NM Daily Lobo 111512

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Succeeding at Seceding?


see page 4

November 15, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Layoffs cut safety positions

Undergrad senate election ends

Internal auditors called for slash to risk-department budget by Antonio Sanchez news@dailylobo.com

Six people in the Department of Safety and Risk Services have been laid off following an audit performed earlier this year. The University’s ongoing Safety and Risk Services (SRS) audit has led to six safety positions being cut from the department because the audit required UNM to have more departmental fiscal responsibility. The “Safety and Risk Services Audit of Operations and Compliance,” an audit begun by the University in 2011, called for a complete staff evaluation in the department, which is in charge of ensuring UNM facilities meet safety standards. SRS Interim Director Carla Domenici said the recent layoffs in the SRS department were part of the audit’s goal to balance its budget. “During the course of the year, we started really reviewing positions and that everybody was really working in their area, that they were really engaged and to make sure there wasn’t a duplication of effort,” Domenici said. “Because there is a lot to do in the area of safety but you want to make sure you have the right people in the right place and the right positions — those positions were (unnecessary) and that was the reason for those layoffs.” Domenici said the University created a committee to evaluate each position within the department in terms of its importance to furthering the department’s goals. The committee then chose which positions to cut accordingly. The department’s layoffs occurred between March and August of this year. Domenici said the layoffs within the department won’t hurt the safety and security of faculty, staff and students. “A layoff, when you really look at it, you have to look at it really carefully,” she said. “You don’t make these decisions overnight. At SRS we have a management team — with every decision, we talk about small things, but with something of this magnitude, we really looked to see whether we should do this and how we should do this and how it would affect UNM.” Domenici said that while the number of employees in the department has decreased, the SRS has strengthened its approach to campus safety. Despite the audit, she said the department is focusing on monthly laboratory safety inspections, along with an effort to educate all students about laboratory safety. “I can tell you that we are safer today than we have been in a while,” she said. “We’re involving faculty and we’re involving students, and what we’re looking at is making training available online for everyone.”

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 62

Adria Malcolm / @AdriaMalcolm / Daily Lobo Senator-elect Rachel Williams receives a hug from a fellow Senate member while Jillian Martinez ,right, and Ana Frias, left, wait to congratulate her. Williams said the elections results were a surprise because she received 525 votes, the second highest of any candidate.

Nine slate candidates and one independent elected by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

The ASUNM Senate welcomed six new members Wednesday night. The RISE slate, the only slate to run this semester, dominated the race. Nine out of RISE’s 10 candidates won a seat. RISE slate member Grace Liu received first place with 539 votes. Liu said that, because this was her first time running for the ASUNM Senate, she did not expect to win. “This is a complete shock,” she said. “I’m not expecting anything like this. This is crazy.” Liu said she was satisfied about the election’s results but it was unfortunate that one of the RISE candidates, Joe Stevens, lost. Incumbent Stevens came in 11th place and received 364 votes. Liu said she wants to improve UNM’s website and that she’s been working on this project

No. of Votes

since last semester. “I’ve been working … with the dean of students and we’ve been getting some ideas together,” she said. “But now it’s time to push it.” RISE slate member Rachel Williams won second place with 525 votes. She said that, because she was not qualified to run last semester, the victory was a surprise and that she’s excited to work on campus projects. “Senate just means the world to me, and I really want to help this University,” she said. “This University is my whole heart.” RISE slate member Malika Ladha said she congratulates all candidates for their hard work but she was disappointed because she expected that all RISE members would win. “We were able to get nine people from our slate elected,” she said. “It’s a really weird feeling actually.” Ladha said she will continue to fight New Mexico’s tuition credit in the Legislature. She said she will also work to improve the quality of academics at UNM. “We have the tuition credit frozen, but it’s still there,” she said. “We have a lot of input,

ELECTED Candidate No. of Votes


539 Grace Liu 484 Holly Marquez 525 Rachel Williams 480 Earl W. Shank 500 Taylor Bui 463 Colt Balok (I) 495 Tyler Crawley 420 Brandon Meyers 491 Malika Ladha 386 Wesley Martinez Original weaves

All the world is a stage

see Page 3

see Page 10

but we need to know how we’re going to go and what our next step is.” Colt Balok, a first-time senate candidate, was the only independent candidate out of the three who ran to win a seat. Bolok said running independently gave him an edge in the race because he was able to prove his courage and ambition as a candidate and that during his term, he wants to focus on parking and transportation issues at UNM. “I really want this to show to people that anyone who wants to make an impact on campus … can do it,” he said. “If you want to make an impact, go out there and make the change.” Independent candidate Spenser Owens, who received 279 votes and came in 12th place, said his loss was nobody’s fault but his. He said it was the second time he lost in an ASUNM Senate election, but that he plans to run again next semester. “I didn’t work as hard as the other candidates did, and the results reflected that,” he said. “If you didn’t win, keep on trying … I’ll never give up.”

