NM Daily Lobo 101711

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Sugar-coated subjection


see page 4

October 17, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Protest nearly reaches 3 weeks Staff Report

Occupy Albuquerque now (Un)occupy Albuquerque The Occupy Albuquerque movement officially changed its name to (Un)occupy Albuquerque after a vote at its general assembly meeting Sunday.

“Wells Fargo locked their doors…and said they feared for the safety of their patrons, which is ridiculous.” ~Clint Cosper protester Protester Clint Cosper said the change addressed concerns some protesters raised about the negative connotations of the word ‘occupy.’ “Some feel ‘occupy’ has a charged connotation,” he said. “The U.S. has occupied Native American land and participated in colonization.” Cosper said some members expressed concerns that changing the

Ariana Hatcher / Daily Lobo UNM Alumna Lila Martinez protests outside the UNM bookstore Oct. 8. Martinez was part of an Occupy Albuquerque demonstration that included more than 300 protesters marching along Central Avenue. name would result in a loss of solidarity with the larger Occupy Wall Street movement, but the vote for a name changed passed. More than 500 Protesters March, Party More than 500 Occupy Albuquerque protesters demonstrated outside the Wells Fargo Bank and U.S. Bank on Central Avenue Saturday, and then returned to their camp for a fiesta. “I heard someone throw out the number 560 people, and I think that was pretty close,” Cosper said. “Wells Fargo locked their doors …

Students embark as entrepreneurs by Greer Gessler ggessler@unm.edu

A group of UNM advertising students said they weren’t satisfied with the opportunities available to them at existing advertising firms, so they decided to create one of their own. Seniors John Phan, Dylan Crouch and Son Trinh balance running Project Advertising, a firm that they created last Fall, with schoolwork. “We don’t want internships,” Phan said. “We want to create our own opportunity.” New Mexico AIDS Services, a local nonprofit, is one of Project Advertising’s clients. Phan, Crouch and Trinh created AIDS Services’ logo and its digital billboard design, which can be seen around Albuquerque. The students, all of whom are in the Anderson School of Management, also work on advertising campaigns for Rachel Matthew Homes, a local homebuilding company, and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. Crouch said the job can be challenging.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 39

“Clients are knocking at the door, but we are doing homework,” he said. They said they learned many of the skills it takes to run Project Advertising in classes at Anderson. “Everything we’ve learned at Anderson is becoming cohesive to the quality of work we do,” Crouch said. Project Advertising also represents UNM at national marketing campaign competitions. Last year it competed in San Francisco, where it placed first out of 30 universities including Dartmouth, Syracuse and The University of Kansas. Crouch said a smaller city like Albuquerque is the perfect place for Project Advertising to thrive. “A big stone in a small pond makes a big splash,” he said. “That’s something that kids in New York or Chicago don’t have the luxury of doing.” Full Disclosure: Dylan Crouch was a designer for the Daily Lobo last year. He no longer works for the paper.

Bet you can’t find us See page 2

and said they feared for the safety of their patrons, which is ridiculous. We had a small group handing out fliers convincing people to move their money to credit unions.” The group hosted a fiesta after the protest that included music, dancing and food. Protester Andrew Dobin said the fiesta attracted nearly 200 people “We had lots of food, there were various musical acts, and probably the highlight of the night was a Flamenco performance with dancers,” he said. Dobin said there was no alcohol at the event.

Protesters Discuss Civil Disobedience Albuquerque Police Department officers detained Occupy Albuquerque protester and UNM student Sam Kerwin during the protesters’ march Saturday. APD closed off a lane of Central Avenue for the march, then re-opened the lane and requested that protesters stay on the sidewalk. Kerwin was detained and cited for refusing to cooperate, protesters said. “They (APD) used cruisers and SUVs to force people back on the sidewalk,” protester Clint Cosper said. Protesters debated Sunday whether to stay on campus past their 10 p.m.

curfew and risk arrest. Protester Water Singing-on-the-Rocks said it is important that the decision be made as a group. “I don’t support people staying unless we all decide to stay,” he said. “If just a few stay and get arrested, that will look bad for the group. The media will say ‘(protestors) did something illegal and got arrested.’” Protester Loren Jin said he would stay on campus even if it meant being arrested. “I will stay here,” he said. “I don’t give a s***, this is our land.” The group did not come to an agreement Sunday and tabled the issue for a later vote.


Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Lobo midfielder Jael Fanning goes up for a header against Air Force defender Meagan Eissele and keeper Hanna Schwartz on Sunday at University Stadium. UNM beat Air Force 4-1, and scored all four goals in the first half. See page 12.

TODAY Better than a Lolcat See page 10

77 |46

PageTwo M onday, O ctober 17, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

where are


Every Monday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to photoeditor@dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced next week.

David Alejandro Bizzozero correctly identified last week’s Where Are We. The location was at the South Lot bus stop near Yale and Redondo. Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo

MLK memorial in DC dedicated by admirers by Laurie Kellman and Stacy A. Anderson The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama saluted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday as a man who “stirred our conscience” and made the United States “more perfect,” rejoicing in the dedication of a monument memorializing the slain civil rights leader’s life and work. “I know we will overcome,” Obama proclaimed, standing by the 30-foot granite monument to King on the National Mall. “I know this,” the president said, “because

of the man towering over us.” Obama and his wife, Michelle, and Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, joined a host of civil rights figures for the dedication on the sun-splashed Mall. Designed as what King described as a “stone of hope” hewn from a “mountain of despair,” the memorial is the first to a black man on the National Mall and its parks. “He had faith in us,” said Obama, who was 6 when King was assassinated in 1968. “And that is why he belongs on this Mall: Because he saw what we might become.” The dedication has special

