NM Daily Lobo 112410

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

A bunch of turkeys see page 6


November 24. 2010

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


Housing plans not not yet finalized by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

Lobo Village on south campus is nearing completion, but UNM officials said main campus housing construction plans, entailing the addition of nearly 2,000 beds, have yet to be finalized. UNM Real Estate Director Kim Murphy said American Campus Community’s plans to revamp main campus construction are still hazy. “We don’t even have the whole plan,” he said. “It’s developing.” The next step in the process is consideration of the “strategic housing plan” that ACC will deliver this month, according to Lobo Development’s latest presentation to the regents. Lobo Development will hold an open forum Nov. 30 at 4 p.m. in the SUB to discuss the strategic housing plan. It will consider the plan and present it to the regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee in early December. Amy Coburn, of UNM Planning and Design, said planning workshop attendees came up with three plans for housing during meetings held since August. “We basically generated a lot of information at the workshops, and ACC is the beneficiary of that information,” she said.

“This is a really, really important studenthousing initiative.” ~Kim Murphy UNM Real Estate Director ACC has the final say about the plans, but Murphy said one of the workshop-generated plans will likely be adopted. Murphy wouldn’t specify what the favored plan is. “We think there is a favored alternative, and we expect that the strategic housing plan will reflect that,” he said. The workshop-generated plans share the same Phase I, which entails the demolishing of the Santa Ana dorm and part of D lot to make way for dorms. Subsequent phases could involve the demolition of Coronado and Alvarado dorms, Oñate Hall, the grassy field across the street from Coronado dorm and part of Johnson Field. Murphy said he expects Phase I to be completed by August 2012. Planning and location considerations included vehicle circulation, pedestrians and bikes, building conditions

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo Alpha Tau Omega organizer Andrew Herring straightens a domino during a contest at the SUB ballroom on Monday. The domino contest is a fundraiser for the United Way campaign.

Council collects candy for troops by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

A UNM organization is hoping bite-sized treats will make a big impression on U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The UNM Staff Council collected 567 pounds of Halloween candy as part of its civil project, Operation Gratitude. The candy was donated by University members over three weeks. Elise Wheeler, Veteran Student Services director, said the donation boosts troops’ morale. “I thought it was absolutely wonderful,” she said. “You don’t have any idea how great it is to get a package in the middle of nowhere.” Ten boxes of candy were sent

to military bases in California last week. They arrived at their destination Tuesday and will be shipped to troops in holiday care packages. The packages should be in soldiers’ hands by Thanksgiving, according to a statement released by the UNM Staff Council. Wheeler said the holidays are stressful for active military members because they are in dangerous environments, away from their homes and families. Besides those on active duty, she said it is important to remember the thousands of veterans who face isolation and poverty during the holidays. “Some people may think it’s a small donation, but to have something sent from home, that is fantastic,” Wheeler

said. And for less fortunate veterans and homeless here in Albuquerque, five homeless shelters will provide Thanksgiving Day meals. Glendora Hill, a spokeswoman for the Albuquerque Rescue Mission, said her organization serves veterans who are homeless or don’t have a place to eat. Like other places serving meals, she said her organization needs cash and food donations, including nonperishable canned and boxed food. “Whatever you can put on your plate is basically what we need,” Hill said. Wheeler said most projects aimed at assisting veterans will begin in December. UNM Staff Council President Merle

Kennedy said UNM staff and community members stepped up to the plate to provide for less fortunate veterans. “We also want to extend a heartfelt thanks to UNM staff for promoting, collecting and delivering the candy to the Staff Council office,” Kennedy said. “Your generosity and community spirit is truly heartwarming.” The Division of Student Affairs donated funds to the Staff Council to defray candy shipping costs. Speaking from experience, Wheeler said care packages break up soldiers’ holiday loneliness. “It was really nice when you are living in a tent and there are miles and miles of beach and no water,” she said

see Soldiers page 3

Check out our multimedia coverage of the bodies exhibit at DailyLobo.com


see Lobo Village page 3

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 66

Paper champions

Fury in the favelas

See page 6

See page 5


54 |25

PageTwo Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Mexico Daily Lobo

where are


Every Wednesday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to Photo@DailyLobo.com. The winner will be announced next week. Last Week’s Photo

Chris Quintana / Daily Lobo

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Sales Manager Nick Parsons

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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volume 115

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Leah Valencia Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Ruben Hamming-Green Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Raechel Atkinson correctly identified the location of last week’s photo, which was taken at the staircase outside of Dane Smith Hall.

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The Civil Engineering Department appointed professor John Stormont as department chair after he held the interim chair position for 17 months. “It’s an honor to be selected by the faculty,� Stormont said. “For them to want to continue working with me, it’s really an honor to be selected by my peers.� His responsibilities include financial management of department resources, including all faculty and staff. The Civil Engineering Department has

offering discussion groups and classes in online publishing. The Scholar’s Communication Committee worked on eSIC for three years and intends it to be a one-stop eScholarship support service, she said. Support services range from a selfservice eScholarship workstation, which offers online assistance in article and manuscript preparation with available graphic designers, data presentation specialists and editors for an online submission depository. The eSIC will also offer credit courses in research methods, foundations in informatics, digital research and data management, Buchanan said. Buchanan said the committee plans to use Starbucks’ sales to fund printing on demand. Faculty Senate President Richard Wood said the program will succeed when funds become available. “This is the kind of thing that is so important right now when money flow is miserable — to be thinking creatively about what we can do to really lay the groundwork for ‌ actually

having a plan to go forth,� he said. Buchanan said the proposal will move toward gaining endorsement from the provost and University officials. “Stay tuned as it evolves,� she said. “It looks promising.�

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n i m s Faculty Senate: Digitize materials Ya afe C by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

The Office for eScholarship presented a proposal that will help transition UNM Libraries from print to digital materials at Tuesday’s Faculty Senate meeting. The proposed “eScholar Innovation Center� (eSIC) would offer applications and resources that will allow for electronic publishing, online research collaboration, shared data sets and an open-access scholarship, the proposal said. “We want this to be a point of leverage for the support of the libraries, museum, UNM press and scholarly communication at the university,� UNM Libraries spokesperson Holly Shipp Buchanan said. The Office of eScholarship is tasked with preserving rights to and facilitating the production of published works that come out of UNM. The eSIC will provide consultation on authorship rights and the production of digital media, and Buchanan said it will promote dialogue by

Lobo Village

from page 1

and campus boundaries, according to the regents’ presentation. Of course, Murphy said, nothing is definite until ACC’s plans are finalized and reviewed and the University enters a main campus ground-lease agreement with ACC. Murphy and Coburn said they hope more students will participate in future planning decisions, and workshops will continue as the strategic housing plan progresses. “There are lots of different perspectives on this thing, but this is a really, really important student-housing


initiative,� Murphy said. “We want to get student involvement, and it’s not something that’s being done behind closed doors.�

Other Faculty Senate items: The Senate entered executive session to discuss and vote on awarding three candidates honorary degrees. Changes to the Faculty Disciplinary policy were discussed, but not voted on. Parts of the policy date to the Vietnam War era and do not include standard provisions for handling faculty misbehavior, senators said. Steven Graves, associate director for the Center of Biomedical Engineering, proposed creating a master’s of science in biomedical engineering.

