NM Daily Lobo 091712

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Read the comics, bro see page 10

September 17, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Cancer Center servers hacked by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

UNM Cancer Center patients’ personal information may have been accessed by hackers, who attacked the center’s server in July. Center officials said as many as 2,365 patients’ information, including Social Security numbers, names and addresses, may have been accessed. The attack occurred July 17 and all affected patients were notified Wednesday, after investigations were conducted to figure out who may have been affected. UNM Health Sciences Center Communication and Marketing Executive Director Billy Sparks said no evidence has suggested that any of the information has been used. He said that although the information was hacked, forensic analysis concluded electronic medical records and financial information were not accessed.



“The UNM Health Sciences Center and the UNM Cancer Center take this incident very seriously,” he said. “We are very sorry that this unauthorized access occurred.” Sparks said protecting privacy is the center’s priority and that HSC will continue to find ways to improve security measures. He said the center fixed the server to prevent similar attacks and will hold an internal and external risk analysis of information technology systems to address any other problems in the system. Sparks said UNM HSC has hired ID Experts, a company that specializes in computer data attacks, to provide services to the affected patients.

For more information, or to find out if you were affected, contact ID Experts at 1-866-940-3615.

Memorial to be held for former professor by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

The life of a former UNM law professor will be celebrated by the UNM School of Law. Ann Scales, 60, was a professor at UNM until 1998, when she left to join the law department at the University of Denver. She died on June 24 at a hospice in Denver, a week after she suffered injuries to her brain from a fall in her home. Scales was a founder of feminist legal theory and a local leader in the community. She founded the Harvard

Women’s Law Journal at Harvard Law School. Scales came to UNM after working at an all-female law firm in Los Angeles that paid for race and sex discrimination cases by offering services to Hollywood stars getting divorces. While at UNM, Scales worked on a case that led the New Mexico Supreme Court to decide that women’s interest in equality requires abortion funding. The UNM School of Law will host a memorial at the law school for Scales on Wednesday at 4 p.m. A reception will follow.

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo

Senior forward Devon Sandoval holds off the defensive efforts of Dartmouth to equalize in the second minute of the game. No. 7-ranked UNM men’s soccer team hosted the TLC Heating, Cooling and Plumbing Lobo Invitational last weekend, beating Dartmouth 3-2 in a game that saw four goals scored in the first 20 minutes. Ben McKendry scored the game winner in the 66th minute, scoring off a short pass from Blake Smith. The Lobos ultimately won the tournament by beating UC Irvine 2-1 in the second overtime period. The Lobos are 5-1-0 as they head into next weekend’s Nike Lobo Invitational. See the UNM vs. Dartmouth photo gallery at DailyLobo.com.

Chicago strike deal on hold by Ophia Tareen and Tammy Webber The Associated Press

Ann Scales

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 21

CHICAGO — Chicago teachers uncomfortable with a tentative contract offer decided Sunday to remain on strike, insisting they first wanted to consult with their full membership before deciding whether to end an acrimonious standoff with Mayor Rahm Emanuel that will keep 350,000 students out of class for at least two more days. Emanuel fired back Sunday night by instructing city attorneys to seek a court order forcing Chicago Teachers Union members back into the classroom. “This was a strike of choice and is now a delay of choice that is wrong for our children,” he said in a statement. Meeting a week after the start of the city’s first teachers strike in 25 years, the union’s 800-member House of

She doesn’t even go here

Ankle biters

See page 12

See page 8

Delegates didn’t hold a planned formal vote on whether to suspend the strike. They had received a summary of a proposed settlement worked out over the weekend with officials from the nation’s third-largest school district. Presented with a choice on whether to ask members to vote on a contract that union president Karen Lewis had at one point called “a fight for the very soul of public education,” the union’s members told their leaders they needed more time to talk to the rank and file. The contract would base teacher evaluations in part on how well students succeed and whether laid-off teachers would have first chance at open jobs in the district. The union will meet again Tuesday, after the end of the Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year. “We felt more comfortable being able to take back what’s on the table and let our constituents look at it and

digest it,” said Dean Refakes, a physical education teacher at Gompers Elementary School. “We can have a much better decision come Tuesday.” That timeline, however, means the soonest classes could resume would be Wednesday. That frustrated both Emanuel and some parents, who learned late at night a week ago Sunday that a flurry of last-minute negotiations had failed to produce a contract agreement and that the strike was on. “I think a week is a long time to be wasting time. Another week would be murder. I don’t think it’s right,” said Beatriz Fierro, the mother of a fifth grader. “They should be back in school. I don’t think teachers should be on strike that long.” Other parents continued to stand with the teachers. As teachers walked picket lines in the past week and rallied Saturday in a park near downtown,

see Chicago PAGE 2


88 | 50



MARCH 16, 2011


? Spurred my moment





from PAGE 1

they were joined by parents who have had to scramble to find baby sitters or a supervised place for children to pass the time. “As much as we want our kids back in school, teachers need to make sure they have dotted all their I’s and crossed their T’s,” said Becky Malone, mother of a second grader and fourth grader. “What’s the point of going on strike if you don’t get everything you need out of it? For parents, it’ll be no more of a challenge than it’s been in the past week.” Emanuel didn’t appear at a brief news conference Sunday night with city school board president David Vitale, who said 147 schools staffed with nonunion workers and central office employees would be open Monday for students who are dependent on school-provided meals.

But in a statement, Emanuel was was not mainly about money. typically blunt. He accused the union But union delegate Susan Hickey, of using the city’s students as “pawns a school social worker, said many also in an internal dispute.” He said the were upset that a 4 percent pay raise strike was illegal because it endan- rescinded by Emanuel last year was gers the health and safety of students not addressed in the proposed deal and concerned issues that state law and weren’t happy with some changsays cannot be grounds for a work es to health benefits. Even so, Hickey stoppage. said she believes the proposed con“While the union works through tract is one that teachers still could its remaining issues, there is no rea- support. son why the children of Chicago She said she and other teachshould not be back in the classroom ers are worried that if the strike goes as they had been for weeks while ne- beyond mid-week, they will risk the gotiators worked through these same wrath of parents. issues,” he said. “Personally I think there’s a lot of Emanuel believes the strike us who don’t want to lose the parenis illegal because state law bars tal support,” she said. teachers from walking out over The walkout, the first for a maCherry and Silver The University of New Mexico ® evaluations and layoffsUNM™ and re- jor American city in at least six Beyears, a Lobo™ call, spokeswoman Sarah HamilLobo Pride™ New Mexico Lobos™ see Chicago PAGEEveryone's 3 a Lob Mexico™ ton said. Lewis has said New the strike


Lob for a


issue 21 PANTONE


Mile High and Lou Lobo for Life™ We Are New Mex

The headline for the article “‘Biggest test’ is in preseason,” published in Friday’s issue of the Daily Lobo was incorrect. The Oklahoma Invitational took place before the team’s Mountain West conference schedule began, rather than before the season began. The Daily Lobo regrets the error.


