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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Weh to announce


see page 2

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

September 8, 2009

GPSA born in days of protests and war

Tradition rolls on

by Elizabeth Cleary Daily Lobo

Gabbi Campos / Daily Lobo Bikers ride through Silverton, Colo., on Saturday. Hundreds of bikers travel to Silverton, Durango and Ignacio during the Labor Day weekend’s Ignacio Bike Week for their final ride of the summer.

Career Week activities sharpen job-seeking skills by Tricia Remark Daily Lobo

The Anderson School of Management is hosting Career Week, beginning today, to help students get a job after college. Career Week, which ends Sept. 14, attempts to prepare students for ASM’s Sept. 16 Career Fair through mock interviews, résumé workshops and other events. Career Week events are open to all UNM students. Emily Ortiz, president of the UNM Society of Human Resource Management, said students are sometimes unprepared for the post-graduation job search. “Being out in the work force has been an eye

opener for me to see what we learned in school and also what we haven’t learned in school — sometimes we think we know everything, but in reality we don’t,” Ortiz said. Ortiz said top employers like Hewlett-Packard and Sandia National Laboratories will have representatives at the events to mentor students. She said they are volunteering their time to share their experiences and advice. They’ll also go over students’ résumés and help them make cover letters. Ortiz said a “Résumé Express” will be offered, where Albuquerque business volunteers review students’ résumés and suggest improvements. Students can then move on to the “Rock the Interview” event, where they’ll sit down for mock interviews, she said. “The résumé is the employer’s first look at their

potential employee,” Ortiz said. “If you pass that then you might get the interview, which is why we have the mock interview set up – for the students to get their jitters out.” Karin Kase, manager of Career Services at AnFor the Career Week schedule, go to: jobs.mgt.unm.edu

derson, said an effective résumé is crucial for students on the job market. “Real employers spend less than 10 seconds looking at a résumé that is

see Jobs page 5

Fair offers options for volunteers by Pat Lohmann Daily Lobo

A committee appointed by the provost is hosting the semiannual UNM Volunteer Fair today for organizations who need help from UNM students, staff and faculty. The New Mexico Jazz Workshop, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Roadrunner Food Bank and over 50 other organizations will recruit volunteers. Lina Marie Sandve, a committee representative, said the fair helps UNM community members decide which volunteer organization is right for them. “The volunteer fair simply is a

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 114

issue 12

one-stop shop for faculty, students and staff to discover where they might best spend their volunteer hours,” she said. “There’s so many courses that require community service of some kind, and this is a great way for them to fulfill that obligation.” Judith Ann Garcia, literacy coordinator for Bernalillo County, said the county is recruiting volunteer tutors for after-school programs. Garcia said many children in the program need one-on-one attention. “We need volunteers because, unfortunately, we have a lot of children who need tutoring. It’s kind of sad that we have more kids

Warming hits home See page 5

than we do tutors,” she said. “We find that, at least in small groups, they seem to absorb the information better that way.” Garcia said the literacy program does “food for thought,” which entails a component of homework, a component of leisure reading and a component of reading to learn. Tommie Gonzales, coordinator for Computer Clubhouse, said her organization is seeking three volunteers a week to help students from ages 9 to 18 become computer literate. “It’s mostly graphic designing and animation,” she said. “We recruit mentors to help the kids.” Gonzales said volunteers

should have some computer experience if they want to help at the Clubhouse. Sandve said the fair could also help students decide on a career path. “It gives them a real opportunity to shop around and find out UNM Volunteer Fair SUB Ballrooms A & B Today 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

where they’d like to be and what they’d like to do,” she said.

Soccer kicks off See back page

The Graduate and Professional Student Association celebrated its 40th anniversary Thursday by paying homage to the group’s beginnings, which were mired in controversy. In 1969, the University threatened to expel a graduate teaching assistant for reading a poem containing profane language to his English class. This event sparked uproar in the graduate student body, which then organized to form the Graduate Students Association and later the GPSA. The celebration Thursday honored past and present GPSA officers and featured graduate students’ artwork, which was hung along the walls of the GPSA office. Bill Pickens, the GSA’s first elected president, said the organization formed out of necessity four decades ago. “There were no general rules, regulations or procedures defining the roles or protecting the rights of graduate student researchers or teaching assistants,” Pickens said in a speech at the event. “Essentially, all were subject to whatever decisions or discipline was meted out by faculty or administrators.” The first administration was trying to get GPSA off the ground during a tumultuous period in both the country and the University’s history, Pickens said. In 1970, President Richard Nixon ordered the invasion of Cambodia, and four students were shot and killed at Kent State University while protesting the overseas involvement. As a result of protests and chaos on the UNM campus, a number of people were injured and the New Mexico National Guard was called in, he said. “The GSA was born into a stormy environment, unprecedented at the relatively quiet UNM,” Pickens said. “This required us to work together closely with the undergraduates and offer a constructive and responsible voice when lots of others were losing it.” Annie Shank, GPSA president for academic year 1998-99, said she remembers seeing students in Albuquerque protesting the teaching assistant’s possible expulsion. “I was hitchhiking across the country, and (Albuquerque) was one of the stops,” Shank said. “There was a protest going on, so I mean of course, I’ll hold up a sign for anyone that’s got a good cause. I was into free speech.”

see GPSA page 3

Today’s weather

85° / 61°







Allen Weh will announce his candidacy for governor of New Mexico at noon today in the SUB Atrium. In a Sept. 4 interview, Weh said the main issues he wants to tackle as governor are government corruption, education and New Mexico’s budget.