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from page 1

about her own active duty. “But I was never in Afghanistan or Iraq. To be in a



by Shaun Griswold

“It’s a challenge, beyond funding, a number of reframing strategies will take place,â€? he said. “Next year we will hire three new faculty members, and this year we will continue to implement our sustainable infrastructure, where we are trying to change how we make things last longer or have a smaller ecological footprint.â€? His department includes coursework in civil engineering and undergraduate programs in construction engineering and management. Stormont’s research inter­ests are related to geo-environmental issues asso­ci­ated with min­ing oper­a­tions and land­fills, unsaturated hydrol­ogy and geo­me­chan­ics. He is a reg­is­tered professional engi­neer in New Mex­ico and got his Ph.D. from the Univer­sity of Arizona in 1990.


Civil Engineering hires former Sandia Labs employee

five staff and 17 faculty members. Stormont has 16 years teaching experience at UNM. Before he came to the University, he worked at Sandia National Labs for 12 years. He brought UNM $3.2 million in research grants and has been the lead adviser to 19 master’s and four Ph.D. students. UNM School of Engi­neer­ing Interim Dean Arup Maji said in a statement that Stor­mont devel­op­ed a strate­gic plan and prepared the depart­ment for accred­i­ta­tion reviews. “I am con­fi­dent that he will now be able to focus more on the strate­gic goals of the depart­ment, along with hir­ing new faculty,â€? Maji said. Stormont said he will have to find replacements for retiring professors and ensure sustainable measures are met.


Chair looks to reinvigorate dept

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 / Page 3



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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Wednesday November 24, 2010

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Shopping is power

“Illegal guns and drugs, anyone?”

by Chris Quintana Culture Editor

Americans have labored under the impression that voting is the most important civic duty. Those people never bothered to consider shopping. Think about it. Every American can make his or her voice heard through consumption. There are no age limitations, no polling days, and no restrictions just because you’re a felon. Everyone is allowed, nay, encouraged to buy. After all, the economy needs your money, doesn’t it? But it’s not just that. So far, the government hasn’t taken away our ability to shop. It cannot put restrictions on what we buy. Or, I guess, the government can try, but we always get what we want. Illegal guns and drugs, anyone? The American shopper’s power is unlimited and could easily alter the way this nation functions. People complain that the government is big business, but big business relies on American consumers. Without us, they would be nothing, and maybe they need a little reminder about the power we wield over them. Maybe, instead of shopping like mad men on Black Friday, we could stay home and keep our money in our pockets instead. And we could avoid shopping at Wal-Mart, but not just Wal-Mart. Places like Target that push an image of cleanliness and better-business practices, but in fact use all the same products as Wal-Mart. Or if we do decide to shop, we could stay local and avoid the mall all together. And at the end of the day, we could go to bed feeling clean and as though we had done something for the nation. Shopping, like voting, should have consideration. Just as people will, or should, spend time researching candidates deserving of their vote, so should people research products that not only satisfy their needs but also don’t make orphans run through fire hoops while knitting and assembling electronics. But let’s be honest. Just as people vote down party lines, they will also buy the first sparkly thing that catches their eye. I know. I have seen this happen. I’ve done it myself. I have a friend who will buy a new box of Cheez-Its if the type on the box were altered slightly. I have another who will buy anything with a design of rhinestones on it. We are only, and in spite ourselves, human, which means we are flawed. But on top of that we are Americans, which doesn’t leave me optimistic. The only thing we can hope to do — rather than try and rein in our impulsive habits — is to give up, arm ourselves with cash, debit cards and checks, and spend, spend, spend on this blackest of Fridays. Let’s spend ourselves into a coma, and then be sure to go to a state–supported hospital because the government still needs our money. And why not? Black Friday comes once a year, and if we aren’t going to do any research about shopping, if we aren’t going to commit to one of our most important civic duties, then we might as well go out with a bang. Good luck shopping out there, folks. I’ll be clubbing an old lady for the last copy of “Toy Story 3.”


Fend for yourself in Swedish schools Editor’s Note: Lobos Abroad is a regular column from former Daily Lobo staff members studying in a different country this semester.

by Kallie Red-Horse Daily Lobo Columnist

I have been known to grumble about an afternoon class that I would prefer to nap through, so when I heard about Linkoping University’s educational structure, I was giddy. Little did I know that I was more dependent on UNM’s structured course schedule than I thought. I certainly didn’t anticipate craving a fixed agenda. Not only does the location of any given class at LIU change, but the time and the teacher alternate as well. Most students would rejoice at the prospect of focusing on one class per month and each course meeting once or twice a week, but essentially that setup assumes that you will be responsible for teaching everything to yourself. My Swedish roommate, Louvisa, said this arrangement allows students to get whatever experience they want from school. “Psychology is my concentration, and we don’t even get assigned books,” she said. “We pick whatever books we think most relevant to our assignment and course.” Louvisa said the Swedish education system

Hey, UN, maybe Haiti just isn’t that into you anymore Editor, The recent outbreak of cholera in Haiti has led to a steady deterioration in the relationship between UN peacekeepers and

Kallie studied in Sweden.

caters to an older student population and assumes intellectual maturity. “Our last two years of our high school are like the first two years of American college,” she said. “We graduate when we are 19, and everyone takes at least a year off before even beginning university. You all are so young when you start!” This would make most Swedish freshmen the age of the typical American junior, with the capability to self-pace themselves in their classes. Students create their own study schedule for their course, teaching themselves what we would normally expect a professor to lecture to us. Louvisa wrote out a study plan that she followed from the comfort of her room, reading for hours at a time. Talk about self-control! Aside from the independence, there are some other unusual characteristics present in the Swedish schooling system, such as the opportunity to retake final exams twice if you fail them.

This could be considered beneficial, but it does make one nervous to think of why they need to have this rule in place. Are people really failing them that often? Another Swedish quirk was the academic quarter system. If your class is listed as meeting at 8, then you should expect the class to begin precisely at 8:15. If you arrive at the proper time, you are 15 minutes early! As a chronic early bird, this initiates a fair amount of thumb-twiddling on my part as I wait for my fellow students to arrive to each class. As an 18-year-old exchange student, there is a minimum three-year gap between me and other LIU students. No doubt that affected my ability to develop an effective study plan for myself. However, while it is apparent that I lack the self-management and organization required, I hope being exposed to these methods will help me develop them. Experiencing a self-guided learning technique has shown to me some of the flaws in American universities. Being responsible for your own education increases motivation. Sometimes, some of us forget why we are in school. We just blindly show up to classes to fulfill requirements. That being said, I will never complain about even the most snore-inducing lectures because I am glad that they are there teaching me. All right, I might complain just a little bit.

