NM Daily Lobo 100611

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

October 6, 2011

Til’ death do you part


see page 4

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Permit a must for protestors by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Protesters camped in the rain at UNM at the corner of University Boulevard and Central Avenue Tuesday night. UNM officials made an announcement Wednesday that protesters need to apply for a permit before noon today if they plan to stay at the location.

Tutor: APS ‘insufficient, apathetic’ by Greer Gessler ggessler@unm.edu

The amount of students attending Albuquerque Public Schools that don’t graduate is 37 percent and, of those, many have trouble earning their GEDs, getting jobs or attending college, GED Preparatory Program officials said. A group of graduate students at UNM hopes to change that. The Community Health Equity Working

Group (CHEWG), Youth Development Inc. and UNM’s College of Education created the GED Preparatory Program to tutor students hoping to earn their GEDs. Graduate student and Co-founder of CHEWG Douglas Daugherty said Albuquerque has had dismal graduation rates for 61 years. “I would argue that the whole entire system is failing our children,” he said. “One-third of all graduating high school seniors enrolling at

“Occupy Albuquerque” protestors braved the wet weather Tuesday night as they continued to protest in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, but UNM officials said protesters must get a permit before noon today if they plan to stay. “This is my fourth day sleeping out here,” Hani Barghout, former New Mexico Tech student, said. Barghout is camping out with about 20 other protestors on UNM’s campus on the corner of Central Avenue and University Boulevard. He said the wet weather hasn’t deterred him. “It was very wet, we made tents out of the tarps,” he said. “We are still here.” UNM issued a statement Wednesday night asking the protesters to apply for a permit in order to occupy UNM’s grounds. “We are looking for an opportunity to provide a teaching moment to explore their issues,” the statement said. “UNM has specific policies in place to ensure that all groups are treated equally.” GPSA President Katie Richardson said she supports free expression on campus. “In this nation, we have a tradition of having a healthy dialogue about what our community should look like and what our economy should look like, and that has often started on college campuses,” she said. UNM community member Sean Scott said he came to the protesters’ campsite to talk to them about the movement. “I’m not sure I agree with them,” he said. “The gist of all this is they are against corporations, how big they are and how much money they make, but if

see Occupy

AlbuquerquePAGE 3


UNM must be placed in 100-level classes due to the lack of preparedness by the Albuquerque Public School System.” He said New Mexico currently ranks 49th in the nation for quality of education, and the United States ranks 43rd worldwide in percentage of Gross Domestic Product spent on education. APS has a graduation rate of roughly 63 percent, and a stu-

see Tutors PAGE 3

Thefts spike in January, August by Charlie Shipley

charlieshipley84@gmail.com The beginning of a new semester brings a high incidence of larcenies and thefts, UNM Police Department officials said. “It is a big problem,” UNMPD spokesman Lt. Robert Haarhues said. “Every year we have a new batch of freshmen who come in and there’s a learning curve because they’ve been at home where their parents would lock the door for them.” Last week, a laptop and an iPod were stolen from a Lobo Village apartment and a backpack was stolen from a chair where it was left in the SUB, police reports said. Haarhues said most thefts can be

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 34

attributed individuals being careless with their belongings. “There are those putting backpacks in study areas and then walking around,” he said. “Always be aware. Don’t leave stuff unattended.” Police logs show the number of larcenies per month tends to drop off later into the semester. Reported incidents of theft, including bikes, wallets, backpacks, laptops and iPods, decreased from 71 in August to 58 in September of this year. Haarhues said campus parking lots provide easy opportunities for theft because many students leave their belongings unsecured. “Security is not there all the time,” he said. “Don’t leave your backpacks. Don’t leave your Apple

computer on the seat.” Haarhues said Johnson Field is another area with a high incidence of theft. He said students often leave their backpacks unattended while they run or exercise. Though thefts declined campuswide in September, Zimmerman Library has seen an increase in theft during recent weeks, associate dean Nancy Dennis said. Employees started noticing an increase in reported thefts starting around Sept. 20 or 21, and she said Zimmerman added a security officer and put up signs warning students by Sept. 26 or 27. Dennis said library staff members try to watch unattended laptops or backpacks. “But we can’t be everywhere all the time,” she said.

Where does it end up?

Style on file

See page 6

See page 10

Isabel Hees / Daily Lobo John Gourley, lead singer and guitarist of “Portugal. The Man” plays with his band at Sunshine Theater Tuesday night. The band is No. 1 on College Music Journal’s top-200 most played on college-hosted radio stations.


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Photo essay: Rainy nights

Fred Lopez plays guitar in the rain outside of Brickyard Pizza while waiting his turn to take the stage Tuesday night. On Tuesdays, Brickyard hosts an acoustic-themed open mike night.

volume 116

issue 34

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo

Earn 12 UNM credit hours and Intern with a member of Congress Five $5000 scholarships available

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Page 3

Boehner: No penalties for China by Jim Abrams

The Associated Press WASHINGTON — House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday dismissed a Senate bill that could punish China for undervaluing its currency, saying it was “pretty dangerous� for Congress to tell another country how to run its monetary policy. Boehner’s statement to reporters came a day after the Senate voted 7919 to advance legislation making it easier to impose trade penalties against China for manipulating its currency to make Chinese goods cheaper and American exports more expensive. Lawmakers have tried for the past six years to impose unilateral penalties on Beijing, and after Monday’s vote, supporters said they had the momentum to get a bill through Congress this year. “Here in the Senate we have heard the message loud and clear,� Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Tuesday. “We can’t ignore blatant, unfair trade practices that put American workers at a disadvantage.� Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., a chief sponsor of the bill, came to the Senate floor to respond to Boehner, “The only thing that would be dangerous would be to continue turning the other cheek while China continues its assault on U.S. jobs,� he said. Most economists say the Chinese currency is undervalued by about 30 percent, with some estimates of up to 40 percent, giving Chinese exports a significant advantage against American competitors. Schumer pointed to comments made on Capitol Hill Tuesday by Fed. Chairman Ben Bernanke expressing concern that “the Chinese currency policy is blocking what might be a more normal recovery process in the global economy.� Boehner, R-Ohio, said he

Occupy Albuquerque

understood the concerns, but was not sure that congressional action was the way to address the issue. His position was not far from that of the Obama administration, which has said it is reviewing the Senate bill. In general, the administration has said it is pressuring China to alter its exchange rate to better reflect market values but has cautioned against taking unilateral action. Many economists say China, the largest holder of U.S. debt, would respond with retaliatory measures against U.S. producers. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., also warned that unilateral action could backfire. “What we’re really doing is pursuing the wrong issues in the name of trying to make ourselves look good back home.� But House Democrats accused Boehner of siding with the multinational companies that largely oppose the Senate bill and against the small businesses that are looking for relief

from page 1

I was to guess I bet they all shop at Walmart and drive cars built by corporations, so I think most of them are probably hypocrites. They are dependent on a lot of the things they are protesting for all of their stuff.� Barghout said that is exactly what the group is trying to change. “Since I’ve been out here I haven’t spent any money,� he said. “And what is the alternative (to buying from corporations), the whole point is that there is no choice.�


J. Scott Applewhite / AP Photo House Speaker John Boehner takes part in a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, where he dismissed a Senate bill that could punish China for undervaluing its currency.

