NM Daily Lobo 092111

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Drowning your sorrows see page 4

September 21, 2011

wednesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Mascots rally against pricey textbooks by Tamon Rasberry news@dailylobo.com

Textbook Rebellion, a national movement to lower textbook prices, visited UNM Tuesday with its mascots, Mr. $200 Textbook and the Textbook Rebel. UNM’s chapter of New Mexico Public Interest Research Group sponsored the event to gather petition signatures and get students interested in ways to lower textbook prices. “This event is important because students care about textbook costs,” NMPIRG organizer Rashi Mangalick said. “The average student pays $1,100 or more on textbook costs, and it can even deter some people from wanting to go to college because they can’t afford it.” Textbook Rebellion advocate Nicole Allen said the rallies held at more than 40 campuses across the nation have been successful. “We are starting to see a lot more affordable alternatives come to the market,” she said. “In the longer term we’re seeing solutions like open-source text books, which the Textbook Rebellion is really focused on promoting. They’re freely available online and can be purchased at a low cost.” Student and PIRG intern Alexandra Chin said she hopes the rally brings together students’ and faculty members’ concerns about textbooks. “This rally rebellion is very important because school revolves around textbooks,” she said. “NMPIRG did a study, and they found that there is a large percentage of students who aren’t buying the books because they’re too expensive, and that takes away from their education.” Mangalick said the goal of the event was to encourage at least 200 students to sign the petition.

Zach Gould / Daily Lobo “The Textbook Rebel,” mascot for a national “Textbook Rebellion” campaign, gets students pumped outside the SUB on Tuesday about lowering textbook costs. Event organizers said they hoped to get more than 200 signatures on a petition calling for lower textbook costs during the event.

Roybal: Students want rec center by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

The UNM Master Plan outlines a plan to build a new recreation center and update Johnson Gym, even though a proposal to fund a new recreation center using student fees was voted down in the ASUNM elections last fall. “The University and ASUNM ask students for their input on everything and then ignore it, it seems like,” said student James Brown. “Whether it is the presidential search, or new construction or new services, no one seems to pay attention.” ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal said she believes students want a recreation center, and that the ASUNM measure did not pass because of technical reasons. “I think (the proposal) was poorly worded and that is why it didn’t pass,” she said. “The way in which it was phrased made no one want to vote for it.” She said the current plan has no cost estimate, no definite de-

Inside the

sign, and is a placeholder for the future of the University rather than a design for the present. “Things don’t happen at UNM overnight,” she said. “If they were saying ‘we are going to build a rec center tomorrow using an increase in student fees’ I might be upset, but the Master Plan is a long-term plan for the future, and at some point Johnson needs to be updated. I’m not sure how to fund it, or what it will cost, but that is something they can look at in the future.” Roybal said UNM is overdue for a new recreation center. “UNM is far behind its peer institutions, and Johnson is not exactly a state-of-the-art facility,” she said. “I think students do want it, and I think it’s something we need, but part of the reason it didn’t pass is economic times are hard. Some students just can’t afford an increase in student fees right now.” Mary Kenney, the University planning officer, said her department is listening to students.


Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 23

See page 2

“My intent is to suggest that from our interviews, numerous meetings and comments, there is interest in having a freestanding recreation center,” she said. “Student Affairs also supports the notion that this would bring value to our students by enhancing recruitment and retention. UNM is one of the few universities nationally that does not have a free-standing rec center.” She said the goal of the plan is to save space and have a starting point for construction when the time is right to expand recreation facilities. “In the future, should the students desire a recreation center, having an area reflected in the Master Plan’s land-use plan ensures that there will be an appropriate location,” she said. UNM spokeswoman Susan McKinsey said student opinions have changed since four years ago. “ASUNM and the students were

see Master


UNM Crime Statistics 2008 to 2010 Crimes reported to UNMPD




Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter




Negligent Manslaughter




Sex Offenses, Forcible




Sex Offenses, Non-Forcible








Aggravated Assault








Motor Vehicle Theft








Hate Crimes




Liquor Law Arrests




Drug Law Arrests




Illegal Weapons Possesion Arrests













Liquor Law Violations Referred For Disciplinary Action Drug Law Violations Referred For Disciplinary Action Illegal Weapons Posession Violations Referred For Disciplinary Action