Letter the Haitian people. UN soldiers from Nepal have been accused of bringing the illness into Haiti. Like many relationships gone sour, the breakup looks to be moving along slowly and painfully, and one party refuses to say goodbye. The Haitian people with their riots and attacks on UN soldiers have clearly decided that the love is gone. The UN, on the other hand, is acting like a jilted stalker.

If the UN ever had any good intentions toward Haiti to begin with, then now is the chance to prove it. The only solution to the war in Haiti is the immediate evacuation of UN forces. Breakups are messy, but sometimes they are for the best. Muhajir Romero UNM Student

Editorial Board Letter submission policy

Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Leah Valencia News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 / Page 5


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by Juliana Barbassa The Associated Press

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian officials sent 1,200 extra police into the streets of Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday to halt an upsurge of roadblocks and mass robberies by gangs that they say are challenging police for control of slums. The military-run police announced they had ordered the officers off of desk work and into the streets to quell the attacks that have renewed concerns about security for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. Rio has been hit by a spike in violence since Sunday, with at least five mass robberies of motorists on key highways, including the one leading to the international airport. Witnesses say the armed men have blocked roadways with cars, then moved down the line of trapped vehicles, yanking people from their cars and robbing them in broad daylight. One man who resisted was shot to death in a poor area of northern Rio, police said. Suspected drug gang members, armed with assault rifles, pistols and even grenades, have tossed molotov cocktails into several of the cars after

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motorists fled. Burned-out husks of the cars littered the sides of roads in several parts of the city, including wealthier areas that are usually spared the rampant violence that permeates the city’s slums. Police responded by deploying riot officers on expressways into the city of 6 million people and sending patrols into 16 gang-controlled shantytowns to hunt down gang members they hold responsible for the attacks. Officers seized drugs, cells phones and various weapons, including a Kalashnikov in the action. Two men died confrontations with police Tuesday, officials said. Eleven have been arrested. Rio state Public Safety Director Jose Beltrame, in charge of the security forces, said the attackers are trying to disrupt a city campaign to push gangs out of key shantytowns. “There are groups of criminals who have been installed here for 20, 30 years, and they might not want to give up. But we’re not giving up either,� he said. “If they keep this up, we’ll redouble our efforts. Anyone who gets in our path will be run over.� He said eight high-level drug traffickers are suspected of coordinating

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the attacks from local prisons and asked they be moved to more distant federal penitentiaries. Thirteen shantytowns have been pacified over the past two years. The plan is to free 40 — a small fraction of Rio’s more than 1,000 slums — of gang control by the time of soccer’s World Cup. The national minister of justice, Luiz Paulo Barreto, assured executives of soccer’s governing body, FIFA, on Tuesday that the country is preparing to welcome the games in a climate of “peace and tranquility.� City officials also sought to reassure residents of Rio’s dangerous slums. “People might be scared, but we have a purpose here,� Beltrame said. “We are living for now with the problems of the old Rio. They don’t go away magically. But we are working toward a definitive solution.� Taxi driver Leonard Viera de Oliveira, 40, took little comfort. “Criminals used to just rob you.� he said. “Now they’re burning your car and blocking the road.� He gestured at police officers on the side of the road: “They’re here now, but how long can they keep it up? I’m out there until 4 a.m., and if I need them, will they be around?�




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Go Lobos!


Silvia Izquierdo / AP Photo A bullet hole pierces the window of a small police station in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Tuesday. Rio’s entire military police force was ordered into the streets after gang attacks left two motorists dead, cars burned and mass robberies on highways.


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Page 6 / Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Can’t pen in paper champs by Steven Fernandez

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist The Miami Heat aren’t necessarily 8-6 because of the play of LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t squarely blame the supposed super group for the uninspiring start. The newly formed trio produces well enough on the court. Through 14 games this season, James is averaging 23 points, five rebounds and eight assists per game, while Wade adds 21, five and three to go with Bosh’s 17, seven and two. Certainly, most NBA coaches would take those numbers from their top three players. Yet Miami struggles to maintain a winning record, in part because of a paper-thin bench, and in part because Wade, James and Bosh made the Heat the NBA’s most hated team. After recent losses, Miami players talked about how they are getting every team’s best shot, which is one of the most bizarre — but also true — storylines this season. It’s absurd to think that Miami is the team everyone is gunning for and not the two-time defending champion Los Angeles Lakers, who were not exactly silent during the offseason, either. Not only are the Lakers’ key championship components returning, but the additions of Steve Blake and Matt Barnes arguably make this Lakers squad more dangerous than last year’s.

But even those who recognize that seemed to neglect the Boston Celtics, who pushed the Lakers to the brink in a thrilling seven-game NBA Finals series that came down to the closing seconds. This is the same Boston squad that knocked out Wade’s Heat and James’ Cavaliers in last year’s postseason. Still, when Bosh and James decided to join Wade in Miami, it created an All-Star dream for Heat fans and media members. Some predicted the Heat would cruise to a championship and push 70 wins. Instead, Miami has struggled to an 8-6 start while Los Angeles jumped out to 12-2 and Boston sports a 10-4 record, which includes two wins over the Heat. Look no further than Boston’s Paul Pierce when surveying how the offseason obsession with the Heat got under more-accomplished teams’ skin. After Boston’s second win over Miami, Pierce tweeted, “It was a pleasure taking my talents to South Beach,� a reference to James’ often-mocked quote from his appalling one-hour “Decision� special on ESPN. That’s when James announced that he would sign with Miami. Perhaps it’s ironic that James is taking the most heat for Miami’s start when he is in fact playing like the team’s best player. But really, after “The Decision,� the way he departed Cleveland, and even his idea to start a Twitter page with

the handle “KingJames,� have all made James public enemy No. 1. Even after seven NBA seasons and no championships, “The Chosen One,� as his back tattoo reads, carries himself with arrogance and a sense of accomplishment rather than the passion of someone hungry for an NBA title. That’s not to say Wade and Bosh are not innocent bystanders in the night-after-night gauntlet that Miami faces. Days after James decided to sign with Miami, the trio came out in front of a large crowd on an elevated stage complete with pyrotechnics, colorful smoke and music blasting. They danced around and bobbed their heads as if they had just clinched the NBA Finals. That kind of showing would have been over the top if it were the Lakers celebrating their second straight title. For the Heat to do it in celebration of signed contracts was downright ludicrous. That is why there is no sympathy, and perhaps no surprise, that Miami has the biggest target on its back in 2010-11. But now that the smoke has cleared and the games are underway, maybe we are seeing the Heat for what they truly are. The party they threw celebrating their signatures on pieces of paper might be the most telling thing about this trio — that they are simply paper champions.