NOT ELECTED No. of Votes

364 279 256


Joe Stevens (I) Spenser Owens Adrian Avila (I) (I)-Independent


62 | 32

How Show PageTwo Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo


With winter break just a month away, students may be going home or on vacation, but airfare can be expensive during the holidays. And when you tack on baggage fees, it takes an even bigger toll on your wallet. So the Daily Lobo did some research to find cheaper ways to get you where you need to be. All examples and price comparisons are based on a trip from Albuquerque to Denver — check prices for your specific area.

car is in the shop and after stealing By Car: Your your roommate’s Easy Mac for the last few months, you probably can’t ask him for a ride. So, what to do? You could always rent a car. Pick up a car from Hertz at the Albuquerque Sunport and drop it off in Denver, the cost for the trip one-way amounts to about $275. But, if you’re a AAA member, you can get a reduced fee of $248. Downsides: Most rental car companies have pretty strict age policies. Some won’t rent to people under 25 at all. Hertz does rent to younger clients, but expect a surcharge of at least $15.

to travel for less

want a relatively inexpensive, sceBy Train: Ifnicyouride home, Amtrak may be for By Air: you. A round trip from Albuquerque to Denver is $188, and if you’ve accumulated a lot of stuff over the semester, Amtrak has a pretty flexible baggage policy. Passengers can bring up to four bags — two carry-ons and two checked bags for free! Downsides: A train trip takes nine hours from Albuquerque to Denver, so make sure you bring some form of entertainment. short on cash, the Greyhound bus By Bus: Ifmayyou’re be the way to go. At $95.40 for a roundtrip bus ticket, Greyhound is the cheapest form of transportation the Lobo could find. Downsides: The trip from Albuquerque to Denver is about seven hours. And while Greyhound checks your first bag for free, other bags are subject to additional charges of at least $10 each. Plus you’ll probably have to deal with the onboard restrooms. Yikes.

If you get carsick, hate buses and are afraid of trains you can always stick to flying. Here are some tips to snag airfare on the cheap. Tip #1: Compare prices. One airline could have substantially cheaper fares for a destination than another. Websites like Travelocity and Expedia can be helpful when comparing prices. Tip #2: Book early. By booking a trip a month or more in advance, you have more chances to take advantage of special deals. The closer to the date of departure, the higher prices tend to be. Plus, if prices go down after you buy your ticket, you can often ask for a refund for the difference. Tip #3: Lucky Tuesdays. This tip is a little strange, but Tuesday mornings are one of the best times to purchase airline tickets. Why? Most airlines launch their sale campaigns on Tuesday and you can often get the cheapest prices then.

~ Megan Underwood

‘Idiot’ serves out sentence by Thomas J. Sheeran The Associated Press

CLEVELAND — A Cleveland woman puffed on a cigarette, wore headphones, and ignored passers-by and crowds of reporters as she stood for an hour Tuesday under a judge’s order holding a sign that said, “Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus.” A Municipal Court judge had ordered 32-year-old Shena Hardin to serve the highly public sentence Tuesday and Wednesday for the Sept. 11 citation after she was caught on camera driving on a sidewalk to pass a Cleveland school bus that was unloading children. She arrived bundled up against the 34-degree cold at the intersection near downtown Cleveland as passing vehicles

volume 117

honked. Satellite TV trucks streamed the event live. Hardin refused to comment, as did her mother, who watched from a parked car. A message seeking comment was left for Hardin’s attorneys. Hardin’s license was suspended for 30 days and she was ordered to pay $250 in court costs. Lisa Kelley, whose 9-year-old daughter boards the bus that Hardin had been passing on the sidewalk, said the sentence fit the crime. “She’s an idiot, just like her sign says,” Kelley said as she watched Hardin lean against a fence, her head down and her eyes hidden by dark glasses. “She did this almost every day last year,” Kelley said. “She won’t stop laughing. She’s not remorseful, she laughed at

issue 62

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

every court appearance. She’s still laughing, so she needs to be humiliated like this.” Kelley said she was only sorry the woman was standing in the cold and not the rain or snow. Bill Lipold, 37, who works nearby in the blue-collar neighborhood of older homes and factories, yelled to Hardin: “Why do you hate kids?” He hopes the punishment works. “How else are you going to stop her from doing it again?” he said. “She really didn’t show remorse for her action after being caught, so you’ve got to try something.” With two schools located within two blocks of the location and busy commuter traffic, the area can be risky for youngsters walking to class, Lipold said.

Shena Hardin smokes a cigarette as she holds up a sign to serve a highly public sentence Tuesday in Cleveland. Hardin drove on a sidewalk to avoid a Cleveland school bus that was unloading children. A Cleveland Municipal Court judge ordered 32-year-old Hardin to serve the sentence for one hour Tuesday and Wednesday. Tony Dejak / AP Photo

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

Design Director Robert Lundin Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin John Tyczkowski Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Rockabilly, sewing inspire new business by Megan Underwood culture@dailylobo.com

She said she is heavily influenced by Rockabilly, and her interest in swing music and swing dancing helps to inspire her. She played the upright bass for a swing band, but traded in the instrument for a needle and thread to re-create the fashions she saw on the dance floor. “We’d go to swing dancing every Tuesday night at the Heights, and I loved the styles,” she said. “It was like punk mixed with swing.” Archuleta said her work was noticed after a competition in her sales management course. The teacher challenged students to learn all 70 names of their peers in class, and the winners got different prizes donated by the teacher and students. Archuleta decided to make a Lobo blanket to donate as a prize. “I don’t think they really knew what kind of blanket I was going to bring,” she said. “When I volunteered to make the blanket, my teacher was just like, ‘What do you mean? Like sewing? You sew?’” Archuleta said she mainly gives her projects away as gifts for friends and family. She said she just started selling her pieces; her blankets and purses are her most popular items.