Scott said while he may not agree with the movement, he supported the group’s right to protest. “It’s a public University, and these people have the right to free speech, it doesn’t bother me.� Birdsong bookstore offered the protesters use of its bathroom and electricity to charge phones and laptops.

from unfair Chinese competition. Democrats cited estimates that forcing China to realign its currency could support 1.6 million American jobs. “The House Republican leadership should not stand in the way of jobs and the American people,� said Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee. “This is a lot of jobs we are talking about,� said Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J. “I hope the Republicans will rethink their knee-jerk reaction.� They noted that a year ago the House passed a more narrowly drawn measure on a 348-79 vote and that a majority of Republicans supported it. They said a bill introduced by Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, has 225 co-sponsors, more than half the House, with 61 Republicans signed on. Associated Press writer Stephen Ohlemacher contributed to this report.

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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Junfu Han contributed to this report.

from page 1

dent body of approximately 90,000 students. Co-coordinator of the GED Preparatory Program Tony Padilla said students drop out of school for many reasons, but that the system is usually to blame. “Some of them are teen parents, some are homeless, many have been criminalized or brutalized by the police, some come from families that care little for them or their potential, but almost all are the victims of a system that is by design insufficient and apathetic,� he said. “These children are being left behind, and I would definitely term this situation as an epidemic.� UNM’s GED Preparatory Program held its first orientation for

tutors last week. The program currently has 20 tutors, but Daugherty said there are three times as many students. Padilla said many students in the program hope to pursue degrees at UNM or CNM. “Whenever I ask the class who among them intends to go to either CNM or UNM, an overwhelming majority raise their hands,� he said.

For more information on how to become a tutor or take the class, contact Tony Padilla at (505) 712-9901 or tpad79@live.com.

Correction: In the Oct 5 Page 2 feature, Career Pathways, the final quote from Megan Martinez references several states’ versions of the DREAM Act, which often include in-state tuition, but have no power to grant lawful status to students. The proposed federal DREAM Act Martinez was referencing in previous paragraphs would require that applicants arrive before the age of 16, graduate from high school and obtain at least two years of a college education or military service in order to apply for lawful status in the U.S.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Thursday October 6, 2011



UNM the perfect spot for Occupy Albuquerque Editor, For thousands of years universities and public spaces have been the natural ground for the expression and debate of philosophical and political ideas. It was so in the Greece of Socrates and Plato, it was what brought light to the Dark Ages, and it has always been the safest environment to move us forward in the world of ideas. Since Saturday, a group of people have been meeting on the corner of Central Avenue and University Boulevard. The location was chosen over other options partly because of its central location and traffic, but also because many of us feel at home on UNM’s grounds as current or former students. We placed ourselves away from classrooms and main corridors on campus to allow normal campus life to continue while offering and encouraging everyone in the institution to share their ideas. We have also presented our commitment to UNMPD to maintain a drugand alcohol-free environment, promote nonviolence, respect the property and work with them to promote public safety. The exponential growth of the assembling group is proof that Albuquerque residents are in need of a space like this to express their social concerns and contribute solutions. The general assembly has already debated and voted on a number of proposals, and there are more coming every day. We thank the support of students, teachers and neighbors and encourage their participation. While it is out of the question that UNM belongs to all of New Mexico’s tax payers, we acknowledge UNM’s administration of the campus and are happy that it is allowing this public debate to take place on UNM premises. We want to thank the UNM community for unofficially letting us stay on the beautiful hill of the southwest corner of UNM. Sebastian Pais Alumnus Former ASUNM Senator

UNM needs new CAPS, not new rec center Editor, CAPS, in Zimmerman Library, is a critical resource at UNM. Unfortunately, because of the recent rapid increase in student population and chronic under-funding, CAPS is having difficulty handling large numbers of students in the very small area which is located at Zimmerman Library. Instead of building a new recreation area, let’s build what we really need at UNM, a new CAPS with increased funding and increased access for all students. Frank Martin UNM student

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


Buying sex not always dirty, wrong by Hunter Riley hriley@unm.edu

Editor’s Note: The Daily Lobo would like to remind readers that the views expressed in this column are no way representative of the paper or staff as a whole. Disclaimer: This column acknowledges and discusses sex. Prostitution and New Mexico have shared some headline space recently. The most notable cases include the 2009 West Mesa murders, ex-UNM President F. Chris Garcia’s arrest in July on suspicions of involvement with the online prostitution ring Southwest Companions, and Judge Albert Murdoch’s arrest, also in July, on suspicion of raping a prostitute and intimidating a witness. Garcia’s case was postponed until the District Attorney’s Office re-files. The Murdoch case was dropped, but could also be re-filed. I am not saying what Garcia did was okay. He knowingly committed a crime, but Southwest Companions is the only case that, as far as we know about the ongoing investigation, isn’t linked with violence or the death of a human being. So what are some reasons, aside from the obvious one, for people to go to prostitutes? There are several reasons someone might solicit a prostitute that are often overlooked. Someone with a disability may have trouble finding a sex partner, so having someone who is experienced, patient and understanding may let them have fulfilling sex. People whose spouses are terminally ill might see a prostitute (maybe with permission) so their sexual needs can be met while continuing to be their spouses’ caregiver. Sex workers provide a service for which there is a demand. Many sex workers treat their job like you might treat yours, with respect, but of course there are some bad apples, like in any professional service. The rest of this column looks at prostitution from the perspective of a sex worker advocate in Albuquerque, a clinical psychologist, two viceunit detectives and a professional dominatrix in Seattle. The Sex Worker Advocate Sera Miles is the New Mexico organizer for a national sex-worker-safety event called Red Umbrella Day. Miles said the investigation into Southwest Companions was larger than the West Mesa murders, which is frustrating to those whose family members were found buried in the West Mesa. “I think the local sex working community feels that in the wake of the West Mesa murders still being unsolved, and there not even being a suspect,

it is shocking that APD has the resources, and financial resources, to come down on this web escorting ring, and it seems really squanderous.” The Psychologist David Ley, a clinical psychologist in Albuquerque and UNM alum, has practiced sex therapy in New Mexico and Nevada. He said men have innate desires that prostitution, porn and strip clubs can satisfy. “Prostitution looks like it is just about sex, but the reality is that prostitution is about a lot more than that, it’s about some of the struggles that men have,” Ley said. “For some men it is about an intimate relationship where there is not a lot of pressure or demand.” Ley said certain characteristics such as high testosterone levels, job success and even a deep voice might increase a man’s chance of wanting to visit a sex worker. “Those same qualities predict greater infidelity … The same things that got them to that position (of success) are the same things that lead them to respond to those temptations.”

