NM Daily Lobo 101512

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Make it rain


see page 10

October 15, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Alleged suicide may be murder


by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com @SvetlanaOzden

An arrest has been made in an investigation regarding the death of a host parent for UNM foreign exchange students. Albuquerque police said Thursday that Amy Herrera, wife of Marc Herrera, 37, who was shot and killed at a party held for foreign exchange students at his Northeast Albuquerque home in July, was arrested that day. According to the arrest warrant, Amy Herrera is being charged with murdering her husband and tampering with evidence. Marc Herrera’s death was originally ruled a suicide but was later investigated as a homicide after an August report from the Office of the Medical Examiner concluded that Marc Herrera died from a “gunshot wound of the head” and was “shot by an assailant with (a) handgun.”

see Herrera PAGE 5

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Guiden Delaney receives an autograph from sophomore guard Hugh Greenwood after the Lobo Howl last Friday night at The Pit. The preseason showcase of the 2012-13 men’s and women’s basketball teams’ skills drew an attendance of 4,622 fans.

Employees denied salary compensation Provost Budget office cites lack of funds in I&G reserves by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com @SvetlanaOzden

This year, faculty and staff members will not receive a midyear compensation package intended to compensate employees who have not had a salary increase in the past four years. At a Board of Regents meeting Thursday, Associate Vice President for the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis Andrew Cullen said that the University has seen an estimated 145 percent increase in year-end Instruction and General fund reserves since 2008. But the Higher Education for Development (HED) organization recommends that 3 percent of the total I&G budget be in reserves, and UNM is still $500,000 short of that goal. Cullen said FY 2012 year-end I&G reserves totaled about $46.6 million, as compared to a total of $19 million in 2008. He said that about $21.5 million resides in academic affairs and about $16.2 million resides in the University’s undesignated funds balance, which is the central reserve for the University. But Cullen said the $16.2 million is designated for a number

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 39

of commitments and dedications, including a one-time payment to employees in August that cost about $2.5 million. He said that after all dedications and commitments are applied to the reserve fund balance, about $8.7 million remains, which is less than the HED’s recommendation of 3 percent in reserves, which would amount to $9.2 million. “We’re actually just a little bit shy of the recommended HED reserve,” Cullen said. Faculty and staff members have not seen pay increases in four years, and to help soften that blow, the University was trying to find a way to offer bonuses in the middle of this academic year. Cullen said the administration considered using year-end reserves for uncommitted money that could be applied to the mid-year compensation package, but because the reserves are still less than the recommended amount, a midyear compensation package isn’t possible. “It’s been four years running now that we haven’t had any increases in salaries for our employees,” he said. “So we looked for uncommitted dollars and found that … one-time funds weren’t really an option.” Cullen said the administration found that the University has had an increase in student credit hours, but because tuition and fee

costs are the same for students taking anywhere between 12 and 18 credit hours, and because the University saw a decrease in graduate enrollment, the budget falls short of the HED recommendation. According to the UNM Fall 2012 Official Enrollment Report, this fall students registered for a total of 340,000 credit hours, an increase of about 14 percent in student credit hours since 2008 when credit hours numbered about 298,000. But with graduate enrollment at about 4,500 students this year, the graduate enrollment has dropped about 8 percent since last year. “What we see is that pooled tuition and fees are actually tracking just slightly below our budget, so although our student credit hours may be increasing, funding is not,” he said. “So based on those two factors, the administration can’t go ahead and look at a mid-year compensation package at this time and I know a lot of people may be upset about that.”

Changes In Electrical Service The regents unanimously approved a $90,000 budget increase to fund a project that will change electric service for the KNME TV station and Domenici Hall from PNM electric service to UNM electric service. The project will save an estimated $76,000 per year in

A helping hand

Imua Lobos

See page 6

See page 8

electricity costs and improve reliability for the two buildings that depend on electric service that is often inefficient. Plans for the project were approved by the regents in November 2011, but unexpected costs required an increase in the budget, which was originally estimated to cost $660,000. The budget includes costs for creating underground electric lines that will supply the buildings with electricity. The new lines are expected to be more reliable than the current electric lines, which are above ground, although the PNM lines will still be connected to both buildings to allow the PNM lines to provide electricity should the UNM lines fail. At a Finance and Facilities Committee meeting Thursday, Budget Officer Vahid Staples of the Office of Planning, Budget and Analysis said the office received four bids in a Request of Proposal process, all of which were higher than the original estimated costs. He said that before a bidder was selected, the office tried to rearrange the budget but found that the estimated budget wasn’t feasible. The new costs will be funded by $500,000 from the Physical Plant Department Utility Capital Reserves and $250,000 from the Physical Plant Utility Operation Carry Forward fund.

declares interim law dean by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com @SvetlanaOzden

An interim dean has been appointed for the University of New Mexico School of Law. Following an internal search for the position, UNM Provost Chaouki Abdallah announced on Oct. 8 that Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Barbara Bergman will serve as interim dean for the remainder of the 2013 academic year. Bergman will replace former law school dean Kevin Washburn, who was appointed by President Obama to be the assistant secretary for the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Bergman has worked at the University since 1987, when she became a member of the UNM law faculty. In fall 2010, Bergman launched the Washington, D.C. Exchange Program, which allows UNM law school students to spend a semester studying at the Howard University School of Law in Washington, D.C.

see Dean PAGE 5


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Skydiver breaks sound barrier in record free fall Yes

