a good initiative on my behalf. It’s Ramadan and the perfect time to go to a mosque. As I am introduced to other people, I hear comments. “Who is she here with? Her family or her husband?” My heart throbs. I am here alone. Is there something wrong with that? A lady tells me, “You don’t look like a Kuwaiti.” I am thinking, “What does a Kuwaiti look like to you?” or, “Have you ever even been to Kuwait?” But no, I want to be courteous, so instead I say, “Yes, my mom is Swiss.” I feel awkward, so I make use of my skills. I start to help out the mothers with their children. A cute little 15-month-old boy runs away toward the door. I run to get him. This is a good distraction. I leave that night appreciative of my host. She has insisted I keep the hijab as a symbol of us meeting. I am very grateful. Certainly, my quest to make friends is not over. I walk into the SUB and see a table with the sign “Association of Non-Traditional Students.” I stop to ask for information on just what a non-traditional student is. The nice lady explains and says, “If you don’t feel like you fit in anywhere.” Does it look that obvious? I am tempted to yell “Yes! I am in.” I don’t mind the $15 a year fee. I’ll pay any cost to make a friend. Hadeel Al-Essa is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Family Studies Program at UNM.



Abigail Ramirez Managing editor

Damian Garde Opinion editor

Pat Lohmann News editor

ext. 134 ext. 131 ext. 133 ext. 127

There are no stupid questions — only unhealthy people. Direct your health questions to our physician-in-residence, Dr. Peggy Spencer, and receive a response in the Daily Lobo. All letters will remain anonymous, and no issue is taboo. Send e-mails directly to Spencer at Pspencer@ unm.edu.





from PAGE 2

the source on this story … It was just a profound honor to be able to hang out with him and be the co-anchor. He then retired, and I inherited the show and moved it into a slightly different direction. DL: What is your definition of journalism and how do you see that definition reflected in the current state of the news media? DB: What is news is open to interpretation. But it’s not rocket science what is journalism. It is being a witness to events or history: seeing it and then writing it down, or talking about it, or shooting it on video or stills. It’s plowing through primarysource documents, spending loads of time getting to the bottom of the documentary trail. There’s probably a few other things, but a person who just takes other people’s journalism and then offers an opinion based on it, or spins it in a certain direction, they are performing an important duty. Bill O’Reilly actually

used to be a reporter, but now he’s sort of this person who comments on the world but doesn’t see it himself. People are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts. And what’s horrible is journalism has lost sight of this sometimes. Sometimes people are spinning out opinions not based on facts, masquerading as journalists, but the public doesn’t know the difference. DL: How do you foresee the future of journalism? DB: Journalism is probably at the bottom. I don’t think that democracy works without journalism; I think we’re a crucial part of it and it will all rattle apart if we don’t come up with a solution. Here is a rowdy quote from Billy Moyers: “News is reporting what they don’t want you to know. Everything else is just PR.” Moving into the future, everybody is going to have to know video, how to shoot stills, how to write, how to

The Daily Lobo is committed to providing you with factually accurate information, and we are eager to correct any error as soon as it is discovered. If you have any information regarding a mistake in the newspaper or online, please contact editorinchief@dailylobo.com.

plow through information and decide what is good information and what is lame. Newspapers and news media will become more multimedia and they will start charging more for their stuff. But I don’t think journalism is dead yet. DL: What advice do you have for current journalism students? DB: Don’t get too depressed with the fact that newspapers are going under. It’s not a great time. But I will say this to people who have multimedia skills, who can critically think, and can write, and can do radio, TV and print: The old creeps running newsrooms are in awe of young people with multimedia skills. They think there is some sort of special secret alchemy that they bring, and that may lead them to hire you at a greater rate. They think they have the secret to crack this question of how do you make money to fund journalism. We got to have bright journalists or democracy fails.






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LoboCulture The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Culture editor / Hunter Riley



Thursday September 3, 2009

culture@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Joey Trisolini / Daily Lobo Barrels made of oak from various regions are used in the aging process and have an effect on the resulting color and flavor of the wine at Casa Rondeña Winery.

