NM Daily Lobo 111612

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Good jacket to go skiing with


see Page 7

November 16, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Frank to be officially inaugurated Sunday by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

Robert Frank will be inaugurated on Sunday as the 21st president of UNM. Frank’s inauguration ceremony will take place along with the unveiling of a giant U in front of Hodgin Hall.

Michelle McRuiz, managing editor of the UNM Alumni Association’s magazine “Mirage,” said the statue was a gift from the association in an effort to strengthen campus pride. McRuiz said the last U-shaped statue stood atop Hodgin Hall and was erected in 1922 by thenPresident David Hall. She said the

previous statue was 10 feet tall and illuminated every time UNM won a football game. But McRuiz said the University took the statue down in the mid1930s and that the lighting of the statue on Sunday will mark the return of a University tradition that has long been absent.

Schedule of Events

Presidential inauguration

Inauguration reception


3:30 p.m. Hodgin Hall

Installation ceremony

Unveiling of the alumni U

2 p.m. Popejoy Hall

4:30 p.m. Plaza in front of Hodgin Hall

see Inauguration PAGE 3

ASUNM backs diversity requirement

All events are open to the public.


by Svetlana Ozden and Victoria Woods news@dailylobo.com

Freshmen who begin attending the University in fall 2014 may be required to take a U.S. and global diversity course. At an Associated Students of the University of New Mexico (ASUNM) Senate meeting on Wednesday, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution calling for the University to require a three-credit U.S. and global diversity course be added to the requirements for an undergraduate degree. The resolution states that the course could be completed as part of the core curriculum or in courses offered by the student’s degree-granting school. The requirement will not increase the credit-hour requirement for graduation. According to the resolution, the Provost’s Diversity Council Curriculum Committee proposed that the course be “designed with a substantive focus on understanding race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and disability in the U.S. and/or global context” and that “University graduation rates improve when students are exposed to different diversity experiences.”


Juan Labreche / @Labrechemode / Daily Lobo

Lottery Scholarship Summit Nov. 27 Time and place to be determined

The UNM men’s soccer team walks off the field after a 5-4 shootout loss to Air Force in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation tournament championship game on Sunday. Since 2000, the Lobos have made the College Cup 10 times, and this is the fourth straight season UNM has made the NCAA tournament. The Lobos face Virginia in the second round of the tournament on Sunday at the UNM Soccer Complex. See full story on Page 5.

Graduate lit magazine loses funding, goes online by Antonio Sanchez news@dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief of the Blue Mesa Review Nora Hickey said that in the publication’s 29 years, its annual issue never went without a print edition, until now. Blue Mesa Review is an annual graduate-student publication that showcases student creative writing work in association with UNM’s English department. Writers and faculty members Patricia Clark Smith, Jane Frumkin and author of “Bless Me, Ultima,” Rudolfo Anaya began the Visit the Blue Mesa Review’s blog at bluemesalit.wordpress.com.


Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 63

magazine in 1983. Due to budget cuts to this year’s magazine, it may go unpublished. “I’m not sure at what point it happened, but we received funding from 2010 to 2011, at $6,000 … but by the next year, we did not receive any funding,” Hickey said. Blue Mesa Review wasn’t the first publication to encounter budget setbacks — earlier this year, the Honors College publication “Scribendi” had $1,000 cut from its budget. Hickey said what makes Blue Mesa Review’s case different is that the organization was never notified as to why its budget was cut. She said she reached out to the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences last semester, but never received a response.

English Department Chair Gail Houston said the publication’s budget decrease was due to the department’s own $86,000 budget cut in 2009. Houston said the department was able to keep funding for the publication until July 2011, when the new dean of Arts and Sciences, Mark Peceny, decided to focus more on increasing the number of faculty members and ensuring that faculty members are paid appropriately. Houston said future funding of the publication is currently pending on whether the department ever makes up for the money lost in 2009. “I hope the Legislature brings in more money and sees how important it is to support our students and faculty, and resources do matter, they do make

a difference,” she said. “I just hope we can get back to a time where there will be more resources so we can be more supportive.” Regardless of whether the University provides the publication with funding, Hickey said she will continue to make sure Blue Mesa Review gets published — even if it is online. “After talking to our own head of the department, we sort of decided that it seemed like we could keep trying or we could focus our energies on reading submissions and vamping our presence, both on our blog and through Facebook, trying to get into contact with authors for interviews,” Hickey said. “As graduate students, it didn’t seem clear to us that we’d get funding, but I suppose the squeaky wheel gets

CORRECTION In the article titled “Undergrad senate election ends,” published in Thursday’s Daily Lobo, the graphic lists senate candidate Joe Stevens as an independent candidate and senate candidate Spenser Owens as a member of a slate. The graphic should have listed Stevens as a slate member and Owens as an independent candidate. The error was made in editing.

the oil, right? Just keep trying.” Hickey said this year’s magazine will be published exclusively online through the group’s blog. She said that while the publication was pushed online, the magazine has yet to establish a dedicated subscription fan base, so an online publication could be easier to advertise and access through the blog and Facebook page. “The goal of Blue Mesa Review is to showcase writing that we find really interesting, that grabs our attention, makes us think about the human experience in a different way, that is aesthetically trying to do something,” she said. “And I think that our online issue will be more

see Blue

Mesa PAGE 3


63 | 28

PageTwo F riday, N ovember 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Droids and Dominoes

Star Wars toys and Dominoes inducted into toy hall of fame by Carolyn Thompson The Associated Press