RED PANTONE 200 MADEIRA 1147 RA 2263 sound barrier Sunday while SILVER PANTONE 428 MADEIRA 1011 RA 2482 makby Juan Carlos Llorca SILVER ALTERNATE PANTONE - 23% the highest jump ever — a tumThe Associated PressPROCESS BLACKing BLACK BLACK BLACK from PANTONE PROCESS BLACK bling, death-defying plunge WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE a balloon to a safe landing in the ROSWELL, N.M. PANTONE — In 321 a giant BLUE-GREEN New Mexico desert. 24 miles GRAY leap from more than PANTONE 410 up, LIGHT a GRAY 410 - 30% Felix Baumgartner hit Mach daredevil skydiverPANTONE shattered the RED







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the command center

held their breath as he appeared to

“When I was from standing thereLicensing on Company. spin uncontrollably. NOTE: The marks of The University of New Mexico are controlled under a licensing program administered by The Collegiate Licensing Company. Any use of these marks will require written approval The Collegiate

Red Bull Stratos / AP photo This image provided by Red Bull Stratos shows pilot Felix Baumgartner of Austria as he jumps out of the capsule during the final manned flight for Red Bull Stratos on Sunday. Baumgartner handily shattered the sound barrier Sunday while making the highest skydiving freefall ever, at 24 miles above the ground — a tumbling, death-defying plunge from a balloon to a safe landing in the New Mexico desert.

volume 117

issue 39

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Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

top of the world, you become so humble, you do not think about breaking records anymore, you do not think about gaining scientific data,” he said after the jump. “The only thing you want is to come back alive.” A worldwide audience watched live on the Internet via cameras mounted on his capsule as Baumgartner, wearing a pressurized suit, stood in the doorway of his pod, gave a thumbs-up and leapt into the stratosphere. “Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are,” an exuberant Baumgartner told reporters outside mission control after the jump. Baumgartner’s descent lasted just over nine minutes, about half of it in a free fall of 119,846 feet, according to Brian Utley, a jump observer from the FAI, an

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“When I was spinning first 10, 20 seconds, I never thought I was going to lose my life, but I was disappointed because I’m going to lose my record,” he said. “I put seven years of my life into this.” He added: “In that situation, when you spin around, it’s like hell and you don’t know if you can get out of that spin or not. Of course it was terrifying. I was fighting all the way down because I knew that there must be a moment where I can handle it.” Baumgartner said traveling faster than sound is “hard to describe because you don’t feel it.” The pressurized suit prevented him from feeling the rushing air or even the loud noise he made when breaking the sound barrier.

see Stratos PAGE 3

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial PRINTED BY content should be made to the editor-in-chief. SIGNATURE OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo



from page

With no reference points, “you don’t know how fast you travel,” he said. The 43-year-old former Austrian paratrooper with more than 2,500 jumps behind him had taken off early Sunday in a capsule carried by a 55-story ultra-thin helium balloon. His ascent was tense at times and included concerns about how well his facial shield was working. Any contact with the capsule on his exit could have torn his suit, a rip that could expose him to a lack of oxygen and temperatures as low as minus-70 degrees. That might have caused lethal bubbles to form in his bodily fluids. But none of that happened. He activated his parachute as he neared Earth, gently gliding into the desert about 40 miles east of Roswell and landing smoothly. The images triggered another loud cheer from onlookers at mission control, among them his mother, Eva Baumgartner, who was overcome with emotion. He then was taken by helicopter to meet fellow members of his team, whom he hugged in celebration. Coincidentally, Baumgartner’s accomplishment came on the 65th anniversary of the day that U.S. test pilot Chuck Yeager became the first person to officially break the sound barrier in a jet. Yeager, in fact, commemorated that feat on Sunday, flying in the back seat of an F-15 Eagle as it broke the sound barrier at more than 30,000 feet above California’s Mojave Desert. At Baumgartner’s insistence, some 30 cameras recorded his stunt. Shortly after launch, screens at mission control showed the capsule, dangling from the massive balloon, as it rose gracefully above the New Mexico

desert, with cheers erupting from organizers. Baumgartner could be seen on video, calmly checking instruments inside. The dive was, in fact, more than just a stunt. NASA is eager to improve its blueprints for future spacesuits. Baumgartner’s team included Joe Kittinger, who first tried to break the sound barrier from 19.5 miles up in 1960, reaching speeds of 614 mph. With Kittinger inside mission control, the two men could be heard going over technical details during the ascension. “Our guardian angel will take care of you,” Kittinger radioed to Baumgartner around the 100,000foot mark. An hour into the flight, Baumgartner had ascended more than 63,000 feet and had gone through a trial run of the jump sequence. Ballast was dropped to speed up the ascent. Kittinger told him, “Everything is in the green. Doing great.” As Baumgartner ascended, so did the number of viewers watching on YouTube: company officials said the event broke a site record with more than 8 million simultaneous live streams at its peak. After Baumgartner landed, his sponsor, Red Bull, posted a picture of him on his knees on the ground to Facebook, generating nearly 216,000 likes, 10,000 comments and more than 29,000 shares in less than 40 minutes. On Twitter, half the worldwide trending topics had something to do with the jump, pushing past seven NFL football games. Among them was this tweet from NASA: “Congratulations to Felix Baumgartner and RedBull Stratos on record-breaking leap from the edge of space!”

