NM Daily Lobo 101911

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Soaring swine


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October 19, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

South campus employees “lived in fear” by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Workers question mass transfers South campus staff members are beginning to speak out about what they call mistreatment of employees by a former UNM vice president on a massive scale.

“I haven’t heard of any sweeping policy changes being handed out from his office, good, bad or indifferent.” ~Luke Shipers enrollment coordinator “We lived in a state of constant fear and paranoia,” said Luke Shipers, coordinator for enrollment at the south campus Office of Records and Registration. “A good friend of mine likened it

to Nazi Germany, complete with secret police,” he said. “That may sound like an extreme comparison, but it was surprisingly accurate.” In 2009, the administration, under the leadership of Carmen Alvarez Brown, vice president for Enrollment Management, created the student service center One-Stop in Mesa Vista Hall. She then transferred most of the staff from Admissions and Recruitment Services, the Communication Center, financial aid and scholarships and the registrar’s office to south campus. The few staff members she kept on main campus were all put into the One-Stop center. Terry Babbitt, associate vice president of general admissions, who replaced Brown in August after she left UNM to work at Cleveland State University, said her goal was to streamline operations to provide more effective service to students. “The Student Support and Services Center is a wonderful facility that provides a state-ofthe-art reception area for visiting prospective students and families with convenient parking,” he said. “We often receive comments on how favorable it compares to our competitors,”

Division of Enrollment Management Compared to UNM Average

Summary of fiscal years 2008 to 2011 Enrollment mgmt. Avg.

UNM Avg.





External Separations










Temporary or Regular Faculty





Enrollment Management had higher separation rates than the University as a whole from 2008-2011, but had nearly twice the university average in number of promotions and temporary to regular hires, according to UNM Human Resources metric reports. Shipers said that although leadership has changed, Brown’s restrictive policies remain in place. “I think we’re all still so relieved that she’s gone that we haven’t figured out where we stand with the new boss yet,” he said. “I haven’t heard of any sweeping policy changes being handed out from his office, good, bad or indifferent.” Staff members said the move to south campus resulted in terrible morale. Several employees quit, he said. “I remember that the first time I heard about a walk-in ‘One-Stop Shop,’ it was in the context of a satellite office down at south campus,” he said. “A little three-man outpost, with one person from each department

out there to help athletes get things taken care of without the need to trek all the way back to campus. (When) I heard that the entire division was moving down there, my jaw nearly hit the floor.” Sarah May Marinelli, who left the Enrollment Management Division for a job with the political science department, said the move did not improve service. “One of the goals stated was ‘Speedier, more efficient, businesslike merging of back-office processing operations to speed up (service),” she said. “I believe (the move) not only undermined this goal, but it has created an environment where a large group of knowledgeable, hardworking employees are isolated from

the UNM community, placing many of the benefits of being located on main campus out of their reach.” She said employees rarely see main campus anymore. But Babbitt said this improves efficiency. “Most employees at the OneStop location on Main Campus are placed there permanently because of their emphasis and skills related to customer service to the student,” he said. “Processing of documents is also a valued skill that greatly impacts the timelines of students receiving financial aid or transcripts, for example, and all of that work is done at the Student Support and Services Center.”

month, the highest level since May 2010. But any reading below 50 reflects overall pessimism. Building company stocks jumped on the news. D.R. Horton Inc. and PulteGroup, Inc. soared 11 percent. Lennar Corp. jumped 9 percent. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 16, or 1.4 percent, to 1,217. The Nasdaq composite rose 23, or 0.8 percent, to 2,638. Markets wavered in early morning trading after some disappointing corporate earnings reports and concerns that France and Germany may not reach an agreement on additional support for Greece.

The ratings agency Moody’s also said late Monday that the stable outlook for France’s topnotch credit rating is under pressure. On Tuesday, the country’s finance minister said that the economy will likely grow a rate of less than 1.5 percent next year. France is Europe’s second-largest economy. Investors were troubled by reports that France and Germany remain divided on a plan to provide more support for Greece. An agreement between the two countries is seen as the bedrock for a rescue package that can pass all 17 countries that share the euro. The Greek government is wide-

ly expected to go through some kind of default or restructuring of its debt. If that process becomes disorderly, European banks could suffer big losses on Greek government bonds and that could spread overseas, jolting global credit markets. Tuesday brought full day of corporate earnings reports in the United States. UnitedHealth Group Inc. fell 5 percent after its third-quarter profits dipped. The country’s largest health insurer by sales said medical costs climbed and more patients visited their doctors’

see Employees PAGE 3

Quarterly reports give stock market a boost by David K. Randall and Matthew Craft The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Banks and homebuilders pulled the stock market higher Tuesday, overriding early jitters about a potential stalemate in efforts to stem the European debt crisis. Bank of America Corp. rose 8 percent in afternoon trading after it beat earnings expectations for the third quarter thanks to accounting gains and the sale of a stake in a Chinese bank. Goldman Sachs rose 4 percent, even after reporting just its second quarterly loss since going public in 1999.

The Dow Jones industrial average was up 125 points, or 1 percent, to 11,521 at 2:30 p.m. Eastern. International Business Machines (IBM) tugged on the Dow average, falling 4 percent, the most of any Dow stock by far. IBM reported quarterly revenues that fell short of Wall Street estimates. There was also better news from the housing market, which has rattled banks since the real estate collapse. A survey of U.S. homebuilders showed they are less pessimistic about the struggling market. The National Association of Home Builders said its index of builder sentiment rose from 14 to 18 this

by Stephanie Hoover

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Sarah Womack, 24 (left), a nurse in the neonatal ICU at UNMH, stands with Courtney Bryan, 24, a tech in the ER. Both believe that the new uniform regulations will stifle nurses’ expression of individuality.

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 41

Street PAGE 3

New uniforms perturb some nurses stephchoover@gmail.com

Inside the

see Wall

Nurses at UNM Hospital will soon be required to wear all-black uniforms to allow for quick identification of hospital staff, but some nurses say the color conjures associations of death and despair. Hospital department heads decided uniforms should be color-coded across the hospital so patients can easily differentiate between professions. Sheena Ferguson, the administrative chief nursing officer, said staff can currently wear whatever color uniforms they prefer, which may cause confusion for patients. She said staff had the chance to vote on five color choices, and nurses chose black. “The overwhelming choice, by two-toone margin, even combining the other options, was black.” Ferguson said. “It seemed to be a professional color, it was formallooking and they needed a color that was suitable for both men and women. There were limited color choices so they could

provide a variety of sizes and styles.” But some nurses said they aren’t happy with the change. Sarah Womack, a pediatric nurse, said she understands the push for uniformity, but said she doesn’t want to wear black.

“We’re not trying to impede people’s styles, we’re just trying to make everyone identifiable” ~Katherine Otero nurse supervisor “I think from the management point of view I can understand why they’re doing it,” she said, “But if nurses were more proactive about introducing themselves, it (would be) a better environment, especially for the

Unsung heroes

Out for the season

See page 2

See page 7

pediatric units, to have colorful tops and let nurses express themselves. I think black is a depressing color choice for a hospital.” Nurses in UNMH’s emergency department switched to all-black uniforms about a year ago, but said they were not allowed to talk to the media. The switch for other UNMH nurses was planned for Nov. 15, but it has been postponed due to complications finalizing a purchasing contract, hospital officials said. They said once the contract is finalized, they will make the switch. Three sets of uniforms, totaling $125, will be provided to each employee to aid with the switch. Nurse Supervisor Katherine Otero said she thinks the switch is a good idea because it will allow for a more professionallooking and easily identifiable staff. “We’re not trying to impede people’s styles, we’re just trying to make everyone identifiable,” she said. “Overall, I think it’s going to be more satisfying for patients once they get into it.”