Local wine — elite flavor by Chris Quintana Daily Lobo


he first vineyards in North America were grown in New Mexico, and the nearly 400-year tradition continues today at a winery within Albuquerque city limits. John Calvin, owner of Casa Rondeña Winery, said he began making wine after a successful career as an architect and musician. He said his decision to start a winery was influenced by the time he spent abroad. “While I was living in Spain as a musician in my early 20s, I was drinking the local wine,” he said. “I became interested even in my early twenties in wine-growing and winemaking.” Casa Rondeña is the fourth-biggest producer of wine in New Mexico, and one of the newest, as it opened 14 years ago. Calvin said the vineyard has won multiple medals from around the nation for its wines. “We don’t think we need to compete with anyone else in the world because we are making great wines right here,” Calvin said. “Casa Rondeña, as far as our dry red wines are concerned, is the most decorated winery in the entire Southwest.” Unlike other New Mexican wineries, Casa Rondeña features a manor and courtyard for guests to drink wine in, watch musical events, and even have a wedding ceremony. Casa Rondeña produces about 6,000 barrels of wine every year, Calvin said. The wine can be found in any specialty liquor store in the state. “We like you to buy it here,” Calvin said. “We are everywhere, but the best place is to come here and have a nice experience, because we have such nice people working here.” Jessica O’Callahan, one of Casa Rondeña’s bartenders, said she loves working at the winery, and that it’s a pleasure to work in a relaxed ambiance. “The environment is beautiful, and it’s a good learning environment,” O’Callahan said. “I am really trying to learn more about wine and the whole process.” Calvin said making wine is beyond complex, and for each type of wine there is a slightly different process. Put simply, red wines are fermented with the grape pulp, while white wines are fermented without. Calvin said these differences in fermenting lead to subtle taste differences. “White wines tend to be more vibrant, tart, and a little bit more acidic,” he said. “The flavors tend to not last as long

Joey Trisolini / Daily Lobo A glass of Meritage 2006 wine at Casa Rondeña Winery. in your mouth. They tend to be brighter and fruitier. Red wines, you think about them being much more complex in flavor. Red wine is aged for a long time.” Calvin said that even though New Mexico does not seem a likely place to grow grapes, the environment lends itself to excellent winemaking. Grapes do not require a lot of water, and he said the only trouble in New Mexico comes from sudden temperature changes. “New Mexico is associated with dry climates, which are

actually really good for growing grapes,” he said. “The problem we have in New Mexico is we have dramatic swings in temperature. When we have rapid and dramatic temperature changes both in the spring and in the fall, we lose grape vines every year.” Calvin said that, despite Casa Rondeña’s multiple awards, some wine enthusiasts question the quality of New Mexican wine. “People have been accustomed to California cabernet, and that’s what they think the cabernet is all about,” Calvin said. “We make cabernet really well here in New Mexico, but it’s very, very different. It’s really wonderful for young folks to be interested… It gets people aware we’re making great wine in New Mexico.” Calvin said the wine community in New Mexico is more accepting and less elitist than that of California. “One of the great things about the wine scene in New Mexico, it’s the opposite of what is in California,” he said. “You don’t really have to know anything to have a really great experience. Wherever your particular taste is is where you should be – you shouldn’t let anyone tell you what you ought to be drinking.” Josh Rades, a patron of the winery, said he does not see wine as high-class snobbery either, contrary to how it’s usually depicted in popular media. “I am 25, and not an elitist, and I don’t feel uncomfortable at all,” Rades said. Casa Rondeña will participate in the Bernalillo Wine Festival this weekend, but Calvin suggests people come to the winery instead for a tasting. “It’s great for students to go out there, but it is also hot, and kind of raucous, kind of wild — it’s hot and sweaty,” Calvin said. “You’re drinking wine in the hot sun, and that’s not very cool. One of the nicest things to do in the Labor Day weekend is to come here. It’s a lot cooler, it’s quiet, and it’s peaceful.”

Casa Rondeña Winery 733 Chavez Rd. Los Ranchos de Albuquerque 505-344-5911

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Thursday, September 3, 2009 / Page 7


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The Orchid Chamber Inc.

Snowboard. Mountain bike. i-lit Wave Tower speaker system. …and many more free giveaways.

3296 Coors Blvd. NW STE. F The Westside’s Newest... Albuquerque, NM 87120 Hookah Bar • Tobacco Mecca • Video Gaming Center 505.503.8374


Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Orchid Chamber Open noon-10pm www.orchidchamber.com The Library Bar & Grill The hottest booty shakin’ contest in town! 1st Place gets $200, 2nd Place $100, & 3rd Place $50! All contestants will receive gift certificates for participating. Starts around 11:30pm. $2.50 Coronas and $3.00 Cuervo from 8pm-close. No Cover Atomic Cantina ATOMIC BASS TAKEOVER -- Drum & Bass / Dub-step DJ evening Starts at 9pm Burts Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL!* *The Original Weekly Dance Party* *Post-Punk/ Garage/ Indie* *DJ Eve and Guests* *75 Cent PBR Until Midnight*

Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!

Copper Lounge 2pm-7pm Bridgeport IPA, Paulaner, 90 Schilling $3. 7pm-close Jose Cuervo $4.50. Manzano Martini $6. Minderaser, Razztini, Salty Dog $4. Dos XX, Tecate, Alien $3.50. Corona $3.25.

Saturday Copper Lounge 11am-7pm well Drinks $2.75. Bloody Mary $3. 2pm-7pm Alien IPA, Blue Moon, Honey Brown $3. 7pm-close Smirnoff flavors U- call it $4. Alien IPA, Smithwick’s, Sierra Seasonal $3

Orchid Chamber Open noon-11pm Grand Opening: 6-8pm Eagle Rock live broadcast; Holly Holm, world champion onsite Free Giveaways: snowboard, mountain bike, i-lit wave tower speaker and many more www.orchidchamber.com

Salsa-Baby.com Salsa Basic Dance Class 2pm - $5 Salsa Technique Class 3pm - $5 Salsa Basic Dance Class 7pm - $5 (Included with party) Salsa Dance Party 8pm until... $5

Salsa-Baby.com Friday Weekly Parties Starting September 11th

Orchid Chamber Open noon-11pm www.orchidchamber.com

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!