Daily Lobo: Why did you decide to announce at UNM that you’re going to run for governor? Allen Weh: I am an alumnus of the University of New Mexico — the University of New Mexico that brought me to New Mexico in 1963. Had I not accepted the invitation that they (UNM College Republicans) extended to attend UNM, then I wouldn’t be in New Mexico today. I wouldn’t be running for governor. I thought it would be appropriate to announce in a location which was the reason I came to New Mexico. DL: If you were to become governor, what do you think the role of UNM would be in Albuquerque and the community?

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 114

issue 12

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-6228

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Editor-in-Chief Rachel Hill Managing Editor Abigail Ramirez News Editor Pat Lohmann Assistant News Editor Leah Valencia Online Editor Junfu Han Photo Editor Vanessa Sanchez Assistant Photo Editor Gabbi Campos Culture Editor Hunter Riley

AW: You cannot have a great state without great universities. I think that there has been some luster lost at UNM due to reasons that we can talk about on Tuesday, and I will talk about that. The fact of the matter is that the University needs to be given the proper support and the proper funding. It needs proper guidance through regents that are there for the right reasons and that have the best interests of the University and the state of New Mexico at heart. We should have clear guidelines as to what the University is supposed to be doing with its money in order that the University becomes a center of excellence. We should be doing far more. I’d like to see the day when the Anderson School of Management is on the top 50 of business schools in the United States. DL: How will you make sure there are jobs for UNM students after graduation?

see Q and A page 5

Assistant Culture Editor Chris Quintana Sports Editor Isaac Avilucea Copy Chief Thomas Munro Opinion Editor Damian Garde Multimedia Editor Joey Trisolini Design Director Sean Gardner Classified Ad Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Ad Manager Steven Gilbert

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo (USPS #381-400) is published daily except Saturday, Sunday during the school year and weekly during the summer sessions by the Board of Student Publications of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-2061. Subscription rate is $, $50 an academic year. Periodical postage paid at Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651. POSTMASTER: send change of address to NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO, MSC03 2230, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address, telephone and area of study. No names will be withheld.



ext. 145

You are invited to a panel discussion


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Bookstore faces online competition by Kallie Redhorse Daily Lobo

Students are choosing to purchase their textbooks from Internet providers instead of on-campus bookstores, said Jeff Sherwood, CEO of a textbook comparison Web site. Sherwood’s Bigwords.com has seen an increase of 25 to 50 percent in visitors and revenue each year since 2001, he said. “On-campus bookstores have an advantage because they are on campus. Their presence is unavoidable,” Sherwood said. “(However), we see that every year the online stores are taking a larger and larger percentage of the sales from the bookstore. They simply can’t compete.” According to the Web site of the National Association of College Stores, a trade association, only 13 percent of textbooks were purchased online in 2004, while in 2007, the number rose to 23 percent. Melanie Sparks, director of UNM Bookstores, said the bookstores’

relationship to the University community is unlike that of online retailers. “We are a part of the University, and as such have the relationship with the faculty to ensure that the correct course materials are available for their classes — either in-store or (on) the Internet,” she said. “We feel confident that we offer services that Web sites cannot provide.” Economics Assistant Professor Matias Fontenla said he agrees that the Bookstore is a reliable source for books but said the store should be ready to make adjustments to effectively compete with the rapidly expanding online textbook business. “(The Bookstore) will have to lower prices,” he said. “They still can charge somewhat higher prices than the online competition because of the convenience factor, but the price difference will shrink.” Sparks said the Bookstore has adapted to the online trend in the textbook market.

GPSA from PAGE 1

“We have a very robust and active Web site that offers the same guarantees as coming into the Bookstore,” she said. Sparks said the Bookstore also has an advantage over online retailers: textbook buyback. “We have a very aggressive usedbook program, and that saves students 25 percent,” she said. “We also have a 5-percent-off for tax with their Lobo ID.” Freshman Cameron Allen said being able to sell books back at the semester’s end outweighs online convenience. “I would rather buy online,” he said. “But if you buy online you can’t sell them back to the Bookstore, so in the long run it might actually cost more.” Fontenla said the competition between online and on-campus will ultimately benefit students. “If students have alternative places to buy textbooks, it forces college bookstores to lower textbook prices if they want to compete,” he said.