Plan PAGE 3

Lobo tennis See page 6


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PageTwo Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Career Paths A weekly peek at unique niches

by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Mia Mendoza is the director of recruitment and training for Agora Crisis Center, a position that has her responding to emergency situations every day. “We talk a lot about taboos that many people are uncomfortable with,” she said. “We talk about abortion, domestic violence, suicide, mental illness and we talk to people in the darkest times of their lives, but these are also the times when they have the greatest chances for growth.” Agora Crisis Center is a statewide organization with ties to national help lines across the globe. Their purpose is simple: listening. The UNM center, which opened in 1970, is the oldest student-run crisis help line in the country. Agora provides counseling and referral services to people of all ages. Mendoza said the center at first received 50 calls a year, but last year the number of calls exceeded 13,000. “I’ve heard every possible situation. We’ve got calls from people that had a bad day that are grumpy or are stuck in traffic, we get calls from homeless people that need somewhere to sleep,

and we get calls from people that are victims of terrible crimes.” Mendoza said one of the most difficult parts of her job is dealing with suicides-in-progress, situations in which a person has the means or has already begun the process of committing suicide. “Personally, I’ve probably dealt with 50 suicides-in-progress,” she said. “It’s a really highstress situation, but most people that die by suicide don’t call a crisis center first, so by them calling us, it’s a cry for help and we try to read between the lines a little bit, because part of them obviously does want to die, but part of them is reaching out for help.” Mendoza said roughly 10 percent of calls to the center deal with suicide. She said she is required to live within 15 minutes of UNM and carry a pager to ensure quick response to suicides-in-progress and other serious calls. Mendoza said the key to suicide prevention is to keep talking. “Suicide prevention happens 10 minutes at a time,” she said. “We can talk them down on the phone. We’ve never had anybody die on the phone.” Mendoza said suicide prevention can be almost counter-

Mia Mendoza works at Agora Crisis Center as the director of recruitment and training. intuitive. “It doesn’t help someone who is suicidal to say, ‘You don’t want to do that,’” she said. “In some way they obviously do, and they just want someone to understand. It sounds crazy to say this, but you’re not going to push

someone to the edge by saying (you) understand what they are going through. It’s about listening, not arguing.” Mendoza said traumatic experiences in her own past have given her the empathy she needs to help others.

“I came from a pretty abusive childhood,” she said. “I don’t think we really know how to listen, especially when we can’t relate, and that is what we need. … I think everyone has times in their lives where they need some help.”

unm news updates

NM Board of Finance approves Master Plan

Field won’t be named after criminal donor

DWI case extended for former Lobo athlete

Ongoing construction may disrupt commute

New Mexico’s Department of Finance, Board of Finance Division approved UNM’s improved Master Plan at a meeting Tuesday. “The Board of Finance approves all of our projects,” UNM Spokeswoman Susan McKinsey said. “It doesn’t involve any funding.” The board also approved more than $3 million for renovations of the Lobo baseball field and $1.5 million to replace chilled water piping in UNM’s law school, projects that are not part of the Master Plan.

UNM won’t name the renovated baseball stadium after donor and businessman Johnny Cope in light of Cope’s criminal record. UNM officials said the ballpark will remain “Lobo Field” even after the $3.3 million renovation project, $1 million of which Cope donated to the field. Gov. Susana Martinez told UNM the renovation could face opposition if it were named after Cope. Cope donated money to former Gov. Bill Richardson and, according to Martinez, was convicted of several drug-related offenses in the 80s. UNM plans to begin construction in November.

Former Lobo basketball player Dairese Gary’s DWI case was given an extension during a court hearing on Tuesday. Gary’s attorney requested more time to interview a third witness in the case, so Gary will not be back in court until November. Gary was arrested in May after crashing into mailboxes at an apartment complex near Candelaria Road and Carlisle Boulevard. Gary’s blood alcohol content was at twice the legal limit when he was arrested, according to police. Gary and his attorney had no comment. UNM told KOB Tuesday that Gary is helping to coach the basketball team this year, but is not getting paid.