“The reality is, and it’s uncomfortable, that there are core differences between male and female sexuality,” ~David Ley clinical psychologist Ley said he sees couples who have marital arrangements where one or both parties can go outside the marriage to satisfy sexual needs, if need be. Some couples go by the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy, and others enjoy extra-marital relations as a couple. “The reality is, and it’s uncomfortable, that there are core differences between male and female sexuality,” Ley said. “And level of libido and level of interest in variety is something that is far more prevalent in men than in women. On average women’s ideal number of sex partners is around two or three, men’s ideal number ranges from 12 to 60.” Ley said members of Southwest Companions took several precautions to try and avoid their reputations and family lives being disrupted. “You have to look at it (Southwest Companions) and say at least that it appears they were pretty responsible in the way they went about it,” Ley said. “They weren’t picking up prostitutes on the street, and it doesn’t seem that they were using their positions of authority by picking up students.”

The Vice Unit Jason Peck is the incoming sergeant for the APD vice unit. He said Garcia’s actions were in no way responsible. “I’m not sure what part of conducting or patronizing or being associated with criminal activity is responsible,” Peck said. “A lot of people say prostitution is a victimless crime. … Well most of the johns who patronize prostitutes are married. I would consider their spouses a victim.” Matt Thompson was the previous vice sergeant and retired in August. He said while he can see Ley’s point of view, the bottom line is that members of Southwest Companions committed a crime. “I would not totally disagree with his comment, and he does have some good points, but there are some issues with that,” Thompson said. “Too many times the johns think the girls enjoy it and it’s their choice, and that is true, but there are a lot of them that are doing it for a drug addiction.” Peck said he has never met a prostitute who enjoys her job and does it just for the sex. “Whenever you talk to these girls we will ask them, ‘How did you get started in this?’ Not one of them has ever said ‘well because I like sex and it makes me feel good, I get a rush out of it,’ I have never encountered one,” Peck said. The Sex Worker Mistress Matisse, a professional dominatrix in Seattle, said the Garcia case was overplayed in the media because the ‘university professor’ did not fit peoples’ stereotype of a pimp. “The Internet has given a previously isolated group of people — the clients of sex workers — the ability to communicate,” Matisse said in an email. “If you believe that there’s been a rise in the number of women who do sex work as a secondary income or just for a short period of time, it follows that there are also men who will dabble in the administrative side.” Matisse, who writes a column for the newspaper The Stranger, shares Ley’s ideas about successful men and sex workers. She wrote about it in a column on June 28 about former New York representative Anthony Weiner. Weiner was a representative from New York who accidently tweeted pictures of his underwear-clad member, then denied it and then admitted to it. Weiner resigned in June. “Biologically, Weiner — and any other highprofile guy caught with his pants down — is acting exactly as I’d expect him to act,” she wrote. “I’m not saying every male action is prompted by hopes of getting laid. But Weiner has shown us, by running for office, that he is a man who wants power and attention. That desire rarely stops at the belt line.”


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Page 5

Husband BBQ-er Cops ask city to bus detainees seeks freedom by Larry Neumesiter The Associated Press

by Amy Taxin

The Associated Press SANTA ANA, Calif. — A woman who killed her newlywed husband and chopped and cooked his body parts over Thanksgiving weekend in 1991 is seeking release from a California prison. Omaima Nelson, an Egyptian-born former nanny, is set to appear before parole commissioners Wednesday at the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla where she has been serving a life sentence. Nelson was convicted of murdering her 56-year-old husband William Nelson in a grisly killing that authorities likened to the fictional slayings of Hannibal Lecter. Prosecutors said the then-23-yearold killed Nelson and likely plotted to steal from him as she had done with other middle-aged men she had seduced in the past. Authorities said she tied up her husband of less than a month, killed him and dismembered the body, churning his parts through a garbage disposal that neighbors said ran nonstop in the hours after the murder. Authorities found some of Nelson’s

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body parts stuffed in garbage bags and mixed with leftover Thanksgiving turkey. His hands had been fried in oil and his head boiled and stuffed in a freezer, said Randy Pawloski, a senior deputy district attorney in Orange County who prosecuted the case and will argue against her release. “She’s tremendously dangerous,” said Pawloski, adding that Nelson sought help from two different boyfriends to try to remove her husband’s teeth and dispose of his remains to cover her tracks. During the highly publicized trial, Nelson took the stand and said she stabbed her husband — a former pilot and convicted drug smuggler — with scissors while he sexually assaulted her. A psychiatrist testified that she confessed to cooking her husband’s ribs barbecue-style and tasting them but later denied engaging in cannibalism. He said he believed she was psychotic when she killed Nelson. Defense attorney Thomas Mooney argued his client was circumcised as a child growing up in a squalid section of Cairo, which made sex extremely painful, and was repeatedly raped and abused by her husband in the weeks after the couple wed.

NEW YORK — City bus drivers are told when they are hired that they someday may be called upon to assist the police department, a judge noted Tuesday as he rejected a request to ban police from using city buses to transport arrested protesters. U.S. District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer made the ruling from the bench after listening to arguments from a lawyer for The Transport Workers Union of Greater New York and attorneys for the city and the New York City Transit Authority. The union had sought a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction, saying that police might try to commandeer buses again during a protest on Wednesday if a judge did not protect the drivers. But Engelmayer noted that the bus controversy over the Occupy Wall Street demonstration on Saturday was unusual because no one could remember another instance in which the police department asked city bus drivers to transport people after arrests. Police stopped four city buses, asking the drivers to go to the Brooklyn Bridge to pick up some of the 700 people who were surrounded by officers in the middle of the

bridge and arrested. Engelmayer cited a section of the new bus operator’s instruction manual that puts bus drivers on notice that they may be called upon to assist police officers, as they were after a building collapse, on Sept. 11, 2001, and during Hurricane Irene, when 200 buses were used to evacuate nursing homes.