Veronica Archuleta got her first sewing machine when she was 17 years old and taught herself how to sew by meticulously taking old purses and dresses apart and putting them back together. Although she has now sewed hundreds of items, she said of all her creations, her very first purse project is still her favorite. “I was making a tube top and it didn’t fit me right, and when my purse had broken, I thought ‘I’m going to make this into a purse,’” she said. “Now I actually have that one hanging on my wall.” Archuleta’s passion for sewing inspired her to create Verokat’s Threads, a self-run business specializing in blankets and purses. She currently has a few pieces in El Chante, a local artisan store Downtown, and is making more professional and artistic contacts for her business after she graduates in December. She has only been selling items for a few weeks. “I want to spread that localized feeling around,” she said. Archuleta said she loves to make blankets and purses, but her main goal is to make her own clothing line.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012/ Page 3

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Veronica Archuleta, 23, sits at her early 1980s Pfaff sewing machine while working on one of her signature animal-print tote bags. Archuleta also makes her own Lobo gear and said that because she cannot sell the Lobo gear, it makes good gifts. She calls her fledgling business Verokat’s Threads, recycling her old Myspace name. Archuleta said that after she graduates, she wants to focus on selling her items by opening a store on Etsy.com. She said she’s noticed a decline in the number of people who sew, which she thinks is due to the economy. The price of fabric and other sewing sup-

plies has risen over the years, which she said deters people from doing it. She said it’s unfortunate because hand-made goods tend to last longer than store-bought. “I like homemade stuff and stuff that’s made locally,” she said. “It’s better quality when you make it yourself than when you buy a shirt from a store and it’s really thin and tears easily.”

Verokat’s Threads facebook.com/ verokatsthreads

A small selection of Archuleta’s work is available at

El Chante: Casa de Cultura at 804 Park Ave. S.W.

LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg / @AlexSwanberg

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895



Thursday, November 15, 2012



Selfish smokers stray from designated areas Editor, Fellow students: To those smokers who are respectful and considerate enough to only smoke in designated area — thank you. I truly am appreciative of the respect you show for your fellow students. To students who feel free to smoke wherever they feel like: You are selfish. After failing in other ways to discourage such disrespectful smokers, I ask that any student who would like the air they breathe to be treated respectfully to respectfully call the selfish ones “selfish.” By the way, in spite of six trips past smoking areas today, I saw eight times more cigarettes lit elsewhere. Ken Bagnull UNM student

Want to your state to secede? Just emigrate. Editor, It appears that some of the citizens of the United States do not want to participate in the efforts to improve conditions for all of us who are citizens of the United States, and instead want their state to cease to be part of the United States. It seems to me that all these people who are not happy living in the United States have an alternative: They can move to other countries and become citizens of those countries. Once they do that, they will be freed from all the abusive behavior that they perceive they are being subjected to by being citizens of the United States and living here. Robert Gardiner Daily Lobo reader

What do you want everyone to know about today? Submit your writing to:

opinion@dailylobo.com Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor


Genetically altered food needs labeling by Will Thomson

Daily Lobo columnist opinion@dailylobo.com

Last Tuesday, voters cast their ballots and decided on a number of important questions facing the city, state and country. One of these questions, which I have written about previously, was whether to raise Albuquerque’s minimum wage and index it with the cost of living. On this issue, voters’ voices were clear, as the proposition won with 139,604 votes in favor and 71,178 votes against. However, as soon as the proposition was approved by a large margin of voters, there was talk in the City Council about overturning the initiative. It would only take a majority in the council to overturn the measure. So if you voted for the increase and feel it should stay, please write a letter to Mayor Richard Berry saying you would disapprove of a City Council repeal. Also, if you would like to write a letter to be submitted with others, please email your letter to aserrano@olenm.org. Many decisions were made last Tuesday. One

that was somewhat overlooked was the groundbreaking Proposition 37 in California. This proposition would have made mandatory the labeling of genetically modified foods in California. If it had passed, this legislation would have been the first labeling law on genetically modified foods in the United States. This is important, as many of the products we eat contain genetically modified crops. The Center for Food Safety estimates 85 percent of the corn and 91 percent of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified, and such crops are ubiquitous in processed foods. Labeling of genetically modified crops has been a large issue since the FDA ruled, soon after the crops’ introduction, that they were “substantially equivalent” to conventional crops. However, many feel there needs to be deeper investigation, and at the least, labeling, to let consumers make their own choice. About 50 countries already require similar labeling of these foods. On Tuesday, the measure was voted down after a huge battle between activists and many large organic backers on one side and some of

the agribusiness and chemical companies that own and benefit from genetically modified crops on the other side. The campaign for labeling began at the grassroots level and grew to 10,000 volunteers statewide, raising about $7 million. This proved to be little match for the $45 million that was poured into the campaign against the proposition by companies such as Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical. While the measure was defeated 53 percent to 47 percent in California, a poll last February found that 91 percent of Americans would agree with the labeling of genetically modified foods. The proposition may have been defeated, but it did open greater debate about understanding our food and where it comes from. The election may be behind us, but we as citizens must make sure the things we care about get done and the politicians we voted for are doing them. Voting is an important civic duty; however, I would say voting is not the end of that responsibility. To make our voices heard, we must continue to be active and involved in the issues that we believe in, even after we cast our votes.

Wilson were very close in terms of fundraising. Each raised more than $6 million. Heinrich and Wilson both ran primarily on their party’s national platform. Heinrich’s campaign focused on the Democratic approach to the economy, Social Security, Medicare and energy. Wilson focused on the debt, cutting regulations and the Republican approach to the economy. With such capable candidates running on national issues and a swing electoral history, one would have expected the election results to have been fairly close, but they weren’t. Heinrich received 51 percent of the vote, while Wilson topped out at just 45 percent. With current political divisions, this 6 percent difference between the top two candidates is a large spread. Additionally, Heinrich led in every poll throughout the race. Why? Simply put, the Latino vote. According to United States census data, the Hispanic population has increased from 42.1 percent in 2000 to 46.7 percent in 2010. “Nonwhite Hispanics” now make up a majority of the state’s population. It is not an overstatement to say that in New Mexico, elections can be decided by the Latino vote. The change from swing state to blue represents the growing strength of the Latino vote and the issues that matter to Latinos.