Students can expect more construction delays. The intersection of Yale Avenue and Lead Boulevard closed Monday and will be closed though Oct. 19. The street will be under construction seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Northbound traffic on Yale will be detoured west on Coal to University, north on University to Central, and then east on Central to Yale. Southbound traffic on Yale should go west on Central to University, south on University to Coal and east on Coal to Yale.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 23

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Master Plan

from page 1

pushing for a new recreation center,� she said. “When you have been here for so long, you realize there are cycles. Things change and different students and administrations have different goals.� UNM student Alice Rodney said students are only concerned

about themselves and not the future of the University. “We all need to realize that the things we talk about doing at our University now are not things we will see in the time we spend here,� she said. “It’s about consideration of the present for the needs of the

days to come. It’s about caring for the students who will be participants in the future of this University, the future we can build for them by being a little less selfish and realizing what needs to be done and taking it upon ourselves to do it.�

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 / Page 3

Graduating Soon? ... What Next? Consider An MBA Earning a Master’s Degree can add over $1 million to your lifetime earnings

New professor nabs ‘dream job’ by Charlie Shipley

charlieshipley84@gmail.com Associate Professor of History Mike Ryan will join UNM’s Institute of Medieval Studies after leaving a tenured position at Purdue University in Indiana. His new UNM office is filled to the brim with books on everything from medieval sorcery to the practices of ancient Christianity. The largest piece of art in the room is called “The Triumph of Death,� and it depicts the myriad ways a person could die in the early modern age. Ryan said he celebrated the publishing of his book, A Kingdom of Stargazers: Astrology and Authority in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon, by getting a sleeve tattoo of a 14thcentury French translation of an early medieval text called “On the Properties of Things.� Daily Lobo: What brought you to UNM? Mike Ryan: I love it here; this is a dream job for me. I first came to New Mexico in 2007 for a conference that my colleague Tim Graham was putting together for the Medieval Academy of America. I fell in love with the city, I fell in love with the University, I really dug the people that I met, and I was just absolutely blown away by it. I actually told my partner, who was from the west and wanted to retire in the west, ‘They’ve got medievalists here. Most likely they’ll never have another job for another medievalist, but if they did, I’d apply for it.’ In the meantime, I just kept trucking along at Purdue. Then last year, I saw the position had opened up, and I contacted Professor Graham, who was my Latin professor at Western Michigan, and I said, ‘Professor Graham, what’s going on? I thought you had medievalists.’ He said, ‘We lost our medievalists because they took jobs in California and we’re in desperate need.’ All the stars aligned properly, I ended up getting offered the position and I

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took it. DL: Why New Mexico? MR: I loved it. I thought the culture was fascinating. I thought it was absolutely amazing in terms of its natural beauty, I love the climate, I love the food, I thought the people were fantastic. I was trucking along, we were perfectly fine to stay at Purdue for the next 30 years or whatever and build my career there, but when this opportunity presented itself, I had to go for it and just see. DL: Red or Green? MR: I think I prefer red, believe it or not. I love green chile, but I kind of like the red a little bit more in terms of the subtlety of the flavors. But I do love green chile and love the scent of roasted chile. DL: What attracted you to medieval studies when you were starting out in your career? What were you interested in when you went to school? MR: When I was a kid, I used to really be into fantasy. Reading it and also playing Dungeons and Dragons and all of that. I had always had a predilection in middle school and high school for the humanities. I was fine in science and chemistry, physics, math courses, but I really found that I loved the literature courses, the social studies courses, the languages. That’s the stuff that really drove me. When I went to the University of Florida where I did my undergrad, I realized in my first semester that I wanted to be a history major. DL: What do you say to people who wonder why medieval studies should be studied at all? MR: It’s a relevant discipline. When you look at a place like New Mexico, there is a certain quality to it, where you get a sense of latemedieval and early modern ideas that are still prevalent. In terms of just the place names, the culture of the society, you can see this tangible representation of the past all around us in New Mexico. That’s a huge reason why it’s relevant. For many of the students that are here, the end of the middle

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Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Medieval studies professor Mike Ryan first came to the UNM for the Cara Conference in 2007. He said he fell in love with the area and the campus, and this year the University offered him his “dream job� as a professor in the medieval studies program.

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ages is roughly 1500. You’re a college student sitting in a lecture in 2011; some of these students are going to think, ‘How does that influence my life, my day-to-day existence?’ I’m always trying to show the relevance of medieval studies, why it’s important, why we still have the echoes of the medieval past today, and how we learn from this past to prevent any future mistakes. I always use the example of the university itself. When we think about a university structure, we don’t have the same sort of campus and regalia and all of this that we think of with a modern university in the middle ages. Yet, the university in its current form emerges in the cities of medieval Europe, where you have a relationship between an instructor and a group of students, where this information is being disseminated and digested and elaborated upon. This is part of the outgrowth of the medieval world that is today still in existence.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday September 21, 2011


Letters Make a real difference at Amnesty International Editor, Recently, I’ve heard grumblings about the seemingly growing amount of apathy displayed by members of the “Millennial Generation.” I don’t buy it. Millennials are coming of age and entering the workforce in an environment that’s completely different than that of earlier generations. We’ve seen the economy rise and fall, we don’t know what it’s like not to be at war and we’ve watched our governments and leaders inflict injustices on people in other countries as well as those living in our own.