“We’re a government agency and we’ve assisted the city every time they’ve asked us to assist.” ~Baimusa Kamara NYC transit authority The judge said he would not order a stop to the use of buses to transport people during an emergency because it did not appear that the union had legal standing to bring the lawsuit. He said it did not appear that the Constitution was violated and the proposed ban on the police department was overly broad. Baimusa Kamara, a lawyer for

the New York City Transit Authority, told Engelmayer that police officers and bus drivers shared a responsibility to keep the public safe. “They call us. They say, ‘We need help.’ And we do it,” Kamara said of the response the transit authority gives when called upon for help by police. He added: “We’re a government agency and we’ve assisted the city every time they’ve asked us to assist.” Grantley Greenidge, 57, one of the bus drivers who carried protesters on his bus Saturday, attended the hearing Tuesday to support the union’s effort. “It was unprecedented to back a bus across the Brooklyn Bridge,” he said. He said he saw several protesters on bicycles and worried that they would be struck by the bus. “If I had injured one of them, I would have to live with that,” he said. Greenidge said he did not object when police approached him in Brooklyn and asked him to carry protesters. He said the protesters were better behaved than many of his usual passengers, and they thanked him as they got off the bus even though they were in handcuffs.

Lobo Culture



Thursday October 6, 2011

RECYCLE The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Culture Editor / Alexandra Swanberg


Reduce your impact, fatten your wallet by Nicole Perez

recycling, the city offers a free recycling service to encourage more people to adopt the practice. Trash service, on the The desolate sand lot is empty other hand, costs money. “As much as you’re decreasing your except for a vehicle in the corner and a couple green dumpsters lining the chain trash you’re decreasing your cost, but link fence. Closer to the loading dock still there’s no recycling police,” she said. hundreds of bags of glistening soda “They’re not going to come to your house cans sit in the sun next to a pile of junk and say, ‘You threw away a teabag when – old cassettes, metal hangers, an upside- that could have been composted.’” McCormick said the process of reuse down sign for the UNM Safety, Health and Environmental Affairs Department. is integral to our relationship with the Surrounded by other physical plant natural world and how society consumes departments on all sides along Avenida products. “Recycling is conservation; you use de Servicio on north campus, one would much less money benever guess that the UNM Recycling “Landfill produces one job cause you don’t have to dig the ore out of Department was unique. and recycling produces the ground.” she said. “It only takes say 20 The UNM Recypercent of the energy cling Department 17 jobs... It’s good for to recycle a can than has a 35 percent dito build it from new. people, it’s good for version rate, which Fuel doesn’t have to means the Unithe environment, good be used to dig stuff versity recycles 35 up, you don’t have percent of its recyclable waste, said economics, there’s a lot of to transport the ore to the crusher so it Linda McCormick, good in it.” saves energy; it saves resource conservaresources.” tion manager of re~Linda McCormick Contrary to comcycling at UNM. mon belief, she said it She said the rate is often less expensive UNM Recycling is remarkable given that recycling is resource conservation manager to make products out of recyclables than it not obligatory, and is to create a product that the city of Albuquerque has a diversion rate of around from scratch. The recycling plant also has 11 percent, and the national average is the added benefit of employing a larger around 33 percent. She said she loves that workforce. “Landfill produces one job and rerecycling has become a normal service, cycling produces 17 jobs,” she said. “It’s similar to taking out the trash. “Now it’s spread out all over the cam- good for people, it’s good for the envipus, and it’s still voluntary, but it seems ronment, good economics, there’s a lot of more like a service,” McCormick said. good in it.” The plant recycles a variety of materi“It’s an unfortunate analogy, but it’s like the trash or heating or cooling, so it’s als, such as cardboard, paper, aluminum neat to see the change from something cans, wood pallets, No. 1 and No. 2 plasreally special to ‘Well, doesn’t everyone tics, iron, copper, printer toners and CDs. McCormick said there is no limit on what recycle?’” She said because no law mandates the department can or can’t recycle; it is


Isabel Hees / Daily Lobo Bales of compacted paper products sit outside the UNM Recycling Plant. The plant boasts a diversion rate three times that of the City of Albuquerque. Diversion rate refers to the percentage of waste materials diverted from the trash to be recycled.

Isabel Hees / Daily Lobo

Isabel Hees / Daily Lobo

Used books are dumped into a bin at the UNM Recycling Plant, where they wait to be picked up by the city’s recycling plant. The UNM plant collects a variety of materials, from aluminum cans to old cassettes.

Karla Chavez peels the plastic cover off a damaged bible at the UNM Recycling Plant. The paper can be recycled, but not the cover.

constantly adding more materials to its facility. It started by just recycling paper and it is about to start recycling fluorescent light bulbs and No. 5 plastics. “If I can see a lot of it going in the trash I’ll try to find a home for it,” she said. “There’s nothing too small that we won’t try and recycle it. We could just say we’re just going to do bottles and cans but let’s stretch, let’s see what more we can bring into the recycling arena.” Recycling technician Karla Chavez said bonds she formed with others is the most enjoyable part of the job for her. She’s made new friends just from picking up people’s recycling, she said. “You go to the hospital and everybody does their job, they’re serious,” she said. “But you start chit-chatting and they’re like, ‘Hey you! Karla!’ and I’m like, ‘Woah someone knows my name, where’s my name tag?’” Reusable Office Supplies and Equipment, or ROSE, is one of McCormick’s

most recent projects. For it, she saves any school supplies that come through the plant, and puts them out on a table on main campus for others to take. “Why should students have to pay 4 or 5 dollars for a three ring binder when I get them by the hundreds throughout the year,” she said. Chavez said students are the ones who have the most interaction and interest in the recycling facility. “Students are the ones coming here and getting more information about it, not the departments,” she said. “The departments just want somewhere to throw out their trash, to just get rid of it and not see it.” McCormick said while she has lofty goals for the recycling plant, the simplicity of her tasks at the plant has a beauty in itself. “Sometimes I just want something mindless,” she said. “I can’t deal with anything today, so I’m going to bail cardboard or I’m going to separate bottles and cans.”

