NM Daily Lobo 101310

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Favre troubles? see page 10


October 13, 2010

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Legislators to address hard-hitting issues The UNM Faculty Senate is hosting an oncampus Forum on Higher Education today, where state legislators and gubernatorial candidates are invited to share their perspectives on New Mexico’s higher education. Faculty Senate President Richard Wood said community members can engage candidates and elected officials about the highereducation issues. “We want to get key higher-education issues that affect students, staff, faculty and the whole higher education community onto the table, and talk with our elected officials about them,” he said. Nine New Mexico legislators, including seven democrats and two republicans, as well as Lt. Gov. candidate Brian Colón, plan to attend the event and answer pre-selected questions, Wood said. The questions were selected from hundreds of questions submitted by faculty, students and staff members in an online survey and will focus on higher-education funding, strategic priorities for higher education, the regent selection process and student preparedness. Wood said the budget is the critical issue being addressed at the forum. “Budgets always sound boring, but this is about pocketbooks and the

learning environment for all of us, and how UNM can stay the kind of place where students can thrive in higher learning,” he said. Student Kayla Ulibarri said she is interested to see what candidates have to say about budget issues. “I would go just to see where the budget is going and see what our leaders are doing about it,” she said. Graduate student Andrea Ochoa said she plans to watch because she is unhappy about problems affecting graduate students. “As a grad student, I see our department taking huge budget cuts, and I’m disappointed in the school’s priorities when it comes to grad students. Something needs to change,” she said. Senate leaders from other higher education institutions around the state have also been encouraged to participate, Wood said. The event will be simulcast online so that faculty, students, staff and other higher education institutions in the state can see the legislator’s responses to questions, said Antoinette

see Forum page 5

by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Barring unforeseen change, candidates to miss forum The UNM Faculty Senate made repeated efforts to connect with state legislators and gubernatorial candidates, but neither gubernatorial candidate will attend today’s Forum on Higher Education. Faculty Senate President Richard Wood said both gubernatorial campaigns have ignored higher education issues, even though it’s an important topic to New Mexico voters. “We think that’s a real mistake. To vote well, voters need to understand where candidates stand on the crucial issues,” he said. “The forum will do that.” Both gubernatorial candidates Diane Denish and Susana Martinez were invited in September to the forum, and Wood said the Faculty Senate communicated with their campaign staffs since June 23 about the event. Diane

Forum on Higher Education Today at 12p.m. in SUB Ballroom C To view the webcast, visit facgov.unm.edu Follow the Daily Lobo’s coverage of the forum on Twitter.

Denish’s running mate, Brian Colón, will attend the forum, and Martinez’s running mate John Sanchez will not be at the forum because of a scheduling conflict. Wood wrote in the candidates’ invitation that given New Mexico’s higher-education issues and the looming UNM budget crisis, the Faculty Senate thought their campaigns would be incomplete without a public discussion on the topic.

“To vote well, voters need to understand where candidates stand on the crucial issues” ~Richard Wood “New Mexican students and parents deserve such a discussion, and residents threatened with insecurity in their jobs or their businesses need to know how each campaign might strengthen higher education once in office,” Wood said. Both Denish and Martinez were unavailable for comment. Donald Gluck, president of UNM Conservative Republicans, was among several people demonstrating by Johnson Gym on Tuesday. He said

UNM joins forces to teach organic farming by Sean P. Wynne seanpw@unm.edu

UNM is teaming up with local farmers to feed and educate its neighbors. UNM students collaborated with South Valley Academy Charter School to create a program aimed at teaching students the importance of local organic food. Richard Brandt, founder of Dragon Farm at South Valley Academy, said the program allows students to get their hands dirty in every aspect of farming. “The students are exposed to the full gamut of farming. They help prep the beds, plant, harvest and market the produce at the farmers market. It’s full circle; we produce food nine months out of the year, and we’ll get started again next spring.” Dragon Farm not only educates but improves the community, Brandt said. “This is the first year some of the produce went to the lunch program. We’ve painted two murals with agricultural themes and designed and planted a one-acre corn maze,” he said. “We donated the corn to the Albuquerque rescue mission.” Lurdes Ortiz, a junior at the South Valley Academy, said working on the farm allows her to be involved in the production of what she eats. “I think it’s fun,” she said. “It teaches you a lot about how the community used to be when we didn’t have companies making the

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 38

see Candidates page 5

Stan Handmaker, a customer of Los Poblanos Ranch in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, looks through this year’s tomato harvest. Local farms are finding ways to integrate students into the growing process.

food. I’m getting my own lettuce and I can say, ‘I helped with this.’ I’m pretty proud of it.” Despite past budget problems, the Dragon Farm has received assistance from federal programs, Brandt said. “It’s been a rocky road getting this program started in terms of funding, but the McCune Foundation has been very generous. Next week we will receive some funding from a USDA grant.” Brandt said Dan Young, of the Research Service Learning Program, and Bruce Milne, of Sustainability Studies, invested in Dragon Farm. “I owe a lot to those guys,” he said. UNM student Derek Crook said he started working with Dragon Farm though the UNM Service Corps and an anthropology course taught by Patrick Staib. He said more awareness and participation would benefit the Dragon Farm. “I think there are a lot of people who would be interested but just don’t know about it,” he said. “A lot of people show up every day for a week and then they get burnt out on it. It would be a lot more useful for people to work possibly one day a week, but keep coming for a month. That would show them a little bit more about what happens.”

Laurisa Galvan

Daily Lobo

Dragon Farm To get involved with Dragon Farm go to http://www.unm.edu/~unmsc

Give blood today!

It’s here

See page 3

See page 7


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PageTwo Wednesday , October 13, 2010

where are

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Every Wednesday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to Photo@DailyLobo.com. The winner will be announced next week.


Last Week’s Photo

Dan Cosper correctly identified last week’s photo, which was taken at Hodgin Hall on Central Avenue.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 38

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Terrance Siemon / Daily Lobo Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Leah Valencia Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Ruben Hamming-Green Chelsea Erven Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Elizabeth Cleary Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

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Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Managers Rebekah Soltero Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Sales Manager Nick Parsons

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.







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Justin Evans/ Daily Lobo Victor Sanchez waits to have his blood drawn Tuesday at the ASUNM Blood Drive. The group expects record-breaking numbers this year.

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ASUNM hosts blood drive FREE TOWING by Sofia Sanchez sanchez@unm.edu




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Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Student David Funnell lies on the bed while donating plasma. United Blood Services continues its on-campus blood campaign today.

ASUNM Blood Drive

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ASUNM Community Experience is giving students a chance to shed blood. The on-campus community service program is partnering up with United Blood Services for what it hopes will be a recordbreaking blood drive. The drive started Tuesday and continues today in SUB Ballroom B. Ryan Wooley, communications director of ASUNM Community Experience, said students don’t always understand the impact of donating blood. “A student can come and donate blood in between classes and potentially save someone’s life,” he said. Donating is not painful, but a way to help out community members, said Julia Carrion, projects director for ASUNM Community Experience. “It’s not a big deal for us, but it’s a big deal for someone else,” she said. The goal this year is to break last year’s 130 donations record. Appointments are available for those with busy schedules, but

slots are filling up quickly. As of Monday, 172 of the 176 available appointments had been filled, Carrion said. She said walk-ins are accepted. Bonnie Chavez, a senior donor recruitment representative for United Blood services, said Albuquerque’s blood bank gives blood to 40-50 hospitals in the region. She said 320 units of blood are used in regional hospitals every day. Chavez said that for each donor United Blood Services receives one unit of blood. “It is our goal to keep the blood on the shelf,” she said. “We expect over the next two days to receive 99-115 units.” Chavez said it’s a common misconception that those on medication or who have piercings or tattoos have to wait at least a year to donate blood. “If an individual got a tattoo in a shop in the state of New Mexico or the other 30 licensed states, they are good to go. Same with a piercing,” she said. UNM student Britney Roybal said that’s good news, since she has piercings. “I want to donate blood, but thought I couldn’t,” she said.

