NM Daily Lobo 091311

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

September 13, 2011


Know your markets see page 2

tuesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

UNM strengthens its roots After long-awaited, costly renovations, Hodgin Hall opens once more to the public by Michael Howland-Davis mnhdavis@unm.edu

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Matt Locklin shoved pieces of pizza into his mouth Saturday. Around 50 contestants competed at Pizza 9 in the 3rd annual New Mexico pizza-eating contest. Droves of people came to test their guts such as members of the Albuquerque Ambulance Service and Bernalillo County Fire Dept. Henri Bauer and Stephen Welford tied for 1st place, both eating 13 slices in 10 minutes. Bauer then won a draw from a deck of cards for the high card, giving him the official win.

The UNM Alumni Association will celebrate the grand reopening of Hodgin Hall, now the UNM Alumni Center, with an evening of music, food and history. Nearly 120 years ago, Hodgin Hall was the entirety of UNM. It stood isolated on a hill two miles from downtown Albuquerque and housed classrooms, faculty and administrative offices. “It stood all alone for about eight years,” said Karen Abraham, UNM Alumni Association’s director. “Anything that was happening at the University was happening here.” UNM’s first class of 108 students arrived on horseback or on “Jumbo” — the University’s horse-drawn cart, she said. The renovation cost $2.8 million, and Abraham said $1.7 million was used for construction and renovations while the rest of the funds paid architects and went to fees associated with the renovation. The funding for the renovation came from a $1.4 million legislative appropriation, a $1 million University bond and roughly $400,000 from the UNM Alumni Association. “This renovation was needed to make the space more functional,” Abraham said. “It needed to be brought up to the current fire code and to be made ADA-compliant as well.” Improvements include a new roof, additional restrooms, a gallery and library of alumni art and publications, new lighting and electrical improvements and refurbished floors. The basement was also transformed to a garden level with up-todate meeting rooms. More renovations to the Hall are

scheduled to for the future. Abraham said two more phases are needed to complete renovations to the hall and to Tight Grove, the grove of trees and grass surrounding a Lobo sculpture on the southwest corner of main campus. “We need to replace the HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system here,” Abraham said. “It’s going to be expensive, but we need to do it. Currently, half of the building uses refrigerated air and the rest is on a swamp cooler. We need to renovate the windows and re-stucco the building as well.”

“This renovation was needed to make the space more functional. It needed to be brought up to the current fire code and to be made ADA compliant as well.” ~Karen Abraham, Alumni Assoc. director Estimates for the second phase of renovations total more than $3 million. Phase three will focus on restoring Tight Grove. “We are hoping to find a donor who will help us install a new irrigation system and lighting,” Abraham said. “It’s a beautiful place that has been with us since the beginning of the last century. We’d like to see it transformed into a space that can be

used for reflection.” The current renovation wasn’t the first for the building. Between 1906 and 1909 Hodgin Hall had its roof replaced and was refinished as a pueblo-style building. Rodey Hall was also built to the north of Hodgin. “In my mind, Hodgin Hall has watched the growth of the University for more than a century,” Abraham said. “UNM has had a huge part to play in the history of New Mexico. It was the dream of many New Mexicans to have an education system, and UNM became its cornerstone. This is where it started.” Hodgin Hall was in use as a classroom until 1971, according to an Alumni Association brochure. Over the years it has been home to the anthropology and geography departments, the college of education and the theater department. It also housed the University administration until Scholes Hall was built. Rodey Hall was demolished in 1971 to make room form the Redondo Loop. During that decade, Hodgin Hall was also on the chopping block. “This was to accommodate the engineering department’s expansion,” Alumni Association spokeswoman Charlene Chavez said. “I remember having classes in Hodgin Hall. No one wanted to see it demolished, and thankfully several alumni got together and worked very hard to keep that from happening.” The second major renovation took place in the late 1970s. “Pigeons had made their homes in the roofs and the second floor was covered in pigeon poo,” Chavez said. “Thankfully I wasn’t here to see that. But the efforts to renovate it and save it from the wrecking ball that took Rodey Hall took care of that. I remember being a staff member here when Hodgin reopened in 1983.”

Uncorking one era and sealing another by Michael Howland-Davis mnhdavis@unm.edu

Time changes everything: technology, fashion, transportation, the way people think and university campuses. A lot can change in 100 years, but UNM’s 1908 graduating class preserved pieces of their world in a time capsule. The capsule was unearthed during the 1971 demolition of Rodey Hall, which stood adjacent to Hodgin Hall. The building was demolished to make room for the Redondo Loop. The discovery of the time capsule helped spark the campaign to save Hodgin Hall from the wrecking ball. The time capsule will be opened at the Hodgin Hall grand reopening celebration on Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. “We’re excited to be opening this,” Kim Feldman, associate director of Alumni Relations said. “We’re

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 17

also burying a time capsule that will be opened in 2111. We really want people to revisit the history of the University of New Mexico.” The time capsule display and burial is part of the UNM Alumni Association’s celebration of Hodgin Hall. The celebration is open to the public and includes live music by Frank Leto, food, drink and tours of the newly renovated Hodgin Hall.

Hodgin Hall


Celebration Hodgin Hall Sept. 21 6 - 8 p.m. Free

Courtesy of UNM When Hodgin Hall was built nearly 120 years ago, it stood alone for eight years before the rest of UNM was built. The historic building was recently renovated and a grand re-opening will be held Sept. 21 at 6 p.m.

At ground zero

Now that’s a taco

See page 5

See page 10


81 | 61

PageTwo Tuesday, S eptember 13, 2011

by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Gautam Vora is a chartered financial analyst and professor of finance at UNM. He is the president of the New Mexico chapter of the American Association of Individual Investors, a nationwide organization dedicated to helping potential investors understand the process of investing. He received his Ph.D. in finance from Indiana University in 1982 and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in corporate finance, investments, derivatives and asset pricing. He is the author of more than 20 published finance articles. Daily Lobo: When should someone trade stocks, and how would someone go about doing that? Gautam Vora: We never provide direct answers. There are no secret tips on what stocks to buy, only principles. When we are asking when and how someone should invest, first we need to know how much money he has, and second we need to know how much money he can put at risk, and if he were to lose everything, can he sleep peacefully at night? Assuming we have the answers to those two questions, we still can’t provide you with any advice because … we need to decide how much to put in stocks, how much to put in bonds, how much to put in other assets based on how much you are willing to lose and your financial goals. That is called a portfolio, or asset location. DL: How do you develop a portfolio? GV: We have to know about your money, your risk tolerance, how well you can sleep at night depending on how much money you lose. Then we create a portfolio for (you) to reach

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Show me how to: Trade stocks

