NM Daily lobo 102412

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Work smarter, not harder see Page 11

wednesday October 24, 2012

UNM ‘It’s chalk. It’s something mulls that people should major in understand policies on.’ Japanese by Megan Underwood news@dailylobo.com

Students studying Japanese at UNM may soon have the opportunity to major, rather than just minor, in the language. Foreign Languages and Literatures Chair Walter Putnam said the creation of the major hinges on when the department will be able to hire an additional faculty member for the Japanese department. He said student interest and enrollment in Japanese classes has grown steadily over the past decade. Currently, students who are interested in Japanese must declare as an East Asian Studies major and minor in Japanese, which can present problems, particularly when applying for graduate school. “Japanese is an identifiable major,” Putnam said. “People may or may not recognize what an East Asian Studies major is; you have to explain it to people.” Putnam said the UNM Japanese department has only two full-time faculty members who teach courses: Lorna Brau, who specializes in performance arts and culture, and Machiko Bomberger, who teaches mostly language courses. Both Brau and Bomberger teach 15-16 credit hours per semester, which Putnam said doesn’t leave room to teach the additional courses necessary for a major study program. “You can’t really run a major with one tenure-track faculty

see Japanese PAGE 5

Adria Malcolm / @adriamalcolm / Daily Lobo UNM maintenance worker Mitch Martinez cleans up graffiti outside the SUB on Monday afternoon. Although chalking policies are in place, policies are ignored at least once a month, according to Student Activities Associate Director Ryan Lindquist.

Rules on chalking in place, but not always followed by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

A clear indication of ASUNM election season is the abundance of political advertisements on campus drawn on the sidewalks with chalk, but students can’t chalk on campus wherever they please. Policies mandate where chalking

is allowed on campus, and Student Activities Associate Director Ryan Lindquist said policies are ignored at least once a month. According to UNM’s posting guidelines, which is enforced by Student Services and the Physical Plant, chalking is only allowed on exposed surfaces where it can easily be removed by precipitation or foot traffic. Chalking is prohibited on permanent structures such as statues and on unexposed sidewalks. Chalking is also prohibited

within 15 feet of buildings’ entrances and in Lobo Village. Students are only allowed to use nonpermanent writing materials such as sidewalk chalk. Materials such as liquid chalk, charcoal and paint are prohibited. Lindquist said most of the problems the University has regarding chalking involve students writing on vertical surfaces, such as walls. He said Student Activities tracks down the students responsible to ask them to remove the chalk, but if the center’s at-

tempts are unsuccessful, the Physical Plant cleans up the writings by spraying them with water. “Once in a while, there are always people that struggle with understanding the policy,” he said. “It’s chalk. It’s something that people should understand policies on.” But Lindquist said student organizations have been cooperative when Student Activities calls them out for violating chalking policies.

see Chalking PAGE 2

Parent Association elects interim president by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

After electing an interim president two weeks ago, the UNM Parent Association is working to keep the organization up and running. At an Oct. 10 meeting, the remaining members of the Parent Association Board of Directors voted Angie Gonzales Carver to be interim president. The association’s administrative officer Bernadette Jaramillo-Peck said Carver will keep the position until the association holds its next election for officers and board members. The election of an interim president followed a mass resignation of board members in August, although the association

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 46

began having problems in May, when newly elected president Suzanna Ausborn resigned a few weeks after she was elected. Ausborn was then replaced by David Garrett in June, but he resigned along with a number of board members before the beginning of the fall semester. At the time, members said the reason behind the resignations was that UNM wanted to have a say in the election of the association’s next president. Past members insisted that the association is independent from UNM, and that the University does not have the right to intervene with the election process of their officers. The University tried to hold an emergency meeting on Aug. 17, but

the association denied the request. After denying the University’s request, then-treasurer Francis Page organized a separate meeting on the same day with the remaining members to discuss the possibility of disbanding. Instead, they decided to elect a new Board of Directors that will work closely with the University. But by Aug. 20, all members of the Board of Directors had resigned. In another emergency meeting the University organized Aug. 21, remaining members decided not to disband the organization. But the decision in the meeting was not formal, because too few members of the board attended, so the meeting didn’t have quorum.

Mean mug

Catch me if you can

see Page 6

see Page 8

Former board members denied the Daily Lobo’s requests for comment. Although the date of the next election has not yet been set, Jaramillo-Peck said the board will vote to elect a treasurer, vice president and president. She said the association will also elect as many as 25 people to serve on the Board of Directors. Jaramillo-Peck said a number of parents have been supportive of the association’s current initiatives. “We’ve had parents express their interest through letters, phone calls and emails,” she said. “There’s progress every day in getting the group in action.” Although only five members were present at the Oct. 10 meeting

to select Carver for the position, Jaramillo-Peck said the association was able to elect an interim president because there was quorum, which means there were a minimum number of members present in the meeting to elect an officer. But Jaramillo-Peck said the association is moving forward and away from the conflict. “That happened, but that’s in the past,” she said. “We’re starting fresh with a brand new slate.” Associate Provost for Curriculum Greg Heileman said the board members’ resignation would not have a significant impact on the future of the association. “What happened a month ago

see Parent

Assoc. PAGE 2


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PageTwo Wednesday, O ctober 24, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

unm crime briefs

Cops: texting leads to fight in Lobo Village UNMPD was dispatched to Lobo Village on Oct. 14 in response to a fight in progress. According to the report, UNM students Matthew Martinez, Morgan Redmond and Jonathan Roybal were coming home from a party when Redmond and Roybal began arguing because Redmond was texting Roybal’s ex-girlfriend. When they arrived at Lobo Village, the argument continued and a few seconds later, Redmond grabbed at Roybal’s feet and pulled his shoes off. After Martinez separated them, Redmond went upstairs, picked up Roybal’s television and threw it on the ground, damaging the screen.


Tagger not a big fan of colonialism or bagels

The three told UNMPD they had been longtime friends and weren’t sure if they wanted to press charges, according to the report.

want the police to dust for fingerprints. No other information was available at the time of the report.