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You caught my eyes with the way you rocked your cowboy boots. I hope to see you around more often.

volume 117


Did you come across someone on campus who made an impression on you? Are you kicking yourself for not asking for a phone number? The DailyLobo is testing out a new feature called “Looking for a Lobo.” Send a message to the one who got away in an email to

editorinchief@dailylobo.com and we’ll publish as many as we can. You will remain 100 percent anonymous and the feature will run on Mondays.

Editor-in-Chief Culture Editor Elizabeth Cleary Nicole Perez Managing Editor Assistant Culture Editor Danielle Ronkos Antonio Sanchez News Editor Sports Editor Svetlana Ozden Thomas MADEIRA Romero-Salas1147 200 Photo Editor Assistant Sports Editor 428 MADEIRA 1011 Adria Malcolm J. R. Oppenheim PROCESS BLACK - 23% Assistant Photo Editor Opinion/ BLACK PROCESS BLACK Juan Labreche Social Media Editor WHITE Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse 321




Design Director Robert Lundin Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin Stephanie RAKean 2263 Advertising Manager RA 2482 Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell BLACK WHITE Classified Manager Brittany Flowers


The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views ofseal the students, faculty, staffon and products for resale • University permitted PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. • Alterations to seal permitted: SIGNATURE OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. • Overlaying / intersecting graphics permitted with com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single University licenses copy of the New Mexico• Daily Lobo is free from newsstands.consumables: Unauthorized removal of multiple copies•isUniversity considered theft and may be prosecuted. licenses health & beauty products: Letter submission policy: The opinions expressedpermits are those of the authors alone. on products for resa • University numbers Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and • Mascot caricatures permitted: include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, September 17, 2012/ Page 3

Occupy Wall Street, 1 year later The Associated Press A year after they began, a look back at the rise and fall of Occupy Wall Street, the movement against corporate greed and inequality that marks its anniversary on Monday: THE ENCAMPMENTS Occupy Wall Street protesters first began camping in Zuccotti Park on Sept. 17, 2011. The small granite plaza near the New York Stock Exchange became a crowded encampment where protesters slept in tents, served buffet-style food to the masses and played drums into the small hours of the morning. The group of young people who harnessed the power of a disillusioned nation were soon joined by people of all ages, with celebrities even stopping by the park on occasion. Occupiers took to the streets chanting about corporate greed and inequality, frequently holding marches and rallies, shouting: “We are the 99 percent!” On Oct. 1, a march across the Brooklyn Bridge led to more than 700 arrests during a clash with police, garnering worldwide attention for Occupy. Encampments sprang up in cities across the U.S. and all over the globe.

THE EVICTIONS On Nov. 15, New York City police officers raided and demolished the encampment. New rules were instituted that barred protesters from bringing sleeping bags or tents back into the park. In the weeks and months that followed, Occupy encampments in other cities were also dismantled, one by one. The movement struggled to recover from the loss of the encampments. Without a place to gather, Occupy lost its ability to organize. A small band of protesters spent some of the winter months living in a series of churches around Manhattan. THE SPLINTERING The movement grew too large too quickly for the organization to keep up. Without leaders or specific demands, what started as a protest against income inequality turned into an amorphous protest against everything wrong with the world. Even before the ouster at Zuccotti Park, the movement had been plagued with noise and sanitary problems, an inability to make decisions and a widening

rift between the park’s full-time residents and the movement’s power players, most of whom no longer lived in the park. WHERE OCCUPY STANDS NOW On Monday, protesters will converge near the New York Stock Exchange to celebrate Occupy’s anniversary, marking the first day they began camping out in Zuccotti Park. Marches and rallies will commemorate the day in more than 30 cities around the world. Across the nation, there have been protests organized in the name of ending foreclosure, racial inequality, stop and frisk, debt: You name it, Occupy has claimed it. Protesters opposing everything from liquor sales in Whiteclay, Neb., to illegal immigration in Birmingham, Ala., have used Occupy as a weapon to fight for their own causes. In Russia, opposition activists protesting President Vladimir Putin’s re-election to a third term have held a series of Occupy-style protests. Young “indignados” in Spain are joining unions and public servants to rally against higher taxes and cuts to public education and health care.

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NM unlikely to tax Amazon The Associated Press

SANTA FE — New Mexico has little chance of cashing in on a windfall of tax revenue from Internet sales giant Amazon despite other states’ success in getting the company to collect sales taxes, a tax expert says. Unless Congress acts to change federal laws, none of the factors allowing other states to collect taxes affect New Mexico, Richard Anklam of the New Mexico Tax Research Institute’s told the Santa Fe New Mexican for a story in Saturday’s editions. Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, Kansas, New York and North Dakota are collecting sales taxes on their residents’ Amazon purchases. California began receiving money from sales Saturday. Even more states will begin collections in 2013 and 2014, including New Jersey, Virginia, Indiana,

from page

see Amazon page 5


canceled classes for students who just returned from summer vacation and forced tens of thousands of parents to find alternatives for idle children, including many whose neighborhoods have been wracked by gang violence in recent months. With an average salary of $76,000, Chicago teachers are among the highest-paid in the nation. The contract outline calls for annual raises, but it doesn’t restore a 4 percent raise that was rescinded by the mayor last year. Lewis said delegates weren’t willing to go back to the classroom while contract language was amended because of the level of distrust between the union and the city, and the fact the settlement on the table remains tentative. “The trust level is just not there,” Lewis said. “You have a population of people who are frightened of never being able to work for no fault of their own. They just don’t have the trust.” Emanuel, who did not personally negotiate the deal but monitored the talks through aides, has pushed hard for a contract that includes ratcheting up the percentage of evaluations based