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LoboOpinion Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday October 13, 2010

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

Letter Those who don’t want to vote have been ‘brainwashed’ Editor, Kyle Farris’ letter encouraging political abstinence is as glowing an example of the success of the right-wing propaganda machine as you will find anywhere. Farris feels that he has no choice when he must choose between a Democrat and Republican, and that these two parties will never agree about anything or make anything happen that is to his liking. Since Ronald Reagan (through Bush I, Clinton and Bush II), Republicans have brainwashed Americans like Farris into thinking that government cannot do anything right — that privatization (and capitalization) of public functions is the way to go and that anything liberal (i.e., caring about anything but personal self-interest) is inherently wrong. In 2008, the electorate decided that maybe this formula was not the way to go and elected a bunch of Democrats and a “liberal” president. Two years to undo 28 years of brainwashing? The right-wing propaganda machine responded with unprecedented obstructionist tactics in Congress to prevent any truly progressive legislation from passing: corporate-funded “grassroots” Tea Parties to blame our inaction on the politicians currently in power (chiefly Democrats), and a huge influx of advertising (enhanced by the Bush-appointed right-wing Supreme Court majority “Citizens United” decision allowing unlimited partisan spending by corporations) to make it seem like the Democrats of the last two years were to blame for the destructive policies of the last 28. Farris, these guys want you to feel alienated and powerless because then they get all the power and continue to have their way. And what is their way? We become a twoclass society — the rich and the poor working class who serve the rich. Corporations continue to grow in power and influence worldwide and increasingly become the controlling interest in governments of all political stripes; democracy, where the interests of all citizens are taken as having value, is subordinated to the needs of corporate business; and the right to make a profit is only guaranteed to those with the means to do so. Voting is how we can influence the course of these events. Not making a choice means someone else is going to make it for you. So don’t listen to Farris or the right-wing propaganda machine. Vote on Nov. 2 for the most liberal Democratic candidates that you can find. Your country and your future depend on it. James Connolly UNM staff member

Letter submission policy n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Leah Valencia News editor


Disenchanted? Visit Oklahoma City

“Seriously, readers, I would never lie to you” by Chris Quintana culture@dailylobo.com Sooner or later, you’ll find out that Oklahoma City is not a part of the Dust Bowl. My reasons for going don’t matter, but let it be known that I didn’t go to see the cultural mecca that is Oklahoma City. Seriously, readers, I would never lie to you. All of you need to get yourselves to Oklahoma City as soon as possible. It has everything a person would want in a modern city. Do you hate walking around during the afternoon, enjoying the buzz of Albuquerque streets? Does the sight of sidewalks make your blood simmer? They sure make mine boil, and in Oklahoma City you don’t have

to worry about such annoying conveniences. So generous were the city planners that they completely removed neighborhood sidewalks altogether. Seriously, why walk anywhere when you can drive there instead? Your legs are evolved for sitting — remember that. And you, like me, must get tired of local culture. I mean, all these little voices speaking for themselves and presenting another face of a diverse community gets exhausting. What you really want is chain businesses — and lots of them. Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and malls galore — why do you need anything else? I mean, it’s so comforting to find the same place in any part of the city, am I right? And all that local art! Oh my, I was just about overwhelmed. Albuquerque pales in comparison, obviously. And chile, who needs that? It’s better to just to eat at McDonald’s. There you know what you’re getting every time. Oh god, even I can’t do it anymore. They say you must be away from something to truly appreciate it, and I have seen the awful truth. People of Albuquerque, while our government might be screwed

come election time, our football team terrible, our children fat and drugged out, and our roads clogged with drunk drivers, we are, at least, better than Oklahoma City. The air is dry; the streets are side-walked, and the businesses are diverse around every bend of the city (except for you, Rio Rancho, but you don’t count anyway). And unless we support local business, we will turn into Oklahoma City, and no one, I repeat, no one wants that. I shouldn’t even be having this discussion. I mean, who on Earth would rather have a burrito from McDonald’s when you could go to Perico’s, Bandido’s, Frontier, Winning’s, or any damn local shop along Central Avenue? Every single one of them has them better burritos and food in general. I admit, I’ll hit up McDonald’s when pressed for time, but never again will I do such a thing if it means we will become like Oklahoma City. Go to the art galleries. Enjoy the local culture instead of just writing it off as weird or too bizarre, because if you don’t, we will become Oklahoma City. A quick list of other things

where our great city rules and Oklahoma City drools: 1. Oklahomans will run yellow lights, even reds, but they slow down immediately after. At least in Albuquerque people have the decency to drive fast after they almost kill you. 2. Our grid-like street structures make finding places a breeze. 3. Horses don’t roam our downtown streets, which mean you are 100 percent less likely to step in horseshit. 4. Tornados have yet to cross our city’s path. 5. Albuquerque is way a better name than “New Mexico City.” 6. Our University is actually in our most interesting city (Screw you Santa Fe, and while I’m at it, Las Cruces, too) instead of in titillating locales such as Stillwater, Okla., or Norman, Okla., (these are real city names) 45 minutes away. 7. We don’t live in middle America. Readers, my point is simple. Love this city because we could be so much worse off. And if I had it my way, I would be spending my time here during fall break instead of the flat, humid and spiritually dead Oklahoma City.

China jails, censors Nobel winner by Drew Landis

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist According to the Chinese government, Liu Xiaobo, this year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, is a criminal. This 54-year-old Chinese citizen has been in and out of prison several times during his life and is currently serving an 11-year sentence. You might be asking yourself, “How is it that a criminal could be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?” Under normal circumstances, this is a fair question, but these are not normal circumstances. Xiaobo is a human rights ac-

tivist. He is most known for his involvement with the Tiananmen Square protests, when he successfully encouraged students to leave the square before a military assault. For this act, he has been attributed as saving hundreds of student lives. More recently, he is known for helping draft a document called Charter 08. This manifesto was written in order to help increase China’s human and civil rights. Charter 08 attempts to attain these goals not through a total reform of the current government, but rather a gradual reform, replacing outdated pieces of the government structure with more human rights

and democracy-oriented ideas. Xiaobo’s imprisonment is just another example of the typical, heavy-handed, Chinese censorship. The Chinese government jailed him in order to keep him from speaking his mind — one of the basic human rights for which he fights. According to the Associated Press, in the hours before Xiabo was named this year’s winner, the Chinese government had already started to censor information about him. They were able to block web searches for his name as well as scrub text messages that contained his name. The power China

has over access to information is unconscionable. Xiaobo’s award will spotlight his positive actions in China and draw attention to the basic human rights China violates. Already, President Obama called for his immediate release. In recent years, China has increased its visibility by creating a powerful economy and increasing its military size. If China wants the world to think of it as a truly developed country, then it needs to focus on its exterior perception of military and economic strength, but also on its interior workings on basic human rights.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