Saddle, whips reported stolen from truck in A Lot

Graffiti artist has fruit but no paint, makes do

On Oct. 13, Gylma Frias returned to her car in A-Lot and discovered that an unknown suspect had broken into her car and damaged the ignition and gear shift handle. She also noticed her small saddle and two leather whips were missing. Frias reported the incident that day to UNMPD, who reported the items are valued at $480. The report indicates that Frias did not

An unknown suspect used a fruit pigment to graffiti the Zimmerman Plaza Mall before leaving on a bicycle on Oct. 9, according to the UNMPD report. Judging by the seeds and fruit found at the site, police reported the suspect possibly used a prickly pear. The UNM Physical Plant Department was called to remove the graffiti, which the report indicates cost $500.

incorrectly placed chalking, Jacome said it notifies the candidate responsible and gives them 24 to 48 hours to remove it. He said that if the candidates refuse to or are unable to do remove the chalk within the given time, the commission will investigate the issue and will impose punishments on the candidates. Although candidates will still be allowed to run for a position, Jacome said punishment can last up to a semester. “They can still assume seats,” he said. “But they can lose their speaking or their voting rights, or they can be not allowed to go to senate meetings at all.” Jacome said the commission draws a 25-feet limit around polling locations ahead of time and retouches the line two days before the election to avoid complaints that the line is unclear. He said this is how they implemented the policy during the recent homecoming season.

Jacome said the commission often extends the limit to a “grace period” of 30 feet. Because of that, he said candidates have not had issues with this chalking boundary. “Last year, we had somebody chalk beyond that 25-feet line,” he said. “We called them that night, and they mopped it, and the next day it’s just fine.” Jacome said candidates occupy spaces on a first-come, first-serve basis, and some candidates have had conflicts with their designated spaces. He said some areas, such as the set of stairs going up to the SUB from Smith Plaza, frequently attract candidates, which causes competition for the space. “We’ve had problems in the past in which candidates will take those stairs, and it will rain,” he said. “But some people take over that space without letting us know first.”

Jacome said candidates who want to take over a washed-up space must consult the Elections Commissions first before taking over the space. If the commission decides that the space is completely washed-off, other candidates are free to write on it. But if it decides that the chalk hasn’t been totally removed, the candidate who previously chalked in the space can retouch his or her chalking and maintain ownership of the space. Lindquist said Student Activities members educate student organizations about chalking guidelines through mandatory workshops. But he said policy enforcement ultimately rests in student leaders’ hands. “We have over 400 students organizations on campus, and obviously, each of those has between five and 500 members,” he said. “So it’s up to the student organization leadership to educate their members.”

“It doesn’t look like we could have that because they’re looking for people to represent the Parent Association first,” he said. To prevent the association’s previous problem from happening again, Heileman said the University hired Jaramillo-Peck as a program coordinator. He said she will bridge the gap between the association and the University. “What we’re trying to do is to get the Parent Association to work more with the University and those other groups on campus,” he said. “If they want to work, we’re

here to work with them. We’re putting resources into this.” Jaramillo-Peck said that despite the resignations, the association’s funding was not affected. She said the association will continue to host major fundraisers, such as its annual golf tournament, and will continue to sell holiday ornaments to fund its scholarship programs. “Of course, with the hiccup last month, it has had an impact, however we are going for the golf tournament and a tailgate is

happening on Saturday,” she said. “(The mass resignation) did not affect the funding. There’s still an endowment for scholarships the people who had agreed to donate just continue.” Jaramillo-Peck said she is optimistic the association will not experience a mass resignation again in the future, and that the re-formed association will be helpful to the University community. “The mission of the Parent Association is to promote student success,” she said. “And I don’t think that some conflict should tarnish the reputation of the association.”

On Oct. 5, a UNM officer patrolling campus discovered that the wall on the south side of Anderson School of Management had been tagged. According to the report, the unknown suspect tagged in red “End Corporate Colonialism” and “Einsteins cut your s*** out” with an arrow pointing to a construction site across the Roma Mall, a site soon to be the home of an Einstein’s Bagels location. The officer did not find any more graffiti in the area, and reported that the graffiti did not appear to be done with spray paint. No further information was available at the time of the report. ~compiled by Alexandra Swanberg

from page 1

“When we ask student organizations to clean up mistakes, they typically do that,” he said. On the other hand, Lindquist said chalking for campus campaigns, such as those for homecoming and for ASUNM elections, are monitored by ASUNM’s Election Commission. ASUNM Elections Commission Executive Director Alberto Jacome said the same rules apply to candidates for campus elections. But candidates are prohibited from chalking within 25 feet of polling locations such as Zimmerman Library, Dane Smith Hall and the SUB. “We’re very protective of our polling locations,” he said. “We don’t want people to be either deceiving or kind of influencing people’s votes.” If the Elections Commissions spots an

Parent Assoc.

from page 1

was that a lot of people resigned,” he said. “That’s just what happened. They’re being replaced. It didn’t crumble in the sense that it’s already not working.” Heileman said the association decided to hire an interim president to find people who would want to serve on the executive board. He said about 10 people have already inquired about becoming involved in the association. He said that although an election is sure to happen within the board in the future, it will not take place soon.

volume 117

issue 46

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012/ Page 3

Judge allows religious banner damn them or praise them... you’ll never forget the dirty dozen!

~ x | ~| | } tvb


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Dave Ryan / AP photo In this Sept. 19 file photo, Kountze High School cheerleaders and other children work on a large sign in Kountze, Texas. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that he is intervening in a lawsuit that cheerleaders filed against the school district. The district told the cheerleaders to stop using Bible verses at football games after the Freedom From Religion Foundation complained.

by Chris Tomlinson The Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas — A judge ruled Thursday that cheerleaders at an East Texas high school can display banners emblazoned with Bible verses at football games, saying the school district’s ban on the practice appears to violate the students’ free speech rights. District Judge Steve Thomas granted an injunction requested by the Kountze High School cheerleaders allowing them to continue displaying religious-themed banners pending the outcome of a lawsuit, which is set to go to trial next June 24, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said. Thomas previously granted a temporary restraining order allowing the practice to continue. School officials barred the cheerleaders from displaying banners with religious messages such as, “If God is for us, who can be against us,” after the Freedom From Religion Foundation complained. The advocacy group says the messages violate the First Amendment clause barring the government — or a publicly funded school district, in this case — from establishing or endorsing a religion. Gov. Rick Perry, who appointed Thomas, a fellow Republican, to the district court to fill a vacancy, issued a statement welcoming the ruling. “Today’s ruling is a victory for all who cherish our inalienable right to freedom of speech and

religious expression,” Perry said. “I am proud of the cheerleaders at Kountze ISD for standing firm in the knowledge of these endowed rights and their willingness to be an example in defending those rights, which a secular group has needlessly tried to take away.” Abbott, who filed court papers seeking to intervene in the lawsuit on behalf of the cheerleaders, also issued a statement commending the ruling. “Students’ ability to express their religious views adds to the diversity of thought that has made this country so strong,” Abbott said. Abbott argued that the Texas Education Code also states that schools must respect the rights of students to express their religious beliefs. “It is the individual speech of the cheerleaders and not in fact the government speaking,” David Starnes, the cheerleaders’ attorney said, according to KDFM television. “It is not just one girl or one person in the group that comes up with the quote, but it’s on a rotating basis that each girl gets to pick the quote. That is their individual voices that are being portrayed on the banner.” Thomas Brandt, the attorney representing the school district, said the superintendent had acted to comply within existing legal rulings. The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement in which it called the judge’s decision misguided.