(your) goals; you want to do certain things at a certain age and these require so much money. This portfolio’s goal is to take you there. Now that that is finished, we can talk about stocks. I don’t want to sound foolish, and those preparatory steps are very important before we even begin to talk about stocks. DL: What are the different types of trading? GV: Traditionally we approach stock investing in two ways: active and passive. Active means what stocks to buy, how to buy, and when to sell. You are taking an active role in screening, analyzing and buying stocks and doing the same thing for discarding stocks. It’s a constant process. In passive trading, you invest in a mutual fund. You do spend some time deciding which mutual fund to invest in, but you are not looking at individual stocks. The risk is reduced as much as possible. That doesn’t mean mutual funds can’t be risky — they can be — but you do not have to worry about how to use the risk, the fund manager does that. You are not engaged in day-to-day operations. DL: How should you go about active trading? GV: When active trading, you evaluate stocks based on two criteria: their growth potential and their risk. Generally, the higher the growth rate, the higher the risk. Essentially, you are betting against the market. This involves more risk than passive trading and you should have at least $250,000 before you seriously look at active trading. There are several types of investing. Growth investing style looks at the growth prospects of a company and recognizes that the market has not valued it fairly. Value investing is when you believe the market has undervalued the stock’s intrinsic worth. The market will realize its mistake and

adjust and the stock will go up. In the same way, you sell stocks when you believe the market values them too highly and they are going to lose money. You can also look at market trends and buy and sell based on a larger picture — buy and sell based on when you think the market as a whole is going to go up or down. DL: What advice do you have for students? GV: Most people get too attached to their stocks. Either they hold a stock for too long hoping it will continue to rise, and they lose money when it drops, or they sell too quickly because they are afraid. What you should do is say, “When this stock rises 15 percent I will sell, or if this stock drops 15 percent I will sell.” That way you meet your goals but won’t lose all of your money. But you cannot worry about a stock after you sell it if it goes up; you must move on and be satisfied you made the goal you set for yourself. My suggestion to younger people is to take on more risk. You have more market cycles in which to recover if you lose some of your money before you will need it. As you get older you have less time to build a retirement fund, and thus can tolerate less risk then when you are young and have time to recover. Your goal should be to save for the future, not make money for the present. You should also put your investments in a tax-free account like an IRA. Be aware of the possibility you may lose money … but don’t worry about financial crisis like the recent market failures. They are very rare, and if you are young you have many years in which to recover. Editor’s Note: We would like to remind readers this column is purely for informative purposes. The Daily Lobo does not endorse it for real life practices.

Insider knowledge:

Bull market: A financial market of a group of securities in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term “bull market” is most often used to refer to the stock market, but can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, currencies and commodities. Bear market: a market condition in which the prices of securities are falling, and widespread pessimism causes the negative sentiment to be self-sustaining.

The terms “bear” and “bull” are thought to derive from the way in which each animal attacks its opponents. That is, a bull will thrust its horns up into the air, while a bear will swipe down. These actions were then related metaphorically to the movement of a market. Source: investopedia.com

Greek economy spooks stockholders worldwide by Pan Pylas

The Associated Press LONDON — Fear that Greece will default on its debt, perhaps triggering a financial chain reaction that will cause another global recession, hurt European stocks Monday and sent American stocks lower for a time. The market tension came after a German politician suggested Greek finances are so bad the nation might have to leave the coalition of 17 countries that use the euro as their common currency. In addition, the German economy minister published an op-ed arguing that an “orderly bankruptcy” of Greece must be an option. Greece has been relying on international bailouts to keep it solvent. Germany’s opinion on the Greek crisis is taken seriously

because Germany has the strongest economy in Europe. A spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel played down both suggestions, but financial markets were spooked anyway. The Stoxx 50 index of blue-chip European stocks fell 2.6 percent. In the United States, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 167 points, or 1.5 percent, before turning around late in the day to close up almost 70. “With German officials seemingly in destructive overdrive, as per all the public talk of preparing for a Greek default and even a Greek euro exit, markets can hardly be blamed for the latest charge for the bunkers and tin hats,” said Marc Ostwald, market strategist at Monument Securities. Bank stocks were hit hard. In Europe, Deutsche Bank of Germany and BNP Paribas of France

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 17

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DAILY LOBO new mexico


Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith

were down 11 percent each at one point. Societe Generale, another large French bank, closed down 10.8 percent. Investors are worried because banks have lent billions of dollars to Greece and other troubled European nations. American banks have lent money to their European counterparts, so the United States could be hurt if European countries go broke. In addition, a new recession in Europe would hurt the United States because American companies rely on Europe for a large portion of their exports. The American economy is already growing so slowly that it wouldn’t take much to push it back into recession. The stock sell-off “reflects heightened investor fear that Greece is on the verge of defaulting, which could plunge the weak global economy back into another Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson


Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center

Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment.

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Lehman-esque recession,” said Lee Hardman, an analyst at the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. He was referring to the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the American investment bank, in 2008. When it failed, banks tightened lending severely, and panic swept the financial markets. Kurt Karl, chief U.S. economist at Swiss Re, puts the chances of a chaotic Greek default at only 10 percent. “European leaders tend to come to a solution before we get to that point,” Karl said. And the U.S. financial system is in better shape than in 2008. Banks have more capital in reserve than they did three years ago, and U.S. money market funds have been steadily cutting back their exposure to European banks. Timothy Geithner, the U.S. Treasury secretary, will attend

a meeting of European finance ministers Friday in Poland, Treasury officials said. He said last week that Europe had “more work to do” to get the debt crisis under control. In France, Societe Generale tried to calm investors Monday with a statement saying its exposure to the more troubled economies in Europe was diminishing, down to about 3 billion euros in loans, or $4.1 billion. It also said it was speeding up plans to raise more than 4 billion euros, or $5.4 billion, to build up its cushion against bad loans. The euro fell to its lowest point against the U.S. dollar since midFebruary, then rallied to finish 0.2 percent higher at $1.364. It was at $1.43 last week, before the European Central Bank signaled it will not raise interest rates again soon. Higher interest rates tend to help the value of a currency.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Event Calendar

for September 13, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier!

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event info and submit!

