NM Daily Lobo 102511

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Ballers stay in school

new mexico

see page 4


October 25, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Protesters may (un)occupy UNM by Luke Holmen and Chelsea Erven news@dailylobo.com

Occupy Albuquerque’s permit to occupy UNM’s Yale Park expires today, and UNM officials denied the protesters’ permit extension. University administrators told protesters they must leave Yale Park by 10 p.m. today because they violated their permit conditions by staying in the park overnight, UNM said in a statement Monday. The statement said the homeless population attracted by the protest is also a problem. The group has been giving free food to the area’s homeless.

“Some people are willing to get arrested” ~Anthony Bono protester “OvertheweekendUNMprocessed a number of incident reports involving drunken and threatening behavior on people in Yale Park,” it said. “Albuquerque Police arrested one man who threatened several people with a knife, and there were several other incidents including one involving a man who was a registered sex offender in two states. One person died in the area over the weekend.” UNM officials said they requested help from the City to address the

problem with transients attracted to campus, but said it is difficult to distinguish transients from protesters. “The nature of the (Un)occupy Albuquerque protest is that it attracts many different types of individuals, and there is no way to assess whether people are or are not part of the (Un) occupy protest,” the statement said. Protesters said they are considering staying on campus tonight after 10 p.m. in violation of the permit expiration, and are petitioning the administration in the meantime. They did not come to a final decision about risking arrests at their general assembly meeting Monday night. “We are pursuing direct action,” Peace Studies professor Desi Brown said. “We are going to petition president Schmidly tomorrow. We want to get as many students here at 9 a.m. as possible … for the petition and to discuss whether we are staying.” Protester Anthony Bono said some are prepared to face arrest tomorrow evening. “Some people are willing to get arrested, but we haven’t yet found a consensus, so we are still working on it,” he said. Protester John Lockridge said UNM’s policies are discriminatory. “They are selectively enforcing … they made no effort, as far as I know, to arrest the few people that are making problems,” he said. Brown said UNM’s administration had not made an effort to attend the general assembly meetings.

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Theo Walker (center) speaks to his Spanish 302 class at Camp Coyote on Monday morning. His class questioned Occupy Albuquerque participant Rhadona Stark (left of Walker) about the protesters’ motives. Camp Coyote’s future on campus is uncertain, as its permit expires today.

Woman dies at Camp Coyote by Chelsea Erven


A woman staying at UNM’s Yale Park, Occupy Albuquerque’s Camp Coyote, died Saturday. Officers were dispatched to the walkway across Redondo Drive from Yale Park Saturday at 6:30 p.m. in response to a “woman having seizures,” police reports said. According to the reports an intoxicated man, Iran P. Phillips, attended


to the woman. Phillips identified the woman as Stephanie. The woman died on a bench with her head in Phillips’ lap, the reports said. “Phillips said the female followed him to the bench and said she wasn’t feeling too good. Phillips said he told her to lie on his lap and take a power nap. … She had been asleep for 30 minutes and wasn’t responding, so he told a woman walking by to call 911.” Phillips said the woman told him

Lord, I was born a gambling Lobo by Stephanie Hoover


Zach Gould / Daily Lobo Students made traditional papelpicado, calaveras de azúcar and flores de papel Monday in the SUB. The Mexican Student Association and Student Special Events hosted the workshops as part of their Día de los Muertos celebration. The event continues Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at El Centro de la Raza with the traditional blessing of the altar y ofrendas.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 45

Work to get work

When meteors strike

See page 2

See page 5

she had finished a gallon of vodka prior to the incident. When officers arrived at the scene the woman didn’t have a pulse and wasn’t breathing. Albuquerque Fire Department was called to the scene and attempted to revive the woman, but attempts were unsuccessful, reports said. A representative from the Office of the Medical Investigator confirmed the woman’s death and took the body from the scene.

A newly developed gambling website, Lobo Poker Club, is exclusive to UNM students and claims “it’s impossible to lose.” Arizona State University student Chandler Bator created the site along with some 200 similar sites for universities across the country. Site members pay a monthly fee of $19.95, which gives them $10,000 of virtual money to gamble on the site. Students who win $50,000 in virtual money will receive $100 in real money or other prizes. Enough wins could net one a $10,000 seat to the World Series of Poker. “There are two major problems confronting University of New Mexico students this year that our federal government and the private sector have failed to address,” Bator said. “First, there is the lack of employment opportunities for students, both while in school and after graduation. Second is the persistent pursuit and predation of students by offshore gambling websites. At Lobo Poker Club, students are never allowed to bet real money, thus making losing impossible.” Bator said he will address student

unemployment issues by hiring 25 UNM students to work as campus marketers promoting the site. The site features a variety of casinostyle games and allows users to bet on local and national sports. UNM student Haley Frazier, who said she doesn’t gamble, said she thinks UNM shouldn’t support gambling for students. “I think it’s good to some degree, because they can only lose the $19.95 a month,” Frazier said. “But then it’s still playing into the addiction of needing to gamble, which I don’t think is something that we should be supporting in any way.” According to the National Center for Responsible Gaming, 75% of U.S. college students have gambled in the past year and 6% have a serious gambling problem. Gambling can result in psychological difficulties, unmanageable debt and failing grades, the center said. Student Josh Foster says he doesn’t gamble very often, and when he does it’s among friends rather than online. He said he would definitely consider using the site. “I don’t think it encourages gambling, I think it’s a good idea for students,” Foster said.