see Free

speech page 5

Spring 2013


Congressional Intern Earn 12 UNM credit hours and intern with a member of Congress Five $5000 internships available Eligibility: Minimum 60 earned credit hours and 3.0 GPA

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LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg / @alexswanberg

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Minimum wage issue doesn’t just affect kids by Will Thomson

Daily Lobo columnist opinion@dailylobo.com

I have written a number of times about the minimum wage increase that is going to be on the ballot in November. This is because I feel this is a very important issue that will affect not only many UNM students, but also many struggling individuals and families in Albuquerque. Again, this increase would raise the minimum wage from $7.50 an hour to $8.50, make tipped minimum wage at least 45 percent of regular minimum wage, and, most importantly, this would index the minimum wage with the rising cost of living so Albuquerque will never be stuck in a situation in which the cost of living is much higher than the minimum wage. A few weeks ago I discussed this increase and said it would help families and individuals who are struggling and living in poverty. One response appeared in a Daily Lobo column the following week, mockingly suggesting that struggling families would not be affected by this increase because most minimum wage workers are not adults working to support families. However, a recent report put out by New Mexico’s Voices for Children tells a very different story. The report says that this increase would, directly and indirectly, affect 40,000 Albuquerque workers, or 14.3 percent of the total Albuquerque workforce. In addition, it dispels the notion that those who would benefit from the minimum wage are primarily younger members of the workforce who work part time and have other support at home. It shows that 84 percent of the workers who would be affected work more than part time, and most are adults who have a part in supporting a family. This increase would also greatly benefit women and Hispanics, because 53 percent and 55 percent, respectively, of those workers who would be affected by the increase are women or Hispanic. Thus, this increase would not only help the stereotypical teenager flipping hamburgers — often portrayed as the only worker making minimum wage — but would benefit hard-working adults who work more than part time. The report also shows that this increase, despite what some have said, would also help stimulate the economy. This is because when the minimum wage stays the same, while prices go up due to inflation, the buying power of a dollar goes down. Indeed, the report examines how the $7.50 minimum wage, if not adjusted with inflation, will only have the buying power of $6 by 2020. So if the minimum wage increases and is indexed with prices, then consumers and workers will have more buying power and will spend more money. Specifically, minimum wage earners would have $712 more per year in their pockets. The report estimates that this would inject $18 million into the local economy. Indeed, a number of local business owners including Travis Parkins, co-founder of Guerrilla Graphix; David Edwards, who co-founded the New Mexico Tea Co.; and Nancy Rogers, co-founder of the Daily Grind, have all pledged support for increasing the minimum wage because they know it will benefit the economy as well as workers. If you would like to know more about the impacts the minimum wage increase would have on Albuquerque, you can attend a panel discussion on the issue today at 7 p.m. in the SUB Ballroom A. Also, if you would like to see the economic report discussed above, you can go to NMVoices.org. However, whether or not you feel that the minimum wage increase would be good for Albuquerque, I would urge everyone to make their voice heard and get out and vote, and vote early.

The road to recession is paved with good intent Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the column “Growth of prison labor harms small businesses,” published in Thursday’s Daily Lobo. The column talks about the benefits of increasing the minimum wage and elaborates on the harms of using low-paid prison labor instead of paying other workers the minimum wage or higher for the same work. Editor, In Will Thomson’s recent column, he claims that the minimum wage increase proposal that will be on the ballot in November should be the last thing small businesses have to worry about. He’s missing the bigger picture. It isn’t only the small business owner who will have to figure out how to accommodate the rising labor cost. It is the minimum wage earners and marginal workers who will be negatively impacted directly by a minimum wage increase. Ironically, it’s those individuals who the proposal is intended to help. But like so many policies pursued by crusading bureaucrats, the intent never matches up to reality. In a previous article by the same author, and like many other minimum wage advocates, he cites Santa Fe as a prime example of a low-unemployment city with a very high minimum wage. It is true that Santa Fe

Graffiti can’t possibly make it any more of an eyesore Editor’s note: This letter is in response to “Graffiti a problem at the center of the universe,” published in Monday’s Daily Lobo. The article discusses the frequency and cost of graffiti cleanup on the UNM public art piece by Bruce Nauman called “The Center of the Universe.” Editor, As a recent junior transfer, I had no idea until reading Monday’s paper that the supersized avian toilet located between Ortega and Mitch-

Letters has one of the highest minimum wage mandates in the country and one of the lowest total unemployment rates in the state, at around 5 percent. Does one really think there is a correlation between high minimum wage and low unemployment? Any sensible person would find this curious and require a closer look for unseen variables. As it turns out, it is not the entire story. Who does a high minimum wage affect? It isn’t everybody, because many are paid above the minimum wage. It affects those who are in the margin, the low-skilled worker entering the job market or working an additional lowskilled job for extra income. This demographic is primarily the young newcomers to the labor market. With this in mind, the unemployment rates tell a different tale. The national unemployment rate for 1624-year-olds is 16.5 percent. Albuquerque does relatively well in this category, with an unemployment rate of 8.8 percent and a minimum wage of $7.50. Santa Fe, with a minimum wage of $10.29, has a staggering unemployment rate for 16-24-year-olds of 21.9 percent. If the minimum wage is raised, it is unlikely Albuquerque will be able to maintain an unemployment rate of 8.8 percent among 16-24-year-olds. Raise the minimum wage to $20 or $30 and you will see in plain sight what actually occurs at the marginal level with lower minimum wage increases. It’s easy to look at an individual’s wage of $10.29 and think “Wow, how can someone live off of only $21,000 a year?”