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia outmuscled little green army men for a spot in the National Toy Hall of Fame. “Star Wars� action figures join centuries-old dominoes in the class of 2012, which was announced by the Rochester hall Thursday. A national selection committee chose them from among 12 finalists, plucking the most ancient and most modern toys from the list. “Star Wars� action figures went on the market in 1978, following the 1977 release of the 20th Century Fox movie. The 3 3/4inch figures of Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2D2 and company were sold until 1985 and again from the mid-1990s to today. Museum officials say their phenomenal popularity inspired other toy makers to tie their products to movies and television series and they note the toys’ appeal extends to adults who continue to collect them. “They are a force to be reckoned with,� said Patricia Hogan, curator at The Strong museum, which houses the Toy Hall of Fame. More than 20 lines of “Star Wars� figures have launched, propelling the film series’ merchandise sales to $20 billion

volume 117

issue 63

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

over the past 35 years. The action figures were first made by Kenner, which was bought by Tonka and later Hasbro. Dominoes originated in China in the 1300s and appeared later in Europe in a slightly different form. A standard set of 28 tiles represents all possible results when rolling a pair of six-sided dice, with the addition of two blank sides. Although there’s a variety of ways to play with them, the cascading toppling of lined-up tiles put the “domino effect� into the American lexicon. The toys beat out plastic green army men, the board game Clue, the FisherPrice Corn Popper, Lite-Brite, the Magic 8 Ball, the pogo stick, sidewalk chalk, the electronic game Simon, the tea set and Twister. Officials at the Toy Hall of Fame say anyone can nominate a toy and thousands of suggestions come in every year. An internal committee of curators, educators and historians chooses the finalists and then a national selection committee votes for the winners. To date, 49 toys have made the cut. They range from classics, like Play-Doh and Slinky, to the less obvious, like the stick and cardboard box. Longevity is a key criterion for getting into the 14-year-old hall. Each toy must be widely recognized, foster learning, Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

Carlos Ortiz / Democrat and Chronicle Members of “In Good Company�, from left, Ruth Bellavia, Sarah Peters, Doug Kester and Keith Handy, perform a Dominoes skit as part of the induction of Dominoes and Star Wars into the National Toy Hall of Fame at The Strong in Rochester, N.Y. on Thursday. A national selection committee chose them from among 12 finalists, plucking the most ancient and most modern toys from the list. creativity or discovery through play, and endure in popularity over generations. “Play is an essential activity, critical to learning and to human development,�

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

Design Director Robert Lundin Design Assistants Connor Coleman Josh Dolin John Tyczkowski Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

said Christopher Bensch, The Strong’s vice president of collections. “Play is also a window into understanding American culture.�

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo from page 1


night throughout the year. She also said the U’s color will change from white to red for special occasions, such as when the Lobos win football games or during Homecoming Week. “It’s a great honor to be able to unveil and light this U the day of his inauguration because he’s a three-time alum of UNM,” she said, referring to Frank. “We’re very excited to have a Lobo back on campus leading the University.” Frank, who received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees at UNM, said he is excited for his inauguration, and that he is thrilled that he is back in New Mexico. He said he is honored to serve as president of the University. “I am a proud graduate of UNM and it is a tremendous honor to be back home in New Mexico, serving as

president here,” he said. “I know how extraordinary this University is. I knew it as a student, and I know it today.” Frank said that because he owes his presidency to his education at UNM, he promises to focus on improving academics during his term. “UNM gave me a quality education that enabled me to compete nationally with the best and brightest,” he said. “I want to dedicate my tenure as UNM president to making sure that all of our students have the same opportunity to realize their dreams.” Frank said he thanks the Alumni Association for rebuilding the statue. “Thank you to all the alumni who helped bring our U back,” he said. “Though the U was first associated with athletics, I see it as a symbol of all things Lobo.”

from page 1

ASUNM Chief of Staff Gregory Montoya-Mora said the requirement will help students become more familiar with diversity-related issues, such as sexism and homophobia, and provide students with a more wellrounded education. He said that although students could choose between 100- to 400-level courses to fulfill the requirement, at least half of that course’s curriculum has to be based on diversity issues. “You’re not going to be able to fulfill all of (the graduation requirements) within one department, that’s not what we’re supposed to do. We’re not a trade school; we’re a University,” he said. “I could think of a slew of courses already that satisfy this requirement. It’s substantive, so it’s not like you can take SOC 101 (Sociology 101) and it covers one week on this.” Montoya-Mora said that because the University serves minority students and diversity studies will improve the value of the degree, the University should uphold ASUNM’s resolution. He said students and the University should take advantage of the diversity on campus. “We’re sort of in a special place in New Mexico,” he said. “To have diversity everywhere, a curriculum that reflects that and indulges that and reflects that is something that’s going to add immense value to your degree.” ASUNM Sen. Damon Hudson said the Senate needed to pass the resolution to ensure the Senate’s voice is heard when changes to graduation requirements are made.

Blue Mesa

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4300 Paseo del Norte NE • (505) 688-7772 “If we don’t get on the boat with this, the boat’s leaving without us,” he said. “If we want to have any knowledge or any power or any voice in the changes that will occur with this, then we need to get on board.” Lottery Scholarship Student Regent Jake Wellman, who addressed the Senate on Wednesday, said New Mexico is facing a solvency issue with the Legislative Lottery Success Scholarship, and that the scholarship costs more to fund in one semester than the amount of revenue collected in one semester. Wellman said some options to correct the solvency issue include making the scholarship requirement need-based, increasing the gradepoint average requirement, tailoring scholarship eligibility based on the institution or providing a one-time allocation for each student. He said the solution may be a hybrid of these options. “If you get the Lottery (Scholarship), you get like $2,000 no matter which school you go to, and you get to use that,” he said, explaining the option for a one-time allocation. Wellman said that at a Lottery Scholarship Summit on Nov. 27, speakers will address each option and the consequences that each option entails. “We have invited some legislators from Santa Fe to come down and weigh in on what they like and what they don’t like,” he said. Wellman said students will be able to share their opinions with the Board