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PageTwo Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Career Paths A weekly peek at unique niches

by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Every day, hundreds of people in UNM’s maintenance department empty trash, clean floors, paint buildings and ensure that UNM’s 650 acres and 338 buildings are ready for students and faculty. Ruben Sanchez is an irrigation technician who has been working with UNM’s grounds department for nine years. “We are in charge of all of the water systems,” he said. “All the drip, all the sprinklers, we put in new systems and take out old systems. I’m assigned a third of the campus for irrigation; basically, we do repairs and upgrades and maintenance.” Student Damien Ramirez said few on campus appreciate the hard work done by maintenance workers. “Those guys work hard,” he said. “The people that maintain the grounds are up and on campus by 6 every day, cleaning and fixing stuff. If you ever talk to them, they are super nice and very humble. It looks like hard work, and I’m not sure that they are appreciated at the University the way they should be.” Sanchez said he feels his work is appreciated. “I’ve gotten nothing but positive feedback from students and staff,” he said.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 41

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Sanchez began working at UNM in March 2003 as a grounds technician, pruning trees and picking up trash, and moved his way up two positions to his current job. He said the work is difficult and involves a lot of manual labor, but that it is rewarding to work with his hands. “I like this job very much,” he said. “It’s mostly been on-the-job training, just asking advice from people that know more than I do. I work by myself mainly, and ask for help when I need it.” He said working for the University provides many benefits that aren’t usually available for positions at his pay rate. “At the time the entry position was $7.10, and now I’m making $11.30,” he said. “But we have a lot of benefits: the University provides payment of medical, we have tuition remission, we get 8 hours paid a semester, we get use of the gym facilities, stuff like that. It’s a pretty good job as compared to others with the same pay because of the benefits.” Sanchez said the biggest benefit is that employees can attend classes for free. “Tuition remission is a big thing if you are a student,” he said. “I haven’t used it yet, but I might, and you can always just do stuff you want to do through extended university.” Sanchez lives with his 21-year-old son. He said money is tight, but manageable. Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Zach Gould Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

“It’s a struggle, it’s a big struggle, it’s pretty much hand-to-mouth,” he said. “But you just have to have priorities. I’m buying a house right now, and that is really great.” But Sanchez said his department has been hit hard by budget cuts, which has resulted in more work. “The irrigation department is right where we should be (with staffing),” he said. “But the rest of the grounds department is very understaffed. I think it’s stressful for them — since the bad economic turnaround in 2008, we haven’t had a raise and they haven’t hired anybody on grounds since then, so anyone that retires is not replaced.” Sanchez said although the University has not replaced positions that have been lost through retirement, UNM has been committed to retaining employees. “We’ve been really lucky they have not laid anybody off,” he said. Sanchez said he currently has no plans for advancement. “Within the irrigation department, there is a senior irrigation position, but I don’t know when that is going to open up,” he said. “You can go different places — master gardener is a pay grade up — or you can transfer if you want to go to school and look for a job like anyone else … but I’m happy here.” Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson

Dylan Smith/ Daily Lobo Ruben Sanchez, who works as an irrigation technician at UNM, maintains the University’s watering systems across campus. He said the work is hard but rewarding.

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Friday, October 21, 2011 Presented by the

Advocates for Universal Design in Collaboration with the

UNM Office of Equity and Inclusion and the UNM Accessibility Resource Center


Suspected killer may plead guilty news@dailylobo.com


from page 1

VP says complaints were few Shipers said Brown worked to suppress opposition from staff members, who had concerns about changes to benefits and working conditions and the move to south campus. “It is generally understood, or at least speculated, that she was brought in as an axe-man,” he said. “It is believed that the targets were anyone who balked at unreasonable demands from on high, anyone close to retirement, and anyone they thought they could replace with a new hire at half the salary.” Margaret Dorneden, who currently works as an administrative assistant for the BA/MD program, said she quit after conditions became unbearable. “It was mistreatment on a massive scale,” she said. “She was verbally abusive to people and got away with it … I’m 49 years old and I’ve never met anybody meaner than her. It was a daily fear of losing your job.” Dorneden said Babbitt’s administration has continued in Brown’s footsteps. “We thought everybody was free, and from now what I hear every so often, whoever is on top is just continuing the tradition,” she said. Babbitt said he hasn’t received many complaints from staff. “That is inconsistent with what I hear from staff through the supervisors, and they certainly have

Wall Street

ple to his lawyer the next day. Torres had been faculty in the UNM Department of English Language and Literature since 1986 and taught contemporary postmodern Chicana and Chicano studies. Gray taught ninth-grade English in Bernalillo and was a graduate student in comparative literature in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

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the opportunity to remain anonymous if they had these concerns,” he said. Babbitt said he encourages employees to communicate with him and said he would work to address their concerns. Margie Cano, financial aid officer, said she is satisfied with her employer. “I cannot speak for other departments … other than financial aid, but assertions do not reflect the current atmosphere in financial aid,” she said. “Financial aid has not had benefits cut.” Cano said working on south campus makes her job easier. “Working on south campus allows us to process financial aid requests efficiently and better serve students,” she said. “We feel we have the support of our management and feel we are treated fairly. We have no complaints over our direct management team and have good working relationships with them.” Dorneden said no one ever addressed staff members’ complaints. “I tried going to HR once (to) complain; they said there was nothing they could do,” she said. “She did things her way, and to hell with UNM policies and procedures. You had to do what she said, be a spy for her, listen to other employees and tell her so she could retaliate against them. She would make your life miserable in the hope that you would quit. People were scared to talk about it. They still are now.”

Dorneden said at least 20 employees quit between when Brown was hired in April 2008 and when Brown left the University in August 2011, “I never got a raise after she came — my benefits were cut,” she said. “I quit and got a job on north campus.” Shipers said benefits outlined in the UNM policy manual for employees were cut. “I watched University veterans with 30-plus years of service disintegrate under a constant barrage of unreasonable demands, petty slights, and undercut support,” he said. “Flex time was eliminated. This made it nearly impossible to take care of our educational benefits, as we were unable take classes only offered during the day.” Babbitt said the employees are not allowed flex time, (time out of work to take daytime classes), in order to free up space for students. “We provided good service to 93 percent of students utilizing our operations in the last year, according to surveys,” he said, “and it would be difficult to do that if we had many staff on a flexible schedule … Our primary responsibility and commitment is to serve students well.” Shipers said following the benefit cuts, the employees were moved permanently to south campus. Dorneden said the staff celebrated when Brown left. “We had a party when that lady left. Everyone hated her. They were so happy to see her go.”

Johnson & Johnson rose half of 1 percent after posting a 6 percent decline in third-quarter profit, roughly in line with analyst

expectations. Apple Inc. and Intel Corp. will report their results from the last quarter after the market closes.

from page 1

offices. Coca-Cola Co. lost half of 1 percent after narrowly beating Wall Street’s earnings estimates.