Burts Tiki Lounge *Telegraph Canyon* *American Aquarium* *The Wychdokta Project* *Folk/ Bluegrass*

Fantasy World Amatuer Night Every Thursday! Grand Prize Of $200!

Atomic Cantina Heavy Rock Show Starts at 9pm


Atomic Cantina GROUND ZERO THROWDOWN 4 -- Albuquerque’s Premier Chopper & Bike Show feat.: Car Thief * The Dirty Novels Starts at 6pm





1/2 OFF



FREE 2 LITER Call in and pick it up with purchase of any






3 A.M. FRI & SAT

EAT THIS: Potato & Bacon Chicken Pesto Chipotle Veggie BBQ Chicken Salad Pizza Cheezburger


Hawaiian Chicken Ranch Pepperoni/Jalapeno Tomato/Mushroom Bruchetta Pizza and much more....

seriously AWESOME pizza

your @%!&ing pizza.

HAPS Listings

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Page 8 / Thursday, September 3, 2009

(we promise.)

102 4th Street NW at 4th and Central Next to Maloney’s www.slicespizzajoint.com

the haps

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!

Copper Lounge 2pm-7pm Blue Moon, Sam’s Seasonal, Honey Brown $3 Pints. 7pm-close 9” 1-top pizza $5. Cheese Burger $5. Alien IPA, Blue Moon $3 pints. Kamikaze or Lemon Drop $4. Atomic Cantina The Brothers Gross * ...Music Video + guests Starts at 9pm Orchid Chamber Open noon-10pm www.orchidchamber.com

Burts Tiki Lounge *Skull Control Showcase* *Hip Hop*

The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm- 7pm Serving Full Menu for Lunch, Happy Hour & Nightime Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burts Tiki Lounge *Manic Mondays!* *Leiahdorus* *Jonesin* *The Sandwitches* *Electro/ Indie*









Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!

Salsa Dance Party All Night, Every Saturday $5,

Beginning Salsa Class at 7pm and Salsa Dance Party from 8pm til ....

2:00pm - 7:00pm

Basic Salsa Dance ClassWednesday at 7pm $5 with this ad

Blue Moon, Sam Adams Seasonal, Honeybrown $3 Pints

SALSA-BABY.COM 792-6162 • 3901 Central Ave NE

Corner of Aliso Dr—3 blocks east of Carlisle Blvd

Manic Mondays! BA s cial The Noms Spe t The Weight Drink ll Nigh A

Tiki Tuesdays!


02 RS HU

Albuquerque & Santa Fe Private Dances, Striptease, Bodyrubs, and Companionships Parties & Private Sessions Also... Males and Females Available


Great for...

Parties • Birthdays • Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Vinyl And Verses Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew $2.50 Select Pints


The Original Weekly Dance Party! DJ Eve and Guests Post-Punk/ Indie and Garage 75 Cent PBR Until Midnight


04 AT

05 ON

Telegraph Canyon American Aquarium The Wychdokta Project

Folk/Bluegrass Skull Control Showcase

Hip Hop Manic Mondays!

s cial Spe nk Night i r D All

• Jonesin • The Sandwitches 07 Leiahdorus



7:00pm - Close 9” 1-top. Pizza $5.00 ChzBurger $5.00 Alien IPA, Blue Moon $3.00 Kamikaze, Lemondrops $4.00

2:00pm - 7:00pm Shiner Bock, Sam Adams Seasonal, Smithwick’s $3.00 Pints 7:00pm - Close 9” 1-top. Pizza $5.00 Tacos $1.00 Margaritas $3.50 Slippery Nipple, Cosmopolitans $4.00 Dos XX, Drifter Ale, Tecate $3.00 2:00pm - 7:00pm Alien, Blue Moon, Sierra Seasonal $3.00 Pints 7:00pm - Close 9” 1-top. Pizza $5.00 Selected Apps 50% off All 20 PINTS $3.00 Bacardi U-Call-It $4.00 (no 151 proof)

2:00pm - 7:00pm Alien, Blue Moon, Honeybrown $3.00 Pints $6.00 Potato Skins 7:00pm - Close Copper Burger $5.00 Copper House Martini and Skyy U-Call-It $4.00 (No Red Bull or Martinis) Smithwick’s, Sierra Seasonal, Sam Adams Seasonal $3.00 Pints






2:00pm - 7:00pm Bridgeport IPA, Paulaner 90 Schilling - $3.00 Pints

e k a S & i h Sus Ko 6 8-242


rean BBQ


Outdoor BBQ grills available in the tables on the patio FUN & GOOD FOOD




ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $18.95 DINNER $21.95 Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Saturday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Closed Sundays


3200 Central Ave. • Albuquerque, NM

7:00pm - Close Jose Cuervo $4.50 Manzano Martini $6.00 MindEraser, Razztini, Salty Dog $4.00 Dos XX, Tecate, Alien $3.00 Pints Corona $3.25

11:00am - 7:00pm Well Drinks $3.00 Bloody Marys $2.75 2:00pm - 7:00pm Alien, Blue Moon, Honey Brown $3.00 7:00pm - Close Smirnoff Flavors U-Call-It $4.00 Alien, Smithwick’s, Sierra Seasonal $3.00 Pints



Rocker’s Dub Night $4 Tiki Drinks All Night Dub

Check HAPS out our lis week ting for ly fre event e s!