Latino voters are not single-issue voters by any means. According to a poll conducted by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions, the two biggest issues for Latino voters are the economy and immigration reform/DREAM Act (“New Mexico Latino,” 2012). The New Mexico senate race gives us key insight into which party is winning the discussion on these issues with Latino voters. The poll conducted by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions found that 57 percent of Latino voters supported Heinrich over Wilson, while only 33 percent of Latino voters supported Wilson over Heinrich (“New Mexico Latino,” 2012). Republicans have taken a hard line on immigration, so the GOP’s lack of popularity among Latino voters is not surprising. The fact that the economy is the strongest issue reveals something interesting: Democrats are winning the argument on the economy with Latino voters. While 57 percent is far from a landslide victory for Democrats, the 33 percent has the potential to be difficult for Republicans in House and Senate races. Latino populations in California, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, Florida and Colorado are growing. The New Mexico senate race and the election results sent a clear message to the Republican Party: Rebrand or lose the Southwest.

Latino vote may paint Southwest blue by Sean Ward

Daily Lobo guest columnist

Leading up to Election Day, New Mexicans had seen Democrat Martin Heinrich’s camping bed and Republican Heather Wilson’s kitchen so many times they thought they were on some RV trip from hell with the candidates. The high volume of advertisements and the large amount of money spent on this race demonstrate that many political insiders thought this race would be close, but it wasn’t. Political professionals “inside the Beltway” paid little attention to the race since early this summer — this was a mistake. The true story for this race wasn’t how close it was, but why it wasn’t close at all, and what it means for the future. New Mexico is considered a swing state, and with good reason. In the last 10 presidential elections, including the most recent one, New Mexico has gone for the Republicans five times and Democrats five times. Of the last four governors of New Mexico, two have been Democrats and two have been Republicans. Heinrich and Wilson are well-matched opponents. Both have strong political résumés and both served New Mexico’s first district in the House of Representatives. According to numbers reported Oct. 17, Heinrich and

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

HAPS Listings

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10


Blackwater Music Venue GRAND OPENING WEEKEND In The End Non-Alcoholic Pina Coladas, Mojitos, Margaritas and more! All Ages, 8PM

Date Night at the Albuquerque Museum On 3rd Thursdays, the Museum is open until 8:30 p.m. and admission is free after 5pm! Imbibe Mixology 101 Dirty Bourbon Jadi Norris opening for Taylor Hodak Band $5 Cover ASUNM Southwest Film Center Kid with a Bike 6:00 and 8:00 Blackwater Music Venue GRAND OPENING DJ VooDoo DayDream Non-Alcoholic Pina Coladas, Mojitos, Margaritas and more! All Ages, 8PM Downtown Distillery $2.75 All Drinks - Every Thursday! Free Games - All the Time! Never a Cover Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 9am to 10pm The Library Bar & Grill Thursday Ladies Night 8pm-2am Feat. the Infamous booty shake Ca$h Prizes $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots and $6 Bombers.

Dirty Bourbon Jadi Norris $5 Cover Blackwater Music Venue GRAND OPENING WEEKEND Chris Raven and the Yoko Tucker Band Non-Alcoholic Pina Coladas, Mojitos, Margaritas and more! All Ages, 8PM

Dirty Bourbon Happy Buckin’ Birthday featuring Jadi Norris Line Dancing Lessons start at 6pm $3 Cover TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!

The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

ASUNM Southwest Film Center Kid with a Bike 6:00 and 8:00

25th Festival of the Cranes Arts and Crafts Fair Featuring original works of New Mexico Artists @ Historic Garcia Opera House in Socorro, New Mexico 9am-5pm 575-835-8927

Outpost Performance Space Eliza Gilkyson 7:30 pm American Roots singer-songwriter 25th Festival of the Canes Arts and Crafts Fair Featuring original works of New Mexico Artists @ Historic Garcia Opera House in Socorro, New Mexico 9am-5pm 575-835-8927

Saturday Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm DJ Akata 10pm

Friday Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm DJ Malick 10pm Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

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Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

ASUNM Southwest Film Center Kid with a Bike 6:00 and 8:00

Thursday, November 15, 2012/ Page 5



ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $18.95 DINNER $21.95 Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-10 Saturday 11:30-10 Sundays 4-9

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the haps

Page 6 / Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

All ages music venue & dance club


dance music with DJ VooDoo DayDream


In The End - 8pm - Metal & Rock


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Chris Raven and the Yoko Tucker Band 8pm - Classic Rock & Blues 4217 Central Ave. NE (West of Washington) Albuquerque, NM 87108 www.nobhillstarbar.com

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Non Alcoholic Drink Specials All The Time Pina Coladas • Mojitos • Margaritas

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10 Live Nation Rick Ross, Meek Mill, Wale featuring Machine Gun Kelly Tingley Coliseum Saturday November 24 Buy Tickets at Livenation.com

Sunday Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover Imbibe FOOTBALL on 5 Big Screens + Happy Hour ALL NIGHT Open 12n-12mid


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Sunshine Theater *Blue October* *Barcelona* *A Silent Film* “The Quiet Mind” Tour Doors @ 7pm Starts @ 8pm ASUNM Southwest Film Center Kid with a Bike 1:00 and 3:00 The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am DJ Official spinning 9pm-close! Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) 25th Festival of the Cranes Arts and Crafts Fair Featuring original works of New Mexico Artists @Historic Garcia Opera House in Socorro, New Mexico 10am-2pm 575-835-8927 Dirty Bourbon No Cover Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm






the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday Imbibe FOOTBALL on 5 Big Screens + Happy Hour ALL NIGHT Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT: $1 Pabst & $1 Fish Tacos DJ Twisted Audo 9pm Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

Dirty Bourbon Two-Step Dance Lessons starts at 6:30pm Dueling Pianos $2 Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Tuesday Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


The Library Bar & Grill Drink Specials all Night Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close