The Department of Homeland Security is proud to announce Timothy Fraser, Director of the National Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign, discussing Internet safety, the importance of increased awareness, and what you can do to protect yourself online.


Ralph Montoya, the man suspected of killing UNM English professor Hector Torres and his girlfriend, UNM graduate student Stefania Gray, is expected to plea guilty to second degree murder during a court proceeding Thursday, UNM English department officials said.

English professor Jesse Alemán said Torres’ family notified the English department of the court date and hopes the plea will bring some closure to the family and UNM community. Torres, 54, and Gray, 43, were found shot to death in Torres’ home on March 8, 2010. According to reports, Ralph Montoya, Gray’s ex-boyfriend, confessed to murdering the cou-

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by Chelsea Erven

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 / Page 3


New Mexico Daily Lobo

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday October 19, 2011



Paul Krebs incompetent, deserves to be let go Editor’s Note: This letter in its original form was addressed and sent to the Board of Regents and then given to the Daily Lobo for publication. Editor, Another UNM football game, another loss: this one 49-7. Really? Sirs, as a decade-long resident of New Mexico, I have been watching the slowly deteriorating situation inside UNM’s Athletics Department. Sure, most of us New Mexico citizens do not understand the complexities of college athletics, but we do understand that success in Athletics is essential in today’s higher education world. It would be an understatement to say that UNM has suffered nationwide humiliation over the past three years because of the utter failure of your football program to find even a shred of success. Paying a coach nearly $1 million a year who cannot even muster a single win is ridiculous. Why did Paul Krebs stand by this loser so bloody long? Mike Locksley’s 2-26 record over two-plus years was not only abysmal, it was unnecessary. Yet Krebs refused to fire him. Locksley’s totally unprofessional demeanor on and off the field will reflect poorly on UNM for years. Krebs has shown a monumental inability to recognize failure, even though most UNM supporters did so long ago. Before UNM lets Krebs make yet another million-dollar mistake, why not remove Krebs? And, like the Locksley firing, Krebs’ departure is long overdue. The Locksley hire was a bad one — a really bad one. The University will pay for this gigantic mistake for years in dollars and in public support. Allow Krebs to go out and make another major mistake, and I’m through supporting UNM even though it should be the state’s most respected university. How many UNM students and faculty members could have been helped with the millions of dollars that the Krebs/Locksley debacle cost UNM, and how many years will it take to rebuild trust with students, faculty and New Mexico residents because of an inept Athletics director? Thomas DeFeo UNM community member

Muslims should fight oppression with force Editor, I would like to take this opportunity to disavow myself from any statements I made in the past disparaging those Muslims who are fighting against the enemies of Islam. In my own lack of religious understanding I slandered those Muslims who are risking their lives opposing the injustices taking place in their lands. While the past is done, I hope to clarify why Islam is against oppression. The Prophet Muhammad said: If you see an injustice you should change it with your hand, if not then speak against it, if not then you should hate it in your heart, but that is the weakest level of faith. Islam teaches that a Muslim is not to oppress others or to allow himself to be oppressed. This may or may not include the use of arms to defend one’s religion, honor and life. The Quran teaches us that if someone strikes you then the proper response is “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” So, if anyone thinks that he can order soldiers to occupy a Muslim country and expect to be greeted with rose petals, this person is in for a rude awakening. Not only will the Muslims fight you, but they will gladly die to defend their religion. And as a final note: It is true that the Muslim who dies in battle will be rewarded with virgins in paradise. If that is the case then which fighter do you think will be more eager to risk his life; the Muslim or the infidel? Muhajir Romero UNM student


New dorms for a commuter campus? by Will Desmare

Daily Lobo Columnist I recently read a Daily Lobo article about the possibility of constructing new student housing at UNM and, like always, this article reinforced my belief that the current administration is wholly incompetent and, hey, also shows contempt for the student population. This article centered on the current housing contractor, American Campus Communities (ACC), and how it is actively pursuing more student housing construction. I thought to myself, ‘isn’t this like the tail wagging the dog?’ You would think that the situation would be the other way around, that the University would be projecting how many students are going to live on campus and then telling its housing contractor the size and type of dorms that are needed. Anyone with an IQ higher than three knows that UNM is primarily a commuter university, and the Lottery Success Scholarship really enforces this concept. In order to afford a college education, a lot of students in the Albuquerque metroplex rely on the lottery scholarship to pay tuition while they live at home, saving money. Lobo Development Corporation and friends think that they can convince more students to move on campus, where it will be more expensive for them to live all the way around. In addition to paying a lot

for rent, students who live on campus will probably sign up for one of the overpriced meal plans (which is probably not as good as their mothers’ cooking) and have to pay for an overpriced parking permit in order to share a small-sized dorm room with someone else. Another factor to take into account is that the economy is not getting better any time soon, so local area students who are currently in the dorms may have to move back home to make ends meet. ACC states that it is also actively recruiting nontraditional students to live on campus. I do not think that it will work. Most nontraditional students are older and already have living arrangements off campus, and they know that it will probably cost way more money to move on campus. In my opinion, the administration should actively be against building any new student housing on campus because it is not in the best interests of the students or the University. It will cost a lot of money to build these new dorms. I wonder who is going to absorb that cost when all of these nontraditional and commuter students decide that dorm life is not for them. The last time the University’s administration approved a construction project on a nonfactual basis was when it decided to spend several million dollars on renovating the biology building because it was sure that the public would approve the bonds to pay for it.

Well guess what, the public did not approve the bonds, and Schmidly and his roundtable of overpaid vice presidents were dumbfounded as to what to do next. They had started the project, were well into the renovation, and they had no money to pay for it. As I read the article, I thought to myself, ‘it cannot get any worse for the students,’ but it does. The article stated that a lot of ASUNM senators were against ACC and their new housing because ACC does not provide the same compensation to their resident assistants (RAs) as UNM. I thought to myself, ‘wow, if there is an organization that treats students worse than the UNM administration, that is a bad omen.’ It is my opinion that when the University entered an agreement with ACC, one of the main points should have been that the use of RAs should be consistent across UNM, and that ACC should hire and treat them as part of the University. Being an RA is a good way to help pay for college expenses. Again, when the University signed the agreement with ACC, it should have had the students’ best interests in mind, but it didn’t. After being at UNM for a year, this really did not surprise me. Now I am wondering when the last time was that the University’s administration had the students’ best interests in mind when it made a decision.

