NM Daily Lobo 110810

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

The walking dead see page 2


November 8, 2010


The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Disability standards too pricey Campus not in tune with all accessibility regulations by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

UNM’s push to make campus fully handicapped accessible is made more difficult by insufficient funding, University officials said. Leslie Donovan, University Honors Program associate professor, relies on a power wheelchair and said she experiences campus accessibility issues every day. She said handicapped parking is a major issue. “Almost all the places on campus are nominally accessible, but often in a very difficult way,” she said. “People who use wheelchairs have a hard time parking anywhere on campus. There are simply not enough spaces. If you can’t park in a handicapped space where you can get your ramp down, you end up having to go long distances to get where you need to be.” The University formed a committee in 1994 to transition the campus to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 guidelines for accessibility. Mary Kenney, planning and campus development officer, said the committee’s legislative funding has been cut off for the past two years. “We take accessibility very seriously,” she said. “We try to make sure that we are addressing the most critical needs on campus and doing what we can with the limited resources we have.” Enacted in 1990, the ADA is a federal civil rights law that prohibits disability discrimination, and its guidelines serve as minimum requirements for facility handicapped access, according to the United States Access Board website. University Planning chairs the UNM Facility Access Committee and Kenney said it is charged with managing UNM’s progress toward full compliance with ADA guidelines, prioritizing unresolved accessibility issues and reviewing construction plans to ensure accessibility. The committee got funding from the state Legislature to spend on addressing ADA requirements, but in the last two years funding has decreased, and the committee relies on personal sponsors, Kenney said. “As we assess particular areas of campus that have critical needs, the committee then has to approach UNM leadership,” she said. “We make recommendations as to what needs to be done and how can we find funding.” Committee member Mark Manzutto said the committee worked to make classrooms and lecture halls

see Accessibility page 5

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 54

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo UNM defensive end Jaymar Latchison celebrates with teammates and fans at University Stadium. The Lobos defeated Wyoming 34-31 on Saturday for UNM’s first win of the season.

E-waste removed the responsible way by Sofia Sanchez sanchez@unm.edu

UNM gave community members a chance to recycle electronic waste for free this weekend at the Annual Ewaste Recycling event. UNM Resource Conservation Manager Linda McCormick said electronics become obsolete quickly, and getting rid of e-waste responsibly is essential. “We are here to help with UNM’s sustainability efforts, so e-waste can be responsibly disposed,” she said. ”People will recycle and do the right thing if you make it easy for them and convenient, and since this is free with very few exceptions, it’s easy. We bring the recycling to them.” E-waste is the fastest-growing type of waste in municipal areas, and it grows about 3 to 5 percent every year, according to the Enchantment Electronic Recycling website. Americans are estimated to throw away 133,000 computers every day, the site said, and one cell phone can contaminate 40,000 gallons of drinking water. Student volunteer Nick Plazola said the event encourages youth to get involved and brings awareness to recycling electronics. “This is a perfect event,” he said. “You just come. We do all the lifting for you, and you are gone. It’s as simple as that. We need young people to take the initiative to do these things and give back to their community.” Event volunteers accepted TVs, computer monitors, laptops and printers among other electronics. They sent them sent to places like Albuquerque Recycling Inc., where they were broken down to their commodity levels and recycled. Janet Estepp, president of Albuquerque Recycling Inc., said city businesses need to get involved with the recycling program. “We are trying to keep e-waste out of landfills,” she said. “We are encouraging businesses to do work-place recycling events, when employees come in with their ewaste we will be there to pick it up.”

Stephanie Gonzales / Daily Lobo Jesus Ramirez, left, and Andres Lopez load old TVs and stereos to be recycled in A lot on Saturday. The student group Net Impact is collecting electronic waste for recycling.



So far, so good

Oakland protests

See page 9

See page 7


68 |42



photo essay DIA DE LOS MUERTOS

Robert Maes / Daily Lobo

hibit: Zarek Nove Kummer, 11, rides his decorated bike at the parade in the South Valley during the Dia de los Muertos on Sunday.

Hoop dancer Alaska Piper spins her hula hoops as part of a larger dance group walking the Marigold Parade on Sunday. The South Valley parade celebrates Dia de los Muertos every Junfu Han / Daily Lobo year.