UNM publication extends deadline by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

UNM’s biannual publication “Best Student Essays� is extending its deadline to Friday to take into consideration students struggling with academic stress. The publication anticipates students are consumed by midterms around the publication’s deadline, said Ryan Tynan, the managing and web editor. “What tends to happen is that students get really busy at the beginning of the semester, and everybody getting back on their feet,� he said. “So if we have to push back the deadline, we give ourselves that room to do so to allow students that have been trying to accommodate their own schedules.� BSE publishes written and photo nonfiction essays each semester. Submissions are judged by individuals in relevant fields, and the most provocative, well-written

essays are published, Tynan said. Jay Reidy, BSE editor-in-chief, said that essays published add to the authors’ rĂŠsumĂŠs and increased their visibility to other publishers. “Multiple authors published in BSE have had their work discovered in our magazine, and they’ve gone on to be published in larger publications,â€? he said. “Because it has a pretty large submission pool, it’s a good thing that writers can put on their rĂŠsumĂŠ.â€? Tynan said students can use this to establish themselves in their fields. “A lot of universities and colleges like to see students having prior work published,â€? he said. “It also helps you in the professional sphere, companies that see the student has taken initiative, they’re proactive, and are getting research in their field published, they like to see this. ‌ It’s a fairly simple and painless way of distinguishing themselves.â€?

Investigators probe Jamaica’s role in case by David McFadden Associated Press

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Jamaica’s prime minister announced Tuesday that a commission of inquiry will be formed soon to probe his government’s handling of a U.S. extradition request for alleged drug kingpin Christopher “Dudus� Coke. During an address in Parliament, Prime Minister Bruce Golding said the membership and terms of the new inquiry will be made public in coming days. He said the panel would also look at the hiring of a lobbying firm to contest the U.S. extradition request for Coke, who the U.S. Justice Department listed as one of the world’s most dangerous drug lords. Church groups, civic organizations and the island’s opposition have been calling for a commission of inquiry to be established for months, arguing that Golding’s explanations for the Coke affair didn’t answer many nagging questions. “We need a commission of inquiry to get the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I wish it would have been earlier, but I don’t want to make the good the enemy of the best,� said Trevor Munroe, a political scientist at the University of the West Indies. The prime minister’s handling of the case, in particular his authorization of a U.S. firm to lobby Washington to drop the extradition request for Coke, provoked an outcry that threatened his political career. In recent days, ruling party insider Harold Brady added to the pressure on Golding by publicly disputing the prime minister’s claim that he didn’t act as government leader in the hiring of the U.S. lobbyists, the Los Angeles-based firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. Brady’s allegations were detailed in a letter warning Golding of a libel lawsuit. Golding said in a nationally televised address in May that he regretted bringing in the

lobbying firm in Coke’s case, but insisted he acted only in his capacity as head of the Jamaica Labor Party, not as prime minister. The prime minister stonewalled the U.S. extradition request for nine months, claiming the indictment relied on illegal wiretap evidence. His stance strained relations with Washington, which questioned Jamaica’s reliability as an ally in the fight against drug trafficking. Golding, whose Parliament district includes Coke’s West Kingston slum stronghold, came under heavy public pressure and finally agreed to send Coke to the U.S. as questions rose about the reputed drug kingpin’s ties to the governing party. A hunt for Coke in the slums led to four days of fighting in May that killed 73 civilians and three security officers in West Kingston slums. Coke was captured June 22 and sent to the United States days later. Now jailed in New York, Coke has pleaded not guilty to charges that he trafficked drugs to the eastern United States and funneled profits and weapons back to Kingston, a city with one of the highest homicide rates in the Western Hemisphere. Opposition leader Portia Simpson Miller described Golding’s decision to launch an inquiry as “a significant first step on the long road to reposition Jamaica in the eyes of the world as a country where the rule of law is paramount.� Simpson Miller, who was prime minister before Golding’s Labor Party won 2007 elections, said the affair had damaged Jamaica’s reputation and caused “real pain, anguish and anxiety to our citizens.� Warren McDonald, a director of the local chamber of commerce, said he was confident the government’s panel will answer Jamaicans’ questions about the Coke affair. “We expect that they will come out with the entire story and clear the air,� McDonald told Radio Jamaica.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 / Page 5

from page 1

Sedillo Lopez, chair of the Faculty Senate Governmental Relations Committee. She said the live broadcast will start at about 11:45 am. Wood said the Faculty Senate wants to see a large turnout from students, staff, faculty and the community. “Everybody’s welcome. Bring your lunch. Come hear what they have to say about your future,� Wood said.



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from page 1

he is puzzled why Martinez would not attend the forum. “I think (Martinez and Sanchez) are supportive of higher education and of people improving themselves through education, but we can’t really speak for the candidates,� he said. Both Denish and Martinez have published statements on their websites and campaign brochures relating their stances on New Mexico education, but neither addressed specific higher-education issues. “Education in New Mexico constantly ranks at the bottom of national lists,� Martinez campaign brochure reads. “This is unacceptable. As governor, Susana will work to ensure more money goes directly into the classroom — where it can actually help students — instead of to a wasteful bureaucracy.� Denish’s campaign website says, “Diane Denish believes a quality education is the key to getting a good-paying job and achieving your dreams,� but only specifically addresses issues pertaining to grades kindergarten through high school. Graduate student Andrea Ochoa said it’s hard to tell if higher education is a priority for either candidate. “Higher education should be the biggest priority to them and to the entire nation,� she said. “They should be here addressing the issues.�

In 1994, the NM State Legislature amended state statutes to allow for a student to be appointed to the Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico. If you are a graduate or professional student and are interested in applying to be on the Board of Regents, please provide a statement of intent and a resume to Ashley Carter at ashley_carter08@yahoo.com by Wednesday, October 20, 2010. Please visit http://www.unm.edu/~gpsa/committees.shtml or call 277-3803 for more info. Don’t worry... it kinda looks like you’re taking notes.

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Page 6 / Wednesday, October 13, 2010

lobo women’s basketball

Putting the Best to the test this year by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu By nature of her name, Amanda Best is best known for the big, red glasses she flaunts in her UNM women’s basketball team mug shot. One could say it’s kind of her trademark. When asked at Tuesday’s Lobo women’s basketball media day why she wasn’t wearing her big, red glasses, Best confessed her negligence. “I forgot them,” she said. Around the Rudy Davalos basketball facility, Best is known for her humor. The senior, who replaces Amy Beggin, will share time with Sara Halasz at point guard this season. While junior Nikki Nelson was set to be the Lobos’ point guard, she tore here anterior cruciate ligament earlier this month and is out indefinitely. So it’s Best’s time to shine, and she said she will have to be one of UNM’s leaders in 2010-11. “We really need to build team chemistry this year,” Best said. “And I think it’s something that’s been lacking in the past. It’s something that we really need to bring the success back to what it was before.” Best is coming off of her best season with UNM where she had the most impact in games on the defensive side of the ball. Even with a young team consisting of 10 freshmen and sophomores, Best said preseason workouts have been grueling and