Editorial Board

Letter submission policy

Chris Quintana

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 / Page 5

Pakistan shies from insurgents KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan and NATO forces have stepped up their fight against a militant network considered to be the most dangerous threat facing coalition forces in Afghanistan, the nation’s defense officials said Tuesday. The Haqqani network is the main target of a days-long operation along the Afghan side of the AfghanPakistani border, where the militants operate. The Haqqani group, which is linked to both the Taliban and alQaida, has been blamed for highprofile attacks in the Afghan capital, including last month’s 19-hour siege against the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. “They create problems for both countries,� Afghan army chief of staff Gen. Sher Mohammad Karimi told reporters at a briefing. The United States has been trying to coax Pakistan to go after the Haqqani network. The issue is a main cause of tension between the U.S.-led coalition and Pakistan. Afghan and NATO officials are tiring of Pakistan’s inability or reluctance to confront the insurgent group. Pakistan’s reluctance to cooperate has prompted the United States to step up missile strikes against the Haqqani network in the group’s safe haven in North Waziristan in Pakistan. The verbal and military fight against the Haqqani network intensified last month when then-Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen called the Haqqanis a “veritable arm� of the Pakistani intelligence agency, and charged it directly supported the militants who had mounted the attack on the U.S. embassy in Kabul. President Barack Obama has said that he believes Pakistan is not going after insurgent groups that it

feels could end up regaining power in Afghanistan after coalition forces leave. A senior official with the U.S.-led coalition, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations, told reporters at a briefing Tuesday that the coalition was very focused now on the Haqqani network. The group operates mainly in Khost, Paktia and Paktika provinces, but the coalition has seen a significant uptick in Haqqani activity in Wardak and Logar provinces, which are on Kabul’s doorstep.

“What we are asking to acquire is just the ability to defend ourselves� ~Abdul Rahim Wardak Afghan defense minister Intelligence officials in Pakistan and the United States have confirmed that several top Haqqani network figures have been killed in targeted attacks in recent days. At a briefing at the Afghan Defense Ministry, Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak also said that while Afghanistan’s current firepower is enough to deal with the insurgents, the nation needs more advanced weapons, like fighter jets, to defend against foreign threats and ensure a balance of power in the region. “What we are asking to acquire is just the ability to defend ourselves, and also to be relevant in the future so that our friends and allies can count on us to participate in peacekeeping and other operations of mutual interest,� Wardak said.

North, South Korea meet for talks in US by Harry R. Weber The Associated Press

ATHENS, Ga. — North and South Korean representatives holding informal talks in the U.S. are sitting together at meals, sharing laughs and even breaking out in song together. But long-standing disputes still cropped up Tuesday on day 2 of the summit at the University of Georgia. Members of the U.S. and South Korea delegations told The Associated Press the closed-door talks have been serious at times and light-hearted and respectful at others. “That doesn’t mean they are agreeing, but it is important,� said Jim Walsh, an expert in international security and a research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Security Studies Program. “In there, they’re all Koreans. The Americans are the foreigners in the room.� At dinner Monday night, North and South Korean delegates sat with each other as they dined on filet mignon, pan-seared tuna and chocolate tart. At one point they stood and joined each other in song as South Korean violinist Yong-Ku Ahn played a familiar folk tune, according to several people who were present. Walsh, who is taking part in the sessions, said he doesn’t expect the North to agree to firm preconditions to resume official six-party nuclear talks. But he believes there will have to be compromise on all sides. “I don’t expect the Americans to report to the government that the

U.S. should do everything North Korea wants, and I don’t expect South Korea to go back and tell their government that,� Walsh said. “Our job is not to be diplomats, but it is because we are not diplomats that we have a little more room to move.� Representatives from the U.S. State Department and the respective foreign ministers were not participating in the sessions, but a senior North Korean ruling party official was in attendance. Others present included academics, lawmakers and former government officials from the countries. The so-called Track-II talks are aimed at formulating policy recommendations for resolving the standoff between the two Koreas. South Korean legislator JooSun Park, who also is attending the talks, told AP the civil atmosphere has allowed delegates from the three sides to feel comfortable being candid. “The atmosphere on one hand is very serious, and on the other hand everyone is very respectful,� he said. Back home, a tense atmosphere lingers on the Korean peninsula following violence last year that claimed 50 South Korean lives. Officials are now trying to restart nuclear negotiations that stalled when North Korea walked away from the aid-for-disarmament talks in 2009. The North has since pushed for a resumption. Officials in the United States and South Korea have so far reacted coolly to the North’s overtures, saying the North must first abide by past nuclear commitments.

The United States, as part of an effort to bolster, train and equip the Afghan army, has provided billions of dollars in equipment but has balked at supplying sophisticated technology like fighter planes, arguing that Afghanistan doesn’t need such armaments and does not yet have the capacity to maintain them. Wardak said about $10 billion has already been allocated by the United States to equip and train the country’s army and police. He said another package totaling about $10 billion is being discussed, but must still be approved by U.S. lawmakers. According to the NATO coalition, $2.7 billion in equipment has arrived or will arrive between August 2011 and March 2012. This includes about 22,700 vehicles, 39,500 weapons, 52,200 pieces of communication equipment and 38 aircraft. Training the Afghan security forces is a top priority for the U.S.-led international coalition that has been battling the Taliban and affiliated insurgents for the past decade. NATO wants to withdraw its combat forces by the end of 2014 and needs its Afghan counterparts to be ready to assume full security responsibilities by then. The defense minister did not name any potential regional threats. Pakistan and Iran — both of which have far better equipped arsenals — are widely seen as two neighbors with the potential to influence the country’s shaky reconstruction effort and push to crush the stubborn Taliban insurgency. Karimi said that building a strong military was crucial as way of ensuring the balance of power in the region and as “a deterrence for this country against our neighbors.� “But by no means (do) we have a policy of offensive operations,� he said. “Our strategy is defensive.�

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Page 6 / Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo cross country

British Lobo runs up records by Cesar Davila


Ross Millington could go down as the greatest runner in the history of UNM. The 5-foot-7-inch, 125-pound Brit moved to Albuquerque right out of high school from Stockport, England, in January of 2009. Living alone, meeting new people and a being in a different part of the world surprised Millington. “I didn’t really know what to expect,” he said. “It was completely different, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.” Since then, he has been quietly running up a record. He is one of two runners in UNM history to finish the mile in under four minutes, with a time of 3:59.


Now the spotlight is on Millington, and with the recent injury to Nicholas Kipruto, he is undoubtedly the one who will need to carry the Lobos; something Franklin said he has been ready for. “Now it’s his turn to take the leadership role and, quite honestly, he’s done a very good job with that,” Franklin said. At the Wisconsin Invitational last weekend, Millington led the Lobos, finishing in 20th place and helping the team earn a 28th place finish. Millington said his passion for running is not normal. “I honestly have to say there must be something wrong with us,” Millington said. “I certainly don’t classify myself as a normal human being.” In a sport that requires a strict diet, consistent sleep schedule and countless miles of running with little in return, Millington said the NCAA championships and the opportunity to represent England in the 2012 Olympics is what keeps him motivated. Millington will compete in the 5,000-meter race at the UK trials next year in hopes of competing in London. “I know it’s going to be a lot of hard work that I’m going to have to put in,” he said. “But I can honestly see it happening.”

lobo handball

New team overcomes tight budget, roster by Nathan Farmer

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sports@dailylobo.com The “Handball Lobos” are ready to get a hand on their second year as an official club team. The handball team was formed last fall by four students from the handball class offered at UNM. Former research biology professor Carl White coaches the team. He said the team has only four players, but he expects more to join this year. He said the team needs six players in order to have a full roster. “The competition is improving,” he said. “We lost one player to graduation last year and I am hopeful to get a couple more.” Its first-ever tournament was at the National Handball Championships last February in Tempe, Ariz. The team placed 16th out of 34 teams. White said he was impressed with how well the team did in its first tournament. “It was not bad, I was very pleased with it,” he said.