To see more parade photos, visit www.dailylobo.com.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 54

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Leah Valencia Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Ruben Hamming-Green Chelsea Erven Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Elizabeth Cleary Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Sales Manager Nick Parsons


The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Rituals of the Land & Spirit Photo Exhibit by Professor Miguel Gandert Inspired by Rudolfo Anaya’s Bless Me, Ultima

Opening Reception

November 8, 2010 · 2:00 – 3:00

Gallery of Design · George Pearl Hall Free · Visit online or call 277-3551

A Lobo Reading Experience www.unm.edu/~lre

DAILY LOBO new mexico



Breastfeeding Peer Support Group Starts at: 10:00am Location: Women’s Resource Center For students, staff and faculty as well as breastfeeding mothers, breastfeeding students, and nursing mothers from the community.

CAPS Grad Writing: Annotated Bibliography Workshop Starts at: 11:00am Location: DSH 317 Bring one or two textual sources (article, chapter, etc.). We’ll go over criteria for excellent annotated bibliographies and explore writing strategies.

Howl Raisers Student Org. Meeting Starts at: 3:00pm Location: SUB, Isleta Room Join the Howl Raisers every Wednesday as we discuss upcoming events and promotions. Free pizza! For info. visit www.GoLobos.com

Event Calendar

for November 8, 2010 Planning your day has never been easier! Dental Impression & Model Workshop Starts at: 6:00pm Location: SUB, Mirage/Thunderbird The UNM Pre-Dental Society is hosting a dental impression workshop where local dentists will teach techniques for taking dental impressions and making models. This event is for students interested in dentistry.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com

2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, November 8, 2010 / Page 3

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K L A W ON ! R E V O


LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Monday November 8, 2010

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Does the interception of packages of bombs addressed to synagogues in Chicago and other American cities make you feel any less safe? Yes



65% Out of 26 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: What should be New Mexico governorelect Susana Martinez’s first order of business? Immigration The economy Education Something else





Open Access means no more waiting around

Author’s poorly researched letter offers little substance Editor, Todd Goldblum’s letter to the editor, “The ‘single-state’ solution to Middle East conflict is violent,” in which he accuses Ali Abunimah of “hate and destruction,” is indicative of the kind of one-sided thinking that justifies an illegal and brutal occupation. Rather than take responsibility for his false and biased beliefs by researching this subject, Goldblum relies on universally discredited Zionist myths that are deliberately designed to create hatred toward, and destruction of the Palestinian people. He claims to be pro-peace and pro-Palestinian, yet his entire argument — from the UN Partition plan to the Arab invasion in 1948 to the 2000 Camp David Summit — is a testament to propaganda and prejudice. If Goldblum was really interested in “equal rights” and a “brighter future” for Palestinian children, he would have the common decency to study the Israel-Palestine conflict’s documented history. Israeli state, Central Zionist, David BenGurion, Israeli Defense Forces and many other Israeli archives reveal the lies that have induced Goldblum to support policies that are anchored in unequal rights for Palestinians. They are intended to create a bleak future for their children. Furthermore, he would apologize for slandering a sincere human rights activist. Rich Forer Daily Lobo reader Author of “Breakthrough: Transforming Fear Into Compassion - A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict”

EDITORIAL BOARD Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Leah Valencia News editor

“We sew up wounds, splint sprains, give intravenous fluids and asthma treatments.”

by Peggy Spencer, M.D. Daily Lobo Columnist You might have noticed that things are a little different at Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) this year. We have implemented a new system called

Open Access. Here is how it works: You can still call 277-3136 for appointments with your favorite provider. We recommend that you do that for non-urgent matters and follow-up care for long-term health issues, but if you are sick or hurt today, just come in. If you are severely ill or badly hurt, you will be seen right away in our ASAP clinic. That is where we sew up wounds, splint sprains, give intravenous fluids and asthma treatments and take care of other emergencies. If you have a cold or other less urgent problem, you will be given an appointment time for the same day. This means you don’t have to sit in the lobby until your turn comes up, like in our old walk-in system. You can go off to class or lunch and come back at a designated time, and be seen promptly by one of our providers. No more waiting around in crowds of coughing people. The earlier you come in to get your sameday appointment, the better, since our appointments tend to fill up by the end of the day. We open at 8 a.m. every day, except Tuesdays when we open at 9 a.m. In the worst case

scenario, if you come in late in the day, you might get routed to an appointment slot for the next day. But hey, where else in town can you get health care within 24 hours of presenting yourself at the door, without waiting for hours on end in an ER or urgent care center? We are still working out a few kinks, but soon you will also have the option to make a same-day appointment on the phone. Stay tuned. We’re excited about our Open Access system. We have already noticed an improvement in efficiency and patient flow. Please let us know what you think. Call 277-3136 with questions. Peggy Spencer, MD, has been a UNM student health physician for 17 years. Drop your questions in her box in the lobby of Student Health and Counseling, or e-mail her at pspencer@unm.edu. All questions will be considered, and all questioners will remain anonymous. This column has general health information only and cannot replace a visit to a health care provider.