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Old buildings impede learning holmen@unm.edu

Last week, The Daily Lobo surveyed more than 100 students regarding which buildings on campus they thought were the most poorly maintained. Ortega Hall topped the list with 23 percent of the vote, followed by the Art Building with 17 percent and Marron Hall with 15 percent. UNM student Dominique Maffucci said he regularly attends class in Ortega Hall, and that both the design and upkeep are poor. “Ortega has classrooms with no windows and not enough desks for the classes that they put in there,� he said. “It’s old and not very well kept-up, and there are some strange central corridors that zigzag through there that are really disorienting, and you have to access most of the classrooms from outside.� The UNM Art Building, rated second-worst maintained, has experienced worsening structural problems for nearly two years, according to art professor Adrienne Salinger. “The Art Building doesn’t appear to be structurally sound,� she said in a previous interview with the Daily Lobo on Sept. 6. “Several of the workers who insisted on anonymity were shocked that we are still occupying the building in this condition when I spoke with them over the last couple weeks.� According to Mary Vosevich, UNM Physical Plant Department’s director, PPD sent a structural engineer to the Art Building and determined the building is structurally sound. PPD filled a gap between the dirt and the load-bearing walls with concrete last week. Students said multiple buildings across campus need renovation, not just the Art Building. Student Philip Gengenagel said Sarah Reynolds Hall is poorly maintained because it isn’t used by many students. “The whole inside of the building looks totally run-down,� he said. “Even the sign for it isn’t painted very well, and it’s so hard to find because it isn’t kept up, and nobody goes there. The win-

Biology Annex 2%

Carlisle Gym 6% Sara Reynolds 6%

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dows look like they are from the 40s. I have three classes in there this semester; it’s terrible.�

“Our focus is building functionality ‌ while still allowing the educational and research mission of the institution to continueâ€? ~Mark Vosevich PPD director Vosevich said PPD sets aside building renewal and replacement funds, which are allotted by the state through a formula based on the square feet PPD is in charge of. Last year, Vosevich said PPD

took a permanent budget cut of $1.3 million, a one-time cut of $635,000 and did not receive an additional $1.2 million that was allotted, which left PPD with a budget of $3 million dollars for renovations. Vosevich said PPD completes about 50,000 work orders a year and has to distribute money to buildings with the greatest need. “We have a lot of different maintenance on our campus because of the vintage of our campus,â€? she said. “We have a lot of old buildings here ‌ Our focus is building functionality ‌ while still allowing the educational and research mission of the institution to continue.â€? PPD is currently renovating Logan Hall, recently completed additions to the Biology department and renovations on Mitchell Hall. Vosevich said PPD works on future building design with the planning department. “We have to ensure that our newest buildings perform to the best of their capabilities,â€? she said. “We want them to be energy-efficient, and we consider how they will be used and the load that they will take when thinking about updating or renewing.â€?

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by Luke Holmen

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Page 3

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Tuesday September 13, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



DWI prevention part of orientation by John Steiner

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist

As program manager of UNM’s Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (COSAP), I’d like to say a few words in response to Daily Lobo Columnist Will Desmare’s “DWI prevention a shared obligation,” in Monday’s issue. Before I do, let me say that anything that prompts discussion among members of the UNM community regarding this serious problem is by definition positive, so I thank Mr. Desmare for writing on a topic of grave interest to all New Mexicans. In Monday’s column he provides a balanced look at UNM’s efforts at preventing DWI, and cites some gaps in the institution’s approach; it’s the gaps I would like address. The author mentions a lack of alcohol awareness information or training noted by his classmates during their experiences at UNM’s New Student Orientation (NSO) program.

“Our door is open at any time for any student who has a question, an idea, or needs some help sorting out an alcohol or drug issue.” I can only respond to this by guessing that it depends on who you ask, and to what degree the students asked were paying attention during orientation. COSAP has worked with staff and students who conduct this progressive and energetic orientation program for years. The content is annually updated and includes: 1) An introduction to the norms of alcohol use, some information on marijuana and UNM’s policies in a game-show format called “The Pawrice Is Right.” Student participation during the show always raises the roof of the Kiva. 2) A skit called “What Happened Last Night” that dramatically shows how students can be victimized in a date-rape situation that involves alcohol. 3) A discussion led by the NSO leaders after the Kiva session in which alcohol use, norms, safety and potential consequences of risky use are covered. 4) A new addition to NSO this year includes a web-based brief exploration of safe alcohol use via the Electronic Check Up to Go (e-CHUG) that provides a wealth of information on alcohol, including local safe-ride

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor

programs. Now I realize that the alcohol and drug prevention pieces of NSO aren’t always what students are looking forward to the most, but you’d almost have to be trying to not remember at least some of that. In fact, in my casual conversations with students at UNM or at presentations for groups that I and/or my staff do, we hear a lot of students say “yeah, I remember that from orientation.” We would have been happy to add to what Mr. Desmare learned from his classmates had he contacted us. Mr. Desmare also mentions the NMSU program funded by student government that provides a free saferide service for students too intoxicated to drive home from a party or bar. Several years ago, COSAP conducted a “Designated Drivers Do it For Their Friends” program by which rewards such as movie tickets and even free trips to Las Vegas (Nevada) were given away to students who served as DDs. In fact, this COSAP program earned the Triple-A New Mexico award for college drinking & driving prevention, but was terminated when the state grant that funded the program expired. In COSAP’s last attempt to revive the program we appealed to UNM student government, which rejected our application. We urge students who feel similarly to Mr. Desmare to support COSAP this spring when we again try to gain support from the ASUNM/ GPSA Student Fee Review Board to serve UNM students with this kind of program. COSAP and other departments on campus try very hard to provide programs that work to promote the health and well-being of our students. In the future, I hope Mr. Desmare drops by our office to talk about this topic or any other involving alcohol and other drugs to prepare for his columns. In the same way, our door is open at any time for any student who has a question, an idea, or needs some help sorting out an alcohol or drug issue. Our promise to students is this: No lectures. No hype. Just the facts. To end, let me say that Mr. Desmare is right on target when he says that the UNM administration should be at the “forefront” of prevention, but shouldn’t be alone. Alcohol problems like DWI are community problems, and students should also play an active role in prevention by “watch(ing) over their classmates and friends while drinking and try to prevent them from drinking and driving.” Good advice, Mr. Desmare, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. John Steiner is the Program Manager of COSAP.

You know you’re right.

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TAs are piled high and deep by Carrie Cutler

Daily Lobo Columnist

I always shake the first day of school, and I wonder if the front row smells my fear, or possibly the sweat. Since I’m the only teacher in the classroom, I have to start talking, and I have to appear as competent and nonplussed as possible. No pressure. Even though I’m pretty familiar with the material, familiarity does not guarantee presentation skill. And, let’s face it, many TAs are just a little bit geeky. We were buried under books as undergrads and may be uncomfortable with the spotlight. My formal training to teach consisted of a week of orientation. In that department’s orientation, we talked a little bit about course design (the course design was up to us, as long as we teach the skills for that section level). I had privacy training, a little sexual harassment training, some discussion of fun group activities, a discussion of what to do in case of a shooter or depressed student. The department also handed out an example syllabus. After that week, we were in the classroom, staring at the bored, frustrated, hopeful or annoyed eyes of students. As a result, like many TAs, I trained myself and asked for advice from more experienced TAs and professors. The prevailing ethos of teacher training in what seems like much of the humanities is to toss you in a classroom to see if you can do it, motivated by the morbid fear of making a complete ass out of yourself. This fear also motivates continued improvement, and can (possibly) lead to competence. Part of being a more established TA is accepting that at least some of your students are always going to think you’ve made an ass out of yourself and to keep going any way. Many introductory students are a bit disappointed to see you:

they were expecting someone senior, even in their first semester at UNM. Typically, they expect someone older and male, someone in a suit, someone whose years and experience remove them from being a peer. Some of them were also expecting Animal House, PCU, Road Trip, or Euro Trip; I’ve graded those papers. What they tend to get is someone in their mid- 20s to early 30s, often wearing casual clothes and a bit frazzled from the workload in their own classes and from the metric ton of other responsibilities that go with being a TA.