However, you don’t help the poor by removing the best choice they have. Then all they are left with is the next bad predicament, which is no job at all, and the closest rung on their economic ladder is just out of reach due to someone’s “good intentions.” A new study was released by the Employment Policies Institute, which was blogged about by the Rio Grande Foundation’s ErrorsofEnchantment.com. In this study, University of Kentucky economist Aaron Yelowitz examined the impact of minimum wage mandates. The study found that “each additional $1 in wage and benefit mandates reduces young adults’ labor force participation by roughly two percentage points, increases unemployment by 4.5 percentage points and causes a 26-hour reduction in annual hours worked.” Do not let good intent lead Albuquerque into an economic quagmire. Vote “no” for the minimum wage increase. I find it interesting that Mr. Thomson is so concerned by how “prison labor undercuts small employers and also takes away jobs at a time when unemployment rates are high and finding a job is difficult,” but completely advocates an increase in minimum wage that does this very thing. He ignores economic reality in one instance but seemingly wants to call upon the same concept when it suits him. One can pick and choose when to ignore reality, but one can never ignore the consequences of it.

ell halls is considered “art.” While I suppose conartistry is technically a variety of art, only two words could possibly have traversed the anemic grey matter of the intellectual microbe who conceived that depressing Stalinist monolith at the moment he found his muse: “f*** it.” It isn’t even sufficient to shelter a bum from the elements. Its only possible artistic purpose is to serve between bong-hits as an experimental canvas for the sharpie pens of degenerate, overindulged adolescents tripping over their pseudo-urban baby clothes. Only an overeducated art-world sycophant with a burning need to dangle his or her nauseating credentials could possibly defend the cost of maintaining such narcissistic mental flatulence (“The Center of the Universe?” Gag me.). The Iraq War was a better use of taxpayer

money. At least that debacle netted a few folks the G.I. Bill, so they don’t have to take out a loan to help pay the exorbitant upkeep on a node of repressed, marijuana-addled psycho-sexual tension that only serves to add 90 seconds of walking time between classes.

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Marcos Portillo UNM student

Aaron Cress UNM student

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012/ Page 5

Paraplegic man survives Trick or Trot Race three days in NM desert 2.5Road mile run around campus and food drive by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press

ALBUQUERQUE — A paraplegic man who says he was stranded in the New Mexico desert without his wheelchair dragged himself about four miles down a dirt road over three days before a motorist stopped to help him. Tattered and dirty, Ricky Gilmore’s blue jeans tell part of the story. His body tells the rest — the skin on his left leg and buttocks is shredded, his wrist is sprained and his kidneys are in bad shape from going without food and water. “Ah man, I’m just a big mess. I ache and I’m just in the first stages of healing,” he told The Associated Press on Tuesday from his hospital bed at the Northern Navajo Medical Center in Shiprock, N.M. Gilmore, 49, is being treated for acute kidney failure from dehydration, a sprained wrist and a blood infection. He spent two days in intensive care and it could be at least another week before he can go home. The Farmington Daily Times first reported Gilmore’s story. He was found along a seldom traveled road on the Navajo Nation about 10 miles from his home in Newcomb, which is on the eastern side of the reservation. Gilmore said he was dropped in the desert by a couple in a white truck who he met while he was


hitchhiking. He had invited them to his home for steaks and they later went for what Gilmore thought was going to be a joyride. When he declined to share his alcohol with them, Gilmore said the man grabbed him by his feet and threw him out of the truck while parked along the desolate road.

Tattered and dirty, Ricky Gilmore’s blue jeans tell part of the story. His body tells the rest — the skin on his left leg and buttocks is shredded... It was early evening and Gilmore had nothing — no wheelchair, no food, no water, no coat — to help him endure the flat desert scrubland. “It was dark and I was shivering and the wind was blowing so I just crawled to a bush and dug in right there. It was cold that night,” he said. With the sunrise, survival mode kicked in. “I started dragging myself. I did the same thing all day and I only got about two miles,” he said.

Two people passed by. Gilmore tried flagging them down but they only honked and kept going. After spending a second night at the side of the road, Gilmore said he woke up sore and thirsty and didn’t want to move. “I could have easily gave up and said forget it, but I said I’m not going to freeze out here and I just kept on going,” said Gilmore, who lives by himself and lost the use of his legs in a car crash years ago. On the third afternoon, a man in a blue pickup truck stopped and called for help. Gilmore said doctors told him his body temperature was 94 when he was found. “I don’t think I would have made it another night,” he said. The Daily Times reported that Gilmore filed a report with the Shiprock Police Department. There were no officials at the department after hours Tuesday who could confirm details of the report. Gilmore said he’s bandaged up “big time” and morphine is helping with the pain. Still, he had a nightmare Monday night in which he found himself sitting at the edge of a freeway waving his hands at the passing traffic, but no one looked at him. His plan is simple for when he gets released from the hospital: “Go home and pray, take inventory and just get a good night sleep in my own bed and heal.”

Friday October 26 7:00a.m.

On site registration prior to race time on east side of UNM Outdoor Shop. Donation of one non perishable food item or $5.00 for entry.

Prizes for best costumes and overall winners!! Call 277-0178 for more information!

from page 1

and one lecturer,” he said. “But we started thinking that with a third person, we could make a pretty good push for a major.” UNM student Katherine Barton, whose major is East Asian Studies, said a Japanese major would be helpful not only in her academics, but in her career aspirations as well. She said she wants to be an international flight attendant. “Right now Japanese is my life,” she said. “Everything I think about, everything I read about is basically about Japanese culture and the language.” Barton said one of the issues students face is becoming proficient in the language. Because there are so few teachers, she said students often can’t get the help they need to understand the language. Barton said there are few outside resources for students learning Japanese, which often causes people to give up on the language. She said CAPS has only one tutor for Japanese classes and that the lack of available courses contributes to the difficulty of learning the language. “We can only meet three times a week, or twice for upper level courses,” she said. “And because

Free speech

of that, it’s hard to be immersed in the language.” Barton said majoring in East Asian Studies has hindered her focus on Japanese because many required courses are very broad and don’t relate to Japan. She said religion courses in particular have been frustrating. “Most religion courses hardly talk about the area of Asia I’m interested in,” she said. “We’re going to study Buddhism, but we’re hardly going to talk about Japanese Zen Buddhism.” Putnam said the department is in the process of getting approval from University administration to make the new hire. He said the search for new a faculty member could start as soon as December. Putnam said the department aims to hire someone whose area of expertise is Japanese literature. He said the course will be taught in English but that, eventually, the department would like to offer literature courses taught in Japanese to help counter the current lack of immersion. “We want somebody who can complement what we already have,” he said. “Then we could have courses that (professors) don’t have time to teach now.”

from page 3

“Public schools are for children of all faiths or no faith, and these banners were clearly being displayed in the context of schoolsponsored activities,” the group said. “Faith is a profoundly personal decision, so students should not be subjected to an exclusionary schoolsponsored religious message on campus or be forced to choose between attending quintessential school events — football games — or being subjected to an unwanted religious message.” The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which is dedicated to the

separation of church and state, said it is ready to provide legal assistance to anyone living in the school district who wants to join the lawsuit to ban religious banners at school events. “Since the state’s top law enforcer, Attorney General Greg Abbott, and its highest executive officer, Gov. Rick Perry, have openly expressed contempt for atheists and the Establishment Clause, this leads to a climate of intolerance,” Dan Barker, the group’s copresident, said. “It takes courage to face down the full apparatus of state government.”