Respect runs deeper than modesty, uterus Editor, I’m writing in response to Muhajir Romero’s Nov. 5 letter, “If women want respect, they should put clothes on.” For all of its admirable brevity (I like writers who get to the point), this opinion contained a number of troubling assertions that I thought deserved a public rebuttal. I am a man, and want to make it clear that I don’t endorse Romero’s logic. Romero acknowledged this country’s troubled state of gender relations. This is uncontroversial: It is clear that the terms “man” and “woman” are undergoing profound changes. Women, in particular, are caught in an awkward state: They are subjected to competing and contradictory cultural expectations that simultaneously demand chastity and celebrate sexuality. The problem, as anyone who

watches MTV can certainly agree, is one of respect. Simply put, too many men don’t respect women, and too many women don’t respect women. Romero certainly isn’t remiss in dealing with this issue. The problem comes about when he tries to assign blame and explain the women’s value. In his letter, Romero blamed the problem solely on women. He argued that it is women’s fault that they aren’t respected because they dress inappropriately. In other words, the fault lies not on those doing the disrespecting, but their targets. In dismissing male contributions to the respect problem as the actions of “one or two brothers,” Romero missed the collective responsibility we all share for the problem. Troubled gender relations aren’t just the work of a few men or women, and it is not just men or just women’s faults. We all bear a measure of responsibility for it. To say that women shouldn’t be respected

if they don’t dress according to Romero’s standards would be to misunderstand the problem and unfairly puts the onus on women. Just reading Romero’s argument, it would seem he believes that women should be respected for only two things: their conforming to his standards of dress and their wombs. I’m not exaggerating. The only problem that Romero had with his “brothers” treating women in a degrading manner was that, in doing so, they failed to “respect the womb that bore (them).” So never mind that you should respect a woman for her intellect, her strength or her passion. You should only respect a woman if she dresses modestly and has a uterus. Heaven forbid that a woman wears a lowcut top and doesn’t plan on having children. I’ve tried to treat Romero’s argument charitably, but I find myself unable to do so at this point. Van Snow UNM student

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.



more handicapped friendly and mapped campus access routes that need change. He said campus accessibility is not perfect. “We have a lot of great, hardworking individuals who are chasing down every issue,� Manzutto said. “We deal with issues on a case-bycase basis. The budget is definitely our greatest challenge, but we are doing everything we can.� At Dane Smith Hall, handicapped parking spaces are yards away from the nearest door, but the door opens to a flight of stairs. The nearest ramp and accessible entrance is around the corner, across an expanse of grass. The Communications and Journalism building has one handicapped parking space near an entrance, but the handicapped-accessible entrance and elevator are on the other side of the building. ADA section four, standard 6.2,


Cameras back on watch but not for speeders ALBUQUERQUE — The red light cameras in Albuquerque will be turned back on early Friday morning. They were turned off on Oct. 26 when a contract with Redflex Traffic Systems Inc. expired. The city council then voted on Monday to offer a four-month contract extension. The cameras will begin snapping red-light runners at 12:01 a.m. Friday. Now, the cameras will no longer be used to cite speeders and will operate at only 14 intersections, not 17. The decision to abandon the speeding component and reduce the number of intersections is based on a University of New Mexico study of the program.

Las Cruces cops crack down on tinted windows LAS CRUCES — Las Cruces police are cracking down on

states that, “Accessible parking requests for things to be fixed. spaces serving a particular build“They do their best, but often it ing shall be located on the short- takes several years for anything to est accessible route of travel from happen,� she said. “And the bonds adjacent parking to an accessible that didn’t pass in this election just entrance.� mean that they’re going to have even Donovan said Mesa Vista Hall less money to make alterations.� and Hokona have lifts instead of elThe ADA says facilities that have evators where only a few stairs con- not been modified or altered since nect sections of the buildings. the bill was passed are obliged to “The lifts are old, and no one comply, but many of the dorms are knows how to work them, or they not handicapped accessible, UNM are key-operated, and no one has housing spokesman Bobby Childers Exhibit: Nove the key,� Donovan said. “Trying to said. He said four SRC apartfigure out how to get down two or ments and Redondo Village are the three stairs can take an hour. Just only dorms that are handicapped a couple little steps and you’re accessible. stuck.� “We are still fully in compliance ADA section 4, standard 11.3, because the newer halls meet the states that “If platform lifts are standards,� he said. “Getting the oldused, then they shall facilitate un- er halls up to compliance is always assisted entry, operation and exit something we consider, but the realfrom the lift.� ity is the expense is just too great.� Donovan said she often makes vehicles with windows that are tinted too much. The southern New Mexico city allows front-window tinting that blocks 80 percent of the sunlight. Police Chief Richard Williams says enforcement has been limited, aside from a few citations where tinting was considered a contributing factor in crashes.