“This is a daunting, yet incomprehensive list of challenges that our world faces today.” ~Adrian Carver AI-UNM co-president This is a daunting, yet incomprehensive list of challenges that our world faces today. It’s possible that the sheer volume of issues that need to be addressed intimidates our generation — but your readers should know, for some of us, it’s a call to action. There are a number of groups that are working to address and correct the injustices we see in our communities. One organization is Amnesty International at UNM. Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 3 million supporters, members and activists in more than 150 countries and territories who campaign to end grave abuses of human rights. For the past two years, AI-UNM has been developing, training and motivating activists at the University. Our vision is for every person to enjoy all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards — and this can be your vision, too. Please check out our Student Activist Training on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 10am-5pm. Find us on Facebook for more information. For those readers who are observing so much apathy around them, I issue this challenge: Do something about it. Together we can make a real difference in our community. As students and Millennials, we have a voice and it’s up to us to use it. Amnesty International is just one such opportunity, and we welcome you to join us. Adrian Carver co-president, AI-UNM UNM student

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


Business model not for classroom by Carrie Cutler

Daily Lobo Columnist

In the last few years, I’ve been to an increasing number of initiatives that use business customer service training as a way to view the duties of a teacher. They always strike me as depressing to attend, because teaching is highly skilled and highly complex, much more so than any of the customer service I’ve done. My feelings aside, it’s in the classroom where I see the more serious problems with this way of viewing learning. Students know this intuitively, psychologists and sociologists know this through research and teachers know this by the reaction of students and by their own experience as students. Learning involves risk, because learning changes you. In order to learn, you have to accept and be able to negotiate the systems of reasoning that underlie a discipline, and the general set of assumptions that underlie college education. After a college education, you are not the same person you were before you entered, something many students find out when they realize that they can’t even talk to friends and family who have not also had this experience. The student cannot always be right, because learning changes you. Students are not customers. They may be able to take their money elsewhere (maybe), but they’ll have to change no matter what. This means not only that customer service models cannot work, but also that they actively interfere with the process of learning because they insist that the consumer (the student in business-centered education models) can retain being right and not have to engage in risk to learn. The student has to assume his or her previous ways of understanding could be wrong, or at least in need of correction If you aren’t in need of correction, don’t

bother to pay for college; college is for people who know they don’t know everything. You can’t learn if you don’t believe you could stand to be corrected. This is also the basis of the scientific method: If it can’t be falsified, it can’t be proven, either.

“A teacher has to know enough to be useful in the classroom, but must always be open to continuing to learn. ” Of course, this goes both ways. In the student-teacher dynamic, the student cannot be the only person who could be wrong. A great deal of my teacher training was also wrong, in the spirit of discussing ‘wrongness.’ A teacher can neither always be wrong nor always right and, therefore, an authority. I was trained to believe that I must always be right and can never apologize or otherwise behave as if undergraduate students could be potential peers. I think that is in error. Undergraduates, like people everywhere, will tend to fulfill a teacher’s expectations. Expectations are not the only force operating in the classroom, but because undergraduates are professionals in training, they tend to take a great deal of behavioral cues from their teachers, who represent professionals to them. A teacher has to know enough to be useful in the classroom, but must always be open to continuing to learn. Classrooms full of students have individual characters that require adaptation, just as the body of knowledge in a particular subject also changes and requires adaptation from the teacher to stay current. It’s a god-awful

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mess of work, but it is a necessary mess. In the classroom, this need for risk means that there must be a culture of mutual trust, no small feat for students and professors who may have had fairly negative experiences in education previously. That burden is heavy on the teacher, who has to be consistent and considerate when offered an opportunity to do so that doesn’t make learning more difficult (like allowing students to constantly turn in late work or grade inflation). Through my teaching experience, I have previously not been stopped by illness, by worry over my own grades, by a divorce or, in two cases, couch-surfing because I could not afford to pay rent. I have tried to keep those things out of the classroom because of my position in it. The person directing the class can ill afford to put herself in the center of learning — my students should learn more about the subject than they do about me. I have no doubt that I failed on occasion, for which my classes have my apology. While I believe customer service models represent a threat to learning, I think that there is one thing which can be taken, albeit heavily modified, from the idea of customer service. In my years of working minimum wage, I noticed that customers would sometimes come in with the understanding that they needed something and the willingness to work with me to get it. In those cases, as in my classroom, I can help. Even when the consumer or student was poorly prepared for the discussion, did not have the necessary supplies or was otherwise incapable of taking an easier route to get there, I could help. In teaching, unlike in customer service, I can see someone not just getting a product they want (as if learning could simply be a product! How awfully cynical and small that makes learning!), but someone in a position to have a better life. For me, that is the better service.