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Page 6 / Wednesday, October 24, 2012



New Mexico Daily Lobo

Stoner is a rock for Lobo D-line by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

Natalia Jacquez / Daily Lobo Redshirt senior linebacker Joe Stoner stretches at practice on Tuesday. Stoner has developed into a vocal leader for the UNM football team.

Joe Stoner knows how to command an audience. The UNM redshirt senior linebacker has developed into a leader on the Lobo defensive unit. Not only is his play inspiring to his teammates, according to head coach Bob Davie, but he has developed into an outspoken field general. “Joe is a man,” Davie said. “He’s a tough guy, he really cares, and when he speaks everybody listens. I’ve been very impressed with him. Joe has been an unbelievable source of consistency for us and I really wish he had a couple more years — he’s been a tremendous leader.” Stoner functions as another coach on the field, as he helps the Lobo defense lineup on almost every defensive snap. Stoner said he wants to become a coach once his playing days are done. “That’s been one of my biggest dreams — if I’m not fortunate enough to play at the next level, I want to help someone else reach their goal,”

he said. “Coaching has always been something that I wanted to go into. It’s more football, and I’ve had coaches that helped me get to where I am and I just want to give back.” Stoner has seen his fair share of defensive schemes, which he said has helped him to grasp defensive coordinator Jeff Mills’ new 3-4 scheme. “I’ve been through four different defenses, if you want to count (former head coach Rocky) Long’s when I got here,” Stoner said. “It helps you be a smarter player and pick up things quickly. You just reiterate what the coach tells you and you learn to tweak it to the best of your abilities.” The Lobos stand 4-4 on the year and are two wins away from being bowl eligible for the first time since 2007, when they played Nevada in the New Mexico Bowl. Stoner said he expects the team to go to a bowl game this season. “It’d mean everything; coming in as a freshman, UNM had been to seven straight bowls,” he said. “My freshman year I was hyped thinking we were going to go to another bowl

see Stoner page 9

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012/ Page 7

‘Bigs’ are key in Lobo offence M N o p x E 8 2 6 2 . T OC Fr id ay Oc t 26

10 am - 7p m k-i n Pu bli c ge ar ch ec pm 7: 30 pm - 10 ) VI P Pr e Sa le ($ 20

WIN Adria Malcolm / @adriamalcolm / Daily Lobo Redshirt sophomore Alex Kirk goes for a layup against junior Cameron Bairstow during Lobo Howl at The Pit on Oct. 12. Both men will be a critical part of the men’s basketball team’s success this season.

by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim If the UNM men’s basketball team sticks with its plans to run fourguard lineups, backcourt play will be on display early and often throughout the season. But head coach Steve Alford said that doesn’t mean post play will be put on the backburner. Even with four guards on the floor, UNM will run its offense from the inside out. That makes big men Alex Kirk and Cameron Bairstow key components in the UNM system in 2012-13. Both will have the responsibility to control the paint offensively and defensively. “We say we could be doing some four-guards, we could be playing some two-bigs,” Alford said. “Those two bigs, they’re a handful inside. They’re going to be guys who we can throw the ball into the post.” Kirk and Bairstow have the task of replacing the strong rebounding efforts of Drew Gordon and the post presence of A.J. Hardeman, both of whom graduated after last year’s MWC title run. While the guards are expected to contribute on the boards, Kirk and Bairstow will be major factors in the rebounding category. Kirk, a redshirt sophomore center

with a 7-foot-2 wingspan, will see his first on-court action since a herniated disc surgery sidelined him last year. As a result, the Los Alamos native was redshirted last season. During his freshman year in 2010-11, Kirk was the Mountain West’s No. 2 rebounding freshman with 3.7 per game. His 126 boards in 2010-11 were the seventh-most by a Lobo freshman. Kirk said he is looking forward to the upcoming season. Post-surgery rehabilitation was a long process, he said, but he feels he’s gotten stronger. Missing action wasn’t fun, either. “I mean, it’s college basketball — you don’t want to wait out a second,” he said. “It’s hard just to sit there and watch. There were good days; sometimes your body can only take so much. It felt good, but it’s not up to you. It’s what your body can take.” Working with Bairstow helped as well, Kirk said. Kirk called Bairstow “probably the strongest kid in the league.” Bairstow, a junior power forward, is the fourt Australian men’s hoops player at UNM, hailing from Brisbane. Other Australians to play at UNM are Luc Longley in 1987-91, Ryan Kersten in 2005-07 and Hugh Greenwood, who is on the current roster. Bairstow averaged 3.6 points and

Here at the

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3.7 rebounds per game last season. He netted a career-high in last year’s season opener against New Orleans, recording 13 points. “I think our expectations are high,” Bairstow said. “We have a lot of confi-

see Basketball page 8

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Page 8 / Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Senior Josephine Moultrie competes at the Lobo Invitational on Aug. 31 at the UNM North Golf Course. The Lobo men and women will race in the MWC championships on Friday in Las Vegas, Nev.