This attempt marked the end of a long road for Baumgartner, a record-setting high-altitude jumper. He already made two preparation jumps in the area, one from 15 miles high and another from 18 miles high. He has said that this was his final jump. Red Bull has never said how much the long-running, complex project cost. Although he broke the sound barrier, the highest mannedballoon flight record and became the man to jump from the highest altitude, he failed to break Kittinger’s 5 minute and 35 second longest free fall record. Baumgartner’s was timed at 4 minutes and 20 seconds in free fall. He said he opened his parachute at 5,000 feet because that was the plan. “I was putting everything out there, and hoped for the best, and if we left one record for Joe — hey, it’s fine,” he said when asked if he intentionally left the record for Kittinger to hold. “We needed Joe Kittinger to help us break his own record and that tells the story of how difficult it was and how smart they were in the ‘60s. He is 84 years old, and he is still so bright and intelligent and enthusiastic.” Baumgartner has said he plans to settle down with his girlfriend and fly helicopters on mountain rescue and firefighting missions in the U.S. and Austria. Before that, though, he said, “I’ll go back to LA to chill out for a few days … will take it easy as hell, trust me.” AP Science Writer Alicia Chang and Associated Press writer Christopher Weber in Los Angeles contributed to this report.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg



Monday, October 15, 2012

opinion@dailylobo.com / @alexswanberg


LAST WEEK’S POLL: The first presidential debate was Wednesday, Oct. 3. What did you think?

The drinking game was fun — what were they talking about again?


Considering they didn’t have much time to give specifics, the candidates’ presentations weighed more heavily than their answers, so I think Romney won simply for that.


People say Romney won the debate with his “energized” delivery. Appearances aside, Obama clearly knows what he’s doing, so he didn’t have to put on a show.


I didn’t watch the debate. I got most of my information on the debate from the news or social media.


Romney won on form as well as content. It was a complete loss for Obama.


Out of 59 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Thursday was the first vice presidential debate. What did you think?


Fast and Furious crashes Obama legacy by John Tyczkowski

Assuming the vice presidential candidates wouldn’t deviate from what the presidential candidates stated in their debate, I figured I could skip the vice presidential debates. Paul Ryan won this round.

Joe Biden won this round.

Blah blah blah. These politicians just say whatever they need to win the public’s favor. We’ll see what happens when they’re in office; that’s what I care about.



EDITORIAL BOARD Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor

opinion@dailylobo.com Security on the U.S.-Mexico border is problematic, to put it lightly, and there have been continued federal efforts to try and secure the situation. However, gun-walking — the process of allowing cartels to indirectly purchase weapons in the United States, and allowing those weapons to move across the border in the hopes of tracking the cartels through those purchases — is arguably the wrong way of going about it. Currently, there is a massive investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious, which resulted in U.S.-purchased weapons being used to kill both Mexicans and Americans between 2009 and 2011. So far, inquiries have been hampered by a lack of cooperation on the part of both the attorney general and the president. However, a recent investigative report by Univision has unveiled new facts that lend credence to calls for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation and President Obama’s impeachment. First, I must mention that the inspiration for Fast and Furious came from Operation Wide Receiver, a gun-walking initiative that began in 2006 under the Bush administration, and that the Obama administration did not invent gun-walking. However, the Obama administration did expand the scope of gun-walking, as the new report by Univision confirms, setting up Operation Castaway in the southeastern United States and channeling guns into Honduras and Colombia. For this column though, I will focus solely on Fast and Furious.

The scandal on Fast and Furious broke in January 2011 and inquiries have been ongoing. However, it was this year that controversy surrounding Attorney General Holder, head of the Department of Justice, began to emerge, when Holder claimed he and the president had no knowledge of Fast and Furious, and that it was pursued independently by the ATF. President Obama has also been included in that controversy by citing executive privilege in order to withhold DOJ documents crucial to the investigation. The mainstream media are to blame as well, because no major network has been pursuing investigations to uncover more facts. They have only been rehashing the same facts and commenting upon the ensuing controversy. Instead, Univision, a Spanish-language network not viewed by the majority of Americans, took up the investigative challenge. In the Univision report released last week, many new facts have surfaced. However, I will detail only two here for reasons of space, and to encourage readers to watch the report on their own. First, Mexican military reports show that three guns from Fast and Furious were used in the Salvarcar massacre in Ciudad Juárez back in 2010, resulting in the death of 15 teenagers and the wounding of 12 more by gunmen from the La Linea cartel. These guns crossed the border near Columbus, N.M. Second, by comparing the serial numbers of guns seized by the Mexican government and guns used in Fast and Furious, Univision identified 57 additional weapons that had not been mentioned in previous reports before Congress. They were seized at the sites of murders, kidnappings and at

least one other massacre. With these facts in hand, the hesitant behavior of the administration is clearly explained: The administration is responsible for these incidents, if only through failing to monitor the ATF’s activities closely enough rather than authorizing these programs outright, and is also guilty of expanding said questionable gun-walking programs into additional countries where the same tragedies that occurred in Mexico could be repeated. The administration realizes that once the full facts are released, the calls for resignations and impeachments will be publicly justified, and a major loss of legitimacy will follow — especially if two of the most important government officials didn’t know what one of their agencies was doing. The last instance of this magnitude was the Watergate scandal under President Nixon. It resulted in a Supreme Court suit over the use of executive privilege to hide audiotapes crucial to an investigation. Nixon lost because executive privilege was ruled to be outweighed by the larger public good concerning a criminal case within the government. Nixon’s full dealings were revealed, and he was forced to resign in the face of an impending impeachment and possible criminal charges. The truth behind the Fast and Furious scandal arguably fits that precedent of the public good outweighing executive privilege, due to the many deaths of Mexicans and Americans coming as a direct result of the operation. Obama is afraid the same pattern of impeachment will repeat itself should the facts come to light, and thus he is doing his best to prevent that from happening, especially in an election year.