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 39

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith

meaning for the Obamas. The president credits King with paving his way to the White House. Before his remarks, he left signed copies of his inaugural speech and 2008 convention address in a time capsule at the monument site. The first couple and daughters Malia and Sasha made a more private visit to the site on Friday night, before the crowds and the cameras arrived. In his talk, he focused on King’s broad themes — equality, justice and peaceful resistance — as the nation confronts, 48 years later, some of the same issues of war, economic crisis and a lingering Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

distrust of government in some quarters. Referring to citizen protests against the wealthy and powerful that have spread from Wall Street and Washington, even abroad, Obama said: “Dr. King would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonizing those who work there.” The monument, situated between the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials in what the designers call a “line of leadership,” was 15 years in the making. Several speakers noted that its designers could not have predicted then that the monument would

Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson

be dedicated by the nation’s first black president. Obama urged Americans to harness the energy of the civil rights movement for today’s challenges and to remain committed to King’s philosophy of peaceful resistance. “Let us draw strength from those earlier struggles,” Obama said. “Change has never been simple or without controversy.” King didn’t say in the famous 1963 speech that he thought there could be a black president, but he did indicate his belief in interviews that it would happen one day.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


by Charlie Shipley


A debate over per diem rates for traveling UNM faculty and graduate students ended last week when the Board of Regents approved the “split check” policy. The policy allows travelers to claim federal per diem rates of up to $71 per day for meal reimbursements, but only part of that reimbursement will come from state-appropriated money. State money will cover reimbursements up to $30 per day for in-state meals and $45 per day for out-ofstate meals, but UNM will cover the

rest with money from other sources. Timothy Ross, UNM’s Faculty Senate president, said he is worried about where the UNM funds are from. “Are they going to come out of the units (departments) again, who are already stretched so thin that they can’t afford to buy basic things like paper, toner, pens and markers?” he said. University spokeswomen Cinnamon Blair said meal reimbursement under the old per diem policy depended on location. “Before this new policy passed, the meal per diem for in-state travel depended on the destination with-

in the state,” she said. “For example, Santa Fe is considered by the federal per diem rate-setting agency to be a high-cost destination, and the all-day rate would be $71, but Silver City is considered a low-cost destination and the all-day rate would be $46.” GPSA President Katie Richardson said the new policy is what’s best for University faculty. “Ultimately, faculty and grad students are doing University business out of pocket when they travel,” she said. “Every time you travel, you lose money as an individual. I’m glad the policy that least impacts the University budget and travelers passed.”

One man traded for a thousand By Josef Federman The Associated Press



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Israeli soldiers who accidentally drove into the West Bank city of Ramallah in 2000; Nasser Yateima, a mastermind of a hotel bombing that killed 30 people celebrating the Passover holiday in 2002; Ibrahim Younis, who planned a 2003 suicide bombing in Jerusalem that killed seven people, including an American-born doctor and his daughter who were celebrating on the eve of the young woman’s wedding; and Fadi Ibrahim, the mastermind of a bus bombing in 2003 in the northern city of Haifa that killed 17 people. Several families have filed court appeals against the prisoner swap, though that is not expected to halt the deal. Ron Kehrman, whose daughter was among the victims in the Haifa attack, criticized the planned swap, saying it could result in more Israeli deaths. “Is the blood of the next captured soldier or citizen less red than the blood of Gilad Schalit?” he asked. Other bereaved relatives were more accepting, acknowledging that Israel at least has a chance to bring back Schalit alive. Schalit’s fate has become a national obsession, in part because military service is mandatory for Israeli Jews. Among Palestinians, there is ongoing disagreement over whether the use of violence has been counterproductive in the quest for statehood. Recent polls indicate that support for attacks on Israelis has dropped since the uprising ended.

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JERUSALEM — This week’s planned Mideast prisoner swap is unleashing deep anguish in Israel and widespread elation in the Palestinian territories, laying bare the chasm of perspective dividing the two sides. In Israel, the public is aghast at having to release convicted perpetrators of suicide bombings, deadly shootings and grisly kidnappings, although most understand that’s what it takes to win freedom for a 19-yearold soldier captured during a routine patrol inside Israel. The Palestinians, with equal vehemence, see the returnees as heroes who fought an occupier at a time of violence and argue moral equivalence between their actions and those of Israel’s army. These diverging narratives have been reflected in reactions to the deal, in which Israel will free some 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Sgt. Gilad Schalit, captured by Gaza militants in a cross-border raid in June 2006. Israeli Shalom Rahum, whose 16year-old son Ofir was lured over the Internet to the West Bank by a woman and killed, said the woman’s release was reopening a painful episode. “Our little consolation was our bit of justice,” he said. “If there were a peace treaty, I’d say … release all the prisoners because we are opening a new page. But we are not signing a peace treaty,” he told Israel TV.

Following initial joy over the deal, Israelis have begun to ask questions about the lopsided price their government is paying. Many argue that militants who killed Israelis could return to armed activity and that releasing so many prisoners, including many implicated in deadly attacks, bolsters groups like Hamas at the expense of more moderate Palestinians. To address Israeli security concerns, Hamas agreed to have more than 200 West Bank-based prisoners deported to either the penned-in Gaza Strip or to a third country, where it would be much harder to carry out attacks. Of the 477 prisoners to be freed in the first of two groups, 285 were serving life in prison. The inmate with the longest sentence was serving 36 life terms. While Israel has a long history of lopsided prisoner swaps, the Schalit deal has touched a nerve because memories of the attacks are so vivid. The list of prisoners who are being released reads like a who’s who of perpetrators of some of the grisliest attacks of the second Palestinian uprising, which began in 2000 and lasted roughly five years. The list includes the woman who directed a suicide bomber to a crowded Jerusalem pizzeria where he killed 16 people in 2001. The woman, Ahlam Tamimi, has said in a television interview that she has no regrets. Others on the list are Abdel Aziz Salha, who raised his bloody hands to a cheering crowd after killing two