Imbibe BIGGEST BAR NIGHT OF THE YEAR With Happy Hour ALL NIGHT Korean BBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30 The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The Best Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons starting at 6:30pm Nathan Dean $5 Cover TNA Smoke Shop & Tobacco Town Tattoo and Piercing 20% Student Discount M-F 8am to 10pm Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Absolute Flavors

Bravo! Cucina Italiana $5 Martini Night


Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT: $1 Pabst &

Thursdays for Local Events


Thursday, November 15, 2012/ Page 7

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Lobo Culture M Z





Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Culture editor / Nicole Perez / @PerezNicoleM









ohn Lewis placed a 100-year-old diamond-tipped phonograph needle onto a half-inch thick record, and “Cowgirl Polka” blasted from the wood cabinet. He opened the cabinet doors and pulled on a string attached to a large ball of cotton that moved in and out of a horn, softening and amplifying the sound. “I just finished repairing this one,” he said, pointing to a different 1880s music box. “It’s going back to its owner as soon as he pays for it.” John Lewis is the founder, owner and repairman of John Lewis’ Mechanical Antiques & Repair, a shop that repairs, restores and cleans vintage typewriters, phonographs, music boxes and pretty much anything mechanical. The shop has been in business since the ‘70s, and John Lewis is one of a few typewriter repairmen in the United States. He receives typewriters from across the United States and Europe, and said the wait for a repair is at least six to eight months. “He told you six to eight months? It’s a lot longer than that,” said his wife and shop co-founder Darlene Lewis. John Lewis has obtained so many unique, historical typewriters over the years that he compiled them into a museum exhibition. His collection includes a typewriter owned by the world’s fastest typer (she typed at 170 words per minute), a phonograph with four turnta-











bles for 19th century disc jockeys and a mannequin rotator for dress shops. But he said the museum is not really open to the public — just sometimes. “I can’t do this and repairs too, so we’ll probably wind up closing it completely and just do repairs,” John Lewis said. “There’s no point in having a museum if you can’t walk through. I enjoy this, talking about it, educating people, and if I’m back working on a machine, I can’t do that.” John Lewis’ phonograph turntable is the only one of its kind in the world. He said he sent photographs to a phonograph expert, and the man had never seen the machine before. “The first thing I got back in my email was ‘Wow, do you want to sell it?’” John Lewis said. “He’d never seen one, even though he’s written about hundreds of different phonographs. I wouldn’t sell that for $10,000.” John Lewis said the shop sees a constant stream of work, especially recently as typewriters have become more popular. “Every semester we get one or two students who want to buy a typewriter,” he said. “They’re inspired by Hemingway or Kerouac or somebody like that. People your age are finding these for the first time, and

“When you get done with a typewriter, what you see on that paper is you. It’s there.” -John Lewis, owner, John Lewis Mechanical Antiques and Repair


by Nicole Perez

Typewriter PAGE 9


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, November 15, 2012/ Page 9


Alpha Chi Omega

Ladies and Gentlemen... Alpha Chi Omega is holding their 11th annual

OMEGA MAN Thursday, November 15th at 6pm SUB Ballroom

Help Fight Domestic Violence

Channel 95.1 is giving away free tickets this week

Saturday Appointments Available

Opposite Page John Lewis sifts through the shelves of his back shop where he stores the typewriters that are on a long waiting list to be serviced. Lewis receives requests for repairs from as far as Europe, and his shop is one of the few in the United States that are able to refurbish antique typewriters. Top Although typewriters mainly fell out of use with the advent of computers, they have become more popular in younger generations during the past few years. Bottom John Lewis cleans up a typewriter Wednesday afternoon. Good Morning America wanted to do a segment on his shop, but he declined because he said he has too much business and didn’t need the publicity. stories by Nicole Perez // photos by Adria Malcolm





they go out and find one at a thrift store, and they bring it in; they want to know all about it, and they want a ribbon for it and they want it fixed.” Although he doesn’t use a typewriter for personal business, John Lewis said there’s a timeless appeal to them. “People are discovering that they can actually sit down and compose, and it’s different than a computer,” he said. “The computer can do so much more — spelling, size changing — but when you get done with a typewriter, what you see on that paper is you. It’s there.” Bruce Rajala visited the shop Wednesday morning to donate some old typewriters from an electronics company that closed. He said he learned to type on a typewriter and that it was a useful skill for his career. “I learned on a typewriter in school,” he said. “Back then they actually worked, they had really nice ink and paper. When I was a freshman or sophomore, I was typing like 60 or 70 words per minute; I was one of the better ones in the class. That helped a lot for computers later on.” John Lewis started as a typewriter repair intern in Anchorage, Alaska, when he needed a job after serving with the Marines. He found his first old typewriter in a friend’s basement, and his collection grew from there. When he and his wife opened the shop in the ‘70s, they kept collecting vintage mechanical items. “I’ve been doing it for 47 years, so they find you, you find them and one day you just have to put them out somewhere. I have no more room to house them,” he said. John Lewis said he has had to get rid of some of his typewriters, but those were the same models people are bringing to him to repair now. “We had a lot of junk, and by junk, I mean we had a huge moving truck and I made three trips to the dump with typewriters,” he said. “They were ‘30s, ‘40s and ‘50s typewriters, and that’s what I’m repairing now.”

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Page 10 / Thursday, November 15, 2012

Set designer engineers decay

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo The Zastrozzi set stands lit for performance in Rodey Hall. Set designer and lead scenic artist for Zastrozzi, Amaris Puzak said the set took four to five weeks to complete and the construction included recycled materials such as old Daily Lobo newspapers.

by Antonio Sanchez culture@dailylobo.com

At the end of every other day this semester, student Amaris Puzak picked up a handful of Daily Lobo newspapers. Papers in hand, Puzak rushed off to prepare for another 10-hour workday. Her task? Papier-mâché.