LETTER GOP ‘small government’ applies only to business Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the guest column “Republicans fight government excess,” published in Tuesday’s Daily Lobo. In his column, James Wernicke summarized his interpretation of the Republican agenda. The column was in response to a call for political submissions so that the Daily Lobo could feature opposing viewpoints on the issues for this election season.

Dear Mr. Wernicke, While I agree with and understand your stance on shrinking the federal government and allowing the states to control more of the laws and regulations, I disagree with your statement that Republicans are for this and Democrats are not. I believe there is currently no major party in the United States that is for truly smaller government. So with that statement, let’s look where the Republicans truly stand on smaller

government. They believe in less government for businesses large and small, and less regulation on pollution and banking. They support cutting taxes, which would shrink the government if they truly followed through with balancing the budget, wars and all. But on the other side of the coin, they support growing the government in family values and other personal choices. Also your comment that the reason that Republicans didn’t respond to the call for columns is that they are all busy working, and the insinuation that Democrats are not working, is just a low

blow and crass. I happen to vote more often with the Democrats than Republicans, because if I have to choose between two groups that are going to grow the government, I prefer the way that the Democrats grow it over the direction that the Republicans want to go. So I guess my reason for taking so long to write any responses to any columns, or even a column myself, is that I work 40 hours a week, I’m a part-time graduate student, a father and a husband. George Rosier UNM student


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, October 15, 2012/ Page 5

Kafka manuscripts on display FREE FREE TOWING TOWING by Lauren E. Bohn The Associated Press

the oral cavity,� and that “the manner of death is homicide.� According to the Albuquerque Journal, Amy Herrera is at the Metro Detention Center on a no-bond hold. Check with the Daily Lobo for more on this story as it develops.

Resource Book, which she coauthored in 1994. During a leave in 2000 and spring 2004, Bergman worked as a defense attorney in the case State of Oklahoma v. Terry Nichols, a death penalty case in which Nichols was charged with conspiracy and murder related

to the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City in 1995. She currently serves as co-chair for the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Amicus Curiae Committee, which provides assistance on criminal cases at the state and federal levels.

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from page 1

According to the report, witnesses at the party said Marc Herrera was intoxicated and instructed all of the students at the party to move into another room at gunpoint. Amy Herrera said she and her husband later went into the bathroom, where


Marc Herrera forced her to shoot him as he held her hand on the gun. But the medical examiner reported fractures and microscopic particles of soot in Marc Herrera’s mouth that “suggested that the weapon was fired from just inside or just outside

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“I hope that the Israeli National Library will provide open access to the material for the public as soon as possible,� he said. “Researchers have been waiting for the material with excitement for years already.� Kafka gave his writings to Brod shortly before his own death from tuberculosis in 1924, instructing his friend to burn everything unread. But Brod instead published most of the material, including the novels “The Trial,� “The Castle� and “Amerika.� Aviad Stollman, Judaica Collections Curator at the National Library, said that the majority of the manuscripts are by Brod, not Kafka, but that they contained tremendous research and sentimental value. “For decades these manuscripts were hidden, and now we can display and preserve them under proper conditions,� he told Israel’s Channel 2 TV. Despite the ruling, Hoffe will be entitled to royalties from any future publication of the documents. Associated Press writer Juergen Baetz contributed to this report from Berlin.

I-25 I-25

JERUSALEM — After a long, tangled journey that Franz Kafka himself could have written about, an unseen treasure of writings by the surrealist author will be put on display and later online, an Israeli court ruled in documents released Sunday. Ownership of the papers had been in dispute after the Israeli National Library claimed them, over the wishes of two sisters who had inherited the vast collection of rare documents from their mother and insisted on keeping them. Friday’s ruling by the Tel Aviv District Family Court ordered the collection to be transferred to the library in Jerusalem, which had argued that Max Brod, Kafka’s close friend, had bequeathed the manuscripts to the library in his will. The two sisters, Eva Hoffe and Ruth Wiesler, had inherited the documents from their mother, Brod’s secretary, and had been storing them in a Tel Aviv apartment and bank vaults.

Kafka, a Jewish Prague native who wrote in German, is known for his dark tales of everyman protagonists crushed by mysterious authorities or twisted by unknown shames. His works have become classics, like “The Metamorphosis,� in which a salesman wakes up transformed into a giant insect, and “The Trial,� in which a bank clerk is put through an excruciating trial without ever being told the charges against him. The trove is said to include Brod’s personal diary and some of Kafka’s writings, including correspondence the two kept with other notable writers, which could shed new light on one of literature’s most influential figures. The German Literary Archive was not part of the legal proceedings but had backed the sisters’ claims, hoping to purchase the manuscripts and arguing that they belong in Germany. Ulrich Raulff, who heads the archive, said the papers have drawn great interest because they will likely reveal much about the years in Kafka’s life that the public knows very little about.