APD: Sergeant arrested for allegedly abusing ex-wife ALBUQUERQUE. — A sergeant with the Bernalillo County Sheriff ’s Office was arrested on allegations that he slammed the door of his county-issued car on his ex-wife’s arm. Sgt. Augustine Lucero was arrested Thursday by Albuquerque police and has been placed on administrative leave pending an internal investigation. Police say Lucero and his ex-wife got into an argument after taking their daughter to an urgent care center. A criminal complaint says the argument turned physical after his ex-wife opened his car’s back door as he was backing up. That’s when Lucero allegedly got out of the car and slammed the door on her arm repeatedly.









Bless Me, Ultima On Stage

UNM Night: November 11, 2010 · 7:00 p.m.

National Hispanic Cultural Center Only UNM Night is free with UNM ID For tickets call 277-3551

A Lobo Reading Experience www.unm.edu/~lre Click on EVENTS

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Page 6 / Monday, November 8, 2010

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Porn show organizers: Even “censored” too risky by Andrew Lyman alyman@unm.edu

What started as an annual film festival that showcased adult films has become a battle for self expression and free speech. After canceling the event known as Pornotopia, organizers said they also decided to cancel a censored version of the event that was planned for Nov. 5. Molly Adler and Matie Fricker, owners of the sexual resource center Self Serve, said they became concerned that the city would cite and punish those involved in “Pornotopia CENSORED,” a less explicit version of the original event, Fricker said. “The performers didn’t feel safe performing,” Fricker said. While looking for a location that was properly zoned for adult amusement, organizers and supporters planned to hold an event at the

Sunshine Theater downtown. The event would have included burlesque stars and skits about free speech, but not adult films, the organizers said. On Self Serve’s blog, Self Serve(d), Adler and Fricker wrote that city officials made it clear zoning officials would attend the event and would most likely shut it down. “Veiled threats have been made against the Sunshine Theater and against our performers,” they wrote. Adler and Fricker have been in contact with the Mayor Berry’s office as well as zoning officials in an attempt to better understand the zoning laws, Adler said. She said they are not trying to fight with the City, but instead seek to work within the system to hold the event. “We’re trying to see the big picture,” Adler said. “The laws are hard to follow.” Joe Anderson, the promoter for the Sunshine Theater, said the owner

of the Sunshine’s building received letters from the city’s zoning department implying that they would be cited for zoning violations. He said he was disappointed that it could not happen. “I’m hoping they’ll be able to regroup,” Anderson said. “They were planning on having an exciting classic porn festival.”

“Our city is so diverse; it should be able to support this.” ~Molly Adler Self Serve co-owner The Sunshine has had events that included burlesque performances before, Anderson said. He

said he thought the city seemed more concerned with shutting down the festival instead of other issues downtown. “It seems like they would rather have shootings and stabbings,” Anderson said. Division Manager of Code Enforcement Matthew Conrad said a letter was sent to the property owners where the Sunshine is located that outlined the zoning code. According to the zoning codes, it is the property manager who is responsible for zoning violations and fines, Conrad said. He said the notification sent out was to inform the property owner that citations could be issued if violations occur. This is not the first time a notice like this was sent out, he said. “We sent out one just last week,” Conrad said. “Someone was planning on having raves in a building zoned for office space.”


Conrad said he provided the organizers with a list of suitable spaces zoned for this type of event. While they are zoned appropriately for adult amusement, he said he did not know if they would meet fire codes. “I can’t speak for the fire marshal,” he said. Laura Schauer Ives, the managing staff attorney with ACLU New Mexico, said the laws regarding zoning are complicated and hard to understand. She said the codes are prohibiting conduct of the performers but not the public. “According to the laws, a bikini could possibly not be allowed,” she said. Adler said she is hopeful that they will be able to find an appropriate venue before the end of the year. “We have a great film festival ready to go,” Adler said. “Our city is so diverse; it should be able to support this.”

The Daily Lobo is accepting applications for culture reporters. Visit Unmjobs.unm. edu to apply.