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on student performance, to 35 percent within four years. The union contends that is unfair because it does not take into account outside factors that affect student performance such as poverty, violence and homelessness. The union also pushed for a policy to give laid-off teachers first dibs on open jobs anywhere in the district, which the city said that would keep principals from hiring the teachers they thought best qualified for the position. “They’re still not happy with the evaluation(s),” Lewis said. “They’re not happy with the recall. They don’t like the idea that people’s recall benefits are cut in half.” The teachers walked out Sept. 10 after months of tense contract talks that for a time appeared to be headed toward a peaceful resolution. Emanuel and the union agreed in July on a deal to implement a longer school day with a plan to hire back 477 teachers who had been laid off rather than pay regular teachers more to work longer hours. That raised hopes the contract would be settled before the start of fall classes, but bargaining

stalled on other issues. To win friends, the union representing 25,500 teachers, engaged in something of a publicity campaign, telling parents repeatedly about problems with schools and the barriers that have made it more difficult to serve their kids. They described classrooms that are stifling hot without air conditioning, important books that are unavailable and supplies as basic as toilet paper that are sometimes in short supply. The strike upended a district in which the vast majority of students are poor and minority. It also raised the concerns of parents who worried not just about their kids’ education but their safety. Chicago’s gang violence has spiked this year, with scores of shootings reported throughout the summer and bystanders sometimes caught in the crossfire. “I don’t like being on strike. Nobody in my school likes being on strike, but we understand the reason. It’s not an easy process,” said Michael Bochner, a teacher at Cesar Chavez Elementary. “My membership,” he said, “really wants to go back to work.”

Don’t worry... it kinda looks like you’re taking notes.

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Nevada, Tennessee and South Carolina. The legal standard for an Internet sales company be required to collect sales tax is that a firm has to have a physical presence or a “nexus” in a state. That may mean something different in each state, and what constitutes a “nexus” is open to legal interpretation. For instance, there is a court ruling in New Mexico that Dell has a nexus in the state from a thirdparty company that provided warranty service. And it is through similar interpretations that some states have negotiated with Amazon to collect and pay sales taxes. In California, Gov. Jerry Brown has maintained that a presence in the state includes marketing affiliates. Amazon decided to pay the tax to avoid losing a

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Monday September 17, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg


THE RESULTS OF LAST WEEK’S POLL: This election season, which issue are you most interested in hearing more about from the New Mexico congressional candidates?

Economic issues, e.g., job security


Higher education


Women’s issues


Health care

10% Out of 52 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Recently, Lobo Village security prevented UNM Regent Jack Fortner and his wife from visiting their daughter because Fortner’s wife did not have her ID. Do you think the heightened security measures have gone too far?

Get creative with Electoral College map by John Tyczkowski

No, Lobo Village has been nothing but a zoo with the nonstop party atmosphere, and if this is what it means to keep residents safe, then so be it. Yes, when security is keeping out more than the people causing trouble, it’s time to rethink security measures.

Yes, I remember the days when I could go to Lobo Village to have a good time, but this security system is a real downer.

What are these heightened security measures of which you speak? Can the Daily Lobo give me specifics on the new security situation?



LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

EDITORIAL BOARD Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor


So here it is, folks. Another four years have come and gone, and once again, it’s time to pick the leader of the free world. Everyone’s got something to say about the upcoming presidential election, or sometimes more than just one thing, and they’re usually very happy to have the chance to share it in the most patriotic crowdsourcing project in the country. Along with their own views and feelings about the candidates and their issues — pun not intended — some love to play with the Electoral College map, pick out the red and blue states,

Romney lies, blames, stokes fear to win votes Editor, In response to presidential candidate Mitt Romney breaking the political truce he and Obama called for on Sept. 11, and for blaming Obama for being responsible for the attacks on the American embassies both in Egypt and Libya, I’ve come up with a list about Romney and what I believe to be his future presidential plans: 1. He will add “and death to Islam” under “In God we trust” on all our currency. 2. He will amend the Constitution so that only Republicans can vote, and out of those Republicans, only rich, landowning white men will have any actual say. 3. He will decrease the minimum wage in the U.S. to what it is in China. 4. He will amend the Constitution so that businesses can lie, steal and even kill, without any threat of consequences from the law. 5. He will create new initiatives in the military so that soldiers will learn to kill protesters and other American citizens without feeling any remorse or guilt. 6. He will implement an economic policy that the pope calls inhumane and unchristian. 7. He will make Mormonism the official country religion, and force everyone to wear Mormon underwear. 8. He will allow the few voting white businessmen to choose personal slaves from the minority populations of America, just like in the good old times when the Confederate flag was flying. I’m tired of Romney’s constant lying, using fear and lies to goad the ignorant to his side. To anyone who isn’t a rich white male and plans to vote for Romney, wake up. He cares less about

bicker over the swing states and monitor the polls to see which way Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin and all the others may go. This election season, the Daily Lobo is providing a platform for our readers to share what they think the electoral map will look like with our Decision 2012 Electoral Map Contest. It’s simple: Log onto 270ToWin.com and use the interactive Electoral College map feature on the home page to craft your idea of what this year’s election map will look like. Simply click on a state to change it to red or blue, and repeat 49 times. Your decision can be based on hours and hours of research or a gut feeling. When you’re done, submit your electoral vision to the Daily


you than Obama does, and as soon as he gets into office, he will destroy your lives. Go on the Internet and look at the history of the Republican Party, and see how many messes they’ve made in history. For instance, how many people know that George W. Bush’s grandfather was a Nazi supporter who funneled money to Hitler from his America-based company? Yep, all you GOP voters put a family of Nazi supporters in the White House. Go look it up. All the information is there; you just need to spend some time looking for it. But of course, the GOP doesn’t want you to do that. Secrecy is its best weapon. Why do you think Romney still won’t release his tax returns? Caedmon Holland Daily Lobo reader

Humanity’s savagery assures its extinction Editor, I was recently asked if I thought there is extraterrestrial life. Yes, I think there is extraterrestrial life. In fact, I think representatives from highly advanced intergalactic societies visit us from time to time. They disguise themselves by looking the same as we do and stay long enough to determine if we have advanced beyond the consciousness level of interacting with each other and all else that exists on this planet and the planet itself, as if our survival depends on us dividing up into warring camps and fighting each other and depleting the resources available to us on and in this planet to the extent that the planet will very soon no longer be able to sustain us as the species we are allowing ourselves to become.

Lobo by posting the link on our Facebook page, emailing the link to opinion@dailylobo.com or by sending the link in a tweet with our handle, @DailyLobo. There’ll be an updated electoral map graphic posted online every week, based upon the submissions we received the previous week. The more submissions, the better each week’s map will represent what you’re feeling. In addition, we’ll be keeping track of who submits the electoral map closest to the actual results in November. The lucky forecaster will be rewarded with a gift card. So how about it, Lobos? It’s an election year. What do you care about?