Private Dancers of New Mexico



The Library Bar & Grill Caliente Sundays: Drink specials start at 8pm, $3 shots of Cuervo and $3 Mexican Beers Draft & Bottles (Tecate, Negra Modelo, Corona, Corona Light, Dos Equis). Free Salsa Lessons with prizes. DJ Quico spinning your favorite Salsa, Merengae, Cumbia, and Reggaeton.

Orchid Chamber Open noon-10pm www.orchidchamber.com


Orchid Chamber Open noon-10pm www.orchidchamber.com

Copper Lounge 2pm-7pm Shiner Bock, Sam’s Seasonal Smithwick’s $3 pints. 7pm-close 9” 1-top pizza $5. Tacos $1. Margaritas $3.50. Slippery Nipple or Cosmopolitan $4. Dos XX, Drifter Ale, Tecate $3


Salsa-Baby.com Salsa Workship @ 3PM FREE for UNM Students!!!!



Sunshine Theater Seconhand Serenade Parachute, Evan Taubenfeld, The Rust All ages, 7pm

Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!


Atomic Cantina Tonight’s Line-Up: Sunday Night Rockabilly Roundup feat: The Long Gone Trio Starts at 6pm

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour Specials! $1.00 Off All Drinks Except Bottled Beer, 3-7 PM Everyday! Featured Drinks Include Smirnoff Strawberry PBR Pints For $2 and PBR Liters only $4 All Day And All Night!


Sushi and Sake Closed Sundays

Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus! Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


Santa Fe’s 400th Anniversary Come Celebrate The 400th Anniversary Of The City Of Santa Fe! Join Us For The Viva Santa Fe Evening Concert Series Starting At 5:30pm At Ft. Marcy Park! Bands Playing Will Be Ozomatli, Lila Downs, Tobias Rene, Blackfire and Black Eagle! For Tickets and More Information, Call the Lensic Box Office at 505-988-1234 or Go To The Webpage: www.ticketsantafe.org

Salsa-Baby.com Latin Cardio Class 5pm - $5 Latin Cardio Class 6pm - $5

Atomic Cantina Rockstar Karaoke feat. DJ Kammo Best Karaoke Night in town! Prizes! Great Drink Specials! Full Rock Stage w/ Props. Starts at 9pm

Salsa-Baby.com Cuban Salsa Rueda Intermediate Class 6pm - $5 Cuban Salsa Rueda Basic Class 7pm - $7 Cuban Salsa Rueda Dance Party 8pm - $4


Sunshine Theater Ween All ages, 7pm



The Library Bar & Grill Ladies Night 8pm- Close $3 Absolute Drinks & Stella Drafts $2 Miller Lite

Thursday, September 3, 2009 / Page 9


New Mexico Daily Lobo

1504 Central Ave SE

Albuquerque, NM 87106

(505) 242-7490 Enjoy our new Patio Open Tues-Fri Night


Downtown tea bar attracts thirsty patrons of all ages by Hunter Riley Daily Lobo

New Mexico Tea Company’s Tea Bar isn’t your grandmother’s tea house, but there’s no guarantee she won’t go after she hears about it. This summer, owner David Edwards expanded his company, which opened in 2006, into a cozy, fullfledged tea bar, open on the weekends, that serves tea and a light meal. “There’s a stereotype that just grandmothers drink tea,” Edwards said. “But we’ve had high school students, college kids, middle-aged people and older people. It’s been interesting to see that. I feel it’s a result of our efforts to try and design the store to appeal to everyone. We decided no lacy stuff, no tea cozies with little kittens on them and things like that.” While there are only three tables at the tea bar, there is a patio area equipped with shade umbrellas and misters to help with the heat. Edwards said many people came during the summer to enjoy some iced tea, and one of the most popular blends was a blood-orange rooibos. “The rooibos is popular because it doesn’t have caffeine, so anyone can The Library Bar & Grill Two Wheel Weekends On the Patio Biker’s Recieve 10% off their Tab 11am- 8pm Burts Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Scarless* *I Am Empire* *Midnight30 Project* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night* *Rock/ Metal*