Friday’s story, “ASUNM: Don’t demolish,” failed to mention that the decision of whether and when to demolish Santa Ana Hall will be left up to the Board of Regents.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, November 8, 2010 / Page 7

Oakland takes to the streets by Susan Thanawala and Trevor Hunnicutt Associated Press

OAKLAND, Calif. — Looking out her front window in a usually quiet residential neighborhood in this city, Deanna Goldstein’s knees began to shake. More than 100 protesters were hemmed in by police in riot gear. A trash can was blazing on the street. “I came home early from downtown to get away from the craziness, but the craziness came to me,” she said. In the past, the violent protests over a white transit officer’s slaying of an unarmed black man trashed downtown Oakland businesses. But after Johannes Mehserle on Friday received the minimum two-year sentence for slaying Oscar Grant, angry demonstrators marched into residential areas near Lake Merritt for the first time, putting innocent people in harm’s way. Police arrested 152 protesters, including seven juveniles, on suspicion of crimes including vandalism, unlawful assembly and disturbing the peace. Oakland police spokesman Jeff Thomason said 56 of those arrested were from outside the city. Investigators will be reviewing video and

cordon, and later found the front windshield of her car damaged. “I’m glad I wasn’t here,” she said outside her home Saturday, as Oakland City trash collectors made their way through the area picking up debris. The arrests began around 8 p.m. on Friday after officers were pelted with rocks and bottles. One officer had his gun taken from him in a fight and another was hit by a car and suffered what police described as a nonlife-threatening injury, Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts said. He said the violence was confined to a “small number of people” and most protesters remained peaceful. There were no additional reports of unrest overnight. “People do not have a right to tear this city up,” Batts said in a statement. “Oakland already has a lot of pain, and it’s not fair. This city has been torn up too many times.” The Mehserle case drew comparisons to the 1991 videotaped beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers, which inflamed a racial divide and led to rioting. The shooting of Grant by Mehserle on a train station platform on New Year’s Day 2009 was captured on cell phone video taken by bystanders and widely broadcast on television and the Internet.


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Paul Sakuma / AP Photo Entree or Favorite Demonstrator Gregory Nash holds a sign after the sentencing of former Bay Area Rapid Transit Get 1Buy Entree police officer1 Johannes Mehserle in Oakland,& Calif., on Friday. Mehserle was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the fatal shooting of Oscar Grant at a BART station on Jan. 1, 2009. for ½ Price* Get ½ off 2nd Entree of Original * Location or lesser value* SAVING 5016 Bequal Lomas NE expires 10/01/04

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photographs of protesters damaging property to help prosecutors file charges, he said. A “Justice for Oscar Grant” community meeting Saturday night at the Olivet Missionary Baptist Church in Oakland drew about three dozen people, including at least one person who was arrested Friday. Yvette Felarca said she was taken into custody while simply standing in the crowd with a megaphone. “I was arrested for protesting and demanding justice for Oscar Grant,” she said. After the meeting, Minister Keith Muhammad expressed disappointment with the sentence, as well as the judge’s decision in the case. Police said they were not anticipating more violence. “But we’re prepared for it, just in case,” said Sgt. Bobby Hookfin. Hookfin did not elaborate on what those preparations were. Residents who woke up to broken car windows and littered streets were left asking why protesters chose their neighborhood and how it became engulfed in violence. Nai Saelee, 28, said she was shocked to see that her neighborhood, made up of mostly one- and two-story homes and low-rise apartment complexes, was affected. The school teacher was kept from getting to her house by a police


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Page 8 / Monday, November 8, 2010


New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo volleyball

Last-ditch digs offer sweet revenge by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

This time wasn’t like last time. After dropping a 3-0 decision to TCU on the road Oct. 8, the UNM volleyball team steamrolled the Horned Frogs 3-0 Friday at Johnson Center. It was UNM’s fifth straight win, moving it into second place in the Mountain West Conference at 16-8 overall and 8-3 in conference, while TCU dropped to 13-12 over and 4-7 in the MWC. “We all got together before the game and decided that we weren’t going to lose this one,” senior setter Jade Michaelsen said. “Last time, we felt like we made too many errors and gave them the match. We decidUNM 3 ed that this time 0 TCU was going to be a whole new ball game.” The Lobos and Horned Frogs battled to a 14-14 tie in Game 1. After rallying off a string of three points thanks to two TCU errors and a kill by junior middle blocker Ashley Rhoades, UNM took the lead for good at 17-14. The Lobos never looked back, and took Game 1 25-22.