72 | 48

PageTwo Tuesday, O ctober 25, 2011

by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Interviewing for a job can be one of the most important and terrifying milestones for students, according to the staff at UNM’s Career Services. Jenna Crabb, director of Career Services, said the organization conducts mock interviews and résumé and cover letter writing instruction to help students prepare. “Before an interview, we encourage students to research the company and find out as much as they can about the jobs that are available to determine their career path,” she said. “You want to make sure you know almost more than they do about their company, and tailor your cover letters and résumés to each specific company. You aren’t going to (stand out) with a generic letter.” The Daily Lobo asked Cassandra Chavez, Career Services’ career development coordinator, for tips on nailing the perfect interview. Daily Lobo: What do they really want to know when an employers asks “tell me about yourself?” or “what are your strengths and weaknesses?” Cassandra Chavez: The number one thing I would recommend is to practice the behavioral questions that we practice with students, because they are very difficult. Strengths — you are going to want to keep those to a minimum. You want to be modest, but you are going to want to list strengths that are important to that job. For weaknesses, you can always say a weakness, but you want to come back to a strength.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 45

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Show me how to: Interview

One weakness I would say is, “It’s really hard for me to say no (when asked to do something for someone), so now I am trying to prioritize when I should say yes, and when I should say no.” DL: What should you wear and bring? CC: Always overdress. It’s hard to dress too nicely … even for a job waiting tables … which most college students wouldn’t dress for. Be conservative, don’t show too much skin. Bring a résumé for every person interviewing you, but make it either one or two full pages; don’t include partial pages. We want it to look full: if it’s one and a quarter, trim it to one; if it’s one and a half, make it two. DL: And then what? CC: You can keep impressing even after the interview. Write a thank-you letter specifically addressing each member of the panel. Talk about follow-up questions, not standard questions, something they asked you specifically. You need to remember that because it was obviously important to the interviewer.

Public Service Career Showcase

featuring City, Federal and State agency recruiters. November 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Professional appearance is key when interviewing. A well-constructed tie can boost confidence.

UNM Ballrooms

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Greer Gesler Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Zach Gould

Assistant Photo Editor Dylan Smith Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson







The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


Conservatives mull EU break by Cassandra Vinograd The Associated Press

LONDON — Prime Minister David Cameron pleaded with Conservative Party lawmakers on Monday to drop their support for a national referendum on Britain leaving the European Union, comparing the bloc and its economic crisis to a house on fire that needs everyone’s help. Some 60 legislators in Cameron’s Conservative Party have signed a motion calling for a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the EU, leave it, or renegotiate membership, but the government has ordered its lawmakers to vote against it or face disciplinary action. Cameron urged his party’s lawmakers not to vote for a referendum, saying the “timing is wrong” given the economic crisis in the euro zone. “When your neighbor’s house is on fire, your first impulse should be to help them to put out the flames — not least to stop the flames reaching your own house,” Cameron told the House of Commons. “This is not the time to argue about walking away, not just for their sakes, but for ours.” Underscoring the emotion of

the issue, after several hours of debate in the House of Commons, Conservative lawmaker Adam Holloway resigned his unpaid post as an aide to David Lidington, minister for Europe, so he could vote for a referendum. Monday’s vote, which was triggered by a 100,000-signature public petition on the prime minister’s website, is nonbinding. It will fail anyway because the other main parties oppose it, but any rebellion would be an embarrassment for Cameron. The issue of Europe has long divided his Conservative Party, and also split Britain’s governing coalition. Its junior partners, the Liberal Democrats, are strongly proEurope. Britain is a member of the 27nation EU, but is not among the 17 countries that use the euro single currency, and it is struggling to hammer out a bailout for indebted member Greece. Conservative lawmaker Bernard Jenkin, one of those backing a referendum, said most British people want a vote on EU membership. “David Cameron is not just taking