of Regents after the summit. He said he and the regents hope the solution for the solvency issue will come from students. “(The Board of Regents) can have students weigh in on what they would like to see happen, and take the results to the legislators to attempt to pass a bill that favors the students’ opinions,” he said. “We want to get students together and figure out a way to cut the money that is given out in a way that helps the students succeed, rather than penalizes them for the state not planning financially.” New tuition policy Wellman said the regents’ Academic Student Affairs and Research Committee, which he sits on, has begun creating tuitionincrease policy, which includes five to six restrictions on future tuition increases. He said the policy will not allow the administration to request an increase tuition in a random fashion. “In the spring, when you want to come to us and say we want a 5 percent tuition increase or a 10 percent tuition increase to make the budget work this next year, these are the restraints,” he said. Wellman said some of the policy plans include tying tuition to inflation and that if the administration wants to increase tuition, its request will have to be justified within the context of the policy. He said the policy is awaiting approval from the Board of Regents and that if it passes, the administration will have to uphold it.

exclusively online. She said as long as graduate students continue to want to work at the publication, Blue Mesa Review will continue to showcase writers from the southwest. “We want to own that identity

and showcase artwork and writers, and let readers know that it’s not just the two coasts where writing trends are happening,” she said. “They’re happening all over the country and this is one of the places it’s happening.”



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from page 1

successful in showcasing those voices.” Hickey said that because the publication rotates its editorial board and changes its goal every year, this might be the only year the publication runs

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“This U really represents the collective pride of our students, staff and alumni,” she said. “UNM is a school of traditions, and we feel like it’s important to honor those traditions and start new ones.” She said the association originally planned to situate the statue on top of Hodgin Hall again, but the Federal Aviation Administration told the association not to, because it would make it more difficult for pilots to land at the Albuquerque Sunport. “We’re relatively close to the airport, and those strong lights on top the building do not make the FAA happy,” she said. “It would be a safety concern.” She said that although the University plans to keep the U unlit during the daytime, the University intends to illuminate the statue at



Friday, November 16, 2012/ Page 3

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Find out who won in Lo Mejor issue

November 26

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LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @alexswanberg

Juan Tabone is good at drawing, not being right

Editor, This is a short note to your cartoonist, Juan Tabone. Hey, Mr. Tabone. This is in response to your cartoon in the Lobo on Wednesday about nurses and UNMH administration. I only have three things to say: 1. You should get your facts straight before you start dissing anyone (although if you did that, you would never draw anything). 2. Thank God for the First Amendment (or else you would be a starving artist). 3. Good thing you are a halfway decent cartoonist, because I’m sure you have no other skills to get you through life. Have a great day. Steve Ross Daily Lobo reader

Editorial Board

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor

Friday, November 16, 2012


Don’t overuse antibiotics — your body can handle colds just fine by itself

Do you know what is special about this week, besides being the week before Thanksgiving? This is Get Smart About Antibiotics Week. Bet you didn’t know that, did you? The Centers for Disease Control declared it so, in an effort to raise public awareness about the growing problem of antibiotic overuse and resistance. Right on cue, a survey has just been released that suggests that more than a third of Americans think antibiotics can cure a cold. In case you are in that group, let me hasten to educate you. Antibiotic medications are drugs that kill bacteria, and are used to treat some infections. An infection occurs when a germ invades the human body. Germs can be divided into bacteria, viruses and fungi. The vast majority of respiratory illnesses are caused by viruses. Your respiratory system includes everything from your nose and mouth out to your ears, up to your sinuses and down to your lungs. Infections of the respiratory system include colds, sore throats, sinus infections, ear infections, bronchitis and pneumonia. Antibiotics do not kill viruses. Your body kills most viruses, for free. No clinic charge, no pharmacy charge. All it needs is some rest and time. If you take an antibiotic when you have a virus infection, it has no effect on the virus at all. On the other hand, it might have an effect on your body, from unpleasant

side effects to downright dangerous allergic reactions. Unfortunately sometimes doctors prescribe antibiotics when they aren’t needed, due to old bad habits, insistent patients, or “just in case.” This causes problems. It sets up patients to expect antibiotics for viral infections. That in turn creates busy clinics and dependent patients who think they can’t get over a simple cold without professional help. On a wider scale, overuse of antibiotics is creating superbugs. When we carpet-bomb the body with antibiotics, most bacteria will get killed. But a few will develop resistance to the antibiotic and survive. The survivors multiply and create a whole new group of tougher germs. Then science has to create a stronger antibiotic to kill these superbugs. There have been some very scary germs created by this exact scenario. Overuse of antibiotics has become a major problem, but fewer than half of Americans are aware of it, according to the survey mentioned above. Antibiotics have their place, to be sure, and have saved millions of lives; but they don’t cure the common cold. Remember, I said most respiratory infections are caused by viruses. That means some are caused by bacteria. For example, the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes causes a throat infection commonly called strep throat. That definitely requires an antibiotic,

Don Schrader’s letters are old news, Daily Lobo

who reads either paper is by now more than aware of his stance on pretty much everything. His pathetic whining and obvious need for attention are wearing a little thin at this point. Surely there must be something you can find to fill space with that is more enlightening or entertaining than the same old rants and raves from Schrader. My guess is, although I have no

Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief


Dr. Peg’s Prescription


Editor’s note: This letter is in response to the political cartoon published in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo.