New Mexico Tea Company 1131 Mountain Rd. Friday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. drink it, and this particular one makes very good iced tea,” Edwards said. “All of the restaurants who serve our tea also serve it iced. We also have a passion-fruit green tea which is very strong and also makes a good iced tea.” Susanne Koestner, a graduate student in the counseling education program, said she buys loose-leaf tea at the New Mexico Tea Company and brings it to school. “A really great way to save money is by buying your tea in bulk, and then I just get my hot water filled up on campus in the SUB,” Koestner said. “So then I don’t have to pay $2 just to buy tea. I’m a graduate student here, so I definitely appreciate being able to have really nice tea and to not have to pay a lot for it.” Edwards said New Mexico Tea

Wednesday Copper Lounge 2pm-7pm Alien IPA, Sierra Nevada Seasonal, Smithwick’s $3 7pm-close 9” 1-top pizza $5. Selected appetizers 50% off. All pints $3. Bacardi U- call it (no 151 proof) $4. Salsa-Baby.com Basic Salsa Dance Class 6pm - $5 Salsa Basic Dance Class 7pm - $7 (2 classes for $12)

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Owner David Edwards in the New Mexico Tea Bar on Sunday. Edwards offers tea for two, which includes a pot of tea, a blueberry muffin, a scone and an assortment of fruit. Bar is sensitive to the student budget, so he offers a good deal on tea and a snack. “Tea for two comes with a pot of tea, a scone, a blueberry muffin and an assortment of fruit, and that is all $10,” he said. “We also don’t encourage tipping at all. Everything is built into the cost of things. Since I own the place and I’m serving, I can charge what I want for the items and there doesn’t need to be an

additional charge. But a lot of people actually feel uncomfortable with that. It’s my little social experiment.” Edwards said he has researched tea online and in books and was surprised at all the misinformation he found. “All tea comes from the same plant,” he said. “You produce the four types of tea from that plant: There’s black, green, white and oolong. … I

haven’t yet been to China, India or Japan, but I would like to go.” Koestner said students would probably enjoy the environment at the tea bar. “I’d say it’s just kind of a hip place to hang out,” she said. “It’s definitely different than anything else that’s out in the community, the Tea Bar itself. The environment is really cozy and it’s a nice place to go and hang with your friends.”

Salsa Intermediate Dance Class 8pm - $7 (2 classes for $12) Salsa Practice Dance Party 9pm - Free if you take class

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Lotus 18+ Dirty Wednesdays for the dirtiest House & Hip-Hop. Ladies get in free with a Naughty Schoolgirl Outfit before 11pm.

Atomic Cantina The Violators * Scenic Underground + guests Starts at 9pm Orchid Chamber Open noon-10pm www.orchidchamber.com

The Library Bar & Grill $2.50 well, wine, & domestics from 8pm to close. Wet T-Shirt Contest every Tuesday with cash prizes! Burts Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints*

Slice’s Pizza Joint Happy Hour Everyday From 3-6 PM, Buy One Slice, Get One Free! Open Til 3 AM, And We Deliver To Campus!

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

by Scott Adams


Thursday, September 3, 2009 / Page 11


Yesterday’s Solutions

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Duties include:

Postering in appropriate locations around campus aprx once per month. Help with Career Fair and Student Dinner events. (2 or 3 per year) Help plan and coordinate on campus presentations about the CPA exam. (twice a year) Help identify other students interested in taking the CPA exam. Generally promote the Becker CPA Review course to students and faculty. Average time devoted to being the Becker Campus Rep is about 2 hours each week of the school year. Compensation for your time is admission to the Becker CPA Review course in your choice of format (Self-study CD, On-line class or Live Class in Albuquerque). of this course ew exico Current ailyvalueobo is $2890, the equivalent of $40-$45 per hr. For more info contact Suzette Dawson at SDawson@becker.com.


Page 12 / Thursday, September 3, 2009 Las Noticias PARKING, 1 BLOCK south of UNM. $100/semester. 268-0525. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others - Great Experience! Employment Opportunities! Class Credit! Only takes a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply Online! www.ago racares.org

Services JOIN AMERICAS #1 DIscount Medical/Dental Plan. Save 20-80% off regular rates. Dental plans start at $14.95 per month. Call AMERIPLAN 554-3791 TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 2427512.

2BDRM CONDO STYLE. W/D, close UNM, off street parking. Available. Call evenings 842-1640. 2 BDRM 1 BA, close to University, base, and nob hill. $650/mo + deposits. Call 266-2727 or 328-5662. 1 BEDROOM 3 blocks from UNM Stove/refrigerator. $550+ utilities. 8813540

Duplexes 1BDRM WOOD FLOORS, off-street parking, fenced yard. W/D hookups, pets okay. $495/mo $500dd. 1113 Wilmoore SE. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent 2BDRM/ 1BATH HOUSE lrg fenched yard. 10min from UNM 900/mo.+gas & electric/ 500dd 2550275. 3BDRM BIG LOT fence for horses or extra vehicle. South Valley $900/mo +gas/ electric $400dd. 881-3540

ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 3BDRM home near UNM. 1 block from UNM shuttle $400/mo including utilities and wireless internet. Call 850-2806.

Bikes/Cycles FOR SALE RALEIGH tandem bicycle. Barely used. Mint condition. 21 speed. $250. 299-4472. RESTORED 1974 HONDA CB125 only 3,200 miles. Runs perfect, excellent transportation. $1,150. Call 294-7313.