“I think the prevailing sentiment is that we aren’t paid enough to deal with that kind of challenge, though we do anyway.” TAs are often seen, for various reasons, as less competent. Students sometimes react by testing, the way high school teachers are tested, the ability of the TA to be an authority. This, in my experience, has included students stomping out of my classroom or calling me a bitch. It isn’t always like that, but every group of TAs has horror stories. One of my TA friends worked in a physics lab in which a pair of undergrads set a machine on fire when she stuck her head out of the room to ask a question to the lab supervisor. Departments have their own way of dealing with these issues: my previous department’s method was to offer the student a chance to be laughed at by the director. The issues I had to sit in on, as a TA for my previous department, included

obvious cases of plagiarism (complete with different font sizes), students demanding to be allowed back into a class they did not attend and students demanding that their grade was a result of personal animosity. I think the prevailing sentiment is that we aren’t paid enough to deal with that kind of challenge, though we do anyway. TAs are cheap labor, comparatively. A tenure-track professor will typically earn more than $40k a year. New tuition hikes mean a PhD level TA teaching a 2/2 load, with costs the University around $18k plus insurance, of which around $6k goes to tuition, if he or she is classified as a resident. In other words, TAs, especially those with dependents, often qualify for food stamps. We also do free or very cheap labor for our departments, including presentations, grading, writing proposals for funding, acting as each other’s supervisors, staffing events and observing each other’s classes. Because of this, we’re often told to limit ourselves to no more than 20 hours a week of work, of which we’ll typically spend roughly five hours in class, two hours in office hours, and the rest trying to be more competent at our jobs and grading. The other 40 hours of our week are supposed to be devoted to the course work for our classes, keeping up a ‘presence’ in our departments and looking for funding to pay our tuition, which is significantly more expensive than that of an undergraduate. When I’m teaching, I try to focus on the experience at hand, but I’m often trying to work out problems from my own homework, and trying to figure out how to build a professional career for myself. If I seem slightly distant, I hope that it’s a little closer to how undergraduates expect a professor to be. I live with the hope that I’m getting there.

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Page 5

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Mike Segar / Associated Press A visitor looks over one of the pools at the 9/11 Memorial Plaza in the World Trade Center site in New York. Monday was the first day that the memorial was opened to the public.

Holes in New York’s heart by Samantha Gross and Verena Dobnik The Associated Press

NEW YORK — 10 years ago, ground zero of the terrorist attack on New York was a smoking, fire-spitting tomb; a ghastly pile of rubble and human remains. On Monday it was a place of serenity — an expanse of trees and water in the middle of a bustling city — as the 9/11 memorial opened to the public. As they walked through a grove of oaks and traced their fingers over the names of the nearly 3,000 dead, visitors were deeply moved by the monument, of which the centerpiece is two sunken pools ringed by bronze plaques. “When we walked in, those images were popping in my head from 10 years ago,” said Laura Pajar of Las Vegas. “But when I saw the memorial, all of that went away. This is so peaceful, and you kind of forget about what happened and you look toward the future.” About 7,000 people registered online for free tickets to visit on opening day, and 400,000 are signed up for the coming months, according to the nonprofit organization that oversees the memorial. Many visitors made pencil-andpaper rubbings of the names to take back home. Others sat on benches or clustered for photos. Some people cried; others embraced. Some left flowers or stuffed messages into the

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letters. “There were no words,” Eileen Cristina of Lititz, Pa., said as she wiped away tears. “The enormity of the loss, the enormity of human kindness, the enormity of the suffering.” The site was opened on Sunday — the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks — to the 9/11 families. Monday marked the first day since the tragedy that ground zero was open to the public. Security was airport-tight, with visitors forced to empty their pockets, go through a metal detector and send their bags through an X-ray machine. The memorial takes visitors on a kind of journey. First, they walk through a forest of more than 200 white oak trees. Then, like hikers coming upon a canyon, they arrive at two 30-foot-deep pits on the exact spots where the World Trade Center’s twin towers stood. Water cascades into the two voids, evoking the dust cloud that accompanied the towers’ fall. The falling water creates a constant whooshing, muffling the noise of the city and nearby construction. “It’s like an entrance to eternity,” said Wojtek Ballzun, a rail worker from Warsaw, Poland. Jim Drzewiecki, a firefighter from Lancaster, N.Y., said he was trembling as he stood next to the pools. “I’m actually still shaking,” he said. “It could have been me on that flight. On any one of the flights. … There’s not much that separates us.”

The bronze plates carry the names of the 2,977 people killed in the terrorist attacks in New York, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania, plus the names of the six who died in the bombing of the trade center in 1993. The letters have been cut all the way through the metal, with empty space beneath them. Nearby are a half-dozen electronic directories to help visitors find names, which are grouped not alphabetically but in ways that showed the connections between co-workers, firefighters, airplane flight crews and other victims. The memorial’s architect, Michael Arad, said the plaza next to the pools was inspired by gatherings of mourners that he saw in New York’s Washington Square and Union Square after the attacks. “These places don’t just bring us together physically in one spot, they brought us together emotionally,” Arad said. “We’ve recreated that opportunity for that to happen here.” There is a separate entrance for 9/11 family members and comrades of the fallen firefighters and police officers. Certain days or hours will be set aside for them to visit privately. Workers are still building the 9/11 museum underneath the memorial. It is scheduled to open in 2012 and will include two of the forklike supports that were left standing when the World Trade Center fell, as well as a stairway that enabled hundreds to escape.

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Page 6 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

A conversation on conversion by Jeff Karoub

The Associated Press

“The backlash has affected me — it’s pretty scary as far as I’m concerned,” ~Caleb Carter Convert to Islam Carter said his parents were concerned at first about his conversion, given the story of John Walker Lindh: The American-born Taliban fighter is serving a 20-year prison sentence after pleading guilty in 2002 to supplying services to the Taliban government in Afghanistan. “They were wondering, ‘Is it a phase or is he really, sincerely doing this? What kind of Muslim is he going to become?’” Carter said. “They were cautious, but very accepting.” Even Carter is cautious when meeting other converts, wondering if they were attracted to the messages of extremists. “I believe it’s not a religion that promotes these things, but there are certainly people who do interpret it that way,” he said.