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Editor, Why does the Daily Lobo, along with the Alibi, feel compelled to constantly put into print the rants of Don Schrader? Anyone


to prevent dangerous consequences of an untreated infection. Some kinds of pneumonia require antibiotics, as do some ear and eye infections and, rarely, sinus infections. People with underlying lung problems, smokers and those with chronic illnesses are more susceptible to bacterial infections as well. Contrary to popular opinion, the presence of fever or green mucus does not necessarily mean you need an antibiotic. If you’re looking for criteria, I suggest the following: If you get a respiratory infection, with the usual sore throat, congestion and cough, give your body a few days to work on it. Eat chicken soup. Pop some echinacea or zinc lozenges. Take over-the-counter remedies if you like. Drink lots of liquids to keep the mucous flowing. Try a sinus rinse with a neti pot. But if you have a high fever, a really bad sore throat that lasts for more than a few days, trouble breathing or symptoms that last longer than a week, seek medical care. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and call SHAC for an appointment at (505) 277-3136. I can’t promise you’ll get an antibiotic, but you’ll get good medical care and solid advice. Peggy Spencer is a student-health physician. She is also the co-author of the book “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@unm.edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous.

empirical evidence, that many other Albuquerque citizens feel pretty much the same way as I do on this subject. Here’s an idea for your paper: Run a poll to determine the percentage of people who give a damn one way or another about what this man has to say. Mark Egbert Daily Lobo reader


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Friday, November 16, 2012/ Page 5

Davie enacts pistol offense by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

Nevada head football coach Chris Ault developed the pistol offense in 2004 looking to incorporate the power running game with the spread formation. In the pistol offense, a quarterback is 4 yards behind the center and a running back lines up 3 yards directly behind the signal-caller. When UNM head football coach Bob Davie was hired, he had to decide what type of triple-option scheme he wanted to run. He said it came down to the traditional triple option of Georgia Tech and Army versus the pistol variation of Nevada. “What I liked about it so much was that it was a shotgun offense, but it was very physical; you have that element of I-formation and power football and the play-action pass,” Davie said of the pistol offense. “I felt we needed some niche, something that made us a little bit different, and I’ve always felt option football is the great equalizer.” Now as many as 49 college football teams run some aspect of the pistol offense, and Ault said the Lobos (4-7, 1-5 MWC) are one of the few teams that run it close to perfection. “They do a terrific job of it,” he said. “I think the pistol formation adds to the flexibility, like the teams of New Mexico and Texas State. It’s another facet that the pistol formation brings to college football.” Thanks to the pistol-offense-based scheme, the Lobos are the fifth-best rushing team in the nation, averaging 311.6 yards per game. But Davie said all the credit goes to Ault for being the first one to come up with the idea. “There’s no question Chris Ault was the pioneer of this,” he said. “I

Adria Malcolm/ @adriamalcolm / Daily Lobo Head football coach Bob Davie congratulates freshman running back Jhurell Pressley (6) during the game against Fresno State on Oct. 27. The Lobos host Nevada in their home finale on Saturday at University Stadium. think with anything, people take what’s really good and add on and make it a hybrid. Everyone is doing a form of it.” One of the main components of UNM’s vaunted rushing attack is junior running back Kasey Carrier, who is averaging 126.5 yards per game. Ault said Carrier is one of the best backs in the Mountain West Conference. “He’s a terrific back: tremendous speed, great change of direction and he has excellent field awareness when he gets up field,” Ault said. “He’s a big cog in that triple option; he’s the guy that in most cases initiates it. I think Bob has done a great job with that personnel and matching the option portion of the pistol.” Nevada’s offense ranks eighth in the nation in yards per game, averaging 511.3 yards. Wolf Pack junior tail back Stefphon Jefferson leads the nation in rushing, grinding out 143.6 yards per game to go with 20 total touchdowns. Nevada sophomore quarterback Cody Fajardo is at the top

of the Mountain West in total offense, averaging 323.1 yards per game. “Their offensive line is really good,” Davie said of Nevada. “They have a fast tailback, real fast; their passing game is where our triple option game is. They are a tremendously balanced team and they are explosive in the key positions.” The Lobos host Nevada (6-3, 3-3) on Saturday in the final home game for 23 seniors. Davie said these seniors are “his guys” for sticking it out for four tumultuous seasons. Before this season, UNM had only won three games in the last three years. “I hate to see these seniors leave,” Davie said. “I would love to have another couple of years with these guys — I feel like they’ve been cheated.”

Football vs. Nevada Saturday 1:30 p.m. University Stadium

men’s soccer

UNM to face NCAA regulars by Christian Naranjo sports@dailylobo.com

Given their recent history, it is fortunate the New Mexico men’s soccer squad will not face Air Force in the second round of the NCAA tournament. The Lobos compiled a 0-2-1 record versus the Falcons this season. The teams last faced off on Sunday in the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation tournament championship

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game with a 5-3 shootout loss for the Lobos. However, UNM was still able to rack up a 16-3-1 overall record, a No. 13 seed in the NCAA tournament and a first-round bye in the College Cup. UNM will face the University of Virginia on Sunday at the UNM Soccer Complex. The Cavaliers defeated Lafayette College 1-0 in the opening round of the tournament on Thursday. Despite the discouraging shootout

loss to Air Force, UNM is still optimistic, said head coach Jeremy Fishbein. “The plus side is that it keeps you hungry and keeps you on your toes,” he said. “We need the challenge. In the conference games, the truth of the matter is that our guys thought they could cruise and win their games. It’s not good, but we all know we have to be at our best. When we play some team that is our equal, we play really good.”