Teen’s virginity put on sale by mother by John Loftin

The Associated Press


SALT LAKE CITY — A Utah woman accused of trying to sell her teen daughter’s virginity pleaded guilty Monday to having the girl model in her underwear for men. The 33-year-old woman entered the plea in Salt Lake City to two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. She also faced two firstdegree felony counts of aggravated sex abuse of a child and life in prison if convicted. Prosecutors agreed to drop those charges in exchange for her plea. She faces up to 30 years in prison at sentencing Dec. 5. Authorities said the woman offered her daughter’s virginity to a man earlier this year in exchange for $10,000. Initially, the daughter


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agreed and modeled with her mom for the man on two occasions in a bra and thong underwear. The woman also took pictures of the then 14-year-old girl, which she sent to another man who was interested in buying them. The girl eventually decided against the arrangement. Discussions about the sale of the girl’s virginity were found on the woman’s cellphone by her boyfriend, who turned them over to police. Charges were filed against the woman in May, and she has been in jail since her arrest. The woman did not make a statement in court and her defense attorney refused to comment after the hearing. The Associated Press isn’t naming her to avoid identifying her daughter.

on the Conservative Party, he’s taking on the whole of public opinion. The vast majority think it’s time we had a say on our membership.” Cameron said he agrees with the need for fundamental EU reform and is committed to “bringing back more powers” from Brussels. But he said it is in Britain’s national interest to remain part of the EU. “Those who are supporting today’s motion, but don’t actually want to leave the EU, I say to you this: I respect your views,” the prime minister told lawmakers. “We disagree about ends, not about means; I support your aims. Like you, I want fundamental reform; like you, I want to refashion our membership of the EU so that it better serves our nation’s interests. The time for reform is coming. That is the prize, let us not be distracted from seizing it.” Foreign Secretary William Hague, a longtime euroskeptic, said that with the EU mired in a debt crisis and Britain’s economy fragile, a referendum “would create additional economic uncertainty in this country at a difficult economic time.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 / Page 3

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Tuesday October 25, 2011


Letters High insurance premiums don’t result in pay for care Editor, Being proactive, I went to the LoboCare clinic to get a flu shot (before the free clinics) and a Tdap booster. My primary care is on sabbatical. I paid my co-pay, got my shots and left, satisfied overall with the experience. Then I got my reconciliation from my health insurance provider. The total bill was $282. I got a $92 discount, and my insurance is paying $62. Lucky me, with the co-insurance I get to pay $128, on top of the co-pay. I also pay $158 in premiums every month. UNM said they sent out a notice about the co-insurance, but there was nothing we could do about it. It’s not like we could opt out or change to another plan. UNM benefits did not do a good job in explaining exactly how the co-insurance was going to work. Now we know. I’m paying $158 a month for what? Catherine Osborn UNM staff

Tabone’s cartoons too silly to be taken seriously Editor, Juan Tabone’s “biting” political commentary is like the local, liberal version of The Onion’s fictional (and ridiculous) conservative political cartoonist. As a real person with real political beliefs, I can’t take Juan seriously. But if I just pretend that he’s somehow trying to be ironic, and is actually making fun of the views he purports to represent, then it’s okay. It’s not that his opinion isn’t valid or his views unreasonable, but it is just that his comics are so over-the-top silly that they can’t be serious. If he thinks hippies shooting pistols into Wall Street pig-heads who splatter blood with dollar bill signs is profound satire, then he’s mistaken. On the other hand, if he’s secretly a Tea Party Republican writing under a pseudonym to mock liberal views, then that’s Colbert level commentary right there! Samuel G. Hobbs UNM student

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


The death of an abandoned kitten by Chelsea Erven

Daily Lobo Columnist

Late last night on Broadway Boulevard I drove past a kitten laying in the road. Road kill of any kind makes me queasy, but this time I didn’t see any blood and the kitten wasn’t obviously squashed. I pulled over and went to investigate. Sure enough, the little orange-striped kitten was breathing, barely, but he was definitely still alive. I picked him up off the asphalt, wrapped him in a towel and raced to the nearest 24hour emergency veterinary clinic so he could be examined. He was in shock, had suffered severe head trauma and possibly a broken jaw, wasn’t neutered and didn’t have a microchip. From what the vets could tell, he didn’t belong to anyone. Because I had brought him in, his vet fees, starting at a minimum of $800 to stabilize him and treat his injuries (if he didn’t die on his own after being stabilized), would fall to me unless I surrendered him to the clinic, where they would probably euthanize him. I’m a student working for a student newspaper. I barely make $800 a month. As much as I desperately wanted to pay for the little guy’s treatment, I just couldn’t, especially with such a high chance that he would die anyway. I signed him over to the clinic and left in tears. My fiancé and the veterinary clinic staff tried to comfort me, saying what I did was heroic. At least he didn’t suffer and die an awful death in the street; at least I didn’t leave

him there to get run over again; at least he was loved in his last moments. Last night, I was inconsolable. Today, I’m pissed. What kind of human being hits an animal and doesn’t stop to see if it’s ok? Or at least move it out of the street? Or maybe a better, bigger question is what kind of heartless monster allows that little kitten to be out on the street in the first place? To the irresponsible people who don’t spay or neuter their pets, that kitten’s blood is on your hands.