Art & Music

rust and decay, so we wanted a rusty element to everything,” Puzak said. “You have to see the show through Zastrozzi’s eyes to make sense of it, and in his first monologue, he talks about how the world is ugly and that’s his conflict.” “Zastrozzi” is the second time Puzak has been in charge of set design for a show, and this set is


Dancing With The Dark 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE Features innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art; Art History and Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, and six guest artists. After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 8:00am – 5:00pm George Pearl Hall Gallery Meeting of the Minds- Art Conversations 6:00pm – 7:00pm UNM Art Museum Jim Campbells’s Market Street Pause led by R. Lee Montgomery, Assistant Professor, Art and Art History Reception - After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 6:30pm – 8:00pm Pearl Hall Gallery Refreshments will be provided, and we look forward to sharing this exhibit with you. The Latin American Concert & Speaker Series 6:30pm – 7:30pm Keller Hall

Campus Events Blanket Drive 8:00am – 5:00pm Communication & Journalism Building Donate new & gently used blankets, all proceeds go to Joy Junction. Undergraduate Nutrition Organization Bake Sale 9:00am – 3:00pm SUB

Puzak is the set designer for “Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline,” a play presented by UNM’s Department of Theatre and Dance. The show’s protagonist is Zastrozzi, a man driven to avenge the death of his mother. Puzak said she designed the show’s set based on this character’s worldview. “The director and I got really into


Founders & Former Directors of the Women Studies Program & Women’s Resource Center

9:00am – 10:30am SUB Ballroom A Women Studies & Women’s Resource Center 40th Anniversary Symposium. Former UNM Staff and Faculty will address the challenges of founding and directing programs for women on campus. Free and open to the public. Professional Feminists in Action 10:45am – 12:15pm SUB Ballroom A Women Studies & Women’s Resource Center 40th Anniversary Symposium. Feminist professionals will speak about their work in women & family- centered services & organizations. Free and open to the public. UNM Women Academics of Color 1:30pm – 3:00pm SUB Ballroom A Women Studies & Women’s Resource Center 40th Anniversary Symposium. Panelists will discuss issues of recruitment, retention, tenure & promotion of women of color in academia. Free and open to the public. AISES Indian Taco Sale 10:00am – 3:00pm Centennial Library Tables Celebration 10:00am – 2:45pm South of SUB/Statues Sound/Bus Area Hosted by College Democrats Biscochitos Sale 10:00am – 1:00pm SUB

Greek Life Omega Man 6:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Ballrooms A & B Male Beauty Pageant- Presale Tickets $5. Fund raiser to support Catholic Charities foundation helping women & children affected by Domestic Violence.

Lectures & Readings “Lives in Transition: The Vitae of Juliana & Katherine & Late AngloSaxon & Early Anglo-Norman England” 12:30pm – 1:30pm SUB Cherry/Silver

Colleen Dunn, Feminist Research Institute Quantum measurement with a nonlinear cavity: beyond weakcoupling 3:30pm – 4:30pm Room 190, Physics & Astronomy Aashish Clerk will discuss their work that suggests the possibility of a “weak-but-not-too-weak” quantum-limited measurement: a measurement where information is efficiently extracted continuously in time, but which cannot be described using lowest-order perturbation theory in the coupling. Refreshments will be available before the seminar at 3:15 pm, in Room 190. Tenure & Promotion Seminar: Chris Witt 3:30pm – 4:30pm Castetter Hall 100 Altitude and Parasites Drive Species Diversity in the World’s Richest Avifauna. Nutritional Status & Culture of the Dobe !Kung foragers Lecture 4:00pm – 5:00pm Hibben Center Rm. 105 Presented by Barry Bogin. The !Kung are native to the Kalahari Desert, and often serve as a model for hunter- gather adaptation for both extant and Paleolithic humans. The talk will cover the re- analysis of food intake, energy expenditure and demographic date collected in the 1960’s and the indicators associated with their lifestyle. Future sea level: Where do we go from here? 5:00pm – 6:00pm Room G, UNM Conference Center Presenter: Tad Pfeffer. The talk focuses on the glaciological aspects of future sea level rise. He will review the current state of glaciological contributions to sea level change and the methods in use and proposed for projecting sea level change into the 21st century and beyond, with particular emphasis on the evaluation of uncertainty in projections.

Meetings ADHD Coping Skills Workshop 1:30pm – 3:00pm SHAC Learn strategies to study effectively

New Mexico Daily Lobo a rusty Goliath. Arching gateways stand near one corner of the set, a towering staircase leads off the other end while hanging glass windows and crumbling walls of foam bricks dominate the stage. Each piece of the set looks fractured as papier-mâché rust crawled throughout the stage’s architecture. “You’re creating that world with your set. You’re setting up what’s happening. You’re setting up context of how you think the show should be. You’re creating the world that everything is supposed to be happening in,” she said. Puzak began working on the set in July, pulling ideas from Gothic architecture and Giovanni Battista’s “Imaginary Prisons,” a set of prints that showcase giant twisting subterranean vaults. Puzak received help from the University’s theater shop courses and professor Ross Rauschkolb since the beginning of the project. “(Puzak) is a very visual person; she likes to start with a sketch, flesh out how an arc is going to look, how a geometrical pattern is going to look, and then adjusts it for when any other constraints we might have,” Rauschkolb said. “A lot of designers pull things from their imagination and hand it to the shop. Amaris is a far more hands-on person; she’s been in the shop from the get-go, trying to perfect what the different looks will be.” Rauschkolb, the show’s technical director and production manager, was in charge of creating some of the set’s larger pieces. The set was compiled mostly of recycled materials, reused lumber, newspaper and compacted sawdust.