see Soccer page 6

feat. the

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Page 6 / Friday, November 16, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

men’s basketball

Basketball by the beach Lobos head to Virgin Islands for annual tournament

by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim Hours after Tuesday’s early-morning game, the UNM men’s basketball team boarded a plane for the Virgin Islands. But it’s not a reward for winning the season opener: The Lobos are there to compete. Play begins today for the Paradise Jam, an eight-team tournament hosted at the University of the Virgin Islands. The Lobos square off in the first round with Illinois-Chicago at 2 p.m. MST. Other teams in the field are Connecticut, George Mason, Iona, Mercer, Quinnipiac, and Wake Forest. The UNM-UIC game, along with UConn-Wake Forest and each winner’s-bracket contest, will be televised on the CBS Sports Network. “The first one is always the biggest,” said head coach Steve Alford, who coached Iowa at the Jam before his current tenure at New Mexico. “We’re on national TV and if we win it, the next two will be on national TV. That’s huge for us.” After the first round, UNM will face either George Mason or Mercer. The final round is Monday. The teams at the Jam have a combined record of 10-2, but no team has played more than two games at this early stage of


the season. UNM (1-0) enters the tournament after an 86-81 victory over Davidson on Tuesday. The Lobos rallied from a 16-point second-half deficit to capture the nationally televised contest. “It’s huge going into the Virgin Islands tournament,” said redshirt sophomore center Alex Kirk. “We needed a big win here, and I think it’s going to be a fun tournament.” The tournament isn’t just an opportunity to battle tough teams early in the campaign. The trip should be a bonding experience for UNM, Kirk said. “That’s going to be a lot of fun because we’re all going to be together,” he said. “We’ll keep working together. We’ll practicing and doing all our events together. I haven’t been to a tournament like this, so I don’t know what to expect. It’s going to be fun.”

Mexico Class 5A state basketball championship a year ago. He was named the Albuquerque Metro Player of the Year as a junior. Forward Tim Myles is a senior transfer at Etiwanda High School in California after playing at Corona Roosevelt a year ago. Bryce Alford and Myles will join Obij Aget next season. Aget, a center from La Porte, Ind., born in Sudan, signed with the Lobos for the 2012-13 season. He did not join the team this year in order to recover from a torn ACL. Aget does not have to re-sign his letter of intent. “We are very excited about this 2013 class,” coach Alford said in a statement. “Obij and Tim bring size and athleticism to our front line. Bryce is a very talented guard that understands exactly how we play and will really add to our backcourt.”

New Lobos Wednesday night, UNM announced the addition of two new players for the 2013-14 season. Prep players Bryce Alford and Tim Myles signed National Letters of Intent to join the Lobos during the early signing period. Guard Bryce Alford, son of head coach Steve Alford and younger brother of redshirt freshman Kory Alford, led La Cueva High to the New

Men’s basketball vs. UIC 2 p.m. Today Paradise Jam CBS Sports Network DirecTV channel 613, Comcast channel 274

from page 5

Virginia has had one of the most successful programs in the country for the last couple of decades: The Cavaliers have reached the NCAA tournament 32 consecutive times, which is the longest run in the nation. Virginia captured the 2009 title under 17-year head coach George Gelnovatch. Virginia ranks 15th in Ratings Percentage Index, compared to the Lobos’ No. 10 ranking, but Fishbein said the Cavaliers do not present a cupcake matchup. “Virginia is a young, talented, perennial power that is more attackgo They propose tough chalminded. s olenges,l”ohe- said. ob oSenior l s goalie Victor Rodrig willbnot oLobo o s guez be playing due to the g lo single-tournament-game os lobo NCAA’s o o b s gfor his- punching a South o lo s gsuspension

Florida player after the Lobos’ 6-5 shootout loss to South Florida during last season’s NCAA tournament. Redshirt sophomore Patrick Poblete will take Rodriguez’s place against Virginia. Poblete has received playing time in the previous four matches and started the seasonopening 3-2 triumph versus thenNo. 2 UCLA. He said the transition to starting his first NCAA tournament game has gone smoothly. “The preparation hasn’t been any different,” he said. “The only difference these last couple weeks have been playing in the games. I get a little more nervous than usual, but it’s been good.” New Mexico is no stranger to the NCAA tournament. With 10 appearances in the last 12 seasons under

Fishbein, UNM had a 2-1 victory over Duke in the second round of the 2011 NCAA tournament. Senior forward Blake Smith, who struck the gamewinning goal that time, said it has helped shape this year’s squad. “Last year was a bit of a magic run — we learned how resilient we could be,” he said. “As a program, we’re going to fight until the end. We also don’t want to put ourselves in a situation of having to fight back into the game. Having that experience, we’re going to do whatever it takes to win.”