Computer Stuff ICLICKERS FOR SALE- Contact Ian umbrellamonster@gmail.com or 505550-4953

MUST SELL: ALASKAN-SIBERIAN HUSKIES for sale. Please call 2039316.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA..

LARGE 1BDRM CONDO near UNM. All appliances, laundry, and pool. $525/mo. Please call Scott 554-6065. $450 STUDIO- 5 Minutes from Campus, Shuttle Available to UNM -This apartment is a must see! 505-842-6640 !HEART OF NOB Hill. Small 1BDRM, beautiful garden, N/S, $550/mo free utilities 255-7874.

Cute, comfy 3BR/ 2Ba home in nice, safe neighborhood only 1 mile NE of campus! 1500 sqft only $995/mo. 6814082, see pics at www.UNMpads.com! 3BR, 2BA HOUSE in North Valley, fenced yard, w/d hookups, ceramic floors. $815/mo. 505 263-8827; 3442024.

LEASE LIVE/ WORK loft at Central & Buena Vista. Call Carol at NAI The Vaughan Company 797-1100

2 BDRM, OFFICE, garage, fireplace, refridgerator included, near UNM,Lomas/San Mateo, available 9/1/09, $875, deposit required. 797-1009

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards, houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/ week.

UNM MED/LAW NORTH Campus house. 2 bdrm 1 bath. No pets. No washer/dryer hook ups. 1 yr lease. First/ Last/ Deposit to move in. $800 for 2 tennants, $600 for 1. (505)266-5874

NOB HILL/UNM AREA 1bdr, gated, private covered parking granite/ stainless appliances/ tile/ shared gym area/ w/d on site. $600/mo +dd. (505)238-8034 or 889-5042. 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT- 5 Minutes from Campus, Beautiful community, Immediate Move in Available, Amenities Included, Some Utilities Included Call for details 505-842-6640 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT with Study $660- 5 Minutes from Campus, Gated Community, Free Parking, Shuttle Bus to UNM, Fitness Center 505-842-6640 Ask for Claudia 1 BEDROOM LOFT Apartment- $600.00 5 Minutes from campus, Immediate Move Ins, Amenities Galore- call for details 505-842-6640 Ask for Claudia NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 141 Manzano St NE, $585/mo. 6102050. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, refrigerated air. 1515 Copper NE from $455/mo +dd. 246-2038. www.kachina-properties.com. 2 BEDROOM- $680.00 5 Minutes from Campus, Vaulted Ceilings, Shuttle to UNM - call for details 505-842-6640 1BDRM 1BA DOWNTOWN. $525/mo +gas/ electric +deposit. Available August 1st. Call Clay 480-9777. 2 BLOCKS TO UNM. 2 carpeted bedrooms. Small fenced backyard. Wrought-iron entries. $650/mo. 212 Princeton SE. 463-8210. CLOSE TO UNM/ Downtown apartment $325/mo +utilities. Singles. References. 266-4505. A GREAT OFFER! 1BDRM, $499 2BDRM $599, 3BDRM $799. Only $199 app and deposit. Available now. Gated property, huge closets, gas heat. Canyon Point Apartments 505-2943108.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

ENRICHMENT CLUB INSTRUCTORS: Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6-12, in a top-quality afterschool program. Plan and teach short classes on: photography, painting, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Pay $9 - $20 per hour depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org Work Study Encouraged to Apply. GET PAID TO go on FIELD TRIPS on Wednesday afternoons! Get your foot in the door with a great child development organization. $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Also hiring full-time program director $12/hr plus generous benefits. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens choice.org Work Study Encouraged to Apply.

For Sale


Houses For Sale GREAT SUNLIT CONDO on the top floor 3845 Montgomery #937for $72,500. Newer appliances: stove, refrigirator, W/D. HOA membership includes use of pool, clubhouse, gym, security, storage unit, insurance and partial utilities. Contact Mila Lucero 5506824 VIEWS THAT NEVER end. Adobe (very Santa Fe). 2550sf. $269,999. Minutes from UNM. Beth Brownell, Re/Max Alliance 298-9999/681-9795. Email bethbrownell@msn.com for virtual tour.



2002 John Deere 5205 Diesel, price $4300, Mower, Loader, 4WD, pictures and details at robrrt44@gmail.com, (505)514-0719. SHORT BED CAMPER Shell. 3 Years old. Fits all short bed trucks. $200/obo. 505-366-1380 12 INCH WORKING Man base amp. Great condiction. $150/obo. 505 3661380. SELLING A NEW long board. Used only 12 hours. Relatively good condition. Asking price is $150. 575-613-5012 CLASSICAL GUITAR $150. 268-1389

Textbooks 6TH EDITION ELAINE Marich Anatomy & Physiology

3rd Edition David Moore Basic statistics Working I-clicker $25.00. Please email lr222000@yahoo.com or call 864-4360

Rooms For Rent

THE GALLAUDET DICTIONARY of American Sign Language, DVD never used, book as good as new. $35. 268-1389

CLOSE TO UNM- Gay friendly, $450/mo includues utilities, internet, W/D. Well-lit room, hardwood floors. Call Joe 4143735.