The Daily Lobo is committed to providing you with factually accurate information, and we are eager to correct any error as soon as it is discovered. If you have any information regarding a mistake in the newspaper or online, please contact editorinchief@dailylobo.com.


Shank said GPSA was still fighting for graduate student representation when she was president. One of the main issues she fought for as president was accessible child care for graduate students. “Graduate students on the UNM campus tend to be a bit older than typical graduate students,” Shank said. “They need child care and they need it badly. I fought with the Board of Regents on that issue and they didn’t like me very much at all.” Current GPSA president Lissa Knudsen said while the child care issue still has not been resolved, she is proud of what GPSA has done with research grants. “Our grants process is running seamlessly now. It’s just been converted to online,” she said. “We have departments that have never applied before applying, so we’re getting departments that have been historically underserved involved.” Knudsen said Thursday’s

event hosted more senatorial and gubernatorial candidates than she had ever seen attend a GPSA event. Some of those honored at the event were GPSA members, including Brian Colon, former chairman of the New Mexico Democratic Party, state Sen. Michael Sanchez and Ken Walz, Albuquerque Journal editor-in-chief. As the organization moves forward, GPSA will need to make responsible decisions while keeping the state of the economy in mind, Knudsen said. “These are hard times,” she said. “And that makes our decision-making, all the way down to student government, something we need to be thoughtful about — fiscally responsible about — and we need to proceed in a way that we can provide the maximum amount for the students while keeping those things in mind. It’s time to start keeping good clean books and making hard decisions.”

Are you graphically gifted? The Daily Lobo is accepting applications for Designers. Visit Unmjobs.unm.edu to fill out an application

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about the latest trends within the technical and business industries and is the perfect opportunity to connect with multiple employers over two days! These events are open to all UNM students, alumni and community members. We ask job seekers to come prepared, professionally dressed, and with plenty of copies of their resume.

Career Fair Preparation Career Services provides a variety of workshops to prepare you for the career fairs. Please visit the Office of Career Services’ web site for a complete list of the career workshops offered as well as their dates, times and locations. For more information about any of these events and to view a current list of attending recruiters please visit www.career.unm.edu or call 277-2531.

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Damian Garde



Tuesday September 8, 2009

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

From the web In Thursday’s Daily Lobo, Breann Burton wrote that UNM’s anti-smoking policy is unfair to smokers because the University has failed to label many smoking areas on campus. Readers on DailyLobo.com had a few comments about it. Dr. Arthur Frederick Ide Posted Thursday “Secondhand smoke is full of toxins, and is dangerous to anyone who breathes it in.… One of the toxic by-products of cigarette smoke is hydrogen cyanide. Smokers inhale it with every puff they take. This same chemical was used as a genocidal agent during World War II.… All smoking should be immediately prohibited, outlawed, and smokers labeled criminals with intent to cause death and great bodily harm.” Danny Lee Posted Thursday “That will require changes by Congress. Congress will not outlaw tobacco, because the lobbyists won’t let that happen. And we know that outlawing behaviors doesn’t change behavior. Look at the period of Prohibition, where people openly flouted a law they felt was a restriction on their freedoms.… The original respondent is correct: UNM owes the smoking population clear signage showing where smoking is permitted.” Terry Posted Thursday “Smoking should have been outlawed decades ago. First of all is the horrible stench, trash, health costs and wasted time employers have to pay for. Pure vanity — not a choice. You students didn’t start because you had to, but because you are ‘cool.’” Emily Posted Thursday “I do not see the problem with smoking at all. I do not smoke, and when I find someone else smoking in front of me or near me, I simply walk away. I don’t understand why others cannot do the same. I understand how harmful smoking can be, which is why I don’t do it.… Everyone is allowed to make their own choices (smoke or eat unhealthy food) when it comes to their own bodies.” Visit DailyLobo.com to join the discussion

Editorial Board Rachel Hill


Abigail Ramirez Managing editor

Damian Garde

Opinion editor

Pat Lohmann

News editor

ext. 134 ext. 131 ext. 133

Letters Starting a draft would be unfair, encourage conflict Editor, While I share William Valentine’s frustrations with the unfair treatment that veterans are receiving, I have to disagree with him about the draft being an antidote. First of all, if equitability is one of Valentine’s concerns, the current draft sign-up law is sexually discriminatory against men. Even handicapped men and fathers of little children have to register, while able-bodied women without children to care for don’t. Of the 25 congresswomen in 1980 who voted for resumption of male-only registration,