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Lee Emanuel holds the record at UNM with 3:57. Millington is second all-time, only to Emanuel, in the 3,000-meter and fourth in the 5,000-meter, and he still has two seasons to improve. “He’s probably the least wellknown sub-four minute mile runner in the country,” cross country head coach Joe Franklin said. “He’s on the verge of being the best distance runner all-around in the University of New Mexico’s history.” Over the summer Millington took part in the European Athletics U23 Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic where he won the silver medal in the 5,000-meter race with a time of 14:22.78. Millington said that day was the happiest of his life. “It was incredible just to be able to stand on the podium for the medal ceremony,” Millington said. “It’s not very often in the sport that we get the feeling that it’s paid off. That was definitely one of the very few moments where I actually felt like it was worth it.” Millington’s rise to notoriety had been postponed for the last couple of seasons due to the success of his fellow English teammates Lee Emanuel and Rory Fraser. Both runners were awarded Athlete of the Year by the Alumni Lettermen’s Association, Emanuel in 2009 and Fraser in 2010.


Team member Jennifer Saunders, a graduate student at UNM, is currently ranked as the No. 10 female player in the world by United States Handball Association. Her ranking is based on points earned at professional tournaments, which are held every two months. Last year at nationals she came down with food poisoning and was not able to fully compete. “We went to collegiate and did extremely well last year,” she said. “I could only imagine how much higher we would have been ranked if I would have played.” Saunders said she competes both in college and professional handball tournaments. “As long as you are a full-time student they let you compete at the collegiate level and at the professional level,” she said. “It gives college players a chance to see what it’s like to play at a pro level.” White said the team keeps its expenses low, but last year it

see Handball page 8


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo women’s basketball

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 / Page 7

Torn ACL benches player for second season in a row by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com Sara Halasz’s season is over before it even started. Halasz, a junior guard for the Lobo women’s basketball team, tore her right ACL last Friday in a team scrimmage at the Lobo Howl, putting her out for the entire season. She was chosen as a preseason All Mountain West Conference selection, and the injury is the same one she suffered last year that also benched her. “I am not going to let that bring me down,” Halasz said. “I am pretty set to come back and play. I want to play and I want to help the program and the team.” Head coach Yvonne Sanchez is entering her first season at UNM and said that the loss is tough on the team, but she expects them to bounce back. “It’s a blow to the team, but at the same time this team has a ton of heart


and I am really impressed with them,” she said. “Sarah will be able to help us from the sidelines.” Halasz suffered the same injury during last year’s preseason and said this just gives her incentive to work harder for next year’s season. “It’s a bummer to actually get that news, but I am going to take it as a learning lesson like I did last year, and come back stronger,” she said. “I am still going to stay motivated and I still want to play.” She suffered the injury with fewer than two minutes left to play in the scrimmage on a drive to the basket. “It was just a normal drive like any other drive I have done in my career,” she said. “The last thing in my mind was to think my ACL would go, and I felt the pop and the pain with everything.” In her freshman year she played 36 games for the Lobos and was fourth on the team in scoring with 5.6 points

per game. Her sophomore season she started 30 of 32 games and was second on the team in both scoring and rebounding. After most of last year’s freshmen left with the departure of former head coach Don Flanagan, Halasz was expected to pick up a lot of the slack. Sanchez said no one player in particular is going to fill that spot on the team, but instead they will all have to work together like they did last year. “It will be by committee again,” she said. “Everybody is just stepping up and playing their role and playing well.” Senior Porche Torrance said it’s up to her to make up for the loss. “I know I need to step it up as a post player and guard now that Sara is hurt,” she said. Halasz has two years of eligibility left and was granted a medical redshirt last year, which gave her a fifth year of eligibility. Because she will miss this

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Head women’s basketball coach Yvonne Sanchez sits with guard Sara Halasz on Monday at a press conference at the Rudy Davalos Basketball Center. Halasz tore her ACL on Friday and will miss the entire season. entire season she may be able to peti- possible sixth year, but I haven’t thought that far yet,” she said. “I just want to see tion for a sixth year of eligibility. “I have next year, and Coach how surgery goes and coming back Sanchez and I are discussing a next year and how playing goes.”

Commissioner: No deal, no Christmas-day game by Brian Mahoney Associated Press

Associated Press Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, right, arrives for labor talks between the NBA and players’ association Tuesday in New York.

NEW YORK — NBA players and owners are meeting with a federal mediator, and Commissioner David Stern said he believes more games could be canceled if there isn’t movement toward a new labor deal. George Cohen tried to resolve the NFL’s labor dispute. Now he’s overseeing basketball’s negotiations for the first time. Stern wants immediate results, saying during interviews last week that proposals could get worse and more games could be lost without a deal Tuesday. “If there’s a breakthrough, it’s going to come on Tuesday,” he told NBA TV. “And if not, I think that the season is really going to potentially escape from us because we aren’t making any progress.” Tuesday was the 110th day of the lockout. In another interview, Stern

told WFAN radio in New York that in his “gut” he felt there wouldn’t be NBA games on Christmas if it ended without a deal.

“If there’s a breakthrough, it’s going to come on Tuesday.” ~David Stern NBA commissioner But large gaps remain between the sides, with both seeking 53 percent of basketball revenues and players opposing owners’ attempts to significantly change the salary cap system. Cohen met with the sides individually at their offices Monday before both brought their full

bargaining committees to a hotel Tuesday. The union said it wanted to have the whole week set aside for negotiations, but owners have two days of board meetings beginning Wednesday. Stern wants to be able to bring them a deal. If not, they may have to discuss further cancellations after the first two weeks of the season were already wiped out. Cohen was appointed director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service by President Barack Obama in 2009. He was present for talks between NFL owners and players for 16 days in February and March before that mediation broke off. He previously helped broker a deal between Major League Soccer and its players and was lead lawyer for the baseball players’ union when it won an injunction against its owners in 1995, ending the 7 1/2month strike.

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Page 8 / Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Gov urges tobacco ban by Frederic J. Frommer Associated Press

Commissioner Bud Selig endorsed the ban in March, but the players union has yet to commit. Weiner said in June that a “sincere effort” will be made to address the issue. Union spokesman Greg Bouris said Tuesday that because the issue is subject to collective bargaining that is currently taking place, it would be inappropriate to comment. In a Senate speech Tuesday, Durbin said “Let’s not let the health and safety of young baseball fans across America be a bargaining chip between the major league players and the owners. Let’s win one for the kids across America.” The first World Series took place in 1903, but chewing tobacco in the sport dates well back into the previous century, when the habit was a popular pastime in American culture, not just on

This year the team hosts its first tournament on Oct. 29 at UNM. White said the tournament is open to all students, regardless of skill level. The team’s first test will be at the local Dog Bowl tournament in December, where more than 100 people compete each year. Next spring the team will travel to Springfield, Mo., to play in

the 2012 NHC, and Saunders said she thinks the team will place much higher than it did last year. “Out of the four, three of them have only been playing for about three years and they are getting really good,” she said. “They are coming a long way. We have gotten a lot of support from the community to help us get to nationals.”

“When players use smokeless tobacco, they not only endager their own health, but also the health of millions of children who follow their example,” ~Dick Durbin Illinois senator

Handball from page 6 cost the team about $1,600 to go to nationals. He said the team receives most of its money through donations from the community. “To rent out the courts, as long as it’s for UNM students, there is no fee because it’s through the recreational services,” he said. “The big thing is traveling to nationals, but we had enough to cover it.”