camp is wide open for players to fill starting positions or create roles for themselves. “I think this team is just so together,” Best said. “We’re all competing and every day in practice it’s people going at each other. So, you have to bring your intensity up and be ready to every single second, because people want to play.” And if that’s the case, the older players on the Lobos can’t take a moment off in practice. Head coach Don Flanagan said he sees a lot of fight in his team so far, whether it’s in a newcomer or a veteran. “Because of the young players that are very competitive with the older players, the older (players) can’t take a break, realizing that floor time is involved,” he said. Best realizes this better than anybody. She is one of only three players  alongside Porche Torrance and Kielpinski  who has played in the NCAA tournament. “We played in it when we were freshmen,” Best said. “A lot of people don’t know what it’s like to play. It’s such a different feeling and it’s so excited. It was held (in The Pit). The fans were crazy, and it was just an awesome time. So I want to get everybody to experience that, and I think that the younger players experience that, they will want to get back to playing there every year.” Even better, they’ll have Best, glasses and all, to laugh with throughout the season.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Agent admits paying players Associated Press NEW YORK — A former sports agent tells Sports Illustrated he paid college football players early in his career, and several of them confirm it to the magazine. In the Oct. 18 edition, Josh Luchs said he paid more than 30 players from 1990-96, including many who didn’t sign with him. He said quarterback Ryan Leaf, the second pick in the 1998 draft who famously flopped in the pros, took more than $10,000, most of which he voluntarily paid back after signing with another agent. Leaf declined to comment on specific allegations. Luchs told the magazine he also paid first-round picks Jamir Miller and Chris Mims. Miller, a linebacker from UCLA taken 10th by the Cardinals in 1994, declined comment. Mims, a defensive lineman from Tennessee taken 23rd by the Chargers in 1992, died in 2008. The former agent also said that while he was recruiting Ohio State receiver Santonio Holmes in 2005, Holmes said he had been taking money from an agent for a couple of years. Holmes, now with the Jets, told the magazine that the story was untrue. Luchs was suspended for a year by the NFL Players Association in 2007 over the handling of a commission check. He says he’s telling his story because “I don’t want my career to be defined by that suspension.” Luchs says he didn’t pay players while working with Gary Wichard, the agent linked to the investigation of NCAA violations at North Carolina. But he says Wichard and John Blake, the Tar Heels assistant who resigned amid the

investigation, worked together in violation of NCAA rules in 2002. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday that the league has talked to college coaches and agents about reports that a coach was on an agent’s payroll. “We had a report today from our college relations committee on our relationship with agents and college coaches. This is an area of great concern by the coaches on the college level, and we want to be responsive to that,” Goodell said in Chicago, site of the NFL’s fall meetings. “I think there is going to be an effort with college coaches and the agent community itself, possibly the NFL and NFLPA and to work together to bring a solution.” Luchs also told SI that ESPN

“This is an area of great concern by the coaches on the college level” ~Roger Goodell NFL Commissioner

draft analyst Mel Kiper also helped Wichard recruit players, describing a 2000 meeting with Stanford defensive lineman Willie Howard in which Wichard had arranged for Kiper to call as he talked with the player. Kiper told SI he “would never promote Gary or another agent to a player” and denied that the call was prearranged. “Conversations with players, which are occasionally facilitated by agents, are a valuable way to get to know the players,” Kiper said in a statement through an ESPN

spokesman. “These conversations have never compromised my integrity and my 32-year record supports that.” Luchs sued Wichard for breach of contract after leaving his agency and lost the lawsuit. Wichard filed the grievance with the NFLPA over Luchs’ handling of the check. Wichard and Blake declined comment through their lawyers. Luchs says Jonathan Ogden, the Baltimore Ravens 11-time Pro Bowl tackle, wouldn’t take money but accepted Janet Jackson concert tickets in violation of NCAA rules. Ogden confirmed the account. Luchs lists more than 20 other players he says he paid: Michigan State’s Tony Banks; Arizona’s Rob Waldrop; Tennessee’s Chuck Webb; Portland State’s Darick Holmes; Illinois’ Mel Agee; USC’s Travis Claridge, Phalen Pounds, R. Jay Soward and Delon Washington; Colorado’s Kanavis McGhee, Joel Steed and Greg Thomas; Washington State’s Leon Bender, Torey Hunter, Singor Mobley and John Rushing; and UCLA’s Chris Alexander, Ryan Fien, Carl Greenwood, Othello Henderson, Vaughn Parker, Matt Soenksen and Bruce Walker. Alexander, Greenwood, Henderson, Mobley, Soenksen, Soward, and Walker confirmed receiving money. Fien, Hunter, Steed and Waldrop said they did not receive money from Luchs. Banks, Parker, Pounds and Rushing declined to comment on the allegations. Holmes, McGhee, Thomas, Washington and Webb did not respond to requests to comment. Agee, Claridge and Bender are deceased. Luchs says Dana Stubblefield, J.J. Stokes and Keyshawn Johnson declined to take money from him.

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MONDAY, October 18 10:00-10:30 Welcome from Dr. R. Larson (UNM HSC, VP Research); Drs. DJ Perkins and R. Durvasula (UNM, Cntr Global Health, Directors) 10:30-11:00 Advances in Telemedicine: A Global Perspective by Dr. D. Alverson (UNM, Cntr Telehealth and Cybermedicine Research, Med Director) 11:00-11:30 Understanding the Genomics of Malaria: The Human Host Perspective by Dr. DJ Perkins (UNM, Cntr Global Health, Director) 11:30-12:00 Evolutionary Genomics of Malarial Parasites: Implications in Vaccine Development and Malaria Control by Dr. A. Escalante (ASU, Prof) 12:00-1:00 Plenary Lecture “Management of Leishmaniasis: Current Approaches and Future Treatments” by Dr. A. Satoskar (OSU, Prof) 1:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-2:20 Collaborative Approaches to Capacity Building in Africa by Dr. J. Ong’echa (UNM/KEMRI in Kenya, Sr Scientist) 2:20-2:40 Impact of Surface Receptors on Severe Childhood Malarial Anemia by Dr. C. Ouma (UNM/KEMRI, Sr Scientist and Maseno Univ, Assoc Prof) 2:40-3:00 Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Malaria: A Potential Pathway for Clinical Intervention by Dr. P. Kempaiah (UNM, Research Prof, Cntr Global Health) 3:00-3:20 Cyclooxygenase and Prostaglandin Pathways as Mediators of Disease Severity in Childhood Malaria by S. Anyona (UNM/KEMRI, PhD Student) 3:20-3:40 Importance of Pediatric Co-Infections in Conditioning Clinical Outcomes by Dr. G. Davenport (UNM, Postdoc Fellow, Cntr Global Health) 3:40-4:00 Medical Informatics in Africa by S. Konah (UNM/KEMRI, IT Manager and MSc Student) 4:00-4:20 Global Problems Local Solutions by Dr. D. Macias (UNM, SOM, Emer Med, Assoc Prof) 4:20-4:40 Novel Mathematical Approaches to Data Analyses by Dr. A. Luis Rivas (New Mexico Consortium, Prof) 4:40-5:00 UNM-Department of Defense East Africa Research Initiatives by G. Mann (UNM, Sr Research Engineer) 5:00-5:30 Follow-up Questions: All Attendees