He said the set’s sprawling and decaying nature adds a lingering mood to an otherwise verbose play. “With a show like this that’s really wordy, the audience needs to be in a certain mindset when they walk in. And with something like this on stage, the audience is sitting there going ‘What do I look at first? Can I look at all of this at once?’” he said. “Once they’ve seen that and when the actors get on stage, they’ll be a part of that world and they’ll forget the real world for the brief time they’re in our theater.” Puzak said watching her set be torn down will be a bittersweet experience after the show ends on Sunday. “I think that’s what’s surprising for some people: just how much work is put into a set that’s used for two weeks and then it’s gone, you tear it down,” she said. “That’s the beauty of this art form, if you really love it, it’s great, you get to see it, it’s going to be taken down and you’re never going to see it again. It’s the good and the bad part: you get to start something new.”

“Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline” by George F. Walker

directed by Bill Walters

UNM Rodey Theatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at 2 p.m. $15 general, $12 faculty and seniors, $10 staff and students

Events of the Day

Things to do on campus today. and maintain focus in this four-part series. ADHD diagnosis not required. Free for UNM students. Awkward, Socially Anxious or Just Plain Shy? Workshop 3:30pm – 5:00pm Student Health & Counseling (SHAC) Learn skills for dealing with anxiety in social situations in this one-part workshop. No Charge to Students! Lobo Toastmasters 3:30pm – 5:00pm Anderson School of Management Public Speaking and Leadership Training with Lobo Toastmasters Student Staff Discussion Night 5:45pm – 6:45pm UNMCC Student staff meeting with Administrators to discuss topics and issues relating to child development and classroom practices.

Sports & Rec Women’s Basketball vs. Texas Tech 7:00pm The Pit Volleyball vs. Nevada 7:00pm Johnson Center

Student Groups & Gov. Men of Color Initiative Forum 2:00pm – 4:00pm SUB Ballroom C N.M Graduate and Professional Student Conference 3:00pm – 6:00pm SUB Cherry/ Silver Native American Campus Christian Fellowship Meeting 3:30pm – 5:00pm SUB Scholars The Source Meeting 5:30pm – 9:45pm SUB Fiesta A & B Hosted by CRU- Campus Crusade for Christ Pre-Dental Society Meeting 6:00pm – 8:15pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird

General Meeting- National Society of Collegiate Scholars 5:30pm – 8:00pm SUB Luminaria Student Dharma Meeting 6:00pm – 7:15pm SUB Spirit


LULAC 6:30pm – 7:30pm SUB Cherry/ Silver Chess Club Weekly Meeting 7:00pm – 9:30pm SUB Isleta Pagan Students Bi-Weekly Meeting 7:00pm – 9:00pm SUB Sandia Society for Creative Anachronism 7:00pm – 9:00pm SUB Luminaria November Swing Dance Party 8:30pm – 11:30pm 3808 Central Ave SE Social dance, no partner required. Free for Jitterbugs Anonymous members, $3 students, $5 nonstudents.

Theater & Films The Bourne Legacy 3:30pm SUB Theater Mid Week Movies Kid with a Bike(2011) 6:00pm & 8:00pm SUB Theater In French. Abandoned by his father, a young boy is left in a staterun youth farm. In a random act of kindness, the town hairdresser agrees to foster him on weekends, helping the 12 year-old boy find comfort after being abandoned by his father and teaching him to move on with his life. Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline 7:30pm – 8:30pm Popejoy Hall Tickets $15 General, $12 Faculty & Seniors, $10 Staff & Students. Swordfights, murder, revenge, intrigue, betrayal, romance, thoughtprovoking religious debate and a final battle between good and evil, there is something for everyone.

T ,N 15, 2012/ P lobo features Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

New Mexico Daily Lobo Year Zero



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ACROSS 1 Elegant trinket 6 Yam or taro 11 “Talk of the Nation” airer 14 Not proximate 15 “The Princess Bride” kidnapper __ Montoya 16 Rivière contents 17 Negotiator’s assets 20 Textbook updates, e.g.: Abbr. 21 Pricey screens 22 Nuts for soft drinks 23 Stage signal 24 Synthesizer pioneer 25 Utterly squashed 32 Come undone 33 Be just too sweet 34 Inkling 35 __ Lopez: chess opening 36 Mickey D’s breakfast item 39 In 40 Before, to the Bard 42 “Actually, that’s not true” 43 Reasons for returns 45 Easily identifiable teams, in casual games 48 Shared currency 49 Really quiet, in music 50 USS Missouri nickname 52 Digital image unit 55 Through 58 1885 Van Gogh painting (whose subjects may have appreciated the ends of 17-, 25and 45-Across) 61 Angkor __: Cambodian temple 62 Die (out) 63 Trio with notable beards 64 “Star Trek: DSN” role 65 Below-average Joe 66 Eternities DOWN 1 Big screen pig 2 Third-generation release of 2012

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By Julian Lim

3 24-Down containers 4 Part of ILO: Abbr. 5 Pacific-12 Conference member 6 Windshield application 7 Pac-12 member, e.g. 8 Some troughs 9 It’s usually broken before use 10 “You da man!” 11 Author of “The Sandman” graphic novels 12 Respected Smurf 13 Muscovite, e.g.: Abbr. 18 Think tank product 19 Cheap sauce 23 Keep from going higher 24 Subway addition? 25 Club with the motto “To Make the Best Better” 26 Beset 27 Milan’s La __ 28 Fully committed 29 Traveled down the Grand Canal, say

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

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30 Has met before 31 JFK listings 32 College srs.’ tests 37 Soup with a bento 38 Named for a prez, Philly public square also known as Love Park 41 Master card? 44 Golf hole’s edge 46 Uniformed forces 47 WWI German vice admiral