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Monday, October 17, 2011 / Page 3


New Mexico Daily Lobo

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Monday October 17, 2011


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Do you think that “Occupy Albuquerque portesters should be allowed to demonstrate on campus? Yes: It’s a public university and to kick 57% them off is unconstitutional. Yes. I don’t care for their message, but 10% they aren’t bothering anyone. No. They are littering and otherwise 17% making the University into an eyesore. No. They are disrupting the University’s 17% learning environment. Out of 181 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: What do you think of the new editorial cartoonist, Juan Tabone’s content? Keep him. It’s nice to finally have cartoons about local content. Toss him. His drawings are crude and offensive. Ignore him. I only read the letters and columns on the opinion page. Replace him. The national cartoonists are better drawn and more pertinent.




Local comedy scene more robust than acknowledged Editor, I was very excited when I came across the headline for the comedy article in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo … then very disappointed once I got three paragraphs in, to read of comics bashing the very people who come to support their acts. I am a local comedian and show producer, and whether there is one or 1,000 people in my audience, I am very appreciative of those people … even when they are drunk and threaten to punch me in the face during my act. I feel that Goldie Garcia’s quote in the article, “The people here are very closed-minded about it,” couldn’t be further from the truth. She said she doubts comedy will ever take off in Albuquerque due to a lack of local support. Sure, there are often smaller crowds than we hope for at events. But as an artist and producer, it is not my job to blame the crowd. Instead, it is my job to look at how I need to evolve to get the results I want. The stand-up scene is very “underground” in the 505 right now, which many people who envision the giant sold-out clubs they see on Comedy Central might not respect. But as someone who sees stand-up as an art and freedom to share my voice in such a unique format, I see the scene’s cult following as a beautiful thing. Try telling the 50 plus people packed into Terrene Hookah Lounge every month for the 3rd Thursday Comedy Contest that comedy is dead. Or the diverse crowds that come to see locals like Sarah Kennedy, Matt Peterson, and Mike Long pour their hearts out on stage for little to no pay, or a beer or two if they’re lucky. I really am glad to see that the Lobo is giving some light to Albuquerque’s comedy scene, but there’s still so much left to be uncovered. I’m anxiously awaiting your next article, perhaps from a slightly different viewpoint. Rusty Rutherford UNM alumnus


Money, war, and religion breed fascism by Arun Anand Ahuja

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist

The dynamics between Occupy Albuquerque on the UNM campus and the UNM Administration remind me of three influences that may eat into the intellectual fabric of any public university, anywhere in the world. The most obvious of these is capitalism. The board of regents may behave a bit like the board of directors of a large corporation, and therefore treat the students as plain old customers instead of young, open-minded scholars willing to stand up for their beliefs. Under this influence, tuition is treated by the Administration as a base price that is raised according to how much the “market” can pay. A clear sign of capitalism is when tuition is raised repeatedly over time, even as capital outlays (read: investments) in the form of buildings on campus multiply like crazy. Another sign is a plethora of “public-private partnerships,” which result in higher prices in stores on campus. The second and less obvious influence is militarism, especially when a sizable (but hidden) chunk of the University’s research budget is connected with defense research. A thriving nuclear engineering program, special deference to multiple ROTC units on campus and the University’s favoring of national security

Chick-fil-A should be allowed free expression Editor, I have recently come across a few articles in the Daily Lobo in regards to the protest and removal of Chick-fil-A. To be completely honest, I do not see the logic behind these rallies. Chick-fil-A is a restaurant chain that was founded by a devout Christian. A Christian-owned franchise supporting a Christian organization does not seem preposterous to me. Why would a Christian company support something that is in total conflict with their beliefs? What do you expect a company such as this to support? I do not expect a person or company to support anything that would contradict its beliefs. If a company that is owned by an atheist wants to support an organization

studies are all signs of militarism on campus. The third and most subtle influence is a religious one. Many UNM staff members, especially lower-level staff and temps, may belong to the majority religion in their state. This may be partly because members of religious right that runs the state has pulled strings to get them their jobs. Once in, they pull in others “of like mind.” Such non-faculty staffers encroach on the separation of church and state required in such a government-run university, as in displays in their offices for holidays pertaining to only one religion, wearing religious symbols, and by quietly inviting this or that student who walks in to their own religious service, thus raising the specter of favoritism. At the level of space allocation, multiple buildings on campus may be taken over by this one religion. At the residential level, a prominent frat house may be exclusively for members of a certain religion. The campus park, meant for the entire community to find peace and quiet, may be taken over regularly by campus adherents to said religion, not just by visual presence but with blaring sounds. Such official enabling by the Administration may embolden individuals from outside the University to destroy the peace elsewhere on campus through loud, angry tirades, which include thinly veiled threats to non-adherents, all in the name of this one religion.