TUESDAY, October 19 10:00-10:30 Introduction to Programs in India and China by Drs. R. Durvasula (Director) and P. Shah (Clin Coord) UNM, Cntr Global Health 10:30-10:50 West Meets East: A Novel, Comprehensive, On-site Introduction to Global Health in Nepal by D. Wachter (UNM, SOM, Emer Med, Asst Prof) 10:50-11:30 Collaborative Ties between UNM and Gujarat State, India (TBA) 11:30-12:00 Research and Clinical Programs at Rajkot Medical College by Dr. P. Kumar (Rajkot Medical College, Dean) 12:00-12:30 Global Health Research at RMRI, Patna, India by Dr. P. Das (RMRI, Director) 12:30-1:00 Robotic Surgery: A Global Approach by Dr. S. Shah (UNM, SOM, Urology, Asst Prof) 1:00-2:00 Lunch 2:00-2:30 Lung Cancer Chemoprevention: Global Health Activities in China by Dr. J. Mao (UNM, Prof and VA Med. Cntr, Chief, Pulmonary Critical Care) 2:30-3:00 Methylprednisolone for Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome in Chile by Dr. G. Mertz (UNM, SOM, Chief, Infectious Diseases) 3:00-3:30 Paratransgenic Approaches to Chagas Disease in South America by Dr. R. Durvasula (UNM, Cntr Global Health, Director) 3:30-4:00 Regional Models - Global Questions: The Navajo Uranium Legacy and Community Health by Dr. J. Lewis (UNM, College of Pharmacy, Prof) 4:00-4:20 Reservoirs of T. cruzi in New Mexico by M. Bauer and S. Rivera (UNM, SOM, Medical Students) 4:20-5:00 Fostering Global Health Partnerships: All Attendees





Back to life; back to the tournament by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu Forget The Pit renovations; there is a renovated team on south campus. UNM women’s basketball is constructing a plan to get back into the NCAA tournament after a two-year hiatus in the WNIT. Head coach Don Flanagan said he is optimistic about what he has seen in preseason workouts. “Returning players have come back in good shape,” he said. “We have had five practices, because we are in a different set-up this year, but I am pretty happy. The progress has been good.” Flanagan, however, must use new tools to qualify for his 14th straight postseason. The Lobos have a combined 10 freshmen and sophomores on the 2010-11 roster. Flanagan said he needs his young players to mature rapidly in preseason camp. “We need to have them be able to play, and I think they can,” he said. “I think we are pretty deep, just not that experienced at some positions.” Of the more experienced players, junior guard Sara Halasz will have to take over as one of the team’s unspoken leaders. Halasz, who logged significant playing time beginning her freshman year, said she is eager to start the season. “We’re kind of tired of beating up on each other, and it’s only the second week in practice,” she said. “I think we’re really confident, anxious, and we’re really ready to

get in on competition. Everybody is really competitive on the court. And, I mean, the freshmen have come in strong, and so have the returning players.” Despite advancing to the second round of the WNIT last season and the quarterfinals two years ago, Flanagan said the team has a renewed drive to get back to the NCAA tournament. “Our expectation has been to always get back to the NCAA tournament,” he said. “I think those are the goals every year.” Yet, with rising Mountain West Conference competition, the Lobos have not enjoyed the same amount of success the last two years. Flanagan said his team lost focus last year in posting a 19-13 record. “For some reason, last year, during the season at some point, we weren’t quite on task,” he said. “We played some really outstanding games and then some really average games. We’re hoping to be more consistent this year.” Already, the redesigned Pit is a drawing card for the Lobos. As of Tuesday, the ticket office had sold nearly 6,000 women’s season tickets. Guard Amanda Best said she has already made herself at home in the Lobos’ improved stomping grounds. “I took a tour with Coach Flanagan this summer in August, and it looked awesome,” she said. “I haven’t been in there since, but I am really excited to play in there. I picked out my seat and my locker.”

Need writting experience?

go s bo loo The Daily Lobo is accepting applications for o l s go bos g Sports Reporters. os lobo o lo go Junfu Han/ Daily Lobo b Head coach Don Flanagan takes questions from the media during the day. Flanagan has s 10 freshmen Visit Unmjobs.unm.edu to fill out an application opreseason loLobos’ media s g a combined - and sophomores g on this year’s squad, but he is optimistic about how the groupo has looked during workouts. bo o o s g bos lob o lo go l os o ob o lo s go s g bos lob l g bo o bo lo go s go g o o o s s o l s l b o log bo o b bo lo go s g o o s o os o os l bo o lo o l o g g o o b s s g l g o ob ob lo go s s g bo s l l b o o o o o ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s go os g l g bo g bo o b bo lo go Swimming & Diving go s Men’s Golf lo s g o o o o o o s o l s o l Thurs 10/14 s l Mon-Tues 10/18-19 l b o lo g bos o lob o g bo o o o b b s @ Alister MacKenzie vs. UNLV 9am s g g g g s lo go os Invitational Seidler Natatorium bo o lo o lo go os bos obo o lo o o o o b in Fairfax, CA s g l s b lo g l b lo g Sat 10/16 g g o o o o s s o s o s s l @ Denver Relays l b b o o bo in Denver, Men’s Soccer lo COgo s go os g obo lob o lo go s go os g obo lob o lo o o l s l s l b b Fri 10/15 o g s g oTennis bo lobo o lo go s go os g obo lob o lo s go s go os go Women’s @ Denver o s b o lo l 10/13-16 b ol b Wed-Sat Sun 10/17 o o g g o o o o o o o b o b g l @ Air Force g@ ITA Regionals os lob lo go l s g os g bos lob lo go l s g o s s b o in Las Vegas, NV bo lob bo lob o lo go s go os bo lob o lo go s go os Women’s Soccer o o Thurs 10/14 g bos bo lob o l go g bos bo lob o l go s s go Volleyball vs. Utah 6pm g g o o os o oThurs 10/14 o o s s o l o l s s l b l b b o o Sat 10/16 g Wyoming o bo lob o lo g go os g obo lob o lo go s go os lo @ Sat vs. BYU 5pm g o s 10/16 s UNM Soccer Complex o lob o l go g bos o lob o l go g bo os State b @bColorado b s s lo10/21go os g os obo Thurs lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o l o o b s gvs. BYUo7pm ob lo go l s g os g bos lob lo go l os g os g Johnsonb Center l b lob o lo bo lob o lo go s go os lo go s go os o o s s l b obto g o l Golf, bo luck go os g o l Men’s bo lobo o lo go s go os g obo loGood s o s s l b g boWomen’s ob go l bo Soccer, sSoccer, l go os g obo lobo o lo go s goMen’s o o o l s l b ol b o go bos bos o & Diving, s g lo go s go os g obo lob o lo Swimming s Men’s s g Country, lo o lo s bo Volleyball b ol o o Good luck to Cross Soccer, g Women’s Tennis and o o o o o o b b s s Women’s g l b Soccer g l b lo g g o ando Volleyball o o o s s l o s s l b b o go os g obo lobo o lo go s go os g obo lob o lo s g To advertise in this special section, s l l b b o call 277-5656! lo go s go os g obo lob o lo go s go os g obo s l s l b b o bo lobo o lo go s go os g obo lob o lo s go g g o os bo o o ob o l




the haps

Page 8 / Wednesday, October 13, 2010

HAPS Listings Wednesday Exhale Bar & Grill 8:30-12:30 Karaoke The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

Imbibe Wine Down Wednesdays FREE Wine Tasting & Appetizers 6-7pm Happy Hour All Day! $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl & Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints* *Hip Hop* The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-9:30