Men’s soccer vs. Virginia Sunday

7 p.m. UNM Soccer Complex

g bo o bo lo s g o o o s o l s bo lob go l go os g obo o The list of upcoming o l s go bos obos lob go l go Lobo athletic events is published g o o s s o os l l b o o g o every Friday in the Daily Lobo. ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s l o g g o o o o o o b Upcoming Athletic Events s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g obos lob o o o o o b b s ob lo go l s g os g lo go l os g os g obo l Men’s Soccer Men’s Basketball o o s bo lob o lo go os b lob o l g g Sun 11/18 Fri-Mon 11/16-11/19 o o o s s s @ Paradise Jam Tournament hosts NCAA s l l b b o g o g o Championships o o o o o o ob o l s go s g bos lob lob o l s g os g bos lob vs. winner Lafayette/Virginia in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands l g 7pm go os g obo lobo o lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go s UNM Soccer Complex l b o o g g o o o o Women’s Basketball o o o o o b s ob lob go l s Tues 11/20 o l os g os g obos lob o lo go l os g os g obo l o o o o b Swimming b vs. NMSU 7pm s s b g l b g l b g g o o o o o o s s o l o os s l l b lo o l b Sun 11/18 o & Diving o g g o o Houston Baptist 1pm o o gvs. s b lob o lo go os b lob o lo g g g Thurs-Sat 11/15-11/17 o o o s s s s s l @ Wildcat Diving Invitational bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo obo lo The Pit o l s in Tucson, Ariz. o l o s s l s l b b o g o g g bo o o o o o o o o b b s s b g l s b g l g Country o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo go os bos obo o loCross Volleyball o Sat 11/17 o s g l s b g l b g g g o g o o Sat 11/17 o o o s s o l s o l @ NCAA Division 1 s s l s l b b o lo o lo g bo o lo g bo o o o vs. San Diego State 11am o b o b b s s g Championships g lo go os g os obo Johnson Center lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo gino Louisville, os KY o o b s s b g l s b g l Wed 11/21 b g g g o o o o o o o o s s o l o l s l s l b l b b o @ Wyoming o g Good luck to g o o o o o Football o o s g b lob o lo g b lob o lo go os lo g g g o o o s s s s s s b ol o 11/17 Sat o lBasketball, oob go l go b bMen’s s g obo vs. l1:30pm go os g obo loWomen’s bo lobo o lo o g Nevada o s o l s o Basketball, s b ol g Stadium g bos bo lob o l go University os o s s b g go os g obo lobo o lo g g o l lo oFootball, bo Country, b ol go bos bos lobo o lo g bos bos loCross o o s s g g lo g Swimming o & Diving, o s lo go os g o Soccer, s l s g os obo o lo o lo Men’s b o g o o o o o s b lobVolleyball g b lob o l o l os g os g obos lob s g os obo o lo o and g g o o o g os lob lob go l s g os g bos lob lob go l s g b o o o o o o o b s s b g l b g lo s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo To advertise in this special section, o s l b lo g b lob o l g g o o s o s s b ol call 277-5656! go os g obo go os g obo lobo o lo g s s b ol b ol go os g obo lobo o lo lo g s sg s l b o g o o o o o l b g ob os ob sg

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

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Art & Music After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 8:00am – 5:00pm George Pearl Hall Gallery UNM Composers Recital 6:00pm – 7:00pm Keller Hall A concert of music by the UNM composition studio

Campus Events Wesley Foundation Table 11:30am – 3:00pm SUB Plaza Table World Affairs Delegation Bake Sale 12:00pm – 3:00pm SUB Mall Table The United Way Prize Patrol 12:00pm – 2:00pm Campus wide Counseling Fri, November 16, 9am – 5pm Where The LGBTQ Resource Center Counseling is by walk-in or appointment every Friday!

Lectures & Readings Boundaries: Tracking Missiles in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands 2:00pm – 4:00pm History Department Common Room, Mesa Vista Hall “Inner Mongolian Holocene Lake and Dune Systems: A Green Inner Mongolia in the Mid-Holocene” 2:00pm – 3:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122 Presented by Louis Scuderi. Refreshments are available before the talks beginning. Free and open to the public. Global Optimization by Conformational Space Annealing and its Applications to Various Biological Systems

4:00pm – 5:00pm Room 125, Dane Smith Hall Discuss recent progresses of our efforts in protein structure prediction

Student Groups & Gov. Community Experience Meeting 1:00pm – 2:00pm SUB Luminaria

ACROSS 1 Restraint at a rodeo 6 Magnum __ 10 Telegraph “T” 13 Respond to 14 Receive with relish 16 Headline-making NYSE event 17 What makes a cat a cat? 19 Pro at balancing: Abbr. 20 Second-smallest st. 21 To date 22 Elevated church area 24 Greek vowel 25 Bearish directors? 28 State from which the Utah Territory was formed 30 Tarzan, for one 31 No longer in 32 Prefix with culture 33 Former word for former days 34 Sea dog who’s actually a wolf? 39 Calendar pg. 42 Texter’s “Zounds!” 43 Many a Johann Strauss work 47 Muscle Shoals site 50 Countless 52 Dogs who inspire artists? 54 Marshal at Waterloo 55 “__ Schoolchildren”: Tracy Kidder book 56 Nancy Drew’s beau 57 Econ. measure 58 San Francisco’s __ Hill 59 Deliverers of certain farm news? 64 Shakespeare title word 65 French income 66 iComfort mattress maker 67 Shooting locale 68 1967 #1 hit “Somethin’ Stupid,” e.g. 69 Former “NOVA scienceNOW” host Neil deGrasse __

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riday16, 2012 ovember FOR RELEASE NOVEMBER


Pre-Veterinary Society Meeting 6:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Fiesta B

Theaters & Films Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline 7:30pm – 8:30pm Popejoy Hall Tickets $15 General, $12 Faculty & Seniors, $10 Staff & Students. Swordfights, murder, revenge, intrigue, betrayal, romance, thought-provoking religious debate and a final battle between good and evil, there is something for everyone. Kid with a Bike (2011) 6:00pm & 8:00pm SUB Theater In French. A story of a boy as a young child that became an orphan, and his struggles along the way.

Saturday Art & Music

David Schepps, Cello and Falko Steinbach, Piano 3:00pm – 4:00pm Keller Hall UNM Music Faculty Duo Recital. Beethoven, Hindemith and more. $10/8/6. New Music New Mexico 7:30pm – 8:30pm Keller Hall Giacinto Scelsi’s otherworldly masterpiece, Anahit, for solo violin and chamber orchestra, with David Felberg, violin, Peter Gilbert, conductor. Music by student composers.