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo women’s golf

lobo football

‘Practice year’ over, ready to win by Mundo Carrillo ecarr50@unm.edu

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Deon Long tries to evade a tackle at Saturday’s home game against Texas Tech. Long has thus far accounted for nearly half of all of the Lobos’ offensive yards this season.


Freshman shines while team loses by Thomas Romero-Salas tromeros@unm.edu

Deon Long is one of the only bright spots on this season’s UNM football team. Through three games of the 2011 season, wide receiver Long has made an impact on the team by being its most potent offensive player. The freshman has accumulated more than half of the Lobos’ total offense through the first part of the season, with 496 all-purpose yards.

“You have to prepare every day. You can’t just come prepared Saturday.” ~Deon Long freshman wide receiver Head coach Mike Locksley said Long has played well, even with the rest of the team struggling. “I thought Deon Long played well with the opportunities he had and he competed well,” Locksley said after Saturday’s loss to Texas Tech. If it weren’t for two overthrows by quarterback Tarean Austin, Long might have had an even more successful day against the Red Raiders. On Saturday he had his best game of the year, with 258 all-purpose yards. “Yeah I was frustrated, but the frustration went away quick because I knew there would be other opportunities,” Long said. With the miscues, Locksley said he feels that the blame is on both the quarterback and receiver for not being on the same page.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 / Page 5

“It’s a little bit of both,” Locksley said. “Deon ran a great route, and we got to put the ball on him.” Even with the team’s poor performance, Long said he feels that the Lobos will be able to overcome its lackluster start to the season. “I expect to win these next two games and get out momentum, and I expect the program to get off from there,” Long said. Long has paid his dues in his own right by sitting out last year due to the NCAA transfer rules (he transferred from West Virginia University), but during that experience, he said he learned what it would take to become better. “I learned that it’s not high school anymore,” he said. “Everybody has the same goal. Everybody has that drive in them. You have to prepare every day. You can’t just come prepared Saturday.” His time on the practice squad and on the sidelines has helped the wide receiver, but he said he still feels he has much to improve on, such as recognizing defenses. “I can get better at everything — running my routes, being more explosive, being more physical in the running game,” Long said. Expectations are high for the first year starter as he said he wants to garner some individual awards when the season is over. In order to do so, Long will have to make the most of his touches, and he said he is already planning on doing that. “I just want to be consistent, and every time I get the ball just go above and beyond what everyone expects from me,” Long said. While Long is gaining yards, the Lobos, who are 0-3, can only hope that their breakout player can help them gain some wins, too.

The UNM women’s golf team opens its fall season at the Branch Law Firm/Dick McGuire Invitational Sep. 25 and 26 at UNM Championship Golf Course. For a majority of the players, this is the tournament that they are looking forward to the most. Last year the Lobos finished 10th in the tournament and the year before they finished second. Needless to say, this year they are looking for a win, to senior Rebecca Hellbom said. “All of us are ready to win that tournament and place really well, and just go for the win,” Hellbom said. Hellbom said it would mean

a lot to her to win her last home tournament. This year, the Lobo golf team is composed of just six golfers, and Hellbom and senior Sarah Salvo lead the team. The Lobos were a young team last year, so players said they have high hopes that they are going to do better this season. “We had sort of a practice year last year,” Hellbom said. “Now I think we’ve grown together. We’re a lot stronger and our motivation is up one step.” Last season was the first for Belgium-native Manon De Roey. She said she is over her first-year jitters and that she is ready to perform at a high level this year. “My first year was really difficult,” De Roey said. “I was just stressing for every tournament. I’m more relaxed

right now and ready to play the game and enjoy it.” The Lobos play in four tournaments this fall. Following their home tournament, they travel to Glenview, Ill., for the Windy City Collegiate; to Norman, Okla., for the Suzie Maxwell Berning Classic and finally to Austin, Texas for the Betsy Rawls Longhorn Invitational. De Roey said the Lobos aren’t taking any of the opposing teams lightly this year. “All the teams are good,” De Roey said. “We just want to beat them all.” Even though the fall season hasn’t started yet, Hellbom said she has set her sights on next’s April’s Mountain West Championship, where the Lobos finished sixth last spring.