Daily Draft Specials for $2.50 Mon-Sat Nightly Patio Specials on Select Beer


2:00pm - 7:00pm $2.50 Blue Moon $2.25 Domestic Beers $2.75 Well Drinks 7:00pm - Close $2.75 Bridgeport IPA Blue Moon; Shiner Bock Hardcore; Alien $4.00 Lemon Drops Kamikazes $5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza $5.00 Cheeseburger w/ FF

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Exhale Bar & Grill Lights out with DJ Hunter Doors open at 9 The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Sushi and Sake Closed Sundays Imbibe SWGLFF Closing Night Party 9pm FREE Burt’s Tiki Lounge *THE UNIVERSAL* *The Original Weekly Dance Party!* *CLKCLKBNG & Guests* *Dance/ Electro & Indie* *75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone* *Dance*

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

$4.00 Margaritas; Cosmos Slippery Nipples


Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Sunshine Theater All That Remains Asking Alexandria

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-10


Lotus Lotus TGIF Featuring DJ J-ROC - 18+ Doors open at 10 pm, $10 Under 21. Downtown Distillery No Cover $3 Jager Bombs $2 Bud-lite & P.B.R. (until 11:30)

Exhale Bar & Grill Variety Shows 6:30pm -1:30am 18+ Party!

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Imbibe Jose Cuervo Margaritas $5 All Day Happy Hour til 7pm DJ 10pm

Exhale Bar & Grill Doors open at 6:30pm Country dance 8:30-10:30pm New DJ! 10:30-1:30am COME DANCE!

Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-9:30

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Porter Draw* *Kentucky Deluxe* *Bluegrass* The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Influx Fridays - Dub Step w/DJ Mittens - 10pm

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See Ad for daily specials Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Japeth*


WED 13 THU 14 FRI 15 SAT 16

$2.50 Drafts All Night 7pm-Close 7:00pm - Close $2.50 All Pints $4.00 Bacardi U-Call-It*

Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis DJ Poppin’ Bottles 10pm






SUN 17


MON 18


TUE 19



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*no Red Bull or Martinis

$5.00 Copper Burger


7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos XX; Tecate Alien; Sam Adams Seasonal 5 Barrel Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s; Sam Adams Lager; Modelo Especial $3.25 Corona and Corona Light $4.00 Salty Dogs Razzitinis; Mind Erasers $4.50 Jose Cuervo $6.00 Manzano Martinis $5 Stuffed Sopapillas (Chicken or Beef)


11:00am - 7:00pm $2.75 Well Drinks $2.50 Bloody Marys $2.25 Domestic Bottles 5:00-7:00pm $3.00 Drafts on Patio: 1554; Sam Adams Lager; Blue Paddle 7:00pm - Close All drafts $2.50 everywhere $6.75 Chicken or Ground Beef Burrito

The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

$5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza 50¢ Tacos

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Smithwick’s Sam Adams Seasonal Marble Red; Bass; Stella Artois Patio: $2.75 Marble IPA; Blue Paddle; Modelo Especial $4.00 Skyy U-Call-It* Copper House Martini

Lotus Temptation Thursday - 18+ Doors open at 10 pm, $10 Under 21. Featuring Dj A.I. Dj J-Rock Dj XES

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Planet Rock - The New Weekly Dance Party - 9pm


7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos XX; Tecate; Honeybrown; Marble Blonde; Fat Tire Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s, 1554; Marble IPA


Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

New Mexico Daily Lobo

1504 Central Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 242-7490 Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat

Package Liquors 11a-11:55p Mon-Sat



18+ $10 COVER 21+ NO COVER


Saturday Night Live


Live Comedy with

Rev. Stephen Hunt & Guest Comedians Doors open @ 8pm.

Albuquerque’s Best Dance Club

with DJ’s A.I. & XES

10pm to Close 21+ / No Cover after 10pm

$5 Lemon Drops $5 Skyy & Jager Bombers $2.50 Barenjer Killer Bees $1.50 Bud & Bud Light Lotus Nightclub & VIP Ultralounge 211 Gold Ave SW, Downtown LOTUSABQ@YAHOO.COM

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-10

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Blackbird Karaoke w/ DJ Kammo 9pm The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Lotus Saturday Night Live - 21+ Live Comedy Show. Doors open at 8pm. DJ AI & DJ XES spin Albuquerque’s best dance music from 10pm to closing. Doors open at 8pm, No Cover After 10pm. Downtown Distillery No Cover $3 Jager Bombs $2 Bud-lite & P.B.R. (until 11:30) Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

Tuesday The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

The Copper Lounge CLOSED

Imbibe Open 12n-12mid Watch Football + Happy Hour ALL Day $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis

Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-9:30

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Exhale Bar & Grill Pool tournament 6:30pm 7:30-11:30 Karaoke

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-9:30


The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Weeks End - Classic Hip Hop w/ Flow Fader - 3pm

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Geeks Who Drink - 7pm

Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT $1 Drafts, $3 Wells & Long Island Tea, $4 Jim Beam & $5 Cherry & Silvers DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilo Quinones 9:30pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *The Breaktone* *A.M. Session* *Kyle Morgan* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night* *Pop/ Rock*

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

Wednesday Exhale Bar & Grill 8:30-12:30 Karaoke The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Imbibe JOSE Cuervo Comedy Night 8pm $5 Cover Happy Hour ALL Day $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl & Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 / Page 9 Select Pints* *Hip Hop*

Korean BBQ 11:30-2:30 5-9:30

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer

e k a S & i Sush Ko 338


Free all you can eat sushi!!!

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ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $18.95 DINNER $21.95 Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Saturday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Closed Sundays

En new joy o pat ur io!


3200 Central Ave. • Albuquerque, NM

Freak Tent $3 Marble Drafts

Tiki Tuesdays! $4 Tiki Drinks All Night


Vinyl And Verses


Look Ma No Hands My Majestic Mind

Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$2.50 Select Pints


The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until Midnight


Porter Draw Kentucky Deluxe Bluegrass




Two Wheel Mondays



(Tues-Sun) 4 pm - 8 pm $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Liquid Monday Happy Hour All Day! Blackbird Karaoke w/DJ Kammo 9 pm Tuesday Geeks Who Drink - 7 pm All Pints $2.50 9 pm - Midnight Wednesday 9 pm - Midnight $1 off Vodkas $3 Marble Pints

Friday/Saturday Late Night Happy Hour 11 pm - close

Dead Sea • Keelhaul $3 Marble Drafts Metal


12 noon Sat-Sun

Happy Hour

Thursday 9 pm - close $3 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals





Open @: 11 am Mon-Fri,




Sunshine Theater Russian Circles Keelhaul Call Me Lightning

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *Dead Sea* *Keelhaul* *$3 Marble Drafts* *Metal*

Two Wheel Mondays



Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Imbibe Watch Pro Football on our Big Screens FREE Subs + Happy Hour All Day $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis DJ Flo Fader 9:30pm



The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials


Sunshine Theater Minus The Bear Tim Kasher The Globes





Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 3-7pm Smirnoff Strawberry, PBR Pints $2.00 $1.00 off all drinks except bottled beer


Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am


Sunday Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio! NO COVER ALL EVENTS 21+

Follow us on Twitter! twitter.com/blackbird505

The Blackbird Buvette 509 Central Ave NW ABQ, NM 87002

325 Central Ave NW 4th and Central (505) 242-7422




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Page 10 / Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