SHAC deserves recognition for top-notch personnel Editor, I would like to extend tremendous appreciation to Student Health & Counseling for coming to my rescue. UNM has great people working at SHAC who care for all students, staff and faculty. I

not a single one of them, to my knowledge, ever served in the military as a volunteer, much less as a draftee. If it were up to me, these 25 women who are still alive and in good health would all be drafted in place of male (or female) 18-yearolds. Second (and most important), the draft would further prolong this useless Middle Eastern adventure by supplying the president and Pentagon with unlimited cannon fodder and support personnel. The lack of personnel acts as a break on further involvement. As more soldiers desert or refuse to fight, President Obama will eventually be forced to pull out or, at the very least, to quit using U.S. military personnel. Had it not been for the draft, we probably would never have fought in the equally

pointless conflicts of Korea and Vietnam. It was President Eisenhower’s desire to shrink military personnel with the “New Look” military in the early 1950s that motivated him to seek a ceasefire in Korea by 1953 and to prevent the use of U.S. ground troops in Vietnam, at least while he was in office. The war in the Middle East has nothing to do with national security but instead is caused by our overdependence on the private automobile. Put in more mass transit and we could drastically lessen our dependence on the very oil that plunged us into the Middle East in the first place.

am a staff member and I had an episode of respiratory distress. Contract workers were creating a lot of fine dust that was coming down from the ceiling in Mesa Vista Hall. My lungs and throat began to constrict and it was becoming difficult for me to breathe. Jessica Spurrier, the SHAC health education manager, saw me in Mesa Vista Hall and noticed how bad I was and made sure I got to SHAC. Immediately, the medical staff assessed me and took me to a treatment room

and treated me with a shot of Benadryl for the allergic reaction I was having to all the fine dust I had breathed into my lungs. If it weren’t for these people, I do not want to know what could have happened. I would like to let the UNM community know that we have top-notch medical personnel on campus at SHAC. Thank you.

science class, because it is not science. I don’t go barging into English literature classes demanding that biology be taught. And, contrary to what Ranganathan writes, there is scientific evidence for what he terms “macroevolution” (a fallacious term coined by proponents of intelligent design — microevolution and macroevolution are the same thing). It is very childish to assume that small changes that are well documented (evolution of drug resistance, for example) could not add up over a very long amount of time to yield large changes. The existence of similarities between animals is very good evidence of evolution. Also, to deny the evidence of the fossil record is to willingly deceive oneself. Finally, I would like to address his comment that “the mathematical odds of even the simplest DNA molecule coming into existence by chance is comparable to a monkey typing the sequence of all the letters and words in a dictionary by randomly hitting keys on a computer keyboard.” This assumes there is only one monkey doing this for his entire lifetime. Instead, assume there are trillions upon trillions of

monkeys (because there are trillions upon trillions of chemical reactions taking place across the universe). In fact, the number of monkeys is essentially infinite. Let us imagine that the almost infinite number of monkeys is given billions of years to type out a very simple sentence. Doesn’t seem so unreasonable now, does it? Now imagine that after this sentence was formed, there was enormous selective pressure for that sentence to evolve. Oh wait, this metaphor is ridiculous, because the system of evolution is nothing like monkeys randomly typing on a keyboard. Because the system of evolution is actually complicated and requires several upper-level courses to truly understand, people like Ranganathan like to reduce it to metaphors that are convenient to them and have little to do with reality. The purpose of this letter is not to deny the existence of God; it is simply to dispel misinformation and to point out that the existence of God should not be discussed in science class.

William Delzell Daily Lobo reader

Reuben Estrada UNM staff

ext. 127

Theology, religion should be kept out of science class Letter submission policy n Letters to the Editor Submission Policy: Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editor, I am writing in response to the column by Babu G. Ranganathan. It is true that we have little scientific evidence that the first DNA molecule formed by chance. Many believe that DNA was formed from the template of another, self-reproducing molecule. And, as Ranganathan points out, there is no scientific evidence of the existence of God. There is also no scientific evidence of aliens putting humans on earth, giant space worms living below ground controlling everything, or a variety of other things that I can think of. In science class, we are supposed to teach things that are discovered and tested using the scientific method. We are only supposed to teach things for which there is direct evidence. Just because I can think of a possible way that DNA came into existence doesn’t mean I’m allowed to teach it without evidence. The study of theology and religion does not belong in

Jessica K. Friedman UNM student


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Page 5

For Inuit, global warming hits home by Charles J. Hanley The Associated Press

TUKTOYAKTUK, Northwest Territories — Caught between rising seas and land melting beneath their mukluk-shod feet, the villagers of Tuktoyaktuk are doing what anyone would do on this windy Arctic coastline. They’re building windmills. That’s wind-power turbines, to be exact — a token, first try at “getting rid of this fossil fuel we’re using,” said Mayor Merven Gruben. It’s a token of irony, too: People little to blame, but feeling it most, are doing more to stop global warming than many of “you people in the south,” as Gruben calls the rest of us who fill the skies with greenhouse gases. They’re feeling climate change not only in this lonely corner of northwest Canada, but in a wide cir-