By Gareth Bain

DOWN 1 Churchill’s “so few”: Abbr. 2 Summer quencher 3 In any event 4 Slave 5 Wilson of Heart 6 Least fresh 7 Story opener 8 Org. managed by Scripps until 1982 9 Soccer mom’s ride 10 Work with a steno 11 Worn things 12 Accumulated to a fault 15 R&B singer Bryson 18 Lake __, Australia’s lowest point 23 Sever, with “off” 24 Announcer Hall 25 Language spoken in New Delhi 26 Church section 27 Change, in a way 29 Unadon fillets 32 Taiwanese-born Lee 35 Apple or pear 36 Mosque leader 37 PDA add-ons

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

38 Foolish talk 39 Tropical birds that run on lily pads 40 Fashionable 41 Hypothetical high-tech predator in Crichton’s “Prey” 44 Banks, e.g. 45 Abides by 46 “__ objections?” 48 Storage unit 49 Steamed state


50 Online discussion venue 51 Assyrian’s foe 53 Link 57 Like rainy London skies 60 Logical abbr. 61 Onetime Burmese statesman 62 L.A. setting 63 __ Mateo, California




Events of the Day

Things to do on campus this weekend.

Campus Events

Smartest Machine on Earth 10:00am – 12:00pm NM PBS/KNME Studio- 1130 University Blvd NE Looking at the machine that could be capable of human thought. 4th Annual Navajo Rug Auction 1:00am – 3:00pm Prairie Star Restaurant - Bernalillo No admission charge. Proceeds go to in part to Maxwell Museum. Browse, bid, and take home a unique handmade textile. Sales tax will not be charged for purchases.

Sports & Rec Tailgate 11:00am – 1:30pm University Stadium Football vs. Nevada 1:30pm – 3:30pm University Stadium Volleyball vs. San Diego State 11:00am – 1:00pm Johnson Center

Student Groups & Gov. PAD Free LSAT Testing 9:00am – 1:00pm SUB Fiesta A & B Pokemon Club Meeting 1:30pm – 4:00pm SUB Luminaria Anime Club Meeting 4:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Fiesta A & B Masked Ball 9:00pm – 11:30pm SUB Ballroom B & C Put on by the Society for Creative Anachronism

Theaters & Films Friends of Children At Carrie Tingley Hospital Day 1:00pm – 4:00pm SUB Theater Kid with a Bike (2011) 6:00pm & 8:00pm SUB Theater In French. A story of a boy as a young child that became an orphan, and his struggles along the way. Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline 7:30pm – 8:30pm Popejoy Hall Tickets $15 General, $12 Faculty & Seniors, $10 Staff & Students. Swordfights, murder, revenge, intrigue, betrayal, romance, thought-provoking religious debate and a final battle between good and evil, there is something for everyone. UNM Opera Theater 12:00pm – 12:45pm Keller Hall Free family concert, directed by Professors Sam Shepperson & Leslie Umphrey. “Pirates of Penzance” Come dressed as a Pirate!!

Sunday Art & Music

Kristina Austell 6:00pm – 7:00pm Art & Music Joint Recital.

Unveiling the “U” 4:30pm Hodgin Hall

Sports & Rec Women’s Basketball vs. Houston Baptist 1:00pm The Pit NCAA Men’s Soccer Tournament, Second Round Match 7:00pm UNM Soccer Complex

Theaters & Films Kid with a Bike (2011) 1:00pm & 3:00pm SUB Theater In French. A story of a boy as a young child that became an orphan, and his struggles along the way. Zastrozzi: The Master of Discipline 7:30pm – 8:30pm Popejoy Hall Tickets $15 General, $12 Faculty & Seniors, $10 Staff & Students. Swordfights, murder, revenge, intrigue, betrayal, romance, thought-provoking religious debate and a final battle between good and evil, there is something for everyone.

Student Groups & Gov.

Gabriella Herczeg, Piano 8:00pm – 9:00pm Art & Music Senior Degree Recital

International Medical Domincan Republic Meeting 3:00pm – 4:30pm SUB Fiesta A & B

Campus Events Inauguration of Frank 2:00pm – 3:30pm Popejoy Hall

Post inauguration Reception 3:30pm – 4:30pm Hodgan Hall



World Affairs Delegation Meeting 4:00pm – 5:30pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird

More events at dailylobo.com Email events to: calendar@dailylobo.com


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MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. FOR YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY needs, please visit www.davidmartinezpho tography.com

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RELATIONSHIPS/MARRIAGE MENTORING - Learn more about effective communication skills and conflict resolution skills. Check out the Healthy Relationships 101 website: www.HealthyRela tionships101.com CATER YOUR NEXT event with Olympia Cafe. Authentic Greek Food &Pastries. Call for prices 266-5252.

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. AFFORDABLE- UNM/ DOWNTOWN. Remodeled 1BDRM apartments. $525-$575/mo +utilities. Singles. 266-4505. MOVING OUT OF dorms? Our Studios with free utilities, closest to UNM. 505246-2038. “ask dorm special” www. kachina-properties.com

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WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

CLEAN 1BDRM, FREE UNM parking, no pets. 4125 Lead SE. $490/mo +electricity. 850-9749.

Condos 3BEDROOMS AND 2BA/ 2CG. 2 Living areas. 1600sf. Near Girard and Indian School. $1290/mo +utilities. No pets. Call 280-0997 for more information.