NFL still investigating Favre by Barry Wilner Associated Press

CHICAGO — NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday there was no timetable for wrapping up an investigation of an Internet report that Vikings quarterback Brett Favre sent racy text messages and lewd photos to a former New York Jets game hostess. “We’re just looking for facts now,” Goodell said at the NFL owners meeting. “I am going to deal with it as we get the facts.” He said he had no plans to meet with Favre, “but if it is something that would help us get to a conclusion and it is warranted, I will do so.” The investigation, announced last week, centers on a report by the sports website Deadspin that in 2008 Favre, then with the Jets, sent the photos and messages to Jenn Sterger. Sterger’s manager, Phil Reese, declined to say if his client has talked with the NFL. “This is something that allegedly happened two years ago,” Reese said in an e-mail to The Associated Press. “We don’t want a quick resolution, but the proper resolution.” Favre could be fined or suspended under the NFL’s personal conduct policy. “One of the reasons we instituted the personal conduct policy ... (was) to make everyone understand their responsibilities,” Goodell said. “We’re not going down a line of speculation and hypothetical situations.” Favre has not responded to questions about the Deadspin report. AP Sports Writer Rick Freeman in New York contributed to this story.

Bill Kostroun/ AP Photo Last week, Deadspin.com posted a story about quarterback Brett Favre allegedly sending graphic images to former Jets’ employee Jenn Sterger. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Monday that the league is looking to “find out all the facts.”


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lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo


ACROSS 1 Mr. or Mrs. 5 Furtive message 11 New Deal prog. 14 Toon predator __ E. Coyote 15 First pro team to play on artificial turf 16 Used to be 17 Challenges for an interviewee 20 Serious religious dissents 21 Elite Eight org. 22 Trinidad’s partner 24 Digital greeting 25 Not even close 30 __ the finish 31 Seventh of eight, now 32 Japanese drama 33 Bar shot 34 “May I help you?” 37 Neptune, for one 39 It may be raw 40 Journalism bigwig 44 Goof 45 Kind of will or trust 46 Greek vowel 47 “If you ask me ...” 51 Defied tradition 55 Spy novelist Deighton 56 It’s attractive 57 Earthenware pot 58 Big name in ice cream 59 Church councils 60 Fix up

dailysudoku Level 1 2 3 4

solution to yesterday’s problem

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku



7 Case in a purse, perhaps 8 Elder or alder 9 Trunk growth 10 D.C. setting 11 Like some accidents 12 Joan of “Knots Landing” 13 Longtime Syrian ruling family name 18 Consequently 19 Pizarro victims 22 Womb-mate 23 Vintner’s prefix 24 Outback critter 26 Yeasts, e.g. 27 Eight-time British Open host town 28 Greek leader? 29 M.D.’s specialty 33 Show signs of age, as a roof 34 1950s Niners Hall of Fame quarterback 35 Harrow rival 36 Puppeteer Tony


Striving For Balance: Women’s Counseling Group Starts at: 11:30am Location: Women’s Resource Center This group is about achieving a sense of balance between the daily demands of everyday life while meeting your needs today. Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Open Meetings Starts at: 3:30pm Location: Women’s Resource Center For women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.


Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel Baronial Brass Starts at: 7:30pm Location: Robertson and Sons Violin Shop Program to be announced.


Returning Women Students Walk-in Hours Starts at: 2:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Thinking about returning to school? Have some questions about how to get started? Come by the WRC and get some answers.

Women’s Veteran Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Women’s Veteran Group is an opportunity to network and create a community for the women vets we have on campus.

Women’s Soccer: New Mexico vs. SDSU Starts at: 5:00pm Location: UNM Soccer Complex Cheer on the New Mexico Lobos as they take on the San Diego State University Aztecs. Student tickets are FREE! Changeling the Lost Starts at: 8:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.


Benise – The Spanish Guitar Starts at: 7:30pm Location: 101 Cornell Dr SE Benise, and his Emmy Award Winning ‘Nights of Fire’ cast returns to the stage with an all new world music and dance production.

FRIDAY 10/15

CAMPUS EVENTS Believe in NM Girls SLAM 2010 Conference Starts at: 8:00am Location: SUB A 2-day conference for NM high school girls to explore leadership skills, career possibilities, issues on self-esteem and get to know other girls from around the state. (505) 222-6605


Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Weasel 38 Listening device 39 ÷ follower 40 Tied in the harbor 41 1963 Burton role 42 Picks 43 “Mon __!”: Poirot exclamation 44 Book read by millions





By Dan Naddor

DOWN 1 Hole-making tool 2 Many a Britannica article 3 Mindless chatter 4 Reacted to giving out too many cards 5 Constituted from 6 ABA honorifics


13, 2010 / Page 11

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Mal and Chad

new mexico


FOR RELEASE OCTOBER ednesday13, 2010 ctober

Film: Native American Suffrage in New Mexico Starts at: 4:30pm Location: KiMo Theater The film follows the stories of two communities of Native Americans. The film shows how these groups become informed and take stands in order to address serious voting issues.

FREE Acupuncture Day! Starts at: 9:00am Location: 2117 San Mateo NE On October 16th all treatments will be FREE! Call 750-8224 or visit our website at www.casitacommunityacupuncture.com


DRUMLine Live Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Popejoy Hall DRUMLine Live, created by the music team behind the hit movie ‘Drumline’, struts on stage with riveting rhythms, bold beats and electrifying energy. popejoypresents.com/drumline Women’s Soccer: New Mexico vs. SDSU Starts at: 5:00pm Location: UNM Soccer Complex Cheer on the New Mexico Lobos as they take on the San Diego State University Aztecs. Student tickets are FREE!

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com


Planning your weekend has never been easier! COMMUNITY EVENTS


Get your name out there with the Daily Crossword

Event Calendar


Rachmaninoff Vespers Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Cleveland High School Friday, October 15, 2010, 7:00 pm, buy tickets now at the Cathedral Church of St. John. Saturday, October 16, 2010, 6:00 pm, buy tickets now Cleveland H.S. Concert Hall in Rio Rancho


47 Traveling 48 Communicate digitally? 49 “Pay __ mind!” 50 Get rid of 52 Magnesium has two 53 Passé 54 Cultural Revolution leader

An Albuquerque Based South African Couple In Concert Starts at: 9:00am Location: Immanuel Presbyterian Church The South African Orion Duet, a couple who reside in Albuquerque will entertain in a joyous gospel music concert. T--T--Terror! A Bloody Burlesque Starts at: 8:00pm Location: Launchpad Advance Tickets $10 https://holdmyticket.com/mini/mini.php?id=8720 Night of show $15


Werewolf the Forsaken Starts at: 7:00pm Location: SUB, Santa Ana A&B Play a character as part of White Wolf Publishing’s ongoing official worldwide chronicle. Please call Marco at 505 453 7825 for information/confirmation.

COMMUNITY EVENTS Buddhist Practice Teachings Starts at: 10:00am Location: 322 Washington SE Teachings on the Foundation Practices with Tibetan Lama Traga Rinpoche. Everyone welcome. Call 401-7340 for more info or visit www.rigdzin.com. 10AM - Noon and 2PM - 4:30PM Perfectly Pops Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Casa Rondeña Winery Experience the NMSO Brass Quintet in the gracious gardens of Casa Rondeña Winery. John Marchiando leads the legendary NMSO brass ensemble in a tribute that spans centuries of great music.