Editor’s Note: Steven Fernandez is a former managing and sports editor at the Daily Lobo.

Wilfredo Lee/AP Photo Since Miami Heat forward LeBron James’ arrival, the Heat has underperformed after media types picked it to challenge the Chicago Bulls’ 72-10 record.

Thanksgiving joy hinges on increased effort by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

The UNM men’s basketball team is looking to stuff the first turkey on its schedule. The Lobos will try to rebound after getting romped by 25 points against California on Saturday. Now 2-1, the Lobos host Northwood, a Division II team from Michigan, today at 7 p.m. Head coach Steve Alford joked that his team must carve through its opponent in order to

avoid holiday stress. “There might be no spread at all, if things don’t go well Wednesday,� Alford said. “If things don’t go well Wednesday, then Thanksgiving changes a little bit. Their holiday is always dependent on how well they play before the holiday.� At 1-4 overall, the Timberwolves seem to be the perfect opponent for the hungry Lobos, who should be motivated by their lackluster road performance. “(Cal) was our first road trip for a lot of these guys, and I have no idea why it was, but it was

monotone,� Alford said. “There was no enthusiasm, no intensity and no concentration at either end. I’m discouraged in the way we got beat at Cal.� If anything, the Lobos will likely benefit from guard Phillip McDonald’s return. The junior sat out the first three regular-season game after injuring his right elbow in an exhibition game. Also, Alford said, expect the Lobos to play a complete game, something they forgot to do against Cal, which went on a 17-1 run and held UNM to just 28 points in the second half.

“Our young guys don’t have a real familiarity with what we are trying to do (on offense),� Alford said. “We are trying to get familiar with our offense and why we are doing things offensively.� UNM’s first three tests against Detroit, Arizona and Cal will benefit it against Northwood. To date, Northwood has lost to MissouriSt. Louis, Illinois-Springfield, Wright State and Wisconsin-Parkside, but did earn its first victory with a 76-70 over Rochester.

see Men’s bball page 7


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Men’s bball

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 / Page 7

from page 6

The visitors are led by 6-foot-3-inch forward Bobby Lewis, who averages 16.4 points and 5.8 on the boards. Guard Andrew Van DierenDonck averages 11.8 points and should be an interesting matchup for the Lobos’ smaller guards. In the past — and likely in the future — the Lobos will lean on Dairese

Gary with his 14.3 scoring average and his 4.7 assists per game. Freshman Kendall Williams scores 11.3 points a game and Fenton checks in with a 10.3 average. “This week has to be big on conditioning, mental toughness, getting our offense to execute better, getting tougher defensively,” Alford said.

Up Next

Men’s basketball vs. Northwood Tonight, 7 p.m. The Pit

Locksley: Be like a race horse by Ryan Tomari


Up Next

Will the UNM football team end its season the same way it started? Well, the Lobos will find out Saturday. Undefeated and third-ranked TCU rolls into Albuquerque, and with some help from other teams around the country, the Horned Frogs could potentially find themselves in the BCS National Championship on Jan. 11. UNM head coach Mike Locksley said his team is ecstatic to play TCU. “This week wraps up the 2010 season for us, and we have an exciting opponent coming into town,” Locksley said. “As I have talked to our team about all week, if you can’t get excited about having the opportunity to play one of the top teams in the country the last two years, then you shouldn’t be playing Division I football.” Last year in the Lobos’ season

Football vs. TCU Saturday 2 p.m. University Stadium finale, TCU dropped UNM 51-10 in Fort Worth, Texas, and crashed the BCS party. The Horned Frogs then lost to college football’s Cinderella, Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl. With a week off, TCU has had two weeks to prepare for UNM. TCU head coach Gary Patterson said the Frogs have an opportunity to clinch the Mountain West Conference regular-season title. “All we’re trying to do is win, and that is the most important thing to us,” Patterson said. “We are trying to just win by one point. I read some article in Albuquerque that we had

to come (here) and get some style points. It gives us a chance to be 12-0, win the conference title because that’s what we’ve been working on the last two weeks.” TCU might have one of the best quarterbacks in the country and arguably the best player in the MWC in Andy Dalton. In 2010, Dalton has not disappointed. This season he has thrown 23 touchdowns and six interceptions. The Horned Frogs also have dynamic skill player Jeremy Kerley. Kerley has 50 receptions this year, and 10 are touchdowns. Locksley said he understands the Lobos’ task this Saturday. “I often use the analogy this week with our players: horse racing,” Locksley said. “You know those horses have odds on them, and when you open the gates on them, do you think the horse knows what the odds were? They don’t.” Odds are, that’s a good thing for the Lobos.

Stephanie Gonzales/ Daily Lobo UNM’s A.J. Hardeman dunks the ball over Arizona State’s Ty Abbott at The Pit on Nov. 16. The Lobos host Northwood tonight at 7 p.m. =