UNOPENED MYECONLAB ACCESS code with online access to entire eText textbook. Required for ECON 105. $30. scadys@unm.edu, 505-670-7855.

GIRARD-LOMAS VICINITY: 2 Bedrooms available (furnished/unfurnished) share a 1700 square foot furnished home. $400-425 per person. Student or military discount available. 5730449. GREAT LOCATION NEAR Indian School and San Mateo. Large yard, share one bathroom with female, large kitchen and living area. $400.00 per month plus share utilities. Call 980-3035 WANTED- HOUSEMATE TO share 2BDRM house close to UNM/ bus route $450/mo utilities included. Sean 5143360. ROOM FOR RENT, 3bd/ 2ba in north valley female preffered, $300/mo utilities negotiable, call Al 344-1974 !HEART OF NOB HILL. Bright bedroom with private entrance/ bathroom. Utilities included. Nonsmoker. $450/mo. 255-7874 MATURE STUDENT, FURNISHED ROOM, W/D, cable, smokeless, free utilities, $295/mo +$50dd. 344-9765.

Vehicles For Sale 93 TOYOTA COROLLA LE, auto transmission, power locks/ windows, new tires, AC works great, 230k miles, good condition, runs great. 1900$ o.b.o. Call 269-2906. BLUE/ GREY 2003 FORD Expedition XLT 4x4 82K miles 5-door CD/ Cassette, Power windows locks/ seats. Automatic transmission. Tow package, seats 9. Lori 554-4475. $9500obo.

Child Care CAREGIVERS FOR TOP quality afterschool child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9-10/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Also hiring Wednesday Afternoon Field Trip Chaperones. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 - 2:00 T-F. Call 2962880 or visit www.childrens-choice. org Work Study Encouraged to Apply.

Starting at $8.50/hr. Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person.

2400 Central SE LOOKING FOR A person with good sense of humor and adventuresome spirit to hang out with 4 kids. Some mornings and afternoons. 10+ hours a week. Near UNM and we’ll throw in parking permit! Please call 719-8500230 or 307-2276 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM Director: Join a wonderful, supportive team of 8 directors. Starting salary is $25K ($12/hour) full-time, plus health, dental, life and disability insurance, paid vacation, holidays, generous 401 K retirement plan, paid training, gasoline allowance, and more! Responsible for overall site management, planning activities, and building relationships with kids, families, and school faculty. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org

Jobs Off Campus A GREAT PT OPPORTUNITY! Looking for a fun, energetic, detail oriented retail sales associate for women’s casual and active clothing store at Paseo and Wyoming. Must be available Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-6pm. Send resume to striveabq@gmail.com OFFICE POSITION AVAILABLE immediately for gymnastic school close to campus. Handle phones, payments, and basic office/ computer skills. Bilingual a plus. Fun work environment! Afternoons MWF. info@sagagym.com, 505-8846949. THE BEAUTIFUL HOTEL ANDALUZ (formerly La Posada) is now hiring! FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES! FULL or PART-TIME Positions. We are seeking friendly and enthusiastic applicants for our stylish and sophisticated hotel including upscale cocktail and restaurant servers, bussers, room attendants (great incentive), stewards, on-call banquet servers, front desk agents, and bell persons. Great benefits including medical insurance, educational reimbursement and paid time off! Apply in person at 215 Central Ave. in Bradbury Building Suite 2B.



Graduate Art Show and 40th Anniversary Event, Starts at: 6:00 PM Location: Office #1021 and nearby atrium in the lower SUB Celebrate graduate student artwork and 40 years of GPSA at UNM! Enjoy food, drinks, live music and a ceremony honoring past GPSA leaders. Changeling the Lost Starts At: 8:00 PM Location: Student Union Building, Upper Floor Santa Ana A&B Mind’s Eye Theatre UNM presents the Camarilla’s Changeling The Requiem venue. Play a

character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.


Obesity/Depression Screening Starts At: 3:30 PM Location: 401 San Pedro NE, Suite B Albuquerque Family Mental Health Clinic is hosting an Obesity/Depression Screening for the public on Thursday, September 3, 2009, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The screening will be coordinated by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Licensed Dietitian. There will be a nominal Registration Fee




Are you an accounting or finance major?? Want to take the CPA exam after graduation? Then consider becoming the UNM Campus Rep for the Becker CPA Review. Campus Reps help with activities like career fairs, student dinners, presentations about the CPA exam and promoting the Becker CPA Review to students and faculty. Average time spent being the Campus Rep is about 2 hours a week. Compensation for your time is admission to the Becker CPA Review course. The current value of this course is $2890, the equivalent of $40-$45 per hr.For more info contact Suzette Dawson at SDawson@becker.com.