Davi Barker, 29, of Fremont, Calif., also converted in 2006 after practicing what he called “a hodgepodge of neo-pagan religions.” He said he comes from a diverse family of Christians, Jews, Baha’i and atheists, and his idea was “fitting them together and making them compatible.” “I found that Islam had already done that,” said Barker, a writer and artist. “To convert, you have to testify to the oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad. Having believed those things, I just made the pronouncement.” Barker said he lived in Saudi Arabia and the Maldives for a few years as a child and knew “Muslims in Muslim countries,” so he didn’t believe that the religion was to blame for the terrorist attacks. He said he “saw the propaganda campaign going on” against Islam, something that continues to this day. “I think it’s very challenging, frankly,” he said. “You’re talking about an American population which is very diverse: You still have people talking about Allah as the moon god of the Arabs, and you have people who go the other route, the interfaith-dialogue people … You have two groups that are not unified upon any opinion trying to negotiate coexistence.” Zahra Billoo, Barker’s wife of two years, is an American Muslim whose family is from Pakistan. She said 9/11 spurred a desire in her to pursue a career as an advocate for social justice, a passion she shares with her husband. It’s a theme of his writing and art, and frames her work as executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ San Francisco Bay Area chapter. It’s a challenge in what she describes as the “stress of a post-9/11 reality.”

Paul Sancya /Associated Press Caleb Carter, 26, prays with his son Mahdi, 10 mo., at home in Dearborn, Mich., Tuesday. For Carter, the road to becoming a Muslim took years, but Sept. 11, 2001 was a turning point specifically a high school teacher’s xenophobic reaction that day to the terrorist attacks. “The issues we’re involved in are incredibly personal and come home with us,” she said. A newer convert to Islam is Jeff McDermott, 33, an Irish Roman Catholic by birth who attended private schools in Dearborn but always had Arab-Muslim friends. McDermott looked beyond differences of ethnicity and religion when he met Shadia Amen in 2009, and converted to Islam before their July wedding. “I did it out of respect for the family, so I could marry Shadia the right way in the eyes of the family,” he said, but added it was his own decision and not one made under duress. He said he’s more observant than when he was Christian. He has given up pork, attends lectures at a mosque and even tried to fast during the Islamic holy month

of Ramadan. He failed in his first attempt but plans to try again. He said Dearborn’s diversity provides some shelter from hostility and ridicule, but he also acknowledges that they have kept a fairly low profile. That could change this fall, when they are expected to be featured a series on cable network TLC called “AllAmerican Muslim” that focuses on five Muslim-American families in Dearborn. McDermott said his wife was impressed by his willingness to convert to Islam, though he knows it will take a long time for his practice to approach anything close to perfect. “I’m a rookie, wet behind the ears right now,” he said. “But I’m going to … try to do things right by the religion,” he said.


DEARBORN, Mich.— For Caleb Carter, the road to becoming a Muslim took years. Sept. 11, 2001, was a turning point — specifically his high school teacher’s hostile reaction to Islam that day. “I was a junior in high school at the time, taking a class called Nonwestern World Studies,” said Carter, who then lived in Columbia, Mo., but now resides in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, home to one of the nation’s largest Muslim communities. ‘He played the whole ‘Islam equals terrorism’ card,” he said. Carter, now 26, says he wasn’t buying his teacher’s opinions, nor was he “educated enough to judge it either way.” Studying Islam and other world religions became his mission, and the son of parents with a Christian background converted to Islam in 2006. Every American who converted to Islam since 9/11 has a different story: Stories of acceptance or rejection, of fear or suspicion about their new faith. Carter said he has not been personally criticized or confronted for his faith, yet he is disturbed by disparaging comments made by lawmakers and political candidates, as well as critics who “blatantly misquote, take things out of context or makes things up” from the Quran, Islam’s holy book — just as his teacher did a decade ago. “The backlash has affected me — it’s pretty scary as far as I’m concerned,” said Carter, a freelance writer planning to go to graduate school. Three years ago Carter married a Muslim woman of Iraqi descent, Abrar Mohammad. Mohammad, 25, said her husband “gets nervous”

when they travel outside of their heavily Arab-Muslim area. She wears a black abaya that covers her completely, and her husband has sometimes asked if she could “wear something more colorful” or “something not as Muslimlooking” on their trips. She said she knows he feels the stares that she receives, something she noticed immediately after 9/11. “It’s the difference between people looking at you and going, ‘Oh, weird, alien’ (before 9/11) and looking at you and going ‘I’m scared,’” she said. “Now I get a look of fear.”



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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Page 7

A view from a broken family HOMECOMING 2011 APPLICATIONS theatre review

by Justino Brokaw


Love, family, honor and survival, all of which are cornerstones of humanity, are at stake in Arthur Miller’s tragic play “A View from the Bridge.� Mother Road’s production makes for gripping, powerful theater. It passionately conveys the spirit and depth of the play, compelling the audience to watch as a world unravels before its eyes. Mother Road thoroughly transforms the Filling Station into a slice of 1952 Brooklyn. Having entered this world, it’s hard not to care deeply for Italian-American family trying to live in it. Longshoreman Eddie Carbone and his wife Beatrice raised their niece, Catherine, and struggled to support her. Eventually, she reaches adulthood, finds love and leaves to start her own life, but Eddie can’t let go. “A View from the Bridge� captures the family’s inert fear of this impending-yet-necessary change, and movingly depicts the bitter consequences of Eddie’s obsession. The 50s Brooklyn suburb of Red Hook is vividly brought to life under Vic Browder and Julia Thudium’s detailed direction. Kudos to Browder’s set design and Tom Struder’s lights, which create so many levels and worlds that one feels as though he has squeezed the entirety of Red Hook into the theater. Costumes by Paula Steinberg and dialect coaching by Steve Corona also largely contribute to creating the world the characters inhabit.

“The sense of dread at what is coming becomes so real that even the most harmless situations feel dangerous and uncertain.â€? The cast uniformly shines in this terrifically detailed, vibrant sandbox. Each performance is nothing less than stellar. Nicholas Ballas awes as Alfieri, a lawyer who witnesses and later becomes involved in the tragedy. Alfieri serves as chorus and narrator, and Ballas finds magic and truth in Miller’s words. Julia Harris is also wonderful as the niece, Catherine, making you feel every one of her character’s conflicting emotions and desires. William R. Stafford deserves

CHERRY SILVER TEAM SPIRIT COMPETITION Applications for both are available in SUB Room 1016. Application Deadlines:

Weds, Sept 14th - 5pm - SUB 1016 Cherry Silver Mandatory Meeting on: Thurs, Sept 15th, 5:30pm, SUB Acoma A Room King and Queen Mandatory Meeting on: Thursday, Sept 15th, 6:00pm, SUB Acoma A Room


John Mario / Courtesy of Mother Road Longshoreman Eddie Carbone, played by William Stafford, forbids niece Catherine (Julia Harris) from seeing her boyfriend, as she begins to realize his affection isn’t just fatherly. special praise for his role as the troubled patriarch at the heart of the play, Eddie Carbone. Many dramatic heroes have the flaw of hubris or ambition, yet Carbone’s tragic weakness is an excess of love. He loves his niece too much, and this single trait becomes the catalyst for unimaginable suffering. Yet Stafford plays Eddie with such honesty and clarity that you never fail to understand what he’s doing, or why. Even when the character’s actions become despicable, you feel for him. Perhaps the hardest, most crucial part of presenting a tragedy is making audience members care as much about the people responsible as they do for the victims. Mother Road’s “A View from the Bridge� does this effortlessly. The sense of dread at what is coming becomes so real that even the most harmless situations feel dangerous and uncertain. One realizes very early on that things will not end well. While Arthur Miller’s “A View from the Bridge� deals with an exact moment in our cultural history, its themes and message are universal. Like the oldest stories,

“A View from the Bridge� speaks to our humanity — the parts of us that never really change, from generation to generation. Mother Road’s excellent production suggests that the play will always be worth seeing.