To the irresponsible people who don’t spay or neuter their pets, that kitten’s blood is on your hands. Spaying and neutering pets prevents them from making more animals that will roam the streets, unloved and uncared for, facing death, disease, starvation and suffering. It prevents thousands of pets from entering the state’s overflowing shelters only, for many of them, to end up euthanized. In 2007 alone, over 133,000 dogs and cats entered the 35 public and private shelters in this state. During that year, 67,000 of those animals had to be euthanized, according to Animal Protection of New Mexico. APNM’s website provides startling

Letter Working America has a lot in common with Occupy Editor, Every day I talk to hundreds of working class people of all political persuasions in New Mexico who are trying to find good jobs, decent healthcare and a good education in this devastating economy. They do the right thing, struggle, and face immense obstacles trying to make a living, feed their families and pay their bills. Lately, as they’ve seen the protests on Wall Street and DC grow, our members are growing increasingly interested in supporting the movement in Albuquerque.

They might not be able to set up a tent in Liberty Plaza or buy a one-way ticket to DC, but in their own way they feel like they are fighting the same fight against a greedy 1 percent who control and manipulate the system to benefit themselves. What I have learned is that the human spirit is tough and cannot be bought and sold the way the Wall Street bankers bought and sold America’s security in 2008. Working America members might not seem to share a lot with the Occupy protesters, but they support them in their efforts to create an economy that works for everyone. Michelle Kavanaugh UNM community member

numbers. The average number of litters a fertile cat can produce in one year is three. The average number of kittens in that litter is between four and six. In seven years, that one unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce hundreds of thousands of kittens. If you don’t spay or neuter your animals, that’s the blood of hundreds of thousands of animals on your hands. Not being able to afford spaying or neutering pets is not an excuse. I’ll ignore the fact that those who can’t afford to take care of their pets shouldn’t have them, and instead say that New Mexico has many options for low-cost or free spay or neuter options. The Animal Humane Society will spay or neuter dogs lighter than 80 pounds for $50. That’s the cost of about three bags of dog food. The Humane Society sterilizes cats for just $20. That’s about two bags of cat food. If you can afford to feed your pet, you can afford to sterilize it. The City of Albuquerque’s Animal Welfare Department offers low-cost sterilization for low-income city residents. The Bernalillo County Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, offers low-cost spay or neuter options for those who qualify. Pets aren’t play things: They live and breathe and feel love and pain just like you. It’s up to you to responsibly care for them. This column is written in memory of the little cat that died last night. I hope he’s in a better place now, loved and free from the irresponsible monsters who caused his untimely death.

The Daily Lobo is hiring sports reporters. If you are interested in getting your game on send an email to:



New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 / Page 5

Meteor museum full of marvels by Nicole Perez

nicole11@unm.edu History collides with outer space at the UNM Meteorite Museum. Specimens gleam from within their cases; viewers young and old take a journey millions of years back in time. The museum, under the wing of the Institute of Meteoritics at UNM, was founded in the late 40s. Curator Carl Agee said the first specimens belonged to Dr. Lincoln La Paz, the first director of the institute and former head of the UNM Department of Mathematics and Astronomy. “Our collection is unique in its own way because we have specimens that other places don’t necessarily have. We have a historical nature because they were collected back in the 40s,” he said. Meteorites are fundamental in scientists’ understandings of the form, structure, composition and transformation of planets, Agee said. “Meteorites are thought of as the building blocks for the planets, so if you’re interested in theories about how planets are assembled and how they transform … then the basic information about meteorites is really important,” he said. Agee said meteorites are defined as any extraterrestrial matter that lands on Earth. He said people often mistake unique looking rocks for meteorites and will bring them in for him to inspect. “Anything that is outside of the Earth, ends up crashing into it, and can be recovered on the surface — that’s a meteorite,” he said. “Everything else is a meteo-wrong. We get a lot of meteowrongs to look at.” Agee said meteorites can be found all over the Earth, but are easier to recognize in certain areas where the terrain is one solid color, such as in Antarctica or the Sahara desert. “On the Antarctic ice sheets you can see them from hundreds of yards because they are so different from the white ice,” he said. “(In the Sahara) the background is like white sand. You have a black rock sitting on white sand, so they’re quite easy to spot.” New Mexico may not be the greatest location for finding meteorites, but UNM’s museum has approximately 700 specimens on display, including meteorites from the asteroid belt, the moon, and even Mars. Agee said the highlight of the museum for many visitors is a 1-ton meteorite that fell on the