the haps

Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Page 7


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Two Wheel Mondays


Mike Got Spiked (from Ireland) The Ground Beneath • Antique Scream

& $5 Mojitos




Dirty Bourbon Roger Creager w/ The Seth Savage Band 8:30pm Ladies Night all night. Line Dancing Lessons 6:30pm Rotating Drink Specials Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL* *The Original Weekly Dance Party* *CLCK CLCK BNG & Guests* *Dance/ Electro & Indie* *75 Cent PBR Until Its Gone* The Library Bar & Grill Booty Shaking Thursday 8pm-2am 3rd Place wins $50! 2nd Place wins $100! 1st Place wins $200! $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT $1 Select Draft, $2.50 Blue Moon & Corona, $3 Skyy DJ 9pm Orchid Chamber Open. Smoke from a 24Kt GOLD Hookah. Happy Hour. Visit us on Facebook

Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference New Mexican Soul Food 1pm - 12 midnight Outpost Performance Space Rudresh Mahanthappa: Samdhi 7:30 pm Combining the complex melodic ant rhythmic lements of both Carnatic (South Indian) music and the traditions of jazz

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Flood The Sun reunion show* *Rawwr* *Animals In The Dark* The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Orchid Chamber We are underground- FREE For the ladies. Featruing DJ’s Envision, Bryson, Commodore, East, Frost, & Kevin Kirkland.

Downtown Distillery Under Konstruction Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

Imbibe $5 Jose Cuervo Margs + Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ Flo Fader 10pm

Holiday Bowl College Night Karaoke 9:30pm to 2:00am $20 gets 2 hours of bowling, Pitcher of Beer, and Food

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close.

Coaches Geeks Who Drink 8:30 - 10:30 $11.00 Pitchers of Fat Tire, 1554, and Ranger IPA


Vinyl And Verses



Coaches New Beer Prices Best Happy Hour in Town 4:30 - 7:00 $1 off drafts during Happy Hour 1/2 Priced Drafts and Appetizers *wings not included


$4 Tiki Drinks All Night


Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$2.50 Select Pints



The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone



Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Downtown Distillery $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs


Flood The Sun Reunion Show




bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm

bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm

bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Breaktone* *Redbush* Orchid Chamber Electro House & Open Decks. Featuring DJ’s Panda and Adrian Jay.

Rawrr Animals in the Dark





Dirty Bourbon Live Music starting at 8:30pm


Breaktone Redbush


Two Wheel Mondays



HAPS Listings

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. A chance to Win a trip for 2 to Vegas! Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers.

Tiki Tuesdays!


& $5 Mojitos



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the haps

Page 8 / Thursday, October 6, 2011

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10





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The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!

bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm

Outpost Performance Space Sarod Maestro Amjad Ali Khan at the Lensic in Santa Fe 7:30 pm One of India’s foremost classical musicians joined by his two sons

Dirty Bourbon SIN Night (Service Industry Night) Bull Riding Compition Free Bull Rides, Pool, Shuffle Board & No Cover! $4 Jager Bombs, Vodka Redbulls, Bud & Bud Light Alluminums

Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10pm Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close. Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference New Mexican Soul Food Live Music on the Patio! Starts at 7pm Coaches College Sports Day Features $3.00 Corona and Corona Lights. AND $4.00 Negra Modelo Drafts Sunshine Theater Doors at 7pm - All Ages Wayne Static Kyng Eye Empire One Eyed Doll New Mexico Brew Fest Noon-6pm NM State Fairgrounds Local craft brew tastings and pours; local food; live music; food and beer pairings Student Special: Half price tickets!

+;H<EHC7D9; .F79;


2TCQDRG -@G@MSG@OO@ 3@LCGH Thursday s 7:30pm

October 6

sponsored by New Mexico Daily Lobo One of the most innovative young musicians in music today combining the complex melodic & rhythmic elements of both Carnatic (South Indian) music & the traditions of jazz

Creative Soundspace is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts

Thursday, 7:30pm OCTOBER 13

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Najulda Records

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Downtown Distillery $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

Dirty Bourbon Live Music starting at 8:30pm


Saturday, 7pm OCTOBER 8

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Part of the vibrant Dutch jazz scene— virtuoso trumpeter W HIS DRIVING GROUP “Polished & sophisticated, deliciously GOOD NATURED ACUTELY AWARE of the dynamics of the groove�


The Library Bar & Grill NFL Sunday Ticket at The Library! Now open at 11am for the 2011-2012 Football Season! DJ Official spinning 9pm-close! Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 Orchid Chamber Open. Smoke from a 24kt GOLD Hookah. Happy Hour. Visit us on Facebook. Imbibe Watch FOOTBALL on our Big Screens Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12Mid Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference New Mexican Soul Food Live Music on the Patio! Starts at 4pm Coaches NFL Football Featuring $3 Coors Light and Miller Lite Draft ‘til 5pm $1 PBR and Session Lager & Black 5pm-Close Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

Coaches NFL Football Featuring $3 Coors Light and Miller Lite Draft ‘til 5pm $1 PBR and Session Lager & Black 5pm-Close Sunshine Theater Doors at 7pm - All Ages Fall Tour 2011 Circa X Survive Maps & Atlases States

MoNday bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Orchid Chamber Open. Smoke from a 24kt Hookah. Happy Hour. Visit us on Facebook. Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *Spindrift**$3 Marble Drafts* The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos Monday Night Football!! DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am Imbibe FOOTBALL Night w/FREE Subs Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference Happy Hour Marathon 2pm - 10pm Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo Coaches Monday Night Football Beer and Drink Specials! $1 off drafts during Happy Hour

Tuesday bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm Dirty Bourbon Two-Step Tuesday 6:30pm $7 $2 Tusedays - Domestic Beers, Wine, Bull Rides & Well Drinks, $3.50 Domestic Aluminums Live Music Featuring Quartermoon Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *12 Dirty Bullets* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night* Orchid Chamber Open. Smoke from a 24kt Hookah. Happy Hour. Visit us on Facebook. The Library Bar & Grill COLLEGE NIGHT with DJ Chil - 9pm $2.75 Domestic/$3.25 Import Beers $5 Flavored Skyy & Smirnoff Bombers $4.50 AMFs ABQ NightVision Photobooth FREE Transportation Provided ALL NIGHT To & From the University Area by The Party Trolley

Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT with DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilio Quinones 9pm $1 Select Draft, $3 Well & $3 Long Island Tea Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference Happy Hour Marathon 2pm - 10pm Coaches 1/2 Priced Drafts and Appetizers All Night *Wings not included Beer Pong with SW Beer Pong Tournaments

WEdnesday bRgR Hours of Operation: 11:00am-9:30pm

Dirty Bourbon West-Coast Swing Lessons @ 6:30pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl & Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints* The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The BEST Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons

Orchid Chamber Open. Smoke from a 24kt Hookah. Happy Hour. Visit us on Facebook. Evasion.