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from page 1

In 2001, Bergman received the Robert C. Heeney Award, the highest honor given by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. She has written and edited multiple works, including the New Mexico Criminal Practice Manual, which she edited in 1992, and EveryTrial Criminal Defense


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Page 6 / Monday, October 15, 2012

men’s soccer

New Mexico Daily Lobo

UNM returns for seconds, Falcons dish out defeat by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim


The No. 9 UNM men’s soccer team experienced déjà vu this weekend when it faced Air Force and Denver University for the second consecutive week, but this time on the road. Like last week, UNM rebounded from a Friday loss to Air Force with a Sunday win against Denver. The Lobos (10-3, 3-2 MPSF) had two second-half goals in a 2-0 win against Denver on Sunday. Sophomore forward James Rogers scored in the 51st minute off an assist by senior forward Blake Smith. Rogers tallied his fifth goal of the season. Rogers and Smith provided assists 20 minutes later, when senior forward Devon Sandoval scored his ninth goal of the year. The Lobos outshot Denver 1412. UNM goalie Victor Rodriguez made five saves. Lobo head coach Jeremy Fishbein said the Pioneers played tough with the Lobos for a majority of the contest. “We got the shutout even

though we meddled around at times,” Fishbein said. “Yet, this was a win that had to happen.” UNM entered the match following Friday’s 2-1 loss at Air Force, its second setback to the Falcons in as many weeks. Fishbein said the team’s performance was disappointing. “We went 1-1 on the weekend, and that’s not good enough,” he said on Sunday. “I thought we made some good adjustments to how we were playing, which was a positive today.” Junior defender Caleb Downey scored the deciding goal for Air Force in the 75th minute. Senior defender Jake Jones had the assist. Downey also had the game winner in a 1-0 overtime win at UNM on Oct. 5. Senior midfielder Kevin Durr had the Falcons’ other goal, which came five minutes into the game. UNM senior midfielder Nik Robson tied the match with a penalty kick in the 51st minute. It was Robson’s third goal of the season. New Mexico outshot Air Force 16-11 for the game, but the Falcons had a 6-5 shot advantage in the first half. Rodriguez had one save for the Lobos.

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo Junior defender Kyle Venter is helped off the ground by a teammate on Oct. 5 after a 1-0 double-overtime loss to Air Force at the UNM Soccer Complex. The Falcons defeated the Lobos again on Friday, this time 2-1, in Colorado Springs, Colo. UNM bounced back on Sunday with a 2-0 win at Denver University.


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Page 8 / Monday, October 15, 2012


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Weary UNM holds off Hawaii by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS


The UNM football team finally earned a victory outside New Mexico, holding off Hawaii University 35-23 on Saturday. The game was the Lobos’ first win outside the Land of Enchantment since 2007, when UNM defeated SDSU 20-17. The Warriors fought to within 5 points of the Lobos when running back John Lister scored from 1 yard out to cap a 9-play, 65-yard drive with 9:49 left in the game. The Lobos answered with a gutsy 11-play, 75-yard and 6-minute touchdown drive of their own to end the Warriors’ hope of a comeback. On the second play of the drive, senior quarterback B.R. Holbrook hit sophomore running back Chase Clayton for a 33-yard gain to spark the Lobos’ offense. UNM sealed its first MWC victory under first-year head coach Bob Davie when Holbrook rushed for a 5-yard touchdown with 3:49 remaining. Davie said Holbrook played valiantly even with an injured knee. “We knew it was there, but they covered it really well; it was a good throw and good catch,”

he said. “If you play man-to-man coverage, there’s a price to pay with everything. There’s a tradeoff with everything.” The victory came with a price, as freshman quarterback Cole Gautsche suffered a concussion. But Davie said Gautsche is fine after undergoing several concussion-related tests. “Cole was pretty good,” Davie said. “I talked to the doctors this morning, and they said he’s really symptom-free. He kept his symptoms down.” UNM jumped out to a 21-0 lead after junior running back Kasey Carrier ran for a 1-yard touchdown with 12:24 left in the first half. The Lobos’ defense stifled the Warriors early, forcing two three-and-outs and recovered a Hawaii fumble on a kickoff. UNM’s offensive game plan was executed to perfection on its first three drives, scoring touchdowns on each one. However, before the first half ended, Hawaii found its groove and scored 10 points to pull within 11 points of UNM. After UNM punted to start the second half, Hawaii drove down to the UNM 5-yard line but was stuffed on fourth and 1, and the Lobos took over on downs. On the third play of the drive, Gautsche

extended the Lobo lead to 18, thanks to a 76-yard touchdown run with 4:52 remaining. Hawaii came right back with a touchdown of its own on the ensuing kickoff, when cornerback Mike Edwards ran the return back 100 yards for the score, cutting the deficit back to 11. In the fourth quarter, after Lister’s touchdown, Holbrook made his first and final rushing touchdown of the game with 3:49 remaining to clinch the victory. Holbrook finished seven of 12 for 109 yards and rushed for 15 yards on six carries. Davie said the team’s energy came back when the Warriors (1-5, 0-3 MWC) pulled within a touchdown of the Lobos (4-3, 1-1). “We came out of there a battered football team,” he said. “I could see the fatigue — that’s why I’m so proud of these kids. We were able to hold (Hawaii) off.” UNM carried the football for 332 rushing yards. It was the fourth consecutive week the Lobos have tallied over 300 rushing yards and the fifth time this year. The last time UNM accomplished that was in 1972. Carrier led the team with 161 yards on the ground on a career-high 35 touches with two touchdowns.