Kansas/Nebraska state line in the late 1940s, one of La Paz’s contributions. La Paz heard of the meteorite’s fall and drove his pickup truck to Kansas, purchased the meteorite and transported it back to UNM. Witnessing falls like that is rare, but doing so greatly increases the monetary value of a meteorite, Agee said, because a sighting increases the historical and human intrigue. He acquired one like that from a farmer in Colorado this year. “They were out in the back yard and all the sudden they heard a whooshing noise, and then a thud, then a cloud of dust,” he said. “They walked over and there was a little crater and right in the crater was a softball-size meteorite just sitting there. I keep thinking to myself

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo Grade school students look at meteorite fragments in the UNM Meteorite Museum on Oct. 4 during a field trip. Meteorites normally come from the asteroid belt, but can also come from Mars or the moon. The museum has specimens from all three locations. ‘Why doesn’t this happen to me? Why don’t I get any meteorites falling in my back yard?’” Each meteorite’s value also depends on its age, where it originated and where it landed, Agee said. For example, he said meteorites that fall in the United States are far more valuable to U.S. collectors than anyone else. Agee said meteorites from Mars are the most valuable, followed by those from the moon. Older specimens are more valuable as well, so a meteorite that fell in 19th century France is now worth $40,000 per gram. Agee said he keeps his most valuable specimens in a safe. He said UNM has La Paz to thank for the prolific collection, but the museum’s prestige has continued beyond his lifetime. “Some of the first people to study moon rocks brought back by the astronauts were people who studied meteorites, so UNM got some of the first Apollo samples,” he said. “We’ve been funded through NASA since 1969, continually. That’s how it got its beginning: it started as some professor’s meteorite collection and then it evolved into a research institute, thanks to our space program in the U.S.” He said that contrary to popular belief, NASA is still fully functioning in its research capacities, and only the human flight program is under review by the Obama administration. Agee said UNM is one of a handful of universities across the country

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see Meteorites page 3

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Page 6 / Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Daily Lobo Mini Coups Angie’s Costumes An exuberant and innovative approach to costuming!

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Look for Mini Coups every Monday during the summer in the Daily Lobo.

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Editor’s Note: The Daily Lobo is gearing up for Halloween! We scoured the Internet for a few fun things you can do to celebrate the holiday like a boss. Our findings include free events, lectures and even flu shots to keep you healthy for the rest of the semester. If you know of a free event, please send the info to hriley@unm.edu.

Free all you can eat sushi!!!

Buy 15 all-you-can-eat sushi dinners and get one free!

Flu shots TODAY

If the idea of getting the flu makes you sick, you might be in luck. UNM’s Student Health and Counseling center offers free flu shots today from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. These will run out fast, so you probably want to show up early. The shot clinic will be set up in the SUB atrium, which is the bottom level of the SUB. This event is dedicated to the memory of former UNM student Raymond Plotkin, who died of the H1N1 virus.

Lecture on biking across the country WEDNESDAY

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New Mexico Daily Lobo



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REI hosts the family of five who packed themselves up and hopped on a bike — yes, ONE bike — and started their year-long journey from Kentucky to Alaska. Bill and Amarins Harrison used a five-seated tandem to transport themselves and their three children on their voyage. They wrote a book about the experience entitled “A Pedouin Life: Stop and Smell the Artichokes” and will be selling and signing copies at REI after their presentation. Register for the presentation (there are still 23 seats available as of Monday afternoon) at rei.com. REI is at 1550 Mercantile Ave. The event starts at 6 p.m.

Zombie speaker THURSDAY

If you are having apocalyptic thoughts of the undead variety, and you need some advice on how to survive,


from page 5

with meteorite museums. Fred McDowell, a retired University of Texas-Austin geology research scientist, visited the museum on a family vacation. He said he was not only interested in the meteorites, but also in the earth that had been hit by meteorites and its behavior. “I like the impact structure area

check out this lecture in the SUB’s Ballroom C at 7 p.m. It is hosted by Student Special Events and features Matt Mogk, founder of the Zombie Research Society. According to Mogk’s website, he is the world’s numberone man for all things zombie and, according to the Lobo, mankind’s last and only hope. He has written books for both children and adults about recognizing zombies, as well as on other zombie-related topics.

Piano lesson WHENEVER

Maybe you have always wanted to make some magic on the ivory keys, but didn’t know where to start and didn’t want to pay to find out if you liked it or not. Well, Craig Brown will help you change that. Brown offers potential students a free initial lesson to let them decide for themselves if his teaching methods are suitable. You can visit his website and find more information at brownspianostudios.com.