cle at the top of the world, stretching from Alaska through the Siberian tundra, into northern Scandinavia and Greenland, and on to Canada’s eastern Arctic islands, a circle embracing more than 300,000 indigenous people, including Gruben and the 800 other Inuvialuit, or Inuit, of the village they know as “Tuk.” Since 1970, temperatures have risen more than 2.5 degrees C (4.5 degrees F) in much of the Arctic, much faster than the global average. People in Tuk say winters are less numbing, with briefer spells of minus-40 C (minus-40 F) temperatures. They sense it in other ways, too, small and large. “The mosquitoes got bigger,” the mayor’s aunt, Tootsie Lugt, 48, told a visitor to her children-filled house overlooking Tuk harbor. Her father, one-time fur trapper Eddie Gruben, spoke of more out-

sized interlopers from the south. “Them killer whales, first time people seen them here in the harbor, three or four of them this summer,” said the 89-year-old patriarch of Tuk’s biggest family and biggest business, a contracting firm. Plants and animals are a tip-off everywhere. In northeast Canada, the Nunatsiaq News advised readers the red-breasted birds they spotted this spring were American robins. But the change runs deeper as well, undermining ways of life. The later fall freeze-up, earlier spring break-up and general weakening of sea ice make snowmobile travel more perilous. A trip to the next island can end in a fatal plunge through thin ice. The unpredictable ice and

major with a concentration in entrepreneurial studies, said Career Week is a good idea for people who want to get a job now and after graduation. “I think that, regardless of your major, it’s important to have an impressive résumé and interviewing skills,” he said. “It shows a potential employer that you are responsible and would make a good employee.”

Rappuhn said Career Week will be great preparation for the Anderson Career Fair. “It’s cool to have a Career Fair at UNM, but if you aren’t prepared to talk to employers, then it’s kind of pointless,” Rappuhn said. “I think that having a whole week beforehand to practice will help a lot of people.”

see Warming page 6

from page 1

submitted to them,” Kase said. “That’s why it’s so critical that the résumés are done well to capture the employer’s interest or to even get an interview.” Kase said many employers receive hundreds of applications for a single job — something almost unheard of before the recession. Steven Rappuhn, a UNM business


Q and A

AW:Whatweabsolutelyhavetodois revitalize our economy in order that we can create better jobs and the kind of jobs that will keep our young people home because they want to be here. You just can’t blame them for leaving if there isn’t a job for them. I have a plan to revitalize this economy, and we are going to revitalize the economy in New Mexico within a couple of years. I’m going to say that we’re going to be able to see effects within two years and it will have a momentum that will carry forward. I can’t guarantee that the class of 2011 — if I’m elected governor next year — will have a quick fix. I can’t do that, but I can begin to take those steps where people will see a light at the end of the tunnel. DL: Does your campaign and your platform involve sustainability? AW: What you may not know — what a lot of people don’t know — is that I’m an organic farmer. I got into organic farming in 1992, and we raise organic raspberries. If you were to go to La Montanita Co-op at Nob Hill or down on Rio Grande during raspberry season, you’re going to be buying my raspberries. I have a keen appreciation for the environment, for sustainable agriculture, and for things that we need to fix. We know we need to fix (it), only what do we do about it? Can you imagine the number of plastic bottles that go into a landfill in every community? It is enormous. We



from page 2


are creating problems for ourselves. One of the programs I’ve got is to put a deposit fee on plastic bottles and then turn around and incentivize people to return bottles. We can create incentivized plans to reduce stuff going into our landfills and back into recycling. DL: Can you tell me about some of your main platforms, such as New Mexico’s education system or the public safety priority? AW: I’ve seen two studies in the last three months. One said 46 percent and one said 54 percent of kids drop out. Well, let’s just take the two, 46 and 54; that averages to about 50 — we’ll call it half. You’ll hear that in my comments on Tuesday, too. Half the kids don’t graduate from high school in this state. You know they’re not going to UNM or Eastern. They just don’t go to school. Here’s what’s worse — and I’ve had government personnel directors tell me this: All they’re looking for is people who are literate to drive a pickup truck. They have to turn those people who don’t graduate away. The schools are failing, and we’re spitting out almost half our kids who are virtually illiterate. So that’s why we lose these companies to other states. They are inextricably linked together — economic development and education — and you’ve got to fix it. There is always an escape, but not for those who are left behind. ~Tricia Remark





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Page 6 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Government of Northwest Territories / AP Photo This July 24, 1996, photo, released by the government of Northwest Territories, shows the Canadian Arctic community of Tuktoyaktuk, Canada. Geologists believe the protective island will erode away in 30-40 years, increasing the hamlet’s exposure to Arctic Ocean waves.


from page 5

weather combine with a changing animal world to make hunting and fishing more challenging, and to crimp the traditional diet of “niqituinnaq,” or “real food” — caribou, seal and other meat staples. The resilient Inuit — Eskimos — of the past simply moved on to better places. But since the mid-

20th century these ex-nomads have been tied to settlements, with all the buildings, utilities, roads and trouble that represents in a warming world. At Tuk’s graveyard, for example, white crosses stand off-kilter where the permafrost has heaved and sunk below. “In another 20 years I’ll be

burying my relatives again,” Gus Gruben, 45, the mayor’s brother, said sadly as he surveyed the graves of forebears that will someday have to be moved. Just yards away, the sound of Tuk eroding could be heard: The steelgray Arctic Ocean crashed against a beach barrier of small boulders.