A View from The Bridge

by Arthur Miller Mother Road Theatre Company

The Filling Station 1024 Fourth St. S.W.

Thursdays, Fridays at 8 p.m. Saturdays at 6 p.m

Sundays at 2 p.m. Through Oct. 2 General Admission $18,

Students, seniors $12 fillingstationabq.com


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Page 8 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011

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New Mexico Daily Lobo




The Daily Lobo wants you to enjoy the last remaining days of the heat we have grown to detest by doing something fun for you, and for your wallet. After a search on the good old Internet, we have compiled a list of free events that you can check out. If you know of a free event, email hriley@unm.edu

Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Saturday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Sundays 4-9


En joy Pat our io!

This is a sweet deal that anyone with a couple extra pounds or a lot of extra stress should take advantage of. In celebration of National Yoga month, several yoga studios in Albuquerque are giving away one free week of yoga classes to new members. You can take advantage of this deal by visiting yogamonth.org, where you can receive your Yoga Month Card and find all the participating yoga studios.


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“Suenos Urbanos” TUESDAY-SUNDAY




400 JACKSON ST SE 87108


Get published.

Are you a writer seeking recognition for your work? Best Student Essays, UNM’s premiere non-fiction review, is seeking submissions for consideration in the Fall 2011 issue. We accept essays, research papers, memoir, foreign language, scientific writing, photo essays, and any other kind of non-fiction work. We also accept two-dimensional art (paintings, drawings, digital art, prints, etc.) and photographs of three-dimensional art (sculptures, models, installation pieces, etc.) for cover consideration. Find submission forms in past issues of BSE, at Marron Hall 107, or online at beststudentessays.org. Follow all instructions on the form. Info and questions: bse@unm.edu, 277-5656.

Deadline: October 7th, 2011

The exhibit is called “Sueños Urbanos (Urban Dreams),” and it documents the migration of Aymara peasants from the less populated rural areas of Bolivia to the ultra-urban La Paz. Photographer Jerome Crowder attempts to capture the difference in lifestyles and how, for some Bolivians, the transition can be painful due to the loss of a tightknit village on which they depend. The exhibit is in the History and Literary Arts building of the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The NHCC is at 1701 4th St S.W.


REI is hosting a free basic GPS (Global Positioning System) workshop, which will include information on the basic functions of a GPS unit. You will also learn about waypoints, waypoint navigation and using coordinates. The workshop has a 25-person limit, and as of Monday at 5 p.m. there were 8 positions left. If you are interested, you can register online at rei.com. The course is from 6 – 8 p.m. REI is at 1550 Mercantile Ave N.E.

“GLOBAL Fiesta”


Unless you live under a rock, or just moved to Albuquerque, you have probably heard of ¡Globalquerque! Well, the actual event of Globalquerque isn’t free, but there is a free global fiesta at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The fiesta will showcase different music, dance and costumes from all over the world. Other events at the fiesta include instrument-making workshops and lectures, such as one that focuses on celebrating endangered languages.


Let your creative side shine this weekend and go to La Entrada Park, in front of the Corrales Library (84 W. La Entrada Rd). The gathering includes oodles of local artists of myriad mediums from sculpture to painting. Also included in the Art in the Park event is a youth tent, where local artists teach kids how to create art on different media. -Hunter Riley


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Scarring, intimacy a part of practice

Nike goes to future for Parkinson’s fund by Sarah Skidmore The Associated Press

by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Chris Jennell, a body piercer at Evolution Inc, said he learned to perform cutting because he likes blood. “Blood is cool, we’re all full of it, nobody sees enough of it,” he said. “We’re one of the most reserved people as far as modification. That’s why a lot of people are so into it, because it’s a big ‘f*** you,’ a middle finger to society.” Jennell practices other forms of body modification, such as piercing and tattooing, to further indulge his fascination with blood. Sometimes negative reactions stem from the misperception that cutting is the same as self-mutilation, he said. “There’s a reason behind everybody’s individual choices, and there’s nothing we can do to get in the way of that,” he said. “We can either choose to assist people in doing those things appropriately, or we can get in their way and allow them to self-destruct.” Aside from being eager to assist in flouting societal norms, Jennell said practicing body modification in general has become an opportunity to connect with people. “There’s a definite personal relationship there,” he said. “I mean I can pretty much, within reason, name every person I ever done cutting on, and that’s because I make it more of a personal event.” This connection, along with the sensation, are two key parts of the body modification experience, Jennell said. For this reason, he chooses not to use any anesthetic while cutting so clients can get the full experience. The tactile sensation of the scar itself is another reward, he said. Because the practice is considered a medical procedure

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 / Page 9

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo Chris Jennell used to practice what is known as scarification. Jennell would administer designs to other peoples skin by way of mutilation via razor. These techniques are illegal in New Mexico and Jennel no longer participates in them in state. Jennell does piercing work at Body Evolution. and illegal for him to perform in New Mexico, he said he hasn’t been actively doing it for the past few years. However, Jennell said he sometimes travels to do work on people. Jennell said his interest in body modification manifested when he was a teenager. He said he taught himself the techniques before receiving formal training. The primary methods of producing scars are line cutting, which draws a design into the skin with a single line, and skin removal, a process in which two incisions are made around an area of skin that is to be removed, Jennell said. Another procedure is known as “packing,” which

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involves putting coal into an open wound to enhance raised scarring. Jennell said no single demographic is drawn to cutting, so his experiences have enabled him to tolerate many different personalities. Still, he said, he is selective about his clientele. “A lot of people I turned away because I didn’t feel that either of us would be able to grow from the experience,” he said. “Some people had designs that I wasn’t interested in doing; some people’s attitudes I wasn’t interested in. Money comes and goes — I don’t care two ways about it. It’s about making sure I’m going to be comfortable with the person.”