Men’s Soccer

defeated UNLV 3-2

Women’s Soccer

won the Moutain West Conference and took 2nd in the MWC Tournament defeating UNLV 2-1

Swimming & Diving

defeated N. Colorado 136-102


defeated TCU 3-0

Get your pub on! From the Page to the Word: The Second Annual UNM Student Publications Fair Live readings from : Blue Mesa Reveiw Conceptions Southwest Best Student Essays Scribendi Live perfromances: The Lobo Slam Team SCRAP Productions performing the nonfiction of Best Student Essays Composers featured in Conceptions Southwest


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turnovers negated much of the 53 yards they gained. On one of Wyoming’s five 40plus-yard plays, Robert Herron ran to UNM’s two-yard line on a 68-yard run down. One play later, he fumbled. The turnover set up an Aho 51-yard field goal. The Cowboys marched back into Lobo territory, but Herron fumbled again inside the red zone.


defeated Eastern NM 80-58 Manchester 107-62

two touchdowns, ran in from five yards out to give the Lobos a 31-24 lead. Wyoming scored on its next drive. But defensive end Seth Johannemann forced Carta-Samuels to fumble, giving the Lobos the ball at the 11-yard line. “You have to create turnovers, and I have said that from day one,” Locksley said.

from page 12


Men’s Basketball

“Whenever we can give the ball to our offense and get momentum for them, it’s great,” Lobo middle linebacker Carmen Messina said. “That’s what we are supposed to do on defense: stop the ball and create turnovers, and stop them from scoring.” UNM pulled ahead late in the fourth quarter. Godfrey, who finished 16-of-20 and threw for

Thursday 7:30 p.m. Johnson Center

from page 12

Godfrey showed a knack for improvisation, tucking the ball and trucking for a five-yard touchdown to give UNM a 31-24 advantage with 8:16 left in the game. Poised, he then engineered what might be the defining drive of the season — not an easy-button task for young quarterbacks. “You just got to believe in yourself and believe in your team,” Godfrey said, explaining how he kept his wits about him during that fateful drive. “You got to believe that coaches are going to make a good


outside the Lobos’ locker room. That’s it? For now, that’s all that needs to be said. On this night, the Lobos were better. Godfrey knew it, but he still couldn’t bear to watch the last four seconds, as Aho’s kick spiraled toward its ending point. “I kept my head down,” he said. But unlike other nights, Godfrey’s head popped back up. The “fire Mike Locksley” flames have been contained. This threeweek push will tell whether they can be exterminated.

Volleyball vs. Colorado State


Lobo Winners!

call to be in scoring position. Once you do that — and everybody executes — the others do the rest.” What the Lobos do with the rest of the season, though, might determine whether Locksley returns next year or gets a pink slip. A man of declarative statements, Athletics Director Paul Krebs said little about the win when asked for comment at the conclusion of Saturday’s game. “It’s great,” he said, before disappearing to mingle with fans, donors and boosters who greeted him

Up Next


Last Week’s

would put it to the floor.” Because of Greeks at the Game Night and Parents’ Weekend celebrations, more than 2,500 fans were on hand to cheer UNM to victory. “Hands down, we have the greatest fans,” Rhoades said. “Our team builds off the energy, and it gets us pumped up and excited to play. Tonight was no exception.” The Lobos are a perfect 5-0 at home in conference, with perhaps their biggest test still ahead of them. UNM faces off against No. 18 Colorado State on Thursday, having lost to the Rams 3-0 on Oct. 16, in Colorado Springs, Colo. “We’re on a roll right now,” Rhoades said. “We have a lot of momentum heading into Thursday’s game. CSU is a great team, and we’ll have to work really hard in practice this week if we want to come out on top.”


The Blue Hornets


Two Wheel Mondays




“It’s no secret that we’ve had some trouble in first games this season,” head coach Jeff Nelson said. “Instead of coming out on fire and ready to win, we like to see what the other team is going to do. We need to instill that passion — that winner’s mentality — from the first point.” UNM ran away with Games 2 and 3. The Lobos won handily 25-14 and 25-17, thanks to some spectacular diving saves by freshman defensive specialist Mariah Agre and junior libero Allison Buck. Agre finished the match with 13 digs, while Michaelsen chipped in 10 digs and Buck added eight. “Our back-row defense was solid,” Nelson said. “Jade, Allison and Mariah all had some great digs that kept us in points that we probably should not have won otherwise.” On the offensive end, Rhoades paced the Lobos with 12 kills on 20 attempts for a solid .550 hitting percentage. Meanwhile, senior middle blocker Taylor Hadfield chipped in 11 kills and two service aces. Senior Lisa Meeter and junior Kelly Williamson each added nine kills. “Our hitters did a nice job of getting the balls down,” Michaelsen said. “I would set them the ball, and they

Mark Mallman $3 Marble Drafts




Robert Maes / Daily Lobo UNM’s Jamal Fenton attempts a layup as teammate Curtis Dennis watches in the background Saturday. Fenton scored a game-high 23 points as the Lobos defeated Manchester College.