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Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

eck e ch Com r new u out o prices! r bee ff all $1 O uring ts d r d af y Hour! p p Ha



Coaches Karaoke Night! $11.00 Pitchers of Sam Adams and Sam Adams Seasonal $1 off drafts during Happy Hour

Nexus Brewery ExBeerience the Difference New Mexican Soul Food 2pm - 10pm




Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (exceptt bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolut & Aboslut Flavors



Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

Imbibe WORLD TAVERN POKER w/Sailor Jerry & Stoli Specials Games start at 7pm & 9pm Win a trip to Vegas for the World Series of Poker WINE DOWN w/Tastings & Appetizers 6pm Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis



Thursday, October 6, 2011 / Page 9

7515 Lomas

Featuring $11.00 Pitchers of Fat Tire, 1554, and Ranger IPA! *Happy Hour from 4:30-7:00


Featuring $3.00 Coors Light & Miller Lite Draft ‘til 5:00pm $1.00 PBR and Session Lager & Black 5:00pm-close

Monday Monday Night Football


Featuring $3.00 BudLight Drafts & $3.00 Bud Bottles

Best Damn Happy Hour in Town


4:30pm-7:00pm 1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers *wings not included

Saturday College Sports Day

Featuring $3.00 Corona and Corona Lights $4.00 Negro Modelo Drafts

Cheap Beer All Night

1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers ALL NIGHT *wings not included Beer Pong Tournaments with SW Beer Pong

Wednesday Karaoke

Featuring $11.00 Pitchers of Sam Adams & Sam Adams Seasonal *Happy Hour from 4:30-7:00

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Page 10 / Thursday, October 6, 2011

fashion Q&A Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

Adrian Cortinas

Senior Environmental Planning and Design Even though he prefers an understated style that rules out flash and bright color, Cortinas’ style is not exactly austere. The solid, dark tones act as a blank canvas for details like the polka dots on his tie. Favorite fashion trend: “Scarves. Just the fact that it’s getting colder, I like that I’m seeing more scarves.” Least favorite fashion trend: “Red shorts. I like to keep it kind of just enough attention, you don’t have to wear red shorts. Just keep it simple.” Advice to a fashion-defunct friend: “Wear a scarf. Wear accents. Wear accessories.”

Shoes: Aldo $80 Pants: Express $35 Sweater: Target $19 Shirt: Express $30 Tie: Burlington Coat Factory $7 Kirsi Gaulden Junior History

Gaulden has managed to avoid the increasingly mainstream hipster style founded on thrift store fashion by subscribing to more commercially successful garb. Regardless of where it’s coming from, she still prefers the funky, eclectic field that typically results from stitching an outfit from second-hand duds. Favorite fashion trend: “I like bright colors. I kind of like things that are really tacky but kind of go together; anything goes really. Like thrift store kind of look, I guess that’s kind of main stream but yeah, that look.” Least favorite fashion trend: “Anything that has Tap Out on it.” Advice to fashion defunct friend: “Find things that fit, start with fit and go from there. Some things fit really weird.”

Pants: Urban Outfitters $60 Shirt: Urban Outfitters $30 Shoes: Forever 21 $30 Jacket: Forever 21 $20

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Festival puts AIDS, bigotry into focus by Alexandra Swanberg

garden in the Golden Gate Park,” he said. “So the thing is, a lot of people walk by and don’t even realize it’s a memorial.” Wilson said beneath the smaller conflicts the film explores is the question of the memorial’s purpose and targeted audience. Wilson said his film does not have a concrete message or agenda. Chasing an answer was not his concern, and he said he was most intrigued with the fact that unlike most, this memorial is living and natural. “The cycles of nature itself were what represented AIDS and healing,” Wilson said. “I’m very drawn to the natural world and the symbolism in nature, the essence of nature which is, in and of itself, healing.” “This is What Love in Action Looks Like” is also a documentary that will be screened as part of the festival. Its subject is a 16-year-old boy from Memphis, Tenn. who after coming out to his parents, was sent to a Christian fundamentalist program, “Love in Action.” The boy’s parents thought the program would straighten him out, said director Morgan Jon Fox. Friends of the boy, Fox said, gathered in protest, agreeing to do so every day. “It suddenly became this huge situation that nobody anticipated,” he said. “That’s why I feel like it’s my duty to do something with it.” This happened at the advent of social media networks, a tool the boy used to inadvertently draw international media attention to the protest. By the third day, Fox said CNN, Good Morning America and The New York Times were all trying to cover the event. “That literally became a viral news story,” he said. Despite the extensive media coverage on his story, “This is What Love in Action Looks Like” will be the first chance for the general public to hear the boy tell his story, Fox said.


“Festival” denotes a celebratory spirit, though the public can expect moments both somber and sunny at the Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. The festival is in its ninth year and will feature a slew of short-and full-length films tomorrow through Thursday. Roberto Appicciafoco started the festival in April 2003. He said the idea came to him after working on other film festivals, and he realized that most major U.S. cities had one dedicated to films with a gay and lesbian sensibility. “Santa Fe in general has a very large population of gays and lesbians but very little focus as far as arts and cultural events for them, for the community,” he said. More than 50 selections from more than 15 different countries will play throughout the week. Appicciafoco said every country has unique conditions and cultures that make the LGBTQ living experience different from place to place. Issues will be explored of course, but it won’t be all drama and documentaries, Appicciafoco said. While most of the selections will be shown at the Guild Cinema in Nob Hill, 18 of them will play at the Southwest Film Center in the Student Union Building, including “The Grove” and “This is What Love in Action Looks Like.” Andy Abrahams Wilson, director of the co-production “The Grove,” said the documentary is about the National AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. The idea came to a small group in 1988 that wanted a place to remember people who died from the disease and to connect with others who share their struggles, he said. The memorial was not officially recognized until 1996, he said. While the film is a platform for individuals personally affected by the AIDS epidemic to share their experiences, it also chronicles the design competition that ensued when the group decided it wanted to increase the memorial’s visibility. This alternate focus, Wilson said, troubled some individuals whose stories are shared in the documentary. “It was in a hidden-away spot in the park where it was situated, but it was mostly people going to the Japanese

Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival [box]