Fan Page


go s bo loo o l s go bos g os lobo o lo Volleyball Women’s Basketball Football Men’s Basketball b go Fri 11/26 g oSat 11/27 Fri-Sat 11/26-27 s Wed 11/24 o l s o Diego g bo o vs TCUs 2pm o-St 7pm vs. Northwood 7pm in the NM Thanksgiving vs bSan l g o o o University Stadium Sun 11/28 o Center Tournament os lob o l go l s gJohnson os vs San Diego 1pm Fri 11/26 b b g The Pit vs. San Francisco 7pm lo s o os bo o lo o o g Wed 12/01 o o The Pit b s g l b lo g g @ Southern Illinois o Sats11/27 o s o s l b o g bo vs Oklahoma oro o oo b b5oor St7pm s l g l g o o Rhode Island o goPit bos bos lob o lo go l s go bos o l s The g g MON: $1 OFF Jack Daniels o os lobo o lo go l s go bos bos lobo o lo go b g g o o $1 OFF Sauza Plata, o o s s o l o l s s l - TUE:Resposado b o o g g o o o o o o or Añejo o b b s l s b lo g l b lo g g o o o o s o s o s s l & Sauza Hornitos Margaritas l b b o lo g bo g bo o o o o b bo lo s s g g g g o o o o o o s o $1 OFF Stoli o l s go bos obos lob go l go l s go bos obo lob go l gWED: g o o o & -Stoli Flavors os lob o lo go l s go bos bos lob o l go l s go bos bos lo b lo go os g os obo lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo goTHU: $3.75 os All Bacardi Flavors o o b s s b g l s b g l b g g g Svedka lo $1 OFF bo o lo o lo go os bos obo o lo o lo s go os bos obo oFRI: o Clementine, o g l s b g l b g Regular, Citron, l g g o g o o o o o s s o os l s o os l l s l b b o o g o g Raspberry or Vanilla o o o o o o b lob o l go s g bos lob lob o l s go s g bos lob lob o l s s gC-SquadbSaturdays g bo o 11-6p o SAT: o o o bo lo s s g g go os g obo lobo o lo g g o o o o o s $1 OFF Captain Morgan s o l s l s l b b ol o lo o lob o g bo g bo oLime Bite& o o o b b s Captain Morgan g s g g lo g g s Royal -& s g os obo o lo o lo go os bos obo o lo o lo go os $1 OFF o Crown o b b s lo s b g l b g l b lo g o g o o Crown Royal Black o o o s o l s o l o s b ol g bos bo lob o l go Tail Gates g os o Party 11a-1p s b g go os g obo lobo o lo g g o o lo o b$1 OFF SKYY b ol g bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bos bos SUN: o o o g l s g lo g &sAbsolute g o g o o o o o s o l s o l s Good luck to s l s l b b o o g o g Bloody Mary’s (from 12-2p) o o o oo o o b o b s l s b g l b g bo lob o lo g o g o o o o o $3.75 Jim Beam l s s b ol go & bos go bBasketball, os bos lob go l $1 OFF oJim o l sMen’s Beam Black s g g go os g obo lobo o lo g o s Beam Red s o os l s lo Basketball, boStag o lo boWomen’s b ol Jim o o g g o o o o o o o b b s l s g l Football, b g l g o ob lo go s s g osand oVolleyball l s g os obo o lo o lo go o b o o o g b lob o l g os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob s s b o g o o bo lob o lo go os bo lob o lo go os g g o o s s s l b ol g bo g bo o o bo lob go s s g g lo g o o o o s s o os l s b o lo b ol o o g o o o o COME AND ENJOY b b s l b lo g l b lo g g o o s o o s s l b THE GAME WITH US! o athletic g at g bo Lobo othe end o events o b The upcoming isopublished s s b g l golist of g o l week 837.1708 bo o lo bo o lo of oevery os Lobo. go binosthe Daily o 4100 SAN MATEO NE b s l g lo o special ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87110 o s inbthis lo gocall o277-5656! sg s gadvertise l o To section, o o o o g b lob o l g os lob s s b o g o bo lob o lo go os sg lo b




the haps

Page 8 / Wednesday, November 24, 2010

HAPS Listings Wednesday The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Imbibe Win a Trip for 2 to the Palms Casino in LAS VEGAS; Register from 9:3011:30pm + Meet the Admiral Girls $2 Coors Light and Miller Light, $3 Corona, Dos XX & Heineken DJ 9:30pm Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints* The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am Maloney’s Tavern Karaoke Wednesdays $1 off Absolute & Absolut Flavors 9:30-1:30 Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)



The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

Imbibe Open 3pm Thanksgiving Day Drink Specials All Night

Imbibe $5 Jose Cuervo Margsaritias + Happy Hour til 7pm The WOOHABS 6pm DJ 10pm

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Closed* *Happy Thanksgiving* The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Planet Rock - The New Weekly Dance Party - 9pm

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge · Animals In The Dark · Aloud · Look Mom No Hands The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Influx Fridays - Dub Step w/DJ Mittens - 10pm

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Lotus Night Before Thanksgiving 18+ $10 Cover 21+ No Cover Featuring: Dj A.I., Dj J-Roc Dj XES Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 7 Days A Week! 4-7pm $1 off all drinks (excluding beer) I Kissed a Girl Contest $3.25 Absolute & Jim Beam $3.50 90 Shilling Bottles $5.50 Jager Bombs

The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos Lotus Blackout Friday Back Room: Ken Hankins (Joy) Fuji Jon-e Rockit Kant Touch This 18+ $10 Cover 21+ No Cover Featuring: DJ XES Downtown Distillery No Cover $3 Jager Bombs $2 Bud-lite & P.B.R. (until 11:30)

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Saturday Imbibe Happy Hour til 7pm DJ Poppn’ Bottles 10pm The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See Ad for daily specials

The Copper Lounge CLOSED The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Weeks End - Classic Hip Hop w/ Flow Fader - 3pm Sushi and Sake Closed Sundays

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Imbibe Watch Football on our 8 Big Screens Happy Hour ALL DAY $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12mid

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *DLRM Presents:* *Wae Fonkey’s Birthday Bash!*

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks

Maloney’s Tavern Split Shift Sundays 7pm - 12am Rotating Drink Specials

Lotus Vagrant Variety Show Doors at 7PM No Cover After 10pm.


Downtown Distillery No Cover $3 Jager Bombs $2 Bud-lite & P.B.R. (until 11:30) Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Sunday Imbibe Watch Lobo Basketball on our 8 Big Screens 1pm Happy Hour ALL DAY $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis Open 12n-12mid

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Imbibe Watch Football on our 8 Big Screens FREE Subs + Happy Hour All Day $2 Drafts, $3 Wells, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis DJ Flo Fader 9:30pm Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Two Wheel Mondays!* *Ray Tarentino* *$3 Marble Drafts*

Here at the







Left More $3 Marble Drafts

Tiki Tuesdays!


$4 Tiki Drinks All Night


Vinyl And Verses






Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$2.50 Select Pints

Closed Happy Thanksgiving!

DLRM Presents:







Open @: 11 am Mon-Fri,

12 noon Sat-Sun

Happy Hour

(Tues-Sun) 4 pm - 8 pm $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Liquid Monday Happy Hour All Day! Blackbird Karaoke w/DJ Kammo 9 pm Tuesday Geeks Who Drink - 7 pm All Pints $2.50 9 pm - Midnight



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Two Wheel Mondays

Wae Fonkey’s Birthday Bash!

Two Wheel Mondays Ray Tarentino $3 Marble Drafts



Wednesday 9 pm - Midnight $1 off Vodkas $3 Marble Pints Thursday 9 pm - close $3 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale & Seasonals Friday/Saturday Late Night Happy Hour 11 pm - close Sunday Look for the Week’s End See you on the back patio! NO COVER ALL EVENTS 21+



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The Blackbird Buvette 509 Central Ave NW ABQ, NM 87002

Go Lobos!

the haps

The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Blackbird Karaoke w/ DJ Kammo 9pm

Maloney’s Tavern Video Game Tournament! Play to win a free wii!! $3.25 Skyy Infusions

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Imbibe Wine Down Wednesday Tastings & Appetizers 6-7pm Wine Specials All Night + Happy Hour All Day

Maloney’s Tavern Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Tuesday The Copper Lounge Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat Package Liquors 11am-11:55pm See ad for daily specials Outpost Performance Space John McLaughlin & the 4th Dimension 7:00pm At the Lensic in Santa Fe

Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-boy Crew* *$2.50 Select Pints* The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks

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Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Tiki Tuesdays!* *Spindrift* *DC Fallout* *$4 Tiki Drinks All Night*

Daily Draft Specials for $2.50 Mon-Sat Nightly Patio Specials on Select Beer 2:00pm - 7:00pm $2.50 Blue Moon $2.25 Domestic Beers $2.75 Well Drinks 7:00pm - Close $2.75 Bridgeport IPA Blue Moon; Shiner Bock Hardcore; Alien $4.00 Lemon Drops Kamikazes $5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza $5.00 Cheeseburger w/ FF

7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos XX; Tecate; Honeybrown; Marble Blonde; Fat Tire Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s, 1554; Marble IPA


Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10


Wednesday, November 24, 2010 / Page 9


New Mexico Daily Lobo

$4.00 Margaritas; Cosmos Slippery Nipples $5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza 50¢ Tacos $2.50 Drafts All Night 7pm-Close


Imbibe College Night $1 Drafts, $3 Wells, $3 Long Island Tea, $4 Jim Beam & $5 Cherry & Silvers DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilo Quinones 9:30pm The Blackbird Buvette Happy Hour 4PM-8PM $3 Local Pints (Marble, Santa Fe, Tractor) $3.50 Single Shot Well Drinks Geeks Who Drink - 7pm

7:00pm - Close $2.50 All Pints $4.00 Bacardi U-Call-It* *no 151-proof

$5.00 9” 1-Topping Pizza 1/2 off Selected Appetizers

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am


7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Smithwick’s Sam Adams Seasonal Marble Red; Bass; Stella Artois Patio: $2.75 Marble IPA; Blue Paddle; Modelo Especial $4.00 Skyy U-Call-It* Copper House Martini

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

*no Red Bull or Martinis

$5.00 Copper Burger


7:00pm - Close Inside: $2.75 Dos XX; Tecate Alien; Sam Adams Seasonal 5 Barrel Patio: $2.75 Boddington’s; Sam Adams Lager; Modelo Especial $3.25 Corona and Corona Light $4.00 Salty Dogs Razzitinis; Mind Erasers $4.50 Jose Cuervo $6.00 Manzano Martinis $5 Stuffed Sopapillas (Chicken or Beef)


11:00am - 7:00pm $2.75 Well Drinks $2.50 Bloody Marys $2.25 Domestic Bottles 5:00-7:00pm $3.00 Drafts on Patio: 1554; Sam Adams Lager; Blue Paddle 7:00pm - Close All drafts $2.50 everywhere $6.75 Chicken or Ground Beef Burrito



1504 Central Ave SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 242-7490 Patio Open Tues-Fri Night Patio Opens at 4:30 on Sat

Package Liquors 11a-11:55p Mon-Sat


Page 10 / Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Mexico Daily Lobo


And the turkey leg goes to ... by Isaac Avilucea

managingeditor@dailylobo.com Readers, let us join hands, gather around the table and contemplate the holiday season. Thanksgiving is but a day away, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to express my gratitude for three unfolding events in the sportsphere. I doubt I’m alone in saying that this is something we can all be thankful for — the UNM football team’s season is mercifully winding to a conclusion: The moribund Lobos close out another carnage-filled year against third-ranked TCU on Saturday at University Stadium. Not being a BCS expert, I did a little online legwork to find out if the Horned Frogs have a vested interest in pummeling the Lobos. What I found is this: The BCS is composed of six interactive polls, but the polls are no longer mathematically modeled to incorporate margin of victory when calculating rankings. The BCS did away with that system in 2002, abandoning use of polls that factored in margin of victory. So, in the strictest sense, no, TCU doesn’t have an obligation to baste the Lobos like a Thanksgiving turkey. Some food for thought, though: In a column published Nov. 16, the New York Times’ William Rhoden lamented the recent crush of indifference to sports commandments, chiefly sportsmanship and empathy for opponents, and indicted the BCS system for the trend. And I agree with Rhoden — the BCS unofficially signs off on this punish-the-puny doctrine. These days, when it comes to

The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.00 U-Call-It’s Half Priced Appetizers $1.00 Tacos

mercy, college football exempts itself from the rule. Look no further than the Lobos’ what-just-happened, 72-0 seasonopening loss to Oregon. For our purposes, let’s call this phenomenon conspicuous conquest: The mighty maraud the meek in a showboatist, muscle-flexing display to curry favor with voters. To understand the trend, you must understand the ballot culture. As Rhoden pointed out, TCU lost ground weeks ago in the BCS poll when beating San Diego State only by five points. Much like the Romans, BCS-armed electors want to see vicious Saturday crucifixions. Knowing that (and I’m sure TCU head coach Gary Patterson is cognizant of it), if I were Patterson, I’d put a third digit on University Stadium’s scoreboard, especially since head coach Mike Locksley has, so far, failed to deliver on that promise. If there’s any good news for the Lobos, the meek shall inherit the Earth. Whatever that means. First off, a round of applause is in order for the NFL’s most dysfunctional dynasties, the Dallas Cowboys: Thank you, Wade Phillips, son of a Bum, for helping my Cowboys to a 1-7 start. Yes, we have since won two straight games, but gracias, Jerry Jones, for not channeling your inner Al Davis and allowing Phillips to run roughshod over the Cowboys for four weeks too long (and, yes, that’s sarcasm). More than anybody else, Jones is to blame for Dallas’ dismal start, and he’s the reason why we’ll miss the playoffs this year. The ego-absorbed general mismanager made no bones about

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

running off (winning) combative coaches (See Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells) and replacing them with marionettes. Phillips is more spineless than a jelly fish. He ran Camp Cupcake, and he didn’t believe in accountability. I’m surprised Phillips’ children didn’t turn out to be more like Andy Reid’s glorious, drugged-up sons. If Phillips parents like he coaches ‌ well, I’m going to choose not to finish that sentence. OK, on a serious note, even though I’m a Romosexual, I have to give props to Jon Kitna — and boyish interim coach Jason Garret — for guiding the Cowboys to our last two wins. Kitna looks more like a skinhead, high school geometry teacher, and Garret is more known for being Hall of Fame QB Troy Aikman’s redheaded stepchild backup, but you can’t argue with success — however insignificant it is in the NFL cosmos. If this is the result of Heat-ofthe-moment Decisions, I’m all for them: All offseason, sports pundits and basketball analysts were like female dogs in Heat, fawning over Chris Bosh and LeBron James’ simultaneous arrival in Miami. Highlighting only some of the asinine predictions, ESPN analyst Jeff Van Gundy postulated that the Heat would challenge the Michael Jordan-led Chicago Bulls’ record-setting, regular-season win total (72). The super star pair was supposed to aid Dwyane Wade in making the Heat title contenders. So far, those grand hypotheses haven’t supported preliminary experiment results. Miami is a paltry 8-6 — and I couldn’t be happier. Like so many others, I, too, was averse to South

Downtown Distillery $2 PBR Free Pool - 4pm - 2am

Mike Fuentes/AP Photo Tony Romo has been sidelined the last few weeks with a broken collarbone. And with that, the Dallas Cowboys’ season is all but over, but thankfully head coach Wade Phillips got fired. Beach Sidekick spurning Cleveland to indulge his LeBronze soul. If all that starts well ends well, Miami’s coach Erik Spoelstra will get replaced midseason; Pat Riley will

succeed him, and the Heat will be eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. Then we’ll have an offseason to admonish Riley’s Decision instead of James’.