Outlook bright after win No. 2 by Shaun Griswold Shaun24@unm.edu

The lights finally went out during the UNM men’s basketball team’s player introductions, and the Lobos team kept Division III Manchester College in the dark. Coming off the bench, point guard Jamal Fenton directed the Lobos’ offense into high gear. He led all scorers with a career-high 18 points, and the Lobos rolled over the Spartans 107-62 on Saturday at The Pit. “He brings a lot of energy,� head coach Steve Alford said. “He gives us a different dimension. He can harass guards, and he’s got a lot of

deflection for us, and he can make shots. He’s a momentum changer coming off the bench for us.� In 19 minutes of play, Fenton was a perfect 8-of-8 from the free-throw line, had four assists, five steals and dazzled fans with a bevy of no-look passes. The Lobos shot 52 percent from the field, and held Manchester to just 32 percent. Fenton said he is a UNM 107 breath of fresh 62 NAU air when he replaces senior point guard Dairese Gary. “I bring some quickness to the game and try to get the crowd back into it sometimes,� Fenton said.

Up Next

Men’s Basketball vs. Detroit Saturday 7:30 p.m. The Pit

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Cornell Dr

“Dairese is just our general. He is like my big brother. I just try to follow him.� The Lobos started their final exhibition game much like their first: slow. The offense missed its first three field-goal attempts before forward A.J. Hardeman scored UNM’s first points on a contested layup. In the opening minutes, UNM was down two. But before long, the Lobos went on a 10-2 run, and the rout was on. “Eleven guys played, and I think everyone got three or more shots. It looks like we’re deep,� Alford said. “We got a lot of combination, and for the first time, I can really use that bench as motivation. We can rotate a lot of guys, and can go big, or we can play five guards.� UNM entered the half up 57-27. The Lobos extended their 30-point lead after two quick field goals from Philip McDonald and Curtis Dennis in the second half. McDonald eventually left the game with a bruised elbow, Alford said. Playing catch-up for much of the night, Manchester attempted NBArange 3-pointers throughout the night. Guard Mitch Schaefer found his favorite spot in the corner, his feet inches away from the out-ofbounds line. The Spartans would have been better off moving closer to the college line, as they shot just 12-of-36 from long range. With fewer than 12 minutes remaining in the second half, Manchester cut the Lobos’ lead to 23 after a 14-0 run. “There is always slippage (in the first few games),� Alford said. “I would much rather play fast now than slow. I will slow them down when we have to slow them down.� Manchester never drew closer. Emmanuel Negedu came off the bench and had a game-high eight rebounds. He finished with six points and a block. Manchester’s Tyler Delauder led the Spartans with 17 points. Alford said kinks still need to be ironed out before the official season opener. “These are things that we have to do as coaches to point out to (the players) and that are helpful to them,� he said. “If there was a negative in this game, I thought it was our transition defense.�

Harvard Dr

lobo men’s basketball

Monday, November 8, 2010 / Page 9

Yale Blvd

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Page 10 / Monday, November 8, 2010

lobo features

Mexico Daily Lobo

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Mal and Chad

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Solution to Friday’s Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Like 20 Questions questions 6 Put together, as a book 10 Ratchets (up) 14 Halloween option 15 Over, in Germany 16 Loughlin of “90210” 17 Last resort actions 20 Celery pieces 21 Icy space streakers 22 “The way I see it,” in online shorthand 24 Sorrow 25 __ moment: sudden realization 26 Vote against 27 2009 Clooney/Streep film based on a Roald Dahl book 31 Display ostentatiously 32 Landlord’s contract 33 Holler 34 “__ the season to be jolly ...” 35 Soccer moms’ transports 39 Malia Obama’s sister 42 Gripe and grouse 44 Scrunchie, e.g. 47 “One Day __ Time” 48 Pull a scam on 49 Dali display, say 50 Biblical beast 51 Abandon on an island 53 Giorgio known for snazzy suits 55 Kitschy lawn ornament 59 Peru’s capital 60 Message passed in class 61 Like some gases 62 Posing no challenge 63 Glittery rock style typified by David Bowie 64 Lymphatic tissue masses DOWN 1 Since Jan. 1, on a financial report

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47 More than enough 52 “The StarSpangled Banner” start 53 Mennen shaving lotion 54 El __: climate pattern 56 KFC’s Sanders, e.g. 57 Univ. sr.’s exam 58 NBA tiebreakers

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12 Monday November 8, 2010

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Ryan Tomari

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131

Justin Evans / Daily Lobo The UNM football team’s placeholder Ben Skaer places the football for Lobo kicker James Aho on Saturday. The 38-yard attempt was good as time expired and the Lobos defeated Wyoming 34-31 at University Stadium.