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Junior running back Kasey Carrier looks for a gap in the enemy defense at Aloha Stadium in Hawaii. Carrier gained 161 yards rushing on a career-high 35 carries and two touchdowns as the Lobos defeated the Warriors 35-23. Eugene Tanner / AP photo

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, October 15, 2012/ Page 9


SPORTS BRIEF Women’s soccer For the first time in three years, the UNM women’s soccer team lost in MWC play with a 2-0 defeat at UNLV. Rebel midfielder Macy Jo Harrison scored first in the 57th minute, and less than 5 minutes later, UNLV junior forward Jenn Wolfe hit the back of the net for a 2-0 lead. The loss snaps the Lobos’ 17-match

conference unbeaten streak. The last time the Lobos fell to a MWC foe was a 3-1 loss against SDSU in 2009. The Lobos are now 8-5-2 (2-1-1 MW), while the Rebels improved to 10-3-2 (2-1-1). ~ Compiled by Thomas Romero-Salas


Yankees can’t tame Tigers by Howie Rumberg The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The Detroit Tigers got a big boost from pitcher Aníbal Sánchez’s arm. They got a helping hand from an umpire, too. The reward: a commanding 2-0 lead in the AL championship series, and a trip home with their ace ready to start. Sánchez shut down a Yankees lineup minus injured Derek Jeter. Detroit scored twice after an admitted missed call by an ump and won without any extra-inning drama, beating New York 3-0 Sunday. “He was terrific,” Detroit manager Jim Leyland said. “This is a tough place to pitch with a tough lineup and a short porch. And a whole bunch of left-handed hitters, it is not easy. That was quite a feat.” New York starter Hiroki Kuroda pitched perfectly into the sixth inning to keep pace with Sánchez. But Robinson Cano and the slumping Yankees hitters were no match for the 28-year-old righthander a day after the team’s captain broke his ankle in the 12th inning of a 6-4 loss. “I try to think backwards,” Sánchez said. “If the count calls for a fastball, I throw a different pitch. If the count calls for a different pitch, I throw a fastball. I try to mix my speeds.” To get out of a jam in the first inning, he thought backward,


all right: he reached around his back to snare a grounder for the final out. Making his second postseason start, Sánchez threw three-hit ball deep into the game to make Leyland’s job easier. Closer Jose Valverde gave up four runs in the ninth Saturday and, only hours later, Leyland said the righty wouldn’t close Game 2. Delmon Young gave Sánchez his first run of support in these playoffs with a fielder’s choice in the seventh. The Tigers then scored twice in the eighth after second base umpire Jeff Nelson missed a call on a two-out tag at second base. Yankees manager Joe Girardi argued and was ejected on his 48th birthday. “The hand did not get in before the tag,” Nelson said after seeing a replay. “The call was incorrect.” Game 3 in the best-of-seven series is Tuesday night in Detroit, with reigning AL MVP Justin Verlander starting for the Tigers against Phil Hughes. Verlander went 2-0 in the division series versus Oakland, including a four-hit shutout with 11 strikeouts in the decisive Game 5. The Tigers led 1-0 in the eighth and had Omar Infante on first with two outs. Austin Jackson singled and when Infante took a wide turn at second, right fielder Nick Swisher threw behind him. Cano made a swipe tag as Infante made a head-first dive back to second. Cano missed Infante’s

arm but brushed his body, replays clearly showed. But Nelson called Infante safe. “I think the umpire got confused ‘cause he saw my hand, something with my hand made him think I was safe,” Infante said. Was he out? “Of course,” Infante said. Cano and Girardi pleaded the call to no avail. Boone Logan replaced Kuroda and gave up an RBI single to pinch hitter Avisail Garcia to make it 2-0. “It’s frustrating. I don’t have a problem with Jeff’s effort, I don’t, because he hustled to get to the play,” Girardi said. “But in this day and age, when we have instant replay available to us, it’s got to change.” “These guys are under tremendous amounts of pressure,” he said. “It is a tough call for him because the tag is underneath and it’s hard for him to see. And it takes more time to argue and get upset than you get the call right. Too much is at stake,” Girardi returned to lift Logan for Joba Chamberlain, and then he remained on the field to resume the argument. Red-faced with neck muscles bulging, Girardi could be seen shouting at Nelson, “You were right there. How could you miss it?” He was tossed by Nelson for his first postseason ejection. Miguel Cabrera added a runscoring single after the ejection.

from page 12

Junior Demetrius Walker may be key in the UNM backcourt as well, coming off a season in which he averaged 7.4 points per game. “They have a ton of championship-caliber experience,” Alford said. “They played a lot of minutes, a lot of games. Those three are very, very potent at both ends of the floor.” For the Howl, UNM split into two units: a Cherry team and a Silver squad. Despite some early rustiness and a lull late in the scrimmage, the

players displayed quickness and perimeter shooting. The scrimmage featured several different rotations, including, at one point, Kirk and Bairstow on the same squad. “I think we took it really seriously,” Greenwood said. “The Howl is a little bit of fun, but from the first minute we were really competitive. I thought the guys had fun. The freshmen did well for the first time out at The Pit.” Alford said developing chemistry is always a focal point for

the coaching staff. He said players need to understand what their roles are and how they can contribute night in and night out. “It’s all about toughness. It’s all about unselfishness,” he said. “It’s everybody buying in to what that role is, regardless of how glamorous or unglamorous that role is. That’s been a big part of our success, and if we’re going to be successful this year, the guys are going to have to buy into that again.”