The police may do nothing about this, but may hand out orders to cease and desist on the complaint of just one staffer to some lone singer chanting the names of God in another religion. Thus “Free Speech zones” may be selectively enforced against the rights of majority religions, or those free thinkers with no religion at all. Thus the University as a whole may indirectly fund the “establishment of religion,” but only of one certain religion. When other parts of the country take notice of this, scriptural literalists from around the country and even the world may force themselves onto campus. One way is to label themselves “non-traditional students” and dominate the corresponding clubs at the student union, even though it uses student activity fees paid for by all students, even those who are not religious. Such behavior from staffers, certain faculty of the majority religion in any campus department of religious studies and fellow students has an intimidating effect on non-adherents, who are made to be the target of the tyranny of this majority. Thus, a student club can get packed with office holders who are strong followers of just one faith. This way it can discriminate in based religion, even though the club is not a religious association. There is a word for when all three of these influences overlap. It’s called fascism.

that supports evolution, they have the right to freely do so. Same goes for Muslims, Buddhists, New Agers, etc. The First Amendment in the US Constitution states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Isn’t your rally in support of equality? Does this equality only hold to your cause and no one else’s? The LGTBQ organization has the right to protest and support their beliefs. One would only logically conclude that other organizations would have the same rights. I just do not understand the logic behind these protests. A Christian will believe like a Christian, an atheist like an atheist, and so forth. I do not expect any different from them. These rallies promote equality, yet they are protesting against a company that does

not share equal beliefs. If you are against Chick-fil-A, that is fine. I respect your beliefs and that you actually hold to them. However, Chick-fil-A stockholders have the same right to believe in what they choose and also hold to those beliefs.


Priscilla Del Aguila UNM student

EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor

New Mexico Daily Lobo

French Socialists select candidate by Jamey Keaten

The Associated Press PARIS — Former French Socialist Party chief François Hollande declared victory Sunday in the party’s presidential primary, urging the left to unite around his bid to unseat embattled conservative Nicolas Sarkozy in elections next year. Hollande, a 57-year-old moderate leftist known more as a behind-the-scenes consensusbuilder than a visionary, is seen by many as a welcome contrast to the tough-talking, hard-driving Sarkozy. Sunday’s vote for the main opposition party’s presidential nominee comes at a time when many French citizens are worried about high state debt, cuts to education spending, anemic economic growth and lingering unemployment. With 2.2 million votes counted after Sunday’s run-off voting, the Socialist Party said 56 percent of the ballots were for Hollande and 44 percent for his challenger Martine Aubry, who has succeeded Hollande as Socialist Party leader. The party estimates that more than 2.7 million people voted in Sunday’s run-off. “I note with pride and responsibility the vote tonight, which with more than 55 percent of the vote gives me the large majority I had sought,” Hollande told supporters in party headquarters as results rolled in. He said the victory gives him “strength and legitimacy” to take

on Sarkozy, who is widely expected to seek a second five-year term in elections in April and May. Hollande pledged to reverse Sarkozy-era cuts in education funding and defend the values of the left. Aubry quickly conceded defeat. She had sought to be France’s first female president. “I warmly congratulate François Hollande, who is clearly ahead. His victory is unquestionable,” said Aubry, famed for authoring France’s 35hour workweek law. The bespectacled Hollande was the longtime partner of the Socialists’ last presidential candidate, Ségolène Royal. The two split after Royal’s 2007 presidential defeat to Sarkozy but stood side-by-side during Hollande’s victory speech Sunday. Recent polls suggest Hollande could easily beat Sarkozy in the presidential election next spring. The incumbent’s favorability ratings have hovered near the 30percent level for months, but he is a strong campaigner and senses a rightward-majority tilt in the French electorate. Early this year, most polls showed that the Socialists’ best hope for toppling Sarkozy was Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who led the International Monetary Fund until he was jailed in May in the United States on charges he tried to rape a New York hotel maid. Prosecutors later dropped the case, but Strauss-Kahn’s reputation and presidential ambitions crashed.


Monday, October 17, 2011 / Page 5

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Page 8 / Monday, October 17, 2011


lobos men’s basketball

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Preseason awards mean little by Cesar Davila


Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!

The men’s basketball team’s performance in the MWC conference last year was forgettable, yet it must have made an impression on someone. The Lobos were selected as the preseason favorite by the MWC last week for the first time in their conference history. However, head coach Steve Alford said preseason awards don’t mean much. “You’ve got to play the games,” Alford said. “So the preseason stuff, whether it’s individual stuff or our team, doesn’t mean a whole lot. But it does speak volumes in that we’re five years in now, and we’re at the top of the league.” After 22-13 record last season without team leader Dairese Gary, the Lobos nabbed 22 of 26 MWC votes for the predicted first-place finish in conference. UNLV came in second place with four votes. The Lobos received as much praise individually as collectively. Senior forward Drew Gordon was selected as the preseason player of the year, and Hugh Greenwood was named preseason

unm sports briefs Men’s Soccer Albuquerque, NM — The UNM men’s soccer team matched their ranking with goals as the sixthranked Lobos beat Denver 6-0 on Friday. Lance Rozeboom, James Rogers, Devon Sandoval, Giovanni Rollie, Blake Smith and Carson Baldinger each scored for UNM.

Women’s Soccer Albuquerque, NM — The UNM women’s soccer team trailed behind Wyoming on Friday until the final 30 seconds, when midfielder Elba Holguin’s cross found Natalie Jenks for a game-tying header. The game went into overtime at 1-1, and finished with the same score.

Cross Country

Men’s Soccer

defeated Denver 6-0 Air Force 1-0

Women’s Soccer tied

Wyoming 4-1 defeated Air Force 4-1


defeated Cypress CC 10-0 Arizona Central 5-0

Swimming & Diving

won the 3-m springboard in the Boise State Inviational

Madison, Wisc. — The UNM cross country teams ran the Wisconsin Invitational on Saturday, but couldn’t keep pace with their national rankings. The seventhranked women’s team finished 11th out of 44 schools, and the men’s team took 28th out of 39 schools. Ruth Senior led the women with a time of 20:44 in the 6k race, finishing 28th. Ross Millington ran the men’s 8k race in 24:08 and finished 20th.

Football Reno, Nev. — The UNM football team is still winless. Nevada dominated the Lobos 49-7 on Saturday, with UNM’s only score occurring at the end of the game. The Lobos gave up 338 yards rushing and now are 0-6.