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by Christian Naranjo sports@dailylobo.com @cnarajo7

With their combined seven conference championships in the last four seasons, the UNM men’s

and women’s cross county teams are turning heads on the national stage. On Friday, the squads will look to continue their run of success in the Mountain West Conference Championships in Las Vegas, Nev. Despite their as-yet unassuming season, both the men’s and women’s squads are starting to make waves in the national polls. UNM is the only mid-major school to have both teams in the top 20. According to the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association, the men are ranked No. 12 nationally and No. 3 in the region. The women are No. 17 nationally and No. 2 in the region. Senior Josephine Moultrie said the lack of attention has helped New Mexico focus. “It actually provides more motivation for us,� she said. “We think we’re running better this year, so it’s giving us more confidence.� But before focusing on the NCAA Regional Championships on Nov. 9 and the NCAA National Championships on Nov. 17, UNM must train its sights on a 2012 Mountain West title, head coach Joe Franklin said. “That’s the goal of every university: to win a conference championship in every sport,� Franklin said. “This is the first step of the championship season. But the season isn’t over after conference play — you still have to play regionals and nationals. The goal is to finish and give it our all.� The New Mexico women have won four straight conference titles


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dating back to 2008. Meanwhile, the men have won three consecutive championships. Moultrie will arrive in Las Vegas as a two-time winner of the Mountain West Women’s Cross Country Athlete of the Week. She also has the fastest 6-kilometer in the conference, with a time of 19:56. Moultrie said the fact that she is one of the best cross country runners in the conference, and maybe nation, is still settling in. “I’m a little shocked, to be honest,� she said. “I don’t think I’ve run that much faster since training, so it’s all coming as a surprise.� On the men’s side, junior Sean Stam will be one of four consistent runners entering conference championships, including fellow juniors Adam Bitchell, Luke Caldwell and Pat Zacharias. Stam, a former walk-on from Rio Rancho, was last week’s co-Mountain West Men’s Cross Country Athlete of the Week and represented UNM by recording the fastest 8-kilometer time in the 2012 Mountain West with a time of 23.59. “It was a lot of hard work,� Stam said. “I knew I could run with all these guys, but I got a lot of work in and had to develop patience. But overall, I’m very excited about it.� Stam said both teams have what it takes to become a national threat. “We might not have the topend talent in previous years, but we have depth that we haven’t had before,� he said. “That’s what you need to have to be a good cross country team.�

from page 7

dence in what we can do. The experience we had last year, that obviously helps a lot toward that confidence.� Kirk said going to a four-guard set won’t be anything new. It’s something he said he experienced in his first year as a Lobo, and added that the team has been working with those sets in the offseason. “We have to rebound; we have to defend the post,� Kirk said, adding he and Bairstow have a lot to prove this season. “That’s important, but we have to work hard and do what coach

says. I think we’ll be all right.� The two big men have the chance to prove themselves beginning Nov. 12, when UNM hosts Davidson during ESPN’s 24-hour Tip-Off Marathon. The midnight game is a good opportunity for the Lobos to display on a national stage the kind of team they bring to the court. “It’s a lot of fun playing good teams,� Bairstow said. “While the record is important, you play the game to play against good competition.�


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, October 24, 2012/ Page 9


Cheer pushes for sport status by Lindsey Tanner The Associated Press

CHICAGO — Cheerleading isn’t just jumping and waving pompoms — it has become athletic and potentially dangerous as a sport, and should be designated one to improve safety, the nation’s leading group of pediatricians says. The number of cheerleaders injured each year has climbed dramatically in the last two decades. Common stunts that pose risks include tossing and flipping cheerleaders in the air and creating human pyramids that reach 15 feet in height or more. In a new policy statement released online Monday in the journal Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics says school sports associations should designate cheerleading as a sport, and make it subject to safety rules and better supervision. That would include on-site athletic trainers, limits on practice time and better-qualified coaches, the academy says. Just like other athletes, cheerleaders should be required to do conditioning exercises and undergo physical exams before joining the squad, the new policy says. “Not everyone is fully aware of how cheerleading has evolved over the last couple of decades,” said Dr. Cynthia LaBella, a sports medicine specialist at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago and an author of the new policy. “It used to be just standing on the sidelines and doing cheers and maybe a few jumps.” But she said modern cheerleading often results in injuries that include severe sprains, broken arms and legs, neck injuries and concussions. Last year there were almost 37,000 emergency room visits for cheerleading injuries among girls aged 6 to 22, according to data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. That’s more than four times higher than in 1980, when cheerleading was tamer. While there are still traditional cheerleading squads that support schools’ athletic teams, some schools and private clubs have separate cheerleading teams that compete against other teams. Kali Wald of Elburn, Ill., suffered a serious concussion last year during an acrobatic routine with her high school’s competitive team: teammates tossed her in the air but she landed wrong twice, first on her upper back and neck, then on her head. She blacked out for several minutes. Her father, Dave Wald, said her coaches didn’t realize she was seriously injured and never called an ambulance. She still has short-term memory loss and can’t attend school full-time because of dizziness, headaches and


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AP photo/Charlie Litchfield In this Sept. 9, 2011 file photo, a cheerleader from Nampa High School in Nampa, Idaho is thrown into the air as the cheer squad practices their stunts before a game. other concussion symptoms. Kali, 18, said she believes that cheerleading should be considered a sport and made safer. Her father agreed and said there needs to be better awareness about the rigors of cheerleading and the potential risks. Injuries have increased as cheerleading has become more popular. Data suggest there are more than 3 million cheerleaders nationwide aged 6 and older, mostly girls. That includes about 400,000 in high school, according to data cited in the new policy. While the overall injury rate in high school cheerleading is lower than in other girls’ sports, including gymnastics, soccer and field hockey, the rate of catastrophic injuries like skull fractures and paralyzing spine injuries is higher, the academy noted. Kasey Bronstein, 14, and her sister Kori, 17, of Mahwah, N.J., both tore knee tendons while cheerleading for a private competitive team run by their parents. They twisted their knees doing acrobatic moves while standing on the raised-up hands of their teammates. They had knee surgery last November, followed by extensive physical therapy, and have since returned to cheerleading. Both said it should be considered a sport, but they also consider it relatively safe. “They’re kind of making it too safe, taking out skills that are very exciting to do,” Kori said. Such skills include a double flip stunt no longer allowed on her team. Some schools and state high school sports associations already consider cheerleading a sport and require the kind of safety oversight that the academy is recommending. But many do not, said Jim Lord, executive director of the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches & Administrators. Some don’t consider it a sport because not all cheerleading squads are involved in their own competitions, he said.

from page 6

game. To get to one this year would put icing on the cake for me.” Stoner, a Midwest City, Okla. native, said it took a while to become comfortable in the Land of Enchantment because he had never been away from his mother, brother or sister for an extended period of time. In mid-September of his freshman year, he said he was about to call it quits and go home, but after speaking with his mother he decided to stay. “I talked to my mom and cried it

out,” he said. “She was like, ‘You got to stay, this is what you wanted to do. I don’t want you to come home and get distracted.’” The fifth-year senior said he’s proud of the way the program has turned around in his final year as a Lobo. “I wish I had at least one more year,” he said. “It went by too fast, it was like I blinked and it’s my last year. I’m getting to go on and getting ready for the real world.”