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lobo features

Page 10 / Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekly Horoscopes by Alexandra Swanberg aswanny@unm.edu

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Year Zero

The Stratos jump happened Capricorn—The new moon to-

day comes like a breath of fresh air, whisking away the negative energy to make room for … whatever you wish! The next couple of weeks will be a good time to hunt down a partner in crime, especially if you’re looking to try out something different. You can maintain your independence, and compromises these days feel like less of an infringement on your personal space. On the downside, indulgences are more difficult to pass up. Aquarius—These last couple of weeks may have been a troubling time for you, and you’re exhausted by your own thoughts. The key is to get the junk out of your head, so talk, write, sing, do what you need to express yourself. It doesn’t have to make sense or be pretty — in fact those are good indicators that you’re not letting everything out. Air these things out to dry, and the wrinkles will sort themselves out. Pisces—Lately, you’ve been caught up in your own feelings that swim to and fro, unable to sort themselves out in a way that makes sense to you. Perhaps this is because it is so personal; it seems no matter which way you go, somebody will be unhappy. Never mind all this for now, as your intuition is to be your best friend. Try not to over think it, and focus only on matters that require heavy consideration. It’s time to let go. Aries—I hope you don’t know where I live, because you’re not going to like this: you are not always right, and you have been wasting too much time forcing an agenda. It’s likely you’ve been overinflating your ego as a defense mechanism, which you have to realize becomes more apparent to people the more you rely upon it. Just be honest about how you’re feeling, and you’ll be relieved, and others will be too once they’re clear about what’s going on with you.

Taurus—These next couple of weeks call for some behind-thescenes duty, and just because you aren’t acknowledged for your work doesn’t mean it isn’t advantageous for you to complete it. Consider the role you play in the grander scheme of things, and you’ll quickly relight the fire necessary to do a fine job. Think of yourself as a secret agent, or a classic noir detective. You’ve got an important job, and it must be handled delicately. Gemini—These days, you’re flipflopping more than Romney! You aren’t exactly renowned for decisiveness, which you can deal with, but you might notice as the week goes on that people are losing their patience with this. When it comes to jerking people around, they aren’t so willing to go along for the ride. Compromise is the key word this week. You can better orchestrate your life by balancing relationships, so figure out how to best take care of the people you love. Cancer—In terms of your view on life, it looks like it’s time to get your eyes checked. There isn’t a wrong way to see things, but you seem to be uncomfortable with what you routinely experience. Once you fully commit to living a life you can be satisfied with, it becomes an invigorating opportunity for personal growth and exploration. Of course, this can’t happen if you continue to see matters the way Eeyore might. Leo—Not that it’s wrong to be selfaware, but you need to leave your head far behind this week. Don’t grab for the bottle — the cosmos aren’t asking you to be mindless. Try this: imagine what life would be like if you experienced it objectively. How might you behave? Spend some time fantasizing about such an existence, and you’ll have a pretty good idea of what’s expected of you between now and the full moon.

Virgo—People have been especially disappointing these days, probably because you expect so much of them. They know this is the case, and they understand it comes from a good heart wanting them to do their best. The next couple of weeks are about realizing you don’t necessarily know what’s best for people. Do your best according to your standards, and let others follow their own path. Libra—You will have excellent luck where interactions and diplomacy are involved, especially if you’re considering committing to a new habit or improvement. Take advantage of the good juju this week and spread the love with everyone you know. You might employ others in getting to the bottom of a particularly complicated issue, and discussions on abstract matters are likely to unlock many ideas that hadn’t ever occurred to you. Scorpio—It’s going to be difficult to reconcile conflicting desires this week, and unfortunately it’s a task you’ll have to take on. Strangers may give you some useful nuggets to chew on, though these small fortunes may not immediately reveal themselves as such. The pace will pick up, so try not to get antsy. For now, relish in dabbling, and don’t worry so much about what it all means. The message will be apparent by the full moon. Sagittarius—You’ve been struggling to enlist much-needed help from acquaintances, though friends and family haven’t been much help either. You took on all this work in the name of helping others, and now you are frustrated because they don’t seem to be acknowledging this great sacrifice. Hush, puppy. Your day will come, so to make this manageable, try not to throw yourself under the bus so much. You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself.

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maker of 2001-’02 47 Alaskan native 48 Outplays 51 “Goodness gracious!” 52 Earth sci. 53 O’Hara homestead 54 Opinion website 55 IRS form entries 57 Inexperienced, as recruits 58 Go wrong 59 Moral wrong


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Monday, October 15, 2012/ Page 11

attain parity with Anglo workers in other mines and be treated with dignity by the bosses.