Oct. 7-13

Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival The Guild Cinema Oct. 7 - 13 3405Cinema Central Ave. N.E. The Guild 3405 Central Ave. N.E. Southwest Film Center Southwest Film Center in the SUB swglff.com in the SUB. swglff.com

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lobo features Los Angeles Times DailyTCrossword ,O 6, 2011 / P Puzzle FOR RELEASE OCTOBER 6, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo





Level 1 2 3 4

solution to yesterday’s puzzle

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


Kiosk Hours Mon-Fri 6-11pm

12” Pizza

(Good only at UNM kiosks in front of Coronado Hall and Santa Clara)

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Indigenous Day Events October 10 6:45-7:00am: Walk/Run around Johnson Field 8:00am-9:00am: Breakfast Potluck in Mesa Vista Hall room 3080 9:00-10:00am: Film Showing of “Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations” in Santa Ana A&B 12:00-1:00pm: Panel Discussion Topic: “How to make UNDRIP work for our communities” in the SUB Atrium 2:00-3:00pm: Glenabah Martinez with speak about her book “Native Pride” in Santa Ana A&B

ACROSS 1 Smoldering bit 6 Slip a Mickey 10 It may have all the answers 14 Stiller’s partner 15 High rollers’ destination 16 Half of 10? 17 Speed skater Apolo __ Ohno 18 Health enhancer, so it’s said 20 It “is no problem. You just have to live long enough”: Groucho Marx 22 Pickup facilitator 23 “Friendly skies” co. 24 __ center 27 PC time meas. 29 Performed, in a way 32 Band that performed “Whip It” 33 Bars in stores 34 1965 NCAA tennis champ 35 Aaron’s team for 21 seasons 37 Unexpected twist (and a hint to what’s hidden inside 18-, 20-, 51- and 56Across) 40 Make 41 Gloom mate 42 Rural stretch 43 “... two fives for __?” 44 Skin malady, perhaps 45 What crews use 46 Expression of disappointment 47 Bit of code 49 Hair care purchase 51 “A Moon for the Misbegotten” playwright 56 Longshoremen’s aids 59 Baggy 60 Net reading 61 “Tiger in your tank” company 62 Ban’s predecessor at the U.N. 63 Bastes, e.g. 64 Attic constructions



age 11


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


By Peter A. Collins

65 Bridge seats DOWN 1 Net reading 2 “Writing on the wall” word 3 Michigan’s Cereal City 4 Steamy 5 Arrested 6 Bore 7 Bank takeback, briefly 8 Deprive of juice? 9 Israel’s Meir 10 Pre-Communism leader 11 Thing to stop on 12 Savings for later yrs. 13 When repeated with “oh” in between, “Wow!” 19 Slippery swimmer 21 Mythical beast, to locals 24 Epiphanies 25 Score-tying shot 26 Olympics broadcaster Bob 27 Mideast capital 28 Last lap efforts 30 Spa sounds 31 Indigent 32 Lake creator

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

34 Interior decorator’s concern 35 Juiced 36 Sleep acronym 38 Cooking utensil 39 Dawn goddess 44 French onion soup topping 45 Numbers after nine, often 47 Sam & Dave, e.g. 48 Nixon’s first veep


50 Union acquisition? 51 Vandalizes, in a way 52 Gov’t. train wreck investigators 53 Those, to Pedro 54 Future atty.’s hurdle 55 Eye part 56 “CSI: NY” airer 57 Microbrewery buy 58 Altercation





(10 Positions)

Packets will be available on Monday, October 10th in the ASUNM Office, SUB Room 1016 8AM - 5PM, Monday - Friday. Election applications are due by 5:00pm October 31st.

Also accepting applications for:

Assistant Director of Governmental Affairs BE SURE TO VOTE ON



LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Thursday, October 6, 2011



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Health and Wellness

Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

HAVE YOU BEEN hit or threatened by a skateboarder, bicyclist, or scooter rider? Please call 315-7223 for information and support. THANKS ST.JUDE for transport. -Marian.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

Apartments FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

For Sale

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.


STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

Announcements NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com A FANTASTIC HUNGARIAN gypsy band from Hungary will be performing at the Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale SE, Albuquerque on October 16th at 7 pm. Tickets are $20 in advance $25 at door. Order tickets: Rose 268-7283.

Lost and Found KEYS FOUND OUTSIDE Johnson Gym on October 4th.Come by Marron Hallroom 107 to claim them.

Services TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. MATH PHYSICS ECONOMICS Tutor Recent Ivy League Grad 270-2964


MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317. ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.


ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. 1 mile from UNM. Utilities, internet, and cable included. No pets. $435/mo. 505974-7476. 3BDRM HOUSE. FREE parking. Extremely close to campus. Wood floors. W/D. $400/mo. Utilities included. Call or text 505-306-0667. UNM STUDENT ROOMMATE wanted. Available immediately to share 4BDRM house. $450/month + 1/4 utilities. Less than a mile from UNM campus. Call Debi 505 350-4711.

Audio/Video IPOD TOUCH 8GB 5th generation. Excellent condition. $187 OBO. Text 505362-2041.

Pets COCKATIEL FOR SALE. Beautiful and friendly with different color. For more information call 730-2176 or 323-2176.

For Sale


CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

3102 Central Ave SE



Duties include: coordinating and providing services and resources to youth and families necessary to promote recovery, rehabilitation and resiliency. Also includes supporting youth and families in crisis situations and providing individual interventions to develop or enhance a youth’s ability to make informed and independent choices. Minimum Qualifications: Must hold a Bachelor’s degree in a human service field from an accredited university and have one year relevant experience with the target population. Strong communication, organizational and computer skills required. Spanish speaking preferred. Competitive salary Retirement Plan Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability & Life Insurance Paid Time Off

IPOD NANO 8GB. Silver. 4th Generation. $95 or best offer. Text 505-3071369 for more information and pictures.

TEACH ENGLISH IN Korea! 2012 Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 11/30/11 Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr 2011 English Program In Korea (EPIK) ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation Must have BA degree Last day to apply: November 11th **this date is tentative and could change depending on circumstances** Please visit the website www.epik.go.kr Jai - (213)386-3112ext.201. jai.kecla@gmail.com


LAZY BOY CHAIR, Todd Oldham design, $400; 7’ Italian leather sofa (yellow), $500; 27” Sony Trinitron TV w/custom cabinet, $125. All like new, OBO. 433-4191.

I will need 2 roommates by November 1st. Cell - 350-6866.