CRAIGSLIST Do you have a business, but no doors? Of course you do. And you’re in luck, because someone posted an ad on Craigslist for two glass storefront doors. The doors are 35 and one-half inches in width and 83 and one-quarter inches in height. Even if you don’t have a doorless commercial business (unlikely), you might have a door frame large enough for these beauties. I think double glass doors in a house would make a great design statement. Who needs privacy, anyway? -Hunter Riley

over there, including the shatter cones and the materials that are actually parts of the earth that have been ejected from the craters which are formed by impact structures,” he said. “I enjoyed the way they did that and I’ve been interested in those materials for a while.” All known meteorites originate in

the asteroid belt, the moon or Mars, but Agee said scientists are on the watch for some from Mercury or Venus. “Who knows, they might have a meteorite from Mercury sitting in their archive that they didn’t even know about. It’s possible that we have one, we just don’t know it yet.





lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, October 25, 2011 / Page 7

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis



Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


Stack of Pancakes 2 for $1.25 Bring in this ad. Show Student ID

Free wi-fi

Expires November 11, 2011


Open 24hrs 266-5113

20 11 Saturday 10/29, 9-4 Sunday 10/30, 11-4 Bring It Back Friday

Bring in your used equipment for consignment Friday 10/28, 9-7


EXPO NM Manual Lujan Building, Side B

Bring This Coupon For

FREE ADMISSION for 1 person! $2.00 Value!


ACROSS 1 Persian __ 5 Argentina’s Perón 9 Spectrum producer 14 One of two Monopoly squares: Abbr. 15 Not a supporter 16 Greek column type 17 Morro Castle site 18 Desktop image 19 Bakery array 20 Posh digs for comic Billy? 23 Owing too much money 24 Getaway for Gandhi 27 Feathery accessory 28 Barley beards 30 Latin 101 verb 31 Fine cotton 34 Rumors about comic Eric? 37 Decree 39 Spring mo. 40 Public commotion 41 Theme song for comic Chris? 44 Yankee nickname since 2004 45 Radius starting point: Abbr. 46 Lower intestinal parts 47 Work in a museum 49 Major or Mrs. of old comics 51 Deo __: thanks to God 55 Topics for comic Martin? 58 Sunday singers 60 Part of IBM: Abbr. 61 “The Man Who Fell to Earth” director Nicolas 62 Plunder 63 Abate 64 Give off, as light 65 Sculls in a quad scull, e.g. 66 1974 Gould/Sutherland spoof 67 Retreats with remotes




By David Poole

DOWN 1 Name on some fashionable sunglasses 2 Complete reversal 3 Algeria neighbor 4 Scene from the past, in films 5 Game called zesta-punta in Basque 6 “I give up!” 7 On 8 1492 caravel 9 Some cubist paintings 10 Exterminator’s target 11 Feature of some pens 12 “Sprechen __ Deutsch?” 13 Game show VIPs 21 Furthermore 22 January 1st song word 25 Kind of acid in protein 26 Hybrid bike 28 Leader in Athens? 29 Existed 31 Roost 32 “What did __ deserve this?”

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

33 Windows manufacturer 35 Go out with 36 Strewn 38 Like a well-fitting suit 42 D’back or Card 43 Aggies and steelies 48 British rule in India 50 Temple U. setting 51 Bold


52 “Ready or not, here __!” 53 Ordered takeout, say 54 NCOs two levels above cpl. 56 Exec’s rackful 57 Breeze 58 Zagreb’s country, to the IOC 59 Blazin’ Blueberry drink brand



LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Tuesday, October 25, 2011



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

LIVE ON THE EDGE... of downtown. 1BDRM all utilities included, parking, laundry, gated. $580/mo. 802 Gold SW. 577-4730. Across from Flying Star.

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities. $455/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com

TIRED OF EXPENSIVE vehicle repair? Mobile Mechanic will come to you. 30 + yrs bumper to bumper experience. Also buy broken vehicles. 304-4365.

Houses For Rent

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.


WHY RENT? FIRST time home buyers $500 down through MFA call John 4502878. Thomson Real Estate.

HOMESHARE: FULLY FURNISHED. Private Room/Bath. Use of Living/Dining/Kitchen/Patio. Grill/sauna. No smoking/pets. Includes Internet/Laundry/Utilities/Off-street-parking. 4 miles from UNM. Walk to busline/shopping. $500/mo. 550-8701.

EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.FreeCarJobs.com

For Sale

!FITNESS/WELLNESS COACH! P/T. Not hourly job. Potential to earn $500 to $2500+ per month. Training available. Recruiter: Stella. 505-220-5841.

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available for immediate move in! Female only. For more information call or text 505-3777653.

GOOD COFFEE, GOOD health. Organo Gold Coffee. 505-406-7256.