Kicker rekindles coach’s hopes in dramatic fashion by Isaac Avilucea

managingeditor@dailylobo.com The player who fanned the “fire Mike Locksley” flames by supposedly agreeing with a Facebook post encouraging UNM to go winless doused them just as quickly Saturday night at University Stadium. In converting a 38-yard, gameclinching field goal that gave the Lobos a 34-31 win over Wyoming, kicker James Aho — who expressed “full support for Coach Locks” after the story surfaced Oct. 13 — might have taken Locksley’s job off life support. “He’s one of our guys,” Locksley said. “He went out and he’s executed what he’s asked to do.” Yet after banging it through the uprights, the shy kicker was uptight. Aho was unavailable to the media, and declined an interview request through Assistant Sports Information Director Chris Deal. Weeks ago, Aho made headlines by allegedly responding to a post

COLUMN that UNM should lose the rest of its games so as to dismiss Locksley by saying, “ … not a word to say ‘cause I’m pretty sure the whole team feels this way.” He denied the post was his. Yet Saturday he ensured UNM wasn’t denied victory. Just as he did last year against Colorado State in Week 11, Aho delivered — except two games earlier. And it was against the Cowboys, a team one year removed from a bowl-winning season. In short order, Wyoming is a parable for the Lobos: Teams can progress and regress in a year’s time. But the question I continue to ponder: Is it too little too late? UNM concludes the season on Mountain West Conference death row, with games at BYU and Air Force, before returning home to face No. 3 TCU, which swiftly dispatched No. 5 Utah 47-7. None of that mattered Saturday. Perhaps it was Locksley’s heartfelt speech earlier in the week, but the Lobos — not competing for the post-season or even a .500 record — played with more than pride; they played like a team trying to save their head coach’s job.

“I told the team this week, ‘If you feel it’s coaching that’s holding our team back, we’ll overcome coaching,’” Locksley said. “The day before the game, I didn’t have anything to say to them. I walked out of the locker room. I said, ‘This is your team, your game. Play for each other. If you feel as though we can’t get you guys the victory you need, then band together and fight for a cause.’” Play with a cause they did. The effect: UNM looked like a competent college football team. The Lobos’ defense forced four turnovers — three of those coming inside UNM‘s 20-yard line. Bubba Forrest’s interception before the half meant that Wyoming led by just seven points heading into intermission. Emerging as a reliable threat, Locksley said, UNM witnessed the maturation of freshman quarterback Stump Godfrey. The fourth Lobo quarterback to start this year, Godfrey filled in for the injured B.R. Holbrook and orchestrated two lategame drives — one that gave the Lobos their first home fourth-quarter lead of the season, and the other that set up Aho’s kick.

see Finally page 8

Lobos show up for four quarters in first win by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com The UNM football team celebrated like it had won the BCS National Championship. Students leapt over rails, darting onto the field after kicker James Aho’s 38-yard field goal split the uprights as time expired against Wyoming on Saturday at University Stadium. The kick gave the Lobos a 34-31 victory. “Our guys played the way they are capable of playing for four quarters,” head coach UNM 34 Mike Locksley said. “One of WYOMING 31 the goals for us is to get a game into the fourth and give us a chance for victory, and I think that’s what we did today.” Set up by a fumble by Wyoming quarterback Austyn Carta-Samuels, the Lobos wound down the clock before Aho connected to boost the Lobos. It was one of the Cowboys’ four turnovers. For the fifth time in the past seven games, the Lobos scored first with

about five minutes left in the first quarter, as Kasey Carrier scampered in for a 10-yard touchdown run. Wyoming responded with 21 unanswered points before the end of the first half. Tailback Alvester Alexander scored on a 94-yard run, the second-longest in Wyoming history, to give the Cowboys a 21-7 lead. UNM freshman quarterback Stump Godfrey responded by hitting tight end Lucas Reed in the end zone with 49 seconds left in the half. Reed made an amazing one-handed grab to cut the deficit to seven before the half. “Our chemistry between me and him (Godfrey) is building, and he has made a lot of progress, especially in our situation of losing quarterbacks,” Reed said. The Cowboys had chances to bury the Lobos time and again, except

see Victory page 8


Football at Air Force Saturday 4 p.m. Fort Collins, Colo.

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