50 USAF stealth plane 51 “__ to do it!” 52 Trail 53 Brangelina, e.g. 54 Tic-tac-toe option 55 Quash 56 Element in hemoglobin 57 Egyptian dangers 59 Dick 60 Philosopher Mo-__



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Rooms For Rent LOBO VILLAGE- TWO females wanted for same appartment. Mid-December. Please call Britt at 505-310-5038 if interested! MATURE FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 3BDRM home with same. Near Indian School and San Mateo. 266-0309. CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need female to take over lease. Wifi. On campus. Will pay first month rent, ready to move in. 505-366-3245. dcrocker@unm.edu FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share a 3BDRM/2BA house with two other female students. Serious, n/s, clean, mature female preferred. Call Jessica, 505-977-7766. ROOM FOR RENT! $375/mo +utilities, male or female. If interested please contact Damon at wicketts16@gmail.com or 505-402-8227. 1BDRM IN A 4BDRM house, 1 block from UNM. $425/mo includes utilities, W/D, and Wifi. No pets. 505-206-6466.

STUDIOUS FEMALE ROOMMATE needed $345/mo +utilities. 3BDRM/2BA, two female roommates, take over lease, safe nice location. Call 303-947-9927. WANTED ROOMMATE TO share Broadstone apt. Preferably female, serious student, n/s, clean, mature, friendly. $350/mo. Text 208-993-7141. CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need female to take over lease, includes wifi, cable, elecricity. Located on campus. November rent payed, ready to move in. 505-550-6268. TWO FEMALE UNM students wanted to take over two Lobo Village leases. First months rent free. Call/text 575-618-0010. LOOKING FOR SOMEONE to take over Lobo Village lease, able to move in asap. $519/mo. If interested email or call Chelsea7@unm.edu or 505-231-4838. 2 ROOMMATES WANTED. Female, NS, students, no pets. Share a fully furnished 3BDRM house near Wyoming and Menaul. Wireless, DirectTV. Utilities, W/D included. $400/mo +$50 nonrefundable cleaning fee. 505-250-4601.

For Sale PROFESSIONALLY-STRETCHED CANVASES for painting. Stretcher boards available too. Variety of sizes, downtown. 505-917-9528. CONN FRENCH HORN (student) $175. Jimi 480-7444.

Vehicles For Sale 2003 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS , fully loaded. 127k. Excellent condition.35 MPG. $3,700. Contact Dana at 933-1782.

Jobs Off Campus !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN our before and after school programs. PT, MondayFriday, $10.50-$13.00/hr. after successful completion of paid training. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in personat 1613 University Blvd NE. EOE. HEALTHCARE FACILITY SEEKING an energetic, outgoing, people oriented marketing major for a part-time marketing opportunity to develop/implement marketing strategy to build/maintain referral relationships and increase patient population. Knowledge with the healthcare industry preferred but not necessary. Please submit a brief introduction letter outlining qualifications/availability (M-F) and resume, if available, to 505-830-6505. EXPERIENCED PARALEGAL. FLEXIBLE PART or full-time. Knowledge of personal injury, and bankruptcy law, quickbooks pro, wordperfect, a plus. Spanish speaker preferred. Send resume to fax 247-1120 or email to injury505@gmail.com LOOKING FOR CALCULUS tutor for high school senior. Located close to UNM. Please call 250-9246 if interested.

SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNICIAN II - Biology (0601503) – Technical and Paraprofessional Responsibilities: Under general supervision, provides noninstructional technical support for instructional laboratories. Prepares and issues instructional materials, supplies and equipment; provides faculty with non-instructional assistance during the laboratory sessions, maintains organization and storage of all materials, supplies and equipment in stock room and laboratories; assists with chemical hygiene, waste disposal and laboratory safety programs; assists faculty in maintaining student laboratory safely compliance; supervises student employees. Exposure to hazardous material may be required. May be required to lift and carry heavy loads and transfer equipment between campuses. To ensure compliance with federal and college requirements some mandatory training must be completed for this position. Salary: $12.96 per hour. Requirements: Completion of post-secondary coursework in chemistry or equivalent from an accredited institution and one year directly related experience in higher education or commercial laboratory experience. Ability to use computers and software applications. Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Ability to manage several tasks simultaneously. Ability to function effectively in team environment. Deadline for application:12/3/12 by 5pm. For parttime faculty that work a minimum of eight (8) contact hours per week, Central New Mexico Community College provides an excellent benefit package that includes: a pension plan, health, dental and vision insurance, disability and life insurance. A complete job announcement detailing required application documents is available at jobs. cnm.edu or at CNM Human Resources 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. SPRING 2013 ENGLISH Program In Korea (EPIK). $1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree Deadline: Sometime in November **this date is tentative and could change depending on circumstances**. Please visit the website www.epik.go.k OFFICE HELP FOR church experienced references. Friday afternoons. 2 to 5 PM. $8/hr. Near UNM. Call 254-2606.

DG’S DELI IS hiring enthusiastic, motivated, experienced cashiers, and sandwich artiists. Clean appearance a must, Apply in person 1418 Dr MLK. No calls please. WANTED COMPUTER SKILLS and general advertising consultant for local businesses. Pay negotiable based on skill level and availability. E-mail if interested jrc1378@yahoo.com LOCAL ALBUQUERQUE COMPANY seeking a full time hourly Digital Marketing Coordinator to handle a variety of web tasks along with some marketing projects. Responsibilities include creating and managing weekly email marketing promotions, website deals and specials, and implementing various marketing projects. Some Saturday’s required.

Requirements: MUST have knowledge of HTML/CSS programming, graphic design and email marketing experience preferred. Reports to: Director of Consumer Marketing To apply, email shelby@pavlustravel. com


UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma less than 56 years old for a research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm.

Dog eat your homework? Sell him in the Daily Lobo


VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.



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