Child Care

Houses For Sale

AFTER SCHOOL CHILD care needed for 8 & 5 years old in UNM area. Care needed to pick up children from school at 3:10 pm and stay with them until 5:30-6:00 pm Monday thru Friday. Must be able to drive to after school activities. Clean driving record required. rmercier23@gmail.com

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available at end of semester. Female only. Sophomore or older. Contact Ally if interested 505-401-7682.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

!BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE. www.newmexicobartending.com 2924180.

2 ROOMS AVAILABLE $400 + Utilities. Along Ridgecrest, Nob Hill area beautiful neighborhood. Inclosed yard for pets. 2 bath, living room, loft, & kitchen.

ROOMMATE WANTED TO share apartment near UNM. $220/mo. including utilities! Preferably male. Call Carolina at (408) 401-2001 or email at carolinarogu@yahoo.com

www.rocket55.com/dream to enter. EXPERIENCED HOUSE/DOG SITTER needed Oct 19-25. Near Rio Grande & Candelaria. 883-0050.

TWO TICKETS FOR the Miami Dolphins at Dallas Cowboys. Thanksgiving Day in section 144. $400 for the pair, please email dogluver@unm.edu

COUCH FOR SALE. Great condition, offwhite micro fiber, $100 OBO. 250-4372.

Rooms For Rent

DREAM INTERNSHIP. WIN three week internship with top web firm. Visit:

To apply send resumes to Hogares, Inc., Human Resources, PO Box 6485, ABQ, NM, 87107, fax to (505) 3425414, download an application at www.hogaresinc.com or apply in person at 1218 Griegos, NW. EOE

BOOKS*BOOKS*BOOKS Bird Song Used Books: best price + selection in UNM area 1708 Central SE/268-7204. Specializing in Lit-Mystery-SF !Daily Facebook Updates!

Houses For Rent

BEAUTIFUL, CONVENIENT, NORTH Valley. With irrigation rights. 2BDRM, 1 BA, hardwood floors, new cabinets and bath. Garage with attached office/ workshop. $149,000. Arcadian Realty. Sarah Love 980-6390.

PROFESSIONAL FAMILY LOOKING for part time nanny care after school 3:30-7:30 pm. Clean driving record is a must, and preference will be given to those candidates possessing a history of childcare experience 842-8597.

Jobs Off Campus OAK TREE CAFE now hiring P/T sandwich maker. 15 to 20hrs/wk. Monday through Friday. Apply in person. 830-2233. !FITNESS/WELLNESS COACH! Training available. Recruiter: Stella. 505-220-5841.

GUITARIST (ELECTRIC) NEEDED PT to provide entertainment in After School Programs in ABQ. Must be available 2:30 pm, M-F. Experience with children preferred. Apply online www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University NE. SELF MOTIVATED AND patient college student needed to assist 11yo boy, with autism, in a variety of recreational activities. Must have dependable transportation (or bus savvy) 6-10hrs/wk, evening/weekend. $10/hr. References req. Send letter of interest to kfred@unm.edu EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.FreeCarJobs.com


Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

Volleyball: Lobos vs. Rebels Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Johnson Gym Cheer on your Lobos as they take on the Rebels of UNLV.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM house looking for 1 roommate. 505-310-1529.

BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1-2BDRM. Starting at $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

new mexico

SHAKE OFF THE stress of college. Albuquerque Soccer League has openings for male and female soccer players at all levels of play in both our men’s and coed divisions. Send us your interests and a brief soccer bio at aslsoc@swcp.com

Your Space


BIO201, PSY200, STAT145 Kate cauthenk@gmail.com

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. PART-TIME FENCING COACH

Local sport fencing club seeks part-time fencing coach for afternoon/evening hours. For more information, call 505 872 0048 or email to info@ dukecityfencing.net PT CAREGIVER HELPING man in wheelchair: Shower, get up, into bed. Academy and Wyoming area. Fri & Sat 7pm-8pm. Other shifts availible. Competitive pay. Must be trustworth, reliable, with references, able to move 200lbs. We pay for backround and drug tests. 856-5276. Call after 5:30pm.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR AN ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT! Job duties include: Revenue reports, Campus billing, mailing of newspaper to subscribers, preparing & mailing tearsheets & monthly statements. Special projects as assigned; data entry and filing. 2-4 hours/day, 5 days/week, must be able to work mornings, position is year-round, 4-8 hrs/wk during the summer. Accounting experience required including a working knowledge of Excel and Access. Accounting student preferred. Good customer service skills a plus. $8.50-$10.00 per hour depending upon experience. Apply online at:unmjobs.unm.edu/applicants/ Central?quickFind=64564

THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE! Work on campus! Enthusiasm, good phone etiquette, computer and organizational skills required. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, call Renee at 277-5656, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu. WEEKEND RELIEF STAFF - Sat-Sun 9am-5pm, occasional Fri-Sat nights 5pm-8am for Ronald McDonald House, a lodging facility for families of ill children. Send resume and 3 references to Office Personnel, RHMC, 1011 Yale NE Albuquerque 87106.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330). VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! AGORA Helpline. Help Others-Class CreditGreat Experience! Just a few hours a week! 277-3013. Apply online! www.AgoraCares.com

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS? Advertise to students here! Call 505-277-5656 or email classifieds@dailylobo.com to set up an ad.

Work Study Jobs UNM WKSTUDY - afternoons 505-9173538.

Now You Can Place Your Daily Lobo Classified Online Ad at www.dailylobo.com!!! Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Job of the Day

Trip Leader Recreational Services 7.75hr Student Cleanroom Manufacturing Engineering $12-14hr

Dept $9.00hr Tutor / SI Leader CAPS General Administrative $11.00/hour (undergraduate students) $12.50/hour (graduate students)

Bindery Assistant UNM Copy Center $7.50hr Student Research Assistant Family Community Medicine

Freelance Photog-

rapher Student Publications $12.00 to $15.00 per photo Project Assistant Graduate Studies GS 9.00 - 10.25 per hour Recruitment Specialist II Admissions Office $9.00hr Accounting/ Administrative Assistant Student Publications 8.50 to 10.00 per hour de-

pending on experience Audio Visual Aid II Language Learning Center $7.50hr Web Designer Geography $11/hr Library Assistant 2 University Libraries $7.50 Office Assistant I UNM Health Sciences Center $7.509.00hr

Support Staff Speech and Hearing Sciences $12 per hour Research Assistant I Biology Department $10.00hr Undergraduate Reserach Assistant Electrical Computer Engineering $9.00hr

For more information about these positions, to view all positions, or to apply visit

https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

Event Calendar

for October 6, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier!

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar:

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!

Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

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