see Golf page 6


Page 6 / Wednesday, September 21, 2011


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The UNM men’s tennis team hasn’t won the Mountain West Conference since 2009, but the team’s goal each season is to win the conference and go on to conquer even greater feats. Ben Dunbar, a senior, said the 2011-2012 squads reminds him of the one in 2009 that won the conference and earned a bid into the NCAA tournament. “We always set expectations of making the NCAAs, which we did my freshman year,” Dunbar said. He said the 2009 team had a mix of veterans and newcomers. The Lobos are returning all but one player this season and added three more players to the roster, which he said will help the team get back on the map. “Hopefully that gels together to become another conferencewinning team,” Dunbar said. The regular season doesn’t begin until 2012, but head coach Alan Dils said the fall is a good way to give younger players experience. “The whole idea of the fall is to get a lot of matches, and you really prepare your players, work on some things, so you’re ready to go when we get to late January,” Dils said. So far the team has competed in two tournaments, one in Las Cruces and one in Midland, Texas. Dils sent freshmen James Hignett and Samir Iftikhar and sophomores Mads Hegelund and Mitch McDaniels to compete in Las Cruces. Iftikhar placed second in the singles tournament and McDaniels and Hegelund teamed up to take second in the doubles tournament. “I was pleased,” Dils said. “These four guys went down there and represented UNM very well.” This past weekend, Dils sent some of his more experienced players to compete in the Midland Collegiate Invitational. Juniors Jadon Phillips and Conor Berg and Seniors Carl Ho and Phil Anderson all participated in the tournament, but no Lobo advanced to the main draw on Saturday. Phillips is also part of a topranked duo. He and Anderson


Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Carl Ho, front, practices with doubles partner Matthew Neeld at the Lobo Tennis Complex. The Lobos’ next tournament is this weekend in Denver, Colorado. are ranked 18th in the country as still working on my game or trying to doubles partners. find my game, like I used to.” The real test for the Lobos is four Dunbar competes this weekend months away, when the regular at the Denver Invitational, and said season begins. the team is capable of being a top After each of his first two seasons program like the 2009 team, but evwith the Lobos, Dunbar returned eryone has to lead the way. home to England for the summer “If we’re going to be successful to visit family, play a couple this year, even the freshmen who tournaments, and relax. come in, they’re going to have to be This summer he sacrificed fam- leaders as well,” Dunbar said. ily time to stay in Albuquerque, and Dils will try to earn his sixth consaid staying at a high elevation over ference title as a head coach and said the summer helped him maintain this is the team that can get it done. his conditioning at a high level. “This team is deep enough, strong “I kind of feel like I’m a little bit enough, experienced enough that ahead of the game,” Dunbar said. we should be a top 30-35 team in the “It’s nice to be ready to go, instead of country,” he said.

from page 5

“I really want to win the conference,” Hellbom said. Last year Texas Christian University won the conference, and Hellbom said it is important to beat TCU before the conference

championship. “It’s always fun to beat them before we come to conference to have that confidence in us,” she said. The Lobos finished fourth place at last spring’s conference tournament,

the closest they came all season to a win. Hellbom said she wants to change that this year by setting an example for her younger teammates. “I really want to be a good leader for my team,” she said.

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo



dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


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By Julian Lim

3 Heart-to-heart 4 Gardner of mysteries 5 Shrewd 6 When strokes begin to count 7 Rip off 8 Couch potato’s fixation 9 Pavement warning 10 Game with tumbling blocks 11 *Unauthorized stories written by devotees 12 Author Calvino 13 Confine again, as swine 18 Trails 23 “Did we get the bid?� 24 Orion Mars mission gp. 25 Acid container 26 Some arena displays, briefly 27 Bar from a dairy case 28 *Pro shop freebie 29 Pre-speech obstacle 32 St. Patrick’s Day dance

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

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34 Ye __ Shoppe 35 Bog fuel 37 Big name in online poker 38 March __: Carroll character 40 Sound at a shearing 41 Stormy weather gear 43 USC athlete 44 Cold weather wear


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