Maloney’s Tavern Karaoke Wednesdays $1 off Absolute & Absolut Flavors 9:30-1:30 Happy Hour 4-7 EVERYDAY $1 off all drinks (excluding beer)

Outpost Performance Space Ravi Coltrane Quartet 7:30pm






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New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo features

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Mal and Chad

dailysudoku level: 1 2 3 4

FOR RELEASE NOVEMBER 2010 24, 2010 / Page 11 Wednesday,24, November

ACROSS 1 Lots of plots 6 Blue 10 Memo abbr. 14 Lewis’s partner 15 “Mona __ Smile”: 2003 film 16 Actress Perlman 17 Song involving body parts 19 One of several on some wedding cakes 20 View 21 English Channel port 22 Particular 23 Staff addition 24 Business 25 Driveshaft component 31 McQueen or Martin 32 “The Bridge on the River __”: 1957 Best Picture 33 “Rather not!” 34 Quote 35 __ light: moviemaker’s tool 37 Hardy’s “obscure” stonemason 38 Husband of Fatima 39 Mottled 40 “Gymnopédies” composer 41 Gulped-down Mexican cocktail 45 “For __ us a child is born” 46 Spoonbill’s kin 47 Leave the cockpit suddenly 49 Fawlty Towers, for one 51 Tabloid craft, briefly 54 Sports page info, e.g. 55 Marker 57 Quibbles 58 Like some hygiene 59 Lasso feature 60 Sheltered, on a ship 61 Hereditary unit 62 Ladies’ men

solution to yesterday’s puzzle

DOWN 1 Dull pain 2 Be overly sweet 3 Golfer’s need, at times

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku





By Gareth Bain

4 Poetic preposition 5 Execute a high jump? 6 “Lethal Weapon” costar 7 Valley girl word 8 Microsoft customer 9 Kentucky Derby time 10 Maestro Toscanini 11 “Now!” 12 Pro shop bagful 13 __ a soul 18 Small opening 22 Island country since 1970 23 Swarm’s home 24 Standard 25 Functional 26 Avoiding off-topic posting, say 27 Path to ruin, with “the” 28 Dazzle 29 Low point 30 You, in a classic E.B. Browning poem 31 Sing like Satchmo 35 Metric weight, for short 36 Grazing field 37 Jazz sessions

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

39 Aniston’s ex 40 Like the Cheshire Cat 42 Remove from its box 43 Chicken __ 44 Help to perpetrate 47 “Show Boat” author Ferber 48 Synonym for the ends of 17-, 25-, 41- and 55-Across



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49 __ and now 50 “The Good Earth” heroine 51 Shortly following 52 Suffix with slug 53 Breakfast tip components, usually 55 Brit’s pea-souper 56 “Lenore” poet


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 12 / Wednesday, November 24, 2010



new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico



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Announcements Announcements Fun, Food, Music Looking for You Auditions Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.

WHEN YOU DON’T know where to turn...Because someone drinks too much…Al-Anon Family Groups can help. Al-Anon Information Service 2622177. Intergrupal (español) 243-6135. nm-elpaso-al-anon-alateen.org SCIENTOMETRIC TESTING IQ Tested. The Church of Scientology of NM offers for a limited time, free intelligence and personality tests. Your IQ, personality, and aptitude determine your future. Know them. No obligations. 1319 San Pedro Albuquerque, NM 87110. 505275-8210.

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

COMPUTER SYSTEMS ADMIN. Home and Business. 505-225-0002. im@yourfriendarmando.com


BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

Your Space


VINCE, WE HAVE been through a lot lately and just wanted to tell you I Love You! Happy 16 months on the 27th! Love, Shelby

STRESSED? LOG ON to www.Spirituality.com NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

Lost and Found FOUND: NECKLACE, 3RD floor of the SUB. 11/22. Call to identify, Kathy at 277-4706. FOUND: PAIR OF sunglasses on the tables outside Centennial Library Thursday afternoon (11/18). Call or text 505515-5299. Detailed description needed for return to rightful owner.

DAILY LOBO new mexico



FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500.

DJ TURNTABLES FOR sale- The B-52 ProdigyFX all in one DJ Workstation in brand new condition. Asking $800 OBO. Contact Charles at (505-4400985) or cnuanes@unm.edu

MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525.

TO THE THREE lovely ladies that sit across from me in class. You make me smile every Tuesday and Thursday. Please keep dancing and singing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CASEY! Do not fret over your age for we will be One forever. I love you.

STUDENTS! This is Your Space! Come to Marron Hall 107 or email classifieds@dailylobo.com from your UNM email to place your ad. Please limit your ad to 25 words or less.

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $490 2BDRM $675 +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839. APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

NEW D-LINK Wireless N 150 Home Router $30. Email ryanqb@unm.edu

For Sale TWO AUTHENTIC COACH Purses for sale. $50 each. Please text me at 505975-1759 if interested in pictures.


3102 Central Ave SE

STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, $445/mo. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. UNM 2 BLOCKS, 1BDRM $450/mo. 897-6304.

Houses For Rent TOWNHOME-3BDRM, 2-Full BA, large 2-Car Garage, low utilities, very nice, clean. 7-miles to UNM. No pets, no smoking. $1,025/mo. w/security deposit. Call 259-5760. NEW 2BDRM 5 min from UNM. 4535397. 281-8949.


I BUY CATALYTIC converters found in cars newer than 1978. I pay cash! 9076479. TWO LARGE TANKS for sale. Was used for reptiles. 40gal has screen lid -$75. Larger tank has nice sliding lids $200. Email bekah1spare@yahoo.com BRADLEY’S BOOKS Winnings Coffee.

Drop the “I Word” Planning Meeting Starts at: 8:30am Location: Ethnic Center Foyer, Mesa Vista Hall We’ll be talking about getting resolutions passed by ASUNM, GPSA and CNM student government as well as outreach to the Daily Lobo, Albuquerque Journal and other media outlets. Striving For Balance: Women’s Counseling Group Starts at: 11:30am Location: Women’s Resource Center This group is about achieving a sense of balance between the daily demands of everyday life while meeting your needs today. Come and share your experiences, struggles and triumphs.