Volleyball Laramie, Wyo. — Wyoming added to the UNM volleyball team’s ongoing losing streak. The Lobos lost 3-0 to the Cowgirls on Saturday and have now lost four of their last five matches. Freshman Elsa Krieg, however, had a career-high 15 kills.

Swim and Dive Boise, Idaho — Monica Dudley improved her 1000-yard freestyle time by 19.12 seconds with a time of 10:29.55, to take first place in the event at the Boise State Invitational over the weekend. The UNM swimming and diving team finished in second place.

freshman of the year. “I was kind of shocked, but at the same time, that’s what I wanted,” Gordon said. “That’s what I was working for.” Gordon, who became eligible to play mid-season last year, has become one of the most important pieces in the success of the program. He averaged 13.0 points per game and 10.5 rebounds in his junior season. Alford said the offense is going to go through Gordon a lot more this season. “He better be one of our goto guys,” Alford said. “I think he was last year to some extent, and I think that role will just increase this year.” Greenwood is the fourth Australian player to come to UNM. He said while preseason awards are nice, the important awards are given postseason. “It was real exciting, and it was real humbling at the same time,” Greenwood said. “Yeah, it’s really good, but it’s preseason, it’s not the postseason,” he said. “If you ask me that in a few months time and it’s the postseason, I’ll be feeling even more excited.” Gordon shared the same

mentality about the award. “If I end up winning player of the year, that’d be amazing,” Gordon said. “I don’t know if I have words to describe how happy I’d be, but if not, I just want to make sure I worked as hard as I possibly can and we got as far as we possibly could.” Gordon, along with sophomore guard Kendall Williams, made the preseason All-Conference Team. Williams, who broke the school record for most three-point field goals made by a freshman last season with 55, is yet another Lobo unsatisfied with the preseason accolades. “It doesn’t tell too much about how this year is going to play out,” he said, “but it definitely provides big expectations, so hopefully the pressure can propel me to lead my team to a few victories.” The expectations are rising in Alford’s fifth year at UNM. He said that is what he wants for the program. “We want to stay in the upper echelon of the league every year,” Alford said. “We want to be one of those teams that are fighting for championships and are fighting for postseason play every year. And we’ve been able to do that.”


Big East invitations signal opportunity by Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The Big East Conference plans to invite Boise State, Air Force and Navy as footballonly members, and Central Florida to compete in all sports, after it doubles the exit fee for current members to $10 million. An official in the Big East, speaking on condition of anonymity because the conference had not authorized anyone to speak publicly about its plans, told the Associated Press that invitations could go out as soon as next week. The official also said Commissioner John Marinatto was in Cincinnati on Friday meeting with UCF’s president and athletic director. Conferences do not publicly invite new members unless they are confident those invitations will be accepted. The Big East announced earlier this week it wanted to expand to 12 football schools. Big East officials made protecting the league’s automatic bid to the Bowl Championship Series their expansion priority. That pushed Boise State, which is in its first season in the Mountain West Conference after a decade in the Western Athletic Conference, to the top of the Big East’s most wanted list, along with the service academies. The Broncos are 71-5 since 2006, finished 10th in the final BCS standings last season and at 5-0 seem on their way to a top 10 finish. Big East officials believe putting Boise State’s record on the Big East’s ledger when the BCS reviews which leagues should have automatic bids beyond 2013 should allow the conference to make the cut. The Mountain West Conference does not have an automatic bid to the BCS. Nor does Conference USA, where UCF currently plays. Later Friday, those two leagues announced they would “consolidate” their 22 football programs by 2013.

MWC Commissioner Craig Thompson said he has been notified by the leaders of Boise State and Air Force that they had been in contact with the Big East, but the presidents of those schools also participated in the league’s unanimous vote to approve the merger with CUSA. He said the merger creates stability and is a “viable option” for Boise State and Air Force, but he would not speculate on what those schools would do. Conference USA commissioner Britton Banowsky said the president of UCF took part in his conference’s vote and that he and Marinatto have been in contact about Central Florida. “I hope UCF will stay,” he said. “But if a school feels like it’s in a better situation somewhere else, that’s OK.” Both commissioners said they are having internal discussions with their members about possibly adding other schools. Right now, the Big East has only six schools committed to play football in the league beyond this season. Pittsburgh and Syracuse have announced they will move to the Atlantic Coast Conference, though Big East rules require them to stay in the league for the next two seasons and Marinatto has said he will hold the Panthers and Orange to that. However, that seems unlikely if the league can grow to 12 teams for next season without them. TCU was slated to join the Big East in 2012, but the Horned Frogs reneged on that commitment and accepted an invite to the Big 12 last week. Trying to recruit new members has been tricky for the Big East because its remaining members might also be looking for new conference homes. Louisville and West Virginia are possible targets for the Big 12 if it needs to replace Missouri, which is pondering a move to the Southeastern Conference. Connecticut has interest in joining the ACC if it expands again, and there has been speculation about Rutgers moving, too.