LOOKING FOR A NEW PLACE? Sublet $500/month + 1/3 util. 4 blocks from campus Beautiful 3BDRM/ 2BA dining, living, new kitchen, W/D. 2 rooms available Looking for serious, tidy student. Call 318-573-6409


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown, PhD. welbert53@aol.com 401-8139


of $5.00. Appointments are available by calling 256-0065 or by e-mail at afmhc@ qwest.net. Sai Baba devotional singing (bhajans) Duration: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Location: 111 Maple Street (corner of Central & Maple Street) UNM area-Phone: 505-366-4982

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS for lifeguards and swimming instructors. Apply at 4901 Indian School Rd NE. 505-2656971

Defined Fitness, New Mexico’s premier health club, is currently looking for a Social Media Intern to assist in driving marketing programs and generate interest about health, wellness and Defined Fitness through creative social media strategies and concepts. The Social Media Intern will be responsible for making regular content updates, posting ads, videos, tweets as well as monitoring and managing feedback on our social networks. Candidates must have proficient knowledge and experience with social media applications (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTude), solid business writing skills and strong ability to work independently. If you are interested in this position, please visit our website at www.defined.com and complete an online application. PART TIME $20/HR go to www.quickstarttrading.net. COMPANIONS & CAREGIVERS needed to work with seniors in their homes. Good experience, particularly for students enrolled in human sciences (e.g., nursing, pre-med, etc.). Flexible schedules. Training provided. Must be able to pass background check and drug screen. Reliable transportation required. Send letter of interest and/ or resume to rightathome@lobo.net. Right at Home, 6721 Academy Rd. NE, 2665888. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. ATTENTION FASHION FANS. I need an enthusiastic and positive person to introduce my tee shirt line to retail stores. PT. $15/hr +commission. Flexible hours. Send resume to cynthia@devotionclothingco.com HIRING FOR FALL 2009 CHEER/ DANCE COACHES NEEDED: After school program looking for individuals 18 or older for 09-10 school year. Great flexibility and pay! For more info. Call 292-8819 or cheerdancedrill.com. WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography, 288-0074. UPWARD BOUND TUTOR Wanted- 2 hr/wk for high school students in math. $15/hr; 366-2521. WATER WASTE INTERNS- Perform field inspections and document violations using video camera. Must be FT college student. Valid DL required. Salary starting at $11.00/hr. E-mail resume to cedwards@abcwua.org or call 768-3604.

Sandia Neuromonitoring is an intraoperative nerve monitoring company headquartered locally in Albuquerque. Sandia currently has entry-level tech positions available for full-time intraoperative nerve monitoring services in the Southwest and West Texas. Applicants MUST have a minimum of a bachelors degree (biological and physiological sciences preferred). Training provided & travel and/or relocation required. Competitive salary and benefits available. Visit www.sandi amonitoring.com. Email resume to: cglover@ sandianeuromonitoring.com OFFICE ASSISTANT WITH general knowledge of accounting starting at $10/hour. Please pick up application at Talin Market, 88 Louisianna Blvd SE. !!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. WORK ON HORSE farm, cleaning, feeding, other chores. 4-5 hours/ day, $9/hr. Afternoons, 2 days per week, more work possible. 505-280-4849. WE ARE NOW applications for the following positions: Assistant = Executive Housekeeper, Housekeeping Inspector, Bartender, Bar Server, Groundsperson, Room Attendant, Lobby Attendant, Sales Manager. Apply in person: MCM Elegante 2020 Menaul Blvd NE EOE/M/V/F/D NOW HIRING ESCORTS. Call Tanya 505-712-4345.

Jobs On Campus CONCEPTIONS SOUTHWEST MAGAZINE is looking for volunteers with interest and experience in copy editing, art, literature, theater, music, architecture, publicity, design, and other areas related to publications. e-mail questions to csw@unm.edu

THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE! Flexible scheduling, great money-making potential, and a fun environment! Sales experience preferred (advertising sales, retail sales, or telemarketing sales). Hiring immediately! You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Workstudy is not required. For information, call Daven at 277-5656, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu.

Volunteers HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS AND subjects with and without asthma are needed for a new research study looking at the effects of fat and physical activity on the breathing tubes. If you qualify, compensation will be provided for your time and inconvenience upon study completion. If you are healthy or have asthma, over the age of 18, and are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact or leave a message for Teresa at (505)269-1074 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu. COLLEGE STUDENTS DRINKERS WANTED to evaluate a new software program. Participation is confidential and you will be reimbursed for your time in this federally funded study. More information is available at behav iortherapy.com/collegedrinkers.htm. MAKE A DIFFERENCE in your community and volunteer with the Rape Crisis Center as an advocate! For more information: www.rapecrisiscnm.org, 2667711 or volunteer@rapecrisiscnm.org

Events of the Day

Planning your day has never been easier! OUR WEBSITE HAS CHANGED! If you had an event previously running in our calendar or would like to submit an event, please follow the instructions below.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1.) Go to www.dailylobo.com 2.) Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3.) Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4.) Type in the event information and submit! Please limit your desription to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will apear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

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