LOOKING FOR EASY-going, clean person to share our 4BDRM, 2BA house. $270/mo +1/4utilities +$200deposit. Available November 1st. Monterey/Girard near Walgreen’s and Smiths. japjihundal1@gmail.com

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 366-8391. 4125 Lead SE. UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $515. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

Announcements FEEL BETTER AT 277-3013. Agora Helpline. www.agoracares.com WARREN MILLER’S...”LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW.” Oct. 29, 7PM. La Cueva HS Tickets $10.00. Call 573-2232. STRATEGIC BOARDGAME UNION Chess, Go, Shogi. www.wix.com/sbuunm/strate gicboardgamesunion

Fun Food Music TUESDAY’S OPEN MIC Night at Brickyard Pizza! Acoustic, all styles welcome, spoken word and comedy. 8:3011:30. 2216 Central Ave SE.

CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1BDRM. $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685. A MUST SEE. Very Comfortable. Clean, private efficiency. $500/mo. 2 miles from UNM and CNM. Has washer/dryer hook up. D/W. Sky lights. Garden windows. Gated private off-street parking. Covered patio. Doggie door. Must be clean. Ample storage 9ft by 7ft and 17ft by 34in. 869-3771 or 975-0554. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Lobo Hockey vs Air Force

Friday @ 8pm Saturday @ 8pm Outpost Ice Arena


1BR/STUDIO APARTMENT FOR rent. Unique, open layout.1 Block from UNM! Shared back courtyard space $800/mo Includes Utilities. No dogs please Call 246-9196 to see. 1 BLOCK UNM. 1BDRM duplex. Skylights, driveway parking. $525/mo includes utilities. 299-7723.

For info: (505) 304-3978 new mexico

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, wood floors, W/D, $750/mo + utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

Jobs Off Campus

DO YOU SPEAK Turkish? Will pay for short translation. Call Danny 307 3491.

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.


Vehicles For Sale 1997 TOYOTA TACOMA 4x4 SR5 V6 Truck, 168K, 5 speed manual selling for $6500. Got fixed up and runs great. Call or text 505-225-0474.

Rooms For Rent

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM available at end of semester. Female only. Sophomore or older. Contact Ally if interested 505-401-7682.

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Property For Sale

BARTENDER THEFT DETECTION Agent (experienced bartenders only). Apply: www.eyespyspotter.com

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

Health and Wellness

ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM 1.5BA. 1 mile from UNM. Utilities, internet, and cable included. No pets. $435/mo. 505974-7476. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $410/mo. High speed Internet, 1/4 utilities. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40&I-25. tkuni@unm.edu

For Sale 2 PAIRS OF men’s Ecko Jeans size 36x34. $25. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369. 1 PAIR NSS Skate shoes (Looks like Vans skate shoes) Size 13, worn once. MSRP $40, asking $20. For more information and pictures, text 505-307-1369. 1 PAIR VANS Button fly Skinny Jeans size 38x34, Never Worn. $25. For more information and pictures text 505-3071369. SEAGATE EXTERNAL DRIVE. 1.0TB. PC compatible Only. Never Used. $100. amalcolm@unm.edu for inquiries. APPLE IMAC G5/2.1 20-Inch (iSight). FinalCut. Mac OS X Snow Leopard. $500. amalcolm@unm.edu for inquiries. 1 PAIR PLAID brown Ecko shorts size 38 waist, Never Worn. $10. For more information and pictures text 505-3071369. 1 ECKO JACKET sixe XL. $15. For more information and pictures text 505307-1369. 1 PAIR OF men’s Phat Farm Denim Shorts size 34. $6. For more information and pictures text 505-307-1369.

SELLING SOMETHING? STUDENTS are looking to buy your items! Advertise to them here by calling 505-277-5656 or emailing classifieds@dailylobo.com

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. REGULAR PART-TIME Tutor PoolChemistry Program (0601060) – ACE. Responsibilities: Tutors assist students individually and in small groups in the review of course material, solving of problems, and preparing for tests. Organizing and conducting study groups; introducing study skills strategies; developing and facilitating skills development workshops; researching and selecting learning materials, textbooks, software, and equipment to facilitate tutoring; assisting in maintaining and circulating audio visual and software materials; providing point-of-use guidance to users in selecting materials to fit their individual learning needs. Participating in required tutor training sessions per term or term break and staying current with CNM’s texts, materials, and policies; Team or Task Force participation is encouraged as well as participation in CNM opportunities for professional growth and development. Participation in the New Mexico Education Retirement Act (NMERA) is required of each CNM employee. Salary: $11.18 per hour. Requirements: Successful completion of 30-hours of post-secondary course work from an accredited institution. Coursework must include General Chemistry I & II, Organic, and Biochemistry or equivalent. Transcripts verifying these specific courses are required at time of application. Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills. Ability to relate one-to-one and in small groups utilizing a variety of tutorial methods. Deadline for application: Open Until Filled. Central New Mexico Community College provides an excellent benefit package that includes: a pension plan, health, dental and vision insurance, disability and life insurance. A complete job announcement detailing required application documents is available at jobs.cnm.edu or at CNM Human Resources 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.