So far, the determination has been that we have not advanced far enough to be welcomed into any intergalactic society. That is how it will continue to be until we become aware enough to begin to work cooperatively and compassionately, together, in an interdependent manner to manifest what is best for us all at the expense of no one. Otherwise, our species becomes extinct and is superseded by another species that will have the opportunity we squandered to survive and prosper. It is my opinion that we human beings on this planet are determining whether we will survive or become extinct every moment of every day by the way we are interacting with each other, all else that exists on this planet and the planet itself. As the comic strip character Pogo told us several years ago, “We have found the enemy, and it is us.” Robert Gardiner Daily Lobo reader

Tea Party ignorantly adulates US founders Editor, I’ve often wondered about the ideals of the Founding Fathers that the Tea Party seems to use as the focal point of their beliefs. I wonder if the Tea Baggers find it odd that by those Founding Fathers’ own beliefs — that a person had to be a white, landowning male to vote — a large percentage of them would be unqualified to vote. I guess history repeats itself in that many Tea Party members remain unqualified to vote, but through their own ignorance, not by the law of the land. Jason Stafford UNM student


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, September 17, 2012/ Page 5

Renoir found at flea market

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by Brett Zongker

The Associated Press WASHINGTON — A woman who paid $7 for a box of trinkets at a West Virginia flea market two years ago apparently acquired an original painting by French impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir without knowing it. The woman considered discarding the painting to salvage its frame, but instead made an appointment to have it evaluated in July by the Potomack Co. auction house in Alexandria, Va., said its fine arts director Anne Norton Craner. When the woman pulled the painting out of a garbage bag she carried it in, Craner was nearly certain the painting was a Renoir with its distinct colors, light and brushwork. A plaque on the front labeled it “Renoir.� “My gut said that it was right, but you have to then check,� Craner said. French handwriting on the back of the canvass included a label and number. Craner turned to the catalog by French gallery Bernheim-Jeune that’s published all of Renoir’s work. “Low and behold, it was in volume one,� she said. An image of the painting was published in black and white, and the gallery’s stock number matched the flea market find. So Craner made a digital image of the flea market


from page

painting, converted it to black and white for a closer look, and the brush strokes also matched, she said. “It’s not a painting you would fake,� Craner said. “If you’re going to fake something, you’d fake something easier.� Painting No. 24349 turns out to be Renoir’s painting “Paysage Bords de Seine,� which translates to Banks of the River Seine, Craner determined. It dates to about 1879 and measures 6 inches by 10 inches. The painting is set for auction Sept. 29. It could fetch $75,000 or more, Craner said. Elizabeth Wainstein, owner of the Potomack Co., said there’s no doubt about the painting’s authenticity. The Shenandoah Valley woman found the painting and kept it in storage for nearly two years has declined to publicly disclose her name. After weeks of research, Craner believes Renoir gave the painting to a woman who modeled for him. The painting was then sold to the Bernheim-Jeune art gallery for 5,000 francs in 1925, according to gallery records. The following year, the gallery sold the painting to American lawyer Herbert L. May who kept homes in New York and Geneva and also worked for the government in Washington. As far as Craner can tell, May kept the painting in his personal collection until his death in 1966. It’s a mystery, though, as to how the


court decision that might have included owing back taxes for several years — especially since it would have to pay anyway when a new Amazon distribution center opens in San Bernardino, Calif. The company’s distribution center expansion, driven in part by the desire to have oneday delivery across the nation, also means the company will soon have a physical presence in more states. New warehouses are planned or under construction in California, Tennessee, New Jersey and Virginia. Anklam said the Internet tax debate has brought small local businesses, which see an unfair competition from Amazon and other online sellers, to unite with state governments, which want

a broader tax base to weather downturns. Even Walmart, which has physical locations in all 50 states, supports leveling the playing field for Internet sellers by having them pay a sales tax. The disparity is even greater for businesses in Santa Fe, where there is a higher gross-receipts tax than elsewhere in United States, Anklam said. That is why many are hoping the issue is resolved in Congress, where several bills are aiming to apply consistent laws to online retailers that can be enforced across the country. “There is more interest than ever, because the states are all hurting for money and the local businesses have a competitive disadvantage,� Anklam said.

painting ended up in West Virginia. Still, its provenance is fairly short as the painting has not traded hands many times. “It just did what paintings do sometimes — they kind of disappear out of circulation,� Craner said. “That’s what is so fantastic. This painting’s been unseen since 1926.�

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Page 8 / Monday, September 17, 2012


New Mexico Daily Lobo


‘We were awful’ Lobos to regroup and reassess after 49-14 loss at Texas Tech

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners! Men’s Soccer

defeated Dartmouth 3-2 and UC Irvine 2-1 to win the Lobo Invitational

Women’s Soccer defeated NMSU 1-0


defeated SMU 3-0

AP photo Junior Texas Tech wide receiver Javon Bell (left) breaks Lobo senior cornerback Destry Berry’s tackle on Saturday. UNM allowed 702 yards on defense in a 49-14 loss at Texas Tech.

by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com

The last two minutes of the first half at Texas Tech were a series of unfortunate events for the Lobo football team, resulting in a 49-14 loss. The Lobos (1-2) were down 28-7 with a little more than two minutes left when sophomore Chase Clayton returned a 98-yard kickoff return for a score, his second of the year, to bring the Lobos up to 14 points. Texas Tech (3-0) answered right back with a 1:32 drive, recovered an on-side kick and scored the final touchdown of the half. Red Raider quarterback Seth Doege tossed an 11-yard score to Darrin Moore with only five seconds left in the half to push the lead to 42-14. Junior linebacker Dallas Bollema said UNM has to keep working on its scheme in order to stop spread offenses like Texas Tech. “We are going to see more spread offenses; we just have to keep working on our zones right now and keep everyone involved in the game,” Bollema said. UNM couldn’t slow down the Red Raider offense in the first half as Texas Tech tallied 455 yards of total offense, with Doege accounting for 302 yards through the air. Head football coach Bob Davie said he wasn’t satisfied with the

Lobos on either side of the ball. “I’m embarrassed by the performance. We were awful. Let’s call it what it is,” he said. “We are starting this thing over Monday. There is a shared responsibility to get this right. We were so bad that there is no excuse for how bad we were on defense.” The Lobo offense mustered 88 yards in the first half, the majority of which came off of a 79yard touchdown drive, capped by junior running back Demarcus Rogers’ 2-yard touchdown run to make the score 14-7 at the start of the second quarter. Senior starting quarterback

“I’m embarassed by the performance. We were awful. Let’s call it what it is.” ~Bob Davie head coach B.R. Holbrook said Texas Tech doesn’t deserve all of the credit for its victory. “They took a lot of things we wanted to away. We never really could get into a rhythm tonight,” he said. “It seems like we beat ourselves tonight.”