PORTLAND, Ore. — Nike is going back to the future. The sneaker maker on Thursday said it has created a limited-edition shoe based on a glowing pair that appeared in the popular 1989 movie “Back to the Future II.” The 2011 Nike Mag is designed to be an exact replica of the fictional sneaker, including a glowing Nike name on the strap. But unlike the movie version, these shoes won’t lace themselves. Nike will release 1,500 pairs of the 2011 Nike Mag sneaker for auction on eBay and donate all proceeds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s disease research. Fox famously played Marty McFly in the “Back to the Future” time-travel trilogy, where he wore the shoes during a visit to the year 2015. “It hasn’t gone unnoted by us that there is something special about that shoe and, of course, the movie,” said famed Nike shoe designer Tinker Hatfield, who helped design the original shoe and worked on the latest version. Limited-edition shoes can draw as much mania, if not more than a new movie or comic book release. Fans obsessively track the latest news and are willing to camp out all night or spend hundreds or more for a single pair online. Nike’s collector sneaker has been long awaited by shoe collectors and movie fans who have been urging the company to make them ever since the movie was released. There were roughly ten pairs used in the movie, some of which are in Nike’s possession and a few that collectors somehow got their hands on. Owning them, or even seeing a pair of them, has become a singular pursuit for some fans. There was even an online campaign a few years ago called “McFly 2015, Make it Happen” that gathered thousands of signatures to convince Nike to bring the McFly shoe into existence. “This is the biggest thing that has happened to sneakers since Michael Jordan, hands down,” said Matt Halfhill, an avid shoe collector who runs the website nicekicks.

com. He flew from Austin, Texas, to Los Angeles for the unveiling of the shoe on Thursday, hours after Nike contacted him. “Other than the birth of one of my children, I wouldn’t have missed this for anything,” he said. Halfhill was among the revelers at Nike’s 1980s-themed launch party Thursday in LA. A line stretched around the block for the invitationonly affair at Hollywood’s Montalban theater, where tastemakers, sneaker freaks and Nike executives from around the world got a peek at the new collectible shoe. There was a DeLorean time machine parked outside, and inside, a wall of 210 of the light-up Nike Mag shoes (behind glass). A DJ spun 80s tunes before Hatfield took the stage to talk about the new shoe and officially open the eBay auction. Nike Inc, based in Beaverton, Ore., decided more than four years ago to create the shoe, but was unsure when a pair would be ready. Unlike the shoes in the movie, the real-life versions had to be designed for day-to-day use. For instance, the design used in the movie required Fox to wear a battery pack with wires running down his pants to light the shoe, which was the best technology available at the time. Hatfield said the Nike Mag has been difficult to develop and the electrical systems, which illuminate the shoe for up to five hours, have been one of the most challenging things the company has ever done in footwear. But the timing seemed perfect to bring the shoe back to support a bigger idea. That Nike is releasing the shoe in 2011 enables it to take advantage of a matching grant for the foundation. Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his wife Anne Wojcicki have offered to match all donations to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, up to $50 million, through the end of 2012. “The project is exciting to me because it brings together three very passionate audiences: the Parkinson’s community, sneakerheads and ‘Back to the Future’ fans,” Fox said in a statement. “With their support we can accelerate our objective of finding a cure for Parkinson’s.”

#64*/&44 &


Page 10 / Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Schweddy balls in new ice-cream by John Curran Associated Press

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Ben & Jerry’s has Schweddy Balls. Would you like a taste? Chill out, it’s only the name of their new flavor. Schweddy Balls ice cream is an homage to a 13-year-old “Saturday Night Live” skit featuring Alec Baldwin as bakery owner Pete Schweddy, whose unique holiday offerings included a delicacy called Schweddy balls. The company is not worried about offending people with the name, said spokesman Sean Greenwood. “We’re the caring company,” Greenwood said Thursday. “We never want to do anything that is upsetting for people. We think it’s congruent with our values, in terms of having fun. One of our principles is ‘if it’s not fun, why do it?’” Other flavors with edgy names — like Karamel Sutra and Half-Baked — were irreverent double entendres, too, he said. True. But ‘Schweddy Balls?’ The new flavor, which was unveiled Wednesday and is being offered in a “limited batch,” consists of vanilla ice cream, a hint of rum, fudge-covered rum balls and milk chocolate malt balls. It’s being sold in Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shops and supermarkets. The SNL skit, which first aired Dec. 12, 1998, starred Molly Shannon and Ana Gasteyer as hosts of “Delicious Dish,” a National Public Radio program during which they interview Baldwin’s Pete Schweddy character. “For a long time, I thought that ‘Here Lies Pete Schweddy’ would end up on my tombstone,” Baldwin said in a statement released by South

Burlington-based Ben & Jerry’s. “Now, thanks to Ben & Jerry’s, the goodness of the Schweddy family recipe won’t go with me to the great beyond.” The ice cream flavor aims to cash in on the nod-and-wink premise of the skit, and on the cache of the show. Ben & Jerry’s, a division of consumer products giant Unilever, has been down this road before. Earlier this year, the ice cream maker came out with “Late Night Snack,” with late night comic Jimmy Fallon on the label. Will consumers bite this time? Branding expert Allen Adamson said it doesn’t matter whether consumers saw or remember the original skit. Hitching the product to Baldwin and “Saturday Night Live” is a smart move, he said. “Ice cream is closer to a fashion brand than a package good,” said Adamson, a managing director of Landor Associates, in New York. The flavor’s name will generate conversation and “getting word of mouth, getting buzz, getting interest, excitement is really important.” “SNL” is still a hot show, and Baldwin has become his own brand, he said. “You don’t get noticed today without taking some risks. If you do something that offends no one, you won’t get noticed,” he said. “If you’re going to make a bet, getting connected to ‘SNL’ and Alec Baldwin, there’s a lot of upside there.” Gasteyer, for one, has tried the new flavor and likes it. “I guess you could say I’m nuts for Schweddy Balls,” she told The AP. “I don’t eat a lot of ice cream anymore, because now I’m a woman in her 40s, so I was just delighted to have the excuse.”


New Mexico Daily Lobo

AP Photo / New Mexico Tourism Department In this photo released by the New Mexico Tourism Department, residents help build what state officials are calling the “world’s largest Navajo taco,” in Gallup, N.M on Saturday. The Navajo taco was more than 10 feet in diameter and needed 65 pounds of ground beef, 65 pounds of beans, 50 pounds of lettuce and 90 pounds of cheese.

Navajo taco creates a new record Associated Press

GALLUP, N.M. — Residents in Gallup have set what is being billed as the record for the world’s largest Navajo taco, having used 150 pieces of fry bread and, of course, more than 30 pounds of green chile. Volunteers and state officials say the taco created Saturday was more than 10 feet in diameter and also needed 65 pounds of ground beef, 65 pounds of beans, 50 pounds of lettuce and 90 pounds of cheese. Bill Lee, executive director of the

Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce, said there was no standing record for the world’s largest Navajo taco in the Guinness Book of World Records, so residents created one. “We just decided we would establish the record,” said Lee. “There wasn’t anything on the books officially.” Lee said the objective was to highlight tourism in Gallup, a city located near the Navajo Nation, and to bring residents together for a cause. Among those who helped build

the massive taco were Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney and employees from area businesses. McKinney finished the construction by using a cherry-picker truck to sprinkle diced tomatoes in the taco’s center. Afterward, residents and organizers were treated to a free lunch. The event was part of the New Mexico Tourism Department’s “Catch the Kid” summer travel promotion scavenger hunt. Events with prizes of as much as $10,000 have been held in different cities around the state.