Lord said the academy’s policy mirrors many of his group’s safety recommendations for high schools and colleges. That includes limiting the height of human pyramids in high school cheerleading to just two people. The academy also says routines that include pyramids, tumbling or tosses should not be performed on hard surfaces. Lisa Kluchurosky, a sports medicine specialist who works with the academy and the National Athletic Trainers Association, said the new policy will help erase misconceptions that cheerleading is not very athletic. “The statistics are compelling and you can’t turn your head from that,” she said.

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Page 10 / Wednesday, October 24, 2012


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Greek soccer team bags brothel sponsorship by Derek Gatopoulos The Associated Press

LARISSA, Greece — The world’s oldest profession is giving a whole new meaning to love of the game. Players on a cash-strapped Greek soccer team now wear pink practice jerseys with the logos “Villa Erotica” and “Soula’s House of History,” two bordellos it recruited as sponsors after drastic government spending cuts left the country’s sports clubs facing ruin. Other teams have also turned to unconventional financing. One has a deal with a local funeral home and others have wooed kebab shops, a jam factory and producers of Greece’s trademark feta cheese. But the amateur Voukefalas club — whose players include pizza delivery guys, students, waiters and a bartender — has raised eyebrows with its flamboyant sponsorship choice. “Unfortunately, amateur football has been abandoned by almost everyone,” said Yiannis Batziolas, the club’s youthful chairman, who runs a travel agency and is the team’s backup goalkeeper. “It’s a question of survival.” Prostitution is legal in Greece, where brothels operate under strict guidelines. Though garish neon signs advertising their services are tolerated, the soccer sponsorship has ruffled some feathers in the sports-mad city of Larissa. League organizers have banned the pink jerseys during games, saying the deal violates “the sporting ideal” and is inappropriate for underage fans. Batziolas acknowledges the sponsorship took his team by surprise. “They didn’t believe it in the beginning,” he said. “But when they

saw the shirts printed, they thought it was funny.” Near-bankrupt Greece is struggling to meet creditors’ relentless demands to slash spending and keep the euro as its currency. As Greece heads toward a sixth year of recession, drastic budget cuts have hammered many ordinary people: Retirees have been left to cover their own medical expenses, children have lost school bus services, and sports teams have scrambled to find sponsors as businesses close under the burden of emergency taxes. Brothel owner Soula Alevridou, a slightly built woman with a husky voice and the team’s new benefactor, has already paid more than 1,000 euros ($1,312) for players to wear her jerseys. The team is appealing the game ban, but that doesn’t worry the 67-year-old Alevridou, who says she’s only in it because she loves soccer. “It’s not the kind of business that needs promotion,” she said, dressed all in white and flanked by two young women in dark leggings at a recent game. “It’s a word-of-mouth kind of thing.” Her businesses — plushly decorated pastel-colored bungalows where 14 women are employed — have weathered the country’s financial disaster far better than most, and she readily acknowledges her success. “If we don’t help our scientists and athletes, where will we be?” she asked. “Greece has educated people, cultured people and good athletes. It’s better to help them than take our money to Switzerland.” Alevridou watched in disappointment as her team lost its fourth straight game, 1-0, despite her promise to players of “a special time” at

AP photo/Nikolas Giakoumidis In this photo taken Oct. 7, Voukefalas players, a small amateur soccer club, get ready in a changing room before a local championship match in the city of Larissa, central Greece. A cash-strapped Greek soccer team has found a new way to pay the bills, with help from the world’s oldest profession. her businesses if they won. “There’s a lot still missing; we have no midfield,” said Alevridou. “Many of our boys have jobs that keep them working at night. And if we have a game the following morning, they can’t have a real presence on the pitch. … They need more help.” They aren’t the only team suffering. Greece’s Amateur Athletics Federation suspended all its activities for several weeks earlier this year to protest funding cuts. And even the major soccer clubs sent most of their star players abroad this summer in the face of financial trouble and poor

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attendance, with fans no longer able to afford tickets. Government cuts have hurt most of the teams in the amateur league in Larissa — the majestically named Olympus, Hercules, Fearless and Sagittarius clubs, as well as Voukefalas, named after Alexander the Great’s horse. The impact of the crisis on sports is a major local concern. The town of 200,000 fielded the only professional club to ever break big-city domination of the league, winning the national championship in 1988. In 2007, Larissa FC also rebounded

from bankruptcy for victory in the prestigious Greek Cup. Voukefalas says it needs about 10,000 euros ($13,120) a year to meet expenses, and Alevridou has promised more cash. “Here is where it all begins, with amateur sport; it’s where the talent is bred,” she noted. “I am a Greek woman, and I love my country.” She watched quietly, holding a cigarette and wearing a straw fedora with a leopard-print band, as her team struggled. “The team will get better,” she said. “I’m certain of it.”

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AFFORDABLE 2BDRM TOWN house. 1.5 blocks to UNM. $750/mo. +utilities. $300dd. $200 move-in special. No pets. 505-268-0525.


NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $680/mo. 505-610-2050.


NEED CASH? WE Buy Junk Cars. 505227-3877.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.


1 BDRM CASITA - Walk to UNM, CNM. Semi-private yard. $600, utilities included. No dogs. 243-0827.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers


Minutes from campus— All bills paid! 1410 Girard Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Features • • • • • • •

Furnished studios Free Wifi Swimming Pool Dishwashers Walk-in closets On-site laundry Newly Renovated

Call to view! 505-266-8392

Houses For Rent 1BDRM/1BA FOR RENT in 3BDRM/2BA house, two blocks from UNM. Serious student only. $425/mo includes utilities/HSI. Call 239-0570. UNM MED/LAW HOUSES - Discounted rents are available from the owner for UNM students and employees. 1204 Columbia NE, and 1526 Vassar NE. Please contact the owner only after you have seen the house of interest. 505266-5874.

Rooms For Rent ROOMATE WANTED, TO share a 3BDRM 2BA house with 2 female students. $450/mo including utilities. Close to UNM, Carlisle and Contitution. Text Kaitie at 459-7583.

LOBO VILLAGE $519/MO. Looking for a female to take over my lease for Spring 2013. Fully furnished apartment! Contact me at lobosfan8@yahoo.com OPEN ROOM IN Casas Del Rio. If interested call/text 505-553-4884.