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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Improved A&M team mauls Locksley’s squad

UNM’s Ian Clark, left, dives for Texas A&M’s Cyrus Gray during the second quarter of the Lobos’ first game, held Saturday in College Station, Texas. The Lobos lost 41-6. Dave Einsel / AP Photo

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Besides holding the Lobos to six points, the Aggies forced four fumbles, recovering two, and held UNM to 231 yards of total offense. James Aho was the Lobos’ only source of points. He booted two field goals, one with 13 seconds

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“I was really impressed with the way they tackled,” Sherman said. “In the first ball game, you always worry if you’re going to be able to tackle. They did a good job of wrapping up people. The defense showed up to play.”

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COLLEGE STATION, Texas — For what it’s worth, Saturday’s 41-6 bend-over-the-lap spanking was probably more a case of Texas A&M progressing, rather than the UNM football team regressing, even though last year the Lobos fell respectably to the Aggies, 2822 at home. In first-year head coach Mike Locksley’s debut, the Lobos did everything but light up the scoreboard, as Locksley had promised when he was introduced to replace former coach Rocky Long in December. Saturday’s contest marks the fourth time the Lobos have failed to score a touchdown in their season opener. “I don’t think the score is indicative of the kind of team we have,” Locksley said. “We have to go watch some tape and get some things corrected.” About the only positive the Lobos could take from Saturday’s whipping was that Donovan Porterie completed 29 of 40 passes for the Lobos in his first start since

tearing ligaments in his right knee in the fourth game last season. Still, the Aggies breached UNM’s front line, sacking Porterie on five occasions. Meanwhile, Texas A&M finally seems to be moving in the right direction. Jerrod Johnson threw for 349 yards and two touchdowns and ran for a score to lead the Aggies to a 41-6 win over New Mexico on Saturday. Johnson completed 31 of 41 passes, and Cyrus Gray and Christine Michael added touchdown runs for the Aggies, who piled up 606 yards. Johnson tossed a 42yard pass to freshman Uzoma Nwachukwu on A&M’s first possession and scrambled for a 16yard touchdown with 9:52 left in the opening quarter. The Aggies dominated from the start and built a 20-3 halftime lead. Defensively, the Aggies, ranked among the nation’s worst in 2008, turned in a stalwart effort against the Lobos. Sherman was pleasantly surprised with how well the unit played in the opener.

Frontier Restaurant Coupon Not valid with any other offers. Expires 09/11/09

by Chris Duncan

The Associated Press

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Page 7


Page 8 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Despite having an extended period of success as men’s soccer head coach, Jeremy Fishbein, far right, would rather have his players be the face of the program.




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from page 12

has been on collecting core talent, but also improving the program’s image of selflessness. “It seems like we have a real cohesive group and guys are playing for each other,” Fishbein said. “Now we feel fortunate here at UNM to put together a collection of players that are very talented.” Yet, rarely will you hear Fishbein take credit for that. In a way, he doesn’t mind if his players take over and represent UNM soccer, something that’s less common among mainstream college athletics like football and basketball, where coaches, not players, are usually the face of the program. “This is the players’ program. It’s the players’ team,” Fishbein said. “Wins and losses are going to be dictated by players’ performances.” Fishbein learned how to run a Division I soccer program from his mentor, former UNM head soccer coach Klaus Weber. Fishbein was Weber’s

understudy and served as associate head coach during the 2001 season after leaving the Division II coaching ring. Fishbein said teaching is just as rewarding to him as drawing up the X’s and O’s of soccer. He said he disagrees with the common perception that coaching and teaching are separate professions. And he takes his role as an educator seriously, Cartlidge said. “Jeremy is all about helping his players become young men, leaders and good soccer players,” Cartlidge said. “Everything he does is geared toward that.” It’s not only about soccer. It’s about life. “Everything is always about mental discipline,” Fishbein said. “You have to learn how to deal with the ups and downs of the seasons and how to deal with things when they aren’t going your way.”