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age 9

lobo features

Page 10 / Monday, October 17, 2011

I can haz my future? Capricorn — Adventurous in-

clinations this past week have led you into a deep cavern. What looked at first to be a spontaneous romp into the unknown will develop this week into a frightening vision of the future. Perhaps you’ve come to a halt, though instead of simply hitting a wall, you will find something that’s beauty has been permanently tarnished. Some new truth will hit home especially hard and will require a process of reconstruction akin to making your way out of an inky cave. Hold the departure off until next week, after you’ve had time to get your head on straight. Aquarius — Your experience with the harsher realities of life will intensify to such an extent you may feel powerless over any of your present circumstances. Your life may or may not be so terrible, but you are more concerned with the suffering of the masses. You are always aware of this and do your best to help, but this may be one of the inevitable moments in which you feel hopeless. Accept this lull as part of the cycle, your energy will dissipate if funneled into most endeavors. Rather, spend time extracting your thoughts in a tried-and-true fashion so you can examine them from an outside perspective. Pisces — After wandering about in the dark over a month, you will find the light switch in the attic of your mind this week. Once you rummage through all the old ideas you have neglected to use, you may discover the lot of them have potential when combined, maybe striking you as the answer you’ve been looking for. There is no need to rush the process. Take time to become better acquainted with the thoughts that have come together to create your current mind set, and you may gain an important new understanding of yourself. Aries — It will be too easy to lose your head in the whirlwind of emotion this week’s cosmic atmosphere stirs up for you. In this instance, you will not necessarily feel like saving yourself; the dive appeals to your thrill-seeking sensibilities, and you feel it is time for you to facilitate a major change in your life. The last quarter moon phase is traditionally an ill-advised time for new

beginnings. Instead, replace this thrill with the intensity of anticipation. Let yourself obsess over what is to come next week. Taurus — You feel you’ve stumbled on good fortune a number of times this past couple of weeks, which has left you skeptical. Everything is going so well, you can’t help but consider it a sugary glaze to mask a burnt cupcake. Analyze the circumstances of interest in your life the way you might a painting. Figure out what is really going on behind the flat representation as you’ve come to view your surroundings. Next week, you will be ready to fully participate, and therefore understand, equipped with a thoroughly informed construct of reality. Gemini — You may be inclined to take your social interactions to another level this week. You tend to be jovial and charming in all situations, but you will dismiss this behavior as too casual to be worth your time. You want to find out who people really are and will be dissatisfied with anyone guarded against your probing. Figure out what’s fueling this burning curiosity so you can target folks you can either rely on getting the answers you want from, or those who may surprise you with the fresh perspective you crave. Cancer — Think of your home as a map of your life at the moment. How does it strike you? If you are unsettled by what you see, try taking an active role in your surroundings and mold them into something more desirable. Let this remind you of your ability to be an agent in your life. Your head will not lead you in the right direction the week, as far as enacting these changes on a larger scale. You are better off spending this week tweaking the more tangible issues. Leo — You may have avoided domestic problems of varying importance; this week, you will have no choice but to face them. The catalyst will be when you realize that out of all your associates, you are the last to take off the party mask and face the nitty-gritty of obligations and expectations. Though you typically revel in the personal freedom of forgiving yourself of the occasional

misstep, this week you may feel compelled to try the alternate route. Roll up your sleeves, whip out the elbow grease and feel the elevated satisfaction at week’s end when you sit high atop accomplishment. Virgo — You will experience something like a surge from within that brings you to be fully present in your life this week. At the root of this is a restlessness that you’ve been unsuccessful in your attempts to quell. Withdrawing your attention from the past and future, you feel a new sense of focus in whichever direction you choose. Naturally, you will want to share the glory of this unbound lifestyle, but keep in mind that not everyone will understand it the way you experience it, which is fine because that is not the point. Libra — This week, you may experience feelings of alienation from yourself, contributing to a growing distance between your mind set and your perceived reality. After drifting out to sea, you watch everything from afar through a thick, grey mist. Not that you like it there, but you don’t see the point of returning to people you feel disconnected from. I encourage you to row your boat ashore and use social interaction to search for pieces of yourself, something to make the unfamiliar less so. Scorpio — Let Halloween inspire you to try on different personas this week. It’s not that you’re unhappy with yourself at the moment, but it feels like it is time to shed the old to make room for the new. Account for the pieces you’d like to leave out, reconsider past missteps and address them, reevaluate and commit to keeping only what you truly love. Having pared it down, you will feel more comfortable with your entire being. Not sure where to start? Watch the people around you, think about favorite characters, and break down what you like about individuals and what you don’t. Sagittarius — Solitude may prove to be your best friend this week. Like getting partnered up with the last person you would have chosen, being by yourself feels like the last thing you might benefit from this week. Talking it out will only perpetuate your mood, so I advise you instead to become as deeply involved with an independent project of any kind, as you would with a new lover of which you have become increasingly enamored. Meditation on your troubles in conjunction with physical activity or activities requiring intense concentration will serve you best.

dailysudoku Level 1 2 3 4

Solutions to last week’s sudoku and crossword available at


dailycrossword Across

1 Prepare, as apples for pie 5 Dirt bike relatives, briefly 9 Dressed like a judge 14 “Jeopardy!” first name 15 Actress Perlman 16 Get the lead out? 17 Bossa __ 18 Blurted out 19 Full of attitude 20 “The sky is falling!” critter 23 Get the lead out 24 Visits, as a doctor 25 Cock and drake 28 Suffix with dextr29 Snapshot, for short 31 One who doesn’t have much laundry to do? 33 Seven-time winner of the Daytona 500 36 Modest skirt length 39 Have a life 40 Tennis great Arthur 41 Like Chopin’s “Funeral March,” keywise 46 Enjoyed the rink 47 Letters before xis 48 Neg.’s opposite 51 Air France flier until 2003 52 Election Day: Abbr.