Bikes/Cycles ALMOST NEW. ONE adult owner. 75-90 miles per gallon Honda scooter. $1,000.00 firm. 2 helmets. No special license required. henglade@yahoo.com

For Sale QUEEN BED ($150), Computer table ($25), Couch ($75), Microwave ($25), Bookshelf ($20), Router ($20) and Modem ($15) for sale. Contact 505-3585858 for Pictures and information. BRAND NEW DR. Doe Beat Box powered by monster, $250. Call/Text 505249-8576. **BEEF JERKY** BUY delicious Beef Jerky, that’s flavorful, and melts in your mouth! I’m on UNM frequently! 1 gallon bag $20.00! Call/Text 575-613-5004. VINTAGE METAL LUNCH boxes for sale. Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, He-Man $15 ea. Cracker Jacks with leather handle $40. Email ceneil l@unm.edu or text 575-921-4152.

Garage Sales SAT./SUN. - Garage sale @ Carlisle and Lomas - Beds, couches, desks, treadmills, appliances, clothes, gun safe, tv’s, misc.

Vehicles For Sale 1998 NISSAN ALTIMA. Black, 130,000 miles, runs great, $2,600obo. Call/Text 865-684-6597.

The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell Dr. NE The first group exhibition of its kind at the UNM Art Museum to feature innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art; Art History and Interdisciplinary Film

The Dark Knight Rises 4:00pm SUB Theater Mid Week Movies The Dark Knight Rises 7:00pm SUB Theater Mid Week Movies Disney’s the Lion King 7:30pm Popejoy Hall

Campus Events Flu Shot Clinic 10:00am – 2:00pm SUB Atrium

RECEPTIONIST - FULL time for small but busy law firm located downtown. Willing to train qualified candidate. Position involves answering phones, filing, data entry, purchasing, etc. Great opportunity for entry level employee. Competitive salary plus benefits. E-mail resume to chwilliams@gwlpa.com BE IN MOVIES no experience needed. Up to $300/PT. 505-884-0557. www. A1StarCasting.com MANAGER NEEDED FOR before and after school programs. 2+ years of experience with school age children preferred. $12.00-$13.00/hr. PT, must be available both mornings (6:30-8:00) and afternoons (1:45-6:00) M-F. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University NE

Jobs On Campus CAPS IS HIRING! CAPS is looking to hire qualified Tutors, SI leaders, and Student Resource Representatives for the Spring 2013 Semester! Apply now! Tutors & SI Leaders earn $11.00/hr to $12.50/hr; Student Resource Representatives earn $7.50/hr. For more information call 277-7205 or visit us online at caps.unm.edu/info/employment RESTAURANT SERVERS WANTED for UNM Psychology research study. Seeking healthy women aged 18-35 who work at least 20hrs/wk as servers in full service dine-in restaurants. To compensate for their time, participants will receive a $100 Visa gift card that can be used wherever debit cards are accepted. If interested, please call or email Professor Geoffrey Miller at gfmiller@unm.edu, 505-277-1967, for more information.

Child Care EDUCATOR/CAREGIVER FOR TOPquality after-school and summer child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org UNM Work-study encouraged to apply. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR: JOIN a wonderful and supportive team of people providing top-quality afterschool programs for 5-12 year olds. This is a training and leadership development position. Associate Directors work under direct supervision of Program Directors who prepare them to be promoted to Program Director. Starts at $10/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE or call 296-2880 or visit www.chil drens-choice.org


UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma less than 56 years old for a research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm. edu

Jobs Off Campus NEED WORKER FOR Fall household clean up. Cash paid. Email from student account, jeffreyr@unm.edu EDUCATION MAJORS (UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE Degrees). Elementary, Secondary, Special Education. Regional Accreditation. NMPED Approval/ Licensure. Tuition Commensurate with UNM. Wayland Baptist University (Albuquerque Campus). 2201 San Pedro Dr. NE (505-323-9282) mccall s@wbu.edu http://www.wbu.edu/col leges-in-albuquerque/educa tion12-13.pdf

LOOKING FOR MALE roomate for Lobo Village. $300 off first month of rent. Call 429-3302.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

$519/MO FEMALE STUDENT needed to move in December 1st. Furnished apartment, walk in closet. Daily shuttle to UNM. Possible move-in incentive. Call/txt, 505-573-4470.

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Daily Lobo classified ads are not.

YOUTH SOCCER: COACH/REFEREE/FIELD maintenance. 3-5 hrs Saturdays. Experience, reliable, 898-9999.


PAIINT BALL EQUITMENT- reasonable offer. Cintact Carlos 505-603-8480.

and Digital Media, and six guest artists from San Francisco and Santa Fe.

Theater & Films

TOP TEN INTERNSHIP: Fortune 500 financial firm seeks 2 UNM students for spring internship. Application deadline: Nov. 1st. Email resume: marni.mcmullen@nmfn.com

1976 L-82 Corvette Stingray 4spd. New brakes, new engine, and more. $9,500 obo. Or trade. 270-0759.


Dancing With The Dark 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell Dr. NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. Recognized as one of the pioneering voices that championed feminism.


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fax • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Express. Come by room 107 Come by room 131 in Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.




new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Voting 8:00am – 10:00pm SUB-Isleta, Acoma A & B, Cochiti Lounge Fall Sidewalk Sale! 10:00am – 4:00pm Main & North Campus Bookstores

Meetings Alcoholics Anonymous 4:00pm – 5:00pm UNM Women’s Resource Center, Mesa Vista Hall, 1160 Queer Straight Alliance Meeting 7:00pm – 9:00pm SUB Fiesta A & B UNM Washington Semester as a Congressional Intern Information Meeting

College is expensive. Place your ad today!

Events of the Day

Things to do on campus today. 12:00pm Social Science Building Rm 2069 Five $5,000 internships Available, earn 12 UNM credit hours & intern with a member of congress, Eligibility: Minimum of 60 earned credit hours and 3.0 GPA

Lectures & Readings The Feminist Read 3:30pm Women’s Resource Center, Mesa Vista Hall 1160 Solas Brown Bag with William Max: Field Research in Brazil 12:00pm – 1:00pm Latin American & Iberian Conference Room Hear grad student William Max present on his recent experiance conducting field research on the Movimiento dos Trabalhadores

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Sem Terra in Brazil. Ronda Brulotte- Between Art & Artifact 12:00pm UNM Bookstore Book signing and Discussion Lois Rudnick on “The Suppressed Memoirs of Mabel Dodge Luhan” 4:00pm – 6:00pm Dane Smith Hall Rm 120 Speaking on “The Suppressed Memoirs of mabel Dodge Luhan: Sex, Syphilis, and Psychoanalysis in the Making of Modern American Culture”

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