Duplexes 3BDRM, 2BA, W/D included, fenced backyard, off-street parking, granite countertops, hardwood floors. 321 Standford SE. $1,155/mo $1,200dd, 362-0837. 1 BLOCK TO UNM. 1BDRM duplex, hardwood floors, sky lights. $550/mo includes utilities. 299-7723.

Houses For Rent 2BDRM 1BA HOUSE 900 sqft. Hardwood floors, off-street parking. $730/mo includes gas, tenant pays electricity. Preferably NS, pets ok. 301 Princeton SE. 270-0891. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE FOR rent. 3 BDRM, 1 BA. 5 minutes to University. $975/mo. Contact Dana 933-1782. 7 BLOCKS TO UNM. Remodeled 3BDRM 2BA, 2 living areas, W/D, house remodeled, $1275/mo +$850dd. Available January 1. 712 Princeton SE. 210-479-8972.

Houses For Sale $215K, 1348 VASSAR NE, Albuquerque. Campus cutie! 3BDRM/2BA/1CG. Kellie, Pargin RE 991-2758.

Rooms For Rent LOBO VILLAGE- TWO females wanted for same appartment. Mid-December. Please call Britt at 505-310-5038 if interested! MATURE FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted to share 3BDRM home with same. Near Indian School and San Mateo. 266-0309. CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need female to take over lease. Wifi. On campus. Will pay first month rent, ready to move in. 505-366-3245. dcrocker@unm. edu FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share a 3BDRM/2BA house with two other female students. Serious, n/s, clean, mature female preferred. Call Jessica, 505-977-7766. ROOM FOR RENT! $375/mo +utilities, male or female. If interested please contact Damon at wicketts16@gmail.com or 505-402-8227. STUDIOUS FEMALE ROOMMATE needed $345/mo +utilities. 3BDRM/2BA, two female roommates, take over lease, safe nice location. Call 303-947-9927.

LOOKING FOR MALE Roommate to take over Lobo Village lease for Spring 2013. Call 399-9797. WANTED ROOMMATE TO share Broadstone apt. Preferably female, serious student, n/s, clean, mature, friendly. $350/mo. Text 208-993-7141. CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need female to take over lease, includes wifi, cable, elecricity. Located on campus. November rent payed, ready to move in. 505-550-6268. 1BDRM IN A 4BDRM house, 1 block from UNM. $425/mo includes utilities, W/D, and Wifi. No pets. 505-206-6466. 2 ROOMMATES WANTED. Female, NS, students, no pets. Share a fully furnished 3BDRM house near Wyoming and Menaul. Wireless, DirectTV. Utilities, W/D included. $400/mo +$50 nonrefundable cleaning fee. 505-250-4601.

For Sale PROFESSIONALLY-STRETCHED CANVASES for painting. Stretcher boards available too. Variety of sizes, downtown. 505-917-9528. CONN FRENCH HORN (student) $175. Jimi 480-7444.

Vehicles For Sale 2003 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS , fully loaded. 127k. Excellent condition.35 MPG. $3,700. Contact Dana at 933-1782.

Jobs Off Campus LOCAL ALBUQUERQUE COMPANY seeking a full time hourly Digital Marketing Coordinator to handle a variety of web tasks along with some marketing projects. Responsibilities include creating and managing weekly email marketing promotions, website deals and specials, and implementing various marketing projects. Some Saturday’s required.

Requirements: MUST have knowledge of HTML/CSS programming, graphic design and email marketing experience preferred. Reports to: Director of Consumer Marketing To apply, email shelby@pavlustravel. com IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN our before and after school programs. PT, MondayFriday, $10.50-$13.00/hr. after successful completion of paid training. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in personat 1613 University Blvd NE. EOE. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. WANTED COMPUTER SKILLS and general advertising consultant for local businesses. Pay negotiable based on skill level and availability. E-mail if interested jrc1378@yahoo.com DG’S DELI IS hiring enthusiastic, motivated, experienced cashiers, and sandwich artiists. Clean appearance a must, Apply in person 1418 Dr MLK. No calls please.

SCIENCE LABORATORY TECHNICIAN II - Biology (0601503) – Technical and Paraprofessional Responsibilities: Under general supervision, provides noninstructional technical support for instructional laboratories. Prepares and issues instructional materials, supplies and equipment; provides faculty with non-instructional assistance during the laboratory sessions, maintains organization and storage of all materials, supplies and equipment in stock room and laboratories; assists with chemical hygiene, waste disposal and laboratory safety programs; assists faculty in maintaining student laboratory safely compliance; supervises student employees. Exposure to hazardous material may be required. May be required to lift and carry heavy loads and transfer equipment between campuses. To ensure compliance with federal and college requirements some mandatory training must be completed for this position. Salary: $12.96 per hour. Requirements: Completion of post-secondary coursework in chemistry or equivalent from an accredited institution and one year directly related experience in higher education or commercial laboratory experience. Ability to use computers and software applications. Communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Ability to manage several tasks simultaneously. Ability to function effectively in team environment. Deadline for application:12/3/12 by 5pm. For parttime faculty that work a minimum of eight (8) contact hours per week, Central New Mexico Community College provides an excellent benefit package that includes: a pension plan, health, dental and vision insurance, disability and life insurance. A complete job announcement detailing required application documents is available at jobs. cnm.edu or at CNM Human Resources 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. HEALTHCARE FACILITY SEEKING an energetic, outgoing, people oriented marketing major for a part-time marketing opportunity to develop/implement marketing strategy to build/maintain referral relationships and increase patient population. Knowledge with the healthcare industry preferred but not necessary. Please submit a brief introduction letter outlining qualifications/availability (M-F) and resume, if available, to 505-830-6505.

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UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma less than 56 years old for a research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm. edu

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