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event info and submit!


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Fun Food Music


HAVE YOUR SORORITY or holiday party at Salsa-Baby.com 908-0771.

Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Fun, Food, Music Lost and Found Miscellaneous Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

WEEKLY TAI CHI classes, turtlemountaintaichi.com 792-4519. KOSMIC TRADING POST 3710 Campus NE. Thursday night concert 7 p.m.. Serving Marley Coffee Ital, Matcha, Green Tea, Teas and Good Vibes. Music fridays! 505-867-5067.

Lost and Found FOUND ON 10/11: set of keys on Johnson field. Come to Marron Hall 107 to claim.

Services ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. RELATIONSHIP ISSUES? TALK to life coach Caite. 712-9334. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown.PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. DOCUMENT EDITING: $3/PAGE. Call Sarah Rehberg 352-6125.

For Sale

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

SUPPORT GROUP FOR women students. Life Coach Caite. 712-9334. ?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

Your Space TO THE COWARD who did a hit and run on my black SUV in Y-lot; call me 5046023.



Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers Work Study Jobs

MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525. UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $490 2BDRM $675 +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com


1 BDRMS, 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Harvard SE. 262-0433.

WORRIED? LOG ON To www.Spirituality.com

Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, $445/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Condos FURNISHED STUDIO CONDOMINIUM. Montgomery and Carlisle. $400/mo, $300 dd. Phil 366-1550.

Houses For Rent UNM 2 BLOCKS, 1BDRM $450/mo. •3BDRM $1000/mo. 264-7530.

Rooms For Rent MALE MEDICAL STUDENT would like to share a 3/BDRM, 2 1/2/ba, townhome, 5 min drive from campus. $450/mo + half utilities & 300 deposit. babishka_z@yahoo.com 1BDRM $450/MO IN NE Heights. 2 available. 328-9124. MALE, NON-SMOKING student preferred, to share 2BDRM, 1BA apartment really close to campus. $250/mo, utilities included. Contact Will Duran wduran01@unm.edu, (915)-478-2881. QUIET RESPONSIBLE STUDENT wanted to share nice 3BDRM, 2.5BA home. 10 mins from campus, GREAT LOCATION!. $400/mo, w/utilities included. (505) 490-1998.

ASUS NETBOOK COMPUTER solid state drive, office suite, 1G-RAM, 3 usb ports, mic and speakers, memory card slot, and external video port. $150 Al 836-4546.

Vehicles For Sale 1989 CADILLAC SEDAN Deville. $800 obo. Call Jerry @ 315-7735. NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 9076479. 1989 HONDA ACCORD, great gas saver $1600 obo. call Jerry @ 3157735. 1998 BUICK CENTURY for sale. Great condition and super clean interior. $3500. Call Patrick at 505-489-2465 or email p.coronel92@gmail.com

NEED TO BUY a vehicle? Check the Daily Lobo Monday- Friday for new listings. NEED TO SELL your vehicle? If you’re a student, place your 25 word Vehicle For Sale ad FREE by e-mailing classifieds@dailylobo.com


2011 Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance. Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 12/10/10 Please visit our website www.talk.go.kr


3102 Central Ave SE


SMALL, NEW REFRIGERATOR for sale. Black color, $90. Please contact Dulce at davitia@unm.edu or (505)9276194.

Bikes/Cycles 2008 SYM HD200 scooter windshield, rear trunk, 78 mpg. $1200.00 OBO. 505459-9677.

Computer Stuff 2 NEW EPSON 4-in-1 printers, ultra high-def photo, copy, scan, fax, print. $65 (workforce 500) and $125 (rx-680). Sealed box. Al 836-4546.

TUTOR/ NANNY PART-TIME afternoons. 797-7877. PT GENERAL MANAGER- Sales for Residential and commercial remodeling countertops. Must have Bachelor’s degree/ experience with managing orbusiness. 712-2532.

2011 English Program In Korea (EPIK) ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree. Last day to apply: 12/10/10 Please visit our website www.epik.go.kr

MANAGEMENT- NO NIGHTS NO SUNDAYS. 20+ Paid Days Off/ Yr! $25K. Full benefits. Fax HoneyBaked Ham 781-631-1183. $25.00 TO PROVIDE me with sdk adb command to install Apps from PC to sprint HTC hero. 319-8414.

Jai - (213)386-3112 ex.201. jai.kecla@gmail.com STUDENT RECRUITER. FLEXIBLE hours. Experience with online promotion and in-house leads techniques. Marketing Student or Sales Experience preferred. Must be able to work some evenings. Pay is DOE. Please email resume to carrie.mcculloch@eccuni.us

Jobs On Campus DAILY LOBO SEEKING music students to come and join the multimedia production team. photoeditor@dailylobo.com

Jobs Wanted

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Child Care IN HOME CARE of Toddler, Fridays, hours vary, Ridge Crest, immediate need. blarney@pol.net

Jobs Off Campus VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.Ad CarDriver.com

30+ FALL OPENINGS Flex Schedule, Scholarships Possible! Customer Sales/ Service, No Exp. Nec., Cond. Apply. Call now, All ages 18+, ABQ 243-3081, NW/ Rio Rancho: 891-0559. www.zf9.com

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teressa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

WAIT STAFF PT/ FT for busy lunch cafe. Apply at Model Pharmacy, corner of Lomas and Carlisle.

Check out a few of the Jobs on Main Campus available through Student Employment! Listed by: Position Title Department Closing Date Salary

Job of the Day

For Sale

LOOKING FOR LAW student/ student with legal aide experience for PT help with small claims court procedures. 7122532.

Note- Taker Accessibility Resource Center 01-11-2011 $7.50

Data Entry CAPS General Administrative

Office Assistant Payroll Department 01-11-2011 $7.50 per hour

01-01-2011 $7.50/hr

Computer Support Tech UNM Ticketing Services 01-12-2011 $7.50-8.50

Museum Education Intern Off Campus Work Study 12-07-2010 $7.50

Bilingual Spanish/ English Teacher and Interpreter Off Campus Work Study 12-06-2010 $10.00

Community Education Office Assistant Valencia County Branch 01-12-2011 $7.50 - $7.75

MARC Undergraduate Research Assistant Biology Dept 01-12-2011 $931.00/month stipend

Library Aid Valencia Library 01-12-2011 $7.50

Office Assistant Pediatrics Cardiology 01-11-2011 $7.50/hr

Project Assistant for Communications Off Campus Work Study 12-08-2010 $10.00

For more information about these positions, to view all positions or to apply visit https://unmjobs.unm.edu Call the Daily Lobo at 277-5656 to find out how your job can be the Job of the Day!!

FREE Daily Lobo Classifieds for students? Your Space Rooms for Rent For Sale Categories

Project Assistant for Youth Service Learning Program Off Campus 01-06-2011 $10.00



NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

NEAR UNM, KAFB in quiet building; large 2BDRM, hardwood floors, storage, W/D, HU, refurbished kitchen, private porch, cats ok, $600/mo. w/ utilities; $500-deposit, 1yr lease. 350-8698.



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new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale

Furniture Garage Sales Photo Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

The small print: Each ad must be 25 or fewer words, scheduled for 5 or fewer days.

To place your free ad, come by Marron Hall, Room 107 and show your student ID, or email us from your unm email account at classifieds@dailylobo.com.

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