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WASHINGTON — United States senators and health officials are taking on a baseball tradition older than the World Series itself: chewing tobacco on the diamond. With the series set to begin Wednesday between the St. Louis Cardinals and Texas Rangers, a team that started life as the Washington Senators 50 years ago, the real senators, along with health officials from the teams’ cities, want the players union to agree to a ban on chewing tobacco at games and on camera. They made the pleas in separate letters, obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press. “When players use smokeless tobacco, they endanger not only their own health, but also the health of millions of children who follow their example,” the senators wrote to union head Michael Weiner. The letter was signed by Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, and fellow Democrats Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Senate Health Committee Chairman Tom Harkin of Iowa. The senators noted that millions of people will tune in to watch the World Series, including children. “Unfortunately, as these young fans root for their favorite teams and players, they also will watch their on-field heroes use smokeless tobacco products,” they wrote. Smokeless tobacco includes chewing tobacco and dip. “It’s going to be kind of hard to ban that,” Texas Rangers pitcher Matt Harrison said. “They probably would have a big fight on their hands for that. … They can hide it a little bit better, I guess, not be doing it in the dugout and showing it where kids can watch and stuff. But I think it’s kind of like your own freedom: If that’s what you want to do, then you do it.” With baseball’s current collective bargaining agreement expiring in December, the senators, some government officials and public health groups want the players to agree to a tobacco ban in the next contract.

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baseball diamonds. Players used tobacco juice to soften gloves, keep their mouths wet on dusty fields and doctor baseballs (the juice was part of the spitballer’s arsenal until baseball banned the spitter in 1920). Some baseball players interviewed by The Associated Press last month were receptive to the idea, but others viewed a ban as an infringement on their freedom. Baseball banned smokeless tobacco in the non-unionized minor leagues in the 1990s, and recent call-ups from the minors spoke of “Dip Police” who would come through clubhouses and cite players if they saw tobacco in their lockers, subjecting violators to fines. The health officials from St. Louis and Arlington, Texas, asked that players in the World Series voluntarily abstain from using tobacco, in addition to calling for a permanent ban. “The use of tobacco by big league ballplayers at a single World Series game provides millions of dollars worth of free television advertising for an addictive and deadly product,” wrote Dr. Cynthia Simmons, the public health authority for Arlington, Texas, and Pamela Walker, the St. Louis interim health director. They said that with tobacco companies banned from advertising on TV, they “literally could not buy the ads that are effectively created by celebrity ballplayers using tobacco at games.” The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says smokeless tobacco can cause cancer, oral health problems and nicotine addiction, and stresses it is not a safe alternative to smoking. Despite the risks, the CDC’s most recent survey found that in 2009, 15 percent of high school boys used smokeless tobacco — more than one-third increase over 2003’s 11 percent. Prior to last year’s World Series between the Rangers and San Francisco Giants, Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., called on the teams to tell their players not to use tobacco on the field or in the dugout.

A coalition including the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Cancer Society and the American Medical Association has been pushing for one since last year. “Such an agreement would protect the health of players and be a great gift to your young fans,” the senators wrote. Durbin also sent copies of the letter to the player representatives for his home state teams, the Chicago White Sox and Chicago Cubs, as well as the representative for the Cardinals, a team that draws Illinois fans from across the river in Missouri.

Yale Blvd



New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 / Page 9


Injuries hamstring Texans by David Ginsburg The Associated Press

BALTIMORE — In each of their earlier victories this season, the Baltimore Ravens ambushed their opponents early and cruised to the finish. Against the Houston Texans, the Ravens delivered the brunt of their punishment at the end. Baltimore pulled away to a 29-14 victory Sunday, allowing only 58 yards and three first downs in the final 15 minutes while outscoring Houston 13-0. “What you want to do is wear people out early, and then you want to run over them late,� coach John Harbaugh said. “You get them a little more tired, and it is a little tougher to defend the run at the end of the game.� Ray Rice ran for 101 yards, all but 16 of them in the second half. “He ended up running for 100 yards,� Houston coach Gary Kubiak said, “but a lot of the damage was done late when they were pulling us away there.� Exactly. Baltimore’s defense played a big part, too. Despite failing to produce a turnover for the first time in 10 games, the Ravens held Houston scoreless for the final 21 minutes. “I think it was really encouraging to see how (we) responded to a tight game in the fourth quarter,� Harbaugh said. “To come out and win the fourth quarter in that fashion is a huge statement. You have to do it on both sides to be able to do that. I don’t think they got too many first downs in the fourth quarter, did they?� Three, to be exact — none during the final 11 minutes. Joe Flacco threw for 305 yards and Billy Cundiff kicked five field goals for the Ravens (4-1), who remained alone atop the AFC North with their third straight win. “This is the kind of game we needed,� Rice said. “We needed to be in a fight against a good team.� Flacco had two turnovers, but he also had two completions over 50 yards

to put Cundiff in position to score. Cundiff connected from 43, 48, 25, 33 and 40 yards to tie a Ravens record for field goals in a single game. Though the Texans (3-3) were without wide receiver Andre Johnson and linebacker Mario Williams, they led briefly in the third quarter. But Baltimore was too tough down the stretch. Matt Schaub went 21 for 37 for 220 yards for the Texans, 0-5 against Baltimore since entering the NFL in 2002. The 14 points were the fewest by the Texans since a 10-point performance against the New York Giants on Oct. 10, 2010. Arian Foster gained only 49 yards on 15 carries and managed only 17 yards on the ground in the second half. “I think the offense could have done a better job,� he said. “There were yards out there on the field that we left. I played terrible. I didn’t play a good game; it was obvious. That will never happen again.� The Texans (3-3) didn’t use the absences of Johnson (hamstring), Williams (torn pectoral muscle, gone for the season) and fullback James Casey (chest) as excuses. “It’s part of the game; you deal with it, move on,� Schaub said. “The next guy’s got to be ready to make a play.� Houston trailed only 19-14 until the Ravens went on a 66-yard drive that ended with a 4-yard touchdown run by Ricky Williams with 4:01 left. Flacco completed 20 of 33 passes and Anquan Boldin had eight catches for 132 yards, including a 56-yarder. “Anquan was able to do some things in the slot,� Flacco said. “There was just enough separation to enable me to get the ball in there. He made some big catches, especially on that big long one.� Baltimore is 13-1 in its last 14 home games. The Ravens are 3-0 at M&T Bank Stadium this season, beating Pittsburgh, the New York Jets and Houston by a combined 98-38. Baltimore had 32 yards rushing in the first half and finished with 113. Houston, meanwhile, converted half its

10 third-down tries in the first half but was 1 for 6 after halftime. “Early on we were getting them to third-and-long and they were converting. It was a little bit frustrating,� Ravens linebacker Jarret Johnson said. “We just kept grinding.� Rice began the third quarter with an 18-yard run after gaining only 16 yards on eight carries before halftime. That sparked a 47-yard drive for a 48yard field goal and a 13-7 lead. Houston moved in front for the only time with a six-play, 80-yard drive. Schaub had completions of 20 yards to Kevin Walter and 16 yards to Foster before throwing a perfect 32yard touchdown pass to Jacoby Jones, who got behind safety Ed Reed in the end zone. Baltimore went back ahead on the following series, using a 51-yard pass from Flacco to rookie Torrey Smith to set up a 25-yard field goal and a 16-14 advantage. After a Houston punt, Flacco found Boldin open down the left sideline for a 56-yard gain, and Cundiff kicked his fourth field goal. The Texans’ next series ended when safety Bernard Pollard, a former Houston starter, broke up a third-down pass to Foster at the Baltimore 30. “We were right there in the game where we wanted to be at 19-14, on the road against this team,� Kubiak said. “We didn’t make the plays and they did.�

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Highly readable content. Though we appreciate your dedicated readership, please use caution when attempting to read the Daily Lobo in unconventional situations.