Doege continued his dominance of the Lobo secondary with five touchdown throws in the first half; he also had five touchdown passes in last year’s contest. Luckily for the Lobos, Texas Tech pulled the reigns in the second half. The Red Raiders reached the end zone one more time with Doege’s career-best sixth touchdown pass with 12:35 left in the third quarter to put Texas Tech up 49-14. “Their twos (subs) were in there the most part of the second half,” said Davie. “I guess it’s good to be good friends with Tommy (Texas Tech’s head coach) because he pulled the dogs off.” Doege ended the game with 340 passing yards going 27-of-35 with six touchdowns through the air. Doege completed three touchdowns to redshirt junior wide receiver Eric Ward and two to sophomore tight end Jace Amaro. The Red Raiders finished the contest with 702 total yards of offense and had two 100-yard rushers against UNM. Eric Stephens had 118 yards with a 9.8 average, and Kenny Williams gained 105 yards with a 7.5 average per carry. The Lobos’ vaunted option attack churned out just 84 yards on the ground on 35 attempts with a 2.4 yards-per-carry average. “We have to go home and we have to look in the mirror across the board,” Davie said. “We have to start coaching better. It’s that simple.”

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The volleyball team had its 11-match win streak snapped following a 3-0 loss to Oklahoma on Saturday night at the Oklahoma Invitational. The set scores in that match were 25-17, 25-9 and 25-19. The win streak was the thirdbest in school history. The UNM record for consecutive wins came in 1991 when the Lobos won 16 straight matches. The Lobos earned two wins earlier in the tournament, defeating Arkansas-Little Rock in five sets (18-25, 25-20, 25-27, 2518, 15-12) on Friday and SMU in three sets (25-14, 25-21, 25-22) on Saturday. Senior Chantale Riddle and junior libero Miquella Lovato were named to the alltournament team. It is Riddle’s third honor and Lovato’s second of the season. UNM extended its season record to 12-2 following its final competition before MWC play this week. The team’s next game is on Thursday against Colorado State at Johnson Gym at 7 p.m.

Cross country

Junior Janna Mitsos clocked a fourth-place time of 18 minutes, 19 seconds, leading the UNM women’s cross country team to a second-place finish at Kachina Classic, hosted Saturday by New Mexico State. Sophomore Nicola Hood had a strong outing as well. Her sixthplace mark of 18:43 helped UNM score 48 points. Hood ran her first race since an Achilles tendon injury sidelined her in 2010. Juniors Chloe Anderson and Sam Sheppard also placed in the top 10. Anderson was eighth in 18:55 and Sheppard placed 10th in 18:56. True freshman Adrianna Lopez was 26th in 19:45. NMSU won the women’s meet with 32 points in the 5-kilometer event. The UNM men, meanwhile, finished third with 85 points, behind UTEP (29 points) and NMSU (30 points) in the 8-kilometer race. Sophomore Chris Montoya had the best time for the Lobos. He finished the race in 26:13 to place 11th. Other Lobo men’s runners at the meet included sophomore J.P. Cordova (13th,

26:17), sophomore Vincent Montoya (23rd, 26:58), redshirt freshman Austin Alexander (36th, 29:00) and redshirt freshman Kyle Fast Wolf (39th, 29:44).

Men’s tennis

UNM junior Mads Hegelund lost in the quarterfinals of the Midland Invitational on Saturday, falling to TCU’s Arnau Dachs 7-6, 6-3. Hegelund reached the quarters following a 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 win over Tulsa’s Grant Ive. Hegelund also had Friday wins over Nebraska’s Brandon Videtich and Wichita State’s Guillermo Nicol. Sophomore Samir Iftikhar also lost his Saturday match, a 6-4, 5-7, 7-6 setback against Texas’ Nick Naumann. Iftikhar defeated Nebraska’s Marc Hermann on Friday to reach the third round following a first-round bye. Sophomores Mitch McDaniels and James Hignett lost their consolation matches.

~compiled by J.R. Oppenheim

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W. Soccer

from PAGE 12

UNM forward Stephanie Rowe and midfielder Rachel Montoya had the most chances to score with five shots apiece. Rowe attempted three shots on goal. Both teams played a scoreless first half with few offensive opportunities. UNM had eight shots and two shots on goal, while

M. Soccer

NMSU had one. In the half, midfielder Dylann O’Connor and forward Natalie Jenks had the shots on goal for the Lobos. The Lobos also had one corner kick in the first 45 minutes and five for the game. NMSU did not attempt a corner kick. “That’s two games in a row

that we’ve gone almost the whole 110 minutes,” NMSU coach Blair Quinn said. “That was our fifth game in 10 days, and for our girls to play like that and fight like that against a team everybody knows is as good as UNM is — I’m very proud of them.”

ball and missed an easy goal. It was one of many chances the Lobos left on the field. Fishbein said UNM had several opportunities to put away the game but couldn’t cash in on any of them. “That’s a game that we put ourselves in more trouble than we needed to. We should’ve put the game away early; it shouldn’t have been 1-0 … What more can you say? The challenge to our guys is you take those chances, and you don’t leave teams in it,” he said. “And you left a much lesser team in the game,

and soccer is a crazy game in which it takes some crazy bounces. Who would’ve thought they tied it up? Our reaction was good, and we got a good goal to win it.” Baldinger has only six career goals and said he scores in late game situations because he excels under pressure. “It’s been my life since last year, and if you look at it, all of my goals, they have been game winners,” he said. “Unfortunately, I don’t get a lot of goals, but when they do, they count, and that’s all I care about.”

from PAGE 12

finished it off so… I’m real proud of them, but there were some things that gave us a little more stress than we needed. We got the win, and that’s what we have to focus on.” Sophomore James Rogers scored the first goal of the game after senior Blake Smith made a split-second pass through defenders to an open Rogers for an untested goal, putting the Lobos up 1-0 in the 59th minute. In the 84th minute, senior Devon Sandoval ran a breakaway down the field and made a rocket pass to Smith, who whiffed on the

The Daily Lobo is looking to hire a

multimedia editor Apply at unmjobs.unm.edu

Art & Music


Dancing With The Dark 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell Dr. NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. Recognized as one of the pioneering voices that championed feminism, The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell Dr. NE

The first group exhibition of its kind at the UNM Art Museum to feature innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art & Art History and Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, and six guest artists from San Francisco and Santa Fe

Meetings Rosh Hashana Day 1 9:30am – 2:00pm Almumni Memorial Chapel

Theater & Films

People Before Profit Film Series 7pm SUB Theater The film series showcases a variety of documentaries on social justice issues and will feature discussion afterwards facilitated by both students and professors.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

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Events of the Day

Things to do on campus today.