Campus Events Free T- Shirt Show 10:00am – 4:00pm SUB Atrium Select from over 150 cool templates to customize your own t-shirt ranging from fun and goofy to stylish and sarcastic. Or superimpose your image onto a wearable one-of-a-kind keepsake! QSA Info Table 11:00am – 2:00pm SUB Mall between SUB & Mesa Vista Hall West

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LoboBasketball Sports editor / Thomas Romero-Salas

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


12 Monday October 15, 2012

sports@dailylobo.com / @ThomasRomeroS

Lobos skip scrimmage to start season injury-free by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

Last season, the UNM women’s basketball team suffered more than its fair share of injuries. The damages hit early when redshirt junior Sara Halasz tore her ACL at the Lobo Howl. During the third game of the season, redshirt freshman Whitney Johnson blew out her ACL. Redshirt junior Deeva Vaughn and senior Jourdan Erskine were in and out of the lineup with various injuries throughout the year. Prior to the start of the last season, the Lobos also lost several players when former head coach Don Flanagan resigned. At times, the Lobos were forced to play with only six players, which led to UNM finishing 11-20 on the season. Current head coach Yvonne Sanchez said her first season in charge was odd, not because of the turnover, but because of the multitude of injuries. “Last year was kind of an anomaly … in a Division I program you rarely ever see what happened to us,” she said. “It was unfortunate, but they made do with what they had.” Sanchez said last year’s injury woes were ultimately beneficial to the team because it gave the team better chemistry. “They really got tougher, they really did,” she said. “I don’t think anything can shock them anymore. The newcomers have to get that same intensity, and some of them are.” Senior Caroline Durbin, who was First Team All-Mountain West last year, said the team is better off with the added time on the court. “It was rough, but looking back, it probably was a good experience to get all that playing time,” she said.

At Friday’s Lobo Howl, Sanchez made it a priority to minimize the chance of injuries by taking out the scrimmage portion of the event. Instead, the Lobos practiced drills and danced to “Thriller,” “Macarena” and “Tootsee Roll.” Not only are the Lobos healthy, they are looking to build off last season’s stunning MWC tournament run. In the first round, UNM defeated UNLV 61-58 to become the first No. 7 seed in MWC tournament history to defeat a No. 2 seed. In the quarterfinals, UNM hung on to beat Boise State 51-50, becoming the first No. 7 seed to make it to the title game. But in the championship round, the Lobos ran out of steam and lost to SDSU 57-43. Sanchez said she was proud of her team but hates any type of moral victories. “It’s a great thing for these kids this year because it’s unfinished business — we want to get back to that spot, and it might be our only TV opportunity,” she said. “I think everybody felt good by overachieving, you could say. Everybody felt good and they gave everything they had.” The Lobos do not have any television games this year unless they make it back to the MWC tournament finals again. UNM lost four seniors to graduation in Lauren Taylor, Nikki Nelson, Ashley Rhoades and Porche Torrance. Torrance was named Mountain West Defensive Player of the Year and led the conference in rebounding, averaging 8.9 per game. The team has seven new players including five freshmen, and Sanchez said the team will miss Torrance the most because she was such a dominant post player. “We’ll be fine,” she said. “Porche was a terrific player for us inside, so someone has to step up there.”

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Senior guard Caroline Durbin goes for a layup during drills, while junior forward Chinyere Nnaji follows behind. The women’s basketball team started off Lobo Howl with practice drills on Friday at The Pit.

Guard-heavy squad looks to improve on last year’s victories by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Redshirt junior guard Demetrius Walker blazes past junior Cameron Bairstow and freshman Devon Williams for a layup in the Cherry and Silver scrimmage during the Lobo Howl at The Pit on Friday.

The beginning of basketball season is a lot like Christmas time — sometimes it’s surprising how quickly it arrives each year. ‘Tis the season. UNM held its Lobo Howl event, the traditional start for Lobo basketball, Friday night at The Pit. In addition to the slam dunk and 3-point shooting contests, UNM gave fans a glimpse of what to expect in the 2012-13 season with a scrimmage. “Any time October hits, things start getting a little bit cooler, and it’s about time for basketball,” said six-year UNM head coach Steve Alford. “The Howl is symbolic — it’s the start of basketball season for us. The guys are excited about that.” Local hoops aficionados are certainly hoping for more presents like the ones they received last year: Mountain West regular season and tournament titles coupled with another spot in the NCAA tournament. The first step in that pursuit is on Nov. 12, when the Lobos host

Davidson College at The Pit. The game is part of ESPN’s 24-hour TipOff Marathon on Nov. 13. UNM will tip off at midnight. The schedule features several teams among the top 100 programs in the Ratings Percentage Index, including Valparaiso and Davidson. UNM could face Connecticut or Iona, two more top-RPI teams, at The Paradise Jam in the Virgin Islands. That gauntlet comes before MWC play begins on Jan. 9. Alford said last Tuesday that his team is “very healthy” heading into the season. The team includes 7-foot sophomore post Alex Kirk, who redshirted last year following surgery for a herniated disc in his back. “That’s always a key thing for me: Are they doing the right things in the weight room?” Alford said. “Health is a great barometer of things. I think we’ve gotten stronger, faster, quicker and we’re healthy.” The Lobos will focus on guard play again this season. The team has the daunting task of replacing last year’s star forward Drew Gordon, who had an average of

13.7 points and 11.1 rebounds per game. UNM has two experienced men on the roster: Kirk and 6-foot-9-inch junior forward Cameron Bairstow. The team’s other dedicated forwards, Devon Williams and Nick Banyard, are incoming freshmen to the program. Senior Chad Adams is listed as a guard-forward. The remaining nine players on the roster are all guards. With so many guards on the team and so few post players, UNM will utilize several four-guard sets on the floor. “When we do have those four guards out there, they have to help bring down rebounds,” said sophomore guard Hugh Greenwood, who ran the point at the Howl. “With four guards, it’s going to be a lot of fun to watch. It’s going to be a great year.” The Lobos bring back juniors Kendall Williams and Tony Snell, last year’s top two scoring guards. Williams ranked second behind Gordon in the 2011-12 season with 12.1 points per game. Snell was third at 10.5 points per game.

see Basketball PAGE 9

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