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FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 2010 13, 2011 / Page 11 Tuesday, S13, eptember

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem

ACROSS 1 Green gem 5 Runs easily 10 Ruler marking 14 High spot 15 Baton-passing event 16 Delhi dress 17 Consequences of a minor accident, perhaps 20 Less than 90 degrees, anglewise 21 Baseball card data 22 “The Greatest Show on Earth” promoters 27 Totally dreadful 28 Place for cookies 29 Like EEE shoes 30 Skin: Suff. 31 Air gun ammo 34 ’50s political monogram 35 Before long 38 Span of history 39 “So’s __ old man!” 40 “¿Cómo __ usted?” 41 Horse’s stride 42 Adjust to the desired wake-up time, as an alarm 43 Gently slips past 46 Product improvement slogan 51 Be __ model: exemplify grace in success 52 Hideous sorts 53 Cozy inn whose abbreviation is a hint to this puzzle’s theme 59 Grandson of Adam 60 Celtic priest of old 61 Basis of an invention 62 Tennis do-overs 63 1,000 kilograms 64 Word with ghost or boom DOWN 1 Sharp punch

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By Jeff Chen

2 “The Simpsons” storekeeper 3 FDR or JFK, politically 4 Wide-open space 5 Emotional shock 6 Hertz auto, e.g. 7 Of days gone by 8 Bar bill 9 Damascus’ land: Abbr. 10 “Lord, __?”: Last Supper question 11 __ decongestant 12 Greek island where Minos ruled 13 __ fit: tantrum 18 Pond gunk 19 G.I.’s group 22 Off-color 23 Tolerate 24 Winona of “Edward Scissorhands” 25 Spun CDs at a party 26 Caustic remark 30 Crime lab evidence, briefly 31 Beauty’s beloved 32 Payola, e.g.

Saturday’s PuzzleSolved Solved Monday’s Puzzle

(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

33 Mythical mangoat 35 Get noticed 36 River of Flanders 37 Lead-in to girl or boy 41 Tones one’s body 43 Enter stealthily 44 Use emery on 45 Hide’s partner 46 Genesis tower locale 47 Dancer Castle


48 No-show in a Beckett play 49 Half-full or halfempty item 50 Smudge-proof, like mascara 54 Banned bug spray 55 Certain sib 56 Commotion 57 Use a Singer 58 Beachgoer’s shade




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ENTERPRISE BUILDERS CORPORATION has an immediate opening for a Runner/Office Assistant. Applicant must be at least 21 years of age with a clean driving record and must be able to work 20-30 hrs/wk during standard business hours; 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Mon. - Fri. Candidate will be responsible for external firm related errands/deliveries and administrative duties. We are seeking a candidate who is customer oriented and possesses strong organizational and computer skills. To be considered, email your resume to Alexandra Pulliam at apulliam@ebnm.com or mail to: P.O. Box 3987, ABQ, NM 87190. Equal Opportunity Employer. PROGRAMMER - ENTRY level - small casual office. Great job for recent graduate with expertise in C++, C#, VBA and .NET. Programming, commodity and stock market price analysis, modeling. Salaried position. Send resume, $ requirements, availability and code samples to drcsolutions@gmail.com HIRING APPOINTMENT SETTERS. 9-5 M-F

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RIGHT AT HOME is looking for UNM students to help seniors with housekeeping, meal prep, transportation and personal care assistance. We offer flexible, student-friendly schedules. This experience is great for nursing or premed students. Please apply online at www.rightathome.net/albuquerque

Volunteers VOLUNTEER TO BE on a Chase Crew at Balloon Fiesta! Register Thursday, September 29th from 9-4pm or Friday, October 30th from 9-7pm at Balloon Fiesta Park. UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

Students: Place free classifieds in “Room’s for Rent” “Your Space” & “For Sale” M-F 8-5pm 277-5656

Hospice Volunteers

It’s About Life and Sharing

Call today to see how you can make a difference 505 323-1464

UNM Child Students— Need Care? CCAMPIS: Need Child Care? Need Child Care? Child Care

CCAMPIS: Access Child Care Means Access in Parents Means School! Parents in to announce the addition of We are pleased Drop-In and Evening Care services for eligible School! UNM The the goaladdition of this grantWe areStudent pleased Parents. to announce of funded program is to provide free cost Drop-In and Evening Care services or forlow eligible childcare to students with the greatest need UNM Student Parents. The goal of this grant-of childcare services. funded program is to provide free or low cost childcare to students with need of Current Availability forthe Fallgreatest 2010 Semester: childcare services. ForCurrent children Availability 6 weeks through 2 years, we have evening for Fall Current Availability for Fall2010 2011Semester: Semester: availability 9:30 pm, Monday-Thursday). We(5:30 presently have open availability For children 6pm– weeks through 2 years, we have for evening availability children 6weeks-5years We presently have9:30 open availability for children 3 years (5:30 pm– pm, Monday-Thursday). (7:30am-9:45pm Monday-Thursday, through 11 years (7:30 am-9:30 pm Monday– Thursday, and 7:30 7:30am-5:30pm Friday) am-5:30 pm Friday). We presently have open availability for children 3 years through 11 years (7:30 children am-9:30 pm Monday– years, Thursday, For School-Age 5 years-12 Please call 277-2132 for additional information or visit 7:30 am-5:30 pm Friday). haveat: evening availability our we website http://childcare.unm.edu Monday-Thursday) Please (4:00pm-9:45pm, call 277-2132 for additional information or visit our website at: http://childcare.unm.edu Please call 277-3365 for additional information or visit our website at: http://childcare.unm.edu

Free PreKindergarten Need Child Care? For eligible 4-year olds! CCAMPIS: PreK Registration Child Care is first-come, first-serve, Accessdepending on eligibility, and Means takes place atinthe UNM Parents Children’s Campus. School! We are pleased to announce addition Call 277-3365 orthe stop by of Drop-In and Evening Care services for eligible 1210 Parents. University BlvdofNE UNM Student The goal this grantfor more funded program is to information. provide free or low cost childcare to students with the greatest need of Schedule options: childcare services.

Available Current AvailabilityAugust-May for Fall 2010 Semester:

Option 1 (half-day AM)

For children 6 weeks through 2 years, we have evening availability Monday-Friday, 8am-11:30am (5:30 pm– 9:30 pm, Monday-Thursday).

Limited Spaces Available

We presently have open availability for children 3 years through 11 years (7:30 am-9:30 pm Monday– Thursday, 7:30 am-5:3012:30pm-4pm pm Friday). Monday-Friday,

Option 2 (half-day PM)

Spaces Available Please call 277-2132 for additional information or visit our website at: http://childcare.unm.edu Additional Care may be available for UNM-affiliated families

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