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


New Mexico Daily Lobo

55 Stymie, as plans 57 New Orleans daily, with “The” 60 Kitchen strainer 62 “Love Songs” poet Teasdale 63 Alda or Arkin 64 Like flawed mdse. 65 Slices of history 66 Jackson 5 brother 67 Boss’s privilege 68 Hawaii’s state bird 69 Most affordable golf purchases


1 Mexican Villa 2 Hawaiian hello and goodbye 3 Edit 4 Not off by even a hair 5 “__ and Old Lace” 6 Comparative word 7 Bridal coverings 8 __ Hawkins Day 9 Gathers strength for a big day 10 Taken with a spoon 11 Singles, on a diamond 12 Tricky road bend 13 Susan of “L.A. Law” 21 Foreign Legion cap 22 Be inclined (to) 26 O.T. book named for a woman 27 Eyelid problem

30 Casual talk 32 Sugarpie 33 Break in friendship 34 Business end of a slot machine 35 Bridle strap 36 Be nostalgic for 37 Tattooist’s supplies 38 Common flashlight power source 42 “Hands off!” 43 For two voices together, in scores 44 One with a screw




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daily crossword in the lobo features


DAILY LOBO new mexico


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Tail Date Doggie Dash Pre-Party Starts at: 5:00pm Location: La Cumbre Brewing Co. Animal Humane’s Tail Date is a club for dog lovers to meet and socialize. For more information visit AnimalHumaneNM.org.

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Event Calendar

for October 17, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier!

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Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.





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Announcements BRAIN INJURY STUDY to start in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. The University of New Mexico is participating in the ProTECT III trial – a National Institutes of Health sponsored research study that is testing if an intravenous infusion of progesterone can improve the outcome of someone who has suffered from a serious traumatic brain injury (TBI). “At present, we don’t have an effective drug treatment to protect the brain from damage caused by a TBI. There is evidence that progesterone might help,” said Howard Yonas, MD, chair for the Department of Neurosurgery at UNM. Because progesterone has been found to be most effective when given as soon as possible within four hours from the time of the traumatic brain injury, some patients may be enrolled in the study under special FDA rules known as “Exception from Informed Consent” (EFIC). These special rules allow research studies in certain emergency situations to be conducted without consent. EFIC can only be used when: • The person’s life is at risk, • Existing treatments don’t work, • The study might help the person, • It is not possible to get permission from the person because of his or her medical condition or from the person’s guardian because there is a very short amount of time required to treat the medical problem. While previous studies have shown giving progesterone as early as possible after a TBI may protect the brain from damage, researchers stress there is no guarantee of benefit. Possible side effects include redness or inflammation at the IV site; blood clots, some serious or even fatal, and reduced resistance to infection, while receiving the study drug infusion. Participants will be monitored for all side effects and treated as needed. Enrollment at UNMH is expected to start in late November and will continue until approximately December of 2014. Study participants will have suffered a serious brain injury, be at least 18 years of age, and meet eligibility criteria. Women who have a positive pregnancy test will not be enrolled in the trial. ProTECT participants will receive either a standard IV solution (placebo) or IV progesterone solution for up to 96 hours. Blood samples will also be taken to help predict how bad a patient’s head injury is and how well they will recover. Participants will receive all other standards of care for their injuries. The paramedics will notify the study staff of the patient’s injury and estimated arrival time and the study staff will meet the patient in the emergency department at UNM. If the patient is a candidate for ProTECT, attempts will be made to contact their legal guardian to obtain written consent. If after an hour

of searching for a legal guardian, and one cannot be found the patient will be enrolled without consent. Once the legal guardian is located, they will be asked to give their permission for the patient to continue in the study. For more information about ProTECT, visit the local ProTECT website at: http://www.protect.aemrc.arizona. edu/ or the National website at www.protectiii.com Participants may withdraw from the study at any time with no disruption in care. WARREN MILLER’S...”LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW.” Oct. 29, 7PM. La Cueva HS Tickets $10.00. Call 573-2232.

Health and Wellness

Houses For Rent

LOSE 20LBS WITH the Visalus 90-day challenge. 505-250-5807.

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BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. ACUPUNCTURE FREE DAY at Community Acupuncture on Vermont. Monday Oct 24th 12-6 pm. Call 266-2606, book online at acupunctureonvermont.org or just come by. 2509-A2 Vermont St. NE (Menaul/ Wyoming area).

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.

Fun Food Music

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Lost and Found WALLET LOST ON October Please call 253-486-2536.


BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1-2BDRM. Starting at $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685. FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.

3BDRM 2 MILES from UNM. Recently remodeled. Available now. $1000/mo. 828-3084 or 206-3390. WHY RENT? FIRST time home buyers $500 down through MFA call John 450-2878. Thomson Real Estate.

Rooms For Rent 3BDRM HOUSE. FREE parking. Extremely close to campus. Wood floors. W/D. $400/mo. Utilities included. Call or text 505-306-0667. LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available for immediate move in! Female only. For more information call or text 505-377-7653. 2 ROOMS FOR rent in a 2000 sq ft, 3BDRM, 3BA, 2 story, 2CG, gated community in Ventana Ranch. Asking $450/mo. albuquerque.craigslist. org/roo/2635016430.html 505-450-3555.


NORTH CAMPUS BEAUTY. At 1800 Vassar NE. 2BDRM. DW. W/D. Parking. $850/mo. 620-4648.

FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM house looking for 1 roommate. 505-310-1529.

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

1BDRM 3 BLOCKS south of UNM. $550 + utilities. 881-3540. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available. About $520/mo, utilities included. Looking for a female UNM student, sophomore or older. Please call Rebecca at 303-921-4995.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. 1 mile from UNM. Utilities, internet, and cable included. No pets. $435/mo. 505-974-7476.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TYPING- ANY SUBJECT, including techinical. Word Center, 512 Yale SE 842-9800. NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 907-6479. MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317. ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.



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NEED SOME HELP working things out? Call Agora! 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

TUESDAYS OPEN MIC Night at Brickyard Pizza! Acoustic, all styles welcome, spoken word and comedy. 8:3011:30. 2216 Central Ave SE.