Notes: The Ravens held a moment of silence before the game to mark the passing of Patricia Modell, wife of former owner Art Modell. They also had flags flying at half staff. With his firstquarter sack of Schaub, Ray Lewis became the first player in NFL history with 40 sacks and 30 INTs. Houston failed to score on its first possession for the first time in five games.

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ncaa football

MWC plans for football merger by Rick Freeman Associated Press

The Mountain West Conference and Conference USA are planning to join forces to secure their future in the rapidly changing college football landscape. The two leagues expect to merge their football operations into one mega-conference that will probably have between 20 and 24 teams in it when it finally gets going in 2013. The name? They’ll come up with one. Will Boise State and Air Force, among others, stay? They hope. “I’m just trying to create stability — greater stability, so we’re not talking about membership issues,� Mountain West commissioner Craig Thompson said Friday night on a conference call. Both commissioners, Thompson and Conference USA commissioner Britton Banowsky, said the new arrangement will provide the security top programs needed to keep them from jumping ship. That’s clearly the reason for the merger announced Friday, shortly after it came out that Boise State and Air Force, two key Mountain West programs, were being courted by the Big East. Down to six teams of its own after Syracuse and Pittsburgh announced a pending departure

to the ACC, the league generally viewed as the weakest of the automatic qualifiers for the Bowl Championship Series looks set to poach some of the top midmajors. A Big East official, speaking on condition of anonymity because the conference had not authorized anyone to speak publicly about its plans, told The Associated Press that the conference plans to invite Boise State, Air Force and Navy as football-only members, and Central Florida to compete in all sports. “It’s a viable option and it creates stability, and that’s what they’re looking for,� Thompson said. “I can’t answer what Air Force will do or won’t do, but we’re going to put a very attractive opportunity on the table for the United States Air Force Academy.� Both Thompson and Banowsky said it’s too soon to discuss how the sprawling league, which could stretch from West Virginia and Florida to Hawaii and Idaho, would handle scheduling. They were able to emphasize, however, that they would honor their current TV contracts. “I think definitely the intention is increased television revenue for all members,� Thompson said. “We like the new approach because it’s different. It’s proactive.�




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Carson Palmer traded to Raiders by Josh Dubow Associated Press

ALAMEDA, Calif. — The Oakland Raiders made a bold move in replacing injured quarterback Jason Campbell on Tuesday, trading two high draft picks to the Cincinnati Bengals for Carson Palmer. Coach Hue Jackson paid a high price to acquire a quarterback he knows well but who has struggled in recent years and refused to report to the Bengals this season despite being under contract through 2014. The Bengals had been adamant about not trading Palmer, who wanted to be dealt from a team that has had only two winning records in the last 20 years. Bengals owner Mike Brown repeatedly insisted he wouldn’t consider Palmer’s request for a trade because he didn’t want to reward him for holding out. He changed his mind after the Raiders offered a 2012 first-round pick and a secondrounder in 2013 for the 31-year-old quarterback. The Raiders (4-2) became desperate for a quarterback after Campbell broke his collarbone during a win over the Browns on Sunday. Campbell had surgery Monday and is expected to miss at least six weeks, leaving the Raiders with only Kyle Boller and Terrelle Pryor on the roster. Jackson’s mantra all season has been “the time is now,” and he backed that up by dealing for Palmer, who is coming off a 20-interception season last year with the Bengals. Brown said the play of rookie quarterback Andy Dalton made it easier to trade Palmer. “We also find ourselves rather suddenly in a position of being able to receive real value for Carson that can measurably improve our team, which is performing well and is showing real promise for this year and years to come,” he said in a statement. “When this opportunity arose, we felt we could not let it pass and needed to take a step forward with the football team if we could.” Palmer, who had been working out in Southern California, has already reported to the Raiders’ facility and will immediately start learning the offense. Oakland hosts Kansas City on Sunday and then has a bye week. This is the second trade the Raiders have made since the death of longtime owner Al Davis, who also served as general manager

Associated Press Cincinnati Bengals rookie quarterback Andy Dalton prepares for football practice yesterday in Cincinnati. The play of the rookie quarterback has freed up the Bengals to trade veteran quarterback Carson Palmer. and oversaw the entire football operation. Jackson dealt last week for former No. 4 overall pick in 2009, linebacker Aaron Curry from Seattle.

“We’ve gone forward with the guys we have and tried to play as good as we can and that’s all we can do.” ~Andrew Whitworth left tackle The trade leaves the Raiders with picks only in the fifth and sixth round in next year’s draft. They traded their second-rounder during April’s draft to New England for the picks to draft offensive lineman Joe Barksdale and running back Taiwan Jones. They used their third-rounder to take Pryor in the

supplemental draft in August. They traded their fourth-rounder in 2010 to get Campbell and the seventhrounder for Curry. Oakland is expecting to get compensatory picks after losing Nnamdi Asomugha, Zach Miller, Robert Gallery, Thomas Howard and Bruce Gradkowski in free agency. The Bengals (4-2) have started well with Dalton taking Palmer’s place. The message board by the entrance to the Bengals’ locker room Tuesday had an anonymous scrawled message: “Let My People Goooooo!” Otherwise, there wasn’t much reaction from a team that had moved on from Palmer a long time ago. “I don’t think even one player in this locker room’s even thought about that,” left tackle Andrew Whitworth said. “We haven’t worried about it. We’ve gone forward with the guys we have and tried to play as good as we can and that’s all we can do.” The Bengals severed ties with Palmer when the season started and he didn’t show up, giving his locker to Dalton, a second-round draft pick.

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

By Jack McInturff

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10/19/11 Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

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52 Wiped clean 53 Calculator figs. 54 Crayola’s “burnt” color 56 Soap box? 60 Chug-a-lug 61 Platte River tribe 62 Grand Ole Opry st. 63 Put a roof on 64 Key below the tilde 65 Diciembre ends it



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?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

TUTORING! NEED HELP with class? Prepping for a test? Affordable K-12+ tutoring available in multiple subjects. Call Anna 505-750-1357. NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 907-6479. MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317.

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ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.