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lobo features

Page 10 / Monday, September 17, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Year Zero Weekly Horoscopes by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Spottieottiedopalicious Capricorn—Although you feel as if you’ve been doing nothing but organizing and rethinking old habits, this week is when you’ll put those new ideas and habits together to create a new lifestyle. It’s important that you have your personal life well-organized before Saturday when the sun enters relationship-focused Libra. The more sure you are of yourself, the better off your relationships with others will be. Aquarius—This week is like the last leg of a very long race, though you’ll experience something like a second wind to make you burst through the finish line at the end of the week. You’ve aptly tended to menial tasks these past few weeks, and now you feel compelled to be really bad to make up for lost time. Don’t let this good work go to waste; just imagine ways to make the mundane extraordinarily entertaining. Pisces—Your indecisiveness has gotten the best of you these past couple of weeks, which wouldn’t be a problem except that your stress level is off the charts. This is often your cue to escape, leaving the problem for time to resolve. This is only digging you a deeper hole, my friend, so give yourself a swift kick in the butt and get to it. You know what needs to be done, so move. Aries—Have you been feeling flares shooting from your pupils at the most well-meaning of offenders? It’s hard to contain irritation when it strikes, but you stand a good chance of creating some holes in your social networks, especially in the professional world. Do yourself a favor and enter a stress-management regimen. This week calls for lifestyle changes, so find one that works. Your people will surely thank you. Taurus—You’re not one to be

rushed or coaxed into anything, even if it’s something you acknowledge you’re responsible for or want to do. But a strange bubbling has arisen, and you feel oddly compelled to do all kinds of things. With the dreams this energy gives rise to, you’ll have no problem taking action. Just be sure you allocate some of that rush to the ho-hum you signed up for long before the surge came your way. Gemini—You’re a born perfectionist, though you typically keep the criticism aimed at yourself. With the Virgo influence lately, you’ve been catty and intolerant of other people’s missteps. It’s not others; the problem starts with you, not necessarily your relationships. Try to heal the wounds that have caused you to lash out lately. Most importantly, learn to forgive yourself and forgiving others will come naturally. Cancer—Congratulations are in order for your tireless work ethic over the past month. This should not encourage you to go on the way that you have been. Give yourself a few days of pampering to recover. Having succeeded in both extremes, the key is to strike a balance. It’s important you treat yourself now and then, though you’re more likely to pamper others. Time to treat yourself the way you’d treat others. Leo—In the most loving way possible, the cosmos are trying to tell you to stop being so bossy. You often know what’s best and act accordingly, which inflates your ego at times, boosting you above the little people who you think don’t know how to behave. Embrace the fact that every human is imperfect, yourself included. Mind your own p’s and q’s for a bit. This way, you have more energy to make your own life the best it can be.

Virgo—Take time this week to

put the world into perspective. It’s likely that what you’ve considered to be realistic is in fact a harsh outlook on matters. If you relax and let thoughts come and go as they please, the answer may come of its own accord. You’ll have to work, but in a different way than you’re used to. Finding solutions is a matter of relinquishing your desire to control. For now, you need only control this tendency. Libra—After the new moon Saturday, you finally feel as if you’re making some headway with personal goals. A weight has been lifted, rendering you more able to pursue the variety of activities and interests you prefer to dabble in, though lately you’ve felt obligated to marry a single pursuit and stick with it through thick and thin. Dance with this new lightness and enjoy the fresh flow of ideas this week. It’s time to begin again. Scorpio—You have been like the seven dwarves these past few weeks, chipping away at the black mass that is the unknown. People wonder what you’re so driven toward, and even you have trouble answering, because it is yet to be discovered. This week, you’ll find a lovely surprise that turns your world upsidedown. Spend time reveling in the hidden beauties of the world, rather than getting mired in the messiness. Sagittarius—By the end of the week, you’ll finally be able to shrink those mountains into molehills. Life has been overwhelming, to say the least, and at times like this it’s easier to focus attention on the little things to avoid what really needs to be dealt with. Tackle business and cut the “issues” that really aren’t so much problematic as they are nuisances to ignore. Don’t focus so much on the end result; just enjoy testing a variety of approaches.

dailysudoku Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to last week’s problem available at


dailycrossword Across 1 Sunday celebration 5 Streisand, to fans 9 __ d’art 14 “Don’t think so” 15 Spherical hairdo 16 “We tried everything” 17 Frozen dessert franchise 18 Experienced tradesperson 20 “I knew it!” 21 Wrestling duo 22 Set (down) 23 2002 Best New Artist Grammy winner Jones 25 Openly declares 27 Military stint 31 High-end German car 34 Dutch bloom 35 Neeson of “Unknown” 36 Rocker Bon __ 39 Al or Bobby of racing 42 Old Ford models 43 Fields for flocks 44 Delete 46 Marine predator 47 Bank heist idler 52 Fed the poker pot 54 “Groovy!” 55 Plop down 57 Gave power to 61 Old hand 62 Pulverizing tool powered by gravity

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64 A blue moon, so to speak 65 Overplay the part 66 Actor McGregor 67 One of the deadly sins 68 Pastor’s abode 69 Tax return IDs 70 Tunneling insects Down 1 Deviant sci-fi character 2 Sound of a sneeze 3 Outback automaker 4 Bashful 5 Peninsula bordering California 6 In __: out of it 7 Very dry, as Champagne 8 Angry with 9 “__ Time”: ‘70s jazz musical 10 Baby in blue bootees 11 Skydiver’s outfit 12 Biblical birthright seller 13 Canvas shelter 19 Seagoing military force 21 Commandments pronoun 24 Craftsperson 26 South Dakota’s state fish 28 Winter bug 29 Very loud noise



Find the solutions to last week’s puzzle at DailyLobo.com 30 Surprise win 32 Family man 33 AOL pop-ups 36 “The Back-up Plan” actress, in tabloids 37 Atop, poetically 38 Break suggested by the starts of this puzzle’s four longest answers 40 Historical span 41 Uncooked 45 Hourglass stuff 47 Actress Rowlands

48 One of four singing brothers 49 Toy that goes “bang” 50 Not moving 51 Henhouse perches 53 Little laugh 55 Champagne flute part 56 “__ la Douce” 58 High-end German cars 59 Tilt to one side 60 Sea eagles 63 Liq. measures 64 Pie __ mode


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Services AGORA HOTLINE IS now online. Chat: www.agoracares.org TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. WE BUY JUNK cars! Cash! 702-1483. SEEKING PHYSICS TURTOR for Physics 161. Prices negotiable. Contact Rachel at 620-2036. WANTED ASAP: TUTOR for biochemistry 445, Intensive Biochemistry I, Call Joe at 220-4115. HYPNOTHERAPY ACCELERATE LEARNING and Healing, Ease Pain, Change Habits. Call 575-312-9608. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

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WANTED ROOMMATE TO to share Broadstone aptartment. Prefer female, serious student, n/s, clean, mature, friendly. $400/mo. Call/text 208-9937141.

ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 3BDRM house with male and female college students $317/mo +utilities. Located near Constitution and Eubank. For details email mvillalo@unm.edu LESS THAN 1 block from UNM! 2 females in house on Stanford. Seeking clean quiet female student for attached room $300/mo. Call/text Jenny: 505400-1901. SEEKING MALE UNM student to take over Lobo Village lease September 2012-13. Will pay your first month’s rent. Email rharding@unm.edu or call 505-293-1074.

For Sale GENTLY USED WHITE iPod Touch 64GB 4 gen. $290 obo; iPod, USB cord, earphones & two cases. Excellent condition, no damage or scratches. Call Julie, 505-804-9695. BLACK & WHITE bandana print SKULLCANDY headphones (Snoop Dogg edition) 4sale! Barely used, no damage, excellent cond. Bought for $100, selling for $50. Julie, 505-804-9695. LANDYACHTS LONGBOARD SWITCH 37/Spud Edition. Super nice and smooth. Bought for $250 plus tax/shipping, selling for $125. Call Julie at 505804-9695. GENTLY USED TURQUOISE & white Huffy Cruiser bike for sale $120 OBO. Call Emily 505-328-4331. 2000 CHEVY BLAZER 4WD, navy. clean interior, runs great. call/text for pics and details. 575-808-2874. $3800 OBO. HP 210 NETBOOK $150 pink exterior 250GB HD 1GB RAM. Webcam 10.1 in screen. Wi-Fi, windows, battery, charger, black sleeve. tribou@unm.edu 505-507-1262. REMEMBER BRADLEY’S BOOKS 505379-9794. HP 210 NETBOOK $150, pink exterior 250GB hard drive, 1GB RAM, Webcam, 10.1 in. screen, Wi-Fi, Windows 7, battery, charger, black sleeve. etri bou@unm.edu or 505-507-1262.

Vehicles For Sale 1997 HONDA ACCORD. Excellent condition. Well maintained. $3500 obo. 415515-5462. 1999 SUBARU FORESTER S. Auto. Nicely equipped. 115k. $4950. maintained. 505-280-7509.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to UNM campus. Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038.1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties. com

1988 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER FJ62 Automatic, 35inch tires like new. Runs very strong, OME suspension lift, ARB bumper, CB radio, Clean interior. zia66@unm.edu

1BDRM. HARDWOOD FLOORS, fenced yard, pets okay, off street parking. Recently remodeled. 1119 Wilmoore SE. $495/mo. $500dd. Available October 1st. 362-0837. 1BDRM. HARDWOOD FLOORS, Fenced yard, w/d hookups, pets okay. 1119 Wilmoore SE. $495/mo. $500dd. Available October 1st. 362-0837.

Houses For Rent GUEST HOUSE. 1BDRM. Available October 5th. 611 Silver SE. No pets, offstreet parking, pool in summer, prefered grad student. $585/mo +gas and electric. 250-2800.

Rooms For Rent LOBO VILLAGE LEASE! Swimming pool, great gym, hot tub. Awesome roommates! Female only. $519/mo. 307-689-9522. LOBO VILLAGE MALE room for rent. Large living room. Large kitchen. Close to gym, swimming pool, hot tub and bus stop. Great roommates. 505-550-9646. QUIET MALE ROOMMATE to share 4BDRM house. Girard and Silver. $310/mo. +utilites. Ken 604-6322. STUDENT WANTED TO share 3BDRM 2.5BA home 10 mins from campus. Price $450/mo. includes utilities. Call 505-399-9020. SEEKING RESPONSIBLE FEMALE grad student to share house 4 blocks from campus. WiFi, cable, dishwasher, washer/dryer, off-street parking. $510/mo, utilities included. Email cwalk er@unm.edu


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1BDRM $535/MO IN NE Heights. All utilities included, WiFi, Direct TV, W/D. “450”Sqft. Call Paul 293-5157. www. craigslist.org (Under: Albuquerque, appartments/housing, post #3244925974).




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Monday, September 17, 2012/ Page 11

Jobs Off Campus

MATH/ SCIENCE TUTOR. Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry, Physics. $13-$18/hr. Send resume to in fo@apluscoaching.com CASUAL TUTOR-APPLIED Technologies Math Program (0601440) – Assistance Centers for Education. Responsibilities: Assists students individually or in small groups in the review of course material, solving of problems and preparing for tests. Coordinate and/or conducts workshops and study groups for students. Maintain a weekly schedule of available hours for student appointments for content course and/or learning strategies in tutoring. Maintain instructional materials collections, (textbooks, calculators, software, etc). Coordinate and/or conduct marketing activities such as class visits and new student orientations. Provide point-of-use guidance to users in selecting materials to fit their individual learning needs. Serve as communication link and faculty liaison between their school and ACE. Assist Learning Center Supervisor with recruiting, screening, hiring, orientation, mentoring and retention of part-time, peer (student) and/or volunteer tutors. Assist workshop facilitators with accurate and timely data collection and analysis. Mentor new tutors to include providing feedback through tutor session observations. Assist with coordinating and conducting staff training in tutoring techniques, learning styles, adult learning theory and tutoring students with special needs.To ensure compliance with federal and college requirements some mandatory training must be completed for this position. Salary: $11.52 per hour Requirements: Successful completion of 30-hours of post-secondary course work to include minimum nine (9) hours of Applied Math, Construction Math, or Electronics Math, and Trigonometry, or equivalent. Transcripts verifying these specific courses are required at time of application; official transcripts are required at time of interview. Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills and human relation skills with a diverse population; ability to relate one-to-one and in small groups utilizing a variety of tutorial methods; computer literacy. Deadline for application: 09-182012 by 5pm. Central New Mexico Community College provides an excellent benefit package that includes: a pension plan, health, dental and vision insurance, disability and life insurance. A complete job announcement detailing required application documents is available at jobs.cnm.edu or at CNM Human Resources 525 Buena Vista SE,Albuquerque, NM 87106. TALIN MARKET IS hiring for all positions. Please pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE. LOOKING FOR A great job that works with your school schedule? Red Lobster Cottonwood is hiring for all positions. Apply online at www.redlobster.com. Questions? Call 922-0266 and speak with a manager.