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from page 12

the Lobos’ Achilles’ heel last year. “We just don’t want to get too sure of ourselves. We want to be humble. Talent-wise, we were great, but we came out every game thinking we were going to win, no problem.” And they did, for the most part. The Lobos’ 2008 campaign wasn’t particularly terrible — they finished 11-6-2, but missed out on an at-large bid to the NCAA Tournament. In spite of its relative success, the team was a bit dysfunctional. For instance, on two occasions last year, the Lobos surrendered leads — to Louisville and Washington — and both times lost the game. Records show those types of breakdowns hardly ever happen to Fishbein-coached teams. When scoring first, UNM is 83-5-9, taking into account those two blown margins last season. Wilson said that not having player-initiated leadership — the coach can only say so much — spawned much of the Lobos’ problems. Every win, too, was an incubator for increased egotism — even in an up-and-down year, he said. “We were maybe trying to get it done by ourselves too much, trying to dribble a little too much last year,” Wilson said. “We didn’t have the chemistry as a team (and) just didn’t click. It was just an off year for us.” Nothing was more telling than

Soccer loss

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 / Page 9

how the Lobos handled a rough patch stretching from Sep. 12 to Oct. 3. Their disunity was highlighted, in the same stroke of the brush, by a peak win over thenNo. 1 Akron and a valley loss to Cal Poly two days later, which was followed by a three-game road trip where the Lobos went 0-2-1. But Wilson said it was apparent the Lobos had a problem even before that. He said the win over Akron only reinforced what the team already assumed about themselves. “I thought it was the whole season, right from the beginning, even before we beat Akron,” he said about the Lobos’ superiority complex. If that was the case, UNM was rudely awakened by sobering losses in that three-week period. They went 8-2 after that, but the damage was irreversible. As a result, Wilson said UNM labored all off-season, adamant about ridding itself of an intoxicated sense of self-worth — and a propensity to coast on pure aptitude — which haunted them throughout the ’08 campaign. “We switched gears last spring, starting right after Christmas break,” Wilson said. “We’ve been on it, working as hard as we can every day — running in the mountains, the sand dunes. That definitely helped us realize that we needed to work a lot harder at

what we’re trying to get to.” However, now the Lobos have another kink to work out, this one less daunting: overcompensation. What would have been shots in the past were passes on Saturday. In the 84th minute of a scoreless game, UNM parlayed an offensive attack from the Dons into a breakaway. But instead of unfurling a shot right on frame, the Lobos chose to make the extra pass to the left wing, whereupon Blake Smith’s ray whizzed wide of the goal. The Dons got the go-ahead goal two minutes later. Needless to say, Fishbein said that pass should’ve been a shot. “We had a bunch of chances and guys either rushed their shot or they took an extra touch,” he said. Because of the inexorable fear of relapse, one side effect of sobriety is strict abstinence. Quite conceivably, that’s what the Lobos suffered from on Saturday — all of them apprehensive to reinvite selfish tendencies. Still, there are times when it’s suitable to take a swig of liquid courage. And then there are times when it’s appropriate to pass the bottle around. As with everything, the key is moderation. “We should be greedy more often,” forward Michael Green said. “We passed the ball well, but we definitely need to take our shots.”


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from page 12

one opening (and) you can lose,” Fishbein said. The second half opened up more for both teams, but much as in the first half, neither team threatened in front of goal. UNM continued to supply pressure, but the Lobos could not get off a clean shot.

e k a S & i Sush Ko

The Dons happily sat back and absorbed UNM’s aggressiveness, pressing on the counterattack. Eventually it paid off with Chinn’s late-game goal. “It’s a humbling experience, but I think it keeps our feet on the ground and will make us work harder,”

Ejdemyr said. The competition will only get more brutal for the Lobos. Like UNM’s last two games, its next two will again be against ranked teams on the road. The Lobos will meet No. 6 Indiana Friday, before facing No. 12 Notre Dame two days later.






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Page 10 / Tuesday, September 8, 2009

lobo features by Scott Adams


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Duplexes CLOSE TO UNM 2 bedrooms $650 + utilities + deposit, references required, no pets, 2 blocks south of campus center, off street parking, quiet neighbors, call 228-3755. 1BDRM WOOD FLOORS, off-street parking, fenced yard. W/D hookups, pets okay. $495/mo $500dd. 1113 Wilmoore SE. 362-0837.

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Tuesday September 8, 2009

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Isaac Avilucea

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

After season UNM slips late in game of selfishness, against San Francisco Lobos focus Soccer vs. on teamwork Indiana by Nathan Farmer Daily Lobo

by Isaac Avilucea Daily Lobo

Wine hath drowned more men than the sea. So, too, has overconfidence. All last season, the UNM men’s soccer team battled to maintain humble sobriety — and lost. Liquored up on success — and drunk with talent — the Lobos everso-slightly reduced their investment in altruism, instead turning toward selfishness. Understandably: Winning, much like alcohol, makes for insatiable addicts. But because of a dependence on sheer talent, the Lobos played out of character, neglecting something that was a stronghold for past teams, something that helped the Lobos win six Mountain Pacific Federation titles and earn a trip to the NCAA National Championship in 2005. And something that is a staple of teams led by Jeremy Fishbein. Too often UNM sipped from the flask of self-assurance, yet not enough from the vat of work ethic, forward P.J. Wilson said. “We were more of a talented team instead of a hard-working team,” said Wilson, adding that this was