Health and Wellness LOSE 20LBS WITH the Visalus 90-day challenge. 505-250-5807. BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

ACUPUNCTURE FREE DAY at Community Acupuncture on Vermont. Monday Oct 24th 12-6 pm. Call 266-2606, book online at acupunctureonvermont.org or just come by. 2509-A2 Vermont St. NE (Menaul/ Wyoming area)

PLEASE JOIN US in chartering the UNM Campus Civitan club! It’s new member night! Friday, October 21st, 67pm. SUB Mirage/Thunderbird Room. Bring a friend. Free refreshments! For more information or questions: rkindell@unm.edu or Tony Cook at tonythecook@live.com

MEDITATION ON THE Chakras with world renowned Dr. Indu Arora. Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2011. Crystal Dove Healing Institute 525 Central Av. SE. 6:00 - 7:30PM. $30 -- 2 for 1 with valid student IDs. www.crystal-dove.com Also Aryurvedic Pulse Diagnosis consultations with Dr. Indu available. Call 425-770-8984 for appointment/information. www.yogsadhna.com STRESSED ABOUT JOB? School? Life? Call Agora. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

Your Space MATTHEW KIELTYKA HAPPY Birthday! Love your bfffff, Meilinn Tram.


1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, wood floors, W/D, $750/mo + utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Houses For Rent WHY RENT? FIRST time home buyers $500 down through MFA call John 4502878. Thomson Real Estate.

Houses For Sale SHARP 2BDRM 1BA home near UNM in a nice neighborhood. Excellent condition, low utilities. For sale by owners 165K. 17K under appraisal. Reasonable offers considered. 713 Van Buren Pl. SE. 238-3732.

Rooms For Rent 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE $400 + Utilities. Along Ridgecrest, Nob Hill area, beautiful neighborhood. Enclosed yard for pets 2 bath, living room, loft, & kitchen.

I will need 2 roommates by November 1st. Cell - 350-6866. CLEAN, QUIET STUDENTS only, on bus path, $600 for last 2 months of semester or $350/mo. No smoking/ drugs/parties co-ed grad students. Call 459-2071. 3BDRM HOUSE. FREE parking. Extremely close to campus. Wood floors. W/D. $400/mo. Utilities included. Call or text 505-306-0667.

CAP AND GOWN from 2011 UNM graduation. For a person 5’3”. Reasonable price: $22. Call now: 702-7269. 1 PAIR PLAID brown Ecko shorts size 38 waist, Never Worn. $10. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369. 1 ECKO JACKET sixe XL. $15. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369. 1 PAIR OF men’s Phat Farm Denim Shorts size 34. $6. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369.

Garage Sales BOOK SALE, GREAT variety, fiction, general interest, kids books, more. Cheap. Saturday, 10/22, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 601 Tulane NE.

Textbooks USED GRE BOOKS. New revised version. aje@unm.edu

Vehicles For Sale 1989 JEEP WRANGLER Sahara automatic under 56k miles runs great www.89jeep.tk $2,200 (505) 814-1427. TOYOTA TACOMA 4X4 SR5 V6 Truck, 168K, 5 speed manual selling for $6500. Just got fixed up and runs great. Call/text 505-225-0474.

Jobs Off Campus NEED KOREAN LANGUAGE speaking tutor for HS English class. 265-6383.

COCKATIEL FOR SALE. Beautiful and friendly with different color. For more information call 730-2176 or 323-2176.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $775/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.

ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. 1 mile from UNM. Utilities, internet, and cable included. No pets. $435/mo. 505-974-7476.

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.

1 PAIR VANS Button fly Skinny Jeans size 38x34, Never Worn. $25. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369.


APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1-2BDRM. Starting at $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685.

1 PAIR NSS Skate shoes (Looks like Vans skate shoes) Size 13, worn once. MSRP $40, asking $20. For more information and pictures, text 505-307-1369.

LAW OFFICE RECEPTIONIST: 2 P/T Job Openings: Downtown mediumsized law firm working primarily in the area of natural resource law seeking professional, exceptionally well- organized individual to join our team in answering incoming calls, managing Front End office tasks and assisting with data management, word processing, scheduling and calendaring. Great work environment. Competitive pay scale DOE; must be available to start immediately, morning schedule: 8:00-5:00 OR afternoon schedule 12:30-5:00 p.m., MF; interested candidates should specify a.m. or p.m., email resume detailing relevant customer service experience, letter of interest and references to cjb@lrpa-usa.com

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available for immediate move in! Female only. For more information call or text 505-377-7653.

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale. Call 821-9426.

FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo. High speed Internet, 1/4 utilities. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40&I-25. tkuni@unm.edu

EARN EXTRA MONEY selling delicious nutritional shakes. 505-250-5807.

RUNNER/ FILING CLERK- small and very busy law firm looking for responsible college student for courier services, basic office duties, and minor manual labor tasks. PT, will work around class schedule. Email resume to office@gaddyfirm.com

TUTOR NEEDED FOR 10th grader. Language Arts, Science, and study skills. Approximately 2-4 hrs/wk, $10/hr. 505-239-6655. WAIT STAFF PT/ FT for busy lunch cafe. Apply at Model Pharmacy, corner of Lomas and Carlisle. GENERAL CONTRACTOR NEEDS a P/T person who has a minimum of 1 to 2 years experience with Server 2008/2011 and networking. Must be proficient with MS Office products experience with Sage Masterbuilder a plus, but not required. 20 to 30hrs/wk. With flexible hours. Starting pay: $15/hr. If interested submit resume to pdavis@ecinm.com

WANT TO SELL television commercials? Are you creative and aggressive? Then come join the fun, fast paced, lucrative field of broadcast sales. New Mexico’s CW and My50-TV are looking for account executives. We will pay top commissions for top level talent. Please send resume to kern.dant@newmexicoscw.tv ACME Communications is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.FreeCarJobs.com NEED TUTOR FOR 10th grader with dyslexia. 265-6383.

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EARLY HEAD START Education Coordinator – Responsible for curriculum implementation and teacher supervision of enrolled children. Full-time, 12 months. Salary: $34,300 - $54,100 + benefits. BA in Early Childhood Education, experience serving children birth through 5 years of age, plus supervisor experience required. To view full job description log on to www.isletapueblo.com Careers. Fax to (505)869-2812, or e-mail to poi70103@isletapueblo.com Pueblo of Isleta is a Drug Free Employer. Closing Date: Until Filled.

Jobs On Campus CAPS IS HIRING! CAPS is looking to hire qualified Tutors, SI leaders, and Receptionists for the Spring 2012 Semester! APPLY NOW! Tutors & SI Leaders earn $11.00/hr to $12.50/hr; Receptionists earn $7.50/hr. For more information call 277-7205 or visit us online at http://caps.unm.edu/info/employment

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).


Local sport fencing club seeks part-time fencing coach for afternoon/evening hours. For more information, call 505 872 0048 or email to info@dukecityfencing.net

Work Study Jobs

!FITNESS/WELLNESS COACH! Training available. Recruiter: Stella. 505-220-5841.

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MUST HAVE WORK study. Afternoons $8.50 tutor 505-917-3538.



WARREN MILLER’S...”LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW.” Oct. 29, 7PM. La Cueva HS Tickets $10.00. Call 573-2232.

GOOD COFFEE, GOOD health. Organo Gold Coffee. 505-406-7256.

1BR/STUDIO APARTMENT FOR rent. Unique, open layout.1 Block from UNM! Shared back courtyard space $800/mo Includes Utilities. No dogs please Call 246-9196 to see.

For Sale 2 PAIRS OF men’s Ecko Jeans size 36x34. $25. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369.



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STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net


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