Monday, October 17, 2011 / Page 11

1 BLOCK UNM. 1BDRM duplex. Skylights, driveway parking. $545/mo includes utilities. 299-7723. 1BR/STUDIO APARTMENT FOR rent. Unique, open layout.1 Block from UNM! Shared back courtyard space $800/mo Includes Utilities. No dogs please Call 246-9196 to see. 1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, wood floors, W/D, $750/mo + utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

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Sublets $495/MO. STUDIO SUBLET near UNM. See sunvillagenm.com, available December through July. akowsky@unm.edu

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12 Monday October 17, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Nathan Farmer


Messy win reminder to excel by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com It wasn’t a pretty finish, but a win is a win. After putting away six goals on Friday in its 6-0 win over Denver University, UNM could only muster a one-point victory as it beat Air Force 1-0 yesterday, to take them to 11-0-2 for the season. The only goal came in the first half as senior Lance Rozeboom was taken down in the box and converted the penalty kick. “I am proud of the guys for grinding it out,” Rozeboom said. “Games like these — in the past we have not grinded them out, but we did today. Air Force is always a tough team to play. They battle nonstop, and they are committed to the way they play.” The Lobos beat the Falcons Oct. 9 with a last-minute goal, 2-1 in Colorado Springs, and the game this time was just as close. UNM could have been up by two goals after only ten minutes, but forward Devon Sandoval had his header saved by Falcons goalie Matt Underwood, and seconds later midfielder Blake Smith’s 20 yard shot went wide of the far post. In the 27th minute, Rozeboom picked up the ball in the midfield and dribbled past two defenders before being taken down in the box.

Rozeboom converted a penalty kick in the first half to give the Lobos the lead, and on Sunday he stepped up for the chance to do the same. Rozeboom again converted the penalty as he coolly slotted his shot to the left, while the goalie dived the wrong way.

“When it gets to the NCAA tournament and it’s single elimination, you can’t make mistakes.” ~Jeremy Fishbein head coach “It’s on me as a leader to step up and make those penalty kicks, and this weekend, fortunately, I was able to do that,” Rozeboom said. Head coach Jeremy Fishbein said his team needs to learn from close games such as this one. “We made some young mistakes and we weren’t punished,” he said. “The lesson is when you are playing in big games, when it gets to the NCAA tournament and it’s single

elimination, you can’t make mistakes. You have to make good teams beat you.” The second half was a much different story as Air Force took the game to the Lobos and forced Lobo goalkeeper Victor Rodriguez into action. With ten minutes left, the Falcons’ Garrett Getschow got around his defender but failed to get his shot on goal. Three minutes later, Air Force’s Jake Jones hit his shot just wide and then later forced Rodriguez into one of his three saves in the game. The Lobo defense fell apart again in the last minute of the game, as a long ball over the top found both Getschow and Jones wide open on the back post, but neither of them could get the ball on frame. The Lobos ended the game outshooting the Falcons 13-10, and forced Underwood into making six saves. Fishbein said that this is a game they just need to look past. “I’m glad we won. I thought we played well in areas, but we just have to move on. This is not a game to dwell on,” he said.

For multimedia coverage of the game go to



Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Forward Devon Sandoval keeps the ball away from Air Force defender Mitch Kim. The Lobos beat the Falcons 1-0 thanks to a first half goal from Lance Rozeboom. They are now an undefeated 11-0-2 for the season.

Falcons’ fierce second half stops shutout victory by Thomas Romero-Salas tromeros@unm.edu

After a 1-1 draw with Wyoming on Friday, the UNM women’s soccer team shot down Air Force with a 4-1 win. The excitement started early for UNM when senior Jennifer Williams scored on a one-on-one opportunity against the Falcons’ goalkeeper in the 8th minute. “Rachel (Montoya) got the ball and played a beautiful ball through,” Williams said. “I got past her and it was a wide open goal from there.” No fewer than 20 seconds passed before junior Stephanie Rowe came through with another unassisted goal to put the Lobos up 2-0. “I just had the chance … I haven’t been finishing my chances, and I knew that I might not get another one, so I knew I had to capitalize on it,” Rowe said. Williams wasn’t finished; she scored yet again, but this time in the 12th minute with an assist from goal keeper Kelli Cornell. The goal-scoring frenzy continued, and with less than a minute to play in the first half midfielder Ashley Espinoza added a goal of her own off of a UNM corner kick. The second half was a different story. The Falcons fought back, stepped up their play and scored in the 57th minute with a goal from McKenna Fox. Rowe said Air Force came back strong, but she said she knew her team would keep its poise for the win. “I think they had a lot more attitude in the second half,” she said. “They were coming at us from everywhere. They were hard-hitting, and you could tell that they wanted to come back. We kept our cool and kept doing what we needed to do to keep our win.” With the win, UNM improved to 8-4-4 overall and 2-0-2 in conference play, while the Falcons fell to 6-7-3 overall and 1-2-0 in the Mountain West. Head coach Kit Vela said she thought the Lobos played well in the

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Midfielder Ashley Espinoza (22) places a shot past Air Force keeper Kelly Stambaugh during the Lobos’ rout of the Air Force Falcons. The Lobos are now 8-4-4 overall and 2-0-2 in conference play. first half, but was she said she was frustrated with how they finished the game. “We created some good opportunities in the second half, but we were tired of getting kicked and we were a little too tentative,” Vela said.

“We’re not a tentative team, but we didn’t play as we should have in the second half, so that cost us.” Vela made nine substitutions, and she said she thought the replacements may have been part of the reason why the team didn’t

play up to its potential in the second half. “We lost some of the chemistry because I did make a lot of changes, but I wasn’t going to put Jennifer Williams back on to let her get kicked,” Vela said.

The Lobos lost assistant coach Jorge Vela during the game due to a red card for arguing with an Air Force coach over a tackle from Falcons’ Cassie Wilson on Williams. Jorge will also miss the next game against Boise State.

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