Even with 17 shots, the UNM men’s soccer team didn’t make San Francisco’s goalkeeper Brendan Roslund break much of a sweat. That’s because the Lobos shot only twice on goal. Roslund saved both. In a defensive battle, the Lobos outshot the Dons 17-6. After numerous chances to score, UNM regretted missing opportunities, head coach Jeremy Fishbein said, and allowed No. 22 San Francisco to convert on a defensive mistake in the 86th minute. Conor Chinn scored the only goal of the game, and the Dons won 1-0. The game appeared headed for overtime until Chinn broke free and went one-on-one with Lobo goalkeeper Justin Fite after a defensive lapse on the Lobos’ part. “I think one player just stepped forward and the other dropped,” Fishbein said, adding that he couldn’t tell from his vantage point if Chinn was offside. “It was just a miscommunication in the defense.” Senior defender Simon Ejdemyr


Friday 3 p.m. South Bend, Ind.

said it was a tough way to lose. “We played very solid and dominated most of the game and lost by an unlucky bounce,” he said. UNM’s first good chance was when Justin Davis got behind the defense and slammed a ball off the crossbar, but he was called offside. Later, Ejdemyr popped two headers but could not keep them on target. The Lobos’ best chance to score came in the 44th minute after forward Michael Green met a cross with a powerful header in the box, but Roslund was in position to make the save. “Even though we dominated, when you can’t finish in the final third (of the game), you give a team

see Soccer loss page 9

Cagey senior laces up for attempt at school records

see Teamwork page 9

by Mario Trujillo Daily Lobo

Head coach says player growth a top priority by Ryan Tomari Daily Lobo

Jeremy Fishbein is, and always has been, a knowledgeable soccer coach. His .666 career winning percentage is an indication of that. Fishbein has 87 wins in 125 games coached during his seven years at UNM, including one national championship appearance in 2005. Still, all those achievements take a backseat to what Fishbein truly wants to accomplish at UNM, said assistant head coach Chris Cartlidge. “He wants his players to be good husbands and businessmen,” Cartlidge said. “He loves the game of soccer — to win and for the UNM program to be successful — but everything is directed toward his players becoming better people.” Since taking over as the head soccer coach in 2002, Fishbein’s focus

see Fishbein page 8

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Lance Rozeboom leaps over a San Francisco defender during Saturday’s 1-0 loss to the Dons. The Lobos had several opportunities to score, but didn’t take advantage of them.

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Forward Justin Davis walks off the field after the Dons upended the Lobos Saturday at the UNM Soccer Complex.

Jacob Kirwa Men’s cross country Running unattached, Kirwa became the first Lobo since 2004 to win the men’s 8,000-meter race at the Lobo Invitational, clocking a blistering 54-second time. Kirwa is entering his senior season for the Lobos.

Athletes of the


There is no doubt about who is the trigger man for the UNM men’s soccer team: Justin Davis. And he’s not gun-shy. The senior forward is coming into his final season with a chance to make it into the Lobo record books. Davis, who has 40 career points, has racked up 14 career goals and 12 assists — a goal counts for two points when it comes to record-keeping — and still has a season left to pad his stats. Davis could also etch his name on Lobo soccer’s top-10 all-time list in almost every offensive category. He needs five goals, two assists and eight points to break into the top 10 in each category — goals, assists and points. In Saturday’s loss to San Francisco University, Davis took a team-high five shots, none of which found the back of the net. Head coach Jeremy Fishbein said that Davis’ shots will come. The important thing is that he is looking for them. “The hard thing to teach is for people to put themselves in good situations, and he is a guy who scores goals,” he said. “I think he probably just put a lot of pressure on himself, and he was a bit unlucky tonight, and I’m sure next time he’ll find the goal.” For better or worse, Davis wears

his emotions on his sleeve, and on Saturday, he showed clear signs of frustration. He kicked the wall twice after botched shots. “That was anger with myself, not with the team,” he said. “I probably should internalize it a little bit more, but the atmosphere here kind of brought it out.” Former forward Chris Wright, who played with Davis for three years and occasionally does soccer commentary for GoLobos.com, remembers Davis’ passion above all his other qualities. “I think he definitely has a lot of fire when he plays,” Wright said. “He always gets sucked in on the tackles. He plays with a lot of energy and uses his physical gifts to his advantage.” Davis did his best to mask his cagey side in a post-game interview, remaining stoic after the Lobos endured a stinging 1-0 loss to San Francisco. “It is something we are used to,” he said. “We have lost openers before. We can’t dwell on it.” If Davis can convert his anger into energy for the Lobos, Wright said UNM will be a dangerous team this season. “He was always a physical presence and a guy who worked extremely hard on both sides of the ball — always giving his full effort,” Wright said. “A lot of that determination and that grit led to a lot of his success.”

Jennifer Williams Women’s soccer For the second time in a row, Williams has been named Mountain West Conference Offensive Player of the Week, after assisting on a game-winning goal in a 1-0 win over Iowa and then adding a goal in a 2-0 victory over Oakland on Sep. 6.

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