WOMEN’S 152 ROSSIGNOL Snowboard, Vans Boots 7/8, and Burton Bindings, Hardly used for sale. $250 OBO, as a package. Please call 720-216-3410.

Sell your stuff here! Call 277-5656 or E-mail classifieds@dailylobo.com

Vehicles For Sale

A LOVELY KNOTTY Pined decor 3BDRM 1.5BA. Skylight, parking, UNM area. $799/mo. 1814 Gold. 299-2499.

LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO LIVE? The Daily Lobo will be publishing its end of the semester Housing Guide on Monday, December 13.

Houses For Sale

2002 TOYOTA PRIUS 85,000 original miles under warranty. $6,900. 505-2806128.

3BDRM 2.5 BA 2-Story. Close to UNM Med/ Law School, gated community, private enclosed backyard, dishwasher, W/D, refridgerator, 2CG. $1,050/mo +utilites, lease required. 301-0791.

1993 TOYOTA MR-2 Basic Body Mods. Air intake system. T-Top style. Power everything. New paint job. Negotiable pricing but asking $3,000. Call Sammy (505)331-6734.

Rooms For Rent


$815 FULLY FURNISHED, washer, dryer, fireplace, big yard, garage, JanMay 2011. San Mateo and Lomas.Call or text 505.315.3400. ROOMMATE WANTED TO go in on house on westside. Prefer under 30, male or female. $350/mo +utilities. Email bekah1spare@yahoo.com

COMPUTER TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS. Apply in person. Bullseye Golf. 8212 Menaul NE. COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGNER needed for advertising company. Must be professional, creative, and self-motivated. For more info contact 480-4461. WE ARE LOOKING for an exceptional, dedicated Donor Relations Coordinator to join our Donor Relations team. Duties will include: gift acknowledgement and stewardship, writing and preparing donor correspondence, reports and fundraising materials; assisting with gift agreements; maintaining collegial relationships with unit- based fundraising staff and UNM Departments to secure timely information regarding the use of gift funds; exercising professional discretion in the research, selection, organization, and preparation of data; updating systems for efficient acquisition, application, and maintenance of data related to the stewardship of gifts; performing regular data quality control to assure accuracy and completeness; support for donor relations events and UNM Foundation daily business functions. Some evening and/or weekend work is required.

Minimum Qualifications: High School Diploma or GED; Three (3) or more years experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities. Preferred Qualifications: Baccalaureate degree. For those interested in applying, please submit a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to Tobie Webb at tweb b@unmfund.org or mailing address Two Woodward Center 700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Ste. 108, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Review of credentials will begin immediately. Visit our website at www. unmfund.org for a full job description. The UNM Foundation is an EEO Employer. TEACH ENGLISH IN Korea!

2009 LANCE 49CCS $700 1,700mi. call for information 440-8401. GREAT MOTORCYCLE! 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250- Excellent condition, all maintenance records included. Bought another bike, but can’t keep both. 4947miles. $2900. Call Jason 505-3501605.




2011 Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. ●$1,300/month (15hrs/week) plus airfares, housing, medical insurance. Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 12/10/10 Please visit our website www.talk.go.kr 2011 English Program In Korea (EPIK) ●$1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree. Last day to apply: 12/10/10 Please visit our website www.epik.go.kr

!!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100.

Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person.

2400 Central SE NEW COMPANY LOOKING for teachers, interns, and future teachers. Great pay, flexible hours, perfect for college students. Must be professional and driven. For interview contact 480-4461. RUNNER/FILING CLERK - Small but busy law firm needs a motivated student. Opportunity to learn while you work. Flexible hours. $8.25/hr. E-mail resume to office@gaddyfirm.com, or fax 254-9366. DG’S DELI IS hiring cashier (experience necessary) and sandwich artists. Enthusiastic, motivated people, clean appearance a must, Apply within. 1418 Dr MLK or call 247-DELI(3354). STUCK IN A Rut? Need a job asap? Check out Rocky Mtn Truck School! 4 weeks to a real career! Class A driver training - financing and job placement available (must meet minimum requirements). Call Sue 888-5182 or 2705 Princeton NE. MANAGEMENT- NO NIGHTS NO SUNDAYS. 20+ Paid Days Off/ Yr! $25K. Full benefits. Fax HoneyBaked Ham 781-631-1183.

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE! Rep especially needed for the 2011 Spring Semester Mon-Fri from 9am11am; other hours are flexible. 1015hrs/wk. Work in a fun environment right on campus! Enthusiasm, good phone etiquette, computer and organizational skills required. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, E-mail classifieds@dailylobo.com, call Dulce at 277-5656, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search under Department: Student Publications.

Jobs Wanted EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.Ad CarDriver.com

Holding auditions for a play or film? Reach the student market. Advertise with us! Info Call: 277-5656

Planning your week has never been easier! SATURDAY 11/27 CAMPUS EVENTS

Maxwell Musuem Store Sale Starts at: 10:00am Location: Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Save 20% on all full price items in the Maxwell Museum’s gift shop.

Men’s Basketball: Lobos vs. Timberwolves Starts at: 7:00pm Location: The Pit Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Timberwolves of Northwood. Student admission is FREE!

Women’s Basketball: Lobos vs. Lady Dons Starts at: 7:00pm Location: The Pit Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Lady Dons of the University of San Francisco. Student Admission is FREE!

Football: Lobos vs. Horned Frogs Starts at: 2:00pm Location: University Stadium Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Horned Frogs of the Texas Christian University. Final game of the season! Student Admission is FREE!

Women’s Volleyball: Lobos vs. Aztecs Starts at: 7:00pm Location: Johnson Center Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Aztecs of the San Diego State University. Student Admission is FREE!


Starting at $8.50/hr.

Event Calendar


Hebrew Conversation Class: Beginning Starts at: 5:00pm Location: 1701 Sigma Chi NE Offered every Wednesday by Israel Alliance and Hillel.



Jai - (213)386-3112 ex.201. jai.kecla@gmail.com

Alcoholics Anonymous Support Group Open Meetings Starts at: 2:45pm Location: Women’s Resource Center For women and men to share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from alcoholism.



Jobs Off Campus

Computer Stuff

UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets


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1BDRMS, 3 BLOCKS to UNM, no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Harvard SE. 262-0433.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

COMMUNITY EVENTS Quintessence presents Messiah Sing Starts at: 2:00pm Location: Immanuel Presbyterian Church

Kick off your holiday season by joining voices with the singers of Quintessence: Choral Artists of the Southwest, conductor Matthew Greer, and pianist Maribeth Gunning.

SUNDAY 11/28 CAMPUS EVENTS Men’s Basketball: Lobos vs. Toreros Starts at: 1:00pm Location: The Pit Cheer on your New Mexico Lobos as they take on the Toreros of the University of San Diego. Student Admission is FREE!

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

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