Flu Shot Clinic Starts at: 10:00am Location: UNM SUB Atrium Free flu shots for students, staff and faculty (anyone 18 years old or older). Sponsored by Student Health & Counseling. Information: shac.unm.edu or 277-7925.

NANNY WANTED. RESPONSIBLE woman wanted to help with childcare including transportation in the AM and PM hours. Some help with homework and cooking also needed. Hours would include: 7:15 - 9:00 am and 3:20 - 7:00 pm. 7:45 pm. on Tues. $800 per month. Please call Kelly @ 505-5739842. WAIT STAFF PT/ FT for busy lunch cafe. Apply at Model Pharmacy, corner of Lomas and Carlisle.

LOVELACE RESPIRATORY RESEARCH Institute is seeking a Radiological Control Technician I who will support the area of radiological protection ensuring compliance with state & federal regulations by measuring, assessing, & documenting radiological conditions in the workplace. A Bachelor’s degree in health physics or radiological science and 1 year experience or an Associate’s Degree (AAS) with 3 years experience as a radiological control technician highly desired.Training in shipping Class 7 materials under both DOT and IATA is desired. Apply online at www.lrri.org & reference Job #S6911, or Fax 505-348-4966, or mail: HR Office, LRRI, 2425 Ridgecrest Drive SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. EOE/AA, M/F/D/V. ALPHABET JUNCTION IS looking for P/T childcare providers. Will work around schedules. Apply in person. 1200C Candelaria NE. !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending Academy, 3724 Eubank NE. www.newmexicobartending.com 2924180.

Pinpoint the future of your business...

Jobs On Campus

PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION Services is looking for a temporary Cashier to assist with business office transactions for the 2011-2012 academic year. This temporary position will last between 3 to 6 months and starts at $9.00/hr. Applicants must be available to work 40hr/week Monday-Friday. If you have previous cash handling and balancing experience, enjoy working with the general public, and want to work in an environment which encourages teamwork and commitment to excellence, come join us! To apply, please visit http://unmjobs.unm.edu posting #0812901.

Volunteers UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Teresa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 2691074 (HRRC 09-330).

DAILY LOBO new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico

...Daily Lobo Advertising can help get you there,

GENERAL CONTRACTOR NEEDS a P/T person who has a minimum of 1 to 2 years experience with Server 2008/2011 and networking. Must be proficient with MS Office products experience with Sage Masterbuilder a plus, but not required. 20 to 30hrs/wk. With flexible hours. Starting pay: $15/hr. If interested submit resume to pdavis@ecinm.com

277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com

!!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training available. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Getting Started with ePublishing— FREE Information Session Starts at: 5:15pm Location: UNM Continuing Education For more information contact: Caroline Orcutt, Program Supervisor at (505) 277-6037 or visit http://dce.unm.edu/digital-arts.htm.

MCM ELEGANTE CURRENTLY hiring for: banquet servers F/T and on call, restaurant and cocktail servers P/T, sales coordinator, sales manager, room attendants, housemen, laundry attendants, pool attendants, maintenance, HVAC technician, cook F/T (experience required), assistant executive housekeeper and chief engineer. Apply within. 2020 Menaul BLVD NE

EARN $$$ SELLING delicious nutritional shakes. 505-250-5807.

ANDROID/ IPHONE APP developer for contract position. Call Jeremy at 505515-7029 for more info.

LOBO LIFE Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 3:30pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment.


PAIR OF WOMEN’S NIKE shoes size 5. Black with light pink. Worn once, excellent condition. $20, OBO. Text 505-3071369 for pictures and more information.

3716 MESA VERDE NE. Available 8/1/11 , 4-5BDRM 1.75BA near UNM. $1150/mo obo + deposits. 602-7938666.

MATH/ CHEMISTRY TUTOR. Excellent communicator. K-College. 505-205-9317. ABORTION AND COUNSELING Services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512.


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TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

STATE FARM INSURANCE Near UNM. 3712 Central SE. Student Discounts. 232-2886. www.mikevolk.net

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Event Calendar

for October 25, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! COMMUNITY EVENTS Law La Palooza Free Legal Fair Starts at: 12:00pm Location: Convention Center Ballrooms B & C The Pro Bono Committee of the Second Judicial District Court will host this free clinic. The event runs from noon to 6 pm. Parking is free in the Convention Center parking lot.

IndieQ at the KiMo returns with Alex Buono Starts at: 7:00pm Location: KiMO Theatre Come join us for an exciting evening with Alex Buono, Director of Photography for the Saturday Night Live Film Unit, as he speaks about using Canon HD DSLRs to shoot for SNL.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

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