M&M SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an honest sales representative. Hourly plus commission with benefits. Flexible with student schedules. Bring resumes to: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque NM, 87106 from 9am- 1pm.

MALE PERSONAL ASSISTANT for bookman/ spiritual director. Morning schedule. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com

SPRING 2013 TEACH and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. $1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance. Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 11/31/12. Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr

TALIN MARKET IS looking for morning stocker. Hours from 6am- 10am Monday-Friday. Starting pay at $9/hr. Please pick up application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE.

MARKETING STUDENT NEEDED PT to help local flower shop with online marketing through social media, email, and other online methods. To apply email al buquerqueflorist@hotmail.com or apply in person at 3121 San Mateo. !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. CAREGIVERS: GET PAID to offer companionship and assist senior citizens with daily tasks (cooking, light cleaning, errands, medication reminders, and sometimes personal care). Rewarding employment and excellent experience for nursing and health sciences students. No experience needed; training provided. Part time work with studentfriendly, flexible schedules. Apply online at www.rightathome.net/albu querque GET CORPORATE MONEY out of politics. $8-13/HR, full and part time. Call 505-255-6061.

FEMALE NUDE MODELS needed for art photography. 433-9948.

CHILDCARE WORKERS NEEDED for NE Heights church. Wednesday mornings and occasional evenings. Experience and background check required. Call 856-5040 x120. CAST & CREW wanted, no experience needed for union and non-union movies. Call for appointment 505-8840557. 24 hour hotline: 505-796-6464. www.A1StarCasting.com AFTER-SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS needed to implement fun educationa curriculum in science, cooking, technology, sports, creative arts and music. Must be available M-F 1-6 pm. PT $12.00 hr.Some prep hours may be required. Must have reliable automobile to travel NE, NW and University areas & able to lift at least 35 lbs. 2+ years of experience with school-age children preferred. Apply online at www.campfire abq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.


Jobs On Campus

DG’S DELI IS hiring enthusiastic, motivated, experienced cashiers and sandwich artiists.Clean appearance a must, Apply in person 1418 Dr MLK . EARN $12/HR! THE STEM UP grant is now hiring Peer Mentor Leaders for the fall 2012 semester. If you meet the following qualifications and you want to mentor prospective and new transfer students from CNM, please apply. Qualifications are: 1) Current STEM Major at UNM: Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Planetary Science, Engineering, Environmental Science, Math, Nutrition, Physics, or Statistics. 2) Took one or more classes at CNM. 3) Have a minimum 3.0 GPA overall. Apply for this unique opportunity at jobs.unm.edu with the posting number 0816651.

Find your next employee of the month. Advertise in the Daily Lobo Classifieds. 505-277-5656


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LoboSoccer Sports editor / Thomas Romero-Salas



Monday September 17, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Men break tie in final minute of second overtime by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com

The UNM men’s soccer team needed double overtime to dispatch UC Irvine 2-1 on Sunday. With fewer than two minutes left in the second overtime, freshman Ben McKendry sent a corner kick flying to redshirt sophomore Carson Baldinger, who headed it in for the golden goal in the 109th minute. Baldinger said he was just in the right place at the right time for his first goal of the season. “The first corner we had at the end of the last two minutes, Ben put the ball right where I was before we had the second corner that ended up winning it,” Baldinger said. “I stayed in the exact same spot, and he honestly put it in the exact same spot, and it was the same exact header, same play, it just went in this time. All the credit goes to him and the defense for the win today.” The Lobos had a 1-0 lead with 20 seconds left in regulation when UNM was called for a foul, and UC Irvine set up right at the top left of the Lobos’ box. The Anteaters shot the ball to the goal, but senior goalie Victor Rodriguez deflected it straight to UC Irvine sophomore Cameron Iwasa, who scooted the ball through a sea of bodies to tie the game 1-1 with three seconds left. Baldinger said the goal was unfortunate because the Lobos had dominated the Anteaters throughout the second half. “It was crazy, but we can’t be giving up fouls in late minutes of the game. If we do that, we get susceptible to getting scored on. They rushed it, and we didn’t get anybody in front of the ball, and we didn’t get any pressure on it,” he

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Sophomore James Rogers looks for any damage done to his elbow after a foul by UC Irvine player Tarek Morad (6). UNM defeated UC Irvine 2-1 in double overtime to improve to 5-1 on the season. said. “Then we won the initial header, but we didn’t have any bounce on it. It was a great finish, a great shot and it went through a bunch of bodies.”

Head coach Jeremy Fishbein said the win is the only thing that matters after such a taxing game. “I think just like Friday, the focus needs to be on the positive, and

you’re going to have some of these games over the season,” he said. “And the guys stayed confident and

see M.

Soccer PAGE 9

For multimedia coverage of UNM vs. UC Irvine visit DailyLobo.com

Women rule in Rio Grande Rivalry match, win 1-0 by J.R. Oppenheim


Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Junior Brianna Webster pushes past fallen NMSU player Elise Nordin on Sunday. UNM won the game in double overtime thanks to Elba Holguin’s first goal of the season in the 108th minute.

Goals were so rare for the Sunday evening UNM-NMSU women’s soccer match that the ball did not see the back of the net until the 108-minute, 9-second mark. Junior midfielder Elba Holguin scored the game’s lone goal with 1:51 left in the second overtime session, leading the Lobos to a 1-0 win over rival New Mexico State. Holguin scored from 12 yards out off a centering pass from senior forward Jordan Craig. Junior defender Liz Nare set up the scoring opportunity with a long pass to Craig. “It was awesome,” Holguin said of her first goal in 2012. “I saw the far corner open and just went for it.” UNM (4-4-1) spent most of the match on its offensive end, limiting NMSU’s scoring chances. The Aggies (1-5-2) had three shots total, compared to 22 from UNM. On all NMSU shots on goal, Lobo senior goalie Kelli Cornell made the saves. Saturday’s match was UNM’s second home contest of the season. “I think we started off a little slow with all the road trips and everything,” UNM head coach Kit Vela said. “I think a lot of players came on and did a nice job. There were a lot of nerves for some firsttime starters.”

see W.

Soccer PAGE 9

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